The Life & Legacy of Ibrahim (as) | Webinar

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/hl_lost 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
sanam re Coleman Salahi Brocato I would assume er email of Shakeology baseman r-rahimin hamdu lillahi rabbil al-ameen what everyone in the body mean well I have cable to the mood sateen a lot mostly with sudden Mubarak Arab decoder pseudonym hammered in sallallahu alayhi wasallam body he will sahbihi or said him to seem in kathira I want to welcome you all to this special program where we're going to be looking at the legacy life and virtues of ibrahim alayhis salaam and I want to preface this with a few things number one that typically I would be going over the life of ibraheem alehissalaam in hedge with my hedge group and subhanAllah that this year we're not able to do hedge and so I want to begin by asking Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to accept on behalf of all of those that had intended to do hedge this year may Allah give you the full reward of hedge and to facilitate it for all that yearn for that journey as soon as a loss of Hanna Tata opens that door for us once again the second thing is Ibraheem Ari's Saddam and why this emphasis on ibraheem alehissalaam so as I was thinking about that Hodja and as things are coming up there's a lot that I want to do on ibrahim alayhis salam and so if you've been following the nightly reminders we've been going through just some snapshots from surah ibraheem not really a tough seed but more of reflections on some of the themes that come up in surah ibraheem which if you pay close enough attention have a lot to do with the person and the life of the BLA he might you sit up then I wanted to do this sort of background story on a blonde he might he said I'm the life of the law he might eat some and it's not to give you a full in-depth look at the life of Islam except to really understand his virtues understand where he comes from what the what the order of his life is so understanding the story brahim I some chronologically understanding why he's so celebrated and emphasized and to give us a greater appreciation for the series that in sha Allah Tala we're going to be doing for the first 10 days of live Hodja and that is a series on the door eyes of ibraheem alehissalaam and so I'm excited and Charlotte sada to bring that to you and we'll be talking about that in the coming weeks and shot Lots out of what that series is going to look like but basically we're gonna take tenderizes Bloody Mary some 10 prayers of Ibraheem and Saddam in order and talk about the implications of those prayers in our own lives so that we don't just have a deeper appreciation of him but we also have a deeper appreciation of those drives and charlotta and what they mean for us in our own lives so stay tuned for that in shot lotta Anna as well as in other series which the entire yukine team will be putting together tonight Anna and we'll announce those shortly so let's talk about it but while he marry his Saddam and I want to start specifically by talking about his virtues and what makes him so unique obviously there are things that prophets have distinctions that they have that are given to them in the Quran some of the prophets have nicknames that refer to a prominent incident that took place so musa alayhis salaam Moses peace be upon him for example being Kalimah Allah the one who Allah spoke to with ibraheem alehissalaam we know that his nickname is the friend of allah the hélène a little rahman and it's special that allah subhana allah says that he took ibrahim alayhis salam as a Khalil for many reasons and one of those things is that Halil is a very exclusive title that you give to someone okay Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says that he took Ibrahim re Saddam as a seal and the Prophet Muhammad SAW I said I'm also says that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has taken him as a hadith both in the I and the Quran and in the hadith Allah is the one who chose his Halil Allah took Ibrahim as a hadith and in the Prophet Muhammad SAW he says Allah took me as a friend took me as a hadith but when the prophets I some described that he said that if I was to take a hélène the Prophet SAW and I'm saying if I was to take a Halil it would have been abu bakr as-siddiq radiyaallahu ta'ala anhu had it not been that Allah has already taken me as a colleague and the way that the scholars talk about this amongst many other ways is that Haneen is an exclusive friend a special friend and when it comes to human beings you could only have one Halil but with a loss of Hanna Jota Allah Allah Aziz Allah has a bra he marries nominee has Mohamed Salah a time so while Allah says that he's taking it Brahim as a Helene and Muhammad sallallaahu I'm says that he's taken me as a Hadid the prophet slice and I'm says that I cannot take anyone else as a hadith so he is the friend of Allah brahim re Islam is the friend of Allah and he is certainly distinguished in his virtues in the way that he's talked about in the Quran over 70 times referenced no prophets dear ass are spoken about supplications are spoken about more than Ibrahim re Salam he's praised in very special ways the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was once with his companions and a man came to the prophet sallallaahu the man he said yeah hi Eli little better yeah o best of mankind o best of mankind and the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said back Rahim Adi his Salam that is ibraheem alehissalaam now you might be wondering wait a minute but isn't the prophet slice and i'm hydrokleen lad the best of Allah's creation isn't he the ciliate of Bani Adam the the chief the master of mankind mercy to the worlds the answer to that is yes and the scholars say that this is the prophets life Salam praising him in a specific way while also showing humility out of his salat WA Salam himself so brahim Adi his Salam is an incredible human being an incredible prophet distinguished amongst the messengers of Allah and some of the scholars as they talked about followed they talked about virtue they said that after the prophets I sent him he is the greatest of the messengers of Allah Allah has 'm mina rustled the messengers nooh alehissalaam para he marty his saddam musa alayhis salaam maurice artist Nam Jesus peace be upon him Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that ibrahim alayhis salaam after the prophets life Salam is the most distinguished of them all there are many reasons that a loss of a note Allah gives to us for this one of them is that after ibraheem alehissalaam all of the prophets descend from him and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala has chosen him in the that it would be from his offspring and if you think about how incredible that is that ibraheem alehissalaam reached adulthood being rejected by all of his people all of his people with the exception of his wife Sarah and his nephew lil party his Salam Brahimi Aslam reached a place of adulthood and he did not have a single follower amongst his people nor did he have a child and there is a moment which we'll talk about where Brahimi Saddam is asking Allah spano in Thailand I'll be heavily Minnis lidocaine the oh Allah grant me some righteous you know children are grant me a righteous child someone that will inherit this message that will continue on this message and Ibrahima Islam is making that you're making that supplication as an adult and this is not you know as a very young man this is about all he Marty snob after he's really you know spent a long time with his people his own people calling them to Allah there's almost a sense of finality right that he's expelled from from his people or by his people after being thrown into a fire and he's leaving them and he does not know what what exists on the outside of his people his devil was to his people primarily his call was to his people primarily in interlock for all of those years and he doesn't know what's going to come and look what a loss of Hanna Matata gave him a large I gave him not just multiple children and grandchildren but made him the source of prophethood for everyone that would come after him so he has a lineage of prophethood that descends from him from multiple directions and you know the greatest human beings after him all come from him Adi his salat WA Salam and so this is a special gift that a loss of panettone gives him Allah also says in LA he mechana uma brahim re his salaam was a nation a nation and there are numerous things that we can derive from that as well but one of the most beautiful interpretations of that is that ibrahim alayhis salaam was a nation and that what was contained in that one man was the good that would be produced from an entire nation an entire Ummah could not put forth what ibraheem alehissalaam put forth of good both in terms of the good qualities that he himself had as well as the good deeds that he put forth that this man is a nation he is an Ummah there's a narration that even mr. Udall Dalaran was an Ummah right so it's it's not uncommon while it is distinguished while a person would be distinguished to be to be referred to in that way it is not the only time that we see that but if Brahimi Saddam is praised by Allah subhana WA Ta'ala that he was an Ummah he was a nation in and of himself Allah Rizzo gel also mentions that he chose him Eliezer just as in the la historia de Molyneux Hanwha Ibrahim well earlier in Long Island highly mean that Allah has chosen adam alayhis-salam and then knew hani salaam and then from so from the descendants of Adam Allah chose knew Harry Hashanah Noah from the descendants of Noah Allah chose al Ibrahim the family of Ibrahim as Salam and prophethood comes from done and then from the family of Ibrahim re Saddam Allah Azza WA JAL chose this blessed family of ali imran where you have the likes of zechariah alehissalaam Maria Martinez Salam re sorry his salam ya alehissalaam you have those blessed prophets that that family that's chosen by allah subhana wa ta'ala mentions that he chose him both in regards to his family and then him specifically and so the scholars say that typically you know the more fussy one will say if he pay attention Allah mentions he chose a person as