Self Building Bridges in Minecraft 1.16

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
I'm not a big fan of lava we don't exactly have the best of relationships let's just put it that way with that being said in some of the recent snapshots a really interesting feature has been introduced and that is the fact that if I put some soul soil underneath lava that has ice next to it then it will actually convert the lava into bass all right let's see if this works yes okay that's interesting I know at this point in time that features fairly old news but I still hadn't tried it yet so naturally after seeing how the feed share actually functions my brain immediately went towards automated machines because we have a moveable water source and also a moveable soul soil block down at the bottom here so that means that we should be able to create automatic bridge builders check this thing okay all right so this thing's kind of steamroller along basically just creating a path for us to walk over in the lava you see that Striders you've already been made redundant even if you are adorably hilarious this guy's hitched a ride I don't want machine I'm not swimming through the love of this thing this I'm hopping straight on anyway within just a few minutes this little machine right here has managed to make its way to learn this guy's popped off as if this is some kind of slime block taxi genuinely hilarious and we now have a perfectly constructed bridge all the way across this lava lake right here the only issue is is that it's I mean it's a bit pans isn't it it's yeah there's nothing special about this so I think we should do something a little bit better now the big question is does this actually work on flowing lava look like it yeah doesn't look like it well this idea is failed I give up goodbye of course I'm joking just means are gonna have to get a little bit more creative I mean this means we're going to need two sets of flying machines we're going to need a flying machine that is flying underneath the lava that's going to be moving the soul soil along and then we're going to need another flying machine up at the top which is going to be moving all of our ice and also all the other things that we need this machine to be doing okay all right now normally this would not be too tricky of a task but have you ever seen what it's like to try and build in lava I've just placed two blocks and I've lost them genuinely have no clue where they are did I even place two blocks that's that's I'll bet there they are there they they've arrived out of note this is gonna be stressful oh I found a sweet spot I found a sweet spot if I can just stay here then I can build underneath the lava without too much stress oh this is perfect if this teleport command works and this is a huge life hack okay because that is the Y value that I was at when I could see through the lava yes all right okay so now I can teleport myself into vision zone that is that's actually really handy the only slight issue is is that I need to be really quite far away to be able to get Direction on my Pistons but that's better than not being able to see anything with huge amounts of help from that command I've managed to construct a little flying machine underneath a lava lake here the only thing that I'm slightly concerned about is the observers firing due to the lava gradually clearing we don't want any updates coming through these observers that we don't want they should only be caused by the movement of Pistons and if we start getting updates from the lava gradually dispersing that's going to be an issue but I guess there really is only one way to find out if it is going to function and that is to give it a proper test let's see what happens here then quick back up so we made one we'll have to build Dagon and three two one go I mean it it sounds fancy I guess I can't actually see anything that's happening here but that looks good apart from the fact that yeah we are actually getting those larva updates those lover updates are causing the weird stoppages that keep happening in the build that is there anything that we can do about that ah we might actually be in a little bit of trouble we could be in a little bit of trouble now I'm hoping that these observers are out the front which obviously aren't going to have any lover updates should be able to pound this block which will power this piston and I'm hoping that these trap doors right here should activate the observer to initiate it but then also be a block in front of the observer to stop it from being affected by lava flow that sounded like quantum physics didn't it that definitely sounded like quantum physics and in true quantum physics fashion it did exactly the opposite of why expected but after making a few minor tweaks to the design I think we might just be about to send it off and that is sounding a lot more promising yes yes yes this is perfect this is it this is exactly what we need right now we need to make it bigger brother but in Hawaii my happiness has come to an abrupt halt because I've just discovered that you can you can in fact convert flowing lava into bath salts I was just using the wrong ice myself to be fair the fact that they're separate flying machines is actually going to make this better I'll explain why in a second anyway I'm fairly certain I've got the top flying machine done so if these two machines fly in sync then we should get ourselves an eight blocks wide bridge going across this lava lake right here and it looks like that is the case this has got to be