How to Make a Steam Palworld Dedicated Server that Actually Works for Free

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as you can see I am the admin of my server and yes this is a server I'm not the admin because I have a power world dedicated server I'm going to teach you how to create a power world dedicated server in a very very simple way so your friends could finally join you and you could stop struggling to create a server okay let's get started with this guide now the first step for creating a steam power world dedicated server is to open a steam okay I want you to go ahead and launch a steam and I want you to head over to your library and click where it says all and make sure that you select tools okay make sure you select tools and once you have tools selected I want you to click on the search bar in here and type P world and as you can see we'll have the P World dedicated server in here go ahead and click on that and click on install in here you could set up where you want the server to install I'm going to leave it on the local drive because it doesn't really matter for me and I'm going to click install and while the server is installing guys on Steam I want you to know that if you use the second link in the description you will find a written guide a very very in-depth written guide with everything that you have to do to set up your server to port forward your server to have your friends join you make your server online everything you will need okay and why is this the second link and not the first link because the first link is going to be a link for Apex hosting in case you don't want to go through this whole process if you are struggling too much to create a server you could always use Apex hosting and they will set up the server for you they have multiple options if you want to create a server that goes instantly online and have your friends join you without compromising your IP address because if you didn't know you're going to have to P forward your IP address if you want to make a dedicated server however if you use Apex hosting with the first link in the description you'll get 25% off and you won't compromise your IP address your computer the server will be open all the time which is good right not only when your computer is on you're going to have a server that is open the whole time and now let's get back into the tutorial now we see that the P World dedicated server has installed and once it has installed you have to click on launch okay I've seen many people that don't say this is step and it's crucial that you click on Lounge because if you don't click on loue there won't be a save folder that we're going to need later on okay so you click on Louch I'm going to leave it as a dedicated server I don't want it as a community server because I don't want random people joining my server so I'm going to put it put on the first option and I'm going to click on play then a command prompt will open within a couple seconds let's just wait a couple seconds in here once the command prompt open go ahead and close it and now wait for this to stop running it should have stopped there we go and what you're going to do next you're going to head over to the tools section in here and you're going to find the power world dedicated server you're going to right click on it you're going to click manage and you're going to click browse local files that is going to open a folder with all these files in here right don't be as scared by all these files you're looking for the default Paul world settings.ini okay this file right here and what you're going to do is right click it and click editting notepad Okay if you don't have Windows 11 then you're going to have to click open with and then click no but go ahead and open it and then in here you're going to look for the fourth line and if it's not the fourth line then look for wherever it says a script pile and all of this that it says in here and you're going to select everything below that line including that line of text right so just select everything and then contrl C to copy it or right click and copy it then you will close this text file in here in this folder you're not done yet you're going to click on pal you're going to click on Save and this is the folder that I was saying that wasn't going to appear unless we launch the pile World dedicator server earlier okay so now click on Save click where it says config right here on the top and then click on Windows Server right here on Windows Server we're going to scroll down and we're going to find pile World settings right here pile world settings.ini right click and same thing editting noad now this will be empty for you I already had a server created or when I was writing that guide for you guys that of course you will find in the description but for you it will be empty like this all you have to do is paste that text that we just copy it from the document earlier just contrl V paste that text as you can see we have all the text in here now this text is not just a random text this text has all the information for your server like for example if we look closing here we have the server name which right now is default power World server right server description admin password and a couple other things right it even has a server password in case you want to add a password to the server for when your friends join they have to use a password right I named the server it's CUA right the name of the channel the server description you could add anything you want and in the admin password this is very important if you want to become an admin of your server I have seen people saying that in order for you to be an admin of your server you have to launch the server using the steam CN D which is not true if you want to be an admin all you have to do is set up an admin password I'm going to put 1 2 3 4 right doesn't really matter and then also something that we need to remember here is our public Port which in this case is 8 to1 right 8,200 11 most cases by default that will be the port however I do want you to pay attention whenever you make your server and find your public port and write it down somewhere right like I said most of the Times by default it will be 80 to11 however just check for it because this will be important later on however you could always come back to this document and change anything you need anyways once we gave the server a name and maybe we added an admin password in order for us to become admins later on you could go ahead and click file click save and close this text document okay now what you're going to do is head back to a steam you go close that fold already head back to steam and now just launch that server I want you to go ahead and click on launch and now while the server is open we can minimize it and we're going to look for our local IP address our local IP address is going to allow us okay not your friends us to join our server in order to find your local IP address go ahead and open your command prompt by pressing Windows plus r at the same time and that is going to open this little thing called run and in here we're going to type CMD right CMD for command promp and then we're going to click okay it's going to open this command promp in here where we're going to type ip config just like so ip config again you can find every single step in our written guide in the second link in the description and then once you have ip config go ahead and press enter when you press enter you are now looking for something called the ipv4 address this line right here the ip4 address okay and I want you to copy those last numbers only the numbers you just go ahead and select all of that and crl C to copy it and now you can close the command prompt once you close the command prompt and you