Change Your Dead Heart - Shaykh Hasan Ali

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[Music] Sulaiman raheem alhamdulillahi rabbil aalameen salat wa salam ala nabina muhammad mother he was a good night I hope you learned about the colon sudheer sukumaran for defense and now the Hornet honor in Nevada in Fe the mechanical All American for some marijuana he'd so dr. Donovan my dear respected brothers and sisters firstly Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato it's lovely to come here in Newport to see people and I'm going to request my sisters on the sister side to please try and let every sister listen we have got some noise coming from that background people have come in to listen so please respect them children who are here need to be with their parents so if there's any children wandering around with it without their parents having their parents need to just look back bring your children you know to yourselves it'll be a lot more comfortable for everyone to listen to I'm not going to be speaking for very long here anyway the topic is about changing my you know dead heart okay now first and foremost I have to say my brothers if you want to understand the dead heart then you've got to first understand the physical dead heart before you come to the spiritual dead heart okay so let's just say for example somebody is you know is going to have a heart attack in in let's say 20 25 or something right so you got from now till then to see the pathway of what led to his dead heart physical physical dead heart so if you if you look at the patient in 2025 the doctor will say well you haven't been keeping very healthy your your walking about your running about your exercise well that has been at a low your dietary system has not been very good so you've been sort of you know clogging yourself up all right you know I've walked in here and masha'Allah you've got lots of crisp packets of snacks and you know sugary drinks or snacks you know masha'Allah these kids are loving it by the way yeah they don't know what's gonna happen to them their favourite food by the way is chicken and chips yeah that's their favorite food they don't know they're gonna die any from it but that's chicken and chips that's their food now by the time is 2025 the doctor has said look you you Club yourself up your arteries one by one had been clogged up because you've had fatty foods you've had only foods you've had high cholesterol you you know clogged them up with X Y and Z's sugary foods whatever it is and this is where you are you you've got three arteries that are blocked you're lucky to survive and we're gonna just pump you you know up with with whatever you know medication Ares and we're gonna have an operation bypass whatever it is and this now patient what he needs to do is he needs to now get you know keep living now for that for him to live what he has to do is he has to change his life alright first is he's gonna seem 2025 let's just say he had a heart attack and we why I started from now to 2025 is you've gotta understand that from now to then he's not been living a very healthy life and eventually he has a clog and and one once he starts clotting inside there then he's gonna not change his lifestyle so the doctor will say to him you've got to stop eating these type foods you've got to start walking more you can have half an hour xixi every day or have fast walking every day you know there's gonna be number of things the doctors gonna say to him you gotta stop eating your kebabs stop eating your biryani and stop eating your plows and everything else that's been coming out for the last thirty years or thirty years all right you need to start living like you know a person who's gonna who's gonna try and live on this earth for another 20 years okay to do that he has to change everything alright everything even down to the fact that when he has delicious cake there's nothing wrong with cake if he has too much of you might have a another effect on him now the same thing happens islamically my friends okay a lot of people don't see this a lot of people don't see this first let me give you a quick example right now someone sitting here right now has probably got a illness that we don't see on the surface of it so let's say for example if somebody sitting here has got bipolar all right bipolar bipolar is one of those things where you know they're gonna have the brain activity is going to be very fast at certain times and very slow at other times okay and the attention span is gonna be very high sometimes and very low other times okay they can end up saying to you I'm gonna do this I want to do this and they're going to be very much like yes I'm really gonna do it and suddenly they're you know the mania goes down and what happens is they're gonna say no I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna do it gonna be as strong as they were to say that they're gonna do it they're gonna meet you thing is that the deals gonna happen as strongly as that when their mania goes down they're gonna say no now that is and illness they have which mean you can't see alright mean you can't see this it's in their head somebody sitting in this crowd could have bipolar but none of us would know who that person is why because bipolar people don't walk walk around with a bandage okay bipolar easy my friend I'm sure everybody can hear me what's going on yeah please how did fine before that right unless they want me to start singing or something they put in their corn as well bipolar people have got something that is internal you can't see it I can't see it unless you you find out from the person themselves or from some of the habits then you find out oh my god this person's been affected by this okay and it can get more and more serious but the problem is they don't walk around the bandage if you see a person coming in this mustard here and they're walking on crutches then straight where you're going to say brother what's wrong with you in 9/11 in Iran why