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[Music] unless Rihan raheem alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen o salatu salam wa Reseda Nevada Vienna Muhammad Ali he oh sorry 9r Waldo billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim spin like a Mormon Ibrahim yeah in Sonoma cameo pop Bickle KD and Levine Hall Apocrypha some work fr del ik GA you saw rotten mesh [Music] walk back Caliban to Calvi buona mattina in la cámara fill in a cave or negative in Yardley movement in a bar olivine re in the future olofi Jerry yo Solana Yahoo Medine one man even when the volkema Moody adderall Kamiyama Dean humanity could have soon enough see the shame well mm oh you mean so dr. Lovell RV ID recent brothers and sisters were listening assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh so it's nice to come back here to your masjid beautiful Masjid Allah so I'll increase it in Baraka increase it in the masala stir come here increase it say I mean guys you don't need the Baraka we need the Baraka in the Masjid we need a large really to give us the pure hearts for the Masjid so that we are the best individuals in the in the society of mullahs we shall make all of you all of us of those people I mean the topic here is about the fact that we need to ask allah azzawajal we need to ask God some questions now some of you might be surprised with the topic title because it's kind of restrained you don't normally see a title like that I mean who who doesn't must hit by an and has a title we need some answers from God right who puts a title either now the reason that the brothers in the mustard actually asked me to support or to propose a title and after thinking about different things I actually proposed this myself the title is from me and there's a reason for this normally during this period of time you know the youth alhamdulillah here today and they're going to listen to this and as many that will listen to this inshallah and they're recording afterwards normally you come to the Masjid and the kind of things you'll hear around this kind of Christmas period you'll hear is about Jesus and a salad Sarah you'll hear about you know our our key then belief about that sometimes you'll have things directly to the youth which is about drugs which is about the gang culture which is about other things okay many things you know could be about them chasing girls chasing money and chasing the world we have those bands and those bands are all necessary there's one type of band that is not done usually not done and that is something to do with the with the big problem we have today and that problem is that we have got a massive amount of youth that are turning away from Islam or or are about to turn away from Islam or there's many of them who have already turned away from Islam from within their minds the only thing left now is the Muslim name the Muslim name and that they belong in a Muslim family and that they do believe in the Quran they believe in the Quran they sometimes will come really you know sometimes they'll come to the Masjid like on orede day or you know maybe the odd Jamaat somewhere they might sometimes you know go and associate themselves with religious people but most of the times there's none no religion left in their lives okay and I'm telling you one thing okay we get quite happy with alhamdulillah think is really good that we've got a lot of youngsters coming to the mustard but I want to tell you one thing is that let's be honest with ourselves there are so many there's so many youth that are not coming to our mustards now not with us we haven't reached out to them and they've got doubt in their minds and the doubts that are in their mind some of them come naturally some of them come because of the because of the religious studies in the schools religious education schools some of it is given to them by their friends and some of it they they have just heard from someone maybe who's close to them at some point in their life and these doubts start to creep in and the doubts don't go away they they grow okay so we here to now discuss this this issue because it's a big thing I don't know whether you you know what what it is or not but it's a big thing Anna and and recently you need to know this that a survey was done of the religious educational teachers in this country and do you know that 80 percent of the religious education teachers in this country teaching in the secondary schools and are not not only non-muslims there are actually atheists 80% of them are atheists if you have in a religious educational you know as a religious education teacher if you have a christian the christian will no doubt talk about his christian when it comes to Christianity he'll talk about it with passion yes or no guys yes or no you know he's gonna teach you a theme he'll teach you Islam he'll teach you Hinduism he'll teach you Sikhism he'll she teaches dudeism and when it comes to Christianity he'll talk about that with passion the Muslim teacher will be more passionate about Islam as a religious education teacher the Hindu teacher will be more passionate about Hinduism the atheist will be more passionate about no religion the Indians and you know qurbani this meal allahu akbar ya you take the go to kobani a lot but that's his job it's like all religion at the window their way their way of teaching is that give me the proof that God exists what's the proof that God exists and these are the questions that will go into their minds questions like you know I'm gonna come to these questions one by one and not all of them I can't cover all the questions but I want to I want to start start with you imagine there's a youngster and he's asking these questions these are his questions I'm gonna go through the question my question and I'm gonna try and give you the answers from the Quran because these answers are in the Quran but because people haven't read the Quran because people don't know where to look in the Quran they don't know in the answers and I'll tell you one thing you will never come with a question about Allah but Allah has already answered in the Quran there's not a single question you will ever come but I'll give you that the best one okay before I go to the best one I could give you I want to tell you my own story I you know I went to madrasah I studied a few mothers as I studied for about nine years I graduated you know with with the things that I that I know today okay in in boarding schools I went I became an imam niye imagine this okay I want you to understand this nine years nine years I was in a madrasah okay so I was in three different mattresses over nine years and I had I was I was learning literally six days a week six to eight hours of lessons a day and I was studying all the time but Islam and I imagine after nine years that come out okay nine years ago my I'm an imam of a mosque Eid in North London and after about about five or six years after I finished I graduated one day had an interview in central London in in ITV News the ITV studio okay there was a debate between a Christian and you'd a Jewish Jewish rabbi a Christian priest myself and Melvyn Bragg what was the I think is name is Melvin Bragg's after he was the the host of the of the show so anyway the thing was he wasn't about the show it was the journey that I had to to the tutor from the studio back to my house so they paid for a taxi journey from my house to the studio and they paid for a taxi journey from the studio back to my house so I went on my way from taxi on the way was fine on the way back imagine this on the way back it was a black cab black taxi you know I don't pay for this kind of stuff okay so I'm at the back and the driver I'm trying to give him dower whenever I get the opportunity to give Dawa I'll give some Dawa sometimes we call him to Islam by the time not this guy so baha'u'llah have to say here this guy knew how he knew the art of debate and he had gone through critical thinking and he had studied philosophy and he was really good at it and he was talking to me and I'm talking to him the journey is about one hour I have to tell you after one hour my Eman was shaking as any man okay as any man I want you to understand this and you might think stuck fiddle logic are you talking about yeah I'm telling you nine years of studying Islam so I'm gonna Quran sudden tuffsy studying hadith studying all of that and this person had my Eman shaken because I was thinking I didn't have the answers to give to him now what you got to understand why am I telling you this I'll tell you what I'm telling you this is because you know these these youngsters here who go to college and university one thing I have to say to him don't you ever let them go and take this the the the the subject of philosophy don't do that unless the teacher who's going to teach is a Muslim you guys I'm someone saying you guys have I think I've lost half of you do you guys understand what I'm saying I want to hear you because otherwise you're gonna go to sleep actually what happened I came back from the taxi and I was like whoa what was that because everything I asked him he gave me an answer I said something I was given allows you what I hadn't what I hadn't studied was philosophy I had studied some logic and some other thing but not philosophy so then I went to a Muslim philosophy teacher and I studied philosophy under him for two years and then I became a teacher of religious philosophy and I taught that for about five to six years and then I thought now come I'm ready for you I'm ready for you because the thing is you can study the religion but philosophy is a different subject and philosophy you know you know how you know if you know how philosophy works if you know how the these really complicated questions worth they can make you like fries you know they can make you believe that that door is a window and they can make you believe that the window is a door it depends how good you are in the art of debate if you know critical thinking if you know how to use the art of debate you can do whatever you want and I'll tell you you know some some of the best people you know of this of this Mahadevan Bangladesh Bangladesh fast fast fast fast enough as fast enough as fast the people who are like so conniving so cunning you say this they say that Oh would I said this he said that I mean this he made me think that and I'll get you like this like that I thought next minute you know what did this guy was who he's better than Tony Blair I'm saying and that's what he will do and in fact no Tony Blair he was actually he was one of the best in NLP if you know what NLP NLP is neuro linguistic programming now I don't want to I don't want to lose you guys here because you gotta yell attack is a poor guy could not even tune Amla either thing what kind of space that is we never NLP neuro-linguistic programming again he uses the same thing it's the art of how you speak and they teach you how to speak and convince another person just through your speech okay I first came across this about 20 years ago somebody from my crowd from my audience like you gave me a book he said you should read this I read it I was amazed by this and then later on a fire found out that Tony Blair was am one of the Masters of NLP that's why in 12 years when he was a prime minister in this country when he was in the Parliament people couldn't argue with him because he knew how to debate once you learn the art of debate you can take on a lot of people you can take on a lot of people and convince with them with whatever you want so now after two years of studying with this Muslim teacher I understood what it wasn't subhanAllah found an ayah of the quran which summarized all of philosophy in one ayah and it smashed all the arguments in one ayah one one