The Full Story of Bilal ibn Rabah - Omar Suleiman | Unchained

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fifteen Lama Saudi wa sallim wa barik Arab de Costa Rica salaallah alayhi wa salam ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa salim - seaman kathira mashallah this is a overwhelming crowd come today I hope that all of you came with the intention of first and foremost getting closer to our messenger sallallaahu on e wa salaam by learning about this person that was so beloved to him as i mentioned after the prayer I've taught on Vedado Dullahan who many times I've given many lectures about my dad I've you always see his name coming up in different moments with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam typically they are in those difficult moments with the Prophet slicin and when the prophet saw them did not or wanted to be left alone for whatever reason and the only person who he allowed to be near to him was this great man we dialed the allotted on his name comes up in the Islamic history in this country in particular when Imam what if the Muhammad's may allow mercy on him as he split from the Nation of Islam named his followers initially Beal aliens and that name was used for some time so the name banal always comes up if you're studying cierra and if you're studying American Muslim history and of course recently now there is the movie that I was you know I'm not gonna say who but somebody came up one of the brothers came up to me afterwards and said is there movie about me not so not everyone knows about the movie but obviously there's a movie that went out it's actually it actually was produced a couple of years ago and it was meant to attract the mainstream so it made the theme of justice and equality primary the theme of towheads the monotheism of a doddle the aloha and secondary and you know there's an attempt to remove certain references that would make it appeal only to the Muslim crowd so it's not perfect but at hamdullah did start a conversation and it went around many different theaters actually in theaters here right now as well and in most of the states in this country there there are theaters that are playing this movie on be titled the alongside are known so it evokes a conversation and anytime you can seize on that conversation especially now within Black History Month what made Balazs example so powerful that the indigenous Muslims of this land chose to identify as medallions as followers a bit out of the Alejandra for some time and what makes his example so powerful that till today any Muslim country that you go to any group of Muslims that you go to you're going to find people named it odd that it's a name that we give to our children and that we honor every single time we come for the Salah every time we come for the prayer and the Adhan is made we're following in the example of this legendary man may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala be pleased with him and then why you know there are a few questions that get asked as well if you watch the movie did did I'll have a sister again well maybe he did we'll talk about it but did we'd I'll have a sister if you watch the movie obviously in the in dramatizing the story and adding some elements they added in the element of his sister who was that that man that's the young man that grows up around Vidal named Safwan isn't that even a real character is he fictional what does that have you know is there a connection between that him and Vidal about the Elan and so some questions get asked as well so anyway let's talk about it first and foremost I want us to try to understand how banan ended up in Arabia in the first place how did this man because that's a deep part of his story and you have to look deep into the roots how did this man bolado the ilaha Tata and we'll end up in Arabia as a slave to one of the greatest enemies to the prophet sallallaahu our newest element the story of Bilal and hibachi Bernard the Abyssinia starts off with Abyssinia itself a hibachi itself and if you look at the story of Hamas itself which is modern-day northern Ethiopia if you look at Ethiopia itself in Abyssinia itself it has a very unique and rich history for one it was a small Christian land surrounded by entirely non-christian lands and we know that the first place that embraced Islam at the state level was Abyssinia the first place of his law the first place where the migration took place to his Abyssinia the first leader to accept was the Abyssinian King Najah lost somehow its ought to be pleased with them and have mercy on him and the only man who the profit slice and performed salat to the janazah and absence of him was nagashi the only person who had the janazah performed for him by the profit slice on himself a salon Oh God was Anna Joshi which speaks to his status may Allah be pleased with him so what who are the Abyssinians and how did they end up in Arabia in the first place well the Abyssinians at the time of the prophets lie salaam trace their lineage to Suleiman honey his Salam and built East the Queen of Sheba so they used to trace their lineage to Suleiman RA his setup and as we mentioned in several different classes at least in the hadith on 48 on justice we look at the different breakdowns between the Abyssinians and the persians or the romans and the persians and how those alliances worked out the Abyssinians were naturally aligned with the romans in many different ways so what where the story really starts is in yemen and i recited to sue arose in the quran and one of my friends africa where is he he walked up and he said he recited my to surah so there his to sue us but there are two suitors that are all the way towards the end of the Quran that our children often recite that are well known to us what were the two suitors that I recited you guys all forgot LM Tamaki affair inaudible can be a sob and filled curative heed and also certain muscle both of them have to do with Mecca okay both of them define two periods in which allah subhanahu wa ta'ala extolled the virtues of the believers and gave victory in that sacred land of Mecca so it starts there and that story starts from Yemen in Abyssinia the ruler was a Jewish man by the name of dune I'm sorry in Yemen the the ruler was a Jewish man by the name of Luna was and Luna was used to persecute the Christians in Abyssinia so you had a Jewish ruler in I keep on mixing this up let me rewind in Yemen you had a Jewish ruler by the name of Lou Lewis who ruled Yemen and who used to oppress the Christians there in particular right before the prophets my son was sent a man from Abyssinia led an army from Abyssinia to yemen and defeated this man an established christianity in yemen and instead turned around and started to persecute and oppress the jews in yemen and this man's name was what does anyone know a bra Abraha na uno that's close to our booty Abraha took over Yemen in the year 547 okay so in 547 now the Christians have taken over particularly the Abyssinian Christians who are outsiders cuz Luna waswas a Yemeni Jew an outsider army comes in to Yemen this Abyssinian King with a large army and captures it persecutes the Jews and builds this humongous Church and as we know in the year 570 which is aa would feed which is the year that the Prophet slicin was born Abraha decided to take an army to Mecca in with the intention of destroying the carabao with intention of destroying the sacred home and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala protected the Kaaba and allah subhanho Tata sent an army of birds that destroyed the army of Abraha with which was an army of elephants an army that had elephants with it in the Lazcano time destroyed that army ants we have Adam Tariq a favela Buca be else hobbit field that's in the year 570 after that the Abyssinians that were part of that large army that were part of that conquering group became slaves throughout the Arab world so they were taken captive and anyone that was from the Abyssinians at that point not only became a slave to the Arabs but was actually from a very hated group of people because of the history with Yemen and now the history in regards to Mecca banana well the allah one whose mom was amongst that army of Abraha she was a princess by the name of Hanauma and sinuan princess by the name of her mama she wasn't necessarily marching with the army towards the Kaaba but she still belonged to the elite group of people from Abyssinia and when that took place and there their entire kingdom really felt his mom was taken into slavery and when his mom was taken into slavery she was paired with a black Arab slave by the name of robot be novel the allahu ta'ala anhu was born ten years after in the year five eighty okay so Bernardo de la run whose mom and this is significant from a historical perspective was an elite woman she was a princess from the Abyssinian Kingdom and what this did what this does to Bernardo the elan who essentially is a robber some of his history he was born in Mecca along the outskirts of Mecca and Bernardo the allowed her on who knew nothing but slavery but below the law and who lived with his parents so his entire family was enslaved eventually by Omaha caliph who was one of the elites of Mecca and one of the greatest enemies of the prophet sallallaahu hani wa salaam when islam would come now interestingly enough the buddha's father was an arab he was he was a black arab he was still called banana and Habashi and banana even ha mama because his mother was more prominent than his father and so he was referred to stores bernard the Abyssinian bilal even her mama referred to you don't you don't really see him being referred to as banana bar as he was growing up but really trace to his mother so he was born in what year what year did I say he was born five eighty so ten years after the Prophet sallallaahu and he was said I'm ten years after his mother was taken captive in a Hamlin field what's his description did the movie do justice to how be not old the Aloha and who looked as a child and how he looked as a grown up no in fact one of the criticisms that I read was that Bernardo de Lauer and whose skin color was still very light comparatively light so he looked kind of like a tent what an Arab actually probably would have looked like at the time right Bernardo the allot Idahoans description sadita sewed extremely dark skin hazel brown eyes and his eyes were captivating meaning if Bernardo DLR and who looked at you then you you immediately fell into his eyes he had very deep eyes hazel brown eyes extremely handsome beautiful young man and had a beautiful figure as he's described as being very fit very athletic very strong all of the alongside iron ho and he had he had very powerful eyes he had a lot