Sasha Grey & The King Size Heads | TigerBelly 238

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[Music] [Music] that's all I know of that song butts a grace from Maggie Maggie what's her name Thank You Roger she's the greatest what a wonderful talent what a wonderful life what a beautiful energy in this room I'm Bob and I'm great you know what I look in the mirror and I say to myself you're great Bob because you know I you know I was walking around with a lot of shame and a lot of negativity and sadness I'm trying to Pauly Shore it up man I need to point out one thing though I think that George has backhanded Lee in a subtle way try to make you less kingly by taking this picture which was twice as big shrinking it and putting it in a less opulent gold frame yeah I think he's trying to take you down a knot but what you don't know is is that that bigger photo that was up there yeah he jerks off to every night yeah and that's what makes it kingly yeah that's what he he thinks he looks at my ass when I walk in here George come on that's why you're marrying an Asian closest thing to you yeah you want to [ __ ] me in the ass huh he's gonna love that what if we were in prison you know what you would do you I would be sleeping on my belly yeah I'd be sleeping on my belly and he would not only like you'd pinned me down but he would squeeze my butt cheeks together to make my [ __ ] even tighter I could see that right he was just like how are you that confident in prison to sleep on your belly well I you know I already have my I was with my [ __ ] through the wall at all times at all time no no I have my because I already know I'm gonna be [ __ ] there look at me yeah I can't have no defense Mac I have a nice butt let me say I already know that I'm gonna be like the town [ __ ] you're top notch yeah yeah I'm gonna be a gigantic wet cave my butthole will look like a wet cave yeah and dudes will be like you've been there everyone but yeah we've been in that cave right and this is gonna be just juice wow yeah yeah anyway we got George George God we I want to introduce everyone in the room we've got you know as people say people say to me online and people say that I shame people in the room a bully right but I call it I tell it how it is and I'm gonna say this I'm gonna buy you know I'm I was bullied growing up and I'm a sensitive guy but you know what I have to tell it how it is you know I mean we got big face John not here with his big-ass Gucci head right and we've got even a bigger face right here it's like a canvas so you better have a sound for yourself I got my big head we got [ __ ] my girlfriend's face is like I have a king-size bed and her face just fits the [ __ ] bed yeah we've got George he's a regular white guy my girlfriend Kayla and then we have a she said she if we have a guest and she's a DJ she's written three books how many books have you don't say anything in her earlier life he did it she did other things we made me a mirror I talked about it may or may not yeah yeah because we're a Christian podcast and we believe in the Lord yeah how about a nah it's funny because um I saw her once at David chose one of his like picnics but she didn't say hi to me inside her yeah but she was so [ __ ] rude to me like I was nothing that was you knew what you're doing did you knew what you're doing and I we were talking about Sasha Grey give her a run talk now Sasha yeah yeah did you did you see me at that David to a party I did yes how come you didn't say hi every time I went to say hi you were in a conversation and then every time I went to go back I was one of those situations where there's too many people and I don't know you like we have the same friends yeah so when there's that many people in a room awkward it's a [ __ ] picnic and I figured I'm sorry for why am I going it's meant to be that's true I just yelled at ya so you are that person at the party though where you cannot sit in one spot for two seconds so you like to just ping around cuz you're uncomfortable I'm this time the person in the party who holds on to the paper plate a little too long cuz I don't know what to do with my hands so it's an empty paper plate just walk around aimlessly and I hang on to it for two hours until the party's over and I bring it in the car on my way home why do I have a paper plate that's how socially awkward I am yeah but you know or keep your mouth a food yeah full of food that's one way yeah cuz I've always I've oh I've been aware of you for many many years you know you seem like a very nice person we're also friends with the same kinds of people yeah artists and whatnot yeah you know so um I could but I didn't you know when I don't know somebody that well Sasha I need to ask questions if that's all in real life no no in his head why am I so absolutely agro today oh yeah I should namaste little as the weather it's raining la it's Corona it's the way it's the weather righty yeah anxiety doomsday panic let's just do a breathing exercise man lead us through it would mean the toilet paper well is the toilet paper apocalypse everyone doesn't want to barehand their own [ __ ] so everyone's buying oddly like too much toilet paper like one family that's a thing but you're like 48 years worth of toilet paper by accident not even possible because instead of 48 rolls they got like 48 giant boxes or something like that and they only have one [ __ ] exactly yeah let me ask you something sir this morning I just want to get your opinion about it you've pulled before right I had a very healthy one this morning was a solid solid good but not like too solid where yeah I lied out yeah so this morning uh last night I had a French onion soup for in the morning oh Jesus a French onion soup 4:00 in the morning and I made three croissants well know that the Trader Joe's has a frozen croissants oh I baked them they takes 45 minutes put a little butter on the pan and then on the French onion soup I just microwaved it's like breakfast and dinner I understand that but they're from the same region right sushi and hummus I mean that's the same ballpark of a food that's what that's what Papa likes to do so that's not 4:00 in the morning I ate a jam that in my mouth and then this morning this is how I woke up no I made that noise out of my mouth so I went to the bathroom and I left I told color I like oh don't go in there for a while and then you would think that that would be enough you think you would think that that would be endgame would that's the discussions done what did you say what do you mean when I the toilet seat well you're smoking outside and I knock through the glass window I was like you're no hot toilets work and so they asked because when I went to the bathroom there was [ __ ] smeared on the toilet seat and I couldn't understand that was humanly possible I don't know how he did that it was like like performance art that's right yeah GG I wasn't doing performance art that's a good reference GG Allin love that guy but but you know it's like I already told any weights shaming and then in then go ahead Sascha you have a boyfriend how does this happen exactly that's what that's what I was trying to find out and he didn't have answers like do you ever work in restaurants or fast food places I have never had to clean the toilets and you would wonder how how all the poo got everywhere that did yeah I had a little D in a lot and you had a healthy food this morning right I did yeah mine was not so much it just yeah yeah did you float off yeah if I did that lift off me there was no lift off no but there was pain and do you have a boy damn big pain sausage you have a boyfriend yeah and do you live together that I will not discuss okay good um so but has he ever put in your packet toilet yes all right and if it was a pool on the sea a little bit would you say something or absolutely oh [ __ ] all right oh yeah it's my bad I didn't because I have a vagina to like you don't want that close to poo thank you it's not like if a little get some balls you're gonna be fine did you think that the jury was gonna side with were you hoping she would clean it up for you is your gross toe can you still argue for your case curious I want to but then the then one of the dogs pooed in the living room uh-huh and then she blamed it on me yeah sounds like a [ __ ] morning yeah it was a little nugget and it was I played it was that a place my dogs are potty-trained so I just assumed it was you just had you just miss the toilet a little dribble okay you know what that that that that's sound that argument sound yeah am i bad time I want next time I have the D after I'm done I will look at I'm trying to be mindful and I'm trying to make amends here ok I'm sorry to you next time I have the D after I'm done I'll turn around and look at the environment it is the diary yes very different the D usually is look at my I'll turn around look at my dick catch that D babe daya then but diet cheese is a vegan cheese