The Beginning of the End - Shaykh Hasan Ali [HD]

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mohandro blog mean o salatu salam ala sayidina wa la vida Muhammad Ali he was a Vietnam Salam aleykum are that all the will diminish upon body him or he could have seen cotton out in Amato a phenomenal TMZ hinata photographers will hire to dunya in lambda volatile innovative Matt one of luckily live in harmony sue aha my 200k to Varley him okay Anna loved one even Hakeem well inserted Toma to neelaveni our meruna senior earth had had either Jabara I hadn't eaten well in lovina Yahoo to know who can add another whom other happen so the family my dear respected brothers sisters elders were listening the subject here is the beginning of the end and as you may know it's a series of lectures insha'Allah be Anila where we want to remind one to one another about the realities of being born realities of being alive why we are here where we are heading to with the Quran makes us think and the Quran says for a net that Haroon where are you going where are you heading yeah you Hal in san oh man innaka kadihun ila rabbika kadhan familar t allah so allah says o man and this is not just to Muslims this is to Muslims and non-muslims and the series of lectures that we're going to do is not just targeting Muslims where the message of the Quran to the Muslims and to the non-muslims and not just to the Muslims but to the practicing Muslims and the Muslims who are non practicing because when we say that the Quran has given a promise for the Muslims a good promise it only in the good Muslims the practicing Muslims you can't just say that I'm a believer and therefore Allah said 'no said this in the holy quran and therefore I will get it no matter what that is not the case that is why a last one that reminds us that you are a human being surah number 84 verse number 6 yeah you are lean say no man in the apron in Arabic Academy malarkey you're going to go through several stages oh man I've strayed I've created you and you go through several stages how what stages Allah who live in Halawa Allah has created you from weakness great all of you from weakness so my general I remember the birthing who then after the weakness he gives you strength so imagine imagine birthing could mean by the poet in daughter Fatima Sheba after the strength he will give you weakness he will give you old age so reminder from allah subhanaw taala when you just look around and just look around and see you handle Allah give signs signs to human beings you're not here forever you look in the mirror you see a white hair you have a choice you can pluck it out you can dye it if you want but it's there for you to worry to give you a sign you look in the mirror and you see a wrinkle in your face you can put some cream on it and carrying cream cream go for some surgery if you want and get it removed but the fact is Allah has send you a sign you look and you see the people that once I called you they call you up they called you young boy young girl and then slowly slowly in society they start to call you a man and you start being referred as a man no matter how old or young you think you are inside your mind Allah has given you the face of a a man a woman and then slowly your family members first your cold walk nephew and niece and then okay brother and sister nephew niece and suddenly you get the name of an uncle and Aunty and before you know it you fear you dread it you're going to be called granddad and grandma and people say none I'm too young to be a granddad or grandma alas giving you a sign time is not waiting for you time is not going to wait for you well as we in any user Nellie vehicles by time I swear all of you men all of you women all of mankind all of you are in loss all of you are in lost that's your first stage you're in loss in ladina a man who I mean oh sorry hearty whatever so will happy whatever has obvious up except for those who have believed who were believed in this message that I have sent but when you believe in this message it's not enough to just believe in this message so the next thing is why I reduce all your heart you must be doing good deeds with that belief and when you do good deeds with that belief it is not enough your good deeds must be good deeds that are of the true kind whatever so bill happy you must be enjoying one another to do the right thing and when you do good deeds and you're doing it to the best you can it's not enough for you will find challenges in this world that is why I've ordered you that you have subber and you have patience whatever so with sub and you have sub so Russell has captured a whole part of the Quran Imam Shafi r-rahim allah he said that the surah saff isis about a quarter of the whole Quran near him Allah my brother's my sisters when Allah has said to us we're going to go through stages and we're going to meet him when Allah has said you have been can you go through ages Allah has not given us all these signs for no reason Allah says in the Holy Quran a Pharisee bottom and namaha LuPone aku Mabus and Elena Harun do you think we have created you for no purpose at all do you think you we have created you and I have made you that you have no reason whatsoever to be created you are just a play you are just a game lo Arab Dena and not heed Allah who let the Hana whom in Laguna in kunafa Eileen if I was to make a game I have a game or play something with you I would have had a game to myself what I wouldn't have involved you with Jenna and Jahannam with the consequences of you going through Hellfire with the consequences of you being offered Jannah it is not something which I have made as a game it is the truth but not as if Oh bil Haq t RL battle if I had the Maheu failure who was a HIPPA this is the truth that I've sent to you when the truth comes it strikes the nucleus the brain of that which is falsehood you can't deny this you look around you and you will see death everywhere you will see their end everywhere poor Allah Huma malik al Maliki - till moral command Tasha what and zero moon coming man Tasha say o Allah you are the one who owns everything you are the own owner of everything that anyone has anyone anything I've seen Malik al Maliki - till moon c'mon Tasha when they have received something they think they have received it Allah says don't forget that I was the one that gave it say to me that I was the one - till moon command Tasha and when I give it I don't look at the reason why I give it I don't look at who is who I only give it to those who whomever I want whether it is one who's disbelieved in my message was believed in my message who's been good to me who will be evil to me I don't look at that Manta sure I will give it to whoever I want but don't forget there is a day when you see look at the history 10-0 moon coming man Tasha you will see that I have taken away seized it away from them do you think they're living a lot of our reminders I'll interrogate over a lot of bucha be hard you know mother Tilly very mad have you not seen before you I've given kingdom a given strength I've given wisdom I have given height I have given the strength to whom to the people of our Giants you know mother telling re mad there were people who you could call pillars of a society their pillars there were giants and leti let me Allah to me through half he will be led none of them like not no one no one was created like than ever before no one was a Mandela dirigible chakra be lowered samu that used to carve their houses out of mountains below a loafer Arun Adil out had thrown and his men who are like the nails of the society established in the society well established on the ground Allah says what acts are oofy health Assad they continued with their corruption on the earth how long did it go where did it end that sarahfey halfa south of Bali he more bukas out Arab I have then sent I have then poured over them for me it's pouring Allah said the word pouring I poured over them my punishment in Arabic Allah building middle saw your Lord is watching your Lord is watching the MLE in san either am a patella or abu for a cure Rama who Anna Rama when man receives something from me and I bestowed it upon him and I gift it to him and I give it to him and I give him a gift and his free of charge he says Rock be Akram and my Lord has been so kind to me he doesn't see that it is not because I love him I give this to anyone who I want why madam a Telugu folk adore Ali here is part when I restricted upon him and I test him for Hodari Lahiri's car and I give do portion of his provisions I hold it back from him fair who Laura be a hon and he says my lord has disgraced me it is not that Allah says turns your own moon come in Menasha what resume and tasha whoever you allow allah you have no law that that binds you nothing allah has nothing that binds him we can give whoever he wants in this world the next world is the world where he would choose to give who he wants this he doesn't choose why we say bismillah r-rahman r-rahim we say ar-rahman rahim rahman you are most merciful so merciful you have no choice in this world you give whoever he were you given whatever you want and the poet says this manera had as I said yo enemies come to you your own Kingdom my lord your enemies come to your kingdom and they go full handed from yourself - whenever haters are assembled and beg a I want my enemies come to you and they have full hands when they move away from you why as I believe I should I think that you will not give anything to me total moon come on Tasha what and zero moon coming man Tasha what resume and - what - diliman Tasha wallah you will give dignity to whoever you want you will disgrace whoever you want well if you think that we disgrace in this world don't think that it's not because I have a dozen love if you love you if you think that we were a low-life you got nothing you're no money these are not the things it's the day of judgement it's the next life where you'll find out because the corn to rock man he's a man at dunya or AHIMA whom Allah has his mercy in the world and in the next world he will love everyone as his servants in this world those who believed in him those who didn't believe it those who swore at him he still feeds them every day those who say God I don't believe in you I hate you those who say that Allah says here's your food everything there's no kind of loseth dementia F a new min woman cha FN yak for you want to become a believer he had become a believer you want to become a disbeliever become a disbeliever but don't forget in hearted ni Jahannam a little carefully in a new Zula in the Nile Valley mean an hour and a half of ahimsa D hoo-ha I have created for those who are oppressors for those who oppress themselves I have created a fire that sees no end to the world that surrounds e Allah so Allah has reminds us and he says what after we say that he gives whoever he wants to original hang a mineral may need to create a mineral hi Allah you can take the dead out of the living there living out of death that is what I'm saying you look around you will see death and life everywhere every life will come to a death one who is what that thing that is dead you bring it in life that is that which you bring you make it go dead this is a lot even the person who has come and who has tried to have a child alas as well that thing that you have Allah says unto tahuna Who am now Harley Poole did you create two children or did I create your children did you have the power to bring a children alive or did I give it life a water fluid that is smelling a semen that you want to throw away but you find that from there I make life from the life Allah has made he made he makes death and we see the dead man that under dead woman that we wash in the janazah after that that very body Allah brings back alive how Mohammed been humbled rahim allah was asked how is it that we can we can understand life after death so he said a beautiful example he says what he said there is six wolves how many brothers six walls top bottom one side let your right side your left side in front