Stephen King, Warhammer 40,000, Dragon Age

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from hoodies to goodies um actually fans want a lot of things but there's one thing they want above all else that's and i'm actually home game so we sold one copy of the game to an eccentric millionaire and you can't have it oh brennan um actually you're funding this on kickstarter that's right that makes more sense so please support our kickstarter and bring home a copy of the game you like about the things you love [Applause] from starfire to fire starter nerds like a lot of things but there's something they love above all else and that is correcting people this is um actually [Music] and joining us on this episode we have jordan doll hello hello we have nick marini yo yo yo yo yo and we have liam senior hello lolo hello lolo to all of you uh thank you so much for coming on to this episode uh returning uh jordan and nick for the first time liam very happy to have you here the rules are very simple this is a uh i have here a stack of statements these are incorrect statements but the things you know and love it's up to you to find the thing that i said that it was wrong buzz in and correct me all your corrections have to be preceded by the phrase um actually and you can interrupt me whenever you want in the question yeah how are y'all feeling good i've i've been practicing okay just correcting people on the street i've gotten very i've gotten very good at losing this game over the past couple of times i've been on is that true i feel like you for some reason i have a memory of you doing quite well but i don't know you know what it's just my answer actually apparently we didn't yeah we have a fact checker great well we're going to go ahead and get started then if you all if you're ready buzzer's in hand um actually is at the tip of your tongue um we will start the question about stranger things when we first meet mike and his friends in stranger things they're playing a game of dungeons and dragons battling a demon known as demogorgon they give this same name demogorgon to the monster from the upside down because it bears a striking resemblance to the fantasy demon similarly in season two a creature is called the mind flayer because it also looks like a d d creature of the same name um actually a mind flayer doesn't look like the mind flare in stranger things that was more of like a weird kind of cthulhui mass where i believe a mind flare is more humanoid they're actually though they do a kind of kind of similar those two yeah yeah uh nick uh i don't think um actually yes i'm trying to remember what a demi gordon looks like i don't think the demi gorgons look the same that's correct yeah uh a demogorgon from dnd is typically depicted as a giant lizard-like humanoid with two mandrill heads mounted on a on snake-like necks with tentacles for arms uh which is a nightmare and also markedly different from uh from the demogorgon in strangers just a dude with like a flower of teeth for a head if i remember yeah pretty m more humanoid um certainly not uh two mandrel heads on snake necks and uh and things like that get it together duffer brothers yeah honestly i would have watched that show as well the yeah the show with like this like stranger well yeah that's that's a point for nick our next question is a video game question here for lakitu he appears in so many mario games but never gets to have any fun he's an enemy in a variety of mario games and he also shows up in mario kart mario tennis mario party and mario golf but only to retrieve balls communicate information and referee the games um actually i believe recently he was finally allowed to get behind the wheel of a card that is correct how recently uh i want to say the latest uh one for the remake for the switch uh yes that's right and mario kart 8 and mario kart 7. uh laquito is a playable uh card um actually doesn't that mean he also gets to have fun that's exactly it he's finally he finally gets his shot to have fun yeah he it is in those two he's he is uh also doing fun things so they finally gave him his shot um actually those things aren't fun because like he too is lame and nobody cares get my ball lucky too i know i'm going the wrong way you don't need to hold the sign in front of me i wish to continue having fun fun with my real friend why are you here mom said you had to invite me it feels like it raises an issue if lakitu is both like refereeing the match and also racing yeah right because like when you're racing as him isn't there still like a lakitu sort of like it's like okay like here come the lights like everything's cool the version that's racing just has like a mustache on yeah like no oh it's just me it's someone else nothing to worry about here i'm a different guy oh the winner is the key to again what another shocker um well that is a point for liam randall flagg is a recurring villain across multiple novels by stephen king often appearing under a pseudonym with the initials rf he's gone by robert frank richard feynman ramsay forrest robert fremont and raymond feigler among others he first appeared in the stand but is perhaps best known for being one of the primary antagonists of the dark tower series yes jordan um actually he first appeared in the gunslinger um he actually does first appear in the stand rats yeah i'm actually one of those many names you said was not one of his names you're gonna have to be more specific in those names we want to take a statement one of them raymond something [Laughter] it's raymond from everybody loves raymond jordan um actually he's never been the the ramsay forest he has been ramsay for it i'm kidding