so probably a word like diarrhea it's not that much yeah reah reah reah that's good I had the Rhea Rihanna I had the Rihanna to make it like you know poppy I mean so I had the Rihanna I would yeah I'd say that's pretty racist because Rihanna is a black woman so please do not are you Bobby let's go with Rhea Perlman Rhea Perlman yeah taking it back what's good that's dead into Vito's ex-wife yeah and also reaffirm cheers mm-hmm oh I'm just gonna call the Rihanna and then just it's not racist yeah I'm sorry I'm gonna angry sorry it's not racist I'm just gonna go anyway in the next time that I have the Rihanna I'm gonna look down and I will be mindful and I'll clean it and then that's that okay I apologize okay yeah so let's get back to [ __ ] sauce shot okay yes all right so sorry I didn't Google you I didn't Wikipedia I'm aware of that you're a DJ you're in books I mean these are information that I already knew you know I mean that I know that for a couple of years you did something else right we don't have to talk about it but I have to say that we can talk about it I know I know but I have to say though that I have masturbated to you I was waiting for that for and so it's you know because we've had AUSA of it obviously on this podcast that many times and I for some reason I knew Sasha [ __ ] I knew awesome when she was um 16 or 17 what yeah before she was a Dom at the time right no she wasn't high school flyers for a comedy club oh wow so I was playing The Laugh Factory and she and Jamie Masada goes eh buddy you know you know Asif it also was like the 16 year old Japanese girl she was and we passed out flyers cuz no one bought tickets to my show and we were on New York City just like you know just passing our tickets and then I just said to this young girl I go let's go on a roll a little roller coaster and one of the things so we did that and we had some candy and then we that sounds bad yeah but yeah but not in a it wasn't molesting candy yeah it was on ship Ken it was friendship candy you know there's two types right while lusting and then there's friendship one yeah so I gave her some really just Christian tip I think it was just like the candy corn okay that you getting Thanksgiving you know I mean it's very simple and you know or the bracelet yeah we owe ya yeah well it's the same same color a couple months you guys like people I did when I was a kid just pure sugar sugar okay the shape of corn kernels mhm it kind of I guess bigger bigger yeah yeah yeah it's not a flavorful dandy I love sugar same thank you have a problem so with with I've never masturbated to awesome because of the fact that um there's a family dynamic you know to do that you know I mean but with you I didn't know you so I feverishly one time sorry babe this is before I may I'm so sorry you don't think that we've I she's not only for men dummy oh wait you rub your jamjam the cotton feverishly yes she she's a goddess she was the biggest thing yes she was you were like the top person right for a minute for a minute yeah yeah but then you got out of the game I did yeah yeah yeah but so let me ask you so where were you born that where'd you grow up like high school and all that kind of stuff Sacramento yeah it's what a beautiful day have a Jamba Juice there yeah I went to that one I remember I mean III didn't get robbed I didn't get robbed yeah I also sucked on a seven-year old ones titty boy the grandma with the kids toys no you gotta explain this one what no after a show you know a lady an old lady go young man young man how old are you I must have been 30 wait we're we're in Sacramento the punch line the punch line yeah young man what a wonderful show young man and she shook my hand you know me like political style yeah so shook it I go thank you you know and but there was a piece of paper in the hand oh oh [ __ ] right so I looked at it and I went to Kevin Christie who was actually opening for me in Denver this weekend and can I go I go this lady because you should call it you should call it yeah and I go oh yeah so that night I try to get her to come to my you mean hotel room with minivan yeah and then the next day she goes let me pick you up and it was a Bronco oh she's a badass grandma man was it white it was a white Jay Simpson style yeah and then she um we had dinner and then at dinner I go no I think I did I did gentleman and then she goes you want to see my titty and I go now at dinner I'm not kidding you at dinner she goes look she hadn't done she was like one of those like hip-hip hot yeah you know I mean like ladies like in its in her 20s I would never even get me all together yeah right it's only at sixty I could get so then we she goes she was driving me around Sacramento to show me like the landmarks I mean like this is hey this is where they make the landmark this is where they make you know lamp fixtures almond factor yeah that's something to be proud of yeah so then and they just sucked on her titties and butt was weird because I we had parked on the side of the street and she had her grandkids toys all over the all over the Broncos I had like armored adjusting the child oh really yeah yeah so then you grew up in sac I want to hear that story wait so how did you get was just the second on the titties word yeah I would have had sexual intercourse with her but I had to do two shows so that's ever stopped a man before I mean it was like like my show was at seven and I was sucking all titties at 6:30 oh it was a time real time crunch yes I was like doing it quick because I like I wanted to get all this no rain check why did I call I think I called her that night and then and then she brought the sunday show she brought her youngest son yeah she has a young son that's like 16 or 72 this to the before the show and then we took photos and he was a huge MADtv and so then after that I was like this is becoming kind of weird too familiar your family now yeah I don't want to be I didn't also I don't think I wanted him to be my um yeah means son yeah things you know 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life enjoy the rest of the show so when you when you you made love to a older lady in a car she was actually not older okay she was only a few years older right and then she toys and she offers to drive when I said okay not going far were in like 10 minutes I can come back and get my car and I get in the car and as you do in a stranger's car I looked behind me and there's a car seat and a bunch of toys everyone's like oh yeah and then but I mean it's not gonna stop me it was just like I don't know why that thought what am i had like oh like where's your kid I was a little wasted like but yeah he's watching your kid well maybe she's a any not off yet so then you went back to that back seat and then you started scissoring what we did this happen was it after porn or before after Wow so but I want to get to now to your early life so then you went to high school do you get good grades Wow early you did college I dropped out of college but then when did how does because I'm because did you have like a mother a good upbringing and whatnot not perfect yeah yeah but I mean nobody not a cliche like this is what led you to porn by any means yeah yeah but like let's say my parents divorced when I was five okay that's pretty normal normal these days yeah I got super good grades in school I was if anything I wasn't challenged enough that's for sure I jumped around to like four different schools because I was so unsatisfied and nothing was challenging enough and then finally my senior year I was already on truck I almost graduated two years early then I kind of sucked off because I started having a crisis like what none of this means anything because I had just focused my whole life on getting good grades and the idea is like you're gonna graduate and you're gonna go to college and then I looked at my older siblings one of whom was in debt and couldn't even find a job with $80,000 in debt you don't I mean I think what why and and so I took I just decided to take it easy for a while I still ended up graduating early put myself in home schooling like the last six months of school just because I was like I'm so unsatisfied and so and challenged and then I kind of took that period of probably graduating in April or so until the end of the summer beginning of fall and I said okay I'll try college now like it wasn't it didn't take me that long it's okay I'll try it now and then I decided to go and then I just started having the same feeling it's all over yeah okay what what am i doing it just felt like I was back in high school it's young angst its young yeah you question the environment around you you crush in society I think that's the thing I never did I mean I did in some respects but when it came to education I didn't question it ah right but then you started getting probably antsy in call it and then I mean what did you what was the solution I mean how did you I first as