Hidden Cup 4 Decider | Vivi vs BadBoy (Best of 7)

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honestly and this is just the feeling i'm having right now i think bad boy wins this 4-3 i think this goes to seven games i think vivi has been the fat dragon is such a legend he actually changed his name back to back to fat dragon let's go i such a legend in previous hidden cups he after losing to viper he famously said in all caps you know me question mark question mark he's not really a legend for doing well in hidden cups but he's a legend for being somewhat guessable in hidden cups and being a funny crazy guy if you could make it back in it'd be huge for him but bad boy who's over here in the red i think bad boy's here to maybe show vivi that he's got to step it up these days and uh bad boy of course reverse sweeping to even get here and saying set so he shows that he's not going to give up and here comes bad boy and he actually eats some shots from the tc again we're pretty far behind here my battle on that it looks like fat dragon's gone for huns game one bad boy's gone for franks i have to say a little surprise to see hans game one and vivi now also hitting the tc so maybe some game one getters there's so many memes with vivies like you can okay i know pig um i know pig emote we have and and we'll need to be used for or hidden cup um uh it's just the guy's a legend the guy's the legend of the game but like he was he was really strong when it was arabia arabia arabia and i'd say 2018. that's when he was the forward meta was common and he was towel rushing people there's a couple videos on youtube where it's like we asked vivi to tower rush the viper literally messaged vivi before he went into a game against viper and said can you tower rush him and he said okay and then he tower rushed viper and beat him like that that was vivi nowadays a little weaker and a little rougher around the edges so let's see um i imagine it's going to be scouts here and it should be scouts for both of them so nothing too crazy looking at the maps as well doesn't seem too crazy i like the the wall potential for bad boy back in this corner but i mean look at the the golds over here the stones the berries all that would be walled out so both players have taken some losses on their scouts bad boy has taken more of a loss and bad boy has to get out of here 25 hp against oh what the oh they both actually well now they don't now it's 20 hp versus 25 hp i think that was deceiving because the hp bar is a little different for frank's it's like a little there's more space i guess for 54 hp than i don't know anyways this is important moment to check and it's now 6 hp versus 12 hp okay uh zaru says hello t90 i've come from youtube to support hidden cup can't wait for the main event well welcome zero but i could catch your message look at fat dragon what are these walls bat dragon loves his walls crazy walls can't say they're beautiful walls but he's doing it and uh yeah i think this is honestly in a scout v scout battle especially against the franks probably a pretty smart play just get some spearmen and scouts out to protect your walls and eventually try and push forward right it's actually one of the rare moments we're seeing scout v scout and oh my god what an awful start here for fat dragon then i mean he did kill that one scout but the forward spearman really did hurt him there that said it does feel as though vivi's experienced enough in these positions to to get the walls down but you see what i mean about being rough around the edges i mean if vivi again if he mixed into hidden cup i think some of these things are going to be pretty big tales with him it's just the sloppiness from time to time picking spanish on the draft and believe me he will go yolo during the set he is known for his yolo plays and the that yoloness is like pretty much unique to vivi or licks if licks were to make it in and licks has to beat nikkof later and don't think the foodico is even gonna be oh man that was a close one i don't think the fujiko is even going to be all that solid for the fat dragon because he's he's had to pull so many villagers to wall up um and he had to pull off of berries as well so bad boy probably pretty happy to just go for the small walls and bad boy with the farm bonus with franks i mean he's eco is probably going to be stronger now you've got ford's bonus and farm bonus very close moment there nikov nikov licks is going to be so fun so let's do a little a little poll of chat shall we now don't type numbers before i finish this chat okay i know what you're known for type a one if you think that nikov could possibly get tilted i you know what okay type of 15 if you think that nikov could possibly get tilted in the set against licks but type of 20 if you think that while that might be the case nikov is the better player and he's going to win i think there's going to be a lot of 15s and 20s chad and having mbl co-cast as well to give his perspective i think will be a great time look at the resources right now guys this is ridiculous so much food for bad boy and here comes vivi at the 15th minute with a counter attack with four scouts one of which is weak and two spearmen i mean at this point it's actually quite important to be able to wall around your or not wall but farm around your mill for efficiency so it wouldn't be a bad area to hit and i think it's so late it's almost like this is so weird that it works you know if he would have showed up earlier bad boy probably would have prepped for it and look at that fat dragon getting the first and only villager kill in the game and hey you can't argue with those results and no way bad boy bad boy with the quick gate though and actually that was a sick safe that was a sick save but two scouts are still gonna get in and i would say this is avoidable damage all right it's been a messy scrappy game number one bad boy though was able to save some of these bills which is good it's just going to be annoying now because vivi said all right this is why a full wall because walling to the tc doesn't work anymore smart move from the dragon and there's actually a weak villager right there what on earth bad boy don't i really feel like both players are gonna have to step it up a little bit throughout this best of seven this is gonna be a sloppy one if it continues like this but now i i might even prefer vivi's position you get two villager kills i mean yes it was almost like barley's heart game one yesterday where barles was walling a lot and heart was being aggressive but you get those walls down and then you don't have to worry about anything and here you get units through as well and then you can you can harass anyways bad boys got two full hp scouts we'll chase this down i think maybe vivi will try and go in for another ville but it's unlikely both players are on the way to castle h very much looks like fat dragon is going to switch into cav archers um yeah there's a second range i don't even know if this archer will be shown he has a gate on this side sometimes you don't want to show the archer that way they don't know at this point you want bad boy to think that you could be going for five to ten archers like that you could have them already if you show an archer without fletching then he's gonna know okay and he's just showing the archer without fletching but he's gonna assume he don't have numbers he's going to assume that you're going to have have archers in the next age all right so which position would you prefer here chat i mean franks still feel very smooth i think frank for the superior sieve in our current meta but overall i think the the way to go here would would or the position to feel comfortable with would probably be the fully walled player bully walled player and then having a solid castle it's time to be able to go cave archers is really strong eight knights can be strong to take out palisade walls but of course you know vivi's probably just gonna wall behind it is a little awkward with huns though you can't house well behind thing about vivi is he's either really passive or really aggressive so he started off really passive got some reward for that now he's going to be very aggressive oh wait your kid honestly as a caster this stuff annoys me like best of seven decider bad boy and fat dragon big moment make it into hidden cup four and then like what bad boy actually broke through there and now bad boy i prefer bad boy's position he's gonna get two villager kills because of this and still has the faster castle h and wow what a great move from bad boy look at the micro there too honestly it wouldn't be too crazy to get another ville pick because his uh his scout has armor spearman's gonna get some hits too i mean it's unlikely but it's possible and let's see now it's not gonna happen but very close all right now the cav archers are out for the fat dragon we've seen a lot of players go for scorpion knight against cav archers we've seen cowboys from tatars and huns a lot and um i think that's that's probably your best play just switching into skirmishers is really tough and time consuming plus they're really slow knights at this stage are probably gonna be the superior unit but if cav archers get to something like i'd say 25 30 with upgrades and they can hit and run it's really tough hunt cav archers are so cheap and we have three ranges for fat dragons so he's not gonna focus so much on the booming he's just gonna focus on getting military out whereas for bad boy and this is the thing that's dangerous about bad boy having played him he's able to put on immense pressure and also boom really well and so he's gonna have this tc in the back working for him just keep an eye on the veil count both players have lost two villagers that's evened it out and here at home he's got some scorpions now i'm a little surprised he's added monks already because that's that's another building he's had to build but certainly don't hate it but we'll see what he has the resources for because right now he's just got scale barting he feels like this is his time and vivi this is why i said bad boy could easily win this set today bivvy is known for being a strong player but that is sloppy this is the type of play that if you make it into hidden cup four anyways you're just gonna get completely destroyed with the level of talent that's there and so vivi he needed to master this cav archers and now look what you've got from bad boy bad boy's going to split up to the right side go after villagers and get some more villagers he's going to go to the woodline and honestly this might be game over pretty soon if vivi doesn't deal with this it just does not look like vivi has come to play today it could be nerfs but it also could just be a lack of practice i'm really not sure but bad boy's making this look so easy right now look at those ville kills beautiful veal kills i love how he split up the knights after breaking through now you're gonna see a tc for vivies like i need more villagers but the enemy is already on two tc's now the cav archers ran right through the tc this might be a theme with vivi he just loves to run right through the tc good thing the scorpions are here um scorpion should be enough to defend with a few repairs here i'll keep you updated but the knights still sniping villagers underneath the town center it's 34 villagers for vivi and bad boy just won't stop moving around right now i'll put it to you this way chap again it's been a rusty start in some ways for both but mainly for the fat dragon to start it all off the the level is so high that this game should be over because of that it should be over hun's probably the one civilization that could bring it back if they keep their cav archer numbers alive look at this man he's going in for another villager running away going in for another villager yep going in for another villager not garrison running away all the while uh he could actually break down this gate and get out of here and then bring his scorpions in over here look at the micro from bad boy you see how he's saving that night he's saving the week night so he can heal it up these are the small the small details you need to play at the high level good eco good pressure saving your knights defending with scorpions is very clean i like it 49 villagers versus 37. it is doable for vivi but it is less than ideal now we're seeing here as he's going to micro down some of these knights that yeah he's got potential with these numbers the downside there for bad boys he basically sacrificed a lot of military to kill bills and it's worth it as long as he can get more military to deal with the military from fat dragon whereas occasionally you're gonna want to kill villagers if you can save your military it does depend on the situation but i really like what he did there okay so let's see what happens here um bad boy two tcs healing up these knights liking that does have chain barging armor i didn't think he'd be able to afford that after going to the tc so early but he's able to pull that off which is a very important upgrade here that combined with the three monks this is satisfying to see players healing up nights it doesn't happen all that frequently sometimes um yeah also mixing with some scorpions badly pretty open on the sides remember and hunter great all in flood civilization so we've got those forward golds and stones that dragon could push that i think long-term like this base is very deceiving because long-term you're in big trouble if you don't expand and look at vivi okay box formation cav archers here he comes hits the wood line uh does kill one villager thinking about breaking in here and now sees the knights and we'll need to run away and there's also a monk there to convert that night that should probably be deleted unless he's gonna get away oh that's that's okay third time he's running underneath the town center okay he's just gonna chill out here he's actually gonna take out the scorpion with that and yeah fat dragon running away scorpions though there's two scorpions there's two monks and there's a bunch of knights oh god and the other scorpions were in the middle of the map this is the perfect play from bad boy night scorpion is the way to deal with cav archers that said 48 villagers versus 58 there's been some idle tc time for both this game and it put things in perspective i think game one arabia yesterday between um art and barles both players had under 30 seconds of tc idle time just to put things the level in perspective and to point out why i say this has been a little rusty whoa bad boy with three relics already that's pretty sick look at bad boy scouting too he's got monks over here the other relics not too far away and now this is the problem with cav archers if you don't have that mass okay 32 military versus 26 right now it almost feels like bad boy is you did used a cheat code right it's like he's cheesesteak jimmy did to get food how is he able to afford a more expensive unit it's all because of that economy here he loses the knight which is unfortunate but we'll take out that stable here comes the fat dragon now fat dragon knows that he has no defense at home he also knows the enemy won't have defense at home he also might recognize he's behind we've seen him dive before i'm not sure if this is good or bad for vivi but it is an interesting way of dealing with pressure at home is just go to their base and he's through now huh well if you look at what's happening some of the knights are coming back scorpions are coming back let's see if he can get reward for this he's going to kill a few villagers he's only behind by five and oh my god there's a woodline here what a crazy play from vivi like this is the type of player who does things it's just not what other high level players do frequently and he's still at the top because occasionally it works but now the worry is he's killed a few villagers he might lose all of his cav archers and then at the same time he's got scorpions raiding his gold and his farms at his base and he actually has no defense for scorpions right now if bad boy converts the knights that are coming out then the scorpions are just going to kill all the cav