Empire Wars Duo 2 | Semifinal #1

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really strong so here in the red we've got velez velez playing as the britons this was their very first pick on the sieve draft teamed alongside the max who's playing as the huns here in the yellow now max is going to be up against well looks like their scouts are fighting dogal who's playing chinese so that's the archer player it's important to note uh and then in the north we're gonna have miguel and miguel's playing as the franks so we have the archer versus scout role in the north and the south we'll see what ends up happening here and look at this max already towering so upon seeing the enemy scout he said you know what i'm gonna tower that now actually the way it's set up currently in age of empire's de lobby games is your color fixes your position so color yellow color four is always going to be up against color three so i actually really don't like that and we're going to see a potential villager kill here nice job from docal i think that they should have a separate way of setting the position that isn't tied to colors because you don't have to scout to know that information which is really annoying to me what is happening here that scout is getting so much damage on one hp max gets the tower up but holy cow you know miguel would come right over here with this pressure i was very surprised to see that max almost lost another villager but yes anyways i really think instead of having team positions tied to colors it should be a separate option it would make things a little bit better but this is not t-90 rand's time my opinions on how to improve the game never happens so uh here we go we've got an interesting uh development on this side velez pushing forward with spearman and an archer and this was why max had made a tower against dogal because he was worried that this would happen so miguel just happened to get the walls down the scouts for miguel unable to really break in but you see like he would be off of gold max actually weird how he stayed on gold to be honest but i think he's gonna mark it and buy some food or something miguel got the walls down really early hasn't lost the villager yet and then here comes the max and yeah miguel really pulling everything but there it unless there's a tree there there is a hole and that should be clear as day for miguel and he noticed that okay so the scouts are not gonna make it in but the archers here well i guess they're just spearman i was gonna say the archers could harass the woodlines but i think miguel will be fine miguel has a lot of scouts on the field right now like a lot of scouts on the field a lot more than max he's got seven max only has three and with max's approach i think what he's gonna end up doing here is he's gonna buy food in empire wars you start with bills on gold but you don't really need gold to make scouts so a lot of players will pull villagers off of gold like miguel only has two right now but i think he just sent them back to gold so yeah i was a little surprised to see him stay on gold pay attention to the market use from max yeah there see so basically he doesn't invest into as many farms but he then buys the food so it kind of evens out plus he gets the market so we can see what his allies doing not bad not bad not bad george says i think you can disable that option yeah but they they use fixed positions for the tournament george and my point is if you're using fixed positions you have to tie it to the color so yeah you can disable the option but the options always utilized in events so i'm just saying that it would make sense to have a separate option that's not tied to color that's all king boo is saying it has no effect i'm pretty sure that's incorrect especially on some of these maps king boo i'm pretty sure you're that's incorrect like on um miguel is to defend this and it's it's taking a lot but he's going to defend this i forget the name of the map cape of storms it definitely has an effect some of the other ones definitely has an effect max stonewalling here because this army's looking to break through we're going to have the walls extend to the edge of the map and uh well we'll see miguel's on the way up after producing a fair amount of scouts he definitely hasn't had the easiest time with his eco but it's also not the worst we'll be able to finish off these berries has plenty of uh his woodline working also hasn't even been forced into a tower as he makes a tower on his gold all right so better safe than sorry here from miguel really is going to need the gold for the knights and mr dogao has been relatively untouched at home three ranges dogs on the way up with a really good time velez hasn't clicked up yet so all this aggression for velez there he goes but i think the advantages are going to be for heresy the start of castle age in this game all right anyways i'm sorry i i'm an opinionated character i like to branch out on certain topics i like to think that talking about these things can maybe spark greater conversation and maybe some change and maybe i'm just not even thinking that i'm sorry to derail any of the chat okay we'll get back to the game here i love how velez is doing this he's got two spears sitting right next to the archer because he knows that if it's just one arch or the scout to come over and pick that off it's super annoying but miguel's gonna be getting upgrades for his units anyways because this he's going to be making nights so i think the scouts could probably deal with this soon it'd be nice to be able to take out the spearmen and the archers before any upgrades come in and castle age cause like the scouts don't really matter long term but the archers do so that would be quite good for miguel but doesn't seem too interested in that here you've got dogal i think running back i think he's a little worried based on the uptimes of max seems a little indecisive right now truthfully i like how he's got the spearman back here i think he's looking to see if maybe velez will come over to his base and velez i think may be confusing dokal by sending the spearman over but who knows if togawa is really going to fall into that trap if i had a red unit attacking my wall i would assume it was scouting so the archers could come in oh look at this this is exactly what i was talking about the knights and the scouts the timing's perfect here for miguel they'll take out the spearman he will also take out the archers this is huge this is exactly what you want to do this is velez's or suomi's very first pick on their sieve draft and britons are now behind not super super far behind you're still going to have the extra range you still have the cheaper town centers it's still probably the best archer civilization to have here in these team games but max might need a little bit of support over here dogal has quite a few expos and i mean the tower's nice but it still doesn't fully protect that gold it's worth it to dive under here once you get ballistics to be able to get some bill picks a nice little reposition there from mac so he doesn't lose any fills and degal is just going to sit there for now as you see the support coming over here from miguel but here comes velez the gal will have thumb ring and ballistics no ballistics upgrade for velez no civ does not get thumb ring they just have the extra range and it's damage control now and there's very little hesitation for heresy look at what ballistics did there villagers down and max pulled off of golds but this is also right next to max's stables it's very close to velez so this could be a clear up for suomi they definitely have more units here so let's see if heresies able to get more knights in here from miguel and what the gal's micro is going to be like because the lack of ballistics will be a factor here see how many volleys velez is missing he's missed quite a few volleys though gals i mean they'll take this i think the gal's crossbowmiker was just insane there he killed a lot of units and of course they now have the momentum he's still going to trade against a lot of knights and dougal's still microing away dokal i said yesterday was the best player out of the four that played in the 2v2 quarterfinal i think there's arguments to be made that he could also be the best player in this one as well but i think valez you know maybe just changing that conversation a little bit tell me what you think viewers who is the best player out of the four here in 2v2 situations i think normally i'd say velez the timing on everything right now maybe not making things look too good for him but uh yeah i think it's valez or dogo personally he used to be max max's is arguably better than miguel with the night roll but i mean i think miguel is extremely underrated miguel did a fantastic job with all that pressure compared to max the gal still microing away look at this is this still gow or is this leery i thought leary was playing in the other semi-final like get out of here with your nerdiness man just just let your units die oh man that not so good for miguel and we're gonna see these knights run away so let's get an eco update we do have three tc's over here for velez plus he has that terrifying terrifying flank sieve to work with eight range we have crossbows moving forward with of course seven range for dogal he's actually behind in villagers and behind in numbers britain tc's are cheaper and their archery ranges produce faster on top of the extra range it's really really not easy to win against the britons now if i look at the economy layout the gal is floating a lot more food so it's possible that maybe his imperial age time will be stronger or faster and they're also applying a lot more pressure right now and max dropped this tc on the front here to kind of protect the gold situation but i mean more villagers going down for max it does feel like velez is gonna have to carry this one but at the same time we might have another situation where the gal and miguel are gonna lose a lot of their army if they stick around so they run in they're happy to get the kills now they're going to leave the area and this is around the time 65 villagers from the night player is around the time you start to see more stables so let's see we've got three stables already for miguel so actually maybe maybe we won't see any more i see him adding the third tc instead i think you either go to stable opening and add the uh the third and fourth stable at around 65 bills 70 bills that's at least the mark that i tend to notice anyways or you open three stables and you don't add the fourth one for a while now thumb ring will matter here against the knights right like the firing speed is just insane for thumb ring crossbows and there's again very little hesitation for heresy the military counts are very close but the controller is here for heresy and they continue to idle max's gold eco as well max has to garrison the tc and look at the difference in just how many nights miguel is able to turn out here max is unable to get the night numbers he's trying but when his gold is in jeopardy he's not getting the production he needs even with huns having the 20 faster working stables or is it 10 i forget not enough no gal and miguel just out for blood here and constantly pressuring the max this is the perfect start for them to this series guys a town center without fletching does so little to armies that was such a good move for them to dive under there if you were diving under the archer players town center it'd be a little different because velez already has ballistics and also the upgrades so the stone walls are down we see a stable as part of a wall which is super lowy the legend like for max and you see more units coming forward for miguel who again has insane economy he has 74 villagers tons of farms even adding a fourth dc he's going for a crazy boom here we are going to see imperial age come in shortly for dogel let's just make sure he doesn't forget a building here uh didn't forget the building and wow identical imp times between dogal and velez as velez is finally heading over to the max but guys there's almost 20 nights for miguel he's got insane economy to keep producing them and there's only nine nights for max i think this would be the time for heresy to start to shift back to defense kind of protect miguel as dogal's on the way to imp and try and hit this army because britain's get even more terrifying in the next age when they get additional extra range so i think this is the play for velez and max to go back and hide at velez's base because they're foreseeing the fact they're going to be pounced on look at miguel he's like where's the army where's the army he's placing outposts he's looking for it looking for it but i almost feel like if if heresy have the time and they notice what's happened here they should immediately head over and kill the max but i don't know if they'll have the time because they've already moved this this way uh this far over and this is so smart from the max look at this so they're behind but they're forcing some reactions from heresy this is going to allow velez to push forward you see this the reaction comes in miguel is expecting maybe the crossbows to come in as well so he's asking dogal to come over tricky tricky stuff there from the max and that's going to give him time as well just getting his third tc up but it gives him time to get more nights out for his team and catch up an economy so now i mean i'm looking at these numbers here and just how do you compete the reality is you really cannot compete with the production of britain archers because their range is produced faster there's just no way so you've got to have your night player in a stronger position which hairs he have so often this game mode has been a race to arbalest though both dogal and velez will have rbls is this the identical time it's the same time just this it's just ridiculous 22 33 m times for both players oh god dude you just can't make that up all those people out there who are like i can't i can't wait to try and improve and be the best just give up i'm kidding no that's viper paid me to say that he wants people to give up he doesn't want competition so uh i would say continue to try but it's gonna be really hard okay best of luck to you all right so arb is in again there is still a difference in that you don't have thumb ring if your britons but now you're looking at 10 range against eight range so that's that's crazy plus with all the damage output from your orbs the knights don't really matter that much example a as max throws away all his knights oh man and you know what this is so good for miguel this is so good utilizing the frank bonus of cheap castles dropping castles to defend from this is so important because look at this we have a forward castle from nogal and he can actually threaten the max so if this castle and this castle go up suddenly i think that finland's are going to be questioning where they can hit and where they can do damage to miguel miguel is going to lose a lot of bills here but this is more than worth it he's already 20 villagers ahead of the max great job to commit everything here and he'll garrison and now this army can't move forward love that move from miguel and look they now know they can go towards max and then suddenly les is going to be needed here otherwise max is going to die to this oh there's nothing more frustrating than having all this army but not being able to go anywhere oh god oh god max is so dead and now i guess no gal sending his arms to try and defend miguel because miguel could be next miguel hasn't clicked up but yeah this is brutal what velez is really going to need is some siege to push those castles you have 103 villagers for miguel granted he might have some losses following this but max is down to 70 and max is gonna lose i mean he's losing access to gold losing the town center here these villagers are fleeing because they understand what's happening now at the same time you have miguel taking losses i mean this is inevitable miguel is on the way to him so this is a ridiculous little base trade scenario we saw a similar game yesterday between aftermath a and b and max is making a tc on a cliff you can't even farm around that oh at least there's some gold there but geez that sucks to see and then this is the correct move from miguel by the way his imperial htc's right here i've been keeping an eye on it but he's just dropped the castle next to his town center he's like i need to make sure i block this off in whatever way possible and he has tons of army remaining so i mean if he's able to get cavalier in suddenly you have cavalier and arp and oh max max is probably micro in his army max there we go now he reacts avalez is getting hit but yeah i think what's going to happen is heresy is going to be more together as a team that is if velez and max can be stopped here i mean this is there's still a lot of exposed eco miguel is now gonna make another castle here and you've definitely it's really tough to be able to afford more units and to afford upgrades if you're in miguel's position but it's even worse for max so a 72 are blessed now for dogal it's a 95 for velez dokao is just going to protect the hill say goodbye to your knights max max runs away but the castle's up and dog can kind of fall back here now interesting castle positions for velez he's trying to protect his side um and maybe allow maximum freedom to reboom cause that's essentially the situation max is in this is still the army that has to be dealt with it will take dogal time or miguel excuse me time to research the final armor and cavalier and dogel doesn't really but did i just say to gel i just combined to make up though gao doesn't have any defensive castles in the back of his base because that doesn't make any sense why would you make castles in the back your base oh wait it's because here they come the direction you would have never so yeah extremely awkward stuff here you also have degal with uh maybe he's trying to do too much he's gonna lose those arbs i think he's probably just reacting to this crazy force says miguel has 18 cav it's not bad and once you get to 25 or 30 suddenly that starts to look a little more menacing but the upgrades are on the way for him it still has a decent amount on food and a decent amount on gold and actually dog just sent him a lot of food okay we have chivalry on the way for miguel which will make his stables produce faster and that will also increase the speed of any upgrade so maybe he wants to click paladin he does have the resources for that max rebooming but only at 41 villagers and this is a doubt castle for dogal we will not have any doubt in the semi-finals but we're starting it off with doubt and here are the cavaliers so this is what you start to do now as the cav player paladin upgrade is going to come in really quickly you start to pick off the the small groups first so you chip away at this group then this is the ultimate group you gotta focus on long term but you're waiting for your upgrades you're producing more units you start to rate a little bit but you're you're just waiting for an opportunity where those small groups cannot meet up with the main group and then you pounce on the main group ridiculous game really like the fact that the population is so similar is a testament to valeza's skill i i mean britain's as well but holy crap he's going to try and do it all here the guy's trying to switch into help i mean you don't have the pop space ford feliz it's a lot of arms right there and i like how max is as he's been quietly rebooming also been moving his knights around it's really important that there's a meat shield