what happened to you you say AHA no I use football football injury you know a lot of our brothers they they love football yeah they love football don't they listen to my advice here about football football in new teens when you're young is life what is it guys just talk to me what I've talked to yet football when you're new teens when you teens in playing football what is it it's life for for boys especially for boys football in your 20s is a leisure was it good and football in your 30s is injury okay that's what it is and football in your 40s is hospital innocent and football in your 50s is her cover you're on your way to death okay so there's a lifetime for everything but you've got to learn how to stop and how to start when you know when you do certain things so my point to you is that if a brother walks in here with some crutches and we say to him brother what's wrong with you and he says I'll use a football injury we've seen that we know these you know we say brother sit down here should I bring a chair whatever we'll give him some space but if you're if a brother walks in here and he's got bipolar none of us would know that he's got it the same way my friends a lot of people who who we see right now okay we see right now they're masha'Allah they look healthy what do they look like they look healthy mashallah you look at the bubbles you know they look healthy that's why they rolled it all against the wall you know they're leaning against the wall you're now saying that yeah but no offense see if you've got a back pain no fancy but if you didn't have a back pain you just want to lean there and you know issue you see them be healthy masha'Allah but a lot of people sitting here have got internal spiritual weaknesses some people have worked in today and they've been heavily their heart the spiritual heart is heavily affected by by sin it's affected by sins it's clogged up inside there and they've got you know they've been very unhealthy Islamically for the last seven years for the last ten years for the last 20 years they've been unhealthy Islamically so one of the things they did like you know 2025 the guy goes to the doctors doctor says nobody's there your problems you've been eating overeating eating the wrong foods no exercise none of these and slowly slowly gradually you ended up having a heart attack all right if you were to go to a spiritual person and he was to analyze you he'd probably say to you you know you're clogged up inside you are having any a spiritual heart attack and you don't even know it and you know what that means for the last 10 years there brother all right okay he's been missing his prayers or he's been praying on and off for the last ten years he's been in the wrong social company friends that are taking him away from Islam for the last 10 years he's ended up listening to you know music when he wants he's watching whatever he wants on his smartphone wherever he wants to go roam around he's been doing that okay for the last 10 years you know Reba backbite is never been an issue lying now now again never been an issue all right going out there and you know having banked and putting people down and being cruel to them and social gatherings never been a problem to him okay for the last ten years the brother has been you know seeing this sister that's just this person that person's been no issue with him okay for the last ten years his eyes been seeing whatever he wants to his he is have been listening to whatever he wants to and his tongue has been speaking about whatever he wants to my brother if you like that and you're sitting here then you've got a spiritual heart that is dead almost dead you haven't heard it okay you don't even realize it and that's a problem the people that walked in here who looked healthy to us we think they're healthy but a lot of people are going through spiritually unhealthy situations and they don't even know it or they do know it but other people can see it this is the problem other people can't see it and my friend if you feel how do you know you've got a clogged up heart it's very clear the Quran has told us how you know you've got a plug to the heart if you've got a free heart spiritually then there's a certain sensation you will get and he's you've got a spiritual clogged up heart you're gonna have a different different sensation or different difference of reaction rather okay so for example the Piranha said well either send your own use in animal Sunita or you know they feel booming and then when when they listen to the Quran you see tears coming down flowing down from their from their eyes why these are not Muslims Allah talked about these are even Christians in the professional Osmonds time allows talking about why then it can be and know who Allah said this is because and in the ayah before it is beginning of the seven Jews you'll see that the end of the six to the wonderful thing allows Moses said well now who is that moon Allah said that they're not arrogant people arrogance clogs your heart of pride clogs your heart jealousy will clog it up right have you looking at whatever you want to Haram hala will clog it up especially when the Haram goes in it will plug it up if you listen to her arm you'll it up if you talk about Haram and you don't care you will plug it up there's a spiritual connection inside and Allah has said those people who are not arrogant when they hear the Quran they will have tears running down their eyes allows you to look at what he said in surah Anfal when they open surah Anfal enamel moveme known and lady in either looking of mahadji let cool Ubu whom the believers when they hear about about the heart start to tremble why there to me Italian hair - who's that who me mana and when the verses of the Quran are recited and that goes into there is the Eman increases while I will be me atomic alone and on their Lord they will depend dust that's a person who hasn't got a clump of heart what's a person who hasn't got enough talk about Allah 16 holocron in Havana