What’s the Most “Chaotic Good” Thing You’ve Ever Seen? | People Stories #387

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reddit what's the most chaotic good thing you've ever seen my former employer had meted parking lot the lot was heavily monitored and they'd tick it like the very minute your crap expired it was decidedly not good for business people want to be able to linger at a coffee shop it now besides there was no reason for that lot to be meted anyhow it was barely even adjacent to anything but our shop well the meter just started breaking all the time it would get fixed by the city but then a few days later it would be smashed or jammed or whatever we asked if people would be towed in the city was like a no meter no ticket one night i stayed a bit late to clean a freezer when i left i spotted my boss breaking the freshly fixed meter she was like yep guess i'm a criminal hey i once cancelled one of the students in my homeroom to quit school get a get and enroll in an apprenticeship program had i been caught i would have been fired since policy was to try to motivate all students to graduate kidd was failing all his classes which were ninth grade courses but he was smart working a full-time job was already 18 years old and had a crappy home life honestly that's the smartest path for a determined and hard-working kid who doesn't thrive in academia good for you he probably makes good money and has a stable job now this was back in the late 1950s when my grandad was just a teenager 14 15 and he lived in a rural area in azed this relatively new family in town was a rousing suspicion because the wife and kids were always banged up but my grandpa's stepfather spoke to the man of the house and told him that people didn't like that he was abusing his family and he needed to stop when he didn't stop my grandpa's stepdad excused himself from dinner one night and left the house for the evening the following day on the way to school my grandad was on the bus and drove across a field where family man mcgee was tied to one of the post be to holy heck my grandad the bus driver and another older student helped untie the guy and get him onto the bus so that he could get back home nobody talked about it but apparently my grandpa's stepdad and a couple other local men caught up to the guy and beat the crap out of him so that he'd know how his defenseless family had it lol excused himself paint such a good picture of him politely dabbing the corners of his mouth with his napkin and slowly pushing back from the table just to go grab this dude and whip his butt ha ha dope when i used to walk home from class at night there's this dude always there that would always call me gangsta major respect but never anything else for reference i'm a 19 year old short hawaiian girl and not very threatening looking we'll call him jd he'd ask how my day was if i'm getting home okay if i had any problems getting home etc i began to look forward to it when i walked home from class a couple of times i would be having a bad day in this fella who was outside rain or shine would always say hi to me one day i was walking back and he was talking to a buddy said buddy looked me over and whistled to which jd whacked him on the shoulder and said angrily show some respect and smiled at me and said you have a good night gangsta i hope he's doing all right maybe you reminded him of his little sister or something that's super sweet though the world needs more men like jd a friend of mine had a roommate that stole a painting that was given to my friend the roommate claimed that it was his and refused to return it so i broke into their house at two in the morning and stole the painting back i didn't tell anyone and kept it at my house until the roommate moved out my friend and his painting are now reunited there was a guy in my historical town of 800 named casey casey was the town police we didn't have an actual police force just the sheriffs from the county an hour away so casey was the law he rode around on his bike beating up people who did things like break into cars or harass people now casey himself wasn't exactly an upstanding citizen he moved around a lot and dabbled in him grew huge pod plants in the anise fields behind town and generally was the kind of guy who looked shady except everyone in town knew casey and everyone trusted him completely if someone had a problem with the admittedly large population of m heads in town they'd go find casey and he'd bash heads in and shame people until they either left or towed the line imagine an incredibly white trash paladin with a series of crippling vices and a children's bicycle and you have casey i have a ton of great casey stories if anyone is interested stories about the great british bake off hosts when contestants do cry out of frustration or disappointment generally melons you stand near them and use unarable language so the embarrassing footage is tainted and won't make it into the final edit and strangely enough i've heard that the unarable language is predominantly brand names rather than cursing when i was in high school i was an extremely troubled teen legal trouble drug usage violence mental illness failing every class the whole gamut when i was in 11th grade i was put into a special education program for people like me and i did wonderfully i adored my teachers and vice versa one teacher in particular was especially amazing she helped me set goals get on track she even helped me find my first real job my senior year i was doing really well in my classes but this school was set up like a collagen that you needed a set amount of credits to graduate and i was woefully short i still needed something like 22 or 24 credits completely impossible to make up in my last year even though i was doing well there was no chance i was going to graduate so my lovely teacher started digging through my record she