The Mortuary Assistant: Part 1

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hello everybody my name is markiplier i'm here and it's actually night outside now and i'm here alone playing a scary game with night vision this is about as dark as i could possibly make this experience i've usually played horror games with lights on because when i film myself i usually like to have pretty lighting i don't have that right now i have nothing i'm going to turn off the night vision so you can get a glimpse of what the actual illumination is that's what it is i can barely see myself [Music] this is the mortuary assistant this is one of those rare cases of horror game demo getting a full release which is what this is if you remember this game i played a demo and it was very spooky very spooky and well made covering a rather unique scenario where you were a mortuary assistant preparing bodies to be observed during the wait and then buried but in the middle of the night things go horribly horribly wrong as they tend to do in these games it's time it's gonna be spooky i played bigfoot with night vision and it was a transformative experience it suddenly became very different because i am in a pitch black room playing a horror game the only illumination on my face is from my computer monitor where the game is actually showing me stuff really weird so some stuff fell over that's not a big deal no i know it wasn't even my fault but he sent me home right after that i've already seen this i'm gonna skip things for now because i've already played it and i remember the last time i played it i spent way too long looking at all the stuff in the room so i just know that my keys are here somewhere if i remember and i need to find them for some reason i feel the need to have or be quieter i know it's not absolutely necessary but i am alone and it is dark so it's the natural instinct okay and on the way we go i don't know where this is going to pick up and where the demo is going to where the demo ended in the last video that i played this i don't know where that's going to end and this is going to pick up but i haven't have a feeling that it's going to get pretty close to ending exactly for picking up exactly where it is so anything that i've already seen uh lexi and if you could please um kind of scoot forward unless there's new spooks happening all right i guess i'll head to the back and get started i guess i will i already have one of them i already have one i i already have one of those i do hello little spooky hello i rebecca mr delver i need help someone's outside the mortuary someone is oh someone is i know you're scared i'll unlock the door in a moment what this is very sudden but listen to me we have to start right away i'm sorry i didn't know until it made itself known this morning that it was here let alone bound to you huh i had no way of knowing the possession look this isn't funny stop you need to take this seriously you need to act quickly this is insane i'll just leave i'll just [ __ ] leave you can't leave rebecca i i can't allow that for you or for others it's far too dangerous what am i supposed to do then most bodies i work with at night are fine so we stay calm okay we embalm file the paperwork everything treat it like a normal day staying focused will help uh-huh i left some things for you on the desk i'll call again when you get to the embalming room no wait what the [ __ ] thank you that's insane it is a little crazy usually my first instinct is to leave just some hazing for the new girl or something uh just play along and do your job and do my job you got it i'ma do my job i'm not sure what my job is besides embalming but that's some new setup for this interesting so i think there's a key somewhere that i can get into the i think there's a key somewhere that i can get into the next room i just got to find it oh 10 out of 10 immersion very fun where is oh well that's handy okay well good for me hello i'm [ __ ] quitting tomorrow who does something like this ooh i don't know some silly prankster hello all right listen carefully i'm listening look i'm sorry but this entire thing is extremely unprofessional if this is how you treat new hires i don't think i can work for you this isn't funny rebecca you don't have to believe me but i hope you do before it's too late the only way to save yourself is to banish the demon before you're too far gone to do that you will need to learn the demon's name bind it to its chosen body and burn it in the retort look i know this is a lot to take in i wish i could do more for you i had years to learn what i know you have hours hmm i've recorded a number of cassettes to instruct you in the hope that having a physical object with a known message will help you stay grounded i won't be calling again you can't trust the phones anything can be manipulated okay listen to the tapes learn the demon's name burn the correct body got it the most important thing in the room is in that cabinet uh-huh open it up okay i'm sorry i'm sorry this is insane this is insane just be the professional one grab a body and get started well i don't know i kind of want to open up this cabinet because it seems super important oh very fun all of whatever