MINECRAFT VEHICLES: 10 Minute, 1 Minute, 10 Seconds!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Edgar_The_Pug_Bot 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
you don't know I've been really enjoying these 10 seconds 1 minute 10 minute challenges recently we've done a bunker we've done something and we've done something I should really research these things before I start well they're always interesting to do and this one is going to be I mean this one's gonna be a real challenge because I'm going to try my best to create some slime block vehicles I have no idea what I'm going to do for the 10 second one but that is what we're going to be starting off with so I guess I should build up some fun with a platform and just get down to business in three two one and go so we're going to need observers facing in both directions we're going to need sticky pistons facing in both directions and then we're going to need i think i'm i've actually just pulled that off if i just pulled that off i really hope this works so this right here is my chill out zone this is this is where i sit and then if we just jump out of here and light up this observer in theory okay in theory well i mean that the minecart rail popped off so that's not the best but this is definitely working alright so we've managed to create a working vehicle within ten seconds i have to say that's pretty impressive isn't it anyway let's make things a little bit more complicated and go on to the one-minute design and the one-minute design is often a lot more challenging because you take on a much more ambitious project but you still only have six times as much time as you had for the previous challenge I'm thinking that we try our best to create some form of aeroplane here I mean I love the thought of it having wings and everything like that but I don't know if that's gonna be possible waiting the time that I've given myself let me get myself geared up and we'll see what happens so I've come up with a plan that may well be the most ambitious 1-minute plan I've ever come up with but I think I think we should be able to pull it off so three two one go right so we're going to need that that right there is a little nose cone then this is going to be our flying machine so that's is all of that done then we're going to need an observer pointing downwards that's going to be parent this piston we're going to need both of these on each side and then those are going to be powering the Pistons that are going to be making up our wings so those make the vehicles like this that's winged and then this over here is also a wing I think we probably need a block right here because that's going to make up the kind of frontage section and then I would say we just kind of pop out the back like this and then we have a little kind of little back end there and I would say that's everything complete it I mean we've done it oh no we need somewhere to sit we need someone to sit I don't look at that okay that's that and there I think we might have done that just about despite the fact that I forgot I actually needed us go somewhere now the only thing that does give me slight concern is that maybe potentially I might have forgotten about the push limit so let's see okay so the Obsidian is out the way that is a private jet if I ever did see one check it out I'm impressed I am I'm so happy with this thing let's pop out I imagine no my mind cart is still in place that's fantastic I thought that might have dropped out then but look at that for one minute you have to admit it doesn't get much better than that that is a convincing aeroplane this is how I'm getting around on the hermit craft server from this point forth I'm taking private jet everywhere and it takes me one minute to build them so you know why would I not I've got no excuse not to anyway now it is time that Big Daddy the ten minute challenge we have God's try our best to create the ultimate transportation vehicle using slime blocks within ten minutes now I think the aeroplanes been done I can't go to much more crazy with that I don't think I've got enough time to build a walking robot because they're just they're a bit bonkers I like the idea of some form of land vehicle potentially a truck something like the war rig from Mad Max that's oh that's I so want to build that right now so obviously this is gonna be quite a big build so I've cleared out some space for it now one thing that's important is I want to make sure that they can't you move on grass because it's not much of a war rig if you can only move it on obsidian that's quite easy that's quite an easy war machine to stop so uh so yeah this is where we're going to be building it and I think I'm gonna have to start getting ready 12 minutes and some tears later okay well my first my first test didn't go so well everything got stuck together and I got hitched on that and we ran out of time right back to the drawing board and I think I have a new strategy which is going to work a lot better so three two one and go right so we're going to scale things down just a dress I was I was a little bit over ambitious I think with the previous design but I reckon we're on to a winner with this one in that we are going to need we actually only need one observer that one observer will power all of those Pistons okay that's fantastic and then for the grill we can go right the way across and that right there how many blocks is that that's nine ten ten blocks in total okay that's quite cool for the frontage section but this is considerably cooler that looks mean already okay so then we're going to need some form of piston which is going to push these little fellas along so that will probably go around about there and then this is where we're actually going to build up the flying machine and the motor for the flying machine I'm going to make one block wide and then I'm going to expand out from it and although it doesn't know particularly exciting at this point in time this should be what allows all little flying machines might actually be pushed along should I test it out I probably should test out let's make a backup and three two one go okay that is a strong start so this is the front we've got the little bulldozer set up we've got the angry lift and grill it looks pretty cool now we need to start expanding outwards and then we need to build the rig out the back and the wheels we've got loads left to do dude this thing is coming together the only thing that I'm kind of struggling with here is that we have a bit of an air gap I wonder if we could fill that with maybe ah there really isn't anything that should be okay and then if we were to put black glass in there maybe maybe that would not get stuck I'm really hoping that doesn't get stuck I mean it's it's getting real close in there and I don't want this entire thing sticking together again anyway next up we need to do all of the trailer section I think for me that front area is not fully done and is looking ridiculous it's probably over the push limit to be honest with you but now if we pull this along so that is being powered by that observer that's also powering this one so that's all good so then we can extend this backwards and this is where all of the extra things are going to attach and those extra things are essentially that gigantic thing that's on the bank of the war rig that I don't really know what it is but I got I said been a while since I've seen Mad Max but anyway it looks a little bit like this I mean to be honest with you I think I I think that's our war rig pretty much completely I mean look at this thing so now with very little time left we test this for the first time I've just made it back up ah okay I managed to fix it up but we've left the we've left the rig behind what the what else is going on there bye I've over stacked it what I done I'm so confused I've forgot that redstone block that should actually be everything okay so with that very quick last-minute fix I think we are all done and now it's the moment of truth is that all that was wrong with it is it still going to break all right Flicka believer yes there we go ladies gents the war machine is on the move and it is working absolutely flawlessly I don't know how well I don't know how well it deals with grass okay thank goodness it actually crushes through it I thought it might be stopped by long grass which would be very embarrassing although it is actually going to crash into this terrain over here eventually anyway there we go the war machine has been completed we managed to pull that off within the 10-minute time period which is fantastic I'm actually I'm super chuffed with everything that we've managed to create in today's video so let me know down in the comments section what you want me to do next in the next ten minute one minute ten second challenge but anyway if you have enjoyed please rose to that I bun and if you really loved it and make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is bimbo and I'm out I'll see you later oh and filming channel stuff link will be on the end screen you should check out the latest mini documentary [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 4,369,404
Rating: 4.9055986 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: OInD3wo_lVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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