Crazy Things In The Mail!!

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what's up guys this is by far the earliest I've been up in a long time oh because of this guy actually really really pretty outside it's only 60 degrees outside what's josh's I guess it's pretty cool ready for school today we're gonna open all the mail tonight yeah yeah no is the pump you guys sent so much mail so we're finally going to while we're home in Ohio we're gonna try to open all that mail it should be fun yeah it's gonna take us all night get that bag on boy I did I love you so much I'll see you in a bit you recharge recharge I just slept for like three and a half I did I'm not gonna lie took note of school went back passed out I just maybe drank too much last night or just didn't sleep enough I don't know I'm going to get know announced we're gonna start this day pretty much how was school din he's good wasn't fun come on schools always a blast huh you're working on doing your homework on the way home that is smart that is really smart hitting the store to grab some essentials for the house we were out of a lot of things we don't need to get much do you miss your brother are you so off guys all right I got our essentials really almost nothing we actually need it except know we needed milk and chicken and broccoli for dinner I'm down for that but these two are what really interests me she's home made who is it it's Kane the girls have been hard at work wow that looks good good throw these came in today I don't know if you guys remember at VidCon we did the 3d scans we just got them in the mail they're actually really cool this is me vlogging I wish it would focus but this are the figures of me and Brittany this is her actually pretty cool what's up guys good morning I hope you're having a great day Britney and Jeff's made homemade all just maybes no credit to you anyway they don't really look like pretzels but they taste exactly like pretzels and I made I love it Jess I'm sure people are gonna want this recipe so I don't know where you get it alright guys as promised today we're gonna hit the fan mail and I've got special guest my mom and dad and my brother and his wife are all gonna help us unravel these mystery boxes should be fun let's just drag them out we're just carrying stuff out preparing for battle we should have wore suits for this we should all dressed we should all dressed in suits the best fans in the world man Aloha Roman thanks for sharing your life and pranks with us respect greetings from the Netherlands meal get some sleep it says happiness is a sunny day yep alright guys so I'm putting this mail vlog in this vlog if you don't want to watch the mail boy just skip past it but I know a lot of you guys want to see what we got I know we do so here we go let's get it started what do you think is in there you want open window yeah just like you guys just made this Christmas morning for all these kids bacon popcorn who's it from Mathias Mathias thanks for cutting our thanks for the bacon popcorn dude all right so star fingerboarding sent us a bunch of I guess they're custom tech decks which is awesome they look they look really cool so I'm sure we're gonna have fun with this thanks guys Hunter these are Swedish Fish Louisiana Transformers and Wolverine did ty hook Kane up with them with a bear hammock for stuffed animals it looks like Zeus up with some chew toys awesome thanks ty it's comin out of Canada and he sent you he's from Serbia and he sent you chocolate-covered coconut candies one for each of you loves your channel quite the inspiration to them really cool that's awesome what's in it what is Justin from Australia send rubberband middle bracelet boys toys and more towards jump in this this is this is the work of art there's something else in there oh it's cool though YouTube just need to Kane oh my it's a for Zack Weston and Greenlee Colorado might want to open it it's probably jumping beans inside thanks Zack Zack hooked it up she loved your fish tank her dad has one just like it well she made an awesome envelope Wow I would like came to save you you sign for each amid signs for everybody's room in the Atwood house that's cool that's creative yeah I love it okay this guy this guy Patrick got tired of waiting on us to release smile more phone cases that he actually made of himself and they actually look really cool Patrick Patrick from Australia we got a lot of Australia fans that's Australia yep he made his own smile more cases he's got tired of waiting on us so I'm gonna try it out right now oh it was this wrong okay Charlie he's the owner of this clothing company and vessel yeah yeah positive message first clothing his dreams ever sink he like he loves like your awesome well shirts look great I would actually wear every single one of those thanks dude what's his name Russell Charlie Charlie thanks charlie thanks for hooking it up these are all these are really nice did you just open balloons who's it from dude and some people just didn't put names on it I'm sorry I just don't see names on all these no there's nothing who's this from it's all a bunch of goodies in there more sweetest fish it's a report must be you Senate why you guys have no idea what it is coconut organics after learning that Roman you're a coconut ban just want to see some organic coconut goodies I'm a huge fan of your prints watch every vlog being a new parent with a one year we're one year old it's fun to see me see you and your family having fun together so it's his company it's his company coconut organics oh my oh yeah these are parents oh my gosh is coconut bacon there's no like it it is coconut bacon exact mix pull the coconut stuffing Congrats on your new baby that's that's fun these are the balloons you guys sent I want your pranks vlogs every time a new