Rubenstock's Tournament Persian Douche

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in the blue we have rubenstock the king of tc dropping i have seen a much weaker player no offense you pay and you pay tc drop on this map before and beat someone a very big name named fire so as reuben stock's going for a different approach keep in mind if he wants to do it it has worked before yeah in fact he's the one that actually published the dc drop build order on the internet so true whoever is actually reading that that comes from ruben stock yep so there's been an approach with lithuanians where you go to wood early because you start with 150 food you don't send six to food and with that wood you dock and then you make fishing ships early now persians are underrated with a similar strategy because they receive plus 50 food and plus 50 wood at the start meaning you can dock right away and make a fishing ship this is after two houses so i don't think this is gonna be a tc drop for reuben stock i think that he just wants to gain a lead with a fishing ship then you have heart on the other side and harder's gone for portuguese and i think this is the first time that i've seen portuguese on this map yeah it is the first time i can confirm that and i have no idea why he did this i feel like there's a lot of sieves available for this besides portuguese like i have to look back at his draft but huns persians berbers maybe byzantines we've seen uh japanese i lithuanians even i'm a little concerned yeah malay is almost an option yeah and uh he has had he has italians but i guess that goes for islands i believe if you have violence yep yeah so it doesn't really have another amazing sip for this i feel like the italians and portuguese double pick is just because many people are sniping italians and you cannot pick portuguese to have a backup sith for islands yep yep but because it wasn't sniped you might as well use it on this map heart is very well aware that rubenstock scours around here and good work from him so you get to hit in on that scout i think if you're able to have consistent food eco a quick gate from heart nice moves uh just passing with the goats here is rubenstock but anyways if you're able to have consistent food eco with fishing ships and tc drop someone i mean that spot in front of hearts tc is just asking for a douche right and look at the amount the reuben stock has long enough he's gonna tc drop this game you're kidding me yeah yeah he's gonna i was about to say that that is way too many voyages of wood for a build like this i feel like dc drop here could be a little stronger than arabia though if you think about that because you will have the fishing geek at the back of your face that could actually compensate you for having a little bit lesser of an eco oh my god i just i mean he's gonna go forward in a bit i'm just wondering hart's gonna probably let's say heart wins this series he's gonna send a message to one of his friends and just be like can i have actual practice please because that series was not practiced for the next round at all oh my god hart's still at home right now and his scout is currently sitting where i'm sure rubenstock wants to place his town center here we go it is only nine voyager sport you could pull a tenth one and one thing that reuben stock always says when you do a douche is bring your sheep because if you bring your ship you will be able to take that ship with your new tc that's extremely important okay when it comes to pushing art's gonna see the bills heart's gonna see the villes what does heart do you can place houses and palisade foundations just to briefly explain this for anyone who's new the tc drop works because persian town centers have more hp than average town centers and you have to delete your starting tc and rebuild one so far from heart he's seen the villagers but no reaction at all art you know his reputation right e and the ideal spot here is to drop the pc on the berries as well that's an oh very decent spot it's super close i think it also denies the repairs it's so so close oh my god so the tc at home has been deleted and hart seems like he's just gonna let it happen and maybe think about relocating i guess and here comes the sheep so he's bringing his sheep forward and reuben stock can take the berries ruben stock will garrison and eventually shoot this down and hart is on his way to feudal age right now so let's talk about the decisions leader because it it's it's funny but it's extremely complicated because the the idea from ruben stock is that he will always have a tc he will consistently create bills when heart goes feudal age that he sees idle researching the upgrade and then he's going to need to find a spot for new villagers so as someone who has studied the dc drop he here for heart is to make good decisions with his stone because if he makes a tower he won't be able to afford a tc and also make quick decisions on where he's going to take wood second thing is going to be make sure that if you can float the wood get a dock up on rubenstock's pond because rubenstock's fishing chips are he's adding them right now he's going to continue to add them and have untouched food eco that was a mouthful sorry yeah you you are completely right like um rubenstock is definitely dropping a house on that stone mine so the thing is that he could try starving his opponent