YOU DON'T LOOK VERY HAPPY | We Happy Few - Part 2

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Can't believe he didn't spot he needs wellies or even that he was beating people in the head with a bat and he thought they would survive that :)

But i feel feel bad for laughing when he killed the old lady then threw her out the window.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Milospesh 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hi hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to we happy few hope you guys are doing wonderfully out there hope you guys are lovely and happy I remember what I said last time about not being actually happy I'm going to punch you in the taint so don't trust don't don't test me I will I'm very punchy today so welcome back to we happy few we are going to be picking up exactly where we left off right away no pretense no nothing sneaking allows you to move selves late but don't get spotted no one likes a lurker well I'm not gonna be a lurker I'm gonna be a stab people in the face kind of guy because that's exactly who I need to be and that's exactly who I want to be so hey how's it going everybody probably not gonna post here because posts are gone in like two seconds well unfortunately for you that was the one that I saw of you so there you have it so and welcome everybody else how can you send me fan art I don't know through the various social media channels that I have it's kind of hard these days but there's also still that old deviantART page so if you want to go to that that is a perfectly valid way of doing it yeah don't forget to upgrade oh yeah I forgot to upgrade you're well fed you will wait hey I thought I was it wasn't at the fort wasn't I had that fort and whatever okay so we're gonna go and we're gonna upgrade some stuff we've got 1313 good god but I just got squishy sweet dreams I thought I just got that okay here to the ground those footsteps from further away nah I want the I want the iron fist and then pack a wallop I want the pack a wallop then bloody hell I guess and then blockbuster yeah what about this frying pan one oh you need to get this to be able to get dad some weapons now cause damage to subsequent targets okay I don't know what I'm gonna be doing that but I need to get this to get the slap chop so gotta go that by that skill super duper I don't care about that let me get the slap chopped by am ok Slap Chop a healthier mommy yeah I guess that's useful a little preparation you can give oh so I can hold can I hold my punchy's Oh that'd be pretty useful okay block party or well time block with a weapon can knock your enemy down okay well that's nice okay easy enough right what about anything else there's no item upgrades in this game oh god you can't see Oh God ah there was now bye guys ah why am I trusted to be able to do anything right why am i trusted to be able to do anything at all why am I just why am I allowed to make videos on the internet if I can't freaking do the most basically I forget that so much I forget it all the time every single moment of every single life I have is spent doing that and it's just so stupid Oh children all right everyone just forget forget that happen to forget that was the way that that went down pretend like I actually know what I'm doing and I actually have an idea of what I'm doing in my life and where I'm going and just please just give me a chance I swear I swear I actually do know what I'm doing and no no no man just please just let me be let me be alright here we go back in the game again I guess oh we doing going Oh behave did the salamanca bridge well what did freaking do we're off here to the first time that we ever did this before why is this like this everything is going wrong I was having a lovely day and everything was just totally fine now everything is wrong okay let's go we got to go off to the bridge why I thought I was well fed what do I need to munch on some stuff what do I have to munch on probably nothing right I have a ball of rancid stew well that can't do anything worse than I've already done to myself so I'm gonna eat that Oh Oh bull fighting got some tea to make me throw up huh wait how long is that gonna be oh god I don't even know what next amide is what's next too much sick up T all right well let's vomit I guess no oh all right well we're all good here I guess I'm I guess is this that's all good I guess that's how we're gonna play this we started this and then immediately threw up and then everything is good don't eat the bad food well you know I can't keep doing this well you got to keep doing this why is there a big heart on that hmm I don't like to look at that all behave walk your way past the Bobby oh hi hello constable right let me just search an ear real quick hey buddy unfortunately the bridge is not open at least I'm ah it was working just a minute ago but the door is broken again you left the white and city's up again do you ever let anybody now yes there's someone in there now and in the past month in the past month ah this is chappy there right now you don't really want anyone back from the garden district do you well my wife's girlfriend no one goes off there joy can actually take your way on main would you yes I would he feels better that door stays broken do us everybody right I suppose now I can tell central why the bridge keeps breaking down central never seen one of these um Barker may you know some sort of undercover bridge inspector yeah this means detect structural irregularities using short wave radar yeah I don't think it will show me the real problem we all right sir you can fix that door but then wastrels still ain't gonna take that joy in make some seat wise everywhere that's not for you to decide is it not sure that the maintenance hatch is that wiser I heard I'd be grateful if you forgot this conversation ever ever happened maybe I won't maybe I won't I hit my head real good the other day I fell down an elevator from an old general that didn't know what the hell he was talking about but you sir you're in luck cuz Mike I've got a severe blamed a blues and I'm gonna wave my magical device and see what happens here why is there a big heart here by the way do you have any understanding of why that is that way I'm a read newspaper now I'm concealed you can't see me anyway back to what I was saying you're an idiot and I have no idea what your name even is anymore what am i doing I don't even know where do I go literally I don't well climbed up on that you impressed oh the door who defied the door would have been the place where the door oh if I really was from central I'd have the card wouldn't I there is another way I wasn't there I don't know about that ah there's another way I could I could jump you want me to jump you jump jump jump jump jump ah come on I can't jump to my death Oh what's the fun of even playing a video game I can't leap to my demise was that wait who take your joy what is that why Sir what sit down here whoa whoa hang on wait a second I gotta go leap off a mountain yeah I'll all right why are you down there ow why are you are you down there I'll get you I'm gonna get you it's gonna be worth it worth it was it worth it yes sudden death who for after overexerting himself swimming well [ __ ] I guess I'm dead now why was there a night blossom down there if I wasn't supposed to go get it oh god oh what kind of crazy are they telling me that I was not supposed to do that all right fine and the undiscovered country from whose Bourn no traveler returns what the hell are you talkin about man you spouting poetry over here listen I'm not exactly an educated man I dropped out of engineering school well that was about a hundred meters so you know that's about the same all right let's keep going there's nobody else here they take a number and sit down okay at Saint Genesis spare sovereigns can I take these spare for me spare for me please number okay number two to return to Hamlin village warning it's past curfew we need curfew all right what are you doing up past curfew huh all right I'll just be just resting the future just as a movie [Music] what happens if you wait what would happen if you wait that's me I'm doing habilitation Center thank you actually I'm just a