Canada come on women can Allah who our customer who a Shaheed in this Quran have given a remembrance for that person who would listen to the Quran who has a heart an open heart okay who has a heart alakazam i wish i heed if you listen to the Quran and if you have you mind president the Koran should affect you there are certain people who the Koran doesn't affect and there are certain people who the Quran affects in a good way all right when the ayats of the Quran came down certain people their hatred of the Quran went up I want certain people when the ayats of the Quran came down the love of the Quran will happen okay so what is the Quran say whether he that Surat why the New Zealand Surat you family knew who Allah says when the whole Quran was being revealed there are certain people amongst them vehicle will be humans they even they have a great cheapness and a crookedness in their heart people who will be him Arabic they have a illness in their heart for the mula whom are Allah and Allah increases the illness in their heart and when the Quran comes on the believers listen to it what happens they say or Allah said the truth when the Quran comes on the believers listen to it they are attached to it they want to listen to it they want to be with it now my friends let's take an assessment we have got now an Ummah that Subhan Allah a day will never go by I want you to think about this okay and they will never go by without opening a certain book few times a day when I say a few times its uncountable I know you can't count how many times they can open it now quoted a book okay but he has another name I said a book because I want you to think of yourself way then I'm gonna tell you something else what book is that brother's Facebooker [Music] and there's another one Facebook sister what's up Facebook's on Instagram Facebook data grandad quitter okay face cool put the son snapchat you know they've got all this family there's a family of social people social you know media here okay now I'm telling you this his sister said to me the other day you know she said she's got problems with you know sleeping at night you know she's got probably some gene problems and other things okay and since she sought some you know some some help from there she's even been to look the and so on he's not being fully treated so I asked her a question I said how much Quran do you read a day and she said she live I be honest with you I read about three to four pages a day which is good for a lot of people all right three to four pages a day I said to her could you not increase them could you not increase utila of the Quran every day she said no she he's really hard you know with all the things that I've got and so on you know I've got work I said that's fine I know you got work I said we didn't wanna come back from work then you know I'm gonna look after my parents as well I said there's no problem you know you can look after your parents I said could you not increase your your you know till out of the Koran and she said to me no she is you know three to four pages you know and I said listen to me I said you never have a day without looking at what's up plenty full of time 20 times a day every single day you've made that intention if you make the same intention with the Quran there's not gonna be no day without me reading this much of the Quran I am Telling You brothers and sisters need that they will never go by without you reading that much of the Quran if you say that I'm gonna do my thicken because this is another problem you tell people to do thicker because the only way you go to D clog your heart is going to be through thicker to thicker of Allah there is no other way of you know I'm hoping that this heart there's no other way you can do it just like if you if that man who went to the hospital looks at the doctor and the doctor says okay there's a couple of things we can do either we have a bypass right now are we going to put certain liquids in your body to burn the fat inside your heart are we gonna put you know one of the I don't know these pipes wanna be inside are we gonna just basically do it one of those I don't know the things they do I don't know what it's called I'm not doctor by the way yeah and they're gonna basically take all the fat out of their arteries okay whichever way it is there you've got to go to a hospital for that you can't sort of do it on your own okay you kind of sit there and say nah nah I'm gonna I'm gonna you know do my own procedure how you gonna save save yourself from a heart attack oh I'm just gonna I'm just gonna listen to my auntie but that's not gonna happen brother that's not gonna work if you've got three things that are blocked up you better seriously do something about it and the other way is if you've got spiritually a heart as clogged up the only way they dhikr of Allah simcha no thicker it's not going to happen because I'm messenger sallallaahu I saw them I said he said they could be shaking every single thing he said has a detergent every single thing has a detergent all right they're different detergents for different things if you want to wash your car you have to use the right detergent to wash your car you can't use bleach you know if you're gonna wash your car are you gonna use bleach to wash your car cuz you don't sometimes it you can really bleach to wash your car no you're not going to use bleach to wash your car and you're not gonna wash you're not gonna wash the toilet we you know soap or something right you have you have bleach over there to watch that domestic water over there you have to have the right detergent for the right thing otherwise you're gonna spoil it he said Allah to Allah he said your heart the aunty ohright think that you need to decloak your heart rasool ullah sallallahu said the cool ahh it is the remembrance of allah without that you can't spiritually cleanse your heart and when you tell people to do thicker of allah soda you know what they say to you that's your haven't got time I'm