Setting up a Palworld Dedicated Server

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yo what up guys and welcome to another video today I'm trying to help you set up a power world multiplayer server so you can play with your buddies it looks like the online server isn't working properly right now so hopefully I can help you out and get you guest right away for this okay so there's two things you need to do in order to set up a dedicated server the first one is super easy you just go into seam here we're going to click on see it's right now on the store you just go over to your library right here at the top and then if you look at the left you have home and games you're going to click on this drop down for games and make sure you select the option for tools so this will add the tools for your games now there's going to be a bunch of stuff here that you don't really need to worry about but if you scroll down you'll look for power and right below it will be gray out not like mine but it'll be grayed out it'll say power dedicated server it's going to launch just like normal you'll have this install button so what you do is you install it once it is installed you can go ahead and launch it from here and you'll say play power as a dedicated server you hit play and this box will pop up meaning that everything went correctly now what you're going to do is just click on P world and play and then you'll be able to set up the server but before you can do that you have to do one other thing so the next thing you need to do is basically go into the settings on your router so for me I have an expended dual router Gateway so for me what I type in is 10.0 0.1 but a lot of times if you have like a lyus it'll be or. 1.0 and basically that's the local IP address that communicates directly with the router itself um I messed around with mine a lot of times you'll get the screen you'll need to figure out the username and password a lot of times it's just admin admin or admin password try those two first if you do have the xinity Gateway and you have the app the XI app you can go in there and set up a a option under Wi-Fi to basically port forward the port that you need so the port that you're going to need is I believe it's 8211 so 8211 and that Port you need forwarded to your computer so you basically have to set it up to port forward directly to your computer once you have that and the other thing it's real easy you'll be able to go into the game now we'll go ahead and select it real quick like I said I already have this running so you can see the command promp was up earlier and then we hit play on power world it should open up fine okay so once you have the file up and running um basically the server will always be running our computer so if you shut your computer down it'll disconnect everyone so then to join it you hit join multiplayer game you come down here and what you're going to do is type in your IP address and I know Min 10.0.0 20000 and then you write colon and and then that Port 8211 all right and then you can hit connect and it should connect me now before I do that I'm going to show you how to get your IP address you hit the Windows key come down here type in CMD and the command prom the command pumpt will pop up and all you're going to type in is IP config c n fig no spaces nothing hit enter and this will pop up you look for ipv4 address and it's that right there so I'm plugging that in here and I hit connect you'll see I connect to the game where a bunch of my buddies are currently playing a second little wonky looking as I came in um but yeah so yeah there it is and we're connected okay in order for your friends to connect to you you're going to need to give them your IP address okay and so for them to connect you're going to basically just going to go to Google and you're going to type in what is my IP address and you're going to click on this once this page loads up it'll populate your IP addresses here and then you basically you'll give them that ipv4 address and that way they can connect and once in order for them to connect they're going to type in the entire IP address and then they're going to type colon 8211 just like you did so when you connect to your own game you typ type in your local IP address but when they connect they're going to type in their they're going to type in your external IP address you don't want people that aren't your friends to have your external IP address that's why mine's blured out here so take that don't don't be giving it away to everyone but that's how they're going to be connecting and they should be able to connect and it'll be up to 32 player game I hope this helps you guys out and you should be able to set up power world servers yourself I think eventually you're going to add some settings to allow us to join into other players games a lot easier but hopefully that comes soon anyways have fun if you enjoyed that video do me a big favor and press that Thumbs Up Button And subscribe to the channel makes a huge difference and I really appreciate it we'll see you in the next one until then stay safe and roll more 20s how would you feel about helping me kill some evil bastards blacket bless
Channel: Xiosiolent
Views: 12,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Server, dedicated server, help, multiplayer, network, steam, tools
Id: Oy03P6mDiM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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