Form Tools & Probing — Fusion 360 CAM Tutorial — #LarsLive 136

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hey welcome to livestream number 136 my name is last Christensen and thank you so much for joining today's live stream whoo it's Friday man we made it hope you have a good weekend planned I am excited about today's topic we alive that's good I am super excited about today's topic x8 that's how I should put it so we've got David here absolutely appreciate it today's topic it's cam so if you're not interested in cam then maybe this is maybe maybe you should go and do something else but if you're into cam and fusion 360 we're gonna talk about farm tools and probing ah today it's two topics that are very interesting now just want to show you what we have kind of like lined up here in regards to to what we have in the software the reason I'm excited about this topic here and I've talked about this and some other webinars you may be have come across this is kind of like a layout that is similar to some of the stuff that I used to do in the past when it came to doing manufacturing I've always hurt me a little bit if you're walking in this is like the table of like a havi of three like a fairly big CNC mill always just hurts me when I walk in and I see like one single Kurt lies that's sitting on the table but today we're gonna talk about probing and this was requested by a couple of you guys to send me emails by the way my email address is down in the description area send me an email for any future topics some people wanted to ask me to do a quick live stream on the probing and so that's we're gonna do today but I couldn't help myself I want to show you a cheap mans probe too because primeira moments are on probing boot on spindle probes but as you can see here on the screen over in the lower left we also have a touch probe style this is a Rhenish it could be other types but I actually did family amount of production programming when I used to work a red lab and one of the issues I had was that when people load parts up in device especially when they're running more than one you know miss loads so I actually used a a cop or a grand fight stick to check the parts and the number because I didn't have a spinnaker probe I would come over on a table probe like this and check that so that's that's why we're gonna use the the form tools that are inside of diffusion to to do that now these these table probes here is normally used to check like tool length and then if your tool broke I looked up these highest ones on for Haws is about $1,500 from one of those brand new probably buy them used but having these are definitely nice it's the spindle probes they run a little bit more than that so I understand if people don't get those but I would definitely prefer to get some kind of a touch tool if you can if you maybe are considering it but first let's go ahead and talk about the standard probing tools that inside of fusion I'll give you a quick view of those talk a little bit about how they work and then we'll get in and I'll show you the farm tools and then how I did this I colored my cheap man Pro what worked really really really great so inside of cam here and let's talk spindle probe I have some pot sitting in in some different vices and this is kind of like how I used to to try to do some things on certain projects so one set of pots on an ax is over here then I have a vise sitting here with a little fixture we have some mighty bytes that holds these parts and then I have these biases here but like module vices you can slide the jaws around depending how your pots out now these vices is sitting on a plate that I could take out of the machine so you know you could you could load these pads up for like night runs and have a standard vise on the machine during the day and then at the end of the day take a standard vise out you pluck this whole assembly of vices in and you might need somebody to help you carrying it and then you can just hit the green button and go but they stand of probing tool we're gonna concentrate on like these pots here so what we can do inside of fusion and this is pretty cool is we do have probing cycles in here primarily this is used for picking pots up now I know that the development team are working on some other things down the road but for right now let's just talk about picking this up and I'm gonna show some co2 so if I select the probing cycle we get a standard are probing menu boards like anything else we gotta go in select a tool so click in you get the tool tool menu here now down in the sample area there are some different sample probes so be over there that lets select the six millimeter so this is just like when you are doing you know stand-up tooling now what is neat about this we'll go over to the geometry check this out no sooner in this part if I select them this face just left-click and I hope you can see it we get it and look and grab it arrow down let me get a arrow showing us that's gonna come down and probe this X side now if I then select this face you would like to see that now it selects both the X and the y meaning that it will actually create the pickup corner right on on this corner here so this this propane in here is fairly chaldeans depending on what you select now if I just X out of this two faces as selected and I for example select this top then you will see that now that actually selects all four sides of it and finds like the center of the part what is probably what I would would do with something like this but just so you know okay have you want to show you you can also in here select the Z and then you can actually select where you kind of like want it so if you just wanted to find the z axis you could switch this over to Z and it will find find that I'm gonna go back here and select the center here so what the