an individual or as a family but here allah subhanaw taala chose him as a family and then a loss of Hannah Montana says about him as an individual while Arkady slothy inna who fit dunya were in no fit a coyote let me know slaughter him we have chosen him in this world we have chosen him in this life and that means that he has lisanna sadaqa Nadia that he has a high reputation a high honor that he is the standard the example for the righteous and he is claimed by all people righteous and otherwise so he's claimed by so many the righteous and the wicked and he's followed or he sets the standard for the righteous he's chosen are they his salat wa salam in a special way what in Naju feel a yachty nominal slaughter him and in the hereafter he will be from the righteous and so a large i've chose him both in this world as well as in the next with a special distinction and you'll notice here that allah subhanaw taala calls him from the righteous and this is not the only way that allah refers to him in terms of his quality in terms of his distinction Allah refers to him as a Nabi Allah refers to him as a Sadiq Allah refers to him as a slaughter so Anna be a prophet a so deep a person of truth as well as from the salihin from the righteous and if you think about the categories and MBA was subdeacon was Shahada was Salah hoon right Allah Azza JAL mentions these four categories that reside at the top of paradise that reside in the highest levels of paradise Brahimi said I'm qualifies for three of those four categories alayhi salatu was-salam the prophets like some also mentioned a shed the nasi Bella and that the the most tested of people are those who are the prophets and then the righteous and then those that follow them in righteousness in terms of their order and so the Raheem re Salaam which you notice about him as well is that he's one of the most tested prophets of a loss of Hannah Montana tested in so many ways tested with his father tested with his people tested with his children tested with his spouses tested with a tyrant tested with the laity tested with everybody right so brahim idea Saddam is tested in so many ways throughout his life and that tells us something right the fact that despite all of these distinctions that he has despite the righteousness that's assigned to him the honor that's assigned him the fact that he still tested this severely tells you something it's not that you know he is tested even though he is righteous he's tested because of how loved and righteous he is he's tested for that reason and so there is a correlation between Bella between tests and and trial and the level of a lost panel in Tanana and we see it with the prophets eyes on him we see it with the Brahimi's LOM we see with au body his salam we see it with Yusuf alayhi Salam right the great-grandson of ibraheem alehissalaam so there is something to be said about the tests that that come to abroad he marries Saddam despite the love of a lost parents are in the high station and the high honor that he gave to him Eliezer that also mentions him amongst those who his favor was completed upon so again I want you to see that these are themes in our own lives that - typically we not only disconnect with one another but we think that one of them disqualifies the other and so the love of Allah but than the most tested and then here Allah completed his favor upon him when Eliza just as we you Tim Munir mentor who re career who came out Atem Nahanni a boy come in Kabul or Hema was half and sort of Yusuf that Allah may complete his favour upon the family of Jacob the way that he has completed it upon your grandparents brahim and is hot abraham and isaac peace be upon them also Allah mentions him amongst those whose favor has been completed upon him allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala also praises his heart and i just loved this because he asked Allah subhana WA Ta'ala in one of his duty as he's referencing the day of judgment that a person will not be benefited llamada unfounded on what I've been on eleven at Allahabad bin Salim that a person will not be benefited by wealth or children unless they come back to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala with a sound heart and a loss of Hanoi dimensions if Jarrah bahu beer Calvin saline when he came back to his Lord with a pure heart with a sound heart Allah subhana Allah mentions minashi alam honorable AV Raja ABI pal been Salim that those who would succeed in the here there are those who feared Allah those who were conscious of their Lord those who love the law those who were mindful of him believed when they were not seen by the people and they come back to a loss of panna cotta with a pure heart ana brought him out isa Dom was a man who would worship allah subhana wa ta'ala diligently in private with great devotion and on top of that he comes back to allah subhana wa tada with that pure heart that he himself has a recognition of as being the key to success on the day of judgment Allah praises his dua his supplication and the way that he was always turned back to Allah spano Tana says that ibraheem is Holyman oh wow moon EEP and there's a deep connection between these three things Halim is that a person is forbearing brahim Adi Salam had an incredible capacity to take in right he was able to be patient with the insults of the people with the harm of the people with the injury of the people he was able to take it all in he had a great level of patience and a great deal of capacity when dealing with his people and there's a direct correlation between the capacity that he had with dealing with his people and the frequency with which he turned back to a loss of Hannah Hannah okay so he is Hadean when he takes in a lot oh wow he grieves frequently okay he grieves frequently and so think about the intake of injury and insult but then the the output or how he exhales that grief to Allah subhana wa ta'ala wa he grieves to Allah he turns back to his Lord when he has turned away by the people money and he has always turned back to a loss of Hannah Montana so he is Helene 101 Monique as forbearing as he is with what he takes in and as much as he bears that grief he is Monique he's turned back to his Lord Subhanahu WA Ta'ala all the time and channels that grief and channels that hurt and channels that injury to him which is why we're going to have that series about his dua says do eyes are so beautiful supplications are so beautiful they are raw and they're all-encompassing they encompass every facet of life's upon Allah as he's turned back to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala but what is his defining feature his defining feature is in that he is Sadiq on nebia his defining feature after his prophethood is that he is so deep is that he is truthful and so deep here when we talked about it in the first we talked about Welbeck colossal vehicle the alot of time I know in the meaning of a Sudeep horn they are even a higher ranking than in the Murata when allah sponsor talks about the distinctions the the saudi alone are even higher than the Shahada there's no discrepancy between their actions and their stated words so both you know between their stated words and their sincere intentions and their actions there's complete consistency and so someone who saw them someone who tells the truth the scholars say there's consistency between their words and reality so to have sit in your speech to be truthful in your speech is to say what reflects reality accurately so I'm describing to you a situation and I'm truthful and what I'm describing to you so that is a person who is Sadiq who is truthful in their speech but a person who has sit who has truthfulness and their repentance who has truthfulness in their in their honor who has truthfulness in their charity who is Sadiq in their hoo-has saw that with their actions is someone between whom there is no discrepancy between their words and their deeds okay and in this situation words deeds are connected by the heart by the Alwyn Saleem bhai that sound heart that pure hearts and Ibraheem at least not have had that okay and that's his ultimate quality and the scholars you know when they talk about this idea of a Cydia a person of truth just like with Abu Bakr or the allahu taala animal if you have that trait you'll all other qualities because you'll always push yourself to the maximum of your potential and you'll never be complacent and so you're gonna push yourself with your charity you're gonna push yourself with your generosity you're gonna push yourself with your sincerity you're gonna push yourself with your worship you're gonna push yourself with your steadfastness because you are so deep because you're a person of truth may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala make us all amongst them allotment I mean Allah praises his qualities then of Greta of patients as Sabah his his shoe coat his gratitude Allah praises his him as we said his forbearance Allah praises his him--as his his sense of his his sense of excellence and his him his high aspirations when it comes to the performance of good deeds he is one who submits to the truth as soon as it comes to him and that's what makes him a Sadiq right so when Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says if Allah who Rob boohoo Aslam Allah Islam to the Arab alanna me when his Lord says to him Aslam submits he says I submit to the Lord of the Worlds there is no fair or Wow between the order and the response meaning it's not if allah llahu ruble Aslam Fahad Assam - yellow blonde I mean or what Allah Aslam - mm you know it's Escala lahore Oh boohoo Aslam Khan Aslam to a table I mean his Lord says to him submit and he says I submit to the Lord of the Worlds there is absolutely no delay between the order and the response from a loss of Hannah Montana and that's the ultimate quality and that is the defining feature of the distinguished quality of suit of being truthful why because with Abu Bakr all the allahu anhu when the prophets like some praised abu bakr as-siddiq the reason why the prophet slice and praised him is because he's the only companion with whom there was no turret dude there was no hesitation to accept the truth and to dedicate himself to the truth there was never any hesitation and so that's why