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how do you open it area hey hey hey hey I was saying hey 90 freakin times for us no choice at least five times do I do it every time yeah hey hey hey hey guys welcome to the vlog hey see hey guys we were just getting started today we are in New York City we're here for streamcon 2015 I didn't even go some was in her talk oh I can't stop loving uh she's gonna crap watch watching today's vlog she's gonna crash sorry I guarantee it let's go here we are my love hello good Roman right mr. Roman that's me how are you my friend we're headed to oh you have the you jammin in here ha ha we're headed to where let me see oh that's that's a horse huh it's not a master yeah that's a greyhound that's a Great Dane great game that's what is it grade oh my gosh we don't have to be on location for another two hours and a half so we're gonna run and find it dress for New York at all this is what I'm wearing it's cold out isn't it it's cold it is cold so I'm gonna find a sweater or something to wear I brought one at work yesterday story stinks like you okay so we're warping over - this is like the willy wonka factory of clothing there's like 14 floors of clothing how to even pick something like trying to find a piece of candy at the store there's too much too much top it I think I liked it here show it so goodness it matches my outfit and everything yeah hey like you're good we are if you think they'll know you think they'll know if I just leave with it yo they didn't even notice I walked right out with this coat I'm kidding I bought it you guys know I bought it look at this place you want a highfather how are you are you watch reviews thank you so much he got us a cab give him a couple bucks a couple oh thank you sir well he's working it man that's good hi how are you okay we are going to alright guys this is a pretty cool place this is the convention center right here and I've never been here before man everything smells so good there's so many food vendors and just don't know what to expect this place is massive awesome up to the red pillars so this is obviously streamcon right here can we go down no you're not allowed to go down you just flew to New York City to be here well it's cool it's a lot bigger than I thought that is not okay we're idiots that's like run for what are you might run for life it's uh it's not string time okay that's how you know we know nothing about what we're doing right now maybe this is string con obey it's right here this is stream con there it is you must still want to go down here uh-huh sorry guys we're so lost I love bringing you on these mystery journeys pictures taken this free stuff the caves you gotta watch out ready set go that's his pose he always does yeah you want to take him home yeah you don't take him home okay he's being shy this is the very famous jiff dog jiff yeah good ball Oh tricks for you okay so right now Charles and I are headed to do a QA together you have the answers question and answer you'll figure out all the answers I don't know what to expect is there anybody there is it just gonna be a week it could be a Liam Britney right there I take you down one of your not hears any questions very 2009 that's for one I own I see yeah we get to do a fun Q&A apparently this thing doesn't even really start till tomorrow so I don't know what to expect and then I can add that's right yeah so this is like this is like the hallways that are in every like action movie then I'll scheme for Bennett thanks for card we got some people here are you guys all waiting to take a picture no I'm happy let's do it let's do it haha silly foolishness opera I was doing sketch comedy and all my money to my do the elephants on YouTube yeah I didn't know it was there like this is gonna go crazy on YouTube and I did at all people hated it I didn't even leave use for like two and a half years that is crazy yeah so just finish the Q&A and look who I ran into man look at those in guns that's your vlog cam now I'm trying to out yeah I'm trying out holy smokes what what cameras a it's a Sony a7r month it's like old-school it's big it's big but it's called it's got like a 24 to 240 something get like those tell a lot a lot of people are moving to big blood gas it's when I'm traveling as well you want to get like those epic beautiful shots yeah you sunsets and like things in the distance yeah I'm more of just the crappy vlog guy just puts up he escaped but beautiful out here look at this so where to now little girl let's go join fousey let's just go down there oh I got a question I got a question I talked about you you did I missed it I got a question I said unsubscribe Romanow they already already unsubscribed I just wanna know who your favorite youtuber is um like be honest honestly well can I say who my favorite YouTube friend is and this is 100% honest and everybody knows it okay it's this guy who goes by Roman Atwood and is everybody knows that though I worry I saw the genuine relationship we made together and stuff when I was in Ohio they didn't see all of it mmm all right do your thing do your thing so we had a QA Charles and I and then Lucy had one down here I had two he wanted he wanted me to come up on the stage so I just I went up and asked him a question I thought you know I tackle him