probe cycle does here I'm gonna hit okay to this is that it creates over here a probing cycle now let me just simulate this so we can kind of see it and what slow down a little bit so the probe comes down and it selects the four sides in here and set our work coordinate system now just so we have another tool path in here I'm gonna go in and select the facing operation I'm just going to select a metric like maybe it's sixteen millimeter flat end mill and I'm just gonna face off like this face here okay I want to make sure we have a probing and we have a facing over Asian so now the probe will come down pick up the part and then it will do a facing operation on the pan or maybe facing maybe you could go to the pocket some some other kind of operation now where I think that there might be a little bit confusion or you know I mean this kind of stuff very quickly can become a little like poof a little scary maybe is in in the order of how this whole thing works was selecting the word coordinate system and this is where if I do a good job thumbs up if I do a bad job thumbs down if I do a good job but hopefully you walk away now I mean like okay now I get it so what we have to do is we have to tell the program where this part is right and then we're using the spectral probe inside of your mill to pick this part up now when we go into the setup right click Edit the setup and we go to the last tab the post processor this is where we put this in here this is where I think that it might be a little bit of confusion about what happens where well it's the way to remember this is that the work coordinate system offset your D 54 to 55 or wherever the part is that will not change because you're using a probe that will still be where you want the machine the program to start on the part so so make that you know straight out of the box that will not change the probe work called a system override and this is where it gets a little bit over forget about the override the proper kernel system is where the probe is reading from so the probe right the the probe the probe is going to come down and pick up your power now the probe needs to the probe needs to know where it is so it needs to come down first and pick up the power and then it tells when I have found the part it tells the Machine this is where the part is so you know it would have two different work cordon systems in there now when we bought a new house with a spindle probe on the guy who set it all up he decided that the probe was g54 so that meant that every so the problem just always be g54 don't change that that means that all your parts on your machine will be key 55 to 56 to 57 to 59 okay so that means that in that setup if we go back in here and look at this that means that my for my part that will be a 4 my probe there will be g54 or is either zero or one I like to do that one t54 is one and then if you want to make this party 52 that means it will make that but not G 52 g55 you want to make the party 55 pickup that means this would be number two okay now I'm gonna post this out now so we can take a look at it I hope I hope that this is not too confusing maybe if you look at the code arm that will will be better so let's post this out I'm just gonna post it out here yeah whatever all right that's fine it's gonna open up on my other machine here okay so what happens if you look at the program and I hope that this I hope this just makes you feel better is that when you come down to the probing cycle it's gonna call off the tool in this case it's tool number six whatever it calls up d50 fall that's for the problem okay and this is how when my house was installed that was set up like that and then in the probing cycle and for some people this is what is called macro programming by the way I'm gonna talk about this in a second these these call up these sub programs to run these macros in here it then sets the this sets the g55 you can see that that is called down here so if I call up fusion again let's go in here and edit here and go to the post processor and then let's call this intellect a little bit smaller so the probe work cauldrons override that's right now set to one that's g54 and then we said where we want but when it have found that part then we want to use g55 number two there for running that part okay so I hope that this makes sense now I have to be honest with you when I went through when the guy actually installed the machine when they laugh you know I don't like to be told what to do I was like I don't like not having g54 available as my ask my program because hey I I sometimes what I used to you 54 nananana booboo so what I did was I put the probe I copied what was in g54 and I put that into G 59 because I'm really used ki 59 as a work offset so that way I could use G 55 I could all right G 54 for one or two G 59 was where that ran from so what I did inside of fusion would be to just change this and in infusion one is G 54 two is G 55 3G 56 so that means if I change this to a six that will call up the probe as a t 59 and then I always use that and that meant I could go switch back and make this one fall this if I wanted to so if we pose that out we generate we post that out now you will see that it's gonna call G 59 and that was just what I left it at I was sitting in D 59 and my tool by the way was always I think tool number nine I think of something like that whatever the highest number highest number was and then now it shows G 50 fall down there so let's just go back again and just edit this set up so that was well how I had it but I think that a confusion is overriding that word is maybe little confusing so this will be whatever the probe aside into and this this number here is associated to these parts now I want to say a couple of things first of all and again I hope this is useful first of all if this whole