yep gotcha got what you got me uh um actually he's never been raymond feigler uh no um actually he spells raymond feeler with a ph you couldn't tell how i was saying yeah but that is actually all right i'm going to call it i'm just like no god we'll just end up guessing here um uh richard feynman is a famous physicist who is a sort of cohort of carl sagan's uh written a bunch of books and all kinds of things he is not in fact the man in black uh a great unknowable evil he is um a physicist uh and so that is not one of his oh man that was like double deep nerds yeah double deep nerve we're not nerdy that was that was either you you either know stephen king or you know physics will give you a save there well uh no points for that one our next question is a fan submitted question so one of one of the viewers of this program wrote in a question and this is about warhammer 40 000. orcs and warhammer 40 000 only bear a passing resemblance to those in tolkien's work green skins as they're often called are brilliant engineers capable of space flight who worship their own gods gork and mork they also reproduce asexually through spores similar to a fungus um actually they're not engineers in the sense that they're creating their own technology they're more like scrap engineers so they're like taking existing things strapping those things together and they're using other people's technology to you know transmit themselves to the stars in their wogs you're pretty close i'm going to say that that's close enough to what we're going for here uh which that you know orcs are capable of space flight but it's not because of their brill because they're brilliant engineers uh it's because they manifest a collective psychic field known as [ __ ] uh which allows them to will technology to work uh through sort of sheer force of will uh not because they're they're particularly like clever engineers and know-how machines actually work they just believe it hard enough and so it does work it's the psychic equivalent of hitting the vcr yeah exactly i'm just smacking it or like i guess they kind of secret they use the secret to sort of make their make their machines work i'm is like guys you know what i really think this this spaceship's going to get us where we need to go there also just need to be enough of them i think yeah like if there's a small colony they ain't getting anywhere but once they've reproduced enough they're like okay sick cool enough of us we can let's go guys [Music] and this is our first shiny question of the game this is called crunch time here are time travel maps it is up to you to identify what the property is based on the time and dates traveled to none of these are from movies uh let's flip this over and let's take a look at this what on earth do we have here is everybody ready i'm ready okay here we go my one guess is outlander all right for the first one i didn't get it there as my people know it outlander all right the one hot scottish man in fiction what about fat bastard oh come on now he's not fictional uh all right nick why don't you uh chase you got here it's gonna be rough okay i just knew outlander was a thing that included time travel so i put it somewhere and then that should say a connecticut yanking in king arthur's court okay because that's the only other thing i can remember the head time throughout very good and not that king arthur's court existed but you could travel in there but yeah i don't know all right liam let's see what you got all right uh so i started with george washington's secret cooler biography okay uh this is boyhood the book but i'm pretty sure it lasts more than 10 years uh time bandits the book just because i like the movie i realized that i guessed the only guess was hgos of the time machine pretty sure he only time travels a couple of times and not in this pattern that yes uh um i'm spoiler but yeah that is not the way that the i just wrote some crazy medieval [ __ ] okay and then the cat in the hat comes back wonderful well uh liam you have uh none correct i'm sorry to say nick and jordan you both have one correct uh the the one j guess you made that is in fact a depiction of outlander and your guest for a connected yanking king arthur's court is correct but let's take a look at those other ones let's see what we got uh outlander uh time quake is this one oh prince of purge of course i didn't even think of video games hey we just said they weren't movies you never said they were books um the original video game yeah back but back in my day my our video games were printed on paper and we never wanted to read them uh kindred connecticut yanking king arthur's court and prince of persia at the end there um look i don't secretly love and read outlander all the time okay no one thought you did until you said it though i'm thinking about outland so that is a point both for jordan and nick well [ __ ] we made a couple of mistakes and well you caught us here are some of our favorite corrections from you at it me lexi says wicked takes place in the land of oz only most of the first act takes place at shiz university we said the whole thing did that's correct at real tenor frank d says in castlevania's symphony of the night it is actually possible to play as richter belmont by beating the reverse castle and then starting a new game with the file name richter i will give you one reverse point and from our exclusive dropout discord d turnell says um actually ash has won exactly zero official pokemon championships however he has won more than one unofficial tournament these include a long list of tournaments okay we'll move on to our next question the cast of the 1986 animated