bears... | RAFT

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
previously on raft the notes notes up days noose Oh blueprint for an engine or want an engine oh I want to see this I'm ready holy [ __ ] and then the steering wheel will be right here I feel like we should be going faster don't seem to be doing much so do we need multiple engines both off oh sweet Jesus wait it was off oh there we go Oh Balboa one one two six we do have another we have another heading weird without 100 meters it's north good thing we got these engines I think that's gross that's dope can we put the steering wheel up here is that possible oh my gosh this is such a dangerous place to be this is the helmsman's position I can't help you with the shark from up on my lap I'm sorry this connects all the way up to the steering wheel whoa what the freaking whoa can we raise the anchor and drive around a little raising anchor I've never done it before it's very very cool also I discovered more than one sail doesn't do anything well it's good that we have so many then I'm gonna leave them up just because they look good but yeah they don't do nothing are the engines on we get a little engine power move our I'd like to mention power please thank you sir you're welcome sir glad we can all be civil sir old chugga-lugga head my dude we're chugging we're logging full ahead I don't like that I am going to try to figure out a way to get organized boxes in here good luck all right see a beach on our left here can we get up this Beach promising sir oh there is a siege we right ah probably drop anchor I guess stop thank you Wow that's pretty cool it's this pretty cool great job everybody we have like no would Dewey we'd never know but there's a whole [ __ ] ton of trees on this island we can totally cut down you're right and probably no sharks you're on the island probably no sharks it does say non Park personnel must turn back with a picture of a bear barking nothing I like guess what we can't chop these trees down why because well I swing my axe at it no wood comes out of it home I mean why obviously where's our cook third cab we got nothing water is a thing yeah there's bowls of soup unless someone ate way too much there should be bowls of soup all right I'm just gonna come back to the boat I don't want to I don't want to explore by myself I want everyone to see things a dead bird here yeah I shot it with a room you could probably cook that good food you're welcome that's what I'm here for how do I make never mind I think I can figure it out I figured it out you put it on the grill in the fire goes whoosh and when the fire go fussen you eat it to be clear your questions gonna be how do I cook food the beats are mine the beats they're me I'll take the beats beats are well we are out of food huh well you know someone decided to be a captain and not a chef anymore and then things kind of went to Garbo why I know you were all eating all my food what not there was no food and then we were not eating we need clay do we have clay anywhere we have play we can make things to put the soup in super should interesting idea clay it's very strange that you would say something like we have a whole [ __ ] ton of glad I know why are being so crazy about this so much clay right I didn't know the clay situation why would I be some 16 bowls cheese all our clay now there's still clay left don't even worry about the clay listen I don't know what I most have so much clay I'm struggling to adapt to this as wacky feels good what do you feel not not me I feel so good I feel so good do you feel not mean as well feel so good good very good great good great hey I just ate a bowl of soup and it's really helping me out here all right cool I'm gonna go the island wait mark are you are you on the island wait up dead-ass exploring the island cape and say it's an island it's more like a continent so really you're the wrong one but we need more powder wait you Explorer wait can we explore explore come on yes way my my food situation still isn't great my mom away [Applause] running up the hill alright so explorer we all assuming they're gonna be bears on this island because this suggests I feel prepared for a bear all right mark you shoot them you shoot him with some Rose I've got like two rows it's not feathers of the problem is the bow itself is bout to Brooke our bows hard to make owner can make little waves intensive air dens ahead you know what I'm thinking I'm shooting it may be so to be clear before we wait it looks like a weapon that's gonna last more than one hit that is much larger animal than I would have suspected but if we shoot okay okay at least disengage what's that mean I mean it means that we'll continue to follow you as a limited range yeah I did learn is that we're faster than it yeah so dinner right there you want to go get it you go bag yourself a bear man from what I gather going this way I think mark and I have the right stratagem yeah wait we need do you did you see the thing with the wild berries yeah that's what I won we can we can harvest a chop you catch if chop the skinny ones yeah the skinny ones this one's not