he's awarded the same title as ibrahim alayhis salam a Sadiq the the Sadiq the ultimate Sadiq Ibrahim Rd his set up now what does this mean for us and so what are some practical ways we can then take these virtues so there are the individual virtues that allah subhanaw taala praises about Ibrahima islam there's something unique as well about ibraheem re saddam is that he's the only prophet in the quran other than the prophets lie some that we're told to follow both in creed and character now let me take a step back every prophet of allah is a prophet of ours in the sense that we uphold those prophets and we do not distinguish between them in regards to their role as prophets and messengers of Allah okay so they are our prophets and that we claim them because they all came from the same God with the same message and we consider ourselves upon that message by extension of being on the message of the last prophet muhammed sallalahu he was suddenly right so we are by virtue of that connected to all of the prophets that came before him that had the same message from that one god from allah subhanahu it's odd but we're not told to follow in the sense of in the sense of obedience with the other prophets the way we are the prophet sallallaahu re wa sallam the prophet muhammad peace be upon him except for ibraheem alehissalaam so a las plantas says this to us in creed and in character so when it comes to creed a las apparent isis feta be a room in doTERRA brahim follow the way of ibrahim alayhis salam follow the way of ibraheem the prophets i sallam was on min Letta abeequm ibraheem' was on the way of your father abraham right ibrahim is the auslan he's the default that we go back to follow the way of the ball he marry his salaam and that doesn't mean that you jump you know the prophet sallallaahu son the prophet muhammad peace be upon him and you find something brahim rights not because there is no inconsistency so the sunnah of the prophet saw said i'm is the dua of ibraheem hari sallam and is the manifestation of following the original way of ibraheem alehissalaam some of the scholars they mentioned similarities in touch the similarities and legislation even between that which came to brahim re salam and that which came to muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam so that's in creed that what distinguishes Islam submission if pauletta horrible Aslam that Islam is the way of ibrahim alaih-is-salaam who which tobacco most immaculate muslimeen you are Muslims as Ibraheem was a Muslim submitting your yourself to a loss of paradise submitting yourself to God always that he is the standard that that that we are upon that we that we seek to be upon as we profess our Creed that we are on the way of the BLA he my son but the prophets lie some call people back to the way of the BLA he marry some that even before the prophets lie son received revelation at the age of 40 can I attend not we had to enough that he was worshipping in an Abrahamic way worshiping one God that Zeta Behrami terminal fate who was putting his back to the cabin saying I'm on the way of Ibraheem I his Salaam that we are following the way of Ibraheem I saw even before the revelation of Islam which only confirmed it as it came through the prophets Isum so there's the Creed the pure creed of Abraham and this is how we call people back we call people to the way of Abraham the way of ibraheem alehissalaam and then a loss of hundreds Ayane praises his character and tells us to follow his character cut can''t alaikum o splatoon husana feat of Raheem that you have in Ibrahim Ali said I'm an excellent standard of character for those that want to excel in character you have in Allah and Ibrahim re Salaam and how do you learn about that Allah that character of Ibraheem our Islam you learn about it through the sweat to an husana the the greatest example the character of the prophet sallallaahu idea was to them and so when the Prophet slicing them says that he resembled a Bloody Mary some most in appearance it's not just appearance the o'clock the character of the Prophet SAW son was like the character of ibraheem alehissalaam and a loss of parents on appraises the character of ibraheem re salaam and that's why some of the scholars they point out they say you know if you look at the the aspects of the life of abraham that are covered by my son that are covered in the Koran it's not ice it's not an isolated snapshot you know with many of the prophets you have a look at you know one or two or three episodes of their lives okay and then what some of them you have a look at other aspects of their lives so musa Aslam Moses is the most spoken about prophet in the Quran subhanAllah we we learned about Moosa Aslam from before his birth to his birth - you know you know his his personal life - his struggles his trials - seeking knowledge with it huddled through dealing with Pharaoh known through his people with Benny I saw Eid post splitting the sea after splitting the sea there's so much about Moses about Musa al-salaam with the Raheem re Saddam you have much insights into his childhood his teenage years his family life his community life but while he might he's not dealing with a tyrant about him and I saw him dealing with his people so you get this comprehensive look at the character of Ibrahim ideas Saddam and his dereyes as I mentioned his supplications which we'll be covering in Charlotte Sahara so Allah is urgent praises him in his individual faith Allah says woman Jakob or an millat-e-ibrahim element Sofia Nasser and who seeks other than ibrahim alayhis salaam the way of abraham except for one who disgraces themselves now by the way the word yoga is to is to really desire crave something and if you remember the father of ibrahim alaih-is-salaam when he chastises him when as of chastising mrs. hall he won't enter an idea Tina are you seeking pleasure you seeking fulfillment through anything but our gods and our God Allah subhana WA Ta'ala tells us that whoever seeks other desires other than the way of the brahim are Islam is going to diminish themselves as a human being subhanAllah they'll be deficient as a human being well main Yoruba and military Brahim in man sofia naphtha Allah so Allah praises his faith individual Allah praises his man had his methodology in Dawa his methodology and calling people to him whether it be to a family member parent spouse or child or to his people or to a tyrants right so you get the character of ibraheem with family and community with community let's just stick to community first because we're talking about the devil of blocking my Sun right you get this full look at the data love who brought him when I saw him calling people back to a loss of Hana Hana so you have how he spoke to his father called them to a loss of Hannah Montana how he spoke to his people they Lube the mannerisms that he used with his people and then how he spoke to a tyrant and called them back to Allah and then Allah praised his men had his methodology in in family as a parent a spouse and as a child and so as you're seeing Ibrahim on Islam as a parent you're seeing a loving parents you see a blonde humanize them as a spouse you've seen a loving spouse you're seeing about he my son as a child to his father you're seeing a loving child to his father so you're seeing this this man has this methodology of a person right with how they interact with the world around them how they interact with allah subhanaw taala first what that means to them as an individual with their faith how they interact with family how they interact with with community and verily he is an excellent example for us and what defines him again is Minda to abeequm ibraheem' a hanifa that this is the way of your father Abraham the way of a Dean of Hannah via the way of the oneness of allah subhanahu wata'ala calling us to the way of the BLA he - Salam finally before I go into his life in charlotta Hannah what makes Abraham so significant brought humor I'm so significant especially in the context of the darrell of the prophet sallallaahu re was said them was that Ibrahim re his Saddam was an example both to the people of the book as well as the idolaters in Mecca so the idolaters in Mecca were from the the descendants and the sense of lineage right they are from the inhabitants of that land the descendants of the brahim asloum in the San Luis Valley Islam that's the nation that is settled there and they uphold ibrahim alaih-is-salaam in a high standard because they know that ibraheem alehissalaam built this cabin they know that ibraheem re salaam inhabited this place so they have a an affinity to ibrahim a.s allah and then the people of the book the jews and the christians have an affinity obviously to Abraham as well to brahim Aslam as well and the prophets why some would interact heavily with the people of the book in Medina and so using Ibrahim re Saddam as the focal points right calling people back to the way of the brought humanity salaam is significant to both of the major populations that the prophet slicin would deal with and of course as well as Abyssinia habesha when the muslims migrated to Abyssinia - - ana joshi - a christian king calling them back to the way of ibrahim alayhis salaam as a starting point that let's all come back to the way of abraham way of ibraheem alehissalaam finally Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says and this is just so beautiful Allah says Salam on either Ibrahim and peace be on to you brought him Allah peace be on to Abraham why is this so significant when Allah says in Allah home and I can tell you saw Luna and maybe that Allah and his angels sent their peace and blessings upon the Messenger Muhammad sallallaahu RT was some and then commands us son salat prayers and peace on muhammed sallalahu and he was seldom on the prophet muhammed sallalahu idea he already he was offer us a limb to seamen kathira with abraham with ibraheem alehissalaam when we are saying in our salah Lamas ala ala muhammadin wa ala muhammad chemist or later anna ibrahim by the idea by him extending that peace and that salaam those prayers upon ibrahim alaih-is-salaam Allah Himself says Salam o Allah brahim and peace be on to Abraham peace be on Raheem honey his setup so let's get into an overview of his story and the goal of