Windtalkers | Jentezen Franklin

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how many have heard Jenson Franklin's speak before raise your hand all right how many you've never heard of raise your hand you've never heard him Wow that's amazing so the last time he spoke here was like five years ago and tonight I told him please don't make it that long again the next time that you come we are so honored to have Pastor Jensen in the house he is a mentor to me from afar his message is his books have shaped me as a pastor here how many have read some of his books listen to his messages weekly TV ministry incredible I am so stoked for this new book and I can't wait to hear the message he's gonna bring tonight will you welcome tonight pastor Jentezen Franklin [Applause] [Music] Wow what a Wednesday night crowd my goodness this is amazing pitcher who has the pitcher over here who are these guys it is that is funny that is funny can I take that home and give it to my wife it I won't her too I want her to get up every morning just hold that up flash me with that picture of me amen all right turn to someone and say you look great tonight smile at them show them show them you're happy they're in your neighborhood you may be seated such an honor to be back at Victory and I love this church and I love this city it means so much to the body of Christ the impact the influence that you have had and continue to have and I love this family the daughter and family are amazing people I thought as Miss Sharon stood up here there's so much wisdom in every word that she says you can just you know she's just walked it's not just the gift it's the long walk sometimes that gives power to the gift of teaching and we honor you tonight Miss Sharon and I'm so thankful for your friend still the first time that I came to this church her husband was the pastor and I had never met him before and he was the kindest man I have wanted I think probably the kindest pastor I have ever met and I'm going to tell you why because he he took our ministry up we were we were going on television and stuff on new stations and he took our ministry up an offering and it was the largest offering to this day that I have ever received in one service your husband did that for our ministry and you forgot it and he forgot it but I didn't in godly and and the next he booked me for the next year for the conference and he was gone to heaven and and I am so thankful that his legacy lives on now even greater through through Paul and through Ashley who is heavy with child as the Bible calls it and we'll give her a a pass tonight for not being here since she's gonna have a baby any hour now but boy we love you and we thank God for you I could not be more proud of Paul and all that God is doing prove me I was talking with I'm not throwing names around but I was with Brian Houston some time back in we were actually Billy Graham's funeral and we were just talking and I don't know how but his name came up and we both agreed that kid is remarkable I called him a kid that really is a mighty man but he is remarkable and doing remarkable things can I get a big amen and I so honor you and I so believe in you you've just scratched the surface of what God is gonna do and hey I just got to say thank you for coming on a Wednesday night they don't have this kind of crowd every Wednesday night I'll start coming all the time my goodness every Wednesday night this is this is this is stupid this is crazy this is where everybody goes to church on Wednesday night and to God be the glory for what he has done and I'm very humbled that you here tonight I really am and I am this is the final official final night of my book tour that I've been doing for about five weeks so this is it so I got to go out with a blaze tonight I didn't come playing games we're gonna have Church tonight and I ain't here to talk about no boot and bore you I'm here to fire you up in Jesus name but I will tell you this and then I'm gonna preach at the end of this service my wife and I wrote this book we never we've never written a book together before but after raising five children and being married 30 years we decided to remove the ministerial front and tell the good the bad and the ugly and it's one of the most brutally honest and open books about family conflict and issues that we all face people who live in town the body of Christ is full of families that don't speak to one another people who don't call one another who something happened and we just don't get along anymore and so I wrote this book called love like you've never been hurt it's interesting let me just tell you this about it and then I'm going to preach but the title is interesting I we had to do extensive research because that's public domain that little phrase love like you've never been hurt and when the publisher and ourselves did a thorough you know research trying to find who who did it originally belong to love like you've never been hurt even though we cannot completely decisively prove it it seems like all evidence goes to it went back to that's interesting that today is the day I think today is the day that is the fiftieth anniversary of dr. Martin Luther King Junior's assassination and listen to this this title they believe came from a man by the name of satchel page you've probably not heard of him the satchel page was the first professional