a whole whole of philosophy now let me show you let me let me tell you about the diverse so this is in the 27th Jews of the Quran so sooner 53 surah Najam ayah number 28 Allah says Allah whom behave mean I'll they don't have true knowledge they don't have the real true knowledge in your own a loved one whatever they are pursuing whatever they're following they're following their own guesses they're guessing they're following conjecture they're following their following things that they have got thoughts in their minds one means thought in the minds and then Allah says were in Nirvana Nala you would even al-haq to Shia just because you thought of something just because you've got a concept in your mind just because you think you know something doesn't mean that that thing is actually as you think it would be you guys understand that or not if I sit down and I sit down here and I say what I am saying what color is your dough can I ask you what color is your front door what color is your front door go and work with your front door you don't know white if I say to your front door is not white and I say to you is black you're gonna believe me now let's say I'm convinced I don't believe you I think that your front door is is black it's not white now you're gonna say to me well prove it right have you seen my dog well not I haven't but I know it's gonna be black I know it I'm completely convinced it is black just because I thought of it doesn't mean that no your dough is is why just because I speak about it doesn't make your dope in your black it's white it's right it doesn't make it black now what they did is they made all these thoughts about God whether God exists whether he doesn't exist whether these whether that all this was Oh if God is there then then this is a question okay if God is there then he is if he's there okay now get a get a hold of these these are philosophical questions I don't want to lose your honor I'm gonna make you slowly understand this and move along with me they said is God merciful he's the most merciful is he the most immersive lesson I want yes is he the most powerful yes or no so then they put the two things together they said if he's the most merciful so he has mercy he has unlimited mercy and it is the most powerful so he has unlimited power then the problems that we see on the earth either it means that he is he hasn't got the mercy while he watches the people on the earth suffering he hasn't got no mercy for them oh he hasn't got the power to stop their suffering you guys understand so either he's not hasn't got the mercy so therefore he doesn't care about them or he doesn't have the power to stop them therefore his weak now to be like me darling say now the villa and the answer to that is so simple he taboos law or kita whole or party and his answer is very simple you know you know when you know when a son in in ER in a house okay there's a son in the house and he's messing around you guys know this about this in East London I'm talking about yeah you know son in the house he's messing about so he's not studying properly he's going out whenever he likes he comes back when he wants to come back he like him you know like he thinks he's he thinks he's like you know Godzilla in the house he thinks he runs the house okay but he dad pays for everything he dad his dad pays for the mortgage his dad pays for all the bills his dad pays for the hot shower that he has his dad bought the mattress that he's sleeping on at the night time all right he's that provides all the food in the house I wrote I hire he eats that mattress or abbu Miya he sleeps on the mattress and he has a hot shower he wears his designer clothes into whoa what's your lesion chief whoa whoa did you guys understand yeah so so what happens one day is that the data has enough the data is enough and the dust is okay I stood to wonder boozing I'm gonna I'm gonna teach you a lesson like Nana Nana Nana it is normal normal is it that's his nah that's it I'm gonna kick him out the house he's 24 years old he doesn't even know how to wear his trousers he doesn't know how to tie his shoelaces when he drives he drives as if he owns the road I'm gonna go and bail him out from the police station I'm gonna watch out from the from the others that looking for his drugs in my house yeah I've had enough I'm gonna kick him out so he said that's it so he kicks his son out he says go out there go and ruin your own money get your own place rent your own you know apartment go get your own food own mattress I'll pay your own bills and then we'll see you know where your attitude goes and then mum big insane and on I said no today's the day so he cooked kicks him out so he's his kid goes out there first day you know what the kids do they go - oh good god I've been in this friend's house one day that friends has another week his friends asked two weeks how long's your friends gonna keep you brother haha they're gonna say day first I go and I meet a buddy read I mean you haven't got a hope to go to a get out of yeah I can't keep you for more than two weeks man so eventually he has to go out and work now the guy's basically he can't eat three meals a day he has to only one meal a day he's dad watching him he's that knows he's eating one meal a day he's that knows that he's leaving he's living rough he does is that knows eventually his son gets an apartment and he has to pay a huge bill he's taking loan of his friends he's trying to make something happen he doesn't have a proper mattress he sleeps on the floor for so many days he's in freezing cold is suffering now you tell me I'm gonna ask you a question does his dad not have the power to bring his son back into the house yes or no he has the power does his dad love him yes or no come on let me ask you once more does his dad love him yes or no yes the kid some little kid that said no but low so you said yeah all you grown-up adults said yes okay his dad loves him loved him to bits but if his dad doesn't do this to him today tomorrow this kid is going to ruin everything he's gonna ruin his whole life the dad has full mercy and the dad has enough for his son I'm saying and the dad has full power to bring his son back but his dad wants to teach him a lesson okay he wants him to to now sometimes it's not because of teaching a lesson let me give you another serie something some of you might say well that's a horrible example to use because he's got horrible no no no let me give you another example when when someone is given to a boarding school like I went to a boarding school I went to boarding school for nine years okay my dad sent me there I didn't like it at first later on I like I liked it the food wasn't always nice okay the staying wasn't always nice I went through nine years of study in boarding schools I never saw my family except for every three months I came and saw them for one week then I was back in the boarding school again okay it wasn't easy it was tough did my dad love me yes or no yes did my dad have the power to take me back to the house yes or no yes but what did he do he did the best thing for me when I went through my training then it made me the person who I am people send their kids to the Army's foot for training to boot camps and other things he makes them better human beings okay now let's get back to the subject back to the subject he's Allah Azza WA Jalla has got the full mercy to do whatever he wants allah azza dell has got the full power to do whatever he wants but he has his hikmah his reasons system his reasoning of why he does it and all will be revealed on the day of judgment now let me go through some of the questions that these kids have got in their mind so imagine a young person is asking these questions okay okay a young person he asked the question he says well you know who's God who is God Allah Azza WA JAL says in the Holy Quran hey this is in the sixteenth juice of the Quran Allah says in any animal in an affair abuddin e Allah says I am Allah there is no other load besides me so worship me now imagine the person says well what you want me to worship me what what after watch me Allah says in a certain occur do fear the to jiz a cool hoon of cement as this is the surah surah taha through the 20 I number 49 number 15 Allah says that the hour the last hour I've kept it hidden you're going to come to the last hour you're going to come to the final end of this world and then you're going to be poor bored in front of me on the day of judgement so the person says you you speak is this Quran is this yours imagine this is the question because there's many question that these youth have in the minds is this Quran yours how do I know that this Quran is yours so Allah says in surah baqara surah number two okay right at the beginning this is an ayah number 23 Allah says were in kun to fear him man as an honourable dinner to miss autumn Italy Allah says that if you have any doubt about the thing that we've revealed then try and bring something which is the equal to this Quran that is really good as this Quran and Allah said a challenge is try and change this Quran if you can change this book this is my challenge to you then it's not from me I as a lab said as I've said to you that you can't change it now let me to understand this let me give you an example if a person finished a PhD thesis and it was 100 thousand words right PhD thesis one hundred thousand was he finished it imagine I finished the thesis and I came in front of the whole of the world on Facebook or on social media and I made an announcement and it was reported in all the new channels the whole world heard me say this I said ok this is my thesis 100 thousand words I challenge anyone to find one mistake in my 100 thousand words if you find one mistake then I will give away my PhD and I will rip this whole thing up if I say that to the whole of the world what will the whole of the world do tell me what do them do as an any type of mistake whether is grammatical mistake writing mistake whether it's a punctuation mistake whether it's a concept mistake whatever what would people do the fact they'll find will they find a mistake is alone will they find a mistaken own most definitely they'll find a mistake Allah Azza WA JAL has kept his challenge on the earth for fourteen hundred and something years and said find one mistake in the Quran find one or try and change you try and change this book or find one mistake in the front last hotel I said in the whole Quran this is surah number 4 I number 82 well okay now me nearing the Hawaii didn't you know I do fear still ever kathira if this poor on was from other than Allah then you would have found many differences within the Quran many many discrepancies within within the Quran so the person says what about if I don't believe in this Quran what about I say look I don't want to believe in this crime so what allows result says in the Quran filum terminale and the Pharaoh fat moon wrong Nettie fat 19 what will do hand someone hey Jer or I definitely can feed in surah number 2 I number 24 Allah says well if you don't know if you're not gonna do that if you're not gonna take up my challenge and you can't you're gonna say ok I don't care about the challenge of your Quran I don't care even if I can't change new Quran I don't want to believe in the Quran Allah says ok then you better get prepared for the for the afterlife and the fire that I've created because the fire is going to be your destination what about if I believed in your Quran Allah Azza WA JAL says rubbish it in novena a menorah me no Saleh hearty and illuminating the dreaming - TL and how Allah says that I'll give you good news if you're from those believers who believe in this and does good actions then you will have the gardens that have kept in the next world the person