The Fastest Car I Have Ever Driven

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[Laughter] what's up guys welcome to the blog we're at Chicagoland here in Chicago massive NASCAR gonna beat off the country you ready to go you ready to race full speed this ain't like no little red bikes listen this is gonna be you know why why because I get to see you do something that you never done before so just like country said we're doing something I've never done it's gonna be very exciting get to drive a NASCAR today and then tomorrow I'm the actual pace car driver for the NASCAR race oh look at you getting paid getting paid nice it's a little weird though I feel like I'm supposed to be finding food well maybe you will be yeah while we drive we could be doing laughs while you eat so here we are guys I'm super pumped check this out we got the I got a little pass here I guess there's cold and hot I don't know what the difference is but we got the hot tickets look at this bada-boom never been to a NASCAR race in my life super excited they're loud they're fast ah I'm hiding from Mike because he wants to put a mic on me okay no Mike it's always reassuring right here when I got the ambulance sitting by your car okay so I've never been to a racetrack like this before so the size is blowing my mind I'm sure it doesn't look like it on camera but it's just so massive the track is so big do you think it was that big in real life it's crazy it's like a town it's like its own town yeah its own community there's all like all the campers inside there and then the pit pit row pit lane what is it called pit row pit row this is where they all park and do the whole time trials that's what we should do so I'm here for production today guys I'm gonna try to just forget about it and just vlog as much as possible it's gonna be extremely difficult balancing basically two shows at once all of this over here and then what's really important to me the vlog so I'm gonna try to just after yesterday's vlog if you watch it I just tried to help explain where I'm at mentally and with the channel and sleeping on it was just like I know what I need to focus on and that's you right here so I'm gonna try my best today to just cut literally I'm like walking away from production so that I can vlog right now so here we go let's have some fun thank you guys for being here let's race uh-huh you can go over 160 in this 160 there's ona 180 180 to 200 possibility you could get it to 215 215 at 215 listen I'm gonna be super excited to get it at 116 yeah they said no donuts I asked him said no donuts victory victory donuts right ready no we do donuts this is her oh my god holy cow I'm the artist of you I would love I would love to be in the passenger seen you driving yeah there's no ponds and there's no ramps so we're good I'll give it to you expertise you know you know how to drive but if I'm in a passenger we could do it in two super fun gone car serious question serious questions and these races are long right yeah so how does the race forego the bathroom just depends cuz I go to the bathroom a lot they don't always have to okay sometimes you just got to go and you just go where will you be when diarrhea strikes good luck start her up that's probably the best part of the sound [Music] [Applause] [Music] might be a little bit louder how you feeling and we driving it I see where the pee goes nasty when you have to go the bathroom when you when you stop it comes out the back I get it so we gotta get suited up this is fireproof suit in case I accidentally do something wrong you know so safety first here on the track safety first in the backyard so I'm safety first we always plan to sleep all right we're suited up Marcus Marcus you're the driver that's right rock and roll Hollywood star back he's doing like 160 on this track chase again jump in here we are basically I'm getting the chance to drive the car race this car apparently you can we're doing basically a little like he's gonna take me around the track and show me the line that I need to stay on and then it's go time like it's all right we're gonna go racing yeah it's gonna be all up to you at that point I sound nervous no not really let's see if you get nervous once you actually get yeah soon as I start and you don't kill it it can you drive a smoke for speed I think no these walls are steep I didn't really feel steep they were I'm like holding on this yep so about midway through the corner and Ryan will tell you to but you're gonna get out of the gas uh-huh get back in the gas you're gonna work your way again I'm out here just making a nice smooth arch in the front stretch of what we're doing okay down here start/finish line now you're gonna work your way back up to the right same thing up here you're gonna find cones three two one so three and then when I hit two off the gas keep going straight and about here you're gonna start your turn and again run in the middle groove just follow the black line yeah keep it nice and simple what does that do I can't hear anything what you will in a minute there we go there's no door handles oh jeez nice just get your plug do you talk to Ryan Chuck nice knowing you and I'm telling you um it was it was a pleasure just anything you wanted to give me messages he knows how to drive it's recording I'm ready any time you are alright clutch in gears all the way up to the left and up all