of hair and be labeled the 11 who's described as never having lost his hair so he never went bald at any point in his life and his beard was barely connected so Bernardo the Aloha I know had a very small beard he never actually had a beard that came far off of his face but he just had a beard that they described as just being connected it just covered his face and till the end of his life will deal on home he only had a few gray streaks of hair that came out from his beard and one down his hair but otherwise but out of the allowance I done who maintained his youth and this is powerful if you look at again the image of bolado the allahu taala and who he actually was and what be not only allow and who actually looked like and one of the articles also that I read on the movie one of the blog posts was the power of seeing yourself on screen so you're tell my positive image seeing a superhero that you could relate to as a young african-american or as a young Muslim whatever it is seeing that person that you could relate to there's a narration that I'll start with here from sidon will say about the alongside our home and it's married it in the tafseer of an imam and forced to be in suruc look man that sir eden will say about the alar and who saw a young black man that was that someone passed the comment awards so someone said something racist to a young black man now so Ethan will say you is from that era he's from that generation so we're not talking about like 300 years later we're talking about in the immediate aftermath of the death of the Prophet slice of them so you still have these comments that get passed some time so there was this young black man and someone passed the comment towards him and say we'll say absurd that it affected him so he went to him and he said lies on us what do not let anyone make you feel bad for being black do not be sad at the color of your skin or let anyone put you down for being black and he said for in who can I mean he did not see tada that when Minister Sudan he said three of the best people to ever walk the face of the earth were from a Sudan now Sudan I hate to break it to the Sudanese doesn't refer to the country of Sudan it referred to Africa as a whole at that time when they set a Sudan that's what they were referring to so he said three of the best people to ever walk came from Sudan they were African and he said Bilal well major well look man bilal radhi'allahu anhu message' who was the freed slave of Amara Delano who was the first martyr of beddit the first Shaheed on the day of bed of course the first battle that mulatto DLR and who fought in as well and look man al Hakim alehissalaam who allah subhanaw taala honored with an entire surah after him even though he was not a nubby he was not a prophet so this is something important that the image of bedad does mean something and it speaks to the fact that these barriers were broken down in Islam the cunha of bernardo de lara and who was aboard allah a barbed allah even though bernardo de la and who never had any children so it's actually stated that Balad does not have any children but he would still be called a bar abdullah and the term the derogatory term that was used towards him by a blue belt in the famous story Yemen is soda Oh son of a black woman had two functions number one it was used towards baton early on in his life to put him down so when I was out set it to him you know when someone says something to you uses a derogatory term and it's a term that was used to put you down throughout your entire life it carries extra burden it carries extra paint so that wasn't the first time he heard this term Bernard would be called yup 'no soda for two reasons one as an indication that he was not an arab and that he should remember that because even though his father was an arab his mother was not so as a means of isolating him inside by reminding him that your mother was a soda she was Abyssinian whereas his father was a black Arab so it was to remind him of that and the second thing was as a means of mocking the darkness of his skin because as we said Bernardo the Ilan who was extremely black so as a means as a means of mocking the darkness of his skin it would be called yebin is so duh and what's narrated about his mother again when you have a powerful person that's taken captive is that banality Ilan who grew up witnessing her torture and that's something significant that your frame of reference as a child that does something to your construction obviously not only was he born in slavery but he watched his mother in particular subjected to all sorts of torture and all sorts of abuse and that obviously hurt him but it also motivated him in regards to his situation and this was a man who as he grew up in Arabia earned his reputation for his strength for his intelligence and so he wasn't just any slave he was considered the most elite slave of umeå elite in the sense that he was he was far more skilled and talented than anyone else and so he became a favored slave to amia blue Halep why is that significant mulatto the allotted on who could have easily rejected the message of islam and bernardo the alarm on it seems had passed a position of torture in his life he wasn't one of those slaves that would be tortured he was a favorite slave of Omega he could have lived a relatively comfortable life compared to others at that time but Bonanno the along Turner who still immediately as he heard of the message of the Prophet slicin embraced that message that's also something significant to understand that though he read he was still a slave gonadal de la Ronn who reached a position within his slavery where he was he was a favorite slave from the family of Omega due to his strength due to his intelligence and due to his abilities how early did be now told the allotted on who embrace Islam and why he embraced it as soon as he heard the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was calling to it and what's here is that villain had no relationship to the prophets why some that's really established Alba Donald the allow I knew heard was that the prophets why some was calling towards one God I had an ad that the message was I had an ad and one Bernardo de Lauer I heard that that was the message I hadn't had one God one God be novelty a lot on who knew that this was exactly what the problem was in society was the idolatry that had become a tool of oppression had become obviously first and foremost it was associating partners with Allah but than a tool of oppression a tool of just making money revenue for the elites at that time a tools to subject and to subdue the people in that society so that message of tow he'd immediately resonated with banality allow an animal and who's making this call muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam not one of the elites not one of the oppressors and orphan who grew up and who earned a reputation on his salat wa salam for being honest and trustworthy for his character and for always being in the aid of those who were oppressed and who is the first person that accepts him Abu Bakr docile vehicle of the allahu ta'ala anhu and abu bakr radiyaallahu anhu has a reputation in society for his honesty for his generosity for his gentleness soba noodle the allahu allah and who knows right away when he hears this message that this is it and Mujahid's what the allahu anhu says a woman of Aharon Islam says the first people to make their islam known were seven people rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abu Bakr Wahby nod well kebab or so hey why I'm mom was till a year oh my my so the first seven people to make their Islam known the early seven and that tells you everything you need to know about the character of Islam the prophets my son of abu Beckett Bilal kebab Sohaib amar and Sameach so after of the Prophet slice I'm a double Becket you have five that come from slavery that embraced the message of the prophets of Allah - Allah which immediately tells you everything that you need to know about character of the message of the Prophet slicin that this was a message that came to empower the vulnerable not to replace not to replace in the same apparatus the religion that was already being used to subject and to subdue the vulnerable of society those were the first to make their Islam known and wooja had said about be not on the alone without and these people he said when they made their Islam known the only two that were not tortured publicly amongst them where the prophet sallallaahu Hardy was son of a noble Becket was Abu Bakr tortured he was but he was tortured in private as he belonged to a powerful tribe and his torture was not like the torture of the other five the other five were slaves the other five were subjected to all sorts of hardship the other five had no one to protect them in that brutal Society so Mujahid says that they took them and they strung them all out in the public and they would beat them and torture them and dehydrate them and make an example out of them and particularly he said that be loud all the allowed on him was the one who gave his master the hardest time and he's the one who had the harshest and most cruel of masters so Omega was not like the other masters he wouldn't have any sort of sympathy for gonadal the allahu anhu Omiya particularly hated the message of the prophet salallahu alaihe wasalam and of course was joining alongside abu jihad at that time as sort of being the ringleaders of those that were trying to quell and squash the movement of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so what did Oh Maya do to be novel the Allahu taran said that he used to tie him up in public and he used to have him lashed from the sunrise to the sunset and he wouldn't let any water come to him and as a means of torturing him him sometimes they would drip a few drops of water on his chest meaning he's dehydrated he has nothing to drink and they were dripped some water on his chest just to just to amplify that torture on Bernardo the allahu taala animal put yourself in mecca and what you're seeing with this man the torture be loud or the allow thailand who went on for months months when that didn't work what did they do to be loud all the allotted on who said that they would tie be loud upload the allowance I ran home from his wrists and from his ankles and they would hand him to the sofa ha of a thought same people that stoned the prophet sallallaahu on he was on them to the - to the to the young ones of a thought basically those who were known sofa how it would mean the ignorant ones and a lot of times I see that mistranslated by the way and a literal way the sofa hat would be would be the hoodlums right would be you know these people that were known for doing nothing