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hi I'm Stan Stan the water man here to bring water to the city of Los Santos all these great good people here need my water I'm here to give Stan the water man has a purpose in life and that purpose is to bring water to the great people of this city as the Sun sets so does the thirst rise time to be off let's see if Stan's wise enough to have locked his bike don't know if that's lock or unlock oh it's a good day for Stan looks like Stan's waking up on the right side of the bed today I looked like a bit of a nerd on this I'm not gonna lie but I think that's what everybody feels when they first have new clothes it's like a new haircut not that I'd ever get one but uh maybe this time maybe today I'm gonna impress some more ladies okay so where should I go what should i do well I did a lot of delivery work I think when I was asleep probably but uh I remember distinctly doing a lot of delivery work I don't think I need to do any more for today I have a good bit of dosh in the bank so maybe I could see if someone out there is uh ready to mingle around stop Stan oh hi hey how's it going Jimmy are you uh are you free am I free yeah we live in America Jimmy all right that's me Stan we live in America I'm always free all right well I always love it when you refer to yourself in the third person but listen uh I find myself in a much better position than I was before but the Sun is setting so I'm thinking that maybe it's an opportunity for us to make some more cheddar or Jimmy doesn't know what you're talking about what do you mean cheddar it's time to cut the Gouda act about farting no no why would anyone call you on the phone and say it's time to fart no I'm talking it's tiny what I mean but do I seem like a weird person friendly J do I seem like a weird person to you yes all right that's fair enough but it's time to shave the mozzarella the Sun is setting wink wink okay what what are you talking about cheese for I have I don't deal I have some lockpicks and I'm thinking that it might be time for friendly nice stand to make a little extra parmesan on the side okay what you want to break into a Italian restaurant I don't understand well you're half right I but I'm talking about let me make sure no one's around let me let me hide real quick usually I'll just I think I'm pretty stealthy here I'm talking about using these lock picks when the Sun sets on this fair city to steal from the rich and give to the US well I mean I was trying to be subtle about it I don't I'm you whatever you're are you in sure you're just looking for making money right yeah well I'm in debt i I owe 15,000 to Eugene his cab fares are a little bit exorbitant and then I owe $25,000 to someone by the name of Murph for acting lessons by the way I'm an actor i I've been in two professional projects so far well I mean the first one I was I was more of a it was more of a like a sensual lover's embrace style film project but the next one I was playing a crazed hobo who ran at a man I think he was a lawyer screaming oh I'm crazy I'm not robbing you but I'll cut your face off if you don't get in the trunk and then he got in the trunk and then Ana fell off the vine would sign and then I had to carry her all the way to the hospital from the very tip-top of the mountain it was a wild day yesterday and I'm hoping that we can get down to some excitement today experimental short film no no it was it was a movie and a commercial that's all you need to know about it okay I mean I might have another business venture for you if you're interested he's a guy in Pulido he's in the pharmacist pharmaceutical yes and deliveries but you know how to do good at deliveries I I I'm something about professionally Stan the delivery man is my own attacker right all right well I'll introduce you to him where are you I can pick you like I'm right outside the job centre at the moment uh-oh I'm stealthily hidden in the bush I don't think anybody can see me at this point but uh I'm uh I'm ready and waiting I'm away okay all right thank you thank you Jim Jimmy Jim a--they friendly who's coming friendly alright friendly so Jimmy's on the way I Oh what are you doing is that you're wearing uh well yes I'm shocked you could spot me from my hiding place but uh I uh misplaced my fanny pack and I thought it was a good time to get a an overhaul of my outfit and you see my my Camelback here so I always stay hydrated whenever I need hydration which is pretty much always anyway how you been good you know these train rides have been getting longer and longer so I've been out of town for a little bit but good making money I got a new job at the the winery for the daytime Oh the winery that's pretty cool I've never been up there I didn't even know there was a winery up north northwest dish pretty cool local area I could put in a good word for you it's going to next time the boss is in town well maybe I mean what kind of work is it ah you know it's some delivery work you deliver grapes and and wine and yeah you collect grapes from the vineyard that's in that's my specialty that's what I do exactly I do that well I mean it's not water it's it's wine which is not exactly a hydrator it's okay it's all derivative of the same product you know the only thing I love more than delivering is real live dogs dogs that are alive and cute and adorable you can pet them right there that's the only thing I love more yeah no you seem a little sick there yeah sorry yeah no I'm sweating a little yeah I can see that you're pouring some water to replace that hydration but anyway I love dogs the cuteness of their voices and their barks and their breath on your with your face oh me too sometimes I just want to cry as well so anyway you still selling crack no no I mean why your dream you loved it I I wouldn't call it a dream it's uh it's it's a living I guess oh really I'll be honest I have a lot of crack really it's just one gram of crack that I've been trying to sell for awhile I haven't been really successful but I think I might just keep it for my own activities okay I still consider you the friendliest crack dealer in awe of will Santos but uh if you want to keep it that's fine it might be because you're so nice that you try to stop everyone that tries to buy it from you and try to lead them down the path of righteousness and somehow I found myself spiraling down a path of darkness instead but not either way it's all good it's fine here I'll introduce you to this pharmaceutical job and that'll that'll put you on a better path I think so I you know I I was doing the delivery work like earlier today and I just felt it felt good to be on the right side of the law it felt good to be honest to be drying it I just felt alive you know I'm really gonna win the respect back of my son with with like this turn about of my life it's exactly exactly this uh-oh I should I should probably mention that maybe do the job we're going to huh isn't entirely a great topic to talk about government officials Rai Rai Rai so at the DMV I should mention this people in general know you should keep this off of your any sort of applications asking for your occupation so we're likes more besides spies no more like drug delivery men we we deliver goods oxycotin what yeah oxycodone it whichever one that is oh well those are legal oh okay for a second I thought we were gonna do something illegal oxycodone is perfectly legal it's not this oxy whichever oxy it is I don't know I'm bad with science so what you're telling a good friend friendly Jimmy he said I just spent the last five minutes telling you about how my life was turning around I was enjoying being on the right side of justice and then you the first thing that I say to you when I get back into the city and you're finally here is that we're driving up to deliver illegal oxycontin to some strange individual there's actually multiple strange individuals but yes uh-huh well I would be livid right now but I just got a text from someone asking me on a date I'm Stan you I mean I did that halfway down the road this is not because of it oh my god finally finally on a real date hey thought about a date or whatever with you greasy water boy if you're like bored or whatever xoxox Brenda the receptionist oh my what yeah hello just an let me no no let me let me there there might be a problem here let me reason with them they might just need some water hello hello hey you're gonna