archers these knights have gone back to the woodline these units here oh boy oh this is great for bad boy scorpion getting some great hits the knights are all right in front still and this in this particular moment it might have looked messy like i had been saying this game but honestly just because so much is going on and they've got so much economy to focus on bad boy is going to take game number one at this rate because vivi loses everything he's still got to deal with this in the front and look at bad boy again always there to get the conversion that's the second night that the fat dragon has had to delete because he knows those conversions are coming in and look the repair villagers on the scorpions this is after the healing this is after getting four relics this is after going three tc's the idol time has been crazy but pretty clear to me bad boy came to play ladies and gents i i don't think light cap is really affordable someone's suggesting light calf how are you going to afford leica the eco is not there you've got three tc's about six or seven farms to keep villagers producing out of htc 21 on food i'd like to have upgrades 150 food 50 gold it's it's not about what units exist it's about what units feel realistic with your economy make them and then research light cap doesn't feel realistic not to me anyways and he's investing into these cav archers and vivi gonna just counter-attack again he's a very bold dragon and last he checked there was a hole here i think so he's going to try and like go through there the big thing for bad boy here is that he makes sure that he has enough stone to build castles i think there definitely is a point where hunts should switch into knights against a lot of scorpions like this it's just unfortunately the monks are there that's not going to work out and i don't know what bad bad boys villagers did he convert were those hit i don't know what's happening this is too crazy the cav archers are over here he's so focused he's just lost the villagers on the front and vivi is now into the wood line and now you see the siege in the front is going down is vivi actually have a chance here bad boy sending the scorpions back he's sending the knights back vivi at 66 villagers 71 for bad boy and now you've got to run away again okay if you can get your eco to a solid enough spot light calf cav archer kind of feels right and that that would be in about i say a few minutes now as this goes on huns have a real problem against franks they don't have a great way to stop paladin i do have halberd here but habadir is pretty weak for them i like the forward workshop for bad boy it's in a position where he can get some hits and surprise the enemy here he is with his monks and he's not actually going for conversions just yet probably very focused but the magnel could pop out here this could be a moment oh that was a good attack round and another oh unfortunately he was a little bit ahead of what was happening there but he's got another magnel and with this one he's gonna fire and also miss and vivi with the good moves good good play now i think people are the players are warming up he pulled this monks over to convert the knights he also used his knights to take out the siege yet players really do seem to be feeling a bit more now bad boy as the lead at so many scorpions my goodness then vivi i just jinxed him i just changed him forgot to patrol his gav archers probably was not expecting to see this amount of knights so go for conversions but probably lose those monks he really needs to use those knights against the scorpions right now because if he does not the castle is going to go up and it is in such a bold position for bad boy cav archers they have to run away but there's there's also a chance there's a slight chance that if vivi micros is well enough he can maybe take out the scorpions and deny that castle i mean it's not like there's many nights here right now what on earth is happening man this castle could throw the game for bad boy it's so messy you've got knights you've got monks you've got cav archers you sent so many villagers here 85 on the castle me it's a doubt castle to start off the decider are you kidding me and guys look at the military vivi held on vivi held on 32 villagers have been killed by both in this game that's a ridiculous stat economically it's the same ville count but the military count now vivio with his conversions switching into his own nights and and bad boy you just he just needed a bit more patience i feel it's not like this game is over for him he's got crazy amount on food but now the huns are in that position where they can just flood the map all in castle with cav archers knights i'm really happy with how the game started and how and what it switched into it's been pretty aggressive right um even though there was some pass to play at the start it's been pretty aggressive and and on top of that like both players were a little sloppy but they've just been spamming out military their pressure is normally immense which is what makes them they get to this level fourth town center now for vivi as well both people wanting to stay in cassolate for a bid and the big thing there for vivi was getting conversions on those nights and to have his own knights in the mix to take out the scorpions the big big moment and bad boy just a few moments where he couldn't control his monks but monks are very difficult to control especially offensively especially when you're getting raided with random groups of cav archers and it's easy for us to say that that was too bold but i guess fortunately it's a cheap frank castle and okay there's the garrison for bad boy vivi sees the scorpions vivi's just going to run out of here does have five monks five conversions would be a pretty big deal here also he did just get thumb rings so his cav archers are stronger and uh now you see sanctity for the monks i can't believe he had that many monks out there without sanctity hi so to be honest the monks for bad boy also didn't have it that's the hp upgrade so monks just feels like they die so easily what the what i imagine that was a misclick my guess is he had his cav archers on control group one and he had his knights on control group two and he tried to click his knights forward but he probably clicked the wrong group so he probably just clicked the wrong group forward there fortunately for him he's got the monks and and he's got the knights and here he's easy enough to take out the scorpions and i think it's worth it to lose a few nights to take out the scorpions because then your cab archers and monks can survive and that's what we're seeing here the bad boy though close to clicking up to the imperial age loses all the siege is not loving the fact that he's completely swarmed by the huns right now i'm sure and vivi's diving underneath the town center well you know what it's a good play it's honestly a good play it's not like the tc's had bob canero or fletching or anything like that he's not losing many cav archers and the big thing for him is he's taking out the knight numbers and now he's going to find the gold bad boy is on the way to imperial age bad boy does not have control imagine what a defensive castle would have done he's being pressured so much did he need the offensive castle a defensive castle to protect himself as he was going to the imperial age would have been huge here and vivi i have to say he's gotten to this spot 114 villagers 42 military and when he's in control he usually does not make mistakes solid micro from him the power of cav archers and these knights you just don't want to engage with them right you want to upgrade these things so many of them are weak and if you don't engage with them then vivi's going to make you pay the price what a crazy game honestly like i really don't know what to think about the series i really do not want to think about the series it's why i said i think it goes 4-3 for bad boy like a lot of people saying 4-2 i think that's fair but my goodness man bad boy could have easily been the better position in this game bibi could easily be in the much worse position in this game as vivi comes forward to drop a castle and you're kidding me it's not gonna happen twice right is army split off from this you're kidding me is it vivi's turn to get a castle tonight apparently it is you are freaking kidding me man what what in the world is happening here in this game oh my god so this castle is denied at 70 the other castle was denied and taken out at 80 percent and i i suppose i still like vivi's position he's killed so many villagers 61 veal kills vs 42. over 100 villagers have died in 48 minutes my word yeah bad boy added this tc just to save his woodline bad boy will be an imp with cavalier and if vivi isn't totally careful with his units you never know man like especially because vivi's base is pretty open right now i don't know if you should really stonewall or anything that's a lot of work you probably need wait okay instead of stonewalls at home when the enemy's imping and you're thinking about it what do you need chat what do you need if you're worried about raids a defensive castle you know like a defensive castle on the hill another castle on the hill there's so many hills that can be castled two these two just don't care about that and so i'm a bit worried for the fat dragon right now because his cav archers are going to be quite weak for the next couple minutes that oh they re-path that that is the classic age of empires thing this is not just the de thing with have archers and in the past galleys where you click them and they just the people in the front want to go to the back i don't know why that's a thing but it has been a thing for years and uh oh you just can't make this up you just can't make this up anyways he's regrouping to his big ball of cav archers this is before some big upgrades come in he's gonna get bracer with bracer and with the hill he's gonna have confidence but then again these are frank cavalier frank cavaliers should trade pretty well here especially when the cav archers can't hit and run in the end vivi i think loses enough there where he's got to be worried and oh my god what is happening i can't tell if that's passing or clicking or what that is but for the first time in this game we're going to have a castle that actually completes and now you look at the population it's 140 versus 160. it is vivi with additional villagers but bad boy has all five relics ladies and gentlemen all five if this game goes on much longer i'd say if it gets to about an hour which we're close i mean vivi's taking a lot of gold on this side i think that vivi could be out of gold and if you're out of gold against franks while franks are not the most it's not like they can just spam paladins all game with five relics that is something to consider but i think frank's with throwing axemen could be very strong at some stage and good good fight for bad boy on the hill this is before halibut here comes in like the pikeman pikemen are barely even noticed there they're merely a distraction but that's about it and oh man i think bad boy is going to take this game he is gonna take this game isn't he oh my goodness he's got this gold over here let's look at bad boy scouting right now let's see how he's gonna plan out late game you you're actually you're actually kidding me what the okay look at what just happened so you look at vivi scouting he sees a lot of the map he was on this gold he pulled the villagers that were mining this neutral gold around and he's gonna drop a castle right here but this is i think a castle that vivi is placing because he knows he's falling behind personally he knows he doesn't have a single relic he knows he could be in a little bit of a rough spot don't ask me why he wants to build it with just six villagers as opposed to all of them as he's taking the neutral stone too and bad boy still doesn't even have he still doesn't have a castle there i i all these villagers have gold in their hands a lot of them are gonna go down and bad boy's gonna have to deal with that now here's the deal if he deals with this he could also deal with the castle so he's probably looking at this part of his screen right now and he should be able to go in there and deal with that castle but it might be a little too late another thing is it does give vivia a little opportunity to try and raid i'd like to see him make stables on the left side and kind of like bad boy's doing right now you see how he's spamming right to that tc with the cavalier vivi's not reacting to that and i'd like to see some raids from vivi as well because if he does not raid in this game like at this point as he's just now getting healthier it's gonna be really awkward for him that said vivi has the population lead so i mean i i can't he's also getting murder holes i can't really say that maybe you could couldn't do this with trash units i mean the way that this game is played out these guys are completely open here's some cavalier running in actually vivi's running out of wood in the back right now here you've got cavalier splitting up really liking how bad boy is splitting up his units like that and fat dragon is is hungry for more gold so he's just going to take this gold and bad boy selling food and whatnot but uh bad boy about to go in with the cavalier now at a certain point i mean the javiers might not be the strongest for huns but they're still point still pointy boys right you're still trading against gold units at what point do the habiteers really seem to be strong does bad boy need something else this is the problem with the franks they don't have great skirmishers and if you're not making these units you're normally making axemen and x-men are actually pretty bad against cav archers look at this fat dragon running through actually doing a great job of controlling the game despite everything that's happening right now got some boys in chat like to see it chad thank you hey you see what i mean though the habiteers they do still get wrecked by the cavalier but many of these cavaliers have been other engagements though they're kind of weak i mean it's all down to food and wood eco for vivi and pressure look at the rates the raid here here he's forcing the reaction here he's still mining the gold that i think that gets tripped down what a way to start a series and i on it i'm looking at the base layout on the left with the defensive castles i think that vivi could raid bad boy to death he just goes hussars and he's actually adding tarkins out of this castle so he can try and take out the trip in a moment look at this sending leichhav over yeah i think i mean there's 17 cavalier on the field but they're not forcing any fights eco's still kind of wide open on this left side for bad boy he does not have defensive castles even though i think he should have placed them basically it comes down to if vivi can hold on and vivi uses the tarkins and he tar can take out that trebuchet that was sick you don't see this unit too frequently it's good against buildings uh occasionally you see it against archers but a bit more situational anyways cavalier's still in the back here but at this point vivi's have been expanding and look at him go he runs back to his castle you guys don't like it when i make civilization jokes really are you new here because because frankly i find it disgusting that you're so rude to me uh vivi even with some confidence here have archers and alba deers maybe just going to mass a few trebs and start to push this area of the eco i mean bad boy's got some skirms out now um it skirms in theory very good against cavort and hal right the issue is against hunts they're going to mix in hussar or light calf still see cavalier getting kills here this is just ridiculous after two more villagers die which we'll actually see on our screens right now yeah at this point 200 villagers have died in this game that is nuts 200 villagers have died in this game and now you're gonna see bad boy hold he's repairing his monastery i think with the amount of skirms he's got he can take some good kills with the cav archers with 46 on food maybe you could get some cavalier in here maybe we could