of you and behind you how many is that six no doors no windows no doors no windows no way in no way out no way in nothing can come in into that room but from that dream that nothing went inside nothing ever entered inside those walls Allah brings up life how he said look at the egg when the chicken lays the egg the six walls you smashed that egg and you have a nice sunny side up you smash that egg do you find a chick fluttering about do you find the chick that runs around now you don't is yolk you have me for breakfast you ever see anything go inside the egg no from there Allah shows how the chick develops and inside there from there Allah brings a life out of something that is dead he says this is our proof for life after death - hi Amina you may eat Otto fragile may eat a mean high water documentation will I eat his herb be adding a la subida Calif ID Allah Allah Allah teaches us don't forget in my hand is all good from there I bought our life and I showed it to you Allah says look at the barren land you see dry finished gone cracked up by either and generally test that water but soon as I send waters onto that ground after six months that the ground was dead you couldn't grow anything inside it you find that that without soil that was dead that is a life who bought that alive alas is thus death and then a lie then life death and life we go through the four season brothers we see spring right now you can see bubs appearing yes then after that you see what leaves a beautiful summer after that winter that the autumn that winds blow and the leaves fall onto the ground then his winter with his death and the same tree again is life alive again in spring his circle that Allah has created again and again is reminded to us and you know subhanAllah each and every one of us goes through death every single day rasoolallah blossom said to us before you sleep you say to Allah and this is these things that was also hasn't taught us it's not only for us to just read them but to think about them Allah o Allah this mica in your name I moved to I'm just about to die what I hear and I would like to come alive again I moved on going to die tonight in the morning when we wake up alhamdulillah Subhan Allah ruining a fresh day another day of life another day of life monana a ship Elahi boulangerie says in his book what will happen to the soul after death he says when every believer wakes up in the morning where any person wakes up in the morning for that sake they should wake up and they should think first of all that all that imagined just moments ago Allah had you right in front of him on the day of judgement and Allah said to you that that's it your sentence for this and for that and imagine that moment we made the plea and we said oh Allah oh Allah absurd now I've seen everything Samir and I've heard everything Pharaoh Dianna return me back Allah says no you can't go return me back return me back return me back and we're begging me crying you crying over what we left so Allah oh Allah I would I will do this for you I'll do that for you or la well I can't believe what I did to myself oh Allah give me a day to prove myself give me one day to prove myself ma'am I should be liable and sherry says when you woke in the morning imagine that that is the morning Allah has sent you back to the world so when you brothers and sisters wake up tomorrow morning think the first thing I was dead I was on the day of judgment Allah gave me this day to prove myself to do something different I was begging and playing and he said to me I take you back to a day that is the middle of your life and I'll give that to you and see you what you do from there onwards will you make a change will you not make a change a lot of hunger - and my brothers and sisters has given us this world for what for us to prove ourselves Allah says Allah the halacha Monto al-hayat Ali abullah welcome a newcomer Sanwa Ramallah in surat al-alaq the one who was created death the one who has given life so that he may see he may test you to see which one of you will come out to do the best actions which one of you will come out with the best actions to me on the day of judgment that's what I love want to see from light doesn't matter what we do but he says man AHA - are a handful in FC he whoever does good deeds it is for himself for himself yum de Adam o son of Adam in a Mejia are Maluku Yahya do My servants in a mahir are Moluccan these are your deeds or see her laocoön I am counting them as you are performing them Allah is counting our deeds as we are performing a design this is a sahih hadith of muslim hadith Qudsi or see harlequin famine wada Hiram Valley Ahmed Allah whoever finds a good deed he should just thank me woman wada ye reveille carefully alumina elearn of whoever finds a ad that is not a good deed he should have blamed anyone except for himself my brother's my sister's this place that we are on no one knows when that hole is going to come and the thing is that unless we're in the state of going to allah subhanaw taala it is a very fearful thing to go through but there's nothing to fear for one who has made his connection with allah nothing to fear in fact it's something to look forward to looking forward to a death a good death is something which is a believers first goal of the akhira allah said in the holy quran mankind Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah whoever will whoever will hear my meeting my meeting is coming Allah says there are some people who want to meet me Subhan Allah there are some people who are hoping to meet me and you know if a person hopes to meet Allah if right now if I can say I can put my hands up and I hope without wishing for death we're not wishing for death but we hope that my meeting of Allah will come one day that kind of believer has already set himself or herself in a good position because my brothers and my sisters thing is Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has given us a mind we can say right now where we think we're going to be if I pop out right now if I ask you the question if I say to you right now be honest with yourself if you were to have the chance right now a choice right now you had a choice angel of death came to you and said would you like to go right now or would you like to spare yourself for a few more a bit more time if Angela death came in here one of us is seeing angel of death right now would you be able to say to say that right this moment without doing another action I am able to say that I will be able I'm ready to go from this world yes or no yes or no Pia has a visit yes we hands up out of we have how many brothers here about 150 I'd say 200 max with others got about five hands masha'Allah but about five hands what does that say that's about two percent am I right or not two percent people why because those brothers who just put their hands up are always in a state ready to go and that's what I believe is tasing a believer is never left with October I believe is always ready any moment and believe it you know the son brothers asked and said brother is time to pray said I'm not gonna pray I'm not I'm not ready to even pray he's not even clean to pray was read to you understand you know gotta wash myself later on and then I can pray you know even later he's not even in the state of cleaning himself there are some brothers like that imagine Malakal mode comes in that state takes him in that state there are brothers there are loads of brothers and like you can see 98 percent of a sitting here are not ready to go this moment this moment why because something here says mom la harada something is saying that I better watch out you know how when I get to the other side I'm gonna get some beatings well I have to start answering why why be in that state my brothers honestly why be in that state Allah says in the Holy Quran if you thank me if you thank me why should I be in a state that I want to punish you what will I get out of punishing you so Han Allah Allah says my father la Habana Dada come in Shekhar - my man - if you believe and he showed me thanks why should i punish you this is in surah number 4 verse number 147 why should a punishing elitism I love this waiting there for us to go over their days but mash his nose there's no such rule la hawla wala quwata illa if you look at a la savate Allies rahim he's merciful i scream his noble Allah is Allah is where dude he loves without reason to love Allah sent me all my life Allah subhanAllah you know my Sheikh in one of his drawers he says he says oh Allah in his guise saying this oh Allah did I ever he says did I ever say - did we ever say to you to create a sum give us life did we ever ask you to give us life but without asking you without asking you you gifted us with life true or not brothers true or not come on true then he says did we ever ask you that after giving us life that you make us from the most noble of your creation the human beings did we ask Allah yes or no no but did Allah give that to us yes then he says our lie disguises oh Allah did we ever ask you that from all the people that you create that you create us without asking you you create us as believers so as believers did we ever ask Allah no dear has he done that for us are we believers by asking you without asking him without as many says did we ever ask you that you creators from all the believers you created from the ummah of muhammad salallahu alaihe salam the best of all umas did I ask you that you I didn't and without asking you you have may be part of mohammed salah salem has a long i've been kind to as my brother's has a la cama brother hala hala not been kind to us yes he has if Allah has been so kind to me in that sense if Allah if I you start looking at the nearness of Allah has there been a day tell me one brother here tell me has there ever been a day that I can say Allah has left me hungry without food on my table Allah and left me thirsty one whole day without drink on my on my table as is there any one brother that can say that one brother you can't subhanAllah every day Allah has fed me for my whole life can any brother say that they've ever been naked without clothes come put your hands up you can't because Allah has given you this gift without you asking Allah has loved you so much they can you ever say that Allah hasn't given you site may be zero point something zero zero percent of the population would say Allah hasn't given them site but that is that Allah want to show that he can do that also and he wants to teach us a lesson that don't think that least this is something that I have to give you don't ever think I had to give you this I could have taken that away from you at any moment but has a lot made us people who can see or not see brothers we could here good yes unless now come here guys you can here good right walk move move your joint without any anything and then no man Allah takes one little gift away what was that my servant never had any trouble for one whole year and then after one year of him me gifting him gifting him and gifting him and then he without even asking you know how many things Allah gives us without asking super on Allah in the Quran he says half Allah liquidly Allah says in calluna cinema Allah Hafiz you've got a angel that is there to protect you when you're walking with being protected Allah has given us angels angels can't protect my my servants I don't care what they've done I don't keep their sin go and be with them so Allah has given us angels every day without thinking Allah provides us Allah gives us Allah gives us some Han Allah and doing all of that and carrying on one day after one year Allah says okay my servant has been not good for himself there's a lot of the need the actions he's told us to do Allah says he hasn't been good to me good to himself for 360 days of the year so I've decided one week for six days of five days I want to make him ill I'm gonna give him a stomach bug all the other time he's got the yes your this stomach it's got bugs in there already a lot just has to say every bug everybody's under his control every bug is under