Browsing Dead People's Computers | People Stories #297

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people who have been on dead people's computers did you find anything you wish you hadn't i received a computer for christmas that was previously owned by some old guy my parents bought it at an estate sale so it was pretty cheap anyways i start looking through the document and there was a folder named jessica's farm my young mind was not prepared to see hundreds and i mean hundreds of pictures of this guy's wife posing nude on horses the image of an old wrinkly lady riding horses if forever burned into my brain i actually really like this story they were married for who knows how long and she was still his fantasy his own personal lady gaga any of us can only hope for this kind of commitment in a marriage when my grandfather passed away i was asked to go through his computer and save anything valuable there were heaps of letters and photos dedicated to all his children and grandchildren i even found a speech he would say at my 21st i'm only 18. you should print it out and frame it when you graduate keep it as motivation and a reminder how your grandpa believed in you my best friend's machine the usually cluttered desktop given way to a single untitled text document it was his suicide note i'm so sorry for you i found my father's suicide letter that he didn't go through with we we mostly estranged but i kept visiting my for very young half brother and half-sister in it he was dismissive of me and i still can't find my way to forgive it turns out my brother was writing a novel and a ton of poetry i always wonder if we should do something with it i'm not sure how completed it all is but my cousin who went through it said it was quite a bit of material confederacy of dances wouldn't have gotten published if the author's mother hadn't gone around to every publisher after he died go for it man a few months after my wife passed away suddenly i finally got around to cleaning out her pc and laptop i'd barely gotten started when i came across a file that had its file associations removed she did all the financial stuff so i had to find out if it was something important of course my first try was word document and sure enough it loaded up yeah it wasn't financial turns out she'd written a list of lifetime goals that she wanted to reach and it had been updated only weeks before she passed a list of about 30 things she'd dreamed of doing and only about four or five were crossed off i didn't get much done after that my mother went on my older sister computer after she died from cancer and found a letter meant for my sister's two children which said how horrible my mother was my sister was pretty angry at life in the final months and seemed to blame my mom for everything needless to say my mom was devastated i'm suffering from stage iv colorectal cancer i'm 31 and my mom is my caregiver sometimes you just get freaking pee and you go for the nearest target it doesn't mean you don't love the person it's also not right but it happens if her situation was anything like mine she still loved your mom with every ounce of her being i wasn't on the computer but my playstation a friend of mine who passed from a brain tumor is still on my friend's list around the time sony was hacked by anonymous his account came online it really freaked me out my mom's mini is still on my way and now on the wii u and my 3ds whenever i come jogging passed on we fishy cheers for me it makes me happy every time i seriously just made a batch file called if i die on my desktop that deletes my p folder it disguised it as a folder not on the computer but my family found a three-ring binder my grandmother kept it was full of lusty love letters we asked one of her best friends about it and she replied with oh yeah i was supposed to burn that apparently my grandma and this guy had a relationship where they never actually got together but had lots of phone sex none of that is quite so bad i guess unless you start imagining that it was your grandma she described many details of their talks in her letters and referred to it all as a year of passion grandma's friend kinda dropped the ball on that one finding my grandfather's suicide note was pretty heart-wrenching i ended up getting his computer when he passed spent some time going through all the funny chain mail pictures he had kept and it turns out he had saved it to the same folder i have this really morbid picture of you in my mind looking at a bunch of funny pictures then coming across a text document wondering what was in it and then bursting into tears as you read it of course i don't know what you look like so i am imagining you as a stick figure my roommate passed away in a car accident i deleted all the questionable content from his computer and threw away his pee before his family came and went through his stuff you're a good roommate i had a dead man's computer brought in for clean and repair by his granddaughter as she was going to be using it now he had passed on in the dvd drive was a p movie i can't remember the title but it was outrageous like cm guzzling s6 well maybe not that outrageous however after repairing the computer i kept the dvd in the shop you know to protect gramps dignity etc my father died a few years ago from colon cancer even though i was only 19 my brother was significantly younger when we lost him he was seven my father and brother would watch a movie usually every other night and a few months ago i finally got around to cleaning up his computer i looked through his folder where he downloaded