Shaykh Hasan Ali - The path to inner peace

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salam ala nabina muhammad ali versus mine are all double elimination funny Rajee Spindler rahmani raheem gnarly Himalaya and Latina human variety duniya often epigenetic element in radical 1000 how well I assume in that arena Heejun who was semi only sort of loved him their respective brothers and sisters first assalamualaikum I heard that oh I haven't got long to speak to yourself so I'm going to get straight to the point we're here to talk about inner peace in the path to inner peace and Allah Azza WA JAL has mentioned in the Quran about those people whom Allah looks after you know there's people who serve the Deen they served the religion of Allah and there's others whom Allah saws and he says that he looks after them forget you looking after the Deen of Allah Allah says these people whom Allah looks after because they become close to him now the closeness to Allah is is a very high maqam very high station but I'm telling you brothers and sisters that the release of Allah the idea of Allah are many they say that there are three different categories of people who are close to Allah there's the category who most of us know when you hear a wali of Allah you gonna think of okay that guy's gonna get his carpet and he's gonna be flying in the air this can be Aladdin you know or another one of those things in them in the air you might think someone someone has to walk on water to prove to you that he's the valley of Allah or putting his hand in the fire and he doesn't burn and he says do you see I'm the valley of Allah right so you might look for something really you know something extraordinary to believe that the worry of Allah but that's just one cut they are the highest people and you know with miracles the thing is people get it really confused they think that a value of Allah has to prove to you that he's overly because he can do miracles that's wrong that's wrong any what'd he say miracles I don't mean the prophetic mean because I mean they're only as miracles because we've gotta establish in the Quran the Quran has established for example that Maryam the mother of ISA alehissalaam she was a well yeah of Allah and she had she was in a chamber she was locked up by Zachariah because she was supposed to be a woman who will never leave the chamber except worship Allah and she was alone and Zachary Ali Salam Kate used to come open the door door give her food or give her a necessities and then and then leave and then once the courier I saw him he comes and he comes into the chain man you got to see this you know this is the girl who has been chosen out of the whole of this nation to be a total devout to God total devout so her mother the Quran depicts the time when her mother even talks about the child in a woman she's got so much hope that is going to be a boy and I'm going to give him the service of Allah and she carries on saying to Allah Allah Enid up to like a Matthew botany Maharaja you know our lives given you know I've said to you right now before this baby is born that his baby is gonna be in your service for life and then when she gives birth she sees it's a girl and she thinks oh Allah it's a girl and a larva that says well I said Vacarro Calhoun's a-- you know yes i know that boys are not the same as girls but allah azzawajal he then except Futaba llaha or abu ha al except maryam for the service when i this girl is growing up she's probably a teenager now she's in this chamber and all she's doing is worship in Allah and Zacharias and he comes in and he comes in I noticed something really strange he sees that Maryam has got next to her she's got fruits she's got she's got fruits that she's eating from but fruits of a different season now it's not like 2013 where you've got you know deliveries coming from Australia and you bananas come from the West Indies all the time it's not it's not 2013 you can't get these fruits it's impossible literally impossible to get those fruits in to even import them they'll be completely rotten before you import them so he says wait where did you get this from and she says she says Allah sol-gel he's the one who provides me he says unlike any other where did you get them she says this my lord he provides me now the conviction of this girl is so deep that it strikes Zakaria but what is this this little girl is telling me with such conviction when I said analogy Heather how did you get this she said who I mean are in the land these these fruits they're from Allah they're from Allah now when she said that it struck him so deeply that straight away he turned towards the Qibla of the time and he went into Salah he was struck so deeply with these words that he just got into this salah and he started just being the praise of allah in the same chamber in the same place and he was so deeply convinced that allah can do it all that because he's been asking for years and years and years he's been saying to allah allah give me give me a son give me a son that can inherit me as a prophet that's what he's been saying for years and years and these little girls words hit him so hard that he says yes allah can do it and he goes into salah and he stays in salah and he's in such a deep trance about things of allah his wife is barren his hair is white he's completely frail allah says Washita al-isra' so