sort of undercover bridge inspector from central see this device it detects structural then you should have no trouble passing the test should you yes head through the door there and begin your rehabilitation okay I don't know that there was some setups to be rehabilitated are you gonna do the rehabilitation yourself someone's awfully jiggly over there I don't I don't think they're taking their gyre whose ruse whose jiggling up a storm over there I don't like what I see whatever rehabilitate me I'm ready to be rehabilitated hello rehabilitation oval last time I was in an elevator I ended up killing a killing several people what's with the buttholes alright whatever sure do love when I walk into a room full of sphincters and what if I don't what if I put my clothes in there what if I go butt naked into this that would show how rehabilitate right yeah I'm sorry about Lillet ated look at my dick look how rehabilitated it is alright that's naked oh don't mind if I do well you give me some teeth make me throw up pick me up that hurdle I do into the oh hey lady here's my dick how are you doing oh I am getting naked ah excuse me do you not want it I got naked a little early anyway probably me squatting down like this ain't exactly the most attractive thing but nice to meet you my name's mark how you doing here's my dick anyway moving right along and they take a little sippy did it be too messy I just got Promenade in about wondering why everyone was staring he never did quite grasp what's so important about wearing clothes please please wash all bits I go up there doing a handstand my legs splayed out above me trying to get as many jets into my butthole as possible hey buddy here anyway here's my yeah I like how I was joking what were you watching watching judging oh Jesus God well I mean I'm not I'm not shy about nothing Oh a magical voice later here's my dick I washed all my bits including my grundle how is the fun part alright Walter did D I'm naked naked so very naked let me through the bought hole I can fit something through I can just manage it out I already made me a proper suit though I was wearing a proper suit alright fine whatever [Music] refreshing scent country flowers ah hang on a second I didn't realize there was cloth scraps here that I could gather up and I'm gonna just make sure I got all the la-de-da-de-da washing my clothes here to get clean another little dude dude you all right buddy little nudity let me grab this how about a sock okay and a septic bandage where are those things buried in there what did it do I'm still naked here's my dick little itty some clever censorship with the with oh there's another one with the newspaper there all right fine I guess I'm not naked whatever ah Jewish favorite flavor of joy chocolate oh wow but I already got naked and now is my favorite moment anyway can I get some joy please ooh that shower being naked washing that intensely directly on my grundle that was a challenge so I just gotta you know I just got to relax a little bit anyway doo doo doo doo doo boo boo boo I I must insist that you not traverse the beams of the Georgia Tech ho well no Tami I was serious about taking more joy wasn't they well what is that guy dead wait whoa why don't you this what you just kill him why did you kill him what I have I have some complaints to say to the management [Music] all right so um Oh someone's playing a game of peekaboo over there oh all right well uh anyway um how you doing right is right like is right right is rain rain is right and right you're right lovely right as rain right as rain right as rain right as rain lovely weather well you not gonna talk about the rain when I ask about the weather right you are that's you I know you by your face you you man I know you right lovely day for it lovely day how about you how about you have are you lovely day for it alright okay uh you guys know what I have to do right oh I can't save here well [ __ ] here we go oh boy that's this that smarts a little bit well I guess I'm good can I go through I guess I'm fine well huh whoo that was a doozy anyway let me through now um anyway oh that's not gonna hit me from here is it okay good right is Ryan right as rain nothing weird about what just happened there Oh what happened to your mat what what what what should clear up soon I imagine oh um it's gonna pop behind the bar grab this D that's not weird at all that's totally normal Lily the truth has a cost is right Ross is right where is the joy where the Chris where is it what kind of Art Deco is this what kind of a glow today I just got out of a literal hell hole I'm rehabilitated I washed my taint and hey how you doing there pal Oh anyway where's this goddamn joy Oh was it oh it's in the mood booth well I guess I gotta take it right I did well I didn't even pick well I didn't know I didn't want I wanted some else I wanted chocolate oh all right joy makes you happy but be careful not to take too much the joy meter will keep track of your joy experimentation if the joyful meter fills you will overdose and suffer penalties the combat cramping and conformity until the overdose passes as you take more joy you will notice a memory loss counter around the joy meter this counter tracks your memory loss from taking joy too many times when this meter is full you will crash and suffer severe penalties for this reason you should use joy tactfully tactically and only when necessary okay can I get some chalk a lot yeah it's how it works dude don't die but I do I love the finger gun for you lady how about you to give me some more I want more please shove it in my mouth maybe my but you got joy suppositories look hey you're dead just don't mind me stealing your [ __ ] can I carry your body why not anyway look it up dude look keep my eyes open this room is for showing Uncle Jack only it is not for other activities use the Cody cozy cottages if you must there talk about masturbation huh nope dude let it we're gonna pop a squat right over here oh no reason oh yes please teach now it's time Wow maybe wondering how can I fit in I don't know it's easy to get along go along if someone tells you it's a lovely day agree with them because of course it's always a lovely day and having village so don't be afraid of talking to people first they'll appreciate it now I'm assuming of course that you were decently dressed yeah clothes make the man a indeed naked people have almost no influence at all in society don't dress in rags either or people might think you're a wastrel now what should you do if people are staring at you maybe they're asking you if you remember to take your joy okay just pop another and they'll congratulate you and go on about their day okay and if things seem to be getting a bit hectic remember you can always sit on the bench relax and open the handle Oh Quran take a load off no one will bother you when you're sitting on a bench unless you've made the very angry yeah oh I do watch Jack Worthing on television he's very good haha LM afraid to catch the end of our time tune in tomorrow for another etiquette minute with Jack Worthing that's me okay now please proceed to the third floor where you will be tested on what you've just learned mmm really okay dude they're bibbidi I certainly didn't jack off in that seat wasn't me her little ugly dog going to the cozy cottages for that sort of [ __ ] hey Robert Bay some people don't like paper what is running jumping Gretchen spying sneaking breaking or entering such like behaviour is what we associate with Danner's avoidance okay all right you got it buddy also you're tall oh you're standing looks like for everybody I see the cozy cottages oh god that is awful I know for sure glad he's still around if you wanna fit in you should say hello so everyone you me me visit people judges over there or not [Laughter] say hello visit eyes I like eyes I like eyes eyes are the window to the soul did you know that was my answer why does everything else that's a good question don't you steal my answer I know you're cheating off of me you Sam [ __ ] that's my answer don't you dare don't you [ __ ] dare you [ __ ] dare you even freaking dare but that's what I asked if I say you're running beat me in the face smash you're in the vise that's fun play with