How To Make Better Design Layout — Fusion 360 Tutorial — #LarsLive 170

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all right how are we doing I just one thing I missing here ah welcome to livestream number 170 we made it a little bit early here if you're watching the recording I will not blame you for kind of like just fast-forward a little bit making sure that you know you don't waste your time just fast forward a couple of minutes we will start right on top of the hour here at free p.m. right when the the counter there gets down to about zero and then then we jump on to it just one of the opportunity to it just start out here and just thank you guys because if we already got some people in here absolutely appreciate it you guys are taking the time to join these live streams trying to do these every weekday at 3 p.m. Eastern except when I'm traveling makes a little bit hard I can see that we got met Sears here rifted swine Randy Jurgen Rick rich and Dizzy's I'm butchering names I'm sorry I apologize today's topic is how to make a better design layout we are going to use a sawhorse that my good friend and my hero Jimmy the rest are bought love a long time ago you will find the description for that video or the link to that video down in the description of this video here 37 people in one minute that is pretty awesome we are up on the top of the hour if you're watching the recording minute in 27 seconds then we we are on really appreciate all you guys turning in here we got Jeremy we got Michigan I'm coming to Michigan soon I think no I office we can have a generator design workshop there soon more details to come Seuss and Kumar how you doing man thank you for joining Melvin really appreciate it yeah Larry thank you everybody for taking the time to join them to join all these three three story asked have you ever covered curve adjustment for laser cutting I have not there might be a good there might be a good topic for ice cream uh-huh I should write that one down really appreciate George is here Montreal France ears I'm also coming to Montreal I think soon in within the next month or something so no vine and Montreal for some workshops next week it's Chicago for general design workshop all that cool stuff alright we're counting down here I'm gonna jump on but I just really wanted to just take a minute just letting you guys coming in really appreciate you taking the time to join these last you mean means the world to me friends really appreciate Bob Scheer yeah that's it we are up on the top of the hour I gotta get on like five minutes instead of three minutes let me just jump over here and get rid of the timer and then three two one we're good to go maybe there we go hey everybody my name is Lars Kristensen and thank you so much for joining live stream number 170 today we're gonna talk about a better design layout this was something that some of you guys probably already know that goes under under many names sketch layout master modeling tips is something that I wish that I had gotten into earlier on in my cat career so that's what I want to let's what I want to share with you today should be super exciting hopefully you guys will will pick something up again my name is last Christiansen truly appreciate you taking the time to watch these live streams trying to do these every weekday at 3 p.m. Eastern that's the same time as in New York City except when I'm traveling I can make it this is just an attempt to add a little bit more value to your fusion experience so today we are going to a model up something similar to this here on a show horse style style so I have borrowed this from my hero Jimmy the Resta I left a link down in the description area of this video fold this specific video where Jim interesti-- makes a sawhorse you should check it out you should subscribe to this channel one of the things I love about Demeter Esther is that every time I watch one of his videos I picked something up that I was like huh I really didn't know how to do that or that was a cool way to do that really what I'm trying to do with these live streams if you're using fusion 360 so definitely check out Jimmy's channel that's also where I got the idea for this sign by the way that a video is coming up on that but what I'm gonna talk about is I it's called many names I like to call it sketch layout or design layout but it's really are using kind of sketches should layout something like this that has multiple component and drive it out of sketches so that's what we're gonna do let's get into true to modeling this up let's close this one out here a blank slate inside of a fusion 360 now quickly this sawhorse gonna be an assembly meaning a lot of different components and there's a lot of different ways you could model this up but this is my favorite way to do that I'm literally just gonna start a sketch in I don't I don't have this as an assembly yet you will receive me in other videos I would right click here and start creating new components for every single item but another way to do it is just to start out with a raw guess that's gonna be kind of like laying out the framework for your your design so I'm gonna go over here on this front face and I'm used when I'm saying front I'm using the viewcube as my reference and I'm just gonna kind of like sketch out the frame for this sawhorse so I'm gonna left click then I get some dimensions and we're gonna make this saw eight hundred millimeters tall by I'm gonna hit the tab key it's gonna be 635 kind of like long hit enter and it's kind of scroll out here so now you can see we kind of have this rectangle here I'm gonna use the the midpoint here midpoint reference over here I don't use that one too often midpoint from this lines that's the midpoint of this line to the origin so what have I just kind of done let me turn the origin on um this is the origin this is kind of like gonna be there the flaw in my in my design I've kind of created a sketch that kind of is going to be the side view of our salt or a sawhorse and I could name