Community showcase S05 Ep39 Sheikh Hassan Ali Devil within

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not just what video but the vehicle mysticus kick Andy wanna die my spell [Music] [Music] okay start a channel Aaron raheem alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen o salat wa salam ala sayidina gonna be named Mohammed Radha adios good night audhu billahi mina sako the vinegar member luebero bin Filippo Michele email whole Apple emission do shipping available permission Linda 30 Filner Awad ammunition has hidden in a hazard it's been like for many more him will our Rubio penis mannequin uh you know you shall it was a sin let us be so fearful boringness million Jannetty one so got more Halloween my dearest a few brothers and sisters who are listening first is a demonic moreover Cathy few etiquettes before I start one is that please be attentive if you've got any children or anyone who is fidgeting then please just take them out get them come let them come back in number two is that your phones that you got on I don't want any flashes so anything that is that is got a light or the flash you have to put that out because it distracts me when I'm speaking to you number three is another one it is upstairs okay and another lollipop is gonna go ahead for the ladies of stairs yes they can't hear us from here no no not with it I can go ahead okay so not so nice on this final time okay so the other thing is that as I'm speaking to you I will want you to be attentive in the sense that I will sometimes ask you things that notice in South Africa you don't have the speaker when he speaks to you you don't really respond just sit there and you expect it we expect me to just give the lecture around again and again and again you whether you're listening or not listening there's no there's no interaction I don't like that I'd like to talk to you as well while I'm doing it okay so I'd like you to say yes when I'm asking a question or saying no is that clear is that clear that's good some of you said yes well their topic is the devil the devil within so I don't know which devil to start from because we've got her sorry subhanAllah Suhana the brothers are selected off by saying a male or a female level brother you must have very very you must you must be enjoying your night if you got a female devil inside you must be waking up every morning and having a little every night another so anyway we don't know which table to talk about because Allah Azza WA JAL has created the human being and with every single human being he has appointed a devil yes every single human being as a devil appointed and with every single human being the good news is there's also an angel that is also appointed so the devil will sometimes give you whisperings of the of the Shia a lot of the you know of the unseen will give you whisperings and will tell you to do bad things and the angels will give you good good things good information things that would encourage you to do good so that is that okay another one we've got is we've got the ego the ego and a lot of people forget about this is that the human himself can get into a position where his own ego becomes very devilish the ego can make you do certain things automatically without even the devil coming inside you okay that's the second one another one we've got is the human devil you guys understand who's all the while everybody when we say Shaytan when we say Shaytan when I say Shaitaan to you do you normally think of a visible Shaitan or an invisible on which one in visible whenever you say Shaitaan whenever you say Shaitaan whenever you say the devil everyone thinks about the invisible one which you can't see but what you don't realize is the Devils are two kinds one is a an invisible one which we know as the genie and one is the visible one which is the human and a lot of people don't notice that the humans are also some of the humans are also shayateen they are Devils this is proven from the Quran because when we say when we read the last suit of the Quran we ask allah azza wajal so allah says tells us to say to him allah says full say our wood would be of beingness so I seek refuge and protection in you o Allah the lord of the world the lord of all people our rules will be robbed beaten a smelly keenness you are the king of all people like eNOS you are the God of all people min sharri Lewis were Solanas from the one that whispers the one that whispers into the hearts of people feel su during Mass and then Allah said min al jinn naughty one nos because this devil can be from thee from the jinns from the ones that are unseen from the invisible ones and from the ones that are seen from the human beings so what you don't realize is you could end up with a devil that you're living with you know son you could end up with the devil that you're living with and that's why in a hadith is very clear that if you ended up with the right spouse than alhamdulillah everything goes very well you go do not want trying to say like you know if you end up with the wrong spouse and mean al genetic one mess you know you got problem every single day man you're gonna have a problems in every single day like the woman asked she she she the woman asked the husband she said oh my husband might in the EPI night ICU him every other night it will see in my dream and it's so lovely to see you do you ever see me in your dream and the husband