HC3 DECIDER! Villese vs Rubenstock the Finnish Showdown!

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sure guys welcome again we'll do the proper intro for YouTube here I have Project Belgium with me who played Reuben stock in round one and lost 3-2 in a very closed set he's here to Co cast Reuben stock face-off against vélez Velez very much deserves to be the fifth seed he is almost expected to go through a lot like dough Gow and a lot like land a lot like some of the players that have moved along but we'll see what Reuben stock has Belgium yeah so we can see Ruben stock he went for the millions that's exactly also what he did in the set against me yeah Philly's going for Britain's I'm theory yeah in theory you would say mains is better but police with that extra range in Catholic he could do some serious work with that one this is normally when I see a good map in a tournament I say this is a Viper map and play towards that joke because sometimes Viper gets really good naps in towards but this is better than any Viper map or any tournament map I've seen like look you could wall in the relic you have your main gold you have your stone you have your deer I guess the downside would be your berries and other resources are exposed with at least for the start Rubin stocks map is going to be perfect I think he went fast castle against you - so good map to that yeah exactly yeah if he was out a bit makes his buried embarrassing in front of the various goes further oh yeah definitely buy himself some time but yeah like he said a really good map from Rubin stock and really poor map from valise so it might see so many darn forward aggression from him yeah later on yeah most tournaments over the years there have been restarts we did have one available restart I believe that wasn't changed we don't cast the restarts because these games were played the day before but um so that option was there for Velez but also if you have one restart because of them bad map gen or whatever it may be you rarely would want to use that in game number one and there might be some of that especially when Velez is the favored player I put Reuben stock runs forward he's scouting early and he might even be tempted to attack this villager next to the house the less notice isn't though at the scalp hmm sis this is almost if I have this type of a map in Velez's position instead of going drush fast castle with britain's into crossbows I feel like I would probably go from man-at-arms play like man-at-arms into archers more aggression could be kind of tough yeah and I think even Reuben suck he might even be better for him if he tries something like the rush into archers then straight derivative see because if Feliz can get the men down pressure on him yeah he loses his berries there's gonna be a lot of foods and show a difference for that for the Dragic scene yeah I mean and then you have to consider that you're safe at home regardless so yeah if it's an open base maybe just pressure at anyhow obviously you have an open invitation or a closed invitation I guess to wall your base and go for a greedy play but I agree with you there may be some aggression would work out for him now Reuben stock already won't the side of his base but he did leave a hole yeah all the way to the left and he has scouted it so okay maybe maybe you pulled it later but that might be something we need to pay attention to later yeah yeah definitely needs a house or palisade there it's kind of weird hell how close the wood lines are for Reuben stock but the downside of a map like this is if you're too greedy and you stay within your walls then this stone and this gold actually there's just a massive hill in the center that he would need to secure might be easier for Velez to control things at his base if he controls his hill to the left of the berries for example but I think everyone would agree Reuben stock has the better starting map and Velez is making a barracks so maybe he will go for man-at-arms or actually no he's collecting ten gold he's going to rush I think both will be going for the Reuben so call so now going out to the Colt he's dropping down his barracks his houses yeah okay yeah so rush to to counter the drush and then we'll see what the builders are like I agree with you I think that logic you could use is well hold on a second well this is getting loom yeah yeah it's a fake it's a fake he's faking out the castor well sometimes when you Scout pass with your eagle and you see their goal - then maybe you can assume well now he's going for the men-at-arms hmm did he just I don't think Velez knows exactly what he wants to do right now so he's like in the middle of two strategies yeah but he got loom which is what made us think he was going to futile age but maybe he just wanted to collect the deer so he's making militia anyways this josh is just meant to buy Reuben stock time and this is exactly what he did against you it works well and with Mayans it's absolutely fantastic and with the deer but everything he would ever want secure they'll just try and get to Castle age behind all of this pressure no so robot sir felice did scout the darshan room in stock so he's thinking alright I will just mirror your strategy and also go for the derivative see ya bye having a really bad map yeah I'm really curious to see what Velez can do here right because Maps not good but so far so good for him to know what's coming even a deer or worse if he wants to take the deer it's more exposed whereas Reuben stock deer in the back of his base seriously insane stuff Reuben sucker yeah there was a soul wolf but it seemed like it wasn't that butter in butters in there taking any of those yes hey you look you could play a 500 games and get a map like this like once or twice so what Reuben stuck has right now it's seriously incredible I always get so jealous sometimes what I never get those Maps you've to cast her some Maps man hey by the way there was a chasing each other yeah you're the one trying to be professional in cast well I want to tell a story but I was playing a game at 1:00 a.m. my time the other night and someone with your name project Belgium was playing me I also wanted to say something about that okay you know so yeah anyways I won and I was feeling really good about myself like yeah beat Belgium I beat a guy who's in my own qualifier and then I know who was was Adam who is a good player but he's not as it's you he messaged me on discord afterwards like hey that wasn't Belgium just so you don't feel good about yourself that was me I was so I said why did you tell me let me feel good about myself you said that's exactly why I told you so did you did he tell you about that yeah when he said that I was like but did you tell him it wasn't me yeah yeah everything Adam it was Paul Gary it was arena this is a good trust for Rueben stock I guess Velez doesn't want to lose that scout hey these are still three high HP militia they could still harass but um it was Bulgarians against Burmese I was Bulgarians and he was Burmese on arena interesting combo oh and police losses that was sloppy yeah lost his scowl and these militia who were just made to delay things are doing just that the fuel age times are very close oh it's a four oh my god rubin stock has a villager here and he's being attacked by the wolves can he saved the villagers or will he Lou or the villager rather or will he lose it to the wolf it's a plural wolves oh but he won't himself in with the wolf yeah he needs to you can't get out of this I think the village isn't wait Oh what and now the other one comes the villager survives are you kidding me that was ridiculous sneaky man I think what rumancek wants to do with that villager is go for some forward siege because he knows how exposed gold from witnesses yeah and when you have the militia advantage as well and and the less lost his scalp which is so huge there's no way that Velez will expect this and will be able to even see it I find it interesting I feel like oh it's a forward range now I feel like what Ruben stocks doing here is not necessary at all but it might be due to the fact he knows he needs to play less standard against vélez who's probably better if they play standard yeah exactly also a slight advantage for release in the castle age uptime 20% yeah so you want archery range at home and archery range forward I don't know I'm not a huge fan of building the forward archery range I like what you said four words each workshop might make sense or another wolf here the laser we found out the wolf attack and release might even find the forward range with the archer out there yeah and then if he if Ruben stock loses control then Velez is he's basically up arranged up a working range because that archery range will be useless forward production buildings like this normally only makes sense if you're talking to each workshop and a villager is also one HP so one shot and it's dead yeah I think once release it's Catholic you will see that range and then the wheels dead for sure no it's not yeah man how how Valdez was able to get a better castle time with this map incredible okay he's patrolled into the archery range the villagers on the move though okay the villager might make it back home but what does that range do I feel like that range does so little Feliz is dropping down the additional TC of course Britons they do have the cheapest easiest yet so that makes it a lot easier yeah and also great range botkin so we'll have eight range compared to the seven off Reuben stock soon this this is this is genuinely sick play from vélez to be able to play this cool this calmed is comfortable and and be bettering your opponent and the same strategy is impressive the villager is on the move and will surely this guy is going to eventually go down here comes a small force from Ruben stock hoping to catch out the reinforcements and just letting the Ville to die a buddy is a good distraction for now and maybe Velez will struggle to defend from this this is some good pressure he does have seven crossbows there and fili Sonia 3 of course releases the hill and a slight range advantage but yeah could do some good damage here it goes in for a Ville I get Seville he's also getting the reinforcements from the ranges and he got a few crossbows this isn't bad from Reuben stock at all good to image and he's microing with more numbers but also less range and he'll choose to go up the hill here eventually this will this will end but no I think Ruben sokka's will be very happy with that damage good good job meanwhile police was able to kill one or two crossbows from Ruben stock with his six roses that were outside of his base yeah yeah and you're looking at ten military for Velez eight for Ruben stock the economy oh this is interesting alright so 30c going up for ruben stock Velez is on two he could add that third as well yeah there it is okay right in the hill so what's going through your mind as a player it's Britain's first Mayans obviously Mayans have great archers but Britons have more range so let's say you're in Reuben stocks position when do you start thinking about going Evil's hmm I would I would make the Eagle switch when I go to Imperial äj-- okay oh just a play ranges in Castle age so I get decent echo of course with millions they do also have solid echo and then once I'm in Imperial age you could go for something like he go with squirms and if you see your opponent is going for champions then you can also switch this back into yeah plumes or its regular are blessed yep I agree with you there I think that's very good and I think for Reuben stock the key now is probably just to to trade where he can Versa numbers from Velez and keep those are two numbers as low as possible unfortunately it's rather hard to do that he lost those numbers there to the north and then there's there's more cross close for Velez and if you want to get a big ball it's hard to do