Second Opinion Doctors, What Was the Worst First Opinion? | Professionals' Stories #36

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doctors who have given a second opinion diagnosis what is the worst first opinion you've ever encountered well when i first started feeling sick the october of one year at college i had a non-productive cough night sweats and trouble sleeping and i had lost some weight the school nurse gave me claritin all of those symptoms got worse plus i was incredibly fatigued my lymph nodes swelled up and i had pretty bad backaches my gp took a chest x-ray and prescribed antibiotics for pneumonia at this point i had almost failed out of school because i was only managing an hour or two of sleep per night it took until spring break for me to go see a pulmonary specialist he could instantly tell that it wasn't pneumonia i had stage 4b hodgkin's lymphoma my first pet scan showed cancerous cells and lymph nodes in all four quadrants of my body at this point i had lost about a third of my body weight the cough weight loss and back pain were my swollen lymph nodes pressing on my lungs stomach and my back they gave me my first round of chemo and i genuinely felt incredible i felt like such crap that an iv mixture are carefully measured toxins was an improvement i went home and ate a whole pizza chemo got shittier but it worked so i guess i can't complain too much glad you're okay what a horribly frightening experience that must have been stay with us friend not me but my mom she was always exhausted the type of exhaustion that she'd have a bath be so tired from it she'd sleep on the bath mat when she got out went to her doctor told her oh you're just depressed go get a haircut she did still exhausted went back to the doctor continue to tell her she's just depressed get a hobby it's all in her head etc he never sent her for blood work never referred her to any specialist months later she goes back her doctor is on vacation physician reliving her doctor takes one look at her eyes and says it's your liver get these blood tests now abnormal blood work and a liver biasy later she was told she had autoimmune hepatitis and was three months from death after she improved with medications she went back to the original doctor and said i didn't need a haircut 27 years later she still suffers from lingering effects i'm a surgeon most patients come to me after having seen another physician who has diagnosed them with something and told the patients to see a surgeon i've been called to see more than one patient for appendicitis who has already had an appendectomy i've also been called in multiple cases for patients who very obviously have previously undiscovered very advanced cancer it always too far advanced for me to be of help so i have to wonder am i being called so i can be the bad guy and explain everything yes the answer is yes i have one that happened to me i did college gymnastics my senior year i had an accident in practice landing in my neck went to the hospital got x-rays was told i was perfectly fine walked around in pain for a while weeks later went to another doc got a new set of images my neck was broken in three places and had a dislocation had a multi-level fusion surgery days later found out my x days got swapped with someone else's in the air and i was originally diagnosed based on someone else's images this was found out when i went to get my records long after my surgery for insurance purposes and my files had someone else's medical records and images in it because of the time i spent walking around with it i had to have a posterior surgery instead of anterior which is way more invasive and gives me major issues to this day i'm a lawyer but had a client given a devastating diagnosis of an extremely rare heart condition doctor told him he had six weeks to live he contacted me to make his will and set his affairs in order thankfully he sought a second opinion with an extremely well-known cardiologist i guess the cardiologist was intrigued due to the rare nature of this heart condition there was nothing wrong with him he was fine this poor guy and his family were tortured over this so devastated and terrified for nothing he actually called me to tell me all of this he seemed to be still in the joyous i'm not going to die stage but i imagine anger comes at some point when you take stock of what you went through i don't know how a doctor freaks up that massively or if somehow my client's results were mixed up with someone else's and some poor bastards number is almost up and they don't even know it not a doctor my sister was about two weeks away from giving birth when she suddenly started feeling excruciating pain and vomiting i called her midwife who refused to speak with me despite my sister clearly not capable of speaking as she sat on the floor next to the toilet crying and puking finally she just took the phone and was told by her midwife that it was probably just a virus and to eat a popsicle eventually i was able to convince her to go to the air she was immediately rushed in the or for an emergency c-section her placenta had abrupted and my niece was born not breathing suffered several seizures and even died and then was resuscitated she is now 15 and has cerebral palsy due to going so long without the oxygen she needed patient when i was in college i went to the doctor because i was p raisers it progressed pretty rapidly and by the end of the week i couldn't walk or sleep the doc asked me about my sex life and i told him the truth that my girlfriend and i had only been with each other and together for many years he sort