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hey hey guys what is up good morning mama hey beautiful look at that no he's bigger than you Zeus thinner and hey what's up dudes what do you got love letters no one I have to run up to the stores you think I should wear this you want to go Christmas shopping like this where's the leg no I hate my game I wonder how long I can get away with it the beautiful and rainy Ohio it's supposed to be cold and snowing guys it's almost Christmas no snow we're not getting snow I guess it's wispy in the 60s which is I can't think of any time of my life where it's been warm at Christmas time so it's a little different for us unloading some mail of Allah know we're gonna run out got a whole bunch of mail here last-minute shoppers you can get Candace first his first girlfriend easily it might be bigger than him we uh it's so hard to Christmas shop on the vlogs because you can't show anything or you give the whole thing up like whatever is in our cart right now if I showed you everybody watching the vlog would know what they're getting groceries know of Britney Cain and I are gonna do a video today we're basically we have an attempt to get our face pod with whipped cream and where's this pie pans you know like the little medal it's like these but they're so I have to be really careful where I put the camera because I don't want to show you guys what we got so we're looking for pie pans and whipped cream right alright guess we could use shaving cream but it doesn't taste very good you wanna do shaving cream oh I think we're in the right place man I woke up I was like ah yeah we'll go out shop in we'll have tons to vlog I'm like no I don't want to show what aisles I'm in this is terrible oh there's stuff in this car okay running over to my mom and dad's real quick yesterday if you're watching the blog I got a suit for our Atwood Christmas that's happening tonight he was going to tailor it up and make it fit because it came in way too big it was huge it's like a trash bag on me so hopefully if I know my dad he made it really nice so I'm going over there right now to see that so if you watch yesterday's vlog as well you know I hit my parents car with the truck that's the wheel it's like a terrible crease right there oh my gosh I'm such an idiot it's like popped out here and get him a new door for Christmas dude you guys got the jumbotron look at this thing how wide is that yes jeez I mean that you do it justice it's huge and it's real but that thing's like where'd you guys get it how the neighbor's yard all right so here's my suit guys my dad tailored it up I haven't tried it on but anything was better than the way it came so and dad's not here so I can't thank him but I'll see you guys tonight yeah my mom added this Christmas hat which I love will match all right we're gonna go home yep you got here's my boy hey I see you to zoos come here tell me you guys see ya did you miss me he looked like a flight attendant for Gothic airlines I'm kidding you look really nice she looks great I mean I like it a lot yeah skinny mini hi buddy card it up you ready for the Atwood Christmas 2015 party yeah you want to play a game with me right now yeah do you want to first of all welcome back to the house we are playing about to play a game together which I got I wanted to make it fun right so piano tiles is a game you're probably aware of if you haven't checked it out I always put the links in the description stuff they wanted to be featured in the vlogs we said we'd do it but we were gonna make it fun we're not just gonna play the game the loser is gonna get pied in the face look at bridge she's like Cain will you get pied in the face with Noah me just daddy knows willing to get pied daddies willing get pied maybe a little bit okay all right so here's what we're gonna do I don't know how we're gonna do this right how how should we do it we just take everybody do a warm-up cuz I I know you're good at it you do a warm-up tap and then there's hold hold it gets so addictive because you can go further and further every time hard on like an iPad I feel like it could be harder you're killing it does it get faster and faster oh it is getting faster hey Don let's bonus bonus bonus get it I didn't know okay round two this isn't a warm-up this is your game this is official Britney's been playing this crap all week warming up she didn't tell us you missing you can't miss it 390 right is that good okay Britney's at 390 so you may not get pied okay so we got three 90s high score that's right we said warm-up right okay here we go don't let our team down Noah get in there ready go I do want to say this is piano tiles 2 and if you already have it updated because it's the new Christmas edition that's why it's jingle bells that's crazy nose climbing up on you though oh my god so the doubles you at the same time are separate really oh man you got some stiff competition up in here in this tiles ok so no is that 269 what were you up three oh my gosh get him Kate Oh 105 390 and 105 that's 495 you're going down 495 versus 269 I got daddy we're gonna be the whipped cream bandits it's faster for me don't be a baby plus to us oh my gosh do not add it up no way I had that well we looking knowing how we looked in you're on our team no celebrating okay you know what that means I put your paw face on we need two plates you can apply at the same time all right we lost like champs and we shall lose like that's the time what are you talking about he's up to no good all right now I've to me a new buddy we're getting busy because I'm hiding my I did my pimple okay can I get you a little bit I already got is now a little okay come here come into the camera Betty here we go you said a little bit now let go like this oh this is like Maddie's face a shower no more oh that looks really gross this is like Oh eat it he's so hyper now I'm not mom enough thank you to pianist to piano tiles for letting us play each other in the face that's not actually part of the game but we wanted it once you know how we are we got to be goofy with everything and you're still trying to beat it nobody's gonna beat that it was like I'm not even kidding that was no one plays his game all the time with Brittany that was for Barry for his gaming night all of us really like I played it over my first trying on like I have to beat that I know I can beat it that was my first try now I can beat it so guys I will put the links if you want to get the game it's for on it's for both platforms so I'll put both links put both links in the description of this video mommy's fight this games tennis family part so we're getting ready for the big awkward Christmas we haven't done this for many many years like a long time I can't take myself seriously right now I'm gonna jump in the shower get ready we're gonna head out this is like literally a hundred and fifty Atwoods so you guys gonna see like the