be excited about this one I just got a date from a beautiful girl by the name of Brenda oh isn't that great news what who you're not saying anything oh are you stunned with disbelief Oh do you just think oh oh I see you're saying that someone like me wouldn't be able to get it to know you're scoffing at me oh you son of a [ __ ] awesome that's what you get oh hey that's what you get Stan yes this this guy's dead look Jimmy people die it happens and he can't be dead I just know there's a dead man in the street and that that guy was just oh that wasn't me this guy's dead I think that guy killed this guy yeah I'm like Batman except oh now he is definitely dead yep yeah sorry lady she is okay we gotta get out of here how we got to talk to you just in there oh okay all right you need do you have 750 dollars not on my person but is there a bank in this city there's a bank right there oh it's a down payment he supplies us with a delivery vehicle uh-huh I see let's just check out the bank real quick I'm gonna park my car right now oh the bank of course it's where we had our first a friendship event with that robbery I guess Oh bonding moment yeah of course oh that was terminals those good times they weren't criminals they were just bird monkey and clown burped barren clown I apologize all right well this is the most money I've ever carried on me as one time I probably shouldn't say that loud enough money well I mean I've got some money I've got I've got over 10,000 in the bank you you may also want to start storing some of that cash under maybe your mattress or something just in case you get heavily in debt with the bank why well I I would never be heavily in debt with anybody I always tried to pay my debts you never know you know sometimes you get arrested and sometimes they bill you direct with your eye I don't think I'd ever be arrested for anything well I mean I know I'm gonna I'm I'm as clean as the water I so that's like 10% legs so well I mean it's impossible to decontaminate that levels of lead that it like in this city and and people have built up a tolerance anyway so the city is actually well suited for it anyway this is the place if you want to head on in he's at the you can talk about right Oh Stan what are you doing I what did you did you see you walked up to the door and then you started running and screaming to the middle of the street there's been ghost problems in this city as of late and I think I had another experience ah no no no you're hallucinating the air and nothing else will happen Oh everything's fine is it apparently are you inside I hear you yes are you coming in or should I just talk to this gentleman here I mean you can just talk to him I don't really need go in Oh awesome okay all right thank you sir I just take the keys and it sits outside okay all right thank you all right told you about that the car yeah you said it was somewhere outside he didn't give me specific directions buddy who's vaguely over in that direction right I think that's it that's it over there okay well we'll see should I should I Drive them oh you should drive for sure oh good I've been getting a lot of driving experience with the delivery truck so any other vehicle should be a cakewalk at that point yeah you try getting a delivery truck at 80 miles an hour down the down the city streets to get a delivery on time this will be no problem marked where you need to go unfortunately I'm not seeing it looks like maybe a little cocaine got it all right let's uh let's get e on e should I obey speed limits should I Drive safely or do you want to get this delivery done quick you drive do you want to drive in any case we're delivering illegal goods so it's probably best we don't get caught okay yeah are there are there like speed radars along the highway or things of that nature the cop is there any way to know if a cop is sir if you see a cop right okay success simple yeah so you know things don't always have to be complicated and fancy and newfangled you know Rui Rui Rui right and if say we do hold over what do we like what do we do I mean if I were you I would drive away really fast because this isn't our car technically so they can't really run the plates and lead it back to you so if we get away we're fine okay so uh what's the cruise control [ __ ] this cuz I'm feeling good I'm feeling the sudden urge to drive very safely no I think it's X it is but it's not working oh it limits the top speed I see I see I see I still have to hold the accelerator down it's a funky cruise control but that's a weird it's one of those Russian cruise control yeah yeah and and also what's where where's the seat belt on this thing where where's uh where's the seat it's tier left you see you just stretch that B muscle on your right arm and you can reach over and grab that ah my my B muscle I had that removed as a childhood I think are they replaced it with a different muscle oh so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna I'll be fine without it feels restrictive on my shoulders you know I got my walk my camel belly I don't have a B muscle I have one I just know my muscles got changed around as a kid I got an a horrible industrial accident I got passed through a through a through a pressure which separates wheat from the chaff its I and and my whole body got discombobulated and they stitched me back together mostly okay but it just so happens that I I some muscles got some other places you know what for you I'm gonna look at my biology textbook I have from high school in my back pocket I always come on me see if I can maybe find what the B muscle normally does in the Baja uh-huh that's a good that's that's a good idea if you have a muscle that doesn t sort of pointing I think that's it oh you all you got it you know my body better than I do which just means it was such good friends friends do you want to know my body more nope I mean I'm friendly I'm just not that that kind of friendly I mean you could be could be if this were a play they'd call that character development but I guess you just know we're rough road I guess you just don't wanna I guess you just you don't want to take risks I got one a rumors spreading on that may already be spreading around certain areas to be reciprocated and turn it into a thing well that's all I'm gonna say are you talking about your your history with prostitution let's just say maybe at my new job everybody thinks I'm gay ah well that's that's interesting oh is it this this is this person I mean if they're standing there it might be them hello just give it to them all right well there there there you go have a good day stay in the water man here to hurt it Thanks all right oh wow friendly he gave me money he gave me three Hyundai exactly that's what this is all about now um it doesn't happen often but sometimes these guys they get an idea that they don't owe you anything and they run away sometimes it's best to use force ah ha I see you happen to pick up that uh that baseball bat you were talking about I have a knife that I used to abduct the the lawyer Murphy just yesterday that works I mean it's a stunt knife but it look at it it looks really scary ya know if they if they try to run away after taking the drugs just dog won't stab them alright okay sounds good um and do we just head back and pick up another bag dog romaine lettuce wink wink wink we're just good for a nap oh we just drive around until you'll see it on your little minion GPS at the bottom left of your dash by see it actually I already another little thing yeah got it got it and I'm assuming that we're gonna split everything 50/50 here correct what's in this run is all yours mostly because I didn't pay a cent to get here so I'm gonna help but but you're keeping me company you're you're you're obviously you're obviously making this worth the ride and it was your idea finder's fee and all that it's best if you just don't pay me for this just in case you are sloppy because it is your first time and we get caught oh um I wasn't a part of it all right okay I will keep that to myself so anyway this a Brenda situation I haven't even texted her back oh well I mean what should I oh my god what are you doing what what I'm not texting her now why could I want me to park right now pull over we'll hang on what no we got to get to the other delivery I can tell I've texted and driven all the time oh is this one of those self-driving cars yeah it probably is let's