the way left it out yep that's reverse you got a push down for so don't worry about okay so first yep second straight back ready ready oh we get the winning that up [Music] [Applause] second except the lack around [Music] [Applause] made up with movie right now oh my yeah Roman I appreciate a man oh shut up that car Stig's donor I can't believe we hit and did you see any speeds what we're in about we were pretty close to ride speed we were about 6500 rpm watch our ride cars that's where we get to so we're probably doing about 160 whoo yo that was one of the greatest things I've ever done in my life I'm not even kidding that is a rush that you can't explain like I was just cracking up like I couldn't even he's like he's like tell he's laughing cuz I'm laughing like I couldn't stop laughing like 100 miles per hour on the turn dude that was insanity like it I was just cracking up a probably looks so dumb when that GoPro but I was having the time of my life dude barf are one of the greatest things best experiences I appreciate you coming at me thank you for that not fun man hazing see I can't even make it up how freakin amazing that is like I just look you've seen that a million times probably but to be in it and around it and to hear it you know I don't know buddy up you know you was like a natural because I'm telling you like when you was turning around they were they were all talking they're from from meaning the people from the pit crew everything was like man he's really moving I felt completely comin to you like I feel like I could get in a race I would lose but I feel like I could get in a race and just do my thing but I feel like I was comfortable enough that I was like I need cars out here listen to you you could definitely do it I want it down in my mind if I who's this who's this dude I reckon everybody you know that what I was saying then the time you know you wear out your tire the time I change your tires you know we'd definitely be the last place after races oh that's all right but it's okay though hey first you're lost anyway you wonder my blog John you want to my blog for me John you don't do my blog come on before I turn the camera on you guys that's how I sound we're out of here Pat applause thank you now Scott we're coming back we got to go eat and we're going to do a crazy obstacle course a look at this place this is inside the track it's like its own thing going on and you can just park your golf carts over here like everybody in these camp I want to come to you I want to do the NASCAR experience like that like me and the kids got our golf carts sitting over there we're like alright let's head to the track you get on your golf alright who's around give me something give me something yes give me something super fun day and I'm gonna give you something you've never heard before you're hungry keep talking keep talking go this is like the tunnel from Lightning McQueen cars the bus leaves the tunnel so we're headed into some scary little Valley have you ever been to Chicago no this guy's getting used to driving the whole camp I don't even know where you can totally just show up with them but the vehicle everywhere we go what's your story man I need to know more I don't even know more about Stephen man I'm just following you around you know with the binoculars we're headed to Chicago apparently has eight like yearly all year round mud obstacle course apparently you can you can like climb and swing and get wet and muddy and we're going to check that out right now have you ever done anything like that chase how did you get wait how did you just switch seats maintenance in Tibet oh not true he actually got back there because I sat in the back on the way through I was like I didn't plug the restaurant must not happen then dude if you're gonna murder me just like I don't know what this is uh gosh at night I mean if I was gonna do a murder where we're at guys right now this is really nice scar Desmond so beautiful the weather's on this ambulance following us around - is this part of your thing it's really weird when there's just two medics down here chase let me put you in this tire and roll you down this hill did you do it yeah like a little hill not a big deal sure as long as I don't fall out of it no no look look how big that thing is you put five of you love you and how many spiders are in there no I'll clean out the stairs probably some dead things in there bro country country a kid might need your assistance chases you'll get in the time we can push him down the hill well I'm gonna need help lifting it do it cuz it's look how big it is it looks small on camera but look how big it can you lift that you know what we gotta empty it out Oh God are you serious yeah I'm gonna need some men Mike Mike country I need everybody all assistants all hands on deck all hands on deck we got to get in this wheel and go down that hill is he really gonna get it yeah we got to lift it don't clean it till the water oh my god Spiner bro spiders as big as my hand you guys dude I'm not lying that's the biggest fighter ever seen a person like not a tarantula but a big big big big big big spider bro yeah that's pretty nasty it's huge oh it looked at you chase is looking at you dude dude dude Roman get back that's it everybody's leaves I don't shot where did you bring your flamethrower dude that thing's that thing like heaven oh he gets mail