this is i'm getting back to work no no no no i'm curious tools of expulsion aha process of possession okay the night shift database uh a computer program combining all my findings into one reference point whatever the database contains all the information on the process of expulsion the tools used and most importantly all the markings of the known demonic names if you ever forget what to do replay these tapes or look it up in the database the collection of demonic names is the most crucial piece to the puzzle you will need this information my id card is in my personal belongings drawer on the back is the passcode to access it use it in the weather the what the personal belongings drawer what does that even mean huh are you sure you don't want to listen to all these tapes and uh know how to do any of this aha interesting oh i don't know any of that i would listen to it but uh i'm gonna listen to it to its chosen body and burned uh-huh the three objects in this cabinet are your tools first the clay tablet in the center is called a mark placing the smaller pieces in the correct configuration will spell the demon's name second the bottles on the top shelf are a special reagent that will react to the mark add a bottle to the embalming mixture during the process when the mark is placed on the correct body with the reagent inside it will force the demon to become bound to it pay attention to signs that you have chosen correctly they can be obvious or once you are certain the demon is bound to its vessel burn it finally the pieces of paper on the right are called letting strips it must inscribe the sigils of its name in our world to begin the evocation you will need to uncover these sigils to use them hold a letting strip up while wandering the mortuary if it begins to smolder and burn you're close when the paper combusts the sigil has been revealed somewhere in that area they can be anywhere so look on walls under objects inside furniture okay use the night shift what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean that knowledge to create the mark what do you mean what do you mean add the reagent to the embalming mixture uncover the sigils build the mark and place it on the body did that just happen because there was a sigil revealed somewhere or do i not need to worry about any of that i'm gonna close this door i'm just gonna close that door oh that's no that's not open that's closed good as it should be i don't know uh what all that's about and i didn't take in any of that information i'm gonna go get a body and then i'm gonna start embalming it that's fine oh yeah this is uh uh creepy especially with the um the the whole darkness thing i don't like it guess i'll grab a body brandy castillo hi brandy uh i need to get the whole thing don't i don't i need to get this journey okay all right [Music] building yeah it's probably fine lock me in here scaring the [ __ ] out of me uh-huh [Music] hello hello welcome you're coming with me this is fine how you doing dead i hope so i don't like the wiggly feet i don't like i don't like the jiggle physics i don't appreciate the jiggle physics all right let's check you out okay let's do that peek-a-boo you know i'll just leave that closed yeah just close that that's fine i need the file right brandy brandy okay clipboard used for forms and keeping track of mortuary tasks at least i can keep track of things yes i can uh oh fine here oh no hello boy oh hey brandy okay nope nope new job i'm getting out of here oh yeah that's a good idea i'm gonna get out yeah i'm gonna get out of here new career [ __ ] this yep i agree [Music] oh why would you need no i just i'm just saying things i need to get back to work it's fine it's fine is it fine what happens if i leave i don't wanna i don't wanna i'm getting in [Laughter] [ __ ] oh you're kidding me i can't believe him oh that's not good what am i doing this is ridiculous i shouldn't be out here it's my [ __ ] fault what is get back to work okay i guess i'm gonna get back to work gotta close that door don't wanna get uh water in my car yeah the choice i'm stuck here [ __ ] uh-huh coffee nope okay ah brandy you still there good great uh let me check those tussies that's weird uh clipboard i don't even know what that was all about am i supposed to make any blemishes well i guess i got it um okay hi brandy you okay brandon don't meet me brandy don't mind me boy what's going on what's with your face oh okay yep don't mind me oh i hate it i hate it i hate everything about it okay well that's good uh enter the markings on the computer you got it i am on it we got bran oh i just click right that's all i do head contusion right shoulder contusion right leg blemishes done oh did i not oh you still there brandon i don't like this i need to file the copy up front i can't hold anything else well time to lose this got it great good you stay right there brandy you don't move a muscle you don't move a muscle don't move a muscle dear god don't move muscle it's time to embalm yep time to embalm all good all good all good um embalming okay wire jaw with needle wire jaw shut with needle should i do the whole this thing whoa why who did that who's there hello i'm brave i don't remember closing