Schaben complete white there's not even a single black hair on his head his wife is barren she can't give birth anymore she's gone past that age she's frail his old age and he's still standing so let's Allah can do it if the girl can get fruits of a different season that is completely impossible completely impossible that Allah can give me a child completely out of time even though my age is gone beyond that beyond that time having children and while he's in the Salah fana that hula Iike the angels say oh the Korea while he's in cell he still in Salah they say Zakariya Zachariah the Korea Allah has sent us Allah sent us there even excited Allah has sent us to tell you that you are going to have a son now when he finishes his Salah he says to Allah Allah how how is this possible and and the angels reply back saying Cavalia Allah who Masha Allah can do what he wants he's hidden he then asked Allah so Allah you know I was so excited he wanted to know when is it going to be when is the moment going to come so then Allah said to him that you will not be able to speak for three days and when you're not able to speak for three days you should know that your son is going to be born now this all came from a miracle of a wali of Allah who is whose who is Mariam alayhi Salam o Maryam the the the mother of a seven o Maryam another miracle another one that is recorded in the Quran is the Hubble curve and that's how we'll have the people of the cave is a brilliant story you think Subhan Allah Allah staking this story out of all the stories that happen in the past but he's mentioned this from particularly why and he's mentioning where it's in surah well surah Anam tell me so the cavea as hobby' look at the people of the cave is mentioned in surah surah kahf when do we read surah kahf tell me Friday right why do we read young Friday because because sorry something else something else somebody else that job protection from the job yes if you haven't got time to read the entire surah kahf on Fridays please at least read the first ten verses that's in Sahih Muslim read that every Friday or in another narration is the last ten ten ayats now what's so beautiful about this is there's some kids that were seven boys not seven boys they're in a place where subhanAllah I love them just completely surrounded by his name is daysius I think I think the column in Arabic DePiano he was a king who had power over the whole of this Eastern Europe Europe the whole of Eastern Europe was was under his command all this you know this Germany and other places all under his control he had and he had placed so many people so many people in charge of watching the people who are around who are saying things he wanted every bit of information to come back to him there was no market place there was no trading place there was no outside public place where if you did something said something that he wouldn't come to the ears of the Eternals so what happened is he had a complete Big Brother Big Brother style complete watch over of what is happening and in the midst of all these people were terrified if dr. Anna's caught you saying something you shouldn't have said then you'd be in prison and perhaps killed because of what you did the furanose himself said he was God he said he was God so what happens is the in the midst of all of this the 7 yeah 7 News they're teenagers and they say look we've had enough you know most of you are young here and Allah Akbar Allah Allah Allah has put energy in new young people and you can be a wali of a large just like the 7 you'd say had no other good thing about them nothing they only believed in Allah their only thing Allah mentions they were even before Muhammad sallallaahu lacerum they were after Issa ignore Maryam and before Muhammad sallallaahu some 7 youth they say to themselves you know what we need to put an end to this blasphemy that the King calls himself God so they went to a high platform in one of the one of the marketplaces they got up and they said hey they stopped all the people in there in the pathways they say listen or abouna Allah our Lord is Allah he's the only God there is no other God until so brave to stand up people just looked at them in amazement thinking hey these kids silly either do they really know what's gonna happen to them are they just having a laugh now no sooner did they say that that the men of the piano's took hold of them they took all of it took them straight to the king and when they went to the king a very strange thing happens because the Kings at his meal the Kings at his meal and he's about to eat his meal and these youth walk in and this they're both in front of the king and and the soldiers say you know our royal highness these boys are declaring that the only God is Allah and the king looks at the boys and he's tried to take a bite of food and as he's trying to take the bite of food a fly comes and look at the significance of this right because Allah wants to give further faith to these boys imagine you were a young person bored in front of you know perhaps I don't know you know Obama right oh you know somebody else sorry I didn't call over I'm a bad name you know so imagine that you bought in the highest place of the entire empire and you're going to be sentenced or killed what will go through your heart so whatever was going through the hearts of these boys Allah so just showed