yourself okay I like to playing with yourself look I like to playing with yourself if there's one thing I always say it's always playing with yourself whenever you get a chance don't you take my answer you sack of [ __ ] we want you to succeed that time you didn't steal my answer aren't you in the eyes now your eyes out why is everything staring why is this goddamn robot staring at me why is this horrifying horrible robot staring at me why are you staring at me I see you over there don't thing I don't know you guys you get too happy who cares I think you too cares cuz honestly who cares okay okay who cares who cares right is that the right answer I did it I did it kick your ass Oh all right I pass heylia know what quick but my past you say I pass you said I pass this again give me that [ __ ] where's my [ __ ] who what's this they gave me the metal bits can i BAP you in the head a bap about bleep Louise has that guy just been there forever the guy just not leaving oh well hey bad dude perfect pneumatic stash oh it's the stash E thing okay duct tape that's good can I sleep now I'm not gonna sleep waste bin nah nothing there cupboard okay TV oh now that's nice oh god I couldn't feel better could you okay all right well all right hello oh hi may i express my delight that you passed the examination sir we've not add as many as we'd hoped sir not as many at all and yet they say the unexamined life is not worth living well sir welcome back oh and in case your rustic ation has been of long duration please bear in mind there is now a nocturnal curfew based be indoors after nightfall sir okay all right I don't like that you're by this dog but okay blue scores like I say anything back yeah well see I'm gonna find a cozy goddess walking sure enough hello dick no God no oh that's what the jiggling was clear up soon I imagine okay it's awfully loud in here fruit I don't like that I don't like the sad take time thank your joy yeah where's if somebody's mentioned where's my stuff can I get my stuff with my stuff no give me my stuff so from here I've gotta get us in George's home and then into the parade well except that I'll need a letter of transit to get into the parade my desk in the parade what how do I get a new one what's my star flight the old government printing office was on a heightened home maybe I can break in and steal something likes my stuff but myself I didn't know I got a key Gordon my stuff lovely day for it where's my stuff Oh what the hell that constable duh sir lovely out where is it my stuff ah my stuff the ah oh you guys are just gonna be here forever aren't you sure is weird without all the music gonna go how's he gonna go and pretend like nothing better anybody got a place where I can jack off that's the only thing I've wanted to do hey how's it going I wasn't fine oh those just don't like it when you run Oh No lovely day for it did you hear the circus is coming to town oh that was so weird though the the way they've run oh god they say you see the oddest shadows in the street at night I never look lovely father McCartney preaches such thoughtful sermons I wish he was Anglican okay hi Antonia take down [Music] somebody's alarm that's so funny Oh trouble here Oh Oh God no please from an unfortunate blow to the head loves to play tennis ah that's nice leave behind an uncle Norton Keynes 55 of st. George home we all wish him well on his holiday and look forward to his return yeah I'm sure you do I'm sure you do this is so funny so funny the old ladies Oh downer like that's her alarm that's so funny all right anyway back into it back into the real deal here don't get spot just in my feet perfect Oh what did you say to me I don't want a cup or anything do do de de de de de not this way Lily I guess I shouldn't go scrounging around the waste bin either seems like a lot of people are out for lunch or on holiday um I'm sure that in reality those are all like boarded up like everything everything is horrible that must be like the what this actually L because I for it otherwise Oh Jax's does II now I'm sure that everybody in here is no better off than the wastrels I think that's probably the reality of what's happening here toxic fog I'm going through it you'll want to have a gas mask wet top that's all there is to it then look duck did it oh excuse me sir oh god okay excuse me sir a lot a little eat the toxic fog what are you doing Punk you were jumping in a puddle most islands have shopkeepers that sell helpful items and marked on your map oh I'm fine no no I'm I'm good where do I go oh look look I'm not a no need to be upset I'm fine are you fine cuz I'm fine no no I'm not a downer what are you doing there we go okay oh I'm up here now shut okay get me oh hi bonk what does that mean ow why did you have to throw a rock at my head okay what a minute I'm gonna die again because I obviously like lost my job too quickly over there that's totally fine I'm sure this won't negatively affect me in the long run so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna fall over I wasn't running I was I was only running when it was time to run which is when I ran out of joy duh duh duh duh I don't know where is my joy do I have joy did they give me joy was I supposed to get joy I feel like I was supposed to get something when I left that place I felt like I maybe should have gotten something I feel like maybe they were supposed to give me something Dagobah like in Star Wars diseases that dated lovey therefore X we must we must we must catch up sometime but not Dao I bet they totally have you think we wear the same size that's the most interesting thing that you have to say alright so I didn't have time to run around an office he's pretty well buttoned up oh no oh no oh no okay so was it through this alleyway because otherwise I'm gonna run out of joy and I'm gonna have a lot of trouble here oh crap oh crap oh crap I bet I was supposed to get joy I feel like I was supposed to get some joy I don't have any joy here this one yeah this one yes no not this one oh well um Oh what now I can do it wait next week Arthur after hasting lovely go for it lovely day for it me you idiots me salary I knew it was you I mean the glass is the hair they're really adorable jacket don't ask me how you're not that awkward little boy anymore I ever the way you walk it's like the mask isn't even no I just I just knew there's a stir Sally you look fantastic this ancient thing I've had it two weeks I'm out of mine with boredom green and white checked your dress the last time I saw you running out the door good that takes you back you're off your joy oh don't be ridiculous uh II have little [ __ ] faith I'm not gonna turn you in whatever possessed you to go if your joy Parsi i saw a picture of him I promised I'd look after him in Germany I have to go and find him how are you gonna get out you even have a letter of transit absolutely on my desk in the city your Christ just tell the policeman that I'm sure that wave you're right on three yeah haven't figured that out yet I'm very close with general ping of course you are no you always did have a knack for making helpful new friends I mean I could go see him and ask him to give you a letter of transit don't put the general out on my account I'm sure you've only so many favors you can ask of him my god he still hate me don't you yeah well I've only been wandering for the past 14 years was 16 could you because I liked him because he had that adorable beard I know there isn't a reason for everything you're the last bloody person he should be off his joy I can't believe you are believe me take enough stuff look some downer broke into my lab last week literally to all the bars of the windows and the ridiculous thing is I forgot to lock the front door the point is it's a horrible terrible world out there I just don't see you smashing your way into the city without a great deal of help oh no not me I really think on the kingsroad me no of course you are I couldn't exactly have stayed there I could I I think nothing happened look I'm sorry this isn't what I meant to maybe we could help each other maybe I could come by when I'm feeling better brilliant hmm she's Batman yeah what are they talking about I don't even know so Hoss how about going