Making a NETHER GATEWAY in Minecraft 1.16!

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the nether update snapshots are here and with that comes a full dose of inspiration that has just hit me straight in the head for nether based things my my brain is filled to the brim with nether builds I don't have anything other than the nether in my head right now which I think that could be a bit of a problem I'm not sure anyway the first thing that came to my mind was to build some form of ridiculous nether portal type temple type thing I honestly don't really know how to describe this but I've got a really really cool idea in my head of how this thing is going to look and how it's going to work the first thing I have to do is actually find a place to build it now normally this wouldn't be a problem in the nether because the nether pretty much looks the same everywhere whereas now I actually have to make decisions of which biome to put it in and where I should put it within these biomes I mean I definitely I really do like the look of these ones the Warped forest side I do I like the colors so I feel like it should be in one of these I just need to find a good spot for it after a decent amount of searching this one right here looks pretty perfect I would say it's going to need quite a lot of deforestation that is one thing but once it's all cleared up and this is going to be the perfect spot for the build now I probably should explain it a little bit more about the actual Builder itself the idea is is that this is going to be just the most magnificent entrance to another portal ever okay it is going to look totally totally ridiculous it is gonna be over the top the nether warts all is going to be ridiculous the whole process of activating the never portal is going to be ridiculous it's just going to be an all-around ridiculous build in general I can't wait for it so this is the spot that we've got I would say first things first I should probably start work on actually building the nether portal framework which sounds simple but the way that I'm doing it isn't actually that simple I've got a little bit design work to do here and a couple seconds later boom look at this this is looking very menacing indeed I also added a little bit of this nether right around the edge I do understand that is probably the most expensive border for another portal ever created but I do think it looks pretty good in fact this might just be one of the first rare blocks in Minecraft that actually has a wicked texture that I wish I could use all the time I've come up with an extra idea for a nether portal system trust me this will all start making sense when I start adding in all of the redstone I think we can all agree that this looks like it means business all right now it is time to actually start adding in the Redstone systems that are going to activate and deactivate this thing haven't really thought that far ahead to be honest with you I do know that I want it to happen in sequence so all of these ones are going to activate in a spiral and then that one's going to activate that one's going to activate and then eventually the main portal is going to activate and that's like a mega nether portal the only thing is is that I'm trying to work out how we're actually going to leave this thing now I reckon if we do something like that but have it pointing downwards that could actually activate the nether portal and it will mean that we only need one dispenser on the inside because having two dispensers will look quite ugly yes yes actually it works it's just of actually functions please all right okay that's good so we want that to happen on on one of the edges and then we need it to deactivate on the other one this is perfect you have no idea how long I spent trying to work all of this out but check it out we now have a working nether portal activation and deactivation system with only one visible dispenser not bad right now I have to do it for every single one of these nether portals that's actually quite a lot and I've also had to make some pretty serious tweaks to the design to make it so they actually stack on top of one another so now everything does fit in place I'm quite proud of these with that being said it is taking quite a long time to build all of them I am not even halfway done eventually though I did manage to make it all the way around the outside so now I'm in the process of connecting each one of them up now at the minute I have it set up to be three ticks between each one of the portals so this one will activate then this one then this one then this one then this one then this one then this one you get the picture three ticks after one another hopefully that's a good amount of speed it's been built back on to be made for some reason let's give it a go three two one go [Laughter] what ridiculous system this is already and this is only the first bit this is like a tiny detail I just thought would be interesting wasn't it expecting it to look quite so dramatic though this looks fantastic I can't wait to see the full process we have so much left to build as well this project is going to be enormous I mean look at the Redstone already it already looks bonkers and there's so much left to do ladies and gentlemen I just want to inform you that this looks fantastic okay I just tested it I'm very happy are you ready so we've got the standard spiral that does this thing which I still I'm still a big fan of but then check this out there is there is the mega portal all right okay so the actual portal itself is now all completed it's all done it's all working it's all looking really really cool obviously we can see activate it as well but there are a ton of different details that I want to add into this thing that actually lead up to this point where it gets activated the first one is kind of like a goblet that is the way that - you're going to activate this there's gonna be a goblet that we almost have a goblet of fire or a gobbler of lava so we actually we set fire to this goblet and then that sends a signal through to the portal which actually starts activating it I'm fairly certain that made sense it might not made sense but I think it made sense now before we build anything like that I feel like we should actually add some extra decorational bits to this structure here so I mean as you can see I've made use of nether right once again this is probably the most expensive build I've ever done in my entire life so we've got week all of that in place now I'm trying to think what other I mean what other blocks are there so there is there's all of that is it the bath salts yeah this is this is quite a nice-looking block especially used in combination with the nether right I mean this bill does look quite evil doesn't it to put into perspective how dark this build is look how bright stone look he's starting to help more than anything else right I would say this looks fairly impressive I mean imagine turning up to someone's base okay and this is the portal that gets you through into it I'd be Tara I'd turn around