baseball black pitcher in the major leagues up and to that point they had something called the Negro League and that's what he played in but he became the first pitcher who was inducted into the major league pitching and the inspiration that came from the title of this book was he was standing on the pitcher's mound hearing racial slurs screamed at him from the stands and after being spit on and and malt and made fun of but he was bad y'all I'm gonna tell you let me tell you one little story I found out about and listen to this the one of the teams lined up their best batters their best batters four in a row to to get up and in an act to it if you know anything about baseball you put you put three batters up that are good that can get on base and then you get your homerun King up fourth they put their four homerun Kings up in an attempt to intimidate satchel page he in returned true story told the outfield to go into the dugout and told his infield to set down by the bases and true fact he pitched a no-hitter and struck them out and won the game and so after the game after the game they interviewed him and they said what about the the racial slurs that people in names that people were calling you what he what do you have to say about that and he is the one who came up with the quote the best that we could tell love you got a love like you've never been hurt so this book will change your life I'm not here just to sell a book but I'm gonna tell you something I'll be out in the 4-year I'm a sign and I'll sign as long as it takes but this book will change your life I promise you that it's really remarkable what's taking place with it they have had to reprint it five times it's been out about ten days and they had hoped to sell maybe 50,000 copies in the first part of this year 40,000 was the goal they said and it it has sold in those nine days over 44,000 copies and its name hitting 58,000 that are going out and it's just steamrolling it's really remarkable and it's not because I'm a great author it's because it's a message for such a time as this we got to love one another love never fails do you believe it alright praise God if you have your Bibles I'd like for you to open them with me to the book of Acts and I want to go to the book of Acts chapter 13 Acts chapter 13 I'm really torn between two messages tonight but I'll go to Acts chapter 13 how many of y'all have been filled with the holy ghost let me see your hand would it be all right if I preach what I want to preach all right here we go I'm gonna mess it up now go to second Samuel Chapter five second Samuel Chapter five I have never preached this sermon even in my own church I've preached it for Perry stone at a conference that he was having a few weeks ago with almost three thousand teenagers and hundreds of them were filled with the Holy Ghost can I preach on this tonight pastors Wednesday night can I preach on this all right thank you second Samuel Chapter five this has nothing to do with my book but turn to somebody and say I'm still gonna get the book I want you to look with me in second Samuel Chapter five I have this message on my heart and I want to preach it second Samuel Chapter five I'll begin reading with verse 17 now when the Philistines heard that they had anointed David king over Israel all the Philistines went up to search for David and David heard of it and went down to the stronghold notice that the anointing doesn't just affect us it affects the enemy when you are anointed the enemy knows it go to verse 22 then the Philistines went up once again and deployed themselves in the valley of Rephaim therefore David inquired of the Lord and he said I want you to notice in that 22nd verse I underlined it in my Bible once again which means they kept coming over and over and over again they were attacking they would not stop they kept coming back and kept you ever had a problem that just keeps coming back notice what happens now verse 23 therefore David inquired of the Lord and he said you shall not go up he inquired of the Lord every other time God said go up but this time God said you shall not go up circle around behind them come upon them in front of the mulberry trees and it shall be when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees then you shall advance quickly for then the Lord will go out before you and strike the camp of the Philistines notice verse 24 when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees I want to talk to you and I'll give you my title halfway or toward the end of this message but this is heavy on my heart and I think it's fitting for this group the enemy rises up against us and it doesn't mean that we're not anointed it actually is a confirmation that we are anointed I love the fact that when the enemy came again and again and again against David that he inquired of the Lord every time you you have to always seek God and say Lord what should I do when a problem comes at you what should I do Lord and he wasn't stuck in just doing the same old thing but he asked God and then he stopped talking and let God talk real prayer is not when you do all the talking present the problem and listen for the voice of God to give you direction our God is never without a plan our God always has a plan no matter what you're facing and no matter what's coming against you he said you're about to take your enemy David by surprise you