get some leica here i mean the tarkins are actually paying off tarkins are actually doing a good job against the skirmishers too though you might want to take out the trap who even knows it's so funny to me how he's trembling down the monastery knowing that the enemy has the relics in there he's like give him give him the me look look at these cav archers here they found a really good spot the ville counts pretty even there honestly is not much gold left on the map right now i think the only spot where there's gold is over here and that's 77 gold and bad boy did lose the trebuchet bad boy still has the five relics and that gives you a trickle of gold but look how exposed oh no there's gold here i lied sorry forgot about this gold that's such a big deal that castle i cannot believe that the castle went up and stayed up these are heavy cav archers right now and you can see how weak the frank skirmishers are and the fat dragon's added a few stables here unstable stup do work a bit faster he doesn't have the resources to research hustler but he's trying to get some light to have here in the mix the thing is though he doesn't really have that many calf archers and now the treb's gone down but population wise and just with the way that vivi's been able to raid and whatnot it actually feels like vivi without any relics could maybe do this what bad boy stop doing this make a defensive castle for the love of god oh he's doing both okay that's fine but this one's actually right underneath enemy trebuchet which is a little concerning bad boy doesn't have military people bad boy does not have military this castle is going to be the third doubt castle of the game and this castle here it goes up but vivi is just going to go to another wood line the raids not happening anymore at vivi's base he's completely fine he's got the mass because of the cheap cav archers and the enemy gold he used to pay for it and i think that's a pause i don't think that's a gg but that could easily be an unpause into gg here in a second it's got to be an in-game pause let me actually check the game itself if vivi's paused okay so vivi has paused the game right now what a crazy way to start off the set welcome in everybody um it's probably not going to get crazier than this on arabia and the other deciders i'll tell you that much it has not been the cleanest game all right vivi's done with his smoke break and here he comes 70 on food for vivi who needs relics when you can just spam like kev and the enemy doesn't have help the enemy doesn't have walls this game is over this game is absolutely over a back and forth one a messy one but vivi showing how good he is if you don't kill him off [Music] i think better players would probably have transitioned to imp a little bit better here and and then maybe he would be punished for not having relics and castle like this might not go up but fat dragon is just he's insanely good at staying alive in game 76 on food right now and yeah like have spam could kill bad boy bad boys 90 pop he doesn't have the relics anymore bad boy's got to accept that this game is over here in a second it's game one and possibly like the biggest moment of his tournament career or bad boy bad boy's never made it i mean he's competed in some events right but in terms of hidden cups i don't even think he tried to play in the qualifiers of previous ones and he's a guy who who wasn't even favored to make it into this best of seven decider so i mean i agree with maybe playing on a little bit here but at this point bad boy at this point the game's over uh i wonder if maybe i mean i hope there's no okay there's the gg i wonder if maybe there's a slight chance that like someone was dropping there when they paused like maybe they were lat maybe they were lagging it almost looks like maybe bad boy had dropped at that point i don't know i'll i'll find out but either way the game was over and fat dragon it's the first win how often do you see that guys where someone gets five relics and loses the game that's crazy and also three denied castles in the game maybe more than that that was very unique um thank you for the ggs in chat look at this kd what a ridiculous game with that dragon with more kills in that game and uh you know just looking through and seeing how this played out it this is all so crazy to me vivi actually had less gold and less food but everything's also less expensive for him those knights those cavaliers the scorpions and the monks i mean bad boy had a lot of gold units out there and this wasn't enough 97 of the map explored 91 of the map explored for fat dragon and look at that timeline man there was just like fight after fight after fight after fight after fight in that game okay um d n l n n says is there relic victory because i was spectating that game and their pop-up of relic victory win came up really no there's no relic victory um if it popped up they probably just forgot the settings sometimes they have it on conquest or standard and there's just a mistake there so i don't if you're actually i don't know if i believe that because they should have conquest but either way it wouldn't make a difference players would have to like find some way to fix that according to the admins that you you're fibbing they messed up yes oh they did okay fair enough cool wonderful um yeah it would have been perfect time for the huns unique tech exactly seriously the end yeah no worries uh good question i suppose if you're spectating the game yourself anyway scores 1-0 and that was a really weird way to start the series man i have to say um game number two is going to be coming up and if you look at bad boy bad boy's got cross islands and slopes to go for and just responding to a message behind the scenes here all right this is how i see it i think that you look at these maps the closer it is to arabia the better vivi is going to be if you've got a map like hideout i prefer bad boy map like islands i prefer bad boy map like cross ah i'm not really sure to be honest uh but it it's kind of how i'm going with it with my logic here but in that particular game it was very even and i felt like both players almost did a lot to throw winning positions with those castles yeah so the sieves back and forth on each side yes with the sieve draft you can only pick the civilizations you have picked and you can have pixels that have already been picked uh in this case vivi chose huns which is why there's a crown there one with hunts and then bad boy lost with franks i think i have to see what what's what map is coming up next but my guess is it's probably going to be cross if it is cross japanese probably the go-to here for the fat dragon the only civ that really fits uh huns actually would have been wonderful there but he just won with hun so he doesn't have hunts available and then maybe i don't know byzantines we've seen a lot of on cross they actually do not have great cross civilizations i think if we're going for islands uh it probably would be vikings maybe even mongols for vivi but i'd say probably vikings and then bad boy is uh bad boy's got portuguese available that could be strong italians also strong on water too so zaga bad boy is from vietnam one of many good vietnamese players of course we had accm and daniel playing yesterday accm being from vietnam we have backed also backed also playing from vietnam so many good vietnamese chinese players all right yogurt says watching this while doing my work health and safety training if all the games are this interesting i hope there are no accidents in the workplace that'd be funny you have like this big big mistake at work and you're like uh here let me explain um i was watching this really good age of empires game when i was supposed to be paying attention to the training trust me it's worth it sorry buddy sam's the man i'll i'll look to the schedule as we wait it looks like they just launched the next game though this is the schedule for the day i feel like the sets just get better and better and better today but most of the sets we've had in the deciders have gone to seven games do not remember that or remember that do not forget that sorry um vivi vs bad boy started off of course knee cover slicks after then slam vs finchester to end it all and okay let's see if we can hop in here to the next game that will also tell me what maps they want to go for and my assumption is we're going to see cross because that was the first home map pick but it's a little weird when there's only seven maps in the qualifier it's hard to say that that's really their favorite uh it will be crossed though and bad boy's gonna go persians and fat dragon will go japanese so okay these are sibs we've seen on this map before i honestly feel as though well i guess it's tough to know where to use your sieves but like huns feels like the best cross civilization right now would you guys agree like i i don't know man in the mid game huns are just so dominant but then again we saw on arabia too guys just still think japanese are the best really i mean it depends it depends i said yesterday when casting with hera like japanese and i think i said yesterday that i thought japanese were better but it just comes down to the early bonuses but if you can't get ahead then it could be problematic the other thing you got to think about is lithuanians is on there too there's a lot of sieves in the conversation but but it also comes down to where you want to use all the sieves that's what's tricky about a draft scenario so lithuanians has an early pick lithuanians would be sick on this map there's extra relics and all that but still you might want to use lithuanians in another position what i'm really surprised at is that the fat dragon didn't even pick maggard here he didn't pick maggar's at all in the draft and he did that in rounds one and round two magyar's on slopes so i think he might go mongols there today mongols are indians i mean you gotta think if vivi's strategy is a little questionable there's gotta be a mr yo in his ear like hey this is what i would do on this map this is what you should do on this map and maybe vivi trusting him um all right they swapped the colors on us it's not the hidden cup but it's a swap color cup um sorry about that but again game number two in the hidden cup four decider winner moves on to the main event of hidden cup four and now in the blue we have bad boy this is gonna be really confusing hopefully they don't switch every game and then the red we have the fat dragon fat dragon aka vivi and uh you know for vivi he's got a great civilization for the start cheaper lumber camps means that you can afford to to send villagers to wood and chop that wood and then dock a bit earlier he's also got a pretty good map right back gold's i do think the concern for him is just going to be expanding throughout the game like there's all of these resources in fact look at these stuff look at the positions man their next door neighbors they are next door neighbors and all the stones are forward and this is perfect because in the previous game they both failed multiple castles it's almost as if the aoe gods want more castles to fail the fat dragon starting off the game he's going to push in some deer for some extra food i mean it's not the worst thing to do in the world but you really do want to get some scouting in so yeah vivi's got a backstone that's true he's got a backstone to work with uh there should be a backstone yeah there's a backstone here for bad boy too what's funny about this is so you get a four tile and a five tile stone to yourself five four and then five four and then we have a pause right now but this five tile stone is actually a neutral one what the there's another stone here too there's no stone elsewhere there's no stone elsewhere this is this is where you go for stone oh my goodness man i mean whereas there are some neutral golds around but anyways i'm not sure these games are live so uh i never know why the pauses are happening maybe it's a hotkey issue maybe they're cats on the keyboard maybe they have a question about the settings need to ask the admin but this is the nature of live games there will be delays that's a lot of stone man that is a lot of stone i mean there's still lots of uh reason to expand on this map just because of the pawns in the corners and there's also neutral golds right you've got like the two tile golds here two tile golds over here where's the fourth two tile oh yeah it's over here i mean there's reasons to go elsewhere but it's just it'll be interesting to see how the players played because i don't think going to stone super early is necessarily meta it's more about controlling the stones i think and we'll see yeah the fight for the hill is going to be the biggest thing and just fight for control like huns in the previous game were able to control all the hills and control the map of military frank's just ran out of steam and here i think persian japanese see some archers and probably pikemen at some point from japanese persians will probably just try and get knights and siege out maybe bad boy prefers that thank you dimitri says call you live going to give you some more of bezos's money hype for hidden cup yeah do you guys like to spend jeff bezos jeff bezos's money i don't know if you knew you could do that it's actually possible to spend jeff bezos money right now with twitch prime yeah that's right command says my name is jeff oh that's that's funny actually so you're actually if you pay for a sub you're actually spending jeff's money appreciate it yo xxd thank you for the prime specto thank you this is cool man i can't believe that the sub-countess decided this and i also cannot believe the main event prize pool might start in the main event it might start at 70k that's sick all right we're back in business now okay um a little bit of a weird time for a pause like i they don't really have to explain why they've done so captured is gonna lag a little now but hopefully everything's cool and now you've got fat dragon and fat dragon is going to go forward now after pushing in some extra food and actually bad boy he's been looking here he went all the way over here he went all the way to the pond and he's coming in and oh okay just noticed he almost pulled the daniel there sorry daniel too soon i was talking daniel last night about his set yesterday he was in good spirits um but first couple games there if you if you're watching i will spoil one thing his scout really liked to eat the tc so bad boy now knows that fat dragon's pretty close i mean that is really close i think that being close together probably favors the japanese because the japanese can can afford to go for a barracks because of the cheap lumber camp just like all the savings means that they can go for a barracks and manned arm opening that dragon scouting very weirdly right now very very weirdly hello okay there we go i was just curious what the deal was there ah daniel's in chat what's up daniel daniel actually told me yesterday as we're gonna see bad boy wisely wall up this area so he doesn't lose his pawn later that he thinks the bad boy could beat vivi he said uh and this is not the only high-level player to say it let's say that vivi is not playing as strong nowadays i think bad boy could as well i mean i had sato beating bad boy and bad boy came back to win 3-2 there was insane set so i think if especially with the resilience that you need and we've seen you you definitely have to have in these deciders because these these deciders have gone so late and they've also been so close i think that maybe the fat dragon will tire at some stage but certainly starting off the series with a win the way he did he'll be happy bad boy looping around bad boy i think spotted the fact that the scout's over here for fat dragon yeah so scout ran by his dock there you know you could do a similar thing if you're fat dragon and wall this up if you're worried about losing your pond but this wood line is actually quite nice for bad boy i can't tell whose base i like more because of this wood line i might honestly like bad boys more especially the way he's positioned these houses too right some palisade walls and he can protect his