that when you're archery ranges are separated like this so he constantly has to send units to the main group Miles's microvilli is sick oh this is so good and so bad for Reuben stock and Britain's they also have 20% fast producing ranges so it's even harder to keep up with the masses yeah so in defense Reuben stock is dropping down as his workshop let's see if he goes for scorpion or for manga now what do you think I had scorpion right oh he goes from mango I'm surprised I feel like most people maybe not with with only 9 crossbows but I feel like most people would opt for scorpion there because it's pretty easy for high level players to micro down a mango with Britain range what about you exactly yeah quickly like you said maybe if Reuben stock has ballistics then he could and it might be better to have a manual because then Philly's is busy trying to micro against a mango and you can just pick off is you and as well he's my Korean kids and Megan oh that's true yeah I'm surprised with Maggie no choice really am I wonder if Velez will go through here he could do some damage but he could also get his army numbers trapped and so he makes the wise move to go in act like he's going in there doesn't commit to it but he is in a rough position there will be a lot of red coming from behind him I'm surprised Velez stuck around but how's your micro oh good Micro for Ruben stocks so far Andy has the maggot out coming from the other side maybe the maggot out will be the choice Belgium yeah I might get trapped I guess this army is as good as dead at this point you just have to micro as well as you can if you're Velez he's holding its position quite well yeah pull your column get out of there Ruben stock doesn't have ballistics yet I see him dropping a University yeah same as police just heard the University for Velez yeah I just trap this army or me you know Indians second Megan Ellis will more crawl specialize on this hill I think this is the all-important Hill and so Velez it might need to react to this he might think there's only one mango he sees it and there's other crossbows this is buying a lot of space and time for Velez I have to say just running into the back corner it's nice because now he loses that army but he gains the hill and that mag and El doesn't stand a chance against these pretty crossbows yeah he got basically a man enough for free also the difference is Feliz has eight villagers in stone while Reuben stock still didn't gone strong so I think the plan for Feliz is definitely to get a castle okay on that important hill in the centre yeah and with ballistic did Velez complete ballistics yet I hadn't see I heard the University or I think he has yes he has it okay so ballistics is on the way for Reuben stock as well well as how's your micro oh this is not easy to micro here and oh he gets slaughtered a good luck putting the castle on the hill now because Reuben stock has control of it ouch yeah Maggie Knowles ended up paying off I think if it's scorpions Velez he probably doesn't even consider fighting and he runs back yeah now we see villas roof in his own studio shop see you'll get some angles on of course the rooster who doesn't have the eight range you just have seven so yes Megan else move it is going for a forty see really it's to the right okay hmm so expanding his economy a bit I think that suits you if you want to go for champion right because you have a much better food eco when you do get to him we'll see what the micro site it's pretty much all about macro and micro here Velez has out Mac Road you can't really say he's out like Road with 32 kills and 30 deaths but it's been damn close on the battlefield yeah I exactly man oh let's see the split nice for a second there I thought he'd patrolled in and didn't realize what was happening uh-oh Reuben stock could be in trouble here Reuben stocks I can eldest on land a shot and now he needs to get out of here for sure he doesn't have the Britain range I think he should fall back to the hill and probably consider sending a few more Megan ELLs to it yeah I do agree now Rueben stock is heavily on stone but at least he's 150 stone away from getting a castle mm-hmm and if you if he cleans this up now he could place a castle on the hill it is so essential for Rueben stock to hold this hill so important something's gone down with the food eco - we're looking at 24 farms - Ruben stock Velez is 26 Velez is already up so insane macro Velez is up and that means he gets at the very least additional range on the archers Ruben stock only has 300 food so his boom was not near as efficient and effective as Velez yeah and seems like velocities just going to stick with árboles so it feels confident that he will be up faster and he won't face the Eagles man this is so insane if you just think of the starting Maps the fact that Velez is ahead right now is nuts to me he did not allow his map to be abused and he might even end up being better off after this castle on the hill potentially another castle in the center Hill which he will surely push this is why Reuben stock needs to have different game plans when going up for less I'm sorry up against vélez he's just too damn good yeah and I actually really like that Phyllis is going for this castle there's a lot less risk here to go in the center because you have the chance of losing your army and while you're going up you're in a village it's the best thing that you preserve your army to get the take advantage oh speaking of castles there's a castle for Reuben stock now this could be a doubt castle and he bails on it does he bail all the way off the hill though that's the question the sooner he builds us the better he needs to get that up before the Briton range comes into play even more whoa two for two yeah one for one not that he could pick it off with the crossbows now oh there you go two for two that is ducking out yeah that's a good trait with that I think that castle goes up and I like this castle position better for Reuben stock this is an awful fight for him to be taking but he kind of had to if the castles here it's much more difficult for Velez to TREB that unless he builds his own castle kind of near where his army is now I think he might waltz forward castle yet where that tree is on that hill yeah yeah decent position he doesn't distort so I don't believe him with two traps and also Veliz he did go for 40 CCS so his ego is a lot better than Rupert stop yeah so if Reuben goes for the Eagle transition Felice will also have the eco to go for champions yeah it's that foodie code that's so important to go for champions with supplies now it's more doable too because before I felt like obviously champions were always available for grids it was always fine but it was so expensive to get bracer and chemistry and are blessed and also add in champions I really do think supplies made a change and makes britain's a lot better than lions sorry a lot better at facing mines than they were before yeah exactly saving that 15 food is quite nice especially if you compared to an eagle that only costs 20 food yep what is this down here oh there's a sneak ville sorry I just saw this random villager from Reuben stock in the cell yeah it's a Reuben stock ville for sure if it is also going for the really big wall on the left just making sure that if Eagles come if he goes to come in that they get funneled to the center it's so smart man how many times do you see someone in a good position like Velez but then Eagles raid them to death because but the Briton death ball needs to be in one spot the Eagles can raid in multiple that's such a smart stone wall and it's something that Rubenstein is able to see you to put that outpost yeah because with champions they were a lot slower with Eagles they're faster so do need to do need to be vault if you want to face effectively effectively against them I'm loving the amount of outposts they're using for scouting I feel like there's not enough players that do that both of them have built up quite a few outposts and I also notice that Reuben stock a ton of three tile golds here both the neutral golds are in the North next to this outpost so he's going to have a really hard time stopping this but if he holds on maybe that gold give him enough Eagles yeah that's quite a nice position also for a castle he could get that done with you yeah I do see Felice dropping down some barracks so he's going for the champion transition had perfect timing used the arms effectively thus far also will Stonewall the right Velez is not playing any games he's not messing around and he will have four relics so for relics he'll have most of the maps stonewalled and then he'll say fight me bring your eagles to my champion armbar me and if it's full champion and full art it is so tough for urban stock I think Reuben stock needs to raid or fight before champions arrive yeah but it will be hard does he have the he is El Dorado the last defense yet so yeah Oh buddy oh yeah it does have a Loretto but still sad to see him swooping around with some army on the top of the maps we might be looking to rate the appellees he has looked some pretty good walls but they aren't completed its completed yeah not completed yet his Reuben stock wants to loop around here what's the plan does he feel like those trebs are exposed he sees two handed swordsmen now there's no way you can run up that hill comfortably Reuben stock he won't have the gold long-term the two-handed swordsmen are there and the ARBs are there oh but he has eagles from the other side this will be a huge fight and he stood as those crows girls that could do a little bit of balance he might actually clean this yeah what and that means the castle will not go up there Reuben stock has a fighting chance that's sick I didn't expect that many units to come from the barracks out of nowhere Wow and that was before the champion upgrade came in that was before a lot of the upgrades on the infantry would come in for Velez and what a swing Velez just needs to stabilize underneath that castle needs to get the infantry numbers out pronto so yeah Vin Diesel's sorry reversal he will probably be able to take all the straps not a problem for him is he does not have a castle while he's building one out but he doesn't have two traps to contest the castle in the center yeah I think it's a good point man for being down for relics to one or potentially one he doesn't even have a single relic that could be rough as well why is he letting the trebs he just said one or two eagles to take out the trebs there you go and and it's like after that attack now we have to ask now that the crossbow numbers are dwindling they weren't upgraded in the Imperial age at all again we're talking champion soon with more upgrades than before with a big ball of ARBs Vallez it didn't seem like he even cared about losing the trebs too much he knows that he's still in a very nice position yeah now it becomes really really hard who doesn't have an answer for the for the champions yeah but the raids could still do a lot of damage and here come the Eagles will Velez notice and quick ball this no way oh he notices it wow that was beautiful that was beautiful from the LES that's so important and now he's just pushing in these champions now our I don't know if I can disable this but these with the update recently they were you skinned it or something oh yeah I have it that's why I don't like it I don't like it it'll like it at all but anyways these are champions now the urban stock needs to deal with them somehow [Music] everyone's still managing to deny that the castle from that is in central whoo it feels like to me Rueben stocks doing everything he can but he's losing so many expensive units that's the worry whereas Velez still has 40 arms working at all times he's still able to make more champions and so eventually yes Reuben stock has the extra cold but it seems like he'll run out of steam if this