says well who are you to me like as in why on earth do I have to believe in all the salmon what's the relationship that you have with me an allowance audiences in the whole Quran in surah Maryam he says Walker the challah - Camilo LM Turkish a Allah says that I created you when you were nothing at all I created you when you were nothing at all this is surah maryam surah number 99 number 9 so the person says well how do I know that you created me this is another philosophy question son is like okay you're saying that you're the you're the Creator that you created me and allah azza wajal says in surah in in the 21st 21st juice of the holy quran this is in surah Luqman suit number 31a number 11 allah says if a moonie may fall upon Idina me Dooney believe on a moon Aviv Allah in movie Allah says that this is the creation of Allah show me who has created anything of this kind you guys understand this you know if you look at the creation of Allah so Allah there is nothing that will come anywhere near this creation and then what Allah did is he put a DNA in the creation so what this means is if you look at the human the human its eyes the way its function there is the way its function the let's say the veins and the vessels and the blood if you look at the animals of the world I've got the same kind of system within them but the way I last created them and the other thing of Allah has done subhanAllah and this one of his science on the on the earth is and he has mentioned this in two place of the Quran when we create something we created exactly the same if we don't create it exactly the same there's no beauty and let me give you an example look at that fiber that Fido and look at that Fido are they identical are they are they not identical you know this this door that you can push and that door you can see there and they're identical yes or no yes if you look at one light and if you can look at another light are they identical yes or no the gap between them are they are they is it the same gap between them you know the gap in your masala das das there is it the same same length of gap yes or no only then we have Beauty if you created that door and that door different if you created this shelf and that shelf different and the different would design different these different color different size you don't like it we don't want one big shelf you want smooch every one other set wonder it doesn't make it doesn't make any beauty for us we want the same size windows you have the the same aesthetic surround and that's what we find something beautiful you know what a large L does he creates one big nother one small another one fat that one thing I don't see another one you know crooked another one straight another one looking like you know it's very different than this one he creates all of that in one place and we love it let me give an example you go to the forest tell me is one tree same from another tree yes or no is there any single tree saying from another three years or no no you will not find two trees true branches two things exactly the same never but yet when you look at the different trees small big large different sizes different shapes different types of trees you look at it all together savanna does it look beautiful or not beautiful beautiful not beautiful you look at the beach you look at the sand you look at the texture you look at the you look at the the earth you look at the colors of the earth everything will be different from one another but yet it's beautiful for us and that's allah azzawajal the clouds in the sky none of the clouds are the same but yet it all looks beautiful to us why because this is a las creation and Allah said you want to look at my creation this is how I create and if you want to find anything different and proved to me that anyone else can do the same as this so the person says ok what have you done for me Allah says Allah manager in Arvada did not create you in earth that is that is flat while chabela out Radha and I created for you certain mountains that will pin the earth to the ground mahalik nakooma as Raja did I not did this is in surah surah naba surah number 78 I number 6 onwards Mahalakshmi as Raja and I created you in different pairs well John I know Malcolm subrata didn't I give you sleep that cuts you off from the world and gives you rest well general a Talib as I did not did not make for you the night that is like a covering for you what your Hanlon Haram a Harshad not did not make you the day that is as a means for you to earn your livelihood or Bernina focus upon see Dada and did not did I not make you seven different layers from above you well Joanna Nasir Ottumwa Hodja and I put a son there that gives you the strength that you need on the earth and all the source of life comes from that and one's an amine and Maserati Mantha jaga and the second source of life is the water that I give you from the skies that comes above you in abundance the new creature be hawa Nevada and from there I take out from you the seed and the vegetation that you need what you're not in alpha and I give you the gardens that are thick gardens I'll give you all of this and you're saying that you don't know who I am you don't know what I gave you so then the person says well ok God ok ok I've got a question for you why is it that we can't see you yes or no guys I think some of you are you losing your Eman some of you were you guys seemed to be quite dull today are you guys following me yes or no the question is ok God why can I see you I see you I believe you I don't see you I don't believe you so the answer to that allows result says in surah and I'm certain the six surah number six I'm sorry yes yes surah 6 which is surah al-anam and this is iron number 1 0 3 Allah says lad to the deku who ever saw well who are you did he cool a basalt wahoo a lottery he flew hobby Allah says that no eyes can capture God eyes can't capture God his - magnificent yet he captures all sites and then Allah Jalla has given us an example in the Quran he says ok if you think he will see me I'll tell you about someone who said to me that he wanted to see me this is surah 7 surah Araf ayah number 1 for 3 Allah says well I'm moon selling me a part in a when Moses came musa alehsalaam came to meet me McCallum who Abu and I was speaking to him directly all our beardini and awake musa alehsalaam said lord hello please show me I want to see you all and their army Allah said o moses or musa you will never be able to see me never not in this world in a kadai yes but not in this world why lacking in Allah in Japan but look at the mountain look at this mount in this particular mountain because if you look at the tool food is a set of many many mountains together and one of those mountains Allah says look at this particular mountain so any stock or Veronica and Rufus Offutt irani if if this mountain is able to resist what I show it then you're going to be able to see me fala Galera bible when allah azza wajal showed whatever he showed to the mountain the whole mountain crumbled to pieces and musa alehsalaam fell down horrible sorry pabu's Allison Feldman fell upon a super Hanukkah to go to a lake where a novel meaning musa alehsalaam after he gained his consciousness he got home he got up and he said super Hanukkah he said you Allah you are super super Hanukkah actually means super like you are glorified to be you are way beyond anyone that can ever try and describe you explain you to be like I ask for your forgiveness I'm the first to believe in you I'll never ask to see you again because if allah jalla had revealed that to musa alehsalaam Musa Reza would have burnt the shreddies he would have burnt to shreds so Allah showed whatever he showed to the mountain and the mountain couldn't resist it and that's the answer for anyone who says that they can see because the thing is it's too powerful you're gonna say to me well no no no I want to see God I wanna see God where is he where's you on a secret you can't even look at the Sun midday when there's no clouds in the sky with your naked eye you can't look into the Sun you can't look at the Sun yes or no if you look at the Sun and you can't looking at the Sun and you look at the Sun midday broad daylight no clouds in the sky you know scorching heat you look at the Sun you know that Sun you're gonna go blind that's the Sun for God's sake that's the Sun in the in the you know in around our our earth imagine what allah azzawajal you know it is this beyond our own recognition of what might actually happen so the person says do we have to believe in this do I really have to believe in all of this Allah says in Holy Quran well I mean OB he I will let me know you toy it's your choice you want to believe in this or you don't want to believe in this it's your choice for now for now it's your choice then Allah Azza WA JAL says in the Holy Quran because you know people say do we have freedom freedom of thought freedom of belief freedom of this freedom freedom freedom most of the trouble that we got into okay in this earth is because of there's too much freedom it's too much freedom good for you're bad for you it's free too much freedom good for you bad for you you leave a whole bunch of chocolates and and snacks and you know sugary stuff in a cupboard in your house and you tell your kids kids that cupboard is yours you go D as much as you want pop I'm not gonna say anything you go and eat as much as you want and the kids are going to be really happy they're gonna eat and eat and eat and eat after a while I got stomach ache after a while they got toothache after a while the God you know this ache and bag after a while the teeth are black after a while the teeth have to be taken out and you say to them don't worry just just carry on just take the sugar daddy loves you now that's not love my friend that's not love we know that's not love you're killing your children to give them that kind of freedom it's not good for children the same thing is Allah so Allah has said yes you want freedom on this earth you wanna do whatever you want you can have it what's gonna happen to you next is something you better think about just like the kid takes all those sweets inside and so on and then there's upset stomach and the absurd teeth al ahzab allah says in the holy quran surah kahf surah number 89 number 29 he says well cool it how come you're up you come say that this truth is from your Lord family FL you mean whoever wants to believe let him believe woman share every act for whoever wants to deny let him deny in our general ivali mean an hour but for those people who deny and they become oppressors because they've denied esperado are prepared for them a fire in the next life that that is the ultimate thing of the next life that you're gonna have to face the thing that allows which Allah has kept the next life and the person says okay so why do I have to believe that there's only one God work under me multiple gods this is another philosophical question of the heart why can't there be multiple gods so Allah Azza WA JAL has answered a holocron and he has said no can Fe him we had tuned in allah who left has said that allah says in surah ambassador number 21 iron number 22 if there was in their whole heavens and the earth Allah is created if he create if there were like you know the heavens and the earth okay if in that there was more than one God imagine there were many gods Allah says both the heavens and the earth would have been completely destroyed you're gonna say why you tell me why not okay you put two women in a kitchen you know I'm saying like if you put the mother-in-law in the kitchen door turn on the kitchen you tell both of her both of you both of you run this kitchen equally you have equal power in this kitchen yeah you know echo pound the kitchen