a joke thought I was gonna be a stripper I was like that's so against my personality yeah who I am whatsoever and I was watching a lot of porn at the time and I was in a relationship where I was experimenting a lot and I was like okay well I want to try more and the other person didn't and the more I always had really dark fantasies that I felt guilty about because my I was brought up Catholic so go figure and it wasn't until I started having sex which I was older compared to all of my friends it wasn't until then where I where I realized like oh I shouldn't be ashamed and I don't know why it took the physical act of experiencing it to kind of lift that weight off of me and then I started realizing okay I want to try these sorts of things but like what are my options other than creepy people off the internet porn yeah because you don't know who you're meeting the internet yeah you could be look among Magnotta from don't [ __ ] with cats [ __ ] with cats yet brace yourself but what can it give it a watch go to Netflix and then text us let me know what you did yeah it's a documentary I think you boggle your mind but there was a creature on there named Luca Mignogna yeah yeah and he's creature yeah well he's a human being we don't call him well we don't call me we piece of [ __ ] oh but this piece of [ __ ] is at the type to go online or on Craigslist and try to like solicit and prey he's a predator for sure you know but um but how do you get like you call who do you call I don't like because I'm gonna just say I wouldn't admit something to you everyone in the room is is that if I was a woman and I was hot 100% I would have done what AUSA did and what you did because did the awesome part about someone like Sasha or AUSA is that there's so much ownership of those thoughts and there's knowledge there's there's it's there's it's like full agency of those actions right mm-hmm and that's what makes it in a sense for me even more compelling and attractive like when you know when you when you for me especially like the type of porn that I watch if there's an elevated practice to it and I know that girl is smart and I know that girl has witty comebacks there's so much more of an attraction coming up you versus the the cliche story of that you like the narrative that you like in porn is she's sitting on the audition chair begging to be paid to get fun because she has a debt like that's the narrative you like desperation for yeah yeah that's not no I'm gonna make an argument defend yourself Thank You Gilbert yeah you're on my Gabby whatever your name is no obviously my sexuality and what gets me off is very intricate and it's like a fine wine you know and sometimes you know let me say so this you know I know dudes that will go to you know you know the Hamptons and open up a very expensive bottle of wine but then they'll go to Brooklyn and go to a just a pub and and chow down you know I mean I don't know the term Jirka beers chowder I just threw up but you chat now right so it's like it depends on like in terms of what I'm into sometimes you know it's with saj for some reason with your when you were because you were on a lot right it's a lot of these sites know like no we're like okay we're going on the side over the place yeah okay so by the time you did yeah yeah my just [ __ ] yeah of course yeah okay you know I mean so sometimes I like you know in the sometimes I want to look at a woman's eyes I want to see in porn you know I mean like they made the wrong decision yeah I in their eyes at the look at them going what am i doing should we do here I like that you know I know a dude I can't say his name that likes crack porn which is so dark yeah and so like gross yeah I mean and I've never masturbated to that truth okay but I'm not my point chow down on the couch all right right but then like you know someone like there are ones that you can tell that they're their career driven girls are smart you know I mean and they you know they're sexually advanced those ones I will do as well you know I mean as well Thank You Bobby with the Sasha Grey I'll have a cappuccino I'll pull out my [ __ ] old smoking jacket I'll put my Moriarty shoes yeah yeah my feather plume I'll put the [ __ ] Earl Grey - sometimes they you know great - yeah yeah and then I'll put the fireplace on right and I'll take my I will and I'll take my fancy you know powder talcum powder why would I use is that stuff that you use when you play [ __ ] pool oh yeah you put on the tip I think dry experience right right right and I will put on you know I mean a high definition blu-ray Wow you and I will go to you know I mean this is the top of the line right but sometimes I like to go in the mud as well yeah go ahead babe wait I'm done with my pointers we got to get back to how it all started for her so by the time you were like okay I have these dark fantasies I want to see like how does who you call who do you how do you call an agency so I started I started just making all these different lists and ideas of what I wanted to do and then I contacted other girls that were in the industry so it kind of had an idea of what I should expect to get paid and what companies to avoid and then I started just going on different message boards and sort of gathering the same information so I had a list of people to avoid 100% and then a list of agencies so I emailed four or five different agencies nobody I think one maybe emailed me back and then they were like hard to actually get on the phone I and this is 2006 so not everybody has smartphones for me if you can pick up the phone and call that's a big deal and the first person who actually called me was the one agent that I ended up working with and he called me and he goes yeah if you really look like this you're gonna make it far you got your own car yeah okay great [Laughter] okay so what I did I guess I I did all of that like quasi research for six months or so and then I ended up driving down to LA for a week to look for an apartment and then in that time I was hoping Oh this week I'll find an agent how hard is it and during that week nobody called me only the one email and actually on my way home back to Sacramento I'd was driving home that's when I got that phone call so I was like well I'll be back in a week I'm actually moving here Wow now the what was that do you remember the first scene you did yeah was you nervous I was and it was it was that hurry-up-and-wait feeling right so it was also an orgy so at first it's like [ __ ] this is this is it and I had the entire day to change my mind you know waiting so and I hated that wait that that period of having to wait and at first its it felt that that would be the most intimidating kind of scene to do especially for your first scene but then once I was actually in it and [ __ ] it was actually the best because I was working with one of the most respected directors in the industry and with all of the top talent so being there I felt like okay the pressure is actually not on me yeah it's and I can kind of ride on on on the other people because they're more experienced so I can just watch observe and see how it goes and it actually ended up probably being a really great experience and then my agent came on set and then at that point night was like it's all downhill from here kid basically it's like me being just a young actor and getting like Ocean's eleven is my first thing yeah that's basically was like oh there's Brad Pitt and that's what your situation basically yeah Rocco is the first so um if I threat now you since you're out of the business if I could throw it through some companies your way can you tell me if you like them or not or no like ones like red-light district are they good I don't know did you work for red-light district yeah you like though yeah yeah I like that company yeah yeah I think in a different life if comedy didn't work for you I feel like you would have been an agent of sorts or a foreign agent for adult oh I would no I would have my own production company I would have I would be like a devil's film or a yeah oh really yeah yeah I would be like legit you know I mean number one I would take care of my ladies yeah I mean I'd be like a Papa kind of a thing yeah right papa productions know it hug a lot of the you okay how are you feeling in a pervy way my girl sigh rollercoaster nope it's like you know I would go to like if I was an agent like let's say I was your agent Sasha right and after your first scene you know I mean I would probably put my arm around you wipe you down yeah I go we'll take a shower first and then wipe you down and I'll put my arm around you just very like father-daughter type and go how you feeling kiddo kiddo you're like living out your own fantasy yeah yeah yeah another thing I need to put it about you know and I need your expertise on this what is this family so lately for the past couple years you know how like the couch auditions a very high point now he strictly