Salafi vs. Sufi & Bid'ah - 2/2 - Shaykh Hasan Ali

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I forgot to mention that this video is educational, but also funny, like many of this shaykh’s talks, alhamdulillah

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mok2k11 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
what we had done before the salah was that we gave a definition of vida and it is on this definition and this definition i've got from most ads from my teachers and it's also from readings that i've made that if something that you according to the hadith of the prophet you add something to the demon which was not from then you regard it to be part of the deen or you make it a new understanding of with the level of it like foreign which was not there from before then it will become a buddha otherwise it will not count as a buddha there's one other extension to this which is when rasulullah said that it's not from it what you can't add to the deen is something which that rasulullah has prohibited you can't add that to the deen in any form or any way even if it's with a good practice so for example he had nasheeds in his masjid nasheeds were sung and they were sung in allah's praise in his praise this is a sunnah this is something which was also allowed it's a sunnah now they they added on to this sometimes they added drums the beating of the duff just the duff not the drums in the western sort of drums but the duff which is you know you can you can see these traditional duffs in the arab world and so on so almost like a one-sided sometimes sided stretched out skin over the over the side but anyway you got the idea of the duff so to use the duff is it correct or is it incorrect it's correct because resource has been his time they used it but prophet a clear statement that you're not supposed to use musical instruments it's in sahih bukhari you're not supposed to use musical instruments and he even said that there will be a they will be a part of this ummah who will allow by the end of time they will allow certain things he said they will allow the drinking consuming of alcohol they will allow prostitution they will allow men wearing silk they will allow musical instruments he said this and this was a resource of saying this in a negative way meaning that it's not supposed to be allowed but they will try and allow it a part of the ummah will try and do that so now if you have nasheeds and you're mixing in all the instruments musical instruments within nasheed is halal musical instruments is what it's not right so now you bring you mix the two things together are you going to make it is it going to become halal no the same way as halal so if i sit down here and i do my own wiki i'm just remembering allah it's fine yes yes okay now if i'm doing it slightly with a with a if i say you know subhanallah if i just do it to myself like that it's okay yes it's fine if some brothers get together and they make a a circle and they want to make a circle of zikr and they want to do together but they're all their intention is they're just getting together based on rasulullah salazar's time there was sahabah who used to have circles this is clear hadith muslim they used to be a hailach athikar they used to be circles of zika of remembrance of allah and prophet saws in the masjid and prophet saws even praised them when they were in the masjid some ulama have said this zikr was them just thanking allah generally some said that it was talks and uh their teachings and others said no it was specifically just sitting there remembering allah both interpretations are accepted so if i sit down and i'm just doing the thicker of allah with other other brothers together is it is it is it okay or not it's okay it's fine but if i now turn it into a way that i make it seem that this this thing everybody must do and i make it a must so now i say that this has to take form and shape everybody has to get together and i now say well we're all going to get together and we're all going to consider this as a way that we must do to try and move ahead in the deen and i take it as part of the deen to always get together like this what will happen it's going to be that unless every person who comes knows that it's a voluntary thing if everybody still comes voluntarily i'm just coming i don't have to come i don't need to come everybody knows that will it become bid or not no won't we come with that but let's say now now what i do is i add things in there i in prophet salallahu's time there was none of these singing and dancing but let's say i now get together with my vehicle i start dancing with my and i tell somebody to play a flute and he plays the footage and he's playing all these instruments and this and that and i'm getting all hyped up and i'm dancing and i'm singing to that is that from the sunnah no what i've done i've gone over the top i've added things now which i'm not supposed to add you're not allowed to do that you can you see the difference you're not allowed to do that so you got these you got like people call it the dead vicious or something they've got things musical instruments they they're doing the thicker of allah but they've got musical instruments they are dancing they have added these and they believe this is the this is a form of zikr and there's nothing wrong with it they have now added something which rasulullah had prohibited he had said don't add musical instruments to anything he said he said openly no musical instruments so now you add that with the thicker of allah it's not going to make rasulullah sallallahu himself he never touched the hand of any woman except that woman was halal for him like his wives now if i do zika and if i start to bring women and men together and we'll basically start to switch the life like lights off and we're going to there are sufis that do that now is that going to be allowed no because look you're now causing no you're not bringing a fitnah into the deen a great tribulation why because prophet salallahu didn't promote you to mix in with non-mahram women together and then get together and then you switch the lights off and then you know you don't know who's touching what and who's saying what kind of illallah you don't know what's happening and there are mosques certain places across the world certainly not not all but certain places in the world that they think that this is the part of the deen it's wrong now you want to do zikaraki fine it's fine it's in the deen to do thicker but there are there are things that you've got to go about doing it in a way that you do not bring in practices which are not allowed now for example you go to the grave going and visiting any grave of a muslim is a sunnah or not sunnah if i go to the grave and i just say assalamu alaikum and i recite something that is completely fine but now if i go and i look just to go to a a wally of allah's you know someone who was considered to be close to god on the earth so you go to his graveyard is it okay it's not okay it's fine just like any other muslim you go to his grave it's fine but if i go to his graveyard and before before i go to his his place i'm i'm buying some candles to light them is that okay no where in the world did you get candle to light candles and it's the thing so now they've got candles then they've got the aggravati you're going to like the agar butter then then oh my god you got to buy the shinny as well see the tushashini you know like the you know what they call it like it's like a finney or like a kid kind of thing which is like rolled up and they sell in bangladesh anyway so you buy you have to buy all of that then you have to give money to the dharbat the guy who's at the gate then when you go inside then you have to you know some people they they they're doing that okay i'm not saying it's right i'm saying all these things are wrong but what they're doing is instead of just going there and just saying assalamualaikum or something i'm just reading just coming back out or something like that they go there and now some of them are now going around the whole grave why they're going around the grave what do you think this is the kaaba can you go on the ground the grave i've seen it with my own eyes then what they're doing is somehow i'm telling you i've seen this it's absolutely forget be that this is now shirk qibla is here right imagine qibla is here right now if the qibla is here and that the tomb is hid here right the guy is standing the guy standing right here okay so basically he's standing right in between the two and qibla now if he's going to pray two rakats which way should he pray towards the qibla yes he's praying 180 degrees the other way towards the tombstone i've seen it with my own eyes where did they get this from the team now people unnecessarily they associate sufis to this now sufis have never said do this and if they have their deviants those sufis are deviants but then there's another extreme the other extreme is come to these places right and and kill them kill the people who are who are doing these practices there are certain extreme salafis who believe this is the way to to deal with these people to come and to kill these people it happened 300 years ago it happened it's in history there have been certain salaries who went around and who did that now what what what is that is that the deen that's not the deen you want to tell a people to stop doing something wrong you have to talk to mahi who who told you to start killing people because you believe that they're doing something which is wrong in the deen so you got to have a balance in in both of them now if you go to i want to uh tell you this this particular issue which again started from like you know when i said to you earlier i was in the mother's house we had we had these debates with our teachers and so on if i'm going to their grave or i'm not at the graveyard who listens to my dua tell me allah and who do i make duatu allah if i'm going to the grave any grave whether the wali or anyone else and i make dua to the grave to the wali who might be buried inside there is that right or wrong wrong it's wrong wrong is wrong you can't make wrong right you can't do that it's wrong these associated practices with the graveyards and what they do is wrong and anyone who's on that and they want to justify with anything i will never accept it because it's not part of our deen to do this in fact many of these customs came from what the hindus did with their you know and all these practices have continued but we're not saying look you can't throw the baby out with the bath water just because this happens don't say that every single sufi is doing this no because my ustad raheem he never would do this he was always talking against this and against many of these practices many of my stars were talking against this my shaykh in bangladesh big shaykh i've i've got who i have utmost respect for he doesn't do any of this he's against this and this is what the deen is that where you have to draw the line you draw the line you have to say what is right what is right is right what is wrong is wrong you have to you have to do that now if for example somebody says that you can you can now now there's an issue now many of these issues i'm covering these are the issues between the salafis and sufis right and i just want to clarify very briefly what you know some of these issues and what they entail rasulullah his body okay his body is in his grave allah has said in the holy quran yes you're going to go through the process of death prophet sallam is in his grave yes now if you're going to say because there's two extremes now some hardcore salafis will tell you that he's dead as any other dead man he'll tell you that he's dead as any other dead man that's it there's nothing there's nothing no link no whatsoever there's no there's his rule holy he's he's um he's his soul has got no connection with his with his body and he's almost like you know that even doesn't even count there's nothing there's no connection whatsoever as in that is not even alive there when allah has said in the holy quran when the shaheed dies you know the shaheed one is the mata when he dies allah do not call the shaheed do not call him a dead person allah said they are alive they are alive now alive means what allah says looking after them allah is providing them allah says don't say don't say dead to them they are alive in two places of the quran allah said that what does that mean that means that their souls are in green birds and the green bears fly around and they fly around jannah and they will fly around what allah has created and so