I like to name these sketches so I could name this so I'm gonna slowly left click on that and I could call that side view source for example right so now we have a death sae reference and then i I'm gonna go ahead and just create another sketch and I know that we used two if you knew to kind of start extruding but I think you will will get from a second one I'm trying to get it here I'm laying out kind of the perimeters of my design so I'm gonna create a new sketch now instead of doing on this plane here I'm gonna do it on kind of the right plane over here and Timmy uh uses a two by four what any of my my metric friends don't get too confused it's not even two by four in the real world either rectangle and we're gonna make this one forty by a hundred just like that's so now we kind of see how I'm sketching out on the side here I do that quite a bit and we'll try to do that a lot through this design so what I'm gonna do with this is I'm going to do another midpoint and I'm gonna do that like right from the top here down to the top of that side rectangle and and then I could actually I could actually stop the sketch right now so we have kind of two sketches and if this is brand-new for you just hold on a second don't get too confused it's okay you will get in a second this gets here I'm gonna then call that maybe it's my right side side and then I'm gonna call you click on the right side sawhorse alright we'll exit call this right side profile you'll see the second so it's still inside of one component we got two sketches now I'm gonna go back into this right side profile here I'm going to right click on and just hit edit sketch we're back into it and then I'm gonna start I'm gonna start kind of adding a little bit of information to this one so I'm gonna go to click on a line tool and I'm just gonna snap a line into this bottom and go up here and just place another line over here and then I could start adding some dimensions so I know I want from this side to this gonna make that 10 and you will see just in a second why are we getting at here I'm gonna make this 5 and don't forget that we're always looking for this to be fully defined right to be black so grabbing a point dragging around kind of give you an indication of what needs to move so I'm actually gonna use a perpendicular constraint you don't use that one very often to make this in 90 degrees and that means that now all we have is an ankle default dimension hit one line hit an on line and we're gonna make this 175 this is if you're watching the video that half-hour description actually don't watch the video yet weights of this I'm done with this livestream and then in the common area type in of all the things that I missed out of the video that could be a fun game you will see this as fully defined but it's kind of good to exclude it but I Mexican I have one on the other side over here so I'm just gonna hit elf aligned and just draw a line here so I have something to a mirror across so now I'll go back to sketching and we're gonna do a lot of mirroring in this one but this is a sketch mirror so sketch mirror I'm gonna select the two entities what I'm going to mirror across what's gonna be this line and now you will see me kind of get a mirror not over here again when you watch the video with Jimmy you will see he kind of not just these areas out now I'm gonna stop the sketch for a second so you can kind of see what we have here now I'm ready to start extruding things out but each each thing is going to be its own component so there's two different ways you could kind of handle this one would be to right-click here and and say new component and this was kind of like my top profile so you see how there's a little fisheye there right it's active what means that if I go in and now and hit q4 press pull and I select these two entities and drag them out that will now end up I'm just gonna let it go for a second that might that will just let it be this component and you will see that there's no sketch in in this profile here because we we have these right in the top and now became a an assembly so now we have the first component inside of the assembly but my point is that the sketch is that's going to drive everything in here are in the top end you will see just in a second what that means now another way I could do this let me just delete this component why he was never there deletes another way we could do this is we could actually just without right-click and create a new component we could also just hit Q select the two entities and drag-out but then instead of doing new body so you were back to just being one one component right now select new component in the drop down from the extrude command and it will when we hit OK it will then create that new component so just two different ways to do it not super important which way you select I'm gonna hit Direction symmetrical and I'm gonna switch the measurement to be the total length of this bar and make that the same with it to the other 635 boom now we get that component right there that's kind of the top rail of our of our part so I'm gonna rename it slow the left click and I'm gonna call the top profile so the important thing to understand about this if this is new to you is that these sketches up here are driving the components inside of here and as I'm gonna show you if you've never seen this before this can be able to be a nice way to lay this kind of kind of stuff out what means that if I go again and hit the little fish eye next to top profile you'll see there's no sketch in here in this profile because it's driven by this top scats right so if I right-click on that and say edit sketch if I go in and change this angle to 50 hit enter you will see that my profile component is driven from that top sketch but means that it updated right so these sketches are really driving everything and they can really be handy when you're laying things out you can also by the way if you didn't know this tip right click on a sketch and say share what I mentioned and they