that was productive people who were no good and you imagine he would take Milano the allowance out on when they would throw him to the sofa ha and he would say to them do with him whatever you want if I do be he mash it to him do whatever you want to him so they beat him they'd cut him they'd spit on him they'd assault him they do all sorts of things to him and they would beat him and they would say gonna love put a tourism say a lot say ELISA and allowed or the allow and who would respond Allah Allah so that that was the torture of bedad or the Allah on who they tried different methods they tried different people and they assaulted him in every possible way to try to break him well the ilaha tada I know then even miss Ruth little dial on who narrates another incident about midoriyama Hana said that I remember Bulow told the allahu ta'ala anhu being dragged in the streets of mecca and the blood from his body was leaving a streak these are vivid details from the Sahaba they all remembered and recalled the torture of this man or the allahu taala idol eventually omega put a collar on him so the humiliation and the torture only increased he put a collar on him and he used to drag him with that collar and they used to put hot Iren on him and he said that Vlado the alarm on who would pass out would go unconscious for many hours to where we thought maybe he was dead but be not only allahu ta'ala anhu would wake up and subhanAllah there's a narration as well the water comin off and though this is not a hadith that scenario did in the hadith form so you can't verify it like you cannot hadith of the Prophet so I some that water come to know that once passed by bernardo de la and who screaming as he was being tortured I hadn't add as he would always do one one one one and water car responded and said I hadn't had wallahi Avila one one o Allah he obeyed odd and waraqa this old man said to Oh Maya wallah he in attenti attack alayhi Dori I swear that if you killed this man then I'm going to build a shrine on top of him that you're not going to just kill this man without consequences that what this man is doing is Noble and that he doesn't deserve to be treated in this way but no one was really in a place to be able to help him and even miss Ruth one of the allahu anhu said that of all of those that were tortured out in public all of them would give up at times meaning all of them would just say what they had to say in the prophets i said i'm allowed for that to be done but you could say things to get yourself out of torture as long as you didn't mean it in the heart he said in Balad except for Balad god had enough so he severe Allah it's beautiful he said that he literally just gave himself he belittled himself for the sake of Allah completely gave his body and gave his self for the sake of a loss of I know it's hard and he says that he's one of those who were lost somehow no it's an honor or some of the scholars said it was revealed about me loud all the Allah on who I mean a nasty man yesterday enough Sahaba T ha I'm not a lot Sela Elora often delivery about that there are some people of the people are those who sell themselves yesterday enough so you know it's not that you give of yourself and your wealth as you're spending or in battle or whatever it is jihad and piece of luck no he gave himself for Allah subhana WA Ta'ala seeking the pleasure of a loss of Hannah Montana and Allah is ever kind to his servants at what point do you give up and what the you know what was happening with banality alone who is that they kept on increasing the torture of him and kept on looking for unique ways to torture him and bin Alondra seem to only be getting more stubborn in his belief completely unwavering not once would he say anything bad about the Prophet slicing him and he was not like some of those that actually knew the prophets why someone were close to him and that would say things and they were completely forgiven one understandable would not say anything bad about the Prophet slice Allah would not praise the gods he wouldn't even say their names they would say cool Allah put in the RZA just say a lot say it and he would say Allah Allah and when they torture him he'd say I hadn't had one one that's all he would say Allah Allah and I hadn't had until one day as we know that Omega decided to end him and he was brought out and Omega called for for a stone that took between seven and ten men to bring that stone and to place it on his chest and the stone was left in the Sun so it was a huge stone so it was it was baking in the Sun so it would burn him and it would be placed on him and that was supposed to be the end of this man all the allahu ta'ala anhu and subhanAllah that stone didn't kill him they started putting stones on top of that stone and they started to stack up the stones on his chest or the Aloha Daniel and what was he saying I had to I had one one Abu Bakr build the Aloha I'm who pleaded with Oh Mia let me buy this man from you he didn't want to sell him he wanted to make an example out of him and then finally when I got to a point where if Bernardo the Aloha know either at this moment he's gonna die or he's come he's damaged to a point that he'll never recover from this the way he's been tortured he'll never he'll never be himself again at this point you just want to get rid of him and at this point as well just take whatever money you can get so Abu Bakr Italy alone who said to him whatever price that you want just ask me and I will give it to you and Omiya finally said to him seven to ten rupiah's or dinars so Opia is a measurement dinars are a different measurement the point that we can derive from the different from from the different sources of cielos this was several hundred coins that this was not a small price knob Oh Becca told the allahu anhu said done omega as he gave him bernardo the allahu ta'ala anhu he had some parting words for bananas Vedado was being dragged off now but i couldn't just get up and walk double back at all the alarm on they removed the stones and they dragged it out of a bucket imagine dragging him to his feet and as they were gonna drag me down Oh may the last words that he would say he said though our plates a need enough we could have given me one dinar and it would have been enough I would have sold them to you for one coin he's nothing holla he's belittling him and degrading him even in his last moments and Abu bekatul the eleventh who said well la he even if you asked me for a hundred I would have still given it to you so whatever you would have asked me for this man I would have given it so how loud this man who had no value to his people suddenly now is going to a Beckett and is going to these people who are saying we would pay whatever it took to be able to free this man volatile the ilaha Tata I'm home he said that one day he it was an errand that he asked me that'll be Ilan who later on and he said to be Donald a law and we praised him he said but I wonder why is it that you would only say AHA do not 1/1 why weren't you calling upon Allah with anything else and somehow lobbied out all day long who said yeah I mean what mean had I known anything else about Allah I would have said it he didn't know right mom he didn't know Raheem he didn't know kitty he didn't know you had to Bob he didn't know any of the names of a loss of I know it's all right all he knew was Allah and 1 1 so the only thing that he said was a head wound ahead 1 1 and he didn't want to go beyond that because he didn't know if he put he would be saying would be true about a loss of how Noah Ta'ala and I'll model the allahu taala I know I used to call him say you do not our master who was freed by our say it Tuckahoe say you do know our master who was freed by our master Abu Bakr the along tirean who's the one who freed him and that became his name and his honour in society he's no longer a slave he's our master who was freed by our master some of the people in parish couldn't wrap their heads around why I will Beckett had just dropped all this money on bait out of the allows iron so they started to make up rumors what did they start to say they said that there must be something that happened behind the scenes banal ammo Beckett owed without money or there was some sort of favor or some sort of contract that there was there was something else there he did this to show off they started to make up all these rumors about Abu Beckett all of the allahu ta'ala anhu and a loss of hanahuna Tejada revealed when my dinner in the home in there met integers are in levity a wedge it all began Allah what a sofa Allah the last ayat of surah laid that there is nothing and no one who could properly compensate Abu Bakr it'll be a lot of time who he wasn't seeking anyone elses reward he was seeking the pleasure of his Lord and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will indeed pleased him so a lot clarified the intentions of a bucket of the Ilan Taran while praising the selflessness of banan above the allahu ta'ala anhu and abu bakr actually freed both banal and hubbub so these two amazing companions of the prophet sallallaahu and he was selling both they're both of them their freedom was purchased by abu bakr as-siddiq radiyaallahu ta'ala anhu as Badal entered into the ranks of the muslims and now he's no longer a slave he's in the same rank as abu bakr and as hamza and as these other people that are coming in Ramah and these other elites of society when the prophets I seldom now goes to speak to these leaders from flourish and he's still calling them to Islam because remember you still have a long time in Mecca without accepted Islam in the first year of the darrell so he's one of he is one of the first so you still have 13 years in Mecca and he now have bedad accompanying the prophet sallallaahu and he who assignment accompanying these elites of society and occupying the space when the prophets of allah on who is salam would implore some of the leaders of chorus and call them Islam one of the things that they would say is that we will not speak to you because of the people that are around you and this is important this wasn't about the idols this was about the effect of the idols and the counter effective to hate the counter effect of that oneness of God so finally one day Abu polyp speaks to the leaders of flourish and they say listen we'll sit with your nephew and we'll talk to him and we'll come meet him and we'll consider his message on one condition Sohaib bernard a bob MCDOT they named these four who were all slaves they can't be in the room that's the condition we'll come meet with him but we're not getting we can't be seen sitting with these slaves so we'll sit with the plenum bring up a bucket let him bring home up let them bring earth