understanding his life inshallah so that you can understand the history and at the same time appreciate in shot latina when we do our deep dive into the deer eyes of ibraheem alehissalaam in the series that we'll be doing for their hedge oh so ibraheem alehissalaam was born in iraq and his father is named özil now there's a difference of opinion whether his father as of is actually his father or his uncle okay so as he is biological fathers he like Abu Talib was to the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam where the paternal uncle is like the father okay so that he would have raised the Brahim ani his salaam and the stronger opinion Allah knows best is that it's actually his biological father Azam and there are different narrations are different reasons for that a lhasa parent i'm mentioning a bee he as a the prophet slice in i'm when he talks about but while he meeting him on the day of judgment he mentions he would he would meet his father as off so allah knows best but you know it seems to be the strongest opinion that this is his actual biological father so ibraheem alehissalaam is born in iraq his father Azam was a carpenter and his particular role in society as a carpenter was that he was the maker of the idols he was the maker of the idols so he would make the idols both for festivals as well as the personal idols for people in their homes for families in their homes he literally was selling God's to his people and you can imagine the friction that exists between AB Rehema Islam and his father from a very early age and Allah mentions about ibraheem re said i'm attained ahora de home in kabul that we gave him guidance from before and most of them are fasiqun when they say that what this refers to is he had guidance before prophethood so before he actually received prophethood and was appointed as a prophet from allah he already had guidance from a loss of hannah hotel and ruched is his level past hidayah hidaya is to be guided in regards to creed ruched is to be guided in regards to action as well so al-khalifa Arashi dean al mayadeen or medina Raja Deen the to be guided in regards to your in it is Hidayah to be guided in regards to your Amma and regards to your actions is rushed so Brahimi slab had a natural guidance that was given to him from allah subhana wa ta'ala even before he was officially appointed as a prophet so what does this translate to this translates to him questioning the ways of his father even as a young child and some narrations say he started questioning as early as age 7 I have a seven year old my second my second child is a seven year old and so I immediately start thinking about the types of questioning that would come from a seven year old imagine brahim I Islam as a seven year old questioning his father why do we sell these gods what's the point of all of these gods these idols don't make sense they don't make sense and so there are a few a few different things that happen one of them is that Ibraheem our ace Tom sees the way that people Revere these idols and he's he's weirded out by I mean it's strange to him it's strange to him why are they why are the I icky fiend why do they come to these idols and bring their food and their drink and they have such all with these idols it doesn't make sense to him to see the that level of all and reverence that they have for the idols then he notices the way that the idols are made and that piques his curiosity as well and before I even say this if you think about Mecca the idols were of course you know tools for people to turn themselves into god makers into gods themselves right so it gave an added level of power to the meccans themselves it wasn't about the idols themselves it was about the access to the idols and the hearts that these people had that they would use to control others right that's what these idols were about and so you're always gonna find that classism classism finds its way into these into these examples and into these manifestations and subhanAllah you can compare that to hedge right where you're all coming to one God and the best way to come to that one God is you're all equal in the sight of Allah subhanAllah so you all have to wear a bomb there there is no there there is no other kappa there's only one Kaaba and it's meant to bring all of us in unity and in recognition of our common oneness as humanity in regards to our level and our duty to our Lord right to that one God there is no distinction there but we see this in the case of mekin we see it in the case of avahi my Islam that the idols were used to give people inflated places in society or to solidify elite status for some and so the way that this happened and Ibrahima Islam's time was that the bigger idols were for richer people so idols were sold in accordance with their size and so if you were wealthier you had a bigger idol and as you had a bigger Idol that gave you a an added level in society and so there is a direct connection to the amount of wealth that you had to you know to the size of your idol and what that gave you in terms of power in society so but what humari Salam he he realizes how silly this idol hierarchy is right and being in accordance with size and clearly his father's the one that's making these idols and so they sell the bigger idols at a higher price so he sees this huge idol and he says to his father he says you know why is that idols so big and particularly says why is its ear so big why is the ear of that Idol so big and his father's response to him was that that this Idol has a big ear so that I could hear everyone it has more knowledge because it hears more and that's why the size of its ear is there the problem re Salam absolutely finds no no sense of being convinced and what his father's saying so this does not resonate with apply humor is not as well at all even as a child like wait what so you're saying the idols bigger gear means you can hear more and so that means that you know you pay more and so you get an idol that that sees you that has a greater span in terms of what they can see vision and hearing what does that mean right brahim IE salam also gets to this point now where he starts to mock those idols okay not not from a place of arrogance from from a place of you know showing his people that they're not doing you any good that this doesn't make sense and so in LA he might stomp saw the festivals of bringing food and drink to the idols ibraheem alehissalaam he starts to mock them he starts to bring food and drink to them himself and he says eat and drink and they never eat and drink and he's saying what is it with these idols they don't eat and drink there's also narration that his father gave him idols to go and sell in the marketplace and so he's a child and he's gonna work for his father which is very common in those societies and he's carrying those idols and so to honor his father he's going to do it but what he does when he goes to the marketplace he said men you steady men nya loo loo loo loo LAN Pharaoh who wants to buy what will not harm them nor benefit them who wants to buy what will not harm them nor benefit them and then his father finds out that this is the way that he's selling the idols and obviously no one's buying when ibraheem Ison is carrying these idols and saying who wants to buy what will neither harm them nor benefit them and his father would discipline him because that's bad for business okay then you start to see as Ibrahima Islam grows up and becomes a Fatah a teenager the direct challenges to his people hell yes meruna come if tadaryl do they hear you when you call upon them oh yeah Aruna comb a yellow room do they benefit you do they harm you and there's consistency in his dad one it's one of the most beautiful things about the brahim are Islam's methodology of Dera WA is the consistency of it throughout the Quran when he's speaking to different people he's saying the same things about the false gods and he's saying the same things about the one true God it's the same language and so when he speaks to his people do they benefit you do they harm you they don't hear you when he speaks to his father nimit Abudu mala yes Mara well you know what Ione and casaya why do you worship that which does not hear you does not see you and does does you absolutely no good okay so he has a consistency in his Darrell and we'll see this in a few of the other things too brahim are you sanam was off suffered an BIA was the most eloquent of the prophets and usually what you see as well with with with shidduch is that the diversity of God's here you know expensed and it just includes so many different things so his people did not just worship you know the objects that they created but they worship the objects of the universe as well so they worship the moon they worship the stars they worship the Sun and so Allah subhana WA Ta'ala gives us this story of Ibraheem I'm sitting with his people as a feta as a teenager and it brought him out a salam sees the star and it's this beautiful star and and it truly is a beautiful sign of a loss of Hanohano but it's not allah himself with this beautiful star and everybody my son looks up at and he says how thou upbeat well this must be my lord right now if you're reading these ayats by the way you might think that ibraheem Ison is actually going through a process of this is God and this is God and this is God but this is actually part of his dad this is his way of him you had you had your home the way that he is actually arguing and debating with his people okay so but all he Maurice mom says what a beautiful star how that upbeat this is my lord so his father has hope in him right all right we're making progress right my son is finally coming around to understand this fine he doesn't worship the idols were making but look he's looking at the star he says how that would be starting to mesh with his people then the star disappears Raheem on Islam says I don't you know I don't like this why would the star go away it was such a glorious star but what's the point of it if it's gonna go away and then the moon comes and it's the full moon and Ibraheem are a snob says hollaby then that must mean that's my lord look at this beautiful magnificent moon and so once again his people are satisfied that Abra hema Islam is coming around and ibrahim