of scoffed at that and told me it was likely chlamydia had a long condescending speech about safe sex with me and sent me home a week later my p tests were back turns out i had the worst bladder infection they'd ever seen i had to have a camera shoved up my pee hole multiple rounds of antibiotics and to this day i struggled to pee due to irreversible damage the infection caused oh man that sucks utes are rare in men but super common for women and i get like one every other year i've gotten really good at feeling the beginning of one before it gets worse and i drop everything and rush to urgent care they hurt this is the opposite answer but the best request for a second opinion came from a cvs minute clinic young healthy law student goes to minutes clinic has the flu this was a few years ago no rona feels awful they check him out yup he has a fever x sore throat it's a flu flu swab positive his clinic vitals were notable for a heart rate of 140 a bit high but not crazy high reassuring numbers 100 the guy otherwise walked into the cvs and is a young healthy guy would have been pretty easy to dismiss anyway the minute clinic says go to the air you need an ekg so the guy follows orders a chief complaint is i have the flu and cvs told me to come here against an ekg and he's in slow vt which is a life-threatening arrhythmia that you have to be shocked out of they take a look as his heart and it was giant and barely moving he had an insane myocarditis dude ended up getting cannulated for ecmo within hours cardiac bypass machines as life support i can't say all minute clinics are the same but holy crap that was a great save i'm a germacologist the number of times i've seen patients pregnant and upset or happy because some other doctor told them they can't get pregnant so they didn't use birth control is appalling usually it's family med not ragging on all fm docs just how it goes i then have to explain that even if the patient has whatever condition that makes it unlikely for them to get pregnant the odds are almost never zero percent maybe one percent but still not zero so of course it can happen not a doctor but my mom went into a walk-in clinic and told the doc she had really bad headaches all the time she was a stay-at-home mom to me 10 and my sister six so it was written off a stress and got a prescription for pain pills two weeks later the headaches were migraines stronger prescription and try to reduce stress a few weeks go by and she can no longer get out of bed throws everything up including the meds is completely disoriented and barely alive my dad was a truck driver so he was never home i was taking care of me my sister and my mom all by myself we go back to the doctor and this lady had the audacity to say this is the weirdest migraine case she's ever seen it tells her to take warm baths and just keep taking the meds when she throws them up two months go by and my dad came home saw the condition of my mother who was so sick she would urinate herself the house which was being kept up by a ten-year-old and said he wanted a divorce that night we found out she had stage four lung and brain cancer with a tumor the size of an egg pressing on her brain as well as many others scattered throughout i still haven't forgiven that doctor for not taking my mom seriously i just left a practice partly because a woman brought her eight-month-old and for a second opinion the practice owner had seen the rapidly enlarging sacral soft tissue mass which the mother first noticed about six weeks prior he told her not to worry about it i checked his notes which read plan ignore i was shocked there was a new onset rapidly enlarging blue purple cystic mass on a baby sacrum it looked like a small plum under the skin at the top of her bum crack and without any investigation my colleague dismissed it i was appalled the mother was relieved this wasn't the first not great judgment i'd seen but it was one of the worst i realized i couldn't work in a clinic where i'd be stepping on other doctor's toes and couldn't trust their judgment the babies had her imaging and a referral to a pediatric surgeon but unfortunately i don't know the outcome because i'm working elsewhere now honestly at that point i'd pull the mother aside in the lobby and say something like if it doesn't improve on its own in a few days i'd find a bigger place to give you a third opinion told by my doctor my health issues were stress related the second opinion found my gallbladder was functioning at three percent and had that sucker removed a couple weeks later what's worse is i specifically asked the first doctor about gallbladder and they assured me it couldn't be that gallbladders are notorious for causing a ton of seemingly unrelated health issues after mine was removed my life improved dramatically not a doctor my husband had a situation where he almost did died because of a misdiagnosis to preface this at the time we were young in our mid-twenties living in a college town my husband had horrible pain on floor on hands and knees horrible we went to the ear and the doctor barely looked at him and just told him to stop drinking and he would be fine we go home the pain is getting worse and now he is vomiting as soon as the doctor's off opens back home where we grew up we drove 1.5 hours to see our primary care within 15 minutes of walking into the gp office my husband was rushed to emergency surgery his gallbladder had completely ruptured and he was going septic it was a total mess and he almost died all because of a misdiagnosis not a doctor dealt with an unrelated incident and reading a patient's notes found he