just does old J so decrepit 80 year old old old old Oh J I just like old Jay Nicole Bronson some video he likes yeah really really really like geriatric looking men with 18 year olds that combo that he's really into okay and what are your thoughts on that and do you think that he's just projecting his feelings yourself yeah he's I I want to know what the the the feeling is or the drive behind that's really weird I was actually thinking about not to make this about me but I was thinking about a scene like that I did recently yeah I was reflecting on I was like yeah well you did a scene with an old man he was in geriatric but he was pretty [ __ ] old I love you she had been in his mid-60s but like not healthy so he looked much older yeah yeah yeah maybe even late 60 and you that wasn't one of the last scenes you did no no no when you did that scene was it uncomfortable working or now mm-hmm I mean no yes and no it was awkward in my brain it was awkward yeah but I could say that there was like worse moments and worst experiences when he came like as long as somebody was hygienic I could hang up my [ __ ] feelings Rai Rai Rai right I think that would be my big thing too because I my real like clean freak like I know breath is a really big thing for me and I think as long as someone is fully clean I could look past anything right but you have a writer like you know sometimes when I go on the road like I have a rider like I need Red Bull in the room right I need three balls of water all these things can't you go can the person be clean yeah I left no I left like there were scenes where I would leave oh you would yeah Wow like this is not acceptable the conditions right yeah so um what is the worst one that you had the worst experience it's probably a girl really and she was tilapia funny enough my my worst experience yeah why that specific fish are these think it's my code word that I now yeah he's with all my friend Phillip he doesn't have like the omega fatty acid you get from other fish so it's not even a good price like a man it's like the one they farm in those vats and they swim and eat their own [ __ ] yeah Oh tilapia right yeah tilapia because in my game start do Valley right tilapia tilapia is the easiest fish to catch which means they bottom bottom dweller hello sleepers we're gonna take a quick break to share some amazing sponsors with you better hope for you mine better hope for your mind better health for your heart better hope for your soul mmm better help my friends is something that I use personally it changed my life you know for many years I refuse to see therapy because I thought my mind was brilliant and that it was healthy but no I have a lot of trauma I have a lot of things I need to talk about better help will access your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist and you can start communicating in under 24 hours it is not a crisis line it is not it's not self-help it is professional counseling done securely online and even if you're in a mentally good 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for tiger belly listeners get 10% off your first month and better help calm slash belly enjoy the rest of the show I made a young woman at a club and she came to my hotel room she sped over her legs and it smelled like hot blood like it was it was like autopsy it was like it was like a crime scene she opened it up I was oh [ __ ] so it was old you know it was like old and and but she was young it just smelled like blood was old blah blah it smelled like you know a crime scene and I and I still did it because I think it's more because I didn't want to hurt her feelings right so what I smelt it and I think she saw my face go you know me like I saw like the devil or something right then I went in because of because of my my I mean I have a good morality time when you flick the poo I don't want to say her name of course the girl the hippies who play with a guitar they and they always have a hippie with the guitar and she was like singing all the time and then like we're in Laughlin we're in La Jolla and it was during the day and I was doing her doggy style and she said um she turned her on and she goes I just had a vision and I go what and I'm still having sex with her and she goes um I envisioned that you and I had a family Oh in the middle of [ __ ] yes the baby and a white picket fence hmm and then I smelled something weird so relaxed so I was like Kim yeah and I did I smell something and I spread over her cheeks and she had five hairs normal I know but not but they weren't curled you don't mean they were like Asian hair stick yeah they were just like porcupine you know like you know like if you see like a scary movie yeah and the hairs on the back of your neck but they were yeah they were sticking out of the back this you know I mean like they were at a rave and they were like great hair yeah ray Parris and on the tip of one of them was a perfect ball of pool right but it was little but it was dangling from like how big like a piece of rice corn rice and you put into a ball maybe to like a peppercorn that's a good one I got the pink ones I got the green ones white ones black poor kids who have like um anxiety issues they can't afford prozac or in the stuff and they smell peppercorn is supposed to eat ease your anxiety so more people use it and I use it sometimes so in fact when you're high on marijuana and you we're smoking I mean yeah weeds yes right and and you have they say when you have a panic attack when you're just smell pepper yeah so that's just FYI yeah maybe that's why yeah it's a delicious the thing so anyway just she had a little you look like a jazz a flower you know I mean it's like a little ball at the end right and she as soon as she said that I had a vision of going to see yes right now and getting toilet paper did you really know in my head I said that evidence then you just flicked it yeah I flicked it like that right yeah I saw fly around a fly across the room but you know what I feel because I feel bad you know now that you say that it was a nice girl isn't no no no a nice girl I did like her yeah and then I remember she was it the first time you've had sex no we had sex probably ten times well you didn't like you couldn't have liked her that much because yeah you if it's ten times in and you can't tell who is it you can't change it for me you got it you don't like her that much exactly yeah you liked it yeah I wanted out of my vision yeah so I flicked it and then what she had moved from a different city to be with me right and and I remember driving her back thinking to myself I'll never see her again and so I remember like a year later she showed up at a comedy club and she just looked at me and she looked at sorority and maybe I don't know and I remember being very cold to her I this is why I know for sure you didn't like her as much this year as maybe you thought because you like poo your brother and you were obsessed with a smell of poo in fact and we talked about this you know about the first time I met your brother he came to my house and almost pooped on a friend of mine like willingly willingly I'm my brother my brother Steve yes your brother Steve the good guy the good guy right the good guy brother the good guy brother he how did that happen all right cuz I think it's your fault go ahead my friends were coming over I had heard about him for a while because he was already hanging out with a bunch of mutual friends know I call her what CV can we bring him yeah of course I show up and we're just like all sitting on the floor talking [ __ ] the subject of [ __ ] comes up and we start talking about pooing on people like have you ever peed on someone's would she ever point would you get [ __ ] on and one of my friends volunteers to get [ __ ] on on my floor [Laughter] and she kept rolling around because she was so grossed out he had his pants down it would like Steve like roll the other direction and she was laughing hysterically don't move because he's gonna [ __ ] on my carpet okay okay okay and I think it continued for probably 20 or 30 minutes until you was like oh [ __ ] before I came here oh my god there's such great shame in my family I'm so sorry it's great memory it's not normal behavior it's not normal behavior this is why we probably get along though yeah you think you like my brother Steve yeah he's a good kid he's funny yeah he's a funny little guy yeah yeah has he done have you done his podcast I did yeah how many times once yeah it's funny that you would do his before mine but I didn't know I didn't even know you had a podcast okay all right all right so then when you're in this industry and then when did you get out 2009 so we were in and out you were just three years yeah I thought I was I thought it was gonna be a lifer oh really yeah but what was the reason I mean just you're just done so so many things were playing out at the same time but the first and foremost reason was that