Sculpt To Solid — Watch Lug & Bezel — Fusion 360 Tutorial — #LarsLive 132

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welcome to livestream number 132 my name is last Christensen and today man I think we have a good livestream topic for you here we're gonna talk about scope to solid we're going to talk about some more complex type of shapes and I'm doing this because I don't think it has to be so complex at least that's my attempt today to explain explain this in the best terms as I possibly can thank you so much for taking the time to join these live streams even if you're watching the recording absolutely appreciate it and see if we got Isaac here love it thank you so much I have been a little bit away so it's good to be back on the normal schedule 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time we're back on it so we should to see some live streams coming up here my email address is down in the description area large star Christensen an Autodesk comm any future topics you would like to see send it my way I would love to to try to incorporate more of those that I've done in the past so today we're gonna talk about how to model up a watch lock and baesell I'm saying that what I'm looking because I didn't know that I had to look it up nice model right um so what we're gonna model of today is kinda like this is called the Bessel I guess the one with the numbers and then the the log is kind of like the body of a watch now I am NOT gonna do this into the details that many people would like to see in this live stream because I'm gonna try to keep it between fifteen to thirty minutes and this is XE I'm scratching my own itch here a little bit this is for a upcoming make anything project that I'm gonna be doing on the step craft wood router but many times when you're talking about some products like this like consumer products we're talking about complex shapes we're talking about surfaces and t-splines and if you're fairly new to fusion if this is like if you just started like recently I don't want you to be overwhelmed about this I want you to just lean back and just watch and can I add it to your tool belt that's something that you might get a dapper into at one point so let me get into this so we're gonna use this image here as a reference to kind of like draw it up now I also did bring in the side view of this one and I'm again this is gonna be I mean I'm I'm not gonna make this into detail here but what I'm looking specifically is this curved area right here that I'm looking to do and I also want to do some curved up here on the on the Bessel itself and this is where T splines up here becomes becomes interesting and I want to show you a couple of tips around this that hopefully hopefully make sense so let's start modeling up here now we are in the modeling by a workspace we're gonna also get into the Pat's workspace and then inside the t-spline environment like I said before if you're fairly new don't think that this is top over the you know wall advanced stuff it's just a couple of more tools to your toolbox I'm gonna bring that image in and I'm I'm gonna do it in the model environment because that's where I know how to do that anyways so I'm going to click up here to insert and this I'm gonna just select the top view I'm going to click select image and then I'm just gonna bring in that top view you just saw before that image now I'm gonna go to the top music and I look at it and I'm going to like rotate it around a little bit because I want to see it like this not for any other reason inside of this dialog canvas dialog be aware of I normally like to go halfway transparence or 50% that's kind of like my preference and I'm gonna hit okay to this right now now if you've seen this before then this is not this is nothing nothing new to you but if you're fairly new some of these tools might be helpful to know about so we now have a canvas folder because that's where this image of this nice Rolex is at but right now I just brought it in as an image so what I'm gonna do is I am going to right click on that view up here the tree and say calibrate and when I do that I get like a little crosshair for my cursor right here and I'm gonna make a dimension that this image now will be scaled up to just is like 14 millimetres normal nice big rowlocks is probably 40 millimeters maybe and when I do that you can see that it kind of like blows the image up kind of like it made it bigger so right click on the canvas and calibrate will make it bigger now another thing I'm gonna do just I think it's best practice is I'm gonna turn my origin on the light bulb over here and my organ is actually over here so I'm gonna right click on the canvas and say edit canvas again and I'm gonna move the canvas over to the center of the organ by the dialers now we're gonna talk about these handles here in a little bit you don't get a little bit more familiar with these so I'm just gonna grab this rectangle here well kinda like let me move the image around so that's kind of like the house this square I guess it is so it's gonna place it close to that's pretty close to the center there and hit OK so I just recites this canvas I blew it up and and now we have the right location for it okay so now I'm gonna start sketching out kind of like what I what I want from from this and again this gonna be you know probably a lot of questions afterwards but I'm okay that you can email me lots of Christians are just calm I'm gonna select the line tool and I'm just gonna place a couple of lines I'm gonna make any sketch from the top here I'm gonna create a line out to about where I want the the lock of the battle to end and once I'd hit the poops I was gonna say hit the green