will show up out here that can kind of be nice too when you're working like this so it just reminds you to working with these top profiles now I'm gonna go ahead you can at any time add mole top sketches if you - you just gotta make sure that you have the fish are in the right place see if I activate the top profile and I create a new sketch it will be inside of this chop profile what means the sketch will be down here if I wanted to be a layout sketch I need to make sure that the top is it's activated and that everything is kind of in here so I'm gonna leg over a new sketch I'm gonna select the same the same plane I did before for the profile and this one here is gonna control the length of the lag so I'm gonna create a line I'm gonna make sure the line snaps into the bottom our profile here and I'm just gonna sketch it I'm gonna make it a wheel angle like this down to about here so just one line I'm gonna do two constraints to this one one's gonna be collinear and there's some people who've made comments to me that they get a little confused about these different constraints so collinear means that if you select two lines they're gonna be in line with each other so if I select this edge here and then the line we just created notice how these two are now in line kind of like what I want the leg to be another thing I'm gonna do down here at the bottom here is I am gonna make this leg horizontal with the organ okay right there so now these two are horizontal and this is Cole doing me up here I'm gonna stop this sketch something very exciting sketch but you will see in a second why I need it and I'm gonna call it leg length okay because now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create the next component but it's going to be on this the leg that's gonna be sitting here arm and that's what I'm gonna be needing this length to control that so I'm gonna create a noose I'm going to create a this case here let's actually create a brand new component it's a right-click new components and let's name it lag huh that's a good name lag and not you can absolutely use sketches within visa in this layout you can do both you can use these sketches to drive things but you can't for sure also I have sketches within each component so I'm going to click a new sketch and select that angular surface right here and you will see it's maybe a little bit hard to see right now on the screen but but I'm looking at this in an angle if you're looking up at the viewcube view that as a reference because I selected that angle of face on the profile I am looking at this at an angle and many times when I'm sketching inside a fusion I'm just relating the line tool I actually like to just sketch out just to the side here that's gonna be my leg right there so it's kind of like out on the side and I'm gonna give it two dimensions I'm a thief and I mention I'm gonna make sure this one here is fifty and I'm gonna select this one here to be a hundred boom that is my leg here now when you sketched it out there's a couple of different ways you can move this sketch around now I could grab this corner and start moving but notice what happened and like things flips upside-down that can be because things are not full defined I can be a little bit hard to work with you could right click and select move copy not what you only use this one I think on on components or bodies but it actually also works on the sketches I can totally highlight the sketch here and do one of my favorite but it's point to point over here and I could select here to that intersection over there and it makes me move it over there now one thing to be aware of though when you do that that move is not recorded down on the timeline and some people's gonna be like that's exactly what I wanted and the other thing you should know is that it's not it's not locked down if I select this line here I can completely move it so the move command can be a nice way to move it but it's kind of not gonna it's not gonna lock it down the way to lock it down is totally using constraints so I'm gonna select coincident and I'm gonna select that point and that same point at boom now you will see it's gonna move it over here and it's gonna be constrained into that corner where I want it now if this is if you're a little bit confused where I'm heading with this I hope you got it just in a second now with this done now I makes it ready to kind of control the length of this leg here and that's where I needed that sketch but sadly for some reason the horizontal restraint this line to this point won't catch each other so what I'm gonna do is gonna hit p4 put Jack and just project that point now it works and that was that that that point there is the leg length sketch so now if I select my shot from here to here oops oh maybe not this line what did we do did I get that okay my sanal fail to solve the revising dimensions and constraints what did I do somebody - I'm gonna get that one failed to solve okay p4 Jack we want that point okay and horizontal from here to here all right that work I don't know why the line wasn't working but the point of work that's all I need so why am I mad here if I'm spinning this around a little bit is that I sketched this sketch on that face I was kind of getting an angle so I needed that point for the length there and you will see just in a second why I needed that now with this lag now we don't have a sketch in there driven this whole thing I am going to a project to extrude it thank you and I'm gonna select this here and this portion if i zoom in now we can give this some thickness that's probably some I don't know how thick the material Jimmy D used but I wanted to show notice that I can I can if you pull this arrow you can control the length by just selecting a point boom now those two matches up that's what I'm gonna do man will do here hit okay and I created the first the first leg now okay I hope this is useful now I want to show you give you that this was a long check to give you some of the neat things about having these