his control you know that you know the food that we eat this bacteria inside there a battery in every single food that we eat Allah Allah doesn't allow any of the bacteria to mature and to give us a stomach bug for 360 days and rasool allah saw some totals of dois and he says come mini aramitan how many gifts oh allah tuck away to be her mousey attic how many gifts have you given me Allah through those gifts I've only become strength full just to sing again and become disobedient to you so to teach us a lesson what does Allah do he sends a stomach bug and then the person is saying yeah fare pool or be a Hannah and the person says why me why me okay you think even stuff on his face I'm gonna mean 360 days and then I lost something gives you one little thing and you're complaining it's just you it's always you what have you done wrong so Hannah Lila had a someone has a crisis that business be up money is gone oh god she eat hadith says clearly because of the sins that you've done because of sin in Al in innallaha Yahara moab de who mean risky he be it min or BB damn bin you see boohoo how comical Allah serratura hadith in armored Allah deprives a person from part of his provision from his risk because of the sin that he has committed our for because Allah wants to wipe away the sin from you he's doing you a favor a lot of he's doing your favor because through this Rasool Allah someone needs to visit the sick used to say what he should say lab at z'ha'dum insha Allah don't worry it is cleansing for your sins and subhanAllah we go through the lies showing us and one of the things in mantras alia said a beautiful thing here said he has said oh man you really think you're in control if you think you're in control if you really think you're in control like I said you all the stomach by everything Allah has my cells are last MB cell allah has control of every nerve a last controller and we joined a last controller so yarmulkes allah says if you think that you're in control then when your stomach feels like vomiting stop it come on stop it you feel like vomiting can you stop bombing when it's coming brothers guys come on hey you stop it when he's coming he says when you need to go to the toilet don't go you finger in control bundle you know come on show me you're a man show me that you're in control Allah is giving these elements antibodies so listen you're not in control when you feel tired and sleepy and you haven't step for a long time try and stay awake guys been drinking Red Bull how long's your red book and on your coffee is gonna help you you eventually have to drop on that pillow and you have to sleep why I last telling you you are not fully in control of your body so hand like Nawaz Ali says these things when you when you when you got these things coming when you're going to for your first show called Lanka you can't reserve when you when it comes to death try and tell death don't tell them who do you think you are come on come on you know you got your your training being pumping iron right your bad boy right pumping iron you being your big boy and someone looks at it while okay now when Angela death comes and looks at you at Isis a while okay now consider even bizarrely says well it's time for you to die try and be brave you think you're in control but don't die don't die if you think you can't do this then remember that one who's up he's controlling you and last one who's watching you he's controlling you to a certain extent of course I have free will a you have free will but last given us the choice in this world with many things to make our choices but he's limited as to certain things and he's told us you are not in control when it comes to my time to taking you you are not going to stop me from taking him and has reminded us that you have got what in this earth what have you got we have got nothing that we own rasool allah la hora Sam has said to us in a sahih hadith he says that when a person is taken to the grave and the person is taken to the grade you should remember this hadith brothers next time that is Jenna's on you following the janazah to the graveyard instead of some of us flipping our mobile phones and saying yeah hehe yeah how much they make a comeback and I just just got the chance and I'm taking a bit long enough but you know instead of being on a business conversation remember this hadith where you actually try and visualize three things following the person to the grave rasuu lhasa Ozma said three things follow a person to the grave Malu whoo-whoo-whoo huama loo a person's wealth goes with him up to the grave a person's family goes with him up to the grave and this is a an authentic hadith and a person's actions go with him up to the grave and then professor Osmond says this the moment that you should start imagining what did the person go with him in the grave with because he says that ya gon with nan wah bokkeum ah Hawaii says what two of them will return and one of them will go with him the grave his wealth his wealth comes back doesn't go with him in the grave returns back from the graveyard back to his house his family returned back from the graveyard to his house and with him the only thing that goes is his actions my brothers I want you to think right now I want you to think what do you own come on I'm gonna give you a few seconds for this I want you to look at your bank balance I want to look I want you to look at your house I want you to look at your family members I want you to look at the job your business look at the places you like on this earth I want to look at the relationships that you've got whether it's its sons and daughters or whether it's you know wives and husband I want you to think of these relationships and when you've thought of that think exactly what do you own think what is it that makes you a person two things I've got something your bank balance your assets your flats that you've got the houses that your own the business part that you've got the partnership you've got the shares that you've got think of all of that and then I'm going to recite an ayah to you from the Koran and I want you to see where exactly are we from the perspective of this ayah have you thought of it yes or no yes or no all in can kukuku say if it is your father's if it is your son's what if you wanna come as well you come masha'Allah - cool if it is your brother's if it is your spouse's your husbands and wives why she ought to come if it is your clan one well unique tour of two muha if it is your wealth that you have acquired what each are attuned Tasha una casa da if it is the comments which you fear that it might fall one day Hamasaki notable una ha if it is the houses that you haba alaikum min allahi wa rasuluh he if it is more beloved to you than Allah if these things are more beloved to you than Allah then the messenger salallahu alayhi wasalam and and striving in the pathway of allah Futaba surat a yeti Allah will be Emily you wait till Allah brings his coal you wait till Allah Allah brings his command wallah hilarya home al fasi 18 and Allah does not guide those who are rebellious sinners Allah does not guide them this is surah tauba the ninth surah verse number 20 for a last hold is clearly in this thing what do you mean and you think we're going to go with in the grave seriously think about it's something that you've got a you've got to sit down and think about it because if you just think of it as a theory it nothing is going to happen you've got to sit down and say look that is somebody else's your house but now house honestly I'm saying to you I'll say by Allah mom I'm here in the message and I'm saying when I look at my house I always see my house as my child's house my son's house I'm saying this to you must say I always look at my husband that's my son's house my son's house I've convinced myself it's not my house when I look at my clothes I say these are somebody else's clothes because the moment I die I'm not taking any of those clothes with me when I look at my car if I ever live that bangers gotta go you understand you got a look at it I'm not here to stay forever and if I start cheating myself myself I cheat myself and I think I'm gonna make myself car so comfortable I actually feel it's mine I'm only fooling myself when I look at things that I've done money that's not mine seriously that's not mine I want you to change your mind from today you cannot be in this world even a pair of shoes they're not yours my father passed away two years ago everything was distributed he left a lot of land distributed gone inheritors will take it they'll come mama and then family members will start having big meetings over who's gonna take how much true or not brothers is it yours yes or no no it's not Rasool Allah Salih Saleh vaasam said according to hadith a Muslim he says Yahoo look no add a malli malli the son of Adam says my wealth my wealth mahalik am madam me Malik Oh son of Adam do you have any wealth allama occulta fam of ulema occulta asana madam do you have any wealth except that which you eat and you've digested and you sent back out my brothers the food on your table is not no food until it goes in your mouth the food in your mouth is not your food until it goes in your stomach and the food in your stomach could be the very food that goes with you in the gray it's not yours until you have digested it rasool allah sawas has told us dude one man one man mr. fat ablator the clothes that you have worn and you have made old those are your clothes the others are not your clothes clothes that are not torn clothes that can be worn again they're not yours they're not yours one doctor for Amrita the charity that you've given and you send the actions that you've done and you sent and you stored for yourself those other things that you have that I use that's wealth you've taken you've given it in the path of Allah that's yours now the rest of it you left inshallah one day I do this I do that really that is not my eyes not use now brothers I want you seriously to think all right the wife in your house may never be used one day seriously think about it it's a gift Allah has given for a period of time if I die today another man may come and marry my wife after a few months the children I've left behind their children that I've got I'm here with them honestly you've got to look at it for just a few months days years and if you don't go through this my brothers you are we are fooling ourselves because a shape Hussain Hamid Madden II used to say he's to say what you need to look at is go to the Graveyard and start looking at them that's our thinking but the people in the graves and think what regrets do they have they got right in their graves that's what will bring you back to senses again don't look at what they earn what they do not look at the regrets the regrets they've left their regrets in the hearts of those who are buried six foot down because every man will go from this world with regrets our prophet sallallaahu Asin has said that he was sitting with the Sahaba once and he draw they drew a box and in when he drew that box from the bottom of the box from the line he drew a line is from the center that went outside the top part of the box the square that he drew and then he drew certain lines from the side of the of the box towards the middle just a fused line not touching the middle line but towards it and both sides just like the ribs like the spine in the ribs you've got lines coming towards the middle but they're not touching the middle line that he read and then when he drew that on the sand or the ground the Sahaba of the al-amin master asked him yet Allah what is this a Subhan Allah is Asahi Hadees a no.13 Hadees rasool allah salallahu alaihe that this box is the whole thing that surrounds every man it's your it's basically your death you can't move out of it this is your death will come to you one day this other line I've drawn from the bottom all the way to the top and out of it this is a man's ambitions in life which shows that the top part cuts you off somewhere the box that he drew and this is the line in the middle