see and I'm gonna pull out the phone here all right not one of the self-driving cars all right well I did I wasn't ready to text anyway what do you mean what should I which I say am i under Sun let's make this delivery we'll worry about what the text Brenda Oh Oh Brenda she had eyes like sunrise this this delightful bun of a hair her jacket was the color of turquoise and and and and Jade as it sprinkled off of the the the the Chinese river it was beautiful I I can't even fathom to describe another human being that could possibly be as beautiful as Brenda wasn't she she chastised me in such a way that made me feel alive inside my loins do you know what I mean I have a line for you you should text her back and say Brenda more like benda you over I I don't I don't think that's I okay don't work are you sure I think about all the lines I've given you uh-huh if you I mean 100% of the time you know your your your right you you are right hang on I have to I have to stop right now hang on I have to fight I trust you Jimmy you've never led me astray before I follow your advice to the ends of the earth one second just gotta add her to my phonebook because I know this is gonna lead to a long and lengthy conversation yeah I mean this could be the future mother of my other children it could be if you ever do have sex cuz that didn't happen with your last wipes it did not but I mean this could be this could be like this could be big all right I'm a I'm a no texture should I should I like add a winky face emoji or something like that or maybe like a band oh my god they go so fast yes all right perfect okay perfect okay got it got it perfect all right I sent it okay I sent it all right wait I didn't even ask her uh where where where she wanted to go I didn't ask her I did I didn't I didn't even ask about the date later you gotta get the response you got a gauging oh I see I see I see you're right you you're right when you are right you are right you ever heard of a probing question this approving question or a statement I guess uh-huh uh-huh okay all right good probing for the response to see if she's super envy you uh-huh okay all right okay then you bend out her over this and then I do I do the thing where I I take my my um I put my I put I put I put both of my ball I I put I I reach in I reach inside with my with my hand I think and I I like I make a scooping motion I I think I I think I've seen it whoa okay let's focus on driving instead of whatever the [ __ ] you're talking about well I mean I'm talking about sex I can focus on driving and talk about sex all I want you think that sex what I mean I mean it can be but it's not I read additional yeah I read in the books it says you need to you need to spread the this the reading well I mean mostly medical books something about inserting a medical device and making a spreading motion and inspecting the cervix anyway here we are hello tell this guy about it alright what do you think of sex what is what does sex mean to you well how do you sex would you would you say that you sex good would you say alright anyway all right thank you for nothing yeah sort of a just all business type of guy okay all right I'm gonna be honest you were describing a pap smear what a pap smear it's kind of a checkup that ladies get what is spreading and inspecting whatsapp app you need to I don't know what porn or something well I mean I won't you be a good instruction oh yeah I'm not allowed not old enough what do you mean not old enough I thought you had to be of retirement age before you could watch porn you know when you were passed beyond the ability where you would be having sex normally then you turn over to porn as a substitute told you that no one told me about it I've read about it people I mean there are forums where people talk about her things are illegal and not illegal or if you not read them if you go to any site that you may think may be some sort of a porn site I just want you don't even have to click on any videos you don't have to click on anything just want you to go the first page of that and just read what it's not retirement age okay well I mean I guess since I am dipping my toes into the the other side of the law I suppose breaking another rule like that but definitely check it out like an application product process in like 39 yeah I'm 39 one of it Jesus Christ what what how could you be 39 you have never looked at porn in your life I mean because I wasn't allowed to because it's illegal and before I came to this city I didn't do anything illegal never not even once you never jaywalked never never I don't know just not done your taxes one year never always early in fact I prepay if you prepay quarterly you estimate your future earnings which mine are always very very very regular with my water delivery schedule as it is or at least it was before I came to this city and he prepaid you make Smithson you you make sure that Uncle Sam gets his due wave ahead of schedule okay all right well anyway I guess I'll what what uh what porn website would you suggest pornhub or something I don't know whatever you could just just you have fun search the internet maybe I could ask Brenda probably just ask her what her favorite friend oh that is perfect that was a great conversation ask her you don't next time she text you back you ask her what her favorite porn site is okay well I'm actually surprised she hasn't texted me back maybe I should just preemptively get ahead of it and that way I could show her that I'm black I'm savvy to the to the sex to the sexing I'm I'm top quality and sexing shows you're in that industry that's why you're curious about right right okay all right hang on I gotta make it I gotta make this text this is too important yeah yeah rot no she didn't she must be she must be really impressed you must be yeah yeah just send out the porn question and that'll that'll probably get her looking at that any any emojis I should attach on this probably like the tongue out emoji that's it's the tongue out winky face and then the the hand that's a fist and then the the what is it the eggplant emoji and then the the water like the what is sprinkling water emoji and then the tongue emoji just the what the one with just the tongue you do that like three times okay so I said hey so what type of porn do you watch if you had to pick from your top 10 or 20 favorite pornographic websites that you like to peruse I'd like to compare our mutual interests and followed by the emojis that's what I would have written but okay go ahead alright you got it and sent perfect this is gonna be great thank you no time yeah I know I know unless she's too enamored with me and I only have you to thank Jimmy I really honestly truly I'm so thankful for know for this what you doing anything for a friend like you I just appreciate you so much for helping me to understand how to navigate these free situation because I would be lost I'd be texting things like like what do you like to do in your spare time parodies what food do you out boring things like I would not know where to go yeah like who the [ __ ] cares about interests right yeah I mean I do but you know knowing more about the person like you don't really need to know well I do but I mean I would like to do you not have to know just gotta [ __ ] oh oh well I mean yeah and then that's it if it's [ __ ] coming in but I move on to the next one no but what about falling in love and in marriage and children and and oh no no that's that's all just like a trap no no one fall into that but no but not that old that'll lock you in for life and you don't want to be flying solo Hawaiian solo like Han Solo in the Millennium Falcon in that cool but he had Chewbacca with him the entire time he was never really solo and I'm your Chewie oh okay that's that's not as reassuring as I thought no actually that's all right maybe I'll get used to it just keep doing it no still bad okay all right okay not good okay well I mean also didn't Han Solo get married to Leia and then you know I had a kid I mean he turned out to be a real shitty kid apparently but uh you know I've only seen a new hope so I don't know what you're talking about I mean why would Han Solo ever get married he's not a relationship type of guy right you know you might be like I just I got a text back story I got a I have to pull over I have to pull over I'm so excited yes yes yes do you think do you think she's gonna propose in it