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you wanna do it hey hey hey guys hey I started to start it's just hard to get on hey guys how the heck are you I wish I could show you how big of a rush we've been in today my anxiety everything is through the roof are you ready to do this yeah all right who have you've never done it with the wind it's scheduled just gonna be like this it's insanely windy like no everything's there's trees blown over down there I think we're really lost walking out this is if for sure no one day we don't ran track we're going offroad we have 6x6 we have successfully made it to our destination good job Brett it was all you we're here we're about to go ziplining guys I've never done this here Alfie's never done ever all that thing looks vicious oh look at it just tear that thing apart Oh where's this little tail he's so cute oh my gosh we're taking him on it looks just like that cat I found you yeah do they have the same balance with no tail he's trying to he's trying to answer the question he's like we go hello so we're here with Elijah is it Elijah or Elijah I prefer you Elijah Elijah I can say Elijah that's what you'd like so we're setting up he's gonna help us today we're doing this no how many died oh that all depends on the weather that's it usually because it's bad what let's go ahead step to the leg looks like that real quick dude you nailed that you're practicing this is our app right you know right thank you you got this how you gonna break thanks back up top she she just told you how she was gonna break and then she did opposite of that okay pull yourself back I think we're gonna have a problem with this one today yeah what are you doing with your legs what are you trying to write hey what are you doing trying to get us kicked out of here just kidding no it was great it was funny I liked it so we're now headed to our first zip location what's the longest zip line here actually on our tour off property what we're gonna be doing not thousand feet has seams now you've never had a thousand-foot but what's so funny so we're headed to do this today that is that the last one you do no no after the 1040 more supplies I'm very excited it's so in the up here just warp down to the 200 I couldn't vlog it we brought it go for oh here comes Alfie this is brick coming next picked up it should be yeah this is I I highly advise you guys to do something like this they're probably something in your area no matter where you live there's some crazy zip line tours this is something really fun to do it's it's great the whole family friends whatever if it comes rip nice how was that one I was fast a really big this is good is so much faster this one even if you're strapped then it's still scary be Blakey break his bloody biscuits okay we are now hiking up up up what is it all the river the river this really cool it's nice as the wind stopped down in this this ravine it's pretty down here though bit like one month ago all these Leafs would have looked amazing like bright now it's all dead this is by far my favorite zip yet for in Phoenix we just came right into this what's it called not a cave a recessed cavern a recessed cavern because I guess a cave is only a cave if there's zero natural light coming into it yeah I don't know where we're going now lunch right is this our lunches you could probably scavenge something everybody thirsty at all we have some water here for you but if you're good to go I might start down there you drink out of the falls yeah so this one is unbelievable you can't even see ve you just go through the trees and this is the fastest one no it's one of the fast one of the fastest possible she gonna make it yeah it's perfect I love your legs they like just flying him so that's a wrap on the zipline show good time a lot of fun Alfie good hey man thanks for all the fun absolutely glad to help good times highly recommended by Bob by Bob it's like he wants to talk to me I honestly just asked him if they were giving this cat away I was gonna take him home I loved him I was was it he just turned up a year ago I know but they went okay nice card every single person in there was like oh no that's my yeah thank me huh oh yeah they're all over the place okay so I forgot to tell you earlier this week that Brittany had called the skydiving area actually Brittany made the call I didn't so good good on you mate we we try to go skydiving and they said they're closed for the season it's too cold it's too they're you know it's windy and everything but we just met a couple here today that said in Cleveland they're still running skydiving it's only about a two-hour drive so we're gonna make that call tomorrow hopefully booked skydiving this is too bad you weren't gonna do any job yesterday today if we can't book it for next week we should do it I'm saying you guys good yeah and then we meet up in Dubai and do over the park I know I want to do this so bad I feel like Britain I have to do it just because we owe it to the viewers and I'm just dying to do it like I really want your Britney's terrified of it we are actually