continues like this yeah and it's not like he's getting anything from just fighting in the center he needs ya to get position back and it's not working for him right now yeah and he'll soon he's going to be forced to defend at home so start losing his economy and losing his barracks and it's not looking good for Reuben stock here he finally for the first time in the Imperial age gets the eagles into the economy from Velez a Velez will luteal take some losses here but I think with the champions he has around he should be able to stabilize yeah and now he is he's in pattern at the wall so yeah no way for a second rate to come in look at this look at this lumber area for Velez that's it's not the best lumber efficiency anyways he probably could lose a few villagers and still be fine I like how Rueben stock split up the Eagles but Velez noticed that and can Reuben stock fight this big death ball it's fully upgraded champions fully upgraded are blessed I guess they're missing yeoman now so they're not quite fully upgraded he needs one big engagement and then after that engagement he needs two or three more to have a chance yeah and believe is taking on those disease and once those are done Reubens don't really have any defenses protecting the bulk of his eco yeah and the barracks as well I think he he realizes his situation he's thinking now or never I have to stop this so he goes in for an engagement I think yes some arms will die but the chance against the Eagles are gonna be more than fine great micro from Velez and Reuben stock in game 1 with an amazing map he just doesn't have enough 130 pop he's delaying the inevitable right now Belgium yeah exactly crazy play good one saving grace for him is that he does have those two neutral goals close yeah so he can stomp out some some ego sod look at the castle from Reuben sucker right where his TC was that got trapped down a moment ago like that is again delaying the inevitable doesn't mean you can take that goal no it doesn't does it is it gonna stay off for very long no it probably won't yeah especially with those true true trebuchet is working on it yeah exactly then the filete could even get did he scout it yeah he could even get the fifth relic if he wants he denied this gold here on the left he pleads it so perfectly really impressive Ruben stock even camping some plumes behind the wood line of police but he's getting outraged by this herbalist that's funny he tried to do anything he could to do damage to the economy one our Velez Velez doesn't send five just one that's all he needs that's beautiful and GG man Ruben stock tried but I have to say Velez was so good in this game it he almost made it look easy huge boom faster in way worse of a map and yet he ended up full-fat slobbing the middle and pushing Ruben stock back that right there is why Ruben stock needs to have some strategies prepared for his home maps Belgium yeah that was just so perfect from police playing really standard a lot of players would have probably gone for manned arms in Belize's position that release was like a screw it I will just mirror you and to play better than you and win yeah exactly a hundred ninety kills for Velez eighty five largest army he had more food he had more would eat more stone if Ruben stock wouldn't have had that additional gold in the north if he wouldn't have been fortunate there I don't think you would have had as much gold as he did that was just it was incredible the ledge is completely outplayed in there there's no other way to say it all right so let's talk home maps Belgium the score is now 1-0 groovin stock has Gold Rush he has El Dorado and he has high tide as his home maps sieve bands we won't see camara we won't see Indians let's just assume this is Gold Rush what are your thoughts what do you think Ruben stock might go for I think probably oh yeah no comer yeah I think probably a stiix yep maybe even a stick mirror okay or maybe release we'll try an mind game and pick some counter to a stick all right well I do believe a stake should be strongest we have not seen a lot of Aztecs in the qualifiers because everyone has been globally banning it but instead Rueben suckle away banned Indians and the less coal we banned from ER which is the world we live in man where Camaro globally ban is just unreal what what in the world a few months ago that would have been unreal but anyways let's hop in a game to the lads looking very good will he make it into hidden kept three we'll find out if you can win a few more games or a Reuben stock shock the world's here game number two hidden Cup three gold rush Reuben stock has gone wait a second this is I don't think our I don't think this is correct hold on hold on a moment I need to go back we had this is overlay guys fault the game itself is fine I need to just adjust the scoreboard because the saves are wrong oh I chose wait a second I actually it was my mistake of course I I selected the game too from the previous game my bad everybody don't worry in the main event I'm not gonna be controlling any of this I thought it was hilarious Denine the procaster moment yeah it was a t90 procaster moment and is so funny because overl a guy asked me he's like hey do you want to control it in the main event think about it and I've make so many mistakes like no I want I want to Rove Oh to be doing that Ruben stalks gone for Persians and Velez has gone for Aztecs is that correct versions yes an interesting one we do yes I guess since there are not that many water maps even for Persians here like it's room and soak you can never count that out I think that's a bit ambitious yeah it's super ambitious to go for a TC drop but if nothing else think about it this way if you earn Reuben socks position and you know Velez is a better player and you also know that there's thousands of people out there who wants to see you meme do you factor that in probably not he wants to actually make it into the main event and show he's more than a meme er but it's always possible you can never count it out like you said yeah he can me mean the main event yeah man if Reuben stock makes it in the main event I feel like VIPRE for sure would TC drop once just for the lulz he would for sure do it other players might TC drop just so everyone guesses it's Reuben stock when it's not I can't imagine how much fun it would be for the players to watch the chat and watch all the fans guests while they know who they were that must be so much fun but for on would start it doesn't count out a TC drop necessarily but this looks kind of like a standard start Persians are a great suit but I wouldn't necessarily say that they counter as next year would you yeah you agree so we do see the 4th bill for release now going to woods I think it's a bit strange for Reuben stock to go foreign would usually with Persians you want to go Scouts but maybe he's gonna go Trish go something like men and arms I don't know yeah either early drush or TC drop I'm not really sure for on what is weird with Persians because you start with +50 wooden +50 food right so to do that tells you that he wants that would really early he's going to berries now sorry viewers I don't think he's going for a TC job here even though he's known for it oh nice dodging from Velez to dodge the tc5 did Reuben Saco Persians against you didn't he do that once TC drop or just Persians no yeah just Persians in this set you play no I know I don't think he did see I forget there's been so many games I played Persians on high tide yeah no he didn't play protests on anyone was there a worry there going into that set against Rubin suck were you thinking there's real potential that he could do this to me I actually trained cross with thinking that he would DC drop me really you you trained thinking he would TC drop you that's hilarious okay that's actually a great map to do it on right because you can t see drop and still have safe fishing ships yeah we saw even Jupiter that ones in tournaments yeah against fire and wind and there's a humor boy he might do that to me so I'm not gonna die today that's funny man well is this fast castle for Reuben stock it looks like it he is loom he's walling he is his gold safe it's a it's a pretty good map for both of them we've really done or my map team has done a good job I feel with the gold rushes here villas also has safe Gold's and the last bite do the same I think he scouted the walls and kind of knows yeah this is fast castle I'll just do the same thing I do see if it is also walling some players who are really confident and think right my opponent is going FC so and then so will I but I I want wall and save the resources but since this is tournament I I do think it's always the best thing to walk yeah very safe to wall I agree with you there so this kind of explains the four on what at the start then Rubin stock went on would early so he could farm and he has three farms already due to the extra what he started with and the extra he sent to would fast castle versions and Aztecs so is it wrong style its each nights forward is it I'm just really struggling to see why you choose Persians to go fast castle here when obviously the less is gonna pick Aztecs when it's available yeah I'm also thinking what can reverse took really doing Castle age to counter Essex because Felice he could just boom and do among defense and then a waiver Rico yeah if goes for Knights and he could still the admin so it's Rueben Stoke he will he will have something in mind yeah sure what if you go sneaky Persian cab archers I know melkor out there reveal it Melkor be like yes Melkor I think it was Melkor who really thinks Persian calves are trees are the best that are spring but spring things Mayan characters are the best I'm sure yeah because plumes are trash now so you need to go for exactly yeah I don't think there's a whole anywhere guys I'm looking I think the players have trouble checks everything seems pretty secure with the walls and they're both on the way to feudal age same time however one extra villager for Reuben stock and that has a lot to do with the Persian bonus I'm sure possibly some idle time for a second I was thinking it's someone Loserville or did someone go from now on but yeah like you said it's the Persian bonus step and the Reuben stock will even be too futile aged a little bit faster due to the bonus person they need it eventually I think obviously they made commander on more expensive recently but just the fact that they it's like a free villager man it's like a free villager you're T she's working that much faster in Dark Age it's so strong I was cool with it when it was what was it before a feudal age right feudal age onwards have feudal $1 but dark age Velez is being punished here for not picking hers and basically because he's down a Ville already it's crazy well then again Aztecs they do have the +5 carry capacity so my if you compare all eco I think Feliz might even have the better one because Aztecs they are quite sick as well yeah guys there's no hole all right I got it I got it covered there was a one tile gap on the left but this unless he can unless he can jump off the edge of the earth and back maybe swing on a branch I don't think he's gonna get around there so market blacksmith from both his pool feels like it I think he'll wait what's he doing he's sending more to gold though would you send five to gold if you're just going for a boom maybe to buy some resources yeah maybe to buy 40 see but that would be really risky yeah forty season Gold Rush I really think you have to prioritize the map control here and so far Belgium and I aren't really sure what what Reuben stock is up to it could be that he was expecting as sex to be used on another map keep in mind that Reuben stock let's say he loses this does have a sex available for himself later on but I believe the play for Velez is pretty clear probably one if not two monasteries monks for map control