there also sending some knights over here max is about to be an imp i i think i missed it velez probably sent him some res um see miguel miguel's gonna try and town center he's gonna try and town center that gold that's so greedy dude that's not gonna work and now what heresy wants to do now we have paladins inside of uh the eco for velez but what the ultimate game plan is in the late game is to trade right so you need corner control and neither team has the corner locked down if this corner and also this corner you can't run trade through there because of this and then it's the same thing for finland they also cannot run trade through there yeah guys with the stable production speed and with the resources that miguel seems to have i really don't think that this is gonna be good for this army i mean they're gonna try their best here but paladin is paladin as i've so wisely said over the years it's just too strong man frank paladin 192 hp it takes so long to be able to get kills max isn't even fighting max is literally just trying to dodge shots but the paladins they're gonna do an okay job i think max and velez got okay value with this fight but normally after a good value fight i look to another area and say well because of that value fight they're winning in this area where is that going to be i think that's going to be here i don't know about a victory but we're going to have halves at least yeah look at that yep arabs going down now you have 60 army less than 60 army soon for velez now his army is going to be comprised of melee units which get countered by dogal's arbalest and immediately after that we saw caravan so caravan meaning we're going to see some trade for heresy look at miguel's castle spot he knows how important the corners are market going up castle here to protect things we also see what okay those walls were there in dark age anyways the the point is the position is better for dugal and miguel currently as max is still very far behind and i guess this is the area now that max and velez are going to try and push we have cavalier in we have hal which is the counter to paladin it also does not cost gold but here comes the arboles this is the thing trash units in team games they don't work too well because there's always going to be gold units out there that counter it so it's kind of a desperation move because max is only at 60 pop this tc is not going to complete for miguel it still cracks me up though and this cc is going to go down for max i mean dogal is now everywhere 200 pop for him and i expect a big old cleanup here for heresy they call it suomi vs brazil or call it heresy versus women i don't care the heresy in this tournament but the brazilians start off the series with a statement dude with a statement the very first pick on that sieve draft was britons they wanted velez on britons swami got that and they did not get the victory that is a huge huge win for heresy now this is not to say the chinese and franks were probably not high up on the draft we'll look at that sieve draft in a second those are obviously insanely strong picks um i think overall it was a 50 50 match up with the civilizations but yeah it was just a better early castle for heresy and they were able to snowball that quite well so eventually max having to reboom in the corner good job from velez to try and recover but i don't think heresy was ever truly worried i think uh once the castle started to go up for miguel they realized that he was going to be able to keep his ego alive they knew they just had to to weather that first storm which they did and then they'd be better off and strong performance from them i think that uh heresy also big confidence players i don't think finland's really care too much i think they're going to treat each game for what it is but that's going to boost their confidence there quick look at the statistics we actually have uh time now because this is a live semi-final there's the kd for you dogal didn't have the prettiest kd because he was outraged by velez so frequently but he also had a wonderful time against the max and max with a horrible kd over there economically you had velez lots of stone and wood but you had miguel somehow after having to make all those castles still having more food and more gold than anyone in that game and then poor max was just so far behind gg all right well uh we gained a lot of viewers throughout that game so welcome everyone my salutes go out to you score is now 1-0 for heresy this is a best of seven seven excuse me semi-final um since we now have the time we're going to go to the draft so first we'll head over to the map draft max is going to get to choose which map they play next i guess valez will have some say but it will be suomi's choice they have atacama river belt and forest pond available now you'll notice that there are actually three very different maps forest pond a little more wally with some water river belt open with some water and then atacama i guess technically there's water there the screenshot doesn't show it but um but anyways yeah i'm excited to see which map they go for as far as sieves let's look at the breakdown so huns was pick number three and then britain's was pick number one see what i mean not the greatest start civ wise they prioritize those sieves real early and then you don't win with them that could mean that they have quote unquote weaker sieves for future games as for heresy franks was picked number three and then you had chinese not too far along down here as pick number six but yeah those are the sieves remaining for the teams throughout the rest of the best of seven i expect swami to respond here um thank you for the tier 331 uh 31 months 31 months one of my very few tier three subscribers because that's crazy support i appreciate you thank you yeah i'm kind of with someone in chat who just said that puns maybe doesn't fit the third pick all that much um that's a little tricky i can agree with you to some extent and maybe huns isn't quite worth being that high if you're going to play them on arabia i don't know i think hunts have a really good win rate in this tournament it's it's a civ that's really good at flooding military and they're really good did you hear that random character i wish they would have removed these new noises man these random birds and whatever sound effects they recently added to the game but yeah anyways i think guns aren't bad they just don't wow you as much as other civilizations but they do the job so guys the other night i was recording stuff for youtube and uh we're branching out the content now i'm gonna have uh basically a team so the content is going to be a whole lot better on youtube i know a lot of you guys might not be able to make it to the streams all the time youtube content is going to be better than ever and i i recorded this intro for maybe the 10th time because i wanted to make sure i got it right and then one of the new sound effects they added came in and was just like and we i had to re-record the whole thing and then i kept getting it wrong dude it was so frustrating i actually made one of my weakest complaints to the devs and i was like can you make it so those sounds are optional because every time i try and record something there's a random bird in the background and the only response i got because it was on discord the only response i got from everyone as part of that group was a bunch of keck w's so i don't think they're really going to take my uh to take my suggestion seriously but i asked them about it i said like what's the deal after the most recent update and they actually said that the sounds were always in the game but there was a bug where they wouldn't all play and they fixed that and i in my mind i was like well thank you for having your priorities straight glad our sounds are now more accurate you know i was like really come on but anyways it was a bug they fixed it i appreciate them for it so miguel playing as the bulgarians here he's going to be getting his blacksmith upgrades rather early already has actually uh so he has forging now because it's cheap with bulgarians to get the blacksmith upgrades over here you're going to have dougal surprise surprise going archers very close quarters against velez going archers that's going to be the theme here i think miguel will be going scouts and knights all day same with the max with maybe the exception of forest pond which is a different map now if you ever look at a sieve match up and you're like you know what that's that's weird why is that sieve there why turks well it's because it's the best of seven now and you have to draft siebs for it so you're never gonna have your most ideal sieve in a spot at least not for most of your games as miguel looking for the doinker he tried to micro doing got him took some hits though those scouts are pretty weak so i think that that max will probably be in a better position long term and this is what i mean you see he gets some hits and he doesn't kill a ville but his scouts are ready to fight another day scout hp is really important and lots of pressure over here on dogal's base i noticed his second range was delayed so he's down oh he's actually not down in archer but some crazy micro stuff as the armies have yet to meet up from each team sometimes you're gonna have that shift like i could see max coming over here soon maybe well some people said velez is the best in this four out of the four players here some people said dogawa is the best we have to see who's gonna outperform in this situation looks like dogal is missing a lot of hp there so i had said two weeks ago when casting heresy that i forget who they were playing at the time but i said that miguel was the most inconsistent player out of everyone who was there and i didn't mean that to be real negative right i'm just saying that the level's so high and if i had to pick someone who maybe lacked consistency at times this year it would be miguel and i'm really good friends with miguel so i went to miguel's stream to watch him play a couple days later and people were snitching on me i show up and people were in chat and they were like hey guess what t90 said about you miguel taking it totally out of context and he was like tristan did you say that i was like let me explain man anyways he's played really good today i just feel like velez and max have had a significantly better opening in this game i can't say stuff dude people just constantly looking for drama looking to ruin good friendships how dare you um yeah i mean this is now a big problem for miguel as well like miguel he needs to be at dougal's side here he needs to show up with additional scouts with additional upgrades so we'll see if felez and max will have confidence to maybe loop around all this because that's where the gold is i feel like it's just gonna get to a point where maybe miguel will have a little bit more than max because miguel's so close bloodlines and attack is going to be in for max in about 40 seconds miguel already has those so this could be the opportunity for the brazilians to push back good pick off there from dokao and maybe this is where the confidence comes in but max is gonna have his upgrade soon oh man this is a really close game i noticed that max has docked and he's fishing so that really helps his food income and miguel has not done that and it's pretty uncommon for the scout player to not do that on this map based on what i've already seen and that's going to help with scout production of course but miguel he's defended well so far from this he expected it could happen he started making some houses here has the tower on the gold and here comes dogal now to help miguel and then you have valez who's clicked up to castle age dokao's gonna be right behind him oh my god these up times between these two players have been insane today now i love vietnamese in this tournament i feel like they're not the best pick ever but they're also underrated in many ways if you're going to be going straight archers having the extra hp is so nice of course knowing where the enemy tc is as well is nice and then their eco is really not bad so in general i feel like vietnamese are pretty underrated civilization i'm not sure if viewers agree uh but i think a lot of people's view on them is just because of their lack of flexibility but if you want to just be doing one thing vietnamese are definitely one of the better sieves out there no docking in the middle but there's no fish to gain so that's why you don't see players do that but oh man velez looking to run home here as he probably should and i think we're to see miguel and dogal try and break through this gate but good job from velez he's not allowing to gown an opportunity to attack the gate because he'll always attack the units he's like hey i'm going to attack you and then if he were to realize the scouts were anywhere close to him he would run back and yep i think max it's not ideal but i think he's simply buying his teammate time because they're thinking velez will be in castle age faster and they are thinking correct there also what's this okay that's that's next lever right there don't attack the villagers attack the farm the villagers can never work if you take out their job max realized it though and uh i guess there was a spearman there to pick it off but oh this is fun okay this is fun both the archer players hit the next stage but it kind of looks to me like miguel has more scouts on the field actually i'm not so sure on that but i think the hp for max is pretty weak like this is a half hp army against pretty much a full hp army for miguel the 20 second advantage for velez to get the upgrades plus max has fish and uh miguel does not oh man tagalog's micro though that was just so sick confidence man i'm gonna save this crossbow as well kills the scout now backing away getting ballistics faster than velez what's going on there i don't know why velez doesn't have ballistics yet clearly he doesn't have the resources he's gonna have the university surely yeah he does also the second armor upgrade is coming in for dougal so i think dogal has just had a much better balance with things to be later to ballistics is really poor here and also max is going to be a minute later to the castle age than miguel and miguel gets the cheaper blacksmith upgrades that said though turks do get like kev for free so that's an upgrade that's going to matter a whole lot for the max and that might even things out there but you guys don't cause just looked really good he's getting these tiny little pick-offs here there again scouts against crossbows and all that stuff adds up if they were to swing over to the max right now max would straight up die there's no way max could stop this but the thing is if you do that and here's the gal with another army velez could go kill dogal so it's tricky but i think the correct play for heresy would be to go against the max if they knew his castle age time was going to be later than miguel's the thing is they do not know that they can assume that he's clicked but they do not know how far away he is and so it's a little scary to get close to all these stables now on the other side of things of course suomi didn't know that miguel was gonna have such a big advantage here so he's gonna have light cap plus full armor before max even gets light cap and this archer range because it's up against saracens is going to disintegrate so you need some type of reaction here if you are uh velez also togal getting more pick-offs up here but now he's going to throw some units away the score is telling me that suomi's winning but i think that's because of the fish and the water aspect like there's a lot of docking here for max and water really boosts your score i really think they're going to have tough times on land like that that's an interesting tc spot there for velez i guess he needs to protect the golds and he's going to do it you see the patrol from dogal doesn't have a lot of support yet and yeah that's good for velez and again velez does have more crossbows now so tricky tricky a turk light cap do have extra armor against archers so i guess if they were to fight the crossbows things would be better look at this you're seeing the dodging shots oh velez with the plays the gao should not be engaging here i don't think so anyways they're both trying to micro nerd out then we have the like have engaging here looks like max is going to win that fight he has more units there are more upgrades for miguel really close game but suomi holding on to their eco lead and holding on to their military lead even though they are the ones being pressured kind of awkward here for miguel he's unable to get his knights in there to join the party but i guess you could the gal says i'm gonna solve that problem let's just take out the archer range and now that's one less archer range for velez to work off of granted he does have three i'm wondering if max is gonna he's making some camels wondering if max was gonna send anything into uh miguel's base so right now miguel's gonna try and get to this corner gold because that is so important here and that is maybe part of the reason max is focusing on water you will need a lot of gold if you're going to be making nights and the clock is maybe ticking there for heresy to get there i was very surprised to see miguel didn't prioritize water at all in this game oh you've got to be kidding me look at him he's hiding trying to hide the transport the guy's going to be out of gold pretty soon so he's thinking ahead wow man this is a crazy game advantage to walmey though in my opinion but if this transport can make it over i don't know what i mean miguel's clearly distracted with other things right now if he can get his transport over to that corner this is a different situation let's see if max patrolled this i don't know if he's paying attention there's more nights here for miguel he also has had those upgrades for a while here transport all the villagers hopped out of the transport but miguel i think needs to take the risk here he's trying to make a demo raft we also have the fight going on at the same time over here lots of crossbows for dokao not as many for velez all of a sudden and miguel is going for the mad dash to the corner he's going to make it guys he's going to make it there he should be able to get the tc on the gold that's huge meanwhile max is probably free to transport to his corner i'm not sure about dougal doing that but then again dogal saracen so i guess you could start to sell wooden food with the market and get pretty good reward yep there go the villes they will go for a tc i i'd say my concern right now for suomi is just the lack of military in the middle dokao is gonna melt more archery ranges if they don't address this they need to address this yep archer range will disappear tc will go up eventually for miguel he had to deal with the wolf first water upgrades ferdogal so he realizes how important that is i'm not sure on the timing there and it looks like that max is a lot more military but max also has seven fires and one spearman so the number's a little deceiving there though he does still have more than miguel on land currently miguel was probably distracted maybe he didn't even realize that he had this gold here i don't know he's pretty late to that and max and velez may be looking to pounce on this army to tie it up here tc will of course melt so saracen showing their power you see all this selling there from dogal he must be running out of gold or he must be yeah he's almost out of gold but saracens get more in return when they sell things so that all makes sense and oh there's so many nights here for the max guys