Born To Win | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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somebody shout praise hallelujah lift him up give him praise for every every time he stood with you and made a way and bless you he's our healer today he's our deliverer today he's a provider today lift up your praise all over this room at every campus that's joining us live we're going to start this off with the mighty praise this morning give him praise give him glory give him honor that's how we feel from our heart lord we praise you we thank you you are good do you love him today do you really love him today my goodness we want to welcome all of you and all of those who are joining us at all of our campuses and those of you online give them a big warm welcome today look around you and see people why don't you turn to somebody and tell them you look a lot better than the last time i saw you i'm just i'm just telling you i don't know what you've done but it's working it's working god bless you so good to see you in god's house you know what i love is to see this many people at every campus who made up their mind that church is a priority come what may come what me and i thank you and i appreciate you more than i can say this is just powerful and our amazing volunteers and our amazing people by the way how great was that music today thank you uh gwinnett campus for for sending us pastor tony down here he just sung the house down and we appreciate you letting us borrow him and we're excited about what god is doing i want to preach for a few minutes today from the book of genesis chapter 49 turn there if you have a bible to genesis chapter 49 um i i preached last week on show yourself alive and it's what jesus did after he went through the darkest day of his life as the bible said in acts 1 and then he showed himself alive you have to show yourself alive you have to come back to life at some point and i thought i would move on but i can't i can't get out of the vein that i've been in and it's one that i feel like the lord is saying build the people's faith build the people's courage and remind them of their true identity of what of where i've called them to and i want you to see in genesis chapter 49 and a powerful verse one verse of scripture but it's powerful it's a prophecy over one of the twelve sons of jacob and this is what it says in verse 19 gad g.a.d gad a troop shall upon him i love this but he shall triumph in the end there's going to be a season when he's going to be trampled down and looked like a loser but really what the father is saying to the son is you were born to win and in the end even though momentarily it will look like the dream is finished your life is not going to be anything worth celebrating it'll look like a troop has tramped trampled you we would say in the ground but in the end you'll triumph in the end you'll win this was jacob's last conversation with his sons if you read the context it actually closes out by him leaning on his staff and dying so he calls his boys in he had 12 sons that would become the 12 tribes of israel and jacob begins to prophesy over each one of those which i love this because the father's giving his children their identity and their future and he speaks words that are powerful um something for them to live up to something for them to remind concerning their destiny when things get tough and he gets to the boy named gad and he says son it's going to look like a troop is going to trample you down and everybody will pretty much write you off but in the end you're going to win you're born he's saying in so many words you were born to win not to lose i love that i love the fact that the bible said that he called they called for the sons of jacob now listen this is very important the sons of jacob and then it said and they heard the voice of israel you remember this is the this is two two people in one body because jacob was israel remember god changed his name from jacob to israel jacob means a supplanter a thief a robber a cheat a liar a no good that's what it means jacob but israel means a prince with god and you remember when jacob wrestled with god and god said no longer will your name be called jacob your name will be called israel and what's interesting is they called for the sons of jacob but they heard the voice of israel the same man with two different experiences the old jacob was a liar a cheat a thief but when god got finished with him the same daddy became israel a prince with god who had power with god in favor with men and the voice of israel was the one that influenced them your earthly father may have been an alcoholic he may have abandoned you he may have walked away from you he may have but your spiritual father is god he is your heavenly father and he says i'll never leave you and i'll never forsake you and i love the fact in a in a fatherless generation what a model for us to see that that that fathers and parents can speak identity into their children and give them their identity and paint them a picture of their future and god says i'll back it up he wanted to give his son's identity and he said a troop will come over you and seemingly defeat you but in the end you'll overcome in the end you'll win i'm going to tell you who you are and i'm going to tell you where you'll be when he was born at his birth his mother saw the same thing and she said i'm going to name him gad which means a troop cometh a troop cometh in other words all she saw was the negative stuff that was going to come against him but israel said or jacob said i'm not going to leave it there yes you're going to face a lot of setbacks and a lot of hits and it's going to it's not going to be an easy life for you son i'm just telling you the truth but he said let me let you know that it's not going to end with a troop trampling you down to the ground in the end you will overcome there will be at times a severe struggle