checkmark but then I ended up creating a line hit the D on my keyboard and I'm gonna do another line vertically up to just to kind of like bringing this one up into a quadrant because we're gonna take advantage of symmetry in this one here like when you're looking at something like this if you can chop it down to smaller section makes it a little bit easier now we're gonna get into now we're going to kind of like create the outside shape right now we kind of like have a line here and a line here and we're gonna use the the spline tool for this now again some of you guys are very familiar with these tools but I think if you're not familiar with all this I think you're gonna see something pretty cool way to I'm gonna do this so even if you are advanced now spry tool sitting right up in right underneath my drop down here spline tool right there I've seen many people make the mistake and when they use the spline tool they click on a points we're gonna stop right here and then they try to make like a bunch of points like this try to follow kind of like the contour of what we want to do this is not the really great way to do this let me do a ctrl Z to undo this instead put a spline point where there is kind of like a break in the model so right here where the bezel meets the the the log right here where the collectors corner intersection right here there's a conic section right there I'm gonna move down do one right there and then I'm gonna close it off by hitting the other point where it created over there hit the green checkmark now this flying right now it's not very attractive but we're gonna work on it now see my spines was still at someone's gonna skate to get out of it and I have my white cursor one of the things I like to do when it comes to the spline tool is I actually like to use these sketch relations over here to kind of like nail things down so if I click on this point right here you will see I get a spline handle for that point I can move the spline kind like around on what I like to do is create some relationships with some of those spline points so this one here for example I'm gonna make that one vertical so by selecting on that on that spline right here I'm gonna make it vertical so now that is vertical when I'm looking if I go to the other end of this spectrum of a click at this point up here this one here I actually think I probably gonna make that one horizontal instead so I'll select that one like the horizontal relationship it just makes it a little bit easier so kind of like adjust these and then you can stop moving these different spline points so kind of like make this shape you want so if I select up here you can sort of kind like drag it in I'm actually kind of happy with this shape here but as you will see when you start working with these spline points is that you kind of like affecting a lot of different things so now I got a little lump up here stop dragging this one down should take care of that but then you gotta watch out behind the spline so these these handles get yourself a little bit of practice with them ok that's what I should tell you about those try to get some practice in with them that will definitely make your your life easier when it comes to kind of like learning how to control them in here now I think I'm ok with this it's getting there make this one more sharp that looks good you know what maybe I'll make this one high a song too so this is more experience than anything when it comes to these spline points or if you're brand new I would definitely recommend that you just you get familiar with them you play around with them and they will give you kind of like a chance to so make them pretty good like I'll shop that thing is maybe if you get hours of relationship you don't like you can click on the relationship hit delete and then you can exit the leader again so now I can actually go back into the spline for him right here and I can kind of like maybe I didn't want it this would be a song a lot more radius on it so this is how you kind of play with this and I'm gonna say this is pretty good now from when I'm doing my make anything I probably gonna compact in and maybe polish it up a little bit but see you get the gist of it I like following around this rectangle right here now some people are asking me about fully defining splines and you absolutely can fully define them you can start placing dimensions on each of these points and need so the length of these handles and that's fine but I for something like this I will just right-click on the spline and select fix and that would lock it down so it is it's fully defined so so we have like created this shape here now let me just hide the canvas per second the watch so now you can kind of see what we have here and we are in the model environment so if at this point you could go in and just start extruding right we could select this and we could start extruding this out in some kind of a a thickness and we now have a quarter of that if you're fairly new just so you can't like get an idea we're gonna do this in a second we could mirror and I would select bodies this body over this face right and then if we right click repeat mirror select these two bodies we could mirror them over this face and you know you can kind of see that that starts looking a little bit like I guess it's called a lock on a on a watch so we kind of like now I have that shape created of that somewhat Rolex so I hope that this is somewhat somewhat useful now I don't want a solid for this yet so I'm just gonna delete them down here in the timeline so we get back here I'll show you my sketch is still in there the spline now the thing that that that gets this into the sculpting environment we're