or something if I had planned it I would have done something to him but he was the one I was like yeah I do sound a song so a dish was nicely what is that wool but my neck yo are you okay with it yes I knew I was like go guys Romans gonna crack says you did I didn't hear that stage here is that we go I'm gonna go meet some diehard fans I've never seen fans like this you ready I didn't what I'm speechless right now I've never been raining every day get a picture yeah of course you can god how's your kids amazing you know I watch your blog yeah yeah thank you so much you get this real quick what's up man yo give me a hug give me a hug I watch all your blog that long not everything do you have to change my whole life you have no idea what Kane all of that like you guys cheer me on oh yeah well that's why we do exactly this come home that's the first thing I don't do to you since one o'clock you have no we got almost arrested over there two times see shoes like why you so happy look man I've been watching for years needs every day just like just I remember your your timeless video are you drinking I remember what day I mean wonders don't eat that video to come back I go back to New York okay guys we got to go oh I'm about to eat a rat I don't want them dumpsters over there whoa who just got no car somebody just dude I love you see oh my god I can't believe you baby in here do you guys not supposed to be in there we're going to do chill chill just in the car dude what's up man my god roomie these days right here I know it's really loud in here to try Tim Tims going to get us some room octopus tell you those who are they got rabbit here nail art calamari that's not our next el amor evil eyes like deep-fried octopus I had no idea and you like I told my dad owes onion rings and he told me that's no I think we're gonna do it for the vlog you guys know how I don't like seafood the other class in college and to robot knowledge eyes for the noise I feel so hot Brittany and I both are so sure I can fly I'm so out of place shut up running Virgo jars and please shut up entertain me did you quietly quickly so hey how's it going we were so just how are you blogs and my name is Roman Atwood and it's my stunt double and Roman - I guess let it go closes that naturally no next we Romans younger brother didn't know that never said that I was going to run they said I was ever brought over the block what you never told is my camera we're about to have a heated heated battle I'm so sweet weird for some rola this is a regulation I feel like a musical she's a pretty [ __ ] so we've heard that Charles has a ridiculously strong arm apparently he beats guys with arms twice his size booty is going to take him on Oh what up dude hold on for Allah strengthen right Fuu see you're up already let's do it they didn't even do it come on take your coat off a lot of caution right now this is such bullying his arms is like little ho maybe Hulk there we go my head always crazy this has been like three hours of hype for these two to arm wrestle I don't know what to expect stay flat okay hi we are leave the hive get Sam oh sorry dude oh come on you got it all right I'm sure come on yep over the top Mike you know they're good I think I think [ __ ] got it yeah oh dang [ __ ] of me [ __ ] up homie enjoy universal oh yeah ready what's up dude how are you yeah I'm so tired this is this poor guys they're on your book tour but so yeah super Congrats thanks I'm envious to that India okay this is chicken arms verse tired of here a little mile on your mark get set go oh go get sweet Oh don't hurt me too he's off he's up he's all cried wait your choice [ __ ] your hand was off because your own Cola you can do that no I just be a roaming you can edit this later okay I couldn't see it dude okay we can wrestle four times I'm gonna win four times oh my god this is going to be drama now he didn't know that side note as his sound engineer I've done hundreds of times I've seen dozens pharmacy touches that was the quickest I've ever seen yeah I'm gonna super done that to me I wasn't ready for that bro that that's that's a tactic brother thing yeah you were able I had to beat my big brother we put a little the only reason I had any chances because his arm was tired and then when Lucy I don't care what he said his arm was totaled so I was fresh I will say that was a tough one that was a very tough one I will say that but I feel ya know Lucy just he just ran over there I know he's never gonna quit I know he's never gonna do this but I think I don't know you guys watch the video tell me I just beat an arm wrestle there's a lot of technicalities on this well I think we can get we can get down to the nitty-gritty big enough man say you were very tough we're very tough I will be big enough and say you were incredibly one of the toughest ones I just think Coolio here would have thought right then call your tool you're one of the hardest ones ever I'd be dead please MMA look how upset he is no what are you I think I eat a can of spitting I got something to say at 80 can't an inch before we were come it's like although we have our differences right now Lucy let me come up to his room and can you just tell by Lucy's room what his strength on likes more yeah his room his bathroom is bigger than my room I don't believe