not gonna do what he expects you to do I'm about to launch an offensive against your enemy and I want you to go over by the mulberry trees and I want you to hide behind those trees and I want you to listen for a sound and when you hear the sound of going or marching through the top of the trees you are to move when you hear that sound you are to advance you're not waiting on your enemies next move notice that you're waiting on something above you in the tops of the trees to move the tops of the trees and he said you're not waiting on the enemy's next move we're not supposed to sit around wondering what the devil is going to do next I'm not waiting on what kind of weapon the enemy is going to use I'm not waiting on a certain I'm not waiting on only his directive but we are waiting on a sound on a wind on a moving on a marching my ears are not tuned in to what the enemy is saying my ears are not tuned in to what fear is saying and intimidation and lies of the enemy I'm waiting on a sound a going a wind blowing through the tops of the trees marching through the tops of the mulberry trees he said when you hear that stir yourself stir yourself up the King James says bestir yourself come on turn to somebody say bestir yourself that's be stir yours when you hear the sound in the top of the trees moving be stir or stir yourself up wait on the Lord and move when you hear the sound to the enemy this is where it gets interesting to the enemy it's just going to be the sound of the wrestling of leaves and creaking of branches but to you you hear what the enemy cannot hear you will hear the sound of moving or going or marching translation say they'll hear a breeze they'll hear a wind but you'll hear what the enemy can't hear a sound that only praying people can hear a sound that only praising people can hear a sound that only people who are into the word and seeking God can hear is about to come and you'll hear the sound of going and marching in victory but they'll hear a breeze and the creaking of branches and the wrestling of leaves when you hear that God's was saying you I'm sending my angelic army to fight for you you are about to win a war that the devil has come against you over and over and over David in an area where he's attacked over and over and over you are about to win the war and it's all because you're gonna hear a sound it's the sound of heavens warriors approaching it's the sound that is reminding you you're not fighting this battle by yourself when people are shouting and people are rejoicing when the anointing hits a room and the presence of God shows up people begin to hear a sound we're gonna hear it before we leave here I feel it coming on I tell I know where I'm going you don't but we're gonna get there natural eyes can't see this army but there's a sound in the tops of the mulberry trees and when you hear that sound the wind the moving the marching stir yourself up and be gone with the wind that's not my title but it would work I'm not gonna preach long so you gonna have to get with me but but here we go are you ready the United States of America was attacked by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor and because of that massive attack they held the upper hand in the Pacific Rim and we could not sing for a while to get in a position of victory everything the United States did somehow the Japanese knew what we were going to do they finally realized what was happening was many of the soldiers in the Japanese army had learned English and had been trained in our universities and in our schools so they were listening to the coded messages and deciphering them easily because they understood the language February 1942 was very important because there was a man by the name of William Johnston he was a civil engineer and a World War one vet and he had an idea that he told to a general friend and the general friend got him to the table to the president and the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the NATO leaders and this was what he was the son of a preacher the son of a missionary that lived on the Navajo reservation his idea was I know that there is a code that we can come up with that the Japanese could not have ever learned in any university so they chose 27 men from the Navajo tribe William Johnston knew the language because he was the son of a missionary and the 27 men would give each other the battle-plan by speaking in the Navajo tribe a language that be enemy could not break the code of the battle begin to turn when they began to use a secret language that they did not that they could not break the enemy could not break the code on these men here's the name of my sermon these men were called and I quote Windtalkers hell was winning the battle for the souls of men Satan and demonic forces had this earth in bondage and they were destroying killing and wiping out families in people's lives dead religion could not help but on the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 suddenly there came a sound from heaven and we just had to birth we just had the death and we just celebrated the resurrection but I'm here to proclaim something greatest coming called Pentecost and on the day of Pentecost suddenly when they were all in one mind in one Accord suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a mighty rushing wind it filled the place where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire it's set upon each of them and they began to speak in other tongues as the spirit gave them the utterance they became Windtalkers a mighty rushing wind and in that moment they began to speak in the language that only God can interpret and understand a language was formed that Satan cannot decode a language was given by the Holy Spirit that defeats the powers of Satan and bondage hell cannot understand the prayer language that the Holy Ghost gives the Holy Spirit gives this language and it it's not jibber-jabber it is not emotionalism and crazy people who are out on the some liam somewhere this is our secret weapon and the enemy knows it somebody take a praise break and i'll keep preaching i wonder if there any Windtalkers in Tulsa I've come tonight to declare that I refuse to give up the secret code to be politically correct in a modern-day Church I believe that the baptism in the Holy Ghost was speaking in other tongues is the most important thing that can happen to the believer because when you get this prayer language demons can int they cannot break the code when you pray in the Holy Spirit we need to become Windtalkers in the church again somebody shout and praise God if you believe I believe that it is an attempt from hell to win the war by trying to minimize the power of the Holy Spirit praying through us in a heavenly language don't let the devil cheat you out of speaking in tongues this church was born talking in tongues and this church is going to go up in the rapture talking in tongues in the last days God said I'm gonna find me a new generation of Windtalkers and I'll pour my spirit out on them and they will prophesy does anybody want to see that in your family and your children and your children's children we need the Holy Ghost in Tulsa again [Applause] grayza though I read it coming down that's why I'm so messed up first Corinthians 14 can I read it first Corinthians 14 I got so many sermons in my Bible I can't hardly find the Bible for y'all getting anything out of this first Corinthians 14 reads like this verse 2 for he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God for no one understands him however in the spirit he speaks mysteries verse 5 the great Apostle Paul said I wish you all spoke with tongues but even more that you prophesied for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues unless there be interpretation that the church may receive edification verse 13 therefore let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret now that's the gift of tongues but there is the personal experience of being baptized in the Holy Ghost and you get your own prayer language and I'm going to prove it to you through scripture verse 18 the great Apostle Paul said I think my god I speak with tongues more than you all yet in the church I'd rather speak five words with my understanding and teach others than ten thousand words in a tongue all he's saying is he's not minimizing tongues he's saying it has its time and its place and if you've got people who are lost and they don't know anything about God and you're talking in tongues the whole time they won't receive anything from you get real good and blessed but his point is there is a time and a place to become a wind talker I love it because he goes on to say in verse 39 therefore brethren desire earnestly prophesy and do not forbid to speak with tongues let all things be done decently and in order did your Bible just say don't forbid people to speak in tongues did your Bible just say the man who wrote half the New Testament I thank God I speak in tongues more than you all doesn't sound like he's putting it down he's just saying it needs to be done decently and in order so that it doesn't cause confusion but to allow modern-day religion to rob you of the baptism in the Holy Spirit is to realize that the enemy knows that there is a coded language that he can't break and it's when you begin out of your innermost being to pray in the Holy Spirit for when we know not what we should pray Romans say as we ought the Spirit Himself maketh intercession through us with groanings which cannot be uttered I'm here tonight to proclaim that it's time that we not be intimidated to be Windtalkers the devil wants to rob you of your secret language that God gave you on the day of Pentecost somebody said would the preacher do you believe in once saved always saved I believe I am but I'll tell you what I don't believe in I don't believe in once filled always filled and there's a lot of people that come to our churches and they sit in our seats and they weren't once we're filled but it's been so long since they've been refilled I believe once filled you need all along to get a refilling and a refilling and a refilling until you become a wind talker again and again and again and when you when you that's why he said when you hear the sound of the wind going through the tops if your yield and join to that wind that's how you win the battles that's how you win the victory that's how you overcome things that keep coming again and again and again begin to pray in the spirit begin to pray and the Holy Ghost and the enemy can be defeated by the anointing of the Holy Spirit it's not by might nor by power it's by my spirit saith the Lord throw your hands up and thank God for the Holy Ghost open your mouth and don't be intimidated everybody who