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hey hey what's going on guys up I don't know what would bail does did you build this bad in that me everything seems pretty normal here at the outwards yeah oh really let's go soos good morning guys welcome back to the channel it should be a really interesting day here let me just show you what's going on yoga what's going on what is this we're wanting to jump from the window and we're using old school stuff cardboard boxes to jump into but look this is the shady part we've never used boxes that have to be taped together the visitor stitched and glued ha ha ha yeah me neither I'm there now I never used that huh oh look then and then you can shoot me back to Finland ha ha ha so today the Dudesons want to show you guys how back in the day stop man used to perform their big jumps they used cardboard boxes we went from these guys wanting to build a fun stunt jump to now a challenge video where I have to do the job as well thanks I love your attitude of just jumping into it yeah let's try it I mean we got to right I know you guys want to see me John and and first of all like I was telling them it doesn't look that high but I know once you're up there it's incredibly high but they're cardboard box you stay here say they are so safe so this is our building guys that's going up it's got a huge upstairs I think honestly we're going to turn this into a guest house for you guys I mean would you love to live here I mean it's fit this is it yeah I mean this maybe you want to kind of close that gap there so it doesn't snow inside no what's up guys so you guys I didn't tell you but you're gonna be jumping off of this today oh yeah yeah $5 same as last time 500 500 whose idea was this oh yeah okay all right I'm gonna go first you gonna go first I want to go first should we make it lighten up one more level we'll go together that's it one by one one at a time yeah I I gotta go first I gotta test this for real really yeah okay that'll make you more scared cause you gotta wait you gotta wait all right let's do it no good then you're someone's a danger picture it's harder than it looks oh this just became a bad idea what are you gonna you know what I hope Buster Keaton knew what he was doing this is how Stockman used to to do their stunts ready when you are he was really hard now she'll be back to Finland I'm not doing it yeah he got like a concussion I did it really really hurt um we should put the boxes this way it's a software land example yeah isn't that what I said I think so come on yeah I said that let's go so I'm glad you tested it though the best part is that we don't know you know yeah it's gonna be a softer landing it might be harder all right guys I'm going up you think this is good that's right that's gonna be good Oh crazy enough I didn't you don't even face like the first layer you really it doesn't even affect the first layer so the first layer out yeah I really did like he did blow them up so he's stepping it up a notch you can now wants to run and dive so he's gonna get some speed come down yeah you got this it's a great idea of how the way um I doesn't so scared about the pool but yeah you did a full fledge since I was playing so uh yeah dribbling right at the ball that was a beautiful jump beautiful so that was awesome and the whole point of this was Yuko is explaining to me that you know back in the day the olden days when they were making the movies this is what they had to use for the stuntmen his cardboard boxes yeah I mean so had no air box nothing Buster Keaton landed into these kind of boxes from like big-time big-time big buildings and it works I mean this is pretty big dude it is and it's freezing in here my face so hard even vlogging with unlike little not a lot of dull moments this week huh what do you think of this I wish you remember oh it up you'd have fun in reading blow it up you have to blow it up to play on it you're gonna tear that down you don't know that you could then told me later them we play rough sometimes things happen my goal my intention is not to destroy that beautiful playground are you gonna leave it when y'all leave and he said well why not we was leaving may not be worth taking young fun we've come up with a unique idea today hello to do with this little bounce house is there a toilet seat Betty I'm coming in I'm coming in ah I doubt you guys can really tell but the snow has not stopped this is our furniture we were supposed to bring in what is this cane check this out get in I bet he gets live at this should daddy go down the steps yeah can catch him give him a good push that's pretty cool huh you don't spin me yeah Oh huh hey Zeus he don't care you're not happy with the stairs we got to go from the picnic table oh I don't want to go that way that's a pretty that's a pretty serious drop you did it that was awesome you went really far in you in dog poop smell came from oh no where is it it's somewhere they oh yeah burn it yeah watch out for the dog poop game that's it yeah but I think you're gonna land on your head like that Oh go backwards yeah if you spin out you spin them the other way okay you got a blowout I have to blow out on the way is it my gas man this is so it's fun this is why we have a sled and they have a sled we all live in the frigging are