berries and again for vivi i mean it's it it's age of empires there's going to be some awkward things there's going to be some great things but you've got to make it work and the best players make good decisions with whatever map that they have and make it look a little bit safer than otherwise would be and here you go with bad boy i mean this is just how you need to play the map right get a villager forward dock the enemy it's a little fast he doesn't have the wood for a docket he's gonna go futile though and now normally what players will do in fat dragon's position is send a fishing ship this way and and uh take a fish on the shoreline especially when the players are this close and oh my god vivi's actually going to try this now vivi didn't scout the walls so they're both going for the same strategy but this should not work out for fat dragon at all we're both trying to dock each other's pawns right now hmm so bad boy's just gonna wait vivi sees the walls now and that's also something the enemy should be able to see and now vivi's thinking well change of plans there's no way that's gonna happen and now vivi also knows there's a scout over here look at that that's good play from fat dragon he just wait no he can't see it sorry that's the spec thing so what's happening back there he cannot see he just did not go there in time and i wonder if that fishing ship is gonna go fish over here or stay over here it's actually a little awkward because there's no fish directly next to the shoreline so if you if you want to find this you almost have to scout it and he checked a moment ago and he's not checking at the proper time fat dragon will not know about that fortunately though is japanese the japanese fishing ships are pretty strong here you have bad boy with some good downhill hits before he hits feudal but still probably needs to leave here actually with these hills um the thing is you don't want to take your scout to your villager because then you'll show a fat dragon so you just gotta probably go back to your tc here bad boy disagrees with that assessment and maybe he's gonna find a hill and get another hit and you have fat dragon expecting that runs away um i'm a little confused by vivi's play a lot of people would open up with a barracks he's got a lot of wood and now he's adding the barracks so i feel like maybe the planning wasn't all that good this is good though you've got a dock up on the left side already for fat dragon so and afford to do that and fish there also i see a villager in the north already wow this is these are some early docks just trying to fish away right hey look at bad boy bad boy seems pretty intent on one pond for now and it's gonna try and focus here and poor vivi thinks oh yeah i'm gonna deny the docks oh wait a second he's already got one he's gonna go for two now and if the production's there vivi could just completely lose this pond and fall behind by five or six nico and this is this is cross for you vivi essentially switching into other pawns before he knew that he would have this one secured yeah the right idea to scout but you've got to make sure every step of the way that you're good and look at bad boy check this out bad boy's weak scout is over here and and now sees the dock like this is how this map should be played and then vivi scout is gonna die to the tc oh man i mean in terms of scouting it will be a little rough now for fat dragon to know what's coming and japanese fishing ships are strong but when it's when it's three to o the fishing ships are gonna go down and so here you go you see a villager now for bad boy bad boy's gonna try and dock elsewhere now the other thing to remember as bad boy probably should focus on taking out the fishing ships and we'll do so the other thing to remember is that there's less fish in each pond than the traditional cross versions or or four lakes versions so you do also need to switch into farms a bit earlier in this map neither player really doing that vivi happy to wall up but again the walls have not really saved the pond and this is going to get to a point soon where bad boy can just add fishing ships and start to steal some fish here for a food boost vivi with a villager here what it's the offensive house rush what the and also it's funny how the house was built behind the wood line like that that's a good tower spot but house behind the wood line is a little weird i think that vivi just pulled the villager that had placed this dock and is running around doing random stuff bad boy did not scout the north he was just protecting his villager here but for now i mean it's not too bad for vivi the fishing ships are really getting value on the other side the concern is long term if he starts to lose all of his pawns then then what's the deal going to be right this is so funny man does bad boys see that bad boy doesn't see that but it's sending a farmer okay so this guy's going to dock the north i guess right because you've got a scout going this way just happened to be sending a villager close by and now it's like wait a second what what are you doing here lady you're not on our team well if if vivi wanted to keep the enemy from docking the north this is one way to do it just get that villager to attack your own ville next level strategies and uh now you see a scout coming in for fat dragon and his stable has only produced one scalp but i actually really like that move because he knows there's a weak scout out there so he can take that out and then that scouts enough to stop and he feels that's a huge move and bad boy seems like he sent something was up he didn't want to chase that villager too far bad boy on the way to castle vivi will be as well but vivi he's fishing a lot man he's fishing a lot not saying his eco at home won't be fantastic because he still he has the resources and the time to switch into some farms but he invested into fishing ships in the south and lost there here he could lose them as well i mean honestly against persians he's pretty much lost his pond already because he doesn't have production and when persians are in castle age and if they get the war galley upgrade yeah this pond is lost persian docks have so much hp it's it's really hard to combat them and take them off of ponds which is what makes them so strong here comes this villager oh my god did he wait a second i think this is a misclick actually oh no he clicked it to the shore fish that filter has 10 food unless i'm wrong sorry that's really weird how you went over here and then didn't end up docking so i'm not sure what happened there but it almost seems like it was a mistake it's in the villager all the way back either way there's a lot going on right now he did add a barracks bad boy and honestly bad boy's doing every move correct if he adds a stable you just go one stable for early map control with knights and then you get your war galley upgrade to clear up the pawns what he's got a forward stable honestly forward stable is huge here because he could just break down the palisade walls anyways with his navy he does need to make sure he doesn't lose a little bit of control here all right yeah but he's still going to maintain some control here if he's trying to save a dead pond at this point and vivi is losing the fishing ships on this side if if he wasn't japanese his fishing ships would have gone you know down so much faster so the fact that bad boys have so much success against japanese is pretty sick good move from fat dragon though using the scouts snipe the villager now you see bad boy scouts still running around i'm not sure why that's still alive vivi getting infantry armor and i think that means we're going to see some pikemen for him gets to the next stage with 12 on food not a single farming so that's like that is that is a stat that he's not going to like if the fishing ships eventually disappear and look at bad boy just verifying you know maybe he didn't know that fat dragon had docked here don't attack it don't be like hey bro i'm gonna send a villager this way probably just a unit being on attack stand sadly but uh vivi reacts to that we'll take out the scout we'll see if a villager goes that way but what in the okay this is about to get crazy so here we have bad boy going for forward siege workshop forward stable forward monastery so he wants to go with the siege night monk plate here you have forward siege workshop we're probably going to see a forward monastery and we already have a stable so it's also going to be monk pike siege whatever play so both players are going for four bases basically but i feel like this is better for bad boy if you look at his resources he should be better and plus he's persian so it's hard to push persian tc's here vivi's just added the tc's so for bad boy he's probably like oh a target wonderful here he can get conversions as well in the fire if he wants to actually the monk is oh yeah monk gets a conversion that's really good play for batboy a really good play maintain control in this pond and now some somehow fat dragon's going to need to what the there was a hole what it oh man like this series has shown you how many small things can go wrong i guess he didn't make a gate and at one point he had deleted a house so he could get out and then the enemy just waltzed in here like all the small things you need to constantly do to stay in games and you know just play the perfection that we're used to it's not easy and these two are showing us that but it's also it's bad boy and fat dragon man it's it's expected to be super messy here bad boy tried to dock and fat dragon tonight it's so big moment there i don't know where these villagers are going right now but keep in mind that bad boy does not know about this forward and vivi's so preoccupied with defending that he actually is not even using the forward the houses this this one villager has placed all the houses and that siege workshop in this game she's still out there it's the same one more villagers going out here i feel like bad boys throwing a little bit honestly he's in a fine like he's in a fine position he's pushing here he is three out of the four puns but over the last couple moments he's let some units into his base oh don't tell me he's gonna tc right next to a siege workshop he doesn't know it's there ah oh my god he doesn't know it's there he doesn't know now he knows what are the freaking odds man oh my goodness okay so here he comes with a tc i mean i don't know what you do do you make a ram out of the siege workshop or did you just leave it there i mean this is so awkward man and it seems like vivi on this side is getting out microed a little bit as he's trying to get conversions but then again reacts to it and can actually convert that war galley and good micro from bad boys bad boys now sending the knights over here he's not happy about this it's 66 ecovers 61. it just does not you know what i'm looking at vivi now and it looks like he's booming on three tc's i honestly feel like bad boys he doesn't really have a lot of flow with his eco anymore right if you look he does not have horse collar yet he's gonna be on three tc's but it doesn't feel like he has the farm count you look at vivi he's kind of stabilized here but he's he's typical fat dragon right he's just gonna boom and now he's got the siege well no the siege workshop's gonna go down but he's got a few monks out there and maybe he'll go pikeman or something i don't know i mean this push certainly did nothing for bad boy except get a relic and now he's going to lose that monk but um but yeah and i also think japanese are very tough for persons to deal with if they start to climb back into a game with monk pikeman siege the persians are a little one-sided with the night play and again speaking of knights two nights just went down there to a fire ship but maybe it was worth the distraction because bad boy's gonna dock the north now finally but i can't help but feel like okay let me put it to you this way i can't help but feel like that maybe this just doesn't make sense in hidden cup version maybe it does against japanese because japanese can make fish traps but the way i'm seeing uh is there's not there's a hundred food left there but we'll see i i think that players are going to show nice job but with the demo there i think players are really going to show how to play this version i think a lot of people still are not completely used to it for these players of course they have played in round one in round two with a qualifier they had to get here beating some big big names in vivi's case he did have one of the easier groups on his side actually who did vivi play face the second time who did vivi face in round two i remember who he faced in round one dragon star honestly dragon star played really good against him dragon star got a win off of him dragon star is not an easy opponent so yeah maybe i take that back and here you go you've got some quick walls from bad boy he actually unfortunately fails to save those villagers though um i think anyways uh she's actually gonna kill herself here watch gonna walk all right well she's alive for now and the fires are gonna start coming out there but i'm starting to think about the front and you know what happened in the previous game is that someone went for forward castle and you know exactly what's going to happen now this is about to get antsy oh my goodness call nancy because it's about to get antsy here come the villagers you've got some monks that'll have redemption vivi's just lost a monk and a magano the pikeman upgrade's on the way but it's not in yet and now these monks could get three night conversions which could make such a big difference it looks like most of these monks will get conversions the japanese pikemen are fighting the villagers are coming this way so bad boy should know something's up and vivi's gonna try a place a house or not a house sorry a castle in a spot but it's currently a house so that'll have to be relocated now tower foundation for bad boy he's worried about it he sees the villagers there's honestly not a great spot to place the castle um what is that castle what is this set these players are too crazy for me man but if there's military to back this up that's all that matters that dragon is going to get that castle up and if you look at the economy economy is pretty darn good and for poor bad boy we talked about the stones right he never had the recognition to go to stone early or at least control the front of his base that villagers go down for vivi but and he's lost so much in this game actually he's lost 32 eco but because it's vivi it doesn't matter he's such a big boomer it ends up being even this is so similar to the previous game in a previous game that dragon lost so many villagers and bad boy just couldn't hold map control anyways very typical for the fat dragon this is why he calls himself the fat dragon and now you've got some knights from fat dragon hitting the stone miners and that's a resource that's really important with this map generation kind of got some randomness down here i don't even think either players paying attention to that too much but that forward castle is huge now what do you do if you're bad boy i mean you've got the pawns at this point you do have access to gold and all that but you're going to start losing the front of your base and i think vivi is just going to continue to just drop towers and castles on you i think and it's a tough ask but you've got to go for some type of counter attack on the exposed resources but it's a tough ask because the enemy will have monks and pikemen out honestly yeah sell your wood and then go imp but if you go imp you won't have a castle for trabs which really sucks but i guess he could he could actually make some of his own pikemen maybe protect the stone mind the stone as he's on his way to him crazy it's just so it's so cool how unique our high level player scene is because if i were to ask i don't know i don't know if there's any like top 20 players or top let's say top 50 around my twitch chat right now as we see another castle um if i were to ask people about vivi's playstyle a lot of people would say that vivi is sloppy right like there's a lot