wrote a book in the New Testament was a tongue talker when wind talker everyone on were in the upper room every one of them were fielding and I guess what I'm saying to you tonight is how long has it been since the Holy Spirit fell on you some of you been in meetings that you tell your children and your grandchildren about and they can't hardly believe it but wouldn't it be something if you got refilled with the Holy Ghost tonight felt the utterance felt the unction and became a wind talker all over again and it probably get on your children and your children's children somebody said well I have the Holy Ghost I have it well let me tell you what I've learned I'm from the south and we have sweet tea I drunk some today but when I go out to California they have unsweetened tea that's all they have and they'll bring your packs of sugar and here's a major revelation God gave me one time sugar does not make tea sweet you can pour Pat after pack after pack after Pat and it still tastes nasty you have to stir it and you may have the Holy Ghost but it's not what it ought to be until you stir yourself when you hear the sound of moving stir yourself up the Bible said that the gift of God is in you but you have to stir up the gift that was given to you through the laying on of hands your daddy laid his hands on you Paul but the gift is he's gone but the gift is still there and when you feel them moving and hear the wind moving stir it up and become a wind talker [Applause] lift your hands up all over this room and open up your mouth and say God make me a winds honker stir it up put your hand on your belly and stir it up there's more than dead religion there's more than another tall can another service there's more God wants to possess his church again we got to become Windtalkers we got to pray in the Holy Ghost we got it we got it ought to be as normal for you to pray in the Holy Ghost as it is to breathe I don't do it when I get up and preach but I will in a few minutes when they sing you say why pastor because I can and the devil hates it and if I were the devil I tell you there's nothing to it - because it's just like the analogy I drew the thing that will win the war is the power of the Holy Spirit being released into your battle and when you hear the sound of movie stir yourself and become a wind talking I hear my wind talker inside right now he's talking in tongues I hear it pastor Franklin I didn't know you were that radical oh yeah I'm gonna dance with the one who brought me I'm his country's cornbread I'm from Eastern North Carolina I didn't have two nickels to rub together God has raised me up and now then I started from the bottom now we're here and now that I'm here I'm the wind talker I thank God for the Holy Ghost I thank God for the anointing we think we are that we can do without the anointing of the Holy Spirit come on business man you better not get so prosperous that you're not a wind talker anymore come on mom come on dad come on teacher you better not get so smart that you're smarter than that book everything I have the Holy Ghost gave it to me just like the wind blew and said preach this sermon I was gonna preach another one it was much more comfortable but when the wind blows you better stir up and go just stand up I'm done it's not how long do you preach us how quick you believe does anybody hear the sound of moving in the mulberry bushes does anybody hear the sound of moving in your mulberry bushes this is something in this is a little different in turn to your neighbor and say be stir yourself the Lord is marching angels are marching you're about to win the war the one that you've been fighting again and again and again you're about to with one word and the unction of the Holy Ghost can send victory to the battlefield [Applause] there's nothing God can't do right now lift your hands up and if you don't understand this just worship praise God but if you know what I'm preaching to be a reality in your life I want you to lift up your hands I want you to open up your mouth I want you to listen for the sound and when you hear it I want you to become a wind talker all over again are you ready just begin to pray all over this building oh we worship You Jesus this isn't for us we're not talking to me and now the Bible said when you speak in an unknown tongue you do not speak to me and you speak to God we're bypassing you and we're going to God it's a code the enemy cannot break so have you gotten marriage issues family issues financial issues health issues you've tried and it keeps coming back and coming back addiction issues it keeps coming back you get a hold of what I'm preaching tonight I want every teenager I want every young person I want every mom every dad I want every college student who wants to be filled all over again in the power of the Holy Spirit and you want to leave here a win talker I want you to get out of your seat and get down here as quick as you get down here just as quick as you can come I don't care if you're Baptist I don't care if you're Methodist I don't care if you're presbyterian I don't care if you're Church of God one God to God three God I don't care come down here in the name of Jesus something is about to break out in this place I feel it lift your hands and begin to worship Jesus lift your hands and begin to worship Jesus don't worry about tongues worship Jesus and he shall