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Am I the only one who thought it was extremely awkward for him to give matt a giant logo of his business?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ipad207 📅︎︎ Oct 07 2016 🗫︎ replies
all right Matt where we going we need to go get gunpowder black powder actually and then we're gonna go get you another gun hums excited first ar-15 that's true welcome to the vlog guys we are here with Matt and Meredith from demolition ranch and off the ranch actually if you have not checked out their channels please go check them out I'll put them in the description matt is are you blogging today logging okay so you'll get to see today from two different perspectives I think that's really cool what he taught me frying he did make you cry which is why they want to go check out his channel check your channel guys lots of fun iNDOT brittany has [ __ ] bites on her ankle right or we have a freaking swooping in there but if scorpions here in yeah because all the chiggers climbed out so it's a normal day format we're headed to get gunpowder and guns like good morning imagine having this at the house I forget the pool idea like imagine this when this be more fun and way impossible but the felting is it dogs would just always be in it they're gonna be in a pool - all right we're not getting either one it just looks fun like I want to play in it those Ducks do look real they're not real it goes down but come stand by it I'm not gonna steer you I promise just to think that used to be a real monkey it's pretty terrifying do they actually have teeth like that right that's legit honey well I'll give that one a hug that's Brit dragging me into the bedroom every night got me by the neck baby black powder primers oh man does it making for a great day excuse me sir does this look good on me this hat it's good thank you so much Co tellin you man up I think you look great I wish I had a hat like I think I'm onto something here be honest with me we hate you like to have yeah I like that I honestly was looking for it cuz they only had cool hats I wanted to look more dorky but I figured this out well you hold that for a second if I pop the top up like that then I don't look as cool it's like a little trick I learned see oh you can't do that Texas you are so hot out I cannot get over the heat here and it's like cooling off in Ohio so coming back here is like back to summer man you could get your Spurs there Spurs I need some Spurs pulling up to bear arms because Matt has gotten Brittany and I a crazy crazy gift I'm so excited to see it yeah Oh looks good on you you should wear that you sure that all the time for that tonight oh no man you don't need it man you don't need it this is like the real grand theft auto gun store right here man this is like when you come in yeah what's up man yeah he's not from around it all I took my hat off you can tell is this our gifts all right we got wait wait for you okay oh my gosh good official Brittany Hirschberg yeah yeah stood ready blows eyes this is pretty Smurfs you're 15 ready whoa sexy that is insane that thing my goodness it's like silver and black these are made by f1 firearms they make like the best air fifteens on the planet Brits you can see what Matt got Britney her first ar-15 that's pretty amazing that way to go Matt and Roman this is like the craziest gift dude Romina yours is pink too so you'd have to see it whoo Nick oh my gosh it's the McFlurry whoo yeah all that oh my god dude this is so sick holy it is holy oh this is like I've never seen that before yeah like the magazines yeah caki gah gah gah gah a huge thank you Matt I mean on the camera body but this is insane this is insane these are beautiful guns like super college it this is mean yeah there is I really really love lack and white they call it urban camo I think yeah it's good and these are they're anodized so they're not painted so - like it's like a super nice finish yeah yeah who just gets somebody to air fifteens like it's because I love you dude this is the hottest paint gun I've ever seen man what do you think this is you man this is you maybe he's gonna try to keep this gun it's awesome is that ridiculous as one the coolest go Sam and it's it it goes all the way to one is six times right yeah dude that's amazing man all gotta zoom it all the way dude Matt these are so sick dude thank you Anne all right man thanks for mounting these up for us that's a huge hell these are beautiful we're gonna get these out today Matt yes I'm so excited I'm so pumped for this not only was this like the most amazing gift which by the way we have a really big gift coming for you guys today hopefully it delivers so not only did we get these which is amazing but I got a grenade launcher and we are really close to being able to pick up the shells for them and make they're called like bird poppers it's not like an explosive grenade like you're probably thinking it's it's perlite still be pretty cool for like cities who have like the birds that poop all over businesses they'll fire these things and they just make a loud concussion and scare all the birds away that is not true that's for real what do you think bird poppers were all right just that was cool inhale I'm gonna pop some birds so we just got back to mat set our gift happen to be shipped in and it is here in this wooden crate listen before we got here Matt texted me and said hey whenever our guests come they usually leave something behind like a little gift or you know something that represents you so Bree and I had this shipped in it is one-of-a-kind gifts that I was talking about was like and a hat Alex made they left the Hat okay well it's and Dutch a guy left a ceramic chicken like little things this is a huge wooden box it is and like I said this is the only one in existence all right so this is really special so I hope you like it one of this yeah dude how crazy is that it's the only one in existence and it plugs in you asked for a gift that we can leave behind we just figured that this is this is the gift your AmeriCorps this thing in oh that is sick smile all right well I think it represents us pretty well you asked for a gift nail it is did well since it's Christmas morning Matt just keeps giving us gifts look at this I'm easily gonna do a whole vlog on this guy's he got us not only that he's got his name on it look how sick that is yet hooks on to an ar-15 and turns it into look at this okay man you guys tight they start that way there we go so you just take the chart and the bolt and bolt carrier this is ridiculous