Season 6 of Lockstin & Gnoggin | The BEST Times!

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[Music] hey what's up it's no secret that the lore and world of pokemon are my favorite parts of the entire franchise and anything that adds to it or makes you question it is amazing and while for the most part pokemon let's go pikachu and pokemon let's go eevee were just sort of yellow remakes but with a twist they still managed to add something amazing and that leads to a pretty awesome theory if i do say so myself it could also mean nothing of course but where's the fun in that possibility anywho let's just get right into it and take a dive into this universe changing theory so it all stems from one image throughout the buildings in let's go pikachu there are pictures of various landmarks from throughout the pokemon world specifically mostly from the japanese regions kanto johto holland and sinnoh it's neat but in the museum in pewter city there are images and artifacts from all over the one we're going to be talking about is this one this big poster look familiar it's basically a diagram of the big bang the huge event that created the universe notably this begs all sorts of questions did arcus really create the pokemon universe or are the myths and legends of its godly power just that legends and ultimately arceus then is just a super powerful space pokemon not a creation deity that's how many took this image after all it's not like a god figure could have created the universe with a big bang no there's sarcasm in there anyway i thought while looking at this it seems pretty different from most big bang diagrams that i've seen normally the explosion isn't as apparent and obvious and pointed out it just sort of flows with the rest of the diagram more this pokemon big bang looks like it's trying to get something across like the designers wants you to pay close attention to this explosion because it does have a very unique shape after all i mean first of all what's with the odd shading on it looks kind of like a sun with a moon going over it a bit like an eclipse plus it's the same shape as the pokemon sun logo but again has the moon-like shading pokemon let's go does have a ton of references to other generations especially gen 7 sun and moon there are already loads of theories around the internet about the direct connections between alola and kanto that these recent games have been making it's pretty stinking awesome but you know what this makes me think it spawns a new theory about how the pokemon universe may have come to be or perhaps how this specific let's go universe came to be as a separate universe to the traditional pokemon games it's well established canon now that each pokemon cartridge is its own little pokemon universe and they all relate to each other but are still separate plus there are timeline splits now one universe has mega evolution and the other doesn't omega ruby wasn't just a remake of ruby it was showcasing the events of pokemon ruby in the mega universe similarly let's go pikachu and evie aren't just remakes of yellow they are retelling of the events of yellow in the mega universe or so says one theory but this image leads me to believe in a different possibility one that we'll get to in a moment but first let's go as interesting because it does not easily fit into either timeline properly red and blue exist and talk about their past adventure so it takes place after those gen 1 games yet cubone still misses its mom and there's the ghost event giovanni still has the gym and is leading it and is still ruling team rocket and then he decides to leave it and red isn't the champion and the list goes on and on and on so clearly these games can't take place after the gen 1 games many of its events are unfolding right now but then blue and professor oak talk about their past adventures and ah it just makes no sense unless we look at this diagram of the big bang as the creation of a whole new universe separate from the other pokemon games entirely in this universe these events didn't unfold during the adventures of red and blue instead they are happening now in let's go pikachu and let's go eevee red and blue had different events during their adventure this would possibly also explain the whole catching pokemon difference it's just so much different and that's just because that's the way it ended up in this particular universe you don't have to beat the wild pokemon into submission anymore or prove that you're strong and they want to belong to a strong trainer that's just not how this particular universe works you just throw balls it's really fun but then how did this universe split off after all it was the firing of the ultimate weapon that caused the first timeline split the original universe and the mega universe so what cataclysmic event could have triggered this new split well here goes the theory it was all necrozma this is the universal reset that the last few pokemon games have been hinting to so hear me out as there is a bit of what what-if involved here but it's all just a theory starting with the observational evidence this big bang here not only looks like the sun logo but also a bit like ultra necrozma's head the big bad pokemon from the last game that could have brought an end to the pokemon world if you hadn't stopped it necrozma's whole deal is that it's trying to absorb all of the light yes all of it it's basically the personification of a black hole or perhaps a black dwarf which is a star that has lost all of its light and radiation this works well with its name necro means death and chroma means color color is light death to light plus the z is symbolic of the end too a is the beginning and z is the end that's why as or a z brought an end to an entire region but started a whole new universe that's also what project azoth was all about ending the world as we know it to start it over anew z moves are basically anime finisher moves etcetera etcetera symbolizes them all over symbolism symbolism tangent over so necrozma apparently used to be alterna but since then lost all of its light and now is trying to get it back but doing so steals the light from worlds possibly universes that's what happened to ultra megaopolis necrozma stole all of their natural light but it left to escape to the universe of sun and moon where it continues to feed on light in both the games and the anime it was unable to just eat enough light to restore itself to ultra necrosma it took outside influence artifacts pokemon and help so theoretically an entire universe of just light might not be enough to restore it it took a tremendous amount of z energy infinity energy so it theoretically would go around consuming stars consuming all the light-bearing things and light by itself can't restore it and it eats and it eats and it eats and at some point all that light energy needs to be released this again is what leads us to the idea of necrozma being a black hole or black dwarf near the end of the universe black holes and black dwarves would be all that exist anymore stars that have burst and become black holes or that have slowly radiated away and are now black dwarves as the billions and billions of years go by you may eventually have black holes pulling the black dwarves into them and then into each other slowly forming bigger and bigger black holes similarly necrozma absorbs light and stars becoming denser and denser eventually all these black holes and black dwarves merge so much that it becomes too dense of a singularity and suddenly there is too much matter in such a small amount of space that a second big bang happens there are several theories about how our universe came to be and how it will end and that's just one of them if true though there's no way of telling how many times it's happened already we could be living in the first universe or the millionth there's no way of knowing existentialism aside we now get to the what if part of the theory what if let's go pikachu and eevee take place in a branch off from the mega universe timeline in an alternate reality we didn't get to see one where necrozma continues to consume rather than be shown compassion and friendship and getting help from the outside in the form of the player character or ash instead of that it's continuously shown hostility so it continues to just consume all of the light not just from solgaleo and lunala but also from the sun and all the stars in the galaxy all the stars in the universe maybe even the light given off by rks essentially then ending the universe early all of the stars are now black holes or black dwarves many of them are inside of necrozma who eventually can no longer contain all of that energy so it becomes an alternate chromosome finally for just a moment before it explodes in a supermassive radiant burst essentially causing a second big bang necrozma then essentially reset the pokemon universe which my old 4 plus hour theory from years ago hinted at being a possibility i may seem like a broken record at this point to my regular viewers but again that old theory was based on the alchemic and astrological inspirations of pokemon as of late after sun and moon or ultra sun and moon as we later found out the pokemon world will go through a reboot or a reset and will go back to generation one but there will most likely be numerous changes end quote there's four hours worth of evidence summarized in a sentence and that's literally what pokemon let's go evie and pokemon let's go pikachu are and this poster about the big bang featuring an ultra necrozma looking explosion i think just solidifies that further even if this is just the pokemon sun logo it still works big bang happened after pokemon sun reset the universe and then the billions of years go by and once again were during the time of gen 1 we're back to red and blues time but the events are slightly different because it's just a completely different universe and by golly this is amazing if that's actually the case now i get that this is all just theoretical but this sounds pretty awesome and that's that's about all i can really say though it's awesome to the toughest degree it's toughest a word this like i said would explain all of the inconsistencies with let's go story it's a whole new universe it also explains why catching pokemon is so suddenly different that's just the way it is in this universe it also sets up let's go as a proper side series still mainline pokemon games but in a different universe just like the zelda timeline splits or the mario timeline splits they're all canon just in different ways different timelines and the gameplays are slightly different between them plus i mean let's go has sold amazingly and honestly i had way more fun with it than i did with ultramoon just saying so it's very likely we're going to get sequels to this and such so if you've been avoiding it maybe give it a second chance it took many many of us by surprise at how good it actually is they did a terrible job marketing it sometimes you remember a fun fact about a pokemon and you think it's neat happens to me all the time like fun fact slacking is the most powerful non-legendary pokemon it has the highest stats of any and upon remembering this i figured a video on the line would be pretty neat the whole line is actually pretty interesting but like always let's ask questions along the way why and how does slakoth sleep so much how does vigaroth possibly symbolize an entire medieval empire and why is it so hyperactive and why is slacking so lazy again slack off sleeps a lot like a lot a lot 20 hours a day according to the pokedex so assuming of course that the poke world has 24 hour days like our world then that's a really long time that only leaves four hours a day for it to go and explore the world though at least that's not as bad as komala which sleeps 24 hours a day here's a video all about that but i guess considering slackhoth's origins that makes sense it's a sloth or a sleuth as a certain attenborough would say and some sleuths do sleep 20 hours a day but most tend to sleep 15 to 17 hours a day either way though it sleeps a lot and it's also super cute it's a weird baby swarf a swoof a swath of swaths and you know what else sleeps more than it's awake human babies especially young babies the ones that are always laying down because they aren't strong enough to support their own heads because they're stupid it's kind of like how most of slackhoff's art shows it laying down because it's stupid human babies also sleep about 16 or 17 hours a day which is over 70 of their day and this isn't the only way in which slack off is similar to human babies look at this cute sleeping baby it looks so comfy and cozy and relaxed doesn't looking at it make you want to take a nap of your own slackoth's pokedex entries in several different generations all say that looking at it while it's sleeping makes those around it sleepy too just like an adorable sleeping baby there's actually a hormone response that can happen it's crazy though granted most of the time you get really tired when your baby is sleeping because you finally have a moment of peace it's pokedex entry slakoth's pokedex entry not the babies also mentions how even when it's awake it doesn't move around a lot young babies don't really move around much either because they do not have the developed musculature needed to roll from their back to their tummy let alone crawl around after about four months though they can start to do that and then at six to ten months they start crawling but until like four or five months babies are very slothy this is why we're all born sinners i swear you kids had better get that joke anyway at level 18 it evolves into vigoroth which is supposedly a sloth but it looks more like a weird baboon thing i mean oh my god becky look at its butt [Music] plus baboons are wild and crazy like vigaroth but besides the butt the rest of vigoroth does point to sloth still and based on its name and design you can tell right away that it's now a lot more active and awake than its first evolution so continuing on with the human comparison this is very reminiscent of children compared to babies once they start toddling around they never ever stop toddling around until it's bedtime and even then sometimes not just like vigoroth whose pokedex injury says that it is always itching and agitated to go on a wild rampage it simply can't tolerate sitting still for even a minute this pokemon's stress level rises if it can't be moving constantly this is a lot like kids my wife is a preschool teacher and she can attest to this being exactly like most children children are constantly moving around and doing stuff because playing and moving around is how they develop their fine and gross motor skills necessary to survive especially since exercise releases serotonin and studies have shown that not producing enough serotonin in childhood can and does negatively affect serotonin production levels as an adult in other words forcing a kid to sit still and calm down constantly can lead and usually does lead to depression as a teen and adult this is why recess and p.e exist this is also a theoretical reason as to why depression is becoming more and more common among our youth because as little kids they're being kept inside because it's safe and they're playing video games instead of playing tag of course there's nothing wrong with playing video games you just remember moderation health is super important another pokedex entry vigoroth is simply incapable of remaining still even when it tries to sleep the blood within its veins grows agitated compelling this pokemon to run wild through the jungle before it can settle down have you ever put a kid down for a nap and they're just way too jittery to even sleep and then you chase them around with the house a little bit and then they're so exhausted that they're practically asleep before you can finish tucking them in that's probably what being the trainer of a vigoroth is like its heart beats at a tenfold tempo so it cannot sit still for even a moment notably children actually have higher heart rates than adults adult hearts beat between 60 and 100 beats per minute and children between the ages of 1 and 10 have heart rates of 100 to 160. it is always hungry because it won't stop rampaging children especially when they are going through growth spurts eat a ridiculous amount of food for their size especially if they're active or rampaging which most kids usually are even while it is eating it can't keep still kids often bounce around even while they're eating and younger kids if left with minimal supervision tends to wander away from the table when they are eating even if they still have food in their mouth you almost get exhausted yourself just watching how much kids move around and this youthful vigor remains for years though for many it does mellow out throughout teen hood now then there is a lot more to vigoroth's possible origins hence the thumbnail but we'll get to that after we cover its next evolution starting at level 36 it evolves into slacking which i guess is also supposed to be some sort of sloth most notably it's possibly the ground sloth which went extinct during the ice age when standing this sloth was six meters tall which is crazy and i can see the inspiration for sure though slacking looks a lot more like a big balding bigfoot with creepy bedroom eyes [Music] so then if slackhoth is infanthood pokefied and vigoroth is childhood personified then slacking is adulthood personified its pokedex entry tells us that slacking spends all day lying around and lolling about ha like you hey compared to children most adults are pretty lazy and laid back children exercise and run around for fun and just use up all the energy that they have way too much of most adults have to force themselves to do so and many won't even do that for more than an hour or so at a time we also aren't nearly as limber or excitable as children which again is just like slacking lazy and chill it's even in the traditional japanese dad watching tv with beer after he gets home from work posed and yes that's a real thing that's pretty common in anime wherever slacking lives rings over a yard in diameter appear in grassy fields they are made by the pokemon as it eats all of the grass within reach while lying prone on the ground that reminds me of my grandma's old dog peaches she would literally lay in the same spot for hours and hours with her food and water bowls within reach so that all she had to do was raise her head and it was hilarious and kind of sad she laid there for a full day one time when i was being babysat by grandma for two days she just didn't move nothing was wrong with her except that she was ancient i guess that's just the way things go anyway this is a decently energy efficient way of getting food especially if you're conserving your energy like slackings do to attack notably we adults are pretty efficient at getting food and conserving our energy too it's actually much easier to get fat as an adult than it is to get fat as a kid it's actually pretty difficult and very sad it takes twice sometimes three times the effort to get obese as a child and yet they're still obese children it's kind of sad i was a fat kid somewhat so i can say that you hush ooh skinny privilege but i mean it makes sense really kids are growing and usually run around like torchics with their heads cut off the pokedex goes on to describe slacking as the world's most slothful pokemon ha reminds me of someone however it can exert horrifying power by releasing pent-up energy all at once adults are way stronger than children and know how to use their momentum and weight in our favor even if we don't do it very often any fully functioning adult could beat the heck out of a pack of rabid children who don't know how to properly even use their bodies yet it eats grass growing within its reach if it eats all of the grass it can reach this pokemon reluctantly moves to another spot kind of like how most adults will just eat whatever's in the house almost until there's nothing left before going shopping for food again especially as millennials so why is slacking so powerful then well that's partially because it's based on a bigfoot monster and a ground sloth both ridiculously powerful beasts though also it's to balance out its ability make it a fair pokemon someone would actually use slacking's ability is that it only does anything every other of its turns that sounds terrible right well to balance it out it does have the highest stats of any non-legendary in the game it's basic game design it sucks because of its ability it makes up for it because it's ridiculous so now are you ready for some crazy deep theorization about some further design origins of viviroth that's right it's time for a theory a pokemon theory is vigoroth actually a visit goth dear viewers you might think this is stupid and that's because it is but i mean they may just sound similar but get this the visigoths were a thing from around 378 to around 718. 18 that's the level slackoff evolves into vigaroth also notably most empires stay in one spot but strap those brains back into your skull loyal viewers it's the only way to prevent this mind blow the visigoths were a group of nomadic tribes that's right and you know what that means because you're our smart subscribers that means they never stopped moving around despite being an empire much like how vigaroth doesn't stop moving around despite being a sloth vigaroff i think i've made my point clear and hey that's just an assumption a game assumption for you to take is facts from now on thanks for watching and never stop using your noggin hello everyone it is me the human i'm sure you know that though because it's my face on the screen as well as my name in the lower third text blippity doodad [Music] this is a super special mega spectacular episode today on noggin no it's not my 500th video or anything like that that's lame no it's about my absolute middle favorite pokemon it's in the exact middle of all pokemon to me in terms of favoritity rank number 401 out of 802 this is the opinion of most people actually i assume because i mean it's cute but not super cute and that's about it it's cool but not really it's kind of lame and we thought why not do a video on this pokemon as filler because why not sometimes we do need filler videos the darn youtube algorithms oh yeah this pokemon is so that i forgot to mention it in the intro that's right it's done sparse everyone's roughly middle favorite pokemon and maybe you say you like it more than that you're probably wrong you're probably just saying that just to be pedantic with me grow up i mean just look at this thing like it's a cute snake fairy that's got a gross bug face [Music] and it looks like a shoe actually if someone were to make dunspar slippers they would just be perfect plushies of dunspires but why is this pokemon a thing and why is it just so and yet yet it's not entirely like it's a half a it's [Music] well it's auto appearance is all because of what it is based off of the tsuchinoko a japanese cryptid that looks a lot like a weird snake slug thing ooh and that's a fun word cryptid the word cryptid coming from the greek word crypto which means hide so essentially like a hidden animal or an animal that we don't actually have any substantial evidence to support its existence kind of like bigfoot he's out there trust me though even in the age where most phones have better cameras than hollywood cameras a decade ago we still only get blurry pictures of it but hey we get blurry pictures of game leaks and we all believe those you people are all morons looking to get hyped and then disappointed you stupid hype is a mistake anyway anyway unlike bigfoot this thing is spooky well as spooky as a creature whose name translates to child of dirt or child of hammer could be anyways the tsutiunoko is like a lizard snake of uselessness recorded sightings go all the way back to the 1400s wow even bigfoot didn't exist until the 1800s so it's pretty old and according to its legend its appearance is that of a brown camouflaged snake sometimes with orange stripes on the belly so that's possibly where dunsparce's stripes come from it's also apparently like a snake but fat i don't mean it's very round like some fat snakes are i mean i'm talking its body is thicker than its head and its tail which is a hilarious idea it's also very toxic and is said to be as venomous as a viper so deadly let's just say but other than being a fat snake it's not really all that odd however this creature is able to chirp unlike snakes hissing it chirps like a bird and along with that fact it can also leap at you from three feet away the so-called child of dirt is also known to jump a second time while in the air to catch unsuspecting victims off guard those who think they are safely far enough away to avoid its jump they're not as this thing essentially can double jump so double jumping was like a concept made by japanese people several hundred years ago and that's hilarious but wait there's more this creature has another trick up its sleeve well whatever snakes have for sleeves anyway this thing can bite its own tail and roll out to travel at you faster that's right this chubby auroboris can wagon wheel in your direction just so it can murder you faster wow gotta say that's pretty uh impressive so how do we get a dunce bars based on that i mean that means duns bars isn't even the right type it's normal type i mean come on the crypt that it's based on is venomous shouldn't it be poison type or maybe even fairy type now due to its wings and fey-like features poison fairy is probably a really good type i mean it's pretty odd that this pokemon even got into the game in the state that it is in at least being such a useless dunce it's so cute but useless and it's not even that cute but at the same time i guess this little cryptid thing is almost perfect for this game i suppose as a japanese folktale creature it just kind of perfectly fits and the creature it's based on is also permeated into tons of other games as well i mean just like a monster hunter world it has a fat little snakey boy it's pretty cute but not that cute i'm gonna have to go look forever to find that one now and fill my house with them because they are pretty cute but i don't want too many to fill the house with because they're not that cute well back to the pokemon dunsparce this pokemon is rather well sparse it's not all that interesting but there's enough for a short video i suppose our goal is to cover every single pokemon eventually anyway and the most notable thing about dunsparce is that again it's just perfectly near the middle of everyone's lists of favorite pokemon except for a few of you weirdos funnily enough this video's editor wanted us to do a video on dunsparce because it's his favorite ha what a loser right got any other pokemon that you think is like the perfect middleman let me know down in the comments and as always never stop using your noggin and i hope you appreciate these filler episodes this is me waving a flag of phil [Music] oh chadot one of the few pokemon bands just for being itself poor little bird but i mean the move shatter was pretty complicated and with the whole you know being able to make a chat out say whatever you want it was a cool feature but the problem is most people would just have it say profanities and racial slurs so uh can't risk that at a tournament therefore chad was banned and apparently i was super boring with my chat out because i was a goody two shoes little twerp back during the day and my chat just said hello i'm a bird i'm serious it was sad i was so innocent growing up i couldn't come up with anything more clever than that look at me now but what did you guys make your bird say let me know down in the comments while the intro plays hope that was long enough for you okay so in today's episode we're going to talk about this deck's entry for chad its tongue is just like a human as a result it can cleverly mimic human speech ah that dex entry never really set right with me like a human tongue in a bird first stop ew just imagine a bird with a big old human liquor sticking out secondly i don't think that's how parrots work i mean normal parrots that talk in the real world don't have human tongues so why would a chat need a human tongue actually let's dig deep into this how do parrots even work alright but first before we get into that i have a fun tale for you i think i think it's my dad that told it to me when my dad was in his youth he worked as a furniture delivery guy and at one point he was delivering some furniture to a preacher that lived in a church basement and the guy had like an 80 year old parrot that would just yell praise jesus and that's funny to me but back to the topic at hand real parrots don't have flexible mouths and vocal cords like we do so learning how to speak human language can be challenging for our feathered friends what parrots do have though is a structure called a syrinx which is similar to the larynx at the top of the trachea in humans this syringe which is located in the chest at the bottom of the trachea can be used to speak human words along with many other sounds so as the parrot attempts to use speech the sound passes through the throat and mouth and is manipulated by the tongue oh yes the tongue that little fleshy sexy tentacle that always moves around in your mouth and as long as you're aware of its existence you'll never find a comfortable spot for it to rest [Music] fun fact did you know that the primary language you speak changes where your tongue is most comfortable resting makes sense as different languages use different sounds more often changing the result of the location neat so here's another question why do parrots even mimic human speech well there's also the pokedex entry of it mimics the cries of other pokemon to trick them into thinking it's one of them this way they won't attack it and this is actually pretty spot on well in terms of fighting monsters that fit into a small ball in your pocket you see parrots are very very really social animals they need to flock to survive much like people really need other people for their mental health the reason that they even make noise is to essentially talk or relay information to each other in the flock to quote some bird scientists a single bird in the wild is a dead bird it can't look for food and look for predators at the same time so when you a human adopts a bird into your own home or flock it needs to pick up on the language it just so happens that birds have super special parts in their brain to mimic most sounds i mean have you ever heard a funny noise and then tried to recreate it with your mouth i'm sure we've all made a raspberry to mimic a fart come on we're all human here birds especially parrots are just able to mimic really complex noises like our languages and some are actually able to put connections to the words like pretty bird is when it's getting praise so when it wants praise or it wants to praise you it will repeat it oh pretty bird pretty bird you give paulie a cracker while saying cracker it will eventually associate the sound of the word cracker with it getting fed a cracker so it will start saying cracker when it wants one barry wants a cracker perry that's supposed to be polly perry also works it's pretty apparent now that parrots are super smart especially for a bird they ain't bird brained at all so they have a fancy voice box but uh chat apparently is all about its tongue so we've got some more explaining to do how would a human tongue help this bird talk like a human because really human speech is pretty complex i mean we have the whole respiratory system to power our voice box and then that sends air vibrations through our esophagus and then that is modulated by our tongue to get the correct sounds out of our mouths the lips play a big part too the biology of phonics is complicated and clearly then this is where the human tongue in particular is great we may not have the biggest strongest or longest of tongues but hot dang are we dexterous with them when it comes to speech and other things and good thing too it's super important i mean even middle tongue deformities can render your speech completely different and those people who get tongue modifications oh man do they sound different before and after how the tongue works is that well actually here let's do an example try and say go but really slowly and focus on the g go see how your tongue balls up in the back of your mouth now try to say k k k tong does the same thing now try and say both of them but with your tongue unmoving and flat at the bottom of your mouth it's hard it's hard right don't turn that into a gif please ultimately you just end up saying oh or a a thus the tongue is definitely a needed tool to facilitate the perfect letters that we use and it's not just english every language has complex movements of the tongue to change the exact way the air vibrates out of your mouth so you could say that without a tongue you would be silent which is why in the olden days of yore the kings or priests that wanted to shut you up with your criminal blasphemy would cut out your tongue rendering you basically mute now back to parrots they actually do have very nimble tongues as well and this small fact along with their very complex voice box is really the true reason they are able to mimic human speech in fact humans and parrots are the only animals to have tongues as advanced as this at all though humans are still way more advanced than a parrot humans have a bit more of a production chain when it comes to sound as we have it go through the vocal tract which filters the vocal chord sounds to help create our phonics it was actually thought that parrots just used their syrinx to make phonics by default but their tongue is the one that helps create the more vowelly sounding sound specifically is validly a word probably not but again the nimbleness of their tongue is quite good however tongue alone is not what makes human word sound don't forget your lips i mean pee piper is such a lippy word yet we hear parrots say pretty bird all the time pretty bird also some lippy moves and that is where their super cool syringes come into play so chad could really have a tongue that's exactly the same as a human but all that would do is give it a wee bit more flexibility in terms of speech and without lips that tongue won't even help that much in fact it may actually hinder its love for eating bugs and seeds because of all the humanness of it you know bird tongues are all stiff on purpose because it has to devour bugs and seeds if it had a soft fleshy human tongue then ouch for one and ew for two realistically chadot would need the crazy syrinx that parrots have to do what it do and it probably does i mean it's a parrot but explaining what a syrinx is may have been too complicated for kids i guess so they just said human tongue and went with that i suppose this is another instance of the pokedex not technically being wrong but it could have gone into more detail because if you only took the pokedex into consideration here it's probably wrong because that's not enough to do what it do all right pokedex is written by kids four kids is the old theory well i hope you enjoyed this little look into chat out's interesting world and hey next time you hear a bird speak just realize that it only wants to be in the flock it loves you or at least it wants to love you and that's why it's mimicking you i remember one news story years ago about a parrot that escaped and when they found it again like a year later it spoke spanish instead of english as it turns out it flew away and then a spanish-speaking couple had been taking care of it after it just flew next to their house it only took like a year for it to pick up spanish ah valentine's day a somewhat arbitrary day that we humans have collectively agreed symbolizes love and flower and chocolate sugar crap because nothing says i love you like trying to make your significant other obese and really we all know what valentine's day really is pointless pointless commercialism if you need the markets to tell you to love people there's something wrong with you but regardless of our late stage consumerism slowly leading to the end of western civilization valentine's day is an excuse to talk about the topic that best helps my analytics pokemon and seeing as this is the most romantic day of the year what else is there to discuss but our favorite flowery friends [Music] yes today we will be discussing the pokemon whose designs have been based off of flowers and the meaning behind their real world counterparts and just for fun we'll be seeing if these two things match up with each other but first a quick lesson on the language of flowers for many millennia the more poetic and philosophical of us have found deep meaning in the colors and nature of flowering plants and have applied meaning to them you likely already know some of it such as the symbolism of the red rose passion and love romance no other flower has such pop culture relevance in relation to its meaning in the language of flowers but many are unaware that nearly every flower has symbolic meaning and when combined in a bouquet with other flowers you can deliver very specific messages and all this symbolism is called the language of flowers so in summary of what we are doing today flowers have symbolism does that symbolism fall in line with the flowers that some grass-type pokemon have well let's find out starting with meganium the flower petals around its neck are inspired by the geranium genus of flowers which is where part of this pokemon's name comes from geraniums have several different and sometimes conflicting meanings such as folly stupidity gentility ingenuity melancholy bridal favor unexpected meetings expected meetings preference and true friendship all depending on the colors used the pink variety the ones used on meganium are said to be good in love potions yeah love potions the uh the language of flowers can get pretty hippy dip but meganium as a species does line up well with gentility and true friendship it's a starter pokemon after all and it also fits as it's a peaceful creature that is often found trying to de-escalate potentially violent situations though the games in anime don't exactly show this kind of behavior it's just mentioned also every pokedex entry on meganium describes it as having a breath that can be used to revive dead plant life while the real life geranium is incapable of this because it's just a plant the petals do release a sweet smelling aroma when touched which may match up with descriptions of magenian's breath who's going around and just smelling meganium's breath next up is sunflora this pokemon is based off of if you couldn't tell the sunflower the sunflower symbolizes adoration happiness loyalty and longevity attributes that are also contributed to the flower's namesake the sun though i hear that despite these flowers being considered happy they make lucas quite sad i wonder why that is i hope we can find out someday nintendo either way though son flora is happy as heck like always almost never not smiling nice next let's discuss badou and all the symbolism behind the rosebud which symbolizes beauty youth and a heart of innocent love now badou being a rosebud clearly is youthful so there's that but how do its evolutions hold up the roses as seen on roselia and roserade one of my favorite pokemon symbolize love honor faith beauty balance passion wisdom intrigue devotion sensuality and timelessness and on top of that the different colors of a rose offer even more meaning for now though let's stick to the relevant information the red rose is the ultimate signifier of true love and has been used as such across western culture going all the way back to the ancient greeks now as for the blue rose funny thing blue roses can't be found in nature but they do exist they are usually white roses that have their petals dyed now as for their meaning they symbolize royalty attaining the impossible mystery rarity and an imaginative look on life perfect then for this unnatural beauty and perfect for the masquerading rose that is roserade such parties were reserved for the noblest of nobles so quite frequently royalty and the masks add a sense of mystery hiding the true identity of those at the party so it all works now on to liligant and the lily the lily is said to represent royalty and regality motherhood and fertility purity and the beauty of youth passion drive renewal and rebirth it's also an interesting flower as the perennial lily flower never truly goes dormant the flower has always been held in a high regard since the ancient greeks and romans who would often include the flowers in many myths and legends the color of lily specifically used for liligant means good healing and health which works really well liligant is said to be able to soothe body and mind with its scent and you can even eat its leaves as stated by the pokedex the leaves on its head are very bitter eating one of these leaves is known to refresh a tired body sure that's its previous evolution petal but if it can do something like that then context says when it evolves it can still do it you know now for skip loom and jumploff who are based off of the dandelion flower which is meant to represent healing from emotional pain and physical injury spiritual and emotional intelligence the warmth of the rising sun along with lasting happiness surviving difficult trials and tribulation and wish fulfillment good chance you knew about that wish thing because dandelion wishing is still common now besides maybe the happiness because they're always just happy and carefree there's not much else to really connect these meetings with the pokemon now floorgis is basically a walking hyacinth which itself represents engagement in sport and rashness but again color context this pokemon comes in many colors the red hyacinth means recreation as in recreational activities the yellow means jealousy blue is serenity and white means loveliness and prayers for others and there doesn't seem to be a specific meaning for orange as orange hyacinths don't exist apparently and based on what we know about flourishes these meanings don't really hold up at all do they flourish is all about protecting gardens and living a long time and decorating things not one of those colors really fits besides maybe white and its loveliness but how about its previous evolutions flabebe and floette also have flowers of many colors and they seem to be about as generic as you can get they seem to most closely resemble this family of flowers pronounced uh oh jeez i didn't look it up kiss to say ye sister say he anyway five round petals multiple stamens around a pistol and all that as well as being european and coming in a wide variety of colors they are also known as rock roses and they symbolize popular favor essentially meaning generically good the general public sees them as good and approves of them well these flowers can also say your beauty enchants me and they can also stand for strength and long suffering despite being beautiful works well as these flowers are known for being able to survive summer heat and frozen winters and droughts and they don't need pesticides this symbolism works a decent bit as despite their small beautiful stature these pokemon are plenty powerful there is also a special floette that we see one belonging to az 3000 years ago this floette died and was resurrected it has a special coloration itself white and blue and it carries a special flower too this flower is fictional but it most closely resembles the red trillium which is said to invoke blood and incarnations as well as birth as it brings spring with it notably too this fictional flower shares design elements with iveltal the legendary pokemon of death and destruction which was introduced in the same game along with xerneas the pokemon of life which shares some coloration with this special floette this is all about death and rebirth which the trillium in a way symbolizes too alolan klefki i mean comfy isn't a flower itself rather it likes to pick flowers and make lays out of them essentially necklace rings of flowers they are given out in times of celebration and greeting any occasion really office promotions graduations birthdays arriving in hawaii it is a symbol of the culture of the hawaiian people as they've been giving outlays since the ancient times and similarly that's what kampfei is all about making people happy by giving them away now on to maractus which is another just absolute favorite pokemon of mine maractus has a design based off of the cactus and therefore has cactus flowers the cactus flower is used to relay concepts of lust and sexual attraction maybe i shouldn't have mentioned that it's a favorite of mine but it also symbolizes the loneliness of the desert endurance regardless of pain protection from danger the warmth and care from a mother to a child chastity and abstinence from physical contact some interesting and contradictory meanings here those last few make sense though as you can't exactly hug a cactus so that symbolism fits i guess perhaps also maracas's more feminine design compared to the other cactus pokemon also plays a role here with some of that earlier symbolism but nothing and its symbolism seems to imply rhythm dance or music which is what this pokemon is all about shame sharom specifically in its sunshine form is a cherry blossom also known as the sakura flower in glorious nippon this lovely flower is a staple in all of your anime and i mean it really are you even watching an anime if there isn't a scene with cherry trees or those dang cicadas anywho the sakura flower has been a symbol of remembrance of the short-lived beauty of youth as shown by the flower's ability to bloom every spring only to perish quite fast afterwards because of its repeated blooming this tree is also a symbol for rebirth this kind of goes along with cherum as it goes between two forms all the time based on the weather goes from a looking down kind of bummed out kind of old thing to youthful and cheerful and full of energy only to become old and down again so it works it also works well with sawsbuck and deerling they change with the seasons and in spring they too have cherry blossoms shaynen has a special connection to flowers so much that game freak made up their own flower for it the gracidae however this flower shares quite a bit of similarities to the chinese hibiscus flower however while the hibiscus is a symbol of courage rapid growth and life which would tie in very nicely to the transformation of shaming into its sky form and its character development in its movie the end game flower however means thankfulness or gratitude also i just noticed it's kind of spelled like gracias which is thank you in spanish i'm glad those two years of spanish class are helping me here and shaman is the gratitude pokemon after all however according to the language of flowers hydrangeas are the most common flower associated with thank yous and gifts of appreciation and while not perfect they do kind of look like shaymin's flower maybe if you squint the next two pokemon are venusaur and vileplume as both have kind of similar flowers upon them though venusaurs may not actually be a flower but rather a flower-like tree so maybe this doesn't apply at all but the petals and size make me think that it is possibly based off of the rafflesia and then file plume is very much for sure that the ruffle sia is also known as the corpse lily because well it rakes to high heaven it smells like a corpse the reason is to attract not bees but flies to pollinate it however the rafflesia isn't really part of the language of flowers maybe because it's barely a flower to start with it's more of a parasitic attachment that happens to have a flower shape so yeah there's no there's no symbolism for it besides maybe if we made up some of our own it symbolizes death because it smells like a freaking corpse same thing with bellassum it's a hula dancer with smaller rafflesias on it specifically the reflecti which similarly is a parasitic flowering plant with no meaning in the language of flowers or otherwise and to ramp things up as this is like my favorite fun fact in this video let's discuss fomantis lorentis and the orchid a fun fact is that these pokemon are based on the orchid mantis a praying mantis that looks like an orchid so that it can hide amongst orchids to catch prey except these pokemon are not bug type they are just grass type this is where the faux part of fo mantis comes into play it's not actually a mantis it's not a bug trying to look like a plant like the mantis orchid it's a plant an orchid trying to look like a bug it's the reverse it's hilarious and i love it anyway the orchid has been attributed to love beauty fertility refinement thoughtfulness and charm green orchids mean good fortune blessings good health nature and longevity pink symbolize grace joy and happiness but also represents innocence and femininity the pink orchid that is these pokemon then fits the pokedex entry states that its elegant appearance has led some to call it the most glamorous grass pokemon thus it has grace and even the shiny coloration works which is why i love it so much the green orchid good fortune and longevity what else do you call shiny hunting and with all that said there you go the language of flowers such a beautiful thing applying meaning to plant genitals and all so peaceful and wonderful perfect for this time of year or any time of year why prioritize dates live love and life as always and don't care about your grammar but yeah live life and love life always not just at specific times of the year somewhat commonly known fun fact pikachu wasn't the original pick for the mascot pokemon originally it was clefairy but just how factual is this fun fact i mean you can't believe everything you read on the internet i mean could you imagine just think about health articles one week the article is scientists find that chocolate is good for you and the next week scientists find that chocolate causes cancer both were done by scientists so it must be science and the media always takes science as factual but then you actually dig in and read the studies they were referencing one analyzed a large group of people over a few years the other looked at 12 mice for a week i wonder which one is more true the media doesn't care media just wants clicks so what is the real story behind this clefairy claim is it completely factual or is it all just a clefable [Music] [Music] so where to even begin with this how about the beginning pokemon red and green released in japan february of 1996 and back then there wasn't really a mascot pokemon at all pikachu only appears in the first commercial for under half of a second just as a mix of all the other pokemon if anything charizard seems to be the main mascot it's on one of the boxes and opens the commercial even but that doesn't point to it being clefairy now either does it but what does however is the very first pokemon manga pokemon pocket monsters which released in april of 1996 just a few months after the launch of the game this manga is very weird but it was early gen 1. pokemon wasn't all that established and fleshed out yet they didn't have a concise world but just for reference pokemon looks could vary wildly i mean look at this charmander also in this manga pokemon can talk and even evolve backwards huh and notably in this manga red doesn't get a pikachu at least not at first his first pokemon that then becomes his main pokemon and the main character of the manga is his clefairy his oddly masculine super rude and super crude clefairy i should mention that this manga series is a comedy mainly slapstick and crude humor it entirely revolves around this clefairy i mean look at it you can tell that like it's a perverted danny devito kind of character it's great but like i said red eventually does get a pikachu but it's only slightly more important than his other other pokemon and still comes nowhere close to as important as clefairy it wasn't until a year later april of 1997 that the anime came out in japan and pretty much solidified pikachu as the mascot but up until that point clefairy basically was the mascot i suppose but only somewhat more than charizard this can't be the only reason people say it used to be a clefairy there's got to be more to the story and there is this book pikachu's global adventure is a documentary book focusing on how pokemon became the massive media franchise that it is and how it's beginning to fail notably this book came out in early gen 3 which gen 3 wasn't selling nearly as well as the first two gens so at the time it looked like pokemon was going to die and gen 3 was gonna be the last one so context anywho on top of documenting all this it also has interviews detailing some insider secrets that hadn't been revealed publicly at the time yet and one of the included statements detailed that there was no main pokemon character back when the games were made but clefairy was specifically chosen to be the main pokemon character for the manga series that launched soon after and then it eventually was swapped out for pikachu in the anime specifically in an attempt to attract younger female viewers as well as their mothers in their eyes pikachu was much cuter and cuddlier and better reflected the idea of a cute pet making the character more familiar to child viewers and one of the biggest reasons pikachu is yellow at the time the only other big yellow character was winnie the pooh so from a distance pikachu stands out amongst a crowd of pop culture characters so it's good for branding curious how the whole pink is for girls boys think it's icky didn't come up but just remember that's because it's japan especially at the time they had a vastly different culture compared to the west anyway that's not the only other source there's also this article by the yomiuri newspaper which was all about the origin of pikachu's design which includes interviews and to summarize it down to its most important parts pikachu was entirely just another pokemon in the beginning in fact pikachu wasn't even a mouse until after the design was finalized now that's a fun fact also there were only three pokemon designers at the time and they were good at making cool designs but they were having trouble making the cute ones so they hired on a miss atsuko nishida pokemon needed a woman's touch after all and with the new improved team of designers they started designing more cute pokemon including clefairy who even got a mountain story around it to emphasize it and push its branding more clever is cool it's basically the mascot it's got its own little story arc and pokemon game so then at the time it's clear to see that clefairy was more important than pikachu especially considering how rare they decided to make pikachu it was sort of to hide the pokemon and keep it exclusive to those willing to look for it they did this because they liked the design so much they wanted to make it special many people can go through verdi and fourth and not even see one you gotta look for it if you want this cute thing so ultimately it all came down to marketing and business they needed pokemon to have a face a mascot and they needed it to be a pokemon that appealed to most people and stood out as a mascot character and clefairy was not that and with the release of the anime and pokemon yellow pikachu was basically solidified as the truest of the pokemons so i hope you enjoyed this little history lesson got any other pokemon questions let me know down below and until next time you never stop using your noggin yeah it's good for you pikachu pika pika pika pika pika pika pika pika [Music] that was probably loud evie is never going to get another evolution that's right unlike literally every other poketuber coming up with the same gosh darn concepts for new evolutions that everybody else is i loxed in the magnificent am going to go against the grain and say evie isn't going to get a new eeveelution no in fact evie is done dead at least to me and maybe to some other people who knows evie has to be one of the most weird and wonky pokemon that this series has ever had i mean a generic cat rabbit dog fox with the mane now that's original plus eevee actually has an interesting evolution scheme i mean it changes what it evolves into based off of in-game items events and locations it utilizes almost every evolution mechanic minus just a few mainly ones that involve trading and that cool malamar upside down thing is there even any other pokemon that does that no no if evie did do that i wonder what type it would be probably ghost because you inverted its world and the opposite of life is death so clearly evie's not a one-trick pony it's an eight ruse dog puns aside i really can't see evie ever evolving into any of the remaining types sure there are plenty of fake amount for the other types but i feel like what we have now is all there will ever be that's why they released that super celebrate eevee statue it'd be really rude to release that and then a few months later announce a new one for sword and shield rude but don't worry there's way more evidence for it that i will explain in a minute right now the only eeveelution left that even seems feasible in my eyes is dragon and i doubt they would just drop that one in any old game if it's going to happen it's going to happen in sword and shield i mean dragons are pretty important to european myth and such and really why would they have waited so long to add another eevee i know all of you people out there love patterns so why would game freak break their pattern with sylveon and only release one new eevee and it just happens to be of the one new type they added well maybe until fairy was introduced they were out of types yes i know there are like nine other types if you count normal i mean that's half of the types but hear me out there is a neato little factoid that is the basis of most of all of this all of the eeveelutions share one thing already prior to gen 4 all of the eeveelutions all of the types that they were were considered special types as opposed to physical types for those of you who don't know what that means i'll explain you see before generation 4 instead of moves individually being either special or physical entire types were special or physical this defines how the pokemon attacks if it attacks with its body like a punch or if it hit you with magical powers like a flamethrower physical or special there are a few exceptions to this rule like earthquake but they are just that exceptions please leave it at that this is also how you determine what stat the pokemon will be utilizing the special attack stat affects moves like flamethrower but not fire punch which is based on attack and the defender uses their defense or special defense to block based on what that attack was this is the current system but prior to gen 4 rather than basing this physical or special attack distinction on individual moves it was based on the type of the move each type was considered a physical type or a special type most of these make sense rock steel fighting clearly physical fire electric water clearly all special as even now the majority of moves in that type are special not physical the only one that doesn't make a ton of sense at first is ghost i'm serious before gen 4 every single ghost type move was physical uh well no that was a little misleading you see every damage inflicting move was physical all the other moves were status inflicting moves which are neither special or physical and the ghost type is mostly status inducing moves another type that was only physical that was kind of odd was poison however it's not nearly as hard to figure out as to why that is compared to ghost you know those semi-corporeal beings that can just phase through objects yeah completely physical but technically yeah there was one more physical damage dealing move than special so it's a physical type now getting to eevee it's been every special type there is and i think there's a good reason for it every way it evolves is special that's right there isn't one eeveelution that evolves normally think about it the first three are evolved with a stone those stones are crazy magical the next two are evolved by the powers of the sun and moon and friendship last time i checked being outside in the sun and loved can't turn you into a psychic it's clearly special magic and last but not least the two that need to be near ancient sites of power i.e mossy rocks and icy stones oh wait i always forget the last one sylveon again it's the same argument as the gen 2 ones oh it's affectionate and it knows a fairy move it evolves into sylveon last time i checked if i really loved my onyx who happens to know toxic it wouldn't evolve into a poisonous snake imagine a naked stelix ew so the types that are left are the types that you know there's a good chance ev is never going to be otherwise known as the physical types first off normal i mean ev is already normal a second evolution that's just normal would be odd to add this late into the series i mean wouldn't it essentially just be its true form wouldn't sylveon or umbreon or espeon be closer to its true form one that is happy and loved or is being happy and loved not the true form of life let's avoid an existential crisis and continue with the video all of these types steel rock bug ghost poison dragon ground fighting they all don't really scream small fluffy mammal that's cute which is what eevee and its eeveelutions are plain truth over here kiddos they are factually cute i mean what are you gonna do just slap armor plating under your rabbit fox and call it a new pokemon i mean i know game freak is lazy but i would hope not that lazy though you know i have always wanted a ghost eevee that you evolved with just like a large rock that you drop onto your eevee ghost type nah these types they all fit a different theme i mean they already are they are physical not special but they also better fit cool or rad as the kids say these types do not cute fluffy things so easily and while a lot of fakemon fan art have good designs of what an eevee of those types could look like none of them really fit the official theming or much more importantly to pokemon these days the branding of eevee and its evolutions so this is where i add a fun little theory proposal kind of thing we ain't getting any more eeveelutions but that doesn't mean we can't get a new eevee a new pokemon that shares the same gimmick as eevee but using the physical types instead of the special ones now i'm no game design or character art genius so don't take my word as la please but i feel like a reptile or a bug would fit these typings a million times better than a small cat fox especially if you take branding into consideration again all of the evs are cute but most of these types that it isn't well they aren't so cute but they are pretty dang cool it makes sense then to make a cool insect or cool lizard or something anything that could realistically change drastically but non-magically you see that's the big difference between this new eevee thing and the old eevee the old eevee uses stones and other sources of magical energy trapped inside of things to evolve whereas our new eevee would use something more physical or perhaps it just evolves based on its stats similar to tyrogue or perhaps through trade items like i said the types that are left are all physical types it physically bonds with the thing during the weirdo process of trading so let's have some fun let's design our own fake mod that fills in the other half of the types the cool new lizard ev first let's look at evie it gets its name from the letter e and v from evolution because that's what it's all about and its eeveelutions all have eon in the name referring to a long amount of time how long it takes for evolution to actually occur our new pokemon should do the same refer to its whole concept of many evolutions but not be as direct as eevee perhaps we came up with this a generic lizard a iskink and we've named it skinka from the english word skink and the japanese word shinka which means evolution after all eevee is still basically named eevee in japanese so it's only fair for the next mon with the same gimmick to take from japanese even in the english translation being a skink works well too as out of all of the groups of lizards skinks are the most diverse also they have blue tongues and that's really cool skinca is about the same size as evie just without the fluff it's just normal type and these uniquely colored scales are all the primary colors of the types that it evolves into but how does it evolve well there are a few ideas that i really like and all