do you think this text is don't bring no okay all right I gotta do something Oh she said Oh Stan who is writing your text for you I think she's onto you Oh what do I do say nobody shoddy and then it smelled SSH a wty just FYI no one shoddy just me your home boy Stan the man with the plans to bone you in the zone the bone zone okay all right you're gonna need to repeat that slowly I will type it as you say it right no no one shoddy just me Stan the man with the plan to take you to the bone zone yo and then you do the tongue out of mode D and then the fist emoji and then the eggplant emoji and then those sprinkling water emoji and then the tongue emoji three times okay I think I got it and maybe you can throw like one of those 100 emojis to those work too you can just kind of sprinkle those okay I think I got it oh no I've been abducted by aliens I hear you I see you what is going on here in the tremors in my ice cream in darkness I have to send this man just said to send a message this happened here I can't see anything find out what's going on you can't see okay I can't see oh no no not again not again sucked in your phone oh you focused oh no I think I think my people are calling me are you okay you're hallucinating again no God [ __ ] this happened with the water nation is this crap it's just pure darkness I feel like I have to slip into a deep sleep and hopefully maybe I'll I'll wake up and you know and oh you flex your f8 muscle and you see feel a crash muscle uh-huh work for sure I think I can feel it and if you do that it might make the train a little faster in the town I think so look you tell Brenda you send out a tweet you tell Brenda okay you tell Brett stand left out it is coming back yeah you tell Brenda I'll be held Brendon I'll be back I'll see you when I see it Stan I'm so mad God God we were on such a good roll there [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy is that you yeah it's it's it's me oh good I I am good I'm back I I closed my eyes I clicked my heels three times and I wish real hard and I'm back in Pulido well it looked like you got out of the car and ran as fast as you could at different directions so I'm guessing you ran all the way to Pulido i-s I did I must have I must have really conked out there yeah that is funny these fumes will get you if you're new to the city really will start getting used to it and it'll it might get better you know yeah I think this said you're back in Polly oh yeah I'm back in Pulido I figured that you we were on the way to Polito so it might be beneficial for me right here and and maybe I can maybe I can pick you up oh wait oh hello oh hi yeah I wasn't sure if you'd be able to use the car I may have finagled away to use the car oh you're so crafty by chance on your GPS does it still show the ability to make the delivery you have to absolutely not we'll probably have to go again but hey what's a couple hundred dollars between friends but yeah what's what's another I mean I've got the cash I've I've got a lot of dosh I mean hey if you want to do it again well I'll make it down payment and thanks right there well uh we'll just we'll call it and we'll call it even and we'll keep going even steven all right oh oh a van Stan what anyway I got a text Brenda if you want to pull money go for it I'll I'll be here and I'll wait in the car all right Stan let's see if you remember this all right whoa or it's all the wise words no one is shoddy it's just your boy stand the man with the plan to take you to the bone zone yo finger gun emoji winky face smile alright get the job started and then I'll just split the cash with yet after all right sound sound sorry it sounds good Charlie speaking with my inside voice yeah there's a little bit of an echo around here sometimes weird winds and all that anyway alright this seems good I think this is gonna work no one is shoddy it's just your boy stand the man with the plan to take you to the bone zone yo finger gun emoji smile and plan water 100 should be good alright send it off and copulations will commence come come former fornication we shall copulate okay alright I I mean I I hope I don't have to abandon Jimmy deny to faith if the night turns out to be more more wet and wild it usually is with my water business but normally you never know I won't have many other chances to be as involved with with someone else Oh Oh Jimmy are you yeah alright nice car I'm sure we can just leave that one there they'll probably find us alright well I sent the message and I actually just already got another message hate me got my okay alright I'll give you the juicy details hang on she said Wow Stan you've really changed I thought you were different said to see how you're just like all the other guys in this town wait no wait it's no no it's a bait no it's a bait how is this afraid it's very clearly not a baby she is trying to get you to respond in an alpha manner we right but I thought I was no alpha no alpha would take that kind of [ __ ] so you gotta say hey [ __ ] listen the [ __ ] up oh my god I'm Who I am from day one and you're gonna respect that are you sure I'm 100% sure but I but I mean what have I ever led you astray well I mean it feels like right now maybe I might have misstep I mean I was crafting that text from memory from what you said before so maybe maybe you're right maybe I didn't remember something right I should have asked you before I sent it I should have okay this might recorrect the course okay okay all right so read it out loud I'll type it word for word and I will not mess up at all say listen here [ __ ] rage face emoji I do not take this kind of [ __ ] rage face emoji you respect me for who I am who I have been from day one rage face emoji you hear that 100 emoji 100 emoji 100 religion okay I feel like this is a little little aggressive more aggressive than I would I would usually do is a little aggressive but that's just called being alpha which you want to be alpha okay the beta before being all finally caring about emotions and tears and you know dreams and all that do you think that's why Denise left me because I was a beta yeah Stan honestly yes well alright man up all right you're right you're right you're right I do need not give in to that testosterone I do I feel or me I do way away from soy milk okay all right don't drink soy milk at all it's only water and I guess I could eat a few more meats I'm sending it here we go three steak a day that's the way to go one I sent it I said I feel it I feel alpha I feel I feel good exactly you need to start - oh my god taking control of your life must have been the testosterone he must have I must have had a weight shift and then threw you off exactly that was it and not at all my faulty driving oh I'm there it is Stan I'm getting ready ho all right hang on I gotta answer this hello Stan why are you texting like that I mean I I am I feel like I'm why I just I am believing in I'm I'm not being a beta I'm I'm being an alpha alpha I'm being an out I'm an alpha I'm beyond a second to meet me well I mean I'm in the middle of um I'm I'm with a friend and I we're in the middle of some perfectly perfectly legal activities and we're I wouldn't meet you now but I I got a I have to dab on that haters and flex on the plebs and I have to I gotta get that good cush Stan yes can you call me when you're done with that and so I can meet you face-to-face Hospital okay all right will do yes my friend might need it actually I think he just fell out of the car I'll be right back goodbye you are you all right I'm okay are you fine are you sure yeah was it my Alfa Ennis did it knock you out of the car yeah it yes it was forceful ooh I must be really intimidating anyway that was Brenda um I she was she really wants to meet me face to face now which i think is a good thing oh my god I told you Stan yeah she wants me to come over the hospital right now she said right now so she can see me face to face yes I mean right now do we have time I mean I need to ditch this car I don't know if it's technically stolen or not well I mean yes we'll go right now oh thank you thank you Jimmy I I mean couldn't have done this without you you are truly a great friend a great inspiration and good to me it's what I do well I'm nervous I've got butterflies like I don't even know what I'm gonna say when I get over there I mean I did that phone call by myself I but I exactly how do I look i yo what is what is what is good