ship shopping I don't know man the axe is clearly not sharp enough or big enough or something it's not girthy enough mark I found I found honeycomb you found honey smaller it's smaller it's smaller it's less leashed it's Leslie wait help shot I don't see any weapon I'm going to die no please wait I'm so scared oh my god he got it Wade you got it Wade you got it you got it Wade I'm so proud of you for your bravery how you doing mark you hug it coming I'm coming back okay oh my god we killed the tiny bear not the big one feast on its flesh cook it's meeting me I mean two raw meats and some leather leather we needed leather for something I don't know what you mean it they're dying that's the sound of me dying look guys there's bees in here that's not good what are you cold what are you Columbian I'm harvesting the honeycomb let's do happen I'm harvesting this honeycomb let's see what how it's fine it's fine okay good I don't trust these bees they're kind of flying around in a concerning shape no they're fine are these these small teensy trees are the ones you can get there yeah the little cow spots the Dalmatian ones I got one X wild bear I see that Oh 2x where'd you get what did it look like what did wildberry look like and just like a little bush on the ground that had some blueberries in it you can't really see the blueberries let's look right up on it but just like a little shrub bush there three of them over here mmm I need two more to fill the Bears fount of bear bellies when you collected it it showed up so I think oh it's like an objective item yeah it's like the mechanical part well I'm also starving do we have enough berries because I got you and I thought we only need five I don't know why we need five but are you like dying of hunger and thirst it's pretty close I'm gonna be real slow soon which is a slow sign up here Bob oh this is not where we came in before is it yeah no it's not ranger station do you think there might be food and one single angle whose single dangling is that you hear that it's come from the right maybe this is not a hill well maybe if you guys would harsh what's that sound oh it's like up on top of this plateau this is how right which is kidnap children let's definitely go inside wait a minute hang on guys stop hang on guys no that's not you don't wait no a bike guys stop a bike Dustin jingle-jangle on its own in the middle of the wood and the markets fine this isn't one of your 17-story games okay bikes don't do that I'm very slow come to that come to the mountain bike and eat some eat some raw beets and potatoes well did you guys go toward relay station to thank you you know I can't also because my water is also I can't get you some juice the potatoes whoa wait is that you growling or um no wait I'm coming I'm coming lead him to me lead him to me lead him to me lead him to me or not okay you can't damage them with an axe you could just piss them off bro I've got a spear for you here I'm screwed up there's a spear on the ground there's a spear on the ground over here wait wait you just please for the love of God go get the spear dead weight get alright my water bars are the way they should head back to the boat which way was the boat wait can I just build a grill while we're here can it because I could cook some food but it's not the problem if I had some place does anyone have plastic on them I have plastic yes let's get let's get over towards the shore back the way we came did someone did this game what it got said did it's like food requirements get turned up ten thousand percent because we get thirsty so fast faster than any other game I've ever seen alright go towards water where's water this way this way this way this way are you sure oh yes this is where we just came from I don't think this is where we came from we were just by water fishing for education don't didn't the raw beets and things give you a little bit of water cuz they're juicy guys oh okay alright I'm gonna go ahead already just back down this way I'm gonna make a water thing I'm gonna get the water going don't even don't you worry maybe I should make a bed how do I make a bit beds in girl nobody well but I have to carry you back to the bed right oh yeah god I forgot about that mechanic in categories bed under what is this I don't think that's where our boat was either I don't have enough palm leaves to craft a simple beds palm leaves on my corpse Oh Bob come here I got 19 palm leaves thanks you're welcome craft a craft a little veteran II I can't place the bed here seriously I wouldn't have thought so this island doesn't seem like one we can build on well looks like we're all gonna die friends who knew that this lovely beautiful island was secretly a deathtrap sucking our life in the fence hey uh Martin how far over here did you die pretty high up on the mountain I could surrender and respawn hang on let me like carry you down to the beach as far as I can and then it will all die in a pile together Oh God if we surrender in responders all our stuff just go away or I think I guess one of us should try it and see I'll try and see ya here I'll see you right here all right cool