he's gonna get cut off he told us that men will go people go in the graves with inside them they've got things they wanted to do every time you see a dead man just look at him and think he wanted to marry his daughter off he had gathered the money for that but he did never saw it he wanted to go on a holiday he never saw it and Russell Russell Osmond said these things that are coming from the side what are they they are they are the the misfortunes of this life if one misses you no other one hits you the world is made I remember I was with Michelle just the other day and somebody complained about about the life and about some of the difficulties going through and the Sheikh said when was this world when did Allah make this world a world of only fortune when did Allah make that Las make this world a world where it's it's made that people will go through tests in their life well Rasul Allah Salih Saleh has told us and eventually what takes us over death and death should not be seen anything but what prophet sallallahu Hollis Onam has said what has he said rasool ullah sallallahu Hollister LEM said in his dua he said and we should make this God what you're allen motor are hot 11 min cool Elisha our Lara make death for me a relief from every evil death a believer does not fear death if you look in that hadith where Rasul Allah Allah has said they will come a time when this Ummah will be devoured by many nations he gave us two reasons why this ummah is going to be week and he said one is how big dunya the love of this world the second thing he said was Cara here to note the hate and believers will not want to die meaning that they want to live here for long lives my brothers we're not here to stay forever and having said that we need to be prepared for death so my tawba is going to be updated every moment my Toba will updated every moment who has a computer in the house a laptop or a computer where hands up Masha Allah who has anti-virus with that computer we answered mashallah all the same people more or less what happens brothers when you on the internet you don't have anti-virus what happens you got virus what does the virus do what does it do it corrupts it it corrupts you like Iman Iman has got an antivirus antivirus if you don't have that antivirus you're going to corrupt yourself and you know what the name of that antivirus is is called taqwa what is it called taqwa taqwa is a defense mechanism within every person that as soon as a sinful thing will come I've got something in me a fear of Allah in me that it will save me from sinning talk wise that taqwa is an automatic defense system it will save me that's why the Quran is full of the word taqwa it took law we have something in you that will defend you from the arrival of allah from the punishment of allah from the from the roof of a block from the fire of rasool allahö Allison said it Takanawa bishop Tamara hadiza Muslim he said try and defend yourself from the fire even if it's giving half a date in the path of Allah now to renew my taqwa to keep my taqwa alive anytime once you've got a virus in your computer and your antivirus is having a are you just gonna leave it there are you going to do something about it what you can do come on guys you told something about it that's where Topher comes in when my defense system has been attacked I've sinned I've got to get rid of that sin because it's gonna corrupt my heart you corrupt my actions it'll corrupt me so I need to be honest with my God and say I have come back to you or Allah and back with you our la I'm back with you renewing my statement with God you know what that is that is Toba Toba means coming back to allah towba literally means coming back to allah if i everytime make it make my tober fresh and every day I'm making my towbar fresh I am only making myself strong and keeping my contact so when death comes to me I forgot a problem brother had a problem and death comes to me no Rasul Allah Allah Allah just like I gave you a choice I gave you a choice and two percent of you said that you're ready to die if Angel of Death came right now Rasul Allah Allah Allah suddenly the end of his life he was given a choice it's clear in a hadith and prophet sallal arson he's he chose their afterlife over this life he said to Allah I would rather go now than to live anymore and prophets Allah is alarmed for us to renew this this Toba he's given us a beautiful bra it takes o take you 15 seconds 15 seconds to do this and according to a hadith of Buhari if you do this just for 15 or 10 to 15 seconds if you do this after Maghrib Rasul Allah Allah said if you died that night before father you will go straight into Genma and if you do this straight after fudge Allah the same action the same 15 seconds if you die then you will go straight into Jannah if you die before mother what is that allahumma and terribie you know her in and Halak taniwha an arbiter an are there I had occur without the chemist apart Allah Allah antara B you are my lord my sustainer the one who has looked after me when I do la ilaha illa and there is no other deity one who is worthy of being worshipped except for you Halep 'tony you have created me where an are Budokan I am your servant when our Hideko Warda chemist about and i as best as I can I will try and keep to the promise that we've got to the promise that you've made to me of Jannah to the promise that I've made to you of the Shahada that I will try and put you first and put you messenger salallahu alayhi salam ii allah radhika over rd chemists that are to the best of my ability our will do become in Shadley mouths are now - oh allah i seek refuge in you from the evil deeds that I've committed abu allah Kabini aromatic Analia I admit that you have gifted me so much what Abu would be them be and I admit that I have sinned follow Finley then forgive me for in Narula Yahoo field Loulou by Allah and for there is no one to forgive except for you whoever says these words try and learn Arabic these words a hadith of sahih al-bukhari from the resource allotments and Moon Kenan be albe from the earthly meaning it with sincerity Allah subhana WA Ta'ala if you died after mother before father you are in general if you drive to father before mother in general and I as a believer I'm going to keep this with me I'm going to be ready for death anytime I'm going to do that you're going to do that why because there's no guarantee of this life I'm going to look forward to my death I wanted to become a death that I am told that death will come to me before it comes to me my brothers I'm telling you you can be the simplest person but Allah if you're good with Allah right now if you made the good Toba Allah will tell you when your death is coming before the death comes to you I'm giving you an incident just happen one year ago in North London my brother called Shahzad 18-year 89 year old man he found his family and he says this was I'm living on his own and he says what he says to his family members he says just now I had a person who came in my house without knocking on the door and he said to me he's the angel of death and he said to me have I got a last thing to do before I leave this world and I said to him I'd love to do wudu and pray 2 rakaats I'd love to do will do and pray 2 rakaats so he did we do he prayed to rakaats he did it Salaam and he didn't Percy the person they in his house he never heard anyone leaving these guys his family members they thought Buda Baba Tora old man has lost it a bit they took him to their house exactly after three days the person passed away exactly after three days pest mastery so Hannah ladies there's a another incident exists I'm giving this person was a common person no scholar no ally no one in in England I think this this was particularly in either Kent or someplace near Kent I can't remember there is a Masjid in one of the parts there mana abdul wahid who passed away not this Ramadan Ramadan before that where he passed away he knew that his was going to be his passing away he told he told his family members he so he told his brother he was in the ehtekaf with the brothers and he wasn't feeling well and tell the brothers take me to the bedside because I'm not feeling when I'm these are my last moments he knew there was a brother the brother in North London who tells me about his father he was a he was a sheikh and he actually on his day of going he told people he went to the Masjid for Juma in Bangladesh and he's a brother I've known for many years I there's no reason for me distrust him and he spends at the car would be almost every year and he said to me after I rated this to him he said that his father went to the Masjid for jama'a and he said to people all people if I've hurt anyone please forgive me for this is my last day of my life and they thought is wrong he then went to the grave you are in told you he said when I die you will bury me exactly here he went to his home and then he went around his whole house and his land he said this is the last time I'm seeing my land that night he passes away Milana side I am NOT handsome some of you may know him gratefully of Allah you know I envy this death I envied this death and being in LA I hope I can get a death similar to this or better than this and this should be your thing as well when we hear the Salah train and the good people they pass away we want to look forward to similar or a better death when I say that I'm not handsome he passed away in 1999 he passed away when and where he passed away in the month of daang he passed away in the last 10 nights he passed away on the 27th night of Ramadan Subhan Allah he passed away in madina munawwara he passed away in the prophet's mosque Salalah hari Salam he passed away at the time of tahajud and he passed away Institute this valley of Allah passed away in sued in Tahajjud in the machinable we you cannot subhanAllah think of a greater way of going to Allah and Allah rewards the believers Allah gives these deaths to the believers why he is showing us a big sign before he passed away he said to b7 when I die bury me in general Bucky but you know what yell oak mahogany they can actually mean him a one man he dying these people won't first agree but in the end they will agree he said this before his death he dies they call him for father his entirety passed away they take him they bathe him and they're ready to take him to genital Bakke and the Saudi Authority says huh who what doc II know it's not gonna get there take him somewhere else I'm taken they they try to argue no they didn't agree his janazah body was on the way to another grave yard in Medina and on the way a minister of Saudi passes by and says who's Jenna is done and they said is Syed Ahmad Hans he says Mona I said he's healed share say he's not going to be buried there he's gonna be buried in Bucky the minister tells that Jenna's accrued 180 degrees back and he buries in genital Bucky now my brothers subhanAllah when death comes I won death to come and I want to embrace it I don't want to run away from death and I don't want you to run away from death because if I'd prepared for death if I'd been good to my Allah if I'd been good in my life if I've always removed my Toba if I've always been honest myself if I've tried my best if I've done my Salle's if I'm up to date I've made myself up to day if I kept all the good actions towards my fellow people if I've done anything wrong and I've always said sorry to people if I've cleaned my heart if I've done the best to return all the money I owed to people if I've kept my way of good with my family with my friends with my social life with all the lives that loves giving me different parts of life Allah giving me why should I fear that next life tell me why I love and I will love death why because of the connection of Allah that's why that's what we need to say assured in life and in the afterlife in the grave and on the day of judgement see me o my beloved one with the eyes of Mercy see me with eyes of mercy if I've made that connection the law I must not la sympathizer machine motor sham court Kali Takeo has he well