alaih-is-salaam then as the moon goes as you no longer see the brightness of the moon he says you know what's the point of this I don't like these things that turn off that don't that don't persist you know how can i how can this benefit me when it goes away outside of its own power and then finally when he sees the Sun he says how they'll be hatha Akbar this is my lord or this must be my lord this one is bigger now realize again and the point of this lecture is to actually make those connections in sha Allah with an idol worship the way that they worshiped idols were bigger idols meant greater status and so when he's when he's using that language and he's saying oh well this is the Sun and the Sun is bigger so this must be my Lord and then when the Sun sets the brahim re his salam he says what's the point of this thing I don't like these things that sets and that disappear and that clearly have no consistency they're not present in all of these times and so Han Allah you can see by the way brahim Aslam will use the Sun in his narrow attune in rude which we'll talk about in a few minutes and charlotta to say you know bring the Sun can you control the Sun okay so ibraheem' items deep ability to ponder upon these signs and then to make the connection between the way that the objects of the universe are worshiped and the objects that are being made our worship and then to contrast them to what he gets from the worship of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala is very powerful so when he says to his father in Surat Maryam beautiful man had beautiful methodology of Darwin nimit a voodoo mala yes Meriweather yoshida what are you opening on cachet why do you worship that which does not here you see you does not benefit you in any way and he's telling his people the idols don't benefit you and he's saying look the Sun the moon and the stars they disappear they're not able to be there consistently for you I want you to contrast that to what Balaji Marty his salaam says and by the way he says to them that that this will not benefit you in this life or in the Hereafter so he's he's talking to them about notions of the hereafter as well to get them thinking okay well you if you try to make all these you know claims that these things benefit you in this life what about the hereafter are you thinking about the Hereafter so contrast this to brahim our Islam's description of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala that i'm going to go to allah subhanahu it's honor the one god Olivia hala Connie for Hawaii Hadean the one who created me and he guides me well lady who will tour emoni where Spain and the one who gives me food and drink all right so he created me and he gives me guidance so he didn't just originate me there's clear guidance from him as well and he gives me food and gives me drinks so not only you know do I not have to feed or or give him know a lost parents are does not need from us Jessa or Shakur Allah does not need anything from us but he actually provides me food and drink what either America for Hawaii ash Fein and when I am sick he heals me he didn't attribute the illness to a loss of Connaught sorry that my little when I get sick for hue Osteen he only attributed the cure to God that he heals me well daddy you me to Nehemiah he and then he who causes me to die and then he restores me to life once again and he says when lady all tomorrow and Yahoo irony Holly at he Yama Deen and the one from whom I hope forgiveness for my sins on the day of judgment so Ibraheem Aslam is talking about the uselessness and the way that the harm that you know of putting yourself at the service of these things that don't offer you benefit and then look how he's talking about God look how he talks about God so beautifully so comprehensive with such trust and also a sense of humility right so when he's talking to his father his people while he Maurice lamb is not is not speaking to them from a place of being condescending he's saying you know I hope I hope as well that he will forgive me on the day of judgment and that he'll grant me his mercy and His grace on the day of judgment and so when he's calling his father and he's saying to his father in the a HOF Alania my second I that woman autumn on I'm afraid for you this is not I'm not condemning you to hell but I'm afraid for you I'm afraid for you to be punished so he's able to mesh together such a remarkable consistency in his Dawa when he talks about everything that's being worshipped other than I lost panna cotta he has consistent messaging and consistent themes when he talks about what Allah means to him and who Allah is it's consistent messaging consistent themes and so it's one of the the the virtues of him that's that's eminent in his Dawa it shows in the way that he calls people to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and so when he says in alladhina to their own I'm in doing in like up to Luna like on risk are those that you call besides a lot they don't provide you anything seek that was a secret sustenance from Allah what ends up happening is not a defense of from his people not a defense of the actual polytheism from his people but instead a defense of themselves by saying well this is what we found our fathers worshiping and so yes it doesn't make sense we understand that you're making very logical arguments but this is how we found our fathers upon worship and so we're doing the same thing that we saw our fathers doing and this was of course the way that the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu l'm was responded to by the people of mecca there wasn't a debate about the idols themselves or about the benefit that the idols bring it was instead this is how our traditions tell us to worship this is what our fathers have told us to do and so this is what we're going to continue to do but while he mighty Saddam of course brings it back to Allah Allah - hiya June any are you are you debating with me fella well hawa had done in accordance or in regards to Allah and he is the one who guided me so what happens what is the incident that takes place where he reached his breaking point between Abraha assalaam and his people they had a day that they would go out every single year and it would be like I reach for them a feast for them a festival for them and they would leave food at the feet of their idols for Baraka for blessing and then then come back later on in the day in the night time and then they'd eat from that food so they'd leave some food at the feet of the idols they'd go out they they'd partake in all sorts of festivals they come back they take the food that they left at the feet of their idols and they eat that food so they tell the brahim re Salam to go out with them and it brought him at ease Salam answers in Nice a team that I'm sick I'm feeling sick now of course you know when he says I'm feeling sick he's not referring to his physical illness or being physically ill he means he's sick in a different way but I'm feeling sick in nisa team and he uses that as an excuse of course they interpret it in one way but he means it in another way he uses that as an excuse to stay back and he says what Allah HeLa akedan Islamic Ummah and to illumine to be Dean and by Allah I shall certainly carry out my plan against your gods after you are gone now when he says this there are two ways that the scholars reckon with us one of them is that he mumbled this and you know he said it sort of under his breath in a way that someone heard him but it wasn't loud enough we know that he didn't say it to them because it would have defeated the purpose of saying any supreme you know that I'm sick but it could be that he said this under his breath and and one or two people caught it and that's why they would say that we heard a feta we heard a young man that was talking about them okay whose name is a brahim or that Ibrahim re some have said this to himself and this is not necessarily what he's saying out loud but he's but he's only saying it to himself in any case they leave nubra he marries Salam for Jenna home do Dada in Kabira know allah alayhi yan zero then he broke all of them into pieces sparing only the biggest amongst them so that they may possibly return to him now before this you know but i am i some he said to the idols and i attack arun aren't you gonna eat and they don't respond malecon not tom typhoon why is it that you don't speak they don't speak when everybody my son destroyed those idols and he left the big one amongst them and allah says that allah alayhi yahoo your own so that perhaps they may come back to him there's a double meaning that we take from the the mofesto in here one of them is that I know whom he lay he owns your own so that they may come back to meaning ibrahim alaih-is-salaam that they'll come back to him they'll fight when they come back and they find their idols destroyed they'll come back to him and that'll give him an opportunity to present you know his case right these idols could not defend themselves basically gives him a an opportunity to make his/her jet to make his claim once again but this time it's gone to the next level because they were not listening to him before or I'll homie today he orders your own meaning they come back to a loss of Hannah Hannah himself they come back to God himself now the point is though in either of these two iterations it's not about ibrahim alayhis salaam making a point to show arrogance ibraheem is not doing this from a place of arrogance ibraheem my son is doing this out of his love for them he's not doing it to be condescending to them he's doing it so that they may wake up so that they could think about what it is that they're doing and he didn't run away you know he didn't crush the idols and then run away Rahim are you Salam you know waited patiently for them to come back to find what they found and then to come back to him right that was the plan all along so they go back to brahim is not they come back they find their idols in that state they say man Fahad that be idea Tina who did this to our God's verily he is amongst the wrongdoers and that's when they say that we heard someone mentioning them who you call him whose name may be ibrahim at that point Khalu thought to be here are you nasty Lila whom you're doing