one of the most satisfying looking things in Minecraft genuinely just looks like a steamroller okay so this is a really really strong start we're going well here but I didn't just want to make an 8 block wide bridge as cool as that is and this this is pretty cool I want to go further than this I want to go better but quickly the reason that the two flying machines not being connected is better is because we don't get any gaps in the lava lake where the lava has been removed and we start getting flowing things like this oh my goodness it's starting to go backwards but back to that quickly we are about to make some holes in the lava lake on each side of our bridge so if we can minimise size of those then it's just going to make the whole thing look just a tiny bit nicer now why are we making these holes is because I'm a okay even if I have eight blocks to play with their history channel I'm going to run off the edge when I'm not concentrating and fall into lava so I thought I would add in some safety guides some little safety kind of barriers on either side into this thing and I want to make them a little bit decorative now the first stage is just pulling up these blocks right here and that should be quite simple we just need some sticky pistons on either side okay I'm already I'm already loving the way that this is coming together I'm already a huge fan all right now we need to take these blocks here we need to lift them up buy a block then another block then we need to push them across so that they're up here but I want to add a nice decorative design in that I want them to be like this which is that's gonna be interesting to see if I can pull that off that is gonna be very interesting to see if I can pull that off so my first idea has failed I thought if I had a double base and extender that pushes it across quickly maybe it would skip one and then do one but it hasn't somehow I've managed to make make this work and it does it does seem to be functioning I've made some pretty serious changes I actually made some of these changes while it was moving which is hilarious as you can actually see but it functions so I'm getting one they're missing one than getting one they're missing one this is fantastic sadly though it didn't quite work upon launch because things were sticking together but after a handful of redesigns this machine this machine has been created so if we flick the lever now we get one we miss one and all so obviously we're getting the area pulled up on the sides now this in of itself is actually quite a cool-looking build I have to say as far as bridges go this is already quite nice I'm already quite happy with it but I definitely think we'll be considerably cooler when we start lifting up those single blocks that's kind of look nuts now if this works first time I will be incredibly impressed well that dream very quickly didn't it when berra Singh was back hopefully this one goes a little bit better all right activated stuff is moving things are happening yes we are look at this it's like a little block conveyor belt that's just shifting the block this is the best how cool is this all right let me build the other side and with that now done I gotta say I am really really pleased with this I think there's something so cool about it and also the interesting thing about this bridge builder is that this is actually constructing something that if I saw this going across the nether I would think oh that's cool why somebody's actually put some time into building a half-decent looking bridge going across the lava lake how nice of them when in reality like this is just an automated process I am curious to see what happens here because that's about to go through a love of blade so let's see is it gonna it didn't even break it it's something's I mean I mean I'm amazed that didn't break it how did that not break it this thing's indestructible I'm actually so pleased with this check that out this has been built by a machine this walkway here has been built by a machine that machine it's not even that big how crazy could you go with this I feel like you could go absolutely wild it actually and also as a bonus it kind of looks a bit like a space invader I mean this is the perfect this is the perfect redstone contraption I've enjoyed making this redstone video I'm probably gonna tour around with this a little bit more I like this concept and unlike the idea of going wild I do hope you enjoyed I'll catch you in the next video see ya this was one of those videos i anteye genuinely wasn't sure if it was gonna end up being as cool as I thought I kind of went in 50/50 as to whether or not I was gonna scrap it entirely but then it's come together really nicely and that genuinely I'm impressed I'm impressed as I say I wonder how crazy you can go with this and we thinking about that all night
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 7,327,420
Rating: 4.9652963 out of 5
Keywords: Self Building Bridges in Minecraft 1.16, Minecraft 1.16, Snapshot 20W15A, minecraft game mechanic, Minecraft, soul soil, nether update, minecraft nether update, new minecraft features, building update, technical minecraft, new technical minecraft features, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Mumbo redstone, Mumbo Jumbo redstone, Mumbo Minecraft 1.16, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft Minecraft 1.16, Mumbo Snasphot, Mumbo Jumbo Snapshot, Mumbo Snapshot 1.16
Id: E3zSAeji9_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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