miguel doesn't have the amount of knights here this is going to be great for suomi yes there's going to be golden come in the corner for miguel but there will also be golden come in the corners for suomi if they want it great job from the max here 76 eco and he has definitely stepped it up a notch compared to game number one say goodbye to your lead now heresy that was brutal i think they were excited to push forward they they felt as though they could do damage there and they just call it and yet truthfully kind of feels over from there i think what happened for miguel is he just straight up ran out of gold guys like he did not have he does have the gold tier and maybe it was a mistake to not be here maybe he didn't realize until it was too late but he didn't have the gold income max made a lot of light cav which didn't cost a lot of gold and then started to use his gold now he's got a lot more gold remaining and velez he kind of did his thing just holding on right also with max having some water presents that would have made it more more difficult for dogal to get more crossbows out because if you prioritize the crossbow upgrades you're not going to have the water control and then you can't comfortably well he's here but you can't comfortably control the seas ultimately right now as it stands after the resign 19 military against 68. so yeah there's just someone dies over the next 30 seconds heresy know that they call the gg and the score is now one to one that was a good game though the only thing which was a little weird and clearly it was a strategy choice was to not have the scout player go for a dock because i've seen that every other time the gal collected more golden wood that led to him having more crossbows but the food eco was way better for max and i think that's because of the fish so um that and also max collecting more gold turks benefiting there maybe with the gold mining upgrade or not really gold mining upgrade they just mine gold faster close semi-final so far all right so uh everybody we have two semi-finals planned for the day we have this one right now thank you for crossing 7k viewers that's nuts pat yourselves on the back say we're awesome or i'm awesome in chat um or just lurk that's fine score one one now between heresy and suomi another best of seven semi will come up after this but uh since there's confusion and people are getting in at different times i am going to be the bearer of bad news so you know what's coming so long story short yesterday gamer legion a beat vietnam b three to two to make it into a semi okay with less than 24 hours notice they then contacted so like less than 24 hours ago they then said they could not play today and they would not be available to play today and since the start of the tournament it was scheduled for the games to be today and then they could not contact the players and really get responses from them uh gl basically said well we realize this is a mistake on our part we'll accept whatever admin decision is made blah blah blah and so the decision was made to give vietnam be the semi-final because vietnam b were one game away and vietnam b were available to play when you know the games are supposed to be played so that's kind of how it goes um just so you know the semi-final number two will be aftermath b o'hara and leary against bad boy and song song that's why you guys know that now you guys know ahead of time and if you want to read more about it you want to read the full decision from the admins you can use the y command so um i think that explanation is pretty pretty simple right i think that explanation worked out um let me just back away here also you know how we talked about the audio in age of empires for some reason after players resign there's a lot of like wind and and wave noises on water maps i don't know i don't know if it's because i don't hear the wind and water when there's death or if it actually gets louder after players resign i don't know if you guys hear that stuff but anyways we'll prep for game number three here and we'll now uh move on to a home map for heresy it was a really good game there i've loved this semi-final so far and we'll just cross off this the map we just saw of course we saw river belt so uh victory there for the max and velez i mean any of these maps could be chosen here i feel like heresy they love golden pit but maybe it's not one that you you pull out of your hat just yet i think you go cape of storms here as for the sieves i'm going to keep track of this all day today vietnamese victory for the max and velez and they also had turks um for heresy they had bulgarians pretty high up and saracen's pretty high up and didn't get the victory there but fairly even in terms of uh the strength of the civilizations remaining elvenor that sounds like a fun fun time there yeah i think for gl basically uh it was a mix up with their travel and so they they it wasn't like an intentional thing from them but uh obviously pretty bad that you can't make it to a semi-final when all the information's been posted for a long time right but it happens the reason the draft title says the max versus heresy is because max is so good obviously that he could 1v2 he just decided to let velez play today just to make velez feel better about himself leo says are these games not recorded question mark uh the reason we have such delays in between games and you have to listen to my little side shenanigans is because it's live so these games are currently live the other semi-final is played at the same time though so the other semi-final after this will be recorded games that way the winning semi-finalists have the proper the same amount of rest available uh for the final which will be later today all right so it seems as though and i was being sarcastic of course about uh this the draft saying the max it seems as though heresy agree with me we have dougal playing forward incas he's going to be going archer's surprise surprise miguel behind us he's going to be going scout surprise surprise and i just heard a villager die miguel just lost the villager to an elephant not a very good start for him uh that must have been because he was distracted kind of awkward to lauren elephants and boars and whatnot in empire wars so ripperoni to her three ranges for velez he's cummins on the front and then max is behind all this with mongols already taking advantage of the hunt bonus mongols have we're gonna see scouts and archers flooding the map for cumins their ranges are cheaper now that's why a lot of players a lot of teams have been picking them it's just so they can get more archer ranges not really and great archer civ it's just since this game is all about feudal age and cast light aggression it's about fielding as much as possible all right the elephant they got some revenge the elephant's been brought in but miguel that's going to get in your head a little bit you've got a really good sieve here matt garza is probably way better than mongols in this position getting the cheap scouts and the extra attack is important and that's going to set you back miguel paying attention did scout the three ranges that's probably something they expected and we got three ranges for duke out just a little bit later what's super nice about incas is since empire wars gives you a lot of houses at the start and incas have extra pop space to their houses you don't really need to invest wood into houses for a while so you can afford this third range faster than most sieves could so i really like that some people saying we're going to seven games in this one kind of feels like it to me as well both teams have showed up today uh game one was a very close competitive game that went to heresy and i'd say the same about game two even though the game wasn't as long games never really go on as long in the previous map and games usually don't go on too long in this one either i uh i don't think i've ever seen a cape of storms game in this tournament go to the imperial age usually it's small differences how many archers do you have what's your micro like how many scout upgrades you're in miguel's going to have fully upgraded scouts in a moment the problem is for max he's getting upgrades as fast as he can afford it but because he didn't get one upgrade for free he's always going to be one upgrade behind so this would probably be the time for dogal and miguel to start trying to take some engagements and you can see the confidence now as they push forward these archers grunt a lot when they fire they're like it's a tiny little bow i don't know how strenuous that is i could see longbows struggling a little bit you know not sure about these tiny little archers but they're not the buffest little guys so good micro so far from velez max is now 40 seconds away from being on par with upgrades with miguel the numbers are pretty similar there as well as dogal got to pick off which is important because he's been behind slightly in archer numbers due to the faster archer ranges for velez les even adding archery range number four right now it's literally the reason crossbow got invented pulling bows as hard af i'm sure that's what they said uh sire i believe pulling this bow is hard af and it will be tough for our military to take proper engagements what should we do well we should invent something else that was the exact conversation we saw back in the day i'm sure uh i'm just waiting for one team to commit but it seems like both teams are having a lot of respect for each other dogal was going to be the first one to castle age though so this is more so heresy realizing uh maybe we just we threaten them we scare them and then we wait and we have patience then we don't have to pull our arms back as far it won't be as hard af now miguel is doing the right thing and he's maintaining his production of scouts of course his scouts are cheaper and maybe they will actually choose to take a fight it almost seems like this is a fake they're actually diving here ah they're diving and some really good hits as well for team heresy oh man this is this is incredible not only are they going to have the space where if they need to fall back they'll have that time which will be crucial for dogal to get to crossbow but they've taken some really good hits off of the scouts and also the archers from team finland now you look at this fight based on everything with no micro it's going to be a slight victory for heresy or sorry not heresy what i meant to say with suomi but yeah ever so slight and this is what i mean now you have the time to back away and wait for those upgrades if you want to it was kind of a weird throwaway for dogal but it's not like the eagle and the spearman really offer much right now um yep you fall back because they're going to dive on you the second you get your upgrades you start to fall back you start to fall back just make sure you have the space to fall back and velez being two minutes behind is definitely not something they expected here just incredible macro from nogal that's insane with all this pressure the fact that you can perform pretty much like this is arabia is impressive to me think back to game one velez and dogal carried their teams they played really well with their archer role game two maybe doug did get a little bit outplayed i think more than anything max just had a beastly game and now dougal looking to show up here crossbow's in and this pressure can swing right over to max at any time like good luck with this vlez wants to keep his numbers alive sure but this pressure could go directly over to the max max has a lot of unprotected eco and also the race to ballistics is always really important it's not just about these upgrades that's going to come in eventually for velez a ballistics takes a lot of time you have to make the university that was probably not the best fight for mcgill but you have to uh get the university up click the upgrade and that's already coming in for dogal i'd like to see miguel just stick alongside dokao there's no reason to be tempted to move anywhere else right now so i think what you don't want is you don't want dogal to be on his own if these scouts come to town to try and take out this crossbow a crossbow group of course there's more crossbows over here there's more scouts over here from miguel i mean miguel is doing a good job to split off some units like this that's really smart thinking but the core of his military is here he's going to take out that villager oink she dead and you had velez on this gold ahead of time which is really good preemptive thinking truthfully but now those villagers can't collect gold that tower for max i mean if they wanted to attack that that would just disappear i think this next attack is going to be really interesting because dokao is obviously making more and more units and then so is miguel so they could go right to velez as velez has to pull his army back to save max and max is now running away i mean what more can you really do this is looking pretty over if you ask me i mean the military counts still okay for velez but i expect it to get worse for his eco pretty soon also max of course is pretty far behind miguel at least it he should be but max has done a better job with some of the stats here i'm seeing miguel those clicked up to cass lage max cannot say the same and max has been running around with half of his economy so pretty snowbally map guys it's all about out executioning your opponent heresy are looking good they are in the driver's seat right now that's for sure human palisades do have a little bit more hp so this will buy the less time to react to this but now you've got two minutes till miguel gets the attack upgrades for free and will have like kevin knights not looking too hot right now for suomi did i say executioning i meant sorry i'm wrong game wrong game i'm pretty sure i said executing but execution death uh they could maybe clear this no ballistics yet for velez so probably not i've got a tower now it would be very impressive first want me to be able to come back from this it's just non-stop pressure it's all you have to do on this map and empire wars in general as i've said many many times overall less strategy a lot more about uh your apm a lot more about unit creation and unit movement for those aggressive players out there and those viewers that love aggression this is the game mode for you right and uh there's there are maps that kind of add more strategy like hidden treasures we might see i think there's a bit more strategy there for these settings this map you kind of know exactly what you're going to get les of course tried to go for the additional ranges additional ranges didn't do enough and we have uh the gg called this is a record oh this is a live game sorry so we don't get to see the ggs anymore but a very good game they're for heresy i can't say anything more except wow from dogel i mean didn't even try didn't even make many palisade walls base is completely open and dogal says ha ha they're never gonna get to my base because i'm just gonna play the game better than them like straight up the opponent started with more archer ranges he somehow ended up with more military units ended that game with sixty six zero crossbows had more crossbows than he had villagers and had more military alone then the entire team combined that was ridiculous of course miguel also accompanied him well uh did have a shaky start there losing his villager he probably won't tell dogel about that until later and miguel would have really pushed his victory home with the knights so great job heresy score 2-1 we have ourselves a back-and-forth semi-final exactly what you like to see ladies and gents all right uh didn't he do archer armor so he couldn't so he could click up faster oh dre says he didn't do archer armor so he could click up faster dre your mindset is correct to focus on specific things but there was a two minute gap right so a two minute gap does not translate to someone not spending 100 food on armor and and then being up faster right it could have been maybe 10 seconds faster maybe 25 seconds faster but when you have that much eco i don't think armor really made the two minute difference there i think it's just had a better balance of how many villagers are building things how many farmers there were and how much hunt was taken um and that's that's very highly specific things and i would have to break down their builds which i don't have time to do so all right a score will be updated here now that way you know and suomi is going to be let's see if i had a guess i think they're going to go to atacama this is what the home map situation looks like everybody so we've got suomi with atacama and forest pawn remaining cape of storms was a victory for heresy you can see the importance of the home maps already as for the sieves we'll just quickly cross this off magyar victory for heresy and inca victory where's incas there you go for finland they of course lost you had cumins uh cumins was kind of middle of the pack so not really too frustrating mongols higher up there i don't know is anyone else kind of underwhelmed with the mongol pick on that map i feel like i'd be okay with the mongol pick for that map if it was picked further down it bothers me that mongols is prioritized so highly because i feel like i mean the hunt bonus is nice but i'm not really sure the hunt bonus is strong enough on that map where you ultimately rely on fish and farms nobody picking poles yeah it doesn't surprise me i don't think polls are really that strong in general but especially in empire wars i think polls would be better in standard format i know there's a lot of uh poll fans out there not and by that i don't mean people who dance on poles i mean pol fans of the pole civilization and uh i just don't think the civ is that great for empire wars also it's kind of new right and so i think people haven't quite figured them out yet as well a very common thing for high level age vampires is for people to not branch out and try new sieves until they see other people having success with them doubt once called aftermath the copycat kids because his team would come up with strategies and then hara leary mbl nikov would just try and perfect the strategies they came up with it's one of my favorite doubt quotes ever he probably regrets saying that because i remind people that he said that so many times but it's how it goes you you figure out how the game could and should be played and then you you adapt to it lithuanians also are just not that strong in empire wars because they don't give them additional food like persians they also don't get plus 50 wooden plus 50 food when starting in empire wars so the bonuses are not even the same as standard rm it's a polarizing topic minus 7k in chat thank you svendog hey uh i can't believe i'm going to say this out loud but i appreciate the support so sure i'll read your name uh mike hardick thank you for the 10 months thank you tony soprano's pool ducks for the 13 months yo i haven't seen you here in so long i've actually been re-watching the sopranos so to prank tony soprano's pool ducks great to have you back uh bass brammer thank you for the 21 months thank you elvenar for the 19 earlier thank you hyperion warbots okay new sub i can't say their name this is bad g h i b l i panda is it like a silent h ghibli yeah ghibli panda thank you uh please don't leave uh gee gennak thank you what's up robert and cobbs thank you everybody thank you thank you everyone game four is going to be starting right well shortly here i don't know about now because there it is live and there's a slight delay you're the third streamer in a week to mention the sopranos i