whole family is crazy all day long okay so Britney already left she's setting up for the party with my brother's wife Jeff's and she's left me here to wrap up some of the if so we're doing a gift exchange time which means you just buy gifts for kids in a certain age group and parents in a certain age group and and this is what me and no it got today so this is fun for the family I bought a lot of family stuff like things families can do together yeah she's left me here to wrap presents but looks like Kane's just doing it you got it I think what is that seven pieces of tape you think one more one more oh that's perfect you got it yep now put one right there oh no don't peel it just stick it boom baby now I'm not no professional here but this looks pretty good oh wait Kane the top still show in no because if my pieces weren't big enough someone take one this way and then one didn't that isn't that how you doing it's not yeah oh my you're just as good at representing you know we got four gifts and kane says he has these hot wheels and he said he wanted to wrap them up and give them to a kid so really cool buddy even though you can see the I only buy presents that are perfectly square how you supposed what are you supposed to do we supposed to do Kane I'm so lost maybe it's good yeah maybe you're right I was gonna maybe try to fold this whole thing over mmm Jane hey hey do you think do you think they'll know what it is yeah I suck I'm the worst look these look okay because they're square they're square how hard would it been to just put a square box on this ball you hold it and I'm gonna cut it we're gonna make a patch okay I'm gonna put a patch right over this hole all right the gifts are done that's not bad dude we did it one for you King you have done and this is Kane all by himself I know you can see through you want to patch get my Christmas buddies you guys ready to have some fun some kids open a couple presents maybe you got to do is be good I know that's a challenge for you guys so we're headed there right now my dead tail and my suit looks pretty good it looks way better than it's frickin still nasty nasty nasty that's it hey hey what do you think this is the at words we are getting our stuff cuz I got here so these kids are gonna be wired huh thanks for doing my soup hops we're all sitting down at dinner I was too hungry to even do a food blog I already ate yeah I want to show you Romans suit man I kind of a kind of show you already you give everything away too easy here you go look at this babe it's toy time it's crazy it's mayhem all you guys gonna switch okay so apparently the kids are gonna switch gifts whatever we brought neighbor out they're gonna switch and open tear open I think everyone's ready budget the gaming chair did you like them all right you got more Pinker's getting tough nothing take off I don't really know what's going on all the adults are lining up with their present in front of them Dale Jo has invented a process so that we all stand in front of our gifts that we brought don't you put this on me invention but he's gonna read a little poem that he wrote took me a while to and then everybody's gonna shift directions and we won't end up on our gift I love the idea even the creators can use every time you hear the word right we step right every time you hear the word left you step left and hopefully at the end of this you won't be on your gift you bend over and pick up whatever you get oh right frosty the left-handed snowman was it right jolly happy so with a with a corncob pipe great idea bro hi the end he was made of right that's supposed to be right right white snow but the children though he seemed right to life one day so we keep going right we're going back magic left she just skipping the line she's going to the prize she wants oh we need that oh it's a nice blankie for our Netflix and chill they'll get my beautiful family Ashley my little smaller photographer company okay warpin peso really fun Christmas guys this is the end Dale's getting the kids all hyped for bed they're never going to sleep no it was like I'm good right here you know a real one let me see look at your muscle man hello that's a belly up that's it work off that whipped cream we are is that a good time or what man family rocks King you little party animal he's rocking burger I love you guys Museum had so much fun love being with the family Noah said it best he was like I don't care what we're doing or where we're at as long as we're with family that is a good line man I love that so we're heading home it's already late 10:30 it's really flip um we're going straight to it's already 11:30 man times flying Zeus come on come here come here he knows he's not a lot up on your bed my baby his head is twice the size your head Santa puss all right it's that time mothers good boy I love you buddy you're the best in the whole war like you go through the wall dude I'm free I love it baby you're the man get your ball drop it no get your ball drop it stay boom good boy come on alright guys Brittany's getting came to bed and we're just wrapping up the day got my big beast here what's up buddy you tired or what I know it's been a long day I think I'm just gonna wrap this vlog up and edit guys got a lot of editing to do and I want to get it done tonight so I can start tomorrow with a full vlog lately I've been going to bed and then editing in the mornings and you guys can tell I just get them up so late and and then I have nothing to blog after I get it up so I've been getting back into routine which means editing at night it's the only way to vlog in my opinion it's so hard to do it next day anyways getting off track guys I just want to thank you for being here with my family we had a great time and that hasn't been done that at would Christmas hasn't been done for 13 years no wasn't even born the last time we did that out with Christmas so that was awesome man to bring this whole family back together is unbelievable so thanks for joining us on that guys that's a first that's a first we love you so much we will see you tomorrow and that's it yeah gotta go I love you your beautiful smile oh my gosh I was just leaving to go get knowing I just smashed into my parents car I don't know if you can see it Oh sucks look at the tire mark boom oh now I get to go back and tell my parents I hit their car that sucks so bad
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,815,454
Rating: 4.958921 out of 5
Keywords: roman, kid-friendly, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, Roman, kane atwood, atwood vlogs, pranks, Natural Born Pranksters, youtube pranks, family fun, best pranks, brittney, family friendly, atwood, roman soldiers, Roman Atwood, family vlogs, ohio, roman vlogs, kid friendly, noah atwood, family-friendly, vlogs
Id: 7Ly3geGfZAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2015
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