are controlling areas for example if you go back into a right profile that second stats we created and I say edit sketch remember this one if I go in and I change this 75 to 50 look what the leg does the leg is following that first scats so they can be extremely useful to lay things out this way so when customers comes and make changes you know that these first couple of sketches are driving a lot of things second of all if we look at this is gonna be the flaw and we look at the length this is the flaw see how the leg kind of like it's going to sit right on the corner we don't want that right we want it to be in an angle like flat with the floor silly saw hauls if it's just resting right on that corner so again if you go into the to the leg length scats and edit that right click and edit sketch by mistake I made this horizontal with this point when we drew this we drew this line cold in your lineup if I just select that constraint there the horizontal train hit delete on my keyboard now I can drag it further down and I've got a D on my keyboard and give it some kind of a random dimension that now means that when I stop the sketch you will see that this lag now goes past so the right profile is controlling how much this leg will go on an angle and the leg length will actually yes control kind of the leg length I could also make that dimension going from of course the top up here so we're gonna cut these Elaine to length in a little bit later I'm gonna make a point about that later so notice that we just went ahead and we made the first leg here okay but of course we want more than than one leg now if you have watched some of my previous live streams you might go into the leg here make that active we could go in and do a mirror and I many times talked about how I like to use features so now we could select features we could like that extrude we did of the leg the mirror plane here could be this plane right here and hit okay and now we got the second leg but in this case what I ended up with was not a leg but legs because now this one have two bodies within it and that's actually not quite what I want I actually want four independent component legs because tomorrow we're gonna make the work drawing for this and we're gonna make a bill of material so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go backwards by deleting this mirror for a second go up and make our whole assembly active and then go back in and do the mirror again but instead of selecting features you can select components again I'm trying to point out that there's a lot of different options inside of fusion and and and they're good so I'm gonna select components I'm gonna select that as a component instead of a feature I'm gonna mirror that over this plane hit enter and now you will see that we get you know a leg over that um and then I could actually just right click repeat mirror repeat component select those two components and now mirror those over that other plane boom and now we got four legs and four different components in here and I actually like to leave these just because they remind me that these was all mirrored across going back to my point if you came a little bit late about why are using layout designs of master model whatever you want to call this is that we have so much control again I go back into the second sketch McRae I created the right profile if I go back in and change this to 50 all the legs are now updated from this so I hope that this makes sense this is extremely it it's I almost looked like these sketches here the free sketches we right now have the side view the right side profile on the leg sketch they're almost like the paper napkin and they're driving all these different ones now if you're now feeling like I'm getting a lot of things in the way here we can always turn these off if you want to me can kind of see how this sawhorse is coming together again this is timid arrestor saw horse big I'm a big fan of his and the link for his video is down description area absolutely recommend that you check out his YouTube video he model of these saw horses then come what's this here and then come back in the commentary and tell me what I'm missing out of his video that could be a fun little game last thing I gotta do on this here is I'm going to add a couple of end caps to this um and again using you can either choose to put the sketches inside the inside of the the component but using these layout sketches by having the top active it just makes it easier when the customers come back with changes so I'm gonna create another sketch and I'm gonna clean it on this plane here and and to make the end caps I'm literally just gonna create a line and I'm gonna snap it into the outside here somewhere I'm gonna make it horizontal well it doesn't really matter I'm gonna snap make sure to snap into the other leg then I can make another song like that and then it's gotta be full define but it's gonna be black and I'm gonna drive that with D for dimension one dimension from here to here let's make it a 250 and stop that scats now it's very simple it's really only one line and the purple ones are projected so fusion but that's projects those sketches over and they are really just references for the software the slow left click on that sketch so I can edit it and I'm gonna call that end just so I know where things are if I right-click and do edit do show dimension then I can kind of see that 250 over there that can help me so now to create the exit endcaps I'm gonna right click new component or rename that one and cap and then I can open a new sketch I'm gonna do that right on the end and then I'm literally just gonna hit Pete books my soon to a second then I'm gonna hit P for project and I'm gonna borrow that edge and that edge and then because things are a little bit adjusted up here I'm gonna hit elf line create a line from here to that end point and create another one from this end point up to that end point we kind of get the shaded area means we can project this p 4q to project this