out of stone here um when it comes to these open uh yeah i was looking at that pc and i was like maybe hart needs to repair this a bit if he wants to go up to feudal that's true it was close heart just lost a villager you're right that tc is so close that it actually can snipe some of the repair villagers okay now hearts and feudal but look at the eco lead for ruben stock part it takes a lot of resources to repair a tc so uh it's not going to be so easy for him to just lose his and rebuild one because rubenstock might even feel rush him then yeah and also keep in mind that like ruben stock was trying to disrupt the lumberjacking on the other side you have to relocate your woodline and really the bottleneck when it comes to replacing your pcs is wood so one of the ways that you can battle a pc drop like this is once again counter-attacking with a couple of archers if you hit the opponent's vooriko that should be fine rubenstock in this position frequently bill rushes he does not want you to get your tc up so he is going to send villagers after hearts woodline and i think hart's rebuilding the tc or thinking about it so heart hasn't quick walled the wood line hart could lose these bills and rubenstock's trying to wall him in and hart reacts and gets out of here with the villagers it's so messy but it's ruben stuck yeah that that is i think a very very good summary of the entire series so far all right heart making a new tc on the other side of the wood line rubenstock's scouting that and is aware of that now art should save these villagers but you can see because the tc's up because of reuben stock's resources ruben stock is consistently creating bills no worries there and bill fighting like game one no armor upgrades but getting a kill and can just micro the weak ones back to his home yeah now one of the underrated things that hart has done is using mobility of his feud late scout against arcade scout and ruben lost his scout so he will have no information on where the new theses come up yeah i wonder if he's going to need to have information at this point though because he knows that he sees there so i don't know if he really needs to know too much and heart is i mean heart has lost four villagers rubenstock has lost zero it's 35 eco versus 25. this is working and to make matters even crazier for the people who don't know this reuben stock uses a cube mod so the trees are just cubes just green blobs the gold is just yellow blobs his game looks ridiculous his game plays ridiculous but it's all about efficiency yeah it's crazy how how many weird things the tsumi players do over lists ruben stuck with the cube mods back then other players played that but also if you remember for example from swami villas is using only one finger to click two uh mouse buttons did he did he change the way he does that by the way i see there's a lot of finnish players in chat you might be able to let us know yeah he would use his his pointer finger to click both sides of the mouse for a while i don't know if he changed that my last name was from eclan and we have a clip about that yeah okay he did apparently change that yeah um but look at reuben stock's plan he's on the way to feudal age now he could just send a villager over and dock hart's pond his pond has not been docked yet hart's got an archer but i think rubenstock will see the archers and think that's not actually that big a deal if i take out his fishing ships and he still has food income to maybe make something like scouts yeah and honestly a couple of scouts from brookman's talk here could actually be pretty devastating and we also have to keep in mind that uh ruben will be able to access stone whereas his opponent won't so for example heart cannot counter tower right now ruben could drop a tower and suddenly deny all that wood and gold urban stock losing villagers but realizing it's not too bad for me actually and fletching archers for heart good job from him to get fletching in still looking around okay here this is something that probably could have happened earlier for hart but he is now going to make a forward dock on reuben stocks pond and maybe he got the idea from the fact that rubenstock was trying to do it at hearts pond and heart is denying that with villes right now or is he is he is he oh you've got to be kidding me wait a second heart chop that tree and then palisade it he could palisade hop that tree yeah he can he can absolutely do that but the dog goes up and this is a persian dock as well which means it's working faster it's higher it is higher hp so getting rid of this is going to be awfully hard for a heart yeah well it's going to be awfully awkward for ruben stock he's getting towered archers are here man hart is so fast they don't really get to see how he typically plays in this series because reuben stocks crazy player but arch very very very high pressure player constantly putting you under some type of uh duress look at the resources for rubenstock is he somehow going to click up the castle age this is the bill that we call slow castle slow soul man get it right i think is the response here from hart to send his villagers over to the berries of rubenstock and like take the boar and whatnot for food because if he starts to lose fishing ships i mean even without losing fishing ships he really doesn't have a lot going on when it comes to food and if he does