film transformers the movie included leonard nimoy and orson welles it was the last film of his career it also included monty python's eric idol as rhett garr leader of the junkian robots from planet junk whose featured scene was a chase sequence set to the movie's rock ballad theme the touch by stan bush and they didn't shoot it on film because it was animated [Laughter] ah very pedantic i'm not going to allow it ah a terrible stream um actually it's called you've got the touch you got the touch come on you got the power we actually wrote it well yeah uh that is not correct i thought not um actually uh eric idle's home planet wasn't called chunk but it wasn't called planet junction it sounds stupid does that sound so dumb well it's very true i wanted it to be real it is real yes the junkion's from planet junk where where the writers just phone it in sure yeah i want to go with um actually i mean obviously this is transformers so there are a thousand chase sequences that's how they get everywhere yeah but was it not a chase sequence i wasn't jc clenson i'm gonna say no one got this one which is uh admittedly a very tricky one but i wanted to do it because it's a crazy little bit little fact here um the junkie on chase sequence was not set to the song the touch by stan stan bush it was in fact set to the song dare to be stupid by weird al yankovic um amazing yes the the touch plays when hot rod opens up the matrix in the autobot's darkest hour and so it is featured in there but but no chase sequence two they're gonna be stupid that's so much better that's amazing give that music supervisor everything yeah really it's really good zach braff forget it you're done it's this guy now this like if you could put cocaine into words like everything about this is just like what are you talking about the junk robots from planet junk and they're chasing someone to a weird owl song like yeah the kids will love it it'll be great get orson wells in here they get letter nemo get the whole game when they said the kids would love it i think they meant like now kids would love it like kids in the future will be like what was everyone smoking and it was cocaine it was cocaine that's that's it uh well no points for that one unfortunately but all our lives were made a little richer by the sharing of that knowledge for sure uh this is a question about dragon age to cast spells mages tap into a plane called the fade drawing on this power is dangerous because it makes the mage vulnerable to possession by demons while typically forbidden some mages avoid attracting demons by practicing blood magic which uses the life force of blood rather than energy from the fade um actually it's not actually forbidden it's it's highly encouraging it's very much encouraged i don't know dragon age is a game where you get to like make a lot of choices i feel like while while you may be able to make that choice within the lore within the universe of the game it is forbidden yeah uh jordan um actually it does not draw on the life energy of blood it draws on death incorrect i'm actually they are using the fade but blood magic still utilizes the fade that's not what we have here i'm going to glance over at my fact checker to be sure but but i was that that's true that's true all right we'll find that well great we'll we'll give you a point then uh uh that uh blood magic still is tapping into the fade where we're kind of we're hoping someone might pick up on the other thing is wrong here is we claim that blood magic makes you less vulnerable to demonic possession and in fact it makes you significantly more vulnerable to demonic possession um so uh that is a point for nick in robert charles wilson's novel spin a time-slowing membrane suddenly surrounds the planet so that for every earth year that passes within the membrane 100 million years pass outside for the rest of the galaxy although most people don't believe him the brilliant jason lawton realizes that this is the first step of an invasion by hostile aliens called hypotheticals and he becomes obsessed with deactivating the membrane without buzzing in that sounds yeah yeah i have no idea what we all just fan something about it isn't right maybe i should read it i got nothing um actually it's not a million years out or 100 million years outside incorrectly correct that was a good one though um actually it's not a membrane it's uh it's something it's a bunch of the hypotheticals i like how eager you are it's like yeah this guy's got that that's not correct darn um actually they are not called the hypotheticals they are the pseudo-factual pseudoscience the postulates uh no no they are they are in fact called the hypotheticals um i am going to uh i'm gonna say that no one got this one uh so the hypotheticals uh and the membrane don't pose an immediate or obvious threat the uh issue comes to be that time is passing so quickly that uh the sun is uh oh it is uh uh is going to become uh uh basically make the earth inhospitable because the time is passing outside the rest of the galaxy and uh sun again the sun the sun again the ultimate arch nemesis once again you've bested me this time that rascal the sun and that's why i will build my machine that will block the sun i am a hero hey hey climate change is real clementine is real and that's not hypothetical yeah i'm taking a sale yeah just been like a big like song and dance number like pick up your trash here's our second shiny question of the game here is find the fake one of these dungeons and dragons adventure modules is fake the rest are all real first person who can identify the fake module will get the point let's go ahead and flip that over