still have your server running go ahead and launch your power world game click on play on it just on Steam and then wait for the game to open now when your game opens and let me lower the volume a little bit so I could talk over the game right when your game opens go ahead and head over to join multiplayer game okay just find join multiplayer game not the invite code and this option will only be available if you have the whole game which if you're using this in a steam obviously you have the whole game right because you're watching a steam guide go ahead and click on it and then you're going to look down here where it says connect and you're going to select the first numbers right before the five last characters right before the 8211 and the two little dots you're going to select that whole IP address in there and you're going to paste yours right your local IP address which in my case is 192 168.192 type the slash command and then type admin password just like that press a space and then type in that password that we added earlier when we were setting up the server and then press enter and as you can see admin password is correct you are now an admin that's what I was saying that you guys don't need to use the steam CMD to become an admin of your server I seen a lot of people saying that you need to download the Steam CMD which we're going to do a video on that however we're going to do a video on how to download and make a dedicated server using the steam CMD for those of you that have Xbox right anyways now we're an admin we know the server is running how do your friends join right because we don't want to be the only ones in the server well let me go ahead and first save the server so all you have to do is type slash and then type save and the server has saved and now let's go ahead and close that game and we could to stop running the server right now how do we have our friends join well in order to have your friends join you're going to have to pour forward your IP address you're going to have to pour forward your server how do you do that well remember earlier that we open our Command Prompt go ahead and open it again by pressing Windows plus r typing in CMD and then pressing okay and then type ip config again and then this time instead of copying the IP before address I want you to copy the default getaway which might be really similar to your IP V4 address but the last number might change okay copy this number in here and then go ahead and close your command prompt head over to any browser okay and then type that number that we just copyed and hit enter now this is going to bring up your basic router info and it will have you log in using the admin name and the admin password you could try something like admin admin for both or you could go to the back of your router and look for the information that you need to input in this page however in my case is having me use the spectrum app because my router cannot be configured through the online page so I'm going to have to do it through my phone however I knew that was going to happen so I made this in here I made this photo for you guys in order to follow along because many of you won't have to use your phone as a matter of fact most of you will have to do this through your router page all you're doing in your router page is looking for an option called port forward maybe it's under the security tab maybe it's under the network quick setup just check every single option and I know it could be a little bit frustrating okay and then find the port forwarding option which might not necessarily be named port forward it could be something like Port it could be like rules it could be under a lot of different names just find a screen that looks something similar to this where it lets you add a server sport an IP address and a protocol once you find this screen you want to type the port number that's why it was very important that you paid attention to that port number at the beginning which for most cases is going to be 80 to11 however if you had a different number you want to add that number in here okay for the service port for the external and the internal Port it might be named differently just wherever it says Port you're going to add that number okay for the IP address you want to add your IP V4 address that address that we copied earlier to join our server it's not the default gateway address it's our local ipv4 address okay go ahead and paste that in there and then for the protocol you're going to add the TCP and the UDP protocol now sometimes it will let you add both of them at the same time time right you will have an option called all or both or TCP UDP like in this phot sometimes you will have to do it one by one so what you would do is create a rule right so you will hit save for TCP create that rule and then do everything all over again and this time do it for UDP and then hit save again to create the rule for TCP and UDP once you have done that once you port forwarded your IP address you could go ahead and have your friends join using your public IP address and how do you find your public IP address well head over to our guide in the second link in the description and scroll down until you find the index in here open that Index app and click on the step number three on how to port forward IP address that is going to scroll you all the way down and scroll a little bit more down and then go ahead and click where it says what's my IP that is going to redirect you to this page where your IP address is going to show right here in this line obviously I'm blurring mine out because well if you give out your IP address to people they could find out where you live and stuff like that so I'm blurring my IP address however yours will be there just copy that ipv before address this is your public address copy that address and then for your friends to join all they have to do is go to join multiplayer game and down here where we were putting our local IP address earlier to join they're going to put your public IP address that you're going to send them once you know what's your public IP address you send them that address so down here is your IP address right obviously it's going to be a string of numbers I'm just typing that so you guys know and then they're going to add the little two dots and add the port of your server which by default it might be 8211 however however in your case might be a different number and then your friends are going to hit connect and they're going to finally be able to join your power World server now obviously your server needs to be open every time your friends want to join and if you don't want to have to be opening your server every time and you just want to create something that your friends could join even when you're offline use that first link in the description to create a server with Apex hosting anyways that has been everything from me guys let me know if you had any issues let me know down in the comments and if I'm not there somebody might be able to help you I hope you enjoyed this video if you did don't forget to leave a like and a comment and as always bye-bye
Channel: itzCuba
Views: 15,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to host a palworld server, how to make a palworld dedicated server, how to make a palworld server, palworld dedicated, palworld dedicated server setup, palworld dedicated server, palworld dedicated server setup guide, palworld dedicated server steam, palworld dedicated server guide, dedicated server, how to make palworld server, palworld server, how to host palworld server, free palworld server, free palworld dedicated server, how to run palworld server, palworld ds
Id: Sm9XUbAUr4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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