probing is still a little to you and I don't blame you down description area of this video there is a link to Tim Paul's lessons that he created that is out on the fusion website if you're not familiar with Tim Paul he is one of the guys that works at Autodesk and he's smart Lisa that's whistle and he did a really good series on this whole video I would definitely go and check those out and another piece of advice I would give you and then we're gonna get to the phone tools in just in a second is that when I posted this out I talked a little bit about macros and this was something that was ourselves again this was something that was really foreign to me for many years and I'm kind of sad that it was this whole if you go I never looking at this case you have to start the Renishaw probe cycles it's all these macros that is using to executing all these all these operations and and and macros are used all through your machine if you're fairly new to to machining so like if you have a tool changer m6 that's a macro that is a really great book again I left that link also down in the description area of this video that I bought when I worked at red lab and it opened up a brand new world to me so if you if you are maybe if you're a guy and yeah if you have a CNC machine that can do macro programming you should at least go to the library and borrow this book that can open up all kinds of things ok exciting is Friday now I want to talk about the cheap bands Pro because this was something that I did that that I was really thrilled about really happy about so on our machines we have these table probes are in here and actually you don't even have to have one of these to do this cheap pen probe that I have because visual on these will absolutely I will absolutely work so one of the problems I had was that you know when people are loading pots into a vise like this you know you can have stops in there but at some point people don't pushed it up against the stop it's just it just happens and and then suddenly a pot is sticking out a little bit too much the tool comes down the tool breaks it's terrible somebody gets mad it's always happens around this time on Fridays in the afternoon when you gotta go home oh it's terrible so what I did was I created my own probe are that I used I'm gonna open up a new document here and this is gonna kinda like tie in with deform tools that you can do inside off fusion so let me start a new sketch here and I'm gonna sketch on the front face of what I came up with was a right angle here whoops get into the origin snap in there let's make it to millimeter so I 150 like that and I'm gonna try to do this all the rectangles just because that sounds fun two millimeters by 18 no oh that's Rosie forward give me that back here we go one little earlier my mouse is moving by eighteen by one okay and then the other rights I wanted to do with rectangles all right something like this D this is gonna be one and this is gonna be let's say five and let's make the distance between here and here ten I appreciate your patience okay let me write all this so what I came up with was something that looked like this I bought some graphic rods there's like 150 millimeter long graphics now graphics ROG you can buy them like if you're doing sinker EDM for example and they're fairly cheap they cost really not much and then I would go in and have the grinder guys grind him down from from 4 millimeters down to maybe they were maybe they were 8 millimeters maybe they were 8 millimeters in diameter I think they would probably eat now I'm thinking about it Suz how's this look that might look more right so I had I had so these were just I bought like a handful of these like 15 at the time I had to grind the guy because graphite is easy to to to grind in let him grind this down like this here okay and the idea was that then I would create a tool path where it will come right along the edge here and if one of these was was miss loaded then the tip here would break off and then either when the tool came over to the table probe all visually you could say the saw that was was broken off then you knew that one of the parts was miss loaded and you now didn't have to you know break any tools now it was a you know 25 cent rod that you could regrind again afterwards so let me show you how the phone to works with something like this so I'm just gonna go ahead and I'm actually going to delete the solid I'm really the only kneading the sketch for this and the sketch and I'm actually gonna trim the edges so we get that thing that we actually like the shape of what we here and then of course by deleting those then I lost my my dimensions here I thought I just changed that too it seems this here know how to do that - for that - - that - 18 perfect that's really fine so you draw up half of the tool that you want just like you do when you revolve so I hope that this kind of like made sense so like that was why I use the revolve function but now I have it as assets now here's a cool thing oops just gets back on so you can see it didn't even right click and show dimensions if you want to now here's a neat thing if you didn't know this if you go into the cam environment over here on the manage we could turn we can create farm tools so click on that and we get this form tool menu now I'm going to just go back to the front of you here and look at it and the first thing is talking about is the tool profile that's gonna be like the whole profile just selected it's looking for a tool axis that's the same thing as like they revolve around axes just like that there it has a flip axis and if i zoom out you'll see we have an arrow up here you want that arrow I think always to point down and then a compensation point where is the point that it should compensate from now I would you could for me here could maybe select this