How Duaa Works - Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

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la hora de ikita became ba-da-da ba-da-da billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim if Collett Imran Imran or being in a door to lock a Murphy botany Maharaja Taco Bell mini innaka anta Seminole in Fallon Nevada at her college Robbie in Nevada - ha ha Allahu Allah movie Marauder when I said the carrucan unser well in Mesa may to her Miriam well in Yahoo hubba coatl Rita ha min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem fatica Bela haba haba Kabul in Hassan well I'm better Halliburton hi Shannon Rockefeller has a Korea cool Amidala ally has early has a Korean Mahad whether in de Jalisco koala Marion and lucky ha de college women Angela innallaha yasukuni Nisha will be ready his odd rubbish chakras oddly were silly Emily were ludicrous Emily Sonia Koli allahumma thabbitna and Elmo TV la ilaha illallah Muhammad al-amin alladhina amanu aminu Allah had what I was or what I was of Romania l-'alameen hamadan today's Kaaba is dedicated to a very unique individual mentioned repeatedly in the Quran it's maryam salam on alaihe and the reason i decided to give a haba on some aspects of her life that Allah highlights in the Quran are actually inspired by a question somebody asked me this week somebody came to me this week and said that they've had a very close relationship with Allah since childhood and that they make they've been taught to Allah from a very early age praying tahajud even even you know when they were a teenager and they whatever they ask Allah for something a lot provided this person actually had a pretty tough life you know father passed away at an early age no brothers and this this woman has lived a pretty lonely life and basically decided to really truly depend on Allah and so as she grew and developed in her years she found that Allah miraculously answers her prayers every time she asks a love for something Allah has never left her prayer unanswered so she developed this reliance and this closeness with Allah and would always turn back to Allah anything I mean I need something she goes in praise to Allah cars and she makes draw to Allah so really beautiful connection she had with a love of where the question come from the question came from a fact that more recently she went through quite a series of very unexpected difficulties in life and she decided that she's going to increase her ibadah to Allah and increase her drawers because her problems have also increased so you figured the more your problems increase the more you're going to ask Allah to help you solve your problem and so she does that and she prays like she's never prayed before fasts like she's never fasted before begged a lark rise to Allah sheds tears before Allah like she's never done before but the problems keep getting worse they don't they don't get any better and she starts thinking to herself maybe Allah is not happy with me because before I used to pray and everything used to get answered I've never had this problem before every time I had a need I turned back to Allah and Allah solved my problem but now I'm making dua after du'a after God and I continue to begged a line my problems are not getting solved they're only getting worse what could possibly be the reason and in her mind the reason was I must have done something wrong along must no longer be answering my prayers because somehow I've been disqualified I no longer I'm not in a lot of good books anymore the reason I decided to give this hope is that this is a very common notion that can creep into somebody's mind we make God every human being mixed law and we're expecting that allows in which it will give us an answer we're hoping that a love will solve our problem there are two kinds of draws basically for most of us the one kind of door and I'm talking about the ones we make for ourselves one kind of draw is we want a problem that we have right now to be solved we have an issue we have some some circumstance and we want a large that with them to protect us from falling into a worse problem to secure the good things that we have etc and of course we make dua for our future we make go out for ourselves or children and to take care of things in the future things are good right now you'll not keep them this way preserve what we have here you know these are the kinds of gods that we make for ourselves the thing that I wanted to highlight and I've talked about this in another photo but today so by slightly different on slightly different note and that's why I chose Maryam salami Nadia but the first thing I wanted to highlight is a quick reminder to all of you is that your dois getting answered immediately or not getting answered immediately has nothing to do with whether or not a lives happy with you it has nothing to do with that there is no connection between those two things and even if there was a connection you will never know you cannot guess what the reason is you know you have the case of nooh alehissalaam who was a very loving father he made he made that wa he invited his people to Islam for nine hundred and fifty years can you imagine you think he may draw for his son you think he made the offer for his wife all those years or he didn't care about them someone who cares so much about his nation they spit on him they insult him and he goes back to them and makes the while for them nine hundred and fifty years you think he ignored his own son his own wife all those years of glob and they didn't change isn't that the case does he blame