somehow converted my community service treatment stays lock up time all of the consequences for my behavior into credits she turned institutionalization into freaking elective credits by the end of my senior year i had one half credit to make up in summer school i was able to walk with my classville graduation in june and received my high school diploma in august to this day i have no idea how she did it but she absolutely changed my life thank you mrs johnson a brazilian drug trafficker has been praised on social media as a modern-day robin hood after he kidnapped two nurses stole vaccines and syringes and ordered the medical staff to inoculate residents in one of the poorest areas in the country's southeast thomas vieira gomez has made headlines in the local press for acts of charity over the past year even as authorities have issued successive warrants for his arrest his most recent gesture of generosity to combat yellow fever which has swept poverty-stricken areas of brazil has seen him lauded primarily as a hero rather than a villain the drug gang leader known on the street as 2n held hostage two nurses from a vaccination center before transporting them in their equipment to one of the poorest fabulous in rio de janeiro the latin american television station telesur reported that gomez's gang oversaw the nurses as they administered vaccinations over a two-hour period in the salgueiro favela once they had finished administering the injections they were returned to their workplace in a report on the incident the health workers said their kidnappers had treated them well and without any aggression they said they had complied with the hostage takers because menis alguiro residents hadn't been given access to immunization centers despite the illegality of gomes and his gang's actions officials have praised the hostage taking carlos mink a state deputy and a former minister of the environment wrote on twitter that the immunizations had been done as an act of public service guy at the local dunkin donuts has to throw out donuts after someone tried to sue them for donating poison donuts or whatever he gladly throws them out and then walks back inside whatever happens to them isn't any of his business since it's trash anyway he says he stopped trying to catch the mysterious garbage thief after 30 seconds of trying because he isn't paid enough to care at the dd my brother worked at a homeless guy would politely stand next to the dumpster the employees would place the bag of expired donuts in the dumpster and close the lid then homeless guy would open the dumpster and take them out it was on video and the manager required the rules be followed it was very lawful neutral i once caused traffic to come to a standstill on a five-lane highway because a dog was running around and narrowly avoided being hit several time i pulled my car to the shoulder and jumped out to try to get the dog off the highway seeing this several other people got out of their cars to help after about 10 minutes of us trying to chase this dog off the highway the owner comes and the dog jumps right into her car everyone else gets in their car and leaves while i am talking to the very relieved owner who couldn't believe all these people got out to try and save her dog but once she gets in her car and leaves i realize i am on the opposite side of the five-lane highway from my car and no one is stopping to let me pass finally a trucker must have noticed my predicament and starts cutting off traffic and slow them so i could walk out to get to my car another trucker follows suit and i am able to get back to my car and back on the road it wasn't until later that i realized how dangerous what i had done had been but it was worth it to see the owner reunited with her dog tl dr i ran into traffic to try and save a runaway dog in high school two random girls who had nothing to do with me and never spoke to me before or after that occasion came up to me they said we saw em treat you like trash and heard her talk crap about you and your family you're coming with us now and you're gonna confront her and if she doesn't say sorry you're gonna punch her until she apologizes and promises to never mistreat you again you can't let her do that to you but we know you won't say anything so we'll help you out with this if we get caught you tell them the teachers we forced you to do it of course such a thing was against the rules we were supposed to inform teachers about bullying and not confront others by ourselves except the teachers didn't really care and so the bullies got away with it this resulted in the school having a rampant bullying and violence issue i knew fighting was against the rules and was scared of being suspended or worse and besides that i'd rather let someone bully me than hurt anyone but no matter how little me tried to get out of the situation the girls would not accept no for an answer so i was forced to go up to my bully who had been treating me like crap for the past couple months and confront her with the two girls right behind me they were heck bent on not letting me or her continue with this any longer they even said hey this girl here has something to say to you so that i had no other choice than to actually do exactly what they told me to do once i confronted her the girl went real quiet apologized all nicely and never bothered me again and that's how two strangers who saw that i was being mistreated and didn't give a crap about breaking the rules taught me how to stand up for myself rule number one of bullying telling the teacher won't do crap my grandma was a kindergarten teacher for 50 years yup you read that right she retired at the mandatory age of 72. it was a small community most economically okay but some poverty every few years grandma would develop a case of the clumsy she tripped while watering the plants and wouldn't you know it but she'd spill