they say bring him before the eyes of the people so that they may see what will be done to him let's make an example out of him them so brahim are Salam comes he arrives to this gathering and by the way some of the scars say Kanu here is referring to his father as of his father is the one who's actually speaking on behalf of the people to his own son pontiff el Tejada BRD hatena Ibrahim they say to brahim did you do this to our gods o Ibrahim Ibrahim alayhi Salam says well fella who Kabir OHIM hada has Elohim in can we hunt alone so he answers and he says rather it was the supreme it was the big one who did it so ask them if they can speak now again Abraha Islam was waiting for them anyway and he's trying to make a point here some of the scholars they say that what ibraheem Aslam did because just like when he said in Nice Hakeem that I am sick he didn't mean it in the physical sense he meant it in another sense when I brought him a nice lamb pointed and he said fella who carried on whom he used his big thumb to point and so when he's saying the biggest one amongst them he's referring to his thumb okay but of course the the double meaning of that is because he did do it with his hand is that it was the big Idol so he's saying go ahead and ask the big Idol you know why did he break them ask the ones that are broken I mean clearly these are gods they should be able to talk right so they knew that I blah he my Aslam caught them he had them stuck so what did they do they gather amongst themselves they start to blame one another and you know why did we leave him behind we shouldn't we knew that he had you know issues here who heard him say that he was gonna do something to the idols you know it's your fault it's your fault they start to blame one another they know that anything they say now is going to put them in a bind right because it's going to offer a brawl he might some an opening to challenge their idol worship in an effective way so they come back and they say you know you know that these don't talk about him and Ibrahim my son uses that as a moment to call to light the reality of their worship their idol worship and so what do they do at that point they have no choice but to persecute him and to make an example out of him there is no way that they can argue with him they can't debate with him ibrahim alaih-is-salaam has tried good manners he's tried dara through common sense he's tried dara through character he's tried so much to show them they don't benefit them he's tried everything and now they decide to make an example out of him and that's when they kindled the fire and they spend days and days and days kindling this fire the fire was so large that it would harm the people just the smoke of the fire was harming the people they could not come anywhere near it and they place Ibrahim Adi has said I'm into a catapult and his own father is the one leading the charge and they sling him into that fire the angels are waiting to see what command Allah is going to give them is it going to be the rain is it going to be how you know how is a lot going to save this servant of his and subhanAllah instead Allah speaks to the fire itself and says Guney battled in West sadhana be both cold and peaceful battle done not to be too cold to where it would harm him from being too cold sadhana to be cool and peaceful on Ibrahim hiding his Salam and as we know it brought he my son was thrown into the fire but it did not harm him now there's something there's something to be said about this these people called on idols that ibraheem alehissalaam said were of no benefit to them and could do nothing to assist them and here they were seeing how the lord of ibraheem alehissalaam who was unseen benefited him against all odds they threw avahi money his salaam into a fire thinking they themselves were capable of punishment if they were capable of making god they were capable of playing God too so they threw him into a fire thinking that they were capable surely they were capable of punishment but they couldn't do anything nor could their idols do anything in that situation so Subhan Allah the argument of ibraheem alehissalaam was also proved in the nature of the attempted public assassin the Brahimi Salaam obviously the word starts to spread the Brahimi son walks out of this fire and he decides to make his law decides to migrate for the sake of a loss of hanahuna Tejada in this situation a moment that was extremely difficult will actually be the first day out that we talked about in Charlotte in our series has to be husband Allah when at Milwaukee the leader of the people named Ruth wants to challenge him the tyrant wants to challenge a boy he might islam and ibraheem re Sam does Darrow it to everybody so ibraheem alehissalaam is brought before in him route rahim re salaam says robbie allah the your hero he meets its my lord who gives life and who gives death right and that's evidenced as well by the fact that it brought him iceland did not die in that situation and Nimrod says or he what meets I give life and I give death how he said watch this he took a man who was sentenced to death by him and he freed him and then he brought another man who was not sentenced to death and he killed him so he said see I give life and I give death I just gave that person who was destined for death life and I gave that person who was destined for life death so I I never he what meets Carla Ibrahim offer in Allah he atiba sham semen and messy look TV ha Meena nothing he said okay fine well he Mary Sam said Allah brings the Sun from the east Allah rises the Sun raises the Sun from the east go ahead and raise it from the West fabu he Tel aviv-jaffa so he completely dumbfounded him confounded him in this situation right subhanAllah that Raheem our Aslam was was able to use the most effective dare WA in all of these moments and we also see by the way about him right he said I'm asking a loss of parent our Rob be Allah the you're here where you meet adding in kafir to here in Milton o my Lord who gives life and who gives death show me how you give life to the dead Carla OLM took men a Lhasa do you not believe colabello Iraq in the Ultima in hollaby he said rather it is that my heart may be put at ease so Allah subhana WA Ta'ala tells the brahim our Islam to take birds and to cut them into pieces and put them in different places different mountains and a loss of parent I would assemble them before his own eyes and there's something powerful about this by the way that every prophet that is challenged in the Quran or not every prophet rather but but you see multiple instances where a prophet is challenged by their people and they ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala for a particular affirmation even though they do believe but so that Iman can be placed on top of my Iman faith on top of my faith to increase me in faith and so the people of Moses most Isilon they say uh Deen Arabic right show us your Lord and Musa al-salaam that's a loss of parents Allah let me see you right not in a challenging way but in a desire and in a way of affirming that you've been affirming that certainty in his heart even further we find also that as a Brahimi some leaves airlock that there is a lesson here that even if you do everything right if the people's hearts are not right they're not going to see the truth so but I he my Islam did the best he could with character arguments create everything he did was right but the people were not in a situation where they could accept his message that's one a Brahim re Salam in his his law turns away and that's where we find now Ibrahim Aslam an incident in Egypt with another tyrant with the footer own of the time the brahim RT salam is making his way through masa through Egypt and the Pharaoh of the time is a man who particularly will you know has his his guards out there looking for beautiful women and when he sees a beautiful woman that he'll call for her and he doesn't care if she's married or not he will do what he wants with that woman and so Sawa the wife of Ibraheem my son was a beautiful woman and Ibrahim re Saddam is with Sabah and the word gets back to the Pharaoh about the beauty of Sabah and Brahimi his Saddam says to her that you know look I was asked about who you are and I said that you are my sister and so if you are taken to the Pharaoh do not do not make me out to be a liar say you're my sister now this is the third quote-unquote lie - Nam but it's not really a lie because she's a sister in faith but in that situation sada is brought to the Pharaoh of the time of the fiddling at that time and you can see how a loss of Hanna Hanna produces Romania tequila Maharaja well your resume cumin - I artisan whoever is mindful of Allah Allah make away out for them like he did with the bra he marries Salam from that fire and grant him from places that he never would have been able to imagine Brahimi his Salam is with Sabah they takes a lot thinking that she's the sister of abraham to the federal Sarah goes to this Pharaoh and he walks up to her to touch him and Sodom makes to touch her and sorrow makes Dora supplicates against the federal and then he gets paralyzed his hands gets paralyzed he can't move so he says to her pray to Allah to let me go and I won't harm you okay so sorrow makes Dara that he's cured and he's cured and then he comes at her second time and she prays to Allah again that he would be stopped and he stopped so he says once again pray to Allah to pray to Allah - to let me go and I won't harm you so sada makes dirt again that he would be freed from his paralysis and he comes out her again a third time and so she makes dry again she supplicates again and he says pray to Allah and I will not harm you and then at that point she does so and he says to his guards he said you did not bring me a human being you brought me a shape on you brought me a devil so he says let her go and give her a gift give her a gift so she could leave me alone what is the gift Hodja Hodja Luka here is your here's the slave girl of mine this Egyptian slave girl of mine take Hajj Allah Subhan Allah who would have thought brahim Aslam that that the prophet sallallaahu summon would be from the lineage of this woman that would be gifted to his wife Salah from a pharaoh that was trying to harm them and