had been diagnosed with a rare but deadly skin cancer and was booked in to have his upper lip removed obviously this would leave the patient quite disfigured on a whim he'd booked in to see a dermatologist at our hospital who advised he was a cold sore prescribed excite liver and the problem was resolved this one astounds me not only because i'm pretty sure doctors are told not to expect a zebra when they hear who beats but also because you'd think they would have run a simple test before major surgery i went to a walk-in clinic because i couldn't swallow anything the doctor pressed on my forehead and asked if it hurt i guessed kind of he told me i had a sinus infection and prescribed me antibiotics that i couldn't swallow and sent me on my way turns out i had had a stroke and ended up spending three weeks in the hospital this is the one that really made my eyes bulge hope you're well these days not a doctor this happened to my mom like 20 years ago i believe she was close to 36 at the time and had six kids my mom was having severe abdominal pain and if my mom admits to being in pain then you know it's bad her family doctor was on vacation and so my dad took her to emerg emma doc told her she was constipated and sent her home the pain got worse and so she went back to emerge a couple days later she specifically asked the doctor the same one from the previous time if it could be an ectopic pregnancy he laughed at her and sent her home she ended up in emerga third time and got that same stupid doctor who accused her of lying to get to drugs she had to wait a week until her family doctor came back just over the phone the family doctor could tell something was wrong and told my mom that she wanted to see her first thing in the morning for tests mom didn't make that appointment because during the night her fallopian tube ruptured and my dad found her unconscious on the floor downstairs he rushed her to the hospital and they found out that she was something like 10 weeks along with an ectopic pregnancy our family doctor apparently was screaming at the other doctor in the hallway because of his incompetence not a doctor but i went to a dermatologist for a rash on my hands and face he insisted it was eczema even though i've never had exxon on my life he refused to do any testing or take obasi he prescribed me a steroid cream for eczema the rash spread and got horribly worse it was all up my arms and all over my face it was itchy and painful i went to a different dermatologist and explained the situation they took a bar see it was a bacterial infection and the first doctor essentially gave me a bacterial infection on steroids i was a minor at the time and i don't know why my parents didn't go after the first doctor i am late so this may not get seen but it's a good story not a doctor my grandmother fell from her horse one day not a terrible fall but from the way she landed she wanted to get checked out she felt she'd really jolted her neck spine and was an older lady with fragile bones her doctor looked things over gave her one of those soft neck cushion things and sent her home a couple days later she decided to get a second opinion no real reason she just hadn't felt listened to by the first guy the second doctor basically took one look at her x-rays and freaked out he told her they needed to get her immediately into a brace to immobilize her spine i googled to try to figure out what it was i think it is a halo brace but in my memory it's bigger and more metal than what i was seeing in the pictures basically she'd broken her neck the same injury that had paralyzed christopher reeve but she wasn't paralyzed because the vertebrae hadn't dislocated the second doctor anything that did dislocate it another minor fall twisting wrong in bed would mean being permanently paralyzed from the neck down she wore her intense metal brace that kept her spine in place for a few months and was totally fine she lived another 15 years after that but i think about that story often the second doctor saved her mobility and freedom obligatory i am not the doctor but i'm the patient i went to a sleep doctor because i was constantly tired and falling asleep standing up and such serious crap doctor was like well you're overweight so it's definitely sleep apnea i did a sleep study came back negative for sleep apnea doctor was like well i'm still positive at sleep apnea cause you're a fatty so he sent me home with a pap machine for a month after a month of using the machine which records your sleep apnea events every night and still said i didn't have sleep apnea and with me having zero improvement in any of my symptoms i wee tea back to him and he said well if this isn't working i can't help you because you obviously have sleep apnea since all tubbus have sleep apnea so you must not be using the cap so i dropped him like a fresh turf and went to get a second opinion new sleep doc new sleep study come back in and the new doctor's like yeah this is textbook narcolepsy you have all the symptoms and the sleep study proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt i told him about the other doctor and he said this is obviously narcolepsy your previous doctor was a [ __ ] and unlike the other quotes in this story that is an actual direct quote i'll never forget the look of disgust on his face when he said the word [ __ ] also not a doctor i was diagnosed with miss sought out a second opinion and turns out it was an easily solvable vitamin deficiency pretty dang different 15 k dollars in medical bills later only go have all symptoms subside with some nutritional advice and supplements