here bad things I cuddle or a baby cuddle right up with you you did one bite from that thing dude now you're sending me just you just inflate deflate like that look at the Willy Wonka the purple girl violet well I thought I thought the tire idea was great I can't believe everyone just ran like that let me see the spider before those it's just a woman that's the Argos spider oh so you gonna be running like this is gonna jump on your back up on my back the way that dog did it you know you stay away from the Argo so I'm gonna get some Chow I'm gonna get changed in some short some old shoes does it looks like we're gonna get pretty nasty here good chance no guarantees good chance is there any way you can get down there and you can shoot that thing you guys could you shoot it or something like I need this tyre feel bad but I'm gonna see how close I can get to this thing for you guys it's bigger I'm not touch it at the camera because I'm a camera dude guys I'm looking at potentially something that I would have at my house okay so you got these towers right and they're different sizes then you got these giant ropes you're supposed to swing from the rope land on the net by the way I'm really high off the ground right now so this looks what are you doing you scare me you're the one running from spiders yelling screaming swearing it's back swing you gotta hit the net you got to climb up the net and climb back down my instead what's the matter what's the matter you gonna be able to make it what are we doing what we're gonna do some swinging will you be swaying in just the swing in you supposed to climb down the net my goal is to actually jump off the top of that net how tall you think that is look at this guy look at this guy hanging out just literally hanging out to this place this kit you know there's alligators in there alligators there's crocodile there's piranhas there's you know every man-eating machine inside that water so that's the most dangerous part about this so I'm totally kidding there's nothing dangerous and there could be snakes dude I guarantee there's a snake in our country you know there's snakes in there I don't care what anybody says snakes fine bodies of water that people don't touch you know I mean you're not happy oh oh I don't like hearing that Nate's in there well I'm just assuming so far spiders the biggest spider ever that was a big spider this your favorite spot how do you even build stuff like yes like how do you build that this telephone poles sticking out of the earth but if you look right down there uh-huh look straight ahead Oh ATVs No I think there's two grills cool pick it up it's a volleyball pick get it get and you gotta pick something up today you let us down with your pickup skills oh my gosh there you go that is awesome you ready tackle it are you ready ready let's go this looks like something we do actually need at the house living how we tackle you in country uh-huh same race same time oh geez there exercises at all and a short I don't think that matters when you what do you want to do which one you're gonna be on the Oh there's three there is three yeah get it oh man it's so crazy nice look easy so this is actually really cool because we've been shooting a whole bunch today and this is like a bunch of my crew for the big project here and we're just getting to have some fun which is not only great for all of us but great for you guys cuz we're about to get country to do this swing let's go country are you nervous and I'm always nervous what I'm going up against you you don't go against me we when you're a totally separate what you want me to do you want me to stand on that side and we're just gonna take the dog we didn't get up and go country in life we made a decision we see everybody going across and they're hitting the net and it's it's fun it's great but what if we did one rope to people all right some do you feel good about this I know oh good oh this is gonna be great what left or right is it looking it looks looks amazing I definitely want to see you guys landed 1 2 3 jump oh oh it's so much weight on top of me when I was trying to put my it was oh my god country oh man I can't wait to see that that's hard then you're the first time adults good job buddy you earned that one that was awesome dude dude you earned it we got it we had it we had it we were on there I know I knew when I was swinging I was like you need to save that baby hey save him save that baby right on the rope so I sacrificed myself to save that baby you your foot saved your life I was like this boy I talked to this way so when I was falling back I was he and I locked my so you did yeah I feel like we can't not do this so there's this wipeout challenge course over here country soaked I'm still dry so I feel like it's part of our job I got to stay dry you're just gonna get more wet or you do it that's that oh you'll just do it and you'll be dry well I know it's true is going in the horse was in danger deep water no lifeguard on duty look at this you can swim you've gotten this is the only part I'm worried about these barrels just don't worry about it then you grab the rope you got to go in and you're right you have to go off the trampoline at the end yeah if you feel like you got to worry just don't okay that'll run easy breezy lemon squeezy we got a run across yep that thing spins that spins here's here's the challenge