on allah gives that permission is in sahih muslim if allah gave that station to a shaheed where his soul is still alive in that manner and allah has told us not to call them dead do you think the prophet sallallahu alaihi is like just common people do you think he's like that no come on let's let's be see now look if there are certain sellers who want to believe that still okay you go ahead because i have had teachers who believed in that and other teachers who believe in the opposite as well what i want to say to you is the prophet my belief is from many of these i have also studied under is that rasulallah he yes his body is there it's still his body is still but allah azzawajal just like the shaheed allah has given the shaheed or the mata he has given a high status where he is rural his rule has a great connection with the body so much so that the shaheeds the shaheed's body doesn't decompose same way the ambia's body doesn't decompose the stronger the connection of your rooh of your soul is with your body after your death the more your body will be preserved after your death so rasulullah salazar's body is preserved there's even a hadith to say that the earth does not consume the body of the anbiya of the prophets now what does that mean it doesn't mean that he's alive in the sense that if i dug his grave i could pull him out anyone who thinks that alive now means that you know man you know you can go there and you can say what you want in front of his grave and he's you know he you can almost like it's almost like he's sitting in his grave now i'm daley where'd he get that from it doesn't mean that he his body is still but his rooh is alive and his has got a connection with his body to the extent that prophet salallahu said this is in various hadith their sahaba said how do we send salutations on you messaging of allah after your death he said send it on me there is a group of angels that are group of angels who collect the um to collect the supply the salutation that you're sending on me and they allah will return my rooh to my body and i will then say the salam back to you this is in various brothers this is not i'm not making anything i'm not giving you weak narrations here these are acceptable chains of sources sources are acceptable so what does that mean that means prophet sallallahu alaihi in a way yes when we send salam to him then he accepts the salam and he sends it back allah will send us 10 mercies now having said that the next thing is what some scholars have said is they've said that his soul just like the soul of the the soul of the shaheed is in a green bird and it flies around wherever allah keeps it some people have said that the soul of rasulullah can leave the grave now many scholars haven't accepted this some scholars have said this you can't say that it's totally wrong to think like this and you can't say it's absolutely right you can't move either way all you can say is you can base it on the opinions that you've got now i don't believe that you know rasulullah leave the grave wherever you are in the world whenever you utter the salah what these people you know what they've done they have said that whenever i will say assalamu alaikum rasulullah something that peace be upon you o prophet instead of the angels taking mice durood up to the prophet salallahu wherever he is and for him to send the salaam back they believe that the prophet's rule or his spirit or his soul comes right here some muslims that they believe in that and that's the reason why they want to say assalamu alaikum they want to stand up as well and not only that whether they sit down or stand up getting together and feeling is part of the deen to do this milak sharif what did they call it milak sharif right i had two imams when i was young and both iran's one imam used to do is sitting down and one imam used to be standing up ya rasool allah they regard this as part of their deen they regard this as the way of sending salutations in the prophet and therefore would it be right or wrong wrong you can't this wasn't how the sahaba dilla got together and they all stood up and they made sure that this is the way they will send salutation the prophet salallahu but i told the other imam as well i said you sit down and you do it i said where did you find that either that you this is part of the this is not part of the if you want to do it individually if somebody wants to do individually get you can say allah must what is it it's fine if somebody wants to get a group and they feel that it's not part of the deen what will it be will be fine but if people think that this is a practice they need to uphold forefathers have sent it down and they this is the way to send salutation the prophet sallallahu alaihi and you must get together like this and you must send it all together in a gathering like this and this is the way we send you whether you do sindhinan or you do standing up it's it's wrong because it's not part of the deen you're going to do individually please don't get me wrong do individually you do individually if you're going to do it with a group of people but you don't regard as part of the deen please go ahead and do what you want but this whole theory of when you utter the salawat and the prophet the prophet actually comes to you wherever you are then they went you know how to justify look imagine right i'm sitting here and i say and i say you know i i say what's rasulullah i say that sitting here right and some other guy is doing in australia at the same time at the same time right and their belief is that the profit comes to them so what's going to happen now what's going to happen now he's going to have to he's going to what's going on he's gonna split spirit his soul so the justified they said yeah he can split his soul then they justify splitting his soul several times so they said he splits his soul into so many different parts and he goes do you really really gonna tell me that that all makes sense seriously so what i want to say look if somebody sits here now the other thing is the moment somebody says they say look guys if i sitting here and i believe that the angels are going to take my salam up to whatever the rule of the prophet sallallahu alaihi means and i say assalamu alaikum rasulullah meaning that it's not because i believe the prophets here i'm just saying it because i know that the angel will take it is it okay it's not okay it's fine but if i now believe that he's coming to me wherever i am i mean where did you get that from the dean where on earth did you get that the rasulullah himself said allah will return my rule to my body and i will return this the salam back so it's like salam comes to him not the not the other way around so anyway the point is what they did then is they now go to there's a debate about whether you can do tawasu or not alive now look please understand me hear me properly don't walk off halfway through any of these things that i'm saying because if you do you won't get the full thing i'm saying some people like some salafis will tell you that tawasu is absolutely haram what is seeking a means through somebody to allah azzawajal and some people will say is totally halal i want to give you what the sources say rasulullah when he was alive when he was alive he gave permission himself to do tawasul through himself and this is this is a hadith it's a completely acceptable hadith to both sides and he said say this say i i am or we are making we make this tawasu through your messenger of allah meaning that we are using him as a means to get closer to you or allah the addressing is to allah but using as a means to the prophet now if you cannot say that there's no you know absolutely based this because rasulullah himself gave permission to us and in the prophet sallallahu alaikum after his demise what happened is that they didn't have rain so say the um he put aside abdullah abbas forward and he says food and he said uh oh allah we used to make tawasul through your prophet salallahu but now that he's gone we're presenting his uncle abbas and we are asking you this sahih buhari hadith he's not any other hadees we are asking you to give us rain through the means through that you know this person who's close to you abbas the uncle of the prophet salallahu because he is here amongst us right he's he's this khalifa they say in that hadith they used to get rain every time they used to seek these means it's in sahih bukhari now the scholars have said okay seeking means through the prophet salallahu is alive they all agree on that but seeking means through him when he's dead are you allowed or not to do that to say while he is dead to say right now or allah i'm asking means through your prophet sallallahu and now some scholars have accepted it some scholars have rejected it now it's fine if you want to accept it you accept if you want to reject you reject it but don't go to shill shilk would be or something wrong would be that you go and you start directing your duas to the prophet sallallahu alaihi has anyone told us to do that no has anyone told you to make a dua directly to a person who's close to allah when they're dead no dwight is only for who for allah azzawajal but this debate is debate these are debates look guys you will never be able to finish them until the day of judgment the only reason why i'm bringing them up to you for for you is i want to tell you that there is some substance there for it to be halal in some way but people have some people have taken to another extreme they want to make tawas will every time they make dua they want to make tawas through this valley of yours and through that wali and through junaid baghdadi and through you know this tea and through that one i'm making torso to you and oh i got a minute what's happening now it's almost becoming like you know the the makkan people they had small little gods and they used to go through the little gods to get to the big god god a minute what are you doing something which had a little substance there you trying to make that your deen you're trying to move to the level that every dwarf yours is going to have this inside it now here look come on guys you know whoa whoa to you stop what are you doing now there are scholars who said look like tawasul with with the hadees there's three people who are trapped you know in the cave the same one i'm not going to say the whole say the whole hadith to you each one made a means of his actions to get out of that cave he said oh allah if i did this action for your sake then remove the remove the rock and a third removed with one another third removed and then then they fully removed and they came out right tawasu through your action is okay so tawasu through someone who's someone who's who's pious you can do it the substance is there however please don't make it something that you're going to make it as a general practice for yourself and for everyone else because then it gets wrong okay now if um the no i've covered this slightly before but i'm going to say to you again is rabbi well yes if if in rabula i want to remember my prophet sallallahu alaihi sallam or in rabbi usani i want to do that is it allowed or not allowed yes i want to remember the prophet sallallahu alaihi sallam his life in ramadan or outside ramadan allowed or not yes allowed and rabbi i want to remember his birth is it allowed or not is it or not it's fine just remembering his birth he's just fine if i don't want to remember his death as well because he died in raviola well it's what it's allowed but if i want to now get up to you know i want to now say okay no no guys you got to come out now we got to march down the street we're going to get our flags out pakistani flags yeah and we got to basically now chant prophet salla remembrance this is how and the mindset is now remember the mindset is the most important thing if anyone doesn't join us then is iman is weak if i have that mindset then what kind of iman has he got the prophet's birth has come and we've got to come on his birthday and we've got to go man we're going to decorate our mosques and we're gonna decorate ourselves and we're gonna sing the sheeds all day and look you want to sing the sheets yourself that's fine yes but now when you make it a practice that on the 12th of raviola well you must do these practices in these certain ways what's going to happen it's going to become however now guys caution here because some people i want to give you this incident one incident is you know rahimahullah used to talk against the the the maulid he used to talk against that one day in his gathering two people came one learning person came one one