that who's there who's there anybody anybody there okay i think we're okay i think we're all good just holding the piece of paper up and wandering around all is good okay i'm gonna leave that um open okay what about the needle what was that about a needle what is that what is this uh troker that's not what i needed uh needle injector i do need this okay so needle injector and the setting needles okay good yep yep yep ah good keys extra keys to the mortuary oh that's useful maybe i don't like that smile i don't like that smile raymond i really need a key to the hatch outside cleaner is low and you mentioned having some down there before i know you don't trust anyone to go down there but having a copy of the key would make things a lot easier for everyone would it now for who uh setting needles uh-huh they are right there next to the thing okay i'm gonna wire your jaw shut now don't worry about a thing i can't use that here okay okay oh i don't like that oh boy oh oh oh huh oh that is fine you you there we go oh there we go all right great i trained for this for years i'm definitely qualified insert eye caps to keep eyes shut yep that's what we do next just gonna shoot oh nope i didn't couldn't put him i thought i was gonna do some winking [Music] was that always open was that always open was that always open it was open because i left it open it was open because i left it open it was open because i left it open all right eyes wide shut time there we go [Music] getting sleepy getting so sore there you go okay all right mix embalming fluid glutaraldehyde methanol humectant formaldehyde okie dokie that's humectant formaldehyde good cavity fluid methanol there we go i already have one of those do i oh i do interesting uh glutaraldehyde where would that be [Music] glutaraldehyde okay done do i put any reagent in it i haven't noticed anything from the leading strip it hasn't been smoldering so i'm guessing i'm fine oh what do i put reagent in is that what i do that's just what's written why not done make an incision in the carotid artery and jugular vein okay i can't use that here i can't are you sure about that what was the noise i'm just gonna real quick oh okay use forceps and clamp tubing i don't know where doobing is you the forceps now you're a troker it's just the lightning nothing scary about that and [Music] easy i need tube i need so much tube someone moaning out there this is just call me a big [ __ ] but uh playing in pitch black darkness real spooky where's the tubes and we got tube here and they found some tube tube tube i really wish this wasn't open so i'm gonna close it i feel so much better oh all down there engage pump and let's die what hello you're not brand why why did you why did i let you die why did you die hmm what was uh what was the deal there you uh maybe that's your fault hmm i don't know your fault is it hey listen you need to sit down regret every second with you okay hmm well nothing going on there let me turn on this pump wow [Applause] okay that seems good uh it's all coming back to me turn off the pump remove the tubes close the incision easy peasy done like it ain't ever happened just that simple all right fill an empty iv reservoir bag with cavity fluid then insert troker into the abdominal cavity easy i need a reservoir bag that's that okay fill it with troker fluid which i think is [Music] you're right [Music] cavity fluid right troker hello must have been the wind must have been the wind excuse me let me just show you ah there we go i don't like that i can see it through the skin that's oh no let's not hello no visitors i said no visitors excuse me there we go there we go all good there mix cleaners and bathroom closet create tank cleaner all right bathroom closet here i come let's see flow clean cleaner base that's just tank cleaner what do i need i do it i guess i have tank cleaner hey there brandy [Music] all right check all right let's get the yeah you really didn't need to step up your stance your stand your skin care where did i see the moisturizer i know i saw it somewhere humectant i saw a moisturizer somewhere and let me tell you brandi you need it uh [Music] why do i keep forgetting where everything is why is it dark in there it's not supposed to you're supposed to be bright oh old building uh hi hey blah no visitors where did i see i know i saw moisturizers somewhere here i don't know i keep forgetting where everything is it's almost like things are distracting me moisturizing wipe i can't hold anything else really really i can't use that here oh all right let me give you a little wipe rub it rub a dub it up now you're looking good flying solo i can't read that okie dokie then let me just uh air it out oh that's not good oh it was just a shadow i thought it was something spooky well i don't need this anymore maybe i should just all right brandy oh well don't mind me just going to look for some demonic markings of types [Music] don't let anything be behind me papa that's another job well done who do we got next [Music] how you doing today i didn't get your name but i'll get it later you gotta love your job that's why we have podcasts to let the day go by okey-dokey grant carvalho all right what happened to you