says no but lovely husband why don't you see me in your dream and the husband said because I read actor before I go to sleep it could go either way you know you got the right spousal handle everything's gonna be very good you got the wrong spouse then you've got a big problem and it's not just about you know one part that I'm talking about it could be either way you could either end up with a bad husband you could end up with a good good husband you could end up with a bad luck or we could end up with a good wife which whichever way it is now you've got many different types of of these devils but on top of that there's an there's another one so the one is that like a first-century one is appointed to the human being so every human being has got a devil that is appointed to him every human being so the Zulu La Silla Larsen was asked Monsieur Mallah what about you so the proposal was who said I've seen a hadith that there was one that was appointed for me to for as Lama but he became Muslim the devil with the proximal Azana became a Muslim or according to some narration it is for as Lama I'm safe from that devil - the devil can hang me so that was one I told you this one is appointed for you this one will be with you wherever you go except that time you do the dhikr of Allah if you wanna want to be safe from the devil you've got to do the liquor of Allah and the dhikr of Allah Azza WA JAL is done with remembrance of Allah not with the tongue that that has got an absent mind you guys are you guys following me are you not following me have you seen some people when they take their they take the SIP huh you're on the you know the test beer for the sim huh you know what I'm talking about what do you guys call it here test beer so they're doing test B and they I'm they they're doing tests B if I can just grab auto-rifle with all these things in my pocket I don't know if I can grab minus B or not so they're doing the test beer and as it has been in the sphere they're having a conversation with you which is fine compute the test beer and you can have a conversation with someone right but the thing is the moment you are having a conversation with someone then obviously you're having a conversation with the human beings and you're not having you know you're not having the you know you're not having the conversation with allah azza wajal the spirit is when you're remembering Allah Azza WA JAL are you having a you know you're remembering him so imagine this the sphere here so if I'm and then you're asking me something so yeah how was it last Sunday so I'm supposed to stop and say yeah it was fine actually you know we got together we had a good you know what it's supposed to stop so some people as the speaker to say yeah he was fine last Sunday we got together we're not having a really lovely time the whole family was together yeah what's up man Savannah la cerva it doesn't stop I mean I don't know what this we they're doing because the thing is if you if you are if you are thinking that you're remembering Allah and you're having a fun conversation people then you can remember that you know you got to do either one or the other now yes you can still remember people and you can remember a lot of the same kind you could do that this it's a specific training it's a specific training Allah metonymy rahim allah he was in india and he he had his disciples and they cracked a joke somebody cracked a joke so then our lama tongra said he said which one of you while the joke was being cracked still remembered Allah and one of them put his hands up and he said I remembered Allah he said how do you remember Allah while a joke was being cracked he said I was laughing but I had my mind that Allah Azza WA JAL is watching me laughing this is the way to do thicker of Allah even though you're having fun a fun time do you guys understand you cousin son you don't say I told you to speak Gd man otherwise you're gonna have people you know after what I've just said exam huh you can do that here remember Allah use a laugh as well there huh let's have a comedy show all right well let's say you know there's some people they go out to steal you know people do also such things they mix religion and also some deal some people they go out to steal before they leave the house they say bismillah stuff with a lot of let's say this we love you wouldn't leave the house so anyway the point is that the devil will be with you unless you remember Allah whenever you remember in Allah the devil finds it very difficult to say with you and the devil cannot give you what salsa when you're in the remembrance of Allah so I want you to think about this right now because the very important a lot of people are scared of this Shaitaan and the devil is gonna get him you can understand whenever you in the remembrance of Allah the Shaitaan cannot come to you he cannot come inside your chest he cannot whisper in your chest if you're doing The Vicar of Allah so del dhikr of Allah has many different ways one obviously the spirit that everybody knows you need a sphere of Allah you remember Allah another one is when you recite the Quran that is also the dhikr of Allah another one is your in salah that is also the dhikr of Allah another one is that you are making dois that is also the dhikr of Allah there are many different forms of the dhikr of Allah but you can be in Salah and the devil still can be playing with