illiterate or unlearned person came and he was they were sitting in front of the sheikh in front of the monarch normally if anyone talked talked in favor of the maulid the sheikh would say to them no it's wrong don't celebrate the prophet salallahu he would say that on this occasion there was two people both of them were talking in favor of the mole the sheikhs didn't say a single word after they left his servant or his his uh sort of a student said to him he said sheikh how come you never even said a word malala said what he which means i saw from the conversation i realized that this unlearned person his iman was hanging on the molded meaning that that's the only connection he had to the deen is that he used to celebrate the prophet's birthday now if somebody is muslim only to that degree where if you take them away from them to practice that away from them then they've got no deen left do you want to stop them doing that no the shaykh had his hikmah through his wisdom he didn't want to stop him because he thought if i tell him it's wrong then he's got no other practice in the deen he doesn't practice anything else then he's going to move away from the deen is it better to have someone doing something wrong but still in islam or completely out of islam which one the first or second the first one okay you've got to use your hikmah you've got to use your wisdom so on this occasion what i'm going to say is all the brothers look in my in my area in walthamstow every single every year for the last 15 years i've been imam there they always come out and they celebrate the prophecies and birthday but i've never spoken against it never and even today the brothers who are doing them i'm not saying to them or to all of them that it's all bitter i'm not saying that guys why because a lot of brothers i know who are in that field their their love of the messenger means a lot and that's the only thing that keeps them on the deen a lot of them are like that who come who don't know the deen they only know the prophet some celebration of his of his life now yes if you're going to take him off that practice you better make him practicing brother first yes or no you've got to make him understand the deen you've got to make him understand how to love the prophet so in a different way first and then you get him off these practices but if you're going to straight away take him off this practice i believe you're going to do damage to some of these people i'm not saying they're all like this but some of them are like this the other thing is to fix a date to something that wasn't there in the prophet sallallahu life you know to fix say 12th rabulawali we are going to come always come and we're going to celebrate the you have to do it and it's part of the deen you can't justify but if somebody does it look there are a lot of ulama across the world who do it they do it in syria they do it in other parts of the world in yemen and so on they do they do this and it's a big thing in some parts of the world but i want to say one thing guys look i remember one sheikh said once that you know in north africa north africa about 200 years or 100 years back there was a bit you know before that there was a lot more sufis around in north africa then the salafis had the influence and what the salafis did is they came in and they said this is bidad what happened is and this is a true incident in the books of history is hundreds and thousands of people left the entire dean of islam because these practices had finished guys please be careful what you're doing just to remove a bidder just to remove something you regard which is wrong if you're going to remove the entire lives of islam the life of islam you are committing a great injustice it is better to have them on the other side as a muslim they can one day go to jannah then to move there remove the whole faith from them and and end them up in jahannam you know why these people in north africa they used to say in their homes there weren't many masjids around they knew that in certain parts of the year they had these big celebrations and they used to come out and feel very proud of their deen they had their only muslim by name so they used to come out in the 12th of rabbi they used to celebrate the process and his birth they used to come out on the 15th of shaaban and they thought that was a big night they used to come out on the 27th of ramadan they used to think that's a big night and these to come out looking for you know to the masjid or something far away they should spend one night of ibra and go back to their homes where they probably never saw the masjid for for a long time now brothers if you're going to suddenly take the take these occasions away from them you've taken the whole dean away from them that's why you've got to be careful with whom you are preaching and how you are preaching and that's why i don't talk against some of these things why because i believe there are people in there who might lose their deen because of this now if a person has another another one is for example the word allah now is for example rasulallah said he said subhanallah you can say that as a wicked you can say alhamdulillah that's fine now if somebody wants to say i want to make my own type of zikr or something but i'm remembering allah i want to say allah love you allah i love you or book or hate by the permissibility of rasulullah salazar telling us that you can do zika is this zika allowed or not allowed i'm just saying i'm just saying i just love allah can you not say you love allah you can right so if i sit down i'm repeating that i love allah i love allah i love allah is it is it is it allowed or not allowed it's fine you can remember allah in any way you want as long as you're remembering in a good way you're not saying anything bad you remember allah in a good way if i want to sit down here and i want to say if i like friend you know some guy right some guy he he um he loves you know his fiancee let's say his fiancee's name is rebecca now he's wishing that rebecca becomes a muslim and he wants rebecca to be part of his life and all that but he's in love with rebecca what does the guy do the guy is in love with rebecca he sits there with a pen and paper and he draws hearts and he draws a nice r for rebecca and he writes the name rebecca then writes again rebecca then he writes again rebecca rebecca rebecca rebecca and he says rebecca now who's he remembering tell me who is he remembering who do you remember what rebecca yes he's remembering her yes if i say allah say allah allah allah allah if i just sit here and i just do i say allah allah who am i remembering guys the guy is in love with rebecca and he can remember rebecca but i can't sit here and i can't just say allah allah allah can't say that what do you say in fact in hadith bukhari says that the the last day will not come until no one on the earth will say allah allah so if i want to just say allah allah allah allah if i want to say that on my own is it right or not it's fine some people say that's bitter you can't make any viking my allah what on earth are you talking about but i have to raise my hands and i have to find a dua which will prophesy some used and only then i can use the dua i can't say oh allah i'm in a difficulty i'm losing my job oh my god which sunnah was that in when did the prophet lose his job oh my god whatever just done be that you're gonna do that you've lost the job you're making dua allah give me a job which which hadith you're going to find which head is he going to find professors to put his hand up but he said give me give me a job so in your dua you can do that you can make because probably you can do that look i'm saying it's fine you can do it when prophet said make dua he gave you permission make dua make whatever do i find so when he said make vika you can make whatever thicker you want as long as it's something which falls in line with the rest of the thicket as long as you remember in a good way you can do it it's completely fine it's not it's not it's not bitter now if if you go if you go ahead of that and you say for example um let's say for example you come to certain names okay now this is some people got somebody got a problem with the name sufi they say where do you get the name sufi from where do you get that name from and they get put up by that but this sufis they're saying you salafis where did you get akida from you're going to burn in your grave you better get your akita right now this obsession about akita i know look akita is in the deen fine but you know what if you search hadith if you search hadis just like there's no sufi mentioned in any hadith there's no akida mentioned in any hadees the word akita does not exist in any hadith you know or he said he's allah is one for example he said about iman belief in allah belief is there but the word to hate the word is not there now guy if you're going to say sufi is bitter because the word sufi is not even found in hadith well you better say that you better stop using the word akida you better start start saying iman because that's what the prophet saws talked about he talked about iman he said iman in this person is this an iman is this an iman is that so but if you think that akida is allowed to use and tahiti is allowed to use as a salafi then you better say that these guys have the right to say sufi and these guys can make you know these names you've got people got people get upset you say you're hanafi you say maliki what are you talking about i've divided it in just because i've said that i'm half it doesn't mean that i'm now just like these guys worship the grave of this wali i'm going to go on imam abu hanifa how did you pray you better tell me because i'm not going to pray anywhere else tell me how many rakats did you do i don't know about the prophet i will know about you you think someone's saying that we're saying that we want to understand the deen according to his findings of his hadith in one of the hadith and the sunnah and his stars and the chain along up to prophet sallallahu alaihi through his and hideous up to the prophet that's what we say the same way everyone like these salafis and sufi both they agree to what you know when you pray you know when you read the quran imam is today so someone reads media another imam somewhere in the world is reading he's reading what maliki morocco you go there they're reading watch they're saying maliki they're not saying maliki then they're saying what maliki um are they wrong right they're right why because they are chains different chains that have reached us there are seven ways to read the quran there are even 10 ways to read the quran al hamdulillah say alhamdulillah alhamdulillah malik is fine but you know imam sudaisy's recitation and mind and your recitation you know what it is it's hasan asim it's you probably never knew that some of you it's the style of hefs which he got from asim and every salafi every salafi and every sufi across the world they never especially salafis they're never questioning hafsan asim they're not they know they know that if you ask them what kira you didn't they're going to say some other one salafi myself i'm reading watch they're both correct and we all know this they're correct so if it's okay for you to call it why is it not okay to call that hanafi and that called maliki are you dividing the deen now brother you divide nadine calling a hats and wash there should be only one type of recitation it's total nonsense these guys they tell you what they tell you you bring anything in the deen anything split thing extra in the deen now i'll tell you i'll give you a certain ahades i want to give you from bukhari itself and i want to tell you tell me where is buddha in this because prophet salallahu for example right this is in bukhari it's in bukhari i'm not giving you no weak hadith he said to bilal after he came from one fajr salah he said tell me which is the most hope which is the best reward that you're doing which is most lovable to yourself because by allah i have heard your footsteps in front of me in jannah when i visited jannah so what does bilal say bilal says he says that mention of allah i've got no other action except that when i came to islam every time i do wudu whether in daytime or nighttime i performed two rakats because allah has given me the chance of a free man to make wudu with water i never had that before now did rasulullah demonstrate those two rakats for him before yes or no you tell me brothers no why would the prophet saw ask him tell me for what reason did you i what's the best action you've got which no other sahabi had he's