that harm would come to abraha my son from his father that's the point of Romania tequila hi Charla ho maharaja Azula man hi today ayahs Allah gives you from places you have no idea where they would you have no idea where the sources are how it would come to you so brahim RA Salam take Sawa and Hodja and then they continue on their heads Allah and the prophets why some as he narrated this he says tilaka uma come that this is your mother o Arabs that this is your mother ha job are they his Salama this is how she comes into this place so then they settle in Palestine in Palestine Sawa and Ibrahim continued to hope for a child and they weren't having a child so Saba gifts Hajj up to Ibrahim to marry her so Brahim on is Salam marries Hodja and of course the loss of parent Anna blesses them after this long period of time with this man Inari his Salam as their blessed with this marry daddy his Salam the brahim Hajj Amin is marine Allah commands Ibrahim are you Saddam to take ha job and his marine and to settle them in this barren desert of Mecca he takes her children is Mary how does the panel of this woman that was a slave of the Pharaoh gifted in this situation now taken and she's being dropped off in the middle of the desert with her son is married and as Ibrahim re Salam drops them off and he's in great pain because of the situation that he's in a brahim money his Salam is walking away and I'm paraphrasing the story because I've given the story of Hajj on another lecture Rajab is pleading with Ibrahim on Islam what are you doing where are you leaving us and then she finally asks him has Allah commanded you to do this and ibrahim alaih-is-salaam as he nods in the affirmative she says these powerful words then Allah will not let us go to waste Allah will not lose side of us will be okay Allah does not lose his people it's Pamela certainty that she has in those moments with her baby in the middle of the desert brahim re his salaam makes the famous dua for them probably in ask entombed in the realty buiding lady these are and end the beta kal Muharram oh Allah I've left them here I left my family in the middle of this barren desert at your sacred house robbing a do kemo selasa they may establish the prayer tragedy that Amina necesita we it a him or Suleiman Authority allah allahumma karoon allow some of the people to affectionately incline towards them and provide for them so that they may be grateful to you and he leaves them we then know obviously in that situation Hodja searches for water and she's running between safa and marwah with her baby and a loss of hannah without a sense to her Jabari Dar es Salaam and jabrai rowdy his Salam she looks up and she sees him he strikes the ground and as he strikes the ground with his heel the water of Zemzem starts to burst from the earth the prophets lie some said may Allah have mercy on the mother of is married she carved out that space and had she not done that then that water would have touched every part of the earth this is allah subhanho wa taala may attack a little maharaja why i was a cumin hateful I tested Allah sends you provision from where you don't expect it this tribe comes from Yemen Jorah home and by the way the unsolder were from yemen may loss of Hannah Montana blessed the people of Yemen and make it easy for them in these difficult times Aloha I mean so just like with the prophets I Salaam his risk was in the ants are from Yemen here you have the risk from these people this tribe of juda home from yemen they see the birds you know surrounding this particular area and so they go and they find that it's just this woman and her child and this well now if they were not a noble people they could have taken advantage of her and said you know what who are you get out the way give us this water right but there are noble people and so they asked college out permission to settle themselves there and then they asked her for some of that water adam alayhis-salam she sells the water of Zemzem to them and they obliged now what ends up happening is they don't take advantage of her they settled that area hides up is this working woman she's selling from the water of Zamzam that a lot provided to her and to her son and the tribe settles there years go by ibrahim alaih-is-salaam goes back to Hasan is married there enjoy they say they see a brahim re Salam Ibrahim sees his his wife Hodja and his son his firstborn whom he loves so much and he goes to sleep in their home that night and what does he see abroad he - Alam sees in his dream that he is slaughtering Miss Mary Dada his Salaam span Allah test after test after test though he wakes up how did his salat WA Salam and he calls for his son and he says o my son I see in my dream that I'm slaughtering you I'm sacrificing you so what should I do and his son is married who's been nurtured with that same righteousness he says to him o my father do what you've been commanded to do and you will find me to be amongst the patient he takes a smaii nodding his Salam as we know and as Ibrahim re Salam is about to sacrifice him a loss of Hannah Matata instead replaces its married even though the knife had even gotten to his neck and by the way you can't you know know one season and dream this this is the dreams of the prophets and there's an entire backstory and there is interpretation but the dreams of the prophets are ye so no you can't hurt someone cuz you saw in a dream that you're hurting some and this is a special case where the BLA he mighty set up goes and he he has to sacrifice his son and a loss of Hanna Tata instead replaces his son with a ram and subhanAllah that becomes a proof for ismaeel alehissalaam a proof for a body money has setup and it becomes a means of gratitude for us the Aarti but that we put forth at the birth of a child so he passes that test ibrahim is Marathi Salam in who can Assad if a lot he was truthful to his promise what a righteous young man he it's Maggie Nadia Salaam did not just tell his father do what you've been told in your dream and then once they got to the actual station to do what he was gonna do is married did not say wait hold on I thought this was just a test marine sat still with serenity understanding that this was commanded by Allah Samantha so you see the Athene the certainty in Ibrahim the certainty and hassle the certainty and it's naive so Allah subhana WA Ta'ala gives him that then ibrahim alayhis salam comes back to Mecca once again every time Ibrahim comes back to Mecca there's something he comes back to Mecca and he says to Mecca that Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala has commanded me to build a house to raise the foundations of his house will you support me in doing so he said yes so Brahim re his salaam and his merrie Dar es Salaam build the Kaaba together raised the foundations of the character together father and son what a noble task first married already his Salam to raise that that care of it together and they make their art together and a loss of Hannah Hannah tells Abraham re his Salam and then fin a seal had called the people to Hajj and he says Robbie when I have little salty he says o my lord what's going to cause my voice to reach the people he said Evan why Allah Allah call the people and it's upon me to bring them forth Subhan Allah so he calls out he says yeah you hadn't asked receive an equal hedge you know baited at it said o people Hajj has been written for you to this bless at home and a loss of a note Allah caused everything from the heavens and the earth to hear the voice of ibraheem alehissalaam and subhanAllah till today we answer that call of hedge may Allah subhanAllah allow us to answer that call in our lifetimes those that have been once again and those that have not been it lost contact lost answer that call Lama I mean so Allah has decreed that the people respond from all over on the backs of all animals the Baek Alam and a bake Here I am o Allah Here I am Here I am all nashit iike luck I'm not going to attribute partners labbayk I attribute no partners to you are one Lebec Here I am oh Allah and subhanAllah you know you think about this this this incident with the Brahimi Salah - Maggie building the cabin and the way that the brahim on Islam caught his voice was caused by Allah so Allah to reach everybody until today we're responding to the call of Ibraheem when we respond to the call of hatch he think about his people could not hear him his own people in Iraq that knew him this noble young man could not hear him even though they saw him and they experienced his intelligent arguments and they saw his noble character and everything and they could not hear them because of their wickedness and here we are thousands of years later and we can hear Abraha Mahdi his Salam even though we've never seen him or heard his voice because Allah causes our heart to hear him if we are righteous I lost a parent trying to make us worthy of being amongst those that respond to that call Allah I mean the last time that we see it Rahim visiting ismaeel alehissalaam as a hadith from the prophets lie silent where he mentions at this point ha job has passed away that's implied a smile has gotten married he's moved on he's commanding his people with Salah he stuck to his his small location right relatively small location and ibraheem alehissalaam comes to visit is marinating his salams house he's an elderly man and the wife of his Marian answers the door Rahim comes in he says where's your husband she doesn't know who he is she just thinks he's an old man traveller and she says that he's not home right now the brahim does not identify himself as the father-in-law he just asked her about their situation and all she does is talk about how horrible their situation is and ibrahim alayhis salaam is grateful to allah in all circumstances and that's the family of Ibraheem are you Salaam they're grateful to Allah in all circumstances and so as he hears that he says this is not this is not you know suitable this is not befitting that the wife of his married I you slam be this way so he tells the wife of this married he says when your husband comes home give my salaam to him and tell him that he should replace replace the door of his gate doesn't you know just makes it seem like it's it's just the door of his gate Brahimi Aslam leaves