i'm still salty about it i had a period of about a year where i was getting constant duties which apparently as a woman in her mid-twenties is normally caused by not peeing after sex i'm still not sure what was causing mine but i was not sexually active at all due to vaginismus my doctor was away for school holidays and stupidly i thought i could last a week until she was back nope two days later i could barely move from the couch in pain so i called a doctor this doctor a home doctor cause it was a public holiday refused to hand over the script until i acknowledged that i was being sexually irresponsible when i said i am a virgin embarrassing and potentially dangerous statement to make with a strange man in my house while i was home alone this jackass laughed his butt off and said no you're not nobody is at this age stop pretending to be all innocent slammed the prescription on my coffee table and walked out refusing to give me the starter dose that they're required to carry for people like me who are alone and can't get the prescription until the first dose kicks in enough to begin helping full stop i called the office to complain and he did get reprimanded but holy heck was i embarrassed not a doctor but my sister was suffering from headaches and minor seizures for a while went to an urgent care and that told us she had an anxiety disorder and just needed something to calm her down we got a second opinion at the ear and turns out she had stage four brain cancer i miss her every day posted about this before but i'll post it again anyway this is my mom's story not mine so my mom used to work at a non-profit clinic that would give free health care to people who didn't have insurance this guy came in with his teenage daughter basically saying he was between jobs and the insurance for his new job hadn't kicked him yet but his daughter was having her yearly case of pneumonia and just wanted her antibiotics he was really arrogant and rude saying stuff like she has a cuban doctor she usually goes to my mom is mexican and i live in an area where most latinos you see are mexican my mom staying calm despite wanting to bite the guy's head off examined his daughter she noticed his daughter's fingers were clubbed google clubbed versus normal fingers and this was indicative of a serious chronic respiratory issue not something temporary like pneumonia she asked if she could run a few tests just to be safe and at first he was huffy about it but was persuaded when my mom told him it wouldn't cost him anything but a bit of time a few days later the clinic calls her freaking out because this girl didn't have pneumonia she had cystic fibrosis the girl was transferred to a hospital where she could actually start receiving treatment for her condition it was a minor case if it was anything more she honestly could have been dead by that point but my mom probably prolonged this girl's life expectancy with the diagnosis her regular cuban doctor had been regularly misdiagnosing her with vitamin deficiencies and pneumonia later the father called my mother and thanked her for helping his daughter my mom was going off in her head what about her cube and dr haley hole but was polite and wished him and his daughter well tl dr not really a second opinion but when a cuban guy who was arrogant about being cuban came in with his daughter thinking she had pneumonia something she was diagnosed with yearly by her cuban doctor my mexican mother diagnosed her with cystic fibrosis and helped extend her life expectancy nurse here i cared for a woman who had been diagnosed with broken vertebrae she was in a lot of pain couldn't get her pain under control and her blood pressure was very low she'd lose consciousness and be very difficult to wake i also couldn't get her doctor to answer the phone middle of the night something just felt off about the whole situation he finally answered and demanded we knock on her insisting we'd overdosed her on narcotics following his orders i then had a hysterical woman in a lot of pain going in and out of consciousness i finally walked down to the entrance of the hospital and grabbed the cardiologist who came in at 4 30 a.m for rounds and said this isn't your patient but i think she's going to die he came upstairs with me looked at her in her chart grabbed the bed and rolled her to haiku himself i have no idea how the conversation went between the cardiologist and her doctor she didn't have a broken back she had an aortic aneurysm which caused the pain and the low pressure and the loss of consciousness she died the next day doctors if the nurse says something is wrong you might want to lay your eyes on the patient rather than shouting orders through the phone omg that is heartbreaking obligatory i'm not a doctor but when i had my wisdom teeth out it was pretty brutal like they had to completely put me under dig deep into my jaw bone the teeth were coming in sideways and upside down just like the worst case scenario so i have the surgery in the next couple of days i'm in a lot of pain which happens and i realize i have this growing hot lump on the side of my jawbone but me being a dumb boss i tried to be like oh it'll go away but it didn't and my mom caught sight of it and took me back to the guy who did my surgery dentist dude took an x-ray and without even examining it or asking any questions said i was fine and it was probably just scar tissue and told me to leave i thought hey well he's smarter than me so i guess he's right my mother however did not think this and so off we go for a second opinion and while we're headed over to the other office the hard