the only one that had this action it's a s no but he did something which prophet saws didn't do does that make you buddha if you do something which part you you had prophet never did it but you did it does he become bidah no he doesn't because he just thought okay so reading two rakaats is something which prophet has taught us i'm going to thank allah with an extra two rakats my own voluntarily myself i'm not telling anyone else to do it i'm not making it into a cult i'm not making into everyone will follow this this is my sunnah man i'm not doing that i'm just doing it myself it's fine hadith is fine it shows that you do something just because you couldn't find it in a hadith or sunnah doesn't automatically become bitter another example referral bin allah he released this in bukhari muslim he says one man prayed behind the prophet with all the sahaba rasulullah finished his prayer and he said which individual said that and they said is this individual here prophet said he said i have seen a group of angels struggling and fighting with one another which one can take your words to allah first which one can take these words to allah have said that this hadith shows i mean if he was a practice rasulullah taught don't you think the whole masjid would be saying it by now of course we find this narration rasulullah himself used it later on fine but at that moment there's surprise who said it is this sahabi he added a few words these words were in line with a place of the salah which it doesn't matter that if you add it on like for example if i'm between my my my sahajas and i say allah almighty it's fine allah forgive me i say that that's fine there's nothing wrong with that because it's a part of a salah which if you add some words to it it's fine but if i add an entire cut let's say i get really really really you know i get really excited now i'm going to add you know to for instead of four i'm going to do five mashallah which angels are going to fight for that forget fight for that they're going to be punching you down me you can't add something which also didn't give you permission for there are certain understandings between them that if i add it here it's fine it's with within the places where you can add slightly but there are certain places where you can't they understood this from prophet sallallahu but the fact that he added it without prophesying telling him he didn't become vidal now there's another hadith again this hadith is in bukhari in bible to hide what happened is aye sharad allah she's reporting this she says that there was one man who used to lead others in prayers and he to always finish he went out for an expedition he always finished his salah the second rakat when he prayed loudly he always prayed always so they came to the prophet and they complained listen of allah now why would they complain because they haven't seen the prophet sallam do that so they say of allah this individual every time he led the prayers he always finished with always now we're going to say guys we're going to say according to some salaf is this supposed to be what buddha because he's done something which prophet salallahu hasn't done he's got no hadith for he's got no sunnah for his he's never heard that none of them have heard the prophet doesn't do that rasulullah said ask him why is he doing that and when they asked him he said because these are the qualities of the most merciful one this surah has the qualities of the most merciful one and i love reciting that surah when he said that rasulallah then replied he said he said tell him go and tell him that allah loves him allah loves this is in sahih bukhari i'm not giving you no you know we had these guys you know he quoted the weekend now guys bukhari this whole theory you you added something you did some nagiska look look at this guy he's got no sunnah he's got nothing but he loves and he's always doing always ending it with quran they even complain about him and prophet sallallahu says what tell him that allah loves him because of his niyyah he's not doing it because he wants to steer away from prophet sunnah he's not doing it because he wants to add something to the deen he's doing it because he loves that surah and he wants to always pray that surah in salah alhamdulillah if you've got to practice yourself brother which you bring on yourself and you want to do every single day alhamdulillah go for it prophet said he said when you read the quran he said finish he said don't finish the quran it is a clear hadith he said don't finish the quran in less than three days less than three days don't finish all quran now what does that mean does that mean a clear prohibition because they understood why he said that he didn't want it to become burdensome and some sahaba they took it on themselves that they wanted to finish a quran every day or they want to finish the quran every two days prophets want to make it easy for them but this prohibition he gave wasn't a prohibition that is completely never ever ever allowed because the imam noah has narrated this he has narrated eight different sahaba of the alarm who've done this and on a number of occasions sadhana usman has done this what has he done say the north man on a number of occasions went this is a sahabi of the prophet khalifa of the muslims he is one of the qualifiers he went after isha to his house and he said allahu akbar two rakats now for prayer two rakats now for prayer how many guys two the next time he did salam after he start he start he said allah the next time he did salaam was after kulas in two rakats in one night on a number of occasions he finished the entire quran there are numerous sahabas that done that numero tabu in that there are numerous taboo tables has recorded that in his book about hamlet now are you going to say that what are you going to say they knew that this prohibition of the prophecies was not a prohibition that you should never do it otherwise you're sinful he was just trying to make it easy for the ummah to practice the deen that's all that's why he said don't do it but they some of them took it on themselves privately and if they did that that's fine so if you want to take part of anything rasulullah did and he gave you and you want to repeat it again and again if you want to repeat again and again you're not stuck through allah all the time you want to repeat again all the time and how you take it on yourself that's fine individually but don't make it a a practice that the whole ummah has to now do because it's now your sunnah right another hadith again in sahih bukhari the sahabas they went to a particular village and they asked they asked them for some food and these guys were really stingy they said ah no food for you guys they asked food please give us some of it no no they're really stingy so sahabah just stayed to themselves then suddenly a snake came and beat one of the villagers so they said oh my god this guy's going to die now what do we do they said you know these travelers the sahaba they talk about now the travelers let's go and see if one of them can cure him from snake poison so they came up to the sahaba they said can you guys cure him from stink poison has anyone got that ability one sahabi says he said i can do that he said yeah come and do it then he said no you guys are stingy all day we've been asking for food and you didn't give us food he didn't actually say you asked india he said all day we were asking for food and you never gave us food now before i cure him you gotta bargain with me come on bargain with me how much you're gonna get how much food you're gonna give so they started barter they they agreed on what they agreed on 30 goats 30 goats they said this whole flock of goats it's yours if you can cure it he said fine the other sahab was thinking god this guy we never knew that he could kill someone from boys what's he gonna do now so he got up right he got up he went up to the person who was who had a snake poison he went he read surah fatiha he blew on him right and he was cured and the others wow there was no sunnah rasulullah did that there's no hadith that probably said you do this in fact the biggest thing they were thinking about is he just took 30 30 goats so they wanted to you know the guy came back and said alhamdulillah i've got 30 goals then we can do zaba whichever one we want right and feed ourselves some of them said hang on a minute we don't even know if it's halal what you just done you just suddenly made your own dean yeah just went and made your own little bargaining came back you raped a fatih part of the deen he used surah fatiha and he took in return 30 goats they said hey i'm going to be we're not going to slow train we're going to go back to rasulullah first so they went back to rasulullah this is sahih they came to him and they renate the whole thing prophet sallallahu said divide the goats between yourselves and give me one share as well give me one share as well subhanallah you do anything with that now tell me guys if somebody now suddenly some guy's possessed with the gin if i suddenly just think i'm going to read this eye i'm going to i'm blown and i blow and i works that's sahabi he just used he worked alhamdulillah right if i use some ayah it's going to be bidah no you can't you can't make your you can't do this but rasulullah himself in certain places he's given his these permissions so there was a there was another another again in bukhari a person is always reciting always always just repeating it repeating it repeating it so one person came and complained to the prophet said he said i swear by allah in whose hands is my soul inna he said that surah is equivalent to one-third of the quran but he didn't prevent the sahabi from reciting quran again and again when rasulullah never did that so what i want to say to you is guys you know some people they make the dean their own dean they want to they want to say whatever they want guys you got to understand that this is not the way to to go about it's not the way to go about now let me give you you know the some people they can't stand sufis if you can't send sufis a real sufi look don't go to these guys who are doing all these dodgy practices i'm not saying go to them go to a real souvenir person who's got the real sunnah in his life because the real sufi would want to clean the heart he wants a sand he wants to come unto the way of the prophet sallallahu alaihi sent to the most excellent means that's what he wants to do did you know that imam ahmad in the humble first he made a statement to his son he said ya waladi oh he said beware of these people who call themselves sufis don't sit with them he says imam ahmad ibn muhammad said this to his own son but then imam ahmad in the humble came across a sufi named abu hamza al-baghdadi when he came across abu hamza al-baghdadi but he was the right type of sufi these are my masks my own sheikhs my own shares they're the right type of sufis whichever one i've got salafists as well please and i've got sufficient as well alhamdulillah i've been very blessed by allah to have both and the sufi sheikhs have got they are the people on the correct sunnah they haven't got these dodgy practices amongst themselves so he came across al-baghdadi and when he stayed with him for a little while he went back to his son and he said ya waladi my son go and spend time with those people because these people they have increased us in knowledge in thinking about allah in fearing allah in being abstinent from this world in having a good high ambition in life these people have increased this for us and he continuously used to praise abu hamsa in fact he used to sometimes though imam ahmad was such a great individual in ireland he used to sometimes go and ask questions to abu hamza al-baghdadi subhanallah imam abu hanifa said lawless if it wasn't for the two years that i spent with the sufis his own name he said no man would have been destroyed there's a part of these people everyone needs to take from which is the good the good character now guys you don't have to go and give bay out to a sufi master you don't have to do that though if you give baya to a sufi master it is in the sunnah to do that some ulama agree with this some of them i'll disagree with this some salafis will tell you the only bayer you give is baya to the khalifa that when you are saying i am now accepting you as a khalifa that's the only bay others the only pledge you can give only pledge but there are other ulama who have pointed out to a hadith in bukhari where rasulullah this in the beginning of check out by hadith number 18 or hadith number 15 right at the beginning of