down in Logan Ohio and we're stopping a place called millstone barbeque everyone is up one place that it's like phenomenal so we're gonna try it out thanks for getting that door sweetie you can't spell romantic with that Roman it could be the hardest decision of my entire life and everything brisket pork barbecue wings everything go all of it everything oh yeah we just found out that we have pickles they have gherkins that's what they're called yeah but they're not actually pickles no it is it's it but they look black that's what all pickles Oh gotcha grunts Tim pickle then you call pickles gherkins yeah that's so funny it's good to go here have a jar gherkins a gherkin okay nobody eats them in the game they're not like popular thing over here you can go to Disney how do people have walking around the Fried Chicken we've tried everything fry everything fiber nori Oreos Bible well as you guys can imagine I settled for barbecue baby ribs Britain even got some ribs and chicken ribs in chicken beans macaroni hang on and miss that you guys always catch her mid bye ugh it's not even on purpose it's an accident every time I'll be like hey how's the fish so LVN are waiting in the car while Brittany runs in to get some drinks and she locked us in and I just set off the alarm opening the door you know we set off the alot did you hear it did you turn it off what were you doing why you so paranoid the second she gets other car she stops and looks at both of us just like that there's nothing we can do no the keys so we can have that radio on give me the key she knows she knows we're gonna leave just for a minute it's not like really forever look at her she's so perfect for the record she has every right to always be paranoid yeah sure I have put her through the wringer like she's a tough cookie now your video that went up today which is like pranking her oh no it's always you should see how many pranks that happened to either her and I that aren't even on camera like we're constantly not so at each other it's fun keeps us on our toes never they go okay so we actually just came in now we're just looking at stuff we're doing nothing actually for that - do you have cereal in the UK what's that I don't know what that is like what do you call it we call it boxy but guess who's back back back back again again again he's always so happy to see mommy hey mom I always get a hug from you because they always go straight for each other oh there's some reason lately when we get home can go straight to mom I know it's always we're always we're always okay yeah yeah he's been working with an ax so he can buy something oh he's saving up the money well how's the smile more shop doing oh I don't want to hear that here we go with the insurance how's it going look at all these orders guys thank you holy cow I know Christmas season is coming up so you guys are ordering extra stuff everybody's working to make sure your orders are out this is crazy thank you guys I'm so excited to see you supporting this smile more baby but I told Elfie I said y'all watch this and he's like okay hey sorry about the little snake that was I didn't know you like that let me see you you got a smile more stamp yeah oh I love it dude the army of smiles is growing every single day Alfie was supporting it yesterday dude and today and were you wearing one too yeah all right on and it's dog it's gonna have one so mom grandma's been want a picture with Alfie since he got here she's gonna get one tonight you got the snake I'm just scared her so bad that so I'm gonna go buy this in the picture I'm gonna go like that and then drop my shoulder here how about this is good back yeah well take them on that too just in case yeah yeah say cheese with him what I did it's you two like you were just smiling have you ever had a wedgie there we go smile them all no one's safe in this house it's not just you you guys know you gotta catch it in the net good job dude he caught that I guess okay so Britt and Cain just made some cupcakes a little baby cupcakes have you tried one yet no way do we go is this one daddy's yeah you making me a custom one what are those little fish what are those Britt's crazy sprinkles I don't know how many you have but it's in a box okay so we're warping into the night a little bit Alfie brought these ridiculous what is this muscle stimulant TENS machine it's meant to be for when you're pregnant and the thing you put on like your lower back or if you're doing that sports and you don't have your arm or something like that so you muscle meant to build with you isn't for about to use it for but it like completely you can't control your arm like it pear immediately it's right yeah it's crazy in like tenses all your muscles like crazy so we were gonna actually do a separate video with this but we're just gonna put it inside this blogger in and do a couple things each come on feel first this is hilarious I can't wait to do this you can get past man I'll go first yeah you guys give me an object I have to draw while I'm wearing it's gonna be impossible okay so I'll put these on that somebody