means equal handi equal bhishan handy washroom it's gonna be a proper bus stop either you say that the mother-in-law's in charge and she she says what happens or the daughter-in-law is in charge and she said this is my cooking time I don't want my mother-in-law here in the kitchen you guys understand Ahmad I'm not gonna eat am I the rod name oh no baby you understand what I'm trying to say here you go to a parliament the same thing you kind of have two people running the pilot you can't have two two people equally running one country it doesn't happen imagine now what would happen if there's because what does God mean you know what God means the definition of God is that there is unlimited everything that's what the definition of God is there's no limits to anything so if you say I just wanna hope I'm not losing guys are you guys following me yes or no yes okay hope I'm not losing you yeah if you say a Normie ax and gulab Mia if you say a Nova Mia is the strongest he's the best he's the number one he said gulab Mia is the best is the strong I'm sorry if anyone's name is unreal right sorry I'm not lost he's the chairman of stuff in LA I'm sorry just came out I don't know who okay so I imagine he said he's the best he's the toughest and you said this one the toughest he's also toughest one day both of them I'm gonna come head-to-head okay one day they're gonna come head to head they both can't be the strongest one if you say he's the strongest I say he's the strongest well no that doesn't make sense strongest and strongest they can't be equal one of them will try and see if he's stronger than the other one okay if you say God God means he's all everything meaning that there's no limits to anything that he has so if one god you said he has no limits to anything and the other God you said there's no limits to anything well one of them's got to be right and here the ones going to say well I'm stronger than you and if the other one says well no you're not stronger than me and you're not that powerful than me I'm more powerful uske like okay prove it prove it you guys understand I don't know if you're gonna say okay let's step outside the mosque Ethan I'm saying like here but I needed the item you man come on let's show it the same one was gonna happen is that one God's gonna say well I'm calling you a loser I'm calling you as well and this is gonna be destructive okay you know if one got created imagine this a one God created the mountains and the other one created the the trees that God's gonna say okay you know your trees I'm gonna start plucking them one by one I'm going to destroy your trees this rock I'll destroy your mountains I'll do this and Lila imagine there's gonna be chaos oh Allah as result says there's gonna be chaos if there was more than one god no God will ever allow and someone to call himself God to exist because what you're saying is you are as powerful as as what God should be anyway let's move on imagine a person says well okay so give me some proof that you you Allah or God or whatever you are you actually exist give me some proof other than the Quran other than the Quran give me some proof Allah Himself has taught I'm not gonna give you the evidence of the Quran I'm gonna give you evidence from people's lives but I'm gonna quote the Quran ok I'm gonna quote the Quran Allah Azza WA JAL says you know when the moment comes that everything every hope that you got has died you've got no hope left no hope left Allah so that says at that moment I want to ask you who do you call Allah did not say this to the believers Allah said this is the whole of mankind ok so I'll give you an example the example is in the 11th Jews and this is in surah younus ok surah younis suit number 10 and number 22 Allah says who already you say hero whom feel very well back it is he who takes you through the lands and the Seas had either come to feeling full until you are in the ship which are in a B Humira hang by Heba and then I give them really nice wind that sails there's you know ship across the sea well fattier will be high and they're really happy with the wind that blows ja at hurry who knows if suddenly there's a storm that comes was a human mode you mean Colima can and now the sea is surging and waves are coming from all different directions and they're going up and down was on oh and he puppy him and now they think that they're completely lost in the sea the ship is going to turn over and they're going to die these are who these are the mushriks the one that the ones that believed in many different gods in the prophet sallallaahu this time and they are the ones whenever they went out to sea ok this is what happened and you know what they did you know what they did subhanAllah a Kurama who was the son of abu jahil you guys know abu jahal abu jahl was the worst enemy of the ferguson latinum he crema was his son rasulullah sallallahu took over Makkah and then Russell Lassa Lassa made an announcement I want a chroma to be brought in front of me because he trauma was a big enemy of his land just like his father so a crime I'll run away he said I'm gonna run away he ran ran ran ran went to the port he found some sailors he said you know what I'm gonna leave the whole of Hejaz the whole of whatever Saudis right now I'm going to leave the whole of Hejaz so he got onto the ship he went with the sailors they went out to sea and suddenly there was a storm and in this storm what happened is that the ship was gonna was about to overturn all the sailors were worried and Ekrem I said Yahoo Boone yeah a lot yahooza he said Oh Hoople oh god of who-ville oh god of lat Oh God and the other sailors took him down they put their hands in but another said just I'm calling our God this it listen we say this you're not a sailor you don't understand you can call whoever you want when you go back to the land okay but out here on the sea there's only one God that comes to your rescue that is only Allah you can disguise that if you call Allah you get help you call you'll act or Isaiah who pull you boo-boo nothing gonna happen you're gonna go down my I'm gonna get down so II chronicles oh whoa whoa I never knew this I'm going a minute hang on a minute I fought all my life here and I fought him because he was saying there's only one goddess Allah and we were saying this lad this was a pious man at least as whoville as this God a god and he was saying none of these God's existence of Allah he straight away made a draw to Allah he said o Allah if you save me from this storm I will go straight back and I will take Eman at the hands of Muhammad SAW Allah Allah and Allah rescued them from sea he turned back he went all the way back to the land he went straight to our prophet mom Salah Salam hand to hand he embraced his lap now this is not the stake Rama I am Telling You today all right I'm dead today ah you can ask non-muslims this forget Muslims forget Christians forget Jewish people forget any faith okay non-muslims who don't believe in God when they're in a crisis okay when a crisis that they know nothing can help them that's when the only thing that comes out from their mouth is God God God so many things I've come across I'll give you an example Columbine High School there was a shooting 1999 in America right some of the students in the dome tree they had to hide in cupboards because there was this maniac two maniacs that came around and the shootings you know high school students and I read an entire article about this they interviewed the students later on and some of these students said we don't know what happened to us we went in those closets we hid in the closet and we stat we stood still because these guys came with machine guns they came with grenades they came with everything to kill as many students and teachers as they could and as they walked along the corridor and they came towards our room the students said right in the closets under the table in other places they said I don't know what went in my mind but at that time I started to call God never believed in God never believed in God but at that time only God came from from inside and later on they say well I don't know what happened but that that's the moment that you know I just turned to God you know what allows vigil I said that when that moment comes then you know what you know you'll only know who I am I'm gonna ask you a question all of you who are here today have you ever been in a situation where you called allah azzawajal you desperately needed him and you had no other way to turn to X no one to turn to except for allah azza wajal and that Allah Azza WA JAL helped you have you ever been in that situation put your hand up now I want you to look around put your hand up your hands up keep your hands up keep your hands up please please hands up this is Eman this is Eman I've been in the situation put your hands up now I can see so many hands say I hope you're getting this in the camera right there are so many hands here ok now these are not people who are like I've been in situations in my life what I've seen that there's nothing that can save me acts of Allah Azza WA JAL and I've made dua to Allah and at that time I found wow this this is happened this is the this is the thing about believers when you have faith and you turn to Allah so gel then you will find you know a rescue now imagine the person says that ok God okay so what's my problem what's my problem if I don't want to believe in you Allah Azza WA JAL says in holocron yeah a UN in San Maharaja the optical Karim Allah says all human being what has deceived you from your most noble and most generous Lord Allah Azza WA JAL says this is in surah surah 82 surah infidel invitar and number 6 Allah Azza WA JAL says you know you know subhanAllah mas admin of Avraham said a wonderful thing he said he said that Allah has gifted the human so much so much so much so much that the human in the gifts has forgotten Allah because in the Sun one can say you know that example I gave you of the kid in the house that's exactly what happens nobody knows even these youngsters I'm telling you about these youngsters these youngsters when they grow up the first half of their life is like no that don't know anything mum don't know anything what do they know what did they do for us what's just it they don't know the sacrifices the parents made for the children yes no do they know the sacrifice or they don't know the sacrifice they don't know until those kids grow up they go beyond 30 they get into real life and they have their own children and then they realize what their parents did for them yes or no yes or no all the person gets to you know person gets to a certain age he sees wow you know what what I've done in myself oh my god that's when they say may Allah give my dad this may Allah give my mummys even though the Dalai Lama has passed away the same thing happened to the human being the human being does not know God until the human being loses the gifts that God gave the human being either they you know one of the reasons I'm gonna answer question for you you know you know every mustard you have you see a few old people in the mustard yes or no regular old people yes or no yes or no guys yes and those these men who are old may Allah bless them say I mean right there in the mosque and you know you know one of the reasons why they in the Masjid I'm not saying that's the only reason why they're in the Masjid but one of the reasons why people get old and then they want to make sure that there is no mass it is because they've lost many of the gifts that mean you have the bodies are giving in their health is dropped down they lost a lot of the things that Allah gave them abused the eyes are not working properly the hearing is not working properly they're thinking that you know what a gift after