and let's take a look at what we got here liam um actually is the dancing hut of baba yaga not real the dancing how to baba yaga is real it has to be because i need that to be real that's amazing look at that font i know that's not the thing to focus on in that well no that's that's what i was think that's that's like why i guess yeah but also because in my head i was like the font of the dancing head of baba yaga looks like what you would be to be like block party this sunday we got a dancing house and everything um actually midnight on dagger alley midnight on dagger alley is a real dnd module and it's dope nick um actually i don't think it's the lost island of castromere you may not think that but it is jordan i'm actually the kingdom of the sky that is correct yes that is the fake word the kingdom in the sky is lesotho's tourism slogan so you can visit the kingdom in the sky it's in beautiful lesotho is populated largely by flying serpents i love the art on quagmire uh because it is just sort of like like that wizard is full on sinking into that swamp and no one else gives a [ __ ] like please help please i'm in the quagmire it looks like she's asking snake for directions yeah hey have you seen do you know how to get out of this quagmire it's a breeze hey open thing shut up i'm talking here hey we make mistakes here too if you notice something that we got wrong you can correct us by tweeting at i'm actually show or going to our exclusive dropout discord and correcting us on the unactually channel if we like it we might even feature it on the show we'll move on to the next question this is about star wars leia famously calls han solo a stuck-up half-witted scruffy-looking nerf herder as an insult nerfs are animals that resemble cows and they are raised for their milk meat and hide they're known for having a terrible smell and excreting a mucus from their nose and mouth when frightened they are also native to alderaan so it would make sense that nerve herder would be an insult leia nose as she was princess of alderaan jordan um actually not native to alderaan that is correct yes oh yeah um they're found on many different worlds it's not entirely clear clear where they're originally from uh but they're they're just sort of all over the place they're kind of like like pigeons like pigeons yeah uh i also do that mucous thing when i'm scared yeah you really relate to the [ __ ] i'm so sorry i'm sorry it's a pleasure to meet you this bumble date is going great it does feel kind of shitty for like it feels like hugely classist of leia right to be like it's like you're a princess and you're like it's like it's like you peasant farmer yeah you little cow farmers like what the [ __ ] also stuck up but it's like you're a princess yeah all right we're moving on to our next question here in both the original and rebooted battlestar galactica series humanity is divided into 12 tribes which form 12 different planetary colonies that spread out from earth in the newer series the tribes are also themed after the 12 symbols of the zodiac jordan um actually there's 11 tribes and one missing tribe no i felt like a harder no than most of them have been uh i was uh i was thinking uh uh about whether to allow it and then i decided not to i'm actually uh it wasn't the twelve zodiac signs it was the twelve apostles no um actually they don't spread out from earth that is good do you know i'll give it to you unless someone can tell me where they do come from they spread out from the battle star the galactic i'm actually there from mars no they're not from mars and i guess uranus um actually uh they're from delaware uh no i'll i'll go i'll give you the point nick you got to take the point though oh yeah i'm gonna take the point it's a dirty point but you got a dirty point so the answer here is that they did not spread out from earth earth is a lost colony uh which is why it was sort of considering your little but your numbers were wrong so there there is a lost colony beyond the 12. you said there were 11. if you had said there were 13 i maybe would have allowed it so earth was a lost colony i was a little maybe i can hold the point sometimes i miss you every other weekend uh uh people spread out from cobalt uh honestly my favorite place next to temple of the wind yeah whatever the kingdom in the sky cobalt [Music] well we will move to our last shining question here this is a game we're calling sweep the leg on the other side of this uh board you will find a bunch of video game bosses uh it'll be up to you to circle their weak point uh or weak points uh pretty simple um whoever gets the most uh correct will get the point let's flip those over and let's circle those weak points [Music] all right all right uh same as before we'll go down the line and we'll see how you did these are my selections oh right gone with uh robotnik's head okay did the eggman bot uh i've gone with the chrono trigger fellows various blue jewels um i don't know the name of the one from metroid uh eyes that feels like an eyes situation i had head but then i switch it to gun i'm going with gun okay i don't know what this is this looks like a picture of some sort of a colonoscopy i'm gonna go with these various uh polyps and uh you know what i'm going with these uh these swell up uh leg joints on this fellow yeah yeah you gotta go leg joints all right uh nick let's take a look at yours so i went with the arm you gotta shoot the arm off okay and then maybe the knees and then maybe he turns into a little sphere and flies away i don't know i went with the two dudes hanging out with this boss having little weird things and then maybe you shoot his hands off i