but in the end you will win in the end you will get back up you were born to overcome you were born to win god you're going to get down but you're going to get back up you you were not born to be defeated you were not born to be depressed and discouraged permanently you were not born to be destroyed by the things that come against your life whether it's abuse whether it's addiction i'm not denying that temporarily things will seem to triumph and trample you but i'm telling you that that is not your destiny and that is not your future because in the end i i had you born to win you were not born for failure boy i want this to get into somebody because internal talk matters what you say to yourself matters i'm not talented enough i'm not good enough i'm not as good as somebody all of that matters and he says you were not born to lose you were not born to be insignificant you were born to win and so when you get in those times when it looks like you're losing you have to remind yourself of the prophecy that's over your life there'll be times when it feels like you can't put one foot in front of the other there'll be times when you feel like that what's the use of even trying anymore my dreams are so smashed and demolished and feels like i'm trampled to the ground but he said you were not born to be defeated you were born to win and i'm giving you something to live up to i don't want you to get your identity from tick-tock i don't want you to get your identity from hollywood i don't want you to get your identity from a gang i don't want you to get your identity from a protest group i'm going to give you your identity you weren't born to get into things that that that that you're starting to get all into and and and be all worked up about i've got a powerful destiny for your life and they're not going to give you your identity i'm going to give it to you you say well my father did leave me and my earthly father was terrible and i don't have anybody who spoke any good words all i heard was you're nothing and you're nobody well you've got spiritual fathers and i'm one of them and here's the powerful thing in john 1 and verse 12 to as many as receive them to them gave he power to become the sons or daughters of god i don't care who your earthly father was if you believe on him he says now you're my son and i'm not losing i'm not raising up a bunch of losers i give you identity and i give you a future clap your hands and thank god for the truth of this word you were born to win you were born to win yes you'll be trampled yes it'll be tough yes you'll feel like quitting but you were born to win you were born to win john first john 4 puts it like this you are of god little children and you have overcome them you have overcome them and whatever or whoever the king james says is born of god overcomes the world and this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith what he's saying is you're born of god and god has spoken over you your identity and it's not an identity of the past that makes you feel like a loser or maybe even your present that feels like that you're being trampled but he's calling you to higher things he says that you were born to win it doesn't mean you won't have problems but you'll overcome the problems it doesn't mean that you won't have great enormous challenges but you'll over doesn't mean you won't go through pandemics but what i put in you is stronger and i'm going to pull you through it you're going to get to the other side we were not born to quit we were not born to give up a righteous man falls seven times a day but rises again when you have a righteous spirit it's defined by how many times you get up i love the fact that he said something else about winners when he said in deuteronomy chapter 33 we're told that the tribe of gad was there and god speaks a blessing and he says blessed is he who enlarges gad the word in large means to help assist into the inheritance god said winners have to be enlarged or encouraged is another word helped assisted at certain times especially when they're low and he says if you want to be blessed learn to be an encourager to people who have a destiny on their life that when they're talking about giving up you don't get down there in the in the in the pity party with them but you grab them by the hand and say you can't quit that's not what god says about you you can't give up i'm not going to let you give up i'm not going to let you lay in that addiction the rest of your life that's not who you were born to be you were born to win and so i want to be winners are encouragers winners are people who say get up again winners are people who say you're not going to quit you're not going to give up jeremiah in jeremiah chapter 38 the bible said there were four evil men who hated him because of his righteous stand and they went to the king and they said hey we want to throw jeremiah in the pit and they got permission from the king to lower him into a pit of mud and slime and left him there for days but in the same chapter it says that there was a man who went to the king and he said king you messed up and he persuaded the king to get the man out of the pit and the king makes this phenomenal statement in uh in the ninth verse he says take with you thirty men and go get jeremiah out of the pit thirty men now notice that it took four men to get somebody in a pit but it takes 30 people to get them out of the pit it takes more to get people out of the pit than it does to throw them into the pit it only took four to get them to get him down but it took 30 to encourage him to get up and you're only one of two kinds of people you're either the people who throw people in the pit we counting how many times they've been in the pit and just start encouraging them well they tried to quit and they didn't quit and i'm just i get no if i'm going to be grouped in one of two groups i want to be in the 30 people who are helping pull