of them fit into the physical theming to further differentiate it from evie one option for instance is that skinka learns many different types of moves pretty much just a huge move pool of all the physical type moves but only the sort of beginner type moves you know and perhaps after a certain point in leveling if it knows more moves of a particular type than the other types that's the type it will become to my memory there's no gimmick like this yet but if that's too complex to program there's always option two it evolves based on its hold item upon leveling up but a difference is that it has to level up a few times with it in a way it learns to rely on the item for its stat boosting effects so it prefers to use moves that it boosts so then it becomes that type they wouldn't even have to be new items for this new mod just use the ones that already exist like dragon scale which already turns things into dragons these items would include dragon scale steel coat for steel protector for rock and heck pretty much most of the otherwise useless trade items for specific pokemon that just take up inventory space because who actually wants half of these pokemon oh the heck wants this what even is this it would give all of those items another use another purpose besides just filling up the inventory plus if not just those there are also items of every type not just the physical that increase the power of the moves of that type these would be a perfect way to almost show the skinka what type it should be specializing in okay skinka skik here's a bag of soft sand these increase the power of your ground type moves you know what this means right you're going to be using a lot more ground type moves kinka it sure would be awesome if you also got a stab bonus by evolving into that type you know [Music] kink many hours later you're evolving oh all right so i'll admit we aren't the best with names but we played around with the idea of every evolution ending with gen as in generation as adaptation and evolution happens across generations we also tried era a long period of time and we even tried die a japanese kanji that denotes time passing yakudai for instance can translate to eternity or 100 generations but we couldn't come up with good names for all of the evolutions using just one of these so i'll just list the names we came up with as they appear i'm sure in the comments you'll tell me significantly better ones but this is dredgin from dredge meaning to dig and jen other names could be terra or daiger it's based on the shovel snouted lizard mixed with a broad tail lizard it digs super fast because of its shovely shape and even has the extra eyelid to protect its eyes when in the sand and this is stalagin or bold eye boldera or dye rock it's the rock type evolution and it's based on the armadillo lizard which likes to curl up and roll around this pokemon uses roll out a lot and has rocky spikes like stalagmites along its back steel is neat we came up with the names diluminum adamandi anody and such as it's a lizard with a belly that looks like it's made of anodized steel it's inspired from the granite spiny lizard's belly and well anodized steel its scales are very shiny and metallic and we played around with plenty of ideas with steel or chainmail armor as well flying is like the opposite of steel and there are several flying lizards or at least gliding ones but glygar can only glide too and it's flying type for names we have dissent era or sorgin and we really wanted to avoid making it look too dragony as there are plenty of dragons already but no flying lizard pokemon and look it even has the stupid neck flag thing it's so dumb bug was a bit tricky while a lizard suddenly turning into a bug makes more sense than evie doing so it still doesn't make a lot of sense but notably not all bug type pokemon are bugs dwebble is a hermit crab so perhaps to be a bug means to have a carapace or an exoskeleton which most bugs do which led us to the name and the idea of this lizard being based on the large-scale girdled lizard specifically one that lost its tail to appear more bug-like and it has a few massive scales thick and large to the point where they act just as an exoskeleton a carapace it has become not a bug but bug-like maybe it can even get a buggish jaw the fighting type evolution is bludgeon direl fudai or tetsu dai it's a monitor lizard which is a huge and very territorial aggressive lizard it stands upright it's ripped and its tail is built like a tetsubo the japanese war club it could even take its old shedded skin and use them as fighting bandages and similar to how all of the eeveelutions are about the same size but sylveon is big this one is big too compared to the others poison was really easy to figure out there are loads of venomous lizards let's name it dijksic venera dissera or pathogen or something and to help differentiate this mod we went with the thrilled lizard it also has the body of the rough-skinned newt which is rough-skinned and is covered in a deadly toxin in other words please do not lick it ghost has the names ectody diplasm ethera or ectogen it's a pale creepy gecko like a spooky gargoyle gecko but with piles of super flaky old damaged skin all over it giving it the creepy classical ghost look and lastly for dragon we came up with some simple names daigon draguera draggin legend dragon just makes the most sense really i mean it's a dragon easy there dragons are just big lizards but we wanted to keep it distinct from flying so it doesn't have wings rather it just has draconic magic powers in this case powerful all seeing dragon eyes i have special eyes we based this on the eastern horned lizard but with more dragon properties this lizard is able to shoot blood out of its eyes as a defense mechanism but that's kind of gross and dark for pokemon so instead it just has magical dragon eyes it shoots its dragon attacks from its eyes rather than its mouth similar to how snorlax shoots hyper beams from its eyes and look here the blood thing is still referenced in the red stripes beneath the eyes also it too is big because of its draconic influence it's on par with the fighting lizard and that's our idea and again these are just some of our ideas heck i honestly don't even like some of them but even these are better than a lot of the fake eevees you see a cat with fists a rabbit and armor a fluffy dog that flies with its tail no thanks shoot get shoo so what do you think of our idea for a different eevee how would you improve upon it or are you furries too obsessed with this thing to accept anything else finishing off the types would you leak so what do you think is the branding of evie evidence that it will continue to get more types or does the branding of eevee as a cute fluffy special thing mean that it's done hello hello and welcome to this episode of why pokemon why where i finally tell you the answers to these questions you've had all your entire life questions such as why are there pokemon that are shaped like pokeballs or why do pokemon evolve when you trade them today we're going to be looking at what the heck voltorb really is and why it's what it is and while we're on the topic we will also cover fungus and mungus the pokeball colored pokemon also because something funky is happening here and it's not the shrooms no no it is definitely game freak right so let's start with what even is voltorb or electrode for that matter i mean they are already pretty weird but it doesn't help that they are the same exact colorations as pokeballs and aren't these animals supposed to be super powerful as well as capable of existing this one just explodes all the time i mean what kind of evolutionary advantage is exploding with self-destruct plus according to the pokedex it rolls to move if the ground is uneven a sudden jolt from hitting a bump can cause it to explode what who thought this was a good idea what we're both rubs and electrodes like oh yes i will pass on my exploding genes to further advance our species it makes no sense but this is pokemon after all even the pokedex doesn't fully understand where they came from and well neither do i well technically i do know where they come from game freak but in universe they seem to have evolved alongside humanity and their pokeball production in fact it seems like they are fairly recent as they look similar to the modern design for pokeballs unlike the older style that we see in the anime and movies i mean magirna also looks kinda like a pokeball but she's an automaton that was constructed by humans voltorb is a bit more mysterious in fact its first sighting was at a large manufacturing plant for pokeballs and this is where we get into our first theory of what voltorb is doing it's using camouflage to better survive in its environment think about it even the slightest touch will cause them to explode with violent energy this normally ends in the pokemon fainting how fainted pokemon recover in the wilds has always given me a headache when i try and think about how they continue to live i mean this world is full of extreme predators laying passed out in the middle of open land is super dangerous but back to camouflage there are two types of it the first is normally used by mammals and birds this is where the animal uses its body colors to mask its appearance thus allowing it to blend with its most typical environment like leopard spots are there to imitate the dappled shadows of the forest or birds that have feather colors and patterns that blend with tall grass or tree bark these types of camouflage have evolved over time and are most common in mammals and birds even aquatic animals such as fish whales and penguins all use a type of coloration that makes them more difficult to be seen darker on top to hide in the darkness of the ocean when looking down and lighter underneath to hide in the bright sunlight when looking up this adaptation however happens extremely slowly and sort of by accident so i don't really think voltorb follows this method even if it is darker on top light or on the bottom the second way an animal camouflages itself is a more active way by literally changing the color or pattern of their skin to mimic their surroundings this happens with animals like chameleons or cephalopods heck even some mammals can change their fur depending on the season like the arctic fox white during the winter dark brown black during the summer now i don't really think voltorb is able to change its color actively to match its area however the shiny coloration does look similar to a great ball which could be a bit of evidence of that but they don't just change you know though i would love a voltorb of every ball although that could get pretty messy as there are quite a few pokeballs now but back to its camouflage camo in general is used for two things to live or to eat which is basically to live again but in a different way so well if you want to eat something you need to avoid being spotted until you get close enough for the kill when amongst a group of predators competing for the same resources the prey in this example the predator which is not spotted easily has the advantage thus they will make more kills they will eat more they will use that energy to produce more offspring simple math simple adaptation and evolution on the flip side we have prey camouflage which is all about avoiding being seen and eaten if an organism's brother who is more visible is eaten while the more hidden organism survives it has one more day to live a chance to continue playing the game of life and having more offspring which will have its better hidden genes in voltorb's case it doesn't rely on prey or anything besides electricity but it makes sense that it would want to hide just because they are so volatile you know you knock it it explodes so they want to hide but that of course is just one theory and we have another now i'm gonna lay it on the line in layman's terms not beating around the bush anymore voltorb and electrode they are mimics more importantly they are mimics because of game design more so than lore pokemon is an rpg no matter how you slice it and one of the most iconic enemies from rpgs is the mimic something that is similar looking to loot or treasure in the overworld that then ends up being a trap punishing overzealous players and rewarding cautious play in fact mimics originated in one of the most classic rpgs there is dungeons and dragons dnd way back in 1974 the mimic was a simple creature just a small trap that would add a little spice into the relatively easy time that was looting spoils i mean just think who knew that a chest could eat you whole as far as you knew you were opening something that contains boots of the strider but nope instead you get boots of get eaten no nelson may be saying no voltorb is not a chest mimics our treasure chests duh and while you're right it's not a chest you're still wrong in pokemon the way they normally would show a treasure or item of some sort in the overworld is through a pokeball on the overworld so that's what a mimic would be mimicking plus mimics were never just chests to begin with sure popular media has made them to be reduced to just greedy ravenous things that take the form of a chest and gets its hands on all the treasure hunters but that's not what they were originally they used to be hyper-intelligent extremely stealthy and dangerous enemies capable of changing into well all sorts of things i heard once that a mimic stood unnoticed in the middle of town for years until they found a pile of bones in one of the nearby sewers it was the well it had to be the well back to pokemon mimics are an integral part of rpgs and pokemon is an rpg so while voltorb is based off of a mimic we really need to understand why it wants to do what it's doing by which i mean why would it want to be touched it's a mimic it's attracting people now it knows people will touch pokeballs on the floor so why is it trying to do that if it can be knocked and then boomed well we do have a small theory as to why it's camouflaged itself as a defective pokeball at least in the earlier games it's missing its button and electrode is even more defective as it's put together upside down and who would want to pick that up and that is absolutely the greatest theory we've ever made on this channel what is a sphere doing here you're not a pokeball go gosh dang it my drink oh my goodness dang it though another theory that also goes into what voltorb even is i covered on this channel years ago by which i mean it was one of the first videos on the channel like super early in summary it's a possessed pokeball i mean the eyes on voltorb are just like haunters the original ghost trio love possessing things and playing tricks on trainers some may get the idea that it'd be pretty funny to possess a pokeball problem is a pokeball is made to contain pokemon so well the ghost possessed it but because of all the technology in it it can't get out it is now trapped possessing the pokeball forever this mischievous ghost decides it might as well keep playing tricks on trainers by acting as a mimic but considering it's a pokeball it needs electricity so they hang out around factories and power plants too not the most detailed theory but it does explain their origin and their role as mimics so maybe it is a good theory not all theories need stupid amounts of evidence you don't need to spend 20 minutes explaining something that could take three sentences people but interestingly voltorb and electrode are not the only stand in mimic mons fungus and domoongus are also both mimic pokemon but they instead want to be touched for totally different reasons much like the mimic they need humans to live but not because they want to eat them perhaps instead they need things to touch them to spread their spores similar to those sticker bushes that you always have to pull out of your dog's hair essentially hitchhikers that are catching a ride to go live abroad in fact fugus is a better example of predatory camouflage while voltorb is a good prey camouflage one wants you to be close and the other wants you to miss it perhaps i mean after all fungus has the button so it's perfectly suited to get trainers to touch it it's not defective at all and then a mungus has even more pokeballs a more enticing thing oh man not just one but three pokeballs in a pile that sounds great it's similar to how the anglerfish uses its lure to attract its prey in the dark and in fact it's not just trainers of the pokeball attracts it stated that it can attract other pokemon as well now this is just a theory but remember that pokemon like to be caught by strong trainers and pokeballs are a trainer's tools so it's almost like fungus sort of needs man without humans there would be no fungus after all or at least not the one we know however the pokedex does state that not many pokemon fall for its tricks but that means some do and well if it works sometimes then at least it's able to eat its prey and or spread its spores sometimes even a partially successful hunter continues to live another day plus i mean its name is foon or fool it's obviously trying to fool people into touching it again super similar to the classic mimic just a touch to be glued to the devious monster but in this case it's just a touch to explode into a large cloud of poisonous spores so you faint and can be slowly eaten or explode into a big cloud of breeding spores to attach to you and eventually fall off somewhere else so that it can spread its genes or maybe it's both spores at once and your body gets poisoned and you continue walking and eventually collapse fainted dead and the breeding spores well they hatch and they slowly start creeping under your skin and start sucking the nutrients from your body and then you have more super cute among us all over your corpse why are they so cute and creepy ah spring is here and i'm outside i don't like it but hey it's a bunch of pretty trees behind me and by which i mean we're too late we're way too late here's a bunch of petals in my face look at all these petals on the floor it's been torrential rain ever since we started spring and we've been waiting for years to be here during the really pretty times but nope nature just says no every time it's cherry city otherwise known as salem oregon also it's one of the tree capitals of the united states which just means that there's a really high tree to person that lives here ratio or something like that so when you think of cherry blossom pokemon what do you think of you think cherum that's quite a forgettable one it's number 420 though so there's that but then there's always sauzbuk spring form and that's the pokemon we're going to be talking about today anyway the lighting out here is terrible and the audio probably is too so let's go back to the studio which is over here off camera ah okay well it's spring and spring has definitely sprung and that means it's time to spring into action and spring clean my theory ideas list no i'm not scraping the bottom of the barrel that's josh's job i'm more of a barrel scraping supervisor and there isn't anything quite as simple and clean as a pokemon lore and design video and with the ability to shoot on location with all of the beautiful cherry blossoms i thought why not do a pokemon that ties to cherry trees somehow [Music] so you're asking yourself cherum and truby and sazbuck nah i'll leave bye i'll come back next week when you cover something at least vaguely interesting but hang on just wait you've made it this far i mean you clicked and that that really warms my heart and plus these pokemon actually have really interesting and to be quite honest quite funny origins well by they i mean they just saucebug saucebox origins are really crazy i mean it's a pretty basic pokemon i get it mixed up with stantler all the time so you may ask how could this easily forgotten pokemon be interesting well it's got a really cool mechanic that i really wish they hadn't just made the gimmick of the week as most of game freaks ideas do but uh the season's mechanic along with weather and day and night cycles really helped add to the feeling of immersion and playing rpgs it's awesome the in-game reason that salzbuck changes its appearance is that it migrates along with the changing of the seasons like how birds fly south for the winter and wildebeest migrate to feed crocodiles every year and it's not just stantler's body that changes see i did it again the planche thing that lives on stantler sauzbuck the plant that lives on saw's bucks horns antlers are the antlers are the antlers plants or are they antlers with plants on them [Music] well either way the plantlers change based off of the season two just like many other plants but not like most plants in pokemon it's weird that only one pokemon really changes with the seasons you know such a missed opportunity come on game freak another thing to point out is that seasons in game only last 28 days like what does the planet even look like so many questions anyway so many side tracks the dex entry is rather interesting they migrate according to the seasons people can tell the season by looking at saw's buck's horns ah yes because they can't just look around them to figure that out no now anyway again this is where i come to the first thing that is really odd yet interesting first off deer do actually migrate in the real world so this is a nice refreshing piece of truth coming from game freak however if sazbuck migrated like almost imagine i could see a problem with this deck's entry a lot of people think migratory means hey it's good kind of snowy let's go south to where it's nice and warm and you'd be right that's really common but if this were the case then the plant on its horns would never need to die off or really even be a deciduous tree at all oh and for those of you who don't know deciduous trees are the types of trees that die off in winter and bloom in spring though they don't really die rather they just hibernate and slowly grow off of storage sugars and then spring ushers the last bit of sugars to burst forth and regrow all of the leaves anyway again tangents the key here is that the pokedex entry does not say where to or how they migrate so we can assume it's similar to real deer what's with the voice cracks deer don't migrate like other animals and even then not all deer migrate and those that do really only migrate once a year normally only coming down off of their safe mountains to the warmer valleys all to avoid being buried in the snow and being unable to find food this basically means that they only really move down in elevation a little bit but they still live in the snowy areas or frostbitten landscapes during the winter there still is snow but not as much snow like their surroundings aren't just snow which is why sauzbuck's plantlers need to hibernate because sazbuck is too lazy to move further south or perhaps it's unable to possibly it has a dietary restriction everyone has dietary restrictions nowadays now while the reasons for its season changes make pretty good sense why even make a deer have a tree for antlers anyway i mean why would that make sense well really it does in fact make complete sense i mean in a way antlers are very similar to trees first of all looking like long branching sticks that are rigid and brown i'm sure there are plenty of myths of people seeing something they thought to be a deer but it was really just a scraggly bush however i think the real question here is why a cherry tree well there are a few possibilities as to why a cherry tree one it really and i mean really signifies spring especially in japan and in my part of oregon why they decided to plant a ton of cherry trees here i don't know i'll probably look that up in a few seconds oh wow it was just some dude that really liked cherries so he brought a bunch of them with him on the oregon trail and that's the story as for saw's buck the cherry tree is super important to japanese culture and the symbolism of new beginnings it's perfect to represent the cycle of the seasons but even that may not be the sole reasoning for this pokemon's existence as there is a story a tale a fable perhaps about a man hunting a deer and he ran out of ammo a very common thing when you have to carry around all your shots and you miss all the time because ancient guns are chaotic but the man sees a deer just up ahead and not wanting it to escape he loads his rifle with cherry seeds as they are very similar in shape to the shot he normally used he fires and lands the strike on the deer however the seeds fail to kill the deer because they are seeds not bullets so it runs away then years later he claimed to have seen a deer with a cherry tree growing from its head the seeds then were embedded in its skin this is the tale of a man named baron manchausen a famous baron based off of the real-life baron hieronymus carl friedrich i'm probably mispronouncing is this guy check out that name this guy and if this tale is true or not is a matter of debate as there were many grand hunting tales told back then but such a thing is possible this dude had a pine tree sapling growing in his lung and have it surgically removed but anyway we see this tale come to life along with plenty of springly symbolism in sazbuck a gimmick man from one of the forgotten gens that in my opinion is the pinnacle of pokemon but whatever did you know that there are like a billion things in the pokemon world and a lot of them are crazy i know amazing right but the one thing that i really just always enjoyed is how game freak almost always uses shelder as a baseline for pokemon abilities i also love that gamefreak back in the day used to say pretty much anything they wanted lore aside here's a pokedex entry from pokemon yellow its shell can withstand any attack however when it's open the tender body is exposed notice how it says any attack it's only weak when opened but then we see that it's directly contradicted by like a billion other pokedex entries stating a certain pokemon can break its shell i mean it's the stinkin diamond thing all over again actually yeah they do even state that shelder's shell is harder than diamond they even restated it in pokemon moon a recent title so what gives what's going on and how hard is it really to open shelter's shell this stupid little tongue clan [Music] and this is where a little bit of my useless knowledge comes in diamond isn't actually all that crazy sure it is the hardest mineral but hardness isn't what you think in terms of science such as mineralogy and no not the hippy-dippy alchemy mumbo-jumbo the real mineralogy that looks at real actual minerals and such in that hardness is pretty much a minerals ability to resist scratching from another material and it is not to be confused with the metallurgy definition of hardness which is what most people think and looking at shelter it's not metal all right it's not stated that it's hard as steel or hard as a titanium gold alloy or something no it says it's as hard as diamond so we can take diamonds into context thus mineralogy not metallurgy so realistically yes its shell could very well be harder than diamonds and that's super helpful for it not getting scratched meaning not getting eroded away by the crashing waves flinging sand all over the place everywhere like jerks but the statement it's harder than diamonds really isn't super helpful when it comes to crushing or shattering or just obliterating motions however that's not to say pokemon that are able to get into the tender inside of shoulder are pushovers you hear their pokemon they're insanely strong that's how they work they're monsters that fit in your pocket but they're world enders every single one of them but before we start talking about those let's start by just talking about these clams shelder and cloister are both incredibly defensive beasts i mean clister is the only water type pokemon to boast a base defense stat of 180 so competitively they are also very defensive beasts makes good sense though it's a clam and yes even cloister despite it having oyster in the name it is more so a clam the closest real world creature to cloister is the thorny oyster which is named wrong because it's technically a clam great so overall clams and oysters alike went down the defensive route on the skill tree completely ignoring speed to the point where they don't really move at all but that's fine most animals are unable to open the shells so they don't bother trying except for otters and a few others and in the case of otters it's just because they're smart they have little hand things so they manage and there's only so many otters so clams survive through both their defensive shell and their high population numbers however in the pokemon world many creatures are more powerful than a mere otter likewise sheldor's shell makes up for it by being just as ridiculous but in this evolutionary arms race currently it would seem sheldor is on the losing side at the moment it has loads of predators that can crack it open with no problem and we are going to talk about them let's start with one of the more odd pokemon that's able to crack its shell that being rufflet now you would think that this tiny bird wouldn't be able to crack the shell of such a crazy beast but its pokedex entry reads with its powerful legs and sturdy claws it can crack even the hard shells of shelder and pluck out their insides i mean yeah it's a bird birds can crack hard nuts and seeds with their beaks and even crack into bones of small prey so let's go ahead and just put this baby bird into this toppest of tears of pokemon strength it's able to break shoulder's shell yes come on game freak that's not how you add lore game freak that's how you break lore just like this poor clams shell i feel like this pokemon has gained a rather sizable amount of misinformation regarding itself or perhaps it's because of the classic it's all 10 year olds gathering the data theory thing that's spread around all over the place notably though real world eagle grip strength is nothing short of pretty impressive being upwards of 400 psi or pounds per square inch for context humans normally have a grip strength of only 140 on the high end and we don't have long talons but rufflet isn't the only thing said to be able to break its shell another recent entry from gamefreak's hate towards the shelter is bruxish it's said that even shelder's shell is no match for its teeth and while i do understand that this is because of the coral eating fish what there's fish that just eat coral stupid fish bruxish has improperly designed teeth for crushing hard objects i mean it does have super sharp teeth but because of that they would dull so quickly when chewing on rock or a shell that's harder than diamond brooksish is much more suited for eating fleshy fish when tearing off chunks of flesh all the time with its teeth not crushing hard things that's bad but really though how can a fish that grinds its teeth together constantly have such sharp chompers bruxism is the grinding down of teeth after all i feel like they must be using their teeth to actually grab onto the huge fleshy tongue of shelter to get to those tasty insides more so than the other way around even amastar amastar used to hunt prehistoric shoulder using their beak-like mouths to open their shells now an unknown amount of time has passed since then so in that time evolution must have taken place so imagine how much weaker sheldor's poor little shell was back then i bet the first time an amistar preyed upon a modern shelder it was in for a shock when it bit down on something quite a lot tougher than they used to be as remember amastar is a fossil pokemon so they went extinct and then only recently were brought back to life jurassic park style so it's not entirely clear that amistar is actually able to break the shell currently that is yes it used to but again it's definitely gotten harder that's how nature do after all i mean it was also nature that ended up causing amistar to go extinct unlike our friend sheldor and a lot of that evolution towards stronger and tougher harder shells is likely thanks to another arms race one that's still going on today in the pokemon world and that is the battle between shielder and kingler kingler is said to be capable of prying open shielder and even cloister shells using its 10 000 horsepower pincer excuse me what horsepower 10 000 horsepower no no it doesn't even have an engine why would you record a crab's pinching power in horsepower i mean horsepower was invented by the same guy who figured out watts james watts and pretty much it states that one horse could pull about 33 000 foot-pounds per minute yeah it's a unit of energy based not only on different factors in the imperial system which is bad enough but also based on a horse what a horse can pull one foot in a minute that's dumb and so so variable like what if your horse is fat come on different breeds of horse have different strengths and weaknesses too so like but regardless of how dumb it is most market cars don't even go over 500 horsepower heck i think my ford fusion has 200 not even a ferrari 355 f1 can be anywhere close to that it only is around 375 horsepower you know what here's a video clip of an horsepower drag truck versus a 10 000 horsepower dragster and the truck gets a pretty big head start too and why did they do this because humans have an unnatural need for speed also red bull now that that is a lot of power i mean if kingler used that power over one second that means the arm is capable of burst energy up to 7 million 456 999 joules basically 7.4 mega joules or just a couple of pounds of high explosives a joule is a unit of energy by the way if you didn't know that this crab is crazy and you know what that's not even a good explanation i'm gonna do it better really first off why would you even record it in horsepower it's like measuring how fast you're going in your car in meters per second per second sure you're not wrong but it's not super useful in terms of common knowledge i mean the horsepower number we have isn't all that helpful without first knowing how fast the crab closes its claw so for example and and in an estimation if it closes its claw at five meters per second then the ten thousand horsepower would equal one million four hundred and ninety one thousand three hundred ninety nine newtons of power about a fourth of a rocket ship's power i mean the closest animal in the real world would be the saltwater crocodile with a bite force of 16 000 newtons yeah that's what we're dealing with plus if you remember that kingler is four feet tall this crab is terrifying there's a reason one of its abilities is hyper cutter i mean i know it's a big claw but aren't claws supposed to be good at pinching not opening imagine how hard kingler's own shell or exoskeleton would need to be to withstand the pressure of that much power being used to open a stupid clan and even then it stated in one cloistered deck's entry that once it slams its shell shut it is impossible to open even by those with superior strength then that means machamp wouldn't be able to open this thing heck i think that kindler then is the only thing that could and all this is because of co-evolution however though kingler isn't crushing these mons but instead is opening them which is said to not even be possible that is until ultra-sun had to go and ruin it all with the addition of more floor if you yank on its soft tongue the shelter will open in shock why didn't kingler just evolve some fingers to pull its tongue i'll never know that instead it got a 10 000 horsepower claw that it can't even wave around for more than a few seconds before getting tired as the dex entry puts it it waves its huge oversized claw in the air to communicate with others but since the claw is so heavy this pokemon quickly tires but still that 10k pinchy prior is what it takes to reliably open these shells crazy so yeah these things are insanely strong but i mean they are clams after all though you'd think with all that strength they'd be more of a muscle i'm sorry so here's an interesting thought theory thing personally i think that alolan shelder are much weaker in comparison to their mainland counterparts let's look at the data kingler is not native to the alola island group while shelder can be found there and there are plenty of predators that prey upon shelters in alola or at least pokemon that we've seen recently hunting them in alola essentially rufflet and bruxish as far as we know both are only able to prey upon the weaker shelled shelder in alola as it was in alola the alolan pokedex that we got these pokedex entries after all meanwhile back in kanto you need the power of a kingler to do so and both shelder and kingler are constantly upgrading through evolution it's pretty much the same reason europe advanced so much faster than the rest of the world in the olden days the constant war and inter-fighting between all the different kingdoms made them constantly advance their military technology conflict gets stuff done heck even more recently microwaves nuclear power microchips the internet freeways even all researched and invented and expanded for war related reasons back to the pokemon though fun fact kingler's offensive stat is almost the same as the clam's defensive stats in balance they are constantly in the end though we are left with the question of how hard is it to crush shelder's supposedly impenetrable shield really kingler may actually be overkill with its force of a quarter of a rocket ship for all we know you may only need the power of a little fire newt that was bred with perfect stats or something like that in the pokemon world gameplay over lore just constantly in these games the squid sisters have a secret we know they aren't really sisters but are they even squids okay okay i know that sounds weird they're the squid sisters they're inklings right hear me out have you ever looked at the squid sisters their ears their eyes they aren't normal they're different from most inklings in fact the idols in general are all slightly different from the inklings and octolings that we play as in the games and this may be no accident if we take a gander at the evolution chart from the first games sunken squirrel number 10 we see that inkling's ears being like isosceles triangles evolved directly from the shape of their mantle the ear shape then is indicative of their origin species this is corroborated by the fact that octolings evolved from octopodes and thus have round ears similar to an octopus mantle and what ear shape do we observe in the squid sisters they aren't the regular isosceles almost equilateral triangles like the playable inklings no they're long flat on the top and curved on the bottom they don't resemble the mantles of squids or octopi they resemble the mantles of cuttlefish and who would have thunk it their grandfather cap and cuttlefish also shares this ear shape and it's worth noting that the idol's pupils are also different they're cross-shaped in real life squid eyes tend to have round pupils like the inklings whereas cuttlefish pupils are more w-shaped it's also worth noting that while octolings typically have round pupils like inklings marina has barbell-shaped pupils more closely resembling the rectangular pupils of actual octopodes of course it's worth noting that splatoon is fairly loose with how close or not its races are to their origin species for example we have seen gastropod-based species both with full humanoid body types and with well a gastropod body stomach foot that's what it means flow a sea slug has a stump from the waist down ending in a foot and well one of the members of sashimori is this she literally just is a person with a sea snail for a head what do you say to something like that and yes i am telling you that the two characters whose grandfather is literally named captain cuttlefish are cuttlefish not squids it's a pretty obvious in hindsight isn't it though we actually see some evidence of this in other places firstly the elephant in the room pearl's forehead i mean pearl i can hear you now in the splatfest art her ears are shaped like that of an inkling and she has cross-shaped pupils what do you say to that and to that i say dear viewer we're going back to the octo expansion again we just keep using the octo expansion to justify stuff it really packs a lot of lore in there do you remember this scene well if we observe that scene and better yet if we observe her in-game model directly we see that her ears are small and rounded much like the mantle of her japanese namesake the himeika or the northern pygmy squid which isn't quite a squid at all it's more closely related to the you guessed it the cuttlefish kali's japanese namesake as well the aori ika or big fin reef squid also has superficial similarities to cuttlefish given the shape of the fin around its mantle however it is worth considering that in general splatoon character names are not always one to one with their species cramend named for crayfish is a shrimp krusty sean is also a shrimp despite in japanese being named robu after a lobster names in splatoon seem to be very loose but before you think they're not really squids is sort of unprecedented there actually are cuttlefish idols canon to splatoon in the octo expansion art book haikara walker there are images of mini cds found in c14 stick and move station among them are this a picture of what the book describes as cuttlefish idols and we know for a fact that they are cuttlefish idols because the book calls them koika rather than simply ika which more correctly refers to the super order of decapodaforms which means it could mean squid or cuttlefish do you see anything familiar here longer ears in the case of the darker-skinned idol whose ears are more defined curved on the bottom and drooping downwards also cross-shaped pupils and most surprisingly of all on the lighter skinned idol tentacles that change color at the tips a feature that is exclusive to the idols we've seen until now and captain cuttlefish perhaps such a feature is exclusive to cuttlefish as the only other time we have seen this is in a member of the band ink theory an inkling named yoko but in this case every tentacle is fully a different color and it is described per inkopedia as a mutation that comes at the cost of being sensitive to changes in barometric pressure particularly during very sunny or rainy days that is very unlike the two-toned tentacles we see sported by these cuttlefish idols as well as the idols in each game and it would be very questionable for cali marie or marina to be the capable fighters that they are if they had such a weakness the same goes for captain cuttlefish as well who is even a decorated veteran of the great turf war so clearly yoko is vastly different from them interestingly we have also seen pictures of the squid sisters and pearl as children in splatoon sunken squirrel 17 and splatoon 2 sunken scroll number one notice anything interesting they aren't in the typical inkling child stage it is said that inklings typically do not have a full humanoid form until 14 years of age however it is noted that some inklings can develop a humanoid form early is that a scientific fact though or a mistake motivated by misidentifying what i will from here on call cuddlings as regular inklings given that our only examples of this are kylie marie and pearl i think this is worth considering now it is also worth addressing that some fan artists have suggested that the cross-shaped pupils and different ear shape may be signs of inkling physical maturity as the inklings we play as are much younger than these idols however if we reference this art from the shio karabushi traditional version video posted on nintendo's japanese youtube channel we can see both cross-shaped pupils and flat topped bottom curved ears on the squid sisters as children and given how many frames this shows up in and that it is corroborated by the sunken scrolls just mentioned i feel like that debunks the physical maturity argument and there is further evidence to be considered as well do you remember how we keep stressing that inklings don't have bones well what if i told you that unlike squids cuttlefish have an internal structure called a cuddle bone and that kelly and marie and their grandfather captain cuttlefish have on multiple occasions referred to having bones i guess that's a cuddle bone then squids of course have a somewhat similar structure a gladius however it is significantly more flexible explaining why cuddlings would have bone-like structures and inklings wouldn't of course though this calls our past videos into question where we use the squid sister's shoulder blades as evidence though these are all just theories i'm not going to say it now let's get through some things that can be disproven by looking at translations as these carry less weight then we'll get on to the more significant examples firstly we have a quote from marie in stage 14 of hero mode 2 parking garage surprised you haven't broken any bones well squids don't have bones so never mind the implication of this of course is that marie briefly forgot to hold the facade of being a squid and thus having no bones unfortunately as is the case with many lines in splatoon's translation it has been punched up for effect credit to samuel obscure messner translator of team spaceworld for translating the original japanese for us which reads as follows wow this is back breaking work but keep going up though if translated literally it would read your bones sure break easily keep going up which obviously makes no sense secondly we have a quote from captain cuttlefish in the octo expansion i'm pooped agent eight gonna rest my cuddle bones here for a bit unfortunately this again was punched up for the translation in the original japanese what he says is more to the effect of i'm going to take a rest for a short while it's not so helpful but if we look at the dialogue for black bailey's gate part syncopoulos news bumps in the first game we get something more promising cauli i'm bad at skateboarding i'd probably break a boon marie squids don't have bones but whatever and translated from the original japanese this one actually still holds up kelly i don't like skateboarding i feel like i'd break a bone or something marie we don't have bones like the parking garage quote this shows a temporary slid up of the tongue kali being a bit of an air head at times forgot to hold her facade of being a squidling an inkling being a squid and marie had to remind her in a way that doesn't draw too much attention of course we do know that ingopolis news is scripted see the squid sister's remarks during the mountain food vs seafood splatfest but as someone who's worked in the news industry news anchors go off the script constantly adding in bits of their personality or thoughts now and again or coming up with something on the fly and messing up all of the pre-planned camera angle changes and they especially do this when they're talking about something fun like a festival or an event or something so that's very possible and of course it's worth noting that captain cuttlefish has a visible rib cage so cuddling's got bones another thing of note is the japanese name for the squid sisters jio karazu it's my pronunciation of it anyway this is a portmanteau of shiokara or salted fermented seafood in trails and colors most people are aware of the ika shiokara implication but what many may not realize is that ika shiokara is typically made not with squid in trails but with the entrails of cuttlefish it's all coming together but i can hear you asking now why would they do this why would these cuddlings choose to hide amongst inklings instead of making themselves known well it is important to remember that this is not unprecedented when the octoling refugees from octo canyon came on to inkopolis instead of making themselves known what was it they did they passed themselves off as inklings following a strange hairstyle fad octopodes were thought to be extinct after the great turf war led to their exile to the dilapidated human domes and it was likely assumed that if they suddenly re-emerged without any sort of cover story it would cause some sort of mass panic in the public both among those who thought they were gone and among those who remembered the great turf war i mean we saw captain cuttlefish's deliberately portrayed as racist initial reaction to this and he continued his well-intended but still insensitive behavior towards marina during the octo expansion so it could be problematic if such behavior became a widespread issue so it is feasible then that like the octolings after them cuddlings would choose to hide among inklings encouraged by their close physical resemblance to them which is not unlike real-life cuttlefish's ability to camouflage using the chromatophores in their skin it is then also possible that since cali marie and pearl already have experience hiding amongst inklings and with agent 8's direct connection to the new squid beak splatoon and marina being immediately aware when the octolings arrived in negopolis these cuddlings helped the octolings devise a strategy to blend in it's also possible that given the games are very japanese in nature the intended distinction between inklings and octolings is decopatiforms versus octopodiforms in which case squid inklings and cuttlefish inklings are a different species but considered part of the same group or as octopus aren't completely different regardless though the fact that both inklings and cotylings are both decapoda forms explains why cuddlings would side with the inklings during the great turf war so i suppose you could say that they aren't the squid sisters they are the cuttlefish cousins but that just leaves the issue of marina if she isn't a regular octoling what is she well that's probably a question for never look who it is it's me loxton and i'm back with another water type video because man oh man do i just love looking at all of the water types again fish salt water or fresh water because when it comes to real world water breathers this is an incredibly important distinction to make it's a matter of life and death but what is the difference and how does it apply to pokemon let's find out [Music] so what really is the big deal when it comes to salt water or fresh water and i mean who cares because you shouldn't even be able to get oxygen from the water that's so much more work so inefficient why are fish so stupid so getting right into it fish actually don't breathe i mean in the traditional sense in fact what they do instead has a bunch of its own fancy terminology and it basically means how a fish regulates its body fluids i mean after all if you breathe fluids everything inside of you at that point is pretty much fluids so this fishy process is called osmoregulation and really almost all living organisms do this process for humans and most land creatures it's basically the process of intaking liquids and then losing it through various means most likely peeing and all the stuff in between that's why like if you're working out and sweating a bunch you don't have to pee as much it's because you're sweating it all out you're sweating out your pee it's not the most scientifically accurate way of putting it but it's the way i like saying it and this process is a lot more difficult to explain in fish than you'd think but it's the main difference between fresh water and salt water animals so we kind of have to but first let's describe the difference between the two waters salt water is just pretty much normal water whereas fresh water is the special one in fact fresh water is only about 10 of the total water on the planet so fresh water is definitely the special one the salt content or salinity of salt water is about 3.5 percent whereas fresh water only has a salinity of 0.1 percent meaning for every liter of ocean water there is 35 grams of salt diluted into it whereas fresh lake or river water only has one gram of salt so yes fresh water does technically have salt but a lot lot less let's talk fresh water first as it's a lot easier for the baseline explanation as salt just adds complications fresh water fish are able to live in fresh water and are also normally hardier than their salty counterparts as their habitats are smaller so they can get a lot hotter and a lot colder easier the ocean is a great temperature regulator whereas lakes get steamy or frozen over all the time and fish gotta live through that also freshwater fish have more land-based predators than salty ocean fish for obvious reasons and along with being heartier they also have a much higher salt content inside of their bodies than the surrounding water which is very important information now let's quickly go over osmosis as it's half of the name in osmoregulation after all osmosis is a common word in science and it comes from greek meaning to move or transport in microbiology it describes the actions of cells as they transfer mostly liquids through a semi-permeable membrane which occurs because there is a pressure difference on both sides of the wall for example if we have ten molecules on one side and two on the other the molecules are going to want to be equal so four of them will pass through the wall via osmosis so there's six on both sides now and this is where our fish comes into play you see if a fish has a high amount of salt in it and lives in a low salt environment eh see where i'm going the fish then needs to stop its body from losing all of its salt because living things need salt it's super important for a wide variety of bodily functions in all life forms pretty much many more terrible things happen if you're low on salt than if you're high on salt we know now that at least in humans not having enough salt is significantly more detrimental than having too much salt and in fish it is definitely a matter of life and death this is where our fresh water fish become different from saltwater fish because freshwater fish are normally saltier inside than the water they're swimming in thus all that water wants to flow in flushing the salt out balance is key but the problem is if that were to happen the fish would die this kills the fish however fred not young ones for the fish has many ways to combat this to start freshwater fish tends to not drink much water and yes fish do drink water fun facts and they don't need to drink much water because their body already absorbs so much of it but even so they still produce copious amounts of urine and you thought swimming in a public pool was bad try a lake or a fish tank for that matter the goldfish in your aquarium may be producing a third of its body weight in urine every single day now you know why you need to filter your fish a filter for your fish don't filter your fish this kills the fish now there is another problem with producing so much urine and the same applies to humans so listen up peeing too much means necessary minerals and nutrients as well as waste products are lost it's called hyponatremia long story short you drink too much water and it washes out all of your necessary minerals and electrolytes through pee and sweat eight glasses a day they say nah just stay hydrated but not overly hydrated you shouldn't have to force yourself to drink because it's healthy that seems difficult when you're a fish though but by ingesting food and absorbing necessary salts in places such as the gills fish actively take in enough of these minerals and electrolytes to replace what's lost in its urine so their gills are specially made to absorb ions in the water too now on the flip side like flipping a fish in a pan saltwater fish are the opposite in almost every way they exhale ions through their gills and drink loads of water constantly they also lose water through their skin instead of absorbing it and they pee extremely concentrated urine pretty much only waste products are expelled from their body in fact the only reason they produce so much urea is because their kidneys are huge compared to the rest of their body plus they have a large intake of ammonia from their salty alkaline water ammonia is a very deadly substance in large quantities but through filtration in the fish kidneys they are able to turn it into urea quick enough to skip this harmful stage furia by the way is much less dangerous of a chemical in the body and is part of what makes urine urine if you couldn't gather that from the name and the only reason saltwater fish produce so much urea is because they have to i mean most vertebrates can easily release the regular amount of ammonia from their body but saltwater fish intake ammonia at such an insane level that they would literally die just by storing a relatively regular amount of it so they need to convert it to super concentrated urea first and get it out asap and this fact along with their gills acting slightly differently with the water allows them to live in high saline environments their lives are saved thanks to pee but now here comes the fun part what would happen if you put the salt water fish in fresh water and the fresh water fish in salt water i mean first of all they die before like anything super terrible happens just because that's how fish do but for some specifics the saltwater fish would just balloon up as it's not really great at expelling water whereas the freshwater fish would shrivel up into a tiny little raisin fish now there are special cases of fish of course and i feel we're going to be seeing a lot of these in the pokemon world meet the uraline an organism able to live in both salt and fresh water and they're commonly found in tide pools small bodies of water that change salinity with the tides think crabs small clams and barnacles maybe an octopus or two possibly sea stars those kind of things or salmon though they are a special case because they live in both bodies of water but don't really change daily like the tides rather they migrate from fresh water to salt and then to fresh again different periods of life rather than constantly changing man i feel like this is like the third or fourth time we've talked about salmon on this channel i feel like my fourth grade teacher is haunting me with all of that salmon knowledge that she taught me because that's what happens when you grow up near a major salmon hatchery another thing i learned in elementary school is that there are no saltwater amphibians and ha ha i say to you those were but lies butt lies for there is one it's the crab eating frog however it's only able to live in up to 2.9 salinity water so it's on the lower end of salt water perfect for hunting in tide pools then where crabs live hence the name and the only reason it's able to live in this type of water is thanks to its stinking massive kidneys that are able to produce enough urea much like saltwater fish see now that would make an interesting pokemon a frog in the ocean kind of like the frogs from wind waker it'd be cool well anyways there are many water type pokemon that would actually fit well into this category along with amphibian or even just straight up land creature that happens to be water type however this video is more of a fresh versus saltwater debate so if i miss any pokemon that you think breathe water not air let me know but i'm going to exclude any water type pokemon that i deem land lovers like squirtle and then they aren't actually able to breathe water they don't have gills as well as they are based off of reptiles which breathe solely air plus if i remember right i feel like i've seen squirtle holding its breath while underwater in the anime don't quote me on that but that would make sense there are plenty of water dwelling creatures that still breathe air like whales dolphins sea turtles and more you know and also just to clarify because some of you are that glasses kid from polar express obviously this isn't canon water pokemon can go wherever the games and the anime do not concern themselves with salt versus fresh water at all because that would only just complicate things in this video we are talking if we added a bit of realism to pokemon what would they be a fun discussion with some learning involved so don't go down in the comments and be that guy okay so first up let's get the saltwater fish over with starting with gen 1 and going down the list because i'm just gonna go down the list of them with the handy dandy pokedex i need to get a pokedex prop like bird keeper toby that'd be cool saltwater fish are generally found in the ocean or possibly very brackish salty landlocked bodies of water first up is horsey siege and kingdra and also scrupp is with him they're all based off of sea horses and if you didn't gather from the name that implies the sea however there are some freshwater sea horses that you can see in pet stores though these are normally actually pipefish a cousin of the marine equine fish now some seahorses can be seen in brackish freshwater estuaries that is to say salty freshwater places kind of like those crabs we talked about but they still are just normal salt living fish but in the wrong places staryu and starmie along with toxopex and marini are 100 saltwater fish in fact they would actually die not because of the lack of salt but because they need the calcium content from the salt for their bodies to function at all since they are sea stars and that's how sea stars work they have a mighty high need for lots of calcium tend to cool and tend to cruel are both squid jellyfish things that live in the ocean much like the real world squid and jellyfish they are both marine environment inhabitants which i should specify does not mean water marine means of the sea or of the ocean so salt water marine equals salt water anyway fun fact cephalopods are all marine animals so this includes artillery as well ammonite and amistar are based off of ammonites who are marine dwelling mollusks that lived near the bottom of the ocean during the divination through cretaceous period similarly kabuto and kabutops are also marine dwelling creatures based off of troglobites and also horseshoe crabs they're like a cool in-between of the two in fact wimpod and gallisopot are also based on them and they are also two salt drinkers chinchou lantern huntail gorbis and relicant are all based off of deep sea fish that live in much much lower salt content waters than most other ocean fish as fun fact the ocean floor is less salty than the upper ocean mantine and man-type are actually based off of kite rays or flying rays a type of saltwater ray it's always interesting to think that manta rays breathe just by moving forward if they ever stop moving they stop breathing in fact now let's real quick just finish off all of the oceanic fish that are boring sharpedo's a shark grill fish is a puffer fish though nope there are 29 freshwater puffer fish but it's outweighed heavily by the vast majority of them being salt water relicanth bruxish lumineon finion love disc and mola mola wishy-washy are all based off of ocean pairing fish that live in a multitude of environments that share the fact that they are all filled to the brim with salt water frillish and jealous are a little more interesting in the terms of their environment all jellyfish are saltwater however there is a fish that looks exactly like a jellyfish that lives in fresh water though it's technically slightly different from a jellyfish but we still call it a jellyfish because it looks like one it's like how the thorny oyster is actually a clam not an oyster you know corsola is a coral that really needs that calcium the saltwater provides so again much like staryu and starmie and the gang they are also saltwater and are even more dependent upon that than most cellos and gastrodon are based off of the sea hare i mean it kinda looks like a rabbit if it was a gross slug but they too are only found in you guessed it the ocean clancher and clowetzer are both based on shrimp though in a really weirdly mutated lobster sort of way [Music] both shrimp and lobster live in the ocean binacle and babarikal are both based on barnacles who in real life are solely marine dwellers too and finally for the saltwater dwellers we have pukamuku the sea cucumber so after the saltwater pokemon i'd say it's only logical to start on freshwater animals these include animals found in rivers lakes ponds who knows pretty much bodies of water that aren't the ocean or the seas goldeen and sea king are both based off of koi meaning that they are freshwater fish as this fish is commonly used in landlocked ponds used for decoration because that's what humans do they take living creatures and make them decoration did you know that koi is technically just a kind of carp that we kind of bred to look different they're like the dogs of the fish world speaking of carp right next to golden would be magikarp another freshwater fish however in game