gift after gift is gone here was lost long time back you know trying to say like the gift of hair was lost long time back the gift of you know being able to be agile and run around be lost lost they can just about walk now and you know when you lose your gift you understand what gift was you only appreciate your gift before you have you know after you lose it and that's what happens with these people that they've done lost it they know what the gift is okay most of us that are young we don't have the same same you know lucky we don't have the same photos it's all men and the next time that everybody knows who Allah is is when you've gone to the acid and we have normal yeah that's been a lot that's when everybody would know what last version is so the next question that this person has is okay okay okay okay I understand what you're trying to say God because this is one of the things that a lot of our Asian and Arab upbringing has done there's been a massive damage in the Asian and Arab upbringing in the Asian and Arab upbringing you know we said most of you have heard this egg so these are numbers got photos for nomads for Concord you pinna pray nomads not for led to the hosel day yes or no guys guys I'm gonna ask you again have you heard this phrase yes or no some of you most of you have you heard the phrase yes or no if you don't pray you go to Hellfire howl our laughs whatever it's true it's true if you don't pray you will go to hell far but Allah Azza WA JAL didn't introduce prayer in the Koran like that Allah didn't say that okay fine if you don't listen to me that I want to punish you how old are you you think you know what happens to kids when they grow up and they head is again and again it means that I've got to pray just to get away from Hellfire why didn't you say to your children if you pray Allah will love you if you pray Allah give you joy now why not say no mas filet best idea why say Mama's not only do the HOS idea if you don't pray then you're gonna go to hell far that's negative you've made God look negative now Sibylla it's true that if you don't pray you'll go to hell fire but why use it like that why not say if you pray you'll get that you'll get paradise if you pray you'll get a lot help if you pray because of macedon how the Quran he says yeah you're latina Messiah will be something salah or you believe if you want help from me can pray i'll give you help allah said in hologram and we are saying if you don't pray a deserves Olbermann we're having a bad one a little more haha yeah oh yeah saliva you're gonna be burnt black that that you know the snakes are gonna be all over you they're gonna swallow you they're gonna bite you they're gonna the scorpions are gonna pinch you why why go down and hold on Savannah most people don't talk about this this is in surah nisa surah number 4 iron number 147 Allah says my father becoming shaker to who I am and to Allah says these are laws words Allah says what will allow one to do by punishing you what will why would Allah want to punish you in shocker to momentum if you show gratitude if you are thankful and if you believe then why I as Allah what I want to punish you what kind of love shack in an edema i as a lot I'm very appreciative of what you a very appreciative what you do Alima I know well know what you would know everything about you I don't want to punish you this is no plan ok so the next question is so so that means you're a good god right you're a good god ok allows original says in the whole of Quran and this is this is a beautiful I in the Holy Quran this is the 21st so the 23rd years of the Quran I'm just gonna bring the eye out for you is it 23rd - surah zumar surah number 39 ayah number 7 Allah says in tech farofa inna llaha in yunnan come if you are ungrateful than ayahs a lot i don't need you well you're very bad the hillock of but I don't want I'm not pleased if you are ungrateful and if you deny this we're in - guru your allahu allah come but if you should are thankful and if you should thanks to me because our salah our numbers our prayer is actually thanks to Allah that's what it is when you give zakah is Thank You Allah for giving me all this money I'm gonna give some of it back to the poor people when you when you do anything that is to do with the Islam what you're trying to show a light I'm thanking you Thank You Allah for giving me this opportunity I'm gonna do something back to show how much I appreciate whatever you've done for me Allah says we're in - guru yarrow bahá'u'lláh come if you are thankful I'm gonna be pleased with you if the person says okay what about it why do you need me why do you need me to worship you when you've got so many that were worshiping you that's another question that they have why is it that you need me Allah so that says coulomb teehee Illuminati MIT father on the day of judgement everyone's gonna come on his own you're not going to take the burden of anybody else Allah says well 0y0 - Weiser aha nobody's gonna take the sin of anyone else on them and nobody's on the day of judgement is going to bail anyone else out you got your own life and your own duties to do if the person says okay when I'm dead you're gonna bring me back to life again what's the proof of that what's the proof because one of the philosophical questions this is there is a big question I remember one atheist I went to a secondary school one stood and as as a panel to give it to give a talk and the atheist that was a representative there you know what he said he said to all the students there was about there were about 200 students here he said have you seen anyone come back to life again after death Wow imagine this question he said - yeah have you ever seen anyone die and then come back alive again yes or no no you haven't so he said well if you haven't seen him come back alive and they're not gonna come back alive he said if you cannot fly do you see the fly Shh come back alive again now you don't so no fly come back alive no human comes back alive but his dead is dead he's gone he's finished I thought super hon Allahabad or Mandy a girl on a rainy he basically dropped an atom and he just went so then I had to come back and had to answer the same question and I said okay I said every year Allah shows us life after death and this is not brand every year Allah says the whole life and death right in front of us and we just think nothing of it and the answer is right in front of us Allah says in the whole of Quran this is in the 17th juice surah Hajj surah Hajj surah number 22 iron number 5 Allah says what are behind me the Allah says you see a dead piece of land they either and then a hell does that water but when I put water back again you see life again now we all know about the Sahara Desert that is dead and then Allah brings it back life again but I'm gonna give you one around here every tree around us dies in winter and it come to come back to life again in spring and it's fully flourishing in summer and it then dies again slowly goes old again in autumn and dies again in winter and Allah says ok if you don't want if you don't want to take that as an example there is another example that Allah Allah Allah has given to us in the whole of Quran and this is a stronger one Allah says you die every day and you wake up again every day this is no Quran surah surah zumar surah 39 ayah number 42 Allah says Allah who a tower fell and for Sahin mot her allah gives the reward to the souls when they're dead well let elem Tumulty minami huh and the ones one fully died they haven't fully died but they're like dead when they're sleeping you know when we go to sleep we say Allah Bisping Camuto our yes or no you know what that means it means o Allah I am about to die in your name and then I'm going to come back alive in your name when we wake up in the morning we say alhamdulillah janna by the my method away ladies you know what that means I all praises to Allah who bought me boo-boo be back to life again after I died while a hidden issue and one day I'm gonna make my final return to to Allah do you understand you don't want to personally sleep in that gone they don't know what's around them they're at the complete mercy of those people who are under and Allah Azza WA JAL he looks after them while they're sleeping and they don't they don't you know understand so the person says this is okay okay god I've got another question for you and this is a big question of today's time a lot of atheists ask this question they say why do you why do you have to have something like Hellfire which is a maximum maximum maximum punishment why why not have something like a small punishment do you guys understand or you don't understand it's like you know in this cut in this earth you're gonna have like you know maximum punishment is gonna be some kind of torture but if you listen to the description of a Hellfire it's like whoa it's beyond our reasoning and you know why I'll tell you one reason why a large L made hellfire what Hellfire is is because some people this kind of torture on the earth is nothing if you said to P if Allah sit on the in the Koran if he said you know what if you don't listen to me I'm gonna hit you with a rod I'm going to like I'm going to just maybe maybe maybe hit you free time to get my angels to hit you a few times I'm gonna beat you give you waterboarding and I'm gonna you know you know some people on the earth will say that's nothing man there's a lot of people on the earth will say that's nothing man I can take that that's what but I'm not going to give you the answer the answer is when you disobey an authority depending on what your disobedience is and depending on what kind of authority you've disobeyed you different type of punishment so let me do not give you an example when you disobey the school rules it's going to be the school punishment yes or no yes when you disobey something higher than that let's say University you did something in the university you shouldn't do it's going to be higher when you disobey the rules of a workplace you're going to be fired and probably find when you disobey the rules of the government and the law you're going to be fined accordingly so your disobedience was because you smoked at a place you shouldn't smoke it'll be a small fine but if your disobedience was that you actually killed someone is going to be a full sentence and if you did something of treason of you did something which was which is really really really it's going against the the very essence of why you're there then there's going to be high punishment when you imagine this and I want you to understand is when you have denied or done something against the one who has given you everything you have then it's on a total different level and lhasa has said in the holy quran Jazza and with akka is going to be according to whatever Allah Azza WA Jalla has has placed now it's not just punishment because there's a lot of delights and gifts that Allah has kept in then in the next slide now imagine a person says okay what about okay what about it's not my fault okay it's my parents fault if I end up with if I go back to you and I say that it wasn't me it was my parents and they messed up on because they messed up I messed up okay and that's my excuse on the day of judgment Allah so it all says no you can't bring that excuse to me on the day of judgment because you have your own abilities to think so he says in surah Araf surah number 7 and number 173 Allah says 'if you see if you come to me and say your parents are the ones who committed before and therefore you committed the can assign it partners with allah then you are the ones who are guilty on your own account not because of any other account then the people say ok ok ok so I have to become after completed religious people what about