guess i'm watching it now it's a classic man it's a classic it's not for everybody uh but you know if you want to dedicate yourself to a new show i would recommend the sopranos it's not my favorite show ever but it's definitely up there it is it is an older show so you have to go into that recognizing it's from a different time okay so the next game will be on forest pond are you ready to hear the sieves we will have byzantines and spanish for suomi and we will have koreans and persians for heresy we've seen a lot of koreans and a lot of spanish on forest pond because you have the walls you can try and go to stone and then drop castles i guess saying that the sopranos is an old show is kind of weird when we're watching age of empires when did that show come out late 90s right i could be wrong on the timeline i mean we're all old farts watching the old game right now so maybe that show would be better for you guys yeah it's about the same about the same time frame yo father thank you for the tier three two years and says drush incoming calling it now a drush what no way we're no way we're gonna see a drush have you learned anything in those two years thank you a special salute goes out to father trace too because father trace also sponsored a hidden cup in the past and helped out with the prize pool so um when times were a little bit smaller and and more support was needed father's always been there so thanks uh in the blue we've got uh well villagers forward for miguel what in the blue we've got miguel playing his persians he's opening with the dock and going forward also this villager has gold in his hands which i find really weird normally you'd want to drop off the gold but bringing a spearman forward for less is scouting this less byzantine civilization's like what are you doing here with persians the gao is koreans in the north you then have max of spanish in the north and yeah i think this is going to be some type of a oh all right we're going to have full stonewall here from miguel that's interesting over on this side dog also going for early stone walls you know what this is guys i think this is a counter to what you commonly see on this map which is a castle drop because what tends to happen is players will focus on the water and they'll get so tunnel vision on the water that people will come forward and castle drop them especially spanish max is spanish so i think that max and velez might assume some type of forward to counter that but in reality all we're gonna see here is a little bit of map control with stonewalls so i kind of like that now the problem is your villagers have gone forward and in this case at least velez knows exactly what's happening we'll see if les will keep the scout alive but um yeah i mean i don't know if they're really going to do anything to try and stop these walls we we have some annoyance from velez and velez is also sending a villager i think this is just because de gallo and miguel want to try and win water you pay in chat well it's a while since i've seen you pay what's up my friends i hope you've been dropping tc's irl and having a good time in a while since i've seen you and reuben stock around but of course you are here to root on your your teammates your friends max and velez i'm sure so double dock for max and it seems like there's just a whole lot of docking here this is a slight mistake for velez velez needs to pull back and repair that one and we're going to see a lot of fire galleys and a lot of demos oh my god i'm thrilled oh it's so exciting fire burning fire wow oh i'm sorry i don't really enjoy the fire galley meta let's repair our ship oh yeah let's hit it with a hammer this is so fun listen i'm going to sound like a boomer when i say this but gali micro in feudal age was a better era for water age of empires if you agree type 1 if you disagree type 2 the feudal age at least was in my opinion more entertaining but i will admit that i'm a boomer and i will admit there's the water meta is more balanced now it's just in close quarters fires are the way to go and i i like to complain every now and then you know now this is cheeky from nogal yoga is just going to keep this villager here and say no gold for you i'm just going to wall that up could honestly wall this one up as well um degau only on one dock by the way so i mean to gals on stone we could see dogal walk through this wall and build a castle oh here comes a demo boom okay not the best demo ever max's turn to try with the demo okay never mind no demo this is really hard to cast people ah split well very attentive from all the players here very intensive for max not to explode his demo a good micro from dogal and miguel though that was finally a good demo all right this is gonna go back and get repaired that's one hp though that should that should be snagged well good job for max to be able to repair that one so far it feels like swami are out executing right they're on the way to castle faster they also seem to be a little bit ahead on water this villager is going to be annoying for max max isn't doing anything on land though so i guess their goal is still to try and win water first we'll see miguel on the way up he'll be the last one to castle h miguel's persians so it's really hard to take persians off of water you know what i'd like to see from miguel is to lead one of these palisades and walk out here and dock this would be a really good dock position there's also two fishing ships for valez so he's they've been winning water but he also has been benefiting from it and three fishing ships for max i feel like all the villager time gets sent forward is kind of you know just not the best for heresy now this is funny max just tried to town center this gold and max is going to town center it anyways but there's no gold there i mean sorry the gold is clearly there but you can't really take it and now we have this being walled in and max still cannot see that so i mean eventually that's going to be a big pain so i feel like in some ways what the miguel are you taking wolves to your teammate right now why are you sending wolves this direction all right well they do call miguel the wolf whisperer in uh in brazil i'm sure many people didn't know that here comes valez to try and win water the tough thing is persian docks have double the hp so it is really hard to engage against persian docks without demos popping out and ruining your day so i think miguel will be fine there and he deleted i'm pretty sure he deleted the spearman okay this is really close to a lot of gold i'm going to keep an eye on this and we'll see if we get some woo-woo action now check this out the gals walled in this gold and walled in this cult can see that max is town centered here because of the vision from the walls and now max can see that the castle's coming up for dogal this is almost like a little bait here a little switch a little baiting switch for the brazilians i mean max was probably correct to assume that this would just be defensive play for dogal but nope enjoy a castle on your face buddy that tc is gonna go down pretty quick and we could see some more wagons to follow it up now velez and max are just beasting up on water though that's the problem for heresy there's not even a dock for dogal so miguel is gonna have to fight back on water for his team and he's just so far behind so he's investing into an area where he's already struggling here he's trying to get a pick off and then a repair well pretty good don't ask me how she's hitting the ship with that hammer but she is wow oh my god i'm so excited oh we got two people repairing three people repairing the micro the skill oh actually good job from velez there vlades ends up saving one of these ships and i think miguel is going to have a push back on water and now this is where it gets tricky with max because max looks like he's converted a wagon so that was a good response to make some monks here but uh you know he if he starts to get hit on water he can't do anything about it no way okay i was gonna say max should get that conversion there and guys max has converted the first two wagons over here you've got a wagon hitting some bills this villager's still running around we're gonna name him jim jim the builder he got he's the replacement of bob once bob got fired we're not showing up to work on time um well we got the fire galleys backing away okay this could be a big one velez is also trying to boom right now let's see oh that was a good one because it hit all three ships this is what i mean you start to get a little distracted what i really like for heresy right now is that they both seem to have one very simple role dog is booming pressure on land and then miguel is booming pressure on water whereas velez i guess he kind of has one role as well but like max is distracted right he's get he got hit on water he also has to react on land as we see another demo oh the best demo the game so far now this is where velez will show up with a demo of his own usually and just respond so i mean velez has done a really good job 68 villagers right now it's also cheaper for velez to go up to the imperial age with byzantines all right so more booms less repairs which is nice everything's happening a whole lot faster now what's what's uh what's going on over here we have a wolf attacking a wagon okay jim is did jim get converted oh no here's jim okay jim is over here max has spearmo and jim is about to go down jim got a little greedy here see jim's been working overtime to try and pay for a new house and uh they're offering him the hours so he's like yo can i work at the other location like yeah yeah go do it and i was like okay we forgot to tell you there's spearman there so rip great job here from velez i'm still really liking how velez is playing this and i mean it's also not bad for miguel fortunately for him persian tc's do work faster so it does help him recover with the ville count but he has not been able to take out valeza's fishing ships and then for the max this tc is finally gonna go down but max already has redemption so he has redemption monks now drop a castle here i think max is looking in decent shape max is going to need gold though to go imp the fact that this is walled in is actually really annoying for him but he can convert the wagons he can convert the siege this push is no longer a problem for him and yeah we have imp now for velez i'd like to see fellez drop a castle here start to think about shooting down these walls there's random wagons over here attacking a monk for velez that's annoying dogal's done a really good job of being annoying but i don't know if annoying is going to do too much wagons over here kind of blocking off that corner i think max maybe wanted to wallet maybe wanted to make some outposts out there and we got more fire v fire action miguel still pretty far actually very far away from him he's at 18 on food only does have a lot on wood but just needs to transition that into farms see what i mean like i think i know islands also isn't popular with some people i actually appreciate islands at least on islands you can see different units and transporting but like oh wow okay that was exciting whoo i it really just isn't the most exciting aspect of our game it's always back and forth right you win a fight with the demo and then you get close to someone else's docs and then you get demoed yourself it's just a never-ending cycle dude uh ooh unique tech here inquisition wow i was wondering if we were gonna see that because no one expects the spanish inquisition nice stuff from the max that means that spanish convert faster and that will be helpful with what's out here you've still got some mangoes you've still got some wagons whoa dog house gonna go hussar now this is interesting guys koreans have i think still the worst tests are in the game correct me if i'm wrong they don't have the worst cav in the game but i think out of all the sims that guess get hussar they have the worst hustler they they do not get bloodlines they do not get the final armor they also do not get the final attack but dogal is worried about the monks so he's gonna make that well we have max thinking about making the counter to hust ours already and the pointy boys yeah malay cav is bad but malay don't get hussar so korean hustler is i think the worst in the game that said it's not like it's the thing is it's not like it's a bad move against monks you know so he still wants to make the wagons he needs to take care of the monks and wow miguel is a lot in water right now seems like max is trying to help i don't know where this came from actually no he was on the shoreline for a while if anything it's surprising he wasn't out here in the first place was it really worth it to continue to vest in water at this point i mean there's not even that much fish remaining for velez i feel like velez will be fine with this we have a ram here we've got albs miguel hasn't even clicked up to the next stage guys and he's gonna now go full fat slob stone wall just wall up making another layer that's going to make the eco a whole lot worse as well over here you have the light cav coming in but this is something that max is pretty prepared for the only thing that is awkward for the max is simply the fact that that castle is being tripped down right now now in order to convert trebuchets with redemption monks you have to get to the base of the trebuchets so it's not as easy also losing track there of the pikeman was the max that was pretty sloppy there but he took out a treb at least inquisition monks convert so quick you don't even have a chance to resist god you're just like well okay i guess i'm religious now i mean it is really fast here we have a castle for velez i like the position because this castle secures a position which will pay for the next castle i like the rams as well miguel could actually lose these houses and then get pop capped that's a struggle i just think suomi they had a strategy uh dougal and miguel i i guess in some ways their walls worked but i just think they fell too far behind and it's now about holding on against the crazy push of finland now this is successful for dogel so far and it's also an easy map to drag the game on for a while by the way the wolves are still over here i'll keep you updated skirmishers are okay against wagons they're not great but they're not bad either max doesn't really have the gold to waste and isn't even spending a lot of gold as he has to ram down these walls but we have trade already spanish trade 114 gold per trip that's crazy despite that though i mean max losing some monks to the trebs losing this position a little bit the like have showing up means nogales really pushing him those are expensive monks right there and if you lose this position you then lose the trade you've just invested into so i'm not too sure about that but we'll see if they can hold it certainly miguel is kind of dead i mean he hasn't clicked up the imp it looks like he forgot a second building because he has the resources for it i don't know miguel go up the wimp there we go he's clicked up to him finally the wolves now kill this villager actually i think the wolves killed two woo woo well that's brutal for him he's probably hearing updates that dogal is doing good on the other side so miguel's just has to not die and then hopefully max will die to dogal one of the best traits you can have as a team game player and i know this is really hard to get excited about when you're playing with randoms online but one of the best traits you can have as a team game player is dying slower than the other people out there and i'm not even joking that's a serious thing because there's so many times in team games where you start to fall behind but if you can hold your side just a little bit longer as miguel's trying to play fat slop games here and maybe it'll be okay the problem is if you're playing with random people in team games your instinct is to be like team where's my team and like help me you know very few people are excited about trying to die slower that's not an exciting prospect that's me i play full defense don't die on flank all the time well congratulations i like the idea of magnets behind the walls does anyone know if persians get fortified wall dogal is doing a great job over here this trade is not gonna work out for uh for swami at least not yet i can't help but feel like max should have gone for something other than trash units but i can also see why he had faith in the units he was going for for a while yeah persians not getting fortified wall doesn't surprise me considering we haven't seen it yet you would think miguel would have clicked that so um i mean he's he's done a successful job to hold on he was very late to imp he's gonna go for his own help i think he'll be okay and look at this velez is gonna try and help out now now halps do a ton of damage to wagons max has a decent amount on food and wood so just as dokaled pushed forward here and was confident about the position the position's going to be pushed back now and the position is going to be lost the trade continues to run the wagons got chewed up they're not an ex a very cheap unit i think dougal really needs to make something more that'll get more upgrades that'll get some support in front funnily enough it would actually make a lot of sense for miguel to add barracks over here but i think he's too distracted right now he's got a good ville count but guys the trade gold is so good when you have spanish on your team having spanish on this map and treasure island is just such a big bonus for you is it still 33 more trade sorry there's been so many changes over the years it's either that or 25 oh god the trips oh the poor defenseless strips oh okay so it's 25 now yeah it was changed at some point i knew that cool cool so anyways it's still insane it's still helpful and dog just lost four or five trebs over the last couple minutes that's not so good we now have arboles for velez so that's a straight counter to what miguel was making which was albs we have trebs and we have bomber cannons that will probably start to push mcgill's castle very tricky for miguel to know what to do right now he doesn't have access to the stone and gold that was here he doesn't have access to his main golds he doesn't have a counter to arb and help in fact persians in general just don't typically you want to just go full paladin but when people are ahead of you like this and you're able to force these 1v1 engagements that the arb halb is very very difficult when you're behind when you're ahead you can just throw paladins in there no problem man these pointy boys can we get some boys in chat those that have the emotes we don't we don't use that emo too frequently i feel like it's been a very cost effective to hold the position not too bad but this castle is going to stop the trade now check this out max has deleted the market so the trade will stop here i'd like to see max build markets in the south southern corner now looks like valez canceled that castle because miguel has a lot of traps here so that was a good idea maybe miguel will be able to get paladin anyway i don't know for the last 20 minutes finland have had three corners which means they're going to have the better trade but now we see elite war wagon for dogal is it possible that there's just so many wagons that this can't be stopped by trash i'd say the critical mass of wagons is 40. i talked about wagons on the youtube channel last night tanky units are tough there's 3 000 potential hp in this entire army and again halbs are fairly cheap they are gonna have some help i imagine from velez though i could be wrong on that oh the rams on