movies to and the last film he downloaded was spirited away and it was the night before he passed away needless to say we watched it together that night that's a send-off movie if i ever saw one when i was 18 i took my older brother's computer after he died in a car crash he was the sort of guy that people loved to be around always laughing joking he made people feel good about themselves his car had run into a grouping of those cement jersey barriers on a road under construction no other cars were involved and there were no signs that he had hit the brakes he must have dozed off while emptying his room in his house we found a set of crumpled papers they were the unfinished first sentences of suicide notes but he never left a completed note and instead chose to throw these drafts away maybe he sat down to write a note decided he didn't want to die needed some air went for a drive got into an accident i couldn't understand how this happy great guy that i loved could be so unhappy so i searched his computer for any clues i was prepared to look in every corner for a clue an internet history an aim log this was back in the day a photo an email anything there was nothing not just nothing strange nothing at all he had already wiped his computer clean probably anticipating that his little brother would inherit his computer and snoop around it still doesn't confirm or deny anything for me i feel certain that he intended to kill himself but i've never been more upset to find absolutely nothing tl dr dead brother's computer possible suicide wish that i hadn't found that he had erased his computer history after reading all these stories this seems worse than actually finding something was tasked by a friend of a parent to wipe a computer that belonged to his son who committed suicide i could have just wiped it but a morbid curiosity and a feeling i was erasing the last of this person drove me to first delve into the files what i found was essentially a diary of the sun's last days including his very last which had been typed just minutes before he ended his life there was something profound in reading those notes knowing i am the only one who will ever know his last thoughts i don't really regret or wish i hadn't seen what i did the last time i shared this experience i was made to feel guilty for invading the dead son's privacy i still feel a little guilty for that but i'm still glad i did so the kid needed someone to listen to him and well even though it was too late someone did it's just a shame it couldn't have been earlier i'm glad you listened i'm sure the reason he left it behind was that someone could listen to him oh good this story so my uncle took [ __ ] loads of pictures just all the dang time we didn't actually realize the scale of this until i had to look through them all after he died turns out we could have lost every single picture ever taken of me my sister my cousins and still we'd have a remarkably smooth transition from infant to adult in picture form that said we also discovered he liked pee so much he and since we didn't want to accidentally throw away some priceless picture i had to go through three hard drives and a couple hundred usbs and cds of almost entirely p now i was more impressed with his capacity to find and organize things than anything else four gigabytes of named timestamps videos and pictures of trans women with freakishly large breast implants urinating on men we have the usb for that right this way tl dr priceless memories creepy pee dude i am sure someone will buy that collection my boss passed away in his sleep just over a year ago he was young and it was unexpected i helped his boss get into his computer at work and also his laptop from home to retrieve insurance banking investment etc information for my boss's family it was very eerie in that i found my boss had a lot of the same tastes in music tv shows movies etc that i had visited the same websites etc i felt like he and i could have become much better friends if there had been more time i ended up getting almost everything for them there were a couple of excel files with financials that were password protected i ran some brute force programs against them for a few weeks but eventually my boss had me shut it down and then it was over and so now i sit at his desk on his computer using his mouse and his keyboard and do his job i like to think he's out there somewhere watching over me and that he'd be happy with what i've done in the last year i hope so at any rate not a personal computer but my local library has a set of computers in there and people can get usernames passwords and use the virtual desktops given they have a library card this old guy would use a computer a lot i wasn't nosy so i never looked in depth but he was using a word processor so i assumed he was typing letters or something similar anyway i volunteered there over the summer and i had to close out inactive library cards or ones that hadn't paid dues basically this meant i was deleting accounts by logging onto their virtual desktops and cleaning them out the old man showed up in the lineup turns out he died a few months before i opened up his desktop and went to documents because curiosity got the better of me and i wanted to see if he had anything some relatives wanted or something there was his life encompassed in two folders folder one novel he was writing a memoir of his tales in world war ii folder two missy missy from what i could collect was his wife and it were dozens if not over a hundred documents of love poems and letters to her i backed them up on a usb and intended to