going to come back to this spline in a second is the curvature that I kind of showed on the other image here this curvature right here and that's where I would use the desculpe ting environment now so we have the spline this is all cool now let's go into the sculpting environment I'm just gonna I'm in the model in space I'm gonna click sculpt I'll create form and it gives me a notification that we're getting into the sculpt environments cuz it okay to that and you will see that our menu have changed a little bit but some of the tools are still the same so I can create an offset plane so I'm gonna create an offset plane I want to make it I don't know I think we're gonna make this one six six inches out so now I have a plane six inches up and one of the things that I like to do is think of sculpting almost like working with a blanket instead of just nut so it gets too complicated so what I'm gonna do is if you go over to the creative box you can create a plane I'm gonna so like plane I'm gonna select that face that I want to sketch on right go up to the top here that face here and then I can sketch you see that it kinda like you have Center or to point I'm gonna select a two point rectangle I'm gonna make it bigger make the blanket bigger than our our watch itself so just left-click and now you will see we get a blanket up here and you can choose when I hit okay to this you will see that this is right now I have like four squares on it that's in the dialogue box you can add that but one of the tricks if you're fairly into sculpting one of the tricks you need to know is that you can go into modify and you can insert edges and insert edges which means inserting more lines so if I click insert edge and I select this ads you'll see I get a green line here and I can even select this edge and now I can put in a distance for example but reverses it okay here now I just created Mall square so you can always go in under the insert ads and insert more edges in here now what this means is what these faces means is how we're going to control how this blanket Falls how flexible it is so the way we work mostly inside of the sculpt environment is by right-clicking and say edit form and then you can select an entity and you can manipulate it so if I select this corner right here you will see we get that try and I talked about before and I've selected a corner if I grab this arrow right here look what I'm gonna do I'm literally just pulling that blanket down now it keeps a constant curvature to everything and the more of these segments we have in here the less we are kind of manipulating that let me just do ctrl Z to go back let me try instead of selecting this corner selecting this corner and do the same thing see how the blanket now is pulling all the way over to the center of it versus it's kind of controlled of just these two blankets this one is still straight so that's how sculpt environment works in the matter we can just grab a corner and etch our face and we can drag it so let me select instead of a corner let me select this face right here and drag that down now I'm kind of like pulling that whole face and you can see how we kinda like get a curvature up there now if I undo that and select hold down control and also select this face so I move to selected both edges now I'm pulling the whole face down like that so I'm trying to show you here that this is how we mostly manipulate with with this environment so to kind of create that curvature that I want on this watch I am going to select this corner and just drag the arrow down and then look at my model and be like alright that's might be pretty good but you know what what happens if I select this corner oh now I get a lot more curvature right so now you can kind of like start controlling what you want on this blanket so kind of creating that whatever I think should be kind of like good I could fit for this and remember that that I can completely come back in and modify this I could also select if I really liked how these two points are moving together right now I could select those together and I get a little bit more feather to them so this is kind of like how we manipulate this so you can select points as you can see here you can select it just like you just solved before we can also select the whole face and move move that down to if we want to so I hope that this kind of helps you see how we can we can move this now looking at this right now I have all the depends over here and I probably want them over in this area of course at any part I can just window select the whole thing now everything is selected and now I can do move that over kind of like on the arrow so so just be aware of that you have some you have some flexibility when it when it comes to to this here now I'm gonna come back to this sculpting in just a second now so what we have now in this is we have this blanket created and to get out of this space I'm gonna hit finish form up here and now you will see I'm back in the modeling environment so what have we done so far a lot of talking sorry about that we created a spline right that is like the bessel and we just created this blanket that has a really nice continuously curvature on it now again instead of fusion there's a lot of different tools but when you come to complex shape it felt if you're fairly new to fusion or to 3d modeling I really helped me so I guess for me it really helped thinking about it as blankets and not as complex solid models so now where I've created this this patch of in this blanket the pets environment in here is really surface models it's really also blankets so if I go in to the pets environment and I extrude our spline up and I'm just going to go past kind of