so like these two and we can now give this some kind of a thickness five millimeters for example and now we have this end cap but again the reason I'm doing that is because this end cap is driven by this this sketch here what makes if you know that most of these dimensions are coming out of these sketches just makes it easier let me copy this one Oh mirror it so I'm gonna make the top assembly active go to Mira select component that end cap over the center do so now we got an end cat or an cat mirror right so I hope that this gives you an idea about kinda like laying this out I'm actually gonna go one step further so if you have five more minutes I'm gonna show you a couple of other tricks with this but again my point is if I go into that second sketch we created and it's sketch and I changed the angle here to fifty or any of the other dimensions in here the end plate and the legs updates okay we still gotta cut the legs links to two so we still have a few things to do here we're gonna run a little bit over let's go back here and make this back to 75 so before we go anywhere let's talk about cutting these legs to length because remember I made the linked leg length longer than here so what I could do was I could go into the modify and I could select split body and I could select the four legs and then I would say splitting tool and I could select this plane that's for some reason is only showing up on one leg but that's okay I hit okay and you will see that it split each of these legs now it did this in each leg so if I go into leg number one and I go into bodies you will see in here that body number one is that little knob and down there and I could now right click and hit not delete because that would heal it but remove and that will make that now flat to the floor but if I do it this way I would have to go into each leg and do the same thing and you guys know that I'm lazy when it comes to cat and cam so let me just go back here and delete that split body and don't forget that this history line is true inside of fusion so if I grab this little handle roll all the way back so where we created that first leg and now create that break so modify split body select the leg select the split tool hit that okay there's a little nubbin let's go in and right click and remove it not delete remove it right kind of what I just did before but because it's happening here the timeline before the mirrors check this out now it was done on the three other ones because they can in the timeline and now they're nice armed and flat to this so this here is it's a super helpful way we are now driving everything besides that angle and the width of this portion but it could have done but that's the only thing but we're driving inside of the lake body so if you came in a little late to this one I hope that this somewhat made sense in a way that you can model things up I think this is to me this is extremely powerful way to lay things out everything is controlled in sketches and everything rattles down to to the component now I'm gonna take three more minutes because I want to I want to kind of wrap this up as an assembly as to this right now because as some of you guys have already figured out now where this is components they all floating around the space not not really what we want in here so all I'm gonna do to her to kind of lock this down is I am going to decide how things are locked in so I'm the top profile I'm gonna side that that one is grounded and I like to use ground because then I get a little thumb tag away and it tells me which one is grounded and then I can literally go in here and I could either make it a rigid group all you can say build as joints but Richard group would probably be the least heavy at this point so now I could go in here and say rigid group and I could select all components like this here hit OK and now we'll get a rigid group here that means that and now are all locked in so this would be like that Jimmy uses his wood glue to glue it in but in the video I know that you will tell me that GME also used some screws to kind of hold this in so I'm gonna add those so makes it gonna get rid of this rigid group for a second so we're back to where we just have kind of like grounded one of them and I'm gonna go in here and say insert insert McMaster and looking at the video I'm pretty sure that Jimmy used drywall screws again I could be wrong but that's what it looks like to me these don't come in inches I guess right well in the United States instead I have is the standard length I think for most drywall screws I'm gonna a product detail gonna go down and make the window a little bit bigger so you can see it and I go down here and select step file and hit save and it's gonna bring in that drywall screw now I actually need one two three four five six seven eight but I'm just gonna bring one in and it comes down here on the origin that's fine okay okay so that's it's right there and I'm actually gonna use the joint for this so I could exit let the left of rigid group I guess so neck joint and I'm gonna just select the center here or of this point here right there and I'm gonna select the second area right up here so then the screw is gonna move over there I'm gonna flip the direction and then I'm just gonna I'm not gonna make any holes here because this is a wood screw so I'm just gonna kind of place it where I want it so let's place it fifteen down and minus 75 so where I place this one on here on the Audion then I offset it by using these dials over here and okay so that's so there's a screw and I'm just assuming you're screwing this one right in now I could actually create a copy of this so if I select that screw over there that's the pot number control-c control-v now I have my second screw I'm just gonna drag the handle over let's go - 150 so that is my second screw right and and now I'm just gonna do what I did before so I'm gonna go ahead and select these two screws ctrl select them create mirror and those two components gonna be mirrored over this plane it