How To Set Up Dedicated Server In Palworld

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hello and welcome to this video tutorial where I show you how to set up and run your own dedicated server within po world so there's a lot of kind of really small steps where the details are very important so make sure if you need to pause the video do what you need to do and then come back and I'll try to be as slow and as detailed as I possibly can so first things first this is done on my PC uh po world is installed on my steam my steam client here and I'm going to show you exactly start to finish what you need to do so first things first make sure you obviously have po World installed which I already do and then the next thing that I'm going to tell you is up here where you are under your library right where it says games you need to hit the drop- down and go ahead and put a check next to tools this will allow you to install if you've purchased pow World it will allow you to install the pow World dedicated server so go ahead and click on that install that that's going to be the first thing that we're going to want to do so once you've done that you've installed po World Plus the dedicated server alongside that and now the first thing I want you to do is just rightclick on the PO World dedicated server and then I want you to go to manage and then browse local files click on browse local files once we've done that we'll bring up the folder with everything inside of it and you're going to see a couple of different things you're not going to see the world settings just yet so the first thing I want you to do is you should see the application that says pal server right here if you just double click on that it'll open up a black box it may do a few things uh and it should eventually look like this with a line at the top this means nothing to you right now and it shouldn't so once you've opened that up the box comes up you then just X out of that I know stupid but that's what you need to do now you're going to go back into this folder the the folder here underneath the power world dedicated server and now you should see a settings or a config file here and you want to doubleclick on that it's going to open it up in notepad if you have something that you normally edit text files in uh Jason if you have a not plus uh notepad++ you could do it at any of those it doesn't really matter now the things that we want to pay attention to are at the very bottom of this text string now I know this is a lot of gibberish here but just stay with me so once we're here at the very bottom here you'll see something starting with server name if we go right here under server name you can see that the server name equals and then you should see quotations now I've already inserted my name right here and then you have a server description put the description in between the quotations admin password same thing between the quotation if you want it server password in between the quotation and then you're going to see something here that says public Port 8211 this is important the public Port is critical alongside your public I your public IP right here uh this should have quotations but eventually I'll show you what you need to do here so take note of everything put a server name a password if you want and make sure you're good to go also at the very bottom you'll see region uh you can put na here if you're in the na or whatever region you're in you can put that here you don't have to but if you want to you can certainly do that as well all right so don't close out of this just yet the next thing you need to do is find out what your PC's IP address is so the premise of running a server is the server is going to be running all the time on your PC so it's going to be run from your PC but accessible from everyone the way that this is going to work if you do it correctly so now we need to find out what your PC's IP address is if you already know it go ahead and put it right here where it says public IP equals in between the parentheses go ahead and type in what your IP address for this PC is if you don't know what it is and you want to find it go to the search bar at the bottom of your PC type in CMD which will open open up the command prop when you hit enter and then type in the word ip config just like this and then hit enter and then you're going to look for something that says ipv4 address whatever it says at the end of this is going to be your PC's IP address that's a lot to say there so hopefully you got that now once you have the IP address go ahead and put it here where it says public IP back in the default you know World settings for your server now once you've done all of this go to file save make sure it's saved make sure you're good to go now the next part is going to be extremely difficult and it's really going to depend on what internet server you use so remember earlier when I showed you in that file that there was a port well we have to open up port forwarding for our internet provider now for me I have Xfinity and for Xfinity I have to use my Gateway app and log in so you have to log into the back end of your internet Prov provider I just went to I just went and Googled Xfinity had to set up port forwarding and it took me to this article first thing and then you need to go and figure out okay how do I get there okay here's port forwarding here and then it basically walks you through how to add port forwarding so you need to make sure that you're doing this the right way so for you you may be using Spectrum or whatever internet provider that you may have I'm going to pop up uh what it looks like on my phone right now in the app and how I did this and you want to open and add a port forward for three different ports and I am going to go ahead and put those numbers on the screen right now so the numbers that I have a port forward for right now that you need for that you'll need for the server on PO world is going to be 25575 and this is going to be TCP and UDP you'll know what that means once you start doing the port forwarding and as I'm