these religious people who are corrupt and who don't you know some religious people they don't even practice what they preach that's another big argument against religion because the certain religion P religious people who don't practice what they preach and a large region has said Cabramatta in the lion taboo lumen and Harun this is in surah surah number so this is in the twenty twenty eighth juice of the Holy Quran okay surah number 61 and number three Allah says it's it's very it's a man it's a big thing and it makes a lot very angry that a person says something that they preach and they don't practice it so Allah says their account is with me okay the person says okay what about the fact that these people become extremists Allah switch on says now allah quran la tavola fede macomb he said don't don't bring any don't make a religion extreme you know don't don't bring extremism to a religion okay you're gonna see this surah number five iron number 77 the person says okay what about the fact that you Allah you're a good god okay you're a good God then why did you create problems on the earth this is another big question why is it that you as Allah have given us and many problems on the earth and Allah switch that says Leah blue akuma a you kumis and ramana allah says the whole of your life in the whole of your death is so that I can test and I can I can show you which I want to see which one of you comes with the best of action this is in surah number 67 through the moon at the beginning you will find this and Allah said many verses like this he's going to test us with with with with fear he's gonna test us with hunger he's going to test us with things that he will make deficient in our lives this is in surah baqara surah number 2 and but one five four one five five if you look at it there subhan also so you say okay so you created these problems why God if you want why couldn't you Oh God stop the fighting and the killing on the earth why can't you just stop that why is there so much fighting and so much killing on the earth why have you allowed that allah says in the holy quran surah number two and number two five three he says well sha allah whom appetit aloo well a kidding allah if i don't my you read allah says if i if i want you to stop them fighting i would have done it i can do it but i do what i want and then allah has said in the holy quran so the two surah number surah number 2 i number 251 he says a certain people he makes them take out other people on the earth through walls because if certain people are not taken out on the earth then there will be more corruption on the earth and yes if Allah wanted to just take them out you can take them out but alas the result says in the Holy Quran you know one of the one of the questions to allies well if you wanted to guide them you could have just guided them Allah says well oh sure Allah who died had that matt9 if I as a lot want to do guide all of you I could have guided you but the point of you coming on this earth is I have created you so that you can be tested and you can be given a body that is attached to this dunya a rule and a soul that is attached to the Asura like their Malaika and the angels and I want to see which one of those that you give preference to the person says okay so what are you just just do you what I just protect Allah says I protect you most of the time it's only a few times that I decide for some reason that I don't want to protect you in surah number surah thought it in the Quran Allah still has said even good enough seal em mohali her Havel every human being has got an angel that protects it a lot of harm that was supposed to come to us Allah Azza WA JAL does not allow that harm to come to a surah number surah number 86 you reported you'll find that ayah now the person says okay so why don't you when I make dua to you okay because you know do I would make to Allah not every dries answered yes or no is every time I answered no and that's another argument against us why is it that you can't pray for anything from God and just get it Allah as vision says in the Holy Quran while aiming shy in Allah in Danna huzzah mo Allah says Allah Quran in surah al-hajj Oh surah number 15 ayah number 21 he says there is nothing but I have plenty plenty of that thing abundance of it woman Mozilla who in Qatar in modern but I will not give it except in due proportion in a portions do portions I will give it why don't you just make everyone have all the blessings they want and therefore everyone could be happy Frank wouldn't that be wonderful thing he was God you could just make everyone's do I come true everyone becomes happy everyone has what they want and live happily ever after we could just worship you Allah Allah says in the whole Quran voila oh bus of Allah who disbeliever the level whole field of Allah says if I was to open up my treasures and my gifts to everyone and I gave everyone my gifts to them everyone now you want this or cabin you want this habit you under have it Allah says if I did that this is this is pseudonym 42 and number 27 Allah says if I did that there will be a lot of corruption on the earth because people when they get a lot you know the people that are the note east on the earth are the ones that have a lot of the earth do you don't want trying to say like the most people the people who are corrupting the earth the most are the people who have got a lot of the gifts of Allah Allah's given them so the person says okay why have you okay this is another question okay that people have super hard Allah this is a this one those questions you might be thinking of why is it that we see most of the people who don't believe in you they're wealthy they're healthy they're fine they're having good lives they don't believe in you is that true or not guys come on is that true or not we see some of the believers some of the believers their suffering yes some of the non-believers also suffering but we see a large number of the non-believers who don't believe in Allah who are against the religion who are doing things that they're not supposed to do and yet Allah says okay you want this I'll give you this I'll give you that I'll give you a gift I'll give you I'll give you that why so Allah says in Allah says fellow jeevika am well who whom were Allah to whom Allah says let not their wealth and let not their children amaze you and let them not think that that they've got it all okay this is no Quran surah tauba surah number nine and number 55 Allah says in you do who do you add vibha whom Allah says through this I'm going to punish them because they will get what they want and in the end they will not have what they want an Allah says why little are at about the world you should not look at what people have now you should look at what people will have in the end for then the end is not very good for you as believers your end is going to be very good the person says okay so now you as God what do you want me to do Allah says yeah you had an ass or Buddha or welcome all people you should worship your lord this is surah number 2 I number 21 worship the Lord the person says well why worship Allah says well Mahalo to general insularly our boon i never created you in the first place except that you will bow down to me and you will recognize that i am your lord that's the only reason i created you in the first place i never asked you for anything I never asked you for you to feed me I feed you I give you and all I want you to do is to appreciate and to acknowledge that I am your master and you my servant oh you must slave and that's it okay this is surah number 27 sorry so juice number 27 surah 51 should a very odd and ayah number 56 another 56 Allah 57 Allah says who me released I never asked any of the creation to provide me anything or man redo a nutri moon I don't want them to feed me in Allah who orizaba will prove what in a team I as a live feed everyone but I want just some appreciation and some of that from you now I do understand that many of you will have more questions ok so I'm going to open the floor right now I'm gonna open the floor right now and I really want you to ask your questions even if you start questions from you you can say when I heard this question I heard this question and I want to ask you this question right it could be from a friend you've heard it could be from school that you've heard so that we can have these questions being asked and then we can have a reply for it let me just tell you another question that comes up it's like can God create this is a question that they say it's a very silly question conga date something that is bigger than him and heavy so heavy that he can't lift it up this is another question that they asked have you ever had a question can he create something much bigger than him and have more heavy than what he could that he could live is a very silly question why because God is unlimited if God created something that he is bigger than him and heavier than what he can lift then is he unlimited or is he limited limited would he be God anymore no he wouldn't be anymore God anymore right it's like saying can you it's not a question can a triangle be made into a square what a triangle can't be made into a square dude because a triangle means it has three sides and it has three corners a square means it has four sides and four corners if you make a triangle into a square then what you've done is you've either it's not a triangle anymore Oh like you can't call this a triangle it's a square all right it was a triangle but now it's a square because now you give any four corners and you're going to four sides no no no we want it to be triangle but we want to also to be a square it's like what are we talking about you can't have God which means he is unlimited in everything and then you say he's limited that does the work it just doesn't make sense you it's a good question the thing is that we don't have one answer for this we don't have one thing that can tell us that Islam is a true religion we have many so we have a combination of different things I've said to you in this whole whole session a few things but on top of that what I would say to you is that the prophet sallallaahu is life if anyone studies it if anyone sees that life if anyone knows who the Prophet Alhassan is if anyone studies what his enemies said about him what he said what his words were and you look at the impeccable life that he had you will understand that that is also another thing that gives us a kind of strength to our belief that Islam is true we believe in the prophet sallallaahu salam we believe in his in when we look at his life it's a miracle his life is actually a miracle there are many miracles that Allah has given to us one of the miracles is that this book is still surviving to today unchanged okay that's one of the biggest miracles that we have the Bible the injeel the Torah all the other revelations have been changed in fact there's no book that can ever live time and not be changed in some way or another this is the only book on the earth for over 1400 years cannot ever is impossible to change this book impossible I mean when I say impossible it's like it can never happen and the challenge to Allah to the whole of the world is to try and changes and it's never happened that's another one there are things I said is one thing the fact that Islam and is one thing I don't know if the child will understand this but if they're in secondary school they'll understand this is Lomb is the only religion that has got from the Quran and from the teaching of the Prophet Allah which is a Sunnah the only religion that has got all of other things we need all of the laws and everything we need directly from Allah's words and the messengers words not from any human beings words and all