toys come sled in she can I go with you come on hop in Oh JA Geo backwards nice yeah moving on to the next genius idea what's going on here guys thinking about taking that Double Trouble thing all the way up on the roof and sliding down into the bounds at the bonds of Castle how do you get extra points for the spot you hit yeah I think we took point to cut the collar this five fallings disagree is this like a sister is this a team game like each team yeah it's a great team hey let's go go go so the next idea of today is not my idea by the way not my idea at all this is definitely a Dudesons idea to sled off the roof and the double seater it's comfortable it's the landings great I don't know about that it wasn't that soft when you're not riding like bouncing right on the side but you have this yeah we can always just put cardboard boxes we actually should you could put a stack so when you see things like this done you think it's just a lot of stupidity but there's a lot of mathematical factors that are going into this like you're know carving a path for the tube so you don't slide off the rail tons of planning work really well thought out guys please don't try this honestly I think this is one of those things that you take it out there and you sit in it and you see what happens you hope for the best terrible I mean I wouldn't want a jiggle lip right there you know just I just realized the windscreen came off my camera hope it wasn't much wind you don't come in such a fun time guys I'm having so much fun so once again it doesn't look too high but it is it's terrified and you're making that real slick you're gonna take off a little bit right here and take like I would take like six inches off to give it a little bit of leeway you ready so maybe you're new to this channel or you're you're really young and you just don't know who the Dudesons are in case you don't the Dudesons they're stuntmen that's really what they are and this I would consider a light stop for you guys if you've seen their work this is the light stuff heavy landing alright guys so last time I did this you want to arch right you want to make sure you put all your weight into the left quadrant of that raft it's very important all right okay I have no idea how this is gonna go here we go no no reset reset it's it's really hard to capture on camera what this is like right now it's it's great man you guys are doing great all right oh no oh no you guys don't look like you're going off a waterfall did you see the speed like suppose it ramped the lip did we reach the lights fish float Andrew oh oh wow the raft did not make it oh let's not slick it up I'm on top of you Paige knows awesome guys good job yeah there's a lot of again we ended up in a lot of fun they did it twice it's really surprising you didn't get more speed I mean you got a nice path though next time he forgot the shovel we had to go back up what you playing man hey sit on the shovel and ride it down think long think wrong he's gonna do Oh awesome you alright oh do you look like you had a great landing that she's fantastic Jarno says is it okay if we hooked a pink bike to the ATV you got a fish drive this thing right I'm not sure maybe maybe you could you drive on this one and I feel I'll film from the let's do that yeah cuz I got more of us you guys know each other you know I don't forget anything responsible for this one he called that thing a beast he loved that bike you guys remember the way he looked at it and it won't work yeah I thought you fell in love with it I like celebrities let's do it I can't wait see these streamers in the wind let's go I'm really got to realize that the snows deep in there and that's a little girl's bike so Lugar no bike now the good thing good thing is I don't see any scenario or this this is gonna end well yeah what yarn out real quick what do you want the results to be well I tried to bail this I mean it's hard to go faster should we cut some wood into a tiny little ramp real quick yeah this snow has changed our entire we've got full use out of it yeah ha I went out the film from out is so bumpy whoa ah your ears full oh my god so fun oh I was awesome thanks dude whoo Wow feels good in here my camera just fogged straight up so to make a long long story short we have been trying to get this grill started for probably 35 40 minutes and just won't start it's getting starting a little bit it's like the fuels not getting through because it kicks on and then fades out must be this it's so cold in here so it was working better we had on low heat there's a little bit guys I got the fix for our problem what I really do come with me now don't be skeptical all right I can easily cut these into nice strips like this all right and then we can just cook our strips on a skillet that's how we can enjoy little steak strips together as a family James and every once in a while you wanna do that yeah let's do the strips well I have one in the oven I'm gonna try it that way we got steaks cooking all over the place there's also one open spot in the microwave if you want to that I'm oh so hot i'ma throw one steak on her I just booked it that's not bad we're here with chef Luca he's going to teach us how to cut the steak I need some olive oil or salt and pepper please Anna Tom that's what really happened