and then you you surrender I'm succumbing to the darkness oh ye black void of oblivion come hither to claim my soul just come on Oh you disappeared completely oh did you keep your take okay mark drive the boat over here and save in wait now oh god shark but I have no spirit I had a lot of metal or on me I had like all the goodies on me I'm coming I think you're on the complete opposite end of the island I'm gonna die right on the right on the coast don't worry my sweet babies babies wait down here with me wait can you ask this for inventory I don't think so no please I need to reverse the ship pattern our reverse II I got this guys I got this I gotta do a three-point turn with the boat but I got it it's good that the steering wheel is conveniently close to the everything for my inventory so I could just die and know no consequences to go up once you started these five sets of ladders two sets of stairs it's fine don't worry about it we've got a great system because the view at the top is just spectacular the view is great right it really is it really is something you know all right well yeah I'm gonna do it honest I think I'm gonna go to round this thing to the other side of the island I think you're just on the exact opposite side that's what I think I'm here with you my friend and never mind you wait still over there don't worry I'm gonna try to scoop up some of these retires plank yeah I'm gonna scoop up some of these on the way you feel really powerful up here right it's a good spot isn't nice yeah I'm just gonna know I'm driving we might run out of gas I'm driving through the debris mark there's no planks oh my god Wade please just die and come help no no no no okay then you lose all I got some planks mark no thanks to you God you know as much as I would love to harp on the the steering wheel being up here this is a magnificent unbelievable it's so nice it's incredible really everyone thought I was mad when I did it really yeah who knew you were just a visionary I must have to see things the way I do to really appreciate it what is it like being a genius of your magnitude honestly it's hard sometimes I can be really real with you for a minute I bet what's it like being a genius of your magnitude Wade hungry why is no one asking me expert I yeah it's kind of surprising that you can't extra duck considering literally all three of my bars door at zero and flashing red don't worry we're coming Marc's slightly driving away from the island but no I'm sorry supplies or not I knew on supplies mark and you're not doing anything to help me with that oh my god thank God we have these nets that's all I have to say I'm gonna miss that one there you gotta you gotta you gotta you gotta you get oh no it's in my hand now I don't like that see I'm doing the hard work this better be the beach that he's on just over here it better be if it's not I'm going to drive this into the nearest iceberg it's not a boat it's a raft okay iceberg is only six boats damn it you're right again God your wisdom just outshines my wit I see a bridge you see up at the top and that crevasse there's like a drawbridge kind of thing oh yeah you guys need water bottles and food with that I forgot we could make that were idiots oh yeah this is not a beach Damon don't worry Wade we'll get there it's gotta be like around the cut I'm off about to die I'm trying to scoop up material so you can get mining of material thank you I don't even need what do I need right now we just need to give back to wait that's all we need the Sharks coming in where's this goddamn Beach how big is this stupid what do you even call this it's an island what do you mean what do you call this no with its sheer faces is still an island yes mark you might need water yes I do just good let me die I'm just gonna die we have water and stuff don't want to waste it if I just die and respawn it'll be fine waters off literally I'll just die dense dense dense little chair I bet what it was is if I went the other way around the I bet if you went the other way we'd be there already this is my fault this is my fault they can see that how could you I don't know like a site shouldn't be up here's the thing the power went straight to my head and I took advantage of the situation and my friends and I am sorry well I certainly get that why do you think I made myself such a majestic it's so high up captain mark thank you thank you you could fall into the engine and die yes oh no are you dying yeah there's no pilot now yeah well I I should probably get up wake up mark I did wake I'm awake now I'm awake you got the steering from now on I'm on it baby you're on it baby you're on it maybe I'll get some things on the grill nope we took everything out of it wait why you don't have any small planters you can plant beets and potatoes than these these guys yeah but they're more efficient you can do three in a small one and you'd be much more size efficient you'd make so many more because you cannot do three in a small one I thought this was the most efficient planter no no the small ones are for beets and potatoes these are for watermelon and pineapple oh crap and you would