Marine comes home RT his Salam yes his wife what happened she said that this old man came by and he asked about our situation and this man he said what did you tell him she said I told him how horrible how difficult our lives are the poverty we're living in and so on so forth and then this man says well did he say anything to you she said yeah he said that you should consider changing the door of your gate he said that's a sign and he divorced her now by the way this does not allow for in-law interference this is not you are not a Brahim are you Saddam nor is your son is my dar es salaam this is a very specific situation just like the dream is specific to buy him is Nam but there's a lesson of gratitude a family of gratitude that's implied here years later Brahimi salam comes back to check on his son miss marina Aslam has married a woman from Judah home she answers the door she greets him with such hospitality he enters in he says where's your husband she says he's out and she serves him and he says how is your situation and all she does is praise Allah and talk about how blessed they are happened did he not everything is wonderful well he mighty Sam is pleased he says to her when your husband comes home give him my salaam and tell him that the door on his gate looks good he should keep the door on his gate so he leaves marina Islam comes home and he says to his wife you know she says that this beautiful old man came and visited today and I served something I showed him hospitality and he asked about our situation so this my he's asking about the day she said he asked about our situation and I said hamdulillah everything is wonderful we're blessed were pleased and it's Mary not Islam so did he give you any any tips and the advice she said yeah he said that when your husband comes home give I Salaam to him and tell him he should keep the door on his gate he said I'm did it la you stay the door of the gate was referring to the spouse about him I saw him saw someone that was that was suitable for that family of gratitude and prophethood finally dear brothers and sisters we come to the BLA he mighty Saddam and sada settled over a decade later now back in Palestine and you know it seems like this is how it's gonna go for the rest of his life he's an old man Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has a plan for his son is married Adi his Salam and you know when that plan comes right he built the Kaveri he did what's on him he's not surrounded by people it's okay you know he's he's satisfied with that with that situation and then one day I lost my frittata says he'll attack a hadith of life he Ibraheem and what could I mean have you heard the story of the noble guests of ibraheem alehissalaam this time the visitors are teams place Brahimi is salam is with his wife saba they're an elderly couple and falestine and this group of three men walked by and the boy Hema Aslam sees them and he says come on in federal alayhi Ficano Salama kana salam on Pohlman one karun they say to him salaam he responds salaam what a noble group of people he speaks to them with good manners good character he shows them great hospitality varaha ali he for Jacobi regiments I mean he goes to Salah he says let's cook them something good right let's not give them just you know some dates or something here no let's let's cook them a nice full meal because hospitality is extremely important to brahim I used to live right this is part of his cut of his generosity his good character so they cook this full meal and Ibrahim alayhi Salam brings it to them to follow to have a seat they're sitting down for Carla bahu in a hymn they're not eating the food sobre hamari islam moves the food close to them and they're just looking at him kya karoon he said aren't you going to eat some narrations they say that at this point the three men said Lana corrosion in Lobby family we don't eat except that we pay for it sobre he Mary Sam's I find Kulu well I do thumb and I go ahead and eat and you can pay me later they said what is the thumb and what is the price he said that you start in the name of Allah and you end with praising Allah you start with best Minar you and with hampt bismillah at hamdulillah that's the price of this he doesn't want anything right so that doesn't change anything why because the three men that are sitting in front of him are gibreel alehissalaam iike Inari Islam is Slavia Islam they're angels they can't eat the Angels don't eat or drink and they're looking for an excuse to get themselves out of the situation with the bloody marys Allah so he puts this forth and then he says Allah taught karoon and then there is a very awkward silence because they're not eating and so at that point oh just some in-home keifa brahim our Aslam starts to get worried what are these people up to right are they gonna rob the house is there something else here Kahuna to huff they said do not worry well bath shadow will be Luna and Eileen and they give him the glad tidings of a knowledgeable young man and is how are they his Salaam and this is now over 10 years up to 13 years after it's married has been born Ibrahim has already settled he you know he him and Salah have already you know accepted their situation here and they give him the bush throughout the glad tidings of the Sun for October ah - ah - who feasted Wotton buckets water ha ha his wife come sorrow comes and Sukkot waha she's literally she's shouting and she's hitting her face and she's in complete disbelief I'm an old woman he's an old man what are you talking about I juice in our theme however bounty sheikha there's no way he's old I'm old I'm barren I've never been able to have children even as a young woman what's happening here what's going on here and the response is one word from Juba Dar es Salaam which was the same response to Zeca Dar es Salaam when he said I'm old how am I gonna have children and the same response to mario monti his salaam when she says i've never been touched by a man how am i gonna have a child the answer is cathodic allah said so because Allah said so so just like that Allah said so and they say Arabic in the WHO and Hakim and Eileen gbit/s Saddam says your Lord is most wise most knowledgeable so he starts with the hikmah before they're in here but there's a wisdom to this delay that took place here there is a wisdom to this delay that took place here but this is the situation some of them alpha city and alpha 0 and they say notice Brahim islam did not object the brahim are islam did not shout baba he money islam did not do anything extraordinary why because Ibrahim on Islam was used to these types of things happening in his life he's been through being thrown into a fire almost slaughtering his son leave I mean he's been through so much I do his salat WA Salam at this point nothing really shakes him he's so submissive to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so he praises Allah subhana WA Ta'ala obviously I mean this is what you wanted your whole life right but ibraheem alehissalaam says Mahuta become a you had more saloon but what were you really up to o messengers of Allah where were you really headed to and that's when they say in that would have seen that Allah Coleman would you mean we've been sent to a nation of criminals we've been sent to the nation of loot alehissalaam his nephew to destroy them and some han allah look at Ebrahim RT his salaam he starts to argue with them to hold them back from destroying the nation of loool thought he's not I mean he just got the glad tidings of a son of his own and somehow look at this in the same meeting of giving the Bush law the glad tidings of a child they're also giving the news that a whole nation is about to be destroyed so this one child is gonna be born and Nations will be born from this child Benny is slaw he will come from this child and at the same time a nation is about to be destroyed in the same gathering that news is being delivered ibrahim alayhis salam argues with them tries to delay them says give them another chance he does everything that he possibly can and this is the care and the love that ibraheem alehissalaam has for the people the desire for Dawa the desire to see the Dawa take root allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala blesses him with us hop and then minhwa is half goob he lives to see your whole body is Salam Rahim on Islam lived according to some of the scholars about 200 years he had multiple children and grandchildren it's Pamela there was a time when it was just gonna be a smelly da da Saddam right now he has this hawk Jakub and he's surrounded by other children and grandchildren and a las Panna Jota Aida takes his life outta his salat WA Salam in Palestine and Helene may allah subhanaw taala send his peace and blessings upon him and allow us to be amongst those who follow him and those who who are dedicated in loyal followers of his grandson great-grandson and descendant muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam sha allah tala dear brothers and sisters i hope that you'll be attentive in the first 10 days of the page as we go through the Duras the supplications of wahi mati salam I pray that this was beneficial and giving you an overview of his life and legacy and the lessons and virtues we take from him may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala gather us with the prophets with the slaughter hain with the Sydney attain with the Shahada may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala forgive us for our shortcomings may Allah grant us sincerity and steadfastness may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala allow us an opportunity to make hedge to that to that that blessed house and to follow in the monastic and the rituals of Raheem I Islam Muhammad sallallahu ardi wa sallam and to be granted a hajima broad and accepted hedge even for those who simply intended it and we're not able to make it this year I mean was that from a low height on sanam re coments Allah he got a cut
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 1,122,014
Rating: 4.7732129 out of 5
Id: EuoXDdIP6u8
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Length: 88min 22sec (5302 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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