to the kingsroad knocking on our door and apologizing grievously and asking nicely for a letter of transit she knows general Bing whoa hey score score bird we're a friend the mist boils in air funny you don't seem all or you might say perhaps we can express our feelings a pipe mist oil to her friend what did i do what did I do to you I would have punched the [ __ ] out of you get ready for ow oh my god wait okay this is going much poorer than I thought I would I'm gonna grad don't you dare I'm gonna get you okay I might die on this one hang on I need to take this excuse me while I shove some healing balm in my eyes where did you come from aha oh wow geez ohms got him in the head if I get him in the head I've got that bonus okay geez oh wait I do have something wait when did I get a cricket back what did I get oh god I don't need to use that I think I do oh god oh god oh god I like the cricket bat less oh oh I'm dead okay well I'm dead okay that guy's dead I'm dead okay I couldn't heal anything at all anyway well that was so weird I'm sorry that was my bad being terrible at that but don't worry about it I got this oh so what did I do to you guys I was friends with Sally apparently when I was 16 and she cheated on me or something but then again that's like DOS so so long so who cares who cares God you emotional prick I guess if everyone's been forgetting everything since then it's like well wasn't there a war going on wasn't there more to worry about just a bit of a sit-down a choice oh I guess I'm done with that I don't know too long why do long let did he do did he ever do damn joy takers I know right why are you so tall well well the former basketball players just decided to pay pretty well button up babe if there's a way in the back there's a way in right now apparently that's so weird that it is legend aah Oh God Oh No what are you oh thanks there we go skip [ __ ] about ghosts or here we go Punk no skipper here we go now I'm gonna get you mom look at the happiness they're drinking tomorrow oh thank you yeah you do he's dead why are they all these people dead why they're dead yeah whatever don't matter to me little over there we go alright well I got some joy at least let me take up pop a squeaky pillow this I want a glug some of this down lug some more that's a good stuff let me just like a sandwich down which looks a lot like a pie all right we're all good popjoy no no no mmm no that is the good stuff all right what am i doing Oh put the weapon away look there that uh escape the Plowboys what was that you're supposed to run away oh no nothing you need to worry about constable Ola just beyond my wife and where is it you're on your way to precisely just enough to see an old friend on San Jorge oh well no needs me in such a hurry the bridge to Sir Georges sir under renovation Oh [Music] for how long I hesitate to prognosticate sir dr. paradise the only one who knows that effects the ridiculous contraptions on them bridges word has been sent but we've not had the courtesy reply while on you were I don't know go to dr. Faraday's house because dr. F is removed to a secret location the location which headquarters keeps aa secret ah Loski headquarters then you some kind of trouble my gun state business you know looks very happy go make up with son I wanted to get dr. Faraday to come fix his bridge so I need to visit please headquarters and find out where he's gone not now risk it all why is there a pole dancing pole with Sally do you have to complicate you jelly Oh probably scotch what happened to him he's been a solid citizen long as I've been on this beach today he's going on about leaving Hamlin waving around a suitcase like a rotten downer well we can't have that don't know where he thought he was going nobody goes to the Garden District down after maybe had relatives across the bridge ha ha that's right there's been an outbreak of relatives across the bridge in an outbreak of Downers no of course not there's nothing to worry about that's a relief I'm sure the joy is just as good as he's ever been these batch just gets better and better hey you keep taking it you'll take care of you right okay what about scotch I want you to have this Wow okay whoa problem much what the hell man this is an unexpected surprise what the [ __ ] man don't that's horrible that's so bad for you though the whole bottle dude you're gonna die don't you chug that the [ __ ] you okay did I do I need to call somebody for you holy [ __ ] ah the [ __ ] oh and he's just uh all right whoa whoa whoa buddy uh-oh buddy Oh buddy constable concept okay all right I'm just gonna go take his back I don't want his bad I don't want it back oh good whoa take it from me stay inside of the door I'm not too far away it's kind of look did it I'm gonna try to not want you let me save actually okay nevermind I can't save barely I'm gonna not take more joy and I'm just gonna see if I can kind of like oh why am I am i running why am i running can I not run not running would be great can I not run I just I'm just going a little bit faster than everybody else was there like a button to walk cuz this is gonna be a problem if I can't even walk uh no a barely hidden hot keyboard mapping here we go walk caps-lock let's just make that a toggle okay let's try that okay toggle hi you know I do I take it I take it a lot oh not looking there just oh wait yeah I'm taking it I got it I'm good look good don't they love doing leather god that's weird waffle iron for Louisville Luke I thought you said cuz they caught [ __ ] Jack and I'm like jeez that's quite a name this is reputation live up to his name yeah whatever hey I'm attempting to locate a Faraday not opposed you tell me where I can find him I'm afraid that information is not for public consumption oh they tell him where to find Bobby Higginbotham though I for Evans sake he's not in a Reform club again is it he was supposed to go to Lud's own who apparently feel so guilty dr. F has been deprived of the liberties which are the birthright of every English citizen he's gotta get his ass spanked constable Bevan I'm not the public I'm from the Department of Archives printing and recycling we're conducting an investigation into dr. Faraday's handling of municipal records relating to the maintenance of the inter insular bridges two requests have already been sent by miss Byng to your superior requesting this information if I have to go back to the parade miss beans next letter regarding this apparently deliberative estimates will include the name that the last person I talked to well that'd be you constable well the chap who keeps the Constabulary's address book in that case sir why don't you take the elevator on Apso records they'll show you that thank you oh sure thank you thank you whose shoes oh god I thought someone was just tapping behind me today made all the bridges I literally thought someone was just like behind me it was just like I'm gonna turn around and there's just it's gonna be a surprise and I don't I won't like it okay alright finding Faraday O'Day tube everywhere there a pole-dancing tree oh I get it that makes sense okay anybody see me okay whoa I can pick it off doo-doo-doo-doo can I have that no I took it okay is it not oh it's also in a way odd rush something you think you will never forget but then I suppose you do I'm author of the high-stakes memories played tricks on you do they know nope no no no way [Music] [Music] lovely day for it it's a lovely day and I'm having a great day little letter can't go through these okay dodo duck Duck Duck tired about I but I Babu said I'll okay no one here I didn't know that was there holy [ __ ] grandma sweets Germany coming back knows they won't say anything just shut it Persie just shuts it sorry till the war's over I guess the radio the radio keeps talking about victories yes buts the victories keep getting closer to Berlin I can't hear you they keep winning but then going back doesn't make any sense yeah it doesn't they're lying people shouldn't lie it infuses everything yes hmm all right well okay then I don't know what's that just in a locker are there memories like that that are just strewn about it whoo-hoo hey buddy well before I lose my uh I wasn't doing anything mr. bacon Kevin I love