a bit of water on the child that was unwashed and wore the same clothes for weeks nothing for it but to make up for her mistake by giving him a bath and clean clothes then return the clothes she messed up after she cleaned them a case of clumsy would last the whole school year and oddly enough she tripped near the same child every time the case of clumsy often meant she miscounted her grandchildren every morning and made an extra lunch would you mind taking it so it doesn't go to waste your grandma is awesome if she is around give her a big hug there was this time for marshall about a lady who owns a marketplace and she went to visit the people who rented her place and just started getting angry and wrecking havoc breaking weighing scales etc she was filmed by the buyers and the video went viral and all these negative comments turns out the sellers she was angry with were playing tricks with the customers like the weighing scale starts with one kilo thailand has some really amazing commercials this one actually happened yesterday at work a girl and her mom came in and got a few sandwiches but the girl wanted a brownie they were paying cash but were like three bucks short for the brownie the girl didn't throw a fit or anything but was pretty sad i was just gonna let them take it it's just a brownie but before i can say anything the guy behind them says i would like all but five of your brownies mind you this is like 40 freaking brownies which costs like a 110 bucks of just brownies he proceeds to then give the girl all of the brownies which needed three bags just to carry all of them the girl was ecstatic and everyone else was laughing their butt off we'll never forget you brownie man there's a group that does guerilla ramp building to help those with mobility issues around the city they've stepped up in so many areas the city and businesses have been ineffective in maintaining code or outright and illegally ignored it to the detriment of citizens i freaking love them and donate to them whenever i can next is the guys who spray paint dongs all over potholes so the city has to come out and fix them if i see them doing this iron one day i'm stopping traffic to a help and b kiss them because thank you comma help those with mobility issues around the city they've stepped up kicking them while they're down when i was still in my medical training in la i often saw a middle-aged gentleman putting coins into expired meters the one time i saw beta made try to approach him and he ran off giggling a few months later i saw him at a stop sign in a maserati basically the definition of chaotic good i've seen a grizzled oldish guy pull a mother who hit her kid for crying out of her seat by the collar and grumbled at her how he'd show her how it feels to be hit for crying if she kept going in the most disdainful tone i've ever heard in real life either told her to sit back down and dropped her in her seat when the nice police people came nobody had seen a thing in my version of this that is playing in my head i'm picturing my kermit trot as the old man i sometimes call apartment complexes that i know don't offer recycling service and i pretend to be interested in an apartment then i ask if they have recycling and back out once they say no i do this to the same ones from different numbers over the course of a few months so they don't get suspicious sometimes i have friends called too so far only one has added recycling but i'm still working on the others the time i did something like this i worked in daycare and over the summer the kids had to bring their own lunch one extremely undernourished and developmentally behind toddler only got things like chocolate frosting between slices of white bread for lunch i started packing extra of my own lunch with healthy stuff like yogurt and fresh vegetables and sat her on my lap each lunch time and coaxed her to eat it was totally against the rules and probably illegal but the lead teacher and i couldn't just sit there and watch her literally eat frosting for lunch so i got permission to take over myself we just kept it quiet can confirm was actually illegal but we are gonna let this one slide i teach english as a foreign language to high schoolers i have one class where the class clown is always trying be disruptive but his method is to shout encouragement whenever someone answers a question like you are genius or you so intelligent i have to act annoyed because i know he'll stop doing it if he ever knew how much i freaking love it you should tell him this when he leaves your class friend's mother found out her husband friend's father was part of a child pornography group when the police showed up to arrest him he'd realize they were about to get him so was trying to escape the country via the local airport he'd told her his mother was sick and he was going to visit she not only told the police where he was but raced them to him slide tackled him at the airport before he disappeared and was in the process of beating him to her pulp when the police arrived and pulled her off of him when my ex was arrested in front of our house for a similar offense i said something along the lines of i wanna kick his butt the cop turned to me and with a very serious look on his face said go ahead we don't mind that video where a guy paid for everyone's food if they were behind them just because two girls cut in front of him i think it was in and out the videos been reposted many times on any social media that was david dobrik he is a famous blogger apparently one of the girls was a fan the other one didn't know him and she was the one who insisted the skip once in grade school one of the kids was torturing an autistic kid he was running behind him and hitting him with a stick they both ran right by me and i just instinctively stuck my leg out and tripped the bully he got bloody hands and knees for hitting the concrete i