baptize you in the Holy Ghost and fire and they shall speak with jeesus a hit my mark chapter 6 and appraised you're here on the sale you'll hear it inside the food if you need to be Renfield's get down here if you got a bump that you can break it down here is Liberty now look up here at me everybody look up here at me just one moment I say your success this it said that the post the pillars right before the glory you know that he said that glory filled the temple his train filled the temple right before it if you read that story it said the pillars begin to shake Lord spoke to me one time and he said the pillars are the people who have built the house they've been there a long time and he said the first thing that will happen when my spirit is filling a church is I'll go to the older folks and I'll shake those pillars and when the power starts moving on the pillows it'll spread and the glory will come in when the pillows begin to shake again how many of you been in this church for 10 15 20 years let me see your hand raise it up high you are the pillows 10 15 20 some of you longer that raise your hand if you've been into this church that long there's a lot of hands out there I want you to ask God to feel you first every one of you out there now to receive the this gift that we are calling Windtalkers tonight all you have to do is number one know that your sins are forgiven do you know that your sins are forgiven would you like to know that your sins are forgiven then everybody under the sound of my voice pray this prayer say these words Lord Jesus I believe in you I believe you died I believe you rose again I believe you paid the penalty for my sin and in rising up from the grave you give me life and you take away my sin I am free I am forgiven now if you believe that you need to have great confidence right now the Bible said you are forgiven and you are free so here's what I want you to do when I receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost I was 16 years old I've gotten off of work I was working as a busboy in a Chinese restaurant I came to church it was a Friday night revival we had a missionary by the name of RAM Kison from Trinidad who was preaching I sat in the back and I was struggling I was a preacher's kid and I had gotten saved but I would kept going back again and again and again the things that I shouldn't be doing and I felt myself starting to go back again and I was tired of that that that up and down in and out and as he preached that night something got ahold of me I walked down to the aisle that pastor walked over and he said raise your hands young man he didn't push me he touched me and when he touched me the power of God came upon my physical body and when I hit the floor I was saying but up until that point hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah but when I hit the floor I was saying how I let her let her and I do me I would not dare do that I knew me and I laid in that floor and I prayed it didn't sound like the preacher and he didn't sound like sister so and so it was a one little syllable that God gave me but I became in that moment of wind told her [Music] I believe if I had not had that encounter with God that Friday night that floor North Rocky Mount Church of God and received the baptism in the Holy Ghost I would not have a ministry I would have totally missed God's will for my life that night that single night became the most important night of my life as a Christian because from that night forward I had a secret coded language that has birth everything God wanted to do in my life now how many of you tonight would say pastor I know that I'm saved but I would love to be filled Murrayfield with the baptism in the Holy Ghost and pray in tongues as the spirit gives the entrance let me see your hands this is beautiful such hunger pastor touch you go you're gonna receive don't seek toms it's like a pair of shoes you don't ever go in and try out shoes and and then say can I buy a pair of tongs to go with them you know the part of the shoes right there's it's called the tongue [Music] now they'll look at you like you're crazy and say Oh serve the tongues are part of a shoe you don't have to see tongues is part of the package you just focus completely on Jesus Christ and begin to praise Him get a praise phrase thank you Jesus whatever feels good to you hallelujah glory God don't sit there like this though [Music] they speak as the spirit gave them the utterance the Holy Ghost didn't speak they spake as the Spirit gave them the utterance you'll hear the sound if you'll listen you'll hear the sound you'll hear one little syllable of whatever it is God gives you may give you the whole river the more you pray in it the more it gets the flowing are you ready are you ready I said are you ready get your praise phrase hallelujah glory to God focus on Jesus Jesus is the Baptizer in the Holy Ghost lift up holy hands they are holy because the blood of Jesus is cleanse you and open up your mouth close your eyes and begin to worship Jesus and begin to glorify Him right now now one are all retreats and I want our altar workers to just kind of help in our pastors and we're gonna lay hands on many of you and pray for you and even if we don't lay in song it's not even it's important tonight it's just here just listen for the sound they're gonna begin to worship they're gonna begin to