what's how are you and were you texting me all that stuff I'm doing were you the one where you called me a [ __ ] well I mean I I just um I needed to uh my eye I needed to be alpha I needed to be alpha I needed to assert my alpha nature I'm very testosterone is colored you need to be just be alpha I am I am alpha I I am I am I am alpha uh-huh so do you want to show me your alpha now that I'm standing in front of you Stan I well I I just yeah I know no go ahead go ahead I'm mr. moon mr. moon I don't know what you're calling me when you're right there please wait a second she's right there you know why you're okay hey [ __ ] do you want to go to the bones oh no no wait wait restart that restart that again start that time since all over and start it again yeah we start restart hey [ __ ] do you wanna just let's just let's just calm things down let's just okay it's a little bit of a misunderstanding do absolutely anything at all that was all okay honest listen I want Stan alone stop trying to make him alpha I just let him do it say hey wait a minute come with me come with me am i part of this conversation to stand outside okay all right okay all right so I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry you really GU for this time how could you do this how could you do this to yourself [Music] you're not alpha you're not even beta your gamma your Omega Oh your Omega beta gamma you're nothing you're not alpha you're nuts special you're not great you're not nothing you are just the worst who is that hello you want to be my friend okay [Laughter] hello we're gonna forget what happened okay oh okay listen just don't listen to what this guy's telling you if he's trying to say it be alpha just literally do the opposite of what he's saying okay are you are you hurt by the way I'm only moderately it's like I'll live okay all right oh my god oh my god I've been busy Abdul okay let's get you inside okay great job that was all part of the play wait what was it what that I get hunched in the face my feelings and my emotions got hurt yeah and now she feels bad for you so she's gonna lean back on you and take it easy she's gonna treat you even better than she did before because of that you know that right really you you think you ever heard the good cop bad cop well yeah well I mean I'm seeing it you're the good cop well I'm the bad cop I made you do those things I'm the bad guy in this scenario and you're the good guy oh and she's up looking after the good guy that's Jimmy you are you're just the best friend a Stan could ever hope to ask for thank you thank you oh well what do I do now do I do I need do I do I rush up to her like she's into [ __ ] so I what just forget all the alpha [ __ ] I said you are you're plenty of enough she's a lesbian is saying you're good all I could say is you're good you're in the clear you don't need to take my advice anymore for her at least maybe maybe other chicks if you want to you know double dip hold on hold on hold on I'm busy soon okay all right well the skirt skirt oh well I was not what was talking about her skirt names elected night uh-huh I mean we should just sounded like one of those one of those rap ad-libs I don't know what you what I don't know what you're talking up no I've seen worse I just wanted to say I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the derogatory things that I said you are a very lovely person and I'm happy to have met you also I got I got you these flowers anyway you see I have to we have to go we have deliveries that we have to make but I'm good I think that went better than I could have ever possibly hoped that went swimmingly you beyond swimmingly and the rain the water I'm glad you've knocked the windshield out I can feel it on my face the cleansing spirit of the rain and definitely something I did on purpose oh it's so freeing it's beautiful I could [ __ ] feel the the pain of my my previous relationship washing away oh well I mean I ran into her in the hospital one time and I said her I said her pun was nice and her eyes were like sunrise but I might have screamed that at her I'm not sure I can't require remember but yeah we uh we met at the huh in that very Hospital I can tell you guys might be getting a little bit closer so I should probably warn you I still your friend still very friendly uh-huh but if you talk about any of our other business I will have to cut your balls off Bob yeah okay all right duly noted a friend friendly anyway so uh is this delivery that we've got okay all right remember how we met right yeah yeah I do I do remember what we did together I mean we we drove to the bank and then we peruse some houses and then oh and then you you talk about the guy in the yeah okay all right hey I just got a text okay hang on what you I got a text let me just update me oh well maybe I'll keep this one to myself Wow we're all all up okay I'll update you yes she said listen if you ever want to go out for food or something let me know I wow that's a real date that's a real real real date that that is a real date I I'll tell her I'm busy for now because I have soiled myself multiple times and there's urine soaking through every fiber of my clothes at this point but um I you know I mentioned maybe not taking my advice for the texting but just this one little piece leave out the soiling of yourself are you sure you said to be myself and I you have to sleep out that I definitely be yourself just yourself - the peeing your own pants like my chlorine other people's cars you know just yeah okay all right well I'll leave it out but I can't promise I'll stop doing it but uh okay I'll let her I'll let her know okay sounds good I'm a little busy at the moment but we'll let you know when I'm free in the near future smile alright prime condition alright sorry I used my inside voice again ice I sent a nice text I didn't mention anything about the yeren perfect you want some water you thirsty I've got I've got a bunch in this gamble back alright well let me know I'm just gonna slog down a few dozen bottles yeah I seem to still have the oxy from the previous deal or I felt someone like possibly slipping something into my backpack while I was at the hospital I'm not a hundred percent sure but I have 25 bottles of oxy nice you could just take it I guess let me just do it right now I mean you're still in pain from the whole getting punched in the face yeah I never got that treated but honestly I don't think I'll wash my face again after after Brenda I mean should I I mean it's not dangerous is it no all right well okay down the hatch not low dosages just sick what okay one or two one or two or five okay real quick oh that's that's things feel a little weird maybe I should probably [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] it's fine huh Jimmy Oh God oh yeah yo yo ha hey Tripp you're right oh you okay what's wrong you need some oxy ah you heard I got I got 24 more pills all right I'm all right I'm all right just a few scratches what just happened I don't know if I took some oxy and you ran away like a little baby so I thought you were possessed nothing happened to my voice it's always been the same as it always been I mean that bat really took the edge off that and that painkiller that works I mean all deep in an echo Ian what are you talking about he's literally something like a demon Oh Jimmy we have a delivery to make come on now come on now come on it's been a long night yeah the smog the fog the smoke the pollution of the fumes all right anyway you sure you don't want any of this I got me up so I'm good okay all right well onwards and upwards don't forget your what don't forget your seatbelt Oh got it my bed just want to make sure you're safe what I completely say I feel safe I feel 100% woman you should safe while you're doing this I'm just gonna go into my head for a little bit maybe take some more oxy but I'm fine whoa okay slept with my eyes open huh whoa you need to maybe you should stay away from drugs you don't seem like you bought it doesn't seem like your body really agrees with them like at all well I mean many what I don't think you can make that kind of objective decision I feel like I'm pretty spry feel better than ever we're making money were can friends I might be making lovers I just I feel like I feel like if anything breaking the rules is what's really pulling my life together sure you don't sound too sure but you know I again I can only