himself yep maybe I didn't do something right or maybe Allah stopped listening to me the reason I'm starting with that is people that were much better than we are much much better than we are we're also they also had similar problems there are parents in the audience that make du'a for their kids and they see that their children are going away from the religion they're going down a dark path and they can't control it and they're making to offer them and they're not seeing that their door is being answered and now they're getting frustrated there's something wrong with me why isn't Allah answering well you're not the first one to be put in that position our messenger are they inaudible Saddam made lots of dog you don't think he may draw for his uncle his family you don't think he considered Abu Lahab when he made the offer guidance and if he did despite all of that loving God Allah sodium with himself tell him in the calendar that a demon except you don't get to guide who you love you know there are people among us they are children among us who wish their parents or their elders were acting in a more guided way I've met so many young people whose parents are in a column explicitly hard on business and the children the son of the daughter is trying to tell the father and the mother please get out of this we're dependent on you you're paying my college tuition you're providing for us but you're providing for us from Kurama income and I'm not in a position to provide for the family right no but this is wrong and then they're told you are being disrespectful you shouldn't talk back to your parents etcetera etcetera now it's the flip side it's the children making Goyle for the guidance of their parents but things aren't changing things are where they were these frustrating situations happen and then on top of that are situations like health calamity not just family problems but health calamity or you can't find a job you have money problems and you're making dua to Allah you ask yourself ice I even did their takeoff last year I kept making draw and I didn't pick my head up from such the all night long and still I have this problem still it didn't go anywhere so the first thing I want to remind myself in all of you is that prophets prophesied English authors from all of them much before us Allah mentioned their draws consistently in the Quran and Allah also mentions their problems consistently in the Quran you don't think for example the that Yaakov alehissalaam the father of 12 sons made law for all of his sons and especially for his son Yusuf when he lost his son Yusuf you don't think he may draw for a use of safety that use of should come back home that he could spend he could look at his beautiful son once again we know that he cried so much he lost his eyesight a bit but I know he lost his eyes over crying over his son and all of those they asked for so many years go unanswered and then they eventually they get answered you don't think that you know the mother of Musa alayhi Salaam when she put her baby in the water and it the river just takes the basket away the basket could flip over anytime and how do you know the basket is waterproof how do you know it's not going to weak how do you know if I'm going to hit a rock and it's done you know and she's throwing something in a river it's not a baby in a river you don't think that mother is making drama and notice the difference in that case in the case of Moses mother she made to a line a few hours later she's reunited with her son just a few hours later by the time of the baby he's hungry for the next meal he's back with his mother and in the other case with the case of use of hot Insadong he was separated from his father but he wasn't reunited with his father for many years for many many years we are going to go through difficulty in life and are all of our problems are not going to be solved because we made a dot to Allah understand the reality of God what is the purpose of God we often consume we often confuse the hell with bulb bulb in Arabic means to ask for something to demand something though our means literally to call that's what it means now to whom I called you I invited you I cried out to you this is wrong when we make dua to allah sometimes in that drought we are making demands it's true we're making requests but we should never forget that all of those requests you know what they are at the end of the day it's a humble slave of Allah turning back to Allah and begging Allah to help him with whatever problem but it's more than Allah solving your problem it's just the act that you communicated with Allah that's the most valuable thing the fact that you actually engage the line conversation that is the goal in the end whether or not Allah will solve your problem maybe immediately in tho is a separate problem and I want to share just a quick thing about that then I come to Mariam sadawa Nadia sometimes you go through problems and you ask yourself what is my fault in all of this why do I have to go through these problems what did I do to deserve this Leah ask you this Yusuf alayhi Salaam with a child right a child by definition is innocent what did the child do to deserve being kidnapped when as a child ever done to deserve being thrown inside of a well in the middle of the woods what does the child ever done to deserve being sold as a child slave in a different land what is that yet when he grows up as young man what did he ever do to deserve being thrown in jail over a false accusation and he spent many years in jail not because of something he did he was innocent and he