and now so you don't you put yeah so you put um blanks right regular blank ammo you put a soda can down the barrel boom and it launches a full soda can like a hundred yards oh my god this balls yeah top can p janus blows for Zeus it'll do tennis balls like really far this is like way too much dude this is way too much meeting really so so you guys you know I can't wait to come back I already can't wait Rory's fresh can we come back at Christmas and actually have a tree full of yes look at all this stuff man so I hope you like the sign I know it's a little much but it is literally when you said we want you to leave something that like represents you this was the biggest thing I could come up with what I was meeting without leaving Brittany here this was the next best thing guys this is ah this is solid metal this is aluminum and it's really nice it's really crazy hanging you're gonna keep it can you sign it yeah first can you sign it sure yeah I bet I could make so much money on eBay if they use black powder with hot glue gun dude it's so actual gern aids are prohibited we can't go and buy an actual grenade that shoots out of Matt actual grenade launcher look at this thing good laboum however they do so what's called a bird banger kids these are bird banger wildlife control kits and still super cool but you have to really make them it is super slim shadey up in here yeah it looks like a ladder it's like a science project you have all these parts on really able to make like we didn't know we need to have a ton below so we're sitting here Matt is doing most of the work you guys know this is way past my educational skills chicken we're watching YouTube videos just to figure out how to do it good then I put the other disc on you cap it I mean he filled it all the way up okay whatever you say maybe we sit down by the bay make things out of clay what do you say yeah alright guys so we have skip past quite a bit of time these talked Oh while I'm making this is what we're looking at right here that's it they look so I don't know what to say so what is this technically since these aren't grenades we technically have a signaling device right yeah that's what it's called not a grenade launcher this launcher will launch legit like military grenades but you can't get those out licenses so we have these you launch flares and smoke and bird bangers out of them which just make a big pop to scare birds away yeah it's gonna be fun just to see how these work and uh you know test the test though and there were on track there our first two we've ever made so if they don't work that's our little cabbie just say that I made them if they don't work what's his fist - um we'll see I don't know just for like taking down buildings and such this is gonna fire a charge will fire out of this launching this thing out and then we'll be a secondary charge that pops apparent we actually don't know what's gonna happen no clue here we go whoa that's it that's it huh fire dude it we had some mad distance I wasn't bad at all I expected I expected why I really did set it that's it you don't have to pop save D just pull it whoo dang it I must have packed that once a fireball all right so it's definitely trial and error with the grenade launcher uh I think mine didn't pop and mine didn't go as far as yours what I want went up straight up it's all people were at least they weren't total duds well they strike could have been done via the the shots impressive but I was expecting more boom first grenades we've ever made yeah Matt's gonna make a sweet video for you guys eventually with that thing for now we've got some other things to play with so let's go driving in the next location this is awesome man so much land so much opportunity Nick cool all right dude I'm ridiculously excited about this III think my dog is gonna be excited about this guys this mounts to the air I already showed you this but you can put tennis balls in it this is like the king tennis ball launcher eight times already on there oh yeah you're so sorry Owen it's true it is and this is what it looks like once you have it on oh my gosh dude so for today we've got a 12 pack of soda pop you ready for this Bailey's got him cold we got mr. t shirt from yesterday here awesome to bounce sodas on yeah let's hit him okay kind of a crazy thing about these canned cannons is you shoot blanks these are blank bullets let me show you these that's it doesn't actually shoot around it just blows a lot air through there so we're gonna load up I'm gonna just do a test shot I'm gonna shoot one super hands nice we're hot we are hot we got a soda can you guys ready bring it I'm ready I have no idea what to expect oh my god think so take it off safety you're ready to rock oh you know that sounded terrible oh my gosh I think my shoulders broken we're gonna let the pros do it cuz Brittany and I can't pop a can bears never shot and she's never done it either okay put it like right here all right oh you want me anything up at the tree yeah I'm gonna try to hit it drew brought his he's got one of the new GoPros we're gonna try to get some slow-motion here that's awesome ha ha ha you're not straight you're not straight go that's straight oh it's a little over though going in them trees Wow oh gosh already yep that was awesome that I've never shot into water like that that close that was I'm soaked look at the gun is completely wet put Li drenched my camera's wet I had to cover my face from your muzzle break look at my glasses soaking wet well you're right dude you're right about uh f1 being a beast love it my favorite AR for sure woo alright guys that he's gonna wrap it up for the gun stuff I know everybody's like enough guns I know a lot of you love the gun stuff so thanks for watching all this up with Matt good man he's the gun guy what you're more now you're expanding I'm everything he's everything your makeup your makeup channels like you can't believe beauty blogger yeah beauty bar is these that I'm so we're gonna move on we are we have reservations tonight at a restaurant like that I don't even remember the last time I had a reservation at a restaurant like that's that's a lot of a lot for us Cowboys you know ever since I'm I'm moving out here they have a place entire horse what what do you think honestly about like us a winter house in Texas like I leave Ohio for the winter I can still film out here and house outside segregated I can learn how to like a rodeo I could do the rodeo thing you need to come back in a weekend and we will get you in a rodeo I'll do a rodeo with you senator that is a promised