I Made a Self Building House in Minecraft

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so you want to build a house good we hoist sound a little bit boring I mean maybe that was fun back in 2011 or 2012 but now is 2019 times have changed I currently bothered to build houses anymore I've built hundreds of them in Minecraft so today I'm going to build a redstone contraption that builds houses for me now is this the first time I've done this no absolutely not in fact I've done it a bunch of times in the past one of my first most popular videos was a self building house but every time new technology comes along self building houses gets slightly easier and today is the easiest one yet he says very confidently before he's even started building it that yeah I might regret saying those words okay so first things first I've got myself set up with a massive area that this redstone builder is going to be going into and the first thing I have to do is work out how big this house is going to be and then I need to work out how I'm going to open up this hole in the ground so that the house can pop out now I mean the house isn't gonna be ridiculously big 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 by 8 sounds about right that's a quarter of a chunk which is quite nice 5 6 8 yeah that could be quite a cute little house popping up out of the ground so stage one of the redstone contraption is to actually open up the floor so we need to we need to create an 8 by 8 trapdoor that is flush with the floor which you can have before for 4 honey blocks and things that would have been a big ask but now that we have honey blocks as actually it shouldn't be too challenging and the good thing is it only has to be a one use thing which is which is even better so I'm guessing hmmm well obviously we need the piston that is going to move it downwards and then we just we just need a flying machine over here and that's the ticket it can't be that simple EA can't be that simple that's ridiculous so if we just quickly unpowered this sticky piston right here that should move all of these blocks downwards and then it should move all of the blocks out of the way really quite quickly uh okay okay okay that definitely needs to be a regular piston right let's try that again so if we unpowered this piston boom there we go door has opened everything's been moved out away nice that's the part that I was worried about I was generally concerned about that bit all right okay so let's let's put a bunch of those in place I guess we need 16 of them and that will open up this entire thing so here we go we're getting there we just need to do we need to make sure that we don't place honey blocks next the honey blocks and we don't place slime blocks next the slime blocks and then we're good and I know I've said this every single video I've worked on a honey block contraption but how cool is this but how cool is it that we actually have the ability to do this stuff in Minecraft now even PewDiePie's get involved I mean he made he made his flying Swedish meatball and he mentioned me in in his video which was surreal I found Boyd no ghost who watch the stream where he made the flying Swedish meatball and he mention me there and I've AM Boyd there too I'm embarrassed to admit it okay I'm a grown man I'm fanboy you know what even be mentioning it right now is making me fanboy a little bit more this is just a never-ending cycle anyway moving swiftly on backups have been made because I'm about to do the first full test of our opening system so let's see what happens here then huh yeah no I agree minecraft I I agree I think is the repeaters updating the observers let's see if that fixes it it didn't but now after a few more attempts I reckon whoa let's try it again multiple more times and go I can always rely on observers to save my bacon all right there we go everything is opened up everything is clear our house can come through this is perfect so now what we have to do is work out how we're going to do all of the things that are actually going to push our house upward so the Pistons need to come up to well the highest they can go is this level right here because then they will push up all of the floor blocks so then underneath each one of those we're going to have an observer and then we would have something like a honey block or a slime block but that is not gonna go past our observers they'll get stuck okay okay okay so we can just reduce the amount that these things push so there'll be one block of dirt underneath like that and our honey blocks and things will actually that means that they will automatically stop as well that's actually quite helpful but then being like that is actually quite handy because they will automatically stop when they crash into these observers here because this is going to max out the 12 block push limit so that's actually that's worked out really really well without me really expecting it so now it's housebuilding time and now housebuilding time is over I've got the outside who all worked out it looks quite cute I would actually quite like to live in this thing now we need yeah a little balcony setup maybe something like that you know little balcony I think that works and now with the interior all done as well this this is the thing that is going to be constructing yourself up on the top so now we need to just place in all of the things underneath that are going to be pushing it upwards which really was a terrible explanation as to was we going on so the first thing is like the piston pushes the wall of pistons I guess and that is going to be it's almost a little bit similar to what we have going on here but we have we have alternating honey blocks and slime blocks as always and then we've got all of the observers and then we have all of the Pistons so every single time one of these gets moved upwards all of these observers will fire causing all of these Pistons to fire and that means that we can push up to twelve blocks vertically but you know I've just realized I have built this in my backup world the doors are opened okay they shouldn't be open they should be closed but I can't close you have to rebuild all of this dump station to close it five reason all of this so I'm gonna have to rebuild the top section that's fine it's fine it's fine I think I've got my flying machine worked out so this this little thing right here we'll take off that will push that up which will push that up which will push the entire house up so just like pretty much everything else in this build 16 of them are required we need to tile all of these things and these will all be working together and now that they're all in place I just want to see if they even work now our house is gonna collapse in on itself okay so don't expect anything special here but I want to see if they actually move all right oh no way that actually works it's a self building ruin but if we don't want it to be a ruin then we need to use a tried and tested technique now this this is the technique that I use on my first ever self building house and to this day there's still there's no better way to do it it's a business of you this is this is the smartest way to do things so you just surround everything with infested stone right and then and then once the house has popped up you just you poison a handful of silver fish that are in a hole somewhere and then all of the silver fish will pop out obviously you'll have a slight infestation in your house once is once it's built itself but still it works while it is dark in here I can't really tell where I'm placing it hopefully I don't forget one because then you end up with one part of the house that just falls apart there is of course one slight issue with the silverfish system and that is the fact that yeah when you when you when you're standing in the ground in front of where the house is going to be you get this noise quite a bit but anyway they're in place so we've got our dispensers in place with the splash postings I'm going to do another one on the other side because this is quite a big place and I don't think I don't think the recognition will reach this side so we'll do another one on that side too and then I'll have to link up all of the timing circuits and then rebuild all of this stuff these are now hooked up and I would say that the way that I'm going to activate the silverfish systems is to actually use the flying machine when it gets up into the correct position then I will send a signal from that into these things because obviously we want that happening right at the very end but I've just thought actually these guys they need to be renamed otherwise they're not going to be there for very long they're gonna be spawn pretty quick so after about 30 minutes of getting everything prepared I think we might be good to go all the Redstone is covered up all we have is a little meadow right here but this little button this little button it's going to open up everything I have my fingers very cross okay there is the reveal and then here it comes so there is our house and then hopefully so yeah the the silverfish infestation is pretty serious okay there's a lot of silverfish around here oh and there's still some uppers atop of the ceiling but you know what that and she looks quite cool so I'm just gonna ignore that because this house is actually very pretty there that is so smooth I mean just appeared out of the ground that it's just built itself out of the ground if only there was some way that I could then pull it down underneath the ground which I'm sure you might be able to do now with crazy honey block structures then that would be awesome but I am not smart enough for that but still I love this thing and I love self building houses they're one of my favorite redstone contraptions to work on so I really do hope that you enjoyed this video and I'll catch you in the next one see ya honestly this video brought back so much nostalgia I remember I remember the first self building house that I did was probably one of my first really large-scale redstone projects I can't even under how I did it I did some weird stuff to make it work and I had TNT dropping in from the top and things I know imma have to go back and watch it
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,090,372
Rating: 4.9413648 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: lLyU0Mxcld4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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