you really are able to find magikarp next to everywhere there is water salt or fresh but notably its evolution gyrados was first seen in the wild in the lake of rage technically a freshwater source which kinda sorta specifies fresh water at least as a primary dwelling place however gyarados is a special magical dragon serpent thing that probably could breathe both salt or fresh whenever it wanted because it's magic and because it's a pokemon carvana is a piranha whose habitat is most notably the amazon river other river fish include basculin who is based on a mists of a large mouth bass and a trout both of which are lake and river fish bar boats and wish cash are also carps but a lot less magical than magikarp so they get their own category of just carp whooper and quagsire are categorized as the water fish pokemon but they are actually both based off of amphibians not fish game freak i know disgusting right how could game freak lie to us like this are based off of uh crawling fathers who comes up with these names anyways crawdads are found in ponds and slow-moving rivers and they are sometimes called freshwater lobsters too but they aren't lobsters because they are fresh water and with that we're actually done with all of the little fishes in big ponds next up are pokemon that work out perfectly as a little bit of both and in between really i thought this category would be bigger being that it's pokemon and all and pretty much all pokemon can do it in canon because gamefreak doesn't care but okay whatever these are pokemon that work out perfectly as yuri halene organisms i swear i must be butchering that shelter and cholesterol are interesting while many bi-valve animals live in salt water there are a few small species that are able to live in fresh water along with brackish water again the kind of water that can change while i would have put them in the saltwater category i feel like they are more so based off of the urethalene animal i must be butchering that as we see them basically everywhere in pokemon too in fact krabi and kingler are also in this category for the same reasons their evolution is so related in fact that we did an entire video about it you should check it out here it goes into their evolutionary tactics that led them to be the pokemon that they are today an odd one here is remarade being based off of the archer fish who is a freshwater species however there are two or three families that are urahalien though it's also based on the remora which is a salt dwelling fish so it's fitting that remoraid is in this category then it's a combo of two different fish from two different worlds just like anna montana and that's it any other pokemon that i didn't cover are either a water dwelling reptile or mammal or some weird concoction of the two that breathes air or they aren't watertight i'm looking at you stunned fisk who would be salt water for sure and then there's electros and it's line it would also be salt water unless it's based off of those scary new zealand eels that are in lakes or maybe river leeches those weren't water type so i forgot about them blub blub sound fish meg blub dragons no other mythical beast is quite as prevalent across human history and varying cultures as the dragon but what makes a dragon and more specifically why is dragon a type in pokemon i mean think about it it's weird i mean pokemon has so many dragons like there's altaria it's a dragon this month is dragon month an entire month filled with dragon type pokemon videos and next month it's fairy month oh fairies little dastardly villains to dragons like alteria but what question is possibly better to ask at the start of our special month then why is dragon even a type and what does it take to be dragon time normally i save such questions for the every x-type pokemon explained not type series but dragon and theory are so unique and deep we need to separate that into its own video which is what this is especially since there is so much confusion when it comes to what makes a dragon type pokemon so that's what we're going to figure out today on noggin [Music] base facts first the dragon type has been in pokemon since the beginning though with only one pokemon line dragonite and fan meaning that at the time the developers really wanted dragon to be a rare type but why also the dragon type has many quirks and characteristics that makes it out to be a rather interesting type but the main draw for this typing of course is the real world's mythos thankfully game freak didn't just make up all the dragon information because dragons are a big idea i mean what even are dragons honestly not pokemon dragons we got a list of those i'm talking real world dragons what are they dragons very and when i say very i mean they vary very a lot grammar however almost every civilization has something like a dragon found within its myths and legends and because of that unfortunately there isn't one cohesive idea of a dragon however there are some theories as to why almost every human culture has a dragon and that theory points to our intrinsic fear of snakes birds of prey and big cats all of which have common attributes across dragons however every culture seems to add or remove some non-key features which brings up the question of why do dragons even exist and that's somewhat simple the same reasons most fairy tales or myths exist to teach a lesson scary stories of the dark forest are a wonderful deterrent for children essentially scaring them away from wandering off and getting lost dragons in most myths lived in dangerous areas like caves volcanoes vast deserts and roaring oceans dangerous places for a child to explore unprepared and the few dragons that don't live in such places were the nice dragons used as a story device to teach a life lesson that isn't easily learned such as the dragon's gate in eastern legend where if a carp works hard enough it could be rewarded and turned into a dragon teaching kids that hard work pays off in the long run and this is where a huge difference in dragons between cultures comes up how different cultures used them in stories and even if you only split the world in two east and west the differences in dragons is astounding for the sake of simplicity let's just look at far eastern and european dragons for now eastern dragons are rather interesting in their existence where other cultures used them to keep children safe these tales are normally used to teach wisdom eastern dragons are commonly benevolent or nice rarely causing destruction besides when people really deserved it but in european mythos dragons specifically classic medieval hodgepodge of greek and roman dragons were normally depicted as large quadrupedal lizards with wings many of which could breathe fire but this fire was distinct it wasn't normal fire it was advanced fire dragon's fire that's right and this is the first distinction in pokemon that we found way back in gen 1 there was only one dragon move and it sucked it's dragon rage which for several generations just used a slightly modified flamethrower sprite animation it was that lame and basically worthless late game too or competitively if but that's not the point yet back to eastern versus western dragons if pokemon based its dragon type off of just one of these then half of the dragons that we see in pokemon would be cut from the dragon roster so pokemon's dragon type mustn't be just one type of dragon it must definitely pull from all cultures but by not clearly having a defined origin causes mixed feelings i feel like pokemon's idea of dragon is both interesting and tame at the same time then you see you could just say it's all a mix mesh of all dragons and media however there are plenty of almost original ideas to be found and it's these ideas that truly make pokemon dragon type we all know that looks don't make the dragon in pokemon just look at alolan exeggutor or alteria and then look at charizard and gyrados two opposing issues with the dragon type showcased right here folks plus looking at the more recent dragon pokemon we seem to have classical dragons and new age dragons merging into this odd conglomerate of wacky monsters i mean just look at haxorus it's just a dinosaur with an axe face that's like a batman villain axe face yet it's dragon type exclusively though looks are rather important pokemon is a highly accessible game meant to be played at any age so long as you can read of course this means that pokemon types need to be easily identified by their looks and across all cultures there are a few exceptions to this rule though like gumi it's just a cute little slug but these are more or less outliers or have very specific reasons for being dragon type despite not looking like a dragon like the brava it's a dragonfly a pun not a true representation of a dragon pokemon are magical creatures for sure but why are these creatures stronger because statistically dragon type pokemon normally have higher stats than the other types along with their rather impressive advantages and resistances and weaknesses and even those have reasons as to why they exist dragon has always been seen as one of the more magical types i mean dragons are mythical that's like half magic well not like in pokemon mythical i mean like fairytales non-real are real world magic which is fake maybe you know like loch ness and the quetzalcoatlus and dragons in our world you know they're the square root of negative one they're imaginary but let's get back on track i mean the only reason dragon is weak to dragon is because that essentially says that they are so strong they can only really be hurt by other dragons and since dragons are reptiles most often associated with things like fire ice or coals is also a very effective weapon against them and fairy is complicated in most mythos dragons were actually immune to magic because they are magic incarnate especially european dragons it's almost stated directly but in fairy tales and some other myths it was said that dragons were weak to magic or could only be harmed with enchanted magical weapons often blessed by a fake creature and as for the reason steel resists dragon well it's a stretch but in most fairy tales a knight in shining armor would slay the dragon steel armor being the only way they had a chance dragon then resists grass water fire and electric conveniently the four base elements as remember in most fantasy lightning magic is associated with the element of air and these resistances then all relate to how dragons were immune to the forces of nature the elemental magics plus in the case of pokemon this almost helps instill the idea that dragons are strong as those are the four starters types so it seems then the dragons really do pull from their mythological roots masters over the elements and masters of magic and another huge thing the dragons were known for across all cultures was their ability to manipulate that magic and this is where i'm just gonna say it no more beating around the bush dragon type is essentially all about raw arcane energy in a way you could explain it as an arcane type or a sorcery type that is what makes a dragon pokemon a dragon pokemon its ability to control this arcane power natively that is this is also why other pokemon can learn dragon type moves despite not being dragons at all they are just using a bit of that arcane magic rather than sprouting a new dragon limb to use dragon claw with yeah dragons are very mystical and magical by default and have the natural ability to wield such arcane power however they don't have the sort of refinement that you would assume magic has now i know this may be a hard concept to grasp let alone explain so i've enlisted the help of dnd terminology basically we're looking at the difference between mages and sorcerers or wisdom charisma casting versus intelligence casting dragons know how to manipulate the flow of mana the arcane energy that's everywhere in the universe the energy that is present in all life in terms of pokemon you could say that it's the infinity energy that surrounds everything where az used a machine to manipulate the energy dragons are able to use their primal control of magic to affect the energy into useful abilities such as dragon's fire relating it back to d because it's pretty easy to explain that way if you were to say that dragons are a sorcerer you'd be correct basically they have either knowledge or innate magical blood power pumping through them at least of what i understand of common dnd magic wizards practice learned magic they study for years to learn how to manipulate and weave the mana and become masters of it sorcerers practice innate magic they are gifted with an ability to manipulate the weave of mana and sculpt their interactions with it both things dragons are known for however their magic or their use of infinity energy is much more of a raw power almost willing the magic to do the work by the sheer power or knowledge of manipulation this is very different from other magics such as wisdom or charisma based magic wherein they manipulate higher powers to help them or are channeling the power of gods to assist them with their magic or knowing that special areas in the world have energy that enjoys being turned into fireballs or plant growth they work with nature's own magic flowing it along just helping it do what it wants much quicker but dragon magic is much more unnatural and controlled basically forcing the flow of energy to fit into their design this is why in dnd magic missile is much less of a natural shape for arcane energy to be in because its design is not by nature but by the caster you know that annoying thing where something is super interesting so the media start to pick up on it and then the general populace accepts it as fact unfortunately that's how magic is portrayed in today's media it's all fictitious but one set of fiction is almost the base of all other fiction sort of like how just all fantasy movies and tv shows are just lord of the rings with a twist these days game of thrones is just spicy lord of the rings this is why i'm using d d as an easy explanation after all its methodology is commonly accepted as the way fantasy magic works but magic isn't the same in every universe so perhaps you think this is totally wrong this is where pokemon comes into play let me explain a little bit infinity energy is a term coined by the devin corporation though i don't think they invented it like they say they did they just definitely learned how to harness it basically it's the power of life or spirit magic or mana whatever you want to call it but in pokemon it's called infinity energy or maybe aura and dragons heck most pokemon can harness this power to use their abilities but that's a topic for another video instead let's look at just dragons here dragons are an ancient pokemon type much like rock and water the type has existed for millions of years in fact that's why there are quite a few dinosaur pokemon that have the dragon typing plus almost all of the lizard-like fossil mon can learn plenty of dragon type moves dragon is old and it commands old magic magic as old as time essentially i mean roar of time is a dragon type attack come on to figure out what i mean it's sort of like an evolution there's always things that are better at something than you rock types were good at using the earth water well they were fish but dragons they were able to use this natural field of energy infinity energy mana this is what let them survive and of course it being life magic it's rather strong which is why their stats are very good but it's hard to master and as such there are very few dragon types fun fact that sort of helps my point dragon types only evolve through leveling up the most natural and ancient way of pokemon evolution this could be because they are channeling infinity energy regularly with their dragon powers whereas some pokemon needs special stones filled with power to evolve or love from their trainer or to be traded dragons also have on average much slower xp growth compared to other non-legendary pokemon meaning it takes longer for them to level up and evolve again ancient ways it takes much more experience to advance their power of this arcane force plus there's the fun fact that more mega pokemon gain dragon as a type from mega evolving the keystones used in mega evolving are crystallized infinity energy pokemon souls which relates it again to strengthening the bond between dragon and infinity energy it's this usage of infinity energy or mana that grants a dragon type its true power sure other pokemon can use this energy but dragons get stabbed with it hence why they are dragon type they are masters of mana arcane adept incarnations of infinity super sorcerers dragons all synonyms in a way groudon and kyogre creators of the land and sea upon this planet their power is immense but it is not as strong as it once was during the days of creation they were primal optimal paramount now their powers lie dormant as they age no longer do they need to create for the creation is complete but through primal reversion we can take these demi-god creatures and revert them back to their ancient primal selves but what is a legendary trio without a third rayquaza the great dragon guardian of the sky the one that rules over the other two what great power it must have had back in the times when it too was at its peak except there is no primal rayquaza instead it gets a mega evolution which is only possible because of people so hang on a second what gives what really this is a non-question you're wasting everyone's time anyone who's played the game all the way through knows the answer but what about those who haven't maxell and what about those of us who have a less than perfect memory hmm plus it's dragon month and this is a dragony topic to discuss not every video has to be some deep theory thing that's dumb you're dumb oh nice comeback boom brain as nice as this video's topic flesh fingers [Music] so yeah in summary groudon and kyogre get primal reversions but rayquaza gets a mega evolution that's a little unfair but okay main question is how does this get explained why is this the case and thankfully the delta episode in pokemon omega ruby and alpha sapphire explains it quite well and by that i mean the lore keeper xenia zinnia speaks of a tribe of dragon type pokemon users in the ancient times feeling the wrath of the two primal pokemon doing battle around them then eventually rayquaza came to them descended from the heavens and overwhelmed the two primal pokemon yeah rayquaza by itself was still more powerful than primal kyogre and primal groudon he doesn't even need the mega evolution it's crazy but her story continues later a great meteoroid struck the land creating the crater that pseudopolis now resides in and the meteoroid had a great power reawakening the two primal pokemon they both wish to take its power for themselves as the meteor was essentially a keystone as the two fought the people remembered the legend of rayquaza from a thousand years before and in their faith they wished and hoped that the emerald dragon would come to their aid once more and eventually it did and by the power of the keystone meteor and all of the faithful believing of the people the energy from their hearts whooshed into the keystone and then to rayquaza causing it to mega evolve now with this great power it was able to not only overwhelm kyogre and groudon once more but did so to the extent that they both lost their primal abilities hey what's going on over here or used to fight him stop it that's not math also just so you know my lisp only empowers individuals i am not making fun of them i am a grown man and that is the tale so in short what is the answer to our question why doesn't rayquaza have a primal form like the other two in its legendary trio and the answer is because it didn't need one it's already more powerful than they are plus considering the lore that makes sense guardian of the sky the sky has been the sky for as long as it's been the sky but the creators of the land and the sea they would definitely need to be more powerful than they were back when they were actually doing all of the creation and now they just don't eat as much it makes sense right yeah and as for there being a mega rayquaza while i'm sure that's just because it looks cool for one and mega evolution was the gen 6 gimmick but also it goes in line with the lore of the whole pokemon world we'll have a video detailing the meteoroids later but they were keystones and were likely launched into space when the ultimate weapon was fired three thousand years ago and they just periodically fall down as more keystones for mega evolution as those were created by the ultimate weapon mega evolution takes a connection with your pokemon and you need a keystone and a specific mega stone in the case of rayquaza it was the faith and trusting in rayquaza by all of the town's folk and the great energy given off by the meteoroid that granted it the power to mega evolve it's mega rayquaza everybody no you're mega rayquaza then later with your trainer rayquaza actually needs to eat a meteoroid to gain such power making it sort of an exception to the mega evolution rules but being a legendary pokemon makes exceptions plenty acceptable so i hope this video got your noggin jargon and helped you remember all of that or maybe even taught you that if you skip to the delta episode or something ah i mean it's dragon month so we're answering all sorts of dragon pokemon questions both simple and complex also check out this dragon t-shirt design you can pre-order it link below super helps this channel stay afloat and next month is fairy month so check that out too and until next time please remember to never stop using your noggin and uh make sure you always pronounce rayquaza correctly because for the longest time as a kid i always called it rakzaiah because i was like 12 and i only ever read the word and no one told me that it's not rexia because dyslexia is just the worst gee bill why does your game freak let you have two rayquazas aka why are there two rack zaynards i mean if you look at the games only one legendary pokemon is available per game legally anyway and this is not including trading obviously because by trading you can theoretically get an infinite number of legendaries because each other game card as an entire universe canonically but a single game without trading you can only get one legendary so technically no there aren't two rayquazas in your copy of pokemon emerald but if we look into the anime movie canon we actually get a good theory going you see rayquaza has been in many pokemon movies along with quite a few episodes even if it's not the main character it shows up quite a decent amount but this is where we have a few issues it's rather hard to differentiate between pokemon of the same species unless otherwise noted i mean if you were to show me a picture of pikachu it's easy to assume it's ash's pikachu it's the same pikachu all over even if it's never directly stated then again you can also do the opposite this isn't ash's pikachu it's it's hard to tell specifically though because most of them all practically look the same the rayquaza in destiny deoxis looks the same as it did in diamond and pearl anime episode 142 as well as most of its other anime appearances sure sometimes in mega evolves but we never truly know if we are dealing with the same individual pokemon that is to say if you believe the theory the theory of multiple legendaries which we'll get into another time but in the case of rayquaza it has a shiny form i mean all pokemon do but rayquaza has a canon shiny form which makes it wholly different it's widely believed that pokemon conquest is not a part of the main pokemon timeline and the fact that the main antagonist uses a shiny rayquaza is some of the biggest evidence of that but what if it's not what if there's a shiny and a normal rayquaza and he just happens to have one of them at this time well even if it wasn't pokemon conquest still wouldn't be canon because this guy uses flippin mewtwo who would not have existed in feudal japan unless it time traveled we know that's possible in pokemon as is hopping through dimensions though no no too sidetracky back to my big boy in black or green or both you see in diamond and pearl episode 43 malice in wonderland there was a rayquaza under the ownership of cynthia and also a shiny rayquaza case closed except it was only shiny because it merged with the mismatches and it wasn't actually shiny it was just mismatches colors which are similar to shiny rayquaza but also the whole episode is an illusion created by mismatches so never mind but green rayquaza appears frequently throughout the whole anime for realsies and even in some movies like the hoopa movie we see [Music] black rayquaza you know shiny pokemon while they do appear in the anime they are still super rare which makes sense but of all of the pokemon to make shiny rayquaza a legendary a super important legendary at that and one that has already been seen in its non-shiny form in both the anime and movies previous [Music] you know up until the season that this movie takes place in ash was always in regions based off of various parts of japan but in gen 5 he was traveling around genova which is based on the united states specifically new york so basically the opposite side of the planet while this rayquaza was brought here by hoopa like all the other legendaries including the ones that recognize ash it would be less work to bring the nearest rayquaza there is so maybe since being the guardian of the ozone and upper atmosphere is a big job maybe there's a rayquaza for each of the hemispheres the western and eastern hemispheres and one of them is shiny which makes them easier to differentiate i mean flying around to defend in the hemispheres would be a lot of work the meteoroids all fallen all around runway quasi would have a very difficult time doing that though it would make more sense to split the world into northern and southern hemispheres since the winds blow mainly horizontally that way they each are circling the globe with the wind currents then again we've never confirmed what the pokemon world looks like maybe unova is on a different hemisphere than hohen and sinnoh and all those on a north-south basis instead of an east-west basis but maybe not there's no way to confirm that one maybe hoopa summoned rayquaza from a totally different universe i mean that's sort of what happened in the anime recently ultra wormholes and the shiny tapucoco and whatnot so that's it it's a theory a filler theory charizard isn't dragon type this is the first i've heard about this i mean how could he not be dragon type i'm sure no one else has ever covered this topic with me as the host oh yeah leave it to lobster to cover an unoriginal topic but fret not because we're going to do it better than everyone else yes sir because we're the best and by failing confidence you'll possibly watch me more because that works for others right but really this is a debate as old as time itself that is if time started 12 million 265 920 minutes ago yeah we calculated that out but heck i remember back on ye old playground i started fights about this charizard was a big deal back then and honestly he still is huge sort of a mascot for the game in fact it sort of was one at one point you can check out that whole rabbit trail in this here video but in this video we're going to be talking about a trio of terrible typers no not words per minute i'm talking about charizard aerodactyl and gyarados i mean why do these poor obviously dragons not get to be dragon type although then exeggutor gets to be dragon and that's just stupid attack it's a stupid stick even the wikipedia article has jabs at charizard's inability to be a dragon i'm not kidding look here even though charizard gains the flying secondary type instead of the dragon type upon evolving it belongs to the dragon egg group and learns dragon moves like dragon claw i feel like whoever wrote this article is pretty salty about this but i mean if it looks like a duck walks like a duck sounds like a duck then it must be a duck but whoops look here it's a goose and you're dead now because you thought you could just waltz near it but then boom razor tongue you can't just type a pokemon on its looks alone you know they seem to do that with almost every flying type and every fire and well water and all right they do that a lot but i mean what does a dragon even look like how can you say with confidence that a dragon isn't a palm tree or a thick slug why does a dragon have to be a lizard huh heck who said it needs wings and arms there are so many types of dragons that even the modern acceptance movement can't agree on what constitutes as a dragon does it have to have wings are they 100 feet long can they only have legs do they really need to breathe fire what about scales are those required do they grant wishes talk to humans exist [Music] all valid questions that have incredibly invalid answers really who gets to decide what is and what isn't a dragon or [Music] or anything for that matter almost had an existential crisis there ha it's also not even just charizard it's aerodactyl and gyarados also two other dragonless dupes you know what i think it's fair you know something about me i have got my biases i don't think they really deserve dragon type yeah even charizard they just don't have that special sauce to attain the dragon typing sure they're mad looking and mean powerful have wings have breath weapons and heck even though multiple dragon type moves but they're missing one crucial thing [Music] no they're missing that post gen 1 magic that's right it's gen 1's fault like always here we see gen 1's dastardly legacy of undiversified types gen 1 really didn't have a bunch of types i mean duh it was the first one and type diversity wasn't super important but they also had other reasons such as rarity dragonite's line was the only dragon in gen 1 and it was said to be super mythic like dragons are in real life so it only makes sense that there would be very few dragon pokemon uh fun fact it's no longer this way as both ghost and ice have fewer pokemon than dragon currently as we're making this video it's probably gonna be even more true after sort of he'll come out because i'm i'm predicting there's going to be loads of dragons so dragon being rare was an excuse to have charizard and the rest not have the dragon typing at least that's one of the only real reasons people spout all the time when talking about this like they know something i'm sure that if you were to type them today in this day and age like if they didn't exist back then and they only existed now you could argue that aerodactyl and gyarados would both be dragon without a doubt i mean one's a dinosaur with wings and a big jaw so it's a dragon easy like many other dinosaur pokemon that are dragon type despite just being dinosaurs and then there's the other there's gyarados it's rage incarnate another dragony trait even gyarados's origin story is dragonish so it's a shoo-in especially if they added a third type ever however charizard i feel would have been fire flying still just because game freak hates you you personally tim oh wait even better answer it wouldn't be fair at all even in pokemon a game of fighting animals they need to be fair to each other dragon type was pretty strong defensively in the meta of gen 1 and giving an advantage to one of the starters makes for a very boringly uniform competitive and casual play environment if it had dragon type charizard's water type weakness would be ignored by dragon's resistance to it poor blastoise imagine if everyone only chose chara oh wait they did that because apparently he's millions of times cooler than the rest of them so never mind plus he's got a whole four more base stat than blastoise and like nine over venusaur so he's obviously the best choice still i'm so upset by this because blastoise is so much cooler because he's water and it's the opposite of hot fire but stop where your brain thinks it's thoughts because it's wrong i'm wrong too we're all wrong because it's not like game freak even thought about all this honestly you people give them way too much credit even if the type advantage could be looked over there's still this major factor they don't just give out the dragon type to everyone plus it's not even like the type is that good it's the stats dragons on average have much higher stats than regular pokemon this makes it sound like the dragon type is a really strong type when really that's only partially true you see traditionally the dragon type pokemon have been the pseudo legendaries so their stats are all very high by definition this however isn't actually a true reflection of the type just circumstance so all of that unfairness and stuff gives charizard not the best case for being a dragon especially if you start looking at charizard's origins when gen 1 was being developed there were no plans to release it in the west at all and well japanese dragons look nothing like western ones when looking to charizard's japanese name lizardon meaning lizard of flying there's nothing in there that screams i'm a dragon instead it screams it's a flying lizard which is a thing actually check it flying lizards sweet that's what they do and if we look to the much more recent mega evolutions it helps solidify the fact that charizard isn't a dragon at least in terms of typing if we look at mega charizard y we see that it just gets bigger gen 1 joke.jpeg nothing really stands out charizard gets edgier and its features act like other megas in a way it's more charizardy take charizard's traits and exemplify them it flies faster because that's what charizard is about it is a flying lizard hence the name megas are an enhancement of the pokemon's truest form so in this case it's non-dragon whereas megacharizard x gains the dragon type and the design changes drastically the wing structure changes entirely his body gets more horns and the traditional spine spikes like many western dragons have it emits a darker aura a much more magicky draconic essence all things that it lacks in its other forms if you take a look at our what makes a dragon type video you'll totally understand what i'm talking about all in all though when they took charizard and made it more charizardy it stayed the same type but when they changed charizard drastically even the color of its fire now it's dragon type in a way it says charizard clearly isn't dragon type and we have to change it a lot to make it one but okay let's be honest again the gen 1 game was not really made with the west in mind i mean almost no one here understood what cadabra even was or what jinx was i mean they're monster looking so they're good pokemon i suppose but they're just too out there for us westerners we never truly understood the reasons they looked the way they did and typically in japanese mythology dragons were significantly more related to great storms and wind and heck even the ocean but fire it was there but not so much compared to western dragons but loxton you said wind and storm so why isn't gyrados dragon type he's literally storm incarnate well you got me there but if you give me a moment i'm sure i can talk it away let's go back to the storm wind thing generally when you think of storms that are destructive like dragons you would think lightning tornadoes and hurricanes yeah well that's correct yeah of course i'm correct so it would then be true that any true dragon would be able to do these things these moves such as thunder or twister which is a dragon move and with the wind and eastern dragons in mind most of them are wingless and despite being wingless they can fly gyarados can't fly while dragonair can because it's a dragon kirito zane and then thunder yeah gyarados can technically learn thunder through tms but not naturally at least but at least aerodactyl can naturally learn fly so there's that but when we look at dragonite we see that its move pool is much larger in terms of traditional dragon abilities plenty of elemental aptitude is that even a word it is now now as for a good lore reason though gyarados isn't a dragon when you really dive into its origins so magikarp's evolution into gyarados is based on a chinese legend involving a carp climbing a waterfall and jumping over the dragon gate doing so would cause it to become a dragon that much is pretty easy to understand and clearly magikarp just turned into a chinese dragon here however and a lot of people miss this it's common in japanese legends for dragons who abuse their power to lose its dragon status and become nothing more than a flying serpent let's think about what gyarados is known for in pokemon oh yeah rage incarnate can think of nothing but destruction and it destroys villages that slide it i see perfect that sounds pretty abusive to me sometimes i think game freak might have actually cared back then but then again it's probably just a nice coincidence though gyarados's stats are still rather impressive basically comparative to a dragon stats i mean 5 40 is nothing to sneeze at only coming 60 short of dragonite's 600 also while i was looking into this did you know that alakazam also had 600 and that just goes to show that gen 1 balancing was way bad absolutely terrible i can't believe people like it so terrible in fact that there's actually no big reason dragon was even good other than of course its resistances i mean there was only a single dragon move back then yeah dragon rage a move that charizard gyarados had even aired actually could learn in gen 1 and this move wasn't even affected by type advantages or stab bonuses because this whole thing is that it does 40 hp and damage period the one attack the dragons can use better than non-dragons they don't use better than non-dragons because it's a meta gaming move instead of real but that is also another reason why dragon was so strong in gen 1 as dragon was effective against dragon it's one of its only two weaknesses but there's no actual dragon moves to use against them this is important in gyarados case as if it were water dragon it would essentially have no weaknesses at all as water covers the only other dragon weakness ice and dragon covers waters weaknesses grass and electric gyarados would be basically immortal plus game freak may also have already had a sea dragon in the works with sidra eventually evolving into kingdra in gen 2 notably they also added a lot more dragon moves than gen 2 so this fight isn't absolutely impossible so really all in all game freak doesn't care about your wants they only caved in once and that was with meghachara's art x and they just slapped the dragon type on it and hoped that you'd be satisfied by the x version if you care so much gyrados is actually an interesting pokemon with good reasons to be both dragon and not dragon he's got good reasons for both with the whole flying serpent if you abuse your dragon powers thing though i would love to see a possible split evolution of magikarp being a benevolent dragon that'd be pretty sweet actually oh man and aerodactyl well no one really ever cared about aerodactyl no one really even thought it was a dragon it's just a dino wyvern that died to a meteor what did kill the dinosaurs in the pokemon world hello hello again i'm back as promised in the every dragon type move explained video to explain in more detail what roar of time even is it's easily one of the most interesting and complicated moves in the game i mean how does a roar distort time even a little bit i suppose it makes sense that this is the signature move of dialga the pokemon deity of time but still while the dragon type is based in a lot of arcane magic there has to be a bit of science we can apply to it right plus i love dialga it's one of my all-time favorite box legendaries i mean it's blue and cool what's not to love about his dumb elongated head that's quite big so i just needed an excuse to make a video all about it roar of time is a crazy move here's how the pokedex describes it the user blasts the foe with power that distorts even time the user must rest on the next turn in a way it's basically a reskin of hyperbeam but it's dialga themed and being the creator of time and all i feel that it's perfectly acceptable that it can distort time also in later decks entries the end bit actually changes to the user can't move on the next turn so this move is so crazy that even the creator of time has to stop for a turn to rest up jeez also this is the strongest base damage dragon type move that isn't a z move also it just looks great the best laser in the whole game these are all straightforward facts people as for how it works though that's gonna take a while to explain and i don't want this video to go on too long so i'm gonna start getting into it so despite being named roar of time the move actually appears to be just a mega blast of energy i mean the ability sound proof doesn't work when confronted with this power so it's not really a roar of time is it however we could take it literally anyway and plus fluff reasons what would it take for a literal roar to do it also that sounds like a lot of fun so let's do that plus come to think of it sound proof not blocking it makes sense anyway because if we're dealing with a sound capable of distorting time i doubt any sort of sound proof ability is going to matter and before you ask yes its name is still roar of time in japanese it's very much a roar of time that then blasts a beam of energy forward as if it roars and combines all that sound into a tiny space and then choose it forward so a power so strong it can distort time huh that's gotta be huge i mean is there even anything that's strong and if so why haven't we invented time travel yet huh mr science man unless it was hidden under our noses the whole time though i feel like time travel and such is more a philosophical issue rather than a scientific one i mean time doesn't even exist you know unless you believe that it does [Music] in which case time just is it's essentially a constant time is pretty much made up by man to explain that things happen after each other i do this and then i do that that happened after this you can tell and prove it based on the time that they happened time isn't a force it isn't an actual measurement of something it's just a reference any number value is meaningless unless there is a previous number value basically time is nothing now to ignore the existential crisis there are some fun things that roar of time does it states that it can distort time due to its immense power now we could just say that dialga shoots a concentrated beam of time energy that explodes so violently it creates a micro vacuum in time similarly to a small explosion in water it expands and then immediately collapses but what time energy is uh is fictional so while i'm not sure on time energy i do know a fair amount of real world physics so let's try some of those on for size starting with gravitational time dilation basically and this is super simplified time is slowed the closer you are to very large gravitational fields such as the earth or other celestial bodies this time dilation is really really small i mean gps satellites orbiting the earth do actually have to correct for the fact that time passes very very slightly more slowly on the earth's surface than it does in low earth orbit by about one second for every 60 years that's nothing but the computer needs to know this to get accurate gps readings and all and earth is pretty big whereas dialga isn't all that large i doubt it could affect time in this way especially since that's more of a space thing that's polka's territory however there is one type of celestial body that i know of that may do the trick and you probably have the same idea in your head right now it's black holes i mean black holes man how do they even work they're almost like magnets magnets of the universe mysteries of the universe black holes are super dense gravity generators in a way speaking of gravity let's talk about einstein cool guy with even cooler theories basically energy is mass you know e equals m c squared stuff so in theory energy could be considered mass via that equation in fact it's his other theory of relativity that is what explains the whole gravity time thing and that word relativity really hurts our pokemon move you see the time right next to a black hole is unchanged but loxton why do satellites need to correct them ah good you were listening i will try my best to explain this easily if someone were to go into a black hole and flash a light back to earth every second time would be completely normal to them they would continue flashing their light all the way until they got turned into soup or whatever happens inside of a black hole however if someone was watching them they would see the light flashes slow down as they got closer and closer to the event horizon eventually they wouldn't see the light at all as the time between the flashes would be so long that they would die before they saw the next one so time isn't really even broken with a black hole it's relative both places are experiencing time at the same rate a second is a second so i'm not sure you can really even distort time enough to damage anything it's the gravity that's doing that space however if something like the event horizons gravitational influences affected a single point on earth impossible as that may be i would definitely consider that a sort of time distortion from the outside observer or dialga or anyone else in the battlefield that isn't the pokemon being hit and to cause that sort of distortion takes a lot of energy a lot in fact if someone were to experience this time dilation they wouldn't actually feel any different because again relativity but just someone watching they would almost not age at all it's kind of like interstellar the whole movie about the theory of relativity but how this slightly differed time or relativity hurts something not sure but the energy to create such a distortion now that would hurt after all we're talking black hole power here okay but taking the name literally now how could sound even make a black hole well i'm glad you asked you see sound is a tricky thing similarly to time sound isn't actually an easily quantifiable measurable thing it's a reference meaning that lawnmower may seem loud but it's relatively quiet compared to a jet engine now isn't it also if your ears are more or less sensitive because you're an animal that has huge ears or no ears what is loud and what is quiet is completely different however most people make the base reference to the quietest thing as zero decibels or nothing kind of like how we all agree on seconds for time but we still had to make up what a second was fun fact since 1967 the second has been defined as the duration of 9 billion 192 million six hundred and thirty one thousand seven hundred and seventy periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyper finite levels of the ground state of the cesium one three three atom at a temperature of zero kelvin and funnily enough that's basically because that's what the second that we made up already was and then later we found an atom that happens to vibrate at just the right frequency so now we have a second that's based off of a real physical thing but our made up number came up first so with sound being basically the vibration of airwaves we actually have the main source of energy i didn't mean to throw them but how do you even fathom that kind of energy plus how loud is this roar that would be a fun number to think of and unfortunately we can't really figure out those specific numbers as the power it takes to make a black hole is still a mystery for you for us humans but we can make crazy guesses right i mean a rocket ship lifting off is 200 decibels right and the loudest noise in human history the eruption of krakatoa which was heard around the globe multiple times as the sound waves continuously circled the globe it was so loud and it was around 300 decibels and it's theorized that our sun could be 400 decibels loud thank god sound doesn't travel through space because fun fact if the space between the sun and the earth was air instead of space we could hear it at a deafening 120 decibels which is basically if you stood next to a train horn but always and that's what the sun would sound like at our distance from it and our sun is a rather small star if we're talking black holes capable of changing time then we may be dealing with something magnitudes higher than our lousy sun some estimate that this would be somewhere between 800 and 1100 decibels and that's ridiculous the difference between one decibel the quietest sound you can here to 100 decibels is a factor of 10 billion times louder it's a stupid logarithmic function going from 20 to 30 decibels is significantly basically exponentially a greater change than going from 10 to 20. even though the number differences are the same that's not how it worked this is bigger than this if that makes sense so 1 100 decibels is absolutely ridiculously loud let's just say you don't understand you really can't 1100 decibels is 10 to the 109th power times louder than 10 decibels that's a hundred and nine zeros look at this freaking number it's still going still now put it all on screen at once the heck and that's how much sound based energy you would need to just start to distort time interstellar is bs theoretically anyway we don't really understand this stuff yet i mean the closest comparable sound that you may have experienced since krakatoa happened forever ago would be like the ps2 startup sound or video autoplaying on our website coming soon on dvd and video this attack is like a death [Music] also side note there's no way anything could create that amount of power the science just isn't there but that's how loud this roar would need to be to even begin to distort time and that only works based on certain theories of relativity time is dumb honestly talaga probably doesn't have that much power i mean if we look at facts dialga and palkia combined couldn't even create major time distortions even under the control of cyrus so no restraint here but if if dialga just kept roaring forever it would destroy the entire region with those sound waves long before any time distortion happened so the attack that we see dialga do fictional time magic just like time travel backwards completely fictional that's the only real explanation but hey it's fun to think of big numbers isn't it and to apply some assemblance of real world science to a fictional universe aimed at kids i mean you gotta enjoy it that's why you click on my videos i know you don't just watch it for me so hopefully this video helps you truly understand that time is a man-made constraint and also as a bonus now you know how the move roar of time works maybe dialga just yells super hard while also shooting an energy cannon of magical time energy easy step this is the tao trio i didn't go into super detail with them in my every dragon type pokemon explained video because they would have taken however long this video ends up being to properly explain and that video was already 30 minutes long so now here is the side note video that covers them in detail let's go over their inspirations that made them the way they are and yes inspirations is plural most know of the yin yang symbolism after all they are the tau trio also yeah i know however i pronounce yin yang i'm gonna get scrutinized but i looked it up it's yin yang if you're being proper yin yang is just the american-esque way of saying it i'm an american so like either way works but other than their yin yang symbolism they also happen to fit right in with western magic and mysticism in alchemy but let's do the more commonly well known eastern stuff first right after the intro as a very base explanation there was once an original dragon pokemon likely a theropod allosaurus tyrannosaurus european dragon mix it wound up splitting into two when its twin prince trainers wanted to rule the land in very different ways though this split into two caused a third to be born from the remains which became the wild husk kyurem in an interview with kensugimori the designer of these pokemon he mentions how reshiram and zekrom are fully opposites not only are they black and white but also reshiram is stated as being light airy and feminine whereas zekrom is hard tough and masculine this is even reflected in the names the middle parts of their names come from the japanese words for black and white and then according to tsukimori the beginning syllables were chosen based solely on how they sound grey sounds soft zek sounds hard even the full names reshiram flows smoothly zetkaram is harder and more punctual qrem then interestingly is right between the two starting hard but ending soft it also ends with a different ending syllable from the rest we have rem ram and rom the rest of qrem's name pulls from japanese words meaning cold rapid freezing snow and nothing which is important for later now the concept of yin and yang comes from taoism and are directly referenced in the japanese species categories of these pokemon you know like how pikachu is the mouse pokemon reshiram is the white yang pokemon in japanese and zekerom the black yin pokemon and even their battle music in game is named after this fact blazing white yang and electrifying black yin now to fully explain yin and yang is to explain a whole religion so i'll link a video that i think does that explanation justice in a short amount of time right here and in the description but i'll also try a bit myself the entire universe is filled with and made up of various energies these determine whether something is yin or yang but they are usually directly connected say someone's back versus their front a village on the east side of a mountain versus a village on the west side the heads of a coin versus the tails of a coin the male powers and the female powers and even if something is yin or yang it always has the potential to become the other thus the opposing colored dots in the symbol the water of a smooth flowing river can become a rapid waterfall the sunlight hitting your face can become the sunlight hitting your back if you just turn around the way the linked video puts it in a way that a lot of westerners can understand easier is that you could sort of think of it as the dark side and light side of the force luke and vader vader has the potential to move to the other side and he does in the movie and similarly luke also has the potential to follow in his father's footsteps to the dark side these beliefs are sort of what inspired star wars many have pointed out the taoist symbology used in star wars as even the users of the light side of the force are imperfect and even as a whole do some pretty dark things you always have the potential to change and the two sides wouldn't even exist without each other and they have parts of each other it's a constant flow because life isn't black and white which gets into reshiram and zekrom's roles as the pokemon of truth and the pokemon of ideals their twin prince trainers wanted to rule the kingdom under those ideologies and fought for power only later did they realize the answer was somewhere in the middle because life isn't black and white or red and blue both ways of ruling have their pros and cons and if we went with the natural flow of the universe instead of filling our lives with complications and being stubborn about our ways then well life would be a lot easier and more peaceful wouldn't it then there is also qrem which symbolizes wuji which is the absence of yin or yang it's cold and empty it's nothing thus nothing being referenced in its name its life is meaningless so it searches for meaning it searches for warmth and thus goes after truth or ideals reshiram or zekrom based on the version of the game you get for most people the inspirations seem to end there it's done that's all it is yin yang there's nothing nothing more to some people it's difficult to comprehend that a design can be inspired by multiple things at the same time and even if the second inspirational source was the designer's main one some people won't accept that as a thing at all because it's the second thing that they heard it's different from what they heard first so it's wrong you humans are us humans are so stubborn to get some taoism in yeah so what is this second bit of inspiration well if you remember my alchemy the end series from three years ago crap that was three years ago i was so plump and edgy people really do always hate their past selves don't they what's important here is that i am referring to how alchemy real world magic and mysticism is a major source of inspiration for pokemon especially legendary pokemon this peaked in gen 7 but is also referenced in gen 4 and 6 and as you'll soon see even 5. alchemy likes to use a lot of symbolism and will often use planets or gods or animals to represent things like elements or processes and most of the time it was common to use animals both real ones and mythical ones for use in their symbolism now similar to how yin yang is opposites but they each have a part of each other in western alchemy there are the two contraries represented by a white fluffy dragon with two wings and a black scaly dragon with four limbs they too are opposites but would not exist without each other and while creative liberties were definitely taken such as giving the black scaly dragon wings in zekram and giving the white fluffy dragon bottom legs with reshiram the inspiration is still obvious i mean this is also probably why zekrom has its wings separate from its limbs that way it still has just four limbs to reference this then we can also look to reshiram whose claws are a part of its wings to sort of imply it doesn't have arms it has wings like this so what are the two contraries what are these magical creatures symbolizing well they are sophic mercury and sofix sulfur sophic meaning a sort of spiritual wisdom they are philosophical soviet can also mean the transferring of wisdom from spoken word to written word it can also refer to a more scientific approach to spirituality which is basically what alchemy was it's spirit science by specifying sophic mercury it means not just mercury the element but also all of the wisdom involved in it the planet that symbolizes it and the spiritual or magical power inherent to it it can also refer to a specific mercury amalgam one mixed with antimony and silver it was believed by some alchemists that doing this would further bring out the powers of mercury thus it was sophic mercury and the same is applied to sulfur as well but back to the two contraries as a whole they are beasts which fight because they are opposites yet they complete each other again like yin yang but they are also described as active and passive which could refer back to the inspirations of what these pokemon symbolize truth and ideals those who believe in a world of truth tend to be more passive the world is the way it is let's base our decisions and beliefs on reality here and just to ruin the comment section by bringing up politics this tends to be the conservatives way of thinking whereas if you believe in making a world of ideals you tend to be more active in pursuing those ideals we must strive for the ideal world let's base our decisions and beliefs on what could be an ideal world this tends to be the more liberal way of thinking have fun in the comments section these two ways of thinking these two ways of life need each other to exist and keep each other in check which gets right into their philosophy of truth and ideals and yin and yang and even the two contraries both of them are required for souls to exist according to alchemy they are what grants us free will and awareness they're what allow us to even make our own choices to begin with which again again is the whole life lesson moral of the story thing of gen 5 life isn't black and white i mean it's the theme song of the dang anime [Music] oh and also these two elements are two parts of what would make the philosopher's stone no biggie but now again qrem comes and messes things up right well no just like how it's wooji in the yin yang symbolism kirim also fits perfectly into the alchemic symbolism as the representative of sofix salt the three of them together making what in alchemy are known as the three essentials salt sulfur and mercury basically the three parts that when combined make up what is a soul or can be recombined to make a philosopher's stone so hear me out because this gets a bit complicated the three essentials are said to be the child of the two essentials the three wouldn't exist without the two the three the third one comes from the two this works out as kirim came from the splitting of rishi ram and zekrom from the original dragon and it double works out because while these two dragons are depicted as the two contraries when you merge them with the three essentials it's depicted as this a strange what is called a dragon it's a three-headed dragon honestly the strangest dragon i've ever seen but that's what it says it is so an original dragon that splits into three and an original dragon that splits into three and we're still not even done these essentials all interact with each other in various ways the two contraries bash and clash but complete each other but in the process of merging the three essentials you need to use the other essential salt in order to freeze the mercury and sulfur together in order to ground them now what type is qrm and heck what was gatsas's plan in black 2 and y2 to freeze the whole region including reshiram and zekrom to gain total control over it the symbolism works at every player so are you really going to argue that yin yang is the only inspiration of these pokemon most pokemon mix more than one thing together in their design the ones that don't are commonly panned for being boring and uninspired it's just a seal with a horn it's just a freaking dog and to make this all come together most gnostic alchemists come to think of it believed in ways very similar to taoism but with the western kick western religions like christianity teach that jesus and god are the ultimate good and satan and his demons are the ultimate evil it is black and white but gnostic alchemists did believe in the judeo-christian god and his powers however not that he was a single entity of ultimate good rather god it was a force of light of the universe and satan a force of darkness neither of them is one hundred percent black or white and they both influence us to act in different ways even in writing books in the bible it's the light natural flow of the universe compelling people rather than a floating dude with wings coming down and whispering things into people's ears to write down all in all gnostic alchemists did believe in the judeo-christian god but with a sort of taoist twist which is why a lot of alchemy involves symbols and religious flair god is a force to them like electricity or mana and forces can be harnessed and used to transmutate stuff thus metaphysics and things like that was born spirit science it's really interesting stuff thinking about the way people think now just imagine that i have a really nice conclusion paragraph here ultimately you decide for yourself what you want to think this is technically just theoretical maybe this tau trio connection to alchemy really is just a good coincidence really good coincidence fairies faye creatures as a whole have popped up around all of human history wherever a natural phenomenon goes unexplained it is usually blamed on their actions the epicenter of their origins is found in western europe but as the world gets more and more connected their influence spreads on a global scale and it eventually reached japan meaning of course it just had to be added to pokemon it's very month y'all and you know what that means the exact same videos that were in dragon month but fairy themed woo airhorn.mp3 or whatever you kids are using these days and much like the dragon type fairy type is also quite interesting at least interesting enough to require its own video but since we did this with dragon and fairy we're just gonna make this a whole new series after all you people love pokemon videos and as my good friend mr krabs says i like money the fairy type was added in generation 6 pokemon x and y and then it killed the franchise coincidence no just poor marketing on their part would you be positive for once go get back to vp anywho game freak has actually gone on the record stating that the reason fairy type was added was to bring dragons down a notch or two without actually nerfing them alright well what's something so powerful that it could easily beat up dragons perhaps some eldritch type horror