somebody out of the pit because winners encourage people they don't trample people they don't spit on people they don't walk away from people they encourage people who are down hallelujah good preaching brother jensen amen i like that preaching i said i like that preaching anybody can be negative anybody can find fault anybody can criticize and gossip about people and their failure and when they're down but boy there's some people that god has put them there at one time in their life and when they see somebody down their first thought is not to criticize and jump in on the on the attacks but it's to say i'm gonna help you get out of this pit i'm never gonna stop encouraging gad to go into his inheritance to not give up to not lay there when you're being trampled bless is the one who enlarges who encourages gad are you an encouragement to anybody in the most discouraging time of our life that we the most discouraging year that we've ever had i think in the in in my lifetime have you encouraged anybody or are you part of throwing people in the pit are you like a walking negaholic amen and you just walk around and everything's negative and down god's saying i need you when you find somebody down tell them that's not where you belong that's not you were born to win get a hold of god's nail scarred hand and you can come up take a praise break and i'll refuse to preach until you really praise him somebody got you up you didn't get where you are if you ever see a turtle on a fence post i promise you he didn't get up there by himself somebody lifted him and somebody believed in you when somebody was trampling you divorced and broken and addicted but somebody said get up get up you can't lay there anymore jeremiah chapter 12 said that if you can't run with the footmen if you run with the footmen and they weary you how will you contend with the horses if in other words this is not a negative statement but if you if you're if you're giving up if you're talking about giving up when the footmen are coming that's the foot soldiers there were foot soldiers and there were a horse horseman you know they had a great advantage back in the days they didn't have guns so you know the footmen were discouraging you and god says jeremiah if you're a little discouraged you don't understand what if the footmen wear you what are you going to do when the horsemen come and we almost make that negative but what god is really saying is the footman level is not where i've called you to i've called you to bigger things you have no idea how great your future is and if you're giving up over little footmen you won't be able to handle the big world i'm about to put you in when i look at this ministry the footman used to trouble me little things just a little little sister bucket mouth could put me in the pit one little just anybody criticizing me now i'm i've just learned you that don't even matter when you get up here it's a different thing the horsemen are coming at you but really it's encouraging because god says you're not staying at that level why are you freaking out at that level when i where i'm taking you is so much bigger because you were born to win everybody take a praise break and if you can't give me a pentecostal amen i'll take a baptist knob i'll take a methodist cough i'll take a presbyterian raised eyebrow over your mask [Applause] first chronicle says something else that's powerful about winners everybody everybody say winners are encouragers and everybody say this winners need encouragement the second thing i want you to notice in first chronicles chapter 12 is god says the gaddites shall be men of war for battle and he said they shall have faces like lions and feed as swift as deer he gives a description of a winner and he says one of the ways that a person you know they're a winner is they have a face like a lion a lion is a predator and his eyes are not he didn't have one eye over here and one eye over here like a deer he has he has his eyes in front and it's so that he has listen laser focus see winners have to get laser focused and they're not distracted and deterred by all the noise and this and that and this and that but this one thing i do i reach for the prize of the high calling i have a destiny and i can't let all of this and all of this distract me i have laser focus laser focus you don't get your eyes all down here you looking under jesus and and realizing what he's called you to do will require laser focus what are you focusing on you set your eyes on the prize for the joy that was set before him jesus endured the cross when he was in his torture season when he was being trampled and spit upon he carried the cross but the bible said his eyes weren't all down here listening to every criticism and lie that was being told about him because he said for the joy that was set before him during his crucifixion he was seeing the resurrection he endured the cross the second thing is it says and his feet a winner has feet that are swift as a deer he leaves swiftly he moves quickly like a deer what does that mean joseph is a beautiful pitcher of a winner joseph had a magnificent dream but potiphar's wife with a spirit of adultery tried to get him in the bed she said three times lie with me my husband's on a business trip lie with me lie with me she seduced him and tricked him to come into the bedroom and i'm sure she had on a biblical dress lo and behold and and and letting everything hang out and and showing him you know come on into my bed and the bible said see this is this is a this is a winner he had deer's feet if you've ever set up in a deer stand you know what i'm talking those deer don't come sloshing out there bam boom bam a big old buck a little deer will just they'll take a few steps is there any danger here do i need to get out of here quick did i hear something and winners winners know when to run the bible said that when she tried to seduce joseph the bible said that