be no other part yeah you know you know what shark you unbelievable dillhole also there's no pilot it's fine it's fine at the beach I see you oh hey Oh mark here I was trying to do this I'm cooking new potatoes once babe what would you do with all the like the davia die da ba die like wood oh it's in me you need some of that if you got some I would take some I'm gonna redo your plant situation why are the engines off or they can you put some wood yeah no no no it's fine because we're almost here we're just gonna Park it anyway might as well turn we actually are going the right way we have sales we have sales yeah we're going we're coming ways with the sales it's more they behind before we get there because I'm hungry see give me the giraffe tell him to keep dancing I don't like the way he speaks like a love song in Reverse I don't like the way he speaks he dresses like a monster man he reeks all right I've got a takeover chef job everybody who's like I can't believe we'd die we all die I can't fight it I I didn't die we all died they didn't die we got an anchor was there any more food sir yeah I just cook potatoes here take these cookies take those I'll put the anchor down dad are the vultures coming free I Huck way down in the bed did my stuff I threw on the beach stay on the beach it did not when I died it's gone we're out of a date wait no we're out of potatoes my stuff on the beach is gone so when you die even if stuff is no longer in the inventory where you were boned so all the bear meat I had is gone anything I had a value was gone then serious problem do we have a fishing rod or would still miss you we have some planks I can I can fish I mean are marking fish if you under the food stuff one of us could go onto the island look for tiny trees I don't have an ax know there are mangoes which is good because I think we can we cannot never mind can't plant mangoes wait wait there's beets on the tape are this protects the beets on the table here yes there is look at that oh my god we're saved reserved all right I'm gonna go onto the island I guess we say you go I'll stay here I'm gonna make food when will you come back we're gonna have so much food wait no mangoes you needn't tip to get beggars you need to eat the mangoes and then you get the seen you get the mango seeds no I didn't get the seeds but there were watermelon seeds yeah we should have some seeds for stuff you can plant somewhere ok we're saved everybody markula fishing pool yes actually there's one in the jug here I can start fishing up a storm while I'm waiting for these crypts to Griffin I don't know why you don't trust me to take care of the food mark we're in such a good place on food oh yeah you went mad with power that happened that was a thing I'm allowed to do stuff sometimes ok you whack me for three straight streams you did but you also went mad with power Oh Matt's a little mean I don't know this is the bigger scarier one oh this is the big big boy yeah this huh berries we do have berries I just don't know where the thing is for it it's over here Oh use all right I just did the five wild berries soon to be hunted or nope doesn't like that how you guys doing ooh I'm gonna die all right oh Jesus my health is so low yeah I'm on literally it's true that one's not a huntable one or something maybe you're all just too wimpy I think we need to go back the other way anyway wait yeah perfect there's a whole cave here Bob oh it's guarding a cave yeah I wish we had some lights and whatnot mushrooms that all sounds really nice what you got going on there well there's no food so I got a machete and a blueprint for a machete sounds really cool at sounds very very nice I wish I was there with you this cave is a lot bigger Bob than I think we thought it was I can't see anything do you need a head like it's another accent I think it just curves around Oh God okay oh god oh god oh god oh god yeah the bear is just over there oh god okay mark all right it's fine I don't have a spear oh the shark okay let me run back in toss mark a spear if you could that'd be big ly appreciated is there any cooked food so I can go back out uh not yet but there will be that's what I like to hear as soon as those potatoes are done you could take the potatoes I mean honestly I think the potatoes are better for the stews than just cooking the fish is what we should be focusing on for food probably the moment eat the goddamn potatoes do you have a metal fishing rod at a little one eat to the god damn potatoes and be goddamn thankful that someone made you goddamn bow down someone who used to be the resident cook and many many play throughs ago do you have a metal [ __ ] fishing pole yeah I got em L and you know what else I got this take it and go alright crews might be so much we're not fighting we're cooperating cuz he's gonna take these potatoes ease could eat them are we imbeciles No we might be imbeciles wait if you have any extra food I don't have any food and I'm starving to death at the moment it's a one-second Oh who's in charge of food in this place these potatoes are ready get them off my grill I need wood to cook I have no wood no