How to setup and configure your own Palworld Dedicated Server

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all YouTube welcome back what's going on it's your boy Bam from bams gaming studos here today and I'm bringing you another YouTube video three in a row three days actually I guess this might count as two but that's a new record for me honestly I suck at being consistent but man po world is just bringing it out of me and I am here today to show you how to create a power world dedicated server which is in all honesty a very simple process um so as you can see here I've actually already scrolled down to it um but you'll need to have steam installed and be on Steam I'm not sure about how uh Game Pass works or anything like that I think you can only do the co-op worlds on there I could be wrong but anyways once you install power world at the game on your steam so as you can see uh I have it installed right here you will have a tool pop up in your library that's not installed yet like all these dedicated servers here for these other games called Power dedicated server you'll want to install this and once it's done installing it'll look just like this it'll have the launch button and everything just like a game um and I would recommend uh just going ahead launching it hitting play and bada bing bada boom once this message right here pops up it means your server is up now for you personally to connect to this server you don't have to do anything um when power world opens up and you hit join multiplayer game that uh colon 8211 that is your internal IP that's everybody's almost everybody's internal IP and you will not need to change that in order to connect to your server yourself but the tricky part is going to be Port forting um you will need to port for Port um 80211 for this and to do this for a majority of people you're going to open up a command prompt like so so you would type in CMD in the windows search bar and click on that right there command prompt and it would open this up once this is open you type ip config and within ip config you can can you can get your default gateway which for most people again should be so then you want to go to a web browser type that IP in and for me I have linkies um I'm not sure if it's it's actually going to allow me to edit this from this it usually makes me use the app on my phone which it's going to um let's see continue to link see Smart Wi-Fi Okay cool so it's actually going to let me edit it on the browser it's never done this before hopefully it just logs me in I might have to pause the video all right so I couldn't get it to work on my computer so here we are on my phone I'm going to open up the little side tab here go down to advance setting and then into internet port settings single port foring up here at the top now it's going to look similar to this but not exact for everyone you're going to want to hit add a rule however that pops up in here you can name it whatever you want it doesn't matter I had a little trouble typing as you guys can see and then down below in the port boxes you're going to want to put Port 8211 in both of them um and then down at the bottom you're going to see that ipv4 thing which I actually freeze on for a second I had to pull it up on my computer but no worries right after this clip I will explain it to you and show you how to get it it's just an unique identifier for your computer to your network so your internet uh no big deal and uh yeah guys this is how you add a port foring rule on your internet provider again it might look a little bit different I go I'll go through that and all in just a second for a second let me do that quickly all right guys we are back so as you can see I could not get it to work on my computer but I did record a clip on the app of what it will look like for most people now I do want to go back and state when you get to that page the on your computer that will be a username and password field most of the time that is just admin and admin or admin and password look up your respective internet provider like Spectrum ronet uh whatever it might be AT&T Verizon and they will likely have a guide online telling you what the default username and password is now the next thing I want to tell you guys real quick is you noticed in there it asked me for an ipv4 address of the device this comes back to where we open command prompt to get that default gateway if you look right here above that there is an ipv4 address for your device and this is a specific IP given to each device on your network so it can be identified by the network um you will need this to put into that field so that your port foring for this device on that Port now as you saw I put the port is 8211 and 8211 I will have already explained all this I just want to reiterate and uh also you would have seen that I ported it through UDP and TCP and again I'm probably just reiterating myself here because I know I will record audio over that clip so you guys aren't just sitting there for 50 seconds awkwardly watching me do that all right so now that it's Port fored you will need to give your friends an IP to join your server now mine is Port fored so I'm going to show you guys what I meant by you don't need to change it for you and the IP that your friends will need to join so allow me to launch the dedicated server real quick you can see that's online and if you watch now I will launch the PO World game will join with my IP my internal IP that you can use to join your server and like I said everybody should be able to this will be the same for pretty much everyone I've never seen it be different but like again that is your local IP and your friends will not be able to join with this IP you'll need to give them a different one so when you go to join multiplayer game this right here this is going to work for you personally to connect to your own own dedicated server every time so I'm going to hit connect and load in to show you that I load in and then I'm going to get the IP quickly show you guys how to do that um that I will need to give my friends to join my server and for them to be able to join and load in so hopefully this will load up here in just a second here we are we're in the server all right so now let me go to back to the title and I will open up a uh page of Internet Explorer here or Microsoft Edge the easiest excuse me thing to do is to type in IP chicken whatever browser you're on go to this website right here and you will be able to get your IP uh I'm going to copy this IP right here we're going to go back to join multiplayer game and we're going to paste it in here now the important thing to do is to add the colon at the end of your IP and add the port 8211 that we just Port fored you hit connect and you will load right into the server um now for some people you may not be connect be able to connect from your own and I'm going to call this the IP you give your friends that we just looked up on IP chicken that's considered to be be your external IP you may not be able to connect from that always but as you guys can see I can I just wanted to show you the difference between what your local IP is and your external IP that you're going to be giving your friends all right so now that we're all finished up with that I'm going to go ahead and exit out of the game and there's one more thing I want to explain to you all and show you and that is how to change the server settings because I know for a lot of people the catch rate isn't satisfactory it wasn't for me and a couple other things you're going to want to change to like the maximum amount of players on the server all that good stuff so the easiest way to get there is to go back to your power world dedicated server game in the steam Library here or tool whatever you want to call it right click on it hit manage go to browse local files and it's going to open this up now from within here you're going to see default P World settings this is not the right one to edit I not sure why they put this here I guess just show you at a frame of reference but it does get confusing you're going to want to go into the P the pile folder into saved config Windows server and then you're going to find that same file but in here and inside of the PO World settings you're going to right click on it I personally use notepad++ to edit things I just think it looks much nicer it formats everything to its language that it's supposed to be um but you can use notepad to do this and honestly there isn't much that can make this kind of config file any prettier because it is all just one big line of variables and numbers true and false 1.0 72 all that good stuff um I will quickly go ahead and show you all a couple of the big ones so right here in the very beginning I'm looking for where I changed it the easy eest thing to do honestly is just to press contrl F and look at for what you're looking for so I'm going to type in egg because the egg rate is a big one um and as you can see right here pal egg default hatching time I've changed to one makes it a lot Le less like insufferable I think the um huge Eggs only take like 20 minutes or maybe 30 minutes maybe even 25 minutes to hatch on this the regular eggs take two or three minutes it's not too bad uh another thing I did that I like um that I recommend is the deterioration rate this I set it to zero which turns it off this means things out side of the base Circle won't just like break after a random amount of time um and then also down here is where you can change like the server name the player numbers the description the admin password um all that good stuff so yeah guys this is where you go to change your server settings not that first folder but inside of the Windows Server folder and that is how you set up port forward and configure a power world dedicated server hope I was able to help help you out hope I was able to help you guys out today have a good one and I will see you next time
Channel: BamsGamingStudios
Views: 4,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, dedicated server, tutorial, portforwarding, config, palworld dedicated server, palworld dedicated server tutorial, palworld dedicated server setup, palworld dedicated server config, palworld dedicated server settings
Id: eajcmO9dLYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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