your mind that's what video bye this you can be in taraweeh and the devil can still play with your mind yes or no how tell me you just said yes I said yes yes well now tell me how how what happens is thank you very much what happens is your mind if it's not fixed if he's done fixed I'm thinking of Allah then you left the door open the door is open for the devil to come and whisper because right now you not be in the dhikr of Allah your body is standing in front of Allah Allah your mind is somewhere else wherever your mind is you're doing the liquor of that you guys understand no you did it if you are standing here you in your salah and your mind is all the way down k-town somewhere in some restaurant you're looking you're thinking of the burger that you had last night then you a deal vicar of burger you did thicker a burger you don't do dhikr of Allah so right master Shaitaan wants to come right inside you and he wants to whisper he can whisper that's how that's how it works so therefore when you bring to our are you doing Quran would you interfere he didn't sell a lot of people don't understand this they say well the man is so pious the man is so pious how did how did this affect a man like you know some people they they go out they do some black magic and also how do they affect the man is surprised well how it affected it because the man or the woman is outwardly past the during the Salah that during the bleaker drama for an and so on but the mind is connected all that Avada when the mind wasn't connected is not considered the dhikr of Allah they get the reward yes the Salah is counted yes do they get reward for the a kadai yes but are they safe from the devil well the time when their mind is connected yes when the mind is not connected then their weak the weak now I'm not saying to you you supposed to get scared right now oh my god you know the devil is gonna come and get me no the devil cannot just come and get you he can't come and get you one of the biggest protections we've got is this Vicar of Allah but the other protection we have got as human beings is you're free your own strength of your own character inside have you seen certain people subhanAllah certain people they you know normal people you might see a man who might be 5 foot you know eight or something and you Sheikh is that he speaks like I did Salam alaikum her to like over the curtain right so now that's the man's voice yes yes that's a proper man's voice not that I don't have a man's voice but anyway that's a man's voice so he speaks to you like that five foot eight you know he's a little bit out they speaks like that but sometimes you meet a bigger man he's bigger than this guy but when you meeting he said said I like her Hansa never liked him you got soft peach people could be soft inside strong outside was soft inside and sometimes you meet the little guy you know the little garden the the one that he's shorter than everyone but when he speaks my god you better give him what he says he say said I've had it come on hey you listen to me no listen to me I said go and do that now he's little but because of the strength of his character he can he can you know do he can make about ten of us be scared of it because of the because of the inside now jinns they understand this do you guys understand gyms know this gyms know which one of us are able to go up stairs at my to the toilet when nobody is upstairs don't use the toilet freely without any fear and come back downstairs and the gym knows which one of us can't go upstairs you know I'm saying like the some of us in our homes we scared to go to the toilet at the other end at nighttime because there might be something there now the gene has already sniffed you out you can san you understand sniffing out he can smell fear if you're strong inside note a bit let me tell you if you're strong inside every gym is fearful of you as a human being no matter what size you are no matter if you're a kid or an adult if you're strong inside you're not scared of them they are hundred percent scared of you hundred percent scared of you but the moment you get fear inside you then then what happens they don't care about you if a strong one wants to comment actually can attack you like this let's say for example what who should be scared a human or a cat in a domestic cat who should be who should be scared to me come on every time who should be scared I come on guys when I'm a poker I'm not talking about your wife here man what's wrong with you guys man who should be scared the human or a domestic cat ah maybe you never understood because I said cat you same cat you guys in South Africa tell you I need to teach you some unless I need to teach you some English because you guys in Silas sometimes you shorten things you're not supposed to shorten like you know we we say you know we say like certain words and you guys shorten it and it means something different I don't want to say those words right now otherwise just thinking you know how can we said another they said well you guys need to assess cat not cat so anyway I'll go with the lingual okay it's kept so the kept is supposed to be scared of the human but let's let's be honest there are certain humans that are scared of cats yes or no you should know because you're scared of your wives there are seven humans are scared the cat sighs the cat comes towards the human being they cannot get old in a