corner up here but I think I would rather like to control that so I'm gonna select this corner down here and hit OK to that now nothing happens on the screen when I hit OK don't worry about that what have happened though is that if I go up and click on our tool library inside of the cam up here in my file I now have that brought in right there now it's sitting right now existing in this file where I just drew up the sketch so what I'm gonna do instead is in my local library I'm gonna right click I'm gonna create a new library I'm gonna name them probe second spell probe I'm gonna take that foam drill from the from the document I'm gonna drag it right down in the fro probe folder so now it's sitting in there as a probe what actually means and now I don't care about that file but before I do that let me just go in a right click and edit the tools you can see it in here if you do have a table touch table probe then you can turn on break control on the last tab in here and now at the end of the cycle if you have a table probe will go over and actually check if it's there if you don't have a table probe you could just visually take a quick look I'm gonna hit OK to that exit out of this I actually don't need this profile anymore I'm gonna save it anyways though just because if I don't somebody's gonna ask me for it okay save that file takes it out of that now so what I can do in here is we can now go in and do something like a contour tool path select tool let's go into that probe folder select that form drill here's our little graphite probe we just made and select an edge here now if I go down here and I select here you will see that it selects the whole circumference don't forget you can select it again and then this little selection manager come up I'm just gonna select an open contour so that shows just that line and hit the little green check mark so now it's only machining that now I'm just going to hit OK right now so we can take a look at this so if I go into the right view here to the side and we simulate this you see here's the the probe it's gonna come down it's just gonna touch that compensation point right on the edge that's not what I want though so I'm gonna go back in and edit that again on the heights tab I'm gonna go - remember I made it 19 I'm gonna go - 9 team because then on the passes tab I'm gonna turn stock to leave on that is going to be the tolerance that I would make this block be a little bit too big because we need a little bit of clearance so if we're going to simulate now you will see if i zoom in we have a little bit of clearance in there point two millimeters whatever euros is if that part there is sticking out too far it's the sticking out too far let's say we put the inside to stop on the inside that little tip that will snap right up because it's just craft a graphite and when it goes over on the tool probe then then it would it would notify that it's broken and and not be used now just so you know because somebody's gonna say that in the chat right now that if I go back into selecting these if you just want to select edges like this if you you can also set up just clicking on the same edge twice you can also hold all down an option on a Mac and you can multi-select and you will only select edges like that so that's a way to to create this right when we about the end here let's hit simulate and you will see the now testing the parts oh no this is a huh I get to show another thing notice how it's actually doing it out of or like I don't want to start in the middle go here and go here I kind of like one of the to start in one end and go along if you go into this is contra operations and into the passage tab down here preserve order in the passes have if you check that now fusion will select in the order that you picked it okay so now now this of course will go you know above any tool paths but now if you look here now that pro sprint rogue is coming here now if I if I don't have a table probe like this one over here then of course I will just put a stop in in my program and have the operator open the doors and look to see if that that little tip there was was sad how was that was that useful I hope so man colors I think some good things in here this pinnacle probe if you have one of those they're really sweet you can do a lot with them too so like I talked about before instead of fusion right now we use them as a pickup of the park but I actually ended up using and also almost like a CMM within the mill to inspect the paths afterwards and things like that that's where I macro programming becomes really good look down in the description area of the video for a Amazon book that I really liked it comes to micros programming also if this whole spin probe is new to you and Fusion check out Tim Paul's great videos he's awesome and this little cheap pants probe whatever you wanna call it I hope that you know if you are running multiple parts that you will find that helpful that's all I got man just when they clock switch the 30 minutes I really appreciate you taking the time to watch these videos thumbs up if you liked it thumbs down if you don't my email address is down description area if you have any future topics you would like to see just like today that was one of them I tried to want to be better at income incorporate those into these live streams man I hope you have an awesome weekend if you watching the recording thank you so much and if you're in the last year I'll come in and say hi to everybody take care folks
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 7,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, CAD, Modeling, 3D, CAM, Manufacturing, CNC, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include
Id: lZ-AQ42AGTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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