you died for it oh there's buttons over here - okay that's what I was looking for gimme gimme gimme daddy gonna pick this lock nobody's seeing [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] okay well there's no point in that dude okay how bad is it gonna be if I go over here hey buddy hello constable Bevin said you all the chapel where's dr. Faraday's current address that's right I've got records of everyone's address back there all alphabetical I'm quite proud of it so where was dr. Faraday relocated to oh I can't tell you that you're not a constable I guess it would take two of you to make one constable if you had platform shoes Yeah right anyone else you'd like me to not tell you the address on your very helpful that's what everyone says you know I used to patrol the street it was lovely shopkeepers give you sandwiches ladies flirt the warm Sun on your coat and one misstep and they put you in the records room it's hardly fair you want some birds you want some bows I got bows do you want bows uh your booze you think you're going there no we're not going anywhere almost oh I'm fine don't look at me now Oh Lindsay nothing Doolittle [Music] just go on the rear finding Faraday I like the alliteration in that that's definitely good I'm not gonna take my joy no oh god I said I wasn't smoking super-cold a drug boy wasn't maybe I can find those two F's address myself every day I said I wasn't and then what did I do oh oh no nothing no liar rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah [Applause] yeah just rest in the loot ah mother it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine everything's fine all good here it's all good so I got it Boop good this guy missable Hastings first of all hast a surprise no it's not oh my head you back you back on ball [Music] wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait hang on hello I don't live in said you will the chapter wait a minute wait hang on let me get somewhere safe hang on wait a minute wait that guy the guy thought I was Percival the guy thought I was Percival the voices don't sound right Percival sounded older than Arthur who is apparently the guy I'm playing as but that's not that's not how it went no he didn't just he didn't just impersonate he didn't just say lie about his birthday he took his brother's car because they look different in the picture this is this is Percival that's why that guy mistook him for birth this is Percival he took his older brothers card alphabetical but that guys the reasons that guy thought he was Percival is because he showed him that card which had Percival on it so this this is Arthur but he lied about his brother that's why that guy he didn't just oh he [ __ ] his brother over hard he took it cuz he knew that his brother was mentally disabled in some way autistic or something and couldn't like rationalize back and no one would believe him that's why the that's why the voice age didn't sound right okay I gotta go Faraday which is right here Oh lovely of famous kids in here somewhere Oh [Music] Oh not that you can be you kidding me you yanking on me certainly does place organized dr. Faraday's in lots home that's crazy why and how do I get someone's home well they renovating you what happens if there's like another filing cabinet that I can see here oh I'm off withdrawal hey that's good then I'm fine oh all good ever I can fake it I can't fake being in here though but that that makes so much more sense because that oh that explains so much okay but all mogudu so let's get EOD let's go back you out II did it okay how do I get over there there wasn't like another way out there was there turn it on that time up a little bunk okay that's cool okay that's cool alright I get it I get it I get it what dr. niller walking real slow we won't we okay man this is slow lovely day for it Bobby he came both he's supposed to check up on dr. Faraday but he's at the Reform club instead get his ass spanked he must have some sort of ID that lets in Causton Lud's hole maybe I could borrow it okay so this place does look all nice and stuff so that that medicine can't exactly was sorry I didn't mean to make you get up no I didn't hear about Ross constables Rossetti's wife's cake how is it is that a euphemism no I don't you don't know that so what is oh that's like a television thing that detects that so I need to avoid those but as far as that goes I can just walk around all happy do P I could probably run just fine Oh what the hell hello weird alright well okay thank you for that I'm just gonna go now bizarre I don't think they'd mind if I just do this quicker run this is probably fine alright hey yo DV that's why Sally's able to like not take and be fine oh sorry lovely day oh my God he's still drunk you all right dude you're gonna be drunk for the next 10 years if you don't die literally immediately you still you okay alright well he seems to be fine also where do they can recruit all these tall [ __ ] where do they recruit them all is this just like everyone of a certain height gets to be a constable and that's the only thing that you get oh oh oh whoa whoa okay there's a TV oh [ __ ] okay so maybe if I walk under those that will be okay but if I walk directly in front of them probably not good the English Vice lovely day for thank you thank you Club this is where that chap is supposed to be getting spanked isn't he the one with the credentials for crossing the bridge sir lot halt I have been modest feeling in this place like I should come back maybe not during the day oh no oh no this is it oh no oh this isn't what we own oh oh it's oh it's a BDSM Club oh that is one hundred percent of BDSM Club I would be willing to put money that this is a BDSM Club full of happiness and joy and spankings yeah that's a BDSM Club that is 100 percent easily a BDSM Club how many times can i say BDSM Club alright we're gonna go take a nap if I got a bed I can crash in and I sleep here on the ground can I just nap oh hey oh that's weird okay Oliver's office Wow there's nothing in there where can I take a nap there place like I can fast travel to house can I go to house what happens if I go to house can I go to house kind of go to house house what happens if I go can I fast travel to anywhere no I can't all right well I'm gonna try to go to house I don't know our house is gonna do fine we'll go a house cuz I just need to be able to sleep right that's the only thing I need to do just find a bad sleep it away gonna be good lovely day for it lovely day for it I look very happy me oh you know me look I'm full of joy lovely dinner alright nobody seems to mind it's only when you're like withdrawing from it that's what's bad okay right here no yes oh well hello no oh I gotta be into it okay a spanker you you suspect lady you saw spanker Spanky downer by spanker what do you what do we mean by spanker what can you cut lady can you clarify your words about it why you thought us banker was lovely anyway gonna go steal somebody's bed anybody in there Oh is there oh there is somebody in there well they're never gonna know huh hey hey hey let's see about pickin this lock I don't think is there a way to just wait where I am is it like a Skyrim thing where I can just wait wherever I go can I save also can I please thank you my goodness I haven't saved in ages okay let's dude oh it seems to be your family in here yes hello hi ma'am whoa awfully drafty in here huh okay Lottie I'm tres pansy I just gotta find your bed whoo no you didn't see nothing just going to the bed steal you me I'm sure you've got a free bed it's perfect I'll sleep there oh yeah and uh nine uh there we go and sleep why do you woke up they realize did it or just being a bad dream I just took a five-hour nap in here talking about what I want what are you our lady huh I just wanted a nap you kidding me you let me sleep in peace I guess you've got better things to do than chase the guy that just ran into your house and slept in your bed I wonder who's gonna be in this bed lady are you doing lady go to bed go to bed already but Tempus Fugit what does it even mean it was Lily what are you doing it what go to bed what God abandoned what are you doing lady got a panda what are you thinking it's got a bad way of pacing oh you