none let him bring honey let him bring the nobles of society we'll sit with them but we're not gonna sit with these slaves when that came back to the prophet's mysoline i mean if you think about it that he's not asking if the slaves have to be tortured for this one meeting when we sit together just don't bring the slaves you come and you sit with us without these slaves it's not the most terrible thing to respond to for the sake of the bigger picture right the prophet sallallaahu our newest Adam received revelation from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala well tell truth in lovina yet they ruin our beloved earth you will actually don't know what don't you dare turn those away who call upon Allah day and night seeking his pleasure forget about them when they tell you when when they tell you kicked them out a lost man without I said I'm telling you not to kick them out do not turn those people away because they have that value with Allah because they are people who call upon allah subhanho wa taala day and night so the prophet salallahu alaihe salam refused that meeting to do away with Balad and and and some of and Sohaib and kebab and Mecca dad and some of the slaves that were being referred to by the flourish and the prophets of Allah Reis and I'm Subhan Allah instead this is how the prophets lice in response to the Quran when the ayah came down to him the prophets like some call for those men and he sat with them subhanallah as if to to really to have an immediate response to that alia from a loss of hundreds I that verse from a loss Anna wants how to forget about those rulers forget about the nobles he sat with them at that moment and that was that was something that really brought joy to their hearts Allah defending them a lust a loss of hundreds are sending revelation that continues to empower them that continues to not sacrifice them because they put everything on the line for the sake of allah subhanahu wata'ala and this is something that you know that be not only allow i had with the prophets my so not just as a response this ayah but be not only about our i know one of the file that's mention of him the virtuous suspension of him is that he witnessed every journey in every battle with the prophets of allah are you mister him every significant moment in the life of the prophet slice in Balad was there with him so be loud would witness all of those things going forward from Mecca and Medina and spent all of that time with the Prophet SAW why Salaam so they make their way to Medina on the way to Medina an argument breaks out the argument breaks out between Bilal and Abu Dhabi Fadi radi allahu khairan home a Buddha met the prophets lies some early on in Islam and he accepted Islam but then Abu Donald the alarm who went back to his people in the prophets lie some told him to wait until the time comes and then he could join the prophets like them so he didn't have the terribie of the prophets lie some you know that that mentorship of the messenger he wasn't raised by him he didn't understand the new etiquettes of the Prophet slice it I'm he didn't memorize the verses of Quran that have been revealed up until that point all that was absent in the life of without all the allotted honor but now he's joining in the Companions an argument breaks out between him and bid odd about the alongside a handful obviously when you're undertaking a journey like that and you're going through things like that disputes are gonna break out things are gonna happen arguments are gonna surface and as that argument takes place Abu Dhabi says to be Laden is sewed up you son of a black woman the irony and I've mentioned this before L mudada was black Abu though well the Aloha was a black man but Abu Daoud was a black Arab vidonne was the son of an Abyssinian woman so the distinction was still being made they're insulting and this is internalized racism by the way so when the oppressed start to start to accept different gradings so someone who's lighter skin will look to someone who has darker skin and will start to look down upon that and you start to divide amongst those people that are being discriminated against to where they start to discriminate against each other right so Abu that'll a black man says to be nigh the oven is sewed up you son of a black woman and that really hurt me that'll be a lot I don't know because bedad thought he moved on from that and that's the thing he hadn't been called that in over a decade that was something he used to be called in his childhood that was something used to be called in in slavery that was something he used to be called engineer so that's going to you know that's that's a trigger that will that will cause immense pain uncover a lot of what he's been through in his past so they'd be loud will be a lot higher on home you know fight him did be dawdled a law and her curse at him did be not punch him no be not swallowed it but it hurt him badly and that ended that exchange and when that news came to the prophet sallallaahu salaam the prophets lie something called a blue belt and he was lashing out at a booth out as abu dhabi was still walking to the prophets my son uh uh other to who beyond me did you insult him by his mother did you insult him by his mother and he asked me loudly a lot he asked him without what did you say to him so without a told him what he said and the prophets of allah and he was that him said you are a man who still has jetty inside of you you still have the traces of ignorance inside of you now that again buthow did n't have the etiquettes of the Sahaba he didn't have that training that's a paradigm shift in society that has been taught to the people that were around the prophets lie Selim Abu Dada was not accustomed to that but the Prophet slice of them says that the world has not held a man of Stockholm in a be thou a man more truthful than above that aldia lon he's a noble companion he slipped he made a mistake so he went to beat out all the Allahu tada I'm home and he put his face in the sand and he told me that all the allahu ta'ala anhu step on my face and obviously if you think about customs and you think about the way that the nobles are and that whole elite status thing the fact that he's telling me not all the alarm who go ahead and step on my face says something about how he's learned the lesson be not only a long time instead he knelt and he kissed the cheek of up without all the allotted I know and he told him that you don't have to do that so he forgave his brother but that's the first incident that we see taking place now where some of those traces starts to come back and the life of Belial the alongside on home when they get to Medina when they get to Medina by Donald the Ilan who got really sick and the Donald a long time who started to author poetry about how much he hated Medina believe it or not and you know who else did I will Becca will be alone who did too so all of these companions are homesick they miss Mecca and they're complaining about Mecca and that's when I eat some of the alar and had told the prophets and I tell them that I don't think your companion meaning I'm Rebecca will the Ilan who likes this place very much and he said why and she told him what little Becca will be Ilan who was saying and what be novel D Ilan who was saying and how they were complaining about this new place the water was dirty they were all getting sick they felt homesick they missed Mecca the prophets Lysanne missed Mecca right when the prophets why some was leaving Mecca What did he say to it that you are the most beloved of the earth to me and how dear people not turned me away I would have never left you for the prophets place I'm loved Mecca they were homesick and that's when the prophet sallallaahu he was hella made dua for and Medina that o Allah make it as beloved to us or to bless its law how to bless its water to bless its grain to bless all of it and to make it twice as beloved to us as Mecca the prophets like some made there that allah subhanaw taala would bless medina twice as much as mckellen then as they started to gather for the salah this is where of course the story of Adan takes place and a blob News 8 was the first person who had the dream I'm the love news 8 that'll be a long time huh he said that I saw this dream where a spirit visited and there was a man who was wearing two green garments and he had a clapper so I asked him to sell the clapper to mean I remember the Muslims were trying to figure out how they're going to call people to the prayers so I asked him to sell the clapper to me and he said why I told him this Salah or the prayer so he said to me let me share with you a better way and he taught me the ax then so he said to him say allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu allah allahu allah allahu allah and so the end of the other saab the love whose aid woke up to rush to the Prophet so I sent him to tell him about that dream our model of the allahu ta'ala anhu was also coming to the prophets niacin and because of all marble the alarm had the exact same dream and that's when the prophets my son l'm appointed bernardo the allahu ta'ala anhu to be the mother then said because he has the strongest voice and be loud of the allahu ta'ala anhu in the very early days of an medina stands up stands up and makes the first call to add message the nubbly makes the first ad on in medina i want next time you're in medina and you're hearing their van being call think about the very first time the Adhan was being made by bernardo de el otoño and the companions gathering around the mazda to see this man that was subjugated in mecca who they saw torture in every way now standing on top of the message on a pillar calling out allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu allah now to the greatness of a loss in hanoi Tyla and testifying to the oneness of allah just as he did under the stone and this is actually very significant that no one is more deserving to stand up and to say I said to Allah Allah and Allah that I bear witness to the oneness of Allah than a man who almost died under a stone saying I had one one banana the Aloha Ron who deserved that maqam he deserved that station because of all that he had suffered for those words he only knew a few words of tawheed of monotheism but those few words were enough to propel him through the greatest torture that anyone in that society had ever witnessed and the prophets my son would always appointment out of the alone home to be the one to do the event every single day can you imagine this you get to walk into the house of the Prophet slicin every day every single day the lad would start off his day how he would enter into the house of the Prophet slice on that budget and he would say