the trebs again man the tankiness of rams so tough to stop man that c dram just zoomed in finished off a trebuchet or two also soaked up all that fire as miguel's losing the position yeah he needs his own bomber cannons miguel is dying really fast here but the gals like don't resign do not resign we we're stopping them from trading efficiently so yeah max and miguel are playing this game of who will die the slowest and i want to say the person who will die the slowest is the max but i feel like wagons are harder to stop than arboles and help so it's just really tricky did i just see elite cataphract oh god okay opinion changes if a leak had a fact storms into miguel's base i don't see how he stops that he won't have a single castle albs won't cut it it all just depends on numbers kell and max struggling with their food count though it's tricky here come the wagons they're just gonna run right in here also miguel did send some support this way you now have some hand cannons here from dogal ultimately he needs to protect his siege though so he's gonna back up team populations are very similar right now heresy has a little lead see if velez is going to be able to justify elite cat effect it is really expensive and that is a lot of bomberkins for miguel can he hold this can he get some big hits in on the arms what's tricky here is expanding your farming eco you need to start adding more farms and sending villagers to different areas if you do that you can conceivably make more helps and the bomber cannons are wrecking the arms right now bless does have a lot of resources he chooses to dive the bombard cannons wow i don't think that's worth it well it depends how many he gets he's killed two i don't know about that now he's gonna lose his own bomber cannon and what is happening heresy are actually winning this game max is so low on gold guys he he was never able to take this gold he was barely able to take this gold the work that jim did earlier in this game is working and now we have trade going this way which i think should have happened a little earlier for suomi but that's a good move miguel is going to start to push back mcgill is starting to add markets we also have the markets for docal so we will see trade there and this forest pond map has really delivered some grindy games right a type of games where it's just a slow grueling push at least it's what we experienced yesterday max's pop is really not good compared to miguel's only 140. i i still feel like he can get his eco up and rolling there's space to do that but i feel like if more siege continues to come forward from nogal he's going to be losing grounds more than he's expanding he did get supremacy so now his villagers will be more armored but see that just i don't think he's going to want to use them in the fight when he only has 95. we have cavalier and we also have albs and bomber cannons pushing back this position kind of tough for miguel because he doesn't have a lot of gold income pretty much all of his gold i think should be put into the trade and he's doing that so he'll probably end up having yeah he's gonna have to fall back temporarily here wait for that trade to kick in but these wagons man there's so many wagons this is ridiculous okay chat little trivia question for you shout out to one of my best friends named jackson who who is the artist that came out with the song wagon wheel wagon wheel is his favorite song who is the artist that had that song oh god the amount of people saying darius rucker [Laughter] guys so that's his favorite song and darius rucker has a wonderful cover of that song and it bothers him greatly when people say darius rucker because it is old crow medicine show and i don't blame you as you see arms going down to bummer cannons i really don't blame you for instinctively saying darius rucker but i can't wait to clip this and send it to him because thousands of people just tilted them that's what true friendship is i think hmm well we gotta push back here from the max he doesn't know what to make this is like ai army comp here just tossing away skirmishers hustlers and halps honestly feel like it should work pretty well against wagons if the wagons don't have any support miguel is going to try and get barracks down here tricky tricky tricky miguel losing a lot of bomber cannons and could lose the trebs as well this is a messy game and the populations could not be any closer right now 350 total population for both teams the military and the eco is also pretty similar and yes you have that trade bonus for spanish but you also have i'd say 40 percent of the map if you're finland compared to the uh 60 of the map for heresy but that could easily change miguel just lost five bomber cannons and five traps over the last 30 seconds and now you have max with the golden come to go paladin look at the amount on gold right now for max and velez that's trade primarily trade with the spanish bonus and max is like max is gonna break down that wall the tc there for some reason yeah so i think dogel is gonna need to push a little bit faster here and it might be tough for dagow in a moment because if paladin shows up with the halps and hussars i'm not so sure that the wagons can hold that the problem with the wagon style unit is that you hit and run okay so you know you you do damage you kill a lot of things but you're not holding a position whereas a constant stream of melee units means you hold that position even if you lose more units if that makes sense he lost only oh okay he took two back okay cool he only lost two strips thank you for for telling me sherlock and that's not sarcasm the person's name was actually sherlock ooh is this is this castle gonna stay up funnily enough it's researching hoardings nope okay i was gonna say hoardings would help that is a lot of paladins and there's no pointy boys here i mean there just seems to be more resources for finland the trade is officially kicked in now finally max is going to be streaming gold units forward we talked about this yesterday what you can do with spanish and trade situations just hold with trash units like hussars in this case he had albs and skirms as well and wow this could lead to a big shift in this game over here miguel still can't really afford gold units of his own he's up against arms and halbs which is continued to be a problem max is going to push this entire thing back it's just because the trade right it's why you want to push the spanish that's why you want to take away the corners but miguel lost so much ground in the south the lesnan max shifted there which is so smart and now i think we're going to see well the thing is we don't have to see elite cataphract right now for velez but that would be the perfect thing to mix in though he's got castles here if he had a few caterpillars actually he pretty much just needs rams truthfully cataphracts to be would be pretty dope but he's already destroying persians have crappy skirmishers their halves aren't even fully upgraded so i mean wait am i correct on that okay their habs are fully upgraded like i said but you just need gold units and the trade was just a little too late for heresy which is probably so disappointing because it looked like they they almost had this game you see paladin in here you start to get cdram mixed into the equation the enemy adds albs i don't think you even need to worry with this much trade look at how many paladins are in queue for max that is insane max if you count the q and the paladins on the field right now we'll be at 80 paladins soon enough he doesn't care and he has the gold to pay for it as well because of the trade so even if they die you'll still have 180 hp units running into the field i used to when i first started playing this game in multiplayer i used to play a lot of black forest because i loved the spanish trade and i used to think that it was so cool that i could upgrade all my spanish units without having to spend gold in the blacksmith upgrades i loved spanish because i thought it was amazing and it is they don't have to spend golden blacksmith upgrades later on i started to play 1v1s and i realized spanish had you know some weak points in their game whoa whoa what the oh my how long has this villager been here what the no way dude if they don't notice this if they don't notice this and max and velez lose trade for even a couple minutes this could be a big problem i didn't notice this one villager was here we've got skirmishers we've got rams oh dude it's such a shame it's not sea dram cdram would have taken everything out so much faster and i think that velez has noticed this now as you see a cataphract and it's an elite cat effect but holy cow talk about being patient how did that villager ever get there over here you have miguel needing to defend his base we even have to gal here with some wagons um siege ram though still proving to be a very strong unit and i guess max isn't pushing back here yet there are a lot of halves but uh i still expect that to be a possibility for him really strong play for miguel kind of want to know how long that was there but i don't i can't go back right now so maybe it reminds me guys we'll go back after this and just see how long it was there they must be desperate though because if he were to move out without siegram that tells me that they think they're dying and i've kind of felt like they were dying so it makes sense miguel shoulda he had so much eco here so many buildings here he's had to relocate so many times he's got eco all up in dokal's business right now and valencia continues to fortify these areas making it hard to push back and oh the trips not the tribs oh rip to the trebs yeah and it'll be ripped to the castle and i think rip to heresy here we're gonna have a 2-2 semi-final there's no way you stop this now again like i said before the paladins can be continually continuously spammed on this side so that's going to mean they hold here at the very least cataphracts moving in here would make things even more difficult for miguel make things even more difficult for dukau and they're just so far behind with resource income right now this is getting cleared up now the trade has continued and now it's back to like 50 maybe 55 control of the map for the max and for the less plus they have the spanish trait i just think they have the stronger units now if miguel was making a bunch of paladin consistently i'd start to change my tune a little bit i just i'm not sure he's going to be able to do that right now guys he's actually pop caps he does not have houses so he needs to make more houses so he has more pop space for stuff yeah that threat got dealt with there now there are a lot of pointy boys over here which is a little tricky when you're spanish because you don't really want to make anything other than just paladins if you make conquistadors halves are actually still pretty good against that and you don't want to make skirms because skirmish are good against enemy paladins and also skirms are sorry skerms died at enemy paladins they also died of the siege is heresy holding this i mean if they take out this castle maybe there is a chance the trade is just back here i still think miguel is dead guys elite cataphracts with albs it just kills miguel miguel will never have the time or the space to reboom like maybe like 20 hand cannons alongside some paladins would be good but like i said before i think max can just make more paladins it'll be fine he'll hold paladins always be to halb in a 1v1 situation the guy has 1600 gold with with spanish trade this is the beginning of the end for heresy as you see the cataphracts running into that trade miguel has reboomed to the north miguel has 25 on food 26 on wood and miguel doesn't have space or production and they're going to lose trade right so i mean even if miguel had 100 farmers right now what does that do for their trade unfortunately i just don't think it's possible but what a game man like i i thought that both teams were dead at one point or would die at one point great game from valez though velez was beating miguel on water he held to it he then pushed through miguel's walls multiple times max maybe a little shaky but um and i expect heresy to play on here see some hand cannons for the max now for those wondering back over here that's good addition but max just has to hold this area as velez is stomping everything he runs into dogal's eco now i think max just transported some palladinos here and i guess it's a little faster we also had a canon galleon coming out but yeah gg at this point no way back heresy simply do not have the bonuses they need and it was just valez's constant never-ending pressure on mcgill i think i'm trying to think about this a little bit do you remember when dougal was pushing forward initially in the imperial age and he placed a couple keep foundations and he had five trebs and it almost looked like he wasn't gonna be stopped then he lost all that siege and he couldn't place the towers i think if that doesn't happen if dogal doesn't lose that momentum maybe never maybe max and velez never have the time to get that trade running i could be wrong okay you guys want to see how long that villager was there let's go back hopefully my game doesn't crash um okay what am i okay what am i doing let's see let's go back this is where we saw the ville let's go to 40 minutes see if the ville was there i could just see my game crashing scores 2-2 let's try and jump back what but wait a second so she was just building houses there that entire time i could have sworn though that it was a male villager that was there maybe he got another villager over there somehow anyways ultimately didn't end up being that important yeah okay it was her there she goes building up the full base crazy stuff well it didn't work out it wasn't enough and suomi again responding with a home map victory guys this is what you've seen over the years with really close teams take a look at this as i update the score to 2-2 um scores 2-2 now look at the whole map situation so far so game one was arabia and ever since arabia every team has one on their home map so now we go to heresy's home map this is this is i don't want to say it's the rarest thing but it is pretty crazy to see every home map has been a victory it will be kalasana golden pit for heresy and then as for the sieves um well we have no spanish for finland anymore we have no byzantines for them anymore then you had koreans korean loss for heresy and persian loss for heresy so now we can speculate on sieves a little bit let's just assume the next one is kawasan i think we could easily see sieves like italians maybe sieves like malay saves like malians for heresy as for finland maybe a sieve like japanese would be strong there because of the water bonuses maybe japanese go archers maybe you go burgundians or tunes on land i'm not sure it's a tricky one but i'll let you know when i do know as we'll be starting shortly and thank you so much vapor trail vapor trail that's too much 50 some months subbed and thank you thank you for the kind message if you're ever in houston you've got a friend here to show you around yo vapor trail i'd like to at some point you know when the world settles down i would really like to have some meetups uh both in the us and in europe so i hope 2022 is the year that i meet a lot of you guys you know get to play some age with you at a meet up and drink some beers or something so thank you monolith for 17. thank you gertill for the 37. we also had wandering knight aoe with the new sub d mansour thank you d90 why did no one pick magyars uh they did heresy already won with magyars i think that was game two or maybe game three actually i hope 2022 is the year that you can cam a lot on stream's sexy mustache in all caps yeah you my friend are the reason why i don't show my mustache on stream but thanks i guess that wasn't weird at all uh yo deleted thank you for the five months thanks for the subs today guys appreciate you appreciating me and watching the games i think this is going to seven games at this point like i cannot see how a single team here can win two games straight based on what we've seen so far am i crazy to think that chad or you guys on board with me i think that i don't know that's where i'm at game five will be on one of those two maps i mentioned i have not heard which yet i could maybe try and join actually we're not joining the game room that'd be awkward i shouldn't message miguel on steam yo miguel i know you're playing a really important tournament but uh my viewers really want to know what map you're gonna go for that would be rude that would be rude um well so far in their lobby it says arabia so they must not have picked yet this is live currently told you before young man prepare for shaving that mustache it's gonna get weird i don't even know what to say to that young man i'm 28 i'll take that all right it's called update time with t90 for what is happening today we have two semi-finals oh my god lower the legend okay gonna finish my thought deep breath composure okay so the plan today is two semi-finals best of sevens and then afterwards a live final okay both semi-finals are played simultaneously this one we stream live the second one is streamed as recorded games of course not spoilered the reason for that is so the winning semi-finalists will have similar amount of time to rest for the final okay now yesterday gamer legion a jordan nilly and tattoo won 3-2 against vietnam in the quarterfinals to advance to the semi-finals and then yesterday around this time actually so like 24 hours ago they then said we cannot play on sunday at all um which was weird for the admins and really tough for the admins i feel bad for them because ever since the very beginning of this tournament's announcement the time that you would have to play the semis in the finals was announced when you sign up for the tournament you sign up to be there for the tournament they had to make a decision and they're also like we weren't getting responses from gamer legion things like that i think they were traveling and so gamer legion received an admin loss and they it's a little different than your standard admin loss they then basically were treated as the losing quarter finalists and vietnam b who lost 3-2 to gamer legion a in the quarters will play in the semis today does that make sense um if you want to read the full situation we have a command from or not a command well we have a y command but we also have it posted by our base in chat so anyways it sucks um i spoke to lidacore about it because he was like what would you do and i kind of gave my input on it but the fact that vietnam b weren't they didn't even win and yet they're like yeah we can make it we can prioritize this tournament we can make it we can play we want to compete and uh no gamer legion wasn't able to make that happen i think it's a good decision because it's either you just give hera and leary a free pass to the finals and they don't even play a semi that sucks or you give vietnam a chance and i think they should so thank you t90 camelot for the five dollar donation and said no pun intended no sir none at all okay this would not be the time to spam t90 creep in chat yeah so it's unfortunate but we move on from here it's unfortunate but we move on from here thank you javi for the five gifted yo lawler thank you again uh for all the gifted subs and there's been many a gifted subs over the last year or two so game five is on kawasan i was on the subreddit last night and there was a whole thread about how people think that high level age players are sleeping on the bohemians let's see if that's the case let's see or wait