Wood Carving with Sculpting — Fusion 360 Tutorial — #LarsLive 191

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welcome to livestream number 191 clock is ticking I'm a little bit early so if you are watching the recording I would definitely not blame you for fast-forwarding a few minutes here let's make sure we got some light looks pretty good here looks like we alive on the YouTube and Taryn is here thank you so much for taking the time Darren really appreciate it let's also just do a refresh on Facebook hopefully we are sleeping or both that is what it looks like haha love it so what a half minutes it is it's Wednesday August first we made it to August today's topic is wood carving with sculpting in fusion 360 this is somewhat a follow-up to the one 188 live stream so I'll talk about that a minute I think it's here absolutely appreciate it we got ya got Thome it so many good to see you again Daniel Eduardo Sergio Marius really appreciate all of you guys taking the time it means the world to me and what we're doing here is trying to just add a little bit more value to your fusion 360 experience um next week there will be no live streams I am headed to Plano Texas um doing a general design workshop there on Tuesday and then I will be quick stop in Detroit just for some internal training and then back home got some things going on there my takes me one on Thursday but there will not be one on Friday Friday I am I am going to some training what is exciting not so much in with Fusion or CAD but more business car stuff alright let's see I can you everyone that all day fred is here Martin is here Jeremy really appreciate all of you guys taking the time John is in sunny Los Angeles who I am going there soon I'm going there doing a tear of the Sun workshop there I think the week the 17th of August maybe something around there Thursday I'll be there yeah what is the best way stop machining err umm well that would be your height stabbed in the cam I did a live stream on the height step so if you go into YouTube go to the playlists and that's apprentice cause I think it's called Lara's live something like through something if you go into that live stream that list and you search in there if you do like it what does that control F in Windows search for Heights tab and you will see that one there I'm in the Soros here and Michigan that's where I will be next week Sweden hey good to see you count us down to zero thank you so much everybody for for for taking the time to join today's live stream let's uh I miss the plot let me just get rid of it and let's get going hey everybody and welcome to life through number 191 today it's August 1st happy August 2018 to everyone today's topic is wood carving using sculpting within fusion 360 this is a follow up on life through number 188 I guess this is the week follow up and thank you David for reminding me with an email in regards to this live stream 188 I talked about how to bring wood carving into fusion 360 let me just switch over to Fusion we imported a couple of different models this was a a free model you could download this was a paid model or we downloaded into a true fusion 360 so if that is interesting too you down in the description area you will find the link to that one 188 it's called we're coming into fusion 360 in the end of that line stream I talked about how you could also use sculpting for creating your own shapes and I got some comments from some people who was a little disappointed and that's okay you know thumbs up thumbs down there were little disappointed because that was really what they were hoping they got out of the live stream and since this is me trying to add a little bit more value to you that's what we're gonna try to make up on today before we get into it I will also say so we're gonna use the Scott workspace that I also included down in description area and intro to sculpting because if you're brand new to sculpting sculpting sculpting hot language then then this might I'm not gonna have time to go through every single like my new detail so if this is brand new sit back relax what's today it's livestream that will inspire you hopefully you let me know and then when you wanted to dig deeper into it what's the what's the intro so the idea is today is that we are going to remodel up this so this was one of the ones that we imported into inter fusion as an import STL model triangle shape we are already in the sculpt workspace so why not start in here one of the things I want to try to do today and again this is if I'm doing a decent job is show you a couple of of these C spline tools sculpting tools that we maybe have not touched on in the past so that is it's my hope but what we're gonna end up with is something somewhat similar to this here so I am normally we many times we were talking about sculpting we're talking about bringing in an attached canvas like a drawing or something and and you sculpting over that but I'm gonna be lazy today and just kinda like use the back edge of of this STL file as my kind of shape because huh you can do that so I'm gonna go over here and you're gonna see I'm gonna using the viewcube cut a bit in here some people who are very very very good in the sculpting workspace but I won't say that I am they probably had some tips and tricks that maybe they can leave down in the comments so I'm gonna start out by using in the create I'm gonna use a face command and we're gonna just like when we're sketching inside of normal sketches we're gonna select the plane to do that on so like that there and I'm just gonna draw up a set of rectangles here and I'm just gonna kind of like get it close I'm not trying to be perfect in the sculpting workspace generally speaking we are less worried about accuracy this is more kind of industrial design workspace and I'm just kind of like drawing up a couple of rectangles here that is similar following somewhat the shape here now notice if this is new to you we got straight edges but as soon as I hit OK it become curves right because one of the things about a teaspoon in minor the sculpting is that everything is kind of having this curvature to it I've done a live stream on that too that's another another tool so what we have now is kind of like a flat blanket and we can agree on that it doesn't really it's not great following the shape of our STL file that's our reference here this STL file was one we brought in in 188 here I'm just kind of using it as a reference to model up but you see here somewhat here one of the other tools want to be