type and unspeakable power capable of tearing draconic beings to shreds or we could just make cute baby pokemon and just say that they're stronger i guess the uh the juxtaposition is kind of funny and along with some all-new fairy type pokemon they went back and changed 22 older pokemon by making them fairy type 2. nothing wrong with that they were basically fairies already and when they introduced steel and dark they did the same thing but the big question then is why were they given the fairy type and what even is the fairy type those are the questions we answer in the not type series but just like with dragon it's big enough that we're splitting it into two videos so today we're answering the question what is fairy type fairy types are generally cute and typically pink and while i'd rather not talk about snubble it's noteworthy that in canon women love them it must be the pug thing again it's so ugly it's cute i just don't get why you would want a genetic disaster of an animal [Music] but back to actually cute pokemon most of the fairies are pink with only some exceptions like merrell but again going back to the question why are they mostly pink and cute well other than trying to expand the game audience to include more girls because we all know girls love pink stuff game freak fun fact apparently the whole blue for boys pink for girls is a western thing apparently in the east they are sort of reversed as blue is much more of a feminine color flowing like water whereas pink is masculine like fire pink is just light red after all but here in the western world we've seen pink as girly for decades now and because of advertising and all those darn baby boomers we of course have the media power to just explode our cultural values across the world and so this mindset has started to become the norm everywhere even the far east and pink works out fairly well because gamefreak needed a color to represent the type as they do with every type and there wasn't a pink color type yet besides some depictions of psychic but it's not like pastelli pink now is it plus it works fairy types are generally more feminine and also puffy and cute cute light airy fluffy majestic sparkly pink but thankfully besides just pink and girly some pokemon actually have much more inspired reasons to why they are fairy type again we'll go over that in another video however the reason i bring their diversity up is because the word fairy itself means a lot of different things at one time it was a small human that had a knack for trickery other times it's straight-up meant goblins sometimes fairy means literally magic or enchanted not even creature it could be a rock and could still be fairy garbing so the type is not just a single trope it's not just tinkerbell the pokemon the fairy type really encompasses magic it's similar to the dragon type in this regard but unlike dragon type their magic is clearly different they also differ from dragons in that they were an added type a non-native type to the game and by looking at the older pokemon they went back and gave the type 2 we may be able to get a better grasp on how this type differs from say normal type a really good example of this is the jigglypuff line previously mono-normal and now normal fairy it's a quick to temper creature that is able to lull travelers to sleep and then causes mischief which already sounds mighty close to a fairy tale now that you mention it mr mime's dex entries say its pantomime skills are wonderful you may become enraptured while watching it but next thing you know mr mime has made a real wall that along with its ultra dex moon entry which states that if you're not impressed it attacks you basically means that mr mai is a performer that enjoys entertaining people or inconveniencing people and if you don't think it's super neat it hates you it's another very common fairy tale trope ma while is different though it being based off of a dangerous yokai a japanese spirit you'd think how could it be fairy type fairies are good and that thinking is to malwale's benefit you see malwa is a trap at its heart it lures you in with its cuteness which by definition is a classical fairy trait a fairy tale we all know is a story that is used to teach or present a lesson to children or to tell a narrative to help us humans interact with our environment and dare i say it society however where the line between a story and a fairy tale is drawn is rather mixed normally the addition of magic or non-real beasts are found in fairy tales and from these tales and imaginative stories our culture has created a sort of understanding of the tales and as such we have a basis of what magic really is it's this understanding that helps us create basic ideas or images that other humans can interpret easily basically humans like things they already know and most of us have been told stories of dragons and knights fairies and demons and such they are an assumed variable in marketing i mean it's a common thing that we all have in common yeah but because of this sort of universal standard of magic we can figure out what truly makes a fairy type a fairy because it's based off of actual mythos but classical fairies are quite different than what they are today remember marketing kids don't want to hear about some gross old lady who eats kids that's pretty messed up they want to learn about friendship and stuff right or at least their parents want them to so there isn't a very concrete connection between all of the classic fairy lore and pokemon although that's not to say that there's none there are quite a few things that predominate from fairy tales one being their weaknesses like steel most people today associate fairies with things like nature spirits in the form of sprites or pixies and being embodiments of nature magic things that harm nature would harm them too steel is man-made it's as unnatural as you could get back when people believed in fairies as such as just one of many examples in the tale of maleficent the fey guardian of the forest maleficent is weakened by just being in the presence of steel and the king wanting to keep all fae actions outside of his kingdom surrounded the kingdom with a thorny iron fence this weakness to steal is actually why horseshoes are considered good luck by having horseshoes of cold iron on your horse you would keep trickster goblins away and fairies away while you traveled steal is a poison to fey creatures and so is actual poison thus the weakness to poison anything that kills nature would also be harmful to nature spirits obviously thus the weakness to fire too forest fires are no joke and also all three of those things are associated with mankind we made steel we mastered fire and our poisons and pollutants are extremely potent these are the themes that unite almost all fairies in myth and mon though sometimes there are stories about fake creatures making their own steel such as some goblins but that's a much more recent fantasy thing a big difference between modern and classical fairies however while they may have their differences they do have one other thing in common magic you see fairy or faye are all magical creatures by default magic incarnate much like dragons however where dragons were beasts of might and terror they were more so trickster magicians we explained that pokemon are magical creatures in the dragon type video and magical creatures are all equal but some magical creatures are more equal than others dragon and fairy to be exact i mean there's a reason that they are both tied for the third rarest type it's because they're mythical creatures you know fairy tales in the dragon type video we talked about how dragon type was essentially all about raw arcane power they control magic bend it to their will through sorcery and by comparing that to the much newer fairy type we can really figure out what fairy is and seeing how most of you totally understood my dnd references last time and i totally know stuff and totally don't have to ask people i'm going to try again to explain the differences of fairy magic to dragon magic you see where dragons control and twist magic or mana to do their bidding fairies instead invoke magic if a dragon is a sorcerer fairies are much more like druids and clerics they aren't taking over and reshaping the magic instead they are channeling the world's mana and using it in a more recycled sort of way basically borrowing power from the divine beings of nature nature's own magic spirit or aura is everywhere and everything has it flowers use this magic to grow slowly but with the help of a sentient magic user they can grow rapidly fairy magic the moonlight is constantly radiating magic down to earth and with just a little tweak you can focus that magic into one spot not completely changing and twisting the flow turning it into a completely different kind of magic but rather just giving that natural magic a little nudge focusing the natural magic that it has fairy magic light fluffy fairy magic comes naturally unlike dragon's dark arcane magic twisting and bending it to its will that moonlight that mana from the flower the dragon steals it and turns it into a raw blast of pure arcane energy and this is the distinction that explains why the dragon type is completely useless against fairies fairies simply redirect the magic around them or just ignore it you know flow and all that they are more natural they use the flow of mana instead of controlling it this scene here in the anime a salamance blasts an arcane force at a wigglytuff and it's as if the wigglytuff is just walking towards a slight breeze if you are a being that is magic incarnate and your entire power involves flowing mana along then being struck by a blast of mana is nothing you just flow it along around you effortlessly we see this sort of flow in many fairy moves i mean geomancy is literally that but others of note are nature's madness and moonlight in fact misty terrain is another good example of all this most terrain moves change the battlefield to make their own type stronger but fairy terrain is special it makes it so all non-volatile status effects are ignored such as sleep and paralysis and here's the big thing it makes all dragon type moves deal half damage no matter who they are attacking misty terrain is almost like bringing the fairy realm to our own world its effects are leaking or perhaps being summoned by the pokemon in many fairy tales fake creatures live in their own realm separate from ours but sometimes they cross over such as during a full moon anyway this intense misty terrain is like a field of mana or aura or infinity energy that is much more difficult for dragons to control or take over this terrain strengthens nature's own flow of mana so now for the dragon it's almost like trying to take over and control an entire river rather than a small stream the natural current is much more powerful though because of this it also fills all of the pokemon here with fighting spirit as infinity energy is abundant meaning recovery from status conditions like sleep and paralysis happen instantly they are nullified this really helps to define our fairy type they need to be some sort of magical creature that is in tune with nature but not like plants and such that's a grass thing rather fairy types are in tune with the inherent powers of nature's spirit mana they feel the magical flow and can use it by just redirecting it letting the magic do most of the work now time for a tangent sort of the move hidden power changes its type depending on what pokemon uses it and it can become any type besides fairy hidden power will get its own video eventually but in summary hidden powers calculations and such are based off of your pokemon's ivs basically it's the true power of your pokemon's cumulative strength meaning the type the move is actually changes as your pokemon levels up it's weird but the fact that it can't be fairy type actually helps my point fairy type magic is a magic that is essentially unlearnable or at least not easily learnable hidden power is a tm a tm that many pokemon can learn and it would be quite a bit strange for all of these pokemon to sometimes just be able to invoke the light magic of nature at will you know unlike the dragon type which takes over and controls magic like wizards and sorcerers a learned way this may also be the reason why there are only two fairy type tms play rough and dazzling gleam neither of which are all that fairy anything can play rough really and its name in japanese is frolic just frolicking it's pretty easy to do and then dazzling gleam is just a reskin of the rock type move power gem so i feel like it's more or less a more elegant or cute move compared to power gem but otherwise it's just power gem but like without the rock it uses a little bit of fairy magic but doesn't have the main soul of fairy magic and this leads to the next point the fairy type in pokemon almost seems like a pseudo light type but hang on don't you worry i don't mean like the opposite of the dark type which is the translation of evil type so i don't mean like that i think or at least not much fairies in real life real tales were not very nice honestly they are normally really really mean this is because of the whole lesson moral fairy tale thing all about stuff in fact most of the fairy tales you read are about how the fairies are hiding away from humans only coming out to either harm or hurt them even the benevolent ones normally have ulterior motives and if they do enjoy human company it's either to show off their skills or to inconvenience them much like the pokemon we talked about earlier jigglypuff and mr mime however in more modern fairy tales we see fairies and elves and such helping humans understand morals and whatnot rather than teaching through negative repercussions they teach us through more positive fashions however back to how it's light there are many pokemon moves that create light or that have light in its main mechanic and i don't necessarily mean light as in luminance i mean light magic good magic where dragon would be dark magic fairy is light magic it's like final fantasy white mage vs black mage it's not inherently like an evil versus good thing rather it's just how i and many others see the magic which also would further explain fairies immunity to dragon dark magic tends to be fireballs lightning strikes arcane blasts offensive light magic tends to be nature flowy healing and magical shields able to block the offensive magic which follows literal light and dark dark is mightily powerful and spooky and dangerous but with enough light the dark's kind of useless and speaking of light specifically the light from the moon as i implied earlier fairy type pokemon really do have a penchant for the moon and there's more to it than just fairies and pink and girly and the moon is the catalyst of feminine power and alchemy and mysticism it's actually quite i mean that was pretty deep but like it's even deeper you see the moon is a very mysterious thing it's huge and bright during the night and it disappears monthly imagine yourself being an old timey peasant looking at this thing every night because you have nothing else to do and it just disappears sometimes that's pretty spooky plus all of your local fairy tales include the moon as a catalyst for magic events werewolves full moon accidentally wandering into the fae realm never to be seen again moon being able to see magical creatures because it's being illuminated by magical light it's moonlight heck the full moon is basically the brightest dark you can get and we all know our imaginations run wild when we can almost make things out stupid survival instinct adding spooky ideas to shapes that we're unfamiliar with so we run away to safety all powered by the dim glow of the moon insert well-written transition fairy type is definitely a different type of pokemon i mean it's almost alien and that's funnily enough another popular theory as to what fairy types are i mean look at sylveon disgusting look at those gross fleshy tentacles my ribbons are made of flesh the whole fairy types are aliens theory is interesting but a bit weak in summary it's just like the deny from wow these odd-colored creatures crash-landed and started to spread out to claim territory this theory is somewhat backed up by quite a few fairy moves being moon themed along with the moon and dawn stone evolutions and the typing but that whole moon thing is kind of already explained when you look into fairy lore you can easily see that the moon really is more fairy than it is alien i just know that if i hadn't mentioned this theory someone would complain in the comments about how i didn't actually look up anything so ha i still probably missed some but ha and if i did miss some well you know what to do tell me about it in the comments you always do just put a little smiley face after it so yeah i know you're not being rude so now that we've covered what the fairy type pokemon aren't let's summarize what they are they are either magical users of light magic which is invoked or they manipulate the flow of natural magics rather than change it fairy pokemon could be described as the natural magic type the only true magic type whereas dragon is artificial magic type and fairy type is also game freak's attempt to get more young girls into pokemon even though i would sort of think gen 2 was kind of the same with all the baby pokemon fairies really shouldn't be pink but modern media and marketing disagrees with me so i guess they're pink oh yeah fairy type pokemon ruined the game that is unless of course you like the fairy types and then it probably made the game great for you ignore the opinion there that you don't agree with and like me more because we share opinions ain't it great here's a quick question for fairy month what if the fairy type was never added i mean they added it in gen 6 that's pretty late well for one either dragon would still be a super powerful type or they would have nerfed it in some other way after all that's why they added it to begin with dragon needed a nerf but the main question here isn't about balancing it's about what the fairy type pokemon would be if not fairy type and obviously the old pokemon they just added the fairy type to would go back to being their old typing so we won't bother covering those but as for all the rest of them what would they be sad let's get the easy ones done first flave floette and floregis would be grass type many people already wonder why they're mono fairy instead of grass fairy already they learn more grass-type moves than fairy moves even but i guess that has to do with the fact that they tend to flowers and gardens but aren't flowers themselves like take a look at concolder concalder isn't rock or ground type because it carries around concrete farfetched isn't grass type because it carries around a leak so why would these pokemon be grass type because they carry around flowers though parts of them especially floregis do look quite plant-like which is why if ferry didn't exist they would probably be grass-type for sure maybe normal grass to change it up and also to show that they themselves aren't plants they just have plant powers same goes for confey monograss or grass normal for the same reasons spritzy aromatis swirlix and slurpuff would likely all be mononormal i mean their whole thing is that they smell good and they smell good you could argue flying for spritzy and aromatic since they've got bird faces but aromatisse doesn't really fly and these faces are more references to the bird masks worn by plague doctors as they would be filled with nice-smelling herbs and flowers because they thought that would protect them from the plague it did not also funnily enough slurpuff also learns just as many grass moves as it does fairy moves but other than that it's not so grassy so mononormal for sure the dna i always forget is fairy type like why that'll be a fun one to explain in the fairy type explained video well it would be monoelectric like most of the pikachu's car would likely be mono rock even though it learned psychic moves as that way it would further differentiate it from diancie who's special and would be rock psychic like most of the legendaries of its status were psychic but you add a rock because it's made of rock plus it learns more psychic moves than fairy already and by a lot one fairy move versus five psychic moves the heck klefki would be mono steel maybe steel normal maybe to weaken it down a bit it's not super steely it has like a friendlier softer fun vibe which doesn't super fit mono steel to me anyway so swapping fairy to normal would reference that and make more sense to me anyway primarina mono water just because it's a starter and no starters have the normal type yet unless you count evie though i could see primarina getting normal just so that it has a stab bonus with all the sound-based moves it learns since the singer and all cutie fly andrew bomby bug flying for obvious reasons moral oh monograss but she tonic grass ghost it learns a surprising number of ghost type moves plus its whole thing is that it glows in the night and can be spooky its pokedex entries mentioned that the forests it lives in are a treacherous place to enter at night and that people are confused by all of the strange lights they cause and the people get lost never to be seen again it also puts people and pokemon to sleep and siphons off their vitality that all sounds very ghostly to me mimic you mimikyu has options swapping the fairy type for dark or normal after all while mimikyu is a ghost it's covering itself in everyday normal materials it's trying to act as if it were a normal pokemon and not a ghost plus mono ghost just doesn't really feel right when you compare it to the other ghost types and also it learns a load of normal moves but ghost dark would work as well the dark type of course being the evil type in japan makes it fit well this pokemon is filled with malice and jealousy and it mercilessly seeks revenge and uses dark dirty tactics such as disguising itself and overwhelming its opponents with shock and horror so that works legerna monosteel it's an automaton a rock with a soul stored into it and then attached to gears i mean its fairy type reasoning was already a bit weak anyway fairy magic is what attached its soul to the stone i guess so it's got very type signature move and that's about it impadem who i absolutely love mono dark maybe dark normal just to blend it out a bit we don't know much about it yet though just thought i'd mention it now the four topos are interesting they all have the fairy type because they are nature deities and the fairy type can be explained as light nature magic so in removing the fairy type you sort of remove what they are and since they are a set that makes things a bit trickier too having nature magic powers you could swap ferry for grass you know nature powers plant growth grass but then tapu bulu is monograss how unfair maybe swap fairy for psychic as that's sort of magic and lighty but then tapulele is mono psychic though i guess there's nothing wrong with one of them being a monotype i mean tornadus is monoflying where the other two in its trio get second types then again i guess they couldn't be monotyped they are the embodiment of those types after all but considering they're theming the fairy type truly works for these guys you can't really remove fairy from them and the same goes for xerneas a magical tree of life and faye-esque light magic it's hard to remove its fairy typing but if you had to grasp psychic or mono psychic i suppose because we don't have enough psychic type legendaries which leaves us with sylveon oh sylveon if the fairy type didn't exist neither would this pokemon really and if you watched my video about there never being another eevee evolution then you would definitely understand what i mean by that you could say psychic but there's already a psychic type eevee i remember when they released sylveon which was before they announced the new type most people guessed that it was either flying or normal type or a new type that hadn't been revealed yet and i guess i could see those especially since the name references the fairy sylph who is the fairy of wind so while sylveon may not be able to fly you could see its ribbons as its sort of whiskers yeah you deserved that yeah you could see its ribbons as sort of whiskers sort of floating in the air being one with the wind and the air around it feeling it flow perhaps allowing it to magically float or perhaps just allowing it to move the air around it deal air attacks which more often than not are flying type air cutter aeroblast defog gust you get the idea so if fairy type was never added and they still came up with sylveon for whatever reason it would be the flying type evolution of evie and with that we're done besides alola forms and megas i suppose but those are easy alolan nine tails would be mono ice and mega adino mega gardevoir mega alteria mega malwale would just be their old previous forms easy stuff fairy type is as of making this video the most recent type added to the pokemon franchise but being the genius that you are you probably already knew that in fact this whole video may be useless to you but some may not understand the intricacies as to why this type was added back when steel and dark were added there were a number of good reasons in gen 1 there were barely any pokemon that would have fit those types and also it was gen 1. why bother with more unnecessary types before you know your franchise is going to be long lasting just adds more complications than what is necessary also in gen 1 psychic type was broken as heck way too powerful so by adding new types they would have an opportunity to add another type that's strong against psychic type thus dark was added but back then it was fine the series was still fresh and young making drastic changes is just an everyday thing for early sequels of games but a whole 14 years later they would add the fairy type in generation six pokemon x and y and the reason wasn't much different over the five generations the dragon type was getting more and more powerful eventually to the point they needed a nerf but instead of dealing with actually nerfing them why not just change the whole meta and add in a new type that is strong against them in fact more than just strong against them but also immune to them yeah that'll show those dang dragons this would wind up being the fairy type and this is also the confirmed reason as to why they added it various quotes and interviews from the developers proven but to make this video longer than a minute let's also answer why fairy why was the fairy type added over something else let's get into it so why fairy and not something else well first you should figure out what that something else would be it has to be something that previously existing pokemon could be otherwise there wouldn't be enough of the new type so what could that be you could do sound cosmic magic light rubber all have arguments for them but i feel like those deserve a special separate video but as mentioned the main reason they were even considering the addition of a new type was to have something to be super effective against dragon and none of those really sound like they would be i guess magic could be but then again does fairy not imply magic fairies and really fade creatures as a whole are magical creatures themselves it's similar logic to sound type never being a thing because normal works just fine sound is a normal everyday thing that just about everything experiences you know dragon in and of itself also sort of has subtypes after all not every dragon type pokemon is a dragon or even anything close to one and plenty of pokemon that aren't dragons in the slightest are still able to learn some dragon type attacks if you watched our video that explains what the dragon type is then you'll know this already but in summary you could say that the dragon type is another way of saying arcane type it encompasses not just the abilities of dragons being dragons but also that of dark magic sorcery bending mana or infinity energy to your will which dragons in most mythology are capable of doing after all think of it this way in the beta of the gen 1 games flying type didn't exist instead if we had bird type yeah but later they learned that more things can fly besides birds like bugs balloons and of course dragons so instead of keeping it bird type it became flying type as that is the trait all of these things had in common they fly but in the case of dragon well back in gen 1 it was just dragon dragonite and its line were the only dragon type pokemon it was a dragon dragon type only later did the definition start to change and evolve and more pokemon could learn dragon attacks and more non-dragons were granted the type all pokemon are magical creatures some just have fire magic or water magic or plant growth magic yeah and dragon magic came to sort of mean arcane it's raw magic mana in its purest form just straight up infinity energy being blasted at you so how are you going to come up with a type that's immune to that and that's super effective when attacking it it's science type i don't believe in your magic so i'm immune to it in most modern fantasy especially jrpgs magic has classes or types itself typically the simplest of these breaks it up like so fire water earth air light dark and if the arcane raw sorcery that is the dragon type fits dark then the new type should also be magic based and fit light after all if we take light and dark magic sort of literally while the dark powers are super powerful both offensive and defensively like dragon type pokemon all you need to do is illuminate that darkness and it's worthless light type but now here's a problem the dark type is only called that in the west in japan it makes more sense it's the evil type if we were to add a light type people are going to get confused as to why it's literal light when the dark type isn't literal darkness why is light more associated as the enemy to dragon instead of an enemy to dark what's going on it's confusing plus there are many moves from a load of different types that produce light light works more as a secondary trait rather than a standalone type again like sound so while light type would work it has plenty of reasons and plenty of good arguments against it same goes for magic type is that to say the other pokemon aren't magical well how about this nature type dragon is all about taking over the natural mana in the world and reconstructing it in their own image arcane dark dragons are the antithesis of nature so that would sort of imply that nature is actually weak to dragon which is kind of kind of the opposite of what we want although i guess the opposite also makes sense but i mean no matter how much something hurts nature mother nature always hurts back more nature is eternal nature is the light magic dragons take control of and twist so they can't do much against an entity that can just take that back but that gets kind of confusing uh i mean i'm still confused by the last paragraph and how would that interact with all the other types and in a lot of places around the globe we sort of associate grass type or plant type with nature so it doesn't quite work there either but do you see where i'm going with this fairies fae creatures if you were to really simplify modern tellings of fairy folklore you could say that they are light magic using nature spirits that's all three of the other possibility of types combined and again if you saw that video explaining how the dragon type works and the one of how the fairy type works then you probably understand the connection here fairies flow with nature's natural mana stream the infinity energy that everything has dragons take it and bend it to their will but if you take that dragon attack and attack something that is in tune with the natural mana flows like a fairy couldn't that fairy just ignore the dragon attack fairies are magic the dragon attack would pass right through him or just continue flowing around them because the fairy is perfectly in tune with it the fairy already flows mana infinity energy around so doing that while being attacked with it in its purest form from a dragon has no issue at all meanwhile again dragons base their attack on taking the natural mana around them turning it into its raw form and blasting it out think of it like changing the path of a small stream but fairies well they have full control of that stream and can flow it along and turn it into a river think of how much harder it is to control a river compared to controlling a small stream that's why the fairy type terrain move weakens dragons even further the mana is so much harder to control because of all this fairy aura everywhere imagine trying to cut down a tree you're taking control of natural energies but now apply the same fairy magic to the tree and it grows significantly faster than you can even cut and that's why the fairy type was chosen it doesn't mean tinkerbell not literal fairies in the same way that the dragon type isn't just literal dragons it's magic commonly associated with dragons similarly the fairy type is magic commonly associated with fairies and elves and such in other words natural magic the light magic of nature the perfect counter to dragon and that's why the fairy type was added specifically check it i've got a god of war in the thumbnail and an arrow pointing to her chest because that's what you people want i guess and you clicked it just saying so pokemon designs seem to be very straightforward this is a duck that's a yorkshire terrier that's a candle that's trash that's a very very fat cat that's ah what are those things called um pangolin that's a pangolin and this [Music] it's a gardevoir i suppose it's a ballet dancer well curly as a valet dancer what even is this pokemon line and more specifically what the heck is this thing in gardevoir's chest isn't gardevoir supposed to be the embrace pokemon it's all about hugs and stuff wouldn't that stab someone right through the heart well maybe just maybe we can explain [Music] all right to start this discussion let's start with ralts what the heck is a ralts well it's psychic type and it's clearly based on a child like many other evolutionary lines have a small child youngster and then adult form you know it's a common theme in the world of pokemon ralts has the large head and the whole wearing pajamas that are too big for it thing going on with the feet it's a fairly common trope in animation also it has a bowl cut which is common for little boys it's name is interesting as it's an anagram for astral an anagram is when a word can have its letters rearranged and it makes another word astral in this case refers to astral projection which is when you send your consciousness to the stars which is commonly associated with psychics and just to prove that this isn't a coincidence even in other languages where the name is different it's still an anagram for astral tarsal and trasla in french and german and yes its name is still ralts in japanese which on top of being an anagram for astral also comes from relate and waltz being a type of dance and you'll see how each evolution relates to dance soon but relate comes from ralph's heightened ability to feel the emotions of those around it thanks to its heightened psychic power also note the pink thing in this base evolution is up on its head the larger part of it sticking out in the front with the smaller part behind it making a sort of banana shape similar to how gardevoir gives others banana shapes i'm so sorry that was bad looking to curlier now we see obvious inspirations from ballet specifically the pose especially the whole standing on the tips of its toes thing as well as the tutu looking tufts this time its name is the same in every language curlia which is a reference to carillion photography an esoteric form of photography where you can see the psychic aura of people and objects and note its pink things now are still on the head but there are two of them they kind of remind me of hair clip things perhaps holding together twin tails curlia can then evolve into either gardevoir or gallade depending on a number of factors if the curlia is male and has a dawn stone it will evolve into gallate however evolving a male or female curlier normally was resulted in gardevoir it's a common misconception that it's just a male female split because it's not you can have male gardevoirs which is to plenty of people's liking gardevoir also has the same name in almost every language the exception this time being in japanese where the name is instead sir knight yes sir knight sir in this case isn't referring to its sex rather back in the olden days of antiquity when you wished to call upon a knight possibly due to a misdeed a stolen sweet roll or a stabbing you would yell out sir knight and a knight or guard would come to your aid sir night at the time was more of a way of saying come here night but through association and time due to the majority of knights being male sir soon came to mean manly men that do nightly things or man of high authority the japanese tend to understand this context better but realize that there would be a lot of confusion in the west so they changed the name for us to gardevoir gardevoir though still gets its name from guard like the castle guard and all that though the spelling of guard here makes it the french spelling of guard neat this goes along with the other words it's derived from garter meaning to keep and voir which is french for sight which guards tend to do especially from keeps this name makes perfectly good sense then as gardevoir is essentially a guardian angel pokemon it protects its trainer to no end and will even give its own life to do so and it can make a black hole if it needs the science of all that is up here in this video it's ridiculous as for looks gardevoir like crolia closely resembles a ballet dancer though of a much higher rank likely the lead or principal dancer some have also stated that they resemble anasama ningyu to a degree at least which is basically a japanese paper doll with a very thin body and an enlarged head i can see the similarities but interestingly this time around rather than in the head gardevoir has the pink thing in her chest and then when she mega evolves it splits huh well before deciphering this we might as well cover gallade too interestingly gallade mixes things up rather than being psychic fairy type its psychic fighting likely referencing its newfound ability to put up a great fight physically its elbows extend into swords and it fights quite gallantly probably because of the pose really i'm gallant and you got like your elbows out i think that's a pose i think i've seen like medieval paintings of things like that that wasn't in the script that's just something i just now realized maybe that maybe that's the thing that'd be cool also if you couldn't tell there's part of the name origin gallant gallade the aid comes from blade since that's what it fights with also just like gardevoir its name is the same or similar in most languages but different in japanese as this time around in japan its name is erirido and i'm probably terribly butchering that uh eerie raido arie ryudo [Music] do it also comes from blade but also the word elbow and earl which in the olden days of antiquity was a very prominent military leader yes and further referencing its military origins and its swords it has a head thing and it somewhat resembles a corinthian war helmet also gallade's stance resembles the unguard stance used by fencers and gallade's pink thing is also in its chest but it seems to be reversed when compared to gardevoir huh and then when it mega evolves it actually shrinks though now there is more pink on the sword arms too so [Music] so now that you know what the guard of war line is sort of we can uncover what this pink thing is how well by looking at the pokedex probably should have just done that from the start but this video is more than just the spike thing it's the whole what is gardevoir video the spike is just the thumbnail because it's just so perfect for it so looking at the pokedex entries for waltz we get ralts senses the emotions of people using the horns on its head it uses the horns on its head to sense human emotions and if its horns capture the warm feelings of people or pokemon its body warms up slightly oh so hey they're horns weirdest horns i've ever seen and b they are used to sense the emotions of people and pokemon kind of like weird psychic antennae makes sense that ralts is the feeling pokemon then it's all about emotions and feelings and feeling the feelings of others it's the empathy pokemon what it probably should have been called cute and interestingly enough there are studies that suggest babies are actually a lot more emotionally intelligent than people assume especially when it comes to telling the emotion of their mother curlia then is the emotion pokemon remember back when you were a little kid and it was always oh did he hurt your feelings and then as you got a bit older you learned what the proper word is emotions maybe this category change from feeling pokemon to emotion pokemon is a reference to that also curly's horns are much bigger than that of ralts and on top of being able to better feel the emotions of its trainer its pokedex entries also state curlia uses the horns on its head to amplify its psychokinetic power so these horns are for more than just emotion sensing they really are full on just psychic antenna thingies for the technical term i mean that makes sense why it's on the head then psychic powers are all about brain manipulating matter stuffs again for the technical term and so having a horn come out from the head means the brain has a better means of but why then would these horns move down to the chest in the final evolutions also do gallate and gardevoir's pokedex entry say anything about the horn no they don't actually which just means we can assume it does the same thing increases their power of psychokinesis and of sensing the emotions of others notably gardevoir being the embrace pokemon and the most loving and caring of all it may have the spike in her heart due to the classic idea of your heart being where you feel emotions gardevoir has an even deeper connection with the emotions of others now as she feels them right in his heart then upon mega evolving this power increases tremendously look at these horns now intense also note they are in fact horns and after all of my digging i couldn't find a single instance of them ever bending or flopping which leads me to believe that yes they are hard so if you were to hug a gardevoir you would get stabbed in the chest likely the heart oh so you could have your hearts connected that's so sweet the boys pokemon hey though when galilee mega evolves the horn on its chest gets smaller and its pokedex entries are more so about how its combat abilities are great as it knows what its opponent is thinking so i'd guess that gallate is less about the emotion sensing i mean after all knowing the exact emotion your enemy is feeling as you strike them down with a sword to the face is a bit uh it's probably not the best thing for your mental health so it's much more so now about knowing the thoughts of the opponent perhaps the only reason it's in the chest to begin with is because galad is basically a specialized gardevoir that's just where the horn goes for the final form but the heart connectivity with emotions and all is useless to it now so when a mega evolves it shrinks it's needless and note now its blades are pink is this sharp hard sword material stuff the same as the horn was does this mean that the horn on the rest of the evolutionary line can be as sharp and hard as a sword why would you want to embrace that so an emotion sensing sword spike with mental antenna powers that's what this thing is ouch but i do want to ask one more question about this line and it's everyone's favorite what's with the whole like gardevoir can still be a dude thing it's not even like mostly female or anything like most of the more feminine pokemon are either entirely or mostly female but carnivores 50 50. well i'd actually argue that perhaps it wasn't intended to be as feminine as the fan base in the west made it out to be i mean let's look at curlia almost everyone assumes it's designed off of a little girl ballet dancer with twin tails but considering all of the medieval antique times noble origins cruellia reminds me a lot more of a young prince or a choir boy i mean little prince boys that are in ballet dances are often picked on for being super feminine which of course there's nothing wrong with but you know it is what it is curly is haircut even it's like it's just a longer he-man's haircut this style which is also pretty similar to gardevoir is pretty common for stereotypical princes i mean think about all of the flamboyant princes in media even the me fighters in smash bros the prince hat has this haircut or at least something similar to it overall i feel like this was the idea here or at least a part of it while galade is the prince that had a more military focus growing up in times of war bardivoir is the princess or prince that chose to stick with dance and a more pompous lifestyle of nobility fun fact for fairy funth i mean month in lever city which is where the fairy type gym in pokemon x and y is the clock tower shows 13 hours instead of the usual 12. that's not a mistake and is actually pretty interesting so let's talk about that it all has to do with a number of phenomenons from folklore in the times where people believed in such things like fairies and witches some call it the 13th hour some call it the witches hour or the devil's hour but what they all have in common is that for just a few seconds an hour passes sounds weird but let me explain time gets wonky for a few seconds as far as regular humans perceive it but for those few seconds fey creatures come out and experience an entire hour the time this takes place differs depending on where you're looking and which folklore you're listening to but for example some say it's just a few seconds between 12 59 and 1 o'clock am others say it happens sometime between two and three o'clock am and others four o'clock but it all points to the same thing these fake creatures and people who are in tuned with the supernatural such as witches experience a 13th hour a time where black magic is at its strongest or a time where the fairy realm and our world combined for just a moment when the clock strikes 13 you'll be within the fairy's dream other games and media have referenced this 13th hour as well such as persona and castlevania both of which are filled with supernatural things speaking of which it's also a thing in the show supernatural apparently i haven't watched it the haunted mansion ride in disneyland also apparently has a 13-hour clock i mean it's a haunted mansion it experiences an extra hour where supernatural things occur or at the very least the spirit world and our world combine and supernatural things can leak into the mansion you see what i mean it's not exactly a super well known pop culture thing but it is definitely a cultural thing that many people creating media like to reference the snes game terenigma also has a 13 hour clock and it's stated that this is a time that does not exist no a time that must not exist it's a time where supernatural things occur and supernatural things are blasphemous so why is the 13th hour referenced in pokemon well this is also the first very type gym we see also and really this whole city seems like it's pulled straight from a fairy tale with the big tree and mushrooms all over plus even the gym itself teleports you from room to room in a dollhouse and the gym leader's eyes are so [Music] strange and uncanny trainers often pick up attributes from the pokemon they use like mediums being ghost type users which changes how they act but apparently being a dedicated fairy user causes these sort of effects as even the other fairy type trainers the fairytale girls have those strange eyes do they perhaps experience this extra hour themselves is this whole city built near where the fairy realm connects to their world thus the entire city experiences this 13th hour thus the reason they have it on their clock tower and this constant in and out of the fairy realm causes some trainers to start gaining some fairy traits themselves perhaps that certainly seems to be the case so you think you know the gen 6 legendary trio do you xyz norse inspirations and all but what if i told you that's wrong or at least that's not all this is the real origin of xerneas eviltal and zygarde [Music] welcome we have much to discuss and before getting right into it let's first cover what you may already know as it's been quite some time since the release of pokemon x and y six years in fact many know of the norse inspirations of these pokemon and to find the specifics we need to only look at the world tree iggdrasil this tree igdrasil also known as the world tree or the tree of life is the foundation of norse myth and cosmology as it connects the nine worlds but that does not mean beings cannot exist between the worlds this is where we will find our origins there are quite a few horned and hoofed creatures residing all around the tree such as the goat hydron and the heart mike thiernier who graze at its foliage that heart or deer specifically is said to have glowing antlers that drip dew with such abundance that it fills the rivers bringing life and rejuvenation to the land and that by itself serves as an excellent basis for the pokemon of life xerneas but there is even more to be seen all around the base of the world tree there are four stags which are male deer they are darwin devolen duneer and du rothroar all of them reach up and eat the branches of the tree d'valen specifically who is also a dwarf because it's complicated is said to be the dormant one or the one slumbering which may have inspired xerneas lying dormant in the shape of a tree until it is actively awakened there are a number of theories regarding the symbolic meaning of these deer some attribute them to represent the winds or the four cardinal directions which we will speak more of later but another theory is that these four stags were added into the late stages of norse mythology and originally it was one great stag which may point right back to ike there near the deer of glowing antlers and life-bringing abilities but what then of the other two pokemon iveltal and zygarde well let's look at zygarde next and find out deep beneath the land where the stag resides among the roots of the world tree there is a serpentine dragon known as nidhogg which sustains itself by gnawing at the roots of the tree as well as chewing up the corpses of the inhabitants of nastrond the part of the world hell for the worst of the worst those guilty of such atrocities such as murder adultery and worst of all oath-breaking crushing these evil-doers may in a way keep those still alive in midgard earth from doing such heinous acts similar to christianity's burning in hell this fear of punishment after death in a way helps sustain order amongst society and zygarde being the pokemon of order may pull from this very aspect though a prevalent theme in norse mythology is renewal death and rebirth so some have theorized that by chewing on the corpses but not consuming them it sheds the corpses to begin life anew sin and punishment followed by redemption order it is also worth noting that the arrival of nidhogg heralds ragnarok norse armageddon which in a way was lysander's plan in the anime to use zygarde to burn kalos to the ground ending it but there's more to zygarde than just this 50 snake form isn't there the individual cells are simply that they resemble cells perhaps like euglena but then it's 10 50 and 100 forms are easily inspired from the three children of loki and anger boda the first is fenrir the giant wolf clearly represented by 10 zygarde being a dog and it should be noted that fenrir is bound but when ragnarok comes around it will break free and kill odin though it will be later struck down next is jorman gander the world serpent while different from nidhogg it too works as another inspiration to 50 zygarde it is a sea serpent so massive it's wrapped itself around the entire world and bit down onto its own tail like the auroboris and it is said that ragnarok will begin the moment it lets go and during it it is prophesied that it will kill thor with its poison though only after being killed by thor itself lastly is hell their giantess daughter and ruler of the realm of the same name the one where nidhogg chews upon evil corpses though she does not rule hell by choice rather she is bound there through force but like fenrir we'll break free during ragnarok these three clearly match the forms of zygarde in shape though their roles are loose at best one could see the form of the auroboris taken by yormangander and apply that to zygarde easily after all in alchemy and gnosticism the oroborus's symbolism is all is one or everything is in order then hell being the ruler of the underworld where nidhogg does its thing is all underground and that may point towards the ground typing of zygarde and then fenrir's a dog so overall the norse inspiration of these two still works well xerneas is definitely norse primarily and zygarde and its forms mostly but now how about iveltal high above the stags and nidhogg up in the canopy of eggdrasil there resides an eagle this great eagle goes unnamed though its companion a hawk that sits between its eyes is known as vedderfulnir this eagle knows many things as it is wise and gossips with nidhogg about all of the goings-on and that is where our story ends so a smart bird equals iveltol the pokemon of destruction known for absorbing the life force of all of those around it no though there's also heres vulgar which translates to corpse swallower and he's a giant that can transform into an eagle one that sits at the northern edge of the heavens and causes wind to blow when it beats its wings so that's something maybe if you mix the two birds it's still a bit weak though he's known more so as the wind giant not a giant of death and all the giants eat humans and have names that insinuate violent things so i guess this comes down to i guess that's the inspiration i suppose but i'm never quite happy with that that can't be it while there are times game freak is lazy in its design when it comes to the legendary pokemon they are often deep and pull from many inspirational sources at once so let's go over two more inspirations to get the whole picture x y z y x and y was a question many threw around when pokemon x and y were announced up until that point every pokemon game was either a color or a gemstone that insinuated a color but x and y letters many joked about chromosomes for a while but then we got to see the legendary pokemon and the pieces started falling into place yveltal's whole body is shaped like a y as are its talons and zernius's body makes an x and has x eyes and several x's within its antlers and then 50 zygarde which was the only form we had at the time when in its default pose is shaped like a z so many expected a third version a pokemon z to happen but it never did regardless of this the second half of the gen 6 anime was named pokemon xyz this led many to theorize that this was going to be the end of an era for ash and the anime xyz certainly insinuated the end of something and in a way it was the following anime series would take a completely different direction both in story and art design but for all intensive purposes meh this wasn't really an end at much at all xyz then may simply refer to the fact that pokemon x and y were the first mainline pokemon games in 3d as they were on the 3ds after all and in mathematics and video game modeling for that matter you use a 3-axis system to represent the 3 dimensions the x-axis is how far something moves left or right horizontally the y-axis is how high or low it is vertically and the z-axis is how near or far something is x y z on the 3ds and you can take this access information and apply it to the pokemon as well the stags around the norse tree of life walk around on the ground x whereas the eagle flies up and down why when on a 2d diagram of the tree they are essentially the x and y axes but then here comes zygarde the z-axis near or far hm doesn't really fit maybe that's why they canceled pokemon z we couldn't come up with lore but what if i told you now that these directional inspirations lead us to a whole new set of beliefs a whole new trio of gods and for that we look to hinduism and the trimurti the triple deity of supreme divinity the three dominant gods in hinduism visnu shiva and brahma now being humanoid in nature you might not see the connection right away but what we have here is the god of life and creation the god of destruction and the god of maintenance and order being the pokemon of destruction rather than of death may help with this connection as it's the same word used to describe shiva destruction and there are even more connections to make like how xerneas may be a single form of the four stags around yggdrasil thus its four colored antlers it may also pull then from the four heads of brahma and most of all how vishnu has several snake heads behind his own head most commonly five and looking at 50 zygarde what else could these five similar-looking scaly heads behind it be plus there is complete zygarde the previous main head becomes the chest face and the five flat heads behind fifty percent icard's head become a humanoid head and four long snake heads you could more easily tell that they are heads by the way they open their mouths when attacking and not only this but in hinduism there are many gods who can descend to earth in the form of an avatar the material physical appearance of a deity on earth and no other god is more associated with them or has as many as vishnu replace avatar with form and you'll see what i'm getting at so the hindu god of maintenance and order the pokemon of order the snakeheads and many forms alone makes it clear to see and this goes deeper too brahma creates life shiva destroys and vishnu maintains the balance between the two as too much of one or the other is a danger to the whole world to the ecosystem similarly zygarde the guardian of the ecosystem must maintain balance between the two but cannot and will not dominate or take over the roles of the other two being fairy makes xerneas immune to zygarde's dragon typing and being flying makes iveltol immune to zygarde's ground typing in a way that symbolizes how challenging that balancing act is as both life and death have power over the preserver thus the preserver needs more power overall to preserve it this balance is often mentioned in the teachings of the trimurti and is why vishnu is often depicted between the other two preserving and it still goes deeper we can actually look back at the directions again as in hinduism there are gods of directions north south east west northwest southwest etc and vishnu just so happens to be one of them the god of nadir which is the downwards direction directly below an observer and what better direction would fit nidhogg who resides at the lowest point of yggdrasil eh it really does all come together one issue i often see in the pokemon fandom is the inability of some to see or accept the idea that pokemon can have multiple inspirational sources sure most pokemon are just one thing maybe with a small element or two from another but some are such cultural biological and historical hodgepodges that things get too complicated and people refuse to see it a brief example is the fire zodiac starter theory that i butchered the name of many see fennekin as a fox because it is one but because it's a fox it's not a dog so the theory is wrong whereas others see the zodiac loosely it doesn't mean specifically a domesticated dog it means dog-like which foxes are because game freak is allowed to take creative liberties as they do that all the time what the heck is nidoking same goes for cyndaquil it's not a rat it's a mouse therefore the theory is wrong even though in japanese there's no word that means one or the other they are both the same in japanese it's rat like not rat period and this may be the case again the norse mythology theory popped up first in the western fandom and it has a good bit of evidence for it plus it's easier for us westerners to understand so even if it doesn't fully explain everything we accept it it's a lot easier than having to learn about another eastern religion so some may not accept anything else as an answer but while the hindu inspiration fills in the blanks by itself it also doesn't tell the full story but game freak doesn't have to pick one thing and base a pokemon on it pokemon is its own world that pulls some inspiration from ours and as such these pokemon can easily be norse and hindu and based on 3d spatial directions and that's just awesome there's something that's been bugging me about pokemon for like and when did the anime come out for like 27 years now and on the surface it may seem like a simple question but i assure you it's more complex and interesting that you might think and that question is are legendary pokemon truly unique are legendary pokemon and mythical pokemon as well one of a kind or are they just really really rare the games seem to most often imply that they are one of a kind and for a while the anime seems to support that but 20 years is a long time and there have been a lot of examples pointing to the contrary so let's start with the anime it'd probably be hard to find more than one of each legendary in the pokemon anime right even though we just talked about that video ago with rayquaza so here's a list yeah no it may have been true at one time but here's just a few of the legendary or mythical pokemon that appear more than once in the anime remember the lugia articuno zapdos and moltres that appeared in the second movie and were responsible for the balance of nature and could not be captured under any circumstances lest the world ends well frontier brian nolan you caught a wild articuno why isn't the world over did this not count or maybe this is a different articuno we know there are at least two lugia because silver has a lugia that was the young offspring of another and that's not even to mention all the other times that the legendary birds appeared all over the world are these guardians of the islands that hold the freaking planet together just following ash all over the place despite their responsibilities that if they ever leave the world ends or are there more than one of each and much like the articuno situation darkrai has been seen both in the wild and in the 10th movie and also owned by a trainer in the anime so is this the same darkrai at different points in time despite neither one recognizing ash or are these different darkrai some even go as far as to argue that the mewtwo in the first and sixteenth movies must be different mewtwo but since the backstory of the 16th movie mewtwo is mostly glossed over we can't be certain and then there are also mythical pokemon that we know there's more than one of them like fiona and milton in the anime along with the thousands upon thousands of zygarde cells as well as genesect in the 16th movie genesect brings us to the next point one of them is shiny seriously it's a completely different color so how could it be the same genesect okay well it's obvious there's more than one genesect because they're standing right next to each other and there's a bunch of them but this comes up again as well rayquaza appeared in the seventh movie where there's also two dioxis but later in the 18th movie hoopa summons a shiny one oh and i guess the legendary beasts had a shiny version too from the 13th movie but that's not even all of it here's some other instances of multiple legendaries appearing in different regions [Music] so are legendary pokemon unique well the anime gives us an unequivocal no to some of them okay then it's settled oh wait a minute just because that's how it is in the anime that doesn't mean it goes the same for the pokemon games it's not an uncommon belief that they take place in two different universes and there seems to never be more than one of any legendary in the pokemon games but we're not done here if there's only one of each legendary per game then that makes them unique right but then again when sun and ultra moon let you soar through ultra space and into alternate universes the one legendary limit was still intact even though it shouldn't realistically be at that point you'd think that a multiverse would literally have an infinite number of them so maybe