decade now if the cat senses the fear the cat can play on that the same way the Djinn if he senses the fear that gene can play along with that now when any gene want to interfere with you know they wouldn't want to interfere with it because if they want to come to you that the invisible demon talking about yeah if they want to come to you and they want to come inside your body then they've gotta have a reason to do that they're not supposed to interfere with us they're not supposed to comes and others two things they can do one is they come inside and just like the Shaitan the invisible devil they can give us a whisper they can we spend they can go and when they when it's a whisper when it's a whisper you won't hear a you won't hear that what they do is they trick you in believing that you are saying it that's how that's how the devil jinns come inside us and give a straight give us what's what's up so let me give a demonstration if I'm angry at this person here then that the devil will come inside and he'll say I can't take that I'm gonna take that how do you see that now who's talking me or somebody else who's talking somebody else is talking it's a gym but the gin will say it in my as if I'm saying it in the first person so I think that it's me that's how they you spell they're not coming to say they don't say can you take that how can you suddenly my in my mind who are you met your son so they going to first person Allah speak not as one the second one is that they would want to come in and they want to take over parts of your actual mind at the second form now there's a barrier there the barrier is that no jinn should actually transgress that barrier it's a hukum of allah azza wajal that is given that they shouldn't transgress into our world and we don't transgress into their world now these genes are everywhere you got nothing to fear nothing absolutely nothing to fear if you're a human being with a strong character you can go in your normal life and none of these genes will ever bother you okay of course there are certain times when you should you know be a little bit more careful so let me tell you this is true this is a true fact I'm telling you all right so for example the daytime you know it's it's is there's a lot of light and and there's a lot more human beings that are walking on the earth then there are genes that are walking on the on the earth or they're flying on the earth okay but you know when it comes to muster time the the jinns that's when they like to be awake a lot more from Madlib onwards all the way to about further so if as a human being you're traveling at night and you're walking or something then you come into a dark place you come to a place where you know normally human beings wouldn't go there then it's nice to make a gesture that you're coming so if you say like that it gives them a gesture that you're coming to move out the way because sometimes what can happen is you could step onto one of them and so on which may make them feel a little bit irritated but again they wouldn't want to come and cross the barrier to get inside you unless they want to really you know go over all the nine yards and basically you know cross the limits and really teach you a lesson somehow okay but even then you've got nothing to worry about because as muslims allah azzawajal has taught us certain suitors of the quran if you read these suitors the quran you are safe even after monthly but you go out even when you're going out to walking wherever you're going and maybe you've made it gesture you never made a gesture if these try out theme if these invisible devils if you come across their pathway and you cross that pathway they will not touch you or do not come near you or they will not want to harm you or they'll move away from you according to the amount of quran you read you guys understand yes now simple thing is do this simple after Fajr and after Madrid three times prove to Allah who I had three times closer bill fella three times close ribbon ass okay that's it you've read that you're protected okay if you want to you can blow into your hands and you can pass it over your body okay you protected you don't have to worry about anything if you ever come to a situation where you're thinking that well I need to be very safe I'm going out and about in the night whatever it is asking ayatul kursi is the best form of protection subhanAllah best form protection you read out of courtesy in fact if you read Adil and you blow on to something that can never be tested you guys in South Africa have a lot of tests yes or no yes a few thefts or a lot of thefts a few a lot [Music] in the time of the prophet sallallaahu late salami a Booga rail above the alarm according to hadith of bokhari abu huraira love the alarm who was appointed to look after the treasures at one point they had a lot of treasures gold silver many other items and this was known as the baton mal so they had a lot of treasures that belonged to the older Muslim community it was placed in the entire heap I would rather be Ilana was in charge of it and a man kingside sneaked inside and he tried to steal something abu huraira be a lot of coat got hold of his hand he said I'm taking you to the prophet sallallaahu son how dare you steal from here and the man said please let me go let me go please let me go let me go I won't come back again Sabu hurtled along let him go he's a hadith