telling you brothers and sisters this is a big crime that we're making people look at the social media today without count there's not count how many minutes how many times they look at that but when you tell them to do snicker when you tell them to recite the Quran when you tell them to do something spiritually they haven't got time for it and let me tell you where their big dangerous Lila let me talk about the big dangerous I was on a train I was on a train from [Music] up-2 I think it was Bombay or something all right I was in the train with my share my share from Bangladesh Mufti Pharaoh biruni MELAS healthy and long life Gianni and we had a 4-hour discussion right we're in a nice carriage we're coming over that for our discussion and in that he mentioned something I will share it with you and it's a very deep thing he mentioned right because I said to myself look I said over there lot of people are raising a lot of funds for must feel if you raise for Masjid funds everybody wants to give straight away if you raise funds for emergency aid people will give you immediately all right but I said if you try and raise funds for education I said hardly any people want to give about ten percent of those people who want to give I said what can we do to try to make the people donate more towards education so he went silent for a bit and then he said something he said go back and tell the people this he said tell them that if a person in a third world country is starving and they die because of starvation a person because of malnutrition dies in a third world country where they didn't have food or they didn't have sanitation or they didn't have water and they died but they died with a man they will go straight to Germans okay but he said if a person in the developed world in the UK in the u.s. in Canada in Europe if a person dies with a full stomach but they died without Eman or they die with something in there that they're not supposed to have in their heart then that person could go to Jannah so that changes our perception I want you to realize this that taking a person in fact the chef said this he said for example let me give you an example if somebody dies right now and they never did their Hajj if somebody dies right now and they never did the Hajj what do you normally do we do Hyderabad which means that somebody on the in their family will go into Hajj on their behalf or somebody else will go on the hydrometer somebody who died who never gives a cat what do you normally do we give some zakat from his will and we take it out from his wealth and we give you distributed okay so that's its compensation even though he's dead lion a Lala's kept apart for it okay somebody who hasn't fasted we normally give India whatever we can give in return of that you know hoping that allow accepted but if somebody dies and they died with a disease of the heart let's say they died with the disease of the love of wanting to get more and more of this world okay dunya dunya the love of this world is a disease of the heart then that person we wouldn't even know their the disease of the heart and second you have got no compensation for you you can't give anything in return to save that person from the act if somebody died with the disease in the heart okay of the love of money or the love of women these are the things that make people go crazy some people that go crazy because of love of money they've got a big thing you know inside them like you know you see some people they've got a love of sugar guys are you understanding what can I say you know have I lost you someone hello guys and you speak to me you know have you seen people who oka have a love of sugar I look you know see these biscuits here some people you leave this whole thing in front of them this whole biscuits hollow up a club or whatever you leave in front of them yet for our O'Shea whatever you know all these chocolates you know tricks whatever it is here you know the celebrations you have your all in front of them they they'll hardly have one or two some other people that sit there that all one after the other some people that cannot suffer they take to to biscuit together put each it so brother have suffered my company is your riskier take it easier some people they just can't they just can't take it enough you give them a chocolate cake chocolate cakes right down the stomach you give them a sponge cake sponge cake on down as well yeah I like to invent for them a brick cake here see if they can take that inside the Odyssey there's sugar level they have this no control same way some people got no control over the love of money you know when they hear money they don't get hello what am I having they want to mix in eating how all these times I'm telling you they have no subtle like you know some of these some of these schemes that will come out right they don't care who said halal holidays when invest to make money invest to make money invest to make money right they don't care who they who they you know whose feet they tread on they want to just make the money there are some people her on businesses they don't care money's gonna come all right I'll do my toe but later on I don't care it's really enjoyable right now my friend doing that kind of thing is like a credit card you know credit card you cannot guys know were critical is it come on guys freaking please yes good yeah I just say that because that if you speak to me that I know you're awake you know credit card if you use a credit card or a debit card as a difference debit card is that I've got the money already there so when I spend when I when I swipe that debit card not you know I know how much I've got and from there money has gone but credit card is buy now pay later Ian Sam you buy now you pay later now that's the problem with sinning if you see then what you've done is you are saying I don't care I've got the love of money I'm gonna do right now I don't care what you buy now you pay lately narc and as a big pay to continue to do some