a very simple thing but but through this simple thing he convinced them even more what happened is their King took a bite of food he was just about to put it to his mouth and a fly came and sat on the muzzle of food so the king out of arrogance just threw that lump of food away he took another muzzle of food and he's just about to put it to his mouth when the same fly came back and sat on me again so then he threw that by the food and then he took a third one and he was about to take that I'm it's like the same fly came back and sat on the third one and the King threw that and he threw the whole plate but the boys thought super-hard Allah a man who can't even challenge a fly he's a god ha ha ha so what they did is stood in silent they didn't suit in silence they allowed him to pass his judgment he said the King said to them you boys you have three days boys you either believe that I'm the god or you are finished now the sentence was given three days either they repent from what they said and announce again that the king is God otherwise they're killed so the boys came out of the palace and they said what do we do now one of them said you know let's just run away let's just go go away from the city let's run I won't young boys what they do they just run right so they ran now as they're running they've got another problem the problem is that there's a dog that's on their back and they're trying to chase this dog away but the dog won't leave them now I fly over there and now a dog over another fly gave them a man but what's this dog doing here right so the dog just just follows them doesn't bark doesn't bite doesn't grow you know growl at them he just follows them so the boys carried on going going going until they said where do we hide they went up to the mountains they found a cave they said look let's just let's just go in here let's just rest here for a little while they didn't even think that this was gonna be the hiding place they thought let's just get out of this sit in this cave and and decide what to do so they came inside the cave and the dog came right up to the mouth of the cave and the dog just sat there now they said you know what do you what do you do and as they're having a discussion they fell you know the Sun was the Sun was coming down to the cave they feel tired and then these boys they sleep there when they sleep when they sleep the dog also turns around with his mouth tools towards the outside of the cave and it's sleep for he sleeps Allah Allah says that he sleeps with his eyes open he sleeps with the eyes open now subhanAllah the next moment you know and I know most of you know this story but you know when you go through this I want to relate this to us to relate this to us when the when they when the boys wake up and they the first question is you know how long how long have you been sleeping because the Sun still shining and so on the dogs still there you know as I say okay maybe an hour maybe a couple of hours maybe you know half a day maybe more than that but say look we're hungry we're hungry get take these take these coins to the market buy some food they would only think what to do about the king when they take those when one boy takes it to the marketplace he's told not to give his identity away he comes to the marketplace to buy some fruit to buy some food and that becomes the beginning of them realizing what miracle they've gone through they slept there for three hundred years they realized three hundred years the people of the marketplace would say well they were not wrong what you guys are still you what we heard there were seven boys that are gone missing in the time of darkness 300 years so Liars and 309 lunar years had passed passed by and the whole town came up to the cave to see these boys what did the boys do what the boys do they just said a few words they stuck to it and they went on a last did the rest now what I'm going to say to you guys is you know III come across so many uses you know and it's so like have you heard of this Sheikh who speaks about the Illuminati have you heard of this Sheikh who speaks about the job and apparently you know when Rasul Allah said and he's Sahabi right who left who left Medina and he got his boat correct apparently I don't know how they came up to this but apparently he's boat correct where he met the job at the British Isles now wait hang on a minute even the how the whole of Arabia for one month and the storm took him Tami Madadi all right his name is Timothy allahu anhu and he came to the british isles and apparently at the corner of the british isles somewhere there was the jaw sitting there and telling him has the has the prophet of arabia come I mean walk and then he went all the way back with the storm back to Arabia again back to Medina again come on man give me a better story than that and apparently they do he might get you out I heard that one are you guys following this yep put your hands up if you heard any of this we hands you young people man you're on there all the time writing about this stuff man come on we answer you guilty right now yeah apparently yeah do my doo-dah cautions how many many what there they eat the Europeans of the Americans are someone and this is big stuff which people are believing in now what I want to say to you guys is look forget all of these conspiracy theory because all he's gonna do is it's