got detention and a note sent home to my parents i didn't care would have done it again parents took me out for ice cream they were so proud of me you know you did the right thing when your parents approve of it it happened to me in elementary school i was abused pretty bad my school's vp brought me into her office and began to question why i had only brought bread and water to school to eat for the past few days i told her that it was the only thing i could eat because of a punishment she told me that i could just order from the school and she'd pay for it but i told her that my stepsister would tell on me and i'd be in even more trouble so she called me into the office every day for a week twice a day under the guise of me being disobedient my stepsister wouldn't tattle on me for being in more trouble but the vp would give me snacks and food so i wouldn't be so hungry it all ended when she was duty bound to tell child protective services one of three cases in my life where someone went truly above and beyond i had a friend whose neighbor had a dog i was at friend's house one day and noticed that the dog was chained to a very large tree in the shed backyard with no food or water dishes nearby we lived in northern arizona at the very beginning of the summer i commented on the weight of the chain as i filled a dish with water to my friend she told me that they leave her outside 24 stroke 7 rain or shine and occasionally come out and just dump a bag of food on the ground i was horrified she was a sweetheart i also noticed that she looked like she'd recently had puppies but i saw none my friend didn't know where they went but we found out from another neighbor that they'd all died i was completely heartbroken i started coming to my friend's house almost every day to visit her found out her name was mia she was so sweet and surprisingly enough not shy at all unless you raised your voice or looked threatening even a little then she'd immediately roll onto her back and pee she was perfect and i couldn't let her live like this anymore so one night about two weeks after i'd met her i came over to my friend's house with some borrowed bolt cutters in the middle of the night we stole mia i took her home and immediately got her in the tub i don't think the poor thing had ever had a bath before she was so terrified of the water i ended up sitting down in the tub with her while we bathed her we had to rinse and repeat four times before we got all the dirt and hair and grime off of her my pipes ended up clogged because of the hair we then gave her as much food and water as she could possibly want and then quickly discovered she went bananas over a laser pointer she was my sweet girl but unfortunately we had her less than a month we lived in a small town and a kid recognized her as her aunt's dog i immediately found a friend that owned a ranch with sheep and plenty of room to run and he took her and she has an absolutely amazing life now she's a red healer so it makes complete sense the very next day after sending her away i got a knock on my door it was the woman and her young children they asked if i'd seen their dog with the woman laying on the guilt thick that her children missed her greatly i'd spent hours sitting outside with this dog and never once saw any of these people i played dumb and told her that if i saw her dog i'd let her know she didn't believe me so i invited her inside to see for herself there wasn't a trace of mia in the house i immediately took down the pictures i'd posted on social media as well just in case frick people who treat animals like that i'd do it again in a heartbeat friend of mine used to live in downtown toronto at one point she'd given a spare comforter to a homeless man to keep warm through our hellish winters fast forward a couple months and she's cutting through the park at night to get to her apartment some guy stops her clearly with bad intentions look scrim comforter bro comes flying out of nowhere with comforter draped like a cape bad dude is scared shitless and runs comforter bro escorts friend through park to safety karma my boyfriend's aunt is like this incredibly giving and super generous to people less fortunate she'd become friends with some of the homeless people around her work and one day some dude comes out with ill intent towards her next thing you know she's got a posse of homeless men making this dude feel uncomfortable i like putting coins in the treat machines at the local zoo's goat feedings ration it's fun to see the kids so excited and the parents pee that they're forced to stop and let their kids feed the goats not super chaotic but hey 20 bucks goes a long way that's very sweet of you i'm took my kids to a place that i didn't know had a small petting zoo and had feeding machines i felt really bad that i had no change and some nice dad shared his quarters with my kids not only did my kids have a good time with his kids they learned that some people are truly good-hearted hopefully more parents were thankful you left them there than annoyed when i was much younger worked as an emt paramedic in a pretty big city for a private ambulance company whenever we transferred a patient into one of the local hospitals we'd routinely use their linens to remake our stretcher whenever we were expecting a cold snap we figured out that we could fit about 25 blankets under the mattress on our stretcher without being too obvious we'd then head out to some of the known spots where there was a large homeless population and hand out the blankets if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 91,790
Rating: 4.9535041 out of 5
Keywords: chaotic good, chaotic good reddit, chaotic good vs chaotic neutral, chaotic good examples, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: JP5oprS3xlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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