a Salah tiata sort of life the prayer o Messenger of Allah the prayer of Messenger of Allah and the prophets why some would exit with bilaval the ilaha no and bedad would always be the one to tell the prophets lice on him before he would make the event he would go to the house of the Prophet slice them directly and would say the prayer o Messenger of Allah the prayer o Messenger of Allah and what were the words of the Prophet slice of them be hi-yah be that soothe us with it Oh be da soothe us with the prayer o betta so it was the voice that the prophets my son used to hear himself further than every single day in Balad had that access to the Prophet slice them to be the first one of the Companions to see him every single day to wake him up for the prayer or to remind him of the Salah and the last one to do the Adhan for solitude Aisha with the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam banana D Allah and who was his confidante Bilal was always at the side of the prophets why so low bolero the allahu ta'ala anhu was the only one who would have access to the prophets ice and when he was alone Bilal was the one who you had to have permission from if he wanted to meet the prophet sallallaahu Harney wa salaam during those private times so you find this in various narrations in different times where even role model the allow I know has to go through baton to meet the prophets of Allah on us LM as to ask me not go ask the prophet sallallaahu Arnie wa sallam if he wants to see me right now if I have permission to enter upon him he would stand at the door of the prophet sallallaahu I was sediment guard the prophets nice enough and he had narrates that when the prophets my son would go out and when he wanted to to either sit at a well or sit in a garden yes the prophets they call it self care now the Prophet so I said I'm needed his time to to do the kid to remember Allah and to be left alone that the only person that would go with him was belong and Vedad would basically set up in front of where the prophets my son was sitting and make sure that no one attended to the Prophet so I saw them at those times except with the permission of Bilal the hotel and not only that he was a mu jihad he was a warrior and with in in in regards to his closeness to the prophets I son he would be the one in battle he would be amongst those that were surrounding the prophet sallallaahu on he was seldom and fighting alongside the Prophet slice hello embedded in earth in a Honda in all of those battles if the prophets my son was there Bernardo the allahu ta'ala anhu was by his side on his horse as well fighting alongside the prophets line Selim and he had the most important position post in that time which was causing ovate Alma he was the treasurer or the one who was in charge of the Treasury of the Muslims Bilal was in charge of all of the money that was coming into the Ummah all of the zakat all of the sub-aqua and the lad has this beautiful narration or one time the Prophet slice I'm asked him how much money he had so but now I told them so he sent me down with the allow on her to give it in sadaqa and the prophets like son kept on getting money and by Donald the olara and it was coming to him and prophets eyes I was saying how much do we have left and Vinod is telling him so the prophet slice em is sending Vlado the 11 who until they emptied out everything that was given to him that day already his salat was set up so he was entrusted with baton mod with the Treasury as well as the personal belongings of the Prophet so I sent him who would not want that type of access for his short time on earth I D his philosopher Sahab other than his own family no one had that type of access other than be novelty along time I know what an honor and what an amazing life to have what an amazing two decades to be alongside the Prophet slice Allah and somehow Allah doesn't hurt that he came from the house of a filthy man from umeå so he's seeing the complete contrast it went from that to this in the prophets my son love falling in love with the etiquettes of the prophets why salaam how much private arribada private acts of worship did no other human being know of except for gonadal the alone i know how many times did the prophet slicin give a secret charity that no one knew about except for this man that was never recorded in a of hadith but that was only recorded in the scrolls of a loss of hanahuna tab we also find some of the narrations subhanAllah where the Sahaba all knew his position and as we said all modeled the alarm for the proud alma the proud Arab Rama is now seeking permission from bolado DLR and who is now calling him our master freed by our master and he taught this to his children of the lobner model the allahu ta'ala anhu was abu Badal of the love Nora Marc named his first son Bilal so he was the father of Allah and someone praised Balad the son of Abdullah Brahma and said the bilal / Abdullah is the best of Bilad and he interrupted and he said cadet he said he you've told it you've told the lie he said the ballade of rasoolallah was the best of Billups the banal of The Messenger of Allah was the best of bellossom how as if it's his son that Balad was the best of all believes not my son Bilal may allah subhanaw taala be pleased with all of the companions of the prophet alayhi salam imagine this scene as well sitting in medina listening to the Adhan and this is a hadith that's narrated by an ostrich no Sufyan he says that he heard of a horrible the allahu ta'ala anhu say that kundiman rasool allah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we were with the prophet sallallaahu any wasalam become a banana and you nadi so be rattled the allahu ta'ala anhu stood up to call he says the lama circuit when the prophet salaallah when he fell silent when Bella finished calling the Adhan prophets like son was watching him give the other the entire time and he pointed to be loud all the allahu ta'ala anhu and he said man column is lada apena and deferral Jana whoever says what this man just said with européenne shameless plug of the opinion stood for stomach research know with certainty with conviction with no doubt because remember when banana used to say it had to rely on Allah he almost died for it when B dad used to say ash hadu Ana Muhammadan Rasul Allah there was no human being more beloved to him than the Prophet SAW Allah one believes to say Allahu Akbar that was what he sacrificed his life forth so the profit slice I was saying listen I know you're mesmerized by his voice but if you can say what he said and you have that certainty that you have gained that conviction that he has you will enter Jenna as well just Paola you think about that scene and its significance now what happened in the Battle of beddows in the Battle of beddit Bernardo the allahu ta'ala anhu was one of those obviously close to the prophets my salah bernardo the allahu ta'ala anhu witnessed the oppressors that he grew up with in front of his eyes now subhanAllah this it was truly poetic and we say poetic it's the poetic father of Allah the decree of Allah that I'm the love and mr. Udall of the allahu ta'ala anhu would be the one who would stand on the chest of abu jihad and kill him because i woulda had tortured him and mr. who'd actually stepped on him and broke his collarbone when he recited through at the Rahman in Mecca and Abdullah bin Masood would be the one to stand on top of Abu jahil and to kill him banal or the Allah on who saw or may ignore Elif Bilal is a man Madonna is a human being the man who tortured you who almost killed you who belittle do and who degraded you for most of your existence who kept you from the prophet salallahu alaihe wasalam and almost turned you away or tried to turn you away from faith and this is significant because a lot of times when we romanticize you know Vedado the Aloha I went up to me and gave him a big hug and said don't worry about it it's all over no but I felt he was full of emotion when he saw Maya and there in battle now and when the battle was actually winding down that's one bit out of the alot of time I ever saw Omega and Omega understood he was a smart man he understood that the battle was basically over at this point the his side had lost so he started to invoke the elites amongst the Muslims that he used to be friends with to help him out not to help not like fight against them but hey I submit it's all over and you know make sure that this process of checking me in and checking me out of captivity go smoothly so he invoked one of the closest friends of Omega was AB madam narrow for the allotted I know and in fact when Hodja narrates in an e Sabha a black man's nickname engineer was Abdul Rahman was what was the slave of um and afterwards the only thing that the compromise that he made with umeå in their friendship was Omiya would call him Abdul ADA he wouldn't recognize a man Abdul Rahman so he called him Abdul Allah the slave of a God that's the most he could do so in the battle of bed he called him he said I'm do I'm a black man didn't answer he called him Abdullah I'm da man answered him and Omiya was basically trying to sort himself out at this point how do I sneak out of the situation make sure that I leave untouched Bilal dejalo and who saw him and Veera charged at him a black man who was trying to stop bilaval the allahu ta'ala anhu and somehow loved the pain in his words he said managed o to in Nadja managed o to in Naja managed o to another basically i have not lived if he lives I have not lived if he lives I have not one of us is going to die this battle is going to end with one of us walking away from this and Vedado the allow and who charged Atalaya and a loss of Hannah Matata granted him that moment that Bilal was the one who was able himself to be granted victory over Omega and O'Hara in the Battle of Beda that emotion of be Donald Johann who was human but it was not arrogance it was it was the fact that this was the man that subjugated him and that subjected him to all sorts of torture and represented by donald the allahu allah and his past so bernardo de la Ronn who was able to kill umeå in the battle of bed which is pretty consistent with the movie i think i don't know how they portrayed in the movie i forgot all right what about bernardo de la Ronn whose encounters with racism in the Muslim community was all good that Bernardo the Aloha I became Muslim and then all of a sudden no more I'm surprised none of you are saying anything beloved the Alon who still encountered it and the jellia the ignorance of the way particularly that marriage was looked could you imagine Balad asking for your daughter's hand be loud coming to propose to you the more and then of the prophets why Salam the person who's closest to