in Bukhari second night the next night the same man comes in and he comes to steal he puts his hand there he grabs hold of some of the stuff I would rather be alone who grabs hold of his hand and again he stops him and he says I'm taking you to the Prophet los bebés please let me go I walk I beg you I won't come again so I would rather be alone he lets him go the third night consecutive night the same man comes and he wants to steal from Bayt almal again this time I would rather the one caught hold of him and he dragged him he said this end I'm not gonna let you go today now because the first night you asked me the second night grass me now this is the third night and then the man said to me said listen let go of me I will teach you something that if you were to if you were to say this then no theft can be committed the hadith of bokhari guys I'm not giving you no hadees from here and there okay how do the body it's a sahih hadith no theft can be committed but you guys are not interested are you now you're not interested I'm looking your faces so what we like you guys you wanna know that you don't know oh maybe I should to go to the next story you wouldn't know along let me hear a proper yes man good thank you so when I was around I'd be alone hears that he says he said okay you're gonna teach me something which if I say then there's gonna be no theft ever committed here he said yes so then this man said to him he said allahu la la la well hi you look at you that who's in a tomb what I know the whom artists a Marathi or my fill of mandala th power in the who in the evening yeah allahumma inna allaha home well are you hit on a mission in me he lied Masha was he a courtesy who's a Marathi well or what are you to her room ah well well honey you know Hazim so I was rid of the along let him go the allotment to the prophecy lost him and I said machine of Allah does a man like this for three nights I caught hold of him and he said to me that he will teach me certain words if I say the no theft can be committed the Professor Larson said in Naju like a do but lack in Xalapa okay masala rice a lobster on the prophecy Lawson said that man though he is a massive great liar on this occasion he has spoken the truth and then the radical Muslim said you know who that man is he said that was the devil that was Shaytan who transformed from the invisible devil to the human devil to the human one so he tried he transferred himself into a proper human being in Naju like a dog he is a great liar normally but on this occasion he spoke the truth which means my friends when you leave your house read out who could see when you leave your car sweetheart could see when you are anywhere without to blow on yourself you salute the street as you could see because I'm telling you one thing you will not have anything stolen from that from your house when you gone away even night times you scared read articles to go to bed I'm telling you you wake up so I had a lot nothing I've been taking from your house nothing you guys do you guys follow me or not there are certain days that I've had a lot of money a manner in my hands I had to I had to carry it on me the certain days and I'm traveling when I'm somewhere I'm in London and I have to have this this wealth on me and I just read articles I'm telling you I have gone through certain places where that money was not that safe but because of I too could see it's safe there certain night just the other day I was at London ok I traveled I travelled a lot and what happens is that I come back home after 2 weeks this was just last month I came home after 2 weeks and my children said to me they said to me a bit cold in the house I'm thinking why is it cold in the house we would normally have the heater going on all the time you know right now you got winter and our green tea is a proper winter is not one of your winters ok where you can sunbathe in your winter and don't make us jealous anymore ok so the same is a bit cold in the house and I said cold in the house and I realize that the back door was slightly open and the curtain was drawn in front of it nobody could tell that the back door was open it was open for two weeks two weeks the back doors opened my wife was saying is cold in the house she's putting the heater up but she never realizing Loper because what I do is every night I'm reading ayatul kursi you read her for yourself for your family for your belongings you'll be fine insha'Allah in fact if you read Adam with the right intention the thief we'll even get caught if you got a man and you read you with the right intention the thief will even get caught but anyway the thing is I would rather at the alone who learned here that I too could see something that protects you from from all of this and we as as human beings II to understand pululahua plural fella Clara Venus tsukushi they've been given to us for protection from those invisible devils that are out there now if on top of that you recite the Quran then the Devils cannot they cannot stand the Quran this is a massive protection which allows the hell has given above all of that if in a house you've got a devil you've got something from Shaitaan or something that's playing around and you can have very very different different forms of different writing could be in the house but don't get worried up because you've got good genes in the house as well what have you got guys what