don't even need to worry about all the troubles of the world you've got a bad whatsit Tempus Fugit all right I'm gonna try sneak out while she goes the other way okay you Inc okay crouch whooping okay then sneaky out the back a Dory and it's like nothing ever happened perfect save that one perfect day perfect oh okay so I just got a voice a bob boze bobble so he's walking the other way okay all right we're good all right so we just got to make our way away from the baubles the baboso ain't gonna get no thing of me that toxic gas why is there why is there an exorbitant amount of toxic gas oh oh oh oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I always wonder what happened to the letters there was an old full of smoke uh-oh that's a bobble you'll never catch me because I'm hidden you'll never catch me oh they caught me um you'll never catch me total actor you'll never catch me never ever catch me you'll never catch me you'll never know Africa Loulou god save the queen what happened to the Queen does anybody know oh I don't know okay oh hey buddy listen pal okay this is gonna be ah [ __ ] oh wow [ __ ] um ah [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay listen you can't see me you could never see me you can't see me I'm so hidden you cannot see me oh he sees me and he doesn't see me just like that just like that baby just like that no watch he's gonna spot me now I will watch this [ __ ] just like that baby just like that okay oh you you real dum-dum ain't you oh you real dum-dum oh you big dum-dum me I'm big smart man there way like through this alley no way like behind yeah there is oh you know there is oh you know there is oh wait that guy's standing in front of whoa they're still dead oh no he's no there ain't no you know there ain't you know you know there ain't [ __ ] okay just got a sneaky stone key sneaky stalk him on it just watch he's needy don'tyou don't know nothing you don't know nothing watch cuz he's gonna look over oh what was that huh weird huh easy-peasy Oh lemon my squeezy okay he's gonna just go right by me ain't goin no know nothing about me oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah I'm not gonna kill them why would I kill them why would I want to kill them look at them and they're so tall I'm they need to live to breed so that we get more tall people at home I what up I don't have nothin uh what what the [ __ ] I'm gonna go through this oh why didn't all I wasn't supposed to go oh well [ __ ] me then I'm just gonna go through it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it well no listen oh hey listen listen listen listen listen listen absolutely unnecessary absolutely disgraceful don't turn around don't turn around don't turn around don't turn around perfect excellent close that up never mind only its banks why are you spent so badly I don't exactly have an invitation as such just healthy curiosity oh okay fine um well [ __ ] find a way in okay how about this window okay that's as easy as that oh no not me me oh can I hide in here [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right you're gonna get your wallet go wild you you you want yours walloping wallet wallet wallet so oh [ __ ] you're red but I don't like this I like this I don't like this I'll argue hey listen uh yogurt okay wait watch watch watch and I've done I am the greatest - oh he knows okay no II don't know you might not know whoa oh you're a stinky one ancient oh you're a stanky Oh your stanky ancient he's a big Stanko oh he's stanky okay Oh brake lever I'm pretty clever I don't know how that guy figured me out that was snow snows weird like the guy he should have liked it shouldn't have been that way but it was you know what I mean it shouldn't have been like that but it do hmm all right okay all's Quiet on the Western Front almost not yet though Apple I'm a big hyung go oh hey buddy okay I'm gonna take this cuz I'm a big hurt Oh - can I make more of that I thought I'd got a lot of those things antiseptic bandage I don't know what that does but can i craft up some more I can get another Slap Chop okay um you're healthier buff weapons subsequent particulates damage for most attacks that's nice where's my where's my fisting ability I want to be able to fish real good I just want to fist the best smooth talker oh really shove someone in glue oh yes tippy toes [Music] tippy toes of course I want tippy toes I want tippy toe oh you people ignore your annoying habits oh but I want that that's I wanted running jump all over the place I'm gonna get in here ah dah I can't wait for that oh I'm gonna get that so good what I'll wait what no wait what wait wait what oh here we go okay there's someone over here I don't know why oh hi oh okay all right well [ __ ] [ __ ] okay what's up what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the food that the flying [ __ ] was that the would that why did the person from inside run over there I didn't kill anybody I didn't kill nobody I didn't kill nobody I didn't kill nothing I didn't do nothing to nobody nothing I didn't do nothin from nobody I didn't it wasn't my fault I got it's gonna be morning by the time I get in there don't turn around don't turn around player you dare what why are you there why would you be there what what what what what what are you blowing bubbles you are what what I'll go in the other window then oh hi um how are you floating are you you real okay wait I just saw it I saw what I wanted I saw I saw it hang on wait where's I I just saw it all Oh No oh there we go wrap your entire body and rubber reduces electrical shock alarms anyone who's not a rubber fetishist not a perv in this suit at least I'll fit in among pervs on the other hand to protect me against electricity and lightning and things hmm finally oh I feel it I feel safe in my own skin Oh welcome me somebody spanked me somebody please somewhere please spank me spank me spank me constable Rawlinson spank me lovely day for it yeah that's more like it I was almost thinking you were not one of us Oh it's almost like you've saw me before lovely day for it anyway just gonna Crouch it oh hey hi should clear up soon I imagine okay that's gonna you can't see me right definitely not no way I don't like the heavy breathing I hear I'm so sneaky so god damn sneaky memory dude I don't even know what happened I don't even understand see they said he got painting at school yes did it hurt very much no are you sure you're gonna be all right yes do you understand why why you what well boy you got the caning yes did you really kick a rubbish bin in Silesia Carlton's face no I didn't write d do you kick a rubbish bin yes did it then go in celesta Cotton's face i I didn't see him I didn't see him he came around the corner he came around he came around the corner oh that's not one oh good are you being sarcastic yeah I was being sarcastic I hate it when you're sarcastic no all right so that's just more memories of back then and I haven't gotten any money in a while I don't have a safe cracker should I go this way again I don't like the heavy breathing I'm here in coarse linen why would anyone want course linen new rubber cat suit why is it a cat suit is there a difference between a cat suit and not a cat oh no it's all rubber cat suit big splinter okay then why is this so stinky here oh boy it was having so much fun no it's they have a way to take people out of commission without killing them oh that's nice yeah I got that now apparently okay cool I guess hey buddy come on now loot your dead body raw meat why did something tells me that raw meat I don't want something tells me that the raw meat I got from the man in a rubber cat suit in a bathtub with an electrical device and a bunch of satanic ritualistic candles and a doc isn't the kind of raw meat that I want to eat taking this duck take it here all right gotta go on search the toilet why not okay I did that all right where am I going candy candy pinata pinata [Music] this guy's dead this doesn't make any sense doesn't make any sense everyone's dead I'm gonna get banned how do you band here I'm gonna get banned there's too much going on over there oh yeah you had that coming all right okay I don't want to suppose I'm gonna get bad I didn't do this I'm gonna get