end up getting food that's going to take time as he needs to dock additional ponds yeah now fun fact persian knights actually do more damage against orchards so if rubenstock gets up into castle here and he gets a couple of nights out that's going to be a very very easy clean up against hearts archers yep honestly and for getting that sieve bonus just two nights with armor and heart loses everything the skirmishers were probably just a knee-jerk reaction from rubenstock after the pressure but he's looking at his position now he's going to click up the castle age and he's just he's not going to have any worries i don't think a good job and good defense from heart though on the pond in the east and then also great offensive pressure taking out the fishing ships from rubenstock in the west very important as reuben stocks stocking the south and hart is docking the north at the same time yeah if you're reuben stock you could seriously consider just sending a couple of vouchers to stone you know where the tc is at so technically with a couple of nights you can even castle drop your opponent like send eight nine voters to stone and you can actually pile up enough stone for a castle drop by the time you reach castle i really wonder if hart is one of the best players for rubenstock to try these strats against as far as the top 10 seeded players go because hart was gone from the scene for so long and hart probably doesn't know rubenstock's reputation like others i'm sure he's heard nikov probably sent him a text and was like good luck against that madman today or something but like since hart was gone for so long he probably didn't watch the legend videos he probably didn't experience it in ranked games because rubenstock plays at a different time than him art might i mean he certainly underreacted when the tc was going to go up and he saw the villagers he didn't even try and palisade it he's probably going to see the castle age time from heart or from ruben excuse me and be very surprised yeah he's gonna be like oh boy now we're in trouble now there is no stables coming in here from reuben or i don't there is the stable on the north oh my goodness yup that makes sense in the north randomville he's also docked there and making fire galleys now this is not the first time we've seen this strategy lita i know mbl was doing it in ranked games rubenstock and yupe i think started it but it's honestly amazing because if you can you can shake up the mentality of the enemy they just don't know what to do i mean hearts making a scout right now to deal with skirms rubenstock was never going to invest in more than just a few skirmishers yeah indeed and he's gonna wait i think that's a good decision from ruben he's not unleashing the first night and showing it he's gonna wait until he's got free this is over isn't it it feels like this game is over the second knights show up heart is forever futile he does not have economy yeah i feel like now you really start taking over the game with knights and then potentially as i said a castle drop could be an option yeah i think needs something that finishes off the thesis of the opponent though i mean or you just boom from here if you're killing villagers with knights you could just turn this into a second tc start adding farms at some stage and just boom a little bit it's not a real boomy position but there's nothing hart can do against knights except for quick walls and his main gold can't be taken rubenstock's already mining away at that and there's there's a mill that's the first time that rubenstock has even had a mill in this game so he's building a mill after the berries are gone and now he can farm there we go that makes sense yeah better late than never right i just assumed forgive me for assuming people that he would have had a mill already all right 25 minutes into the game i assumed he would have one now he's got two nights microwaving against the spearmint a couple knights coming in against the woodline heart might be tilting here art might need to accept this game is over pretty soon we might see rams coming from the siege workshop yeah now he definitely is in trouble because like castle age units i guess food later which is a so so huge power spike that is nearly impossible to overcome like a sustained long fuel age against castles units honestly hart if i were to give you life advice right now i'd say rip the band-aid off and just call the gg the more that you try here i'd admire it well actually hold on a moment i didn't realize he could abuse the market to that degree he is still in this he's going to continue to try and fishing ships that he has are going to give him some type of a lifeline i think for now and maybe reuben stock should should focus on the other pawns for now yeah i feel like the problem is going to be that those fishing trips will run out of uh food soon and you will need fish traps so you don't actually have for yourself that's what sucks but then again reuben stock is just now adding farms his food eco's not the best either rubenstock chasing down the villagers from heart and heart two games in a row is just relocating to corners this is one of the crazier sets we've seen probably the craziest set in terms of the strategies we've seen so far in the qualifier yeah absolutely we have seen some crazy strats overall but i feel like reuben is ruben is doing something