I'm asking you tomorrow when death comes to me I want you to be there with next to me I use my miswak and when I look at my miswak the orlimar said clearly that there are many benefits of the miswak and one of the benefits is that they miswak will come to you as a person at the time of death and it will tell you to read the Shahada so I'm not going to leave my c-walk I'm not going to be mommy swap I'm reading my Quran and I read my Koran and I love backward I know why I love my Quran is because my Quran will be my companion in my grief my Quran is my companion my grave Salah will come as a person in the grave my brother's Salah will come as a person that you will meet and say who are you there I am your Salah remember for escape must eat remember he's to come pray there remember this part I got built up through you pray this is who I am today do I fear on the day of judgement I who come up and I want to see surah baqara surah al-e-imran of Mirkwood had become a cloud above my head Rasool Allah saw said so the baqara surah al-imran will become clouds for the believers that is my tamale that is my wish my Raja my hope in Allah that that would happen I should not fear going through this no way and me al hamdulillah al hamdulillah I've gone through these so many times I've visualized death so many times I visualized the cover so many times I've villain visualized the Quran on the day of judgement so many times raising my head from the grave try and find the place on the day of judgment under the arch of Allah how I can get there what actions would it take me to get there I realize that there's so many times that that has become a home for me and I'm asking you to do the same thing brothers this place is not my house it's not my home this place Allah has said cool metal do but the temporary things I've given you in this life they're going to be little don't be don't be in deception of this Allah says don't be in deception of this guru Allah says guru this deception this world is deception I look at my wife and I should remember that verse in the Quran I look at my children I'll remember this verse you cry my mother and father you know Maya field will not open are he the day when a man will run away from his father from his mother from his own father he's gonna run away from his own mother he's gonna run away from his own wife he's gonna run away from his children he's gonna run away because he doesn't know what's gonna happen to him so what what have I got with my with my family tell me what are my family gonna do for me nothing unless they are from the muta team they have got taqwa or unless I have got the hawk if I had talked one I'll end up on a dead enemy taqwa I will be good for them I'll be able to intercede for them and if they've got taqwa they'll be able to try and help me otherwise no one will help anyone else what what thing have I gotten in this world you know what people who say on the day of judgement you think that assets and listen I hear brothers you know like you know yeah yeah I've got this flat and I made this match and I've got this nice new business I got that and I think about it and Subhan Allah you think the Quran people Allah has said two three time to put on that if a person was to come in front of a lance and he was an owner if he was the owner of this entire world he will say you know what he will say you read the Quran and and you rules you will feel what Allah is saying to us of the reality of this world is his surah to Maharaj in certain morality with the 70 surah of the Quran yet the mujrimun after the Amina either be aluminum be believe my brother's tell me when is it that will be in a crisis and I'm in a crisis and in this world I will say to the judge Oh judge don't sentence but I have some children at home please please I beg you take my sons and put them in prison but let me go away is there any man here who knows whether what kind of heart is that is there anyone in this world that want to say that tell me yes or no and lasses in the day of judgement will come in front of me and they'll say because of the punishment they know they're going to go through they will say to me our law take my sons and throw them in Hellfire but save me save me oh sorry but he he where he take my wife throw her in Hellfire and release me where he take my brother my blood brother I stayed with take him and throw him in Hellfire but released me well facility he Lotito we take my whole clan my whole hand on my wrists are whoever they were throw them in Hellfire but don't show me what man filled rbj me include my youngji take every single man of the earth and every woman of the earth and throw them in Hellfire but don't send me or Allah this will be his plea don't sell me oh Allah color in Nahal Allah Allah says never and he will send the fire which will come Nazareth only shower the fire when it touches it that fire will come and seize his skin rip his skin off do you think do we really think this is a joke the reality is that this world and the people and everything in this world is betrayal again look brothers don't go to the other side and you know start looking your wife and given a dirty looks today and look at your son's as a traitor too much America I'm not asking you to look at this life and become hopeless no we are in this world and as long as we are in this world we will do a bit and what is a bit how bit is to give them their rights my children deserve my rights my wife deserves her rights if I'm a wife and my husband deserves his rights whoever you are you've got people who go right to man and you must carry on your duties as part of you being slim your wealth Eve God don't give it all up don't give it another card the amount that Russell Osman said is a third of one's wealth one may give in to Southwark ah he should leave his family poor this hadith of Buhari you don't leave them in poverty but I live in this world I'll stay in my house of course I might have some love for my house that's fine I might have loved my car I'm I have love for my children that's natural but the love of Allah and His Messenger should not come below that that is the message the love of Allah His Messenger should not come below them they have love of Allah messenger come above and the love of the Archaea should come above this world then I'm a proper believer and when death comes what do I want brothers I hear at my death and your death that when a time of death comes not only when Malakal mode come and tell me about my death that you're going to die Allah will show me a sign either a dream and honestly brothers there are loads of common people who get a sign that they're going to go not only that would happen but I want to smell the fragrance of Jannah at the time of death rasoolallah since time they were individuals who said to professionalism they said what lie in neela Ali duty hi Jana Doudna ordered Haditha Muslim they said all by Allah I can this hobby says I can smell the fragrance of Jannah coming from behind a hood I think goes straight and he becomes a matter of Allah this was in a time prophet salallahu alaihe salam now wherever i am where i miss ooh dude where I've been in normal life I want to smell the fragrance of Jiangnan law says the believers and those who are close to Allah they Allah gives them the good news he gives them a fragrance and this is in surah al-baqarah of the Quran different categories will come different countries will have death and Allah says a lot of minds and says what fellow fellow either Bulava Telugu one to Raina Eddington when the soul has reached the collar bone when the soul has come up to one's throat when that has happened and all of you are looking at the person dying wanna know a poor abu alayhi minkumu a killer - who's Arun I as al I'm closer to him but you don't see that fella in come to Mohammed II mean if you are not to be if you are not to be tested and accounted for in the next life third Aruna her income to Saudi team than any of you I challenge you to try and remove death from that person Allah says you try and help that person to try and save them from death in another part of us as well in surah teamö of the quran surah number 75 allah says in that verse number 26 on words tell either Bala what it Araki nothing nothing more except when you will see that the persons also will come to his collar bones what a lemon rock and she'll be said who is the doctor right now who can come and aid this person who can save him was the nephew rock but the person on the bed knows that these are his last moments he's going to separate from this world walter participa be suck and his shins are crossing one another Elaraby Kaiama edema massage to your Lord this is the time that you're going to go and in surah bakra allah says fam'ly in can I mean Al Mukalla beam for Oh home where I had agenda tonight as for the one who is from the close ones to me at the time of death I will give him the fragrance of paradise fragrance of paradise and you know the Angels I want to see and I look forward to 500 white angels dressed in white coming to me and they want to take me how they want to take me gently alas mentioned both of that now the Quran he has said when a CIT raka those angels that come as Dark Angels dressed in black for the sinful souls and they will reach out and they will pull the soul and seesee tear it out of the body Nazareth Ibaka and there's others Allah said when a she thought national gently they will come and try and slowly bring the soul out of the body spreading it out I want that I want to have that brothers do you want that or not that is for a person who stays close to Allah I don't see why any of us can't stay close to Allah if you dare October and at that moment I want to go from that place out of my body to Allah Azza WA Jalla and I want at the time of death an announcement to be made and that announcement is in the Quran is at the end of surah fatiha the 89th surah of the Quran Allah says yeah I hear to Handan absolute my illness oh content soul also that is content with me with my remembrance also lose whose heart is content with my remembrance energy ie Allah Arabic return back now come out of this body and come to me in such a state energy in Arabic Allah Theatre Mahdia that you are pleased with me and I am pleased with you this is no Quran I am that death and at the time of death I will hear Allah saying to me injury in Arabic in all theatres yeah you are happy and pleased and content with me and I am happy pleased and content with you for the hula theory bad you should join right now my servants who are of your kind that's going to be later on in Indian what the holy Jannetty are later on after that I will empty you into my garden into German and paradise this is from Han Allah the one that I earn and I want you to yearn as well brothers if I am in a state that I'm ready for death at any time I'm ready Rasool Allah Allison has said no believer should leave three nights going by except that he has kept besides he means will see his will societies in Muslim if you haven't written you will write you will at least say you will to use next of kin we should always be prepared for death at any time and no person no person amongst us well when we know that it's going to happen should not be in a state when we think that death is far away death is far away if you think like that you will be complacent with this world saved an ally of the al-amin who says in his statement he says airman leave dunya anakata Aisha obadah Varma lil Ark Iraq and Nakata mu2 hada she generally says rhodiola Han says work for this world and plan and work continue for this world as if you go to live forever but work and plan work for the next next world as if you're going to die tomorrow this is the beautiful balance that we can keep when it comes to this world yes what I'm they are not going to always think I'm dying there no no I'm one in my business my world alive I'm going to try and do it so that I'm here forever but when I get to the part of my next law and I'm doing my action for the next world I will do it as if I'm dying tomorrow