return them to his wife i'm sure she would want love letters as it were the wife was dead and he was buried next to her in the cemetery i was sad because these were letters to his long dead wife she had died in 2004. i gave the files to his son who read them out loud at the old man's annual memorial mass as a eulogy and testimony to the love of his wife that's something beautiful my girlfriend and i used to play pokemon a lot i still do actually but she passed away in a car accident a year ago one day i opened one of her games up cause i was feeling down and i noticed her main player was named after me and all her pokemon were nicknamed after pet names we gave to each other the thing is i did the exact same thing in my game but we never told each other i love finding a touching story on reddit and then looking at the username costas rape after my dad died we found a bunch of pictures of a kid who looked a lot like my younger brother after some digging around we found out my dad had an affair with some married lady about 12 years prior she got pregnant and the boy is being raised by her husband as their son my understanding of the situation is that the boy has no idea about my dad my brothers and i discussed whether or not we were going to tell him and we decided it was best to let the kid be raised by his parents without him knowing my boyfriend passed away in december i put his playstation on and play with the little fifa character we made look like him i know he would be laughing at how bad i was trying to score i also saw his old phone there was a message from a girl basically asking to go on a date but he had text her back saying he was actually in a new relationship me and it made me feel quite good i trusted him completely anyway i miss him every second i'm so sorry for your loss i hope you're doing okay i'm glad you were able to find a little reminder after his passing that he loved you my best friend died in a car accident almost five months ago i nearly had a heart attack when over a month after it happened my facebook newsfeed notified me that she had changed her profile picture it turns out her husband had changed it to his favorite picture of her feels were felt that poor husband sounds like he still looks at that profile very often a while back my cousin committed suicide while his family was out of town we had been pretty close growing up so i flew across the country to spend a couple weeks helping his widow with their two kids four and 1.5 years old found a bunch of audiophiles on his computer of him playing with his son teaching him songs abcs laughing and whatnot i uploaded them to my angelfire account to keep that small part of him in my life it kind of wrecked me for a while and i couldn't listen to them again just squirreled them away couple years later i went to retrieve them only to find langelle fire basically defunct and the account gone on that same trip i had found out some things about his widow and their relationship that led to my cousin's suicide and have not spoken to her since so getting them from her is out of the question it's been over 10 years and the sound of his voice on those files so happy and joyful still haunts me i wish i still had them all i have of him is sad memories no but i got an old computer from church once they upgraded and donated it to us it was filled with horse p i don't go to that church anymore here is the church here is the stables open the doors horse p after my father died my mom found explicit emails to other men on his computer she had her suspicions before and took it in stride realizing that despite being bisexual they still had a good love life that didn't change how he felt about her and her family admirable woman my mother really admirable it's one thing to find out somebody was cheating on you another to find out they kept a huge part of their sexuality a secret good on her for being able to forgive so easily i sometimes hope out at a charity that ensures sex workers have access to condoms and can reach out to police if they suffer violence etc at one point we threw a fundraiser that sold art created by former or occasionally current sex workers and showcase the art of one deceased woman in particular who i believe was about to begin transitioning to a man i was given her hard drive through a friend of the family that worked at the organization and asked to retrieve what i could of her art and her life my memory is a little fuzzy on most of this but i think her death happened in the early 2000s she had a fairly large napster directory and i think it was a windows xp machine to be honest i don't think i found anything i wish i hadn't instead i found a trove of beautiful art and a small window into someone's life she was both a hobbyist and a professional photographer who had a webcam she made good use of i saw her travels to india and south america i saw friends of all shapes and sizes mainly muscular and heavily tattooed under action shots of her and her girlfriend she had an active social life and in most ways she was just like the rest of us i feel odd typing it but i would have felt very voyeuristic if she was still alive as it were i didn't worry about it much and instead thought of it was a very serious responsibility i guess ultimately i found a reminder that even people who do work that's derided or considered dehumanizing by some still leave normal and wonderful lives just like the rest of us with the same struggles and joys and trials and tribulations i'm glad i got to experience it well it's my cousin and it's on a smartphone the nurses at the hospital gave my