lump in my jaw bursts and blood and pus leaks everywhere in my mouth it was so freaking gross my mom immediately turned around drove back to the dental surgeon dragged me who was still spitting blood and pus in barged into the office and made the dental surgeon look in my mouth the dental surgeon muttered something about hysterical women seeing things that weren't there but prescribed me antibiotics and more pain meds anyway and that was how the one two week recovery took an entire month and i ended up having to drop out of a college course due to missing so much comma the dental surgeon muttered something about hysterical women i'm pretty sure this [ __ ] has caused many deaths like many not a doctor but just screwed over by many got an infected hangnail so i went to urgent care i got a shot of an antibiotic or a prescription for another took the pill for about a week out of the ten day dose on that seven day mark i was in my chemistry class which was at the end of the day feeling extremely light-headed tired and so dizzy i could barely see i staggered down the stairs off my hs to see the nurse but she was out to lunch i didn't know what to do and had bad attendance due to chronic illness so i stayed for the next class went home on the bus and passed out on my couch for the next two days i had a bunch of symptoms i spiked a fever of 104 degrees fahrenheit had a swollen lumpy throat in and out of consciousness vomiting coughing and dizziness so bad i couldn't stand went and the next night after coming home from school with the fever of 104 urgent care doctor said that wasn't a treatable fever that i had a upper respiratory virus that was also untreatable and told me to go home and not worry i wasn't allergic to the antibiotic i was taking because i was taking it for a week and had no reaction before that day next night felt even worse couldn't keep food down could barely breathe dizziness was so bad i couldn't get up to use a bathroom without being in severe danger of falling there was also a rash that was going from behind my ears down to my stomach and little red blotches that went to the air this time also had a yeast infection from the med doctor there wouldn't touch me he barely wanted to look at me he wouldn't do any kind of exam on me besides look at the rash on my stomach he said it was measles gave me nothing for that said there was no way i was allergic to the antibiotic sent me home went the next day to see my primary doc who squeezed me in due to my toms talk to the assistant getting my vitals and symptoms about what was going on she said i was allergic to the antibiotic she wrote in my chart that i wasn't supposed to take it a nurse practitioner came in and listened to me tale of whoa he said i was having a bad reaction and also wrote again that i should stay away from the antibiotic he said i could have died and usually would have because it built up in my system and caused a deadly reaction doc comes in and says the same thing if i take it again i'll probably die not measles not an untreatable upper respiratory virus my dad has a lesion on his leg that wasn't healing the dermatologist prescribed different antibiotics pills and ointment but nothing was working he did two skin graft that didn't work this went on for at least two years then my dad got a new dermatologist from the same hospital she realized that he never had a biopsy it took her less than an hour to diagnose the skin cancer the surgeon scooped all the cancer out another skin graft and that was it for a while but since then he got a lot of other skin cancer lesions but now he knows what it is not a doctor but a patient when i was in labor with my fourth child the doctor refused to admit me i wasn't very dilated and have a history of fast labors i know when i'm in labor because the pain is different he gave me a sleeping pill to take and told me to go home and sleep i refused to leave the doctor was angry and said he'd admit me but wouldn't give me anything to augment my labor my son was born two hours later frick you doctor listen to moms we know our bodies i had the opposite i'm a midwife and gave a second opinion the first was received from the woman's gp she came into the antenatal clinic and said that she'd had a headache that she couldn't seem to shake she'd called her gp the day before who had told her to take two panadol and have a bath and that she'd be fine whenever any pregnant woman complains of a headache especially one that won't go away it sends alarm bells ringing as it can be a symptom of pre-eclampsia sure enough the woman also reported seeing blue spots had a blood pressure of 220 stroke 180 and a huge amount of protein in her urine i got her to lie on her side in the room i was seeing her in and race to get a more senior midwife it wouldn't have been more than 60 seconds that the two of us returned to the room just in time to see her start having an eclamptic seizure we called a code pink obstetric emergency which then escalated to her code green alerting theater that we were coming down now for an emergency caesarean and the woman gave birth under general anaesthetic 20 minutes later i still start sweating when i imagine what could have happened if she hadn't come into the clinic that day if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 178,901
Rating: 4.9308887 out of 5
Keywords: doctors, medical, nurses, second opinion, hospital, diagnosis, worst medical diagnosis, worst doctor, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: B_036R5eVes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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