aware of if you are failing is your sculpting is there is a subdivide in here if I select subdivide and and I can select a face and you will see that it gets broken into two more faces so this can be a nice way to kind of add more faces out of our shape here that actually also does change the OL ball shape so that was why I was not too concerned about fitting this befall in let me do it undo in this shape here I'm going top you in this shape here I wasn't too concerned about trying to fit it because notice what happens when we subdivide we're kind of changing the whole shape and that's one of the things to to be be aware of now when I have this broken up and I have a line through the center symmetry is one of your best friends so I'm going to click on mirror or symmetry up here and you select two faces one on each side and then you get a green line that shows you now you have symmetry what means that when I right click and use edit form and I you will see I'll be using these selections here that now when I select one of these points that it repeats on the opposite side where I am here so very quickly I can kind of start shaping this and by the way I should probably also say that my true preferred tools when I am using this edit form is either the square that will kind of let you move the shape kind of like completely lose all the arrow that would kind of pull it in whatever direction so now this looks pretty good down here in the bottom I'm gonna grab that point down there and drag that out I'm just going to use these points here a little bit looks pretty good here okay to that and I think that our blanket here looks pretty well shaped with the top of the STL file so now we can do one of the magic things we can right click again go into this edit form and instead of selecting filters we could select faces and if I click here you will see that I select one of the faces you can hold on control you can multi-select oh you can double-click and you would like to select all the faces so now I just selected all the faces but means if I move up I'm moving that whole face up I'm gonna do control undo but another trick is if I hold down alt on my keyboard or option on a Mac hold down alt and I start dragging now we actually stop pulling up some free D shape right there it okay so that so now you can kind of see how we kind of gotten our first shape created here again I'm just gonna take one second just because I know people sometimes are coming in a little late I don't want anybody to to be confused about what we're doing here one eighth livestream 188 we talked about wood carving into fusion 360 that's where we brought in that SCL you're just looking at in the end I started showing how you could use sculpting to create your own kind of shapes and a couple people a little bit disappointed a little show mall so that's what we're trying to do today so we're just using sculpting to model up kind of this shape here I'm going a little fast then probably I would like to because I like to give these towards beginners but be aware down in the description area you will find like live stream link to life in over 188 if you want to watch about bringing it in but also an intro into sculpting so if this is the first time you ever seen T splines inside of Fusion what's sit back right now what's this be inspired hopefully and then what's that the intro to sculpting and hopefully with all that you you get a better idea so here we got this here now before I get too much into to customize this let me show you another neat trick and again kind of appreciate thank you David for for sending me a video on this so I remember that I needed to finish this up here in the modify you will see that there's a move car this should be familiar to you we use that Allah places you can of course also justified click move copy I'm gonna select have body select it so like this the body just created I'm gonna click create a copy and drag down and now we get a copy of that original body right now we got body number two so we got two different bodies hit ok so that's and now what we have this we could life is going on it repeat move copy select that maybe we spin around 180 degrees there and then we kind of have that this section we're working on this smallest section on the bottom right now let me hide the first one so normal to here so we can drag that down so that's still a little bit of course but if we go back into right click Edit forum these different selections like the whole body I talked about before that I like to use the handles and this square well this little thing he'll like to scale it so now we can kind of scale it down about the right size make it a little bit smaller like that is probably pretty good right that's pretty close but now we will see that there's some gaps here so right click edit form and now we can select a some at just maybe write these two edges hold down ctrl to select multiple of them and and I'll drag that out a little bit maybe we grab this edge here and that out a little bit there going back to the top view so you can kind of see select these two edges this is kind of like where you just kind of just start to sew somewhat you know working working with with the shape here I should also say that some people like to use a multiple viewports so if you click down here in the lower corner you can bring this up and now you can you can actually work in in some of these different views so you can zoom in and out I personally don't prefer that but I wanted to show you show you that okay so we got that second body we got the first body I'm letting them overlap you will see later how we're gonna handle all that for right now because we are a time crunch I am NOT gonna I'm not gonna vary about them the minor one here let's work a little bit more with with the bigger one here the bigger form because if we're looking at the left view here we can see that this has kind of like a lot more shape to it where this is more kind of flat so be aware of right click edit form that we could double clicks if we double click on ads we select the entire edge we could unselect a couple of these and maybe stop dragging up a little bit let's go back to the left view here so now you can kind of see how we can we can drag up you know maybe we don't make you want this one so you can see how we can we can somewhat stop adjusting the shape of this I normally personally end up at some point and just using the points it becomes a little bit easier to control the shape I think with with the points when you get tuned