wood to cook makes Marquis a dull boy no one here makes mark your dull boy the water the crops crops like water the crops crop the wall I got Bruno saw apparently what are the crop mark has this under control yeah another fishing pole in home oh no no you go explore I need would you go chop trees Oh No Marc's doing so well I'm fine fish I got tilapia I need no help it makes this jump will I die if I don't oh I'm gonna die no no no that's fine water caught me I'm sure I'm coming back I need food mostly okay we gave you food food I'll stop giving me palm fruits and little baby fish give me the catfish could be the salmon give me the same it see Sam give me the same in that's beer or something right it's done it's getting dangerously close to our engines we if we don't have enough to get closer to it we're gonna be in big trouble we might need to like motor around because there are not a lot of trees left yeah we go as much as I love this island we can always come back to it because it was on the it was one of the signals right yeah yeah what was that that might have been me bumping my microphone ouch so scary oh sorry oh so scary someone might need to like come find me I don't know if I'm gonna make it all the way back oh no all right let me get water no head your way what do you need Bob food food I have mushrooms but I don't want to eat the mushrooms I want to keep the mushrooms yeah and see if we can grow them or whatever yeah mushrooms would be good food we have like a recipe that uses mushrooms so no I at least want to like see if that's that's the thing mushy stew I'm gonna head out trip on Bob a beer back Bob I can't stand it not refill my water I'm gonna die now five water machines if I have to come get the both of you I'm gonna be very upset how long does it take to cook a goddamn catfish a while mark I thought you were gonna be the chef master I am you want me to stop me obviously not yes what I thought oh [ __ ] I gotta go back and get water then I'll be back for you Bobby okay you were just at the water water splashing that's what I said well I had to fight another bear I mean before you left the boat and then at the first time when Wade you said oh I'm out of water why didn't you just turn back then there was no a decent amount of water left but fighting the bear apparently took all my water all right that's fair what is this what is this mango seed perfect love it you love to save it plant the stuff mark doesn't be a fit in the big ones it doesn't go it doesn't go going to get fall not dying cuz my food and water looks great the best I've looked since birth and even then I was an ugly ass baby do you wanna see pictures of me as a baby I do not know okay okay Oh mango tree mango tree yeah my chespin told me to tell you that for a while but I found Bob hey man being carried is really unpleasant yeah it's kind of kind of janky just a little bit I'm putting some food in this chest Bob well there's already food here yeah I hate what do you think I've been not doing anything are you working.i yeah why are you all surprised that of course I don't work what you murdered the verb nice I murdered it I also am putting two uncooked steaks and some mushrooms in the food chest here all right cool I'll figure out how to plant the mush ease all right we are making progress and by making progress I mean did we discover anything of value on that Island a little bit of machete and a blueprint for a machete all right but did we discover an story-wise about the future of utopia and how to get there now to save our people yeah I got a machete there is like a Blowfish or something we may have to kill Blowfish I think they like one shot you know they're very lethal if I remember right but if you kill them they give something I don't remember what but that might be how we get like the explosive powder or maybe some kind of I don't I don't know something well I figured I remembered we didn't go to an island like this ever I never saw this island but we went to like little islands with like little goats or something on them but around the island remember there being like deadly fish we had to watch out for all right okay deadly fish I'm always watching out for deadly fish if I'm honest do you want the machete and you have a weapon I got I'm gonna take the machete back to the island I'm gonna I'm gonna go find things do things alright cool I'll be here with no wood oh you need some wood I would love some wood here you go buddy thanks buddy alright this time we're gonna find some stuff for suresies sir jerseys oh my god I'm so close to dying right now I can I can finish this bear I'm not yeah what definitely takes longer to kill these things so you're down yes ladies down yeah I know I'm right next one down this is not and I should not be doing this boring I'm too stupid I'll Drive the boat how about that it's really just all circuitous to make him only eligible to drive the boat I see oh this a bear meets on the grill you guys are gonna eat good steaks tonight alright good job folks we still have no wood but hey that's all you wanna go get some wood I mean I was thinking about just taking her