he ran and got out of there and she ripped his coat off poor guy he his brothers ripped his coat off he couldn't keep a coat he lost two coats but he kept his dream you might go through seasons of losing stuff but if you follow god you'll hold on to the dream and in the end he got the coat back he got a ring of authority back and all the barns in their corn of the world he owned it but the piss was in that room that bedroom when he acted like a winner and had dear feet you got to know when to get out of there something pops up on your computer get out of there swift feet you go to somewhere with people and they start pulling out cocaine and some party turns into something get out of there get in get on a date and you thought he was saved and then you find out he's only saved from the head down to the waist the rest of him is not saved get out of the car and call uber if you have to but get get dear speak because winners know when to run you got to walk careful in dangerous highly dangerous times gonna give you one more well if you don't get anything out of it you're on my last point almost the greatest danger to winners is found in the story of god this is the number one threat to anyone who was born to win because the bible said in numbers chapter 2 that gad associated and teamed up and started camping out for 40 years in the wilderness with another tribe called reuben and this is the prophecy over ruben from the father the same day he spoke over gad and i wanted to throw it up in the i think it's the third verse reuben you're my firstborn my might and the beginning of my strength he's speaking now he's saying these things are should be in use might strength the excellency of dignity the excellency of power in other words you are loaded boy with incredible incredible potential but watch the next verse but you have an issue you're as unstable as water and because of your instability you will not excel now what does that mean unstable as water water is unstable because it water changes in whatever atmosphere it gets in if you put water in a cold atmosphere a freezing atmosphere it turns to ice if you put water that's ice into a warm atmosphere it turns to liquid it can turn to steam it becomes like the environment it's put in and he said son you have so much potential but you're unstable as water if you would just be who you are and then if they don't change get deer's feet and get out of there but you got to have laser focus to do what the place i'm taking you too you got to have something in you you got to stay encouraged and you're not going to get encouraged here's here's the point the greatest danger to winners is hanging out and associating with the wrong people because when when gad who's full and born full of potential and born to win when they started camping out for 40 years everywhere the camp was set up reuben and gad stepped together just like judah and the binge and benjamin stuck together one of them kind of had partners of of of tribes that stuck together more than others like a family but they stuck together those two now listen and when it came time for israel to cross the jordan river into the promised land your bible said we we preach and tell people that all the children of israel came across that's not what it says two tribes stayed on the other side of the river and never entered the promised land guess who those tribes were reuben said i like it here let's settle here this is good but it's not god's best and gad because of their tight association with reuben the greatest danger to a winner is who you associate with because negative people will make you settle for less dream thieves will take away what god has called you to because they'll convince you that you can't do it who you associate with is critical preaching better than y'all letting on he said i want you to win but you're not going to win if you unless you quit hanging around the wrong people if you're struggling with drugs quit hanging around drug addicts if you have an alcohol problem and you can't control it quit hanging around a bunch of drinkers if you are a nagaholic you don't need to get around other people who are negative it brings the worst out of you stay away from unstable people get laser focused get a made-up mind get dear speak that gets you out of negative situations quick because god says i have a high calling for you you were born to win you can't play around with losers get away from the wrong crowd and when you see that that you were born to win i want to conclude with this the bible said thanks be unto god which always causes us to triumph in christ thanks be unto god which always causes us the word calls means assigning blame for manipulating the outcome they caused it they manipulated the outcome god says i am manipulating the outcome of your life to win you always triumph you always win if you stay connected to me even if your present is being trampled in the end you win if you stay connected to me there used to be a preacher named reverend ike anybody remember reverend i show how old i am raise your hand he was on the radio and he was very famous and he had a little saying he would say you can't lose with the stuff i use i just want to say that no matter what the devil's weapon is we win god never meant for us to hide and hope now i want to close with this last point isaiah 46 and 10 is profound god declares the end from the beginning and from the ancient of times things that are not yet done my counsel shall stand i will do all my good pleasure he declares the end from the beginning what that means is god declares from the ending now let it start sometimes in movies they shoot the last scene first so that so that all the emotions and every scene will lead up to it god says concerning your life i create the end first you were born to win i have an ending that you're going to like and then he goes all the way back to the beginning and he says now let's start