buhari rasulallah to his companions and he said give me a pledge that you will not steal that you will not commit zina that you will not bury your daughters alive that you will not do this you will not do that there is no mention of khilaf there is no mention of islam there there is no mention of giving bay'a jihad these ulama have said that sometimes rasulullah took a pledge for jihad sometimes he took a pledge because he wanted he wanted their obedience to allah his messenger and sometimes he gave them a bear because he wanted them to have a good character and this good character bay'ah this has continued from ali this has continued from various different sahaba and to others unto others until he got to many various ulama in fact he was he used to like the sufis whose quotations are used against the sufis now he's got quotations against the sufis and he's got quotations for the sufis you know why and shame as imam ibn josi he has written a book telbis iblis he's got quotations hammering and slicing the sufis but he's got quotation that he loves the sufis why because they saw by the fifth century by the sixth century the sufis they came out and they deliberately wore thick clothing and they had long large sleeves that sleeves about up to here all right i'm not joking the sleeve's up to here because they said the larger the sleeve the bigger sufi i am they made amarmas and progress maybe they took the bed sheets and they wrapped it around the head i don't know what they did but they used to have long labor ammas right and a long tail on the back and they used to have beads forget the small beads we had here they said b that you could probably strangle someone with big massive beats are you even seeing this something big beats this thick big bees if you threw one at someone probably knock him in dead right so they wore these around their necks they walked around their necks and they they stayed away from the dunya they went in the corner of the masjids and they did the dhikr of allah and they saw it as part of the deen to stay away as much as they can from their wives from the society from people and so on is this the deen is this the no that's why sheikh islam is josie they went they wrote against these people because they said what is this what have you turned the deen into you've taken it to one extreme but they praised the sufis as well sheikh islami has got 37 volume fatwa book number 11 volume is called tasawolf is full of sufism he's praising them and he says he said mean 11 page number 17 he said these people are from the utmost truthful people of their time he said the sufis are those which ones the correct sufis not the ones who made the dean into all these different you know you know everything and you want to you know go and make every other thing into a new practice these are not the sufis which they praised none of these aimers these are the suvis that they praised okay now i'm really winding down to the last few things that i need to say to you so if you just bear with me i will um i i will finish off what i want to say to you brothers after this it is very important to understand that there is there is a section i'm going to use the board again and i need to show this to you right if this is a spectrum if this is a spectrum so you've got the middle here right you've got the middle here this is balanced is the middle and this is balanced and you've got an extreme here i'm trying to do in red and now it's not really coming out but let's say this is one extreme and this is another extreme all right and we call this side we call this side the sufis right and with this side we call salafis right now what i want to say to you is if the middle is there right somewhere around here you're always going to get an extreme part of the salafis and extreme power sufis and what's happening is these people on this side can never ever ever accept any sufis all sufis buddha all sufis haram shield bitter everything and these guys these extreme salafis and that's all you're going to find now what they're doing is this look all day long they're sending them missiles right he's got his missiles he's sending that one he's sending his missiles that way right all day they've got books against one another pamphlets against one another talks against one another they're bans against one another against one another they cannot stand each other right in between my brothers in between somewhere here are a slot we're somewhere in between i don't want to say strict line if you're slightly there yourself is slightly there you sufi narana you can take the best of the sufi people you can take the best of the salafi people the best thing about the salafi people is they want to find everything from the quran sunnah they want to reach everything to the core of what rasulallah said and this is a praiseworthy thing and i love this because without that the deen falls apart like i said to you earlier the best thing about the sufis is that they have this tall look and this this connection with allah azzawajal with their heart in ways that the salafis don't have that's why imam shafi is said what because these people the salafis they're more logical they're more in the head and these salaf sufis they're more in the heart and there's a big clash between your head and the heart your heart wants to get all emotional and you'll go right and your head won't say all right if you get strong with your head too much without your heart involved you're gonna say you're gonna have this hard-hearted personality if you got too soft right you're gonna have everybody okay brother you're all muslim i love you and everyone even non-muslim you go with me to heaven i hold this hand there just man you got this apologetics i'm telling you these sufis in the council or some some councils that you've got some governments you've got they're going to lick the boots of these people who are in the governments right and all they want to do you know they want their sufi muslims jihad jihad is something in the past who say it's all haram he's he only defensive jihad and today islam is peace peace is peace i love you you love me we we love each other and these guys yeah they're saying same way to look at you they've got no compromise you will find two extremes this side no compromise no negotiation no talking with these governments they're all haram they're all you know and this is where the massive you know uh you know that whole terrorist thing it comes one side has gone to one extreme they say no islam is only peace peace peace peace and the other one is saying no his time is about you know standing up for yourselves but they've gone to two extremes it's all in the middle now what i want to say to you brothers is what am i i love the best of both worlds and i will inshallah remain like that till the end of my life inshallah because i feel this is balanced in my area i've got people who are salafis and they respect me i've got sufis and they respect me why because i'm not interested in this extreme and that extreme i meet these extremes and i don't like to engage with them but the rest of them i can engage with them why because i know where my dean is so if you want to call me a salafi sufi call me salafi sufi call me a salafi sufi fine if you want to be a service we'll be fine but what you don't do is don't get caught up with their missiles don't get caught up with that what you want to do is you want to remain in the middle somewhere which means that we can get on with one another i'm not asking you to give up your values to give up your beliefs i'm not asking you to give up whatever you've done you know right now unless something i've said in the lecture is wrong please stop that if your family is grave worshiping if they're doing something wrong then please just go and tell them that it's wrong all right if your family is doing something which they're not supposed to do whatever it is that i've mentioned in the lecture please tell them that that's not supposed to happen but i'm telling you this is the final part of the unless i can i can um pick something uh yeah just just one other thing before i uh finish off is like you know when you go when you spend time with the with the people who are real sufis the good sufis yeah they have such wonderful such wonderful and you start to see that allah has given them karamah karama means that he's given you know miracles to individuals we're not saying these are miracles or prophets but he's given them certain things and you you have to witness these now it's our belief it's in all the books of akhida that we believe in the karamah of the awliya those who are close to allah will believe in the quran which is that they've got some practice which allah something that will come out from somewhere something they might do which allah azzawajal has has blessed this individual and it will come up it will come out one you know one time it's not always they're going to do that but it comes out that we believe in that but because of that you don't now start worshiping these saints you don't start saying that oh my god oh my god you're so just so big you know if i could get under your armpit and stay there all day you know you don't you don't you know you don't idolize these people you don't do that we believe now what's happening is one extreme because of the karamah they'll do that and the other extreme will say that's it these are these karamah we don't even believe in karamah we don't believe in anything extraordinary from these awliya of allah how can you do this when allah has expressed the karma in the quran maryam she wasn't the prophet we might say alaihissalam next one she wasn't a prophet she wasn't a prophetess she was a normal woman who was close to allah and she had a karama which was what that she had fruits of a different season in a chamber that was locked it's mentioned in surah al-imran there was no fruits of that fruit you couldn't find that anywhere in the marketplace and she's eating that when zakaria alison came in the karama of the she throws the basket into the river and allah when that when the current is going downwards the basket goes upwards and it goes right into the hands of iran the one that's supposed to kill the baby it goes it goes into his hands and allah it's a quran in the quran the people who went to the cave they were normal people they run into the cave allah made them sleep for 300 years it's a karamah is that these are abnormal things allah will bring out from certain individuals on many occasions here qaram and these are recorded in east in his seerah and so i have many other individuals so that can exist but because of that we don't idolize these people now finally i'd like to say please we are all i i want i want this after this talk now this talk is now more is finished now i want you to understand brothers and sisters please if you don't open your minds to what i've said i'm i haven't accepted everything every sufi says and i don't accept everything every salah he says i'm throwing your middle path here i want you every listener of this to please open your mind and let us please put these issues aside these issues of is something okay it's wrong my brother is doing wrong what do you do go to your brother go and explain the hadith go and tell him brother is wrong if the brother accepts it alhamdulillah if he doesn't accept it you've done your dawah yes or no try a second time try a third time fine that's it but don't make it your mission to try and just take those people down your whole life mission becomes that you want to go after these people you want to make brands again these people you want to make pamphlets again these people you want to say kaffir kaffir kaffir you know over and over again please don't do that it's a waste of time when our own brothers who are muslims are going to jahannam because they're not praying it's a i can't believe this even in universities universities they're inside the eye socks they're arguing with one another i've been there and i'm telling them brothers stop you've got so many hundreds of muslims in the isak and in every single masjid who never come for jummah who don't come to the salah they're muslim by name outside they're going to jahannam the one who's inside the masjid who's doing rafale a day the one saying i mean loudly i'm in quietly both of them are going to jannah the one who recites surah fatiha the one who doesn't recite father both of them inshallah are going to jannah both of them are trying to do what who they're trying to copy they're trying to copy rasulallah one found this hadith one found that hadees please after this talk