grant what uh oh you got booboo all right boo boo over there i'm not seeing nothing how about uh here no nothing there oh your arm don't look too good there that's just how it is that's how you're built how about here no nothing there nothing there interesting oh here we go nothing there either is that really all of it it says two of four oh on the back i bet it's on the back let's turn you there we go there and there we go all right grant don't worry i'll take good care of you i've been trained bless you i've been training for this for years so don't worry about a thing we got grant here age 36 a rash and a mole on the right shoulder confusion left arm left leg contusion nope left leg contusion submit interesting all right grant you got a fun last name grant i like that that's real nice wham all right let me just file some paperwork real quick i'll be right back with you grant hey hey hey hey [Music] there we go all right time to get that flapper sealed you're uh you love to talk don't you grant don't worry i'll fix that right up how swam bam womb skadoosh all right that's looking good all right time for those peepers open wide boink uh open wide boink open wide blink and shoop and shoot easy peasy all right time for the yield embalming fluid schwap and uh if i remember humectant all right humectant we got formaldehyde wham we got glutaraldehyde which is not there there we go oh this is fascinating what a wonderful turn of events [Music] [Laughter] i'm missing something oh i am missing something hello [Music] okay we're doing great i'm glad this is all happening am i missing something now i'm missing something i'm missing something i gotta get out of here i'm missing uh the quick sprint away and really oh my heroin kit all right do i have a clipboard for this as well is this uh all right let's get out of here can't party without the kit oh oh god oh wait a minute oh this is uh oh hey you did this to me i did this your fault oh hi all right oh just taking a little nap what was that i'm thinking this uh this uh body might be a little bit haunted if i had to guess i think it is a little haunted if i wave this around is this gonna do anything for me i'm letting the air out oh it's oh oh gosh oh all right well i should start looking for things huh um hello hello anybody see any demonic symbols brandy you uh see anything okay it went cafouche right near the threshold maybe on the other oh hey i see you okay am i supposed to remember that it looks kind of like a z with a t a zt a tizzy i'm gonna call that one the tizzy so i spotted a tizzy do i do anything about that uh that no that the tizzy okay i saw that need more leading paper thank you i already i already [Music] oh okay we got the p that is the p not just a p it's the p us backwards but i don't see anything else here so the p i don't know if there's a specific order i'm supposed to put these in uh can i get another one of these thank you let there be fire no really fire no okay fire no oh hey grant i'm ready that's what i thought that's what old girl oh god all right well listen you're being a little silly you're being a little silly grant grant dude oh my god ah the pee if i go outside it's gonna do anything everybody here anybody out here man if only i add some light well i don't know where the light is in here so i guess that's just going to stay dark well i got two of the symbols i'm assuming that the other one's going to pop up when i get further along in the mortuarizing let me get the region in here because i'm pretty sure that this one needs it all right slam this in here and we're good to go all right let me get the scalpel all right now i don't need that and i'm gonna need this all right and then i'm gonna need some pvc tubing yep all right easy oh that's not good i should back up a step why why are we why are we like this be let let there be something oof i do not like playing this in the dark i do not i do not like playing this in the dark okay let's get back to work here and then why are you like that hello hmm okey-dokey check let me just have a quick inspect oh my god oh my god oh where's the light switch there it is hello good hello i wasn't closed before but all right hello hmm all right no more leading okay i see back to work turn off pump close tubes uh incision close got it yoink you like it never well i left a little bit of a mark on that one okay all right fill an empty reservoir bag with cavity fluid uh empty back here cavity fluid here got it need my troker we're gonna [Music] adjust that's it is that shot is that a shadow moving is there a moving shadow is there creeping moving shadows to the right there is there creeping moving shadows i believe there's i'm gonna just take a second here okay it was nothing it was just fine it's actually fine if you think about it oh yeah there we go all right i'm getting quick this uh i need to tank clean of course big important step very important just gonna air this out a little bit big important step here yep and wham we got tank cleaner that's good to know wow if you scream at ghosts they go away that's how you uh assert your dominance on the demons demons love to be dominated that's a fact you can you can verify that google it if you don't