no why did i say bohemians i meant to say sicilians let's see how sicilians fare here we have sicilians or girl megel miguel teamed up with dogal of course the gao is the malay but he meant to pick maggard um up against dokao is burgundians for the max and i believe i called this for finland's pick maybe i didn't but i really like these sieves here for finland burgundians especially with the max who's a crazy boomer very strong as more subs come in thank you everyone we will have this semi we'll have the next semi and then the final today so lots of games of course hello to anyone else who watches the rerun later on been a fun day today pleasure to cast this as we see a tower now this is very common against someone who's going to go archer spear against you so you have dogal already planning on going forward with spearman you see this he's making one spearmint in defense and i think he's going to go forward with two archers one spearman forward actually what's unique about that is he scouted the tower and that's like the only immediate area he could hit so he decided against it oh miguel with a strong start here and doink gets a villager there could actually get two from this guys now we'll sacrifice two scouts in the process but getting two kills doing she dead were he dead or they did they're dead um that that was huge the problem with that is you now sacrificed a little bit of army control i would agree the new sicilian cavalier tech is no joke i think sicilians have bothered me ever since they came into the game and i really don't like how the devs out of that tech but we're not going to talk about that i do think that tech is broken so if it gets there and we see the unique tech for the sicilian cavalier i do think it's broken very strong what is it like hal burke hubbard how i don't know how to say it well chat will help me but um it's just tough to get to that point right normally so much stuff happens before then but i'm really liking the amount of aggression we're seeing from dogal and miguel so far this game look at max having to react to keep two archers out loses the scout there i mean even if nothing dies here this is a lot of harassment and a lot of eco-idle time for the max not to mention just the cost of the houses also doesn't have what the he doesn't have anything going on underneath this tc this is horrible max not gonna lie to you guys when i see this many idle villagers at a high level my first instinct is to think that someone disconnected but he probably just thought he still had sheep there and yeah that's brutal so i mean dogal sent very little forward there i'm sure he's going to be so happy to be able to pass that information along to his buddy we also see dogal going over here to doc for some fish which we have also seen from velez got the scouts in the middle for miguel very late to his wood upgrade i have to say but did he get his farm upgrade ah you know what like that's actually pretty smart with the sicilians because they have more food on each farm so you don't have to refresh your farms as fast so it's kind of like a wood bonus in a way so you can only afford to get the wood or the farm upgrade at the start in empire wars if you also want to produce scouts so miguel opted to go and adapt a little bit and go more towards what would work for his civ i like that five scouts here from miguel teamed up with his teammate i think what it was for max was maybe he wanted the greedy approach of researching all of his castle age unique texts now but actually didn't do that yet is tc's idol i'm really confused this has been a disaster of a game for max truthfully and i don't think it's gonna get any better for him he's just clicked up one villager will go down oh and miguel's gonna block two down for the max and more could go down as well miguel seems pretty safe miguel loving life all the sicilian fans in chat also very happy to see that things are working out so far i think sicilians are probably a bit better in 1v1 than they are in team games which i wouldn't have said on i honestly would not have said that um in the past the recent changes have changed my mind on that the thing that makes sicilians really strong is the fact that counter units don't work as well against sicilians so if you're making archers and someone makes skirms it's not as effective if you're making knights and someone makes pikemen it's not as effective and you just don't see a lot of those units in team games so i think for that reason i wouldn't rate sicilians all that high in these situations but when you have to play a best of seven 2v2 and there's a lot of sieves picked and drafted you're gonna end up with some sieves that aren't quite as good as the others that's just how it goes let's see i'm gonna have stables for miguel now what's tricky is and i actually talked to someone about this recently at a high level uh since you now start with 300 stone as the sicilians what players like to do at times with their market is more possible with sicilians so you sell all that stone and then buy food to have a good castle each time and in this case the castle age time is going to be pretty good for miguel but not as good as the max's max is basically gone greedy mode he has paid for it but with his fish i'm sure he's going to be loving life and he's going to be going for cavalier and castle so it was shaky from the max but his eco is looking pretty good at the moment if crossbow in for dokao he doesn't really seem to know where to go just yet and here comes velez to go help out the max how many ranges do we have here three ranges for velez so fairly standard stuff for flank play and then you're gonna have miguel dive in here with the scouts kind of weird to see a demo here for max truthfully i feel like that's something you'd see from viper in a rated game you know but like uh the micro here from nogao is so good wow wow dude look how many shots he dodged there he's allowed the scouts and his spearmen to get so many hits as well dang what a clear up that was i don't think they ever should have killed that many crossbows and even the spearman was close to killing one there but yeah the demo is a little weird but not the biggest deal not the biggest expense either we still haven't seen max click cavalier so civ does not get bloodlines but they can get cavalier in the castle age trying to check the stables here okay just able to click the cavalier upgrade so he's got three stables working right now i don't know guys i i we've looked at the max's base a lot so maybe i've i'm coming off as slightly nitpicky now now miguel's tc is idle so i guess i'm just picking the bad times to look at the players but by max's high standards i have been a little shocked at how bad some of the eco has been and some of the adjustments have been in this game fatigue is definitely a thing when you have to play seven games with these settings so maybe fatigue starting to set in for both players i don't know all right you've got uh dogal who has done so well today with the eco lead he advances faster to every age and guys he's going to do something that's ridiculously bold he's going to try fast imp now it's empire wars you're not going to see a 13 minute clicked imp in any other game mode really but he's gonna try and get to arbalest this is insane to me now what's crazy about this too is he he actually clicks up at a time where he has better eco than everyone else so when you only have one tc and you're not creating any more villas from it typically you're like oh no i'm gonna be behind in villagers but it's not gonna be that bad fast imp elephants fast imp elephants he can't afford elephants even the cheap elephants that wouldn't be the play here what you want to do is you want to max out on your potential get bracer get our blessed and make a lot of archers he is behind in numbers right now though and so you know there's kind of a trade-off there where you don't have the resources to produce as many archers as the portuguese player especially because the portuguese player has cheaper archers all right we have the the knights backing away from miguel he of course is going to be in full support mode i notice he is on stone but i think he's pretty far away from a potential castle very strong castle age military right now for max and velez also a lot of presence on the map so it's going to be a lot about if dogal can get the proper numbers of units out right now he's kind of outnumbered but he will have the much superior force monk there goes for a conversion then backs away to heal up and yeah finland just need to control the game from here i think if they can continue to threaten miguel then they will force reactions from the enemy attack miguel maybe send some units over and hit the archer ranges because dogal's gonna have a few units there i'd like to see max patrol that way they do not want to fight where dogal and miguel wants you to fight easier said than done because if you hit an area where that doesn't threaten them like this here if miguel had this stonewalled then i think what happens is they go forward you see this they're gonna go forward now so now your army could be seen as out of position in some ways now this is where this gets tricky and now you have velez on the way to imp monk there doesn't get a conversion and it looks like miguel really wants those relics i think miguel needs to bring his knights over here and they just start taking out velez's buildings blez being three minutes from him that is a long time for him here he comes with crossbows to try and engage this he can't get anywhere close to this now they do have the other army coming back but can they even fight that that tc is going to melt so quickly the crossbows inside are going to die and that's actually more important than villagers at this point you need army in the next stage good job from miguel leaving some of his units on the town center and the rest to chase down the crossbows this army is just lost with no purpose in life right now oh god and now now the knights should dive here i think you just continue to dive if you're miguel i'm surprised that he's not sending in more units with his teammate okay villager down we'll see crossbow down boom dead we also see arms going this way max has to deal with that pretty soon this is the mtc is there a chance this tc goes down oh my god that tc's a goner velez will not make it to the imperial age this is crazy if he made it to imp they'd have a chance uh let's make sure at this point finland have to fight they have to force every single unit to fight them but at what cost 85 percent the thing is it's a bad fight for them to take but they need to take the fight because they need velez and imp that's their only chance all the cavalier melt the crossbows are gonna go down as well actually you know what that was actually was that good i'm so confused that was so crazy man i mean clearly it was what they had to do right you have to get arbalest into the hands of velez so he's got fewer units now but his eco is still somewhat manageable there's a lot of units that went down there for max but max ends up with 16 and there's still only 10 from miguel i think like when i cast a series i always have these moments that to me i think we're going to come back to when a series ends and i honestly feel if suemi win this game especially that that moment right there will be the series defining moment it wasn't a wrong move from velez and dogal to or sorry miguel and dogal to go after their army there but it was just incredible from swami to time that because you never know if that's their mtc there's no way to know that in the beta of age of empire's de you could actually see it and i remember that i lost a few empty seas against some friends as we were playing the beta um but yeah you just do not know okay this seems to be where the focus is for dogal and miguel but i'm looking at the military count heresy do have the better economy but the military count is very similar and max is on the way to imperial age and paladin is half off so it's important for dogal and miguel that they do damage to either max or velez before max is on paladin don't ask me how max was able to get the food income for that i have to look i think he might have received some sling but this is an awful fight for max he's losing so many of his cavs i mean miguel is as well but for miguel he's all in castle age anyway so he doesn't really care it's all about setting dog out to have success against velez and now it's 29 arbs for velez 56 for dogal and really not a good fight for velez to take oh man imagine if if heresy knew about this gold if they scouted that all those villagers would be gone and then there i i don't know if velez would be able to make any yeah any orbs he's got a little bit of gold back there ah the arms come this way will they spot this can you imagine the difference that would make that's 13 villagers off of gold that would be such a big deal and velez is just hoping and praying that that doesn't happen max is getting armored and here comes miguel this way he's gonna check and all the quick walls there wow that was sick what a beast fellez is uh max is an imp he's clicking paladin and he's getting the final armor upgrade guys he is also being pressured over here that's his paladin stable if they attack that stable it goes down before paladin completes are you kidding me are you kidding me it's at 50 right now okay i think max is gonna have to do a similar thing i think he's gonna have to fight or act like he's gonna fight to force these units to stop attacking that and max might not notice that too that's the thing because there's i don't know what his mods are but at least mine doesn't glow up like this when i play oh i cannot believe this is happening to swole me 75 paladin takes so long he doesn't know he doesn't know oh suddenly he's like man my eco is sick he gets his resources back he's like dang man i'm such a boomer and okay he kicked he clicked paladin again in one of these other stables i just don't know which one i oh this one okay now why isn't this one glowing there must be a capture age thing anyways miguel is in so he's raiding the very fragile eco for max it's going to be all about if max can use his paladins uh in the first place because i don't think he's going to be able to afford too many there's just arbolus everywhere from nogal i said it at the start of the series i think dokao is the best 2v2 player out of the four players here they're all amazing but the gao is just the gal is incredible what he's able to do they're all incredible don't get me wrong miguel also has been recovering with with uh a boom and did he get his unique tech he did not get his unique tech now i'm good friends with miguel i know him well but i think he might not know about the new tech he's gonna hate me if he knows that i said that but feel like miguel is one of those pro players that probably didn't get the memo about the new unique tech does anyone remember how much that costs i'd love for him to prove me wrong here but that tech would make a big difference when he gets cavalier the new tech is imp i guys when did i say it wasn't an imp tech what at what point did i say it's a castle age tech he's on the way to imp which is why i'm talking about whether or not he'll get the tech my friends he better know because max is going to be on paladin and the timing just might not be right for heresy here that's a lot of arbs but that's a lot of paladins now never has an arbalest ever been so happy to see a fruit bush because the paladins cannot engage because of the fruit bushes look at all the paladins they're tripping over these lemons or these peaches or whatever it is and here's miguel he's getting cavalier right now does not seem to really have the resources for the unique tech just yet i actually forget how expensive it is i think it's like 500 food 300 gold he also needs to get the final armor so he's going to prioritize those first and we have a really even game look at the military counts now this could not be closer blacksmith now for miguel so i think he wants to rush the blast furnace upgrade okay it's 500 food 400 gold it's actually pretty pricey but his eco is insane he should get it that could make the difference he should be getting that tech right now guys i don't think he knows about it i think he thinks it's the old sicilians that or he's forgotten this is a good fight for velez half of the units aren't fighting for dogal right now and velez at one point was way behind in military and he's caught up here paladins are running all throughout miguel's eco miguel now has to react i don't really know if the upgrade would have helped him yet he's still gonna i think it's not gonna make a big difference in these engagements it'll make a big difference in engagement in the middle why would they pick sicilians without that tech because you have to pick like out of 39 sieves and you have to play a lot of civilizations once so i mean sicilians are never going gonna be your ideal pick here it's just what is left right it was one of their final picks but i feel like in some ways one of them should know right i feel like if miguel doesn't know dogal should be like hey buddy did you get the tech miguel's like what the tech that makes all my trash units give me gold or military units give me gold i actually forget what the old one was watch them still win the game watch them still win the game this is crazy look at the preparation from nogao over here they're ready for trade guys starting to wall the corners you also see a similar thing here for valez actually he's just taking the gold for now these paladins could break into miguel's eco pretty quickly but now we have cavalier and we have our blast here so for those that don't know the new tech uh the nightline gets additional melee and pierce armor um and i believe it's plus one melee armor and plus two pierce armor and the thing is giving a sieve that already has the final armor upgrade plus two pierce armor is absolutely bonkers like these things just do not die to archers and also you can't make halves against sicilians because they resist bonus damage so you're pretty much just screwed if they get that tech unless you have paladin so it's nuts but he didn't get the tech because i don't think he knows about it and also miguel is really struggling with his economy guys his economy is not looking good but then again max isn't going to have an eco pretty soon if this continues what is this base trade oh my god paladins and arms into this base and now you've got way more cavalier and arms going into this base dog is fine and velez is fine but max and miguel are very much not fine it's just who is less fine well there's certainly less to clear up at miguel's base the 140 military for heresy here comes valez to help out and look at all the arbs where are they coming from how can he afford this stuff it still makes me very sad that we're not seeing the sicilian unique tech but i still don't know if it's going to matter this here is going to be cleared and if you look at the economy for max now funnily enough it's actually not as bad as i thought it's not as bad as i thought he's hit six 70 villagers and still only 61 for miguel like the trade there would have been so much better if he had that tech but you have to gal with 71 arbs 107 eco you have allez with 87 military or eight sorry not 87 military he's got 88 eco and 42 military dog has just been an absolute god but you might as well get down on your knees and pray to him right now like this is he's your god now this is insane but actually max comes in with the paladins that are remaining this is nice that's helpful lacking