i want all muslims who are listening to this stop these debates about who's right and who's wrong on these issues these are not issues to lose your time over your time should be spent with people look there's non-muslims my brothers our neighbors non-muslims are going to jahannam they need the deen and if i'm going to waste my time because a guy hasn't worn his hat on his head you're going to waste my whole life on that because you know the guy came and whether he where these trousers are you know that's the biggest thing in my life whether he said i mean how he said i mean you know that's going to be my biggest issue which i'm going to talk about all day will spend your time going talk to call your neighbor inside the deen even if he means you give him a few samosas go and give him samosas my pakoras whatever jalapenos stuff them up whatever talk to them bring the dean conversation bring them into the deen you bring one person to the dinahi this could be your ticket to jannah whereas you you go with all these all these all these things that we're doing with these muslims i think is negative yes it is bitter please give your dhawa a few times khalas after that the brother doesn't want to accept you just leave don't cause fit not only unity i want to tell you one hadith about unity you know this is a hadith again in um this is a hadith he says it's a let me just find the it was said and said no ultimate he came to makkah and what he did is that he prayed in makkah as a musa he prayed four rakats this i'm sure this is sahih hadis which i'm writing to you i'm just trying to find it in my notes anyway yes i found it here um this is in bukhari and in muslim bukhari it's hadith number 1107 in muslim is hadith number 704 sayyidina uthman came to makkah as a mustafi as a musafi do you pray for akas rasulullah all his life he prayed two rakats said no usman came to makkah he was a muslim and he prayed four rakats as a mustafi as an imam paid for the cuts said to him what are you doing you're doing something against the sunnah say the rasman said these people are new to the deen they've just as few converse to the deen they've just come to the deen if i start praying two rakats in front of them they're gonna say the khalifa cuts the deen according to his whims and desires when he wants to play two rakats and make life easy for himself he plays two rakats they're gonna say i'm chopping the deen on my own desires they don't know that rasulallah used to do two rakats so that's why i prayed four how many did you pray four sadhana abdullah s he himself was still against this satan ali was against this lord of the sabbagh against his what is said doing abdullah bin masrud when he prayed he prayed how many how many did you pray how many guys four somebody said to me hang on a minute what are you doing you just gave a fatwa and you said that you know usman is doing something wrong rasulullah prayed how many how many did you pray in his life as musafit two how many do this man pray for right which one is right rasulullah according to abdullah bin masood but how many did abdullah pray in the end four in bukhari muslim when he was asked that question why is he doing that he said he said i don't like to cause dissension between the brotherhood for that reason i'm going to accept what satan rashman is doing he's got a reason he's got a reason to do it and i'm going to pray for with him so that the muslims stay as one that was more important to him than to break the unity amongst the muslim guys what is happened to this ummah i sometimes feel like crying this guy this this this ism and that ism and that if he and that afi and that uffi and whatever you know these groups or whatever they're real and they're all at it salafi sufi they're all at it and what have they done they have caused a lot of grief for the lot of muslims who want to put come together i'm saying to you brothers you don't have to accept each one every single one's deeds but i'm asking you to please for the sake of allah come together now for your question and answers for the last few minutes if you've got a question answer please with other good respect with respect with other please ask your questions if you disagree with me fine one of the etiquettes of the dean is if you disagree with someone find you still respect them i've i respect you whichever background even if you're from those 10 percent after each of the ends i still respect you right as a muslim of the of the dean so please ask one by one of you first peace okay i thank you so rasulullah he did that is accepted that he blew on certain people that is accepted after fajr they used to bring some people used to bring a a pot of water and they they should line up and prophesy them used to put his dip his hand inside there this is sahih muslim and that was used to give to the people who were ill and they said whoever whenever rasulullah dipped his hand early in the morning whoever drank from that water they got cured right this is one of the miracles of the prophet salallahu rasulullah you know there aren't many things that prophet muslim had we should okay fine now with the thing about tawi is itself right because if you look in the jahili thing you will find that tawis um they some of these mushriks they used to have these amulets and they used to wear them for protection they used to wear them because they felt that this would protect them and this was something that had a power in itself right he made clearly not to have these amulets it's very clear fine however just as rasulullah told them not to go to the graves at one time because he knew that the women who went to the graves he told the women don't go to the graves why they had they had just come out of the days of jahaliyah and when they used to go to the graves they used to start wailing and crying and doing certain things with the jai hill people used to do the ignorant people used to do so prophet saws forbade them from going to the graves then later on he said i used to forbid you i forbade you from going to the graves but i am now telling you women go to the graves why because they have stopped the jahili practices now he said go and visit the graves and he used to allow the women to go and visit the graves the same way rasulullah prohibited the amulets why because people had the beliefs within the amulets themselves that they had certain powers and they had these superstitious beliefs so for rasulallah forbade that but later on even some sahaba it's in the tradition some sahaba they would write certain things on paper certain duas and paper and they would hang it onto their onto the actual arm itself this has been reported by sheikh al-islam ibn in in one of his books this has been reported i will tell you uh by sheikh ibn al-qaeda as well about the practice where certain sahaba they used to write certain pieces and they're not every sabbath this is there's one or two narrations you've got there that they would write it and they will you know a woman who was having you know problems giving birth then they would they would write certain certain things and they would they would tie it onto her arm this is something and the hadith is not weak the hadith is not weak has mentioned it in fatal body as well and he's brought it under a particular chapter where he has said three conditions has given three conditions he said that whatever is written in on the paper which is tied on that thing has to be something which is in accordance the quran sunnah it can't be something which is against the quran sunnah something which you don't understand he said it has to be in a language you understand number one was language you understand number two is that it can't be anything or against the uh what rasulullah said and the third one he said is that the one who's wearing it cannot believe that this has got power in itself he has to believe that allah has got the power just like you brother what do you do you take medicine you take what medicine you take what paracetamol you've got a bit of pain in your body what do you take paracetamol now which hadith has got paracetamol which hadith parasitimo but if you look i'm going to be serious with you rasulullah has given us a dua for pain since it's in sahih muslim it's in tinvidi he has said whoever is in pain this sahabi said messenger of allah i've got such pain that i'm going to feel i'm going to die with this pain prophet sallallahu said he said say put your right hand onto the place wherever the pain is rotate it seven times and say this he said say this seven times and the sahabi said that seven times he said the pain was so bad before saying this that he thought he was gonna die after he he massaged himself seven times he rotate his right hand over the such a pain he was gonna die he said i never felt that pain in my life ever again right now has prophet sallallahu giving you from his mouth a a cure to pain yes or no yes so please brother stop taking paracetamol stop taking panadol stop taking aspirin and all the other you know morphine and everything else i've got when you're dying with pain please use the hadith and sahih muslim and tidmity and just use this seven times and please just say this is the sunnah and um since prophet saws given us a sunnah you it's wrong to to make your own thing so if you're not going to say that broth then the same thing applies when rasulullah he only did rook here and he he never probably wrote himself that's fine but his sahabis so on they wrote something certain sahabi did that and it's recorded in the traditions it's accepted ahadith when they did that if somebody wants to do that practice and the person believes that just as you believe paracetamol has no power who has the power allah's fact but you still take the paracetamol right so the person wants to hang something here and he believes that this has no power who has the power allah and it's written in something in arabic which you can understand written going to the quran some quranic or something even says that it is it is fine to do that but if you ask me now you ask me am i going to start telling you to go and get taoisees and use ambulance no i'm not going to say that to you i'm going to say to you just use rukia you'll be fine you should have a strong iman you use rookia you survived it for yourself and that should be fine once you get into that mood i need a taiwai then you hang one across your neck you have one on your arm you hang on somewhere else and it's not not enough some people have got two three inside then they hang it on the wall and they hang it on this wall and then in the bedroom and by the pillow they put one under the pillow because these guys are getting you know they've got some problem inside here that's why none of my my sheikh in bangladesh is on he don't write this style with this i don't know how he is right someone wants to come to me i'll do mine the normal rook here we probably did but as i said to you early in the talk if you find some new part of the quran which you found work just like the sahabi did then you can do that as long as it's in accordance to how rasulullah would have done the rookia so that's the answer to to that yeah okay so the question the question from the brother is that you know with what i said about the hat some people undervalued some people over value it and the same thing now he's asking about the mushaf about the quran you know some people just put it on the floor and they think there's nothing wrong with putting the quran on the floor some people put it onto high shelves and so on where there's no way any foot or anyone's you know anyone will get in near there and so on what is the correct thing uh about that now i want to say like mousetad dad himself he went to the haram and he sat there in madinah sorry makka mukarrama and he noticed this arab brother who was sitting next to him he was reading the quran and he came to the suit of the quran he closed the quran he put it straight onto the floor and then he did this and then sat back again and took the quran from the floor and he started reading again so my my sheikh father raheem allah gave me a good long past life he said he said brother why did you put on the floor he said is it it's okay he said you said it okay so so the the the arab said to my he said um what's your dale why can't i put it on the quran so my sheikh said woman things that are either emblems or shrines or artifacts of the deen if you respect them then this is from the taqwa of your heart this is the eye of the quran so if you respect the kaaba if you respect the mosques if you respect the adhan if you respect the quran these are all