thank you for this and I can only appreciate what you've done again I can't say it enough you're completely right it's on me of course so is are these deliveries just gonna keep going endlessly or until we run out don't just kind of keep going if you want to do something else it's like no no and I'll give you your cut no no we can we can keep going we got us deliver we got to make some dosh we got a we got to make some moolah we got to really kind of really dig me deep you you really wanna I do i I do wanna we could start maybe delivering other other types of drugs I mean you have that one crack on you there's got to be someone that's willing to pay out the middle one crack I'll just tweet it out hang on oh don't don't treat it don't point on not tweet that no it's fine I don't mind it's okay are you kidding you're saying your friend has crack no don't say that no I'm not saying my friend I'm saying does friendly juf friendly Jay has crack know people know me as that name well I mean then they'll know who to contact anyone just put my phone number in there that I swear to god if you tweet that out what just maybe make it a bit more inconspicuous like oh I don't know I did has a rock that he likes to throw let me know if you want that rock to be thrown it ah I like it and that way we'll get more cheddar oh and my salad and I see where you're going okay I tweeted it out I think I did it right did you see it let me read this tweet hold on uh-huh Christ what's wrong what's wrong it'll do it's really good right it's fine it's great it's great it's great it's go huh it's great we're gonna be doing I think they're the people that know what it's all about are really gonna understand what we're talking about I think the throw in the catching euphemism that's really gonna really gonna bring in the business yeah nobody else was reading it say you know well I mean I hope that everybody reads it all right oh wow thank you that's that's so generous I mean that's it you are such a good friend I am so grateful to you oh I'm so grateful to do you and for your generosity I appreciate that yes I guess I guess that's it right unless you want to unless there are any more deliveries on you're probably a good idea probably yeah yeah and he calls any tax not yet all right well maybe I should maybe I should be a little it looks a little too inviting maybe that's it but you want me to tweet again that's the only tweet again I'll do it like a clarification tweet it's a comma make sure people know I figure we didn't mean other things what are the things could you possibly be talking about oh maybe they'd literally think we're talking about a rock nobody wants to buy a rock oh I see I see Oh golden okay all right Stan I really panicked I thought I thought it was gonna be locked forever I just get in my panic a lot oh my god all right let me let me craft up another one alright how's that one did you did you get that tweet oh is that good Oh a customer would you look at that I'm getting a car summer you it is alright it's gonna be the bully it's gonna be okay we can't sell crack on Twitter ah well I mean why not that was nice officer Oh what does it do the police luckily you did not give out my name you just gave out a stupid old phone number so we're good I think we're good are you very sure I mean maybe maybe the police was interested in the meantime I I don't think he was he sounded very angry well well I mean he doesn't even know what we were selling I drove that extremely subtly no no he started to call off with are you selling crack on Twitter oh I said no my friend is and then he said I am with the police department because I was ah but that I beg can see where that went wrong if I'd have been on the phone I probably could have navigated you your expertise may be women but my expertise is negotiating business deals they were interested they were just playing hard to get they were just playing hard to get no no they wanted it maybe they want oxy maybe convince him call him back see if they want oxy oh you should you should maybe make a tweet that you're selling that oxy cuz you get sell that to people yeah it's perfectly legal right okay alright maybe you should make that sweet all right will do and maybe put your phone number not my phone no I'll put yours did you get my tweet yeah I saw it it's really Ollie oxy in free it's way fun doesn't that make it sound like it's it's free oxy well let me sounds like freon maybe we can do a deal where it's like no no bit well I mean I've read that drug deal okay this is gonna be huh what's wrong there's another cop what is the same cop actually the same cuz I was going great there's a long phone call we got a sound we got a sale yeah Oh for the crack yeah oh good I do okay good that's that's perfect that's what you wanted yes this is perfect huh this is so great so first we got to go to my apartment so I can grab the brach okay all right okay then we're gonna meet the guy behind the back alley of the apartments perfect perfect perfect I'm fine everything's fine except the Cardinal will be right we're good we're completely healthy this is it this is it this is it I feel good about this see I told you life is coming around when you make moves in the wrong direction okay play it cool all right howdy officer sorry I just I had my earbuds in 201 1030 up here on niether motor both those suspects say they don't do the Audi anyway how you doing I'm gonna turn off the engine I think that's your probably the next thing you'd ask me right I'm doing fantastic what brings you gentlemen out this way uh we're just gonna I'm gonna swing by the bank grab some cash yeah you want to send down two more units just as the same people who were so far I'm not sure I mean I've been selling water around he might know me from that of course we're fine why wouldn't we be fine ups I think we ran a red that's probably do you have a form of registration to the vehicle and also a form of identification in which I could see please I sure reaching around looking for things you keep your hands where I can see him son well of course wouldn't dream of it all right here you go there's the license to the registration okay you know the news team you guys you guys are part of a news team yeah I was I forgot to clock out I okay nice I'm a delivery man myself specialize in water deliveries if you need water stand the water man is your man okay I'll be back with you momentarily sounds great sounds good yeah you might want to send the SWAT team why would they need a SWAT team I don't know yeah I think I must be must be like a bank robbery around here or something okay Stan we I'm probably fine of course we're fine you seem to be I'm not worried at all hey now you need some oxy do you need to calm down nope nope nope and I don't know where you would even get oxy that's a weird thing to say right now in this situation where you might be on your shot to hear something like that it's a weird joke what how's it going I like your eye response you got to calm down I'm bad in social situations the law enforcement is here you can trust the law enforcement at all times is right so you can't trust the law enforcement to enforce the law and you should not be nervous unless you've broken a law and Jimmy you haven't broken any laws today have you there's no need for me to call and Swan and bring them round this corner and a chart with the m16 pointed at you right now is this absolutely that I just okay okay officer I'm gonna be honest with you I was I was speeding back there oh yeah sure me I was I was I was I got the artist I can't I can't just try to weasel out of this oh I should have done something about that officer I can actually explain that one actually about a hundred feet back there just before you pull this over we are sideswiped as we were crossing an intersection by a huge huge truck smashed the windows in that is that's completely factual then you failed to report the crime to the police is that what else you're saying Oh Jimmy Jimmy you didn't call them I'm gonna go see if that's a felony and I need to take you to jail Jimmy stand Jimmy what have you done innocent two trucks sending the two trucks this is definitely that and the more the merrier I say for our safety she said SWAT that the two trucks he was holding is really nervous do you need some regular thing you're spoiling a lot I do need some water I'm gonna drink some water some water all right you made