banned I'm gonna get banned I'm gonna get banned oh I'm getting banned I'm so banned oh I'm gonna get banned oh I'm gonna get banned I keep looking at it I should look away I could look away at any time I could look away at any moment but I'm still looking why am I looking but why do I keep watching this I'm still watching I'm still looking at it is there a number I can take and I'll be the next I don't know I could push this button at any moment put it away and never see it again but nope here I am still here okay gonna push that button okay all right well I am very the old paper all right is there was there more I haven't known the other way okay hey oh it's James all right what's going on over here oh right I could take his stuff and then I can walk across the bridge to Lutz home with his credentials car knife well should I look in it's probably not the best idea to search his body right now hope got a bobby pin from Bobby Hickenbottom didn't bother madam bobby pin how to punish me oh okay how to punish me I am so sorry about bursting into tears the other night it was truly inappropriate when you were doing such fine work with the path to hope I'm sorry it's like reading fanfiction here I'm sorry I objected to being swaddled after especially as it was my stupid idea to have you sing take the key and lock him up my fair lady I just meant it to be generally mocking you know it wasn't supposed to bring up old feelings of myself let alone you it'll be very grateful if you would punish me very harshly tonight please accuse me of being a truly wicked man I've done things to an innocent person please accuse me of being a coward for not leaving the Constabulary a real man would do the right thing and go off to blackberry please accuse me of being a liar for pretending to forget a real man with faces nightmares Thank You mistress Wanda for giving us a safe in private place what would I do without you your devoted servant Bobby Hickenbottom oh boy very sorry very sorry very sorry oh what Oh what what's a [ __ ] what the phew [ __ ] gang all right you know I think we wear the same size okay all right then the rumpus room the rumpus room oh hell the rumpus room I'm going into ruck and I get this party hat all right what's in the runt do I want to know okay we're not going in the rudder rumpus room mm miss yeah hard pass no of course no I want you to stop talking oh it's our key please I don't wanna know I don't know anything to do with them damn okay all right this room seems okay zap night Uncle Jack says watch out for this - lovely day for it such good comedic timing on these zaps alright well I guess I'm gonna zap them all out and then steal whatever's in this chest huh you should stay down so I don't like the moaning don't like the moaning no don't like the moaning ooh torch don't take that I guess don't like the moaning right in the armpit okay there you go have a good day wait there's another one over here I gotta reach right in the dick okay all right square in the dick there we go all right got you there all right don't worry I got you buddy I think I don't got you I got you buddy all right you guys have save your moaning for another day you've really done you've done a bang-up job over here you've done it you've done it ah [ __ ] okay I don't know where the where that other objective was but uh this person isn't this person no they're unconscious oh I thought they were dead okay anyway I like that Alright stern governess okay no this isn't hot no is anybody in chat is enjoying this stop it oh boy but I don't look good is this where I was supposed to get this stuff what that is all about okay Phoenix Mondays knickers Tuesdays spankings Wednesdays naughty nurses Thursdays pony-play Fridays quilting also breath control Saturdays wet room Sundays penitence and redemption yeah where do I see my quests this one Madam's magic wand she's lost her locker key I wonder where it is this doesn't show me where it is tits up that was good okay all right well I don't know where oh I got a loose screw from a loose clock so it's not in these it's not in that one what locker are you talking about hey can I go other feelings then you might not be to your taste why don't you go away I should come back entirely covered in rubber since when was that but I am I'm entirely covered in rubber are you talking about I'm tired I'm covered in rubber what I am yeah rock proved well suppose I should come back in tightly covered in rubble what [ __ ] how do you keep doing that how the [ __ ] do you keep doing that Marvin what the [ __ ] okay whatever I don't know why that's that but I I'm gonna go back upstairs because I don't know where else to go cuz it's got to be something with the madam right also is it just me or is it not quite smooth frame rate everything seems to be fine over a magic wand McAdoo stars are sort of unbreakable head NACA probably not okay where is it yeah where was it where did you say it was was it in here is it in here I don't want to go searching through your stuff if you're gonna be pissed off but I'm gonna do it alright sure whatever if they could stop moaning outside that would be wonderful oh wait who's this there's some kind of electrical cable there I'm sure they wouldn't make that yellow if they didn't sign oh no wait a minute wait there's something here this is supposed to move or this could move there's something here there's something there yeah that's going up to that so this can move maybe yeah I don't know why but it doesn't even like the frame weight is 100% smooth right now I've been getting bad frame rate lately in games I don't know why oh sorry ah so I okay well can I load the game wait are you just screaming at my way [Music] I have no idea what okay what the hell is this okay open trap panel ah I don't have a short spike okay I don't know what what am I supposed to do don't we just agree to disagree [Laughter] she's got no legs he's got no legs he's got no legs she's got no ceiling [Laughter] I'm sorry look at the look every man I'm sorry I didn't know you'd go so I you're much lighter than you look I gotta go from downtown yeah I got this one Coby he'll be gonna ever get everybody together you gotta think of don't worry I'm not gonna get it I'm gonna get it okay call me you fly too high why do you fly so high call me there we go all right I'm sorry I'm just having fun with that all right I'm gonna go reload the game from the main menu because that obviously didn't go as I was hoping it was gonna go but it went really well for what it was an okay we're gonna continue I think it probably will continue where where's my mouse okay select game maybe there we go there we go okay let's do this one that's funny though I already have the freaking key no I don't when did I get the key did I get the key do not have the key I guess I didn't try to open it that was my bad oh if I had the key then I'm sorry I'm a big dumb dummy do but you know whatever okay then I'm gonna try if this if this just opens over okay hey where am I God brilli here wherever here is where is this what the [ __ ] oh I'm outside it alright whatever okay sure what where where what the boy why did way where do you come from wow what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I'm not gonna take my joy Oh gah gah well hi listen listen listen listen listen that's so annoying why did that guy that guy was just floating him in there forever and then now he decides that he boy has a problem with me yeah well I'm gonna die cuz I don't have enough anything I'm gonna die hello died that's that's all there is to it wait I'm gonna I'm just gonna die so I might as well just go over here get walloped in the face I'm trying to I'm wearing a cat suit I'm very rubberized I'm very rubberized and someone else wall at me ball at me you have where who are you looking at who are you you looking that guy what them what did he do to you don't know not a bow okay there I go no no no way I am we're gonna go back into it I don't know why that was that way that it was cuz that guy was a douche I had my catsuit on I did any don't think even that mattered cuz at this point it should have been all should have been all hunky Dukey but I don't know the saving in this game doesn't really work the way