just just gonna make you old without you being able to do anything but I want to bring you back to one thing related to the Hubble curve which is the reason why on a Friday you read the reason why the Friday you read surah kahf to protect yourself from the doll is partially because you're supposed to understand that no matter how much surveillance is out there no matter how many ducky atoms is out there no matter how many of these men are out there no matter how much Illuminati Freemasons out there no matter how many big brothers are watching you satellites are watching you no matter how much information of yours is being shared out there and they know everything about you you must understand that the conviction in your heart is much greater you must understand that the Lila Hale align your heart is much greater you must understand that the Allahu Akbar come from your mouth is much greater you must understand that your conviction and a lot doing the rest for you is enough for you now coming back to the actual topic itself I was telling you that there's three different earlier one of the ones is the highest one that you will see some for miracles and miracles don't have to be given to them but the second one you will find those those awliya who are in the middle they they are not both of the first the highest class but not of the lowest one that they do have some special things about them but then they say there's a third category of awliya they are the most common people most common people that you would have met and you would have nothing special about them at all and I want to give you an example from the seal of the prophets allah's rasul allah who is inside medina he's inside medina and he has a woman who comes to the masjid now and again she's an African woman with dark skin she comes in the Masjid and she cleans the Masjid that's the only thing she does and they only see her now and again come clean the musty then go now who bothers about anyone in Arabia at that time about Arabs other Arabs other than the pradesh let alone or oh they are the banu hashim or other others on sorrow and ma did let alone those people who are outside of Arabia so what happened is one day rasool allah hari somebody comes to the masjid and this is a hadith in Bukhari he comes and he says where is so-and-so this woman he talks about and they say o Messenger of Allah did you didn't you find out she passed away and the prophet sallallaahu listened and then said well why didn't you tell me that she passed away perhaps I could have read her janazah perhaps I could have read her janazah so behind Allah not for profit or loss was to say that he's big enough anyway but listen listen on rasulullah sallallahu sallam then in another narration to the news word he says that the Sahaba have heard him by not telling him about this woman and then that's not it in sahih hadith of Buhari Prophet SAW plasma says he says what lie he swears by Allah and says that I saw that woman Allah showed me a vision of that woman who was standing standing in hand in a hand was the dust of my Masjid while she herself was standing in Jannah while she herself was standing in Paradise Allah this is about a woman who no one knew about people thought well let's just quickly do her janazah because you know what significance is there about this woman what significance is there we don't have children lost Allah somebody's woman but the prophet sallallaahu wanted to know about this woman and her passing away by because it was something really important that this individual has no particular sign about being a wali of Allah being close to Allah is in Jannah because of her just cleaning the Masjid and I'm saying this particularly brothers brothers guys hello can you pay attention please you know when you guys in 20 years time 20 years times some of you guys some of you brothers here you're gonna be a committee member you know some of you brothers you could have become committee members community member all right see Armen your sermon secretary that's what you're gonna become right when you do please for Allah say in all those sisters over there they did no wrong they did no wrong that they can't come to the house of Allah they did no wrong they did no wrong that they can intermingle or go to the same sainsbury's as men you don't have a min sainsbury's in a women sainsbury's doing ladies yeah men's testicles saying you know ladies just got men's our ladies out you don't have any of that when you don't have a men's cinema ladies cinema D you don't have a men's you know anything out there that you divide it but you come to the message now I'm not asking you or don't divide my satisfied if you want to have separate entrances for the women that's fine but the reason why I'm saying this is because sahih hadith of bokhari rasoolallah is praising a woman who's reached Jannah because she's a war who cleaned the masses not a man she's a woman who cleaned the Masjid and she goes to Jannah he didn't describe a man but anyway get back to the subject the subject is about us finding tranquility in the heart the the root of this allah has said in the holy quran how do you and me become this common person who reaches the highest of stations because Allah Azza WA JAL loves me well I'll tell you one thing which is that Allah Azza WA JAL doesn't have a yardstick to measure us Allah will not