here's the challenge no stopping none we're gonna start there and we gotta go all the way across no brakes no stop in there and go stop in there all the way okay all right ready on three on three ready one two three no stopping no stopping Tomkins you know stuff he's not supposed to stop no stopping at all yo bro you got weight your starting weight on there for real I guess let's go you be no need for me Oh cruelness would you eat a frog you can swallow sea creature I jumped in mouth open bad idea that was worth the whole the whole day right there country this is for those that didn't make the course or did make the course they make the course and didn't heed you wipeout but if they want to do there are a little donation and leave it to the Hall of Fame or fame Oh Shane might be I don't know man you killed it today Faora yeah we're gonna have our little tree and hang them all out there it's gonna be a big tree I think I should donate them you're leaving your shoes man you got to you leaving them you put them right one on this one on here and one on there those are nice shoes because you're the champion boom rest in peace rest in peace a little barefoot boy [Music] dude the big spiders here he's still here yikes you tried to put that thing's the size of a football look that's that's a cricket that's a cricket that's the spider a cricket six foot claw how are you good and wet soaked and cold and but we got Stephen Stephen how are you you look great oh nice you're not driving Wow hi Veronica hey say hi to your husband hey baby also girl mmm that's Brittany SATA bronica hey we uh we were wrapped up for today or just kind of continuing we gotta find some food and thanks for calling unless you wore alright guys just got back check this out what I got today I feel that it's like a thing you get after you completed the track it's crazy cool I don't really know if I deserve this I don't know if I really finished check when we shuttle a lot of fun stuff there so I'm about to get the sherry get cleaned up I'm still wet actually from the travel crazy I'll be right back and just like that shower time is done guys I just want to thank you so much for listening to me and yesterday's vlog I looking back I'm like I don't even remember what I said I was so just speaking from my heart just just trying to help you guys understand everything that I'm doing right now and the reason that I've been I've been slacking on the vlogs and I'm just my focus is everywhere I'm distracted by so many things so it feels good today to kind of be vlogging my style just rolling I'm just filming like less vlog let me and said we are gonna go find some dinner right now I got I'm all shower but look at this tan line guys can you like you can see it look at that from my hat how do you get rid of it I loved it literally we're like something like this reverse style to fade oh I seriously guys if you watch yesterday's vlogging you heard me out on all that thank you so much like this I like to put out on the Internet it's like so personal prey I just feel like we should be like Chicago pizza you can get you know no keys in here 100% yeah but it's not like everybody in the counts gonna say that's not real Chicago pizza you gotta go to blank dude you're in Chicago and you eat pizza it's Chicago pizza so if I drink a Red Bull in Chicago is it Chicago red ball or is it the same Red Bull all the hundreds of well they got complimentary valet yeah 57 Corvette you know you know I know that how cuz the license plate says well that worked out really well because number one they didn't even happy that number to mediate macros it's party now I didn't realize it's Friday night we didn't make reservations anyway town you think you're just gonna show up without reservations you know what the lady said she said you can check over by the bar for tables why don't you go take a walk what I knew that I was there oh I thought you were there you let her speak to me like that this is what I'm talking about Gaea Donna's Gaea Donna Giordano's I wanna say I'm sorry two stories up that's how deep-dish they are dude seriously I would watch out get now that's like something out of Mario right there it's gonna throw fireballs [Applause] guys coming back to the hotel that is gonna wrap up our vlog for today thank you so much for being here being a part of the journey everything that we're doing this giant mission this giant project we are changing lives we're doing it together and thanks for being here for that we will see you tomorrow we got a very fun day and then we were flying out are we flying out tomorrow I'm so confused right now we love you guys thank you so much for everything you already know thank you we'll see you tomorrow you're beautiful you're one of a kind small one you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,119,512
Rating: 4.9553847 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, youtube pranks, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, roman soldiers, kid-friendly, kid friendly, family-friendly, family friendly, family fun, Vlogs2017, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, vlogging, day, daily, Everyday, Smile more, Roman atwoods, House, Home, Kids, Noah, Kane, donkey, Empire, flash, Husky, Dog, Girlfriend, Britt
Id: UEuC_yeyxOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2017
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