okay right and now I can select those hold down shift select all these right click repeat mirror select those four over there hit okay and now we have all the screws in there now again because this is wooden screws I'm not gonna drill the holes or anything like that um but what I do have to do though again is I have to get that rigid group back in that is easy enough I could actually just probably select all the components over in the tree here all these as a rigid group like that now they are all selected nothing moves anymore and to wrap this up I am going to do a right-click appearances and I'm pretty sure that that is going to be pine we got some pine glossy there and the easiest thing is probably just to drag that onto all the wooden components back plates there so now we got that appearance now you can see that the appearance is just repeats and that makes it look a little I don't know look I mean there's too easy to see that they repeat so don't forget you can always right click on appearance in edits and this is probably not so important but we could go ahead and we could maybe scale it up and rotate it maybe a little bit there now it actually looks now it doesn't look like it comes out of the exact same exact same piece doesn't rotate it just a little bit more I went even with that so I hope that this was useful friends definitely 40 minutes I don't think that was too bad to lay this thing out do you so again the point of this let me turn the origin of the so down description area is give me the rest this video I like I said in the beginning if you came in late I love Jimmy dresses videos I always learned something new by seeing how you model things and that is actually what I'm hoping to do with these two so again if we expand the sketches here these sketches are driving everything right so if I go in now if my customer comes assess well you know I think these sauces are cool but I really wish that they the gap was a little narrow I could go in and right click and hit edit sketch and if we went instead of 75 if you made 85 and we hit stop the sketch you will see oh that something happened right there in the extrusion but you will see that everything follows see this is what I happens when I changes it what happens if we go back to our 50 degrees really wide ones and those appears for some reason something happens to that sketch whew now the things I actually know with that is probably because I did these this rigid group is interfering with this right now so what it would have to do is undo undo undo let's go 275 like that there and this is what happens when I don't test things this is the the price with live streaming head of the sketch yeah now I'm gonna have to come back and find out but I did so this is the sketch see how this here that sketch is it's not looking it lost its reference it looks like that and that's now it should be on there now it's on there now I got rid of the rigid group just because I gotta test this now let's go back in and the sketch so I make it 50 again so now it comes up now that's interesting that these legs are coming out afterwards I am not sure what that is but these are following now I guess that's my that is my my point here I'm already way over what I normally do so these if you look at this they are in the leg mirror what should see that's heaven for this leg here I don't know why they gets generated in this one there edit I can't help myself I gotta go and look at it so that component okay I think that fusion just maybe lost this place you know they went away I think it got a little bit confused so right now I'm wondering if rigid group messes this up so you might do that's not really to group us off again because I just needed it so you might need to do Richard group like this now they're already group if you need to make any changes to this you might have to go back here I'm suspecting that this is the issue if I go back here and do the fifty oh it does loses something there but I would do this and then I would forward and activate the rigid group again I think that that might be your answer I'm not sure why that one keeps on loosing it if I go in and edit it and hit OK again then it fixes itself that might be something in the code alright enough of this I hope that this was used for a it's Monday so maybe that maybe that's it maybe maybe it's because it's a Monday I hope this was useful friends 128 people in here it's always good when things goes wrong right I have to to mess around with that was livestream number 170 Thank You Jimmy director for all your awesome videos and you know I hope it's okay that I borrowing these definitely go and check out his linked video down in the description area that is that go check it out subscribe to this channel you will learn something always learn something if you like this content thumbs up if you don't be honest thumbs down let me know down in the comments area of anything these are an attempt to make add more value to you so interview feedback is is absolutely helpful I think tomorrow we're gonna jump in and make a pillow of material of this part and we are going to do some drawings of them because I think that could be kind of fun and maybe I figured out what is happening with the solving at that time that's it folks if you're watching the recording thank you so much I'm gonna sign off and if you're inside all the livestream I'm gonna jump in there in the chat and say hi to everybody until tomorrow have an awesome awesome day take care folks [Music]
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 20,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Manufacturing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, Best Practice, Modeling, cam, cad, tutorial, How to, 3d printing, free software, software, Product design, Mechanical engineering, fusion 360 tutorial, fusion, diresta
Id: c51Qz0n--Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 38sec (2858 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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