and a boom and then maybe there's a blinds counsellor maybe you go like cab or it will hold on a second a whole Reuben stocks going into the center interesting maybe he'll just town center there yeah I'm I'm reading I'm sure what he's going for it's just so confusing the worry here is that he does not have any options to fight with he can boom and we saw a hold on a second I thought if he would town center he would town center the safe area maybe he wants to do some siege shenanigan maybe siege monk or something gets atonement and convert Essex monks or maybe he wants the town center the left in person T C's are hard to destroy while the birds well what is happening they just got caught on each other whoa have you oh they're angry well oh my god this this makes the series right here this makes the series I don't know if that was some weird mating ritual if we shouldn't have been watching that how is the bird caught on the hill what is her fishing line caught to his tail and it got caught on the on the terrain here I all right well that bird is going to oversee this entire game and we have a barracks and a monastery now for Velez are they attacking each other through the wall they were what now I can't stop looking at Birds Belgium all right that was that was different to say the least so I think it's a good move from Velez to add some Eagles would you agree with that yeah definitely just to have something to have a little bit of my presence doesn't take that much of a toll on your eco and if you can get five relics SSX even if you don't have the middle that's still a decent decent amount of cold ink oh yeah this is so greedy from Reuben stock guys he's going for three Town Center's the only military he has the scalp I don't even know if he has the food income to sustain villager production it's actually so difficult to keep villager production rolling with Persian tc's because they produce so quickly but he will gain an economy lead so there's that and I also see him going to stone at home yeah and he's going for two theses in the center imagine if Billy Scouts that and then he just sits like two three manga notes on the top of that hill yeah the center of the goal yeah I think the logic from from Reuben stock is he knows this is greedy anybody might get a month no he's going back yeah it just just runs back here but I feel like if you have three TCS and you're being greedy with Persians first off your T sees work faster but second if you get mag and L pushed away once guard tower okay I was thinking that the TCS have higher HP so it's hard to do that but he's on stone so he can go for guard tower eventually very weird I've never seen anything like this before all gold rush yeah I was thinking maybe he will try and boom and then switch into locked doors and light carefully yeah I think the cart our play also is fairly decent choice but for now it will get the Knights and yeah Lucy valise send some send a villa forward to make a CD workshop there yeah just it's quite obvious that Ruben stock has tried something different he's tried something different because he knows how good Velez is with standard play but it's almost too different here there's a reason there's a meta there's a reason you have to prioritize map control and he'll try and force his tower up he loses a villager to a conversion he does swoop in with the scout but the Scout won't even get a pickoff there this is not looking too hot at the moment for ruben stock he doesn't have the university yet so i can't get guard tower he's desperate now okay towers up nice and another tower will go up hmm still 50 villagers 243 okay yeah and Belize is on to theses Valrhona so country now Feliz did he eight second relic yeah that's huge right if you don't have a lot of gold he's actually bringing in the third two so if you don't have a lot of gold but you get 33% more gold per relic that can be very helpful here as Aztecs I this is what I think Velez could consider doing instead of adding a third TC send villagers to stone and then when you're on stone go in faster with less eco build the castle and then maybe go for trips feel like you could possibly afford TREB Eagle with this economy yeah exactly and seems like he's he's going for that one he's starting to add villagers on storm oh yeah he's on stone on the right side exactly yeah this is this is good play and Aztec farming is pretty fast you might not have the Vil count but you're prioritizing that map which Reuben stock was hoping to keep from you yeah and those Eagles that he made the that taxing on the eco since there are only 20 foods yeah and now if you expect that that's what you're open to if you're Ruben stock shoes and you've gone for a big boom I actually don't think you gain much from the Imperial age instead at this point you have a good economy I think here you go for all in like cabinets would you agree with that yeah for a second I thought he was going just barracks to go long search the counter the Eagles but you do still need some light caps - yeah come to the month so I think yeah Ruben stock should just play full Castle age to try and get map control yeah rely on Isabeau so yeah I think this will be definitely interesting game I think also adding in stone walls to his base just to be extra extra so he doesn't get raided there yes I can kind of see what he's going for now now Velez will see the stable so he knows what's up Velez also has such good scouting he'll probably get all five relics which is incredible and redemption all and he'll just convert the stable it's that's not - can wear it seeds it's just to convert in stable OVC songs global warriors oh my god if he makes this lots of worry I'll lose my mind okay that would be just sick okay so for those that don't know what that is with de if Aztecs or Incas convert a stable they can create a horse unit from that stable don't delete it Ruben stock no no he doesn't want to be memed upon what a bar damn I like if I were in Velez's shoes and I was good friends with Ruben stock I would totally convert that and then I would I would send it underneath the TC just to rub it in his face I would have definitely made like one just for them just for the memes exactly yeah I guess it's it's still very serious right so you have to be careful how much you mean but a nice job from Ruben stock he's definitely going like calves and he's even starting to Stonewall in the center I like it 82 villagers for him that's a crazy count but less he's gonna be making elite Eagles soon and he will have a castle soon and all five relics yeah and he's getting pikemen so I think he knows that ruthless oak is going for the Holy Light cafes yeah five relics is a lot not to mention there's still a lot of gold back here for Velez he has about I'd say 1,800 gold to work with actually you're looking at more than that I'd say about 3,000 yeah exactly the the pile in the back he's just starting to mind that one and maybe if there was only three tiles of gold a strategy like this could really work but there's a castle now for Reuben stock he did kill a few months like calves will not do very well here not when pikemen are in the mix but with the castle up maybe he can delay Velez's castle and that eco will grow for him nice I do think a Reuben stop maybe went a bit too heavy on Lightcap that is some yeah because now he doesn't really have any damaged eating units to kill that army from written so far from from police yeah I like the castle position but is he going to have the military 200 attack the castle attack the castle oh man he could oh I thought he was going to destroy the castle it was one 6hb that would have been so epic but now that castles going up full like have definitely needs Knights and you don't have maybe longsword is to play like you had mentioned yeah he's making a barracks he's making a siege I think he will go for cc workshop ground playing what he's making petard oh yeah he's gonna go like all in the rams petards swords like you have a night some stuff like that okay so this is awkward I removed the petard emote earlier today so the subs out there sorry we don't have that we removed it for the new emotes that we're adding in for hidden Cup didn't expect to see them spill I figured that would be safe but it's Reuben stock and you're right I think he'll go with as many Rams as many like calf and even longswords as possible and the longer he holds the better his chances get in this game yeah and valise diesel he doesn't have the Eco yet to go for led girl warriors of course yeah a sexy Dom gets how pedir so I think this might work for Reuben so pivot times it perfectly Oh ever even stock brakes in if he attacks this corner piece and breaks in and starts to raid that would distract Velez big time Velez needs to be careful he needs to pull a lot of bills in house wall this again if those were nights I think the night's get in a lot faster though so it's a bit of a shame at the broken I think it will still be quite easy for Felice wall behind but yeah would definitely be some slight echo disturbance and Felice he's on a tiny eco if you prepare the the fuel count it's almost 100 for Reuben so while it's 74 Romans oh yeah Felice allez will expect the light keV he'll expect the rams he'll expect the potential longswords these are all things that make sense what he won't expect to petard now I think it takes to be tardes to kill a trip I think that's what it is it's so rare now elite Eagle is interval as ever even stop quickly walls what just happened that was sick the villagers can still repair now and long swords are here to help the Lightcap could swoop in they try to but the pikemen are there this is incredible what do I look at is sick will the light keV take out the trips oh they're so weak man no not even one trip goes down there one HP on the truck yeah and now it's being repaired to all right Lou the zag like 1015 light gonna leave us for nothing basically Rubin stock this is your time man this is your time you're out of stone he has to buy Estonia so many pins are these are to a papa he is so many yes eleven Peterson : I think I think now he's just going to go for it yeah he has to trust any longer all right so if he sends the Rams longswords in first the guitars will be hit later on what does Velez see here let's seize the batard there awkwardly stumbling forward just roll the barrels down the hill just press the roll downhill button and you're good what just happened he lost like three of them there the quick walls come in the batons are going in after the trips Oh get him get him oh no they're being blocked get the tracks get the treads oh this is the most ridiculous fighting scene I think I've seen in a long time the trebs are wait oh he gets the treads dude he actually gets them he is a fighting chance here what this is all this is amazing Belgium I don't have words for this if he adds in Knights now with long swords and towers up the center there's limited gold for Velez he could probably make a few more trips and there's no more petard for release tiny more towers yeah I would like and he's dropping University at home he's going to fall he's going to go for life for Garza yeah alright so now do you makes Kermes if you're in Velez issues because scrubs will actually be okay versus the long swords they just still full eagle mmm but yeah also could still go for a night so yeah rooms wouldn't be the best okay I think it's like release he's going around so he's gonna try and rate he doesn't know that he's yeah I mean he will find those pills there's a lot of stone there and that stone has been important to Reuben stock and Reuben stock realized might as well just drop off the stone before you lose those Vil's urban stock those fields will die would mean while the Reuben silky also went for the extra stone on the right oh yeah yeah I think the lids will know about all that though because he scouted everything yeah he sees that