the prophets and I Salaam this beautiful man this strong man this great man comes to ask for you but guess what made out of the alarm who got turned down because of his skin color by a Muslim family Vlado the alarm who proposed to a woman from venerable Kaede and the Prophet slice that I'm took me down oh the alarm to this try to propose on behalf of his more than of his confidant and they told the prophets why some will think about it they didn't want to say no to him said we'll think about it how how disgusting you turned down the proposal of the Prophet slice Allah on behalf of them 11 on behalf of this person this this lofty companion you know what the Prophet slice I'm said to them the next day he saw them he said a nun to Marbella what have you guys decided in regards to be that they said we're still thinking about it yo sort of law he said a nun tomorrow and Allah and the prophets I son said a nun tomorrow I'm Roger Damon Allen agenda where are you in regards to this man who's from the people of Jena like are you crazy you're turning away a man from Genda a nun too much of an agenda and for three days they actually refused by dawdled the allahu ta'ala anhu so biade did not marry from Venable cave but Allah gave him something else not all of them were ignorant bolado the allahu ta'ala anhu instead married paula been to house the sister of not even know the allotted on so from the richest most noble tribe bernardo de la terre on who married the only daughter the sister of Abdul Rahman the richest man in al-madinah and the prophets of Allah Hardy was that him did the NACA have been out of the allahu ta'ala anhu and had been tariffs interestingly enough Balad had a brother and the scholars debate whether that brother was his blood brother without whether that was his brother and hitler alright cuz you know profits like some paired people off but his name was aboard away huh khalid and Habashi so he was Abyssinian and they didn't know if he was they didn't know if I would awake how was the blood brother of a banana if he was just his brother in his aura but in any case I would awake huh was not as prominent as Bernardo I know he was your average Muslim average Muslim at that time is good though and he wanted to use Balad to get married too so it's not this bit odd gets married like he wanted to go to people's house and be like I'm bananas brother I know be odd I mean the guy that makes the Adhan this person that's so prominent I am the brother of Bernardo the Aloha know so he went to this prominent family this prominent Arab family and he proposed and they said listen if you bring bid out and prove that he's your brother will marry our daughter to you so what away how when to bid out will be a lot of tired I know and he said listen I have this family they want they'll let me marry their daughter only if you come the but not old the Alondra said look if I come and they asked me about your character I'm gonna be honest I'm not gonna lie about you I'm not gonna talk you up I'm not gonna say masha'Allah he's from the people that always come to the Masjid mujâhidîn FISA beat it nah no no none of that they asked me about you I'm gonna tell them who you are and so you might not like some of my answers he said just come just come as soon as they brought me Donald the Aloha tired I'm home no sorry he narrates he said that bolado the are and who walked into the house and look at the scene look at this power banality allow and hasad national monica there are often we are who you know us to be and this is how he introduced he says couldn't have obtained that soft on a lot we were to slaves but allah freed us what couldn't habla lane Fahad on Allah and we were two men that were astray but Allah guided us if you wish to marry him to your daughter than do so if you don't wish to do so that's fine simple as that they said we'll do it so they married aboard away head to their daughter and Bernardo the alarm he admonished him he said look instead of mentioning why didn't you mention instead of mentioning who we are and the nobles long time stuff why didn't you instead mention our Masha had with the prophets lie some the times we spent with the prophets license a means of invoking the right to marry his daughter why did why did you go straight to bananas my brother right but still the power of those words but not all the allowed side I'm mentioning who we were in light of our virtues in the sight of Allah Subhanahu Etana then comes fatumak one of the scholars mentions that the day of bed was Yama Hamza was the date of Hamza love the Aloha whether it was Hamzah's day the day of heard was whose day does anyone know they used to say that a omotola abu bakr used to say or heard was the day of talia the weight all had nevada las showed himself and defended the Prophet SAW Allah heard was his day conduct was Salman llamo Salman saman took the you know obviously came up with the entire plan of the allahu anhu another slave freed came into islam he took up the you know he had the whole plan and was alongside the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasalam and they said that Tata Mecca was the day of bina the conquest of Mecca Adonis Allah he will fought that day was beatles day the prophet's why salaam as he entered into the camera before the first time now in a place where islam was prohibited where reciting the quran would get you beaten and almost killed where idols were worshipped on the prophets lysozyme entered into the kaaba who did he take with him inside the Kaaba be rattled the alone huh imagine entering the kappa for the first time with the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as the prophets lie sallam was removing those idols those idols and whose name be lauded the allahu ta'ala anhu used to be subjugated and not only that and this is something some holla the next time you're in ramadan had imagined the scene imagine a man standing on top of the katha calling the other what a powerful scene the only person the Prophet slicing them gave them permission to was be novelty allahu taala no he told me rod to ascend to ascend the caribou and to stand on top of the Kaaba and to call out allahu akbar allahu akbar the first man to do it in medina first time to do with the muslims period now the first man to do it in mecca and imagine the scene imagine the scene some of the redeemer they mention that be dad standing on top of the cabin was more difficult on some of their hearts than the idols coming down that represented a more radical change the idols were just utility but Balaam the guy they used to torture and punish who represented the lowest caste of their society now standing on top of the Kaaba with that type of nobility that hurt them more than anything else and in came the racist comments everyone started to make a comment ok some of them that were new to a stop some of them started to shout out I've done us with young took in camera this black slave gets to climb the camera and they also and some of them started to use a racist word the word was brought up a crow they said this crow climbing the Kaaba calling how dare he no Sayed who just became Muslim most patek Mecca he said it hamdulillah my father never lived to see this he imagines Mecca you people should be celebrating so he does back no no like come did allow my father never lived to see this oh you know and there are so many different things that people comments made had it the new Hisham he said couldn't Muhammad's why some find someone better than this man to call and obviously this man meant something else couldn't he find someone other than him to call the athan what's wrong with him Abu Sufyan looked and he said I'm not going to say anything but if because if I do that I'm afraid the heavens and the earth will testify against me but he was upset everyone was upset because this was a change that they weren't used to idols coming down we accept that we expected that this was not expected be now standing on top of the camera and even a josie rahim allah says that is when allah revealed yeah johannes in Lochner Chaminda Kirino insa wanna come sure baba Elenita ro4 in trauma comer inda llahi at coffin the verse in surah jarate said that that is one according to some of the scholars after sin sent that's when allah revealed the ayah o people verily we have created you from nations and tribes male and female that you may get to know one another verily the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the one who has the most cupola is the one who has the most piety think about by the way the gem that his mother was from the people of Abraha are in the army of a Navaho that were destroyed as they were coming to take the Kaabah banal is now ascending the Kaabah to make that call on that day there is a hadith in Bukhari that belong amar and Sohaib they came across Abu Sufyan on the on the day of attack Mecca and they said to him by Allah the swords of Allah did not reach the enemies of Allah as they should have meaning we missed you you're lucky we didn't kill you you're lucky we didn't kill you Abu back it will be Allah and who saw that and Abu Bakr with the alarm and who was upset he said are you going to say that he saved your age to the to the the the the most noble man of korazin Abu Bakr was not upset because of the classes he just didn't want that tension to be there why did you make that comment you didn't have to make that comment and guess what abu bakr al the allahu anhu went and told the prophets lie some about that incident thinking that probably the prophet i mean the prophets i said i wanted to as well keep things stable when he entered into Mecca at the request of lobos's uncle of the allahu anhu the prophet's alaihi salam said whoever mandela dari I was a recipient for who I am and whoever enters into the house of Abu Sufyan is safe the prophets why some honored Abu Sufyan that day as well or gave him his place double Beckett will be Ilan who was sharing the incident you know what the prophets place that I'm said to him he says the unlike Oklahoma it may be that you would have made those three angry banana a martyr so hey and if you did so then you have angered a lot do you ever see the prophets lie solemn admonished of a bucket list of vehicle of the alar and he's always admonishing on his behalf but he said look you shouldn't have said that to those three because you might have upset them and if you upset them then you would have angered Allah so Abu Bakr on the alar and who rushed back to be loud I'm our slave these these people who were slaves and subjugated before and started to apologize to them and these and he said to them or they sets up a bucket of the eleven who do not worry about it may have lost some Hannah Montana forgive you may