the whole one legendary per game thing is a game mechanic as opposed to lore trust me when i say the pokemon games are filled to the brim with that game mechanics over lore i complain about it all the time on this channel so we need to look deeper at the individual species themselves so what about mew as the common ancestor of all pokemon that must mean there have been at one point a population of them and thus more than one right and what about other mythical pokemon like victini jirachi meltan and the others well the game is kind of ambiguous in all of their decks entries although manafee is able to breed multiple fion but fion's status as the legendary pokemon is debated at best however the majority of legendary pokemon throughout the games appear in different places often completely different regions for example the legendary birds can be found in their nests in kanto they are also roaming suno the sea spirits den and kalos and in ore not to mention moltres nest in kanto has three different places victory road mount ember and mount silver ho-oh is said to have resurrected the legendary beasts right so entei suicune and raiku must be one of a kind yet they not only roam johto but they can also be found around kanto or within the trackless forest in hoenn or in the ore region again even kyogre and graudon and rayquaza can be found in the embedded tower in johto in addition to their local residences chillin and hoenn so that means none of them are truly unique but then we must consider mewtwo everything about mewtwo's origins as a science experiment gone wrong seems to at least imply that mewtwo is unique mewtwo's backstory is pretty heavily explored even in the games in the first generation and yet mewtwo somehow appears in the unknown dungeon in kalos but maybe mewtwo just moved here youtube travels the world he has been shown to wear a cloak in the anime to hide his true form however there is another way to explain the multiple legendary thing the multiverse of course the multiverse theory was around for a while in pokemon but omega ruby and office sapphire finally brought it up with ultrasound and ultramoon going all in on the idea essentially the idea goes that every version of the game and possibly each copy of a pokemon game is an alternate universe from one another not only does this explain how you can trade supposedly one-of-a-kind legendaries from world to world but it could also possibly justify their being too mewtwo and thus multiples of all the others in various regions with that presumption mewtwo simply lives in kanto in one universe but lives in kalos in the other the kalos mewtwo's past could even be different and thus involve mega evolution but do you see the problem with that idea it basically invalidates all of the other examples we mentioned earlier any legendary pokemon living in a different region in a different game could all be chalked up to the multiverse but there's more there actually are a few cases where the games break the one legendary rule with legendaries that one may assume to be unique which brings us to the battle frontier there are several frontier brains that use the legendaries of the region in which they live tower tycoon palmer in cino has a reggie gigas heatran and cresselia pyramid king brandon in hohen has all three legendary birds and the three reggies seriously he has an entire legendary team that means you could catch all three reggies and battle this guy who has three more reggies of his own all in the same game but before i go off and say no legendaries are unique you may stop me and say loxton what about the gods surely they must be unique and sure if normal legendaries aren't unique archaeous and its initial creations still could truly be the only unique to the toughest degree legendaries which would be fitting for deities but well you might know where this is going in heart gold and soul silver if you bring rqs to the senjo ruins it'll just create a new deity of your choice you get a diagram and since dialga and palkia created time and space and you're standing in the ruins like right now that means diagonal and pocky are already out there somewhere yet here you are hatching another and then there was archaeos our last hope for some individuality arceus as the creator of the pokemon universe may truly be the only guaranteed unique pokemon in existence in fact it's possible that a single archaic governs the entire multiverse from like the 11th dimension or something but oh no a myth about archaic called the original story claims that archaea was born from an egg that appeared in a void out of a vortex so i have to ask a vortex from where and what the heck laid the egg did rks truly come into being out of nothingness or did its egg come from somewhere laid by something elsewhere in the multiverse is it not possible that each time an archaic reproduces a new universe is born in the multiverse is it crazy to consider that someday soon an arceus will breed two new eggs send them off into a vortex and they hatch to create the sword and shield multiverses respectively maybe there's no solid answer here but it's definitely it's definitely a case-by-case basis with that question of originality ah yeah pokemon masters came out yesterday beat it already got a load of near max level guys because i'm pretty great yeah so my favorite part about the pokemon world is just that the world the lore and world building is great so of course i was wondering what pokemon masters adds to it which is exactly what this video is about how does pokemon masters fit into the lore pokemon masters takes place on an artificial island named passio which is nothing out of the ordinary in pokemon sun and moon the aether foundation's base was an entirely artificial island too the name of the island comes from the esperanto word for passion and esperanto really is the best language to pull from for it because you see trainers from all over the world are coming together to take part in the pml the pokemon masters league which is being hosted here of course this means that several languages are being spoken here i mean think about it kanto johto sinnoh and hoen are all based on various japanese regions yanova is based on new york kalos is french etc i mean do you really think the whole pokemon world speaks the same language this is proven untrue by professor bellis the island professor she is constantly using words from all sorts of languages english spanish japanese french and more and it would make sense for a professor of such a diverse island to know so many languages and plus she even mentions how diverse the people are here but right the point the point i was trying to make the point for this video the name of the island comes from esperanto and esperanto is a very recently created language created yeah created in 1887 it was created with the purpose of being the easiest language to learn as a second language which would better unite the world and help with international affairs so it is perhaps insinuated that everybody here is speaking esperanto i suppose that's a theory after all all of these trainers are able to communicate without issue despite coming from all over the world no they all speak english because that's what i read it in you don't understand localization in anime and games all the time even when you're reading it or even hearing it dubbed in english there are sometimes moments of oh no it's a foreigner my english isn't very good i hope they can understand me they say as they're speaking english because canonically they're speaking japanese just because they are speaking english right now doesn't mean that's canon anyway there's a little theory onto the next bit let's get back to talking about passio being an artificial island means of course that all of the dirt and plants were brought here gardenia at one point mentions how she's curious about how they chose which plants to bring but considering that everything was brought here it makes sense then that there are no wild pokemon because this isn't a natural landmass all the pokemon you see in the game belong to someone which is a really convenient story way of explaining the gameplay mechanics you don't collect pokemon you add trainers to your team but you would have never gotten this far in the first place without help from professor bellis her name refers to the bellas genus of flowering plants think the daisy or sunflower and theory time do you think her name could also be a reference to ellis island a mostly artificial island where people from all over the world speaking all sorts of languages came together to become american citizens i mean just add a bee and it's her name i'm just saying though that's only her english name and french and italian but in japanese her name isn't that it's just the japanese word for the common daisy so either the similarity in english was unintentional or the localization team is just excellent anyway her whole thing is that she is studying the relationship between pokemon and sync stones which are this game's main attack gimmick they work similar in concept to z crystals it's an item that allows the bond between a trainer and pokemon to manifest itself in a super attack though sync attacks aren't as powerful as z moves but they can be done multiple times per battle at least now at this point the game only has about the first half of its story or so so more details will be added as time goes on but right now it's briefly mentioned that these sink stones were found in the ocean around the area where the island was built in fact it may be the reason the island was built here specifically putting some pieces together we can theorize that passio was built somewhere near alola but not too close z crystals are found only in alola and considering how much of a lola is ocean it's safe to assume that a load of z-crystals were lost to it so perhaps a load of these ocean diving z crystals washed away through the ocean currents whipping and being ground down against the water and the waves and the salt and the sand but then eventually the current takes them somewhere where the current gets too weak and it drops them all and there's a common area a common spot somewhere out in the ocean where all these beaten up battered down z crystals land and this is where pasio was built after all sink stones are described basically the same way as z crystals they're just not as strong so i think that's a decent theory to make sink stones are just really weak old z crystals but speaking of possible being built who built it well we're introduced to that character pretty early on and his name is leer an obscenely rich and snobby prince from another region not specified in fact the whole reason he had the island built was to set up the pokemon masters league to bring in all of the best trainers from all around the world specifically just so he can overcome his weaknesses and win the tournament and prove that he truly is the best like no one ever was because obviously he is the best he's accompanied by two other trainers his servants rachel and sawyer and all three of them are massive tools i'm not kidding no really rachel ratchet sawyer saw lear player that last one might seem like a bit of a stretch but his name in japanese is flyer written the same way as player without the p sound and his various european languages are elic or alexis which come from ellicott if i'm pronouncing that right which is spanish for players [Music] yeah it's hilarious they are all tools but that also goes into how they treat their pokemon lear is even quoted as saying that pokemon are nothing more than tools making him just like all the other pokemon protagonists i mean what did you expect also judging by his looks i'm speculating that he's secretly also the leader of team break the villainous organization of the game you see him often fighting against team break but i feel like either he's doing it to sort of make him seem innocent or he actually hired all of the people to be an evil team for him to fight for training and or seem more heroic and important after all throughout the game you run into many team break members who have the goal of stealing your pokemon to take the bond you share with your pokemon and break it apart hence the name but a lot of them are clumsy often forgetting to put on their masks on until later or even the opposite getting it stuck none of them really seem like professional bad guys and half the time they have no idea what they're doing and also unlike every other villainous team in pokemon history they don't have their own models or outfits or anything instead they are just the everyday people but with masks on which all leads me towards that they are just regular trainers but they are hired to act as bad guys it's a theory but we won't really know anything for sure until the rest of the story is added but at least as the story is now you do get to collect every badge you see in order to qualify for the pml you must first collect all five badges and then you enter it the pokemon masters league which has more story continue after it and is also the multiplayer part of the game and that is basically all the lore there is pokemon masters has quite the cast of obtainable characters all of these trainers are pokemon gym leaders champions elite four members battle frontier brains and more but really who are you people am i out of touch is my memory fading that bad do i really remember half of these pokemon trainers and more importantly are they truly all masters which ones really are not pokemon masters what even is a pokemon master well as it turns out there is no actual definition of what a pokemon master is that's right the one thing we are all aspiring to be isn't even defined by game freak yes you heard me the ultimate goal in pokemon is to become the ultimate pokemon master a term that i'm not entirely sure of the definition i mean the name pokemon master insinuates that you are a master of pokemon so does that just mean you're a trainer are you a master and if so then all you need to become a pokemon master is to play the game past meeting the professor and there are certainly some npcs in pokemon masters that have only gotten that far for sure oh yes the ultimate tournament all of the best pokemon trainers from all around the globe will be here i'd better bring my ah peta don't judge it's the top percentile of all potato no nah that can't be it it must mean a little more than just owning a pokemon i mean why is ash trying so hard to become one if he already owns some pokemon so he is one hmm he's traveled the globe constantly saying he has to become a pokemon master and his attempts at that while they may be unfruitful we are able to learn some information from those attempts perhaps this will help our definition of pokemon master first he's constantly beating gym leaders along with trying to become the champion of any region that he's in collecting badges and pokemon along the way all good things if you want to become stronger and be a master of anything improvement so that would mean anyone who is actively part of the league like it's their job our pokemon masters possibly only the ones who are gym leaders and elite four and champions and stuff then i mean they are the people you have to beat to become the champion which brings up a good point what happens to the lowest gym leader once they are beat do they all cycle down and every time the champion gets beaten who chooses the people to be gym leaders and elite four members is it the government who also owns the health care system allowing discounts for those competing man pokemarts are making mad bank off of the competitive scene of pokemon i mean the latest games even have the pokemart and pokemon center in the same building which would make sense if they're owned by the same company or government but that's getting sidetracked let's get back to the pokemon masters issue at hand gonna have to do some research here [Music] ah so after a wee bit of digging we did find a single piece of information pertaining to the definition of a pokemon master and it comes from a less than reputable source i mean it's official technically so why not it's the electric tale of pikachu an old gen 1 manga that i did a whole synopsis of the first chunk of it for link right there it's pretty great at times the manga states a pokemon master is an elite trainer who is considered a professional and regularly takes part in pokemon league competitions and that definition is pretty good honestly it's rather clear that it's a job if it is your job then you are a master however this definition really limits who truly is a master now don't it i mean brock and misty they're gym leaders i'm sure they get paid possibly by the government to challenge kids and make them buy more items and then there's the champions they also must be salaried and that brings me to ash is he already a master then i mean based off of the manga i'd say yeah he regularly is in the league and it's practically his job if it's not his job then he's just a transient hobo anyway with this information i feel like we can look at the cast of pokemon masters and weed out those fake pokemon masters so starting off all of the gym leaders are a-okay they are all masters along with the elite four members and champions and that already leaves only a few seems like they named the game correctly but nevertheless we shall continue all of the player characters like red brendan and rosa basically fit it seems that at this point in the timeline they have completed their trials such as brendan beating his father who's a gym leader and red and blue being super though again at this point i'm not 100 sure they've all beaten their region's champion or elite four though they do recognize all of them so i guess that's hinted at being the case but then again i'm sure you'd know about popular sports people if you were into a sport doesn't mean you've beaten them but we of course at the very least can assume that they do this for a job at least as much as ash ketchum does so we'll let him slide into this pokemon masters league so what's left not much so we have noland and thorton both the head of battle at the battle frontier in their respective regions both are extremely strong trainers who work in the battlefrontier distributing symbols to trainers strong enough to reach them and battle them and well i'd say being a battle frontier master is basically the same thing as being a pokemon master i'm sure they have to get paid i mean you can't even get into the battle frontier to compete until you've achieved something great like basically becoming the champion or have gotten into the hall of fame so i'm sure that these two factory heads are much much stronger than the common gym leaders so they too get a pass next up is cheryl and marley from diamond and pearl much like the last two trainers this duo isn't in the main storyline or at least you can very easily miss them if you don't look they are in the battle tower in gen 4 and they are two of the multi-battle partners you can team up with cheryl being the default and then the others you need to choose the correct questions to get them on your team and again in order to even get into the battle frontier or resort you gotta be pretty fantastic for a trainer so a pokemon master for sure but after all of these characters explanations i feel like i left one out oh that's right the only person there that really has no reason to be invited to the pokemon masters league and that's you that's right the player character you are a nobody with a level 1 pikachu you barely know how to battle thus the tutorial at the beginning the heck your character isn't a known person it's a nobody someone who was a blank slate what did you do in the past why do you have a pikachu what got you here who knows but considering your character needs everything explained to them they clearly are not a pokemon master which is kind of funny i guess now we're not done yet there are plenty of characters in this game that aren't really all that fancy and that is of course the filler characters obviously such as the swimmers and hikers and preschoolers they aren't really professional pokemon masters why are they here can anyone just arrive and join the thing i guess that would explain your player character huh well maybe it's not actually just a pokemon masters league it might be just the new league in this new region that its creator lear has just happened to have named the pokemon masters league in order to attract all of the big named trainers hmm maybe that's the case oh no what sort of evil plans does this man who's gathered the world's strongest trainers into one location have remember the last time this happened mewtwo made a bunch of clones maybe he actually hired team break to steal all the strongest ones and all these generic pawns are secretly the team break members i mean look at this comparison shot doesn't it look like if you just took this team break member and removed the mask doesn't it look like these are the same people something nefarious is going down pokemon has had an interesting history do you remember when nintendo and the pokemon company changed a ton of pokemon names like more than ten like ten tens oh man that's around a hundred or something because yeah that happened and not even that long ago with the release of pokemon sun and moon over 100 pokemon names were rewritten and altered in a way that the series has never seen before there were several petitions to stop this change from occurring many of them reaching thousands upon thousands of signatures but they were all for naught the names were changed even bulbasaur squirtle and yes even pikachu had their names altered i mean it wasn't even that long ago you do remember it right well i suppose i don't blame you if you don't because it happened in china was changed into yao and protests were had to a non-mandarin speaker that may not sound too different but for comparison imagine if in english the name pikachu was changed into pikachu it still works but it's slightly off and it just makes people upset dadsya was changed into kailos was modified too ting ting ting was changed into pants haiku was changed to zhonggi sho myemi yang was altered into so young chando and dozens upon dozens more from all over too no generation was spared but gen 1 and 2 were hit the hardest all of this was done for a reason though and what might that reason be i mean suddenly changing the name of your mascot and many of the pokemon with the strongest marketing poll doesn't exactly sound like a smart business move though charmander was spared charmander was already perfect so why the sudden change well a few reasons the change of the franchise name was just so that the name sounds similar in all places all around the world it sounds like pokemon but as for the changes of individual pokemon names there's an innocent reason and then to sum a more nefarious one the more innocent reason is that they never actually had official names to begin with china had some weird laws when it came to video games they just straight up weren't allowed with some exceptions for a simplified summary dedicated video game playing systems were illegal they were considered a waste of time a detriment to society really all video games are but who's the government to decide what you humans waste your time on wasting it with pokemon is no different than wasting it with mahjong so consoles handheld or otherwise were banned but pc games were okay mostly since you can use a pc for many things other than video games i i can think of at least 34. some console companies did get around this law though through loopholes leading to this monstrosity of an n64 being china exclusive the n64 hardware is jammed into the controller and plugs into the tv directly like a and play system meaning it's not technically or legally anyway a video game console because you can't buy game cartridges for it that was how they defined a game console so instead this device comes with a 64 megabyte flash card that you can rent downloadable software to which means like i said doesn't count as a video game console according to chinese law and it's hilarious and with that tangent out of the way it's no wonder then that pokemon games were never officially released in china however what was allowed to release was the pokemon anime it was localized and translated holy with very few exceptions every episode of the anime was allowed to be translated and localized and released throughout china and this is where the troubles begin because the video games weren't allowed to release in china nintendo and game freak didn't really get involved with the chinese localization rather just some chinese localization team did so and they did more than localize they wholly translated it so another way of putting it from generation one to generation six china never had any official pokemon names they were all localizations do you know what kind of localizations for kids it's into the pokemon anime in english these donuts are great jellyfield are my favorite nothing beats a jelly filled donut so think of that but chinese names but eventually the chinese ban on video games was lifted and pokemon sun and moon would be the first pokemon games officially anyway released throughout china which meant that for the first time pokemon would be getting official chinese names and that meant all of them game freak nintendo and the pokemon company had a say in the names now and while a lot of the localization team's names for pokemon were acceptable a lot of them also weren't so with the release of the sun and moon games and the sun and moon anime they changed the names of over 100 pokemon doesn't seem like that big of a deal right i understand why some would be upset at this change i mean it's a change and many of these characters are beloved but to actually go out and protest in sizable groups geez but what the pokemon company may not have realized is that language has been a big political issue in the last few years in china and most of the name changes sort of reflect that issue you see china is huge and has a lot of people as such they speak many languages but the two biggest are mandarin and cantonese and over the last decade the chinese government in beijing has been pushing harder and harder too as some would put it reduce the number of cantonese speakers and make its citizens all speak the same language the official language of china standard mandarin to many cantonese speakers this obviously sucks especially since hong kong which primarily speaks it has a sense of independence from the mainland there's a huge complicated slew of socio-political stuff and cultural stuff going on between hong kong and the mainland that we won't get into here because it's complex as heck and also there's currently a massive protest happening that sort of has to do with all that and this video is not about that but basically a lot of the pokemon names were changed to reflect mandarin significantly more than cantonese and many saw this as the mainland government furthering its outreach changing the names of popular characters to fit in mandarin better to get further support for the total language conversion as one pokemon fan put it our culture and language is threatened by the beijing government mandarin and simplified chinese we're afraid that cantonese may be disappearing and another pikachu is bakatsu not pay cai i hereby vow i will never buy from nintendo again unless you finally understand what is cantonese and the correct chinese usage nintendo why do you want to insult cantonese after the protests and petitions nintendo did hear the complaints but their response was interesting since most of the complaints focused on the mascot pokemon pikachu they decided to change the name of pikachu again but not back to the original unofficial name rather the chinese name of pikachu is now pikachu the english pronunciation not much else came from this though fans were upset but the protests stopped and besides pikachu nothing else was changed again but it does make an interesting story a noteworthy tidbit in the history of pokemon that i only recently learned so i wanted to share it and now let's close by listing several more pokemon name changes [Music] [Music] feischer yes yes yes yeah thank you game freak ah thank goodness game freak isn't also dropping the regional variant idea from sun and moon alolan forms were an awesome idea though it was a shame that they were limited to gen 1 pokemon but now we have a confirmed gen 3 galarian form pokemon they aren't just limited to gen 1 anymore yeah so what is up with these galarian forms how did they come to be let's figure that out today on noggin so this is wheezing it's gotta be the new alolan exeggutor joke right this thing is 9 foot 10 inches tall that's a tall hunk how does it even float anymore and the amount of britishness that it's got going on noble or otherwise well-off british citizens in the olden days famously wore top hats to show off their status top hats were very expensive and the more money you put into making your top hat fancy the more you could look down on everybody else around you at the same time this was in fashion chops and beards and huge poofy mustaches and the like were also quite fashionable it was the industrial revolution having a beard was dangerous for factory workers so by having one along with the top hat that look said check it i'm rich enough that i don't have to work in a factory not being poor is actually one of the defining factors of determining what a society commonly sees as stereotypically beautiful or attractive in the classical ages having some chunk was beautiful because it usually meant you were well off enough to buy food all the food you wanted and you could afford to laze about it's the same reason pale skin and body hairlessness came into fashion you aren't working outside laboring away and getting tan instead you are sitting inside of a nice palace or mansion sitting in your bath and cleaning yourself up more recently things have flipped a bit a full body tan is often seen as sexy because you can afford vacation and relaxation time and being fit or thin is more commonly seen as sexy because it means you take care of yourself and can afford healthier food options society has always revolved around the haves and have-nots and this was no different in the united kingdom's industrial revolution the people who owned the factories got rich and were able to grow such facial hair and wear top hats and monocles and oh look at the time on my pocket watch i have an appointment to the gentleman's club and those industrial factories famously had very large smoke stacks they were often burning coal for power and coal produces a ton of smoke so smoke stacks were built very high to keep that as far above the city as possible of course a load of soot still came down and polluted the absolute heck of the cities leading to all sorts of illnesses but in the pokemon world all this pollution in the air well that's what coughing and wheezing are all about they are basically balloons filled with air pollution which brings us to the theory of how wheezing evolved into a different form in the gala region it was likely during the industrial evolution which we see remnants of in galar already the air was already so polluted due to the factories that wheezings didn't make much of a difference perhaps they couldn't reliably use their poisonous gases to hunt prey anymore because the prey all got used to poisonous gases in the atmosphere constantly because of all the pollution so instead of hunting prey wheezing started eating the pollution itself you see unlike regular wheezing gelarian wheezing eats pollution and exhausts purified air out of its smokestacks it's like a tree but even more concentrated and able to do so at a much more efficient rate it's so efficient at sucking up pollution from the air that a lot of it has concentrated around its mouths and that's what it's beard stash things are it's a bunch of pollution and if the wheezing so chooses it can actually spit up this poison that it's stored here to attack you thus it's still being poison type but the process of taking pollution and purifying it is quite a fairy like thing fairies are nature spirits and are often at war with mankind's metals and pollutants so in the process of developing a digestive system for pollution it perhaps inadvertently gained the fairy typing since fairies are sort of all about that now how about them goons get out of here oh man kiss much motley crew you can't tell me that those weren't the inspirations here black and white star design around the eye the tongue thing come on these guys pretty much defined hard rock glam metal hair metal sneeze metal all sorts of sub genres and look obstagoon even has tufts of fur instead of spikes and straps that hard rock leather jackets typically have that is exactly what's going on with this gallarium variant though interestingly both of these world famously notorious bands are american not inherently british i mean they did do tours in the uk but i do think there is an easy enough logic trail to follow here brits and americans who are into these things often argue over who invented the genre ask a brit and they'll normally say that they invented it then the americans who are inspired by it changed it a bit and popularized it some americans say the same but others of course disagree famous bands and artists like led zeppelin gun tiger tales boham ozzy the list goes on and on loads of metal bands and performers originated in the united kingdom but what's a more popularly iconic thing even to non-metal fans that would be the face paint motley crew and kiss did it's instantly recognizable even if it's specifically american the genre as a whole is more so seen as british and this face paint though specifically american is associated with the genre you see where i'm going plus turning zigzagoon and lanoon black and white makes them match the colors of the european badger common in the uk so there's certainly a double inspiration here a two birds situation then there's this new evolution obstagoon a wicked metal null a null is basically a mean humanoid hyena they were first written about by english fantasy author edward plunkett 18th baron of dunzini though they weren't popularized until dungeons and dragons used them but yeah that means even nulls are a british thing these pokemon designers are doing an a plus job granted dungeons and dragons did take the original knolls and made them into what we know of them of today and popularized them but still the roots now about this line they are punks their descriptions state that they go wherever they please in zigzag patterns they are rambunctious and often purposefully try to make people upset they are a favorite among unhappy and angry youths aka stereotypical punks obstagoon plays into this well it's in the name obsta as an obstacle or obstruct which is also its main feature it rarely attacks first instead it taunts and crosses its arms a very punk thing to do and then it counter attacks with its obstruct move think about those punk-filled protests that sometimes go too far obstructing public transit and all it's stereotypical but often things like this and knocking over trashed hands to show the man is a very punk rock sort of thing which also is a genre that has much of its origins in the uk you see by obstructing the day-to-day normality the day-to-day peace you get attention to your cause though sometimes it does go a bit too far now here's something interesting according to the blurb about gallary and zigzagoon it's actually the original zigzagoon and then when it left galar it mellowed out over time giving us the zigzagoon we're already used to which is an interesting take it wouldn't have been mentioned without a good reason the common lanoon is a mixture of the japanese badger the striped pole cat and the ferret badger then zigzagoon is the japanese raccoon dog well they're all somewhat related i suppose but it's not like these are all descendants of the european badger or anything perhaps then it's not about their biology but just about their habitat and behavior outside of the gelarian culture they may not have to act the way that they do so they become more docile over the generations though they don't lose that attitude entirely these pokemon are still said to be tricksters and little thieves what i'm getting at is that this may be linked to the idea that well the explosion of punk culture might not have happened if not for the common proper british culture it's a common belief that countercultures only develop when the culture they are countering grows too strong society is always going back and forth on a pendulum and when it goes too far one way it is going to be pulled back even further it's why politics is such a mess one side stays in power for a bit too long gets away with a bit too much so the other side hits back even harder so then the options are for the original side to then hit back even harder or they could finally find middle ground and mellow out a bit until it inevitably happens again social studies that's why it's a thing that you learn in school for a good while there in the 20th century the uk had just the right amount of properness and politeness and culture and policy and all that that led many youths to rebel harder than they ever had before oh yeah imma turn my hair pink and knock over a trash can i'll make all my music be super energetic and loud while singing about sad stuff that'll show those rich pompous gentlemen you see i knew i'd fail at a british accent so i didn't even try so the latest pokemon sword and shield trailer finally revealed the evil organization of this game and it's silly it's team yale just a big bunch of pink punks so of course me being me i had to learn of their inspirational sources especially since i knew sort of right away that i would be very upset if galar didn't have some reference to punkitude because it's a very british thing but why is that why make team yale punks well that's what we're gonna talk about team yell really want to see their idol marnie win the championship and they'll do anything to get what they want so they are likely going to get in your way all the time and cause mischief and do nefarious deeds you sort of like your stereotypical punk going all these protests and knocking trash cans over yeah that'll sure show those people in power so the galar region is basically great britain after a massive earthquake induced blizzard took out whales so it's gotta have something to do with this team's look and well it does the uk is basically where the punk lifestyle originated so here is a very brief history of pokes and punk rock starting with the beatles no really nobody would argue that the the british boy band the beatles were a punk rock band but they were revolutionary for the time and already some were calling their music satanic but them and the sea monkeys and plenty more pushed the envelope in terms of beats and song subject matter in many ways they planted the seed and from that seed would sprout harder and harder rock i mean think of it this way we all call the beetles and elvis and all them sort of soft rock these days but they were full on hardcore rock and roll at the time but of course definitions change throughout the 60s and 70s primarily in the uk though also in the united states new genres were being born progressive rock blues rock and of course eventually heavy metal and it grew and grew throughout the 80s and beyond some sub-genres growing more and more distorted and grungy sounding like the mic is shoved halfway through your esophagus now you'd think that if music kept going this way we just returned to how it wasn't the old times after the bite goes all the way through but anyway that's metal but that's a part of where punk rock came from the exact origin is heavily debated but most seem to point to the youths who were growing up during the golden age of early heavy metal especially those in the united kingdom it all started with a bit of garage rock and a bit of pub rock coming together with some youthful angst and rebellion caused by cultural values prevalent among western society especially at the time with this epicenter at the uk one of the first big punk rock in quotes bands was the sex pistols and their rebelliousness is in the name even talking about sex especially at the time was somewhat of a taboo to put it lightly now here they come naming themselves the sex pistols fun fact one of the very first punk rock clothing boutiques was even just straight up called sex in all caps and this was all for the sake of a counter culture to paraphrase the sex pistols it's specifically music your mum is not supposed to like it is specifically a counter culture to the way you are supposed to act and it often had many political views associated with it going against the man like hippies a decade before them but in a way and perhaps in hindsight it was seen that the slow and peaceful ways of the hippie didn't work well enough let's get aggressive provocative and fast so a lot of punk rock has political topics almost always related to anti-consumerism anti-corporatism anti-corporate greed and anti-conservatism anarchism and more and all of these things they were against were from their perspective getting worse and they had to take action and many believed that they could encourage many others to take that action with their music and to an extent it worked and again back to those things that they're all against these were things that were due to effects still rolling out since the industrial revolution which the uk was at the forefront of the factories that came out of that revolution made a few people mega rich and large monopolies and huge corporations had their start fast forward just one century which in the grand scheme of things is not very long and they've grown only more powerful not to mention the uk is famous for having some ridiculous levels of control in its society and even though the government's all prime ministery now they're still just parading around the old rich famous royal family for no reason and all the pompous conservative polite ways of living and whatnot a lot of people didn't like that and so punks came to be and nothing was really quite as obscene as a man wearing his mum's torn up clothing with a gross hair color and spikes all over not to mention this famous image disrespecting the royal family how dare and that's just the lifestyle and look the music itself was made as a reaction against various tendencies that had overtaken popular music such as the normalization of heavy metal arena metal and progressive rock which makes it kind of ironic that they're using lanoon in all them because they're basically the kiss of pokemon and that's exactly the sort of metal that they were rebelling against you know metal that was more about the spectacle instead of the music itself nice one game freak anyway punk rock was also supposedly designed as the full opposite to disco which was massively popular at the time it was the late 70s the 80s and 90s then saw the genre grow further and also gave us the look that most of us today associate with punk rockers the neon hair the torn clothes the badges spikes and piercings and tattoos emo angst soon came from all this and well minus just a few of these aspects team yell has quite a number of them and then there's the spikes dog collars and chokers and the wrist cuffs like what yell has it represents the chokehold that the government and society have over us as individuals we're like just bulldogs to them man gotta rebel bite the hand that feeds you in this hand out happy country we're all unique and individual labels have no place here so dye your hair a wacky color do drug sex enough graffiti over everything and wear torn up clothes and say naughty words like the rest of us labelless punks that'll show those corporate crooks sent from an iphone of course as time went on having dyed hair piercings tattoos and all started becoming more and more accepted to the point where it's not really that extreme of a counter culture anymore i mean honestly what's more of a counterculture now being pro-legalization of marijuana and pro-equality and pro-humans pro-women's health and everything that abc and nbc and popular hollywood and most of the common folk are constantly going on about or being a youthful conservative in a way the real definition of a bunk is just the opposite of what's mainstreamly considered good like the whole idea is that it's provocative and stuff which is why many have taken to look to an extreme these days because otherwise it's just sort of normal now perhaps the real punks are the extreme centrists funnily enough the punk movement has a sort of term for this thing being straight edge punk means you're a punk but you don't partake in certain parts of the lifestyle like drugs alcohol promiscuity being rude having to look to its absolute fullest etc i mean the whole punk movement and lifestyle is filled with people who look and act like punks what's up with that it's so mainstream punk now it's pop punk i oughta rebel against that and appear like a model citizen while also agreeing with some of what the movement stands for you know i like how punk rock was founded on anti-consumerism anti-corporatism and not selling out and nowadays that's exactly what all the most popular punk bands are it's strange society is just super interesting ain't it anyway that was a fun little sidetrack of an entire video well you see i'm rebelling against the fact that i'm a pokey too but how about that all in all team yell are punks because punk culture has its roots in british culture they've got a full sort of basic stereotypical and still somewhat family-friendly punk look going on perhaps with the added face paint to sort of resemble some extreme sports fans since that what they sort of are to marnie they're idle and that's pretty interesting i'm really excited to see what some of their admins look like so i hope you pokemon fans who clicked this totally pokemon related video appreciate this little lesson in the history of punks and why they are in this british themed game i've got no idea how to end this so today we are going to attempt to make a real alchemy why well because it makes the thumbnail entitled to this video much more interesting than our original idea what does alchemy taste like who cares the weirdos care which does explain why we're the ones making this video this all stems from a recent bit of pokemon sword and shield news they revealed a lot like korean rice you can use sausage what is that sausage made of so it turns out there are a lot of different flavors of alchemy 23 or 24 so far to think that all these deck slots were taken up by this pokemon having a living dex is going to suck again it's just like that unknown nightmare i mean 23 combos isn't bad but here's the thing the differences are a combination of cream color and accent topping so if we line them up and do the math by which i'm counting there's potentially and thus very likely going to be creamers that's a load these dirty puns are banging and since nothing else interesting is happening right now we're going to figure out what these tasty pokemon likely taste like and then we're going to see if that height to weight ratio is anything plausible by attempting to make one out of real whipped cream wheel whipped cream real whipped cream i forgot the cool whip josh i need the cool whip ah and the reason we're using different levels of cream wiptitude is because we don't know how dense alchemy is so first let's look at the name of this cream on alchemy is short for all the cream but actually it's cream and alchemy pokemon sure has been referencing alchemy a lot lately but why alchemy what is alchemy well basically alchemy is proto-chemistry it was science in the olden days where they applied a bit of science to their mysticism or some mysticism to their science however you want to look at it and in a way isn't baking and making pastries and such a science and fairies are magic it's fairy type after all thus alchemy plus its names in other languages reflects this ma hope you mispronouncing that comes from the japanese words for magic and whipped cream charmily comes from french for whipped cream and charm as in a magical spell or a magical item a lucky charm the german name pokusan comes from hocus pocus and sun or sane as in cream it's magical cream now then next up is the matter of taste because if you're unaware they do taste like stuff i mean everything tastes like something but what i mean is all alchemy are able to produce cream out of their hands [Music] this whipped cream is said to be extremely tasty especially if it's happy meaning that the quality of its cream depends on if it likes you versus its fear levels to achieve cream you must first give it pleasure though interestingly this is very true of about most animals that you would eat the flavor part not the cream part [Music] when it comes to tasty meat if the fish or cow or whatever is stressed or freaking out when it's just the short time before they pass the meat will be somewhat sourer than otherwise dfd or dark dry and firm meat are all results of when an animal's muscle glycogen reserves are depleted just prior to expiration at death muscle glycogen is converted into lactic acid lactic acid is the magic ingredient that makes the meat tender and flavorful because it is responsible for the decline of ph during rigor mortis so you freak a deer out with your headlights they're going to release a load of adrenaline which prohibits the production of lactic acid this is most noticeable in fish i mean the last moments of a fish's life are pretty stressful being all crammed in a net and then slowly suffocating while using all of your remaining energy to flop in futility it's actually why fish goes bad so fast vox did an awesome video on that topic that i'll link to here where they show a cool japanese way of killing a fish that doesn't cause nearly as much stress and which thus results in the fish actually lasting significantly longer before getting that bad fishy smell and also makes it tastes better it's nuts how this is a thing super cool i definitely recommend it and in the case of cream which is usually made for milk the same applies to cow's milk studies have shown that happy cows do in fact make better tasting milk so this can easily be applied to alchemy's cream as well so what does it taste like well the accented toppings are easy the strawberries are strawberries the cookies are cookies etc wow but the cream cream comes in many flavors though the default alchemy by which i mean just the first one we were shown is easy it's just your normal everyday whipped cream like what we have here after all strawberries and cream is a common pastry topping now then yellow with white tips obviously banana cream banana cream pie is delish though it could also be lemon lemon cream or lemon meringue is also quite tasty i'm blending more towards lemon since banana is also a possibility for the yellow with pink tips color the pink then being strawberry fun fact did you know that bananas are technically berries now you do did you also know that strawberries technically are not berries you know come to think of it why is strawberry banana such a common combination well another fun fact is that the artificial flavor known as bubble gum was initially inspired by the combination of strawberry banana though specifically the artificial flavors of each this specific combo like the bubble gum flavor was designed specifically to appeal to the most children kids just happen to really like it in studies and thus sales so it got popular now how about these pink ones foley strawberry i'm leaning more towards raspberry another common and popular flavor variant in candies raspberry is normally portrayed as blue just to differentiate it from other flavors like cherry and strawberry but in pastries it's more often the saturated pink like this or as strawberry tends to be much more light it's a lighter color now mint flavor mint can go three different ways in terms of pastry colors there's all that white coloration that symbolizes the wintery coolness it brings though it isn't as common as light green and light greenish blue the blue also reflects the cool mentholy taste while the green comes from the color of the actual mint plant the green is more common for mint flavor when it's paired with chocolate and fudge but as a frosting or icing it can be this greenish blue color and before you say blueberry just because it's blue no blueberry cream is purple because that's the color of the insides of blueberries and plus that leaves the green for key lime or pistachio cream may sound gross if you were unaware that that's a thing but it's actually a super popular flavor specifically among older consumers especially in europe where the flavor originated it's recently started to grow on popularity in north america but it's been a strong flavor contender in europe especially italy for forever now and the galar region is based on the uk which is in europe so now you know but since i brought up the white one come to think of it yeah it's even more white than the default one maybe then the default one is strawberry cream and this one is your run-of-the-mill vanilla cream or it could be coconut or white chocolate those flavors tend to be much whiter than vanilla which is usually white with a tinge of yellow beiginess in there and that leaves this brownish beige one french vanilla tends to be more dark and yellowy than your typical vanilla but the brits hate the french so i doubt the galact region would allow these ones in their borders i mean have you seen how strict the gala region is about which pokemon they allow into their region geez so here we probably have butterscotch coffee or caramel caramel caramel sauro meal or cookies and cream that's a tasty one now with that out of the way what makes it so good besides the flavorings the base cream even is whipped cream well whipped cream is just heavy whipping cream sugar and a flavor if you choose so what truly makes your whipped cream good is the prep in ingredients first off you want fresh cold cream this is important you gotta be cold so you get about a cup of cream i'm not going to turn this into a cooking show we tried that once only memers liked it and nobody else it's also the only time we talked about earthbound on this channel i'm sorry so instead of making our own cream to make an alchemy we're just going to buy good old generic brand whipped cream and good old family guy joke epic now let's do the thing you clicked on this video for sorry about all the cream filling get it because it's filling out time in the video so alchemy is one foot tall and weighs just over one pound so we got a pound of whipped cream and hey josh josh [Music] it just doesn't stack up alchemy then must be less dense than this stuff so we also got a pound of whipped cream from a can and we're i'm about to do my best [Music] a few inches later [Music] yeah i'd say it's possible when you're dealing with fairy magic you know we're almost there so uh you know just magical fluff i'm a fairy so i hope you liked this video it's a filler video maybe you think it's kind of cheesy but you'd be wrong in assuming that it's a cream filler video so i guess cream cheese is a thing well then this was fun uh i'm gonna eat this pokemon and then take a nap from the resulting blood sugar high so until next time you never stop using your noggin this is fun all right towel me up boy i got it in my eye durable a new pokemon whose relevance is already starting to fade let's check them out compared to the pre-sun and moon season the hype train for sword and shield is rather small which i guess is a good thing for everyone who cried about everything being spoiled before the new games were even out but it works out to being a pretty bad deal to guys like me how else am i gonna guarantee extra income without blabbing mindlessly about every tiny snippet of moves that everybody has already seen and talked about you know [Music] well enough about generic poke tubing let's talk about that super interesting pokemon that i am super excited about for real no sarcasm we can put that generic poketuber font here it'll piss everybody off so free witagon no uh derardon do don i'm having a hard time remembering its name or it so the website mentions that it rests easily and only some metals rust so that's information to narrow some things down because today we are going to figure out what it is and recently the official pokemon twitter account was nice enough to give us a tidbit of information super glad that they took time out of their busy day to tell us that it weighs a total of 88 pounds or 40 kilograms meaning of course we've got some math to do like with every other steel type pokemon we figured out what type of metal they actually are in this old video here and thanks to this pokemon being basically entirely metal and now we have its weight and size we can figure it out too i mean we even did a video on what metal mario is made of when he's metal metal mario specifically the mario that's metal apparently someone here at noggin likes metallurgy it's josh he's a massive dork so didgeridoodon is 40 kilograms and it's about 5 foot 11 or 1.8 meters tall meaning that if it were a human of healthy weight it would be between 155 and 189 pounds or around 80 kilograms meaning that first off huh very huh lighter than a human of the same size by half even so i guess when it comes to dragalgadon you could say it's lighter get it it looks like a reusable portable oil-based tinderbox because it's british so it's a tinderbox torches are those flashlights not fire sources so what could the rugerman possibly be i mean its density would have to be about half of a human's then right well that would only be the case if they were about the same volume it definitely looks like there's quite a bit of wideness and bulk here compared to a human so we have quite a bit of error room here though if a human had the same proportions i'm sure that the human would be much much heavier too as well as being horrendous looking anyway needless to say while we're doing our best to estimate these will still be rough estimations but as you'll see in the end it's actually pretty perfect and spot on roughly so the density of the human body is about 985 kilograms per cubic meter meaning for every meter cubed it would weigh 985 kilograms on earth anyway however it's normally calculated in grams per cubic centimeter which makes it easier to measure stuff in a lab basically scientists can't afford a cubic meter of gold to test density but then using these numbers a human's density would be around 0.985 grams per cubic centimeter that's just making things more complicated but that's not bad for a fleshy meat bag a good reference would be water water is exactly one again it just makes things easy water is absolutely everywhere so let's base our math on it but another unit we could play around with is steel seeing as dora goremon has the wonderful type combo of steel dragon and i have no idea about the density of a dragon let's go with the steel part of it though fun fact i know it's not going to be made of steel most of the steel types aren't even steel but common mild steel has a density of about 8.05 grams per cubic centimeter making him way too dense to be any assemblance of solid in there like not even cross beams so it's obviously not steel and this brings us to the first point of contention in this video that being i have no idea what i'm talking about wait no right right because it's a negative on me i gotta include everyone otherwise i look bad it's we now we don't really know what we're talking about by which i mean who even knows if durge dawn is even solid i mean it could be hollow and this would make the whole video wrong no matter what though it does make sense that it would be slightly hollow and not solid it is an animal after all it eats it's got to be at least somewhat doughnut shaped or are all donuts slightly animal shaped and because of dirt down's hollowness its actual material would need to be far denser than a human after all a thin sheet of metal is rather light compared to a block of metal and if it were only half as heavy but incredibly small in volume comparatively it would need to make up for that in its density meaning since we don't know how thick its outer shell is or what's inside of it it could be anything but we can always just make assumptions because they're fun basically what i'm saying is right now this is a total guess and my guess is that dan's density is around two that's what i'm getting at and thankfully there are a bunch of charts and sheets that we can look through to figure out metal densities one notable element with a density close to two is graphite carbon being 2.3 but we're looking for metal here so that should help us limit down the options we have cesium and magnesium at 1.7 and 1.9 respectively so maybe we should look at some threes and also look at some alloys not just pure metals let's see we got beryllium aluminum duralium uh also it's the alloy pokemon apparently and that's what doralium is it's mostly aluminum but with some copper and other tiny bits of other metals mixed in so an alloy an alloy that rusts like nobody's business fitting the website description of this pokemon maybe if i had just remembered the name of this guy we'd have gotten here much quicker doraleodon at first i really thought it was going to just be dura as in durable but now that we know that it's made out of a lightweight material similar to aluminum we can dive into metallurgy and find that dorellium happens to be decently close to my extremely rough estimates and it well it fits the name so what is dorellium and does it make sense well the answer to that is yes it makes perfect sense it's pretty great duralium is actually very similar to aluminum in fact it's basically industrial era aluminum which fits perfectly into the galar region you know i've said this a few times now in previous videos great britain was at the forefront of the industrial revolution thus there being remains and references to it throughout the whole galar region so this dragon being made out of an industrial era medal [Music] that's cool i mean it kind of sucks for the mon it's kind of outdated but still the reference it's neat and plus it being a light metal means it works out perfectly that it gets the light metal ability in game though it can also get the heavy metal ability i suppose some of them have thicker armor than others or more solid perhaps though they likely all share around the same density that being the density of duralium which has a density of 2.78 grams per cubic centimeter so we're only slightly heavier than aluminum but we're still totally able to be double a human's density plus a bit more for the girth of the beast so really i guess my stupidity paid big new pokemon leaks that's right you're hearing it here most recently folks lord knows i can't say first because gosh we're slow i guess that's what happens when you spend more than a single brainstorm making content we're not even through the intro and i've lost several already pokemon sword and shield comes out in two months meaning of course pokemon leak and reveal season is here and wow oh boy is it very disappointing a duck with an onion oh well let's get to the point here it's right here i have with me a multitude of leaks [Music] because today of course you know already we are going to be testing the structural integrity of leaks as lances and or cutting implements i i'm not kidding i love you guys so much i actually went outside josh was there of course but it's practically like i'm solo in a store with people here we are buying leaks all of them all the leaks the store had hopefully this video makes back the price of these vegetables either that or i'm eating dirty leek soup for a few weeks but let's get back to the pokemon i mean have you seen this man from his widow feet dewey's bedroom eyes this pokemon is something all right funnily enough this noble knight pokemon is fighting type as are most of the sword fighters in this game what with galilee and the swords of justice and all but his noble nature lends itself to his fights it's said that sir fetched calmly fights and always fights fairly i guess it's trying to insinuate chivalry the sort of pirates code except for knights only the far-fetched of the galar region can evolve into surffetched after experiencing many battles as well and they are so famously noble in battle that they are often depicted and chosen as a motif for paintings of particular note is a painting famous in the galar region that depicts a duel