remember five relics still some gold and now another Castle overlays if he builds that castle I think he is going to be able to take some of the gold soon just needs to deal with the trebs and then if your Reuben stock it's it's getting dicey now you have to fight any has nights he'll go in Oh try and delay this as much as possible and take a trip out now run away what he just lost four nights two conversions ouch all four of those monks got conversions he still got the trip in the end I was like are you going to leave another a week yeah I'd love the fact I respect the fact that Rueben stock has tried this you know it it looked like it had a chance at working but vélez equal to it better than it the pitar didn't do what what's ever even stock would have wanted and now I'm just really not seeing how when you're all in castle aid you deal with this there's gold income for Velez so there's no worries there now he has our blessed he is eagles he is play exactly those are blessed they're really huge it's just sniping those long swords yep purchase orders even as the monks it could do some healing Knights are in ok the over top helps the less will be frustrated to see that these are the things that tilt me like I'm if I'm winning like are you kidding me how does how do those Knights get in so that does something but again it's probably short lift unless Velez doesn't get military here to deal with it and it's more about the center now than anything preparing the towers this is very Reuben stock like right repairing towers just try arguing yeah and sniping Vil's as he does this he still is 30 bills ahead and he might even there was an over chop here too so he could get these villagers this helps but can you fly Knights in the center should add like two three six tables to the side and just constantly floating light cata Knights yeah to try and rates definitely an idea I see long swords are on the way to join the party I'll die if he gets the long swords in there is he actually wait there's another over top he could get through and then maybe use the long swords against the pike said oh there they go another hole more villagers die the Persian longswords two monks are there well he'd go to my villager yeah it's something but this is just a race of who can can Reuben stock build towers at the rate that the less destroys them right now yeah exactly now he's going in for the trips yeah gets once one pays a price this is such a Reuben stock game this should be the thumbnail of the YouTube video right here just towers on towers on towers on towers yes brilliant hours and more nights going over goes in for another trip I think yeah people get that one run around to do it again this is extra legal areas Reuben stuck he's the worst to play against seriously but he's very stubborn and here he comes again he's going to the other trebuchet is and he could get at least one I believe definitely not - no no he's so unlucky again that was twice this game two HP oh jeez I felt like it was a mistake for him to try and go for both I think he should have committed that one or it was going to say that's an ambitious split of his army you should have just taken one and then went back yeah I think if now releases slowly cleaning of the towers faster than moving second builtin yeah there's limited stone for him right actually there's still a ton there but the Eagles can fight underneath the towers no problem it's nine plus six attack so even the long swords not that they really stood much of a chance before but they don't stand a chance and this whole time the less has been taking gold this whole time for less he's even castling the right side to secure his base he's had five relics Velez wins game number two what a fun game though that was great yeah that was sick all in castle play from rumancek yeah I definitely had to try it right but isn't Persians really weird yeah I was like what can you do against Essex really yeah I think he played really well but yeah Essex is just way better still on this map yeah it's possible it's possible he didn't expect Aztecs there I feel like Persians can probably face up against any other sieve and be better but against Aztecs pretty much the clear gold rush pick if you have it available it's always going to be difficult Grubin stock does have Aztecs available for himself now it's just hidden sieve no repeat so he has a lot of strong options and we'll see well played the list again Velez seems to be the player who knows how to play the meta he plays clean he plays solid and Ruben stock is just trying to find some way to break that that's what it looked like so far yeah yeah maybe maybe Ruben stock was expecting Felice ago millions and then he wanted to counter it Persians yeah a good point I feel like Persians could do really well against Mayans where as persons are not so good against the Aztecs well that's how it goes when you're picking saves and it's hidden pick and now game number three will be on a home map for Ruben stock it can be high tide it could be El Dorado we've already seen Gold Rush we'll update things here I feel like okay so next game actually just saw it so I'm not gonna seem smart but I feel like Aztecs can be really good for a high tide there's a lot of relics there and we're in game number three now welcome ladies and gents thank you for watching this is hidden Cup three qualifiers winner of this best-of-seven will play in the main event of hidden cup three march 19th through the 22nd ruben stock has gone for aztecs and the less has gone for I think the expected pick of Japanese yeah like Japanese versions any sort of decent water hybrid sieve is going to shine on this map yeah okay so Japanese fantastic one waters involved they've lumber camps mining camps mills all cheaper they save wood and they can dock and fish with that which is so important and then their fish and chips have armor the fish and chips have HP Rubin stock hasn't gone with a civilization which is a water Civ per se he's gone for a civilization which is more of a land only civilization much like we saw from Velez previously so there are three relics in the center can you get to those relics somehow if you don't have water control this is my question what is Rubin stock looking to do here against the Japanese yeah exactly that's also something I was thinking the thing is if your opponent goes for heavy fire ship then you could still use your monks to convert them but if he knows all right he's a 6 he might go for monks and then I would just switch into galleys and pick up those monks it won't be that might be an option yeah that's something to think about then I guess because Velez will probably have the edge on water but maybe Ruben stock is expecting that so he can use the Aztec monks to convert the ships he's gone forward nice and early Grubin Suk wanted its small advantage and he has games that they stealing the Sheep and I believe those sheep should make it back to either Ruben stock space or definitely won't be found by Velez so nice early laning I like to be aggression yeah exactly he doesn't he hasn't found any of his sheep he just went forward as soon as possible God - she has scattered most of villages base and though go back not to get his sheep yeah it's a bit it's not like this with all players but again I feel like it's a low confidence move the player who's going to stay at home not lame and just play standard that's the player who normally has more comfort and their abilities and I don't want to offend MBL who's a pretty clear example yeah I don't want to make fun of MBL and say that he's not confident in his own abilities he is he's one of the exceptions but here it just seems obvious Ruben stocks like okay I need to do something to get an edge early and he makes the move you still have to dock I believe you still have to go for water but how do you think about this if you're Aztecs it's clear here that Japanese will go for water right you try and fight them or do you try and do something different I think maybe you're Ruben stock will just go one dog make a couple of fire Gettys and then just switch full to Land's yeah because yeah like you said it's really hard to to fight against Japanese okay the other thing to consider is if I give a Japanese full water then they will just fish boom out of control yeah so it's going to be difficult Ruben stock he's walking up pretty far so maybe he just wants to hide it sukhiya maybe he wants to try and go for a fast castle yeah okay got some long siege something like that yeah he's walling with two villes he's walking a long distance to dock I think he wants to hide his fish and go fast castle yeah so he's talked away later the leza's docks bless is gonna fish but I think Velez's strategy is still very much about winning water yeah exactly some players they do like to drop their dog right away closest to the shore line of course then you can use your scatter eagle to a resume for this he opted to go a bit further but that makes his fish safe from any land aggression Oh Ruben stock didn't find his sheep here looks like someone isn't using auto scouting that's not good well they're using the old patch I think otherwise he would have used I know I'm just making fun of it and Velez also not using Auto scouting oh man he can't find the Sheep well I think Reuben stock will get lucky then as he walls yeah he'll find that I'm too willing yeah t90 has anyone won on this map while losing water uh let's see I've seen three games no but the lakes came very close a lot of players come very close I really think it's another one of those where you need to have a mix of a mix of water aggression and land aggression and even more so water on high tide than some of the other ones like cross yeah it's tricky because you are so close and you think all right I will just go for the rush but giving up fish is always something that comes at the cost so do you notice what's going on here for Velez he's full while his base is he actually going to fuel H or what's the plan here okay he is well if you know okay I think he just wants to be safe because he might be expecting some some futile aggression from Roman stuff but yeah sounds like it will be Catholic aggression yeah and Velez who will probably send a second bill out to dock and and when water has not scouted that dock for Reuben stock so it is essential for Reuben stock strategy that these fish and ships are not found I love the fact he's tried this again he's thinking out of the box really smart thinking who movements are getting looms he would love he will pick up in the seconds yeah you can't eat this camel unfortunately but he does have two deer in here so he's got some more food to take yeah this is a fast castle I think this will be fast castle monks has to be for Reuben stock and I like it because they're so close together I'm considering because we will make some map changes leading up to the main event adding more relics between the players so that way if you if you want to go for a strategy like Reuben stock there's more benefit so you lose water but you might gain more land yeah that could be so like maybe the two side relics in the center and then those trees too yep yeah that could be an interesting variation is it almost promotes the monks each bush and monks each bush is probably the best strategy you could go for if you're not fighting for water anyways it's just something we're talking to the team about Felice he sent a villager to the center might even go for a turtle once he realizes that my opponent he's not going for water and fellies instantly adding two fishing ships yeah it's yeah good move you see your opponent's in dark age you don't see them anywhere on water so take advantage of it yourself I wonder how thorough he's going to be with his scouting though because if he if you think about it that's probably the last corner he would look then again maybe it's the first corner you