one comes out make them smile every day hope you can enjoy the sign I handcrafted for you play soccer like Noah trying to stick to it he will learn some awesome life lessons while playing that's cool thanks Sarah you can put that in your room dude that's cool so what's the odds that one person sent a random pump and somebody randomly sent balloons that's pretty easy oh no way is this from it's a whole small more cut out of wood it's Wyatt and I am 13 I'm a huge man I have been watching their videos for about a year and two months oh you see if he really made this by himself I'm truly impressed because it matches right here man oh yeah that good sorry deal that might just be its spot right there what was his name Wyatt do good job man if you really made that 13 press what is this who's this from thanks fill up for the fart bombs dude so Justin Burch Burke Justin Burke sent us two giant bags of ping pong balls I have no idea why but they look fun I think we should dump him off the balcony yeah but if you take a selfie it'll say love ya all right so this is evil threads and they sent us some t-shirts so I like that tank tops pretty huh evil thread if you want some of their shirts they actually sink a soldier discount code of smile more there you go what is it it is bracelet hailey show yeah I think my dad will appreciate this one look at this bracelet no way that's pretty cool did they do that on a plastic printer I don't know I don't know is there anything that came with that Noah it was made with a 3d printer that's awesome it made with code team made with code no but there's no name or anything on it unfortunately I'd like to know who sent it now there'll be a hundred comments saying I'm the one that sent you the blue bracelet yeah all right so this one's from Alex mark call Oh so I hope my favorite my color so it's a big box broken glass stickers when she do this to your mom she would literally fall for it in her new car let's say one of the kids through I'm gonna use this on Brittany's mom oh that's funny you should take that to school did packets came the soccer ball and Zeus the tennis ball all right the mole house this one's coming in from Angelo that's creative you've already started the war you're no I you're awesome you're a great job on your soccer season you did a great job this one this guy Justin made a smile more sign but on the back he actually has a rare picture of me that a lot of you guys haven't seen so that's a good photo actually I mean who's it from how does that feel any wrong look Locker Luke Lucky Luke he also drew a portrait of our family this one's from Simon what in a wild Christmas wrapping it's double wrapped this is what we need no it's from definitely out of the country so Simon sent tons of candies from his country which I don't know where this is from I'm guessing Singapore no you know that's for a long okay so we're guessing Norway because the the candy bags actually have Norway printed on them so thanks Simon well no is digging it Norway chocolate oh we have infinite tech decks now those are I've never even seen those in a birthday card I mean when was my birthday okay who's this from yeah okay like they gotta be they look like cigars yeah premium cigars some Oh someone trying to dictate this tobacco yeah I slew that I mean I don't know anything about cigars at all but they look really nice let's look at Eddie Ortega wait that's the name on the box oh my god Ortega pretty good cigars all right here's what I'm gonna do with these well they're all different sizes there's no I'm gonna do these I'm gonna take them out for my movie and I'm gonna put them on our sets and I'm gonna let when we have celebrities in for the movie I'm gonna offer them a cigar it's pretty awesome awesome thanks Shelby hello absolutely love your painting it's beautiful we're gonna have small more stuff to the wall this is another one from Norway stamps are cool they like their chocolate lots more candy to try from around the world teen years old from Norway awesome fan I can't wait to read all these letters can take forever to read all these letters all dibble another one from Virginia I turn into Tom I love your blogs and I'm 11 years old we should do the whole upstairs just in fancy me one of these eyes maybe a baby yeah that kid made me famous one day pertaining he'll be like I got one reason no one I just found it a fashion label called keenest rock king this he sent stickers in his shirts oh that's cute brochures thanks 103 he's 19 and he's an entrepreneurs that's actually really nice sure thanks dude good luck with your ventures I'll put I'll put one of your stickers on my laptop you guys always see alright this is Jake Jake Bauer I'm a sanic skateboard DVD okay more tekneqs horrible day it's a marble bench for the tech guys let's go sing this package from Las Vegas you guys in close to a load well let's just do there dump it right here I love drinks Oh Jane come here fourth is cane face USB charger gumballs jawbreakers goldfish okay now it's your forties calm you're gonna wanna say Booya oh yeah sit again oh yeah one more time oh yeah oh it's a blank yeah I just got a tweet that said I hope you liked this memoir blanket you just got a tweet the latest postal mail we should hang that downstairs in the smart store hey Ken come here says I smile more because I'm a Roman soldier oh this camera on a lighter but I guess you just got let me speak one jewel Sampson 16 years old that's awesome I get so you can put anywhere yes you are the smile in the middle bringing brightness to the world that's you way comes from Curtis strong to Ohio small suburbs so defeat some to smile more graffiti graffiti this is from Derek in New York Oh Austin Matthew it's called courageous and it's from the creators and fireproof about drawing from Joseph black a