to a certain level just kind of selecting the points and making it follow mall that concave shape so I wanted to show you that how you can start adjusting it and this really just comes down to spending more and more time in here another thing you will see if we go to the top view is that this looks more like a whale where the small shout so again right click and forum you can select the line segment here and we could kind of stop making that a little more narrow so this is all about working working this in another tool that I know I have not shown before is that in the modify you can actually also tweet creases so if you select the crease tool you will see that we exit creating more of a crease edge on here so we can do that's now we're looking from the front now it definitely has a lot more of that kind of shape now it might be a little uh a little high right click Edit form double click here let's pull down control and unselect the two edges and then we can stop to kind of like bring things back again you will also see that's actually probably pretty good right there you will also see that made this go out a little bit longer so select this here and we can kind of start moving this somewhat back so a lot of different adjustments inside of of T splines this is where you can spend hours upon hours of trying to to make it better and and and and stuff like that but I think for these two right now I'm gonna say those are good now again there are two different t-spline bodies normally I would spend a lot of time on the back end here and do kind of the same thing as we just did in the first one but I want to show you a couple of other cool tools before we're done so I'm just gonna hide these two and let's do this wing here so I'm gonna do the same thing as I did before go into face if you miss the beginning and again with this year I'm just gonna kind of try to get close this is not so critical I think this is very much like working with splines whenever we talk about using splines we're always talking about that we want less points and there's a tendency I think for people to want to make it very accurate because that's how we are as engineers designers and makers but in this case here I don't really know if it makes sense to be too accurate because we aren't gonna kind of fit all this together and again when I hit okay this sheeps gonna change anyways and for this one here I would again probably use the soft divide so if I select all the faces by double clicking and subdivide whoops select please select all these edges hey dude you know most selects whatever I thought it should do that it's like all these subdivides there we go when you're doing this you can see how we are really messing with the shape anyway so get that in there and then we can go edit form hit you know whatever we want to use here maybe the points and stop kind of dragging this out and this is kind of adjusting things as you're going along here just getting it as close and again you can spend you can spend as much time as you wanted this I'm gonna be a little maybe a little rough on this but I think you you get the point I hope right so as you're moving things just like when working with splines all the things kind looks other things kind of follow along so you're just gonna make sure you don't have too many points so you're sitting messing around too much there you go you're gonna say that's fine I'm gonna do exactly what I did before right click Edit form I'm gonna select faces by the way notice underneath my cursor it says all s all these so I mean you can you can switch between these with all a 4.0 s for lines and all the four faces so as you're getting more and more into this you know that's maybe how you choose to do that was perfectly fine hold on alt or option on your keyboard on the Mac and we can kind of drag a shape up here another tool I want to show you while we were in here is that we showed I show you before symmetry within a model you can also mirror a whole body so I can mirror this one over on the other side and now just like as we did before with the symmetry option if I go in now to to kind of change one of these shapes you will see that it it adjusts on the other on the other side so maybe if I go in here and do a little adjustment like this let's drag this up you can see how on the left side it it kind of follows along on those sides so now we are pretty close I would say right not too shabby for your first time in at the rodeo here again like I said you can go in and you can rightly get it form you can spend as much time as you want inside all these t splines so kind of trying to make this your own and that's of course what I would always recommend you to do um the last tool I want to show you that I think is valuable hopefully it is is this ring right here that is sitting here and this is this is just I want to show you some tools this is not necessary that I'm trying to make the perfect part then I would spend a lot more time like I didn't touch this back end but I want to show you a pretty neat tool here and maybe another useful tool when you're working inside the sculpting so I'm just turning our existing ones off so we're looking at this tube here now look at this tube on this STL file it is definitely a tube in the end but here is flattens out and becomes more fat and and that's where you can think again these plans would be would be perfect and I agree in the create there is some finished shapes in here including any a torus or donut whatever you want to call this now check this out I'm gonna select it I'm gonna select the plane to draw on let me just look at it from the end here so now let me sketch a circle and I'm just gonna kind of like make sure it's somewhat close to our the end of the Ring and there we now get a donor hit okay to that so now we have a that Taurus sitting right there it is very common in in sculpting to create one of these shapes and then delete part of it so I'm just gonna highlight half of it hit delete and and you will now see that we have half of that left down here now we could use the tools we used before right click move copy you could select that shape and we could drag that down to be to be a little bit closer there maybe now again we can see that this shape is is kind of off so right click and farm I'm gonna select the add the circle here and OH like so let's make symmetry on this so select two halves so we get the green ring but will show us green lines rearrangements no symmetry so now right click Edit forum this may be select this