believe me [Music] then i need to apply moisturizer can i do this first while that's happening you all be moisturized nah i can't do anything out of order so uh was i supposed to get some other names was i supposed to get some other names i feel like i might have been supposed to get some other names brandy randy oh you getting impatient there don't worry i'll i'll be i'll be right with you hey don't worry about that thing i'll be right with you okay everybody what is that what is this ah that's that's good all right you're good to go uh let's air this out a bit first [Music] okay that seems good all right let's go for a ride clark charlie oh chance chase all right see you chris [Applause] okey-dokey that's another job well done all right who is this uh benjamin ben benny man let's get you processed ben add a how are you on this fine day ben okay fine it's actually a good thing anybody uh any demons in here okey dokey well time to get to work i need to get you inspected how are you looking how you looking how you cooking good looking benjamin janie oh you got five uh nothing immediately noticed oh that would okay well oh my oh hey ben i'm sorry i must be i i gotta go i'll see you around ben later i vaguely remember something about this happening interesting thank you so much i don't care about anything anymore i don't want to be here hopefully please [Music] well this is all very sad um but i gotta get back to work my boss is gonna kill me if i don't get this job done so uh oh anti-depressants great oh uh something's wrong with my clipboard hmm oh can't take that medication i don't have any food all right i gotta go i gotta i gotta go i gotta go i have to go um i gotta go so i'm going to go now nope i missed something interesting so i can walk on the nothingness is that is that what i'm learning oh oh hey keys to the high risk wing because that's what you want i go right to the high risk wing this is a good idea hi uh don't close that door you didn't okay hello i'm sitting here holding your coin right now wondering if i'll ever have one of my own what would the point even be even if one day i'm sitting here holding my own no matter how many years i printed on it i would still have always have yours in my other hand never changing stuck forever it would always remind me of the life i cut short while i keep going i can't imagine it my dad's necklace okay my dad's sobriety queen okay excuse me there isn't a day i don't think about you memories will flash into my mind uninvited in a moment of bliss torn down by unimaginable guilt nothing to give me helps i still have your necklace it's one of the few things they let me keep in here i'm not sure i can handle having it anymore though i'm giving it to grandma when she visits next i want so badly to have that piece of you with me but i'm afraid of it i don't deserve it he told me that when i was little i would put it around your neck every morning as a way to wake you up i guess kids just like shiny things and annoying their parents i don't really remember it much i just remember you being annoyed with me after the hundredth time but i would give anything to put it around your neck one last time i see you wake up well it's very sad but um i got like i said i got a body to embalm so i gotta you know i gotta go don't tell me there's something else i missed in there is there okay ah well i mean we all die someday don't we okay go hey oh no okay well it's not good i don't why did that happen oh no oh oh oh it's uh i don't know about that nerd yeah i left it oh god the doors open the door i'm closing the door i'm closing the door what are you gonna do now nerd okay it's uh sonic the hedgehog all right i'm come for you i'm gonna get you i'ma get you it was closed [Laughter] fool i'm going in uh what's up ben i'm just gonna get another one of these [Music] seems uh all clear let me go put in the sonic the hedgehog and uh we'll be done wham i don't remember what to do about that but i remember what to do about you it's time to get the contusions looked at how's your back i see i see i see okay uh there's that on the face i can't look at your face apparently all right why are you smiling stop smiling i don't like to smile i don't like the smile maybe you had a glorious death i feel like you can die with a smile on your face um what's wrong with your your fingies nothing what's wrong with your tootsies nothing yes something what's wrong with your other fingies oh all right well that'll do for that can you stop smiling i'll do something about that smile all right no oh i need to file the hey no visitors need to file the report mole head mole head that's what they called you been keratolysis how do you even know what that is mild abrasion right leg submit oh such pleasant sounds perfect i'll be right back ben if that is your real name okay time for the the smile [Music] ah you're still smiling stop it all right i don't like it i don't like it and the goopy juice whatever this is it's going in all right i got the scalpel i need the tubing let's do it wham boom bam uh boom and then bam hmm huh huh what was that what was that oh no don't do that no that's not no uh interesting so what you're telling me is you're going to heaven