spent all those years in jail he went through situations in life that if anybody else went through those situations you'll say life is unfair man what you're going to do life is unfair you know but you know what happens to a believer they don't just say life isn't fair they say a live impaired Mahalo unlighted that him yet Allah says in surah Yousuf Allahu Hana Fuda nominee Allah was overlooking everything he did in his decision every decision that was made for use of Allah was dominating that decision overlooking that decision how sometimes you and I go through difficulty because Allah knows something better is coming sometimes that better thing that is coming is for you sometimes it's for somebody else sometimes it's not for you sometimes it's for somebody else sometimes the benefit of your difficulty will come back to you the return will come back to you while you are still alive sometimes the return is meant to come back to you after you will go back to Allah what happened would you suffer Islam a father was separated from a child it's a tragedy isn't it but imagine if he was never kidnapped he would never be in the well if he was never in the well he would never end up in Egypt if he was never in Egypt he would have never grown up there and been thrown into prison if he was never in prison he would have never met those two guys he met in prison whose dream he interpreted if he never met those two people one of them who got to live and go back to the king and when the King saw a dream a strange dream he would have never said wait I know someone who can help interpret your dream and if that never happened and you know what that dream was seven good years in the country and seven years there's not going to be any crop and he produce any harvest people are going to starve to death if Youssef was not in prison on any salam and then was taken out to interpret that dream at that time there would have been an economic financial social crisis in the country and thousands of children would have starved to death one child suffered for a few years but because of that child suffering a loss plan was to save a lot of families a lot of fathers and mothers from losing their children to starvation because of the plan that use of Hani Salaam came back when he interpreted the dream and interpreted the dream and gave when he became the treasurer I have a friend some of you might have heard of him his name is Robert Davila I asked a sister about him if she knows when she said yes she's heard of him the man can't move any part of his body other than his face he can't move any part of his body what did he ever do to deserve that nothing but how many people have accepted Islam because of his disability how many people have just heard about that and could come back to Allah how many people that were ungrateful in life even though they were Muslim they were only Muslim by name and decided to submit their heart back to Allah because that land is sitting in a bed his suffering his pain becomes guidance for millions of people you understand sometimes the difficulty you and I go through is actually a small price to pay for a lot of pain a lot of good that will either come to me now or it will come to me in the acid I will come to me after I go back to Allah so our laws are not the same as placing an order now I get to Maryam Salah manali and I really when she spoke to me I remembered her because the thing with Maryam Salaam ladi hell was what even when she was young her birth was strange it was mentioned in the Quran not many people's birth is mentioned in the Quran and you know the mother was expecting a son but she had a daughter instead and Allah says they said the Caloocan antha you know which has a multiple multiple layers of meaning but I'll just highlight one of them this boy this girl is my like no other boy this girl is and by the way please remember those words next time any of you if you're expecting a child and that you were hoping and your mother was hoping and your father was hoping and your extended cousins we're hoping it's going to be a son then you have a daughter you remember that Allah didn't highlight the birth of a child like he did the worth of Maryam Salaamu Nadi huh it's an honor to have a daughter it's a gift of Allah to have a daughter and it's actually the behavior of the mushi kun to be upset that you had a daughter one the one who misled them waha colleen his face turns dark and he's depressed he's swallowing his upset attitude because he had it he had a girl girls are a blessing from Allah so it was an honor and to disrespect not only of the gift of Allah but of the ayat of the Quran when you're upset that you had a daughter you should we should be mindful of that but that's on a side note this child is born she's actually given a special place in what was then the central house of Allah and the curia alehissalaam used to take care of her and every time he used to come to visit her to make sure she's doing okay because she was dedicated living in the house of Allah Khulna Muhammad Ali has a Korean Rob was at the end Ahava son every time he'd walk in he'd see fruits food in front of her and he'd say where did you get these fruits these foods don't even grow here and these fruits aren't even from this season these fruits grow in the winter this was going to summer you have them in offseason where did you get them from she would respond harlot woman and Allah these come especially from Allah these fruits come to me from Allah imagine somebody whose drawers are answered in a way that special delivery from the sky of food for