else control it I think we should I and what what it goes up to like 50 a thing on oh why don't you press that button yeah and we're like home right here yeah one there and then put the other one on here oh geez so you press this one up yeah okay here we go I'm starting how about three cubes oh oh oh where were you were you that my 20 that's 20 what is this I dude I can't even grip the pin at all oh yo you turn it up high that was really high yeah when it really hit you you can't draw period I mean look remember earlier briefly the BRIT locked us in the car not now let's do it okay you ready yeah here we go that's 18 you got a job what is a triangle that all happens so quickly it's very good okay she's going to roll it up uh yeah you took me to 35 oh okay I want to try to get more of your hand in this all right you ready here we go should I flip it over I just try you know go right there do it real slow you got a drone looks so nice it was 24 I think 24 alfie is up hit year do you want to control Harvey J I'll just plug it up so you kind of have to wait to kick in before we can start drawing here's a quick look back my box you can tell that this is before it really kicks in and then that's ridiculous is it - they got like eight you start off you go my own it's policy - no he's got it I can't believe you're holding the fins oh yeah whoa you're in the third once you get uses pretty good my fingers literally were like it's the second thirty's it's over look you guys are economic Oh 50 oh my gosh we all completed a box that's a tough call so this is our boxes who won the box this is the level we made it to and some of them we think I don't know if this is accurate but this one we have to go to level 30 and take a drink of water basically that's gonna be ridiculous you got the red cups do the big red cups they'll be just as funny and just put like a little water in it wait a minute you know even though he got the glass I don't know if you can see fingers are like gone this still feels weird yeah okay I'm gonna start again okay so there's a little bit of water in each Cup the challenge is go to level 30 and drink the water I don't know I'm gonna have to let you go out there so I'm not at all yeah well I don't know what it's gonna be like what do you mean not very until 30 and then go and pick it I just want to get it over with so I'm gonna do it should we switch arms okay ready so you're going out you have to wait it's on that day oh this is gonna be miserable I know why are we doing this to ourselves Terry you can't hurt you some twenty ten five more it's impossible there we go there we go no I cannot yeah oh wow you know what I feel like I feel like at first you cannot move your fingers but after like those 10 seconds or whatever I was able to open up I think that's why you can go to higher levels you can actually get used to it hey we're gonna watch it on here and just relax okay we're go on five ten that's 20 that's 20 okay okay 30 drink the cup you know you made it to 30 22 or something and drink it 3 4 5 that's 10 he gone it was all right that feels like it's okay yeah Kenny gotta tell y'all oh my gosh my fingers like this finger here okay that's 25 he's like oh you got it okay so we're removing most of the blocks for the Ginga game and we're gonna try to pull out the final piece wearing the muscle things I don't even know if this thing's are called but it's terrible it's so much worse oh don't I get down I think this one you know no okay you got a hold on you to pull on it down Oh God barely yeah I almost knock the whole thing over I got you're at 30 right now oh my gosh dang the second I turned like you're we knocked it over without the pads alright is there he is guys thank you so much for watching today we are warping into bed time little Keener's are you gonna go to sleep alright mommy time to say good night we love you guys thank you so much this is Alfie's last day here I'm gonna take him to the airport in the morning if you haven't checked this channel while his links in the description go subscribed to him he makes cool content so Wow that's all I got for you thanks for coming zipline into it a little bit but is it guys I feel like my arm is still like feels weird from those things I don't know I don't know we love you guys I gotta go get this kid to bed smile more you're beautiful who of your heads could fill those up it's bigger than your entire body you could parachute with that thing I think it's you all right come on somebody's probably tried that on to this Oh
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 5,091,580
Rating: 4.9326077 out of 5
Keywords: prank, family-friendly, craziest, prankster, crazy, new, pranks, RomanAtwood, more, Natural, columbus, kid friendly, vlogging, family friendly, atwood, Prankster, THE, family fun, roman atwood vlogs, ohio, smile, GREATEST, everyday, movie, vlogs, Born, kid-friendly, Romans, day, vlog, roman, vlogger, daily, making, LA, pranking, family vlogs, BEST
Id: 3Tz4rPVBcjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2015
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