Abdullah bin Zubair of the al-amin who who was a sahabi of the Prophet Allah salam when he went to the marketplaces he was such a good businessman and they looked at in making business they said abdullah bin zu baby's doing such business he's doing such good business as if he's got no concern for the Arkana no concern for the next life but the same abdullah bin zu bade when he came to the masjid and he prayed he prayed his salah they said that this individual he praised his salah and he does is every bada as if he has got no concern for this world that's how you should be I'm not asking you brothers you know leave all your business area I'm not saying that what I'm saying is a mock mean is always prepared to that extent and brothers when we pray you know the Imam sometimes it says pray as if it's your last prayer if you actually stand up for your prayer and you're standing up and if you really just for two minutes if you say to yourself you know what this could literally be my last prayer ever I've made to Allah have you ever actually really believed in that and done you're done your prayer put your hands up if you've done that right just happen a lot is about good ten people that put your hands up here try and make it a habit every single time I'm going to pray I'm going to do that you know why because it increases your khushu and your devotion to Allah it connects you better and it makes you really feel so dependent upon Allah especially when you stand for fatiha and you say Malachy o me Dean you are the owner of the day when I get when I get back to you their own of recompense the owner that you're going to give me back what I'm doing right now you are the master of the Day of Judgment when you start saying these words to allows if it's your last pray it's going to be different we should take a lesson from Abdullah bin zubayr of the alarm or what needs to be in his Salah is as if it's his last last prayer but of course my brother's whatever I've said to you there is another flip side to it a person who doesn't prepare himself as I said there is a horrible state of dying where the angels come and Allah has said yeah tribuna will do how whom were at bottom the angel will come with the hammers and smack their faces and smack their backs the angels will come and torture the person at death the angels will come in five hundred dressed dressed to cause fear and all into the person and and Rasul Allah has given a description what I will do in the next session you know we're going to go through the actual hadith that gives the description of the description of a believer going from this world and one who is not in conformity with this belief and how the Rasul of Allah has described that it is awful and every Muslim who is not practicing will go through that as well don't think is just for them the people who are not Muslims and what we want is we want to be always prepared for this for this death one quick clarification with regard to something i said before the salah i said the rasool allah sallallahu wasallam said adoha how many gifts there are that I have become I gain strength just to from those gifts our gain strength just to disobey you this is a dua that he taught us to say not that he sallallahu Liesel 'm was becoming now ability Sabinas to god so please bear in mind it's a drive for us to say because it's something that we used to and when prophet sallallaahu islam if he is saying it himself he is teaching us to say it because those who la solana sin is not in any way in disobedience of god so that's just a clarification my brothers and those sisters that are listening rasul allah saw when he was on his deathbed he said in almaty sake he said death has got its pangs Rasool Allah Allah Allah Allah went through this himself if you read the Hadees regarding that maybe maybe some other time the future may be next year when it's the month of a view level we can talk about not just about the birth of the problem people should talk about his death as well because in that month both things happened bobby salallahu alaihe salam went through this himself and he has given us instructions on how to prepare for this so he said lucky Momo Takumi la ilaha illa-llah when you see a person about to die then you should start saying la ilaha ill allah allah allah allah loudly around the person when a person is about to go then the person should obviously when they're going they should they should be told about the about their faith because Rasul Allah some said man man kana ah yah ha ha Kalamata healer Allah Allah the halogen how come an outcome of our race Rosenbaum Salah someone said and this is sahih hadith a said whosoever his last saying is lie lie la la he will go straight into paradise now if you can't say that by our tongues we can at least mean it from our hearts some people not in the state of saying it but we can mean it from our hearts that moment my brothers nothing going to mean anything to us if you sit here for a while go home and do this I need you to tell people to do this sit at home and imagine their death death has been prescribed for you tonight and sit there and start thinking about it as if it's absolutely real death is coming to visit your house tonight and it's going straight for you for me for you he's coming if you sit there for a while start thinking seriously that tonight death is coming and if you really believe in it and you really feel that tonight I will meet death there nothing in this world matter for you nothing will matter for you you know all these worries we've got in our heads about this about that old is well don't worry will matter and if you want to end if you want to end your temptations of this world promise a loss microRNA hadith ultimately has said axial axial be victory had I mean let that try and increase he said increase your remembrance of the breaker of passions and desires so the prophecy Allah samsara said messaging of Allah what is the break of passions and desires he said it is mote start remembering death remembering death is a command from the presence of allah salam to be fearful of death is a bad state if you're fearful that death might come to you and take you tonight if you fear that that fear is there then there's something wrong you've done something that you haven't rectified rasoolallah blossom has asked us to continue remembering that thing that would break our passions why because we're not supposed to make up he make ourselves people who are attached to this world and loving this world because that is a disease of the heart that is a disease of the heart now my brothers before we leave this earth if you've got things that are old you know I could be dead tomorrow if I've got things out to Allah should I leave them my mother I'm going to meet him and he might ask me I wanted you to do this for me you never did it I'm not going to leave that I'm not going to leave that if he sees a car I will give this a car I will give it straight away if it is fasting I owe and I never fasted I have to make up I will fast tomorrow if it is is Solara left I will try and make up for the Salah and try and do that if it is a brother I have hurt I will go and say sorry to him because that might be the last time until the day of judgment that I meet that brother or that sister or my family member if he's my parents are upset with me I'm not going to leave this earth and my parents upset with me you can't do that brothers because there's going to be serious consequence in the next life we need to start looking at next life for example if a person misses his fasting and his unable to give it he's unable to give his his compensation for his fasting can people give a fidya after his death yes or no as a compensation they can give something if a person has not given his akan people pays the car from money he's left yes or no yes they can if a person hasn't done his Hajj cannot a family member perform Hajj on India v/s or no yes but if a person goes from this world with arrogance in his heart is there anything that you can do about that no you can't if a person goes with jealousy in the heart in the next life manis hatred if a person goes and what the promise of allah some say say he said a country hadith a Muslim man can I feel cold behemoths are miss parlo hugged Allen mm Akali Dal Ottoman Kim Alka McCullough is Rosanna whosoever has an atom's weight of arrogance in his heart he will not enter Jannah what that means is you will not enter until Allah has decided your matter you might punish you for it or he might forgive you or whatever others you will not enter until this matter is dealt with I can't leave with arrogance in my heart I can't leave this world with the disease of my heart I must get rid of them how do I get rid of them I must do the dhikr of Allah I must remember Allah again and again how will I leave this earth can imagine if I told you you've got to go and you've got to go and meet the king or you got to go and meet a very important person of this world what do you want a criminal record on yourself when you go and meet them yes or no they're going to check you at the doorstep and they're going to see you got an appointment in the king's house and the king's palace you've got an appointment and when you get there they're going to look through your criminal record now if you've got a criminal record how are you going to go so you better get rid of your criminal record better do something about it how my brother's supposed to meet Allah and I've got a criminal record with Allah how don't fear Allah of course Allah I don't want to die these are the reasons people don't want to die as in they want a long life that I want to think about that they don't think about death death my brother's my sister's death should be the thing that will cool me and it Allah Allah Allah Subhan Allah at the time of death what do I want I want angels in their hundreds to come down to me and I want them to say what the Quran has said but when these angels will come they will come to take my soul and your soul if I'm in a good state and they will say to me and you and whole finale while a voila and to me Tarzan who know Allah finale Himalaya this is in surah honey massage at the 41st surah verse number 29 onwards when a person comes Allah said in Allah in Aladeen Apollo robbing those people who have said my lord is Allah and saying that of my brothers you're going to face a lot of difficulty you want to hack these days people look at you funny you were a turban you get even more distress you were his clothing people laugh at you you keep my beard people say terrorist is one terrorist is one you get cold and within the Muslim you get cold Mulla Mulla demon regime sabzi dodgy person wish whether you look that sadist side you get names Manama share of the Rashid Rehman said he said what is that only Sunnah visible Sunnah only sooner that you're allowed to take with you inside the grave what is that my brother's be it it is the only visible Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu listen what a what a statement that you're allowed to take that with you inside the grave you can't take any other Sunnah with you and even other actions you need actions can't be seen but the only one that can be seen is the beard on your face and what having a beard on your face makes you terrorists then Darwin is a big terrorist seen his bit and the back of a ten pound note he's falling off the temp annulled he must have been the biggest terrorist but if he's not one then I'm not one have standards if he's not one I'm not one and I will be proud to take the Sunnah of my messenger sallallaahu with me in the Acula because Rasul Allah some said a corner hadith a Muslim Kahlua abdomen you bath Alabama alley Jai Bharat the alarm report says machinable lhasa Ozma said every individual will be resurrected on the day of judgment in the state that they died you died with the Sunnah of the Prophet Allah said in your life you will wake up with a sudden of the Prophet in you in the next life you die without it you will wake up without you the one who dies in Hajj