have you got guys so may Allah make you look at your spouse and say you're such a good man Allah such a good deed if I good ginger the house you may have bad genes but that there's a way of getting rid of the bad genes hadith of Timothy the prophet sallallaahu told us that if you recite surah Baqarah in the house the devil cannot remain in the house so some people who have a problem you know some people they have that they have a problem the house they go to a certain room and they get attacked or they feel a bit uneasy in that what you do is you leave surah Baqarah being played on your phone on your pad on your laptop this even in a house any house you got any anything that God I'm telling you this is the weight of getting rid of these things you recite your Quran man what do you do what do you guys you recite what you run to who for help you run to move for help you were not the do kuma some people super Hannah live there got problem that run to the do kuma they take the money and everything to the Dooku and I think that do whom gonna sort everything out uh they don't realize that some of these things will backfire you know sometimes when you go to the Dukan sometimes either the Dooku is going to take you for a ride the Duke I'm going to take you for a ride because you probably never had a problem in the beginning the Dooku monster make money so the truck is gonna make sure that you get a problem you understand you came with that problem now let me give you some hon Allah you know that the way of testing these people out you're gonna find the fakes if you find the real one of the way of testing them out my friend my friend he had a problem with his me is a friend who studied with us in Madras I had a problem with his knee okay so he was in India at the time in India is the mother land of do Coombs you understand exam it's a mother land Allah okay you got big time Big Time is there okay you got everyone you got the Houdini's you got the you got the you got all of me okay so he had a had a knee problem so he was looking for the he was looking for someone to actually I said because he's been to the doctor see one of the things people don't do is people don't go to the doctors you're making a big mistake my friend if you don't go to the doctors you don't get diagnosed you're making a big problem a big problem for yourself some people I know they might not be able to afford the doctors but you still need to find a way of getting a diagnosis why because you could have a physical problem it could be a genuine physical problem I was just telling these guys who wanna live in London back to this other story in that document India yeah so III was telling these guys today a story as in London in my area there was a youngster who's playing soccer you guys know soccer he's playing soccer on a Sunday afternoon his father told him he said son don't play football don't play football you're gonna break your leg you know do this don't play football huh but he never listened to his father so used to go every Sunday a sick leaves to go and play soccer and then one one day what happened is so one of his friends hit the ball really hard really hard and the ball came back straight on his ear and he bust his eardrum okay so now the blood coming out of his ear straight away they're cold and ambulance he went to the hospital and other hospitals I was asking to say hey hey what happened what happened what happened supposed to push the simple you can't have a ear that like this you know if you just fell down he's not telling you because he knows if his dad finds out there's gonna be Qurbani he knows he's gonna be good money so he's not saying so he that come to the hospital did that looks at me says hey is that right hey brother huh like he says football is gonna be finished so he's gonna be come come up so he said he said someone I just fell down someone put me in me he's not saying how can that happen so nice not thinking how can someone was pushing and suddenly his ear become like this so he's dad pull the Loco mr. CooCoo he said I come over here a dodgy one you got many of these dodgy guys here I'm not I came and like I said he looked at me examined the boy and I said mr. Abdul there is a problem the problem is that your son has been attacked by a gene now to get the gene out I need to be paid in advance 1200 pounds you pay me the money then I get the gene out maybe there might not be one gene maybe two you know [Music] one sister told me in the UK this is a real story one sister said Shane I went I went what you call abu qamha i went to the Dooku and the dokkum said I had 996 Jim in me then Dooku managed to take 993 of them out I'm thinking you fool you fool what did you do did you watch them come out one by one one two three four crazy and then they'd go back to the Pokemon the Tacoma says I took out yesterday I took out a 993 but some of them refused to go they come back inside this guy's a fool okay they keep coming back how did he ended up taking nine hundred ninety three of them out and then he managed to keep this early this this boy in in in my area he strayed away phoned his relative and told his relative to come he said we said it's our uncle he said please rescue me he said what he's an uncle my father's going to Dooku and the duke whom said to him that by deep inside me I don't know what the guys gonna do to me huh you know son these guys burn things these