goal I will give you that I will come out here just to do a rodeo San Antonio rodeo is something special well it took us a little bit but we are here and we're eating at what's this couple is called Betty this place is called Betty Oh Betty hey Peggy Peggy yeah let's go let him go he looks he looks serious this place is this place is supposed to be super legit like really good steaks and food so I'm excited you know that I snuck a piece of p2 pieces of pizza though about an hour ago it's my appetite a little weak but yeah truly missed the greatest part footage so far one of our major waiters have lemaitre's made one of our waiters dropped a water no big deal so a water went down and then someone was just bringing her salad out a different way to drops the salad he had drop it all the way but the other guy caught this out then they took that this is unlooted like he came out and the tray was like this and slightly how do you think you saw Roman I got nervous no you don't did no I looked in his eyes like mad I can't even I can't even make this up he just kidding we ordered we finally got to deserve we got Kramer he's been a really cool waiter of ours and duck this guy just said that my dessert fell on the floors next down Iran yeah I can't even make that up have I made it down um you said you spill something something something every night yeah and this probably happens to everybody right yeah no yes I saw something on a person yet I don't want to put any bad light on the restaurants probably just a bad night like everyone's tired I don't know what it is but it's been great I wish that I just captured it all for you guys cuz it's been insane and now my apple pie look once again you guys are all enjoying your desserts I actually got dropped on the floor buddy came out he's like uh yours fell on the floor stop making another 20 minutes we waited for this right he said weekend it was like 25 25 minutes so um it's just not really been my night as far as Britney's done she's done like I feel like I'm gonna dream like I would wake up you like y'all have this drink all my food fell on the floor dude you've been amazing and we've learned a lot about you you come from the oil fields you you told me you have no idea what you're doing here you've just been hilarious what's like your dream job dude like honestly my dream job was to be I was a criminal justice major in college I wanted to be an FBI that's what you want to be but you but but you're currently on probation yeah and you've been on for five years four years eight months of four and you have an Instagram but you don't make your password yeah what is it it would be I'll believe it I believe it did you just kill us Simon thank you for like serious entertainment man you've been awesome if there's anybody out there that can find Cramer his dream job in tech please go what's your name dude what's your full name Cramer Lee her Cramer Lee her nickim and they can find you on facebook chat it all of that change your password tonight he told my car you totaled your car the way here and you were the one that dropped the salad yeah it's all coming together guys give me a five you know what this has been one of the greatest nights Trey it was like this I just wasn't balancing I saw you comin buddy way it was just like I was trying to get it to where you did like yes anything 100 bucks to your dream just to you you have to keep it right you can keep it home okay you say that oh can I take a picture with us I know it's been is it I don't know what just happened tonight but I had a wonderful time I was one of the greatest dinners ever it sucks that you can't capture certain things on our day like death that was a dinner that I would love to watch ten years from now remember I never will forget it but uh man I'll tell you that was that was something man I hope you guys got something out of it it was Brittany had a hundred bucks on her and we just gave it to him like he was so fun tonight good luck Kramer any other comedian I said I said what's your Facebook boss what he just bleep sit out it just says it that's unreal alright guys we are back and thank you for watching today I think that's gonna do it I'm gonna go to edit Britney and I are flying out in the morning back home to Ohio to the house and the kids and and then Saturday which will be the next day me and my dad do the drag race which is going to be amazing and after we do our drag race we have to actual dragsters that we get to race which is going to be unbelievably to race a dragster like I'm not talking about like I'm not talking about like a cheesy dragster I'm talking about full-blown giant back wheel tiny it ah I don't wanna spoil the fun but it's gonna be amazing please check out Matt's channels I'm gonna put them in the link in the description give him some love um I can't get over this I'm so good when it's plugged in this is the first one ever made and I think I should get more of them but they're they're really expensive I don't know how to get around the cost but it's all aluminum and it lights up and it's just so sick but I'm thinking maybe we get more and do a giveaway with one of these like how cool would this look in one of your guys's bedrooms like this is so legit let me know if you think I should get one of those away obviously I would assume that you would want me to do that but uh it is a big it's big it's a big things five foot long I think so we will see you guys tomorrow back in Ohio we love you thank you for everything you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile more you need to have your legs spread yes you don't it's going to push you back so the 50 BMG challenge is to have your heels touching and shoot we only have one round in there keep it safe fish and try not fall over the 50 BMG challenge what Challenge challenge hey keep it low point at the ground yeah ready ready
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 6,938,925
Rating: 4.9303241 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, Natural Born Pranksters, pranks, best pranks, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, ohio, youtube pranks, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, roman soldiers, daily vlogs 2016, pop launcher, can shooter, ar15, pink, gun, guns, Grenade launcher, demolition ranch, Texas, collab, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, daily, everyday, SmileMore, Smile More, Roman Atwoods, Girlfriend, smith, fun, crazy
Id: X4tuSpAphTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2016
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