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hey guys what is up my friends what's going on here who is that who is that I have prepared say hi I have prepared one of my favorite breakfasts in the entire world sausage gravy and biscuits and when I mean prepared I mean I poured this into a bet into a bowl and microwave did there was no effort whatsoever Alfie is here from the UK and he's never heard of this so I'm very excited for him to try this he thinks this is cat puke tastes like cat puke say anything tastes like cat puke say it again no you're crazy I hope he doesn't react like that so how is it a man good morning miss yes and gravy this is it it looks good it's amazing I call damn what they called in the UK these scones scones Scott or a scone if your posh a scone yeah so it'd be sausage gravy my scones yeah sauce the screaming but normally you'd have like jam and whipped cream oh that sounds good dudes maybe we try that next yeah we haven't I mean only getting rid of raisins and we have jamming will train yeah here we go so this is how you and I seize American and this is British but this is like really traditional like you guys somewhere like a posh little like British restaurant kind of thing so here we go I tell mine all up tear it all up in pieces and then I dump the gravy all over ya so you do it however you want but that's how I would often yeah okay I'm using the cannon today because I've noticed last few blocks have been real shaky and I think I think my like stabilizer in the Sony is bad I don't know so here we go I just turn him on all up and then I pour the cat puke right on top oh ha oh man I'm gonna use too much dude I'm I got greedy there alright so missing some gravy is it approved definite it looks good this is ready yet yeah yeah this is good see you're the only one that doesn't like it do you know what I care she never eats it but that always I have the whole thing to myself when she is weird and this is so sweet with sausage yeah they love it sweet and salty sweet I don't trust it all right guys before we do anything today I gotta get a little work done a little business it never stops even when our guests are here you gonna help me I appreciate it yeah actually she's backing up right now see nice Park job girl oh you got it you gotta pull forward a little bit Alfie Brittney iron cane you got this one yeah you got to get it cane we are he's part of the family business now Alfie we hired him he's working full-time now you're stretching guys yeah you're gonna you have to tell all your viewers bro we're trying to get everything out for Christmas for you guys I know how important that is and we're working extremely hard to make sure that happens or get our stock back up which is great kind of these and these are already on I know get it get it oh you got it dude here's a can of pineapples how come you took Alfie seat that's why he's supposed to sit running over dropping all the merch over to the post office and are you gonna help me you gonna help me yeah I miss cute innocent cane what happened to our baby he's turned into a dinosaur ah ah hey no hurtin II guess this is how you this is how you know that we are phenomenal business people because we just brought all the merge to a post office that's closed for Veterans Day no not in America pretty decent YouTube but we don't got the whole business side of things down these dag on pineapples what's going on here dude you ready we're meeting a grandma duck we're taking Alfie to one of our favorite pizza places here ready and we got my buddy with us ollie can you jump I honestly think Alfie was more scared to get out of the truck than you were he's like massive hmm just like it at the fridge at home you push it up against here to get ice I just nervous just push it against this black black part the water he wants fruit punch oh okay go ahead yeah you're officially working here now oh my gosh do you like it do you know what it tastes like he's never had or heard of root beer your viewers are gonna kill me when I say this why it tastes like the mouth what you get when you're at the dentist what the off do you find like a filling or like your teeth checked maybe they use root beer where you're from yeah I've never heard of that but yeah I was just somewhere else and they never heard of root beer it tasted a dish that's so weird Alvie and i are we're gonna eat and then we're gonna go shoot this ridiculous challenge video like I'm so excited about this challenge we did it last night I didn't put it in the vlog but did you put like one second item film either yeah it wasn't one second Brit was like straight I don't remember shooting that laughing or crying that's why I love the challenge it's hilariously I'm so excited about and I can't list some can decide if it's gonna live on his chin or mine but we'll let you know I think we're aiming for this channel he's gonna live on mission we think yeah yeah I think that we get per video yeah it's gonna go up so you'll get two videos one day I don't know a day maybe this weekend or Sunday or tomorrow I