guys will start you know beating him up I don't know been getting onions and burning them and oil and whatnot to get in sets in I don't know what they do and some of them go even further so behind la I heard a I had a behind one one case here the guide Pakistan because now you don't only go for the local to come to get international ones through the internet and through the news channels and all the TV channels you can get the becomes over there and they advertise themselves Mahalo have you seen the adverts the adverse a massive board oh you got cancer diabetes you got high blood pressure you got you know any of these whatever you got I will pure it here my God if you if you're that good you tell me look if you're in Pakistan and if you are that good that you can cure cancer okay not unless be honest with you if you're that good the man I've got the best job for you in the world simply all the hospitals in the world there are many laboratories the research centers they are making research every single day to cure cancer yes or no even to today they've managed to combat cancer to a certain degree but they can't wipe out cancer they can't do it my man you got such a big board out there why don't you go to Islamabad hospital or Rawalpindi Hospital and say Here I am I am called the deed buster I am called the cancer buster I am called the Hatteberg Buster and everything buster why don't you just do that and they give you a job there and if you're doing really well I'm sure the whole of India the whole of Bangladesh the whole of South Africa the whole of UK everybody would want to call you you have a job lined back to back how could they do that how foolish of people to believe that you can get all sorts of aches and pains and this and that everything sorted out through these people how foolish can you be but anyway this guy said to his uncle is ahankhah be same so his uncle came in he rescued the situation right he knew his nephew had played football and look at this his eardrum bus and the guy says the gym inside la-la-la patella let me get back to my friend in India my friend in India he said that he had a problem in his knee but he was looking for this one of these guys who you know they basically have they basically some of the my genuine okay let's let's not let's not fool it up we're not saying they're all non genuine some of them Marshall alhamdulillah they are genuine but I will tell you one thing they are probably one percent I'm not exaggerating when I say this I am not exaggerating when I say this they're probably just about one percent of the people out there so he went through with his knee to the first one and he said I have nobody said this is the way to test the man he said I've got a problem in my hip so the guy tested me said ah yes mr. Odile you have a big problem with your hip he saying yes mr. duck um goodbye he just left okay he went to the second one I said I got a problem in my hip he exactly didn't he said you got a problem with yes you got a problem he went like this to several of them and they all said yes you got a problem with the hip until he came to the one he found the proper one who examined him and said you have got no problem with your hip because don't forget this guy goes to the doctor he's already been to the doctor's that's one thing I'm telling you to do is that get a proper diagnosis from the doctors you could have a very simple problem with the way you're eating the way you are whatever you're doing in life that your diet free whatever it might be and because of that they know you've got a problem in your body so he's already been the doctors that he went and what is what'd he say he said he examined him examiner he said are you sure you got a are you sure you got a probably cause yes I've got in this hip I've got a problem he examined him again and again and again and then he said to him this was a keen type of person a Hakim Hakim is you know they've got a lot of wisdom and experience they're not just these fake he's that I'd be taking money of you to do something you know and they don't use anything that is that is wrong they will use natural stuff and so on herbes and so on that he wants to lure him with and he said my friend I have examined you and as far as I can see the only problem in your body is in your right knee cap and when he said that my friend shook his hand he said you're the right guy exactly my examining it said right away in your right knee cap you got a problem not anywhere else if you go to the genuine people who know about these things Subhan Allah Allah Azza WA Jalla has given them and I'm saying a 1% or less than a percent the genuine people forget anything else when the jinns hear that such people are on the way the gin will leave when the gyms here and as such people are on the way the gin will leave when such people come in front that such people let's say for example I said you have a patient here with with it let's say he's got a gin inside him if you bring him in front of the right one there's a number of things that will happen number one is the correct person who is doing you know who is trying to sort out your problem let's call him there let's just use a different word let's say the exorcist you guys understand the word Exorcist the one that takes the gin out okay if you go to the right one one of the clear signs is that that person will not again will not talk to you about