and leave and I would leave the server they were on as well they clearly mean business so I have spent around about two or three hours okay developing this redstone system right here it doesn't much but the idea is is that it is a system that deploys fire along a line one block by one block so the idea was was that I would I would light up this goblet this in the middle and then we'd watch the fire travel along go into the nether portals and then eventually ignite all of the nether portals spent ages designing it I ran into all sorts of problems there's also game mechanics that no longer work anymore that I used to use to make this function so I had to redesign all of it and look is there something that you know it's in these fires are meant to be blue after all that the fires aren't blue they're meant to be blue but instead they go orange in a way that's quite cool hold up if they start blue and then the system turns some orange mmm I'm actually kind of a fan of that that yeah that was that was cool I didn't think of that okay didn't think of that my time has not been wasted this is fantastic this is amazing alright I go get back into the world however I have now run into another issue with the system so it turns out just my chance I used wooden slabs the reason that that system works is because they are flammable alright so that the fire charge kind of catches the edge of the flammable blocks and then sits on top of the soul soil and that kind of limits us for what blocks that we can use because these slabs look really really ugly in this area here and spinoza view I mean I can't really think of any flammable blocks that will actually look good in this area so new plan of action first off ok flint and steel from a dispenser and she creates a blue flame that's fantastic so what I thought we'd do is instead of having my system which I spent ages huh we're gonna ditch that and that we're going to go for something else we're going to have an underfloor system where we are going to watch the blue flames travel in these branches right here and all sorts of different branches running up into the nether portal I still think it's going to actually look quite impressive right here goes my first proper test of this full system so as you can see I've got one of the arms in place when I flick this lever here Majesty looks pretty cool and then I also can actually remove all of the flames too so this is a toggleable system which is pretty interesting you know what I think that might actually better than my one I think that might be better than the alternative that I had before that is sweet it's been a year since I played around with fire lighting it's very cool another I've got both of these strips in place it looks really really cool but I'm also very very glad that I didn't decide to basically fill in this entire area with these blue flame things mainly because it would take ages to build I mean you know this this build is huge and everything repeats itself multiple times and all of it is actually relatively complicated but gradually bit by bit we are piecing things together and it is it's looking every single thing I add makes this thing even cooler the next thing I need to do is actually create the activation system for this I actually need to work out how I'm going to build this goblet that I light up I'm honestly not sure how I'm going to do that and I'll do a scratch from my head for the best part of half an hour and going through various different options this is incredibly satisfying right honestly think I could do this all day long I mean there's just something so fun about it it's such a silly idea for a redstone contraption but it's just it makes me happy watching your work but there is still there is still more that I need to do I need to be able to get into that mega nether portal which means that we need to have some form of pop-up staircase or something and I actually think I've come up with an idea that could work really really nicely and should be entirely possible which is always it's always a positive so here is my plan of action you can see I've got some Pistons lined up and we also have some double extenders and single extenders and things to put in place here but this will allow us to walk up the to our mega mega nether portal which is going to be generating in right there because that is actually the nether portal the woman's be using all the other ones are just purely for decoration I am struggling so much with this system I think it's the many hours of Minecraft that I've played today I am I'm really having a heck of a time trying to get this thing to function I don't know what's going wrong with me all right having made up the triple place these fenders I managed to get those systems working now I'm actually really struggling with the double wrist extenders the guy at the front of this staircase here everything is just kind of all piled into one really tiny space it's making it challenging also the final is three blocks wide means that I can't really wire into the sides I have to wire into the back and look it's just Pistons and things everywhere after a further hour of development and we finally finally got there and you know what I couldn't be happier I really couldn't be happier if we chuck in this lava here look at this all right is this not the greatest nether portal ever created I personally think it is I really do Basel II think it is it's just wicked isn't it look fire goes away the nether portals begin to break the staircase gets retracted back down into the floor I mean I just absolutely love this thing it was such a silly idea for a bill but it's just it's awesome I so want to build some and others on the homograft server I really really do you know I really feel I have like a measly little nether portal on the hermit craft sir but I feel like I need something like this you know how ridiculous is that amazing absolutely amazing well I really do hope that you enjoyed this redstone video it's been a fun one to create thanks for watching and I'll catch you in the next one see ya blimey you know sometimes these redstone builds can feel like marathons because you know you get like 25 miles in you're almost to the finish line but then the last little bit feels like an eternity you know and that was the case of this one I struggled so much for that staircase I struggled so much I'm so happy that it's finally built and looking amazing
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,695,486
Rating: 4.9676857 out of 5
Keywords: MumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft 1.16, Minecraft 1.16 Nether Update, Minecraft 1.16 Update, MINECRAFT SNAPSHOT 20W06A, 20W06A, Nether biomes, New Redstone, minecraft 20w06a, Nether update features, Nether update new features, New features Minecraft, Minecraft Update, nether update minecraft, Minecraft features, Nether gateway, redstone portal minecraft, Redstone nether portal, Minecraft soul soil
Id: XMS5Rg_U_z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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