adds by double clicking now that hold down control double click on this add so we're selecting both of these and now we can kind of start dragging this in here double click on this adds maybe drag that in a little bit the bottom here double click on that bring that you see how I'm kind of forming this somewhat to be maybe a little bit closer something I don't think I wanted to drag that one before it made it very oh I look like that that's something I wanna sometimes it's best to look from a certain angle so you can kind of see what you're causing that looks a bit better double click here right click Edit form drag that up a little so you can see how I'm kind of working with the shape but the tool I want to show you then it's pretty amazing I think is a tool in the modify called pull this will actually pull any vertice on our t-spline charts a mass so if I click on that and look sheriff I selected this vertex look at how it snaps to true this to the mass so if I go in here and I click on these vertices that are now all the way around it actually snaps those vertices towards towards the mess file so we literally copying or pulling our our t-spline towards that now if I hide it okay to that if I hide the mass body for a second you will see that it's it looks ok but it's it's maybe not perfect and that is because we only have a certain amount of a point that can pull in because again the the t spine is called will will have constant curvature but remember if we highlight all these we could go in and subdivide it Mall well will then give us mall intersections what will give us mall points so if I do this and I now go in here and use the pull again and you can actually just window everything and it will pull all the points select it to to the body so now if I had to mess again now this shape is maybe a little bit better now you might still have to go in and pull in certain regions but this functions where we're pulling towards the mass could be handy I hope for some huh for some people so we're gonna say this is okay for right now let's turn the last ones on here and then we notice of course that oh this one here is on the opposite side because I made it around the STL file oops no problem let's look at it from the let's hide the other ones and if we right-click and use that move command we can select this now I want to show you another little chip full of them today if you turn the origin on it's the origin is right here did you know that you can change the pivot point in the move command click here I can actually change that pivot point to there it's gonna remember to check it off again and now I can literally rotate it around like that there it okay and now when we turn everything back on we got something that is bad now again I'm just gonna wrap this up here make this into a solid but I would definitely spend more time on making things a little bit nicer but if you turn the mess body back on too shabby for 29 minutes plus me yapping a little bit so now where we have this fall you with carving people hopefully this makes you a little bit more happy to see how you can you can do this now we're gonna turn into a solid because that's is our our end result how do we do that fairly easy check this out I'm gonna go into utilities I'm gonna convert it and I'm gonna make sure I say t-splines to be wrapped that needs to solid so I highlight the whole thing for selected you get different option to say to a new body hit okay now when I do that it does not become a solid become surfaces or patch in here and the reason for that is because I left everything open in here right it has to be a enclosed environment what brings us to so till we use the lashing 188 that you can find a link to it down in description area go to into the pets environments and then we can go down to create down here we have boundary fill and if we select the tool what will be our bodies so here we have our five bodies and then we're going to use a plane and this is just the origin in this case the plane on their audience who kind of create an invisible plane underneath here and when we go to select sounds you can pick them individually or in my case I'm just gonna be lazy I'm just gonna highlight them all because I want them all to become watertight solids hit okay and now we get a solid body I can uncheck the surface bodies and we now have a solid watertight body what we normally wanna end up with and if this case here I'll probably right click creat appearances because that's what I like to do let's make it gold so let me just wrap this up by saying these are these c spline bodies these surface bodies li and the mess body leave those in here don't think you have to clean anything up in here I just leave it this so you got your solid body this is what you want if you needed to work more with this we could have done this earlier but at this stage you could go in and right-click and say I want to stop capture design history so now we actually get a design history down here where you can see we have our mess and different stuff down here so this would be in case we had to now creating some screw holes so we can mount it to the wall or whatever you want to uh to to mount this I hope this was good you let me know thumbs up if this is good thumbs down if it wasn't III want the feedback the comments area I I read them all I answer I really don't ants I only answer if I don't have anything to say to it if it I don't know what to say but it's normally not a problem for me that was live scene number 191 wood carving sculpting I hope this was useful um just trying to add a bit more value to to your day that's what we're gonna end it YouTube Facebook I will appreciate it if you're watching the recording thank you so much if you're inside of the YouTube chat I'm gonna come in there and say hi everybody until tomorrow well I think we're gonna talk about these new shortcut keys and I would actually probably have created a shortcut key for that edit form so I don't have to right click Edit form maybe sure that's mark have an awesome day everybody and let's sell tomorrow take care [Music]
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 23,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Manufacturing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, Best Practice, Modeling, cam, cad, tutorial, How to, 3d printing, free software, software, Product design, Mechanical engineering, fusion 360 tutorial, fusion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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