from the irilla so he said allah has mentioned the holy quran that is from the taqwa of your heart so the ara there are brother he said well that's not specifically talking about the um you know it's not specifically talking about the uh quran itself so this is not the lead so my sheikh god got me angry and he said to him and i think this is enough he said brother he said is your bum and the quran the same he said to me is your bomb and the quran because you put your bomb on the floor you put your bomb on the floor so where you put your bum you're going to put the quran you have that level of respect for the quran then you have numbers and if you look in the rewire if you look in any of the sahaba's different relations you will find that the utmost respect for the quran some arab brothers they use this hadith they say well they found this hadith that says they rolled the mustafa and they used the pillow right but there's a hadith directly against that rasulullah said don't use the quran as a means to you know to lean upon use other pillars on the hadith against that so that's not a good dali to use and i would say that the early salaf none of them there's no narration that they would just put it on the floor they'll put it on the seat they would put on the chair you know what kind of respect is this is allah's word please have respect for him put it yes put it on a high shelf put it somewhere where it's respected okay about the kunut and about the uh about the last 10 nights some must do keyamule in the last 10 nights only okay and they do it in jamaa as well if those brothers who do it in jamaa only look i've given the answer you've been here for my whole talk right okay so you can tell me yourself now if somebody does only tia munl in jamaa for 10 nights only and they regard that as part of the deen what will happen it will be there and if they if they say that we're just getting for convenience it's the last 10 nights we want to finally it's a nice opportunity let's all get together and just do only i couldn't do it on my own but i'm going to feel sleepy i might as well do in jamaal i'll stay awake if they do it as a voluntary thing and they all come voluntary like that is it fine or not fine it's fine it's fine so according to this one so it depends on the mentality so if you meet any brothers who do it because they feel is part of the deen and they feel that this practice is sunnah they cut they can't do that because it's something which is you get you bring on yourself and you do voluntary don't say that is part of the deen right that to do it like this okay is part of the deed and to do it on any night is part of the didn't find but to do specific in jamaica these ten nights is not going to be part of the deen at all the same with the with the kunut as well again if i think there's some narration about uh the salaf doing the withered after the after the tarawih as well now to do it for the full um full ramadan if someone feels that is part of the deen again what will happen and it's not in the sunnah of the process it's going to be that well if they feel like for convenience i've done the tarawih and the salah there is reports in the salah among the salah that they they have done this i'm not saying to you that it is in the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi if they want to do it right then they can't do it it's there because it's not because we we're suddenly making this thing up a jamaa for witted this jamar for with it is found amongst the salah from the earliest from the from the earliest of the of the people of the predecessors okay you know the width itself is about thee at further time all right and then standing up okay if you're fine fine again uh doing the dua after the witted in the last rakat which they do in the haram that's the one you're talking about right if you do it and it becomes a practice which you think is part of the deen in ramadan to do it every night like that is part of the sunnah then it's going to become bitter but if you feel that it's for convenience nice opportunity everyone's together and it's reported that you can't do it at this time you can do kunut at this time and you can do and we're going to just repeat it 30 days for convenience sake right because we love to do it not that we thinking is part of not that we must do it then it's fine okay now what do i do in taraweeh like for example in north london like so you know the people there they feel that you must do a dua after the phrase now you know the indo-pak they like to do dua sitting down right and the arabs would like to do the dua inside the qunut right so what i do in my mosque over there is that i'll do the dua after tarawih but there'll be nights i'll miss it and i'll announce it i want to make sure that no one tells me i have to do it because if you think i have to do it then it's going to be bitter so i make sure that i miss a couple of nights in fact what i do is you know the with it itself where i am now i know this is very contentious among some hanafi's they feel that the two rakats separate one rakat separate right you know the wizard that they do in the haram right two rakaats and one rakaat which is the humble view right they feel that in the han of your mother that's not even allowed at all and they feel that you must do three requests together now both of them are sunnah according to my understand both but what do i do in my part of north london because i've got salafi brothers there i've got other brothers the suvi brothers there i've got all sorts of brothers there you know what i do i do the three workers together but then one day i'll bring a shafi imam and i'll say to him do two rakats then we'll do salaam with you then do one rakat on your we going to follow you every single half of you want every hand of you to follow you as well why because i want this unity this thing about you know i can't pray behind you because you're doing a sunnah i know it's a sunnah but it's not a sunnah i will accept and i can never pray behind you i feel that's an extreme in the deen to split people apart i believe we should be so close together if you're practicing the sunnah and you've got a hadith for it alhamdulillah brother come become the imam i will be behind you i myself i never you know how many times i've traveled i you know some brothers you know what they do they travel and they say oh that's a dubai mosque and that's a bravery mosque i can pray that they open their camper in the bellevue or i can pray in the brilliant right in my travels i'll even wherever i am if i have to if i come across i will never ask brave muslim oh my god is my prayer going to be done i'll go straight inside i'll pray behind them i will not repeat my prayer right this is unity why because i don't see those people with deviant beliefs that i have to stop stop my prayers behind them do you understand i pray behind both and i expect all my brothers to do that as well this is unity in the deen because prayer if i'm praying according to the sunnah and i've got a hadees for it alhamdulillah is accepted in the deen so your thing is that like for example you know you can't now bring in vicar a practice which is extra where you're moving part of the body like moving the head like some people like to move the head and so on a thicker time it's not allowed just because you've got the hadith of the allah because he's not anywhere in the hadith yes that's what you just said yes you can't apply to here that's what i'm saying yes it's okay okay now the answer to this is that look if a person applies that and if a person says like you said the brother is saying that he gets more concentration by moving his head because perhaps he wants his heart to be engaged with allah look you've you've said your question please and i'm good okay because it doesn't have it whichever way you go you're trying to say that it shouldn't be allowed that's it whether you go that route that route you come to the same same part right exactly so look if a person is in vicar and he's moving his head because he thinks that i want to get my heart involved here so i want to move my head so i know that my heart at that time is involved so i'm moving my head towards my heart and so on all right now there are something that considers this a bitter because it's like it's an addition to the deen that wasn't there now rasulullah when he did the thicker he didn't actually move his head and and those were say that and there's others who say that for example if if for example i was to do this you know you've seen certain people and you see them all all over the world even when you when you look at pictures of the haram and they're making dua right the person making dua to allah and imams today she's making this wonderful dua and everyone's crying and you see her brother yeah now in his dua what he's doing is he he wants allah allah please you know except his daughter that's all he's doing but he's moving his hands yeah and a lot of brothers across the world do and in the haram when you when you look at the picture of they're doing the thrawi you can see loads of these brothers doing that yeah what are they doing all they're doing is that they want it to be meaningful they want like allah please allah make it happen make it i'm not mean his emphasis but there's no hadith that resource has moved his hand in his door right you can't call this bidder unless they want to say that this is part of the dua they're not saying that they're just doing it momentously at that time so someone's doing thicker and they want to move in momentously or like some people read the quran and they they suddenly they just feel like you know their body just moves it's spontaneous they're not saying that you have to move your body when you do the you know when you read the quran if it's momentous like that it's fine but if they believe that is part of the deen yeah i'm going to do the quran yeah i have to do that with it yeah it's going to be that if they say that you have to do that thicker time you have to move your head it's going to be bitter but if they do momentously if they do it because they they just the way the guy thinks that yes let it happen to allah he's thinking my heart i want my heart to and it's just moving like that then you can't call that bitter unless he he makes it part of the thing or believes that you thicken must be done like this or this is one way of doing wiki and it's part of the sunnah or part of the deen in any way then it's going to become bitter to follow a weak hadith for virtue is that classified as buddha look weak a hadith okay some ulama believe you cannot practice upon any weak hadith at all some other say you've got conditions to practice the some salaf is especially mourned to that side they will say weak hadith forget it's not even part of the deen they won't even accept it as part of the deen and you come to this side here they'll accept fabricated hadith as part of the deen right that's another extreme right so what i'm gonna say is these are two extremes in between what do we do the ulama are thousands of them there are hundreds of them you you pick up the books and many different from the greatest this um has produced they've said as long as the weak hadith is not very weak number one it's not very weak as long as that especially if it's fabricated they said you cannot practice at all come on if you're narrating it you must mention is fabricated you must mention this is not what the prophet said all right if it's weak it cannot be very weak if it's very weak again don't practice it they've said next thing is that it cannot be something to do with with beliefs it is to do with you iman and beliefs you cannot accept it it is to do with a hadith that goes against some other quran part or some hadith then you still can't practice it but if these three conditions are fulfilled so number one is it's not too big it's only slightly weak number two is that it's it's a hadith which is a hadith that has what does it have hadith that is not going against the quran and what's the third one i said come on guys who's awake huh the one is cotton doesn't contain anything to the beliefs so it's past these three once you've done that you can practice it these are many many scholars have said this so look again you've got two extremes here one's going to throw everything out and one's gonna accept everything and we don't do that right we're gonna be cautious in how we accept that so you got certain books that will have some of these hadith now just because one book might have mentioned one hadith weak hadith you can't just throw it out many of the many