look for because it's Ruben stock that where would Ruben stock hide he would hide they're so hard to say I guess I'm one one fire Gilley's going there but yeah if it is instantly going for the stone walls at home he just wants to be safe because he knows he knows is going to be trouble in Castle H yeah yeah so it's a great strategy from Ruben stock but at this point only thing fillets is not aware of is the fact that Ruben stock has docked in the north I think he knows that this fishing ships have probably been snuck ooh Ruben stocks making a demo is he going to go for the lake strategy and try and snipe the fish but his Japanese they won't die from a deadline that's what I was thinking okay idem was a bit weird but his fishing ships haven't been found yet and he's on his way to Castle age with a lot on gold so yeah very much feels like this will be at least one monastery once each workshop I'm thinking probably eventually two monasteries yeah and Felice he did find those fishing ships eventually from Ruben stock but yeah they have paid off yeah very thorough scouting the fishing ships got him to Castle age though that's what room is stock wanted I think he'll be happy with how long he had them around did Reuben so close is Eagle because I Siebel easy Scout on private demo does nothing yeah exactly I was weird why make why make a demo there I don't get it against other fishing ships it can work but Japanese fishing ships are armored man and it seemed like Phillies picked of the Eagle from Reuben suit is on 5hp yeah yep that scale died eagle valise yep go ahead sorry he's only going to be 50% up later so he will have decent eco and he's also adding galleys to like you said don't go too heavy on fires cuz monks can convert that at galleys it might be better for you I really feel like yes this is a nice idea but this is expected Velez has already stonewalled most of his map because he expects it and so while it's a good strategy it's almost too telegraphed and that could be hurting Rueben stocks chances siege works I really like that Feliz is also going on stone in the back so he could go for potential guard tower defense yeah making it easier being a barracks yeah maybe like calf something like that well he's certainly going to have the food for it he's also uh I love this mining camp in the center kreygasm right between the gold and the stone all the symmetry it pleases me he's doing something with that bill i imagine he could build more docks out there with that villager if he needs to I hope he drops a monastery there gets the three relics in mmm-hmm that would be really good for him yeah it's going for siege workshop siege defense and now we have a an outpost from Reuben stock who now sees that Velez has an outpost he also sees a there's a scout that Velez's stone walls so I think probably fast redemption is the way to go here do you see what I'm seeing supplies supplies is on the way for Velez he's getting supplies he wants to go longswords maybe but I don't think that's the best I don't like these three against fool monks they're slow all that's going to do is supply your opponent with infantry of their own after the conversions sorry I had too many bad joke well Lucas sake is going for a barracks instead of for double monastery he's just going 1-3 City workshop and probably some Eagles or some spearmen yeah meaning that if it's less investment on the front he will now add another town centre so he's prioritizing eco with five farms which is bit worrying but maybe he'll get a few more up it could be a slight overreaction here from Velez to go for the supplies I do actually like that he's going for the for the extra TC yeah probably banking on the fact that my pond will go for a huge huge defense because ethic monks is really difficult to deal with yeah it's true I mean supplies is not cheap and it doesn't really pay off unless you make 10 plus infantry units then you have to consider you need man-at-arms and then long swords he's going for two barracks this could this could be an incorrect read from Velez it really could he is enough stone for castle soon I wonder where that will go probably a third in front of his TC but we have the time to drop that one because the balls are going down yeah it's weird the walls are down no redemption yet for Reuben stock right I don't think he has many monk upgrades at all he does have a couple of eagles to try and snap that man you know somebody in chat supplies before making the units what a try much reminds me of all the low low e low legend games where someone will make 10 militia and arcade and then research supplies in feudal age and then just have them sit there it's such a waste of resources all right all right so Rueben stock is sending an eagle in here to scalp well he see the barracks oh it's a siege tower what oh my god he's going to put yo this is next level he's going to put the infantry inside the siege tower and then run in or roll in oh I can't wait to see this Betsy I can't wait to see this okay they're nine Squires when you can have a seat stop wait those researching Squires increase the speed of your siege tower because I don't know who's controlling that siege tower are the dudes running in there the Squires increase is beating that I think they're pushing it's yeah some-something give it a go look at it good juju and you can't convert it now oh this is amazing from vélez oh who needs Rueben stock for meme strategies when we have the last round a bit but it won't work it's back inside oh my god a hop out hop out Reuben still trying to block with the mango kill the monks and back inside dude this is amazing that actually just won him the game I can't believe that everything's gone everything is gone and now he can't go to Reuben sucks base and transport him already [Laughter] yo that was amazing we were questioning it how dare we question it what a legend guys what a legend legends in the chat from allez vous les he's not oh wait hold on there's a long story ting the wood line that's that's actually quite sloppy but um he's not the type of person you would expect to to laugh with a lot of force but I'm sure he's dying right now whatever that is worth for allez Oh nice attack round for Reuben stop the siege towers now down alright the mag and L will go down I mean he wants a castle that's gonna go up eventually it's just for the moment this is pretty messy Wow those Eagles go to ram down but you'll be able to have enough to get the gasoline sand yeah look at the fish man oh wait Reuben stocks coming back on the water with three docks - okay it's probably the only thing you could try and do here I think Velez has gained such a foothold over this game it's going to be tough still but it's worth trying something so Castle is definitely going up that villager will go down Velez does not see the fact that the docks are coming up and I have to give Reuben stock some credit his land eco is pretty solid no we just let the long swords in that hurts adding a third Town Center now guys if we see a siege tower in hidden Cup three and Velez wins this best-of-seven the less confirmed okay remember that that will probably be the most notable moment before Velez certainly in the qualifiers he has not lost a game by the way he was undefeated in it was a quick 3o in round one and right now we're looking like it could be three Oh in this best of seven but Ruben stocks gonna try Belgium here he comes with some fires man Feliz he'll he has close to 30 fishing ships that's crazy I mean you couldn't lose them all here he is upgrading his navy so he seems to realize what's going on that is has a couple of fire ships in the back yeah look it's just sailing past those fields from rumors from police yeah castles up so maybe samurai in the future these fish he almost has so many fishing ships it's less efficient you know there's too many going after one fish they need to share I don't see the mounting but I do think release will have enough to defend here's six fire fire ships a couple of galleys go so has way more dogs and ruble sucks Oh homer in the chat mentions Geppetto siege tower yeah I mean listen we've all seen that before it's still amazing because each towers are so rare but if you like Tibet OC tower is one of the rare times it makes a whole lot of sense to go to barek longsword siege tower against monk siege is something I've never seen before that was his doubt of this world man yeah yeah that was really creative play and it broke that police can even drop another castle I would like to see him even just drop it in a center with it one villager yeah drop it forward send a message here but you know someone in the chat said that the siege tower attacked and I saw a bug I don't know if it was intentional but I saw a bug last month where the siege tower actually did shoot arrows so I have to rewatch that does that totally changed the siege tower if that actually happened there but there we go Velez is on the way up Reuben stock is close to clicking up but you know what look at the economy difference for a second yeah they have the same amount of fields and I do think fishing ships they do get to come in with the villager account right they do yeah and they're all bumping each other is this actually possible for Reuben stock it felt like it would be over but his lands been behind this has been sick and if Reuben slope goes for Jaguars oh-ho-ho Jaguar skirmisher trebuchet is something like that's that could be a realistic composition against Japanese yeah man the the fish is actually giving me a bit of anxiety just watching how much they bomb oh so inefficient it's like a laggy Black Forest game with trade carts they just won't do and Reuben suck he even is sneaking in some ducks egg the police's villager he's running towards a position yeah I think Reuben stock wants to focus on water in him I think he wants to go fast fire way Japanese don't get wait do they get fast fire do they not I think they do yeah it's Italian wait no Italians get it what's it doesn't get fast fire that's really important obviously Malians maybe I forget there's a there's I guess Vikings maybe I'm just thinking of the top three water sibs I thought there was one out there but anyways we actually have archery ranges now for Velez and Reuben stock probably feels like his one chance to get back into the game is win at red board so he's going to drop his castle right there and turn this into a trevore first thing in the interior lage where is the lease dropping a second Castle oh he hasn't dropped yet I guess once he sees the castle from robust up he might even drop oh he's dropping it in front yeah yeah okay which means Reuben stock will have his there'll be one castle verse two castles which means we'll be out revved and it's Japanese trips and he wasn't really able to clear out all the fish either and Aztecs they don't have any defensive great they don't have hoardings they don't have masonry you other buildings yeah good point yeah analyze is getting that too Velez is getting oh he's getting siege engineers my bad it looks very similar to two masonry sometimes block printing from Reuben sucks oh yeah I mean once this castle is down what army is ruling so going for besides monks just monks all right get the siege tower out make another siege tower all right and just take care of the monks and you win the list now he's going archers out of the ranges and it's a good play he has the Eco for it yes the monks have more range but most are so much more expensive so I think Velez is in the position to be very patient wait until he has the numbers to take the engagement and then swoop in maybe Eagles maybe scurbs those are some things that Reuben Saka think about but it has to be soon because otherwise this is going to be way too much for him to deal with yeah Reuben so he's adding a couple of ranges so he might go first on skirmishers yeah palaces everywhere from Reuben stock