rasoolallah allah sawas said that man will wake up on the day of judgment with his quran clothing and celibate allahumma labbayk that person will wake up and finish his his Hajj on the day of judgment in front of allah that is a good state now we need to be in a good state all time I can't sit oh I'm not going to sit in front of the TV start looking at something in one of the Internet's are looking at something I shouldn't be looking in any line if at that time death comes and what I'm a person who died looking at the wrong thing I'm a person who died with sinful eyes I would wake up with sinful eyes but if I cleanse my eyes by saying to Allah to forgive me then I will wake up with those cleansed eyes I can't be in his room crowd I can't even choose one night just exemption once a month I'm gonna go there friends and go around the city and basically be a bit of a bad boy this is my twin 9 nights I'm a good boy one night I'm gonna be bad boy I can't have the wrong crowd because you died with that you will end up waking up with them on the day of judgement you die loving the Prophet sallallaahu I said what did the Sahaba say rhodiola wanted mine they said Messenger of Allah we are with you in this earth but Messenger of Allah what will happen in the next world basically how we will be with you where will you be where would we be how would we find you I rasoolullah sallallahu listen went quiet and the later on he made a statement which never made the Sahaba were not any more happier than this day after the day they took Eman they took the Shahada they were the happiest afternoon after the day I became Muslim they were happy but the most happiest that ever been is this day when Russell made this statement Rasool Allah said and this is for us as well he said al Maru maa man Ahab / that a man will be with whom ever he loves in the next world if I love if you love the professor Lozano more than my family my belongings my other relationships are God if I love the province more than that I will wake up on the day of judgement doesn't matter where I've died where I've been buried I will wake up and I will be near the Rasool Allah saw and if not anything more I will be brought to him near his presence but if I die with the Maha bandha love of those things around me the people around me certain cultures drive you certain celebrities drive you if I die with their great muhabba and their love in my heart and I will wake up next to them on the day judgment it's a serious thing to think which lung am i taking with me for the next life and it's not hard brothers to get the love of all the profs a lot to get the love the protoplasm start sending silhouette on him saw sending salutations on him [Music] he was happy he was Allah my Allah Sayyidina what Mawlana was happy he was alum in your love with your passion imagine that you are in Medina in front of the prophet salaallah alayhi assalam and there you are sending this silhouette on him so that he may reply his salon back to you so that the angels take it to him and ten verses are on you for every time you send salutations on him so Hanauma he affirmed his own words whoever man salaallah alayhi salat and were hidden some Lala who are nami ihara alayhi be harsh Allah will send ten verses on the person who will send one time salutations on me if you carry on saying it's saying with passion and love if you carry reading about him and his life you will eventually start to love him a lot you need to revisit the seal a stone that's what pathway of loving him what's the pathway of getting rid of my sins because I'm feet perhaps feeling how am I going to go to the Acura no no stuffy Lila you know who well hey you know what I seek forgiveness from Allah the one who is ever living the one who keeps everything together Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah who there is no other one no other God no other data except him well I told buoy line I returned back to him well I Halliwell iku what nothing to turn me away from evil nothing to give me the power to do good except for allah subhanaw taala you carrion saying this with passion and love try and say it with feeling a sinner Russell Russell Osman said for a lamb tempo Futaba mercilessly Osman said if you can't cry then pretend to cry I love that this is a hadith in Abu Daoud if you can't cry in front of Allah pretend to cry trying to make a face of crying Allah loves that how do i how do I get closer to Allah I will start singing his praise again and again super Hannah lost behind a muscle behind a laburnum sober so behind a massive behind I'm lost behind I won't lie to our glorified o Allah you are free from all blame I won't lie I'm the one to be blamed o Allah you have no blame no one except for you super Hanukkah you are totally free of every blaming me come to me knock volley mean I was the one who has seen I'm the one who was oppressed myself I'm the one who has sinned I come to you in true heart super high a benevolent and for saga in lamentable feel Elena whatever have an akuna minal ha CD o lord o my sustainer one who's looked at me I have wronged myself I am the sinner and if you do not have mercy on me if you do not forgive me surely I will be the one that will be lost I need you Allah Allah whatever I've gained whatever I have is only because you gave it to me I said my thanks to you I thank you for my life I thank you for me breathing I thank you for my family I thank you for those who are around me I thank you for those that are alive in my family members I thank you for the time you've given I thank you for the money you've given I thank you for the country I live in there is no other day except for you there is no there is no one that is in charge except for you now harlequin la la la raza car in allah there is no one that is a creator except for you la la la there is no one that ever provides it except for you Lika in la la there is no one that owns except for you lie now if you are in Allah there is no one that has power to give benefit except for you la barra in there is no one that can give any harm to anyone except for you a love bar there is no other reality xo2 except for you lava food in Allah there is no one that can forgive sins actual except for you Allahu Akbar Allah is there for me to connect with him if I take these words if I bow to the 99 names if I say la la la la I will transfer say yourself allahu akbar is another one these these are things in stride at a hadith if a person says it's a hundred times in the morning or a hundred times a day there's great reward Russell Russell Osman said even he has said to the extent that he is seeking forgiveness from Allah 100 times a day or so so laws must taught us this saying Allah Akbar Allah you are the greatest allah allah allah allah allah allah you are greatest you are the greatest you are greater than me greater than my life you are greater than my family you're greater than my worries your greated not problems you're greater than the things I face in life oh Allah you are the greatest you are my well in Arabic al muntaha to you I shall return you are my you are my what yes the kotti oh allah you are the one I trust you are my guardian you are my moon I say this in Doha to Allah to connect yourself to Allah sit there and start talking to align this manner Rasool Allah saws told us this yes yes Andy oh my one all my support what it was lost a lot some two teachers he says yeah I had a mullah a high dollar whereas Ana them unless an Adela in Qatar mean oh one who is therefore the one who has no one else a one who is the support for the one who has no other support every other wishing desire has disappeared except for the desire for yourself in Kedah Raja anything I want I can't get it except if I come to you to say things like husband a loved one your Milwaukee woman no see a spoon of love honey I'm a lucky young man no see I will you are enough for me you are enough for me I don't need anything else you are my soul presenter you are my soul want the one that will look after me you will be there for me for my problems you will be there for me when I'm in trouble you will be there for me at death time you will be there for me in the grave I depend only upon you one year Milwaukee you are the best one I anyone can depend upon me Armel NOLA the best of masters nietzermann Nasir the tester helpless eukaryote Sancta to Alana what we need to do repeat this rasul-allah solution to the sahaba to repeat it again and again until it goes from the brain or the tongue into the heart when he gets into the heart you will feel a connection with Allah and you will feel that you want to stay in this state of remembrance for a long time and you will not fear for this is this iron hammer seller says what in lovina Colora bounnam those who say my lord is allah mastic armour and they stay steadfast on that tetanus dilwale him on mana iike the angels will come down to this person a lot of half who you have no fear while at Assen you have nothing to worry about absolu Bingen Attila t come to I do we give you good news of a garden which you have been promised naina olya confine Hyatt in dunya or fill our hero we have been your guardians we the Angels have been your Guardians in this life we will be the guardians in the next life we will look after you we will be your companions in the next life voila comfy high master he and for tsukumo wanna convey that their own you will have anything you wish for at this time you will have anything that you want at this time anything you call for you will have where your servants here will give it to you the angels will say that Missoula foody rahim a owner from allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala you are the guest of our man you are the guests here and we are your servants this is what I want at the time of death why because I would have made that connection here and once I carry on keeping my connection up there is no way you can say that you're just going to have a certain bad debt why why should Allah treat you like that Allah said in the holy quran hodges our son-in-law Assad you need good you will get good you show good ensure excellence you will have excellence this is in surah - Rahman in surah in in the fourteenth juice of the Holy Quran there's two kinds of deaths that have been explained there and there are remembrance for all of us where Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says one party will die in one way and another party will die in another way and my brother either you're a practicing Muslim or you not a practicing Muslim either the two is black and white and this will be your case if you're not a practicing Muslim and levena that of affair whom Allah Iike to volley me and foo see him Falco Salaam Americana normally minsu but Allah hardened American to determine when the angels will come and trying to take the souls of those who have oppressed themselves they will try and make peace they will try and say we never did anything bad allowed saying Allah will say the angels will say Allah knows he knows what you did don't try and hide it Fatah Hulu Abu Ubaidah Hanauma hardly dignify her enter the doors of Jahannam entered those of hellfire remaining there for a long time is not just to do with disbelievers is to do with the non pissing Muslims that will go through a bad state of offense but those who will do their good in this world Allah says and levena that they were fair America to Peggy bina a cool una Salaam alaikum the angels will come down do what they will put their hands up and they will say assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh angels of death will put the hands in front of me in you and say come and take my hand and let's go to the next life well the whole agenda that we've not come to meet I'm alone you will enter Jannah for the good deeds that you have done that is the that is the case but for those who haven't prepared for this they will be cries what are the cries of the death Allah said in the Holy Quran a few cries and with this inshallah we will end this session I will take another approximately