Palworld Steam Dedicated Server Setup | Host a FREE Private Server | Full Guide

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what's up I'm troubleshoot in this quick video I'll be showing you how you can set up a power World server using the steam dedicated server previously I did a video on setting up a dedicated server using steam CMD if you don't own the game on Steam that's the easiest way to do it just to be clear you can use either of these methods either this one or the previous video in order to host your power world dedicated server if you're interested check the description down below for a guide on how to do this one also if you'd like to find out how to play with your friends without needing dedicated server check the description down below for a link to that video as well this video we'll be focusing on this dedicated server over here when you search for pal world on your Steam account you'll find it here simply download this and install it to follow along with this guide once your power world dedicated server is downloaded right click choose manage and choose browse local files inside of here we have all of our server files and everything required for our server to work properly let's quickly configure our server we'll open default power world settings with any text editor such as notepad I'll be using Sublime Text what we need to do is copy everything from this opening bracket here all the way to the very last line here right click copy then we need to take this and go to Pal saved config Windows Server scroll down and open up pal world settings.ini as well what you'll do is in this empty file paste on the code that we just copied and save it before we close it we need to edit a few things in including server name description admin password server password if you'd like and that's really it if you'd like to use Aron to run commands remotely using a separate piece of software you can change this to true as such the server name I'll set to let's say troubleshoots server and the admin password I'll make something nobody can guess such as that perfect we'll save this file and leave it open as we'll be returning to this in just a moment then we'll head back a few files all the way back to Pal server so out of Windows Server config saved pal now we're in pal server next to the main exe there are two ways of launching our server the first way is creating a script in this folder much like with the steam CMD version that we can run and start our server otherwise you can launch it directly from Steam using the launch button over here as this is a bit easier this is the method I'll show you but in the description down below you'll find a link to this article that talks about the script method as well using this here what we looking at is the third piece of text with all of these options in it down here so in the description head to the first link scroll down until you see preparing to launch server a bit further and it's this long one over here click this button to copy the text and with all of these commands copied right click power world dedicated server choose properties and in here where it says launch options paste it in here all the way at the very start we'll be changing the server name to whatever you want obviously Port players Etc if you don't remember what you previously typed check the notepad window that you should still have open for your server name Etc at the very end there's this epic app equals pal server this is supposed to make your server public and it's supposed to add it to the server list according to the power world developers however the server list is currently very overcrowded and they are known issues preventing servers from showing up on the list so if you don't see yours that's why now we can close this and launch out power World server when we do you'll get two options usually choose open and start as Community server for it to show up on the list otherwise choose the first if you're playing privately and if you're playing privately remove this last argument here so I'll choose the second one and play then a blank window opens up this is the server and this is what it looks like when it's running as long as this window is open your server is running and people can play on it I'll fire up power world then head across to join multiplayer game which is only available in the full version of the game the game pass version only lets you join multiplayer games with invite codes so this won't work there you'll need to own the full version of the game in order to play on the server so join multiplayer game then at the very bottom you'll see this bit of text here this is your IP address colon the port of the server by default if you're running it on your own PC you'll be using 1271 to point to your own computer and join your own server running on the same computer very easily I'll click connect just like that we should be dropped into our server there we come oh don't know why I'm underground anyways we can run in chat SL admin password I could type followed by our password and upon doing so you can see you're now admin now you can run admin commands on your own server and everything is set up properly however at this point nobody else can join you why is that well we need to sort out the firewall and our ports as well it's very simple in order for anyone to join you need to allow the game server through your firewall if you're using a third party firewall such as an antivirus with one these steps will be slightly different I'll be showing you the Windows Firewall steps in the description down below once again in this same article we'll scroll down further until we see this colorful section here these will automatically allow ports 27156 25575 and 8211 through your Windows Firewall allowing people on the same local network as you to join your server simply click this button to copy then hit start type in Powershell and run this as administrator now inside of here right click to paste paste anyway and hit enter a few times to make sure everything's run through now you can scroll up and double check everything worked well and if it did great you've now allowed all of these ports through your Windows Firewall and people next to you should be able to join as stated in this next bit