Allah excuse you and one of the gems by the way of this is that Allah allowed all of the slaves from mecca that accepted islam and that were tortured to be present on the day of attack Mecca they all were there on that day of the conquest they didn't none of them died in any of the battles that took place between the time they left Mecca and they came back for them to see that day where they are now of the most noble because of their value and standing with the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam now when the prophets lie centum was dying and this is where we know about and I somehow I know salat cetera shows coming up I hope you all will excuse me in order to be able to finish the content in sha Allah Allah when the Prophet slicin was passing away I will be not all the allahu ta'ala anhu every time he heard the prophets lie some cry he too would cry and this is significant that this was this man was everything to bid out of the alone so banal would say was not late any metal table haha i wish and these are madad doesn't say just say things he said i wish i would have died before this day meaning I wish I would die before the prophets lie son passes away I never wanted to have to witness that day all chances were be Dada is gonna be out there doing all these types of things that Balad would die before the prophets lie son but now the realization is starting to come to him that the prophets life I was gonna pass away from the day that album Beckett freed him to that day over two decades he never left his side he doesn't know what life is like without the Prophet slice them anymore so he's crying out he's saying I wish I would have died before this day and the profits i sellin passed away and imagine being bilal radhi'allahu anhu now and you have to make the Adhan and every time you used to make the event you would go to the profit slice of them and say assalatu alla Scuola time for prayer o Messenger of Allah and now the prophets lie son is dead just so you can understand the emotions here Abelardo the Aloha and how difficult of a task this truly was every single Salah he used to go a salah out of Sula it's time for prayer o Messenger of Allah and he can't do that anymore so beloved the allahu ta'ala anhu stands up to make the other and when he gets to ash hadu Ana Muhammadan Rasul Allah he can't say the name of Muhammad SAW he says his name breaks down crying comes back down and just gives up and instead they sent Abdullah Maktoum to give the Adhan and beloved the allahu anhu he said that I will never call the athan again for anyone after the Prophet slice of him not that I won't do it in Medina again I'm done calling the other I can't call the event anymore said never again after the prophets of Allah are you a sinner and the Sahaba would implore him and he wouldn't do it and when the prophets like son passed away I mean imagine you lived with him you saw him all those your life was his life for all those years how many times did the prophets like some smile at Balad how many times did he choke with them how many times did he show him love and appreciation when no one else would show him love and appreciation how much experience was there between Vinod and the prophets life sentiment now he's gone so it was more difficult on him than it was on most of the Companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and as soon as they buried the prophet slice of them be not old the Ilana I'm home made he said I need to leave Medina I can't even be here anymore so not only will I not will I not call the Adhan anymore for anyone after the Prophet slice of them said I need to get out of here I need to leave Medina I will back it or the allow on who called without all the olara no II begged him said look stay here in Medina we need you here ain't no bailout said to him he said to abu bakr radiallahu anhu in koonta our talk to need allah but there any other bhai to shift he said if you freed me for allah when you freed me twenty-something years ago let me go wherever I want to go he says what in Quinton I'll talk to needy enough sick he said but if that day you freed me for yourself but I'm sick knee then go ahead and keep me and he says and what did he mad do whatever you want with me tell me whatever you want me to do meaning I don't even know now because I don't even recognize the reality of that day when you freed me was an unspoken freedom if I still belong to you tell me what you want me to do but if I have my freedom let me go double back head will the allahu ta'ala anhu he told him not to kill Allah he said I swear by Allah I only freed you for Allah so bolado the allahu ta'ala anhu went out in jihad in the conquest and in battle that were now taking place in a sham and he made his way out to greater Syria and he did not want to be anywhere around Medina anymore the next time most of the Sahaba saw him was on the day of the conquest or the entrance of all modeled allahu anhu into it puts into jerusalem so imagine here you are years later and you enter into Jerusalem and all modeled the Ilan who sees bolado the alarm for the first time in years and all these Sahaba that were with all modeled Ilan who from Medina they see bolado the Ilan who now for the first time in years and they start to gather in Masjid al-aqsa now by the way Messi that up saw was not built at that point it was compared was there was nothing that was really there so the area of al-aqsa and all model the allahu anhu Beggs been out of the allahu ta'ala anhu he says take us back to those days and stand up and make the other on the way that you used to when the prophets lie son was a monster and bail out of the allahu ta'ala anhu initially refused and then he accepted and he stood up so the next time he made the Athan was in it was Al Aqsa years later and all of the companions started to cry cabinet Bob said that when vidal called the Athan everybody broke down in tears because they all remembered the prophet slice of them his voice became forever associated with the prophets of allah horny whistle especially when he got to a shadow under my famous little one everyone started to cry because they remembered what it was like to be in the company of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam subhanAllah this man was the first man to call the athan in all three of the sacred mustards think about that the first person Allah did not save that or give that to anybody else the first person to stand in Mecca Medina and puts was Balad about the allahu ta'ala anhu and the only other time that he was narrated to have given the other is one more time in medina bernardo the allahu ta'ala anhu made one more trip to medina in his entire life and Al Hassan would her say may Allah be pleased with them the grandsons of the prophets why some opiod knew very well grew up with grew up with the family of the Prophet so I said I'm an honored ethinyl dates he honored the family of the Prophet slice Allah Hassan when her saying made the request of balada to give the other and he couldn't say no to them so they said to him give the other on the way that she used to in the time of our grandfather in times of civil law salallahu he was sort of take us back to those days that was the last time Bilal Dalaran would stand up in medina one more time and call out allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu allah allahu allah allah o shadow anna muhammadan rasulullah everyone once again came out in Subhan Allah it became it became you know something that brought everyone out of their homes to watch be I'll call the athan it was like an event in Medina that Vidal is back and Vidal is going to call the Adhan think about your favorite party coming to tear away doesn't match at all Balad is gonna call the other and everyone came out to listen to be loud call the Adhan and the message of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one more time then comes the year 639 in the year 639 you had the plague of I'm wasps the plague of I'm wasps which struck the Muslims heavily and inflicted many casualties would be the plague that would take the life of mulatto the allahu taala and when he was in damascus and some panel i think about i was looking through the names of the people that died and the plague of am loss and i noticed right away out of 25,000 people 25,000 people died in that plate in the time of our model of the allahu ta'ala anhu due to the plague of hamas 25,000 people the first name I noticed was more either Benjamin so the person who the Prophet sly said I'm told the last thing he told Martha was I love you when he sent more ad out to Yemen he told more ad that I love you and he taught him he said don't forget to say at the end of every Salah you guys should know this a la mañana the click of a shoe click away her sneak a bad attic so subhanAllah in that year both morale and Badal get to return back return back where halibut off was his only wife and he had no kids and as be novel de la terre anhu was laying on his deathbed and by the way to die in a plague is a form of Shahada I mean I lost somehow no it's how to grant him the reward of martyrdom as well as Bernardo de la Ronn who was laying there and he was dying and she started to she said well mostly Batoche she said what a tragedy what a what a tragedy this is now they've been together for how many years how many decades one wife no kids they've traveled the world together they've been through so much and your husband is badali biloba and you're losing him and she said what a tragedy this is what a tragedy and Bernardo de la I know says to her Belle Cooley were for hata said instead say what a great joy Rawdon Alfa muhammadin wa his tomorrow I get to meet my beloved ones again Muhammad SAW Allah recent news companies I get to go back to my prophet honey his salat this time I get to go back to the Companions so Balad was on his death bed imagining the moment where he gets to meet the Prophet slicing him again after having missed him for all of those years all of the allahu taala on and so he passed away in damask he was 64 years old and he was buried in Damascus may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala be pleased with him and have mercy on him I want to end with a few a hadith the first one is this the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said woody - Jenna I saw Jenna he says for a tomorrow a batalha that I saw the wife of Abu Talha who was the mother of an asymptomatic home today may Allah be pleased with that family so I saw him silane and he said the Maasai Mara - Qashqai certain Amami for either Balad he said then I heard these footsteps in front of me and I looked up and it was beat up so the prophets lysozyme saw heard the footsteps of Bilad while the allahu