don't know and look who's joining the party I'm also bossy today what's up do you not have your normal container of our logs burning I lost it you lost it yeah that's how I know you had it now this is a table of food man so this is um spicy Thai chicken have you had that before I not and this is the barbecue chicken regular BLT and he's just like you know any ordered you guys think uh you guys think I'm bad he ordered chicken fingers it's a good medicine that's exactly what I do all the time all right we're just warping home and uh you know we forgot cane gotta go back I was oh oh my god we got to go back doing take some toys out yesterday I should take some toys out you take the razor this thing's a riot man to a call seven on my license yeah all right we can bust that out how am i kicking this day Oh actually I think you're doing it right it's just cold she's writing a bit on it man so Alfie has never ridden a gear dirt bike ever why I got this one and you're starting with a big old 50 cc baby so one up yeah one up Cody but I'll call that one I'm used to the break three in here well there's one here this is front that's it he's getting the full experience better than I was for my first we are officially buried guys you never driven one of these man I don't even have a license so we can do it yeah food this might be my very last vlog guys my be n subscribe not right now we were covered Karla gosh we're lucky to have made it I wish I had some swimming goggles Oh Oh unbelievable this is like the greatest thing ever who do you do on you think you're ready to go build a snow fort there's just some things that vloggers cannot capture like that was awesome but I can't like capture that the little fuzzies going deep into my eyes I think I can't see Brittany and Alfie are in the basement getting t-shirts so easy oh my trial again dog birthday look we just got my dog no way that's gonna be sick it will it fit your dog are big yeah I mean that's all yeah damn you're all branded out you see that big no I know all right ACK work it up dude looks good you look good dude boy I mean I took money out your wallet earlier so we're good we gotta go we have to leave are you ready what you are that it's kind of money so sure is it cane look right now I give everything for you I think you did okay we got we gonna take the gt-r you gonna write in the back it's why you mad at me because I scared you you little baby girl this car has the smallest backseat ever but if John fit back here you can fit back here maybe what do you mean okay so we're going up to a bowling alley right now you're phenomenal bowling I'm wait were you gonna say that on the blog picking me up when we said something about like Brittany was like um yeah blah blah blah is going bowling and he was like I'm the best bowler I mean Oldham settings that we run them up and we said can we book a lane and they said okay we're gonna get some clothes in there to come and play with you that's what I'm saying we're gonna we're all gonna see we're all gonna see about that now we got need to blog that but we don't need to see it making at least break for tea oh yeah you go thank you see we all have goals tonight I want to hit I want to break a hundred like that's C on a break on it's pretty tough yeah I mean for Bullers it's not hard but for people we blame with that so I don't know I can't decide what day is that how you bought that you trick oh I can buddy hey what's up my buddy Jeff mutters here look at this pac-man this is the coolest pac-man game ever for players how does that work we have Pro Bowler your bra's iPhone we have got out my house you got to dry off why does it have to be in class did you feel right everyone's doing really well you got hang on it's a very competitive game actually Jeff is at 84 Alfie's at 80 well Fritz trying and I haven't I don't know what I'm Anna no I don't want to say what you're out I don't know Oh excuses you have 50 cent you have the spare in the strike if she says I'm ready to bury the disbelief going with you this oh watch the cleanup watch the cleanup they helped you tell them thank you so much for coming thank you guys so much for meeting here tonight and I just can't say thanks enough all right these guys aren't too excited to come up here and show you the scores Jeff 117 Alfie 122 Brit 64 149 guys I took this game I got lucky really lucky how it's so good nailed it No no you cannot get there dizzy bowling I'm going to back oh you're gonna hold the ball like this like that spend ten times and then bolt hey 10 spins 10 don't even I know it's it's dizzy dizzy bowling 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 strike time hey you go oh I thought you get 1 so we're wrapping up this place has one of the weirdest coolest things I've ever seen I I don't know if you've seen it or not check this out we should have done this why don't we do that because I forgot until right now look at this bowling alley no way I know they're like little you should we vote it down there's no pens you know this entire time I could have been vlogging is it