bloodlines though is a massive concern as you see oh yes me go if you're like where's miguel been the last couple minutes he's been looking at the tech tree guys he's one of us yes he's getting the tech he probably was like is there anything else i get with this if he's probably complaining he's like freaking sicilians they suck he's like hallberg what is that i cannot wait you guys have to remind me and i think i'll only ask this question if heresy win the series because otherwise asking this question might be seen as rude but um i will text miguel after the series and ask him the situation there if you're curious that is an amazing choke point to be in but look how long it takes to take out a cavalier look at that that is so strong that it's 46 arms that's a fourth of your population it takes like three volleys to take out a cavalier i have to say though something miguel needs to do a better job at is locking down this side this has been a real thorn in his side and i think that miguel is actually going to send units to the corner right now and we see a signal dogel's probably like hey you need to get you need to get markets in the corner so we can trade and i was thinking that maybe miguel would send his cavalier to the corner because this this is the area that matters now i think they taking good fights here could ultimately lead to more corner control but i mean yeah they're going to head to max now still sending some units to the corner for either side would be so strong max is at 75 hills uh which is not so good especially for a player that needs to make paladin you have pretty much a carry situation from dogal and same with valez though max i think he did a solid job to come back from what was a really weird start to this game now he's starting to lose his eco though and miguel's not so miguel has sorted out those problems he's expanding his farming eco he's got the unique tech in so he can really be a thorn in max and velez's side and now what the only thing that's making me a little cautious about thinking heresy's going to win this game is just the fact miguel and dugout weren't trading that's the only thing i'm very surprised that we do not have markets here for miguel i'm very surprised we don't have like four markets for dougal he's actually full on slinging resources to miguel right now and miguel is miguel they might kill this they might win this game before trade the gao has researched everything all the way up to banking so he there's no tax when he's sending these resources and miguel is just cueing up cavalier after cavalier and he's gonna be in the trade yeah maybe trade is not what they're looking to do here okay i saw the blinking that was actually an animal attacking but hey important detail as the tiger gets a small victory max in reboot mode he's trying to add tc's but miguel's all over the trade right now guys that trade is slowly going down les though with 99 arbalest it's just that max only has 11 paladin while there's 50 cavalier from miguel i really like this castle position the castle positions are looking stronger and stronger for the late game for heresy and the gg is called guys the cavalier running in the cavalier were all over the trade feels kind of weird to see a gigi when you take a solid fight but just think about the position you've got perfect castle in the middle for miguel perfect castle here perfect castle here you then have stonewalls perfect castle here max barely has an economy left he can't make army anymore and then velez has 100 military but it's still not enough military to stop these cavaliers heresy win it and the unique tech was was a lot of uh definitely helped mikhail there it's like there was a big difference once the unique deck came in thank god they won that i feel like that would be one that would keep you up at night if you forgot about that tech and then lost this game but guys what more can i say about the gal's performance here fast imp pretty much one tc play then got to a point where he had the best eco in the game and which doesn't normally happen off of fast imperials and then he sent resources to miguel like what look at the resources this is the fast imp player fast imp is typically low eco this is nuts more wood more food more gold and then he also sent 9k resources to his ally insane play from dogal to be fair velez also had a beastly performance he was just on the losing side there also with a similar kd and similar economies but impressive stuff heresy one went away from moving on to the finals but suomi do have one more home map remaining and the way the day has gone has been every team has one on their home map so if you look over here you've got you had game one arabia which went to heresy and then it's been back and forth due to home maps so in theory if this continues that way finland will respond and tie it up 3-3 with a win on atacama and then in the final game heresy will win golden pit honestly since this is this predictable why do we even why do we even have them play i think they should just play arabia and then whoever wins arabia wins the best of seven that's a big time saver there that makes sense to me right i mean you know i get to go hang out the couch eat some wings watch some tv i i actually i think we should look at the sieves now i'm of course joking so atacama is coming up and atacama is very pressure heavy so let's eliminate the sieves so previous game was portuguese and burgundians and then we had malay and we had sicilians okay so we've two maps remaining golden pit has gotta be berbers i'm certain on that it's gotta be berbers ooh or it could be slavs now i think this is gonna be saved for the final game for finland so let's say berbers to tars yeah i kind of like that maybe berbers to tars for golden pit so up next we might have something like slavs in japanese or slavs or tootins in japanese as for golden pit here oh man this is a little tricky sieve wise for heresy i mean the next game we're definitely going to see khmer khmer are really good on atacama because you can hide in houses so maybe khmer and italians for archers but then golden pit you don't really have one of those top-tier golden pizzas uh the reason ethiopians were banned is because there's a global ban at the start and they can it's a hidden global ban and they can just choose whatever civ they want to globally ban from the whole series they both happen to decide on ethiopians and i feel like there's a small chance we might see bohemians in game seven but if i'm heresy i want to win this next game because i will not like my civilizations going into game seven i think berbers is one of the sickest sieves for that map simply due to the cheaper knights in the mid game anyway score 3-2 for heresy they will have two chances it has been a long time since this channel has hit 10k viewers i'm not gonna beg because this is already amazing but i just want to say thank you guys um i don't know when the last time was to be honest i'm also very thankful i can even say those words that it happened before but uh welcome in everybody so probably some people are watching that haven't watched in a long time we'll get some salutes from the dedicated faithful here to you yeah like i was thinking maybe hidden cup not sure hm yeah maybe uh thank you iraqi for the three months just took a little break from ao2 but back here to watch these semis love your content see there you go thank you for coming back thank you for the support i know you guys can't try hard age all the time i get that i'll always be here i'll always be making content though so if you want age of empires you have it thank you ludito for the twitch prime new sub uh saraki thank you thank you the banana robot thank you wreck i will not be casting the finals with my cats no i'll be casting with lidacore which is slightly better than my cat my cat's a good caster so that's a compliment to lee decor all right game six is about to start uh hello game sorry i know you can hear the game sounds game six is about to start again i think certain sieves will be saved for game seven you have to think that way the pressure is on and we will have tatars and slavs for team tsuomi who are on the brink of elimination here in the semis the galen dogal will have indians and malians i like the civ match up here i don't think any real i don't think there's any strong advantages here for either team but i am just thinking in the back of my mind that if if suomi make it to game seven i do prefer their civilizations there so we'll have to see charlie says hello i just reached for the first time both above 1250 and 1v1 and above 1800 in team game are pros already aware of the risk what risk the risk of having to face up against a god like you that's incredible congratulations not sure what you mean there you ready guys can you handle this action let's do it things start to uh things start to really pick up at this point and then you've got atacama expect messiness and expect aggression now velez playing tatars he'll play the archer role very similar to what we've seen so far throughout the day today we're gonna have the max with the fastest farming sieve in the game playing slavs so expect to see a lot of scouts from him uh up against the max we have dogal also playing the archer role playing as the mallians a very flexible sieve i like it then you've got miguel playing with the sieve that actually doesn't get knights here so that could be strong that also could be a weakness for indians though i expect a lot of scouts as well this map is tricky you start with these pre-built lumber camps but you're going to chop through that wood very quickly and then you need farms too so you have to kind of pre-plan on where you're going to get wood now typically what happens if it's scouts versus archers which it is on both sides you're going to see spearman archers combined moving forward so let's see how this goes yeah spearman archer over here you're gonna see archer spearman is he making a second one i mean all the small things matter here having the barracks on the back delaying this really matters actually the barracks is on the back here too so okay whatever hard to look at everything and miguel's looking for a snipe here hasn't found one yet maybe expecting some pressure will he micro this away gets the scout he's not paying attention oh there he goes he was probably paying attention here and he wanted the ville and oh god disaster for miguel here look at the weak scouts here he lost the scout and he lost hp over here and now don't tell me it's gonna compound on him oh boy he's got some very weak scouts meanwhile max is at dogal's base and max has three full hp scouts that will lead to more scouts that will lead to more aggression and i really think miguel's gonna be upset with his start it's the multitasking that makes it awkward but here's dogal and dougal man this is so good check it out guys he killed the ville he used the spearman to block the house wall and max needed that house wall to stop this from getting worse dude the small little things he's able to do he kills two villagers and now he's blocking off the berries from the player who needs the food for additional scouts so well played here comes miguel with four scouts two of them are weak but he might even hit max max kind of struggling for food at the moment but max is going to go over to miguel and miguel could have similar problems look at that tower spot like having the tower there is like it makes me sad to see anyways um we're going to see some death and destruction as we predicted velez did send some support over here villager down and max will save that villager i believe you know what is really nice is that velez and gal are pretty much untouched right now miguel is taking a lot of damage max is taking a lot of damage that's been the theme when i've seen 2v2 atacama on this tournament could have been worse for miguel could still get worse but miguel only lost one villager there and you see the signal from max he's saying hey dogal's over on that side and degal actually sent an additional archers now too so this is a little tricky because velez has to send more than just three dog may be bracing himself for an incoming switch from max's scouts max has done a great job keeping those scouts alive and active to fight another day and i think we're gonna see i mean yeah you're just gonna take losses here both max and miguel are struggling to be able to create more scouts but max has the scouts because he didn't lose them unnecessarily earlier on in the game spearman go down the archers for velez could go down as well but he's got more units coming in and it's expected from dougal who will click up the castle age soon surprisingly i think we'll see the same for valez though and miguel is just rattled dude he does not know where to go what to do okay this is important now check it out max is not hitting the player who's in the strongest position for team heresy miguel is going to try and do that somehow the walls are up here i can't check that tree but i feel like there could be an over chop here because these villagers have probably been chopping it for a bit let's hope for salome there's not an unfortunate situation where the overchop happens okay pulls the villager back i wish i could check that tree if i did select the right one it's only got 80 and no no the scouts make it through there was a hole off of gold is velez over here they clear this up but i mean dogs untouched at home guys and dogal has clicked up to castle h velez could still click up the castle age he does do so thankfully he's off of gold though which means that will hurt his archer numbers and i would say that dogao is going to be in a stronger position upon arriving to castle h and he's going to arrive to castle h faster that villager goes down this archer goes down valez doesn't have military here it's everywhere except at home and what a great recovery from heresy here i honestly think they should just stay here but maybe dogal wants to keep his archers alive that was such a big play for them now you do have scouts over here but dokao saves the three out of the four villagers i don't know if they can ever leave but that was a great quick wall from him don't ask me how they do everything at once he's got archers waiting here he's got a tower waiting here he'll probably send some spearmen back for this there's still a lot of damage for max to do with those scouts and he kind of he's probably feeling pressured to do it too he's got so many of them every little palisade wall counts dogal shoring up all the spots i think there's not even yeah there's a palisade there so there's no hole okay now this hurts because he's just clicked his upgrades and max arrives with all these scouts and velez arrives with the archers this is intense he didn't get to click crossbow guys because he doesn't have the resources for it and no way suomi you're diving what a recovery from suomi they dive the tower wow man and now dogal has bought or will have bob canero but he's not going to have many archers and this is swung and now velez's 17 archers to work with granted he will take a lot of losses here because those archers did take some tower fire but crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy stuff and i think swami needed that great job from the max great job from velez and i struggle to say the game is super well no it is supe pretty even right now actually and you've got velez with a slightly better archer count and thumb ring being in but there's still so many scouts for miguel these crossbows have to be careful i think dogawa's gonna head over to max's base but i'm not too sure now if you look at the farming numbers you have 18 for miguel you have 24 for max max also farms faster with slavs so i prefer finland's position with the archer civ the archer numbers but also the scout civ and the farm numbers i really do think finland are in the position to take this to game seven nice tc there for velez that'll protect the gold and the woodline in the middle which is huge now it does matter that miguel is going to get hit here but at the same time dougal's in the strongest position for his team so this good given opportunity for miguel to maybe trade against an army and allow dogal to go forward but the gal is actually coming over here to save miguel and you'll see the difference now as miguel hasn't clicked up the castle yet there we go um and it just allowed max a little more freedom right because max hasn't been hit he's been able to sort out some of those problems and it's been suomi threatening and also buying a lot of time buying a lot of time for max buying a lot of time for velez to be able to make more crossbows and solidify his position at home now if these things become like have this can be pretty tough uh indian light calf are amazing against archers that was a somewhat recent change to our game so i think they'll recognize that and they're actually turning around and they're coming right back to fight this crazy game now can you fight this with this many scouts i feel like there's an argument for it he might even have to villager's going down backing away now as miguel under so much pressure here comes dogal i guess if dogal is coming over you just wait until he's there and then you fight it yeah i think you've got to fight this now yep he's dove a little too deep velez this crossbow is still extremely strong and check this out guys check this out dougals had to pull off of that entire woodline so velez knew he was going to be a hit here they knew they were forcing reaction but they killed villagers and the next force was already heading towards a different spot max hits castle age instantly clicks the light cav upgrade he's got nine scouts that will be light calf soon and he's going to be making knights and velez with thumb ring is dominating these crossbows here we're gonna we're i think we're gonna go to a game seven look at this max is coming in oh no well dougal can't take wood he doesn't have the army to deal with this the tower's really done nothing it was a good idea to tower but the tower has accomplished so little here the light calf can just distract at this point just allow the crossbows to pick off villagers the gao is scrambling we have some support from miguel on the way as he's getting light calf uh light calf get dealt with and now like kev will be in for miguel and he now let's see let's see how strong the light cap bonus is gonna be here the thing is though he doesn't have the final armor upgrade army count is ahead for heresy i think finland's are a bit better when it comes to macroing and like your standard rm games as a team but there's also a slight risk with that on this type of a map because your eco is being put into the middle so i mean just things to think about you know by the way chad did do gal get thumb ring i don't think he did but it's very possible i missed it and it doesn't show on the overlay this is this is max is currently out of position right now this is not so good for velez typically the choke point would be good but i mean i guess could have been worse okay maybe heresy having an opportunity with all this military they have right now and a decent position i noticed miguel and dougal are both on stone so maybe we'll see an offensive castle after a big attack kind of tricky when you're making nights and indian camels are out there but it's also tricky to have the camels out there when crossbows are so good against them i like this for miguel looks like he's going to go for some type of a raid also i really like how max has walled up though he might overchop one of those trees in a bit just sitting back is velez and max and