of players who make it messy make it sloppy and they make it work and vivi's always been one of them i think the the reason that vivi as that's a conversion on the magana with redemption and the scorpion goes down wow the reason vivi's been able to do so well and i mean what what what is this what the i don't even know what i'm seeing right now but the reason he's been able to do so well over the years is because the messiness of it um the crazy thing though is that the play has been cleaned up big time over the last few years making him uh not quite as high in people's minds but my goodness is he good at seeing a resource taking map control and then just picking apart people on those resources he hit this gold guys funnily enough i think that house actually gave him vision you're kidding houses gave him vision over those resources you've got to be joking me anyways the forward house is paid off and he just knows that he can he can just starve bad boy of access to important resources here and and now bad boy is going to be imperial age but what do you do with imperial age here like here this has even been spotted but let's say you go for chemistry he's making university you go for chemistry so you can make bombard cannons by the time chemistry completes fat dragon will have two castles in your face and be an imp and making traps this game is over the only reason that the score looks the way it does right now is because bad boy has a lot on water and that tends to boost your score a little bit it is helpful too but fat dragon with the recognition to take the pawns a bit earlier it was almost like bad boy was spending so much time focusing on the ponds and it was really just mind stone it's not like the stones weren't exposed on this side for fat dragon either my goodness man fat dragon he's showing why people is showing why he's in that conversation he's showing why so many people in chat said that the fat pig here fat dragon is going to win he's been both by the way he's got some crazy names over the years a lot of you guys miss those days but in the voobly days people would have like 20 different accounts well certain people anyways um vivi especially or he would change his name a lot so he had like that dragon that pig uh and then he'd have a lot of uh jokes that are not allowed on a pg stream but since it's not in english i can i can say the joke i can say the name uh so big dl uh really big dl uh five centimeter dl um lots of lots of deals but yes those were the old days with vivi we'll just say we'll just say so big depends on this stream but yeah like this guy's just he's kind of a meme lord and it's funny man it's funny to see him play and see him talk and see him chat i'm sure he makes it in the main event he'll be happy to be back he actually recorded uh voice recording for me before hidden cup 2 and i of course did not understand any of it but i got the translation and basically it was like is my number one goal to kill the viper thank you to all my fans i will do it for you and then uh in that hidden cup if i'm not mistaken he actually lost three out of viper poor vivi but man fat dragon looking good here and i guess bad boy is going to go for hand cannons right now though you've got you've got six hand cannons but my point was even though you've got persian tc's to keep you alive even though you can make a bomber cannon or two it's just a rough spot to be in man he's just gonna everything's just gonna get tripped down as he tried to expand to the left fat dragon just dropped another castle here [Music] i wouldn't say fat dragon's economy is perfect but 130 villagers is no joke plenty on every resource and i just don't see how bad boy can bring this back and he really had a good opening to castle just like game number two oh my god that monk you're kidding me bibby here you already have a relic at home do you really need to take this risk oh wait a second he noticed it he noticed it he's gonna get this all right that's why you make more than one monk he's gonna he's gonna bring that in eventually i'm sure yep yep there you go but you see how he's paying attention it's so messy he's paying attention to everything actually getting a ton of monk upgrades right now all right but expanding that economy and i saw a few samurai i think really what he needs right now is uh anything but infantry i think he needs to need to switch into range units and yeah he's doing it he's going to get arbalest and he already sees crossbowmen attacking these buildings so i think as the castle actually oh man did he just get brazer or something and it gave the castle extra range at the worst possible time for bad boy i'm not sure that's a really tough spot for persons to be in because now you're going to see that arboles is the choice and you're going to try and switch into skirmishers but persian skirmishers are pretty bad and so honestly japanese could just go for their own skirmishers to match that if they needed to i think this is near the end for bad boy in game number two and it has not been it's not like the games haven't been close right the games have been very close he probably sees the score and scores deceiving plus it's probably his biggest tournament moment vivi's going to use the monks to convert the bombard cannon converts the bombard cannon the arboles will take out the hand cannons and there's another bomber cannon here if he can shoot that right now that'd be sick and no it doesn't matter game over that dragon up two nil now i am i'm hesitant to even allow myself to feel like fat dragon is going to win this series now because if you've seen the other best of seven deciders there have been multiple best of seven deciders where someone would go up two games to zero and then it would end up going to the seventh game later on so bad boy showed in the round two he went down two games he then won three straight to win a best of five he showed that it is possible for him to turn things around and i think even though it's frustrating that the games have been close and he hasn't won he's also shown that he can get leads over vivi he's done so in game one and game two you just gotta capitalize on those leads and that's really been the issue and in this particular game it was perfect for vivi he likes to drop his castles he went to stone i do also think japanese are better than persians in the mid game if persians invest into four buildings that don't contribute much and there you go you've got um french devon chat say he honestly made the map work exactly as you would want he quickly transitioned out of ponds and pushed online yeah pretty much at one point vivi was trying to contest for every single pond and then he transitioned into land focus and bad boy's issue there was the land focus you're spot on with that assessment in fact you know what do you want to co-cast right now don't actually say yes because then i'll feel bad that was a joke okay there's the resources collected the kd kd was was something but uh main thing there was the eco and they'll control that fat dragon would have had over the resources and let's keep moving along here game number three is going to start in a bit i imagine it will be well the islands or slopes i have a feeling that if islands comes up it's going to be the craziest islands game we've seen yet because both of these guys do not strike me as your traditional your traditional water players all right i will find out in a bit you just bring a random person in i don't know to co-cast that's a great idea that's a great idea might have a potato microphone you know might be a rooster in the background i'm not gonna do that sorry the stage is a little big maybe like a low elo legends cup that would be a good idea yo jabark thank you for 17. he says his games are so messy bad boy could have won both of them but vivi keeps pulling an mbl yeah i mean maybe he's certainly sloppier than mbl but i agree that vivi stays alive he makes it happen all right guys i'll keep you updated on the next game hard for me to speculate without knowing the maps but i think if it's islands it'll be vikings versus portuguese that would make sense anyways if it's slopes i'm thinking we see mongols for vivi but it might save mongols for another map um honestly wait a second i think he might go khmer on on slopes he might act knowing vivi he might save wait a second no i don't i don't know this is why speculating stuff because spanish is probably what vivi's thinking for hideout he just had to pick spanish he loves spanish historically we've seen a lot of khmer maybe going spanish is better against tootings though okay galvo says t90 i will only have one problem with vivi games uh his game can never become the level where he can beat top five but bad boy if he improves in some places might be able to beat tough five i don't really agree with that statement because vivi has already shown that he can beat top five and best of five best of seven in tournament settings it's tough for him i don't necessarily agree with that statement because it's already happened i think that vivi as a person has shown over the past couple of years i've known him that he honestly he loves to play the game but he doesn't really train hard and he's happy where he's at i don't think that he is like this massive motivation to clean up his act you know that's that's the thing like everyone in the top five has really put in a lot of hard work to hone their gameplay and work her on their rough edges all right next game do you think vivi will avoid vikings on island since bad boy has portuguese that's a tough matchup but we have also seen uh vikings beat portuguese because everyone it's not just about caravals it's not just about victoria's you actually have to play the game right so i think to an extent you've got to have some fear there if you understand the civilization strength but uh yeah maybe it looks like it will be portuguese versus vikings on islands coming up next this should be a situation where bad boy has an advantage let me just send a message to someone real quick all right um trying to sort out something cool all right we've got islands and we get to bring up that conversation about which civilization is better on water i personally feel as though it depends a little bit i think that portuguese if they get to a certain spot in this sieve match-up are very very tough for vikings to beat you've got kind of a water cube or water triangle out there you see italians vikings portuguese what's the other one aliens vikings portuguese there's another one japanese what was the other one that's coming to mind here yep i think japanese might have been one but you're seeing that more on other maps so it's really just three vikings italians and portuguese because japanese are being used on other maps a lot there are other good water sips but i don't really consider them quite as strong so let's just use those three as an example i think italians even though we've seen examples where portuguese win i think italians are slightly better than portuguese i think portuguese are i wouldn't say slightly probably a little bit or significantly stronger you could argue against vikings maybe and then vikings might possibly be better than italians maybe uh but those three and it's largely because a um i mean specifically with italians and portuguese those tips are not heavily preferred on other maps vikings can honestly be good on land maps too but that's why we won't see vikings as frequently but yeah the thing about vikings is they lack fire ship and so they have to go towards like galleys and more galleys or longboats and if they do that the caravel is uh available for portuguese and caravel is great against those now typically to counter caraval you go fires it's not possible and so if it's not possible then you're kind of screwed here for your vikings and you just need to outmath someone vivi is very familiar with who is playing in the next set is probably a fan favorite too is licks licks is a chinese player and licks loves to forward do you forward here chat do you transport you could try and overwhelm with galleys we've seen players just outmast portuguese and get ahead of them and win it happens the win rates aren't landslide victory for portuguese i think i think this is how i would do it i think that i would go side dock galleys i don't think i would ever front dock because fire ships would overrun me i'd probably dock over here and then i would go side dock galleys that or i would you know like side dock lose water transport make archery range you know that joke but apart from that i think that that would be the play i'm a little surprised to see that someone without fire galleys is going to go for a front dock because if the enemy goes front dog fires front dog virus is a strong counter to that so don't and i don't also i also don't believe that that dragon's really good on islands so perhaps he's showing his weakness here we'll see he's also a little unfortunate not to have deep fish but that's a risk you take when you dock on the front because you know the islands are going to be there actually that one fish is so close you could have scouted it too sorry guys i'm going to drink my coffee here um yesterday i streamed for 11 hours and 15 minutes and i got off from my computer once so i've got water i've got coffee i've got a snack i uh oh bad boy getting housed and this has just been a little sloppy for both of them i have to say by their standards and again their standards in many ways they are known for some sloppy games from time to time yeah getting pop cap does set you back economically fortunately um actually that could be quite bad with the feudal age time think about it if they're both pushing deer both creating fills both creating fishing ships getting loom idles your tc and then getting housed also idles your tc so vivi's got a two eco lead right now and that could be all the difference in getting the galley mass out don't tell me vivi's also going to get housed here in a second looks like vivi is also going to get slightly ha is housed actually oh my god okay it's fine it's fine they know they're water build orders it's fine both players a little bit pop capped with their with their docks and with their tcs but both on the way to feudal age difference here bad boy did actually get loom so if there's a landing that's good i've seen some players just skip bloom because it's all about water and then when it's not it could be a problem does not seem to be a transport here for the fat dragon because something he could do is maybe side dock now and just pull the fishing ships to the side uh i mean that's fine i wouldn't like you a doc over here though because your docks are split up you kind of want your docks close together when you're massing galleys that way you can hop out and be like surprise as opposed to two weaker attacks but i think he's gonna dock here he's made the mining cam he actually doesn't have the wood for the dock yet but he should be able to get that soon it's not like he needs a dock just yet because he can't produce out of it so that's fine he'll produce out of it in 30 seconds bad boy with the lead bad boy front docking if bad boy finds these fishing ships and just finds the docks from fat dragon fat dragon could have a really rough time is italians better versus vikings here because of fast fire no because they have demos like in theory you just go for long boats and heavy demo i think vikings are better against italians than they are against portuguese and i i still think that italians are better than portuguese in a lot of ways it's honestly only if it goes late we've seen so many examples where portuguese are getting killed off but the problem is this level if you have a sieve like portuguese it's this level people really good at delaying taking damage and so if you have a civ like portuguese the good players are really gonna stall it out and if they can stall it out sometimes can get a win so it's um yeah it's tough but i've seen portuguese lose a lot i've seen vikings lose a lot i've seen italians lose a lot which is how it's gone and the data well slightly skewed because qualifiers can feature imbalances amongst players