I felt like I had accomplished the things that I set out to do and so the own the next step naturally it would be to create my own company and start doing things my own way but I entire time I was in porn I was doing other things I was making music I was working on a photography book I I'd shot two other films like there's all these things happening in my life and then I actually had started a company and it failed and it was the first I would say the first major failure of my life really was it a porn yeah well how did it why did it fail and so I'd spent about I don't know six months something like that but let's say a whole year because leading up to that I was actively trying to put it together and then from the time I actually did and it all came crashing down I had to make a decision and I was sleeping thirty hours a night because I was working my ass off yeah so for a good year that that was my life and I had to make the decision do I want to start over from scratch and this is only a year after the recession or within the same year people weren't shooting as much as it was and parodies became a big thing they're so stupid they don't even put in this same amount of like CGI Oh No yeah you watch The Avengers 1 right this is better yeah really cool I don't know what that is if it's silkscreen or what it is or a panel but like this is cooler than a lot of the sets they would have in those parodies yeah they would put like in would spider-man would but but they put cotton you know me do you Halloween yeah put some budget in there or the Cosby ones or like this oh yeah there's a colony there was a car that was in fact my friend Thomas Ward I have a friend Thomas security because he's a porn star oh okay like a cousin oh no Thomas Ward own individual yeah is a stand up he was just abused to be a stand-up I started with him and he looks kind of like Cosby right he's a black eye and then he disappeared from open mikes I know but you know what I'm saying yeah maybe a couple of meals with them or whatever hot dog stand or whatever yeah Bill Cosby loved hot dogs yeah yeah you know that right but anyway so then one night I was like I watch The Cosby born he comes on and I go what the [ __ ] and then I go that's Thomas Ward and then he pulls his dick out it's a [ __ ] this big and I remember trying in the computer I was trying to shut it off no no no and then I saw a lot of like there was a phase where I liked you know black and white porn interations ratio no no I like old timey porn subtitle you know I like black men and white women or vice versa you know I mean and so he I saw him in those two you know men very talented he was a good comic but very good porn star I have to say anyway did you do a bi-racial ones as well yeah Asian father cool no only like one or two Asians men what do you mean in porn you only [ __ ] two Asian yeah maybe who are the top male Asian now I don't know I've been out of it yeah and I are there and I don't know there's no asian man that you couldn't like a merit like a like korean-american yeah you need me in Kok obviously Japanese of course I watch it all the time pervy [ __ ] fun yeah but there's no like Asian American dudes that I could look up to there's no guy well you know cuz in martial arts I say Bruce Lee Jet Li whatever you mean Jackie Chan whenever but in American porn like even in sketch I paved a little way for Asians and in sketch comedy in America you know yeah but there is no Asian man that we can look it's probably why you were really into interracial porn with black men because that was your you know the closest thing to the other thing yeah yeah you having outside of being white maybe that's it yeah it's exactly no it's the big dicks big days it's it's the big day I I don't know if these are real but they're ones at one point where it was white chicks that would go I you know I kind of racist and I would never I thought to myself I would never [ __ ] a black guy but then they do the scene I don't know if it's I don't have it staged or not but then when the dick enters that like racist white you know [ __ ] you know I mean it's probably staged but you gotta be a little racist if you're willing to say that on cue right like when I was 19 somebody tried to tell me to say I was 18 on cameras are you [ __ ] kidding me no I'm not saying I'm not and we actually had an argument about it before oh so you would never lie no why oh my god it's so big when it's not alright right now were you were you ever and ones that went to get off because I don't cuz you're so much that's only a little bit of your life and this I don't want to talk about anymore no I want but I have more laughs yeah go ahead yeah I forgot what do you want I was gonna ask let's just get off of it I'll tell ya it'll come back to you because you know because if you only did it for three [ __ ] years right that's such a small chunk of your life yeah and you've done so much more than that alright so let's just get the [ __ ] off of it you know I mean can we do that or no because when people probably bring it up all the time and it but you probably drives you crazy uh I wouldn't say it drives me crazy there's actually a big part of me that I'm trying to actively find a way to take the things that I was passionate about and that I wanted to change within society's perceptions of female sexuality like how can I continue that goal while not being in porn mm-hmm I think from an outsider's perspective you've done just that yeah at least for someone like me where you are multifaceted you are to me when I look at you Sasha Grey you're an artist you're somebody that did that for a short amount of time and you parlayed that into so many other things like film and writing books and you've exactly what you were describing is how I view you at least but yeah but I want to say this too is is that it because I know awesome and obviously I've seen what she does right she it's acting it's a performance the performance it really is a performance because I know her and when I see her stuff sometimes I'll randomly I said to me yeah by brilliant people I that I know she's bro she's a family she's family so he's like my sister I love her so much I think she's super talented but my point is is that it is if it's done well and you can rise in that business it's only because is you can perform act and I when I you now isn't what I've seen on the [ __ ] thing it's acting yeah yeah me and it's crazy I remembered what I wanted to ask you and this is the last question come back they did come back you're right did you ever do any ones that they gave you like scripts like you know ever now those ones do you prefer those ones No why because they give you acting notes that would be [ __ ] frustrating would be really oh yeah and I'm very monotone yeah actually yeah and I remember I won't say what it was but I was like all right I'm gonna ham it up right so I was just hamming it up and then the guys like the the director is like no but stay it like this side rich yeah they say it like this instead and I was like so you want me to just speak how I normally speak yeah be more natural yeah yeah I like this and then when I finally saw the thing I was like I seem so deadpan that actually doesn't work at all oh I never [ __ ] listening to those guys again but oh I see so the director was a bad director it's it's know what a [ __ ] stories don't belong and porn do not belong in porn unless we're talking about doing some avant-garde [ __ ] like it doesn't [ __ ] work on that it does it does right if you did it with like if honestly if I said I take you let's suppose right now I had I was a multi-millionaire and I wrote a really good script a really good script with a real DP you mean a real like story yeah I mean yeah and I go you know what we're gonna take you're gonna take six months of Meisner technique right right no you're gonna have this acting coach Russians Ben Affleck's acting coach no right what-whatever Netflix acting cuz what I would hire him right I would and I would I would [ __ ] ago and it would be like a real movie with a real script with real emotions right real story but that sex would be like like that gas bar no it should it should movie they should do it like that but yes that one movie love right oh yeah love was yeah I loved it you know and it was just it was similar to what you're describing yeah Marilyn Brando did a movie called The Last Tango in Paris right not that it was like you don't you know you don't know you know I know you don't get the butter but imagine if you did get a little butter in there I see I think it could be done but the powers that be will never let it happen right and who's that audience for exactly like who look I've always said that like the cliche porn is let's say like the cliche male fantasy is porn in the cliche female fantasy is a romantic Hollywood comedy I've kind of always said that yeah yeah they're both fake so are you gonna blame romantic