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are you ready for today so it's gonna be our last day here in Canada with Pete and his girl and we're gonna do something fun today something extreme something that raises the blood levels who's ready what's in it before we do this crazy stuff we're gonna go eat because you know we have to eat this guy has to eat I feel really hungry it's been like four minutes since you ate we're eating at the Three Stooges I love it okay so my brother my dad and I always watch The Three Stooges why is this place called The Three Stooges is there any reason or good can I ask you a question why is this place called The Three Stooges nobody knows nobody knows that was the sign that was for sale on eBay and something is like let's just put the Three Stooges maybe just like you you know it's a favorite show yeah is this you trying to kill me I got the a monster pile look at that this what am I gonna do with this dad I think how much eat that you can possibly like a quarter than this over this over moving on there's nothing worse than this is a real pet peeve for me forgetting the worldi that's for your mom what are you doing there's nothing worse than forgetting deodorant my guys don't hate you agree I hate for getting deodorant it's like a it freaks me out I cannot stand if I smell bad and I will smell that no words yeah like I have to have my furious picks [ __ ] that's your new name do that furious pit yeah I didn't think it was that allows food Pipo me oh yeah I believe it's terrifying how come all these are not be funny if the whole thing was like oh that's wait that is so all I want to go there so bad there's like nobody there though it is y'all ready for this alright guys so this is one of the tallest towers in the entire world apparently you can walk off the edge of the building just step right off and we're gonna do that and you've never done it nope the girls are in a hurry to get there you guys are like are you ready last chance to turn around guys you're in once you walk in it's game over we're going so how many people died a year on this hero zero people hold me basically it's pretty terrifying if you've ever even if you're not scared of heights I think it's scary she's so scary Britney's pretending she has service in Canada [Music] this is so sad I'm get you to go to those video cameras and stuff that you're speechless how does it feel guys it is beautiful and you are 356 meters in the air a hundred and sixteen building stories up and one thousand one hundred and sixty eight feet high have a little peek over and see how high you really are guys yeah try to get the other foot over [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna chop oh my god [Music] yeah just stay there and just an awesome puts it and I straighten your legs and lean back the window washer baby's gone straightening them all the way back some lock those legs in place and high ten [Applause] forcing myself got the nervous knees a long breath you got a girl he has a book IV I'll tell you when you're there perfect one more little step with the right foot straighten those legs she was better once they're straight don't lift up those chest awesome look down guys and see how high you really are yeah ready drat the pose for me my excited face alright another pose and one more pose when we are now give us book of world record holders because this is a high stick sort of walk in the building alright that's it we did it we completed it look it's me you know the quality is so good like that you can't tell right there but I'm pooping I thought it's unbelievable like unbelievably adrenaline rush feel like awesome you guys know we collect magnets wherever we travel so this one's perfect it's a little CN Tower okay so we're going up to what's this twist on the book out level the lookout level which is way higher than the spot we just were level where you where you ate the elevator to go up way up I know that's what we're going yeah so we're going to the time 147 building stories there we go you can see through the elevator crazy why the stairs aren't all she has come on you can I guess that's an option you can climb this tower after stairs that's where we were just walking on the edge of the the buildings way higher everybody have a good time that's pretty freakin awesome I will say after you after you've been walking out on the edge the rest of the towers pretty cool thing like it spoils you it does so we've just gotten up to this there were three why are we so tired you said this would happen we get so much adrenaline from walking on the edge of the world and we'd come down and be boring so we're sitting on this awesome rooftop I know it doesn't seem like what we are and we got a pretty cool spot this is great man okay so we stopped for a snack we stopped yeah this is this is pretty unbelievable this is it's what it's like hanging out with Pete it's just abundance of food you have a long trip home I've been dying to come here Pete's bringing me no this is too much for me I'm retired no way yeah running from that summer so I sold this place yesterday you guys know I love bikes dude this is so sweet Oh Oh all looks so fun this is the part of childhood that I miss this is all I did this is so awesome and oh my gosh this is exactly where I live this is what's lacking like there's nothing for kids to do where we