in the early rounds i think the the data does not reflect any civ is necessarily better than the other in fact italians have is always been drafted earlier than something like portuguese right so here's bad boy bad boys looking for the fishing ships now this is an interesting one sniping fishing ships is good but if you see galleys i think you have to pounce on it and actually galley switch behind this for bad boy fascinating there's opening fires he's going to try and take out the galleys but yet pounce on the galleys because it's really dangerous against vikings if they mask these it was doing a good job with the fires and actually two galleys is also fantastic against fishing ships and bad boys opening looking pretty good but there is a problem for him and that problem is coming towards his docks and fat dragon's expecting the front dock and fat dragon says oh you kill my fish i kill your fish too and he can take out the fishing chip and also weaken the galley here no fletching for either player but uh the galleries do seem to be so quick man galley opening can work well players normally side docks they don't get into trouble early but when you run around like this i think you'll be happy that at least you're not taking losses at home and you're massing more galleys maybe a demo could come out here for vivi he doesn't even care like i honestly it does not even carry so fast one thing that is really i honestly should make a video about this uh but the one thing that is so important on this map is your macro and we don't look at that ever it's always the fights whereas sometimes on arabia we look at the eco and then we look at the fights here it's just fight fight fight and so when you're switching over to to mill and when you're switching over to farm in some cases market to buy and sell resources to get up there's an art to that it's all about execution here and so as we see the micro from bad boy that was honestly amazing micro from him but he's got to be careful with weak ones um anyways a beautiful micro but as you're trying to micro and dance you've got a macro two you've got 12 galleys for the fat dragon at seven galleys for bad boy it's interesting that he opened with fires and switched into galleys because in theory he's always going to be behind in the galley numbers and now he's just got a micro and he's got a dance and as someone who's been casting this game and playing this game for so long i'm so glad this has returned to our meta it's so much fun to watch unfortunately though that dragon's just destroying it's not really that close fat dragon's just pouncing for the most part but trying to survive here gets a pick off and yeah maybe this is a little too close for comfort now if you're vivi again imagine having to do your eco behind this pc idle time for fat dragon is 18 seconds throughout the whole game so he's been keeping that cc working the entire time yeah really glad to see the galley dancing return to our meta and i'm curious now about the food counts remember vikings do get free wheelbarrows so their their eco on land benefits from that i don't think a wheelbarrow would really affect the fishing ships too much let's put a wheelbarrow under the fishing trip guys loom for vivi interesting is he expecting a landing maybe getting a market i think he might sell a stone in a second let's see that's a decision that some players will make to go up to castle age faster yep there sold all the stone now look there's probably a market going up over here soon it's gonna come right when he gets to what i bet and for bad boy he's simply been outplayed he has simply been outplayed viking is going front dock which in theory should be poor because they lack fire ships and yet vivi doing a good job and he clicks up here so and i just don't portuguese are strong in mid imp or if they're in castlage in this situation with caravals here vivi's just had the production he's had a stronger kd and he's had stronger eco and honestly the eco balance for bad boy has he just used the market probably could and should have been better can he hold on and he hold on because if it's caravel's mixed in with his own war galleys could be pretty sick he's got four docks on the front i think bad boy in this situation even though it it's a risk it could look really bad i think he should honestly just dance and try and get pick-offs he's trying out micro vivi because vikings are so good at masking these let's see if vivi will just camp his docks and micro back but if he gets to pick off that's the problem with what i just said right you're going in with fewer numbers and then you don't get a reward for that and then suddenly you're further behind now baby grows in confidence now baby's going to chase and now you're like what did i do what did i do oh no i don't vivi's patrolling an awful lot oh man that was a beautiful runner though did you see that okay bad boy that's like with the numbers vivi can just sit here and not micro too much which is kind of they do have to be careful he just continues to patrol these units in which means he's gonna run in straight like that and it gives bad boy a chance to dodge and hit but there's so many so many bolts all this all this pollution in our ocean and i'm not like vivi's micro hasn't been pop topped here but it's been better than bad boy and the big thing for vivi as always is this macro and now upgrades are on the way bad boy getting whatever pick-offs you can but if you look at the hp on these and both of them have some weak ones that dragon has them surrounded fat dragon now has bodkin that dragon will now have war galley and it is 18 military against said it yesterday with one of the players like certain players were so used to seeing the top five top eight execute and so some of the names out there who might not quite be that high you look at them and you think honestly they're not that good and then suddenly in a qualifier like this you're reminded why certain players are always making it to these events because the level is still insanely high compared to others and bad boy is just he's drafted well picking portuguese but he's just he's just getting outplayed here and outmast and i think it's also a great logic to sell your stone in vivi's situation to get up to faster castles because you know how dangerous portuguese can be if you let them live so he he's going for the kill here and here come those carabelles now venisev was going to be able to bring this back it would be portuguese so you have to take this seriously if you're fat dragon paravel's in numbers pretty good against the galleys and numbers but fairville's not really being in numbers right now like this is also a mistake he just popped out with his war galley maybe he has a lot of faith in the in the caravans but i think he should be more patient than this i think he's popping out too early look how weak some of these are it's not like he's doing that much damage with these caraval shots i guess he's gonna take out two over here he's able to get the back area i mean does he take out the fishing ships that could be pretty good only a few farms here for the foodie co for vivi vivi is gonna loop around and uh good luck finishing that tc well the tc should finish i guess but good luck taking that gold comfortably the other gold also could be range but of course vivi doesn't know it's there and now okay here come the caravals now for vivi it's possibly a mistake that he went to the back area with some of his units because look at this he's got a bunch over here he could have had them here on the docks you cannot underestimate the portuguese bad boy stocks still are on good hp so if he can get production of caravels which is going to be tough without the gold but if you can get production of caravels and then maybe have four or five hop out of the docks with these it could be strong but i don't think he has confidence in that he's actually making a demo right now just hoping to get a big demo shot and if you're making demos against the uh if you're making demos in this situation that's a sign that you don't have confidence that you can finish it off only four caravels and i don't think i don't think vivi really oh big demo but i don't think baby really care avails about that at all like here he goes a little fortunate of course with the gold positions if he could see this it could range some of it i guess this gold is already coming in anyways it's the same thing over here right whoever's water control can range the gold is just you gotta yeah i gotta play the game just win and docks are going down and what do you think chad is this doable for bad boy can bad boy actually do this now a little sloppy from vivi not reacting what apologize for sounding salty but people on people on aoe zone said that portuguese are the best water sieve and that we should remove them from the game that's what i read i thought that caravel's just kill everything damn it i'm so confused i've gotta really learn the game i guess but the truth is the truth is sibs aside that dragon has just been out playing bad boy today bad boy he's losing on home maps and he would he got leads in game one and two and he wasn't able to execute if he was able to execute in one of those games losing here wouldn't be a big deal but the fact that the score's two nil and he's getting stomped is a massive deal i don't think that bad boy has that much in him to be able to ever come back from a 3-0 deficit not when vivi's this strong if he was the third seed for a reason he played in most hidden cups for a reason and um he's looking to get back to hidden cup and i can't wait to hear what he has to say about it of course if he wins he doesn't really speak english so it's going to be impossible for me to do an interview live with him but maybe i could do like a steam message interview that would actually be really funny i just do a typing interview with vivi um i don't think that vivi needs to transport it it's something that someone has just brought up i don't think it's gonna hurt um okay i i was about to say are you kidding me but he's actually just transporting to get the relic on the map which is really smart he's not transporting any units i don't think that he needs to transport if you you're going to transport here you could maybe just transport knights over the pressure but realistically i think you need to go for the kill early imp and something we've seen is when water macro so at eco which he's doing and he's going to go imp go imperial you drop a castle either in the middle or you drop a castle on your own island and then you can transport trebuchets over and just protect the trebs with your water you don't need to transport a castle you don't even need to even need to make buildings there if you have trebs here everything starts going down and against portuguese i've seen so many players like they don't switch into cannon gallons they don't transport trips what they do is they transport and they drop a castle here and then the enemy can see the castles going up and so the enemy can just start trapping that down before it finishes and bad boy he realizes that this is just too hard for him and fat dragon's showing his quality here today front docking with vikings against portuguese making it work sick play from vivi he goes up 3-0 and so many people were right people were saying 4-0 well they're not right yet i suppose but uh certainly looking good for the fat dragon to start off the day all right guys um one more game for vivi wait what is that what is that scoreboard why does it say fat vivi that's that's disrespectful that's disrespectful overlay guy let's go back to vivi it's not that's mean that dragon's fine but that just got too real anyways um score 3-0 and i'm curious now what the strategy is going to be for bad boy actually this is also in most tournaments this would be quite good for vivi because he'd be hiding how he'd want to play his future maps i suppose if he wins the next game though it's not as if we're going to know who vivi is in the main event of hidden cup actually i take that back just have to look and see who picks spanish and then we know it's vivi like that's that's that was a lie in fact if you really wanted to fake like you were vivi against someone in hidden cup you just have to pick spanish around like 7th or 8th on your draft that would probably spoil it um anywho the next game will be slopes i can tell you that much i'm wondering what civ will see for vivi here i think indians make sense in indians we've seen a lot on this map and vivi loves to go for scouts we have seen britain's picked on this map uh by quite a few players and britain's are i mean britain's are also good on other maps like gold rush could be strong hideout could be strong i don't know about bay honestly we saw we saw britain's on bay too good sieves are going to be used in various spots but i think here kind of have to pre-plan if you're bad boy so let's say you win slopes you're going to want tunes for hideout so you don't use that you're going to use maybe byzantines for bay berber's for gold rush so yeah i say i'd say you could go for uh for britain's here no problem or you maybe go italians here and go britain's on gold rush i don't know but if you're thinking ahead he might just be thinking he wants a win at this point because he doesn't have a lot of confidence but you should try and go for the whole series win still petition to change the names to bad dragon and fat boy well i'm only gonna do that if the players change their names so will is 35 what's up 46 months he says what if he is fat he's training man he's a buff dragon now let me see if i can find his steam image hold on one second um vivi he's online of course playing his games how do i blow this up i'm telling you this fat dragon lost a lot of weight since i saw his uh steam image last can't hold on let's see um by the way if the game starts admins let me know in twitch check cuz i'm not paying attention to anything else because this is too important i don't know i don't know if this is other age of empires people too but even though we use steam nowadays i have absolutely no clue how to operate steam dude this is so bad i can't even go to his profile right now oh robo said it started okay fine fine we'll worry about his selfies later on thank you robo crazy amounts new subs the last few days thank you chat main event prizable updates with every sub that comes into the stream about 80 or so away from that being 69. 