Hollywood comedies when your girlfriend expects all of these delusional things from you yeah anyways I've always said that but I did an another podcast a couple weeks ago where the woman is a photographer she's been in the business her whole life basically and she was saying now there are people doing more narrative structures and porn so I haven't seen those things I can't speak on Rose necessarily yeah but it doesn't sound like they're doing full-on big-budget movies and that is the cool thing night like you have the ability because the technology is so much cheaper and actually have higher quality today than it was even 10 years ago so that I don't know but what why don't we produce something yeah whatever no you're not gonna be in it no distribution okay no what about this why don't we write a script just for fun right right right a [ __ ] all right give me a what's the logline what are we thinking yeah well why can't it be like a real 80 year old man with an 89 already Korean his name is Bobby Lee you know it's set in the hospice okay really this is your latest fetish really yeah iiiii there's a company called old J it's o o LD j I also sometimes go to blue pill men the blue pill men right and I I also go to Jurassic [ __ ] I got a dress a [ __ ] and but you know I haven't been watching porn because of my for ninety days I've been masturbating through my memories and my visuals because I I'm you know in fact I haven't ejaculated in eight days Mazel Tov Mazal why is your face like that what do you do that I mean eight days doesn't seem like you know I mean I'm proud of you I mean it's eight days is an eternity when you're me yeah yeah you know why because I just think that um you know when I was in I went to an institution for my break down to an institution I was in Arizona and we were talking about my addictions you know and there's there's my main addictions was just drugs and alcohol okay but then there are like side ones that um which is right around that is pornography and sexual addiction and then around that is you know video games and other things to distract me from you know feeling and being in the moment and being present you know so um I made a deal with the counselors that I wouldn't watch pornography because it's you know not in your case but what they were describing was is that I have my own trauma okay I grew up with you know being all that kind of stuff and I have a lot of PTSD from it but there were explained to me that a lot of people in adult Reynoso strippers you know not all of them but also come with their own trauma and some of their behaviors you know I mean is based on their traumatic childhood and whatnot not messing you or I'm not saying you or or AUSA and I and he goes it's it's not healthy you know and so I said you know what that seems to be clear to me and I'm I'm trying to do a lot of things that are going to distract me from and trust me I carry my stardew valley means everywhere I go and I play it constantly and I when I'm playing it I understand what I'm doing I understand why I'm playing it because I just don't want to feel and I don't want to be you know present you know and then sometimes I try to put it away and I meditate whatever but you know it's the thought that I'm trying to do these things so arm that's why I'm not watching pornography in the moment how I mean how often do you watch porn I would do it every night multiple times a day to the point where it rendered me absolutely useless as a partner okay yeah okay that's problem didn't like the way you said that no because I have a I have a hard time accepting like would you call it it in that an addiction would you call that an addiction or would you call that a form of OCD you know what I mean like you're like you said you're filling it sounds they avoid you you do don't mean because in these eight days how do you feel are you feeling like so no I don't think about it but I think that but I this is gonna sound crazy but I try to use God because I believe that end off no I believe that my drug addiction and alcoholic alcoholism is you know what you saw me when I was doing drugs right and I was doing it what yeah there's no there's there's no moderation with any of the things that he chooses okay engaged I cannot stop so if it's porn or if it's any other process addiction it's there's no 60 percent it's a hundred fifty percent always right and I can't stop and just porn just happened to be one of them it could have been something else it could have been watching you know the you know the Great British Bake Off for 24 hours of the day right when weird things that can't be explained to me right happen III I tend to lean more toward you know mean the cosmic then nothingness I mean for sure I'll do stupid things and then I'll be like huh thanks dad you know it's my dad passed so it's like I don't I don't believe that he's up there looking down on me or anything but it's a way of comforting me yeah and like reminding myself that he'll always be a part of me still Riya when did he pass it will be five years because my dad just did right yeah like seven months ago yeah yeah and now because I'm now I'm now getting to the point where it's like you know I used to think about him every single moment of every day right and now he pops up once a day maybe during a drive or whatever and there is a sense of sadness and I miss him you know does that does that get better through time yeah yeah like probably the third year I couldn't say what I just said without crying even now I I can feel myself getting overwhelmed but yes the cliche is true it does get better with time and it's just because you get it's not that the pain is gone it's that you just get used to the pain were you in the room when it happened I mean talk about or no did you get a call I mean yeah I got a call actually I was camping oh I I don't know what I was where I was where is on the middle of working I was in the middle of working on a project or something and so I'd brought my computer with me and there was like one I was real camping not like glamping right there was only one place where you could get an internet signal and it's the glamping place where they have a restaurant and cafe and I went in there I I think I made a phone call and then I almost slept I was like I should check my email hmm I actually was in my car I was driving back to the campsite and then I went back inside and to check my email and I go to check my email and I have a series of messages from my siblings on email like call it's an emergency call it's an emergency and I'm just thinking it's something completely different than what it was and I get to my phone my phone's not working somehow I still couldn't make a call out so we ended up having I even asked like the hotel can I use your phone they wouldn't let me use the phone so then I had to drive to another store to get quarters quarters into a cave Wow yeah and and that's oh my god I like tore down my tent and sped home Wow yeah oh my god and so where was this campsite at um Sequoia it's a quiet yeah Wow so a four-hour drive home so you drive went just right to Sacramento no I came I was in a rental cuz I got like a SUV to go camping in yeah so I drove home and drove Tilly I remember oh well I mean I remember but I'm sure yeah yeah well I'm sorry drove Tilly and then I think I had to sleep at home that night by the time I got home it's like 1:00 a.m. and then the next day which I didn't sleep she's laid in bed then we were all together well like a plant and making the plan basically and then I went he wasn't living in Sacramento and I went along and flew yeah but it does get better it does there's a comedy pop yeah you got real that's why I mean I you know I I wanted to hear because it helps me by hearing you it helps me better understand you know I mean that there's it gets better for me Ryan yeah and that's why I'm asking it's not because I want to bring up a bad feeling right I just it does help me you know and that's why I but yeah that cliche is true I mean changes you forever like I I lost people in my life before that but nothing ever like this ever yeah yeah it's yeah I know it's so shocking that was the only time I ever got into an altercation with a cop was when my dad was he was probably about a month away from passing at that point but he had another like medical emergency and I was living in Vegas and my dad was living in LA and I got a phone call from my mom saying like you know he coded and you should come quickly because I don't think they think he has much time and my sister and I and a friend drove from Vegas to LA speeding and we got pulled over and I was so emotional and so angry like I just it wasn't the cops blacked out I blacked out and I raged out on him for keeping me or for pulling pulling us over yeah and I had a meltdown on the side of the freeway and I I was a member yelling at him I don't make it there on time and I pointed at his badge I