of the great salaf they've got books like that that they've done that they've got weak hadith in there many of them and they're mentioned this week all the way up to um imam zahabi zabi's got a whole book on fadal on virtues and he's mentioned weak hadith and he said his weak hadith no one's made us fuss about it but sometimes when one you know because he's already sufi and he's mentioned that that's it he's going to be good about gun blazing on that that's not the right attitude it's a very good question there are akita issues that your question is what is the dividing line between the salafis and the sufis is it just the things i've mentioned so far with these practices and veda and so on or is it to do with where allah is and you know how our lies and the beliefs about allah and about in is both whether it's both yep and i haven't you you know i've got another talk so who's right yep and in that i i mean you know there's parts in that about akida there's mainly about motherhubs and the difference in math so that talk i i made or i did rather said rather pointing towards that so you're going to find a lot of these questions that will be answered over there but this talk specifically is about the bidder aspect and the practices and i want you to because you know it's already been a few hours if i now go into all the differences in um with in terms of beliefs and about allah and what to believe and what not to believe about how it divides the selfies which is another you are absolutely right which is another factor which divides them as well then i'll be here for another two hours and you know i'm already you know i've had a good night yeah very very good question one side you've got people worshiping graves on the other side you've got desecrating graves and like you know you've got saudi arabia where you go to jainal baki if you look in the turkish empire you had every tomb the turkish you know government the ottoman empire had made little tombs or certain marks where different people were even you know many places of medina they had that and then the new government came and they demolished everything now there's there's a bit of both because you know some what you know you're asking about the middle part where do you stand you know if you ask me what i would have done is i would have educated people i would have told them that look here is imam malik's grave or here is um whoever is great is grave or whatever now this is the mark that tells us where his grave is this is history i'm not going to wipe away history and for the rest of few generations never know where these things are but i'm going to educate people i'm going to i want to send people in their countries i'm going to send you know ambassador i'm going to make groups i'm going to make awareness i'll make you know holocaust i'm going to give books i'm going to have said send allama to the countries i'm going to make i want to make courses to pass before they come to hajj before they come to umrah so they can pass the course that these all bidad about you know touching these things and bowing down to them and all that i'm going to do that i'm going to have guards and policemen there to stop them doing this but i will not destroy history and destroy these marks that's what i personally would have done but obviously the saudi government has taken their stance but i find them hypocrites i want to say this i find them hypocrites they've desecrated these graves yet they celebrated condoleezza rice's birthday the same government the whole government they call condoleezza rice from america and they they even these guys are seriously you know they're so sarcastic they're so sarcastic you know what they gave her they gave her a dark brown chocolate cake half of those racist man that's racist man you gotta give it a different different white cake right but they gave her a dark brown chocolate yeah okay look they celebrated her birthday right their first king who's the first king of saudi arabia king abdul aziz you know his hookah he had his pipe he used to smoke from they've got that in a museum that preserved it masha they've preserved that they've preserved everything of the monarchs you know the monarchs you go to museums you'll find their robes their places they know the things that hookah you know he's a guy smoking on a pipe and you've got any museum um this is out and you know what they do every year in madina murawara in the madrasa my friends have studied there you know what they said part of their their syllabus is they have to study the monarchs they have to study the whole king saudi kingdom of saudi arabia and all their kings and what they did and who did what and all of that and they all hate it they hate studying this they won't they'd rather learn about the khulafa you know of the even if it's the abbasid empire something of the past instead of these new governments and so on but they have to do these parts and you better do it and you know what every single look they say and their king's photos prince's photos are in every single building yes or no term brothers tell me no you go to the embassies what do you see big massive bigger than you know me standing myself there right of their kings their princes royal saudi two lines next to him his name is only that much but he's two lies next to him and he's sitting there with it now tell me this right you say haram and bida and share control the rest of the world and then you have the photos you know they are idolized in the out of countries gaddafi was idolized you know that bashar was idolized before i know there's a lot of mess going on right now yeah but they used to they used to all these arab leaders do this they send the pictures in every governmental building every shop as well almost they will have their photos just to show that they respect them so much that is this a way of respect a way of respect and then you say it's harambe to have you know these photos and bring your cameras here and then and you can't go near but you know you can't go near the place of badr but you can come to my museum you can see what my what my dad had right come on who wants to see what your dad had i want to see what the prophet saws right i want to see his ass out i want to see what he left behind so i feel look i feel they're very hypocritical in the way they go about they don't allow women to drive there yet they have that i mean this is untamed look guys we all know this they fly out to dubai just to be with prostitutes they fly out to other arab countries to drink then they come back to their own country you know wobbling right there's no hard on them they won't chop their hands brother and we all know this so don't give me this hypocrisy i'm not saying to you brother i'm saying this to that government yeah they give this hypocritical way of the deen and they want to desecrate every single part yet they have these practices that are going on under their nose and you know what the worst thing is you know brothers they're many of them are silent and those who speak they're imprisoned the ulam are silent you know what happened to imam hudaifi imam josefi 11 12 years ago in 1999 that shia individual came and he spat did not spit towards the the grave of abu bakr he was there given a royal welcome ashia from iran royal welcome one of the great buddha whoever he was right so he he visited he was in front of the prophet sallallahu alaihi great fine then passed by abu bakr and spat imam jose if you saw that what did imam had ever do the next khutbah he gave it is still available on the internet if you want to hear it he gave a hotba and he ripped them to shreds he ripped the whole history to share that what because he was a sheer individual he wanted to spit at say that what happened they imprisoned him how can you imprison your imam who's talking about man who's spitting at at uh the grave of abu bakr right but they did that then they had to release him because of public pressure right now tell me this right you have you know when you are there's pictures on the net you will find the king current king abdullah or if this is still there or is he yeah whatever is happening is which which may allah you know protect and guide them whatever you got photos on the net the guy is making dua and i think there's a video of this as well on youtube somewhere he's making dua with all his saudi elites and the ulama standing there they're making dua to the prophet sallallahu alaihi who's grave and the qibla is that way they say that right any any goes there and he does he raises his hand they're going to say be that they're going to whack him one they're going to send him out right this happens when any of us don't go there you've got clear footage i've seen with my own eyes where he's making dua now he's raising the house and all of them are raising hands with them and it's towards the grave and the qibla is that way and he's not doing it towards the quebecers very very clear and the olympia is standing there no one has no one dare speak no one dare speak so you know this kind of hypocritical way of one one moment this moment i i've got no time for that if you want to do it you do properly and if you want to say everything better okay fine brother you want to justify all of these then desecrate them and you desecrate your your granddad's hook as well right you've tender in the grave with him as well anyway guys i'm getting a bit carried away here what's my definition of sufi and what's my definite salafi i've said it earlier in the talk that you know the real salafis there are people who want to stick to the text of the quran sunnah and they want to follow salaf means salaf means that it's probably salaf which is the pious early predecessors so they want to follow the ways of the pious early predecessors by following the exact quotations from the quran sunnah which is a very very praiseworthy thing and the sufis the real good sufi these are the real good salafis these salafis said right they don't want to just say everyone bit us they're not interested in that and the real sufis are the ones who want to clean their heart they want to be yes they want to get to the most excellent way of practicing every sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi that's the real sufi not the grave worshipers not the rest of the other ones that have these things so i've explained that before right that's a very very good question i think you know you couldn't have i've actually got that in my notes and i and i forgot to mention i'm really glad that you brought it up the question is that is there a difference between like let's say someone makes their own practice or they may don't thicker or they they got their own and so on and then you've got the dua of the prophet which one is better is it is it rasulullah is better or the one that your sheikh made or the one your group made or the one you made the answer is very very clear the one that rasulullah made is always has been always will be until the day of judgment the best practice that you can practice and i'm going to say that that unanimously between the scholars that this the righteous scholars will say that that is the best practice because you can't get anything better than what resources done but just like you can still take paracetamol guys yeah you can take medicine rasulullah has got a whole chapter of medicine in sahih muslim most muslims don't even know that mostly muslims even if they know that they don't practice it most muslims don't haven't even studied that in sahih muslim a whole section on the tib rasulullah he gave he said this herb will cure these this one will cure that that won't cure that and so on they don't use that they go straight to dr jones yeah and they say dr jones let me show you my tongue yeah and tell me what's wrong with me prescribed from me you know either give me this cough medicine or give me the other medicine they they won't go to the tuba navi so just as they can do that and okay fine if you ask the same question there i would say rasulullah some medicine is the best medicine but just that you you are you're allowed to go away from that for whatever necessity you've got the same way you're allowed to go away from that as long as you still remember prophet sallallahu's own ways are the best ways until the day of judgment please make dua for me i will make
Channel: HikmahOnline
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Id: HVuP-Gf4PoA
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Length: 106min 21sec (6381 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2013
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