bunch from the UK oh this is it's SPS glad you love the bubble wrap Ready Set who is that that's awesome this is gonna have a whole bucket look somebody's in Japan alright these are from Claudia Claudia please show in your next video though I guess they're stickers but they're cool all their badges that light up check them out oh they're bright is Fric this no weight on your neck Iceland says open very carefully I know okay here's chocolate from Iceland now they don't work chocolate plant Eisley I'm gonna start packing candy a Jesuit races yes that's from her Iceland and it's like this jello shots like a jello shot but I think it's as candy for kids it's a trainer you trippin days not like eating a jellyfish it's like salty well but not sweet Missy like yellow but with no flavor yeah another one from Las Vegas Andrew comes out I'll check it out his name's Andrew he's a music producer in Las Vegas maybe there's some music I can use for my videos in here he's crazy I'm a soldier on a sword what do we do smile more these are light lunch Porto Rican chocolates how many different parts wow that's cool here we go we got chocolate from around the world literally full-blown hell's out where do you fly to tomorrow Spokane Washington oh he's going to Washington tomorrow oh he's out here he's got to go thanks for coming over thanks for helping kids are wired on chocolate Dave and his daughter Megan sends us another dog toy I'm just gonna have to make a basket for all the fans dog toys the rod sends us five cent $0.10 20 cent 50 cent $1 and $2 Australian coins thanks rod thanks rod I'm headed Australia babe me and he drew a portrait of Britney and I which I look stunning by the way alright so for Derek Russell your package was just found in that room and he wants to know if Molly Smith will go to prom with him this year Somali you got some answer to do girl I hope I hope you get it like it's nice this isn't a cheesy ask out this is this was the last all right I think this is a good place to stop for now we we got the big stuff and some of the little stuff what's left is a lot a lot a lot a lot of letters that we will get to but it's not gonna happen tonight I got to get the kids to bed my parents are gonna leave and they fly out tomorrow morning so I come home my whole family leaves that's that's how we roll our lifes are so busy you got Gilroy here I think we're gonna play some battlefield hopefully battlefield it's not boring it brah hey you like cigars thank you guys from the bottom of my heart you you made everyone's night the kids were wired on toys and chocolate and and you name it so we definitely appreciate yeah it was it was a lot of fun it's time for bed you want a hug did you get a lot of cool stuff tonight hey can you say oh yeah can you say yep there is literally stuff everywhere in the entire house now of what just happened guys if I missed your name or I missed your package I'm really sorry it was really hectic it was there were so many people here and I feel like it wasn't the way I wanted to do this but it was fun for the family and everyone he had a blast so that being said everyone had fun so I'm sorry if I did miss your name all right now it's some some Roman in Gilroy time what kind of drinking won't bra do you need to ask I have I really know how much I have Corona I have whipped I have Daniels I have some stuff that Brittany's mom brought over I don't know if this stuff is this cheers Cheers - um not given any - whatever what our viewers gonna complain about now I don't know what are you guys gonna talk about now here's what I say cheers sand no F's given what other people think I think we should we need to start we need to start fake stuff so there are comments I can imagine I think last week I don't think my videos would add any comments if it wasn't for me I want to thank the guy that really sent me a real Australian like when I opened that I honestly thought it was real is like holy crap they're so colorful I'm big but turns out you just right now it's I think going through the grocery store they'll be like money does she yeah where's that from alright we pretty much did nothing but play battlefield I don't think any of us got a kill all night it's like it was like zero and a hundred oh my god I went to 12,000 you can't take all my cigars bro you can't take all my cigars I had a swear on my life dude you should take them and the Lord just saw the comments are like fjc took your cigars we got your friend I'm not making I'm not making father trolls I'm just feeding them yeah because they hungry the master pimp right I could graduate to the master prank black D this is where you start I don't know I don't know alright guys I'm actually gonna end my vlog right now I'll see you tomorrow thanks for hanging out and the mail was amazing thank you everybody this anything if you want to send some of course the pure boxes in the description but I can't guarantee when I'm gonna get it I do have to go to LA on Sunday for a long time but I love you guys thank you I'll see you tomorrow we're gonna do something fun right yeah yeah let's Bluff even though we hate each other I guess I'll hang out with you alright guys love you keep a smile on your face smile more red solar flare
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,764,217
Rating: 4.928411 out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, kid friendly, prank, columbus, family-friendly, pranking, Roman Atwood, brittney, Fan Mail, vlogging, vlogs, dad, prankster, Romans vlogs, mom, fun, Smile More, ohio, family, kane, vlog, the best, Vlogger, roman atwood vlogs, sunny, RomanAtwood, Kids, kid-friendly, noah, family vlogs, roman, atwood, family fun
Id: G40UFdS5U_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 09 2014
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