this woman and so when the sister was telling me her dolls get answered in life I remembered Maryam phenomena and how miraculously Allah would intervene and provide for even matters like food things that we can get up and get ourselves she didn't even have to get up for that very special child very special woman and so about this woman what I wanted to share with you is later on in life what happens to her when she's a young woman angels visit her tell her that she's going to have a child the first thought in her mind I'm not married how what do you mean I'm gonna have a child let me insist me blush up no man has ever touched me what in the world do you mean I'm going to have a child got a leaky fella who are Ibuki that is how your master declared it that's I'm sorry we're just here to deliver the news we're not here to negotiate whether this is going to happen or not that decision has been made you're having a baby now she's in shock what am I going to do she's going to turn back to Allah and hope that this will not happen tired which it's going to happen and I'll fast forward a little bit for you just so you appreciate what happened to this woman after she had the baby after she had the baby and she came back to her town the entire community that looked up to her as a as a Dada as a spiritual woman as a woman of worship and I bada someone who even the prophet of their communities the kadia had endorsed she grew up under the tutelage is like idiotic Saddam all the Masjid community is standing there she's walking back with a baby and they all start collectively together start humiliating her how could you do this what have you done can you they're there women in the Jamaat today no Muslim woman no Muslim woman can ever imagine being in a situation where she's holding a baby and somebody's telling her that child is not legitimate she cannot imagine that kind of humiliation no Muslim and none of us can imagine that kind of accusation for our sister for our mother for our daughter we cannot imagine that pain that's beyond us for the hue for the Muslim our dignity is greater to us than our life our the sense of dignity Allah given has given us is more valuable to us than even our life and she knows that when she goes back with this baby that's what they're going to say it's one thing that they might be saying it behind her back there in public in front of her in front of her now I want to take you back to how she dealt with this problem because no amount of Doha she made is going to change what Allah has decided Allah has decided that she has to face this she has to stand in front of this and what does she do when the child come as she's about to deliver the child she says yeah hey Effendi mid-table ha ha she says if only if only I could die before this happens hopefully I die giving birth that she's all on her mind because that will be an easy escape from what is coming there is no other place in the Quran anybody ever wishes for death this is the only one think about that why is it there Allah is knowledgeable is acknowledging that sometimes people go through such traumatic humiliating situations where they wish they were dead even that happens that's how extreme her situation became and alike knowledge that unrecorded that in the Quran ya later limit to come the hada I read this analysis in sha like how does she just say that you know our messenger and his motto is sallam told us nya Sam and I and I had aku I had a cool mouth none of you should ever wish for death you should not wish for death that's not something you should say casually and she's actually now wishing for death why because this is an extreme case this is a crazy situation and so but you know that the humiliation she will face it's far worse than death so she says yell a tiny metal table ha ha there are going to be this isn't the Quran for a reason there are going to be people that are going to be in humiliating situations and there's no getting out of it there are going to be people that are going to have to face their family that are going to have to face false accusations that are going to have to face up to a mistake they made in the past who knows and they're going to have to face that kind of trauma and they'll have to find comfort in the example of varium Saddam Amalia but she didn't stop there she said we're going to an SEM Mencia two words nasi an Mencia it was incredible words nasty in Arabic they say file and fitted these to exam the initial so in one could miss yet another cation Sen this is similar to zip it be in the Arabic language you have two kinds of words a zipper and must book nasi and Muncie the first of these words is actually used I wrote this down for you what are you a little cups with Eliza or invalid them for an animal for a goat or a ramp you don't call it Dibley until it's ready to be slaughtered it hasn't been slaughtered yet once it is slaughtered it's called the B it's called module not before before it's called them she uses two words common translations say I wish I was dead I wish I was forgotten that's what the translation says but there are two words of being forgotten one of those words necie n actually means I wish even though because she's away from the mush said right she's not back home I hope nobody ever misses me they don't even ask the question where did miriam go I wish I could be invisible forgotten from people's memories right now and nobody even has the thought of me this is messy nobody even thinks I existed there are people that go through the kind of depression and anxiety where they don't come out of home they