our blanket right here that also is a blanket and none thick no thickness it's like playing with a blanket we have kind of created here right now now so what we really have is we don't have any solid models this is all kind of like blankets oh we're cutting each other but if we go back into Madeline I am and because this is where we mostly want to end up anyways right there is a tool in here that is almost almost sexy it's called boundary fill now what boundary fill does is it will try to create a a solid now if I select boundary fill it says it's looking for the tools in here so I'm gonna select our first blanket I'm gonna select our second blanket then somebody is saying well you right now have a hole in the bottom of this model we only have the first t-spline creates the top not the bottom but you can actually select a plane we have that bottom plane and when I select that then you will see things turns green and I get a little checkbox in here so if I click over here and select check box and hit OK now I actually just got a body let me turn the two blankets off we created now I actually have a solid body resembling kind of like my my lock on on this part here okay now at any point we can so that's pretty cool with this boundary fill if this was too much we watch it again you can always speed it up on your tube if I talk too much now again at any point we can go back in here we can right click and we can add it and we can be back in that skull environment so if I maybe thought that you know what I'm gonna right-click on it any form that this area here should really be up a little bit higher maybe actually I select instead of the point maybe I select these two edges I can pull that up and kind of like work with with that in here and kind of like get a different type of thing in here so you can create different different points different way that you want kind of like curvature to work and then when I hit finish form it's gonna go right back to to that area again so with this I'm actually gonna go back to where I did before right at the beginning I have one body that's a half so I'm gonna go back in and create a mirror and if I select bodies I can mirror this one over this edge hit okay I can right click repeat mirror so like these two bodies and over mirror plane and now we got this and that's pretty close to somewhat what I want now you will see that I get now four bodies what I want it to be one body so don't forget about there's a combined tool in here and we can actually select all four pieces and you will see the four bodies now becomes one body over here don't worry about these up here there were just tools to to get to this point now so I got some nice curvature on these areas here but I also noticed that the whole thing is it's now a little wobbly from that blanket so what you could do is I can create another offset plane and select this plane here and maybe just go up 5.5 maybe remember we made the whole thing six and then now I could do something like split body so like our first body select that plane I just made right there and that will let me kind of cut this in here that actually shows me I don't think I like this too much right so let me write this that doesn't give me much curvature in here does it of what I was looking for like edit go back into the sculpting environment hit edit form and I'm not gonna take maybe these three points here see if I can pull that down a little bit more oh yeah see now I got what I wanted there so don't forget that you can always go back and modify this this body number eleven kind of like the top it's almost like you're cutting off a piece of cake if I don't want that I'm just gonna I can turn my right leg on I can click remove don't hit the lead that will try to heal it remove that will become a time line down here and now I got a flat flat face so I hope this guy like shows you and how maybe you want to play a little bit more with with this for my project this kind of makes sense now let's finish up the Bessel here on top of this watch because now of course I'm almost 1/2 now I'm gonna use sculpt for that too I wanted to show you something neat about that and that is if I go back into the sculpt environment don't forget that you have the same tools in here that you are used to so I'm going to create a scats right on top of this face hit C for circle and now I can sketch out a circle here I'm just gonna make it all the way out to the center here and in here we use plane before like a blanket you can also extrude right up using that edge and I can extrude up this little wall here cool I'm gonna show you another trick it right now it skips to one millimeter and that could be a little annoying if you go down here and turn off increment move down on the grid setting now you do not control that it snaps in that was a little bit more loose now she see how the bessel stops to take shape here I kind of like have a drum coming up here now I want to show you another trick if you're on a Mac it's the option key if you're on a PC it's all to find that one on your keyboard with you hold down alt hold down alt and drag on the error again then nope I just gonna extrude out first Stewart out right click hit edit select now here's the thing if I click once and this adds it will only select that that edge see how that only lifting up that edge control so you want to do but if you instead double click on that edge it selects the whole perimeter double click selects the whole perimeter okay now here's my second string right now if I'm moving it up you'll see that I'm just getting continually pulling up on the extrude if I hold down the Alt key hold down alt and I drag again a whole new section gets created you can see