it so i want my help to come out on this last little point and uh y'all did y'all did great this morning and uh you you can stand right there stretch that rope out a little bit stretch it on out and tighten it up a little bit so god god says i declare from the end the beginning you're not going to get any stuff that's going to surprise me about you and really this whole verse if you read it i i've looked at several um references yesterday and they said this is all about the omnipresence of god god has can be all places that he can be in your past at the same time he's in your present and at the same time he's in your future but he says i get to your ultimate place of victory and then i throw a line out to your beginning and there's a story about a guy named david he was a little shepherd guy and oil was poured on his head and he was anointed king but he was still stepping in sheep do every day of his life but he was anointed king and the only reason he gets to be goliath is because he's so big that's the only reason but aaron david is anointed to be king of israel and here's this mean goliath massive mightier how many of you know if these two get in a fight it's pretty evident who's going to win up here but i love the fact that your bible said that david when he went on the battlefield and saw the giant trying to stop him because let me just let me let me stop freeze and throw up um throw up my verse on on uh on jeremiah 29 11. i know the thoughts i think towards you says the lord thoughts of peace and not of ill of evil and listen this i love this to give you an expected in everybody say an expected end oh that's that's huge that means this this is set this is expect this is where you're going you don't have to worry about your ending if i promise you something i haven't expected in but there will come goliaths don't be you're going to be trampled you're going to go through seasons where you don't it don't even look like a fair fight and there ain't no way but here's what i love about this guy he had already been anointed and he's fighting a giant and the bible said he ran to the giant you know why because he said i've been anointed the king don't get ahead of my sermon he said he said i've i've been anointed to be king and he said he's called me to the ultimate end put my verse back up my expected end and he said i'm not king yet therefore this is not the day that i'm going to die and one of us is going to die and i believe so much in my expected end that god has anointed me for that no goliath can stop me and god's on the other end of the road and he says that's right i'm gonna let you encounter some giants come on fight him a little bit but i promise you i'm gonna get you to the expected end you know what 2020 is it's a giant you know what all the stuff that's been hitting you the dream thieves that have come and said you're not gonna you're not talented enough you're not gonna make it you're not good enough that's a dream thief but god says i've got an expected end reset one one last time and this time i want you to take the rope aaron thank you and and tighten it up i uh before the first service i i told tracy i said i need a good testimony and so if you ever see people just kind of walking through the sanctuary looking i probably need a good illustration but this is pastor aaron he's one of the greatest men of god and pastors he was a coach on college football and all of that was it football basketball and and just doing amazing things but there was a time in his life by his own testimony alcohol had completely conquered him trampled him drug addiction completely trampled him and i i we didn't plan it like this this morning but i thought this is a pitiful goliath compared to that but then the lord spoke to me while i was preaching it in the first service and he said that's how i see it because he was born to win and this this doesn't look big in god's eyes but watch god drug addiction no father in his life alcoholism pain sorrow hail whispering you're nothing you're nobody you'll never be anything but god said oh no if you just grab hold of the rope i'm gonna get you through that one and this one and that one to an expected end of standing on a platform in front of the whole world and proclaiming the gospel of jesus christ because what he put in us you were born to win your children were born to win your marriage was born to win anything god starts listen here's the key here's the key if you won't let go of the rope god's going to get you there thank you give god a praise if you believe get up on your feet at every campus and lift up a mighty praise to god lift up a mighty praise to god lift up a mighty praise to god [Music] and here's what here's what i felt like saying some of you've let go of the road [Music] some of you have given up too quick and too soon i don't care how bad it looks right now he's already created an expected in and i promise you it's not one of failure it's not one of what a loser but you were born to win but you got to grab hold of the rope he can pull you out of the addiction it's just a temporary setback he can pull you up from the trampoline of life the tramping on you and the and and just the enemy pounding you he can pull you through it you can't pull yourself through it but he can pull you out of it to an expected end but you got to take the rope and i'm throwing out the lifeline and i'm saying who needs it today who's let go of your purpose because of setbacks and the tramps the trampling of the troops that hell sent to steal the promise this is your day this is your service every head bowed every eye closed at every campus the pastors are coming if you would say pastor franklin i need to grab that rope i need god to change me i need god to lift me i need god to pull me out well we're here today to get you out of the dungeon we're here today to get you out of the pit we're here today to tell you bigger things are coming if you