cousin his dad's belongings when his dad passed away and it included his cell phone that's how he found out his dad's a cheating bastard and a drug addict he talked to me about it and i had to confess i knew about it but i didn't want to tell him about it unless he asked me since i didn't want to ruin his image of his dad he decided not to tell his mom to leave her with great memories she never knew since her husband was always busy and going on business trips my mom's last husband died christmas eve when we crossed lanes on the highway and went headfirst into a snouplow she found out he was doing drugs when the autopsy found it and his life insurance didn't pay out he was kind of a dong like that my boyfriend's beloved uncle died suddenly while staying in a long-term hotel we went to clear out his things and i got a hold of his phone the death was somewhat of a mystery but there was no ongoing investigation i snooped through his phone to see if there were any texts or emails or indication of when exactly or how he died his browser history was chock full of it's on a gay hookup website and he had likely met up with a guy on the night he died no one in the family knew he was gay least of all his incredibly homophobic redneck son i'm pretty sure my boyfriend cleared the browser history and emails and kept it a secret i've been reading too much detective novels when i instantly think of foul play on the sun's part i bought a secondhand handheld gaming system from gamestop checked the memory card quite some time after i bought it it was full of p and photoshopped photos of what i assume was the previous owner doing stuff to animated cartoon girls and one specific real girl love is beautiful isn't it i was somewhat disgusted and for some reason i looked up the owner he was dead and now i'm both disgusted and sad and don't know what to do with it i'll remember you x you disgusting dead bastard ps it totally looked like she sucked your balls when my father-in-law passed away suddenly my fiancee and i were tasked with going through a bunch of his old electronics to see if we could salvage resell any of it he was an engineer so he was a bit of a computer hoarder while poking through various external hard drives i found what could only be described as his lady folder i wasn't anything scandalous but it was very strange to me because he always came across as so stern and pious a very religious buddhist that it just felt wrong that i was looking at all these pictures he had saved of pretty women in addition i hope that i have time to bequeath my lady folder which is definitely much more scandalous to a worthy air before i die because i would resurrect and die again of embarrassment if any of my family friends saw how meticulous i am in saving and categorizing my materials on the upside if the internet ever dies and we lose all of the images and videos that have been uploaded i will make a killing selling salacious material co-worker came up to me and asked if i knew how to get into a locked computer showed me a computer and said that the owner killed himself and his parents would like to get into it about two hours later i figured out how to hack into it and change the password without logging in veil access to his computer right away i saw the face of the kid who had taken his life a picture of himself was the background after cranking away at this computer forever i figured why not look through the files i didn't know the kid or his parents and it wouldn't hurt anyone to look i looked through his files and found pictures of his girlfriend i couldn't help but have this strange deja vu like feeling it was extremely surreal almost as if he was actually looking at me or as if i saw a part of my old self in this kid i have been suicidal for years now and i just thought what if this was my computer that someone had to unlock it doesn't sound like much of an internal catharsis but it struck a chord in me sorry i didn't find any interesting files but i did find a new viewpoint on life i guess i can somewhat contribute to this one a couple of spring breaks ago i found a nice little usb bracelet with the university of hawaii logo on it in the middle of a sidewalk in maui i took it back home to the continental us where it has sat on my mirror shelf for two years during a period of procrastination sometime probably a month ago i plugged it in just for the heck of it it had all this harry potter music and some waltz music along with some college papers and other things so for the next two hours i listened to this person's music and just relaxed i later decided to try to find who it was i opened a few more documents one was a disability form from the university saying how his financial aid had been sent or something like that i looked up his name on google and found that he had died a month and a half after he dropped that usb drive for me to eventually find finding out that i had just listened to and thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful composition of a man who was no longer living made me reflect on how intertwined our impact in this world is as i pulled my eyes out and rocked myself back and forth needless to say the paper that was due the next day was entirely forgotten if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 169,850
Rating: 4.9468346 out of 5
Keywords: dead peoples computers, old computer, cleaning computer, cleaning computer compilation, personal, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: e8dYrV5n138
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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