was I will find you I I exploded on him and you but he was considerate enough he saw how emotional I was so he's like alright alright you know like he didn't even give us a ticket he's like I understand sorry you know Wow but I felt so much regret like blowing up on him like that but that's how emotional I was oh yeah that's that's it that's a shitty [ __ ] drive to drive like not knowing what's on the other side of it or what news you're gonna hear when you finally get there and you know like there's no way to prepare your emotions in any at all Wow yeah so I'm sorry that sorry that happened but we're here we're all in the same club wait dad dad's Club that's a good podcast name yeah yeah I'm my group with my siblings bastards you have a podcast no I used to oh wow I've always dreamed of you know mean producing an all-female one yeah you produce think you mean you're stealing my dreams you never said you wanted to produce a female one so let's get Pat I want to ask now Saku way to get through the books all right what are they it's a trilogy yeah yeah it's called Juliet's society yes and what is it about it is about the first one begins with a young film student named Catherine who develops a crush on her film history teacher and the friends this girl that she in class that she idolizes that sort of takes her under her wing and into a secret society and then each book progresses and over a timespan so like by book two three four years have progressed in my book three another three four years of Wow I mean how long does it one book take to write the first one I wrote in just under a year because I had because I had the deal - yeah and then I'm cold then the second - I wrote over the span of like five years yeah because I don't read I don't read but I love I love audiobooks is there an audience so the first one yes I did the audiobook I did it did you really and then the second - they didn't this pisses me off they didn't tell me and it's like in my tract that they're supposed to tell me who does it at least they don't hire me to do it and they hired somebody else for the second two and it's not good I heard I've had complaints he does all of it you know I mean audiobooks somebody does a lot of voiceover like docking but do you know what gave an Attenborough would be good I would suck his dick yeah no I would I would war I was in in the sound yo oh yeah so we would do thing where who has the NP Oh Sasha be [ __ ] honest out of everyone in the room who has gorgeous exempt because he's yeah he's not he was the biggest face who was the biggest Asian page it's also our faces quiet phones off you're a great fantastic film oh thank you yeah so let's be Z's yeah oh she keeps looking at me ed John you're younger so give it a few years you might get there though I don't care I think I didn't did he have chosen this is hard why are you trying to suck your lipstick like that why is your stomach second you do duck face oh this is really hard you choosing between John ed Bobby yeah I was a Korean at least hey know if he knows small head Philippines usually we have biggest face it's a little like you guys you also have a facial hair so it makes it more difficult cheating feeding it is cheating you ugly [ __ ] are you three of you yeah yeah but I might be I might be up there with Jonna no acid small face fun case though big head but small it's your head sideways I have to wear men's hats okay I can't even wear a hat so that's good you have a good sized head but you don't have a big face you know she could be sisters with Giovanna Antonin yeah are you bill are you there's no ethnicity I mean there's gotta be a European might Greek oh you're Greek but do people think that you have some sort of thing or that you're a little bit when I was a kid people thought when i was really young people thought I was Hawaii because Hawaiian was always like that ambiguous we don't know yeah Wow that's what I always thought when I first saw you was you were half asian I had it in my head for the longest time yeah and then when I was a teenager Mexican you right now that I'm a vampire these days but I have to say I mean we're not done because we have to do on an unhelpful advice is is that I honestly um you know I didn't know much about you I know you dissed me at the party but let that go from now what if I told you I was really nervous but from now on though would you consider that us to be friends of course good well I mean like look I know it's our mutual friend who kept asking me to come on the pocket right I would have asked even if she hadn't well you were always in our like list of people right we just you know we don't know but anyway out since we're neighborly people how much toilet paper do you have in your home and would you give us some if we well I just went to the store like a week ago it's locked up and I usually get two big cases so I'm good for like two months yeah but she's asking if we need some like right now hot okay we don't have any rolls we're running low but I bear you guys have a bit afraid never be there I we have a bidet but I use Filipino double which is like Filipinos bare hand what do they you take your regular hand so okay the amount of toilet paper we use is this this is my tactic my ass so we because I don't have to wipe to completion I take a little bit of toilet paper I get most of it out and then you use a towel and soap to wash out your butthole or else my day cannot continue like you see me in public restrooms I always have a water bottle and then a little bit of soap yeah because my [ __ ] has to be shiny have you noticed that by the toilet there's a that Axe body wash that's next to the toy yeah yeah I've been trying to do did my own system know I do the bidet they would I shoot the [ __ ] thing in my [ __ ] and you make a bubble bath for your for your ass yeah yeah so I'll stick a little bit toilet paper I'll put the [ __ ] you know I mean the the body wash in my butthole your butthole foams so so I spray and I and then I take my cheeks and I spread them open so he gets inside the hole he's squatting yeah I'm kind of like doing like this and spring in it and it feels so good it feels so clean you're so nickels I don't feel a lot number maybe it's I think so I think when the water hits like when the bidet hits the foe you know back there it's sort of just yeah my [ __ ] not sensitive either lady baby it's for poo and dicks who and dicks only you know I mean did you ever do anal sex I thought you said you knew thing we do a thing at the end called unhelpful advice so we have is someone email us some people ask like questions they have problems and we try to answer or not answer or not answer are we gonna do give him bad advice as well okay I'm hopeful vice with Bobby kalila and sasha grey alright so we're gonna keep the theme this whole episode has been about a year ago I was diagnosed with in inflammatory bowel disease I'm now in remission but I still have problems with diarrhea and bloody stool the bathrooms at my work are very close to the work space you can hear everything going on in there so after going to the toilet for the first time at work a month ago I decided I never wanted to go again this sounds coming out of my butthole were so loud and weird that when I was done and got out all my colleagues were staring at me and they looked gross they looked at me like I was gross at lunch a guy that I had a huge crush on was laughing with other people at the work at my work and how loud my farts were now I haven't gone to the bathroom for a month and my stomach is in pain for the whole day every day because I want to be I don't want to be known as the gross diarrhea girl my doctors haven't found anything that makes it better and no diet has helped should I let my loud diary out and faced embarrassment and rejection or keep it in and suffer I think she means keep it in until she gets home yeah so she's not doing um she's not doing [ __ ] breaks at work nope she hold it in and she's in pain yeah you know for me i-i-i-i've survival techniques when it comes to toilets tell book total to muffle the salad no I do things like you know sometimes there's a handicapped toilet you know I mean my ass one you ever seen one of those the best one it's the best one but when there's a handicapped guy waiting to use it you're never happen it happened to be one not yeah yeah I could see his crutches like underneath the thing right so I was like oh my god why am I in this one so when I flush the toilet and I left did you limp out right so I survived in public restroom and I even say like which was he's like and he's probably like I'm not [ __ ] there I just have fun funky legs but my point is is that um but also in if I have a loud situation I work with the environment uh I would put on your cell phone maybe some sort of ambience music now I'm beyond you know Industrial and whenever you have the Rihanna callback you know you probably would do that or arm you know