he's starting to panic a little bit he knows he's down two games already to his teammate and he wants to get a win I get it man and I did in the end I think the strategy was pretty interesting and we also got to see a ridiculous highlight when Velez counted it but there's a reason you pick Japanese there's a reason you go for water and allez he doesn't even have a farm last time I checked he hasn't needed them his eco is just fantastic and now fish traps too which is a great move yeah and Rubens look he's running out of gold he doesn't have any relics now smartly he did Scout the extra gold to the left yeah to direct and he's also adding a couple of dogs there and even a castle yep yep so castle for Reuben stock that's just to protect it from any Navy and maybe maybe he wants to dock and maybe he wants to fight back on water but there's almost too much he needs to do right now that's the problem fast fire is already in for Velez all in the monks how many conversions can you get Reuben stock a lot wow that was impressive but wait where are the monks in this Reuben stock space he got about RS conversions on the arts and now he's going skirmisher but everything is getting trimmed and the long swords are here yeah and he doesn't have the the greatest of great Co nice commercial yeah exactly yeah it's just everything likes it won't even get the atlatl of great for the +1 range and effect on his scripts yeah he does have the castle now so we know he has it he has a level that means he's lacking chemistry because he has eight range yeah but efh range standard it's not oh yeah yeah yep sorry wait yeah yeah wait yeah wait no wait yeah tower now okay tower some yes some yes I'm at without erection is he trying to convert the trebs that would have to be some real monk RNG for that to have worked no it's weird when you look at the pops but it just doesn't seem like Rueben stock has any chance now I don't know where his population is how does Velez only have a hundred and thirty two population it's it's probably due to the lack of bills as he's now adding some farms trebs can be converted to the people asking trebs can be converted if you have Redemption you have to be at the base of the tribe though and that's what he was trying there good luck pushing these towers he's making another castle to the right of his base we don't really see that doing much besides maybe some protection from the water if he wants to go for a good line in late galleons I think the only way Reuben stock does it is if he gets fast fire and he Snipes all those fish and chips if he does that he has a big ego lead but I don't know if he has the time to do that and he doesn't have the counter to the tower push and the TREB push and this is just it's just gonna continue to get worse and worse and worse for him and what's funny is when you get pushed like this you keep rebuilding houses normally in the back of your base all of these houses are gonna be trebs down that's a hundred pop space that he needs and so it'll just make things worse not to mention the castles that are out there like this one on the shoreline will probably be trapped next ya and Reuben sake doesn't have any siege so it can't really keep sfrom release yeah yeah yes the one you Travis yeah he will just build a couple of keeps keep his traps behind CGT down all the buildings and then push forward like that yep this is this is desperation time for Reuben stock is he about to send hold on a second I think he's going to try and convert the Navy you've paid for it I'm going to use it is that where he's sending his monks right now all right it's actually because it makes sense yes he country to do anything in his base yeah here he goes he sees them this is Velez's point of view well Velez can just sail away right he can sail to the north and avoid that yeah okay so not what Rueben stock would have wanted oh maybe it will be good let's see - it's a lot of clicking you need maybe he'll get two more here this is so weird alright he gets a few more but he's still losing his base everywhere he'll lose his castle his villagers are running to the center does he want to drop a castle in the middle he does want to drop a castle in the middle where all the gold is what is this game and he he could do it he has a space for this okay clear out we're going to gold now all the Lumberjacks can't come apparently they're just meant to chop wood but all the miners they have new jobs this is stupid man this is so Rueben stock but this game will just continue like this for the next hour if Reuben stock wants to continue to run they'll eventually be pushed out by all those villagers we'll be on the other side of the map yeah they have to run the whole way around all right Reuben stock well he has galleons he had to convert them but he does have galleons he can maybe get the relic in the center is so cluttered here he's trying to add a town center is making masts monasteries so he will just go fool monks converted as many ships as he can yeah oh man I really I know this makes me sound evil to say this but I kind of wish spring would face Reuben stop doing this just once just to hear spring rage because spring does not like it when written stock continues to play and try wacky things why does he do this this game was over 20 minutes you know but there's been a few instances where Reuben stock tries his best and then he ends up coming back against vélez it seems very unlikely but anyways that's just the evil part of me I love you spring someone in the chats is a beet spring last night and he would not resign salute the man congratulate him for his win as funny actually I was watching that game and I was wondering why you didn't kill him faster when there was like spring was his sixty pop but I did watch that game myself alright well apparently Rubin stocks not giving up monks monks monks this is unwinnable right yeah this is like I can drag the game out thirty minutes but I have no way of with yeah seems like it there's a new report function now you can report people maybe Velez could use that option on Riven stock is running to the middle with these villagers is every bit of his eco going to be in the center at one point there he goes oh oh the demo it's all part of the plan the demo the highlights it's some bait boom worth it he wanted to try and make your game crash again like Angie yeah I figured out why that happens to apparently you're not supposed to select units before they all die which my response was this is a game of war so if I can't select units before they die we might have some problems but it's fine I've urban stock he thinks it's fine he's he's walling more he's so dead just design even the galleons hoping outs yeah he still has gold in the middle and he has he has two relics there okay this is where we start making bets I will gift 50 subs to my stream of Reuben suck wins this just to make it interesting you know yeah this is this is where I get in trouble but 5050 suddenly Rubenstein has a lot more fans and Felice he can even take all the extra gold to the left of his base which he hasn't taken yeah there's resources everywhere I really wish she would make a ram and ram down the houses that seems like an underrated move too cap ribbon stock yeah because it doesn't really have any space to exactly [Music] well then again with monks you can convert past your pop space you only have fifty pop space but you can nerd everything and okay Reuben stock he resides he taps out I think you and I both agree we could see what he was trying to do there but Velez knew it as well and LEDs with the siege tower pretty much put a stop to it in Castle age yeah that was just a sick move that completely shifts to the game yeah I think otherwise Reuben stock could have continued to pressure on and he did a Tico behind so I would have been a lot closer yeah what I expected was he'd send the long swords out and then Reuben stock would convert it he would convert all of them sorry and then Reuben stock would still be in the game but that's each tower clay play of the day right there well the score is now three zero if you think back to round one in this qualifier Velez three owed Satele a player around the level of Reuben stock I would say from France easily Velez is really showing that he deserves to be in the main event of hidden Cup three I am hoping the Reuben stock can can put in some work here maybe get an extra winner to or possibly pull off the refers sweet you saw one earlier slopes so Indians as global events Khmers global event do they go Mongols because of the hunts we saw lakes go for slabs on the map what are your thoughts project album yeah I think Mongols is probably the best bet but with seeing a couple of Slav appearances and it does make a lot of sense because late-game they are really good on this map but I think it will probably be Mongols yeah I mean when I look at Eldorado you don't need mumbles hideout other saves probably than Mughals cross definitely not Mongols and so I'm thinking Mughals will hop into Game four we have not seen a mirror match up yet so this is the first mirror matchup and mirror matchups actually really show you the difference between two players sometimes sittin on mirror matchups you can go for different strategies in a mirror matchup when you have the same options it's more about who's just the better player driven stock here in the red and then Velez here in the blue I've talked a lot about slopes Belgium but what are your thoughts on the map you know its brands new I personally really liked it yeah I also really liked it you do know the set positions of the beer and the short fish so you do know where to pressure the map is fairly open in the center where you once you go into castle eights you do have to expand outwards because those wood lines and they are fairly small so yeah I think it's a really nice aggressive map yeah yeah I think this is a map that we might even see some players ban possibly if they have the option to if they're a player who doesn't play well on it most of the players and we'll have 16 names in the main event they're all gonna be fast players they can all play on open maps but there might be some that prefer to not play towards the strength of speed bouts that I was gonna say that well okay so what's funny is doubt and Tim play on Monday and the winner of that best-of-seven moves on and I think if doubt wins and moves on he won't like this map against some of the other players in the event and I think if Tim moves on he's also not going to like this map either because you have to be very fast-paced so keep that in mind guys well we're trying to guess who is who during the main event yeah and one difference in playstyle between those who is that valise in from the start of Dark Age mmm yeah the less went to the dear already what's up with Reuben stock going for four on wood with Mongols that is really uncommon normally you're seeing straight to the deer as quick as possible straight to the hunt as quick as possible four on wood we said it in the Persian matchup it indicates something other than fast fuel and he's making is making a barracks why I think I'm a bit in front yeah you might want I'm a bit ahead of you well spoilers maybe pause somewhere we can we can get to that point together yeah I view a stream open so okay perfect I saw this Belgium is Co casting and he'll also type emotes in the chat you can't help himself I saw you type T 90 doubt there when we mentioned doubt and hope that was funny alright so yeah I have your stream open so just in case any one of us gets ahead then I know if I need to speed up or post alright yeah that's perfect so I'm I guess at this point you might know but I've just seen the barracks and I'm closing in on five minutes but that that barracks was almost spotted by bless if less would spot that he might know what's going on I guess this is going to be a yolo'd rush after the villagers to