measure you with the same yardstick as he measures everybody else please remember that you know when you go into let's say I don't know you want to go to the army you might have to have a certain high to my heart a certain weight or I know right now that got so much equality that you might find you know a that's during the army or you might find you know some guy who can't even you know just about walk you know he's trying to hold a rifle in his hand right but you might find it because of all the quality stuff but you know do you have certain rules or let's say you wanna go on a ride somewhere let's you know you got you got certain rides I remember here we go with certain friends to these chessington parks and so on and they say you have to be this tool to get him for that right and he said I'm not gonna make it right now Allah so Allah doesn't have a meter for you to get to for you to become a wali of Allah no you can become anyone and be the valley of Allah how Allah says this he says Allah Allah Allah who remember beware that those people who are close to Allah they will have these qualities what's your quality your quality is whole finale Himalaya has a note that you do not have any fear or grief inside you now how is that Allah but how is that and these are these are the things that are last saying that this will make you overlay of Allah this sooner you person Allah will look after you if you become this person Allah will give you any peace if you become this person what is that well you don't have fear in you and you don't be a person who grieves right fear is normally based upon the future and grief is normally based upon the past so here they are in the present as they move a long time the past doesn't bother them nor does the future why because whichever situation you put this person in their heart is such a golden heart that they don't have any fear any any any grief now you can say to me that's not possible how can you get a person who doesn't matter I'm not talking about any fear at all any grief no I'm talking about the common griefs and the common fears that nobody has but you're still going to say to me how is it that it is possible for a person not to have this well I'll tell you what it is in here the heart when you train the heart from Iman to eat on when you take it from normal Eman to conviction you will become a wali of Allah when Zakaria alehissalaam I know he's a prophet but the example I gave you his conviction when even deeper in Allah Azza WA JAL belief when you have Maryam sitting in the chamber all day and all she's got to worry about is Allah then Allah will only worry about all her affairs and nothing more what I want to say to you brothers and sisters is how you get that a hard train is that we've got to cut off seriously you've got to cut off from whatever is going on and get into a motion of putting the heart attached to its right place now brothers and sisters please remember we've got many parts of our bodies your brain what do you use your brain to do tell me what do you use your brains brains to determine only the sister said think you guys don't think the sisters I think you guys will sleep what do you brace for guys there ain't any confusion there are now to say services okay anyway sorry what do you use your ears for you see this is to say that you guys come and see please please brothers don't embarrass me as woman I'm a brother end of the day you know I'm not I'm gonna hijab and take off the yeah I'm a sister no what do you use your eyes to do to see right each part has a function the brains function only is to think can the brain see yes or no now the brother said no I think the sisters didn't say no there's some problem with that you know can the brain see can the ear think can their I hear no well tell me this the heart has feelings the heart doesn't the heart the literal heart that we've got there's a passageway there from the brain Allah so Allah has made it so that we've got some great we've got some great things in that heart but one of the things with that is in our body there's a war there's a roar roar is the soul that soul does not think does not see does not hear things to do with this world but that soul is very very delicate that soul sees things of the next world that soul hears things of the next world that soul feels things of the next world that so the raw in every one of us is the point with which you can connect to Allah so job and the only way to do that my brothers and my sisters is that you've got to cut yourself off completely completely cut yourself off with anything else going on and be in the Vicar of allah so JAL now what am I talking about I'm talking about brothers and sisters I want you to do this please I want you to go home and I want you to find the the quietest time in your 24 hours well I'm gonna give you a practice to do before I I've got five minutes left and I'm gonna give you something to do so you can find your inner peace inside yourself I want you to find the quietest time of your 24 hours that could be before you go to sleep when everyone else is asleep at home or it could be early in the morning early in the morning when everyone's still asleep or it could be a time when everyone's gone out so it could be a sister as home she's dropped her kids off and so on husband's out at work it could be her quietest time I want you to make