money you guys and son they will not want to do for money some of them that God means and the fun necessities if you can see that then you can offer whatever you want but they would not have a fixed price you can give them 20 round you can give them 10 rang a grand you can give them whatever you want you can give them nothing nothing and they will still be okay with you these are the real people are halala the people have allowed the earth I know some of them so the hähnel odd is one individual in Pakistan again I'm going to say Pakistan again because I just took the name of Pakistan with something different so it's gonna go international I love my Pakistani brothers I love all of you as well yes I could live for you guess where they taught me that I didn't learn that in Cape Town in Johannesburg they said you must go to election you must say acoustic for you and the sisters will come running to you that wasn't my intention by the way so the thing is in Pakistan I know this individual subhanAllah housing this man you know he you know I came across him with certain cases I had because I've dealt with these cases with jeans and so on so this one case I came across the baha'u'llah this individual he just feels poor and here is Quran all day he reached for the hand all day and what he does is anybody comes with with the problem to him he just reads a little bit of Quran I'm talking about like five minutes max of Quran and and the jinn is gone the jinn will not be able to stay there they will not be able to stay there in fact this person even you know has held he's helped many people across the world his person has helped and not a single penny the person has asked for the ten years I've known him not a single penny if people are offering they offer it was fine but he will not ask for anything of course the man is very poor he's got a lot of needs and necessities he gives a lot of salt as well but this is a genuine person who's doing it for the sake of Allah Azza WA JAL and if you know a person like that somewhere in the world where is you know in la marche allah you find then al hamra of course you do that if not then every man for himself what do I mean by that guys let me tell you each and every one of you can get rid of all your problems you've got of jinns in your houses and your families in in your ownself each and every one of you let me give you a story true story in Dewsbury okay in Dewsbury in in the UK they's some of you're familiar with with the UK you know Dewsbury it's a place in the northern part in Yorkshire in Dewsbury so what happens is that a Hindu man he converts to Islam and his name is Ahmad he means himself after he converts he himself to Islam and what happened is because he was from a Hindu background his family did black magic on him okay a very serious black magic on him now the part that I that I need to mention right now is that I said to you earlier on that sometimes genes can come on one or transgress inside you and if you read polls if you read you read the Koran you protected which is fine another one the last form is when people do a black magic or they do sicker or they do something where they worship the devils or they invoked in they invoke the devils and then they want to send the devils to you this is something which we believe happens because it's mentioned in the Quran Sahel is mentioned the put an jinns are mentioned the Quran it's there so what happens is this this brother okay Omar his whole family remained Hindu he tried to give them Dharma they remained Hindu but they they got someone very strong from India to do a black magic on him and when they did a black magic on him he was feeling very weak and a lot of things happened okay because the doctors that's the time when you know that something's probably wrong with you because no matter how many doctors he went to none of the doctors could find out what's wrong with him this is one sign that your problem is probably not medical when you've gone to several doctors several doctors have examined you and they cannot say what's wrong with you so what he did is that he started to go to the two people of rupiah to the exorcists and he went to one he couldn't do it he went to another he couldn't do it he went to another he couldn't do it because you gotta understand just as you've got many different levels of boxes you know boxes you know but guys that box you know boxes yes just as you've got different levels of boxes you've got different levels of exorcists so you've got this you've got the the featherweight your InDesign featherweight what's what's above featherweight lightweight and what's have a light light weight no no I mean II don't know boxing man not happy weight of that yeah you got the middle right you got the heavy weight okay you've got many different other you got about the bottom some of the bank to a to some nada sorry well to eight yeah so the thing is if you've got a very big serious problem with the sacred and the gym the gym is Mike Tyson my spell Nana not to swipe in Hawaii cooking and him dinner my husband yattaman dick is gonna be what it this is better
Channel: itvnetworks
Views: 5,203
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Id: f3UpI8yFAmI
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Length: 52min 46sec (3166 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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