glorify and win it and when you hear the sound to open your mouth and release that talking spirit it's ready God would have me preach this tonight if he could back this word up in your life are you ready here it is in the mighty name of Jesus receive ye the Holy Ghost receive ye the Holy Ghost receive ye the Holy Ghost somebody give me about a hundred intercessors praying in the Holy Ghost in this room right now Oh there with your hands tied begin to worship lift your hands high and begin to worship it's real friend it's real but the house you fight in a battle that you can't win in the flesh it keeps coming again and again and again power of the wind you need let's see if that's our food you don't have to pay zero master we just wish things go hundreds of you abhi we feel right now yield to hear the sale yep for you too many that are for all the units have the Lord our thoughts Oh God thank you for your future the kid Oh revelation Oh the fire through the just worship please the shadow fries I can't [Music] not so [Music] it's our job and our the set of my soul [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I want you to do something for me then I feel impressed in it I want you to reach over and lay your hand on somebody beside you we're gonna lay hands tonight just touch him on the shoulders all you need to do just touch up gently on the shoulder and begin to pray one for another because there is a movie there is a movie God is calling people back to intercessory prayer God is calling people back to intimacy with the Spirit of God he's calling you back to that prayer language he's calling you back to being filled with the power of the Holy Ghost walking in the spirit walking enjoy walking in faith and freedom this is your night this is your night now begin to pray and just right now stir up the gift stir up the gift it's there stir it up stir it up it's the stirring that makes it work Laurita God oh hallelujah I believe there's about 500 people who are hearing the sound and all you need to do is open your mouth and release that we're talking spirit let it go let it go let it go let it go let it go let it go there he is there he is there he is received receive receive yes she can it's not gonna keep coming back and again and again and again there is a big tree declared in the midst of your war tonight hallelujah hear the sound of victory coming in the wind Lord Phil always fella with the Holy Ghost Miller with the anointing Philip with that wind and talking spirit in Jesus [Music] let me ask how many of you tonight have received the gift of the Holy Ghost and you've released that wind talking spirit can I see your hand can I see your hand to God be the glory can I see your hand I think we ought to sing one more song and can't we just listen just one more what I really feel is this is this is not just about this service but the prayer warrior in you is being awakened again don't be surprised if why you arriving to work in the morning the wind talker comes through don't be surprised if you've got a business meeting tomorrow that the wind talker before you ever get in the business meeting intercedes for you in private and you walk in and obtain a public victory and you'll know the secret only you and God will know the secret don't be surprised if the house is tried to sale sales this week because you have a secret coded language that broke through the principalities and powers don't be surprised if the son who you haven't heard from comes home and the drug addict owner gets delivered because we have power in the Holy Spirit tonight you receive this [Music] lift your hands high and for the next 30 seconds before they sing I want you to turn the volume from it's about in one or two on your throat I want you to turn it all the way up to Batman and I want you to lift your voice with the voice of triumph and I want you to shout unto God and I want you to praise him that you're not I need your paddle so long [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] cut short Jojo [Music] [Music] sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] because the enemy has been defeated they just rolled Yujin we're gonna lift our voice and if it's Eureka whatever voice [Music] [Music] where is your name with [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on help me all feel something shifting in this place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow man I knew it was gonna be good I just didn't expect it to be over the top incredible tonight man for real how many y'all felt like it wasn't just a servant there was something that shifted in this place and I'm in your life in your heart I told you some of you were gonna have a marked moment with God an encounter that you would never be the same again tonight that happened for many of you in this place thank you Pastor Jentezen Franklin can we give a big applause for him let God use him tonight
Channel: Victory Tulsa
Views: 21,991
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Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, sermon about the holy spirit, sermon on speaking in tongues, holy spirit, communicating with god, how to talk with God, get rid of frustrations
Id: qa6t-eMMZFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 52sec (3592 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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