it's supposed to and I don't know why yeah just rest in the feet jus you more free all right where am i okay here we go we're gonna go okay now that guy is down on the ground that's okay okay so this guy's gonna be a problem that easy huh oh okay couldn't be better thanks Iran yeah rotten to come back entirely covered in rubber but I am covered in rubber very delighted to see you always nice to meet a new friend of a bit of a feeling this venue might not be to your taste I should come back in toilet car I found ways to break this game man somehow I just want to get up into that place so I can see if I have the key which maybe I do but now I don't even think that it I don't even think that it's supposed to be in the place where it says it's gonna be in the game I don't know why whatever it's fine I'm fine it's fine here we go god dammit alright it's fine everything's fine everything's good Marvin Flitz Fitz Lloyd Griffith Jones what the [ __ ] is wrong with you okay ma'am ma'am ma'am wait this no that's wait wait I didn't have it um [Music] okay oh boy I've she's dead she's dead she's dead I'm gonna go back we're gonna go back we're gonna go back I don't maybe that was the wrong save can't have been right right that can't be right now is that right that can't be right that cannot be right there's no way that's right there's no way that's right nuh-uh-uh okay alright hang on no I sigh very meticulously oh my god all of them wait all of them are the exact same picture no that's not right why are you there no wait oh that's a camper oh no oh oh if I look in the bushes over here okay that's that's one great lady okay I think it's okay I don't see r0 hold it up back now we're gonna go in here I'm gonna go upstairs and everything's gonna be fine you know why cuz I know the timestamps this is obviously not I didn't save after I killed her you know what I mean okay there's still a loose screw in there I didn't save after I killed her that must have been like an autosave or something I think this one's gonna be fine this one's gotta be good this was everything fine hello there she is hey lady are you doing madam Wanda no sir magic wand unbreakable head knocker usual fooled okay alright so I got it everything's good the monsters are spending Otto say okay we're gonna find the magic wand show quest on map okay find the hats shocking revelation where would it be visit house where is it where is it where is it that it what's in his suitcase is that what the thing is is that what's in his suitcase or is that a different thing what's in his suitcase that must be it oh it must be where that guy is uh okay oh I'm gonna get that I want to get that excuse me Bob Denham Wow oh good man it's not curfew is it not the beer I'm gonna go for that no I'm done fooling around - I gotta get to where I need to get why can i still hear them saying punished why are they still saying punish me why is that still a thing why is it so thing I don't like that wait uh over here okay one more down no one saw a thing I'm in my rubber suit no one knows no one can know no one will know no one knows no one ever knows okay it's over there that guy's still drunk but if I just run in and grab it maybe I can be fine yes try that I need to look in here yeah oh oh [ __ ] I need to hold it down okay ah come with me hang on come with me hey okay over here nobody knows nobody knows nobody knows everybody knows come on oh wow oh my dad no no no you're drunk hang on no it's fine no no no hang on wait hang on no no no yeah listen listen listen buddy squaddies punishments pals pals pals baths I wish I could run faster but I can't no I didn't look in the suitcase didn't look in the suitcase it's fine it's fine look hey guys this is nothing there's nothing look see I'm fine look at me it's all good don't worry about it I'm gonna get this key I'm gonna get the thing it's all maybe good have you believed in me remember to spin key spanked that sweet like button if you think that I know what I'm doing if you'd think if you've got full confidence in me and you're wearing your rubber cat suits at home please give that like button a sweet electrical shock ooh punish that like button make it make that Punnett that like buttons been a bad boy and you need to who you need to punish that like button who your guy oh yeah that like funds been asking for it all day oh yeah you're gonna you're oh yeah you're gonna give it what it deserves right right right right guys you guys are gonna oh yeah I know I know what you were saying yeah you did oh you are and you were you did and you are and you am all right anyway no it's fine it's fine guys it's guys guys guys guys guys it's fine well he knows shockingly he knows okay I'm gonna loop around I'm gonna I'm gonna draw these guys away I'm not gonna get hit hello listen listen listen buddies buddies come this way wow that's a lot of them okay that's fine cama drawn drawn in draw them in draw them this way go draw him out they're gonna follow me yeah yeah yeah yeah oh that's a lot that's a lot of them that's a lot of meatballs okay then there's the one that's drunk okay don't look in the suitcase the suitcase I got it I got it I got tits up down or done I don't know what that was all about but I didn't get the key well now I don't know what you want from me what does it want from was this game want from me what does it want from me what do you want I'm in a rubber suit I'm very uncomfortable I'm extremely sweaty it really seals in the flavor of it maybe you should go shut up for a bit no you guys don't see nothing right you guys wouldn't possibly be why would someone be dead that doesn't make any sense okay what a lot I picked this one oh no oh no no no oh no oh no no I'm fine don't look at me don't look at me don't look at me I'm fine all right so there's gotta be something that I'm missing right it's gotta be something that I'm missing oh I did find it I did find it it was in that bag Oh tits up downer because I just gotta wait till the heat drops off so it was in there it was in there it was in there unless that red means it's not good I don't know what the hell that would mean then wait why is this in red then oh wait what no is she dead now oh did it looked oh did it load the most recent oh no oh hi what weird stuff happening is she oh no it did it did it did god damn it she's in the tree why are you in the tree why are you in the where she Wow I hurt Mike's oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god [Music] okay I think that's a good enough place as any to end it I'm all that time for this one I'll just go stare at the crime of what I've done there we go that's that's perfectly fitting okay so I got or just gonna end it there that was good enough uh yeah so so thank you everybody so much for watching I'm gonna pick this up again in another episode I promise I'll make more progress in the next episode I won't be so focused on the fetishization of it but how could I not when everything was screaming and moaning in my ear it's in the locker okay it's in the locker I'll look in the locker but thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you think in the comments below if you don't want to punish that like button then then go about your day and have a have a lovely have a lovely day without any mental scars or anything to try to forget this at all thank you everybody to join the channel through the memberships thank you everybody they gave through super chat you are all wonderful you're all lovely I am going to leave and try to pour bleach directly into my eyeballs to forget about everything that I just saw so I recommend that you all do the same thank you again punished so don't punish the light punish the like button all right thank you and as always I will see you in the next video buh-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,373,349
Rating: 4.9000454 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, we happy few, we happy few markiplier, we happy few part 2, we happy few gameplay, gaming, happy, haha, gameplay, lets play, playthrough, walkthrough
Id: -73EcARPFrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 45sec (7245 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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