special here for us yeah well it's it's it's not a crazy strategy that works one time out of a hundred urban stock has shown us that he can do this in tournaments look at hart's trying to run to the north but there's already nights waiting for him grubenstock has hearts surrounded fortunately for heart he has spearmen and archers with this group look at how crazy i mean heart doesn't even have his base anymore yeah it's it's sort of turning into nomad ruben stock is like oh t90 forgot to add nomad and yeah let's try to change this i mean three scorpions and this amount of knights is amazing against the army composition that hart has so now hart knows that he's been spotted he's abandoning that lumber camp he's going back to his tc again pick berbers when you're up against rubenstock so your villagers can run away faster that's your best strategy apparently and uh punchers rubenstock can't find him yeah rubenstock doesn't know he went back what a play from hart oh my uh god are playing hide and seek over here and he's like where is he at where is he at imagine if rubenstock had a tower on that wood line or that gold by the way yeah yeah or just leave a scorpion there the scorpion would have been so good now there could be some nights for hart and you you mentioned the fish he won't run out of fishing in the north or in the south for quite some time he could send more fish and ships there the other ponds are running out though there's rubenstock underneath the town center hart with some excellent click walls but here come the scorpions but also there's a night from heart oh but those are some nice hits that the crowd or the scorpions are having over there i'm so impressed with heart and his ability to say life in these games and here he goes scorpions are going to go down it's 76 population versus 53 while there's a lot on water for heart reuben stock he's gonna have to have more than just a few nights and scorpions now art has stayed alive yet again two epic games in a row where the strategy has just been uh unbelievable from urban stock and the defense as well from heart yeah i feel like one of the things that hart needs to do in this situation i think he's doing that well is not panic because the biggest thing that could go wrong when you're up against a strategy like this panic yeah dude i mean that quick wall there from heart he pre-walled that so the knights and cavaliers couldn't get back over to the base of urban stock which i'll i'm now called as his rubenstock's economy not looking great his pond control not looking great and you look at the score now you look at the amount of villagers on each resource the one real problem for heart is gold but there's gold elsewhere to find heart is doing an okay job yeah in fact ruben stock's original base is full of gold so yeah technically there is so much i think in cross there is even more neutral gold than on standard maps or like standard arabia for example in total there's two additional tiles compared to other maps uh it's four two tile neutrals as opposed to two three tile neutrals which means it's eight versus six a lot of reason to expand all over the map and hearts again killing fills what an impressive holds you know one thing we it's not very glamorous and it's not very wild so at times we weren't looking at it as the scorpions get some massive hits with the pawns somehow hart was able to get every single pond leading to keeping himself alive here yeah it's very debatable if having a map like this is good for tc dropping or not because the argument is that the tc dropping player will have a better echo yeah but it also gives a bigger recovery chance for a player that is getting pc dropped but if you look at the investment he's got like three minimum oh damn it as i say that i see two okay let's say two fires minimum in each pond and at some point uh there was rubenstock contesting for that but rubenstock goes in with knights and i think if reuben stock can just invest into land control now that he'll be in a fine position because heart is kind of all over the place there's no structure you see these villagers those are free kit those are free kills for reuben stock so many scorpions for rubenstock who's keeping himself in this despite heart's amazing hold i think the problem that hart is facing right now is that his main army is crossbows and they're slow catching up with this one and ruben as i said i feel like he needs a castle so that he can actually knock hart out of this game a little bit yes hart will probably have to go for his own knights but even then ruben can go for camos and and monks and monks is the big one here he's got monks behind the scorpions so at any point as heart is doing the right thing to make magnels but if if the knights come in reuben stock's ready to convert them and rubenstock is on two town centers right now what a ridiculous game another one if you just got here midway through you'd be confused by but we can only explain it by the name rubenstock yeah exactly ruben stock's furico isn't satisfactory for two tc's though but now he's sending the voters to stone i feel like that is the move that he has to make because if he destroys this dc from heart with a castle heart is going to have a tough time relocating elsewhere i think ruben stock should buy 300 food get his wood upgrade get his farm upgrade and just turn this into a standard game