other people all over the hotel oblige they've got no control when it comes to you know for men women they got no control of a women is men they got no control they've got a big thing in there you know like if a woman comes in front of you if a guy is the rule becomes a lock Jenny he doesn't have to control himself he's like you know whatever you know I just wanna I was gonna get her some people have that is a disease of the heart some people you put them with a Wi-Fi all right and they will sit and I don't understand these guys you know so you know subhanAllah everybody has is married to Wi-Fi but not everybody is married to wife you know I'm trying to get our problems yeah these problems temper of his black beans did I want to get my they don't want wife but they cannot live with that Wi-Fi they must have Wi-Fi she's with him all the time go but why no no no delay delay delay delay to 27 28 29 okay he's delayed his mom and Allisyn hey we stay here we get married hey yeah yeah and they're finding him bride after bite they did this from him when he was 21 or from 22 when he's 22 they showed him some he said no no no because you know he doesn't want to know he doesn't want to know her she's beautiful she's good-looking she's got religion she's got everything he says no and he's that Khan understand why and this guy knows why because he not gonna say yes to her because you know he basically you know Rachel you're not talking about Hoku text my dad he can't get his mind off this so basically he gets to twenty nine he gets to thirty and then he thinks to himself now you know let me settle this down above your time Oh dad I'm gonna get my okay who want to thank you now mr. Baldi who want to take you now huh you're 30 32 you're 33 now it's difficult your time came inshallah we'll get the advantage from that got everything done yeah whoever who do you can start making you go to inshallah would have that outside it will start tomorrow now Jamal what happens is you know you have you have these youngsters they don't understand they don't understand if you got the love of women in your heart or love of min for the women I'm saying this in your heart you've got a disease in your heart you better control it the only way to control it is you have halal wife no problem you have Haram relationship you kill yourself off now listen to this next day listen to the exit some people in their heart they've got love of wanting to live in this world for a long time now this is the disease of the heart lot of people don't know this you know like I don't everybody wants to live I'm not asking guys you know tonight you all die okay I'm not asking for a big suicide mission in Newport you know they're gonna have the news Imam kind - new poll yeah next day Monday morning that 30 suicides what's this much is called central drama monster has issues that I'm asking to do commit suicide problems here I'm asking do these reflect on this you know if you plan for your for this world to live here for long time no polemic Allah may Allah bless you with your life say I mean but if you want to live long you don't want to meet Allah you have a serious problem this is the disease of the heart Allah talked about in the whole Quran if you if you wanna believe is sitting here and if I said to you look do you wanna meet Allah and if it's not ever he was a dude you wanna meet a lungi man please so why don't you wanna meet Allah whatever Allah because you're not prepared your table is not plated utilized on updating you haven't been living the life of the ocula you haven't been living the life that you can face a lot that's a serious problem you've got to wake up my friend you got a disease in your heart you're clogged up you don't even realize it and you think that everything's okay because you're going to live on this on this earth and if nobody ever looks after you then you're you know your friend mister you know ha la mía you know he's gonna look after you whatever his name is right he's gonna look after you you're keeping me I you this mirror you got all these friends what about they're gonna look after you and you think that's life you think that's life when you're gonna hit the stone one day my friend you're gonna hit the crap you're gonna hit the ground one day let me tell you this if you have a heart where you want a long life and you don't want to meet Allah then you're a serious trouble when I go go because he who has not the time come for the believers untouchable openly decree that their hearts should become humbly remembrance of Allah woman I said I mean and how that their hearts should become inclined towards the ayat and the verses that are revealed to the for in the Quran when a guru Cannavino to Nikita has in the time come for the believers to realize that you shouldn't become like the people who were before you who are given the book I'm a dufus Ikuo boohoo life became something that was long ahead of them and the hearts became hard they wanted to live long the hearts became hard work a theorem in whom fanciful and many of them started to sing see if you think that you're not dying right now if you think you never died tomorrow next week next year a month yeah ten years time twenty years time at the same time you're not doing The Vicar of Allah you're in serious trouble my friend because your heart is attached to this dunya your heart wants that long life Allah said yeah but a little fella one of them wants to stay on this earth for 1,000 years one who a demos at him in another but even if he stays here for 1,000 years then he will not be able to stay away from Jahannam and the punishment when he goes to the next life my friend what's the whole point when you're on this earth and you want to have a long life without a lot and one day you come to Allah and that your worst nightmare if you live on this earth want to live long but at the same time you know who you are Allah is then it's the best day when you die on this earth this is the difference okay a believer is