between surfetch and escavalier hmm knights vs snails where have i seen that before well anyways he's a pretty noble confident seasoned fighter i mean it's said that in battle surfaced uses the sharp stock of its leak as a lance and the thick leaves as a shield it maintains this leak over the span of many years and it treasures it more than anything sir fetched will finally leave the battlefield and retire entirely if this leak of its ever wilts it's kind of sad then if you just catch the leak on fire isn't it [Music] well it's time for you to learn a multitude of leak facts how exciting i mean how long would a leak even last outside of the ground we obviously see that surfaced sleek is not buried unless of course it plants it every night when it goes to bed like it's tucking it into sleep it's pretty cute of an idea but an unplanted leek will last depending on its freshness only one or two weeks on refrigerated or frozen those will raise the lifespan of the leak once it's out of the dirt the same way that they save all vegetables by cooling down and slowing down the decaying process but there is another way to keep leaks fresh after plucking them up if you don't wash them and instead just dust the excess dirt off you will be able to store them in a dry dark area this will give them up to three months of storage time and the key here is dry once they get wet they start to wilt rather quickly it sucks for far-fetched or surf fetched the galar region being based on the uk is quite moist and rainy so i guess the only possibility is that they do keep it as dry as they can and do plant their little sword in the dirt every night what about the shield well i guess dry hard leaves are better than soft floppy wet leaves i really enjoy this detail if you look at its sword and shield they are the same singular leak that it cut to create both of these armaments but now here's the real deep lore question what did it use to cut them in the first place did its mentor cut the leak is there a never-ending chain of surfaces cutting the students leaks once they are ready to become knights well i guess farfetch'd can learn the move cut but how big do leaks even get if the pokemon is two foot seven inches like the pokedex states then the leak being twice that would be like five whole feet or maybe the dex is measuring the leak as the pokemon i mean it's done stupider things before but this is where things get interesting the average leak can grow from 12 to 18 inches but here we come to an odd crossroad what type of leak is it there are plenty of different types of leaks some aptly named for this pokemon even i mean there are lancelot leaks lancelot leaks a variety that is very resistant to plant viruses there's even a leak named the king richard named after a famous english king this leak is a summertime classic rather weak in the cult though there's also the lincoln not perfectly named for this pokemon unfortunately but it is fast growing and has large long white stalks much like surfaces i feel like game freak may have actually gotten this idea from the lancelot name or the king richard name of a leak i mean if you're gonna make a lance pokemon in a uk region you can't not reference lancelot he lands things all the time like a lot and since there's a leak named after him and far-fetched has a leak put two and two together did you know that there is a scottish variant called the giant muscleberg not really sure how that fits in but maybe that's why it's fighting type because game freak is wonderful giant muscles fighting types leak fun fact the leak is very culturally important in wales in fact it's so important that it's an emblem of the country another reason to reference it since in the uk even if it's not in the galar region now while there are plenty of leaks that grow pretty big none of them grow quite as long and thin as surfaces leak but i mean it is the fantastical world of pokemon who's to say they don't just have really big leaks i mean sun and moon had massive leaks but now comes the real question the real fun question how good are leaks as a weapon let's see what these leaks can do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] wow how informative you know a duck probably couldn't cut its way through an obstagoon that's for sure i'm assuming obstagoons are a bit harder than uh any of the things we hit also these are just onions right who uses an onion as a weapon i mean you could make your enemy cry but that's not because of pain it's because of sin propanethial s oxide it stimulates the eyes the cremo glands so they release tears is celebi like the queen of the farfetches she's like a mythical onion fairy hmm oh my god did you see the epic season finale of my little pony tm frantically's magic cause i didn't but i can't believe it's finally over finally game freak totally knows that bronies were going to run out of things to loot when their series ended so they had to tap into that market somehow and there's literally no better way to do this than this in my opinion let's take ponita make it a unicorn and give it a my little pony to him foreign's magic proportions and add a fairy floss mane and tail yes and so they did gallarian ponita what an interesting way to reveal it though it was kind of uh long it was really clever it was long and during that whole long thing they got everyone saying oh yeah very type ponita confirmed and then later they showed that it was psychic also i do want to point out its category is the unique horn pokemon unicorn unicorn but psychic psychic what it's literally like in the top three of fairy type looking pokemon and it's not very tight i mean maybe maybe when it evolves into an alicorn it'll gain the fairy type but but still what game freak is so dumb they ruined my pony just to be a bit unpredictable trash but hang on hang on is it is it not predictable though i mean we can find our answer even in my little pony i mean just look at the unicorns in my little pony friendship is magic they literally all have telekinesis a psychic ability the ability to make objects float with their minds or in this case their unique horns of course in mlp it's explained as magic but in pokemon psychic is a stand-in magic type just as much as fairy is a stand-in magic type but there's more as many have pointed out if it were fairy type it would be weak to poison damage whereas with it being psychic it is super effective against it what does this have to do with ponita well because it's whole thing in this gullarian form is that it's magically a poison antidote its signature ability pastel veil prevents it and its allies from being afflicted by poison and it even heals them of poison if it comes out onto the battlefield its very presence is a cure an antidote for poison now imagine if poison damage heard it a bunch and was super effective on it yeah that'd be dumb but that's not to say a tweak to its ability couldn't have fixed it all there are a number of abilities that remove pokemon weaknesses and practically give some pokemon a third type for instance just as a very quick example imoga and electros are electric type thus weak to ground but they levitate thus they are immune to ground delmays is grass ghost but its ability steelworker makes it a steel type when attacking with steel type moves practically clara practically does but anyway it wouldn't be hard to make galarian ponyta fairy type and give it a new ability that makes it cure and resist poison as if it weren't weak to it but of course the excuse there is that mono fairy is already a really good type and just removing one of its weaknesses makes it kind of an overpowered ability so at least with it being psychic type it's already a poison killer so it makes sense but this is all the meta game design reasoning is there an origin or lore reason at all for it being a walking antidote well yeah that's why i'm talking about it pastel veil is a great ability for a unicorn pokemon because in medieval times especially in western europe it was believed that if you were poisoned and a unicorn touched you with its horn you would be completely cured of the poison and also if a unicorn touched water with its horn it would make that water potable and clean this belief eventually led to what were essentially snake oil salesmen importing ivory and narwhal horns and then selling them as unicorn horns as a cure for poisonings and then we have the website's description of this pokemon it is said that they were exposed to the overflowing life energy of the forest over many generations and this is why their appearance became unique in this region it harkens back to medieval belief that unicorns were intrinsically connected to the forests and the life within the forests that they live in if the forests die the unicorns die if the unicorns all die the forest dies but unfortunately that only points towards this pokemon's being fairy type more sure the poison thing makes psychic work really well but the fairy type is also a sort of nature type hence the tapus being the thing and nature's madness being stereotypes all about that magical connection to nature it's basically a nature type which is why i would be very surprised if galarian ponyta doesn't evolve into a psychic fairy type something a rapidash or a new evolution that's glorian specific or at the very least i would be surprised if it doesn't learn a ton of fairy moves as to insinuate that it is essentially fairy type it's just actually having the fairy type it doesn't fit into the gameplay mechanics well so they didn't give it to it [Music] so i hope that answer is satisfactory galar gallarian alola alolan does that mean johto jotowian or would it be jotuies jotish jotik jot jotowin i'm not even sure if that's all of them canto cantish cantite canto you know even in the real world who gets to decide the naming scheme of all these regions did we all get together and choose i'm sure some people were invited to that meeting i mean we've been naming each other things for centuries some countries aren't even that old i'm looking at you south sudan couldn't even come up with a better name after breaking off from sudan but if you are from south sudan would you be southern sudanian or would you be a south sudanite i mean i'm american right but what if i was an american american americans see it it all flows wrong and it's all just made up words all words are just made up why do something sound right when everything's just made up so applying that to pokemon that'd be like calling a gelarian a gallarn galorish it just doesn't work because it'd be bad english so how do we determine this where we're based in country or region or whatever and thus what would the forms of the different regions be called if we went back to older regions and we introduced variants regional variants of them what would we say well that is exactly what this video is about demonim it's called a demonym and that's not the evolution of impetum that's an actual term that in no way relates to demons or nymphs breaking demonim down we get nim a suffix from greek meaning name and dimon from greek for name clan tribe and also from latin for of a clan and it's also used to mark specific groups of people thus its similarity to denote which means to be a mark or sign of or to be a name or designation for thus a demonim is what we call words like canadian californian scottish oregonian etc so how do we take a name of a country or region and get its demonim or ejectable that's another thing one refers to the people the other refers to things within it like for example this pastry is danish it comes from denmark and it was made by the danes yeah so just know that i'll be using the more colleague wheel idea here which means i'll be talking about both of them at the same time basically even though they're technically if you want to be nitpicky not the same thing i'm referring to both you know plus a lot of them are the same anyway you know i'm an american have some delicious american cheese flavored products so where do these words come from well that all comes down to a few things a few things that according to the world map is a topic of debate the world's demonims have their names based loosely on whatever the person who named it decided and thus whatever became common ain't language great but there has to be some rhyme or reason to it maybe we can figure that out well for instance it always includes the country of origin in it and oftentimes can pull from the region as a whole and thus we can probably start to notice some distributive patterns right away for instance while there are obviously exceptions to all of these ish is mainly used for european nations british swedish polish french it's the same sound the e suffix which is actually the letter i is common for nations in the middle east iraqi saudi israeli ich and er seem to occur only after the word land like icelandic or nulander but the others the others seem to be more random so it mustn't be wholly geographical because then all of the pokemon regions near each other would be the same you know come to think of it it would make the most sense if these words came about due to the original languages and their roots for instance if we look into latin we find the suffixes ian in and uh regularly in fact ian means place in latin so it almost makes perfect sense to name a location with the suffix of place such as galarian a person of the place of galar so regions that have latin-based languages would likely end that way then looking further into it ease is an italian latin suffix but then why do they call themselves italians oh right the italians didn't name italy the romans did but you know what the italians did do by which i mean marco polo and other such italian traders they found a lot of the new world along with frequent traveling to the far east japan china all the way down south to vietnam thus japanese vietnamese chinese they're all italian suddenly mario makes so much more sense heck even japan is an exo-nym meaning a name given to a place from outside of that place the japanese name of japan is nippon and to refer to the people it's nihonjin heck even their name for china or chinese is different chugoku eastern versus western world stuff man let's get back on track the suffixes er and ick we see having germanic roots although again it's mixed with latin's greedy tendrils commonly found in western language but it seems that er always follows land as per rules of latin however it seems like when talking about a person from a land place you normally use er as in icelander but when saying it as an adjective it's ick like an icelandic storm now ish ish is the totally germanic language suffix not even slightly tainted by latin's roots though again in case you were wondering just like with the italians funnily enough a german is what you call someone from germany because latin named them not the germans but germany named england thus you call them english instead of englander or englandic which would be correct if times were different in the history that's a quote from me no one got to take that i'm just digging my grave deeper and while language continued to change and evolve these names that we have for ourselves stuck thus also japan still being japan to us in the west even and this is basically where these demonyms come from it's from whose word for the people of the area stuck throughout the ages normally originating from whichever world power was strongest at the time though that's not to say they can't change for instance the modern term for an israeli is just that but originally they were referred to as israelites because at the time greece was all powerful and stuff something about an empire and it was their word for ground or land and all things associated with it which fun fact is also why a load of minerals and rock related words also end with ite but they would also call the people living on certain sections of land by the same name this rock is found in canaan thus canaanite these people live on the ground and rocks known as kanan thus they are canaanites so now that we have plenty of real world examples we can almost piece together some of the words for the regions found in the pokemon world which is mostly based on our own world so we can go ahead and apply some of our history to it i guess so we have gallarian meaning they are a very old country and or were founded by the romans or perhaps other major latin speaking language empire however just because we think the romans founded them and we also think that galar is close to calos doesn't exactly mean kalos would be colossian though that doesn't sound too bad they may actually be colossian again kelosan again is still similarly named by latin speakers then we have alolan also official again latin roots i guess the romans were much more into pacific ocean environment exploration than they actually were here now let's see the rest of the main games we have kanto johto sinnoh hohen unova the sevi islands and then there is the ore region and holland almia fior oblivia ronsa carmont island pharam rime city tcg island and two pokemon islands plus the anime had the orange archipelago and decolor islands now some of these we aren't sure count as regions or countries like tcg island or pokemon island but they would simply be called islanders as per the linguistics so savvy islanders tcg islanders orange islanders etc kanto would likely be cantonian or just for fun cantonese but obviously that's too close to the real world's cantonese but in gen 7 we actually do see that it would be cantonian just like the name of the gems in mali city fun fact in japanese it translates to gem of kanto just like cantonian to us englishers language is neat because of its closeness to kanto johto would be either again jotonian or again johtoese though i feel jotonian would be more realistic as they are about the same age of regions so it makes sense that they were named by the same general language so also because cino and hoenn are so close we can probably guess rather easily so if you were from sinnoh you could be a synonym adding that n at the beginning of the end suffix is occasionally done to make it sound nicer again this is all easy because latin is great but would that mean if you were from hohen you would be a hohenian that's a lot of ends but really hoeness is pretty bad and plus again it would make sense that it was similar to kanto and johto as it's pretty close oh indian poe now finally we get to unova which is not a close place this one we could realistically see being any name but i feel like you know vien is another good one like it's just the same as the others but ultimately unovan is also good as this region is based off of america and american is the demonim but if the pokemon world all speaks one language then it's probably unovan but i like you novin more myself now then the side games we have a lot less real information to go off of for these regions so uh let's just go fast the or region's people would be called orinian hollon would be polonie because i guess they're near arabia almia to almian fiore to fiorin oblivia could be oblivion but that may sound too much like oblivion stop you violated the law which is where the name comes from but still maybe because it's an island out there somewhere we could get away with oblivious or oblivites leaning more towards the first ronsa is also interesting there's a good trend of ian or on because these are all english names so ron sen or ron sayin but this region is extremely feudal japan expired so ron sinise could work or perhaps to use an endonym instead of an exo-nym we could apply the local japanese way of saying it so in this case ron sego rhyme city isn't really a country or region but you could be a rhymer if you were from rhyme city as most cities follow the land scheme like if you are from london you'd be a londoner some exceptions apply though normally if the name ends in ing you'd be ite pharam would be farumian or ferumian or something though honestly faroomic sounds cooler i guess we don't know exactly where that one's based or most of these really then possible would be passimian that was a joke pessionian pesionon that sounds right one of those passio comes from passion so it works out pretty well all right sometimes a pokemon theory gets so big that everybody knows about it thus everybody has talked about it already well recently i discovered that i too am a part of this collective known as everybody and yet i haven't talked about it yet so it's time to remedy this situation by talking about the title of this video sharpedo is a long lost relative of garchomp perhaps even a lost middle farm and now you're thinking to yourself how could sharpito at one point have been the pre-evolution of garchomp i mean fish fish [Music] bipedal dragon it just doesn't make much sense but oh wait dragonite dratini is now a fish it's also possible that gibbel is essentially sharpedo's brother who then evolved into garchomp there's plenty of details to go around and that's what we're going to talk about today on noggin [Music] so you may be wondering how dumb i am obviously sharpedo and garchomp are different pokemon which is valid and an absolutely right point but remember it's game freak we're talking about here they think that adding buffalo ant and not having it related at all to tauros is an okay thing to do what even is a love disc not a pre-evolution to a luma mola that's what i can't believe i actually said that right i always call it alamolanola but as irritating as this may be to some these are literally perfect representations of sister groups or sister taxons what's a sister tax on glad you asked it's a phylogenetic term denoting the closest of relatives of another given units in an evolutionary tree sort of like convergent evolution or divergent evolution which is kind of the opposite but but like what even is evolution in pokemon not right is the answer to that covergent evolution is basically it's similar creatures that don't necessarily share a previous relative but they both evolve similar traits like stegosauruses and kentosauruses both got large keratin spikes but they each independently evolved in completely different areas like opposite sides of the planet essentially they don't have a recent common ancestor at all and yet they both got these spikes because it just so happens to be a design that works really well so two completely unrelated dinosaurs got em it's also similar to how both birds and bats evolved flight but through totally different means it's fascinating but this is the exact opposite of what i think gibbel and carvana have done they would be examples of divergent evolution basically two animals that likely share a common ancestor but their traits and features wound up differing drastically like darwin's finches they all started as basic finches and when they moved to the galapagos islands and each island has a different food source like nectar versus seeds well eventually the finches of the islands diverged and became different species of finches some now have long beaks for nectar while others have stout thick stronk beaks for breaking seeds while we don't actively see this happening in pokemon because its definition of evolution it would work better as metamorphosis like caterpillars to butterflies we can see that our definition of evolution and adaptation does happen in the pokemon world too mew is stated to be the common ancestor of all pokemon and archan is said to be the common ancestor of all bird pokemon and there's a reason that prehistoric pokemon look like prehistoric creatures long-term generational adaptation does still happen in pokemon clearly and these five pokemon are a great example of it so let's add another bit of information gibbel is categorized as the land shark pokemon an apt name for a terrestrial creature that looks similar to a shark but then we see that gavit and garchomp are categorized as the cave pokemon last i checked gibbell still hangs out in caves so why is it that it's categorized as if it's the first shark to be on land hmm i mean it would make sense to give it set category if it was the fledgling terrestrial creature also here's one of gibbel's deck's entries gibbel once lived in the tropics and to avoid colds it lives in caves warmed by geothermal heat so again why isn't this one called a cave pokemon 2 anyways then carvana's dex entry states that it lives in massive rivers that course through jungles they also live in jungles how peculiar is it possible that they are from the same jungler ancestor that poke archaeologists keep digging up and confusing ancient carvana for very similar but different ancient gibbles or perhaps carvana is still the same as it was then similar to how crocodiles are still the same after all these millions of years but something must have made some of them make the switch from sea to land meaning that something had to push it out of the water either it couldn't compete against other ocean predators for food oh i should probably mention carvana lives in rivers but when it evolves it moves to the ocean gotta clear that up so maybe in its ancient form it couldn't properly compete against other ocean predators for food and it should also be noted that even an over abundance of sharpedos may be those other ocean predators or it found a new food source on the shores a better more abundant food source so the sharpitos who had a better time reaching the shores and making it back to the ocean fared better eventually these tiny little fins became little teeny tiny wigs looking to the sunoan seas where garchomps live there really aren't many things that could beat a sharpie-esque animal possibly there were too many gyarados or milo tickets hunting grounds and it had to search for other sources of food land-based food or maybe it's not predator-based and it's just amount of food-based i mean what do we have for sharpitos to eat here magikarp grima raid maybe the occasional wingle i'd say fineon but i'm sure even sharpido forgets that that pokemon exists plus the water in sinnoh is cold it's the northernmost region yet and being jungle and tropic natives it's no wonder that sharpedos aren't actually found in sinnoh but garchomp are living in caves to escape the cold huh now here's a true statement carvana looks nothing like gibbel true but well it also doesn't really look like sharpedo either but sharpito's design is very similar to all three of these landsharks we have the base skin colors and then there's red and yellow though charpito's eyes are the red part and technically eyes aren't part of your skin colors however carvana has quite a bit of red on it so it's all up to evolution on what to keep and what to trash it's complicated but specifically the final evolution or the full grown-up pokemon garchomp and sharpedo share quite a few traits i mean both have a yellow star-shaped patch of skin on their face regions they both have fins that have notches in them they both have rather impressive teeth i mean they're all sharks and even their mega evolutions oh yeah they both get mega evolutions but even their mega evolutions they both just get a stupid amount of spikes on top of this they all have the capability of having the ability rough skin all five of them same ability and finally they both have gills behind their eyes at least that's what i assume these lines are referencing this is rather important as they are both in the shape of a normal shark however garchomp's gills are much much smaller and lower on its body but this isn't all that odd as it's now a land-based creature its need for guilds is almost non-existent these gill flaps may even be non-functioning they are just slowly going away many species humans included have useless parts slowly going away the reason being that well they used to be important for our ancestors but kind of useless now why do we have tailbones or any of these things now quick theory summary before i bring up counterpoints the theory goes the abundance of carvana in jungle rivers and the abundance of sharpedo in the nearby oceans led to food scarcity causing some of them to start seeking food in the shallows the shores of course this means many of them would get beached and die but the ones that didn't the ones that had a better way of getting back to the ocean lived on to breed eventually little leggies were formed and as these mons continued to expand their territories further and further northward they started to reach colder and colder waters eventually the waters were too cold for sharpedo and thus in this area without competition from the water-based sharpitos the landier sharpitos began to flourish and find warmth in the caves at night eventually being fully land-based they lost their first evolution carvana and continued to grow longer legs to do better and better on land eventually leading to an evolution in garchomp the fiercest predator in sinnoh as any full-on land shark should be now then let's start some counterpoints and also explain why i think they are the way they are today because of balance maybe the plan was to have sharpedo evolve into garchomp back in gen 3 but there weren't that many dragon types yet and i know it's rather weak but adding another non-legendary dragon ie garchomp would be a bit overkill at the time the dex was already rather extended so they may have just saved the idea of a shark with legs and created a whole new line for the next generation plus sharpedo already was a decent type combo a type combo that could have still worked for garchomp but not as well as garchomp's current type combo plus sharpedo was cool enough to leave as a final stage rather than a middle stage so they could have just updated sharpedo's stats make it a final evolution and waited until the next gen for their greatest idea a landshark it's an a-plus idea pokemon sword and shield is right around the corner and i still haven't done that video all about the tapus that i've been meaning to do well before it's too late it's no time like the present that's why it's a gift topu coco these four deities guard the various islands of the alola region alola is based on the real world hawaii an archipelago and a state in the united states originally populated by polynesians and now an extremely popular tourist destination both in real life and in the pokemon world alola gets its name from aloha the hawaiian word for hello but also for goodbye welcome and farewell but it goes even deeper than that culturally and spiritually aloha means love compassion sympathy and kindness then when using it as a greeting or a goodbye it is in a way sending the warmest of regards as one always should what i'm getting at by mentioning all this is that pokemon sun and moon is very inspired by hawaiian culture and thus also it's myth and this is where we will find the bulk of the inspiration for these four pokemon but before we get into their mythology specifically let's go over their etymology why are they named what they are what does tapu even mean well tapu has its roots in various polynesian cultures it's pretty deep into there too especially the maori it is a concept denoting that something is sacred or holy and thus not to be messed with if a priest denotes a thing or place or act as tapu then it is forbidden to interfere with it or to do it and in some cases such tapu things are not even to be spoken of voldemort voldemort the english word taboo has similar meaning as it was taken from these people along with many other things something being tapu isn't always a bad thing though for instance a priest could declare that a certain type of fish is temporarily tapu this was to prevent overfishing though the meaning of the word still remains it's forbidden to hunt that fish so in the case of these pokemon they are all tapu they are sacred holy and not to be messed with unless they so choose to initiate it so how about the rest of the names well let's look at coco it's a high strutting bird thing very rooster-esque which works the natives brought chickens with them when they moved to the islands and coco happens to be the japanese onomatopoeia for the sound a rooster makes a cock-a-doodle-doo but that's just the simple explanation coco can also refer to blood but not your sticky red stuff that's all over your insides rather it's the more spiritual definition of blood it's the link between you and the wow akua sorry if i'm mispronouncing that the wow akua is the spirit realm as well as the ancestral spirits that live there and live throughout the land all around you thus coco is your connection to nature in a spiritual sense and this connection is passed on to your children through your cocoa it's been described as a sort of spiritual umbilical cord but is top of coco really so deep or is it just the japanese sound of a rooster well considering that these are essentially nature deities and that they use the power of nature itself in their z move and tapukoko is the first one you meet and plays the biggest role in the anime and is basically the leader of the bunch you know him well if any one of them were to get a much deeper name than the others it would be this one and in this case it has a deeper name topple and then comparatively the other three have kind of lame names lele the cute little butterfly comes from the hawaiian word for butterfly lehua bulu the bull is easy it's hawaiian for bull and finney the marlin fish is obviously from finn but some say that it could also come from finnish hence the added eye at the end as this is the guardian of the final island of the island trials and that the place it resides the ruins of hope are where quote life ends its journey now then all of them together are the guardian deities and they also all clearly have a hawaiian totem pole or tiki inspirations these days tikis are pretty synonymous with the tropical vacationy lifestyle but they are very historically significant as they are depictions of gods and great spirits throughout polynesian mythology the most common ones we see are rightly the four principal deities of the ancient hawaiians ooh four you say that just happens to line up with this pokemon group so do these fit do the four principal deities in hawaiian mythology fit these four yes yes they do kanaloa kane and lolo these are the four main deities in hawaii so do their godly abilities line up with these pokemon in the case of koo for sure coo is often depicted with yellow or orange feathers and is the god of war tofu coco is rooster-esque and is the most warrioresque of the four clearly even doing a little haka which is a polynesian war dance plus it's found in the ruins of conflict topu lele is a butterfly that is known for its cruel demeanor but also for protecting and healing those it finds in need of it but it's also devoid of guilt and as the dex puts it can be described as nature incarnate that makes it fit kane the most to me it's considered to be the highest of the four deities and is the god of creation life and the sky tapu lele heals thus gives life and being the only one with wings could insinuate sky and the air plus it's found in the ruins of life it fits well but the other two are a bit confusing lono is the god of rainfall fertility and agriculture well that certainly seems to fit topu bulu the grass type one that can control plants and cause vegetation to grow makes sense that it's found in the ruins of abundance which ironically is in the middle of a desert however lono is also the god of music and peace and topu bulu is described in the pokedex as very violent selfish even as it only grows vegetation so it can steal its energy for itself it's also quite lazy and what makes this even shakier is that in the book documenting his journey to hawaii hunter s thompson describes a depiction of lono as wearing the head of a marlin as a mask gross but okay so that means taboo finney then lono is tapu finney i mean a mask that's a marlin a mask that's a marlin come on plus many points to the mermaid or siren inspirations in taboo fanny too and again lono god of music sirens known for their singing and lono god of rainfall topo finney is the water type one that can control water but that would make kanaloa topu bulu so what's kanaloa all about kanaloa is the guardian of the underworld and a teacher of magic and is often depicted as a squid or octopus all right uh that's not really tapapulu at all so i guess this one is tapufini and boolu is lono after all even if it fits fini more than bulu but kanaloa fits finney even better because again god of the underworld where you go when you die finny finish the last island of the trail where life comes to an end now how about the way they act they may be called guardian deities but a lot of the time they sure don't seem to act like it hala even mentions that although it is said to protect us our topu coco is a rather fickle creature and just take a look at the dex entries descriptions of them guilelessly cruel malevolent hair trigger temper lazy violent enough to crush anyone it sees as an enemy terrible calamities sometimes befall those who recklessly approach and more like how tapu bulu was once quite literally a bowl in a china shop to smite the people who ran a market and even destroyed an entire village and come to think of it the ruins it lives in are in the desert and it makes plants grow just so it can absorb their energy did tabu bulu absorb all of the plant life here none of these things seem like something a noble guardian deity would do and well that's because these four are anything but noble they are a bit on the ruthless side but their ultimate goal just like with the hawaiian spirits is to protect nature to protect the islands these pokemon are the guardians of the islands not necessarily the people and pokemon that reside on them back to those topogulu examples the market was destroyed because it was built by the black sand beaches and in hawaiian culture these beaches were sacred or taboo land and the village was destroyed because the kahuna there was corrupt they have their reasons but if the taboos are just protecting the islands not the people then why are they worshiped well it could be the classic appeasement of the spirits out of fear of getting on their bad side most religions have this to some extent and when it comes to hawaiian mythology specifically well yeah there was a lot of that these four hawaiian deities would often kill anyone who wrongs them and coup specifically demanded human sacrifices during rituals of worship and because these gods are the embodiments of nature when natural disasters happened it was often seen as nature's wrath the gods are angry at the people for their doings and at times they may seem fickle short tempered much like how tapu koko is described and plus the signature move of these four pokemon is named nature's madness so while they are guardian deities their ultimate goal is to protect the islands even if that means smiting some people and to stay on their good side the people worship them even if they are at cruel but now on to the next bit why are they connected to these islands specifically well it's pretty easy really each of these islands corresponds to a real hawaiian island directly and also every hawaiian island in the real world has an official color all together they make a rainbow and well top of coco the yellow one is found on melee melee island melee melee being hawaiian for yellow it's based on the island oahu which has yellow as its official color see where i'm going with this topu laylee akala island maui pink tapabulu ulaula island hawaii itself aka the big island red and tapu finney pony island kawaii purple easy melvin you know how the tapus choose a kahuna for their island well did you notice that they match the colors of themselves as well and some demeanor too i mean top ubulu is lazy just like nanu who can't be bothered to do things and is often disinterested but tapabulu is also violent and uses the dirty tactics of using its plants to hold down its opponents while it rams them and nanu is a dark type pokemon trainer the dark type being all about those dirty tactics tapufini is reserved and doesn't much care for humans hapu is also somewhat reserved and lives on the least populated island of them all when you meet her grandmother she's surprised that she's made friends like at all topule is the most caring of the bunch it uses its scales to heal pokemon even if the damage is because of its own relentlessness and somewhat cruel forms of entertainment and olivia is seen as an extra caring individual as well and goes out of her way to heal pokemon not sure about the cruelness though is she particularly violent in the way she battles i don't know and lastly as mentioned before topukoko is the leader of the bunch you know him well and hala seems to take the role as the leader of the kahunas too and it was mentioned that hala sometimes goes into a state of fury which may be similar to topukoko's short temper so it seems like the taboos choose kahunas based on how many traits they have in common with someone and that's that i mean nanu even mentions that he didn't want to become a kahuna but i guess he was just too similar to topu bulu for tapabulu to pass up poor guy now then one more factoid that i didn't know how to fit into the rest of the video oricorio changes forms based on which island it drinks nectar from and its four forms also reflect the guardian deities and the official colors of the island pom pom style is upbeat and energetic just like taco cocoa sensu's style is slow and reserved calming in a way like the waves toppo finney bailey style is fiery and passionate but it sometimes gets offended and angry sort of like tapabulu and then papu style is laid back elegant and melts the hearts of other pokemon sort of like the caring and loving populate i guess well that trait falls in line with olivia really well so uh while it's not the most clear-cut thing in the world i'm sure they were going with something like all this while designing these pokemon and everything but what's interesting is that the hawaiians would incorporate hula dances in their worship so these dancing oricorios changing their style of dance may reflect the different deities wanting to see different sorts of dance and since they are nature spirits they bless the nectar in some way which gets the oricorios to change when drinking their nectar specifically it's a theory hey when did pokemon sun and moon come out that was 2016 right yeah that was like three years ago right yeah and you're just now getting to this video yeah back when decidueye was first revealed as the final evolution of rowlet the grass type starter in pokemon sun and moon people were rightfully confused why did it why did he swap flying for ghosts and well there are a number of reasons hence there being a number of other videos answering the question but the most viewed one is uh he's mexican mexican culture see mexican folklore organized in mexico and mexico while i wouldn't go as far as to say it's wrong it's uh well it's not the only thing as we don't even have to leave hawaii so let's take a look at this whole line see their origins and explain why decidueye is grass type i meant ghost type obviously it's grass because it's a tree it's got leaves all up in its feathers and based on the name it's a deciduous tree i mean obviously deciduous trees are those trees that shed their leaves for winter or their collequil term they die in winter oh but there's the ghost typing reasoning all right but really though let's start with rowlet it's an owlette a baby owl and a very round one at that what's the name judging by the fact that it's from alola which is hawaii and that it has this face and smooth round body it's safe to say that it's a barn owl what are barn owls doing in hawaii the same thing all the mongooses are doing in the mid 20th century people brought a few dozen of these apples over to help them deal with the rat problem rats are a dangerous invasive species to the local ecosystem and people were having a lot of problems with them so they brought in another invasive species to help mongeese but the monkeys didn't do the best job so they brought in barn owls also and help they did rat numbers went way down and so did a lot of other native things like other birds oh man rowlet evolves into dark tricks which throws leaf darts and gets its name from dart and strix which is the name of a genus of owls more commonly known as wood owls so tree stuff what now dartrix is not as smooth and round as rowlet and it's also got its hairline thing going on now get a load of this puel owl which actually is an owl native to hawaii or at least it's been there longer than we've been recording such things it's just not great at catching rats which is why the barn owls were brought in but the combination of all these rats and the people and the owls that are better at hunting and the puerto owls being not as good at hunting their uh they're endangered now like critically endangered and then you know why they call it decidueye because of these two eyes typically speaking we don't see owls with really dominant legs like this right it's a very stand-outy trait but there is one owl in hawaii that does in fact have legs like this though by is i mean was it's extinct now the stilts owl but they are all dead which is why it's ghost type now it's always all dead and stuff but no no no no there's more there's more owls and cultures across basically everywhere all over the world represent things like wisdom most of us know that but them having to do with death is also surprisingly common hence that connection to santa muerte that gaiden goomba made but also the native people of the sierras believed owl's guided souls to the underworld the apache believed dreaming of an owl spelled doom the cree believe owl whistles were summons from spirits the hopies or popes see owls as the god of the dead the quakutl believed owls were souls and similarly the mojave and newax believed that after death one would become an owl and leaving the americas even the ancient greeks and romans believed owls could sense imminent death the celts saw them as beings of the underworld in arabia there was a so-called death owl that channels the cries from souls of slain men who had not been avenged polish folklore also included being turned into an owl after death and to the ancient sumerians the goddess of death was attended by owls so clearly owls have loads of powers in folklore and mythology that relates to souls and the dead hence ghosts but i mean of course i saved the hawaiian connection for last in hawaiian mythology everyone has an aomakua or a family god a familial spirit the souls of your ancestors residing in a plant item or animal to guide and protect you and the most common of these were sea turtles sharks lizards but most of all of course playo owls filled with the spirits of your dead relatives decidueye is ghost type not because it is a ghost itself but because it is one with the powers of the spirit realm it's not a ghost on the outside it's got ghosts on the inside and it's what's on the inside that counts life lessons with lockstin pokemon plushes there are too many of them i have too many of them i'm gonna take a picture just the thing that's right next to me [Music] that's just one of them but i mean come on i talk about these things for a living i gotta have an excuse do you have an excuse didn't think so but for every pokemon plush that exists there are four others which makes exactly as much sense as it sounds the pokemon company recently revealed a new set of ditto plushes the ones where they take basically an already existing plush and make it cheaper to mass-produce by removing the detailed face and yet people still buy them what i have an excuse but you hang on just a minute busters everything is wrong about this one at least according to various people on the internet but is this wrong or are they all wrong what's going on with the ditto mimikyu plush and how does it add to the lore of the pokemon world in a surprisingly significant way well that's what we're discussing today ever since the gen 1 episode of the pokemon anime featuring a ditto that sucked at being a ditto people have associated this facial quality with all dittos even though that was never intended to be how they work in the games did those work the way they should the way they were always intended to work they see an opposing pokemon they transform into it done they have the proper eyes and mouth and everything it's great and even mimic you and heck execute pokemon with multiple faces it works as intended in the games but at the height of pokemon fever when pokemon was at its most popular the anime aired an episode about a particular ditto just one this ditto was a unique case it was a ditto that could transform into whatever as it should but i had a hard time changing its face so it just didn't that is of course until the end of the episode when it got over or fixed its issues and thus make its face match whatever it was transforming into but apparently everybody missed that part of the episode because everybody fell in love with ditto face even though it means that the particular ditto in question is a complete failure oh you be nice he's trying his best regardless it got popular people liked the concept of their ditto being bad at the one thing it's good for so it took off finally a flush i can relate to soon enough the trading card game started featuring ditto cards with a transformed pluto with the dita wiser mouth and soon enough it just sort of came to me that it was synonymous with how ditto works in everything besides the games and thus the pokemon company saw a brilliant merchandising opportunity take popular pokemon plushes and make them cheaper to produce by giving them a cute widow ditto face people will love it finally a plush i can relate to but now here comes mimikyu how would a ditto with ditto face turn into a mimikyu well like this apparently we already have the answer it's an official plush but why like this because this is not mimikyu's face this is this up here is a disguise that it made to mimic pikachu hence the name it's extremely envious of pikachu and wants to look like him this disguise works really well apparently it gives it an ability that allows it to tank a single hit with no problem because the opponent hits the disguised head instead of it so i guess if it's good enough of a disguise to fool most pokemon this way then it would also fool a ditto into thinking that this is the head too thus this ditto plush after all no one besides mimikyu knows the true form of mimikyu we've seen it without the costume in the anime but it's just a black cloud with sparkly eyes spooky but this just begs so many questions if ditto knew the true form the ditto face would be down here so clearly ditto doesn't know its true form but when ditto transforms it gains all of the abilities and moves that that pokemon knows meaning ditto would have to know how mimikyus walk and attack with their ghostly appendages from under the disguise but if it knows how to do that then the face wouldn't be up here because it knows everything about it in order to transform into it what's going on maybe dumb dude is just that bad at transforming it thinks that's the face but it also knows how all of the ghostly arm stuff works so it does all that too it's uh it's capable of doing all the regular mimikyu stuff but it still doesn't realize that it's eyes are down here just because it's dumb [Music] it's probably a good thing though ignorance is bliss and if people are incapable of knowing its true form without just dying maybe ditto just happens to be dumb enough to know most of its true form but it's too stupid to realize that it makes no sense so what little mind it has is fine ah finally a plush i can relate to oh it's pancakes alolan pokemon or i guess now i should say regional variant pokemon it was a super good idea the pokemon franchise has been ever inching towards that big scary quadruple digit number when it comes to how many creatures they've got in their world on top of this some of their ideas for new ones tended to go between it's just an older design again or this is stupid so they came up with the idea of regional variants now they can go back to the older tried and true designs that people are familiar with and put a spin on them it's great and it's accurate to real world animals too and so far every alolan and galarian regional variant pokemon has a reason for becoming the way it is even if it's not the most obvious thing the reasons are still there most pokemon have deep and or cool reasonings for being what they are and these variants were no different there was however one alolan pokemon one with no good reason for being what it is at least no good canonical one it's a lowland raichu it's got nothing origins also this isn't an alolan raichu deal with it i mean the second worst ones like alolan vulpix and sandshrew yeah it's odd but at least alola has a snowy mountain that they live on so that's the reason but when it comes to alolan raichu the reason is ah and i quote even pokemon researchers don't know why raichu's form changed in the alola region the people of alola seem unconcerned by the question their guess maybe it ate too many sweet and fluffy round pancakes quote it loves pancakes prepared with a secret alolan recipe some wonder whether that recipe holds the key to this pokemon's evolution yeah not kidding a multi-septillion dollar company with entire teams for design and lore and that's it that's all they could come up with they made this official they hate you no no they hate me this whole blurb had to have been put in the game specifically for poketubers to never fully understand the ultimate curveball well well well game freak you've met your match because i have with me the ultimate counter just off screen but i also have the ability to make things up that become very convincing when i find small amounts of facts to pack them up and through my charisma and video with a budget i can make people believe my theories ha so i'm going to deny game freaks rights to have a no reason pokemon i will come up with a reason huh it shall be discovered no matter how stupid or backed up with nutrition science of all things it is so without any further ado let's just jump into it as there are a number of possibilities and of course i'm saving the best one for last that watch time yo so here's a useful tidbit of information alolan raichu gained the psychic type and uses it to float on its tail like a surfboard but interestingly raichus and pikachu's for that matter have always surfed pokemon yellow yeah a gen 1 game has a surfing pikachu and thus there's also the surfing pikachu trading card the anime also had an entire episode about a surfing pikachu named puka and what gets crazy is that unlike every other pikachu this surfing pikachu had psychic abilities plus its eyes are blue unlike every other pikachu in raichu but very much like alolan raichu has the concept of alolan raichu been around this long and probably not rather alolan raichu is likely a reference to all this but anyway there's more in pokemon stadium raichu surfs on its tail when it uses surf because the animators cared why does right you know surf because it's got a surfboard for a tail top here's another deck sentry it focuses psychic energy into its tail and rides it like it's surfing another name for this pokemon is ho dad ho ho dad well that's a hogan well thank goodness for google because a hodad was a term back in the 50s when surfing was hip because nintendo wasn't making games yet and a ho dad is basically a person who brings a surfboard to the beach but never actually surfs it's a poser you could say this could mean that the alolan people see raichu as a pokemon that doesn't actually surf the waves per se after all that surfs always with its psychic brain waves rather than ocean waves i guess that explains why alolan raichu can't actually learn surf alolan raichu is a freaking poser hmm well all that did was prove that a psychic surfing raichu isn't some sudden surprise idea it has origins all the way back in gen 1 but that doesn't explain how it came to be this way and what pancakes have to do with it but thankfully we do have three count em three big theories as to why alolan raichu is the way it is a few well i guess it's more like two count them two and a half but they're all sort of interconnected though not all of them involve pancakes pancakes so first the bit of evidence that's involved in all of the theories that's pikachu's involvement with humans pikachu are normally found in forests and a power plant that one time but the vast majority of pikachus in the pokemon world live in the forests in the wild but in pokemon sun and moon they are in howly city the middle of the city even it's an urban environment conveniently it's also the only place to catch an abra the beginning of one of the most iconic psychic-type pokemon lines so it could be that there is an increased amount of psychic energy in this city basically there are other psychics in the area maybe that's because this area is better for psychic misgrowthitude hence the pikachu is gaining psychic powers which sounds a little bit odd but that's well that's how evolution works reminds the superpowers but animals are heavily influenced by their environment obviously but not as much as humans influence animals have you seen these dogs that prove that evil exists in the world gross but just like in the real world breeding exists in the pokemon world i mean i can't even tell you the astronomical amount of times people hatched a pokemon for a nature or a shiny and then decided they didn't want it because it's not the right something and they just released thousands upon hundreds of billions of ponitos across the land dear god all those animals must ravage the poor grassy plains but oh well back to pikachu this is alola the island nation known for its incredible surfing scene it's basically hawaii remember while there is plenty of mantine surfing there is plenty of regular surfing too hence all the surfboards in the area and surf themed advertising thus it's quite possible that the people of alola have been breeding pikachus specifically to surf and in doing so almost created a new species of pokemon the alolan raichu who instead of using conventional surfboards like the other surfing pikachu evolved their own tail boards and the psychic powers to use those tail boards to surf always and as we see in the anime alola is host to a yearly pancake race a race where pokemon carry pancakes around the island and guess who's the champion and alolan raichu who's to say this alone raichu wasn't bred for this race specifically after all what's a better way to carry pancakes over dangerous terrain there is none the best way to carry pancakes over dangerous terrain is to just not touch the dangerous terrain because you just float over it now a foot race where some of the members don't use their feet shouldn't be a thing but whatever the raichu's bred for surfing may have also been bred for racing in this way with pancakes thus pancakes being involved i guess no that doesn't exactly explain the eating of them but in pokemon masters we were able to get a small glimpse into lore hidden away from the mainline games how's pokemon is alolan raichu he talks about how trash the explanation of its origins are and i'd have to agree however he came up with his own ideas instead of raichu's love of pancakes being its cause of evolution by itself he thinks it's the scarcity of its favorite food it's the lack of pancakes that caused the raichus to become this way so we're basically talking the darwinian finch theory how talks about how raichu actually is in steep competition for its food amongst other pokemon therefore it has evolved to reach the food faster than the others and it's a pretty decent theory for a guy like how but i still don't think this is quite right it may be a part of the story but it's certainly not the whole thing pancakes must be involved and involved they are like i mentioned pikachus all over the world eat natural things but in alola pikachus live in the city thus eating people food all the time and as we see in the anime the people of alola they love sharing their food with wild pokemon they see wild pokemon as a family sort of thing they're sharing berries and such you know but sometimes they're sharing malasadas and pancakes and it specifies too many and sweet and fluffy pancakes does it know so considering that it specifies many sweet and fluffy pancakes maybe this is what we should look at what makes pancakes specifically sweet what makes pancakes specifically fluffy two things sugar and gluten sugar gluten mmm i mean a rat eating sugar that's pretty much the same as humans eating straight sugar it's wrong all wrong i mean if humans already have several problems relating to the processing of sugar and gluten in large amounts they just think about what happens to animals in fact there are several animals that can't even process these things at all cats cats can't even taste sugar it's no use to them get out of here do you know the effects of excess sugar and gluten on the body it's not pretty i managed to lose 170 plus pounds with a large calorie surplus just by managing these things instead of calories the body can't store excess calories if you don't let it via carbohydrates which by definition are converted into sugar in the body plus eating more speeds up your metabolism whereas eating less slows it down complicated stuff but i mean fresh fruit whole grain granola a kit kat in a multivitamin what's the difference it's complicated and not what this video is about it's just hard for me not to talk about my life changing favorite subjects like nutrition in extreme detail i'm holding so much back but this video is already so long let's focus focus back at the pancakes say pikachus and alola eat a load of sweet fluffy pancakes and similar types of food now how would that give them psychic abilities well psychic abilities tend to be powered by the brain so i guess we can look at the effects of sugar and gluten on the brain specifically but first another tangent yes of course the gluten-free movement is over-exaggerated extremely especially by companies who benefit from it and websites with fear-mongering clickbait is gluten killing your brain no without celiacs or another major allergy it's just a mild inconvenience to most but these days i'm seeing more and more people wholeheartedly against the whole gluten-free movement for no reason other than they're too lazy to actually look into it yes you can still have problems with gluten even without celiac disease people can be mildly or fully allergic to anything and sometimes people can get inflamed by things just because the body is it's the most complicated biological machine in the known universe so like i mean there are people who swell up in the sunlight there are people allergic to oxygen i'm flipping autoimmune to my own pancreas and you're telling me that it's impossible to have some sort of negative effect from a foreign protein entering the body and irritating the intestinal lining just because you read a commenter with an anime fedora avatar say so once we're learning new stuff every day especially in the field of nutrition in the human body much of which is disproving everything that we thought we knew decades ago i could talk about just the explosion of nutrition information in the last decade just flipping everything that we knew on its head but again that would take hours all in all don't be so adamantly against something just because it's not the most researched thing in the world yet you're no better than the people who jumped on the trend for no reason dude just as pseudo-intellectual heck i'm pseudointellectual this is a youtube channel about pokemon science so i should probably get back to the pokemon pancakes alolan raichu put simply what do sugar and gluten do to the brain well first here's a fun fact did you know that many life forms humans included have a second brain we have a load of neurons around our guts which helps control our digestive functions because honestly efficient digestion is one of the most complicated things like ever and this second brain is connected to our main brain too which is why several foodborne illnesses cause headaches and such now you'd think that gut problems would cause a stomachache but not always and that's thanks to the second brain yay non-celiac gluten sensitivity or ncgs is no bueno with symptoms like depression a foggy mind adhd like behavior fatigue and headaches all present after consuming gluten yet they do not test positive for celiac disease you can think of all this as like a range you got people who are perfectly fine eating gluten they can eat as much as they want no