out for a spin with just the sail power let's let's just let's just chug her around that's what I'm saying alright okay you're the captain you're the ex I'm gonna run around and I'll chop some of the little trees I saw monster thank you my god your bear are we drifting yeah I await anchor man sail power is not fast All Right see you guys know all right I just don't know why wait is it wood wood wood wood why am I so hard to find oh the island disappeared behind us already oh boy oh my go ahead and crank her around for the best I mean we could just all leave we're buying but you know those signs point to the research stations or whatever aren't lying I mean I see it but I have to parkour over toxic sludge water to get there and I don't know that I'm good enough for that sounds like you're a bit of a baby I was Lee you're a bit of a [ __ ] baby who's not good enough how's it you're a terrible [ __ ] baby I'm too cowardly to do it sounds like she's like you'll never be good enough something you don't want us to progress in this game sounds like you don't want us to see all the secrets that are coming sounds like you really don't want us to succeed wait I crossed I don't feel so good but I crossed would you find the ranger station those are worth it I don't know you cross it we didn't even know if it was worth it it was worth it pathetic I don't have a spear no no no husband can now research a biofuel refiner hey it sounds awesome well done Wade our Bruns sole that's not a real thing we are good on food my dude like we've been there before though yeah well you know now we're gonna be good on food because I'm in charge this barrel is mine what is the point baby barrel snipe good job buddy thanks Gavin your approval is all I ever wanted one of three relay stations are now active okay I did something doing stuff what are you guys making folks I'm looking for resources and I apparently turned on one of the three relay stations Wade's making move she needs so much food I just ate almost all the cooked beets I just add these are terribly inefficient we really need like meat stuff like fish and stuff yeah if you if I get a fishing pole I can totally fish from up here just drive the boat and yes you want a fishing pole that over there computer here I'll bring you and I'll be your fish man longest cast in him there you go don't drop it I can fish from here this is the best thing I've ever discovered I'm gonna need some water soon you guys have some water for me we have so much water do we have so much water this research station literally and fish shark is dead I've killed it I'm taking me yeah baby bye also I guess I'll swing back around no no don't worry about me I'll make it I'll make it I'll make okay if only there was a way to stop the engines up there if the steering wheel up like a like controls or something fine look I swang around they ask you payday thank you it'll be place to solve it's time but now I need a wrench and a hammer a Bruns wrench and I'm guessing we get something if we come back name I don't know why you're saying it like that what's his name Bruna or Braun or something hmm like the name of the saw it's a person's belonging Oh Bruns hammer okay captain Bob is coming right around captain fish Bob that's what I call myself when I fish oh yeah that's a head back my water is a problem I thought you were already heading back I was in the cabin wait you said like five minutes ago man my I need water I assume that and you asked us if we had water I assumed that meant you were coming to get water so what happened in between those two steps the cabin oh no I can't come back I have wood and I can't I don't have planks the credit go by the barrel nothing I can't go by this bear with no weapon guys I'll die don't go near a men this is really a problem yeah cuz there's only one way to get by him that's to get onion nice thanks baby I think I snuffed by the bump brilliant they're gonna write songs about my penis I'm so brilliant Wow what I'll be dead very soon but I will be at the beach but why would they write songs about your penis specifically I don't know why you're so focused on my penis man you know you're right you got me there I don't know why I am either why are we getting why are we engines Oh guys are you here hey nom nom nom salt water have I have a scarecrow why is it not going for the Scarecrow is he is he pooped no he's fully fine he looks good shitty scarecrow then did this bird just follow this guy and die we're here I'm over here okay we can't we can't that is a risky endeavor I will try dad well that's not why it's risky my health is gone I'm gonna pass out in the water with Dom about fought stop please stop the boat I can't go back dying [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,954,290
Rating: 4.9735518 out of 5
Keywords: raft, raft bears, raft gameplay, raft markiplier, markiplier, markipliergame, markiplier raft, raft part 7, raft funny moments, raft multiplayer
Id: fQ6XUDmIn5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 38sec (2378 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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