aspects of life so our social lives individual lives domestic lives spiritual lives financial lives our political life our global life all of these things have got direct quotations from the books no other religion has this thing is allah azzawajal has created jannah he has created enemies created paradise in hell Shaitan according to us is Shaitan is of two kinds you've got the devil which is in the devil as a jinn devil and where the devil as a human devil devil literally is anyone who disobeys God and who doesn't want to who doesn't want to listen to God so you've got many human beings that are devils as well as well as jinns you know when we say Shaitaan we always think of the invisible one yes in fact but why do you do that because the Quran says men and jinn not even us if you look at the last suit of the whole Quran Allah says okay the Shaitaan and he says mean and Giannetti oneness that exists from the invisible ones from the jinns and that exists from the human beings as well so Shaitaan is one who disobeys God who is hopeless of the mercy of God who disobeys God and they know that they have been deluded they've been they've been now they've taken themselves off the path and they just you know one of the big reasons why they don't want to believe is because they're gonna have to make they're gonna have to give up something a lot of people who don't want to accept Islam is because they're gonna have to give up something either they have to give it the status they have to give up their some of the monies they have to give up some of the lifestyle they have to give up some of the ways they want have full freedom and that hurts them many of the prophet sallallaahu enemies that's the reason why they never believed because they would lose the status that would lose their authority okay and that's why they didn't want to want to believe and they would have to then treat the poor with dignity a lot of people who are rich don't want to do that they will have to get rid of racism the Africa rid of jealousy they have to get rid of pride they have to get rid of arrogance a man who wants to do that if you've got money if you got power or if you've got you know if you'd lived your life independently suddenly someone says to you you have to give up your independence you have to give up your arrogance you have to become humble you have to say sorry you have to treat people nicely you have to be treated equally you have to give them from your own pocket you have to look after them it's like whoa I don't wanna do that for I can do what I want well that's the whole point of this time and that's why people don't want to believe in Islam and that's what the Shaitaan want them to do want them to say they were freedom and not to accept any of this I will tell you one thing like you can do as parents you need to have a very good mock tub or madrasa system your kids need you know if your kids are going to these normal schools your kids better have a good madrasah or a good mucked up system like coming to the masjid and actually learning from good teachers because that's gonna solidify the thing that's number one second is you as parents at home better teach your your children Islam I'm going to share one thing with you I at school I was at school when I was like 6 or 7 years old one day I came home and I said to my mom I said mom I said I'm only 6 or 7 ok I came from primary school I came home I said mom there's something that bothering me and she said what I said me and my friend my friend who's a Hindu we were talking about God today and he said to me he said to me that all his gods together they can beat my one God up because we got one God right and as a kid I was like whoa he's got so many gods and therefore my one and only God is gonna get beat up how could my religion you know sound it's such a simple thing but I came home and the good thing was you know a lot of these doubts and questions are came to me I used to ask my mother and my mother used to give me answers and my mother would talk to me often about religion if you've got if you as a good parent open if you allow your child to open up to you with the questions and you either give them the answers all you find a knowledgeable person who gives them the answers your local Imam over varies alhamdulillah that's the best way done and then the mother sat me down and said she laughed Jackie laughing she said to me today that Elena and I she just lost said Marcin is not like that she said there's only one God there are not many many gods they they have the belief that they've got many many gods but none of those gods can move they can't talk they can't speak okay what's the point of though that many gods were statues coming in front of what the one god that is real God what are those tattoos the kanto they can't speak and then she would say something like ibrahim alaih-is-salaam story all right he Bremen has some story and it's a very simple story that when he goes and smashes all the idols and it's like a symbol it's like when you hear that story you think wow that's so true if they can't speak if they can't eat if they can't walk if they can't talk then they're not really good and that's a simple done you know Darwin never actually said that Darwin never said that Darwin never said that we actually all come from monkeys in it he was just making some studies some analysis and he said that this he said that he saw some form of evolution in fact evolution has got many different types and we as Muslims we even believe in certain evolutions like we believe in the evolution of a caterpillar to a butterfly we see this is an evolution caterpillar to a butterfly it's an evolution a tadpole to a frog is an evolution now those kind of evolutions we all believe me as muscles we believe that hey but what happened is after Darwin there were people who actually know that they they said that humans don't come from God they come from there they came from monkeys and apes and that thing is very simple it's a very simple argument we want to see you know if for for hundreds and thousands and millions of years monkeys and apes the evolution was that they became you know first it was like whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo and after I was then it was like who is that who who if that was the thing I want monkey 1a bringing from Africa from Brazil from anywhere from Bangladesh wherever you want India just show me one that goes whoo-hoo yeah who are you yeah just I just want one you showed me want um my whole belief is gonna be smashed okay it's a very simple thing is that you know all their arguments really falls onto nothing if you look into it it's such a false argument none of them have ever proved it there's no proof for it all the scientific data they gave about the skulls that look like it I mean who actually says that these skulls were scores of you know the actual transition who said I mean this could be a scholar very anything any animal it could be an extinct one the possibility is there when a possibility is there how can you prove that this was a transition from an ape to an actual human being I mean it doesn't really stand on this well actually the person has misunderstood the whole point the point is that because God can do anything he wants it's actually the best thing ever because it means that if I messed up the worst I've done in my life I've still got got hope in the mercy of God and it makes me have that hope I could wish for for for for a good afterlife imagine if God's rules were were absolutely concrete spot-on it's like if you mess up I'm gonna make sure that you get punished if that was the case that it's like well there's nothing like the person will be right what's the point you must carry on right Oma's which is good you do basically right so now that God says that if you mess up I will forgive you or I can forgive you it's the best thing ever even if you made the worst crime I can still forgive you it gives me hope now let's switch it the other way a person who's been very nice and very good and righteous he can end up or she can end up in Hellfire what does that do that makes the person humble it's again another good thing because it makes me not be arrogant if you know what I pray to Allah you guys don't pray hahahahaha I'm better than you guys you guys you know will not get my portion of German imagine imagine that that's that's not a good way for who for religious people to act and that's why God has those rules but the best thing about it is that Allah said in the Holy Quran in several verses in Allah July of the limo myth Olive Allah Allah does not oppress anyone by the least might at least he doesn't oppress Iran now this is a very you know one of the questions about God is if Allah knows now this is a question okay and I'm gonna I'm gonna try and answer in the simplest way I can if Allah knows that someone is going to go to Hellfire and he's on his way to Hellfire and if Allah knows that that's gonna happen and then they end up on the day of judgement and Allah never stopped them from doing wrong and Allah never gave them guidance and they go to hell fire then doesn't that make a lot an oppressor or a cruel being now Villa right okay because you could have stopped them now the answer to that is very simple you have to work backwards you have to work backwards so allah has said he does not commit any oppression not by the not even an atom's weight Allah said that not even an atom great this is in the Quran several places not even at in vain now imagine this when the person gets to the next life if it is true that the person did wrong and the Allah never stopped them and they had no way of stopping themselves and they ended up in Hellfire and Allah allowed all of that to happen then our logic says that's not good that's like oppression right but you know what we have to work backwards which means that there's going to be something on the day of judgment that allah azza wajal will would have said that will be very very clear that nobody on the day of judgment is going to be oppressed no person who goes to Hellfire will say oh a lot this wasn't my fault this is your fault and you made me come in here no in fact all the people there are about six or seven places in the whole Quran Allah talks about the people who are sentenced to Hellfire and they give a they give a answer to Allah all of them admit that they did wrong all of them admit more or less that they deserved what they got there's about ten places in the Quran like that all of them admit that that if they've got one chance again they'll do something different you know what that means that means they were sentenced correctly now the missing picture is this what we don't understand is this and I want to make this quality not every person who dies as a non-muslim and not every person who sins is going to end up in Hellfire do you guys understand there are there are non-muslim who Allah other than is going to forgive and this is in a books of our Kida as well not all along the stems but some and we don't know who but our our key the books say that if Islam never came to them okay it's loud never came to them then there's no questioning I love books of art either also say this and the Quran I want to I want to open this to to to you and I want you to understand this you know this concept that we've got that every one of these individuals is going to go to Hellfire this is not correct to say whoever from them allah sends to Hellfire he will send whoever from them Allah forgives he will forgive and that's totally up to him we've got no say in that okay so let me give you an ayah and this will explain this little little bit more this is in surah an-nisa surah number four and this is ayah number one six five okay a very important ayah rasoolallah