we get a whole new section so now I can continually working with this now I'm asking you to to when if you this is new to you going in play around with it and don't get too frustrated in the beginning but you just got to get used to some of the small tools now in here we've been pulling in these handles right here on the action or we're at the rectangle will kind of like we did that in the beginning with the image the other ones in there will actually scale it so if I hold down here look at what happens I'm actually scaling inwards on that segment which is created see how it got it I scaled it inwards I'm gonna do it again I still have that at selected so if I hold down alt and drag the arrow up again I get a new segment that's gonna go straight up it's a little tall and I made a little smaller and then if I go in here and I select this area in here I can scale it again inwards okay so I know this is for some of you guys has brand new information and maybe a little bit like move Alt key your option on a Mac and drag up and you create a whole new section this is a quick way to kind of like add to to this segment here now I'm gonna do one more segment let's just actually this just select this segment here and drag it down you can see how it kind of like stop dragging it down like this right it's very it's like playing with clay play-doh so I'm just gonna drag it down to a certain distance now one of the things one of the problems I've had inside the sculpt environment have always been trying to figure out like accuracy when I was in here and kind of like pulling things up let me hit okay to this edit I want to show you another tool and that is wanting y'all to modify call flatten so what flatten will let me do is I can select all the vertices and we're holding down control of selecting all the vertices on this point down here and then I can select flatten to a plane and this goes like that plane we had before I'm just gonna select that plane we had before and now I know that was the plane we sketched on before right so now I know that they are the same height I'm gonna hit okay to this and there is my Bessel now it's still right now just a blanket that we have kind of like wrapped around here so we can go ahead and use the same thing we did before we can go ahead and say finish form to get out of it and then we can go in and use the boundary fill select that blanket select that plane and when we do that it turns green showing us that we are closing it up we could select that area there and then that becomes a solid so now we have turned up bring it off now we kind of like you have the top Bessel there at the bottom and then you could in my case here for what I need to do I will actually combine them now I gotta go ahead and tweak this model more afterwards but now we have the curve shape on here we have the curve vessel up there and we are back in the modern environment where you normally are working so open the sketch right here on this top face see if a circle draw a circle out here what would I mention it right fuller define your your stuff q4 press pool this is a solid that you can cut in and do all the all the things that you normally would would in a normal solid so a little bit of a different way to kind of like work with with something like this and like I said you know if I wanted to you know if we had another we have but if I decided we were gonna spend another two hours on this we could definitely get there's a lot closer but I think that this gives you a good a good way to kind of get close to the shape of something something something like this now like I said I'm gonna use this project for for a order let's make anything so I'm gonna have to go in and modify it a little bit make some tweaks right make it maybe a little bit more rounder up here get the the cutouts in the Bessel up on top but I hope that this gives you a good foundation how you could start doing this combining the T splines with the the surfaces with the boundary fill and kind of like get some shapes out there that might be a little a little different than our standard our standard you know just push-pull it's good to be back man it's Monday absolutely love it really appreciate all you guys taking the time for for joining these last names eighty-five people in there absolutely awesome I hope this was useful you let me know thumbs up if this is good thumbs down if you don't like it let me know your feedback means the world to me don't forget my email address down in the description area a large stock Christensen at autodesk calm for any future topics that's one of the things i really like to try to do more of of whatever you guys want so I can address that cool man um tomorrow same time we're gonna talk about diffusion roadmap that came out while I was gone we definitely gotta dig into that and talk about some things coming Wednesday we're gonna talk about how to model up an exhaust manifold whoo that's another request from one of you guys Thursday some sheet metal that's something I've got requests for and Friday cam and probing another request just trying to add a little bit more value to your use of fusion 360 really appreciate you guys I wanna do what I normally do I'm gonna end the broadcast so if you're watching the recording thank you so much for taking the time and if you're in the live soon I'll come in and say hi so take care folks
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 24,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, CAD, 3D, Manufacturing, CNC, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, akn_include, Sculpt
Id: iqDv3YMEC0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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