we'll be running ip config to find out what our local IP address is so people next to us can join us once again in the Powershell window or just a command prompt window if you closed it you can reopen it we be typing in ip config and hitting enter to see all the information about all of our network adapters what we're looking for is the way that we're connected to the internet in my case ethernet look for ipv4 address and this one over here is your local IP 19216811 15 someone connected to the same router as me sitting next to me would be able to punch in this colon 8211 in the in-game joint section and they'll be dropped into my server pretty simple but in order for people to play with you over the Internet there's a few more steps keep this ipv4 number in mind what we need to do is p forward this may sound very difficult and distressing but it's actually rather easy however as there are so many different kinds of routers I won't be able to show you a guide for every single one of them instead you'll need to look up a guide for your particular router to see exactly how you can port forward or application forward as some routers call it what I can give you however is a general guide you'll eventually land up on a page that looks something like this using the ports we just allowed through our window Windows Firewall which you'll also find down here at the very end we'll be forwarding them to our computer so in order to forward these we'll copy the first one so 8211 and we'll enter it wherever required on our routs setup page for me I'll need to enter it in both external and internal as it's asking me for a range I need to enter the same number twice as such the protocol 48211 is UDP and finally it's asking me for my local IP we found this previously with the IP config mod and for me it was2 1681 50 all I need to enter here is 50 however you may need to type in the entire thing and of course yours may look completely different to mine I'll add it and now we forwarded this port to our computer now we just need to do the same for the rest of the numbers here sometimes you'll be able to enter them in comma separated other times you can enter a range so we can handle two birds with one stone for 27015 and six as I can enter a range I'll type in 27015 to 2701 six as such to do both of these in one rule then we need to port forward for both TCP and UDP so I'll select that otherwise if you don't have the option to choose both of them you'll need to add it once for TCP and once for UDP then entering my same IP and adding new there we go finally 25575 copy this paste it into all of these once again and TCP as well as UDP myp add and now we're successfully Port forwarded and people outside our local network should be able to join our server as long as it's running what do you need to do well simply Google what is my IP take whatever is given back to you either on Google or one of the first few links and you can use that for other people to join your server it'll be your external IP colon 8211 they can click join and they'll be dropped in right next to you if you're having some kind of issues port forwarding make sure that your ports are actually open and if you're not entirely sure do call your ISP to make sure you're even allowed to port forward as some is PS blocked on Lower tier packages you can use third party software like kamachi or tail scale to get around port forwarding but port forwarding is definitely the easiest of the bunch once you know how to set it up on your router also a quick note if you have multiple routs chained between you and the internet so for example the fiber router to one router to the next all the way to your PC in a straight line as such you'll need to port forward from each one to the next one along the chain so from your isp's router to your first router then from your first rout to your second from your second to your PC once you've done that everything is Port forwarded properly if you need help with port forwarding you'll find multiple guides Linked In the description down below as well as the article so you can hopefully get everything set up really quickly that's it as long as your server is running here people can join your server if you need to launch it again use it from Steam here and of course to save and close your server while you could just close this window over here it's not the best for saving and making sure you lose no progress in order to do so in the in-game chat once you've run/ admin password and entered your admin password here as such you'll need to run two commands the first one to save your server which is slave as such and the second command is slash do exit as such this closes your server so this window should vanish or close entirely and the C server is now stopped that's it you will need a relatively powerful computer to run the power World server so if you have a powerful computer or a certain friend does they should be the ones hosting it if you want to run it on a separate computer you can do that but you may find it easier to use the steam CMD method to host it on a different computer especially if you don't have a second account that owns the game you'll find a link to that in the description down below once again you don't need a dedicated server to play with friends it's just a way of leaving your server up 24/7 so anyone can join it if you'd like to join each other without the need for all of this once again check the description down below for a guide on how to do that that's it thank you for watching hopefully this video helped you my is been trouble shoot and I'll see you all next time Cham
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 263,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld server manager, dedicated server, how to make Palworld server, how to make a Palworld server, Palworld dedicated server, Palworld server, how to host Palworld server, free Palworld server, free Palworld dedicated server, Palworld dedicated server settings, how to run Palworld server, Palworld hosting dedicated server, palworld ds, palworld dedicated server, palworld server, free palworld server, palworld port forwarding, palworld ports
Id: 7Erzg2HcBHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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