figured i'd shoot this fat thing in the mouth and the eyeballs okay you can get this guy in the neck flesh and i believe you can shoot him in the back which is you can't circle but i drew a little arrow yeah shoot the yellow things and then shoot him down the throat uh yeah and then i went with the weird arm things okay and then liam let's take a look uh so yeah dr eggman's the top of his head cause sonic is a jumper i went through the the crowny thing on for chrono trigger uh this gentleman's name is craig yeah uh he has a dope theme song everyone should listen to it i believe you can shoot him in the crave crate crade how do you like it i guess this little purple thing right here that's kind of hard to see i thought about circling the yellow things for this but i went for this glowy thing and the mouth and then i feel like this was a colossus from shadow of the colossus so i was trying to find that little glowy spot and i couldn't but i wanted you to know that it's on its back if that is what it is very good let's take a look at the answers here and see how everyone did uh yeah so dr obama you actually gotta get his butt you gotta you you go underneath and you jump up at him uh i don't think anyone got that one uh so just the right one on this next one that's right just the right one is what you're aiming for here amazing um you're correct this is crade we're looking for the mouth uh i think you both had a head circle both mouth and eyes yeah so like have credit maybe for that uh this is the hunter from halo we were looking for uh the small spot on the back or under the chin which uh just nick got that one then we have the hive mind from dead space these glowing little tumors around the mouth the polyps uh so that one goes to jordan uh this is uh the guro mori from shadow colossus but it's the one that's on its belly um so that is then one and a half points each for nick and jordan uh we will both get a point for that one well this is our last question of the game as always this concerns real life skills let's go on vacation there are a lot of factors to consider if you want to book the cheapest flight possible here are some helpful general tips for booking a us domestic flight first book your trip in advance the best time typically falls between one to four months out second purchase your tickets on the right days of the week either tuesday or wednesday finally don't try to fly out on a friday since it's almost always the most expensive um actually it's not tuesday or wednesday it's i'm gonna guess tuesday and thursday that is incorrect but you have the right thing that's wrong so i'll give you the point unless someone else can be more correct than you jordan um actually you should purchase them on monday incorrect this isn't about this question at all but um actually what you should do is you get a flight that's connecting where you really want to go and then you get off there paying less for the flight to somewhere else uh that is they really don't like it when you do that they really don't like it when you do that yeah but when you're broke it's all about gaming the system uh we'll i'll go ahead i will give that point to to liam for at least identifying that it's not tuesday or wednesday sunday is typically the best time interesting typically the cheapest day to buy tickets the donatello of days elaborate that's a little it's the dorkiest i think it might be the yeah the dorchester it's out of all the days in the week donatello is the dorky oh yeah oh i just thought he was the coolest oh but in an adorable way it's still maybe that says something more about me than it does sunday does machines the theme song says raphael is cool but rude give me a break and then they don't mention donatello being cool it's nutella does machines yeah just like sunday if you're really cool you don't have to tell people donatello's flame has [ __ ] like wow the mean of the theme song is just like calling out like really like sunday is still it's still part of the weekend but it's but it's sunny yeah you feel like donatello is like only kind of an honorary turtle he's still part of the ninja turtles actually he's a dork he's now the wisecrack of the team there's like a new cartoon they're doing michelangelo doing uh he's just like exuberantly joyful he has a vitamin deficiency he's in bed a lot of the time hey thanks for picking up the stuff he's really into bitcoin now that's his thing yeah he's super into crypto we never want to talk to michael and michelle angelo's on the internet a lot he's a men's rights activist my real question is are are they reintroducing vanilla ice not yet they're waiting for season two that's gonna be the like big reveal fellas this was supposed to be about buying plane tickets for cheap and we're we're talking about somehow somehow we wound up talking about the ninja turtles again that just happens when i'm in a room vanilla ice is coming back after master splinter dies he's taking over the role well thank you for joining us thank you for playing with us our final score line is four six two making nick winner this time hey we put some hard ones in here yeah but you all performed admirably forever second place baby right where i want to be mr silver the silver surfer the internet silver medal jordan uh thank you for playing with us and thank you for watching join us next time for even more pedantic corrections right here on um actually
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 164,014
Rating: 4.9601951 out of 5
Keywords: um actually, mike trapp, nerdy trivia
Id: JHdM7aVqfbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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