problem at all and you got celiacs on the other total end of the spectrum people who may actually die from it and i guess according to some people it's impossible to be absolutely anywhere in the middle climate change deniers am i right but just notice how this food-related list of symptoms affects the brain a ton and i'm not even going into details or anything but now how about sugar high blood sugar is a detriment to the body have you ever noticed when looking up a disease or a health issue of some kind online and under the list of things that make you more likely to get it you almost always see diabetes as one of them diabetes basically leads to all of the problems and diabetes is essentially the inability to process sugar in your blood effectively or at all but even for non-diabetics when blood sugar is relatively high the sugar in your blood in the form of glucose essentially crystallizes into sharp microscopic shards and as they bump around your veins and arteries and capillaries they cause teeny tiny micro damages and if you've ever played pikmin you know that a lot of micro damage adds up it's quite literally dead by a thousand paper cuts but on the inside you ever wonder why diabetics lose fingers toes sexual function and eyesight all the time it's because those are where our tiniest blood vessels are and thus the ones that get damaged the most and if sugar is capable of doing all that then you know it has some impact on the brain oh like dopamine ah oh dopamine here's a not so fun fact some circles of health professionals are starting to call alzheimer's disease and dementia two of the scariest and most heartbreaking things out there type 3 diabetes why well because the leading theories that are really starting to get all this nailed down all point to too much sugar or too often sugar being the main culprit we already mentioned the micro damage that obviously affects the brain too but there's more previous theories about these terrible things all pointed towards a brain eating plaque that we all develop to some level eventually these problems arise when you get too much of this plaque or you get this plaque too early in life and wait a minute plaque like that stuff that gets on your teeth and eats away at your teeth especially when you consume sugar frequently yeah that plaque but in your brain but unfortunately we don't have brain brushes yet do we so our bodies have to have some means of cleaning all this plaque up right oh oh there is great what is it insulin hello darkness my old friend insulin is the hormone the body uses to take the sugar in your blood and store it into your cells so obviously it's good here it's taking the blood sugar which is causing the micro damage and putting it away but that's not all managing blood sugar is just the biggest job that insulin does but its full list of functions is huge and science is still adding to this list frequently which brings us to why recently the leading theory shifted from it's this brain plaque specifically to it's what we're going to start calling type 3 diabetes because one of insulin's other jobs is to actually clean the brain of this plaque but the problem is insulin pretty much has a to-do list and it will always prioritize the things on the top of its to-do list before bothering with the things below of course it's always doing all of them a little bit but you know what i mean and its number one job is getting excess sugar out of the blood in this plaque in the brain cleaning thing isn't likely even on the first page of its list so even if you're not type 1 or 2 diabetic and your blood sugar never reaches these crazy high diabetic levels if it's still above what's considered normal fasting levels often enough well the insulin is going to prioritize that instead of the plaque every time you eat carbohydrates you are distracting insulin from its other responsibilities it of course as i said does all of them all the time somewhat but they are no longer priorities now just think about how we've been pushing and teaching eat 11 servings of grain per day and several of fruit too also eat six times per day and such and then we wonder why we're suddenly so obese diabetic and dementia which is a word now so all in all too much sugar and or too often sugar plus brain equals bad gluten plus brain plus an even minuscule intolerance to it equals bad a lot of animals have no benefit of eating gluten and thus are often mildly intolerant to it because it's not what their ancestors bodies are used to eating same with sugar for that matter which remember grain always converts into there's a reason grain free pet foods are getting so popular because it makes your pets way healthier and significantly reduces the risk of pet diabetes imagine that you don't eat the thing that gives you diabetes and you're more likely to not get it whoa so all in all the pikachu's in alola specifically have been eating a load of pancakes and other such people food this causes some pikachu and raichu to slowly start developing health problems especially in the headache and brain deterioration variety so many brain problems there a pun i can make here p beatties chew and i got nothing a peacon cake is that is that not what we're talking about so these poor ill pikachu and raichu due to feeling sick all the time didn't get it on and breed as much as the ones who were doing just a little bit better with the people food these were the ones with perhaps stronger brains and these stronger brains eventually over countless generations led to raichus eventually gaining the psychic type and the rest is history that is certainly a theory oh it's a teapot nice and alive i wonder how we make a ghost type [Music] stay tuned [Music] tea tea is what brings us together today and with us is good old bird keeper toby and as i'm sure the educated among you know i spritz a bloody mad for a cup of charlie thank you for that reminder on why we seceded from britain hello welcome to my video essay dissertation where i will be attempting to skew the facts and information available to make you the viewer that's you believe or at least perceive that the new pokemon creature created by creatures inc and the pokemon company poltigeist is absolutely perfect if you were influenced by the thumbnail in any way please disregard that as it was only used as click bait to get people to enter this video it has been shown that any slight negativity present in the thumbnail and or title boosts clicks by a great factor so much in fact that i am willing to damage my credibility for this video as it is the exact opposite of the thumbnail you clicked it that's what you get case in point here is the original thumbnail look it's terrible you wouldn't click on that it's too positive in this negative focused world polti geist was first announced wednesday september 4th during the nintendo direct when a new trailer for the upcoming pokemon sword and shield rpg revealed four new features for the game after demonstrating the new avatar customization options pokemon camp and curry on rice an image of a flying teapot was shown and introduced as one of the new pokemon creatures polti geist a ghost type pokemon which has a body quote made of tea complete with its own aroma and flavor okay i'm done with the dissertation let's get to the real video here what the heck is polti geist i mean we all know what it looks like it's tea but a ghost how else would the tea be able to stay inside of a busted teapot i mean look at this it just doesn't work holes in the teapot and liquid don't mix but why would a ghost even haunt a teapot let alone haunt the tea itself because that's right polti geist is actually the tea inside of the pot hence why it has weak armor it's not actually the pot it's just carrying that around so it's pot armor easily breakable see i'll prove it to you see even if the tea is hot it spills and we're testing all the factors even got safety glasses that means it's real science time now also ouch my leg that burns and to find out why this ghost would hunt tea we have to figure out what type of ghosts we're dealing with first thankfully the name of pultegeist is pretty spot on just remove the t-pum and boom yeah but we need polti geist is a poltergeist a german word meaning noisy spirit a poltergeist is a type of ghost or spirit that is responsible for physical disturbances such as loud noises and objects being moved or destroyed think of your classic haunted mansion you walk into the dining room and the pots and pans are floating around banging each other while they spit in the air and it's spooky it's it's rightfully pretty spooked these are the disturbances caused by poltergeists why do they do it well because by their very nature or paranature poltergeists are malicious ghosts attacking those who enter its domain or even haunting specific people maybe they were started as a way for juvenile tricksters to startle people and blame them on spirits i mean you could throw a spoon at your mom and claim it was a ghost back then what simpler times then sometimes the earth would shift just a tad not enough for you to feel but enough to make your house creak people at the time had no explanation for this so many people assumed ghosts others believed that poltergeists are actual spirits of the vengeful dead that possess psychokinesis the ability to affect the physical world there's all sorts of possible origins but why would there be a poltergeist now in the galar region well a teapot is a super common item you see in depictions of poltergeists all the time and england does love their tea hey toby i'm sure you can hear me tell me about why the british love their tea i'd say the day isn't complete without a scone a chin wag with a mate and then sitting down for a nice cup of el grave i have no idea what he said but it only makes sense that a teapot pokemon would have to be ghost type as classical teapots aren't normally made of steel or any other type of pokemon type combo i could have seen a fire water type and you know it's the teapot and the heat source beneath the teapot but ghost works really well too mainly because of my actual point one of the most well-known and classic poltergeist happenings spooky one of the most well-known and classic poltergeist happenings was the enfield poltergeist in enfield england it's been the topic of debate in the society for physical research along with quite a bit of media coverage during and after it in fact the popular movie the conjuring 2 is based off of it so it seems like a pokemon game based on great britain is a good time in the pokemon world to just drop a ghost teapot t is absolutely important in english culture like extremely i mean if they didn't have a teapot pokemon i think the uk might have actually had a riot about this or at the very least a scoff and a laugh we like our tea i mean why is tea so popular there anyway well unfortunately they don't really know for sure why tea is so popular amongst them some points to the fact that tea was marketed as a medicinal drink to cure ailments along with their addition to many elite coffee houses in britain amongst women most point to princess catherine of braganza the portuguese future queen consort of england freeze frame can we talk about how ridiculous formal names are good lord she was often seen drinking tea on many occasions for the medicinal reasons but her doing so made it popular with aristocratic women and they eventually trickled down because you know fashion and stuff also tease liquids with trickles but it's fashion but drinks same thing happened with the men but in those coffee bars i talked about only the elite drank the stuff at first and of course it also didn't help that the merchants at the time were making loads of money so of course because they're able to sell it for such high prices they just kept importing it but then of course they had way too much of it eventually and so prices dropped dramatically yeah supply and demand and stuff it got more and more popular tell me toby how good is that tea over there we like our tea absolutely rabid about tea so summary teapots that are haunted and now that we've talked about everything but the pokemon on this pokemon channel let's get to the pokemon for the pokemon channel we're on this one pulte geist let's start off with that name we've already established that in english its name is poltergeist mixed with tea but its japanese name is potades which is actually a brilliant name in japanese it literally translates to it's a teapot what more is there to say but at the same time if you say this name in the context of it being a pokemon based in what is essentially england it sounds like the english words pot of death potterdess pot oh death right ah it's just so good good job game freak i can almost forgive the water reflections of the trees not being in the right spot polti geist's body is made from black tea and it is said to have a very distinct aroma and flavor it will only allow a trainer at trusts to sample its tea however drinking too much can lead to indigestion or an upset stomach so be careful so polti geist is tea real tea why is it black tea because black is dark and it's spooky but why not earl grey and see little do you know i used an e in grey so it's not the american spelling of gray it's english but uh anyway it's not entirely about the color of the tea rather as it turns out black tea is the most drunken drink drink is the most popular tea in the uk did you know that they drink on average 2.5 cups of it a day yeah guys it's just leafy water is the water really so bad over there that you have to flavor it to cover the taste of pee must be the dang pea drinkers i spritz a bloody mad for a cup of charlie funnily enough england can't even be the biggest tea drinker right it's actually the fifth biggest per capita turkey holds the record for the most followed by morocco then ireland and then england it makes them the fourth i miscounted but that's just a fun fact for you all and if i might be so bold looks so back to polti geist we all know it's brew is delicious however if you drink too much you will get an upset stomach but why well it might be because it's tea for starters tea is actually pretty crazy when you look at it chemically i mean it's normal water with dried leaves that when heated release different molecules and create different chemicals in your body which then goes into the medicinal uses of the tea but the stomach problems come from over consumption a small amount of tea wouldn't really change your body chemistry as it's just not enough to actually affect you however if you drink too much it can lead to stomach problems like bloating or even nausea in fact you can actually get dizzy and light-headed similarly to being intoxicated as if you drink alcohol though most of the issues arise from drinking it on an empty stomach as with enough of it it's able to actually dilute your stomach acids to the point that it causes trouble and on top of that most tea especially black tea have a large amount of caffeine and caffeine is created by some plants as an insecticide it's trying to kill you though surprisingly if you were to eat the leaves you wouldn't get much of it but because of our body's super absorption of water and tb mostly water well now your body takes in all those chemicals like a sponge and the longer you've steeped your tea the more of those chemicals you'll find in the water and well this pokemon is haunted tea it probably has been steeping for years now and speaking of it being a tea ghost i guess that explains its multicolored nature the purple is just ghost as a lot of ghost pokemon are purple including the most iconic ones like the gengar line then this tea colored part of it is well the tea but if you notice it fades between the two colors where does the t end and the ghost begin it's like the only good joe stars hair hat thing where does it start where does it end nobody knows for sure and then there's this other blurb this thing is a pest for hotels and restaurants many polti geist make their homes inside hotels and restaurants disguising themselves and hiding among the tableware they can pour their power into leftover tea and create even more of their kind so they're often treated as pests you know i bet that's why the galar region is extremely fond of tea if they leave any of it in the pot they're going to attract pests so they gotta drink it all up why not just not make anymore i wonder if they have cafes that serve just tea from polti geist also the idea that it can pour itself into another teapot and now there's two of them that's hilarious the super simple and quick multiplication is exactly what being a pest is all about so ultimately everything about this pokemon is perfect as i would expect as the british really do love their team we have tea and it would fall on be sacrilegious if they just didn't have this perfect of a team on in the galar region and if you need the thumbnail to match up then fine polti geist is terrible because it's a ghost [Music] so [Music] but why isn't golduck the gold one well there's actually a super interesting reason and we're gonna talk about it oh the intro is over hey it's me and why are we even talking about this well uh it's because it's one of those days filler video filler video video i guess you just want some youtuber to read you a bobapedia page yeah well here you go quote while golduck itself is not colored gold gold is often used in the pokemon canon to symbolize the psychic type the gold gummy is the gummy variety loved by psychic type pokemon and the marsh badge's japanese name is gold badge also if you notice that badge is gold so gold eh well as per usual bulbapedia is not wrong but they're not exactly the most in depth so let's look into it a little bit more let's just open one of my many many crystal healing ebooks and read gold gold is very conductive and regenerative it balances the energy fields and attracts positive energy identified with yin energy gold amplifies self-confidence will and helps recognize the positive qualities of others gold can also be used in combination with gemstones to help increase their energies ah i see real world science right here i mean you can't lie on the internet anyways let's talk about real stuff like alchemy gold was seen by alchemists as the perfect union of mind and spirit or soul as it were it's much more than a mere lump of atoms mixed together in a buttery sheen gold was a metaphor for people becoming divine and more in tune with the powers of the world which is well a very psychic thing think about it becoming more in tune with your mind and spirit think about all of those psychic-type trainers they are all mystics or spiritualists or are gigasmart but hold up because here's the thing neither of these pokemon are psychic type sure they have some psychic powers but they are not innately filled with what it takes to be psychic type they are both mono water why is that also why are you so much bigger than your second evolution psyduck these plushies man they do not make them to scale well the reasoning for their typing is interesting i promise it's not because game freak forgot and it may not even be because psychic was so overpowered in gen 1. i mean yeah i'm sure that was a factor but there is a lot more to it than just that i mean first of all even if it was psychic type it wouldn't have even been that good of a psychic type they lack any real good special attack stats in gen 1. and as for fluff reasons here's a few ideas [Applause] psyduck is famous for having a massive headache all of the time maybe it doesn't have full psychic powers because all of the brain damage that psyduck's headaches have caused or perhaps because of those headaches it didn't learn how to control its powers it just grew up with them and thus sometime whenever its body needs to get rid of that kind of energy it bursts out like what we see in the anime and detective pikachu but we can go deeper here's my theory the dot thing on its head well other than being really cool it seems to be a focus for its psychic powers right there are many psychic-type pokemon that have gems or orbs and such for that reason so that's easy but what if it's not for that reason specifically since it's not actually psychic type yeah maybe it's not there to focus its powers in an attack instead it's to stop its headaches it's to absorb its powerful headaches the pokedex says that it only uses its psychic powers when the orb on its head glows so by deduction the orb is getting charged and then releasing the stored power thus it's easy to assume that the lingering psychic power in psyduck's head is what's causing the headaches and now that it's got this orb thing it has a place to go so gold duck has no more headaches so then what kind of orb is it well let's look into some more hippie dip alchemy stuff aha fluorite this crystal comes in many colors including red fluorite is normally held in the mind's eye which is the third eye so you know the forehead well there you go its properties include the ability to absorb harmful psychic energies the ability to absorb negative powers and the ability to fend off psychic energy vampires okay we're done with the book thank you but uh still it fits pretty well huh harmful negative psychic energy plagues psyduck and because it's not psychic type it gets a poor headache from it but then when it evolves into golduck it gets this fluorite crystal which to quote absorbs harmful psychic energies when the crystal absorbs enough of them it glows red which then allows golduck to do a psychic attack despite not being psychic type so there you go but still then the names are kind of mixed up if anything golduck should be psyduck because it now has control of its psychic energies psyduck it's a psychic duck it's got it's got control of its powers gold duck because it's gold then again the gold references the same thing mastery of the mind and all that so hmm maybe if we look to the original japanese names we can see where this confusion came from its name in japanese is kodak or child duck but ko could also be referring to kogame meaning gold so we have gold duck and gold duck wait a second it could be like rattata and raticate raticate's name is rata from rat and then rattata's is korata meaning child rat so maybe this was the same intent koduk was originally meant as child of gold duck rather than just golduck and golduck again well at least now we know it wasn't a localization error the blue one is the gold duck not the yellow one but hold up now here's a crazy radical proposal what if it's not gold what if the d sound even in the japanese name is just part of duck and not gold what if it's gaul duck enter etymology in irish gold could be weeping or crying feeling blue and covered in water then all right no that's kind of a stretch in kurdish it could mean lake so a body of water then my favorite is the servo croatian gull meaning naked or bald specifically when referring to an animal meaning no fur or feathers so we've got lake duck crying duck or bald duck and two of those i could see explaining the blue coloration and well bold duck seems pretty good too especially considering that golduck is clearly not just a duck it's part kappa which are youkai famous for living in lakes and streams and being bald plus the fun fact is that there's actually a pokedex entry stating that golduck is commonly mistaken for kappas so clearly that's the inspiration i mean ducks don't have bodies like this also hang on tangent this just brings in more questions do kappas actually exist in pokemon at the very least this means that some people believed in non-pokemon yokai does that mean bigfoot is a potential non-pokemon creature oh my the theories but unfortunately kappas also don't have any psychic powers unless stealing your soul from your butthole counts that's actually a thing that they do i'm serious folklore is hilarious sometimes also while looking into all this we googled blue ducks and there is one species of duck in new zealand that is blue and it's great and it's especially great because it's a species of duck that doesn't particularly like to fly instead they are just really really strong swimmers which leads me to believe that golduck could be based off of these blue ducks mixed with a kappa and maybe also a platypus the claws and webbed feet are pretty similar and while we're actually talking about golduck for some reason there's more fun factoids in here in gen 2 golduck could actually be found with the held item gold leaf which looks an awful lot like a golden feather and the tool tip for the item even states that no trees have ever been seen with gold leaves maybe they just called a leaf a feather because leaves are just tree feathers after all and feathers really are just bird leaves so perhaps every now and again a gold duck actually does grow a single golden feather a symbol of their occasional psychic ability so it could be that the gold in the name truly is gold and not gull though that doesn't mean it can't be both most pokemon have multiple origins [Laughter] we age 10 now so arbok is cobra backwards eckens snake backward so it's so what is mucking ouch but really though what is muck like like really what the muck is it well here at team noggin we're delving into each and every pokemon eventually probably my team wanted me to say that disclaimer just in case i miss the others i don't like like ambipom and heatmore and today we spun the wheel of pokemon and landed on one of my favorite goo based pokemon muk by which i mean i bought this muk plush and i have to justify the purchase by which i mean i needed a way to figure out how to put gardevoir in more thumbnails because you guys eat that right up but really what is muck for realsies well to figure that out let's first take a look at some of mark's pokedex entries we will see quite a few recurring themes firstly it's got a rather horrid smell in fact in pokemon ruby it states that it's nose bleedingly smelly so i'm assuming that it gives people nosebleeds upon breathing the air around it now that's pretty intense like i know japanese people have high blood pressure at least according to anime in statistics but nose blades just a rank stench also as summer sets in the muck heats up which makes the stench worse it also eats garbage and pollution and sewage and really anything that smells bad and we're assuming that this is where the pokemon gets its poison type from really muck and grimer are the 90s pollution psa of pokemon thus it coming out in the 90s and it'd just be a living 90s pollution hence the purple i could see muck as a villain in captain planet he's our hero so it's stinky pollution like deviantartists using ms paint but to figure out exactly what muck is let's look at its potency i mean in crystal it is stated that as it moves a very strong poison leaks from it making the ground there barren for three years three years what makes plants not able to grow there for three years that's a thousand ninety five days then in pokemon diamond and pearl it states a toxic fluid seeps from its body the fluid instantly kills plants and trees on contact so again plants are weak apparently to its poisons interestingly enough one of the dex entries also talks about its dirt-like appearance though it is from stadium it becomes indistinguishable if it hides in dirt touching its sludge-covered body causes horrible poisonings touching it can cause a horrible fever as well and one that needs many days of bed rest to get over so what i'm getting at is that this thing is stinky toxic and looks like dirt making it the perfect pokemon to some did you know they're actually fans of muk weirdies all of them and before we actually get into it i know that you people yes you the ones already at the keyboard there is that popular theory that muck is just a bunch of worms i'm serious tube effects tube effects more otherwise known as the sludge worm they are pretty gross and when it gets really wet they love to glob up in a grody mass and they also like to live in sewers just like muk but muck has eyes and a mouth with a tongue even it's not like how big wishy-washy is obviously a mass of fish but worms also these worms aren't exactly terribly toxic they're just kind of gross so while it is a fun theory that a lot of people have as their head canon nah okay let's dive into some poison let's not do that let's look at some poisons and figure out what's going on now assessing toxicity is not easy the chemical state of a substance is important as is how we ingest it for instance if we swallowed liquid mercury you'd probably get mercury poisoning however if you were to breathe in vaporous mercury you would for sure die in fact that's a good start mercury one of the more deadly metals known as quicksilver to some it is dangerous to plants but not all that much and this is similar to other extremely toxic to us substances like botilinum toxins one of the most deadly substances known to man it's got an ld50 of 5. oh by the way here ng stands for nanogram which is 1 billionth of a gram and an ld50 is how we measure how poisonous something is it's basically how much of a substance does it take to kill 50 of those exposed to it so in this case oh yeah a very small amount to kill scary but these are all deadly for humans muck is just toxic to the point where humans only get a severe fever but to plants it's absolute death so we're looking for an herbicide really like weed killer but for all plants but now get this i'm probably on some fbi list now you wouldn't believe how hard it is to research which of these toxins is the deadliest half of all of the resources we looked through were all redacted had parts of it blacked out covered up by big companies and or the government but we managed what are the best ones out there well it's definitely not glyphosate a weed killer that is a great contact poison good at killing but unlike muck it doesn't leave the ground barren for years though i suppose muck could be just part that another thing that kills plants indiscriminately is vinegar in fact anything that alters the ground's ph balance is good at killing most plants heck if you change the ph balance in the ground enough it may actually take years for it to grow plant life again i mean did you know that just plain old salt could make an area barren of plant life for years it takes a ton of rain to make the ground usable again i mean there's a reason you'd salt the earth of your enemies making their farms barren for years it's quite rude so i guess muk could be super salty like a young smash fan in air quotes who the muck is terry oh my goodness look at the time i haven't fearmongered yet okay how about this a popular herbicide called atrazine it's the herbicide most commonly found in american drinking water the european union banned it in 2004 but the epa re-evaluated and okayed atrazine use in 2009. while it breaks down quickly in soil it tends to hang around in water almost 90 percent of drinking water in the united states has atrazine in it at least according to an analysis of the u.s department of agriculture data by the pesticide action network but are they really trustworthy but i mean it can't be that scary why did the eu even ban this weed killer oh because it messes with hormones affects the immune system and is linked to birth defects i know biggie i mean those mega food corporations got to make as much money as possible and atrazine is cheap so cheap what else what else oh uh agent orange comes to mind it was pretty bad so bad in fact that it's on our list of possibilities it's classified as a deforestant that's right herbicides kill plants deforestants kill forests agent orange was made to deforest the jungle and it worked it also killed hundreds of kids like any any child's vaguely nearby the jungle it's bad stuff in fact it's so bad that you can still see the scars of the forest left by it even though it happened decades ago seriously bad stuff and it's all thanks to the dioxin left in the ground yeah you thought toxins were bad now mix toxin with the word die so it's for sure possible that muck is a mixture of many different chemicals including some of these because they kill plants fast leave the ground barren for years and make people really sick too i mean grimer is said to come from x-rays from the moon messing with industrial waste pumped out from factories while the x-rays from the moon thing is stupid and dumb it being industrial waste does point to its heavily toxic nature muck is uck and likely all these poisons mixed with sewage and doused in purple food coloring it's no fun [Music] no fun at all big question time which came first the torchic or the egg if you believe rks created all pokemon then the torchic came first having been created by archaeos if you believe all pokemon are the evolutionary descendants of mew then the egg came first laid by a pokemon very much like but not exactly the same as a torchic so which is it fortunately the pokemon series sidesteps this entire well there goes my attempts at a dramatic intro as if this shirt and necklace combo didn't ruin it already fortunately the pokemon series sidesteps this entire question by simultaneously saying that both answers are right at least some of the time with archaic and mu both existing as viable explanations for the origin of pokemon but how can both explanations be correct how can archaeas have existed before any of the other pokemon yet mu is the common ancestor of all pokemon which came first rks or mew well here's the most commonly accepted but technically theoretical answer in the beginning there was an egg that hatched an archaeous and thus archaeous created all of the pokemon that it is specifically credited with creating dialga palkia giratina uxi mesprit and azelf as well as perhaps the unknown as i explain in another video here the theory suggests that archaea's last creation was mew and that mew was designed as a sort of seed of dna potential that would be able to evolve into a multitude of species since archaeas is said to have created pokemon from itself you could even argue that mew contains the dna of archaeous and its other creations but while that solves the beginning of time what about everything afterwards what about the other mythical or legendary pokemon well they're in sort of a gray area sure archaeas created the creation trio and the others we already mentioned and yet mew did evolve into all naturally evolving pokemon we get that but the rest of the legendary pokemon seem less explained some are easy especially the artificial ones ho-oh made raiku entei and suicune reggie gigas made reggie rock richie ice and reggie steele humans made mewtwo genesect type null and megirna dionci mutated from a carbine deoxys mutated from a virus though not like a pokemon virus just a regular non-pokemon space virus uh note to self where did the non-pokemon things like viruses bacteria and plants come from rks question mark and then there's the ultra beasts which we can disregard as they come from another dimension entirely one that may or may not have had its own version of archaic though an ultra beast arches would be pretty awesome but all of what we've mentioned so far is just a fraction of the legendary pokemon the origins of most aren't really even explained they've just been around since the ancient times as far as any human is concerned the two options for their origin left to us seem to be that they are made by mew or made by archais that was our last video implied some legendaries likely have multiples of them so if there's more than one mole trace or lugia we could simply say that they are a species with populations albeit very small rare ones and i'd wager that a population is more likely to arise from natural evolution as opposed to archaea's going on a creation binge hmm let's see i'll put the growl down here and the grout down here and sprinkle some topper cookers all around oh what's that a small child you want another palkia well here you go what accent was that now i know some of you may say loxton obviously legendary pokemon are meant to be divine and spiritual in some way they don't lay eggs they can't breathe but aha i say for you have forgotten manafee a mythical pokemon that hatches from an egg pod like thing and breeding a manafee can be done though if you try it you'll only get a fione but the fact that fiona has an egg sort of thing at all implies that there is a way to breed them we just don't know how and hey if every day care center in the pokemon world still hasn't figured out where the normal pokemon eggs are coming from i don't think pokemon scientists are going to be discovering the methodology behind the breeding of a manafee or any other legendary pokemon anytime soon remember when ash and friends just watch a solgaleo and lunala getting it on and it terrified some of the mons they're so innocent but not anymore so it would seem that legendary pokemon do have a method for breeding just not in captivity or in a regular way which when you stop to think of it it's it's very it's very duh like duh how else would mew evolve into every other pokemon [Music] besides breeding and descendants this slowly goes from you to not as mute there's more muse everywhere and they slowly become less and less mewish it's so duh so that's already evidence enough that points to most legendaries evolving from you instead of being created by archaeous now i could stop there but i've got another reason to think that legendary pokemon are descended from mu and that's archen that's right archen is explicitly said to be the ancestor of all bird pokemon and what do you know there are five legendary bird pokemon three of them are even known as the legendary birds so if the legendary birds evolved from archen and archen evolved from you then the legendary birds must have descended from you in the long run and if that's true for these perhaps it's true for most of all the rest of the legendary pokemon so with all that in mind here's what i think is the most logically consistent timeline first archivist creates its pokemon the last of which is mew mew then goes to earth and starts getting it on everywhere constantly that's its life and over time it evolves into many different pokemon but some of the first ones that they evolve into would be considered mythical or legendary to us it makes sense for the muse to evolve into similar pokemon before dissimilar pokemon right celebi jirachi manafi shaymin victini meloda and marshado are what you could possibly say are some of the earliest evolutions of mew the mu derivatives if you will after that you may have had a beastly ancient era of pokemon with legendaries such as graudon kyogre reggie gigas etc and perhaps this evolution was guided they are from you but they are guided by archaeas then just millions of years later when pokemon evolved the more mundane form of reproduction and that would give us anarith anarith is an interesting pokemon as it's technically considered a sort of proto-pokemon though what this means isn't well defined this may be because of anarith's unique distinction of being the earliest known pokemon to evolve and use the known method of reproduction in eggs perhaps at some point legendary evolution gave way to this more mundane system of life that could more reliably reproduce than the rare and mysterious ways that they had done prior this lines up well with anarith's conception being a mirror of the cambrian explosion where diverse body shapes first showed up in animals now i do want to mention that the biggest hole in this idea is that the mysterious legendary method of reproduction must have somehow re-evolved for the legendary birds but there's actually a term for that in evolution biology convergent evolution it's happened many times with venom and there was that bird that recently made headlines it went extinct forever ago he just re-evolved itself anyway those are the reasons i think it may be possible that all pokemon even legendaries aside from you know arceus and the creation trio and the artificial pokemon evolved from you in one way or another so rks just created the universe no big deal you created all the pokemon i'm getting it on all the time [Music] more pekko pokemon sword and shield's new pikachu cologne every jan's gotta have one but what even is it some kind of trash hamster well just like the rest of the pikachus its name is the same in most languages so maybe this name can enlighten us its name is a combination of the japanese words for hungary and guinea pig guinea pig [Music] so like a trash hamster i mean i guess they're both pretty ugly and bean shaped but uh here's a great detail where pekko has pockets or it stores food a lot of rodents have pockets like this but in real life they're always in the cheeks not like not like literal pants pockets it's cute though and every turn morpeko is on the battlefield it switches into a new form there's full belly mode and hangry mode it must be able to fit a lot of food in those pockets for it to fill itself up between turns this whole mode thing is all well and good many rodents have to eat super often because of their little metabolisms they're just so rapid fast which is primarily due to how small they are i mean they're rodents it's hard to keep their insides warm because of their surface area to insides ratio so their metabolisms have to be faster to produce more and more heat the etruscan shrew famously has one of the fastest metabolisms if it doesn't eat twice its body weight in food every single day it will starve to death and or freeze to death e gadd i'd be pretty angry too if my life depended on it desperate times for call for desperate measures you're fat you look like food and of course taking such desperate actions are what leads to it becoming dark type when in hangry mode it becomes quite rude and voracious and will knock anything out of the way and do any sort of dirty tactic to get the food it needs that's dark time but let's talk about that word some more hangry it's for when you get easily peeved and snappy because you're hungry it's a real thing which is why it's totally fine that it's a real word now melvin i love talking about food and nutrition and stuff completely changed my life so uh strap in also just so you know these are my sources i read a lot of health books because i'm an adult to be a kid again hunger is super interesting a lot of people assume that when you are hungry you will stay hungry until you eat because it's a signal that you need to eat it's not true whatsoever if you just wait a few hours and don't linger on it your body will completely forget that you were ever hungry until the next meal time rolls around that is and if you do this consistently enough you can eventually get yourself to not feel hungry like it all this was one of the big points that helped me lose 170 plus pounds on a calorie surplus you just limit your eating to a two to four hour window and it just does wonders even if you're eating three times as much as you were before of course first starting out on that it's always super hard to skip two meals and snacks every day at first but as it turns out the vast majority of the time your body isn't telling you that you are hungry which whenever that is the case that's the only time it actually matters rather for modern people in the first world about 90 of the time it's your brain telling you that you think you are hungry the reason being because it is used to eating around this particular time of day but eventually if you force yourself to change the time of day you eat the brain eventually gets used to eating at those times and so the hunger signals at the other times of day just stop happening whoa do this for long enough and suddenly your brain is used to eating in a two to four hour window so you don't you just let you like never feel hungry except if you eat kind of late during that two to four hour window but i mean like you know how clear-minded and focused you can get when your brain isn't always thinking about food in the back of its mind it's awesome but anyway when your brain is telling you that it thinks it's hungry it's also getting your body ready to eat thus the stomach growling it's preparing the stomach for food because it's that time of day again but it does do more than that it gets various proteins and enzymes and hormones all pumped up and ready to help the digestion process even though you haven't eaten anything yet it's just preparing in advance one of these is neuropeptide y a hormone that helps store food as body fat it also has a lot to do with brain function it regulates mood and is linked to aggression if there's too much of it so if your brain is preparing your body for food but that food doesn't come as its regularly scheduled time well you get cranky the brain also tells the pancreas to start some extra insulin production which stores sugar into cells but now if the food comes late well your blood sugar is going to be lower than it should be never to dangerous levels if you're a healthy person but enough to where now your body has to raise the blood sugar on its own to balance it out again it does this by releasing the hormones cortisol and epinephrine stress hormones so you might feel on edge and more easily irritable the combination of everything leads to feeling hangry hangry is 100 a real thing now just apply that to a creature that has to eat twice its body weight in a single day yeah i'd be pretty pissed too tangent i think is interesting you know those studies that like mini wheats always is promoting and is funding that say skipping breakfast is bad and eating breakfast leads to higher test scores in teens what many of them don't take into account usually on purpose is that they're they're skipping breakfast they're looking at people who normally eat breakfast and now they are skipping it this is a very vastly different thing from just not eating breakfast like ever and in many ways eating fewer times per day is not only the easiest key to weight loss and weight management but also helps in brain function much much more than regularly eating breakfast and snacking does to keep it simple more blood for the brain when you aren't digesting things and there is way less carbohydrate-induced systemic inflammation slowing the brain and blood down not to mention eating once or twice a day will eventually eliminate the sense of cravings almost entirely i didn't think that was possible until i did it i almost forgot what hunger and cravings were like the brain's stupid but back to pokemon yeah angry is a real thing and a real word so don't make fun of morpeko for it it's a rodent rodents need to be eating constantly it's how they do oh and they also run on wheels it's signature move that's a thing also normal type pokemon some of them are cute some of them are well they're boring and honestly most of them are a little bit of both but here's a thought a query an interesting question what if there was no normal type what would there be instead or rather what types would the currently normal type pokemon become and how would the world of pokemon change well that's exactly what we're going to be talking about today on noggin [Music] the normal type is uh interesting question mark it's sort of weak and for good reasons it's normal type it's basically the baseline to judge all the other types against i mean it's the second most common type of pokemon only beaten by water type but that honestly makes sense the ocean is huge honestly we still need more fish pokemon now first of all honestly i feel that if normal was never a type in pokemon to begin with we'd for sure have some other new type to sort of fill in the gaps something like a void type typeless which i guess normal sort of is but normal still has its strengths and weaknesses as it stands normal is tied with electric for the least amount of things to resist its attacks and normal vs ghost is interesting as they are both immune to each other normal's biggest weakness is fighting type attacks it's pretty easy to beat up a plane thing and this is actually where the meta and existence of normal types really matters i mean if you just got rid of a tenth of the cast that fighting was good against suddenly fighting type pokemon aren't as good anymore especially considering that most of the birds are normal flying type remove normal and now they're just flying flying resists fighting type attacks but now they're all normal opposite of that now they're all just flying so suddenly all these pokemon that fighting tithe used to be decent at because the two types would counter each other out and make just a punch would be a punch now they now the birds dodge because they're flying this is why fighting is weak to flying you try to punch have you ever tried to punch a bird but now suddenly not only do fighting type pokemon have even fewer pokemon they are good against but those same pokemon resist them and are super effective against them it's a big nerf to our punchy kickers and that still happens if we replace the normal type with totally neutral typeless type or finally introduce the fan favorite sound type i mean honestly if normal wasn't a type we would for sure have gotten sound added by now i mean there's loudrid come on when the fairy type was added a good number of previously normal type pokemon lost their normal type in favor of fairy so i'm sure the same thing would happen with sound i mean there's like explode but how's about no more dilly-dallying with the meta stuff let's talk actual pokemon the fun part of the video what would we change the normal pokemon into if normal was to be removed well first off we can just say that all of the dual-typed normal pokemon just become their second type like oh man that is a lot of just flying pokemon but like pyro would be mono fire why was it even normal to begin with grandpa would be mono dragon etc so for starters let's group up the changed pokemon into what we would change them into starting with the most common i feel normal typed pokemon who would become ground type these pokemon are already similar to other ground types they may have tough hides live in the lowlands dig or burrow into the ground you know the things that animals on the ground tend to do so in this category we have rattata raticate watch hog pat rat young goose kangaskhan tauros miltank buffalant sentret ferret zigzagoon lanoon bundlebee who evolves into a grounds type already so like come on beniri hua punny mencino and cincino i mean their chinchilla pokemon they bathe in dust stantler may be ground but i guess i could see grass a bit if they wanted to go that route as it's similar to sauzbuck and then there are pokemon like persian and meowth and maybe ursarine i could see them all as dark type pokemon i mean alolan meowth and persian already are because they act like spoiled mean cats so let's just carry that trade over and ursuring is a big mean grizzly bear grizzlies are extremely territorial and protective of their babies and will maul whatever they see as a threat which could be seen as a dark type thing plus you know ursa ring teddy ursa the whole moon bear thing it's night time then we have some normal pokemon who would become fighting type some of them more obvious than others like la punny again it's mega is already fighting for good reason so let's just extend that it's ground fighting gum shoes could also be ground fighting or even just fighting as it's all about that gumshoe justice it's the same reason the swords of justice are fighting type despite not really being about punches and choke holds and with that same logic let's extend that into stoutland lillipup and hernia for their fierce loyalty and sense of justice get his sense of justice can smell and the palm and apam have massive fists for tails so it just feels right xangoose could go here also perhaps a fighting dark type mongeese are pretty violent and it just looks mean doesn't it then i could also see ursuring and teddy ursa being here too fighting they are bears which are crazy strong and there's the whole i trained my fighting skills against a grizzly bear thing so they changed their fighting skills against people because it's funny to be reversed slacking vigoroth and slack off are also pretty tough so fighting might fit but maybe only the middle one maybe as just one of their types also or maybe add dark in there because they sleep a lot sloth is a deadly sin after all maybe slacking gets pretty vengeful about being woken up buddh could be ground but i think just switching it to water to match its evolution is fine it's a beaver kamala could easily be grass type because it's actually the log the koala is the decoy funny joke but really though grass type it lives in trees all the time it is a master of trees and it attacks with its log too hashtag team trees porygon porygon2 and porygon z are good candidates for the electric type they are made up of literal ones and zeros in a computer you know what those ones and zeros are whether or not a transistor has electricity in it or not these pokemon are literally electricity plus physical life so electric for sure i don't know why they aren't electric to begin with now if you really don't want to add the sound type for explode wismer and loudred i guess we could make them steel type besides normal the steel type also has a few sound-based moves and plus explode is pipe organs which are made of metal and come to think of it i could also see xangoose here it's got those crazy sharp claws but no no that would make its rivalry with some viper extremely one-sided keck leon if not normal would be psychic type think about it it uses mind powers to make you think it's not there basically it's an illusionist but with real powers easy zavinda though is much harder to retype possibly ground maybe fighting since it's comically fighting like a drunken master but realistically i feel psychic psychic would work out as it's all about the spirals and making others disease with its movements and dizzy punch plus what's more classic to hypnotism than spinning spirals of mesmerization dunsparce is another good one but actually i feel like i could rep the dragon type it is a legendary creature based off of a snake that can roll out at maximum speed and even double jump and on top of that or instead of that it could be poison type again because of the thing it's based on the tsuchinoko it's extremely venomous we got a whole video about it here cast form could lose its form system and just be four different pokemon with their different types or its base form could be just flying type i mean it's a cloud but that would make its tornado form kind of useless but uh it is what it is like tongue and licky licky are two rather odd pokemon did you know that they can't lick each other as it stands lick is a ghost type move and they are normal type how sad i could see poison because of how gross licking is plus there are plenty of reptiles with venomous saliva i guess i could also see fairy type because they love food and are pink a very good reason to make a pokemon fairy but there's also the fact that it's partially based off of a yokai that likes to lick bath houses clean yuck so fairy and or poison would really fit for fru fairy i guess as it's way it's in the fashion it's it's in the fashion and pink is a color and it has pink as a fashionable color i don't know man it's a dog normal fits so well other now fairy types include all of the pink and cute mod so skiddy and delicaty as well as blissy and chancy i'm unsure why blissey isn't already fairy type really audino would also be sound if it weren't added but otherwise fairy because it's kind caring and full of heels and buffs evie though huh eevee is another really good normal type so it'd be typeless if that was a thing maybe ground but like a super super weak ground so nobody can actually use it as a ground type properly here's another odd one it's smeargle it kind of stumped me for a bit maybe if we look at its moves we could figure out what type of move it uses most oh wait never mind it's all sketch maybe water type as it creates fluid from its tail to mark its territory and paint with and stuff this one's really tough i mean maybe if it was like based on a yokai or a fey creature of some kind it could be fairy but but no there isn't much for it so water because paint is a liquid i guess oh man and i was dreading this one too munchlax and snorlax where do we start normal seems like the best as there really isn't a fat and sleeps around type so there would be more than one pokemon in that type i suppose so snorlax is a bear cat thing that seems to love to eat even if it's poisonous not kidding this thing loves food so much that its stomach is said to be incredibly strong even mux poison is nothing more than a hint of spice on snorlax's tongue so either it's immune to poison or it resists poison to a point where it can't be hurt so steel type because it's immune to poison and it's heavy and metal is heavy that's that's bad maybe because it eats so much gross stuff it gets poisonous burps kind of like swallowed or maybe it could be ground because it sleeps on the ground and thus becomes one with the ground reggie gigas i have to go with fighting ground again or even just fighting as that would make it strong against all of the other regis which is perfect because it's the master reggie plus it's move pool already has a rather good list of fighting type moves and the ground is there because the whole thing about it pushing and pulling the continents around when the world was being formed you know archaeous type knoll and silth ally are difficult too and honestly i feel like the existence of type null justifies a typeless type i figured that's what they were doing before its type was officially revealed these pokemon all have the gimmick of changing their type to match the item you give them so i guess you could say that they can't not have an item they need to be one of the other types if you try to just remove the item instead of swapping it you just can't otherwise maybe psychic or fairy as a default they are magical legendaries and those types seem to fit that criteria for magical legendaries and finally we have another hard pokemon to place it's ditto again typeless if that were allowed to be a thing but otherwise psychic could work here too as illusions again maybe it takes a lot of psychic potential to be aware of all the cells in your body are and where to move them a lot of psychic energy needs to flow into the other pokemon's brain and read its genetics to like come back and transform into that fairy could also work because there's plenty of fake creatures that love to shape-shift it's quite the magical ability oh man pokemon sword and shield comes out in like a week there's going to be more normal pokemon sounds like a problem for future me hey it's future loxton i guess still past lockston for you but uh not as past logsdon as that guy but jen8 is out now so we've got new normies to look at first up let's cover the slight changes to zigzagoon and lanoon they keep their normal typing but game dark this really isn't all that interesting but the dark type is a reference to their crazy and erratic behavior they are little punks they're cute little punky dudes and then there's the new evolution obstagoon the biggest of obstacles normal dark normal dark is kind of an odd typing honestly especially when you think of dark as more of an evil or not nice type oh yeah this guy he's normal he's everyday but he's got a dark side so exactly a punk i suppose but if there were no normal type i don't feel like pure dark would work for these guys either it would need something that keeps it grounded in society okay i really just wanted to stay grounded because it's a badger after all badgers dig they dig dig dig dig badger other normal types in gen8 are surprisingly not the birds for once game freak didn't make the bird a normal type hallelujah but squava and gree dent both mononormal and again ground seems like a good replacement possibly with greedent being dark type because it's very greedy ground dark greedy is a bad thing and again ground squirrel thing easy peasy next up is indeedy both male and female are normal psychic an interesting type combo extremely powerful of the mind but also kind of commonplace however i don't think these pokemon are the super computers of brain power no they are psychic because of their professions these pokemon are always seen helping people i mean they are based on butlers and maids after all and the psychic typing comes into play specifically for this they use their horns to talk or feel emotions or transfer thoughts between each other the emotion part is very psychic but i feel like they might be able to lose their normal type entirely to either be mono psychic or maybe psychic fairy secondarily but monopsychic works better imo another surprise with this gen is that there actually aren't that many normal types and i'm kind of happy about that but we did save the lease for last wait no no it's good i love it lulu heck the whole internet loves this thing and boy does hop love his however mononormal type again is pretty hard to retype as it's pretty basic it's a sheep goat ram thingy and double doesn't make things any easier it's also mononormal and it's not going to be all that easy to imagine a world without it because it's just so good however i'm going to throw you a curve ball i'm going to say that if normal type didn't exist this would be steel type both of them their wall is stronger than you'd think plus according to the pokedex they can fall off of a cliff and stand back up unharmed they really bounce back it also states that if you make a carpet out of their wool it's as bouncy as a trampoline it really puts a spring in your step and springs or metal also steel wool is a thing and these cheaper tanks already so steel type really really durable as heck wool yeah so there you have it that was future lockstin if normal type wasn't a typing that's what i'd retype all of the normal type pokemon as but honestly i wouldn't want normal type to be removed you need a baseline to compare things to if everyone is a superhero then no one is the villain of the incredibles was actually onto something too bad he had bad hair so even if some folks find normal pokemon boring well that's sort of the point of them so gamefreak succeeded at their doings yay the name cursilla sounds like a spell like mwahahaha i kerose you with blinding light curve solar but actually it's a pokemon this pokemon a galar-only evolution of gallary and corsola oh no it's so sad why is it sad who hurt you what's going on why does it die oh no is it us we did this oh no but why and how oh oh it's evolving oh oh now it's super cool looking oh man i want more of these galar actually made corso look cool so let's make some more oh coral reefs they are quite pretty they've got blues reds purples pinks greens and that's just the coral the many many fish and other marine creatures that live in them truly make the whole place bustling with life but similar to how this white moose is super cool and this white alligator is awesome white coral reefs are pretty wicked awesome too so much ah i am just in classical ah so uh well clearly we gotta make more of them right so how do we do that well first we should figure out what this is called it's called bleaching so you just dump a bunch of bleach into the ocean that sounds really bad for the fish well i suppose as a human that is a sacrifice i'm willing to make two parts bleach for every one part water put your coral in wait two days and there you go that's how you do it small scale but we've got entire reefs to bleach so off the top of my head i think there are like 352 quintillion gallons of water in the ocean so we're gonna need 704 quintillion gallons of bleach i don't think there's enough bleach in the world so we're gonna have to do things the next best way i guess we'll have to bleach this coral the more natural way you could say it's organic so coral reefs they've existed for something like 400 million years right but in just the last 30 years they've all begun turning white like this all over the globe and since climate and since climate change is clearly fake this can only mean one thing someone stole my idea and they're already doing it ugh no such thing as originality anymore and whoever's doing it already has a 19 head start yeah nearly 20 of the planet's coral is bleached already and another 17 only has a decade or two left how am i even gonna catch up with this guy well step one is starting so i gotta know how are they doing it what's going on well that doesn't sound so natural at all so can't be true so what specifically is causing corals to turn white well what gives them their color in the first place it's algae coral is super rough perfect little homes for algae to live this