to your piece that I got I've got my custom some strips on here it's looking good it's like little bacon strips what is Keane doing beuker brothers there's like grandma's right there I'm just beating me getting in each lap I do you're bruising it it's gotta you gotta break it it's not play-doh dude you're playing with it $20 steak $23 he's gonna be the one everybody's gonna want since you don't have a meat hammer tenderizer it's been already been tenderized oh yeah okay now Oliver all right guys I don't know if you remember when we went to Canada we had to sign a release form to buy this incredible hot sauce like it's insane I mean even sure it comes in like a grenade whoa that's cool uh-oh yeah I broke it huh it's insane hot sauce we literally had to sign a waiver to even buy it Brittany's gonna make her smoothies now that we're finishing up dinner she's gonna pour the hot sauce down you just raw only know a few drops you can't look pour it out less than one drop of this product is absolutely extremely and seriously hot you guys outside jumping the guy's car from today that went off the roof look how much is that good smell it yeah he's coming in he's coming in poor Simon Cutler so Brett just made her famous little smoothies after dinner did you get him out oh we're still stock all the dry ways so he's stuck in the driver's Carl start out the car won't start but it needs a little bit more RZ yeah thank you mmm yeah please I can't stop what's in it first my lip scenario so bad Luca this was our idea we wanted to have a challenge in this one Oh guys are animals he was my pickles my brave but my ears started like I could feel my paws in my ear okay so this hasn't been all bad almost in the straw I put it in the straw and packed it with a little piece of paper he thought it was a sties he thought it was a chunk of straw is it mmm that was good so it says less than one drop of this product is absolutely extremely and seriously hot we found a dudeson weak spot I was called so off-guard coming in here I know you're like I'll just take one drink I can do your face like I'll just take one drink and then like he's out there helping the guy that came today to help us get his car out of the driveway I thought you were just jumping I think it's the battery's dead then he gets stuck they're still in there really oh we gotta go help them you were coming in to get something for him without a good go-to front down corner not often once it's not working flat dad you go what you do it's all this guy I tell you put the wheat the key stock in it there's nothing it's completely dead there's like nothing happening the cables are melting dude yeah I know from your car - hey Cusack loves this stuff Wow oh no this is Twilight Zone nude how was it the trucks on look at the windshield wiper brinjal bug your shining sword come on little wipers look at this know what's going on right now let's check nice job burning I think your trucks trying to talk to us but what is that noise red on red black on black don't get it backwards my milk oh we tried that one so why don't we just have bad luck like no matter what you do yeah I think these are still good oh oh we're getting some juice we're getting a little wipers rolling you're gonna need to let it charge for a minute that's for when it barely rains revving the engine trying to get juice funny thing is is his trucks dead I'm completely out of gas and we've been it's been running 20 minutes yeah and you know when you rev it up you get more juice at least like I have no idea what I'm talking about the start was even closer it's alright how about how about once you guys it goes on your rear you just run up as far as you can that's what I've been doing no serious about to turn dude my battery lights dead and I'm out of gas this is really bad I think it started yay did it stop like that just like that you've no idea literally 30 25 more than that what a disaster whoo got him out it took forever what do you mean what happened holy crap it cracked the laptop that is crazy whoa no ha ha ha I knew these balls will haunt me for life look come here one sock boy you see what they did I was sitting here trying to end the vlog and they poured balls on me I was good dude I was actually really good and I'm like actually really digging this because he felt he got me with this camera but I thought this is like an old photo camera but he was rolling video on it we've already been taking photos with this and it's been here the whole day today I wouldn't know I didn't know it did video now I can do my actual outro again so they're actually uploading on the roof jump as like a whole video so you can check that out put in the description of this video we're kind of just bouncing back and forth each day having content for all of us so check it out show them some love oh you're gonna help now getting to you begin you know what these cause you just gonna go now I'm gonna end this guys thank you for watching thanks for hanging out uh that's it I love you it you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile more yeah get it game
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 8,638,609
Rating: 4.9365335 out of 5
Id: RgHweI3f2Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2016
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