from here the fact that his food eco is not great is hurting him right now if he had standard like solid farm eco then he could justify losing a few nights here there with these continuous raids so that would be what i would say i see that he's now sending some knights over back over to what was his starting base looking to see what hart's up to but he did not scout that four tile gold that heart is currently mining yeah i guess it makes sense for him he probably is playing for resource control yeah and he's also dropping outposts on the southern part of the map he probably figured out from previous game and that might be helpful for him that he played so long in that one that the only way that heart was able to survive is by taking a neutral resource yeah that's true games are similar in that sense the knights go in after the magnel they should take out that magnel heart repairing though yeah that magnet is going to be a goner and that was important for heart too because now scorpions are coming in he doesn't have a mango another one's not even on the way yet pressure's on the wood line they have to abandon yet another woodline and just look at the military numbers it's much better for heart but all of it is fire gal is basically he's a couple of crossbows and spearman and that's it yeah this is insane and the knights are getting converted as they go in after the scorpions the villagers and the sheep rubenstock said bring the sheep right hearts learning they're going back over to a lumber camp that i think was there this whole time i think that yeah over there as well yeah i see that there's so much to look at and rubenstock will get a few conversions but hart swoops in and takes out monks and scorpions reuben stocks knights are just waiting waiting to see the villagers i yup and he'll find the kills this must be so tilting for heart make it stop reuben is close to actually dropping a castle i feel like now he if he wants to go full memes he actually makes a war elephant here for us i don't think you i don't think hart's the type of player that you want to motivate by doing that you know like you get i think hart's the guy you get him a little angry which that would do i think heart gets motivated by that i think you just be annoying and nice like there's nothing worse than losing to a guy doing this and they like smile all the time they were like oh good luck next game you know when someone's doing this crap to you you almost want them to be bm you almost want them to be mean that's it with reuben stuck too he is such a nice guy he still does this crap and makes your life a living hell yeah exactly he's he's such a such a nice person heart is nowhere to go he's moving left moving right it's absolutely the situation where he's like where do i even go this is okay this is what i was gonna say 15 minutes ago heart rip the band-aid off just call it quits and get this game out of your mind don't let this linger you know he sees the score and and water score is probably the only reason he's in this game having navy and having fishing ships boost your score a lot here but he does not have this game or at least it doesn't seem like it he's completely surrounded rubenstock looking for him as reuben stock is going to even go to his main goal in a second and control that too yeah and uh the thing is that kruben is getting close to a castle hart finally finds a food line at the starting base of rubenstock but as you said the problem is that there's just no army here for heart to stop these knights from raiding everything yeah i mean hard has done harder is a great hide-and-go-seek player because the amount of times that rubenstock has gone to an area and heart has already left is impressive in fact if we have the time i'd like to count how many lumber camps heart has had in this game because i would guess that he has over 10 lumber camps and maybe even the mining camps too but it's just constant pressure from rubenstock in his game the game is simplified by a bunch of cubes and so he just continues to run over to the yellow cubes and the green cubes to see which wood lines and golds are being taken part still trying and heart population wise still in it but i think we can see realistically he's falling way behind in some important categories yeah and like now he's going to have to start making fish traps with those fishing ships because it was so so long yep exactly like he still doesn't have the wood yeah the pond on the right can't really afford that pond on the left about to run out of fish pond in the south he's still got fish in some of the north too but he doesn't have many fish and ships gold is becoming a problem for him as he loses two more villagers here well game one was really close ruben stock almost got the win and this game i think he's finally gonna get it yeah exactly just look at the voice right on time for heart he's at five hours of world ride all the time this is unbelievable five hours of villager actual time in a 45 minute game what that would line over there on the left because he's getting the outpost up oh well there's a crossbowman there so the crosswoman could deny the outpost it's like don't let them see don't let them see hey she will probably die it's a doubt post 85 percent outpost 96 yeah now he runs immediately okay he's gonna drop a tc there he's worried about the pressure uh ruben has been selling