taala I know in an agenda can you imagine he sees an agenda and he tells me that I saw you I heard you in Jenna and he told me novel the alotta I'm home one day what is the most sincere action you've done for Allah hoping for his reward out of Jon what's what's a good deed that you've done that's gotten you that position with a loss of hands out we know the almost dying you know saying I don't know is the station is known to everybody but what is the one action that you think that you do that maybe a lot looked at in the loss of Nana would say how honored you with an even higher position so he said to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that I don't consider any of my actions more hopeful than whenever I make will move whether it's in the night or the day that I immediately perform to rocailles after I make wudu that's all every time he does we'll do it out of the allahu ta'ala anhu goes and he prays to ducats and because of that the applaud of the prophets lice and the agreement of the prophets why Selim that then becomes a Sunnah for us how will we see Balad of the allahu ta'ala anhu the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said near mahajabeen are wooden selectman Bilal is he say he didn't Vinnie we're about to hear the Adhan now and I'm sure some people are impatient he's the chief of those who make the Adhan and the prophets lie some said the more I've Vince on the day of judgment those who call the prayer don't fight over those who call the prayer we'll have the longest necks on the day of judgment so when you're seeing them weapons on the day of judgment those used to call the prayer they have a row they have the longest necks because they used to call the prayer and I beloved my mother said that he once said to be louder they allow and who episode yeah Bilal glad tidings to you Oh Bela so he said lima about Abdullah why oh good luck so he said I heard the messenger of allah salallahu alayhi wasalam say that you will arrive on the day of judgment holding Araya holding a flag or standard and all of them on vens all of those used to call the prayer will line up behind you and enter into Jannah behind you so when you see the people entering into Jenna may Allah make us amongst them and allow us to be amongst the first batch savvy own and a widow and that entrance agenda the forerunners you see below or the allah or on prominently calling the prayer leading the callers of prayer into a gentleman now there were a few questions that we had may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala enter us into an agenda with bid out of the allahu ta'ala anhu and the companions and allow us to be in his companionship in the companion of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam in general to the Firdos everyone say I mean so questions from the movie who was Safwan the son of Emmaus o Safwan even romania is a real character so fond of anomia was the son of a of new holla and Safwan was one of those who did indeed hold out until the very end with his islam fought the prophet sallallaahu re wa salaam even held out when holla'd and a Croma and all of them became muslim he fled to Jeddah and then he was even tried to flee flee to a Yemen to get away from the prophets like some even after attack Mecca but the prophets like some sent him his turban as a sign that he would be granted safety so he was granted safety and he's one of those people who's mentioned levity pulao be him that the profits like some spent on as a means of keeping his heart settled and keeping him within the ranks of the Muslims so what did he didn't become like a Hallmark holiday or umrah and go out and fight on behalf of the Muslims and die as Shahada he actually stayed in Mecca for the rest of his life he died in the 650s he never fought in a battle he never went to Medina he just stayed in Mecca and he died as a Muslim may Allah have mercy on him last question did we not have a sister so that was the first question my daughter asked me in the first like did bedad have a sister so believe it or not some narrations do mention that he did have a sister and that her name was indeed a whole favor as is mentioned and that she was a slave of Mohammed Omar Abdullah and that's all that you can find that he had a sister according to some narrations named little fader who was the mola who is the slave of Armagh Dubner abdullah why don't we have a hadith from Bernardo de la hotel on why don't we have a hadith narrated from him all the time because he left Medina number one number two he died so early in Islam that we didn't get the hadith from him so most of the Companions that marry they narrate partly because they lived long enough to be a part of that process of hadith collection and transmission so like Salman well the Elan Xhosa man died in the era of earth man well the Elan when he has some hadith that he narrates but you don't have too many a hadith from Balad may Allah be pleased with him so I think I'll take a couple of questions in Charlotte Ayane and then we will go ahead and we'll well we'll go ahead and we'll part for salat to tarisha I hope that you all enjoyed the evening and more than anything else to be honest with me to be honest with you and to be honest to myself every time you read about these people then you gain a greater appreciation of them so that's part of their a bad that the worship of constantly reading about these peoples that we can gain that closeness to them so I'll start with Sophia first yeah so the three the the hadith of Sarah given Messiah who mentions that the three people that would enter into Jenna I'm sorry the three people who are of the greatest on the face of the earth Balad look man admitted job miss Jang mi HJ a three if you're doing the Arabic transliteration or the apostrophe whatever it is miss Jack was a free slave of I'm gonna pop he was the first person to die on the day of bed the very first Shaheed on the Battle of whether I actually visited his grave that's profound because you don't know much about him at all but he was a freed slave of Ahmad who was a righteous man and was hit by an arrow just as bad that started and was the first fallen martyr on the day of bed oh yeah and I plead the fifth do I recommend it I mean it depends what your expectations are I think it's profound that's profound to be able to connect and it is a good thing overall at the end of the day or for those figures to be out there and for our kids to have real heroes as long as you can clarify the narrative for them which is part of what this is about and and and just temper temper your expectations but it was it was it I think it's overall a good experience for sure any brothers yep so the narration of Bilad having us learn his speeches are authentic I couldn't find anything that will be authentic about that Aloha em but I don't think that that's an authentic narration or attribution yes yes Bella's mother died when he was young her mama passed away when he was young and his father cuz we don't hear anything about them when he became Muslim yes yes what's the difference between the two there were black Arab tribes that had settled in Arabia from a long time before so they had established names in Arabia they weren't looked at as different culturally different because the racism of the time was more so tribalism than it was the color of the skin so for the most part I mean people had darker skin as a whole in Arabia but there were tribes that were known as black tribes so for example the tribe of shadow ah the tribal result who the prophets like some said Messiah his salaam prophets I some said moosari his salaam was an extremely dark man like the tribes of his oats or shanwa right so he attributed that so there were tribes Arab tribes that had been there for a long time before that had that had darker complexions yes so there is no hadith about showing the faces of the Sahaba so generally speaking there's obviously a problem it's it's it's tricky ground it's very tricky because there is no narration that conclusively says that you can't show that you can't portray the Sahaba especially if the understanding is that these aren't the Companions with their representations so that you can appreciate the time that you are in obviously that debate laid out with the Allman series about the the portrayal of the Sahaba and there were many right amount on both sides respectable scholars on both sides and they had their opinions it's at the end of the day it's an issue of HD HOD so it's an issue of scholarly reasoning because there's no conclusive narration I personally can see the harm in particular of seeing real-life people and I'm starting to attribute them frequently with the Sahaba but I also see the greater good if someone's not going to read or listen or learn about the Companions if that's going to be their connection then I prefer that to having no connection at all so I never watched the almost series because I want to have a certain image of almond in my head because Hamza of the Aloha is Anthony Quinn forever to me because of the message anyone who watched the message knows on summer right so that that that Association is going to be permanent so I never watched the more serious for that reason because I wanted to have that but I wouldn't say watching it as problematic especially for a person that's not going to listen or read about him and more depth alright last question I'm it on yeah yeah so the death of the Prophet slice I'm seeing Vidal and agenda how do we reason with that how did he see bid out an agenda Bilal was to living on earth profits why someone would see companions he was talking about the future he was talking about their presence in the future so um so name also outlived the prophets when she was alive and it's common for the prophets I seem to have mentioned these things about things that he saw when the prophets likes him saw what he saw on the night of an assault with Mirage of people being rewarded and punished in the grave it's a future reward or punishment for many of those people so that's that's what that's how we reconciled that hadith with the times now okay Michelle let's our I'm gonna go ahead and stop it now I'm sorry for going over time for those who came just for salat adacia I hope that you get some of the reward of being part of the budget stuff as well as a qualified unto everyone who came and who tuned in some time think I do a lotta stuff it'll get to what a person wants
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
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Id: oZa92YQclAY
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Length: 90min 14sec (5414 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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