up i get you even if you're pointing down i understand um i'ma wave this around because it makes me feel better oh god no oh no [Music] oh good oh hey uh hi how you doing good to see you can i help you okay well that's a brick wall i don't know how you did that that's a very moist brick wall but uh interesting okay good oh no oh no oh hey hi jesus how you doing hey you playing tricks on me ben what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing okay no flames no flames maybe i should have listened to that last tape maybe maybe that's a thing i should have done at every moment the demon is funneling its energy through you you are unable gross resist gross identifying a demonic entity is a delicate balance the further you are from possession the more time you have the closer you are the more the demon will make itself known allowing you the information to guess its name and the body it's bound to the only way i've found to tell how far along a possession is on your own is to scribble on a piece of paper don't think about it just scribble look carefully if you notice anything strange it's starting to take hold there's a notepad and a pencil on the desk uh this seems like important information time i should have i should have listened to that a long time ago i should have i should have listened to that a long time ago i should have listened to that a long time ago uh-huh where is it i don't see it uh-huh is penis yeah i should have listened to that a long time ago um ooh wait a minute is that the last symbol oh god is that the last symbol is there any penis one no sure looks oh three i see three dots hmm huh well i seem fine okay how am i feeling okay good let's do a quick loop-de-loop i gotta be getting close but while that's happening i'ma listen to tape two must be bound to again chosen body and burned the three objects in this cabinet are your tools first the clay tablet in the center is called a mark placing the smaller pieces in the correct configuration will spell the demon's name second oh hi oh my god oh my god oh my the god when the mark is placed on the correct body with the reagent inside it will force the demon to become bound to it pay attention to signs that you have chosen correctly they can be obvious or extremely subtle once you are certain the demon is bound to its vessel burn it oh god these eyes on the right are called it must inscribe essentials of its name in when the paper combusts the sigil has been revealed somewhere in that area they can be anywhere so look on walls under objects inside furniture anywhere the demon will inscribe in sigils over time to try and hide them so check regularly once you uncover the sigils use the night shift database to decide which demon you're dealing with and use that knowledge to create the mark the steps are simple add the reagent to the embalming mixture uncover the sigils build the mark and place it on the body then when you're certain burn it in the return nice shift code i need to get the code wasn't it on his card or something uh 1944 maybe i don't remember what the code is uh oh i don't remember what the code is he probably said but i or at least said where it was oh wait there's numbers okay [Music] one of three for the houses one three one four maybe one three one four could that be it nah oh hi hey what's up don't mind me this is all right okey-dokey and that lights out again great how we doing everybody how are we doing how we doing oh if i can't get in the night shift database i'm kind of boned aren't i well i might be boned everybody i might be boned i might be boned oh my god stop it that's my stuff you're throwing around hey holes all right i need a bag yoink there we go there we go [Music] candy tank cleaner excuse me pardon me pardon me tank cleaner coming through miss really quickly listen to the third tape again knows the second tape god one the night shift database ah here we go combining all my findings into one reference point my id card is in my personal belongings drawer on the back is the passcode to access it use it got it okay how do i wrote oh four two three three six four got it oh nope nope nope it really makes it hard to listen to all right this working yeah this thing is huge so uh i guess um this is david raymond this feels insane but i think you were right this has happened a few times now but let me see if i can get in here there it is [ __ ] [ __ ] okay so i need to look for the ones that are moving uh ben here has been moving quite a bit you know i gotta be honest interesting none of this is integral to banishment but this knowledge may still be of use i've found no particular religion has a full understanding of the demonic while bits and pieces remain true in various interpretations there's much that is inaccurate or simply unknown i've compiled what i've found for various archives and relics some words do not have an entire equivalent which is signified by n a okay okay that's fun oh so they only have three so i have the name then so i have the name i don't know why but it's like present the source that greased me out i feel like i'm sitting still too long so it must just be the three i must have them sigils of the covetous demons oh no they got four