moba shiri now among the ring messengers that was sent as messages giving good news and warning people from the bad that is lying ahead of them LeeAnn liya colonel in a sia la a la la hoja to Morocco soon so that there is no argument left no evidence nothing that these people have got as a solid argument after the messengers have come so they've got no argument they can use against Allah because the the the way that the messengers have given them the message was clear as broad daylight it was explained to them without any doubts whatsoever well Kara Lara Aziz and hakima anomalous result says that he is the most mighty and the one that has all wisdom now this ayah is important because the people that have even Islam came to them was it explained to them in a way that that was satisfied that's the question right because our books are are key to say the people who saw the cause of the profits the people who saw the profits the people who had the things explained to them like Abu jahil and others they had no excuse left motive leave Iran had no excuse not to believe there are many non-muslims either on the earth who have no excuse for not believing Islam and those are the ones whom Allah Azza WA JAL will give them the kind of treatment that he said now there are many others subhanAllah that we don't know what the fate is gonna be I'm not gonna say to you that everybody else you know Allah forgive now I'm not saying that I want to make this very clear and I hope this is clear in the recording as well because I don't want a whole torrent of people on YouTube and you know putting this out there are my god he said these are my gotta stuck to Allah no I'm saying all the people of the world ok including Muslims and non-muslims it is up to Allah who he wants to let off and who he's going to punish Allah said no Lutron in several places you are at vivo mania where hammer Monisha Allah punishes whoever he wants Allah will have mercy and whoever wants yes the Lord of Allah is whoever denied their message then Allah will send them to hell fire that's in the Quran yes but when Allah said kafir oh if you look at the word kafir oh it means carefully Bizkit amo it means you hid it the word kafir kafir means to hide what this now means if you look going to the Quranic to see it means there was some belief in there or some reason good reason for them to believe but they hid it that's what I'm not gonna believe that's denial it's like I've got reason to believe in this Quran or believe in Islam believe in Allah believe in the messenger I don't want to do it for whatever that's hiding us go for now the people out there that never did cover so they might have said for example they might have said that I don't believe in Islam but the same people Istanbul never explained to them probably all they had no inclination to this belief at all their fate is up to Allah what it does to them I'm not gonna say what is gonna do that but that's up to Allah I'm not saying they're gonna be let off I'm not saying they're gonna be doomed no it's up to Allah what he does to them okay but for certain we can say those people who had clearly had the Eman there and then they decided to cover it and say we don't believe in it then the the Quranic fate is very clear that there's gonna be a fire awaiting for them and Punishment awaiting for them in the next life rest of them we can't same thing we leave it to God and that should be our way of approaching all of this hope that was clear this is good good this is a good thing you said in terms of a question okay which is which is blasphemy but it's a good question to put forward and rasoolís also even talked about this he said Shaitaan will will make people doubt and doubt and doubt until who get to the stage when he'll make them say well who created Allah manna from Allah Allah who then created Allah and the thing is about this is subhanAllah if you think about the fact that Allah Azza WA JAL is when he said God God means unlimited if God had a beginning would he be unlimited or limited maybe then it can't be God simply which our minds on accepting no no no no you gotta have a beginning somewhere right because my mother gave birth to me her mother gave birth to her her mother died a birth through her and he carries on carry on carry on carry on we always see this I there was always a beginning to this place beginning to the Masjid beginning to us as people beginning to a race beginning to cause it now that's human beings that's the creation we limited the definition of God is he is unlimited in everything there's no Liberty most ever if you say that he had a beginning that's a limit that's a limit to start off from that means he came out of nothing no no that's not true he has no limits he has no beginning he has no end now we can't we can't understand this but there are ways now in the current time to be able to have some kind of understanding of this if you're going to physics okay now the discovering things in in the universe that they never knew before like for example transferring an atom from one place to another place okay they they thought this was impossible without you physically moving it or something moving it from one place to another place they thought it was impossible now they're discovering you know with the black hole and with what happens again it's all at the beginning of their discoveries there's a lot more to discover they're discovering things that defy the whole of physics the whole of physics and how what we believe of what what it is what gravity is and not is the whole of that is being turned a hole that has been turned over right now because of the new discoveries they've got in space about the black holes and so on and it's something that's defying the entire logic they don't they just don't know how to explain any of this and that's what I'm gonna say to you right now is that when it comes to God and understanding the nature of God it is beyond us and you might say to me well well no no we still need to understand this well let me let me give you a scholar gave a wonderful example if I give you right now 1 kg to left would you be able to lift it yes if I give you 10 kg will you be able to lift it yes if I give you a hundred kg will you be able to lift it now some humans here will be you know some muscular guys is pointing at now I know by day some guys will be able to lift 100 kg finally getting a branch and but you tell me if I gave you a thousand kg to any man in the world will he be able to lift it if I gave ten thousand kg to any man on his own will be able if didn't know it's impossible right now that's the limit in our muscle if I told you with your 20/20 eyesight are you able to see this thing on the wall it's like a yes if I gave you 20/20 I sighed and said on a clear day can you see let's say for example the Gherkin what about the building can you see that you say yes I can see that if I gave you 20/20 eyesight and set you can you see Scotland from here but he said Scotland no you can't it's impossible impossible for any human being and the clearest day to see is called for even see Birmingham or even see Luton from here you can't okay it's just our eyesight doesn't reach their hearing is also limited our feeling is limited our taste is limited our smelling is limited dogs can smell a lot better than us right it's limited our brains are also limited we can't understand certain concepts that is beyond us and one of those concepts is to understand the nature of God it's beyond the human being the only the best way we can get close to Allah of understanding in me is the Quran and that's a lot about this much I know you can understand even I'll give you another example yet even Jannah we would never be able to understand Jenna even the fact that our loss in the Holy Quran that is grapes in Jannah Ya Allah signal current grapes in Jana Jana will have grapes well there'll be nothing like the grapes on this earth do you guys understand you'd understand me we're thinking of green grapes black grapes nice and sweet looks not like an oval shape and we got a pom pom pom plum plum plum and it's nice and sweet that's what we think of sorry you're wrong because unless messenger said mala I knew Rottweiler Odin Samia - ilaha illallah calabashes Jana has things that no eye has ever seen no ear has ever heard of and no heart can ever think of so if you have seen grapes or those of the joys of Jannah if you have if you thought of it then ikonics it can't be from Jenna and the more better thing about that is even the women of Jenna are not going to be like the women of this world you know I'm saying like Iran saying abroad and even the men of Jannah are not going to be the same as the men in this world we're going to be totally different creation it's in the hadith we're gonna be totally transformed into a new creation that none of us ever know what the creation is and then we go into general so these could we can't even understand Jenna so when Allah you know maleficents up said this okay my minor teacher he said for Allah now to use the terms of the real Jannah he could not reveal it in the Quran because none of us would understand it you do you know I'm saying so therefore he used things that are similar to the things we have in this world so he said you can have grapes which means that I will make sure that they have name of a grape or grapes there will be something similar to what you have but they're not gonna be what you watch of God Allah says you're gonna get date-palms in Jannah they're not gonna be anything like the date palms in this on this earth Allah said you can have gardens green nothing like the greenness we've seen on this earth and nothing like the gardens we've seen on this earth Allah says water he said wine he said milk he said honey he said rivers of it nothing like the kind not even the rivers are going to be the same everything will be totally different there'll be much lovely way beyond our our our thinking now if that's the case about Jamna how are we supposed to understand allah it's limited become it's impossible alongside a Dracaena when anna muhammad wada leaves a red nine Oleg will ask you to accept this session that we have had together anything we've said wrong or Allah forgive us anything anything that we we have misinterpreted or or said something that is not appropriate now Allah forgive us and directors to the guided path o Allah whatever has been said here in terms of something that would guide people all along we ask you to guide all of us to guide the creation we ask you to bring us closer to you they ask you to to remove the doubts that we have we'll ask you to to make us of those people who are blessed with truly man with true faith who leave this earth with pure faith who go into the next world with the best in the best manner you are pleased with them they are pleased with you and forever they gain your happiness and your and your pleasure oh allah o muhammad wa ala aalihi wa secreted by
Channel: Al Waqi'ah
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Keywords: Al Waqi'ah, Al, Waqi'ah, Waqiah, AlWaqiah, AlWaqi'ah, trailer, shaykh, sheikh, maulana, moulana, the, muslim, islam, conference, mufti, ibn, academy, london, channel, Quran, Muhammad, Official, purification, pure, soul, heart, Imam, Prophet, Lecture, love, recitation, recite, qiraat, quran, easy, ayah, ayat, madrassah, madrassa, bury, chicago, USA, states, america, United, Koran, south, Europe, hafidh, hafiz, England, kingdom, makkah, madinah, value, power, hussain, kamani, sunnah, yusuf, ahmed, zahaby, friends, family, learning, hasan, ali, safar
Id: w7cvsCj7Dno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 45sec (6525 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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