you guys yeah I need to see it this bed yeah to give you an idea of our room size I'm happy to have the room they paid for the room it's a nice room but our bed holds up to a wall to save space girl yeah well wait Rancho magic granted Simmi was supposed to come with me so that's all we had two beds you guys are yeah two people you guys are together Nydia too bad they didn't know they know they know oh they know they know they know okay so who do you because rolling like I never I've never met them but every time I say something like we not actually gonna be like free stuff like why do you know Destin Padre this is the fact I mean I've never met break and I like yeah how do you like him Jake not Roman are you guys warping over to our room real quick while Britney grab some crap I uh uh I'm gonna get really tired laying here by the way you guys have heard me talk about these guys tons of times in the vlogs if you hate reading like I do literally I'm not good at I don't comprehend it I suck at I don't read very well but you like to have the knowledge of a book you can listen to it now audible.com great site 180,000 freaking books a lot of you guys are allowed to listen to books in school now so imagine just chillin listening to a book that you like on your laptop or on a plane or in a car like you can listen to it anywhere ten times better than reads 2015 I want to read a book I don't want to read a book anyway guys links in the description audible.com forward slash ramen my name that's it you get a free book it's completely free go check it out and try it it's awesome dope the I was the same exact thing you're thinking right now just beauty this is stupid it's awesome check it out he's trying to vlog that's very rude I'm sorry I'm trying every time you say something sir some very rude dude that was a hybrid that was a Prius try this again we are moving locations where are we headed thank you Tim yes Timmy Oh sky set the sky to the sky yeah is it is there heat uh probably but I feel like if match is gonna be open you really hope you those options yeah doors it for the place called the sky room decorating Halloween I'm gonna just say it everything's so different when you don't drink alcohol I have a head up on like 70 days what's gonna hey what's up guys how are you dude our walk home looks so safe like I feel safe here um I just want to say life is so different when you don't drink alcohol like I'm walking around with these guys they've been drinking look I know but I had I had a glass of cranberry juice tonight and I'm just watching it I'm inside the club guys and I just realized how different it is when you don't drink so here we are New York City I guess you got to get a slice of pizza yeah how is it good is it I know different slice here remember here for a slice bread we're trying to find our way home New York is crazy man no matter what time it is alright guys we are actually back to the room I don't know what to think about this vlog I feel like it was super noisy super loud just crazy um I know this is gonna sound really stupid but I still haven't drinking any alcohol and I'm actually really proud of myself because these things that we do these places that we go there's so much influence to want to drink I know it's silly like I can have a drink or two and enjoy the night but for some reason I just haven't it just feels good so I encourage you guys maybe there's something you're trying to just stop doing and no matter how hard it is you can do it because I'm doing it and it feels good like I'm happy because now I come to my room and I'm able to edit this vlog like no problem I can stay up I can edit or I can wake up feeling good in the morning or when I used to drink it would be so hard to just edit at night or get my work done so those are those are some of the reasons why I have quit it's because I have to work I need to edit I need to be ready in the morning for streamcon and it's just it's a good feeling man I know I'm just letting this out but it's true um Brittany obviously drank we love you guys so much we uh just couldn't think listen all these sirens man New York is so great listening and while every all parts of the day it's just like all gold right thank you guys for being here with us we love you so much and we will see you tomorrow thanks again smile more you're amazing pretty silly love you smile boy I saw so many comments yesterday people like why would you shave a lizard into your hair dude I lost a bet to you guys huh that's why it is really weird being out in public with it though everybody looks at me funny have you ever seen somebody with a lizard in their head like this you like it would you hang out with me if you weren't at work right now
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,172,243
Rating: 4.93186 out of 5
Keywords: vlogs, family fun, columbus, more, making, THE, kid friendly, BEST, craziest, Natural, GREATEST, vlog, prank, movie, vlogging, RomanAtwood, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, ohio, pranks, LA, family friendly, prankster, vlogger, atwood, Romans, family-friendly, pranking, kid-friendly, new, roman, Born, Prankster, crazy, smile, everyday, daily, day
Id: xrvAxX-MbGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2015
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