doing this I'm showing you what this looks like then you'll also need to open up port number 8211 which I showed you in that file just a second ago and you'll also want to open up port number 27015 all of these protocol will be tcp/udp or TCP and UDP go ahead and apply that once you figured out how the forwarding works for your particular internet provider this is the thing that most people will get hung up on if you figured this out you're basically Home Free once you've done that and you've gone ahead and inserted your IP address where it should be now what you want to do is go back to steam right here where it says power world dedicated server and just launch you want to launch that it'll open up and you'll have two options the one you want to do is play power world dedicated server go ahead and click the blue play button here and it should if you've done it right add this little black box here and yes this is the server right here uh and you can minimize that you can put that behind the game the game whatever you want to do that and you're good to go now how do we join and how do other others join our po World server okay so what you do now is you open up the game so now we go to the PO World game itself and we open it up so here we go we're going to open up pal world and I'm going to show you how to join a server the one that you just created all right here we are at the title screen here you want to go to join multiplayer game and go to okay now unfortunately you should be able to go here and search by server name and you know my server should come up just like that but for the most part what I found it doesn't so what you'll have to do is I'm going to go ahead and delete that there is right here at the very bottom you're going to have to provide the people you want to join your server with your IP address and then the port number so as you see here this isn't my IP address by the way this is just the one that they they kind of AutoFill in there you want to go ahead and whatever that IP address that we got a few minutes ago you want to type that there and then colon and then the port 8211 hence why we went through the whole port forwarding thing to make sure that everything was going to work so type in your IP address here colon 8211 and then click on connect now this will work for you joining on your PC and for other people joining on their PCS if you've done everything the way that I've showed you thus far also remember if you you know added a password for your server they will have to input that as they're joining the server as well so make sure that you note what the those are before you kind of launch the server once you've done that you can go in and it'll load you into the world it will take you to the character create screen if you haven't done anything or logged into this server before I've already done all of that so it's going to take me directly to the spawn point here and as you can see I am now in the server now the easiest way for you to figure out if this works is basically close the server and see if it disconnects you or close the server and try to reconnect and if it says it timed out then you know you're you're on the right path so now I'm trying to connect with the server closed and I don't do not have the server open so now if I've done this right it should load up and it should give me an error code telling me that it either timed out or it cannot connect to the server and as expected it said connection timed out if your connection fails repeatedly restarting may you know happen if other players are also unable to connect the host PC may need to be restarted and that's another thing kind of a disclaimer and a pro tip uh trouble shooting as well once you've done all of this save all your files make sure everything's good to go restart your PC then reopen the server and you're good to go but as you can see because I don't have my server open and if I go back and I open Steam you can see the dedicated server is not open I've closed it down so in order for people to connect to your server it has to be open right I know all this sounds stupid and self-explanatory but I'm I'm hope I'm hopefully bringing this down to people who have never done this before now a couple of other things that you may run into if you don't do the port forwarding correctly if you don't go to your internet you know provider and figure out how to do port forwarding none of this is going to work so you have to make sure those ports are open and those those kind of the ranges are open from the the ports that I gave you earlier that I put on the screen and you need to go in and watch a video if you need to and figure out how to do port forwarding for your particular internet provider and that's that's kind of it uh it's very buggy right now things uh are kind of you know up the air because of how new the game is but just remember if you follow these simple steps you will be able to open up your own dedicated server and uh it's it's not as hard as you may think you just need to make sure you go back and watch the steps that I did uh and make sure you're inserting the appropriate things where they should be you're opening those ports and you should be good to go if you have any further questions put those in the comment section down below really appreciate it if this helped you out don't forget to like share and subscribe and I will see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Dusty Porter
Views: 136,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld dedicated server setup, host palworld server, play palworld with friends, private palworld server, palworld multiplayer, palworld coop, run palworld server, dedicated server guide palworld, beginner's guide palworld dedicated server, create palworld dedicated server, steamcmd install palworld dedicated server, configure palworld server settings, palworld server ports, open ports palworld dedicated server, join palworld dedicated server by ip
Id: kqX0oHQP1Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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