algae eats sunlight to photosynthesize and its byproduct is then eaten by the coral but here's the key if the coral or algae gets stressed they start not getting along as well as they used to so they start a messy breakup process and then when the coral is finally hot enough it kicks it all out which leaves it empty and thus turns it white and if it stays white for too long it dies leaving it permanently white neat so all we need to do is stress out corsula and it will eventually evolved into our awesome ghost type cursula it's awesome i just want it so bad so how do we stress out poor corsola what would possibly weigh so heavily on a corsola's mind [Music] there's a lot so much that uh well i found a video look it's completely real oh it doesn't ruin it [Music] the reef the most biodiverse biome on the planet and the entire biome is dependent on the growth and continued survival of coral without coral there is no reef but as we've recently learned the coral is under attack but by what you might ask well here are their greatest serial killers first we look to ocean acidification many of us know that the bare real forests of the north and the amazon rainforest are vitally important in their roles of the global ecosystem absorbing carbon dioxide and converting it into oxygen for us and the animals to breathe but did you know that the oceans share this role through various processes the gupper ocean absorbs co2 and converts it into various other substances but one of these is carbonic acid which can affect the ph balance of the water and with the everfin creasing levels of co2 in our atmosphere the oceans are turning too basic in some areas for corals to thrive this overly acidic water slowly wears down their calcification which not only makes it more difficult for coral to grow but makes it more susceptible to illnesses as well on top of this rising temperatures and sea levels impact the abilities of reefs making photosynthesis more challenging and also increasing the spread of disease next we look to fishing only five percent of reef-dwelling fish are easily capable of breeding in carpivity as such the other 95 of collected fishes for aquariums are conch fish skated from coral reefs which would otherwise benefit from their population but of course it gets worse than that one meth god of capture involves sodium cyanide a chemical that narcotizes the prized fish in the area but of course it spreads and kills many more fish in the area while this process is illegal in most well-off countries that doesn't remove the responsibility from the fish collectors in those countries their fishing gear from beach scenes gill nets and anchors break branching corals and suffocate many more and that's not even mentioning the minor lesions and abrasions they create leading to only more disease and more coral death and let's not even get into the methods that use dynamite or grenades and when you combine this impact with industrial fishing well before the 1980s fishers would avoid letting their nets fall deep enough into the ocean to harm coral as it could ruin their nets too but as soon as rockhopper trawls were invented and brought into the industry the damage grew exponentially as they allow the nets to roll over rough surfaces including deep sea coral reefs so far it is unknown how long it takes coral to recover from this process and the worst of this is found in southern australia where 90 of the surfaces on coral seamounts are now bare rock thanks to this process next we look to pollution when most think of pollution in the oceans they picture plastic bottles straws grocery bags cigarette butts and other similar wastes while these do deal damage they hardly cause a dent compared to the real pollutants such as abandoned fishing nets agricultural runoff and industrial wastewater all those pesticides and herbicides on our crops slowly wash off as they are watered and ultimately it flows into our oceans wreaking havoc on ocean life and even sediment runoff smothers corals and interferes with their ability to feed and reproduce various metals commonly found in industrial waste for example copper pacifically has been shown to interfere with these processes as well and other chemicals absorb the oxygen right out of the water leading to eutrophication which also kills coral and smaller fish but of course that doesn't mean you personally aren't playing a role here the common sunscreen ingredient oxybenzone causes coral bleaching and has an impact on other marine fauna some 6 000 tons of sunscreen ends up entering reef areas annually and recreational diving has gained a considerable amount of popularity in recent years and these 23 million divers a year are all of low skill and many are naughty they bump the coral take the coral and stress the sea life in the area while individually these impacts are all small they all affect the big picture and thus we all need to do our part to save the core what a load of fracking propaganda but just in case it's right here's what i need to do drive my car as inefficiently as possible by non-organic foods frequently used sunscreen by so many saltwater aquariums specifically with fish imported from south america and the philippines go cyanide dynamite diving as often as possible eat the cheapest most industry-fished seafood i can find live in a coastal city and of course never buy anything organic or pesticide free that way i can do my part in stressing the absolute heck out of all of the corsola and make galarian corsilla be all of the corsola you know come to think of it it does make sense that corcella in galar specifically would be all dead and stuff galar had a head start england started the industrial revolution their reefs were the first to die the lucky ducks but you know what one person can't have that big of an impact so i'm going to need help with this one man is not enough so whoever it is that has a head start on this they must already have billions on their side [Music] getting all the coral bleached for his idea so i'm going to need your help too together we can speed up the deaths i mean i mean the awesome bleaching of all the corsola so like i said all you need to do is oh wait most of you already are oh thank you so much keep it up our reefs really can't last much longer they most likely will all be white within my lifetime already thanks to the actions of me and all of you thanks for helping make my dream come true and don't change anything about the way you live your life we're already on the path to a white white christmas i sure hope i won't get in trouble for this sarcasm is a thing and a lot of people well let's just say they suck let's let corsola and cursula be a reminder or a wake-up call that our reefs are dying at an increasingly alarming rate so at the very very least do your research on the stuff you buy and don't partake in unsustainable diving adventures maybe plant a tree or five or ten hashtag team trees for real though please plant some trees i already did and i feel good about myself for at least an hour and again just do your research on all the stuff you buy because ultimately doing more research is really using your noggin what's with all these pokemon based on food i mean some are more obviously food than others but still what's the deal ice cream whipped cream and apple turnover now i mean i guess the apples and cherries and banana tree mons are fine they are fruits i mean there are plenty of plant pokemon and fruit and vegetables are plants so you know also look it's epelin the new apple pokemon but the plant pokemon aside are these pokemon edible i mean i mean yes but i mean specifically more edible than say a rye horn i mean it's literally a floating dog made of fairy floss aka cotton candy wait is candy a food according to the definitions yes food is food when it's edible right wait what is an edible then i mean i could eat this plush technically you know with like a fork and a knife maybe with a little balsamic on it maybe there's something in here i could add maybe if i sprinkle on some uh saku snack soy butter aji i'm just pronouncing some of those i'm sure [Music] all right no i'm not going to eat that could eat these though this one's pretty good is it a poor meal tank anyway let's get more specific it turns out the definition of edible contains fit for consumption basically if you can actually digest and get nutrients out of it and it's not going to kill you or hurt you then it is edible so while i could eat just like a wood with some nails i'm pretty sure like 99.9 percent positively sure that it's not edible technically speaking also this does technically make candy a food so uh enjoy that information i guess but does that make swirlix edible i'd argue no as it turns out it's not actually cotton candy yeah that's a lie rather it's a fairy dog that eats nothing but sweets itself and thus it smells and looks like cotton candy it uses its light sticky fur to entangle foes and distract them with its fur's sweet taste so what do you suppose swirlix tastes like just like cotton candy or so how do you suppose swirlix does its thing well in all likelihood the fur itself isn't the sweet thing because that's not how fur works but this dog could be extruding a sweet oil onto its fur basically all creatures produce sebum the oil that is secreted through hair and fur follicles it is made up of triglycerides free fatty acids wax esters squalene cholesterol esters and just straight up cholesterol and basically it is used to keep fur and skin moist because when skin and hair get too dry they begin to crack the water that was bulking the cells up is gone creating more space for air to get involved leading to flaky crackly damaged hair and skin sometimes to the point of wounding which leads to open sores and infections which obviously is bad so obviously the body has ways of combating this secreting oils these oils have all kinds of smells depending on the health and or diet of the creature involved and in the case of smelling sweet it's more common than you'd think eating nothing but sweets like this dog is a path towards type 2 diabetes speaking of which i have type 1 diabetes so i gotta inject every single time i eat carbohydrates but this stuff is so worth it stab stab but stab fun fact here is that some folks with type 2 diabetes sometimes smell fruity or like maple syrup especially as they get active like when going grocery shopping this is because their bodies are desperately trying to get rid of as much sugar as possible because there is way too much of it in their bodies so it starts shoving sugar out of itself any way that it can and yes doggy diabetes is a thing and clearly swirlex has it come on grain free pet food people grains turn into glucose in the body pasta is just candy but with extra steps also the way i like to remind myself of things is sweets are for treats not for the always eats and there's an ice cream pokemon thanks to this man the vanillite line is one of the most hated pokemon because it's an ice cream cone pokemon why is that a thing but what many folks don't realize is that it's not actually ice cream like read the pokedex come on the lore thing that the franchise you hold so dearly is based on these pokemon are sentient icicles and there have been object mods since forever and these were introduced at the same time that the sentient snowflake was so it was a good time for fans of that spooky snowman movie but if they are just icicles then why do they have vanilla ice cream on top well because it's just snow they decorate themselves to look like ice cream it makes them more cute and more likely to get a loving trainer but it's more than that it's actually really cool icicles are formed when snow up on a high place like a tree or rooftop melts from the heat of the sun and then the sun sets and it gets colder and colder and so the water that was dripping down from the top slowly re-freezes on top of itself eventually forming an icicle so ultimately it's decorating itself not just for looks but to keep itself alive and you make fun of it for that hashtag rude so are swirlix and vanillish food pokemon technically no one is just sweet smelling and the other is just snow and ice which i mean you can get hydrated from eating snow and ice but i mean then you could say avalon is a food pokemon and nobody wants that but now how about our friend applein over it's here apple in is a bunch of question marks it's actually as much of a food pokemon as farfetch'd is that is to say it itself is an animal which i mean i guess can be food but that's a different topic apple in isn't actually an apple it's in an apple hence the name apple in applein is your classic worm living in an apple but the new question is why is it grass dragon type if it's a worm shouldn't it be bug type well worm is another word for dragon in a few old european languages and this pokemon in particular may be inspired by the worm of linton a famous long green british dragon that lives inside of a hill apple lin worm of linton yeah this line is super creative honestly i absolutely love it just like how i love marukawa red begum [Music] cool it's cola flavored gum can't beat you in this whole video i also call this a weird flavor for gum and plus it makes your tongue red oh joy is good though and while we're on its origins there is a near century-old apple orchard in england called the dragon orchard it's based in herefordshire by the malvern hills and appalin just happens to be found on route 5 by turffield with these very similar looking hills around hmm granted though this isn't where stonehenge or the surnames giant is in real england so either galar is a big mix-up jumbling of real england which it is or this dragon apple orchard connection is coincidental but anyway they could have easily just done the classic warm in an apple but they went the extra mile it even has two awesome evolutions if an apple in eats a tart apple it evolves into flapple the dragon worm got bigger and it uses the hollowed out apple to fly it flaps flapple oh it's so cute yet cool at the same time the tiny little worm ate the whole apple but at least apples you know they have nutrients so they're pretty good for you but if applein eats a sweet apple it becomes apple ton oh no it's so chunky it ain't thick it's thick also it's no longer in the apple like apple in now it's under the apple apple ton thunder but also ton is an old english suffix meaning enclosure house or dwelling this cutie with a booty made a house out of an apple turnover oh yeah also apple turnover apple ton turned over an apple turnover is a super popular sort of british pie thing it looks like the things that are on its back but here's where things get weird so according to the pokedex kids would peel those bits of skin off of the apple ton and eat them which sounds weird but apparently this whole top half of appleton is secreting a sweet sweet nectar sounds like this orlik thing again but this time actually food because it's nectar it's grass type it's part plant and i like how this one it came because the apple and ate a sweet apple that's why it's the big and honking evolution it ate like six times its weight and sweet but still i could see maybe licking it or like taking your finger and wiping nectar off but to actually peel off its skin what i mean i guess these parts look easily removable so maybe that's the point maybe it's like how lizards detach their tail or how crabs rip their arms off to escape predators appleton just pops off some super tasty skin i guess reptiles do shed their skin all the time so i guess it's not that weird but overall i like how the two food pokemon people say are food and that's bad actually art food and then this food pokemon that people say it's not the food it just lives in food wound up actually becoming food it just goes to show you that you really can't judge a pokemon by its cover especially when that cover is the skin of an apple oh the weather outside is frightful though it's so nice and cold and i'm in here cozy warm with my gatorade zero it was supposed to be hot cocoa but i don't have any and this is the closest i could come up with but anyway today i thought why not do a little science and figure out how ice type pokemon even work we've gone over how fairy and dragon type pokemon work on a mildly scientific level minus the magic but i'd like to start a more realistic video about how magical creatures are able to control ice powers or be made of ice because i hate being nice to myself so let's start off with the traits of ice types let's start with the most useful effects all of its moves and contests were considered beautiful prior to gen 3 meaning they were all special then the physical special split came and now it's all fancy with the physical and special mix but anyways the important part is that it's a special type which still holds up nicely as it only has 10 physical attacks and 12 special and it does make sense for most of them to be special or even status moves i mean being frozen is one of the worst status debuffs to be that's how important ice is it gets its own status condition just like how fire gets its own so how would a creature even be able to do this create ice or breathe ice i mean one of the most classic of moves is frost breath the knee-jerk reaction makes me want to say it's liquid nitrogen being released from the animal to create supercooled gas basically a thermodynamic reaction the gas evaporates and is extremely cold so it supercools the immediate area boom frost burns which we will get to but let's continue with how they are even able to breathe ice let alone have body temperatures well into the negatives liquid nitrogen is a possibility but it adds in many more questions i mean where would a creature get nitrogen easily and in the quantities that it needs how does it store such a volatile gas how do they compress it to a point where it's liquid these are all crazy issues which is why i'm thinking more along the lines of co2 or carbon dioxide it's a classic compound that's everywhere super easy to obtain and it needs way less compression to become a liquid however it's not as cold but still very possible to cause freezing i mean if a creature was trying to get nitrogen it would need to get it from the higher atmosphere and then again liquefy it obviously with some magical means or the creature could instead just generate co2 chemically and biologically like what most creatures do already look i'm doing it right now and plus if it's generated this way then it's already under some level of pressure in the body plus there are many ways to generate extra co2 than just breathing i mean there's the classic chalk example wherein a creature could eat chuck and then the acid would decompose it into just co2 and calcium salts basically this whole reaction think of a fire extinguisher i'm sure i'm sure you've all seen those videos of how you can cool a soda can in mere seconds with a fire extinguisher which is completely safe and worth the time and the effort it works because it's blasting co2 and or nitrogen along with a bunch of other chemicals that help make the fire not be fire anymore but the co2 and nitrogen are the part that cools the area off now let's look at air conditioning units they take in air via the outside exchange or the internal exchange this air tends to be much warmer than the target temperature so it uses cool air passovers basically cold gas compressed inside pipes to pass that warm air over which of course means the air gets cooled but in the process also heats up the gas they are sort of balancing each other out now as it stands making the air get cold enough to be capable of freezing attacks is probably not possible with this method but come to think of it this also just sounds like we're adding a step that doesn't need to be there why not just shoot out the supercooled compressed gas it's totally plausible for a pokemon to just be using the compressed gas you see when you release this gas out into the air it immediately begins evaporating and uncompressing creating an extremely cold environment around the gas which sounds more like how it really would work as an ice breath attack it's not literally breathing ice but rather it's freezing the air right outside of its mouth and the ice is traveling along its breath there is also a non-chemical way of creating ice however it's a bit crazier and well takes a lot of factors to work so when you compress air it gets colder in a layman's term in fact instead of trying to explain it let's just do a little mini experiment yes you right now blow air out of your mouth while your mouth is making a small hole [Music] blowing yourself feels cold don't it now open your mouth super wide and breathe this air is warmer and the reason this is is because when you're breathing through the small hole your mouth is making you're slightly compressing the air so we could say the ice-type pokemon's lungs are strong enough to pressurize the air to cause freezing it's but extreme way more than i can do and its lungs are also heat resistant as compressing all of that air would generate a large amount of heat in fact how would any of these animals even live in the cold temperatures that they inhabit also wouldn't animals in the cold need to resist cold and not produce cold i mean if you lived in the cold wouldn't you want to be a master of heat so that you can keep yourself warm and also harm the other pokemon who are just trying to stay warm you could cook them wow anyway the pokemon location design issues aside we can get to the next topic how do they even exist at these cold temperatures with all this cold these creatures must be warm-blooded or at least must be a warm-blooded creature that has no need to hibernate this is where some of the conflicting science happens and it's all thanks to again good old thermodynamics basically you can't just get rid of energy to make something colder or less energetic you need to heat up something else or use energy to do so to live you need to be warmed up so that your body is able to move and be active cold-blooded animals use the sun to warm themselves up this means that they don't need to eat as often as their cells don't need to worry about making their own heat but warm-blooded animals need this heat to stay warm constantly so they create the heat from their muscles and metabolic respiration heck even the blood circulating in your body right now is creating heat that's why when you get cold you can go for a quick run or do jumping jacks it warms you up getting scared does too it gets the blood pumping i mean heck even your brain can just decide to make you warm because of its power over the body ever just sit there thinking of stuff that makes you worried or stressed out and then you go up a million degrees it's your brain's fault but how could a creature survive in a freezing environment like most of the ice type pokemon do i mean some of them are said to have external body temperatures well below freezing i mean aurora's skin is negative 240 degrees fahrenheit for those of you across the drink that's colder than the coldest temperature ever recorded on earth negative 89.2 celsius or negative 128.6 fahrenheit yeah auroras is as cold as jupiter a planet that's stupidly far from the sun so let's just say it's cold but how is that even possible well actually it makes a bit of sense that these pokemon would be ice cold on their outsides they must be extremely good at siphoning the cold out of their bodies by either breathing ice or just expelling cold air in aurora's case they are getting rid of the cold in their body by making incredible amounts of heat internally thus keeping them alive the ice breathing is almost a byproduct of this system to live in really cold environments you would need either to isolate your body from the cold outside through means like blubber or long fur or you would need to be really good at expelling the cold that's in you to where you would be able to outperform the temperature saturation but with the system it would mean that your skin's going to be super stinking cold or super stinking hot just depending on many many more factors but then there are pokemon that actually have ice on their body like half of the pokemon have razor sharp claws made of ice or even huge tusks made of ice you get it these things are pretty simple to explain at least some of them are easy mama swine's tusks are actually made of ice deposits that it gets while grazing according to the pokedex bear tick's icebeard is just its breath freezing from the coldness outside like real beards in the arctic and then sneezel sneasel makes things a bit tricky with its ice-cold claws a single scratch from a weevile's claws will get you frostbite that's incredible that means it's not only able to actually damage your skin with its sharp bits but it's also so cold that it kills off the flesh near the cut actually come to think of it we haven't even talked about how ice actually hurts you i mean it's just cold i mean put a sweater on boom ice nullified but in all seriousness cold is actually incredibly dangerous it's just that we don't normally see its effects on humans as most of us live in regions where the air doesn't hurt your face did you know you can actually get burns from something too cold it does the same damage that fire can do to your body if the object is cold enough even just holding dry ice or solid co2 can cause you to get second degree burns this is because the substance is so cold it actually damages your cells beyond self-repair so they straight up die when you get an ice burn the water in the cells of your skin freeze thus forming sharp ice crystals and expanding which obviously damages the structure of your skin cells blood vessels near the skin also begin to constrict meaning the flow of blood to the affected areas is reduced causing further damage plus this poor circulation can cause your affected body parts to become gangrenous and rot while still attached to you all fire is going to do is melt your skin off ice is going to make you slowly die of a riding arm still attached to you pretty crazy stuff which is why pokemon use it to fight each other heck some of them even use it as armor wait but hey wait what how could an animal be able to wear ice we just talked about how long-term exposure can cause burns and well it's because ice your typical ice is actually a really good insulator or at least it's not the worst it's not water liquid water liquid water is just terrible for it it like steals your heart it's almost as bad as cold concrete on your feet when you go into the garage to ask your dad if you could do the thing your mom said no to five seconds earlier only to be asked if your mom okayed it but back to isis thermal insulation just imagine igloos our lolan sands through super cute igloos keep the warmth inside despite being made of ice this is particularly due to their icy exterior protecting the inside from the cold winds but it's also because ice is terrible for thermal transfer instead of the ice absorbing the heat from the inside it just sits there and heat rises so the igloo gets filled with warm air and it's not that just building a dome of ice will keep you warm you have to do the sunken tunnel thing and have a raised sleeping platform all of this stuff makes it warm but surprisingly the ice doesn't make it colder it actually will make it warmer by the simple trapping of the heat so it's quite possible that a pokemon like avalog is actually warmer because of their icy shells trapping the warmth on the inside whereas a pokemon like bertik would have thick fur to create a warm layer of air between its skin and the outside world but then we have pokemon that are actually made of ice literally there isn't really any science behind this one similarly to dragon and fairy type things i'm pretty sure this is ice magic i mean sentient snowflakes and snowy trees come on magical creatures but unlike dragon and fairy's magical inspiration there really isn't a specific school of magic for this other than icemancy i guess but that's just another form of arcane magic however if we look to ice's effectiveness chart we can see that it's one of the few things actually good against dragon why is that well obviously the main reason is game balancing gen 1 dragons were pretty good so they had to have some weakness and there's that whole like magical fire versus magical ice song of ice and fire and ice dragons and fire dragons and their rivals and it's cool but i mean if ice didn't show up dragons would only be weak to dragon and you remember there were not a lot of dragons in gen 1. dragons are also masters of the elements by resisting all four base elements the starters but isn't ice just hard water well yes and no ice is much more than just water it's the cold it's the inflexible opposite to water's fluidity it's smooth without flowing dragon is passion and arcane ice is inflexible cold distant a common ailment to reptiles everywhere the cold is the ever-consuming fire of entropy the eventual heat death of the universe that wise dragons are always keenly aware of plus dragon's heat for battle is cooled by isis uh well the ice is cold also dragons tend to be reptiles which are cold blooded i mean have you ever put an iguana in the freezer they don't particularly appreciate it so while some ice pokemon listen to science at least in a science fiction sort of way others like ugly or vanilla are more just ice elementals that's a thing in fantasy it's ice magic they're like animated elements of ice i mean regex is straight up a golem made of ice it's a world full of magical creatures and this is where the video gets all hand wavy this whole video series is going to end with hand waviness because well it's all made up how can i actually tell you how creatures could be made of ice come on if i could do that i'd do it stop the ice caps from melting yeah impadem seems like the kind of pokemon that jesse is going to have the useless clumsy imp trying to listen to the demands of a dominant woman it's quite the trope but anyway i love info dimp i love more grim and grim snarl is all right too i guess that is of course if i'm judging them entirely on looks alone i'm just salty that this awesome color palette turned into this but funnily enough it seemed like most people on the internet sort of had the opposite opinion a lot of folks really didn't like imperdimp when it was uh sort of revealed i mean it's so gangly and it has a ponytail that's just a single bat wing why does it only have one nostril what is this mess is this really what we're getting for our first dark fairy type pokemon heck what even is this whole line well well well me a few seconds ago i thought you'd never ask these pokemon have some amazing origins and that is what we're going to talk about today on noggin [Music] [Applause] so first things first why the heck is it dark and fairy type well the japanese name gives us the biggest hint to its origin its name is beroba from pero meaning tongue and there's also berberobero which is the sound of licking very quickly repeatedly and also is their equivalent of peekaboo and notably in pop culture when someone plays a successful prank on someone they will often do a face of sorts and one common expression is the classic sticking out of the tongue and just look at impadimp is its tongue even able to fit in its mouth but this makes perfect sense as fairies are seen as tricksters and will deceive humans just for fun and amusement but as for the dark side of this line well dark types also tend to be mean-spirited evil even and tricksters in their own right weville is a great example here they are based on a japanese weasel yokai that looks for people to attack in a flash and cut them up a whole bunch but then quickly patch up their wounds so the person wakes up and they're confused and in pain but they're not dead but peek-a-boo how does peek-a-boo fit into the name a game that you play with babies where you reveal your face well maybe it's partially inspired by a classical changeling and not not the new pop culture shapeshifter changeling the old folklore of fairies stealing babies and replacing them with changelings as a fun trick and as people slowly pick up on little things that are wrong here and there the illusion slowly wears off and the changeling baby starts looking uglier and more inhuman as time passes [Music] talk about the face reveal and quite the surprise and the pokedex mentions how these mon crave chaos and negative energy stating through its nose it sucks in the emanations produced by people and pokemon when they feel annoyed it thrives off of negative energy it sneaks into people's homes stealing things and feasting on the negative energy of the frustrated occupants this is behavior that fits super well with the fae as they were fiendish devily pranksters and were blamed for almost anything negative happening fitting because a bunch of fey were speculated to have been gods before christianity steamrolled in and did that no god before me thing so the gods and creatures of pre-christian belief all became demonic monsters which is why these fey pokemon have mild demon looking features but nothing super blatantly demonic now here's where things start getting deep and super cool let's look at morgrim he no longer is just a changeling he's a goblin and goblin means ugly fairy fitting for our friend here but along with this he also has had his colors split red top green bottom and he can manipulate his hair like bayonetta i'll get into that later but for now let's look at the shape of his hair it's the biggest hint to his origin morgrim's hair spike is in the shape of a pole arm or a hell bird is there a difference no that's not what this video is about morgrim's hair is a pole arm well that's cool i wonder if there's a kind of goblin famous for using these it'd sure be great if said goblin were also famous for having red tops oh hey red caps red caps carry around pole arms and will die if the hats on their heads are not wet with blood because of this they lure people into the woods or at the very least out of safety and kill them to wet their hands with their blood and the pokedex entry from orgrim shows us similar behavior with sly cunning it tries to lure people into the woods some believe it to have the power to make crops grow [Music] more grim is luring 10 year olds into the woods so we can use their blood as hair conditioner so that's dark as for the part about the crops it's another possible reference to fae and goblins as i've said they are the past gods gods who were prayed to like any other god often for protection i.e please don't eat me and sometimes pray too for blessings like good weather or fruitful crops and there are other gardens we can look at too like hub goblins and brownies these guys are famous for being little hidden beings that hide inside your house and they are blamed for things disappearing things going wrong or for your place suddenly being clean hub goblins in particular are famous for this and are the inspiration for things like dobie from harry potter if you keep them happy then they would do chores for you in your house while you were sleeping but they were also naked all the time or at the very least we're wearing raggedy rags but then if you ever offered them clothes they get offended and they run off or worse turn into a brownie and this could be another reason why impadimp doesn't have any hair because he's a little naked brownie but as for brownies they do act just like impotent they steal things and prank the owners of a home just like we saw in its pokedex entries but back to morgrim let's break its name down it consists of morg and grem grimm could be from gremlin fake creatures that popped up during and after the industrial revolution yeah i didn't realize that gremlins were such a recent thing in the grand scheme of things they were beings who were blamed for things like failing machines and engines which is why in pop culture today you sometimes see gremlins and goblins with you know steam punky wrenches and engines and stuff it's neat graham is also old english and old german for to anger or enrage and well insert impedim pokedex entries here again then morg could be from morg a place where you send dead bodies but i'm more inclined to believe that it's a reference to morgan le faye who is morgan le faye morgan le faye is a famous witch from the tales of the king arthur mythos she was famous for using fae fairies and fairy magic to mess with king arthur and his gang one of the most famous tricks she pulled on king arthur was the famous story of the green knight a large bulking green knight walks into the dining hall of king arthur while holding an axe and he offers a game to the king the knight bows down on his hands and knees and king arthur takes a swing at his neck then exactly one year later it will be the night's turn to do the same to arthur folklore am i right but check out morgrim's pokedex entry when it gets down on all fours as if to beg for forgiveness it is trying to lure opponents in so that it can stab them with its spear-like hair that sounds sort of like the green knight getting down on all fours as a trick also morgrim has a green bottom and its hair being a polearm which is a spear mixed with an axe at the green knights axe it just fits perfectly especially since this green knight is speculated to be a god turned fae fitting since our little buddy here can make crops grow and speaking of a big green knight grim snarl grim snarl has some weird traits like three fingers hair everywhere ugly but we can look at the inspirations all over to get an idea here impedimp is a changeling and morgrim is the child changeling hitting puberty and running into the woods to live with its fellow fae so then grim snarl is the fully grown fae and there is actually a creature that fits with this perfectly the troll works out great too since trolls are the most famous fey beasts to swap babies with changelings and they are often described as hairy folk that live in the woods and they too have ties to witches early pagan norse settlers in places like orkney and shetland used the word troll to describe all mystical creatures or mystical magicky folk so troll could fit anything from witches to your stereotypical trolls to fae and imps and much much more later on though it did start becoming more specific for the large hairy people that lived in the woods which primarily inspired grim snarl but you can also see the witch inspiration in its facial features the long nose and green skin it's your stereotypical hollywood halloween witch look but as for trolls they were extremely powerful and people used to blame landmarks on trolls throwing massive stones around and similarly grim snarl is strong as it uses the hair all over its body as muscles the pokedex says with the hair wrapped around its body helping to enhance its muscles this pokemon can overwhelm even the champ that's strong machamp is famous for its strength i mean it can send things flying over the horizon grim snarl can overwhelm that why suppose that's fitting considering the massive strength of trolls and looking closer even its fingers points to trolls in pop culture because of things like world of warcraft trolls now stereotypically have three fingers just like grim snarl on the whole line also some say trolls slowly turn to stone in the sunlight if they are uncovered and grim snarl covers itself up with its hair but but speaking of speaking of the hair what what's with the whole controlling the hair thing a grim snarl and morgrim can both control their hair what what's up with that and does that have any connection to bayonetta well it turns out the answer is yes it is a direct reference to old and occult beliefs witches contain their power in their hair which is one of the many reasons which is where typically women have longer hair the hair holds the magic and the strength hair is used in potions and spells which is why back in the middle ages and even before then it was a common practice to either burn or bury your hair after a haircut that way witches can't take it and become more powerful so i guess on top of explaining grim snarl here i've also explained why bayonetta's hair powers are the thing that they are she's an umbral witch she controls hair because hair is magic and hair has all of her power in it all of these witch references do seem a bit odd though considering grim snarl is a male only pokemon but then again witch's hair has its strength typically in magic not in physical power so i guess by making the magical witch hair more masculine it becomes muscles it's a theory but we're still not quite done as there's still one more form to this line gigantomax grim snarl yeah even the g-max form has ties to fae specifically a particular goblin g-max grim snarl stands more upright and is significantly taller obviously but it also gains a unique trait it gains its unique g move called g snooze which happens to perfectly reference finn mccool of old irish myth finn mccool had to fight off a fiery goblin named iron machmigna who was also a giant fey prince the perfect thing to base a g-max grim snarl on already but on top of this this goblin had a magical harp that it would use to cause all of those listening to it to fall asleep just like gmek's grim snarls unique g-move and while asleep it would just you know burn their entire town to the ground every single year but why well revenge and because it's funny typical fey goblin stuff so ultimately i was very surprised to learn how deep these pokemon really were much more than just imps and goblins and that's just awesome pokemon has had a neato little feature for a while fossil pokemon you find some fossils bring them to some jurassic park scientists and boom dinosaur pokemon or a plant thing that one time but ancient pokemon nonetheless and then pokemon sword and shield went ruined i mean had a neat fun idea thing that has to do with it all but i mean do you see these oh boy oh boy is pokemon becoming digimon now is this is this game freak testing out the waters on pokemon fusion is that the next gen's gimmick if this does well and is popular we all know dynamaxx is already dead in the water but here's where things actually legitimately get way cool as per usual gamefreak does an a-plus job on lore and origins for their designs and such like it's just so good that it almost makes up for the lack of battle animations but this whole dinosaur mix-up that's going on here is a perfect reflection of the bone oh yeah there's a thing called the bone wars honestly i wouldn't have even thought that paleontology was filled with so much drama drama that i'm going to get into right after the intro back in ye olden days of the late 1800s to mid 1900s paleontology was full of chaos full of people who didn't know what we now know about dinosaurs and had not yet invented things like cat scans and computer simulations all they had were shovels and guessing but throughout this entire time period in western civilization especially in the uk a vast amount of resources were put into research about our past and into our future when it came to learning about our history and when it came to inventing things for the future well times were crazy to say the least i mean england just had their first dog show we were figuring out genetics but as for paleontology the first dinosaur fossils were discovered by british fossil hunter william buckland in 1819 and science basically imploded and paleontologists and fossil hunters all around the kingdom began exploring the world all to be the next person to find a dinosaur slowly but surely demystifying our distant past but here's a problem all these digs and expeditions they cost a lot of doubloons or whatever the british used i don't know movies but rich people and wealthy groups of folk liked fossils they were cool and would do really good in museums which were all the rage at the time so they funded a lot of digs and expeditions but well this meant that the paleontologists and fossil hunters had higher ups and those higher ups well they needed results and these results were often wanted quickly they didn't care as much about the things that they should have cared about like accuracy scientific integrity or ethics so that's how we ended up with things like a t-rex skull getting massaged just in half so that we could see what the inside looked like and more importantly for our current topic dinosaur heads or arms or whatever we're getting put onto dinosaurs of different species i mean there were just so many just loads upon heaps upon piles of general mix-ups too one of my favorite examples is the iguanodon originally they thought they had a horn like an iguana hence the name and i mean you can't really blame them there's this pointy looking bone and there's no obvious place for it so uh horn it's a horn but then some guy later years later was all but what if it's a thumb and it turns out that that bone fit there perfectly and a thumb it was but as for total mix-ups one of the most well-known instances of this was with the first restoration of the sauropod or for the common folk like me the brontosaurus which tangential fun fact was just recently discovered though you already thought it existed but no you were wrong until now anyway or recently because now you're right you see there was this guy named oc marsh he is well known for his many many excavations and discoveries in fact he discovered the bronto the old one but you see the old one didn't really exist because while marsh was working on the restoration of the brontosaurus they had a hard time finding its skull he just decided to prop plop just ploop flip flop brachiosaurus skull onto the brontosaurus skeleton body because that is basically the same thing right [Music] except in this case they really really weren't and he had the audacity to not even tell anyone this fact for a good long while so by the time he did come out the general public already had formed an image of this dinosaur that didn't actually the scientific community quickly changed but the general public uh well not so much heck even in jurassic park there were incorrect dinos but what are you gonna do the damage has been lasting for forever i mean velociraptors the size of humans hilarious and then there's the marine elasmosaurus they put the head on the end of the tail instead of its neck just like dracofish it's the wrong head on top of that but it's off the end of a tail instead of a neck [Music] and then another famous example is when a diplodocus head was actually in apatosaurus head and so they switched it out with a kamarasara's head and things like this happened very often with sauropods because of the way their head and necks were their heads were easily detached disconnected from their bodies after they died and they would either roll away or be taken away by predators so sauropod heads are actually extremely rare amongst dinosaur fossils the more you know but all of this is just to say that the gallarian fossils especially the vish part of the names and all that are great it's poking fun at the mixing up of fossils especially heads that definitely didn't fit with the rest of the body but i mean can you really blame them i mean most dinosaur skulls and skeletons actually change pretty drastically as the dinosaur ages meaning at times the opposite problem actually happened rather than taking a bunch of different species and mashing them into one sometimes they would find a bunch of the same species and claim there were three or four different ones when actually it was just one but at different stages of life so needless to say back in the day it was fairly difficult to actually figure out an animal based on just rocks but the actual bone wars didn't help oh yeah that was the hook i gotta i gotta explain the bone wars the bone wars two famous paleontologists that oc marsh guy i mentioned as well as ed cope were the biggest names in paleontology and they had some steep competition they wanted to discover and name as many dinosaurs as they could it was a contest and since they had a load of money they could hire on help to do things such as spy on the other guy throw rocks to literally start fights and destroy each other's fossils mess up labels to confuse things for each other and much much more and there were some guys like david baldwin who actually played both sides we just didn't let the other guy know that he was doing stuff for the other guy too smart man really and because they're trying to rush discover all these things they started making more and more mistakes and they began publishing paper after paper with problem after problem and they started attacking each other in their papers too eventually to the point where their papers were more pointing at the other guy saying he's wrong rather than bringing in more interesting information so a load of scientific journals actually stopped publishing them egad they just got so careless speaking of which the scientist that makes these fossil pokemon for you her name is cara liss and then all these messed up dinosaur fossils wound up getting models made and shown off at the crystal palace in london throughout the 1850s at the time it was a crazy revelation the world's first dinosaur statue exhibition but looking back it's uh almost entirely wrong again though you can't really blame them but these bone wars this competition did cause them to jump start paleontology and they discovered over 130 species of dinosaur which is pretty crazy considering the tech they had to work with but their story is just one possible origin for these pokemon there is more the fossil mix-up mechanic could also be a sort of parody on things like the indominus rex from jurassic world which is the body of a classic tyrannosaurus rex and parts of the head of the obelisaur and horns made of genetic material from the carnotaurus and majongarasaurus rugatops i can say words but also the gigantosaurus it's just a big mishmash of dinosaurs and of course there's also the fact that the canonical reason why the dinosaurs in jurassic park and jurassic world movies look the way they do is because they use frog dna to bring the dinosaurs to life and that hammond wanted the dinos they created to be as scary and interesting as possible and they didn't feel like scientifically accurate dinosaurs would do that even though his lead scientists wanted them to be as paleontologically sound as possible but that didn't happen now did it but what's also really cool about these pokemon is that their pokedex entries also hammer home that they are poking fun at how early paleontology saw dinosaurs slow fat and reptilian oh yeah in case you've been hiding under a rock that only had old school dinosaur information dinosaurs aren't much like most reptiles at all they're significantly closer to birds than the modern reptiles if anything yeah even sauropods aka long necks they had bird-like lungs and very light bones they were fairly fast too and were fairly active with tails much higher up than media normally betrays them and because of that they were able to run much quicker than media typically portrays them they're much less fat and slow and then you know there's the whole feathers on the theropods you can't forget those feathers draco's old is poking fun at how monoractorians are often made to have arms way too small for them or perhaps it's poking fun at how fast they are often cited to run with those absolutely gargantuan legs in proportion to the rest of them also that butt of its is possibly based on the draconis family their skulls are always misorganized and many of them have extremely different skulls while they are growing so if you think about it draco's old might actually be correct except these are two pieces in different stages of dinosaur development archdusault could be poking fun at the fact that we used to think that sauropods would have to have lived most of their lives half submerged in water like marshes and lakes because how else would they be able to support their gargantuan bodies [Music] well it turns out that it's by eating a large metric of food having lungs that push oxygen throughout their bodies while inhaling and exhaling and by having really really light bones and good support systems for their necks but that's not the point here the preserving food with the ice on its body part of the dex entry is definitely making fun of how paleontologists used to theorize that sauropods would eat a bunch all at once and then go to a small hibernative state to process all the food instead of our current understanding which is that they spend most of their time standing still and just moving their neck in a zigzag to eat off the trees nearest them dracovish is also making fun of our old belief that a lot of the bigger dinos sauropods especially would have to have lived semi-aquatic lives and the 40 miles an hour thing could be poking fun at how ridiculously fast the dang t-rex in jurassic park was t-rex's definitely could not keep up with a speeding jeep their speed was likely between 10 and 25 miles per hour there was no danger in that scene at all if the dinosaur was accurate but it wasn't jurassic park's just ruining everything but throughout all of their decks entries there are two times it mentions but it went extinct because blank and that's harkening back to the old-fashioned and still all-too-common idea that the dinosaurs went extinct because they were bad at what they did that's not really true in reality they went extinct because of drastic changes to the geography and climate that they couldn't adapt to quick enough not that there's much adapting you can do when the problem is that you're dying because the air is suddenly made of stuff that you can't breathe or because the land is covered in ash again because of just billions of exploding volcanoes i may be exaggerating and there was also a meteor that one time i don't know if you heard but the meteor theory is basically confirmed now it's cool the gulf of mexico is where death came to all once before and we're on the path to it happening again but yeah most dinosaurs were the perfect machine in their own niche a lot of people think that they were these great lumbering things with sprawled out legs and shots but a lot of people would be surprised to learn that most dinosaurs had molars and beaks evolution isn't just mother nature throwing things together until they work we aren't more evolved than the dinosaurs or more superior to them we just have tools that let us win it's your noggin ultimately what i'm saying is these pokemon shouldn't exist and are hashtag not my fossilmon i mean i love the idea of them and they should totally exist but like they aren't real it's like surgically combining a penguin and an eagle like she shouldn't do that it shouldn't exist but i guess it'd be cool if it did it's like an eegwin but now here comes a fun bit what are these pieces well this which is basically fish seems to be from the dunkalastius a water dwelling creature that had an incredibly thick skull ultimately though it's just an ancient fish that lived in the oceans as interesting as you may find that uh let's move on draco appears to be based off of the draconis genus or perhaps other small mana raptors however the family is rather large and contains many different dinosaurs but the one we're looking at here would be the common pachycephalosaurus again it's way cooler sounding than what it actually is in fact interestingly enough this dinosaur already has a pokemon based off of it from pardos it's the same technical genus however this one may or may not have had the hard skull plate however this specific dino named draco rex hogwarts exactly what it's named is slightly different with a much smaller body and no hard skull plate though this dinosaur is still part of the hardhead family however all of these dinosaurs had a common thing in common the ability to run rather fast in a straight line which the pokedex mentions so yeah that's jacob also i feel like i gotta justify my thoughts here most fan art recreations of the draco body make it out to be a stegosaurus which is very possible i might even be leaning more towards it but pokemon pull from all over and are rarely just one thing and i mean we don't have a stegosaurus pokemon yet and it's got the big spiky plates and all but the reason i'm thinking it has these monoraptorian traits is due to the naming first of all in every language it references dragons and it's dragon type and like i said there's a whole genus of dinosaurs named draco or draconis and while not as intense they did also have spikes also notably they had sharp claws like this unlike the somewhat elephant-ish feat that stegosaurus had also draco's holds its tail less like actual steakos and more like those mana raptors but then again these pokemon are all based on dinosaur inaccuracies and mix-ups so the stego thing could still very much be the case now arcto is a little different as it's not actually a dinosaur it seems to be based off of some sort of prehistoric mammal perhaps a walrus or seal and while there were huge walruses in the prehistoric seas there really isn't anything else for us to go off of but i mean arcto means arctic come on but i mean in the case of arctosalt this particular body structure just fits ancient walruses more than the other more dinosaur contenders we could look at the mosasaur or even the ichthyosaur i mean they've got the right direction for the tail but just not the length that's more like the walrus tail but i mean these two creatures were flippered marine prehistoric dinosaurs that are actually just as much not dinosaurs as the walrus what's strange though is that the fossil that gives you arcto is called the dino fossil and it's the least dino of the bunch so either this is another joke i mean these bone wars guys that i was talking about at one point they confused a bison skeleton for a fossil geez but if it's not that kind of joke then maybe there is something more to it after all to be a dinosaur all you need is the proper hind limbs that act in a way that is classified in the group dino and we see that this body actually is presented in two ways a fish and a biped creature neither of which really show the proper body mechanics to let me without a doubt put it in the dinosaur category being a dino has to do with the hip specifically and this thing waddles or flops as if its hip was super wrong so it's possible that in both instances they put it super backwards and upside down so it has to work around that but or it's just actually not a dinosaur but this again goes into an old time paleontology parody thingy as back in the day it was quite common for anything from prehistory to be called a dinosaur even though most of them are not at all but hey whatever and finally we have the best one zolt the cute little raptor head it's yellow which we all know means it's electric also it's a little dinosaur pikachu it's so cute and so i'm so so sad with the arctic body oh i feel so bad for bringing this thing into existence it's like imagine if you gave birth and your baby has a nerve condition that means they are always experiencing the maximum amount of agony possible [Music] it feels so bad [Music] why does it live zolt appears to be based on raptors in general though particularly the paravians small short arms biggish feathers on the arms speedy for their size adorable little predators that we thought looked more like this but it turns out this is more accurate cute and do you want to know why these guys had feathers well to help them balance while running super fast similarly to how ostriches run and use their wings to stabilize themselves while running honestly ostriches aren't much different from dinosaurs but despite the feathers we do know that these things couldn't fly again just like the ostrich the things that determine if you can fly is your wingspan and of course your ability to flap with the right strength and with such a tiny tiny front breast bone most raptors especially this zolt character would never be able to generate the power needed to flap its wings to fly not that that matters to a lot of bird pokemon but whatever so all in all i think that this gimmick is a good nod to real paleontology history i just wish we could get the other halves of these dinos so that we know what they actually look like as a whole maybe we'll get them in the next games but the current halves we have will be cut in the next games so you no one no one gets a whole one they're gonna do that calling it now [Music] i mean it's pretty cool and interesting but uh also and now about this keller x rex latin for king and calyx which in zoology is a cup like cavity or structure so the way it's holding its crown bush ball thing also maybe it has oryx in the name which is a thing it's this thing maybe its antlers are shaped similar to those of reindeer in the tundra of northern europe as in the four-way split but if you then combined that with the straight and narrow antlers of the tibetan red deer which live in the mountains and tundra of tibet and i mean it has tibetan buddhist prayer beads for a necklace that i assume are actually berries just like the big berry crown maybe it's grass type but what's with the triforces on the beads well the triforce symbol was originally the symbol of the hojo clan in japan which formed japan's first shogunate you know so they were the ruling government and all and on top of being all high and powerful the hojo clan were also known for fostering buddhism in japan so we've kind of gone far circle with the whole buddhist thing and the powerful king thing but like while it's got the face and antlers that work for a deer it's got the body of a rabbit and these do kinda look like rabbit ears i guess it just seems odd that you'd have a white rabbit starter and then a white rabbit legendary in the same game but whatever snowshoe and swedish hares are easy species to point to there's also the woolly hair in tibet and come to think of it the moon has a lot to do with supernatural powers like psychic energy and such and chinese myth references the moon rabbit all the time specifically there's a buddhist white rabbit which concocts the elixir of life which grants immortality and cures all ailments which also just happens to be the ultimate goal in alchemy and remember calyx a cup-like structure could this pokemon perhaps be a poke personification of the holy grail since the main legendaries reference king arthur a bunch and all plus while there are of course many different interpretations of it many believed that through the use of the holy grail one could achieve immortality and all these references to immortality work well as this pokemon basically is too according to the website it once ruled the entire galar region in ancient times meaning it's existed since ancient times like most legendary pokemon but still and all these rabbit and deer parts fall together nicely too because of the jackalope but jackalopes are american but if you go back in time further like to medieval europe there's the wolpertinger a rabbit deer hybrid with wings and well dearish rabbit with cape-like wings that can levitate there you go plus warpertingers are immortal anyway we'll likely have more details in a later video all about it so that's that for now and why is the dojo master named mustard well i googled it and robert mustard was born in canada part of the british empire and traveled the world to become a kung fu master instructor and teaches it in various places around the western world and here he is in the uk which he does often i have no idea if this is actually where the name comes from but maybe anyway more details in later videos i'm excited about the new mystery dungeon 2. it's about time we got one though i am a bit let down that it's a remake and that it's swapping the expressive sprites for just generic models but you know my dreams will never come true and i'm already over it thanks for watching do you have anything to add what are your thoughts let me know down below and never stop using her [Music] but noggin [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 46,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, pokemon theory, pokemon lets go pikachu, pokemon sword and shield, dragon type pokemon, fairy type pokemon, rayquaza, dragon pokemon, fairy pokemon, eevee, no more eevee, pokemon sun and moon, pokemon science, pokemon physics, game theory pokemon, dracovish, necozma, pokemon masters, splatoon 3, punk pokemon, team yell, gnoggin, 2019, lockstin, gnoggin 2019, best of gnoggin, gnoggin out of context, lockstin and gnoggin, lockstin & gnoggin
Id: fOkjRH-xItk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 593min 32sec (35612 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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