won't give up you were born to win but you need jesus he's the rope grab it pastor you're preaching to me i need jesus to be lord i need to get right with god if that's you without without hesitation throw your hand up in the air and say that's me that's me that's me that's me i see these hands all over beautiful powerful in the overflow wherever you are raise those hands unashamedly unashamedly yes yes yes up in the balcony raise them high maybe you're a young person maybe the enemy is just through this whole pandemic just just feels like he's just used you as a doormat but in the name of jesus you're coming up and you're coming through to the to the expected end you were born to win everybody right now if you see someone with their hand raised stretch your hand toward them don't touch them just stretch your hand toward them and let's pray together say these words lord jesus i give you my life i grab ahold of the rope i believe therefore i receive to them who believe you gave the power to receive and become the sons and daughters of god say i'm a child of god and i have an expected end say this i was born to win and nothing that's happened this year is gonna change god's expected in for my life now throw your hands up all over this room and let's just begin to declare his praise for just a few minutes we're almost done but can we take a few extra time minutes and throw our hands up and can we just declare god's faithfulness sing a church i'll believe it let it sit in your spirit i was not born to lose i was not born to quit i was not born to wallow [Music] he won't leave you there say it again i'm gonna see a victory i'm gonna see the victory praise praise your son praise [Music] lift your hands all over this room somebody needs encouragement and god said if i would encourage you he would bless if i would encourage some winner in this room who feels like a loser he said i'll get them to their inheritance somebody needs encouraging there's winners there's winners in the room who need to lift your hands begin to sing it you still now me through all this [Music] [Applause] praise [Music] sing it [Applause] forever look over at somebody and say you were born to win and i will not let you settle for the wrong side of the river disassociate yourself from the wrong people get laser vision come on put it on them say get your vision right tell them say you need some deer feet there's some things you need to get away from quick to take you down and take you into the negative and take you into defeat and you just need to get dear feet and scat out of there but our families were born to win our marriages were born to win our children and our children's children were not born to be here and lose if they're here they have a mark on their life to win [Music] anybody believe what i'm preaching so walk in that victory this week if you prayed that prayer of salvation go to the connection lounge we've got a free bible we've got free gifts we've got a devotional we're going to give you and we're going to tell you what you do next i want to thank you for being with us today everybody put your mask on please and in just a minute we're going to start trickling out of here but i want to encourage you to continue to pray about what god would have you do concerning our exchange once a year we take this special offering and maybe you forgot about it but pray about it and get it in this week those of you who want to give your tithe and your offering you can give it giving stations or you could go online those of you online thank you for your support you're part of this church your members therefore we appreciate what you're doing financially to help us and now are you ready do you feel like you've been to church today those of you who raised your hand i tell you on the authority of god you're a child of the king your your earthly father might have been one thing but your heavenly father has pronounced an identity and a blessing on your future today say amen all right here we go and now may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace we love you so much we'll see you next sunday big christmas celebration next sunday bring friends and people who need the lord don't forget about our candlelight service outside in the amphitheater we can social distance all we want out there it's just going to be beautiful beautiful music and beautiful message one hour service really 50 minutes service outside bring your scarf bring your gloves bring your coat we got fire pits it's going to be a beautiful night and do everything you can be blessed everybody we love you so much thank you for putting god first this day be blessed i think we ought to see it lift up my hands what a great word that was so powerful just to echo what pastor said you're a winner you were born and destined for victory so no matter what you're facing walk in that victory walk in that truth if you need a reminder watch this message again because victory is yours and you are a winner yes yes yes that message was so in season for a lot of us and if you made that call today to make your life go to salvation you can text at amen at 313131 again text that to us we want to know that you gave your life to christ today we can't wait guys and also like i was saying earlier we're an online family we're not distant cousins we're not we're family we're close we love you guys we want you to be connected and a part of this family so if you've not made the choice yet be sure to go to online and press the button that says join today we'd love to get you connected and love to meet you and wave and hug you virtually and just love on you well guys we love you once again we'll see you guys next week here at free chapel see you guys [Music] i you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 85,553
Rating: 4.8804698 out of 5
Id: LTUsv8TKTg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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