live like this is perfect even though there's no kids here there's tickets for people [Applause] he's flying I do can jump me for sure I'm gonna have him jump me what's your name did what is it okay you've got so much height then you can easily easily jump oh my gosh sick did keep it up just get back to Pete and we're setting up for a challenge very interesting challenge video you've done this before video yeah but we're not gonna say what you guys are gonna go to the store Brit just ran off she's got a poop okay you take this you take this and then strong what you're gonna do okay everyone they send that's to get baby food but twist lock twist now get any more than just baby food we're getting secret ingredients peas and carrots peas and carrot it's a good one sweet potato and Turkey I would eat that to be honest up once a gold green beans green beans is a hard when I've played it at so many baby games it's strawberry we could add stuff to strawberry oh yeah I feel so evil [Music] Peter pranked me once already like really bad laxative cookies Oh so we have our baby foods we just have to find our feller I think garlic yes mayonnaise Pete like Pete say he is right he might actually throw up okay so mayonnaise and then what else Sardi's Hardee's I don't know if it's too mean but what if we said okay here's the next baby food and it's actually cat food I don't think either of them will actually put it in our mouths right this looks like food that you would normally eat it's cute nicely chicken it's some steamed wild Alaskan salmon I mean I might just good right so good we're gonna get there dude I mean so pizza from and made me eat captain I don't know if this is I don't know for not if we're doing this yet are we really doing it what if we just put a little cat milk in there okay so we just get back into the car and we got a few tricks up our sleeves I hope how are we gonna pull this off with like so much so you do really careful cuz they're gonna know something yeah like well we can open the jars up beforehand they're probably gonna be downstairs in the basement for a little bit that's true who's ready to try some baby food we're all ready so you can't look we sort of got same huh yeah so you guys whoa you guys have to Eva Line folded and then we're gonna show the camera what kind of baby food you know what's crazy is I have two kids you guys know that I don't think I've ever tasted baby food they've had to have like the banana okay so what are you guys about to do I'm gonna do the baby food challenge apparently Pete has this idea where you eat baby food we can't see what it is man yes when it is yeah so I lost I played I've only played this once before and it was fun sort of I'm Universitat a gross at the same time but we actually bought the baby food like we were filming it so we actually saw yeah yeah when you think of when you think of something that smells exactly like it tastes I finished it I swallowed it we were gonna get like really expensive no it can't be no worse than what we spent a food that actually looks like me and like no it's amazing I knew what dude you never ever go blindfolded ever never ever is that a good thing to do we're going through some of our photos that we did today on the walk and we did the Ohio even though we're in Canada we still represented over let's see oh yeah this is the this is the this is boring that is a killer photo we're all asleep you know what's funny go back to that look these two made me like the exact poses like spur of the moment and Britney and I look look that's amazing that's when you hang around with someone too long you do the same thing [Music] you see it was a headshot I did that is the appropriate way to end today's everybody yeah that's what I've been waiting for we set that up like two hours ago that's cuz any waited our great day very good day they pranked us we prank that was perfect it was such a good day guys go smash Pete's Channel what channel do you want him to watch vlogs are awesome you know if you like check out the main channel later on you can we want to send motivation over to Pete's vlogs because he's got an amazing story and he can inspire you every single day I promise you that go check out his vlogs I'll put them in the description and just show him your power man assume the power let's impress him the power the power outta ya we're gonna get up a prime out you get up early we're gonna try to get up go to Niagara Falls and then we're headed back to Ohio that's it we love you guys thanks for everything thanks for all the thumbs up see you mom mama so it'll be Britney a nice first time to Toronto yeah I'm excited I love these big big crazy cities and apparently this has the number two tallest building right in the world might be no number three number three
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 17,321,787
Rating: 4.8408203 out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, Prankster, daily, making, pranks, roman atwood vlogs, GREATEST, vlog, more, everyday, columbus, Born, prankster, prank, day, vlogger, vlogging, craziest, Romans, family vlogs, vlogs, family fun, atwood, crazy, kid-friendly, LA, new, ohio, kid friendly, pranking, movie, Natural, BEST, RomanAtwood, smile, roman, family-friendly, THE
Id: K2JbZX33qMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2015
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