don't leave home they don't take a phone call they don't answer text messages they get anxious being around people they're going through so much trauma that they wish they were forgotten as a matter of fact even if somebody knocks on the door they say I wish they didn't remember me I wish I didn't have to face anybody they want to just crawl away away away but just be by themselves this is nacional and i'm and she's hoping already that she died and nobody even comes looking and then later on even if years go by and nobody found out what happened to her mantheon she's completely forgotten there's no memory of her in the future either I hope nobody thinks of me right now and I become invisible in the future also I wanted to highlight this woman's trial because this is a woman of du'a whose dolls used to get answered immediately she used to didn't have to ask for food any news to come and this is the situation of love puttering this is the trial that Allah put and think about that this is not because Allah hates her this is not because a lot forgot about her this is not because Allah wants to humiliate her this is actually all of this ended up becoming Allah honoring her all of this became Allah honoring her what was her humiliation her humiliation was people are going to say you had this child without being married you had a Haram child that's what people are going to say and what was the child's name you know his name was an ISA there is no other prophet in the Quran who when allah mentions their name he honors their parents also accept visa any sapna maryam mary Sapna maryam he's helping them over and over again these are the son of Maryam these are the son of Maryam do you find 100 the son of Abdullah do you find Yahoo the son of his hock is half the son of ibraheem use of the son of your from you know do you find these no no everytime Allah honors that messenger are they insult or not every time but multiple times when Allah will honor that messenger he honors his mother and by the way this is important because for the Arabs when you say even and for the even the somatic people when you say even right after even you mentioned the father's name you mentioned the father's name your last name comes from your father Allah goes out of his way to remind people that no he has no father and we are going to go out of our way to honor that mother any sub number iam everytime Allah mentioned that humiliation for another reason and I close with that I told you last time and earlier on in this whole block sometimes your pain is going to be a relief for other people you're going through difficulty because it's meant to serve a greater cause than yourself and you will be the fabric acharya for them you'll be a way of goodness for them this is the pain of Maryam Salam o naughty every time a woman is humiliated every time a woman has falsely accused every time a woman wishes she was dead then to face what she's supposed to face then she's going to find comfort in Risa in mudiyum Salomon alia and every time she finds that comfort the rank of lidium rises again and again and again and again how along our laws are a means by which we connect to Allah our laws are not a means by which this world becomes heaven this world is going to be full of trials people that were much better than we are had difficulty in life that's okay Dakka Dakka an insanity Chabad we created all human beings in toil and labor and struggle struggle is a part of life the purpose of du'a is to help you and me deal with those struggles and to never forget that Allah is with us whether it's hard times or easy times we Eliza would have not make us people that lose faith and allow so what you'll honor us and make help us remember that no matter how much people try to humiliate you people try to put you down people until you like it buddy I'm Saddam Lunardi huh Allah still honors you there's a big difference between what people say about you and what a lot of things about you because if you go what why what people said then Maryam was the most humiliated insulted person in society and if you go by what Allah says she's one of the most honored women in all of human history so we go by what Allah says Allah is the one who honored us well that kind of nominee Adam we honored the children of Adam may allah azzawajal makers dignified before allah azza wajal before he makes us dignified before people barakallahu li walakum Kapoor Aanand Hakim when a fanny wa iyyaka bill IIT would be clean Hakim hamdu lillahi wa kafa wa salatu wassalam Ori body he latinas pasa pasa nada of body he Muhammad ibn Muhammad Amin Amin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in yahu Allah Azza WA JAL vegetable cream butter and Ahuja audhu billahi min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem inna llaha la casa y la luna ala nabi johan de vino' amanu sallu alayhi wa salamu sliema allahumma salli ala muhammadin wa ala ala muhammad rasulallah' rahim allah and Ibrahim Afellay demean in Makaha middle Majeed allahumma barik ala muhammadin wa ala muhammad came a varactor Allah my Allah and Ibrahim Al Amin in Makaha media Majid robado la vĂ­ctima como la epic ala inna llaha mobilized election Rita evil Baba when her and in fact even one cup melodic allahu akbar allahu allah ma was a stirring the masala in the salat Academy Nikita Burma
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 2,261,448
Rating: 4.8972263 out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim
Id: XUgD91WrSFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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