69 420 is actually realistic keep in mind like of course subs will fluctuate a little bit over the next 10 or so days because some people's subs might expire so but yeah i'm not too surprised to see what the civilizations are for the next game it is indians versus britain's for the next game and kind of what we expected i think it's a good spot to pick britain's good spot to pick indians if the series is going to continue and here we are all right but yeah if you sub now uh or gift a sub now that sub is still going to be there come the main event which is on the 18th so uh 18th through the 21st hope you guys have already marked your calendars and we have fat dragon they've been switching colors and i'm sorry but now fat dragon's in the red uh they've been doing that all day today and fat dragon is playing as the indians for his bad boys playing as the britons now this is the approach that i expect from bad boy and this is the approach i expect from fat dragon feel as though on slopes makes an awful lot of sense with indians to contest for the sides but the thing is there's high risk high reward with the sides team players win or lose trying to take these side resources where there's about 950ish food on each side so indians might need to be a little cautious because it's predictable possibly that they're going to try and utilize that shore fish bonus and go out there britain's i think it's situational right and it depends on how the game plays out there might be a moment to take the risk but i think for the most part you just wall up at home and you try and get to a lot of archers in this zip matchup what do indians do if britons get to about 25 30 crossbowmen honestly what does any sieve do against that in castle it's just if someone was mentioning uh of course i've been reading a lot of feedback for the tournament and people were saying britain seem really strong on slopes like if they get to a lot of crossbowmen well yeah that's britain's man they're also they've won arabia they've won bay it's they've won gold rush that's just how it goes so it's a sieve that has to play safe in this matchup and for bad boy it's a little bit of a shame that it's 3-0 right now for him but i think that he's always been quite good with fast castle approaches so i might expect that here i'm weinmeister hello he says what's your viewer record believe it or not if your record on this channel is around 53 000 in hidden cup three finals so uh it's gonna be it's gonna be tough to beat that and what fat dragon have mercy bad dragon have mercy you can lay him on this map it is allowed it's allowed on every map but the bores are always on the back and now he's going to try and steal the boar if you have the emotes let's get some t90 pigs going because back in the day vivi once lost his pick and he said i know pig i know pig for bad boy right now i guess bad boy could just steal vivi's pig honestly and you can also see in the fog that your pig's running away you could also try and loop back around and block this it's honestly quite risky to lame i can't remember the last time i've seen a successful name to be completely honest with you i have seen a like a sheep or two get stolen but a boar is wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second bad boy's really torn on what to do here i think he knows that it's over there okay all right well in theory this is fine for both players then assuming they can execute here so i know pig but i steal you pig and bad boy stealing this boar and there's not really much vivi can do about it vivi was going to try and get it in a second but honestly can't you just agree to not steal boris instead of just having to swap like this does the enemy boar always taste better i guess it's just human nature you've got two boars at your own base and yet you still feel the need to try and steal from the enemy that boy's got to be careful here if you go too far away from the boar it will stop but i do like oh never mind to take it back he's at 25 hp he's 22 hp for fat dragon so pretty close there and they're both going for militia now they're both also kind of lacking scouting until especially fat dragon look at this he saw pig he ran for pig that's pretty much it he doesn't have scouting until and here he comes he should know the tc's there also what makes lamy kind of strong on this map because you have an idea of where the tc is going to be so two boards for both the end of the day bad boy lacking scouting and vivi just a bit faster with sending the militia forward it's actually rather funny how this is playing out right now because you have the militia going out for bad boy too and bad boy loses the villager bad boy didn't have loom and bad boy deletes the mill and that hurts bad boys so much i actually feel so bad for him but it's just the decision making hasn't been here today look he's checked the sides now he sees the berries but look at vivi vivi's walling up vivi well at least vivi's getting loomed does vivi know about the barracks though he doesn't actually know about the barracks hmm that's interesting he could get surprised by this and lose some villagers let's see this is this is his point of view he sees the scout oh and it's just and that can be the difference in the game right there he noticed the scout was moving around he said hmm this is a little suspicious and then just quick walk beautiful beautiful beautiful awareness and also still harassing over here not getting kills but just just forcing idols you know and don't tell me he's gonna get a kill oh bad boy loses another villager no oh man wait a second wait a second revenge time okay good patience from bad boy because a lot of people would go in for that villain lose everything to the tc now vivi has to delete the mill and it is not okay on both sides and now he's gonna re he's just gonna make a new one right now really can you make what the oh god if you're wondering why drush is meta in 2021 or not always meta but sometimes meta this is why because the amount of damage you're able to do but what's funny is it's like it's a bit easier to wall in his villagers with this mill and it's one tile closer to the tc so maybe he feels like it's safer but guys this is a perfect call for bad boy maybe a little bit late but if you know the enemy drush is over here you should be taking the side resources and i honestly feel as though vivi should be doing this side like the second you know what they're doing you know where they're pressuring and you're running out of food because you're losing bills and being pushed off berries i think you should be switching to a side so it's a good call for both players to do that right now and also awkward because i think they both lost their scouts if you look at fat dragon scouting he has not scouted this side so he won't have any real clues bad boy at least did scout the right side but he did not scout the left so this is honestly a really interesting slopes game because typically players are going to have their scouts alive and with their scouts they're going to be able to you know see what's going on and react to that not happening here all right bad boy he's got uh gold coming in here the militia is being super annoying dude greeting these rushes have been anxiety inducing come on vivi just run away be more annoying okay whatever he's he's microing at home right now and microing at home and bad boy's got the potential to do more damage with three militia right so it's better to not lose villagers and fight this off bad boy on the way up if he really really in a weird position right now because what oh okay like drush with indians i guess i hadn't talked about this yet as vivi almost gets the villager it's not really a meta play and if you're gonna go to futile age this quickly and i guess they both might not have the resources to go up to castle to be honest but uh see what scouts are able to accomplish i mean he's definitely sending villagers forward vivi loves his towers and there are villagers exposed out here he just has not scouted it yet not on berries over here bad boy what's does bad boy follow this up with might be in limbo he might not have the resources to go up then again though this might save him that's a lot of food income as long as the scouts don't go out there and vivi's gonna run in now how many times have we seen this in this series like honestly people wall wall in front of your tc as well they've got the scout attacking the farm and uh vivi just just attacking bills to be annoying really it's not like this is a great moment for him to attack with just one scout that tower could be really important on the farms and he knows i've got to stop the enemy from going up the castle what he does not know though is that these villagers are over here and these villagers could save the day for bad boy now if i have these militia i kill all these deer from vivi not allow him to eat those i would go out there find it kill the deer he's looking he just hasn't found it yet archer range and blacksmith for bad boy i i really think bad boy if this happens again i'm actually gonna yell i think he needs a gate here this house is not gonna be good enough maybe he's trying to bait so we can add another house and then a gate or whatever but it still feels like the scouts can just go whoop right by and the tc's not gonna kill that much let's see i mean vivi's gonna feel the need to do pressure as well right so he's gonna really want to dive in but you know what i think i might i might maybe the confidence won't be there because he just wants to drop a tower oh my what the hell hello he's distracted guys he's distracted and he lost the villager big moment for bad boy there because as he was reacting at home his scouts they ran out and and and i swear to god ah i'm telling you i said this man it happened like two out of the three games we saw before this oh it's just i feel like it's avoidable you know i feel like it's so avoidable and it should be quite expected seeing as it's happened many times and you know the enemy's not going to be in castle age and now look at the villagers going down so much value out of these scouts now for vivi he's just got to make sure that he continues to do damage and as you can see the scout it did take some losses but now you've got a fourth scout around here and bad boy interesting though wants to rush this down and now the scouts are going to come back over and now the and now the villa i just i just i just bad boys day ready not bad boys day with the decision making it's in the end he was able to kill a lot of scouts but the messiness of it it feels as though he's not going to be able to do a lot with the faster casper i'd love to be proven wrong here i mean this village are going to get battered down vivi's so annoying with towers and whoop right back into the tower bad boy arrives to cass lage with three archers and one on wood doesn't even have the wood for lumber camp right now awful position to be in it's one of the worst feelings too when you go fast castle and then you have you can't do anything with it one of the worst feelings and i'm i think i know what vivi's going to do behind this without even looking i think he's gonna go all in feudal having watched round one round two from vivi i bet you any money we're gonna see another stable yep i think he's gonna go all in feudal scouts against this because he realizes that low numbers of crossbows are not going to do a lot against like six to eight scouts with upgrades and he knows that bad boy's eco is gonna be worse off so he's just gonna he's just gotta hold as opposed to trying to go castle himself and then getting thrown out so he's just gonna go full scouts now making all the food in the sides too which is a big deal he can look at this and knowing vivi he's probably giggling a little bit he could see that the guy doesn't have a lumber camp there so that's pretty bad right oh man i just i i've seen bad boy play play better sets and the level of consistency needed to play the high level is just insane and you have an off day that can mean you're not going to make it very far and and this is just the perfect counter from vivi to exactly what's coming right you know the crossbows are going to come forward because you know bad boy feels the need to do damage i guess he's going to camp this tower first which i think is a good play because there are some villagers in there or just one okay that's not a bad play and at home if he's on stone to tower up didn't even take his berries yet and he's getting a lot of farms out it has a wheelbarrow for farm efficiency and expect those scouts to probably pounce on the crossbows now bad boy needs to recognize that this is a possibility and maybe even know that this is vivi's this is what vivi loves to do and and after yeah after seeing these scouts with upgrades go home i know you feel the need to do damage but i actually think you have to wait and master units here because running out vivi is just going to pounce on that and you could in that moment click the scouts see they have bloodlines see they have armor and say hmm i wonder why that is but maybe he's assuming it's also possible he's assuming that vivi's on the way to castle to be fair here come the crossbowman the scouts might end up coming home forging on the way all right tower was nicely placed but these are britain crossbows after all with bob canero i think there's a chance for bad boys maybe go for a cheap second tc with britain's this game is not over they'd be expecting the pressure pulling off of the woodline and saving the villagers impressive now bringing the scouts over that's such an annoying spot to sit in a bad boy never leave that spot and never mind never mind the house has been deleted and the crossbows microwaving here the scouts should be able to take out every single one maybe even a position where you can justify trying to get villager picks but vivi is just too good and say goodbye to the scouts look at the control look at the eco and now you just go cast leach right you know that they don't have much and you know that your scouts are going to be enough for now so now you just go castellation that's perfect decision after getting ahead with that forward i said goodbye scouts because the crossbows were dying and they were saying goodbye to the scouts before they died that's you guys not understand english clearly if i was about to die i'd just be like bye guys you know yeah look look at this look at this this bad boy see this look at this chasing them down chasing them down okay we've got a great counter attack here we've got a crossbowman and a spearman will the micro be good enough for bad boy he's behind in this series there's potential for four villager kills here gonna get it oh the micro the micro from fat dragon oh he's out microing ballistics which is very easy to do when the enemy doesn't have ballistics meanwhile the scouts are in yeah and these scouts well that's a decent amount of crossbowmen now actually the scouts seem to get a villager pick for now vivi's just got to buy some time and i think work his way towards camels villagers still surviving it was good move from bad boy to pay attention and you know that tc for vivi is idle as he's on his way to castle just how that works as you're researching the upgrade and you end up looking at the bill counts here it almost feels like vivi should have a a bigger ville lead you know what i mean very interesting i guess he does have wheelbarrow and he also has solid eco upgrades so i think he's gonna end up being fine but there's still a chance for bad boy look at this second tch and he's got 15 crossbowmen with britons this is no joke to say what you want about that transition but that scout play from vivi it did also delay him a little bit if he going to go for light cav and chain party again i think the mindset here is pushed out with britain's i actually think it's a mistake and it's so tough but i make this mistake so frequently where i push out yeah i think you've got to back away after you see that you know the enemies and castle age you know they probably have good farming eco wait until you have a bigger mass the thing about britain's though is you can see it and then there's run homes like hit and run a little bit but you don't want to go too far away and vivi absolutely loves to control the map with stable units and so he's doing that and he's expanding to the other side at the same time here he goes that there is a hole could ruin bad boys day and the light cavs still looking for gaps and now at this point vivi's got to be careful it wouldn't surprise me if he loops back home because he's got to know the crossbowmen are going to show up at some point and just to look at his point of view here and see the blue there asking questions to bad boy though attacking the walls it's good work that's very good work at five pierce armor on these light cavs they're pretty good against crossbows and this is also good where i mean this is just great play overall right bad boy knows that vivi would probably try and expand if he already has the tc there though here vivi's adding a tc a little dicey against britain's though he loses two villagers and also losing villagers here bad boy's in it bad boy is in it vivi has too much to react to right now but now that dragon is in bad boy's base and now bad boy needs to react so there's three key moments there's the two rays from the crossbows another raid from the light cav and then everyone needs to react properly mean that tc is there but it's not accomplishing much and house house house house house house walls you do this to mbl in the main event and mbl becomes the tournament champion so be careful who you're doing this against in the main event because the house walls can sometimes make a big difference in the long term but like have fortunately get some bill picks here and man of these light calf strong against