a drop in oxy in this water and give it to you that probably calm you right down nope okay okay I occasionally stir the vehicle Oh Thank You officer thank you so much you're not even gonna the this you're not oh okay thanks but this is your warning Jimmy you follow the law that's right I follow the lime so sorry officer but you need to tell me about sir Jimmy me I do not feel that that is their place well you beatin on people where you I see the vehicle just like this in front of the PO later away can I have reports of a man matching your description in which was beating people they said a man with blue hair and his skinny neck was up there beaten down well officer I was with him almost the entire time I can vouch for him except for a brief 5-minute window where I I blacked out for a moment and then I maybe in that time period but it would be a very small time frame i but I can't account for any jewelry today perhaps no no jewelry not not today necklace me I definitely bought it I didn't take any any jewellery reason you shoot me when I told you you could go about two or three minutes ago you making me know I think you're up don't be honest I'm not used to such if I Drive away right now is that okay with you he said it was okay Jimmy why are you so nervous I think it's Oh what if I just kind of started don't answer it hands-free is not what I'm doing we're just gonna get alright okay now Jimmy you obey the law you've been a bit naughty Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy sorry I have anxiety apparently you do I do maybe if I take one and then breathe it on you maybe you better laugh like an effect here let me pop one real quick might work I'm just gonna try we gotta sell this crack oh yeah we don't even have it alright we just got to hit the apartments in you go fine fine Oh God not this again tell them well the scary demon [ __ ] Jimmy huh Martin oh I took a noxian every time I take an oxy that guy gets really scared he runs away anyway welp he was stressed out I wasn't no I figured that if I took it and kind of breathed on him it would help him not stress out but he just seemed to be more stressed out oh well I'm gonna go find him and see what's up I'm staying the water man by the way if you need water I'm your man Tom damn champion Dom Dominique man yo Dom well pleasure to meet you dumb if I had more time to talk I would but I've got to get going take care Oh bye-bye like oh hey buddy I just got a pop in my apartment real quick I'll be right there go for it go for it I'll wait here I'm just gonna die I'm gonna drop this [ __ ] oxy off hardcore I gotta get it off me I'm just gonna put it away [ __ ] get ready get rid of it all right okay righty-roo good buddy all set and ready to go okay let's go see if they're there I mean I don't see why not I gotta see if I can call that guy back all right all right well we did get stopped there for a little bit I don't know it's let him know that you talked to the police beforehand and uh everything's hunky-dory right hello oh jeez uh-oh that old man is on his phone hey whoa hey follow me okay all right it's me follow me okay so uh did you get in touch with him is he was he is everything good by the way yes he he's following us you said yes oh I see I see it all right I think I know what you're getting that I think I'm picking up what you're putting down yeah okay all right perfect Hey what's going so the peeps I loved Pete Wilson let's cut to the chase I have a friend with no arms or legs he was kicking legs as a prosthetic right we think it would be downright [ __ ] hilarious to give him crack and watch him sprint down the street on his chicken legs that does sound quite humorous it sure does now there's a wrench in the plan I almost got my [ __ ] car towed well I was waiting for you and I had to pay the [ __ ] tow truck driver so I only got 120 bucks oh yeah that's a damn shame Thanks you know that's that is a damn shame and I'm sorry you had to deal with that so I think I thinkwell 120 wait how much were you gonna charge for it in the first place I was gonna charge 250 okay well since that was our fault I'll pay this lovely gentleman what was your name by the way now thank Melbourne okay I'll pay you 125 dollars just to offset that fee that way you can pay my friend Jimmy here the full price and everyone's happy oh no no it's only 120 now so if you pay him that and then he pays me 120 I think that settles yeah okay yeah I'll give him 120 and then everything will be settled okay all right then if you should have just received good payment then my friend Jimmy here anymore just to make sure everything goes according to plan okay I can actually cover that okay perfect Lanie yeah go for it okay there you go and there for everything and make sure everything's great don't know it's just you you give me the crack yes sure I'll put it in your you think you could just pick it off the ground or should I put in your trunk that's a good idea I'll watch from here to make sure no anyone here huh no my backpack is full of water it's a water back Camelback so I stay hydrated on the go all right there you go set this at the very bottom of your trunk okay yes all right I think we're all even see I kind of yeah yeah we're good perfect just a good way to do business it's amazing Wow well thank you mel and thank you Jimmy for bringing me yeah yeah I'm here not because I just okay so do crack I think let's go oh that's good that's a good one that was a good buddies a little chest okay all right okay well you did it that was your first crack sale yes Wow what something we uh so hold on I'm still kind of lost on the math that just kind of happened hold on let me I just need I'm gonna park for a second and meditate on that okay and really try to think about it or I'll think to I'll get back to you in a second okay I'm having so much fun with this yes oh my god we are aware that we got scammed we're aware of it we know that we know that's what you call a joke that is the joke okay let me hear you see this this is what happened oh it's a joke Wow chat sometimes you worry me sometimes you really really worry me not because you're dumb which sometimes you are most of the time but moreover the fact that how dumb you think I what did you get the mental math I was trying to run the numbers in like I don't know so I actually did it so basically we gave for the discount right because yeah I I gave him the first hundred and twenty for the tow truck yeah and then I gave him 120 for the down down yeah and then and then she know then you gave him then we gave crack and then we didn't get any money that [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] piece of poop he he he scammed us yeah us absolute it I don't know how that even slip past us that wouldn't get any money from that in fact we gave him money and crack oh you were supposed to get fair but what was your excuse for giving him $120 well he started talking about pizza and like I don't know people start talking about food it makes no sense when we're trying to talk about money yeah I don't get it I don't get it okay he's like some kind of genius he selects some kind of mastermind to the police you got a call what was that officer's name I didn't even catch his name who's really nice what I'll do is I'll tweet out I'll tweet out vet we were supposed to sell crack to this guy Mel and he totally robbed us kind of double-crossed us double-crossed us holy double you think I should just call nine one directly about it call nine one directly about it I will but maybe don't mention that we were trying to sell it cuz we never actually sold it yeah you're true we can't recharge we never sold it exactly just gave it away right for paying in yeah we lost money yeah how do I write that in a in a message I'll fit I'll figure it out don't worry about it oh god my thigh oh I gotta go Hospital I think those car crashes are finally catching up to us Oh God well you better go me yeah okay I reported it to the police they should respond immediately no no no I said we the Royal we wait there he is state he's four thirty in the car I have to bunion but he's right parents just keep an eye on he's all right you weren't did you see that look I've got my I've got my eyes on you yeah you just wait oh you put put this down oh it's you oh that bite your finger off for this oh this you want me to put this down huh yeah I wish you would oh I wish you would know yeah you