look how bad I mean I looked heroin my face salt broke out and I could just walk on this side of my face and you guys wouldn't really notice that man I am so guys but whatever yesterday when we had dinner the place where we cooked their own steaks Alfie left his credit cards were going downtown Columbus to try to get his card back did you call Mississippi - so we're definitely getting so you're not going home with out your creditor but he's not in tree doesn't care about us really there's no parking just aw man you scratch your door no it's fine I got it okay I'm probably have to circle around so I'm circling around the city Alfie had to go in and grab his credit card Brittany had to fee and there's no parking anywhere and it's freaking rain this will be the very first time my car touches the rain guys you get it nothing in the world why where's my camera go did you not get it oh yeah there we go I'm girl asked if I could get in her pocket because I was the most adorable thing ever oh I've been asking you to do that forever what'd she see I put my shoes on no I did it I have no idea what no I did it I'm really bad at gonna get hey we're gonna get Kate a toy he said bigger than this what were you gonna put it I better - no you've got to go without sort biggest thing there so we're going and Alfie said you have to stop at a source we're stopping at a store I'm pretty sure there's pretty big TV is that how it's gonna fit in your car though you put a tiny thumb he wants to get gain something with your said to you King doesn't need any belly nothing no he does not need y'all meet you guys there it's on mom all settings yeah you want to raise come on Oh Mike it's got nothing let's race let's race dog set go - no danger zone I think either you know she like yo since you're buying everybody gifts why don't you get grandma on you outfit yeah I'll go and ask oh my god okay I'm telling her she jump in the car no no children in basket we originally came in here because Elfie wants to get Kane a gift Kane doesn't need you guys no Kane does need any gifts but he refuses to not yet and now we're done what that big diaper two of your heads can fill those up it's bigger than your entire body let me shine up that's my whole face you could parachute with that thing look at you alright come on somebody I need but they say somebody's probably tried that on to this oh I'm just trying to get some shopping done and this guy's bothering me yeah you get him out of here don't do it Brit he's pretty good with that thing boom boom boom boom boom dude look what I found guys check it out finally got some golf tees that'll be fun right guess who's on hi buddy what are you doing hey hey no big dinosaur do you like him Robin he's yours okay my friends we are actually wrapping up the night before we do first of all I got to thank you because you guys are ridiculously powerful did you see this is insane it's insane so more than Justin Bieber yeah you're beating Justin Bieber today okay so yesterday we started competition this week who can send more subscribers to whose channel so this is from yesterday alright so let me give you a shot of this Elfi is sitting in the number-two spot for the most subscribers in 12 hours 27 thousand subscribers dude you're beaten Justin Bieber in like 27,000 and you're coming up on Adele I am sitting at number 4 above Ellen just under Bieber we need to get and we need to get 1 & 2 1 & 2 would be super 1 & 2 would be official super vlog week so here's what we're doing go smash Happy's channel let's get him to the number one spot let's get me to the number 2 spot for the most epic picture ever that would be like I'm just reading now saying this if we can get more subscribers than he can get me well right now we're winning the Roman soldiers are winning they are you're killing it look at it you guys 27,000 of you have went there in 12 12 hours that's like but if you walk down on stage and seen 27,000 people that's like you're I mean that's a lot let's bigger than a what's it called in New York what's the big one I don't know natsu square God is 18,000 really haha so more more of you guys have subscribed to me in 12 hours then Madison's quest so links in the description guys just like yesterday let's kill it you didn't go go check him out you're gonna like this channel anyway so let's do this let's get to the number 1 & 2 spot thank you guys we will see you tomorrow your beautiful smile more I don't know what just ran past me whoa holy cow I think I gotta go to the bathroom
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 4,149,645
Rating: 4.9563222 out of 5
Keywords: family-friendly, atwood, prankster, new, family friendly, craziest, daily, more, columbus, kid friendly, everyday, Prankster, Natural, pranking, kid-friendly, GREATEST, movie, roman atwood vlogs, prank, crazy, day, ohio, vlogger, RomanAtwood, vlogs, roman, vlogging, Romans, smile, family fun, Born, pranks, vlog, THE, LA, making, BEST, family vlogs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2015
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