oh god damn it okay we got p we got sonic we got t we got that that might be it maybe i just gotta assume the last one you know what i mean we got t sonic nope not ain't it we're looking for something with the p in it so i might be able to guess the name okay i think it's this one so t top sonic p and then double t umbrella okay t sonic p umbrella that's it i do believe that's it it must be right it must be all right i don't know what else to do i think i have it but i'm not 100 sure you gonna do anything are you sure this is the right one i am now pretty sure this is you buddy i'm pretty sure this is you all right with that stupid smile on your face pretty sure that's you well i'm gonna burn the [ __ ] out of you oh my god i'm gonna go burn you oh my god oh where am i what what is happening well god where am i what what oh okay i'm gonna burn you i'm gonna burn you yep i'ma burn you nope stop looking at the goddamn thing i'm gonna burn you i'm burning this one i i don't care demon okay i'm gonna burn you i'm gonna burn you are you sure absolutely now now i definitely 100 am yep goodbye have fun being burned [Music] i don't know if that was the right one but i'm pretty sure oh did i do it there you are good i did it is it over it's never over but you survived what do you mean can i leave i want to go home you can leave but once an entity finds you all the houses of hell will do anything to get back to you i'm sorry but it doesn't end here from now on there is always a chance this will happen again no matter where you are i don't want this i just want to leave what do i do i'm sorry but there's no going back i've spent years learning everything i can to keep these entities at bay it's the only thing we can do so what you're waging some selfless holy war it's not a war it's survival and i'd hardly call it selfless we're caught at the front line of something larger but i don't do this for some greater good we either face it or fall to it i wish i could claim to be someone better suffering hell to save us all but i simply want to live another day just like everyone else when i first experienced this i had to make a choice i could run and spend the rest of my days in fear or i could learn to face it and keep some semblance of a normal life normal right it's not a life i would want for anyone but choosing between a life of fear or control you're the first person i've met to face this hell and survive so i'm offering you a different kind of job work the night shift learn what i know give yourself a chance at a life beyond fear i don't know what you experienced but i know it uses the worst parts of you against yourself the more you experience the more you'll confront the darkest parts of your life but through it you'll become unbreakable i'm offering the tools to take control the choice is yours i hope you come back uh-huh i think i have to otherwise i'm going to get possessified [Music] i guess i did it i'm the best i'm the greatest ever in the history of mortuaising which i think is the correct term that was very good very creepy to play in pitch black it is super spooky it just adds another little layer of fear um i have an experience like super creep out in horror games in uh i mean a few war games here and there will get me super super spooked but it's just like putting myself in the scenario to play this so let me know what you thought of this i mean it doesn't make a lot of difference for you guys it's just different coloring of my face in the corner but for me it changes things it is weird it is cool and it is spooky so let me know if you like it i might do more horror games like this because anything to get that sense of something breathing down my neck or something breathing down your neck maybe there's more to this than we know but we survived today and that is good enough for me so thank you so much for watching look in the description for even more scary games that i've played in the past and uh just browse my channel for the probably thousands of scary videos that i have subscribe for more listen to distractible ending wonderful any one of one of five ending one of five shifts completed how many shifts could i have possibly completed wait what do you mean i thought the game was over also yeah the seller i wasn't even able to get in the cellar wait what was any of that if after playing this game you experience abnormal happenings around your home or have a certain changes in behavior of yourself or loved ones reach out immediately to your local church and paranormal investigators interesting do any of you feel some of that do any of you sense a change in your surroundings do any of you feel uncomfortable where you currently are oh my god there's another shift fascinating so that's just total stats i'll have to come back to this thank you everybody so much for watching and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 12,160,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, mortuary assistant, morgue, scary games, markiplier scary games, part 1, good ending
Id: DVw50_d10kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 0sec (3960 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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