what you it also could be something that you could be very clear about with your co-workers and tell people go listen I have this this is a real advice I have this um stomach issue you know maybe it's a medical problem and I have you know loose stool and it makes noises I just feel embarrassed you know and so could you not tell the boys about it not at least not my crush no no no I would say and so when I'm in the bathroom cannot it can people can I have a special sign that goes up got to go in have a photo of Rihanna alert alert they're not a way another floor what is this office situation like I don't know it's all very close apparently yeah I would like this who cares yes who cares this is what this is the situation at hand my farts are louder than yours everyone does it yeah and what I do when I'm particularly shy that day is I just keep flushing and pushing when I flush oh it's smart you're not conserving water okay for the environment I do Mike so it's my maximum is three flushes yeah before I get conscious about the environment Bobby I tried to just maximum push each one which is not really a good thing if you have IBS cuz you shouldn't be pushing that hard you should just let it out as it comes yeah could you vocally muffle single [ __ ] no just go or something you know I do yeah but the one thing I will tell her the advice my advice is definitely do not hold it in like that because it's making you thicker and uncomfortable in misery oh I would [ __ ] it I would not also like CBD what does it do I don't know about that you think CBD works I on site on inflammation I don't know it does do you smoke a lot of weed Sasha no ever you drink yes a lot no okay good question trying to get her history no I if she's gonna be a friend of mine yeah I'm really want to establish a real friendship with her yeah I have to know all the nooks and crannies of what she is she's all about I don't want to be friends with a drug addict okay well let me see something I have a clear idea of who you are as a person I have to I mean the stamp am I approved am I not I'm gonna give him winner their ranking as a person no ranking systems yeah as a human being and I'm talking about morality ethics what you look like how you drunk and everything everything's gonna like count right so here we go and when I want to end like this okay and this is truly mastani if um you know there was an jambe apocalypse and I and I had to live with a survive with a group of people that I could trust and that could do the job right build a fence also not steal things and be honorable but also in a zombie apocalypse I want you to look good as well you know I mean I know there's things that are like you know more important I guess like nutrition and and sleeping your safety but I want you to look good as well so um I'm gonna have to rank everyone from 1 through 10 in terms of those things I just said ok so on with George I would have to give you a it's waiting for it a nine oh my god out of ten I'll tell you why because your fashion would be terrible and I would have to look at you but I would be like I don't look at that but um but when I want to say in terms of like you would get [ __ ] done like well I would tell you to do things and you would do it you mean you would do it you're right you right I'll give you a seven okay because I think that you wanderlust a little bit I do I think that you daydream I think that you're confused right I think that I oh I think I would I think you would steal some rations in front of you you'd be like yeah I did why because I have two kids and I did it you would admit right but and I think that you try to smoke things that you shouldn't smoke that's not we dude that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] that's that [ __ ] right I'll give you a seven sweetie I give you a nine as well yeah yeah because I think that you would fish the know is that but you would be very difficult for me do you complain a lot and you'd be analytical about that you would you would you would say things I would have to say in that environment I'll write myself I would say I was a four know you have Rhino hide foreskin you're very hard to penetrate with an ax whoa mm-hmm so he he has very thick like you know how she'll have this extra layer of blubber mm-hmm how do you know he he's a good singer it really is that that's a face thing that yes Thank You Gabby Gabby I'm gonna give you Gabby I'm with in mind this is my desktop for the past year just keep that in mind my desktop I'm gonna have to give you on Gilbert your ego I think there's a competitiveness with you and there's an eagle reference iron absolutely right that there's a egos iron sharpen yeah iron sharpens I go make Rosie go better I would have to give you a seven your ego your ego we get in the way take away there you go you have to take away the ego in a zombie apocalypse like do you what the [ __ ] defect you you get the fish the fence yeah Bobby the fence is open they're zombies coming in and then you know you would be like did you know you have hands - you say that to me I know that you think I would say yeah yeah and you're you'd probably it's six months is like did why are you the leader you're the worst you would stage a coup you would stage a coup I would only stage a coup for yeah yeah I queen oh thank you yeah Sasha I would have to based on my knowledge of you and all the things I would have to give you a 9 as well anyway because you seem like you would have his energy right but your energy the way your talk and your chill nasai is a calmness his is just a stupidity and a dumbness and it confused you used yours is more analytical right and and thinking things through and being like I honestly think in like if John was like being gnarled right and you know the defense that he didn't build he gets pulled out of there right and I'm like knocking you know trying to get it and that you would be you would be like more like it's okay just got to figure it out we I have all the toilet paper here see yeah yeah I went to the store already on my paper that's true and I think that you would be um very analytical I think you two would be good together yes right I think I would have to give you eventually the mantle I would probably one day six months in I'd be like it doesn't matter you're a woman that's the Tiger belly pod yeah me either one I would go you know you're you guys are both running in he will never have it I don't need it you won't get it okay I have my own village I know but the retort can't be like you kissed the 7.58 I know I know some point five are you offended no no see that's why that's why I can say whatever to this guy he'll just giggle it off yeah but how about a nice round of applause for Sasha Grey everybody huh great job great job guys thanks for listening to episode 238 with the one and only sasha grey I hope you enjoyed it I want to give a shout out to our sponsors shipstation Brooklyn and better help in my bookie for all your online shopping needs try shipstation free for 60 days we use the offer code belly at shipstation dot-com get 10% off your first order and free shipping when use the promo code tiger only at Berkley ENCOM that's BR ook Li Na ENCOM from a co tiger joint over 500,000 500,000 people taking charge of their mental health by visiting better slash belly today visit my bookie AG and use the promo code belly for a 50 percent deposit bonus and like today how we asked a question for unhelpful advice you can too as well send your question at on vise unhelpful at we're looking for interesting unusual non-typical problems and we need your help as much as you want ours once again that has advice unhelpful at and like every week we've been doing this is we have a meme contest so if you are listened and you made it all the way to the housekeeping make a meme and hashtag de meme tiger belly on Instagram or on Twitter and then we will choose a winner the winner gets a little gift bag from us so we've been people who have been making amazing stuff online so do the contest make a meme of episode 238 with sasha grey find a moment here and make us laugh and you can win too so far all information Bobbie Lee got a Bobby Lee live for everything kalila got a calamity K for everything George Orda more Kimmel I believe everything John is at John now the winner of the big face contest and myself at Gilbert's we love you guys very much leave some comments hit us up on iTunes give us five stars leave a comment and love you guys everyone also shout out to [Music]
Channel: TigerBelly
Views: 1,364,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiger belly, tigerbelly, bobby lee, podcast, khalyla, tgrbly, all things comedy, mad tv, stand up, comedy, tpw, ymh, tkats, tfatk, off the record, bad friends, sasha grey
Id: e0mwffOiYqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 32sec (5972 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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