prepared for death anytime anytime I believe is prepared when I'm going about Mulliken mode comes I'm ready I've done all my solarz that intact I've done my bad that my worship it's in time I've done my Quran till aware I've done mine I've tried to change my lock my good character I've tried to be good to people I tried to be good to Allah I tried to be good on this earth so that I can get a good life in the next world my friend everything's prepared for you the day you die that's gonna be the best day of your life inshallah but if you need a life where the love of money the love of women the love of you know space love subhanAllah people are people are killing each other for bit of land bit of land you know you've heard you know if you don't know what I'm talking about it just go back to Bangladesh you know trying to say Buffalo is soul I will check the dad basically bought our eighth cousin acres and acres of land all right you know this is took me your granddad or your dad right and same thing in Pakistan if you're Pakistani same thing I'm gonna say to you as well this was what happen they came to this country and there were loads of land over there and now what happened he is one day his own nephew one day moves into his house yeah and lives in his house as if it's his house so then your dad goes back there your your you know your cousin who's his nephew says everything no who are you this is my house and then they start to change the doli doli yeah the change all of that faked a little whatever to buy the land to take the land away from you if you know of a person from Bangladesh or Pakistan who's involved in this where the land was taken over by some or tried to taken over someone put your hands up we had the work we had up if you know somebody come on a freelancer you trying to say new Porter and yeah everywhere my friend everywhere the same thing I let me tell you this they're dying for a piece of land and they don't care understand you're dying for some meaty mati you're dying for some soil and that is their very soil you're going to be buried inside line and Allah you're dying for the soil and in that soil six foot down one day you're gonna be crying and on the day of judgment hadith of Muslim says what who saw a vermin Manasseh de ke the Shivering whoever has taken one span worth of land from somebody else then that piece of land would be tied to his neck on the day of judgment and then he will be taken from in front of all the people on the day of judgment seven heavens above and Allah will drop him from there back onto the land of the AMA because he took a span worth of land when I was doing my fence 2010 I'm going to tell you this because I want brothers to understand this is serious when I did my fence my goddamn fence my builder said to me they said your old house occupiers who were here they they moved the fence right they moved the fence half a meter into the garden of the neighbor so I said I ended up with more land I said my friend quickly put it back to what it was when you build the new fence make sure that the half a meter comes back right to the owner and it goes away from me and he did that unless and I said why because I'm not going under there I don't know with anybody's land dispute on the day of judgment right now I've got about five minutes were the five and the Bukharian after a sir if you want to carry on Tennessee shall is a behind what I want to say to you brothers is hopeful job having the love of land hoping is a love of women or for the women love of men hopeful man love of wealth is a disease of the heart dunya love of the world disease of the heart if you're a person who is actually earning money for your family alhamdulillah Allah Boracay native his hello Amy you will get a reward for going out of your house working there coming every day working end of the month you get a paycheck that paycheck is reward 30 days you work there it's a reward reward reward because you're following the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu which is to try and earn the earn your livelihood earning livelihood is Sunnah it's rewarding but loving the world is the disease of the heart and it will end people if written law crisis now my friends what I was saying to you earlier is all of these are diseases of the heart and the only way to decloak the heart is through the vicar of Allah so in his last 10 minutes before we break up for the Asura that I want to get you to understand what decrees vicar is of three forms ok thicker has three forms one is vicar of the tongue but not of the mind so the tongue is saying so behan Allah and the mind is thinking of the washing machine didn't some promise the tongue is saying liya hai la la and the mind is saying we go yeah that's the care of the lowest nature you get reward for moving your tongue but you get no cleanliness of the heart your heart would not get deep locked there what the thicker above this is when the mind is present thinking of Allah but the tongue is not moving okay the mind is present but the tongue is not moving for example I'm behind the Imam Imam is silent and silent okay he's reading sort of out they are silent but my mind is present with Allah my tongue is not moving or let's say for example I finished metohia and the Imam is still finished the higher my mind is present but my tummy's are moving I get a lot of reward and I get cleanliness of the heart as well and the highest is when the tongue is moving and the mind is present whether it's me reading the Quran in Salah with the sphere do dhikr when the mind is present thinking about none other than Allah and the tongue is moving then what is that that is a lot of reward and it's a lot of cleanliness of the heart this is the thing that cleans our heart the mind has to be present now brothers I'm going to ask you sisters I'm going to ask you we spend a lot of time on our phones on social media we spend it in you know on the TVs on the pads on you know God knows what okay people are spending a