see if you can pick them off but I almost feel like loom will already be in for the less by the time the five sometimes with rubens took went for the gold in the backend SOI Wow so he knows militias are coming up yeah so when you dress you collect ten gold so you have the goal to get loom and also make three militia and seeing that villager is huge I'm surprised that the less didn't kill that bill actually he just let it go he could have killed that bill yeah and I guess going for red rush those make some sort of sense because you can deny your opponent from the deer now the good thing is that he went super soon were fast for the hunt so yeah sock might not be able to deny as much deer as he wants to but I think he will definitely be able to just use his militia to kill some deer and deny aroma soaked from the deer yeah so I see fuel aids on the way for Velez this looks like meta this looks like Scouts and then you have Ruben stock is this Josh fast hassle I think it's a really really risky on this map was very weird yeah it's not a map to goad rush FC it's so open so exposed it's so difficult to wall your face most players have been going for very fast Scouts in fact all players have gone for very fast Scouts regardless of whether they've won or lost this is the first time we've seen something different even just known to get it was important here for the hunt but he just took one deer and then went back maybe forgot about his number camp already yeah you know he didn't have the wood cause he milled the berries I think even if les loses the filter here which he might not he won't have many complaints Belgium he can just make a stable and pump out Scouts and Reuben stocks based be wide open yeah and he is 500 so should be more than fine yeah yeah it's not like there'll be any shortage there now if you if you somehow go for an insta I'm not saying lithuanian tsar meta here but if you went for the lithuanian rush then you can clear out the deer before a couple of them are taken but now the lesson futile he's already taken half of his deer now Reuben stock is milling now so I think it was a mistake that he didn't do so before and the man Velez loses one Ville but the rest of the militia won't accomplish much i would attack the deer if I were him though he's killed the deer yeah they're clear so one militia from Roma Stoke is just one hit I think for this we'll get it he ran back yoke went in and then ran back I guess he didn't realize it was low shoot the deer quickly before before it gets taken out yeah there you go shoot it so you can eat it oh nice that's the way to do it right there I don't know right now Reuben stock on the way the feudal age so yeah it it won't be a virgin see I think yeah he's going for the gold in the bag so maybe it will be archers but then again he doesn't have that many on boots so this is probably the most shocking of all the games yes Reuben stock tried some different things before but to go for what he has tried for him this map it doesn't make any sense and it could be because he's been 3 oats so far and he's not very confident and he knows how good Velez is trying something different I could get on board with but this right here it just seems like suicide right now three Scouts full HP Scouts on the way and on the prowl for these villagers and he's just about to arrived a futile AG he doesn't even have a spear out yeah and he has scattered those deer so once the third Scout is there he will send his room so he's up the futile age now so he knows I need to damage now because there will be Spears there for sure yep well let's see what type oh oh okay he quick walls he will lose a villager and so much work for yourself now to have the wall you can't take the deer anyway so and actually we can run those deer oh no this is bad yeah this this is not good for Reuben stock again I can appreciate the fact he tried something different but the less it's so easy for him now he has all of his hunts oh I think I think this oh no I think this is just it we might just be seeing the gg here actually it's not like Reuben stock to call it but to lose that many villagers surprisingly Phil count is only two difference that's weird how did that happen oh yeah he did kill one Phil from Feliz with the militia true true that's true yeah so this rush into Archer strategy is actually even rare on Arabia but this map is more open than Arabia so very surprised to see it and the easy counter now for Velez who has an amazing economy is to go into archers himself or to go into some skirmishers he has 500 food in the bank everything just looks so nice and neat and clean and bless his base and Reuben stocks all over the place no structure really Philly's going for two ranges like you said he could go for scams go for archers he knows exactly what Reuben stock is going for while a Reuben stock he doesn't really have any idea what if it is going for in the equities yep so open to the counter with ranged units allez might not even do it in feudal but if he makes a few archers and squirms now and keeps these Scouts alive the spear defense archers coming forward all of that gets countered I'm feeling a bit about that a blacksmith soon yeah and Velez knows there's a weak villager thanks how good is flu as plate he even knows about that that one Ville that was on half HP Reuben stock tries to wall it in and what do Ike loses it anyways and a scalp does not even die beautiful play from plays this fall that's playful is really a Reuben so he was trying to go around but Felice is just it's fully walled almost completely yep yep if it takes you what is it 17 minutes to get your fuel age army over to your opponent good luck and now the counter is already here the Velez has been waiting for this every step of the way on top of this that he should be in a better position to go Castle age 2 so it's this is what competitive Age of Empires is about right man you you make a mistake or two you're still in it but you leave yourself this open to the counter you go for a unit composition which really doesn't make sense in the situation and a player like the less will punish you know Grubin stock he is also making a stable in the back but I had to believe that for this we'll have enough archers to support his skirmishers yeah sure yeah so I think in this situation let's say it was earlier in the game you'd see a stable here for Reuben stock he's just added it actually I didn't realize so you make the stable to counter the scams that is his way back Velez he's going to start transitioning into some Archer production and just go Castle age so Reuben stocks chance now is if he gets enough Scouts out to counter this and just holds on the downside is that's a huge food investment and he'll be further from castle age man so villagers on the deer might be in danger yeah and the fact they've just picked up yeah the fact that there's three deer here that have not been collected yet pretty bad sign when your Mongols you could have taken in early game oh he just shot his own deer oh he shot it with the bill I thought it wasn't archery it's fine he's got this Reuben stock only has 39 food he's just spending everything yeah even if it loses everything here he still save at home he can just wait till Castle age get crossbow of great yeah even go for Bob Knight's normally I think it would be a switch into archers that's what we've seen for the most part after the Scout opening but here it makes more sense to go Knights if you're Velez even just one or two would clear out everything that Reuben stock currently has and so he's pushing forward he's running across the map oh we didn't even have horse collar man no horse collar so those farms are all going to expire soon and I think Velez will go into the main event of hidden Cup three completely undefeated in the qualifier it's like 300 round one looks like he could be 400 round two he has to be said is way better than he was last year would you agree do you think he's really improved his play yeah and especially this qualifier he has just shown that he plays so flawless yeah really smooth game it's sick his is really sick it's not like Reuben stock and Satou are versatile or however you say that sorry our slouches some players had parter opponents as is the nature of a racket like that but I just haven't seen mistakes but think back to Game one Game one he had an awful map Rubin stock had an amazing math and some helpful as I'll played in there and ok Reuven stock is he knows he's behind he's going to give it his best effort he's not going to tap out he's going to come forward with a tower this has to continue for a long time and he needs to get Speers he needs to get arch routines to get everything to Velez's based but he has any chance and filete even added in a cave archer mmm I like that device really sucks yeah sorry go ahead release but the the short fissures from rumors with the cap Archer is he actually going there imagine if your tech stance is going for the gold yeah because you want protocol which is quick Walden right so we'll just sit on that that's a lot of nights and these aren't nights without upgrades they have armor they have bloodlines they could probably fight underneath that tower no problem keeping the walls yeah only one spear there instantly down yeah forward barracks for Reuben stock I think he knows this is probably the end the gold villagers are getting hit a Scout goes to deal with that Velez is just too damn good man the whole army for Reuben stock gets cleaned up on the front the forward barracks will just get funny enough it'll probably just get destroyed by these nights and Reuben stock tapped out allez was undefeated in the qualifier he will be in hidden cup 3 Wow think it was expected to put yeah he just showed us how good he was in his qualifier yeah and how well he deserves it yeah I don't think that many people were surprised by the result I think at best for Reuben stock I was thinking Velez would win for one today but the reason that I thought that is because of how good fillets is man I think when we when when all is said and done at the end of hidden cup three we look at the bracket with all the hero names and we reveal who the players were it would not surprise me if some of the names we've seen so far in the qualifiers show up deep in the tournament I'll show you the people who have qualified now over the last two days fool and he could definitely go far Joe Gow could definitely go far he's probably expected to go far honestly backed after his reverse sweep today he could do anything and then Velez for Reuben stock these are some big names and they're also getting good experience Belgium so Hera max Leary viper MBL vivvy Tatsu and yo these are the biggest names and fantastic players but they're also not getting practice on the maps are they practicing do they have the experience it should be fun no I guess one thing is that they will be able to the begins from the other guys so they will also have some sort of an idea what to play but you still need to practice those maps yeah exactly yeah I think there is some practicing going on behind the scenes but I don't think there's any substitute for actual tournament play practice games with your friend where you can talk about things during the games after the games just aren't the same as stepping in and saying all right if I don't win here I'm out right and that's how the main event will be and that's how the qualifiers work but props to Velez man he's looking very good
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 64,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game play, casting, expert, rts, commentary, overview, Hidden Cup 3, HC3, Hidden Cup, Villese, Rubenstock, Winland, Finland, Suomi
Id: JJaCYqtIfSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 55sec (6475 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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