won't door no way no balls no balls you won't do it guts yeah you know you don't know I bet you're so experienced in it but you're too intimidated by the girth of my finger oh oh oh I'll never seen someone do that before you're hardcore wait who me yeah we've all said me I haven't I have no idea which one you wouldn't blow in the blow yeah I was I was talking to Brenda what are you what do you think about her well I mean I think she's mean I just said hi to her no no shut shut shut your face your face hold she's beautiful and lovely and and sweet Oh Oh Jimmy he's right here I've been doing deranged excuse kicks key excuse you excuse you hey sorry I'm so sorry well I'm special too and I feel like you that doesn't make you allowed to say how friends settle our differences Oh bye-bye dance rock dance novel that is that is fair I'd um well actually it's not fair but I accept car alright fine yeah I was gonna say that's pretty good hey that's really good right I just got to remember back to choreography school of how the right moves which feet go in front of which arm just you wait once I remember though you're what you got you got I'm still thinking about it just it's been a while I just got up here I didn't I didn't want you to see that what are you doing well I just we were we just sold crack but we didn't sell crack because Mel stole from us and then no no no we didn't sell crack it was Jimmy's crack this this man here crack said that you were mean and I I I guess I was in a dance battle for your honor huh okay Stan punch her in the face well I mean she punched me in the face - so I guess that's just how she shows you know affection face like out of aggression or yeah are you saying someone paid me to someone who did it all right how much how much he paid me $500 I paid you 500 Walt home all right so if I pay you $500 you'll tell me who who paid you to punch her in the face yes oh all right okay I see how this is but you better tell you better tell I'll deal with you how much how much money do I owe you for the dance battle for billion for hold on I'm in debt to a lot of old money Oh what's the down payment I could give you that would settle that debt I'll I'll lower it you couldn't give me like five dollars all right okay that that's fair I'll I'll give the rest and when I when I can that's good I'll give a cool guy discount that's like 99 percent there you go all right what Mel Mel mag Mel wait he's over there Mel Mel tell me the name tell me an email tell me your name relax relax relax his name uh-huh boys kale so de kale Soze all right and where could I find a mr. Soze I think he just ran into the hospital what what did he look like blond guy he's right there in the hospital Hospital seconds okay whoa okay all right oh my god please no running in the hospital lobby sorry Hey okay mr. kale I don't see anyone blond with a moustache hmm yeah what what cop oh that cop he's blond with a moustache oh wait why would a cop pay Mel $500 to punch Brenda in the face wait wait are you you saying that I'm saying that maybe he's trying to try to get you to maybe try to confess about the whole crack thing right in front of an officer that son of a [ __ ] where is he oh no running no running no running get after him come on wait after him full speed walking we're not running yeah yeah yeah other approach haha we've got you all justified no you're gonna give me a goddamn name you're gonna give me a goddamn man crying okay all right I'm sorry I got you all right all right there you go I'm sorry I'm sorry about that that should cover the medical bills now how about you just tell me who paid you in the face he was the guy that was harassing her earlier yeah Wow that makes complete and utter sense thank you all right I guess this makes us even then okay well not entirely well I mean what why not oh my god oh my god oh Jesus great he runs like he's on crack oh oh I see the irony go god that's funny that's funny I just make that that kind of joke but I need I need I need medical any medical there's a hospital Terry is gone avenge me avenge me okay there he goes there's your chance three another car yeah alright I'll make my way hey wait a minute did my friend avenge me what because I was busy gloating at you I need you to pay to fix to my [ __ ] hood how is that my fault toward you fifty duck that's not an explanation of fault but alright fine alright there you go I'm sorry about your hood but I'm gonna work I guess this makes us even absolutely absolutely I'm sorry I thought that you and I hit the girl you liked and I told you a fake name and then I told you another fake name when I hit you with brass knuckles we did another fake name so al Jabar was no he paid me he paid you how much how much did you pay him I mean a bunch of bread and dough in the face no Stan Jimmy Stan he is a liar I did not do this Jimmy what is he like the wine no I have not Jimmy you tried to sell me to crack the first moment that you met you've tried you've changed yeah it's changed how do you know changed you've changed you've changed can't believe you Jimmy Jimmy just don't talk to me I'm an incredible pain I have to get to the hospital but we're even Mel we're even okay I'm not done with you guys stop crawling like this like this my spine is very painful I'm gonna just pick you up I'm gonna pick you up okay you wouldn't know balls water precious Oh God Oh I got a response back from 9-1-1 I'm just gonna pick you up while you respond to that okay all right they were just wondering if the the thing was an illegally acquired item I told them that you got it legally I mean I didn't tell them it was crack I just I assumed you got it legally what the item was in question you're asking what the item was was a collectible bobblehead okay telling the manga I got a mope a bit longer I gotta wait for Brenda Brenda we'll check me in no there's gotta be a doctor we gotta listen to procedure no don't run hello just step over my body under the way wherever you're going oh thank you yeah Brenda's not here so you should probably just get up and oh okay yeah you're right there I guess I feel okay all right [ __ ] I need water all right I feel better and also the police are gonna find Mel and they're gonna give them a stern talking-to about manners so I think we're good there yeah okay how about that burger and then nothing we'll call it from there yeah buddy burgers friend burgers pal burgers and then we'll sell more drugs or not allegedly allegedly no I mean it's not an allegation I mean we sell drugs it's what we do we do not we do not say that in public with other people list yeah it's probably smart of you take that in front of the hospital what are you talking about yeah no it's it's fine they're legal I think we work at a pharmacy yeah it's just oxys perfectly legal it's perfect okay sure make sure that cue sometimes looks like an oh we got that first three digits the cue looks like a no it's a cue all right how about that Burger buddy burger buddies buddies my car's so [ __ ] up I mean I'm short on money or else I'd help you I don't know where it all went no don't don't worry that you've spent enough money today just randomly giving it to Mel well not Brandon I get why you kept giving it to him no I mean believe me I learned we learned after the yeah we learned after the deal yeah and you just kept he just kept asking you for more money and you just kept giving it to him buddy but he gave me information I needed I need I needed that information it was fake he was lying what but he's the first time he quit but then the car you just got you to just pay him I need an oxy here your own pocket I need an oxy give me an oxy oh god no I need an oxy I put a mine away I need a toxic what I'm gonna gas up then we're gonna get some burgers okay your burgers are better than the oxy they're they're they're almost like a drug they're so addicting these burgers are so good lot of D lot of daughter what he what it uh sorry I'm taking [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 1,779,049
Rating: 4.9376154 out of 5
Keywords: gta, grand theft auto, gta roleplay, grand theft auto roleplay, gta 5, gta v, grand theft auto 5, markiplier, stan the water man, improv, roleplay, funny moments, funny, rpg, how to flirt
Id: RO5M2Oyvjhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 5sec (5525 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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