crossbows it's pretty insane but the crossbows also most of them are forward right now and we have ourselves a game ladies and gents now reminder of how the series is gone as we see the light cap pounce game one and game two bad boy could have easily won he could have easily won those games game three probably not he's gonna regret those games but he is no stranger to comebacks and vivi no stranger to a few throws you were there right so let's see what the like have accomplished now that the crossbowman is sitting here the sucky thing is if you run away from this the tower's going to hit you actually vivi decides to send the villagers out so sometimes that the reason for that play so the crossbowmen focus their shots on the villagers and you might lose an extra villager or two but you actually end up with more military remaining so i think that was intentional from vivian it's not too bad look at how he's running around now it's continuing to um well he's kind of run out of space to maneuver into so i guess he's just at this point giving up on these guys what a wacky game man over an hour of villager idol time for both players and the tc idol time is also insane and it's honestly possible that vivi just realized that this tc was cleared out because he's just created that villager there but what's the economy look like four tc's with indian lots of farms and very cheap villagers for indians so i think it's fine and i guess you just continue to like have here would you guys say indians are stronger but not in the map but in general would you say indians are stronger now or weaker than they were a year ago remember there was recent nerf to them they lost plate burning armor they did receive some pierce armor on the light cav a lot of people staying weaker you like the light like a year ago though you couldn't go for the light cav play in this position it's it really is interesting but yeah i think overall they're weaker as well missing plate boarding is a pretty big deal like in this situation in caslades they're almost a little stronger i guess against britons but in imp they're probably they drop off a lot harder than they did in the past if we're talking about the map there was a lot more fish on the map back then and it's crazy another game where vivi loses a lot of ills but still has the mass ability check that out pretty even eco kd here come the crossbowmen there's still berries there there's still variety of food income if you need it and i really do think this is possible for bad boy to win but he's got to start pushing again i think this is where you start to back it up with some like a castle drop of some kind britain's can really snowball up the gut whereas i think indians are going to spread out as we're seeing here with vivi he's just got so much eco bad boy two tc's 10 on food 41 on food for fat dragon how he's just so good with the staple play really is insane with it and it's constantly moving around and his mo is distract you and annoy you with stable units as he booms exactly what we're seeing here tc there for bad boy i i don't love it i don't hate it i think that there's probably better ones to place right now but he needs to keep his army in the same spot with britain so he's kind of stuck here right now vivi sees the tc look at him just running around all the time constant compression bad boy cannot move out whatsoever i wonder if we'll see guard tower because you've got one two three quite a few towers at home for fat dragon i could definitely see him going for guard tower i also don't know if it's necessary right now i mean you've got bob canero there is a point and that is early imp where indians lack plate barging it's not like a hussar opening would do good against arboles but i also don't think bad boy doesn't seem to be in a strong position right now to really go imperial age and it also isn't too heavy on stones to drop a castle which which hurts for him 17 light caps but 40 crossbows were written surely the crossbow's just owned yeah look at that i mean it's at a point where they're almost one-shotting he's like this is a real problem man i've seen games where player with less or weaker economy wins by snowballing the middle whether that's with knights castle drops siege another tc over here for vivies on five and there's university this will be for guard tower defense and vivi is going to just guard tower defense and just raid that's all he's going to do for the next 10 minutes this is going to be really fun to watch actually and honestly really annoying if you're bad boy because you have this military and you think oh yeah let's kill everything but then suddenly you show up and there's towers everywhere and then you constantly have the house while at home 43 on food for fat dragon crazy like have numbers and here he goes trying to break in uh there's a whole is that gate a good play here i can't can't tell instinctually a lot of players go for gates nowadays but but the gates lack armor if they're not built so i feel like this gate what the i'm a little concerned right now but anyways looking over here and yeah guard tower 40 britain crossbows with ballistics and you're counted by a tower that's such a frustrating feeling but it's also not cheap to get all those towers up and vivi he's got the eco for it so he figures i'll just keep him at home he can never pressure me and this is just perfect gameplay vivi is very good on slopes that dragon wants to make it back to hidden cup four or make make it back to a hidden cup excuse me i think he's gonna do it man bad boy a couple of the moves here definitely looks like he's a little scatterbrained you know that can happen especially when you're down three games it's hard to play your best and hard to feel good especially up against vivi like even just the mentality like oh god what's coming next when's the next group of light calves gonna arrive to my base oh no you know what's coming vivi doesn't have to do this man in game one there were three or four failed castles by both players okay he's gonna all right he's not dropping it forward he's gonna drop it here instead but still it's like it's not far away from the enemy vivi you're winning the game don't don't give him an opportunity to do damage man another in what world is that okay in one world is that a good castle man that's such a that's not even a doubt castle that's even worse that's a vivi castle but here let's zoom in let's get the high quality zoomage on the lord doubt there you go if that doesn't if that doesn't get you all hot and bothered i don't know what will but um and that might give bad boy a little bit of hope here and bad boy will use the market here and click up to the imperial age and and like i said it is always possible with britons if you're able to snowball mass and now fat dragon doesn't really have i mean a castle here would have been sick because you've got a gold castle here or castle here would have been sick or even a castle i don't know lead to farmer too and place it in your base he's gonna try hussar and maybe skirmishers i see him getting ballistic but look he's back if he's back back again like kev uh tell a friend something like that um 30 to 35 with the eco but that's that kd's even with vivi has 115 villagers it just he just can't stop he won't stop and why should he stop imagine being a bad boy's shoes you have to constantly garrison your tcs even if you don't take losses your eco's idle you can never push out because of the defense and then the moment you come home with your crossbows he runs away look at that just like oh okay i'm gonna come back in another 30 seconds phibi i think realizes he's so far ahead that he could probably just win this game with huster at this point um i mean that's probably what he feels like anyways which is why he ran out here with the castle he's very confident he's confident vivi castle he also has so many bills he's probably okay with throwing a few away not gonna make a big difference in this game not when you're 60 villagers ahead don't think a couple pikemen honestly bad boy's economy is so bad that pikemen aren't even justifiable at this point it's it's like 200 something food and 90 gold for the pikeman upgrade you do that you can't get bracer in your crossbow that's how bad the situation is vivi is completely rolling over him and now he since the cross was left the middle he's going to finish this castle yeah so he runs in says hey defend yourself and then he does and then he finishes the castle all right so blast furnace on the way hussar will be on the way i think he's got the resources in 50 seconds those upgrades will be in or about a minute actually bad boy barely afford anything doesn't have a castle yet but he does have 46 britain crossbows bracers on the way are blessed will be on the way ballistics already in i think the game plan is just going to be the same thing for vivi i think all he's going to do is play defensive castle tower and just raid bad boy to death until bad boy runs out of hope and then for bad boy he has to drop a castle here and probably start rubbing this down oh man that was that was a poor poor decision there to go that far but let's see what these hustlers can do again if it was a year ago indians would have played partying farting can definitely matter a little bit you've got some other bonuses to work with though hustlers of course do not cost gold funnily enough technically elephant archers are the counter and i think bad boy would feel a little flexed on and it might be seen as bm which equals bad manners oh man indians are so strong now bro indians are clearly the best civilization on slopes did you see that they didn't even need to attack those hustlers and the little arboles just went down i'm a little sad for bad boy he didn't have his day clearly vivi deserved to go through and congratulations to vivi who moves back to hidden cup and no doubt that he deserves to get there but i think when if you delete your arbs like that you're probably just frustrated and i don't know his mentality exactly but that's probably what it is salutes in chat please welcome the fat dragon back to hidden cup and salute bad boy because remember bad boy was able to beat sato 3-2 and that was something that i didn't expect he of course won his first round games as well it's been a couple weeks of qualifiers here he was close but truthfully in this best of seven this is the first one that has been a landslide victory fat dragon will be back now i cannot really interview him because again he doesn't speak english well but i honestly want to interview him on steam hi vivi if he starts responding to me i'll show it on i'll show it on screen oh you responded yes go congrats he always talks in caps so when you talk to vivi you guys might not know the rules but you have to talk with caps lock on okay on the win are you happy to be in hidden cup four question mark question mark can i make this bigger this is fine right this is a pro interview perfect look at this there's this photo by the way he's lost a lot of weight man he's been working out look at that that's his uh that's his photo vivi this is a professional interview please respond he's not a fat dragon anymore he's a small dragon yeah yep um you can't just say hi and leave me hanging like this man [Laughter] oh he's typing he's typing he's typing yes i'm so happy ah what that dragon fans are happy too no caps so i obviously have to basically you just have to match him the vivi counter is to to use caps lock when he's using it and remove it when he's not i am very happy to have you back wait hold on ask if he will beat viper this time [Laughter] i mean it you never know if he's going to face up against viper because of random seating right thank you with you fans like me oh this is so wholesome my emotions can't handle it do you do you feel strong i don't want to say strong now because that implies he wasn't strong before do you feel strong can you win viper this year question mark see what he says let's see you know some people would be most people would be humble in this spot even if they thought that they could beat the champ this will probably be my last question with vivi because i don't want to hold him up too much he's probably got to uh you know queue up for a ranked game or something we also have another set coming up here um he's typing i can actually get an actual interview with the translator with vivi before the main event which i will do but i figured you know we'd get something here at the conclusion have i really spent 101 hours on the in this game in the past two weeks whoa that's a lot of hours oh i never look at that stat i guess that makes sense i spent 11 hours on the computer actually it's like 12 and a half yesterday you count before and after streams no i am noob i hope vipe can okay can champion no i am noob i hope bip and ok can champion i like vip i think he's saying he hopes viper can win again oh oh this is so sweet this is so sweet he wants viper to win again viper says idol oh man find yourself a dragon that loves you like vivi loves viper uh how do i respond to that um i can't say all that's weird um say we will see who will win we'll be fun ornament happy for you vivi congrats all right that's the end that's the conclusion of the vivi interview he does he had said many times over the past couple years that he's very happy to have so many fans um and he uh even we did some show matches i literally told him ahead of time i was like hey if someone steals your board can you say i know pig and he was like i know pig you know he he cracks him up i think so uh congratulations to the fat dragon who does move on to the main event and we'll get his response here and then we're going to move on to nikkov vs licks in a moment nico versus licks a set where actually should i ask vivi who will win he says yes thank you i feel vip will number one you feel who question mark i think the nice thing for me to say is that he is number one ivy number one fat dragon eat all nom nom nom nom nom i feel like at this point my confidence in him might be slightly insulting he might feel like i'm just i'm just entering to him but who will win nikov versus licks question mark i hope you guys are enjoying this this is really the only interview i could do beyond bringing a translator in here and we could do that but lakes will win oh he thinks licks is going to win score oh he thinks his boy licks 4-2 or 4-3 ah nice well i go cast now have fun have fun you can okay from vivi that was sweet all right uh salute him in chat even though he's not here congratulations to him he honestly did dominate today i think that vivi's gonna have to improve in some ways is a little rough around the edges but i think that rough around the edges the yolo castle drops the the raiding and booming style i think that is going to be something that we'll look towards when we're trying to guess who vivi is in the main event uh this is what the hero lineup looks like vivi will have one of these names i won't know who you guys won't know who the other players won't know who they only know their own name and uh so yeah those are the heroes that will be participating in hidden cup four march 18th through the 21st every single set will be crazy because it's random seeding and we just don't know what is going to happen um but according to vivi viper is number one and vivi who's competing in the tournament actually wants viper to win that was a cute moment right there that was very very wholesome i know they had like a year or so there where they'd play each other in ranked games all the time and they would banter back and forth all right
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 47,301
Rating: 4.9086757 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Hidden, Cup, Hiddencup, Four, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, DE, AoE2, Decider, match, Deciding, Deciders, HC4, Hidden Cup 4, T90, T90Official, Hidden Cup 3, Vietnam, BadBoy, Bad, Boy, Vivi, Fat, Dragon, FatDragon, China
Id: QcqJgGvOD7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 27sec (8487 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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