five minutes of your time because I said about half an hour of your time I will take if you look in surah al mu'minin which is 23rd full of the holy quran verse number 99 Hatari that jaw I had a who know to call Arab build your own when molten death will come to one of them he will say o Allah o Allah return me back Lally I'm Malou sorry hun FINA tarik to Cano Allah I left behind me some prayers I'm supposed to do for you oh well I just just just give me a minute I'll prove myself I'll do the hundred for you I'll do nothing for you I'll give again I'll do these Libra I've left some actions I'm supposed to do I'll fast for your sake I'll look after people for your sake allows a can land never in Naha Kalimantan waka oh ha this is just a statement a person is making and behind their women were are in him bars aroun Allah o Meara soon behind him he has got a life between death and their judgement which is who bursa it is it is a veil no one can cross from that side to this side only people can go from this side to that side and people wait in that state until the day of judgement which is something we will cover in the future in surah al munafiq oon in the surah about the hypocrites which is a surah surah number 63 of the Quran verse number nine Allah says what yeahyou alladhina amanu who believed lot aleikum walekum Allah Allah Duke Mantee Trina don't allow don't allow your wealth your belongings don't allow your children to divert you from my remembrance because whoever will do that you will be in the loss was a con el camino public I had a cool notifier cool arab below her tourney in a giant kauri spend from that which I've given you before a day comes that the death arrives to one of you and he says my lord just delay me to a time that is close by to this facade that our coup - Ali hey now give that money I'll give it out I'll spare I'll go Allah take my car to the bank I'll I'll show you how come taking that money out I'll take that money out I'll show you how can give you that Oh a lot of money my pocket them or a lot of the money I've gotten my saving there were a lot the money under my mattress oh allah wherever the money is Allah I'll give it to you but give me a bit of time but there's no time left because Allah says in the holy book and he says what he adds some to that well I couldn't be nice Allah o Allah I'll be pious I'll be mr. Sufi mia I'll be mr. mu la mia are the only thing you are just give me that time Allah says well I hear Allah who Nelson either tell her there is no time given when a person has their death has arrived you can't go forward you can't go back it's a prescribed time for every one of us well la who Habiru me muhammadun Allah knows the action that you have committed in surah an-nisa which is the fourth surah of the holy quran one of the ayats that are read right at the beginning of this reminder this talk allah subhanaw taala he reminds us that your Toba is only valid before death the sous la Sol Asma said in a hadith a Muslim male mu article until you haven't seen the signs of death until you haven't actually seen the Angels your Toba is valid your repentance is valid but up to that point you've got the chance but when that when that moment comes there's no moto velocity holy quran in surah nisa verse number 17 in nama Toba to Allah healing ladina Amaluna tsujihara you've made a mistake Allah said look you you've made a mistake you've sinned you were ignorant when you sinned Allah says you've got Toba is open for you some might open I mean Kareem info Dhaka - I said Allah says you make you repent to me I will be there for you I will forgive you in fact in one hadith Qudsi says you bring to me some Hanna hadith sahih al-bukhari Rasul saws reports from Allah last one says if you come to me with the whole world full of sins in a state that you do not assign any partners with me and you say to me our law you want me to forgive you I will come to you with the whole earth full of forgiveness and I would not even mind but then in next verse he says well I said to Tober to Lynn ladina Amaluna say yet those who are committed sins until death comes to one of them they say to LAN turtle on top Dolan I do tomorrow night all right now not valid the message of this is before the statement comes Kulu nothing there a cat will note every soul shall taste death my brother when he's deaf coming to us again can I just hear that we need to come to us when is it coming to us what did I say then like when he stopped us where is it come to us sorry out there that we need to come to us say that louder so five brothers said that Congress 100 brothers of Morsi Mia when is mote coming to me and you tonight you scared to say that these kid come on you're a big man you scream like I said the cousins way look you know you scared if you got scared if you're scared you you've got you've got a problem you better you better quickly reconcile yourself because death has come tonight that is coming tonight don't smile at me death is coming tonight you've got to believe in it it's coming tonight if you really think like that every night death has come to me tonight you would make amendments before you go to sleep yes or no you will do that because you never know whether you see another morning or not you never know if I'm gonna see tomorrow morning or not if you believe you're going to wake up in the morning you've got a problem this is o su Lhasa awesome said you say before you go to sleep a la misma camuto alarm dying right now and I'm going to wake up in the morning if you give me life and then in the morning we say Thank You Allah for giving me another morning so with that I will leave you and we're going to make a draw let's all make draw together there are lots of hands Allah you know makes this an effort that will not go wasted and gives us a new life that we are practicing Muslims from here then are their own words are ready any moment allowing callers we're ready to go some wanna sing [Music] why he was like me he was a little something like one SRB he was in la vamos anciano CD never know learn and sunlight and to Nagina Madinah Nabi had Jamie on ha ha Haruna behind mean Jamie icy water of Haruna we have our let da Roger what to believe when I be had a cassava engineer higher art Phil Hyatt of abandonment Robin Alvin I'm Susanna alum to fulfill whatever Hamner and Robin avalon fooz an alum toffee learner any lambda or Abhinav Oh Phil Nana's a Kaffir on nursing team whatever fan yeah yeah and yeah yeah [Music] SME yeah I'll see ya e ya e ya e ya aku a movie Allah Allah the one who is close I want la the one who is close the one who is not distant I will of the one who prevents and no one can release o Allah the one who releases and no one can prevent I want not the one who gives dignity there is no disgrace afterwards the one who gives disgrace there is no dignity afterwards I want la the one who has mercy to no extent our la we tend to you mullah I will love you are up close one you are the one whom we depend upon along now we ask you Mona that you be for us here in this world and you be for us in the next world oh allah oh allah we have seen NOLA oh Allah you gave his gifts and we took those gifts we took their eyes that you gave a smaller eye one loud with those eyes we looked at things more which we shouldn't have seen Lola now Allah with these ears we started to hear things which we shouldn't have listened to all that I would love with a heart without mind we have sort of thing which we shouldn't have thought of NOLA I will love with these hands we have seen seen with these feet we have seen Allah Allah but you still fed us all that oh Allah you still gave us our is oh Allah you still did not deprive us from having clothes than our bodies our like you never gave us a headache for so many days oh Allah you never gave us a day for some way oh Allah we never had any complaints for any pain for so many days oh allah so many days have gone by that we continue to benefit from your own yachts and from your blessings but all we have only become strength full on your disobedience oh Allah if you wanted you could have made us blind for the sins that we have make all with our eyes oh Allah you did not make us blind he did not make his death how old are you didn't know us every nerve in my body every nerve in our bodies of Allah is in your control you could have taken one away and with that we would have been disabled oh Allah you did not even do that no lah we are thankful to you more we are thankful to you mula we have come to your door to your master to the most beloved of all places to you and we have come with with baskets full and we have come to give you something but mana when we look in our baskets when we look in our sacks that we are bought for you we have nothing to offer you mola you have nothing to offer you except that our our sacks are full of sins mola Allah we are shameful to come to your door we are shameful to come to your door to you to your palace to your kingdom oh well please do not reject us please do not send us out oh Allah if you send us out mola where would we go if you send us away mullah where would be dead if you do not look at our if you do not look out at our pains who we should discuss our pains me who else will understand the pains that we have in our hearts who else will be there for us to cry to who else is there to say this except for you Moeller oh allah you are the only savior allah you are a guardian mula you are a guide mula we make tawba to you for the time you have spent away from you o allah when were busy now since you were watching us know how allah wouldn't be seen with a thing with a sinful act you are watching us molar oh allah we do Tober to you we repent to you to take our sins away molar and return them to us as good deeds oh Allah give them back to us at good deeds mala we repent to you and I ask you to the best of our abilities will not sin again make death for us make it a relief from every evil of this world allow me ask you Munna to look after us look after family members look after our children I will look after our parents our life one of our parents is in old age then mala we ask you moola we ask you to not to make them a burden on ourselves or not to make them a burden on one another I would like what other parents has gone away from this world we are people who have lost our parents we ask him Allah to look after them in the next world look look after them in their graves mo now we ask you at the time of death you will be pleased with us may be pleased with you I will the time of death you will send your angels with the fragrance of Jannah at the time of death Mona you will take us that in a way that you take your close ones and your close servants at the time of death Mona you will take us in a way that there is nothing to fear thereafter there is nothing to grieve over thereafter I will love Allah give us your love in our hearts more than any love that exists and next to that give it the love of your messenger salallahu alayhi wasalam oh allah those of us that have troubles we put our troubles to you in this Masjid in this house of yours take your take away from us our troubles relieve us from our troubles mola mola we ask you that if we have debts then you are the one that will relieve us of our debts we ask you to relieve us about it's our life pains and relieve us of our pains and I would like any other design our hearts then mola we ask you if it is halal for our divinity is good for us if you are happy with it and I will love you I ask you to fulfil our lawful desires Robin are killing our innocent alladhina or a banana to Haman catalana be Wow well Finland our Hannah and Tamela fentanyl comedy allahu ta'ala Heidi Philippi he Muhammad in wanna and he was a kid my Veronica yeah
Channel: HikmahOnline
Views: 80,612
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Keywords: The, Beginning, of, the, End
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Length: 126min 33sec (7593 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2011
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