stone for quite a while instead of actually making castle and now there's a lot of spearmen coming out and suddenly hart seems to be a little bit stronger on land than he used to be a couple of minutes ago yeah the spearmen are terrifying sight and hearts still just like i'll get a conversion here or there we'll make a night here there to take out a scorpion converting knights and killing scorpions is it's an expensive loss for reuben stock but i think reuben stock feels like this is going to hit a point where he can afford to take the losses because he'll have all the gold control but he's good at getting in strong positions reuben stocks not great at closing it out park continues to be a threat yeah now ruben stock is going to send the knights to the left side but as he said the tc is already up reuben now has a 22 voyagers lead though which is something that is not uh to be overlooked yeah definitely and and a lot on food finally got some important eco upgrades uh and a castle drop feels like it could end the game because the map is already sectioned off so badly for heart if the castle goes up on ruben stock's main gold and by that i mean his actual main gold not reuben not heart's main gold then that denies stones those villagers die and hearts just kind of trapped he can't really push persians with their tanky tcs on the other side yeah exactly and like the map presence from ruben stock is pretty nice overall so he's actually camping a lot of wood lines dropping a lot of outposts for vision yeah i mean i'll go to this fog of war on my side real quick he's just waiting to see any sign of the enemy and this is maybe the one area that he'll be surprised to see finds the tc here hart hasn't garrisoned his tc yet and immediate castle dropped from rubenstock this game is going to go to rubenstock getting the wheelbarrow upgrade at 50 minutes and yet he's going to do it after a tc drop and a big big stage yeah and not fighting around but i think it's too late it's way too late because rubens was pretty nice overall and the interesting thing is that hearts apm and overall his macro is very good but where there is so many places to focus it doesn't matter the end of the day you're still reacting right instead of being proactive and it just like this tc drop strat really gives ruben stock an idea of where he needs to focus it's almost like it's easier for him to make it to turn the game into a massive mess and then he can just pick a few spots to keep an eye on the entire time i mean hart will have fish through most of these pawns but i don't see what he can do now and now he'll see the score switch too and he probably has been feeling like this game is going wrong for him again rip the band-aid off i'm telling you like just i can't knock someone for continuing to play he should realistically continue to play i always worry for someone's mental state though if they're tilted and they continue to play on in this type of a scenario yeah he's really trying like he's making galleys on the right hand side pawn to deny the wood line from ruben start but it's 96 because guys 56 yeah so i mean every time we say this hart shows why he should continue to stay in the game at good magnet l micro on the right side he's got some monks and pikeman there which in theory are really good um urban stock still just all over the place with the knights and i guess you could try and dock if you're reuben stock and make fires if there's any fish traps out there i think just defensive siege right now maybe siege light cav or even your own pikeman could clear this little push from heart and ruben's map presence i think heart actually tapped out as he saw the knights coming to his gold mine he was like okay i'm out boys which which one the far left one that was originally belonging to when heart took over i see yeah okay this one i think this is technically a neutral gold but i think when rubenstock's playing in a game every gold's neutral like it's just like when laming is allowed and nbl's playing that the boars aren't necessarily yours you're not stealing boars when nbl's playing mbl's like this is fair game i'm allowed to take that fyi what a game the score is 1-1 i still say that hart is favored to win this series as long as he can get past the mental hurdles but what wild strategy is rubenstock going to go for next uh good question i need to get the wreck for this yeah i i'm still not finished uh dealing with this myself uh but let's look at the statistics real quick i guess lita before we hop in there's the kd from rubenstock 130 kills 100 units lost more food and more gold control and i think the stone and gold end up being the difference the timeline whoa holy crap and that probably comes down to the timeline being a very deceiving thing the military uh was stronger for rubenstock he had low numbers of knights hart had a bunch of fire ships and just a few archers and spearmen so eventually rubenstock climbed his way back into it my goodness
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 54,514
Rating: 4.9433355 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Ruben, Rubenstock, persian, douche, tc, drop, town, center, age, of, empires, two, definitive, edition, AoE2, AoE2DE, all-in, all, in, risky, wow, insane
Id: zRx_cBFmyGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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