lot of lot of time in these things okay chit chatting and so on vicar is a very very important thing no believer should have a day without a lot of vicar in their in their lives otherwise what will happen is you will get clogged up if you have thicker then you D plug the thing so that I want you to engage in me with me in Zika right now you can be really careful of before the event takes place okay I want you to be like vicar with me and with that inshallah I want you to feel something okay so when I ask everyone to join in Sharla okay I'm gonna ask everyone to join in Sharla it's not better because this is one of if it's a one of his own video so don't worry about it I want everyone to join in okay [Music] you know No I know [Music] brothers if you joined in if you say bit louder if you if you say it inshallah you'll feel the benefit of this okay there's a one-off there's nothing wrong in saying this okay I'm not starting is a big big thing here you know right this is the way if you concentrate and you just think about Allah only what will happen is your heart will get bigger okay you have many folders like many form of the kid just taking a last name yeah yeah yeah love ya love ya love ya my brothers sisters as well included if you spend time on social media you don't realize how many minutes are gone by you know you should clip after YouTube clip after usually Facebook clip after Facebook clip outfits and you know 45 minutes gone one alcohol you didn't even realize where he went okay why because you're enjoying you so much if you start doing thicker and you start to enjoy it and you won't realize where the time has gone and you will be connected with Allah you've got the dunya and you've got the our Quran Allah will give you the dunya Allah will give their academics and Shawn are no worries because the day you die is gonna be the best day the day you come back to Allah it's gonna be your favorite day of your whole life the most memorable day of your own life when you go to the acutight you'll feel at home because you always remember Allah okay if you remember the dunya if you remember all these things then you forget Allah than the day you get to the akhirah it's like you've ended up in prison you've ended up in a place you never want it to be you've ended up somewhere where there's nobody who wants to look after you nobody that you know ok that's why you want to engage in thinking in a way that we love it ok Ya Allah yeah yeah yeah same thing with when you decide to put on you can do this you can say you can say I did the guitar I tell you I'll let evening Munna Bhai you will you give us a lot you know read like that or you could do this you can enjoy you can put your emphasis in it and you can put your mind there and you can put your heart there and your reading only to Allah Nikita you know every when you put your mind put your heart they put all of it alejandra life is beautiful you could be in Salah and you can do salad without liquor and you can do sell out with liquor without liquid it won't it won't eat from your heart every day when you do so life you do with liquor that it will it will deeply grow the whole thing okay so for example some people they pray the salad they don't even think about this knife yeah elaborate finishes as quick as I can they've got no collection of how you know yes some people they want to just finish in one breath one breath there okay they want something when they pray oh yeah how did you recite that in that how do you do that I remember I did this relative of mine church she says she's related to me okay so she did Haruko okay I'm gonna do demo session she did work okay she won like this um she went to AA after so I said to her I said then listen you know said how many times did you read Summa hon arugula of being in your book oh she said three [Music] houses Houston say yeah three I said you can't do three nurses Saturday three I said okay so next time I recorded it not because I'm spying on it I recorded and then she went saying either and then I call her over I said look at this look at this video I said I want you why do you watch yourself going to Roku in the video I want you to say so vulnerable rather than three times so she saw herself doing this [Music] because she realized this is how you do three times you basically finish a surah you say so wanna be loved you wanna be loved you wanna be loved that's wrong my friend you need to outside one Justin are inside that's that's wrong okay if you pray your Salah I've got about two minutes on Sunday if you pray your Salah in a way the vicar that is different because you're going to ruku you going to salute and when you want to salute you don't want to get up the people Institute who don't have the hats there who don't have the vicar there they just want to say Allah Allah that's what I'll do and the people who have the heart that you'll say so the awareness of an emoji in mérida super anima be an RN a super Hannibal pianos are never heard about be an era so beautiful so wonderful is my load the one who is the most hi I'm Institute I'm low my allies the highest is a super Hondo katana every part of Salah they want to do it nicely because they deal with Vicar concern that all those things Salah Halawa the spear okay anything will you remember Allah with your mind present inshallah it will it will start to change the heart then the love the world will go the love of the love of being here for a long time with that connection Allah will go the love of sins will go the love of wealth will go you touch wealth you touch wealth but the love will go the love will go and that's that's the whole point anyway my brothers I will continue if you want me to condition after a solid solid I've done will be done now Allah will pray very soon inshallah speech after Oh Oh [Music] Oh
Views: 8,359
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 44sec (2984 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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