it as quiet as the phone is not going to be next to you so you just put that away as well quite as take the computer sound off as well so that's out the way quiet that you haven't got any machines on in the house that will that will take your attention away put that away if you can get into that quiet time quiet time and a quiet place I want you to just sit to sit there for a moment and then switch off switch off all the things your head is thinking about all the things the head is thinking about now when I say all the things your head is thinking about I'm talking about literally I think they're telling us to go right now Thank You brothers we will go you know it'd be nice if you have some light for another four minutes you know if you're nice generous of you guys but if you want me to speak in the dark no problem you know we can all sit here in silence do a lot of liquor for you guys all right so the thing is if you get to the quiet time and that quiet place I then want you to start taking a last name a last name in any way you can and any tone or any tune you want and it's up to you now it's it's down to you how you want to take that name of Allah but you carry on just asking Allah so gentle so you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um either take the name of a lot like that he's just quoting a lot you're asking a lot to come and in almost you can feel that you know when sometimes imagine one of these sisters here if she lost her child right now and that child was running around his building looking for you know her mother and that little girl is saying you know Mom the same way you want to feel that you're lost and you're asking Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah or you might want to say la la la la [Music] [Music] [Music] yah yah yah yah yah yah just say the dhikr of Allah Allah Allah what you'll do to yourself is one day is not gonna be enough 15 meet will not be just too irregularly I want you to regularly and every day find that same spot for yourself same Sun time of Solitude time of time of secret nurse with Allah time and no one else is around no one else to hear you only allows you and you carry on repeating this I am Telling You Now that Allah will cleanse you inside I love purify your heart Allah will make you feel tranquil inside Allah will you know those 15 minutes you'll do those 10 minutes you do that half an hour you'll do it will be so good for you so relaxing you will look forward to the next 15 minutes and I'm telling you that every day what would happen is that that that light Allah will give you it will start to permeate you'll go you'll permeate through the rest of your 24 hours and what will happen is that slowly slowly you'll find yourself as you busy in the world that everything is can run around and all the things can go around whatever is happening but your heart is connected to Allah so there is no reason for fear there is no reason for grief because you know there are lies there you know that are lies with you and the more you take a last name the hadeeth of behad it says and I'm gonna end this with this one hadith please I want to end in this one hadith the hadith of Buhari says man zackaroni if he never see the car - he never see allah says whosoever will remember me in his mind in her mind I will remember them in my being in my existence if you remember Allah in your mind right now think of Allah right now what you think of Allah right Allah has just thought about you woman the Quran male in the car - who female in Heidemann whosoever will remember me in a catherine i will remember them in a garden better than that I want you to say Allah everybody say Allah right when you have said Allah right now when you said a Lara and I say again Allah Allah said Ibrahim Allah said Oh Abdul Aziz Allah said o Fatima Allah said o Maryam Allah said o so-and-so say Allah again you said in this gathering Allah has said it to the angels and this is a hadith of Buhari it is completely authentic whosoever will take a Las name in a gathering Allah will take his name or her name in front of the angels but you don't have to take in front of gathering you can just say inside yourself Allah will remember you and the Hadiya says whosoever will come a span with towards Allah Allah will come an arm's length towards him or her whosoever will come an arm's length towards Allah Allah says I will come toward you to car up to labor and I will continue to arm's length well man woman at la machine whosoever will walk towards me I will run towards him I will run towards her whosoever walks I will run I'm asking you brothers and sisters you're gonna find inner peace I'm asking you find you 15 minutes find it 20 minutes 10 minutes half an hour whatever you can spare every day without amiss I want you to do this and be even Allah within a month for some of you within weeks for some of you within two months for some of you within three months for some of you you will become the idea of Allah in the sense that your hearts will not see any more grief around you anymore worried because you are connected to Allah so JAL inshallah you will do this for me brothers and sisters Sharla's a Knopf I wanna and humble
Channel: almiftaah
Views: 5,040
Rating: 4.972414 out of 5
Id: KUrZyjkoP5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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