maybe a little too passive for my liking maybe the whole three town center thing isn't the way to go about this somehow dogal has more crossbows now i think they did spot the armies going over here but i'm not so sure they can do anything about it and the light cav are hitting some villagers notice how miguel hasn't been hit also joe gal hasn't been hit they're not that far behind in eco where this is not winnable right eco should equal additional military numbers it hasn't happened yet for suomi will it happen also tatars do not get our blessed but they do get bracer something aliens don't get so that's that's a conversation we'll have at some point soon finally thumb rings on the way and yeah dogal and miguel decided to back away from this which i think is a good idea i really don't think velez should make someone said make cava archers i really don't think that's a good idea when you're behind in crossbow numbers that's probably a losing move if you get a head if you take a really good fight with this eco lead then i think switching in the cab orchards is good but i think you need to maintain your position and make sure you don't try and tech switch when times are so close but yes eventually that's something on the cards for tatars random camel oh just passing here underneath the tc i don't know where he's going miguel i really don't but uh this is a decent fight for dogal of course thumb ring is now in and max maybe not paying as close attention because he's getting raided by the camel so that worked out you guys see the stone count right now for dogal and the stone count for velez that could make all the difference this is so interesting guys so omi with a 35 villager lead is a team right now massive lead but they do not have the military lead if a castle were to go up next to some of these town centers i mean that's your eco lead right there that would go down to a castle imagine having to relocate your entire woodline because of a castle drop i guess there's no i guess if a castle went here that would be ideal if that's blocked off wow miguel leaving oh max is returning the favor with some raids kind of weird to me that all the camels are heading this way okay the camels are going to support the castle spot that makes sense okay so the camels will support the castle spot i think dogal has to place it as close to this woodline as possible and i'm wondering what the reaction is going to be from suomi they will see this hey they see the camels are here now they might converge towards the camels the crossbows are moving over they don't see that yet now they do you have additional crossbows coming this could easily be denied but it also could change the entire course of the game if it goes up and max is like what do i do i don't think we can stop that if you go in for the villes there you then lose your buddy's crossbows this is a really good fight for heresy i think like the start to the fight at least was really good a lot more camels are going to go down to crossbows than knights are going to go down to crossbows but i mean the position is what heresy could use to win the game castle goes up villagers will start to die tc will start to go down but there's now no camels and the difference there guys is just camels have less pierce armor than knights do but at the same time that's an awfully good castle spot and maybe just an opportunity to raid this area as we see at castle for velez now this goes up suddenly it's about pushing the other side quickly because velez will probably try and go up to imp and trap that down so velez i don't know how you get to 100 vills with such a crazy game but he has somehow done that which is disgusting but yeah he's gonna try and stay alive get a castle up imp trap that back now we should see a 2v1 on the max i think and again max has been hitting miguel miguel has been distracted a lot in this game suomi with still a pretty solid military position again you do not get arbolese with guitars but now you could maybe start to make the ca yet this makes sense to me maintain your crossbow mask hold your strong position oh me go villagers almost 10 villagers here but we're going to have another castle from dogal and they kind of have to do this max could take losses oh the microphone don't get what the what a reaction that was that castle is going to go up for dogal but they just don't have the eco behind all this i think this castle will get trapped down almost feels like velez if he makes enough cav archers and gets enough upgrades he might be able to fight all the military dagal and mcgill have on his own have heresy killed enough economy with these with these little all-ins here not yet nights are melting though we now have towers for velez anything you can do to stall it out at this point is the way to go i think if mcgill had a knight siv you could dive the towers but with the camels i know indian camels are okay against buildings but just feels like it's enough to hold you know that's the mtc max is going imp that's crazy miguel still has had these crossbows to deal with and i think it's just too much to ask for him to also get a lot of camels to this side but wouldn't it be crazy if they took out max's mtc if they think max is up and they dive that town center i'm gonna lose my mind look at this max is expecting it max is expecting it he's gonna drop a castle here there is a chance if they stop max from getting to imp max only has 10 military and that's the the reason for that is because he spent all of his resources on him you have to make a decision miguel could have gone in too but he chose instead to make camels i don't see the mtc going down we see the upgrades coming in now for velez that will apply to his crossbow oh those aren't crossbows his crossbows sorry but also apply to the cav archers the tark have archers are incredibly strong we are going to see max start losing his stables and it still doesn't feel game over to me yet yes we are going to see this eventually get tripped down but there's still a lot of pressure coming in from heresy the problem is i'm not sure how scalable all this is indian camels don't get the final armor upgrade in imp malians do not get bracer on their arbor list hitars they're in their sweet spot right now they're in their wheelhouse making these cab archers and there's so many so much military excuse me i i take back what i said a minute ago i just feel like velez can 1v2 this entire army no problem heresy will not have the eco to make a tech switch it will not have the time to make a tech switch max can just chill out max can just ease his way into cav archers or not cav archers sorry um cavalier and we do have a game seven indians have been very underwhelming in this tournament for me guys i don't know about you overall i think velez and max just outplayed uh in the crucial moment there in early castle age to to push back dogal but indians just haven't really been that strong of a sieve for me in this tournament uh maybe it's a little different in standard 2v2s and empire wars i'm not too sure but man i wish i knew what minute it was you know what i could probably find it we have the time uh their technology stats okay 10 minutes look at this we're gonna go back to the tent there we're gonna go back to the ten minute mark and this was what one saw me the game in my opinion it'll take a minute to jump back there but that dive from max combined with velez coming in yeah this was the moment was just disgusting so at this point i'm saying dogal is going to be in cass league faster they just did damage to velez this is amazing for heresy and all of a sudden max shows up with all these scouts with all these upgrades and velez says it's worth it to dive this tower look he's not even in castle yet but they realize how dangerous it would be if dogal had numbers to make that decision to be in the proper spot at that second is just insane and the micro was good the execution was pretty good and then from there they had control of the game from there it was more difficult for dougal and for miguel to ask questions of tsuomi and we go into game seven here in just a moment guys um there's a look at the overall resources i i was absolutely fanboying over gal in the game prior to this what a sick performance from velez like valez did what dogal did in game number five and the whole series has been back and forth so will we finally have two wins in a row from a team in this best of seven or will heresy just respond on their home map every single home map has been a victory here today and here's what we have remaining um i'm sorry to the next semi-final in the final but i feel like this is going to be the series of the day this is going to be very hard to to beat it almost feels like a final it will be golden pit for heresy it all comes down to this and i we have to speculate slightly on the sieves but i think i have strong guesses so slavs to tars were used and then we had indians and malians used it's interesting they didn't go khmer there i guess there was a loss i think we see khmer italians i know bohemians are something to get excited about with chemistry and castle age i think still we're going to see italians for the archer civ and khmer for the night civ and then i think here we're gonna see berbers in japanese yeah it makes sense berbers is a definite with the cheap knights japanese probably the only civ there that makes sense for archers i've been saying that i think berbers are just the best knights if for golden pit so as far as the draft goes maybe you give a slight advantage to the fins as far as preparation and preference goes maybe you give an advantage to heresy because obviously they picked the map and i think they're undefeated on the map as well in this tournament all right uh bear with me guys we're gonna hop into game number seven the hype is real imagine the pressure i mean the the prize pool's already pretty freaking awesome but the pressure cool boy i'm sure it's real right now especially after playing for uh three hours now like this is an empire wars set i guess technically it's been two and a half of gameplay but empire wars is supposed to be faster this has really taken a long time a thank you to buzz thank you to dale hey happy two years dale thank you tele and ludito and stellar for the new twitch prime supporters today uh we had pabsy thank you for four months flame warrior thank you for six and to all the new people all the dads the old timers out there thank you chat five seconds till we'll be in golden pit it is japanese and berbers against khmer italian sorry bohemians yeah forest pond game took took some time you're right on that azure sentry thank you for the five gifted let's get the hypes in the chat game seven this is what it's all about people this is what it's all about this is what the players live for uh we'll see who moves on to the final later on today velez playing as the japanese teamed alongside the max surprise surprise who's berbers this is the thing on this map it's it's fairly open and yet the meta seems to be do as little as possible in futile age and wall to get to knights and crossbows the goal is to secure the middle whether that be with tcs and castle age or castle age armies look outgoing italians he'll go archers miguel will go scouts now what's a little tricky here is you have the archer player versus scout player on both sides so it means that spearman archer thing you see at times can work out to deny walls i expect it from both sides though i could be wrong of course you start with a lot of eco but you get given the lumber camps and the mining camps what's this village are doing why is this villager just standing there d.e what okay maybe he had clicked it actually probably wants to click it to wall over there here comes the archer and the spearman scout players can't really deal with this yet they don't have enough scouts over here you see the spearman but it's not going forward so at least in terms of the movement of the units a slight advantage right now for uh for finland but i mean it all depends all depends on if they get hits all depends on if the walls go down there's lots of walling to be done and which is so crazy because golden pit there's so many gaps but they just decide oh miguel's taking sheep next to his mill what a pro you would think that they would get in but these guys are just too fast and too good and oh man this is so important so at this point the gal has probably communicated to his teammate that max could be coming this way and max tries to attack the palisade that was already partially built will not get through and miguel will probably complete this on the back side now i've noticed that max hasn't fully walled the back side yet so if there was like well he's walling here what the what is that wood line oh my god he has not had the wall near as much anyways what i was going to say is that the archers could maybe sneak in from dougal but i don't know if tagal's even going to send anything out and the walls are definitely up creative walling from the max but also very these woodlines definitely benefited him i'm not going to sit here and add up the amount of palisades for each player but i feel like max didn't have to wall as much also he's berber so his villagers are just a little bit faster looking at the food counts food counts are looking better for finland to go up the castle age faster and that is where it's all about that is what it's all about miguel walled a bit more created a few scouts he's going to take out the spearmen he's going to take out the archer but his up time is going to be delayed he actually is he marketing oh god this market timing's huge guys look at his eco he has so much gold if he had a market already he'd quickly buy the food and be up at the same time as max i honestly would pull another villager to build that but maybe i'm freaking out over nothing right now timing is crucial okay imagine you're brand new to the game today and you're showing up and you're like hmm i want to learn some tips about how to play this game is a little stressful but i'm trying to learn the first thing you hear me say is oh my god he needs to make a market to buy food or he's dead oh my god like the level of stress there with with having to up a little bit faster would probably completely overwhelm a newcomer sorry anyways 40 seconds isn't the worst what is really good for miguel is that you only get six tiles of gold at your base in golden pit and both of them are within his so over here that's not the same for max uh it's not the same for valez and that is also not the same for dogal so maybe it's worth it finland just a little bit faster to the next age but a little bit of scalp presence also doesn't hurt here comes velez with some archers and i think miguel's going to see if dogal is going to be pounced on it's so important i think to spot this because of velez's uptime and because of velez's numbers and miguel spots it that's incredible i like i could do much of what these players have done so far except for that like i would miss that and then my teammate would lose his archers and then we'd be out of position and then we'd be like ah this is why i cast and then it would yeah that's that's huge because that dictates what you do with your strategy right you might otherwise try and loop around hit the gold and then say goodbye momentum and velez also noticed he was spotted it's so sick he's like okay he knows i'm coming so they're probably going back so i'll go forward all right so crossbow on the way bodkins already in for velez i think what's gonna have to happen here for brazil is they're gonna have to converge over at miguel's base because i foresee all that pressure going right over to miguel's base we got three stable nights for max max is gonna send those knights yeah right out across the map pressure mcgill now miguel he just spotted the crossbows so he had the scouts over here he just let his buddy know hey we're getting pressured and what you normally want to try and do is kill villagers if you cannot kill villagers you kill stables in this position if you're finland take out their stables they won't have as many nights then again velez doesn't have the support right now so he does indeed back away uh the thing about cameron messi games is that their farms bring in a lot of food they do not need drop-off points for their farms so the food income is going to be good the gold income is going to be good for miguel as well but berber knights are cheaper so i think berbers are definitely a step up okay and let's see if miguel can use these scouts to find armies again because they've come over here but velez is gone and now velez is moving forward les uh just now getting ballistics maybe that's why he left actually because that's pretty late the gal already has that and then look at dukau checking for the army with his scout and he might even say he doesn't have ballistics so they might go into this fight but now they might realize ballistics is in a little too late this has actually been the most impressive game of them all with the the scout movement i love it so much i know that 2v2s oftentimes seem like it's just spamming scouts and knights and armies and i know empire wars is kind of like that in some ways maybe it's less strategic but i mean this the scouting here has been beautiful man look still making use of the scouts looking for the armies he sees what's up and this might be a moment where miguel says hmm can we tc the middle right now can we can we go to the middle do we want to go to the middle right now and look at this look at this max is checking for their armies as well and now the scout has gone down so for the last five minutes they've just been trying to figure out where the armies are zero surprises this is wonderful and now i mean max has an outpost bill to have a better idea of what's going on but it looks like a decision has been made and we are going to see uh the brazilians head over towards the max now what finland does about this is going to be really fun to talk about because they send everything they could probably clear this but they also are out of position to stop miguel's tc in the middle and remember max can't take this gold right now oh and max wow that was sick he added a stonewall there he thought he was going to accidentally left the armies in see i think miguel needs to back out of here miguel needs to back out of here here he is the armies are here to trap that is a lot of army for finland and the knights for miguel kind of out of position at the same time you might need to consider deleting that stable if you are the max because well yeah he does it because of the pathing crazy fight here and because of the home field advantage max is going to destroy here it's 19 nights first 10 nights miguel doesn't have any reinforcements here that means dougal's army disappears and i think it was a mistake for dogal and miguel to commit their they do have miguel in a position with better economy though he's on two tc's he's got the food income for that i think there's arguments to be made that maybe he can out produce with knights but i mean you're up against berbers crazy it was just it was just too tempting wasn't it too tempting to go out there what i always say is win fights take map control notice what they're doing now they've won the fight now max and valez are coming out here for map control now if you've got army you just start taking out the tc right but we could have a similar situation i mean now dougal's pretty close by here miguel's going to have more knights over here but that tc is going to go down very quickly they've got to engage this if they want to save the villagers and you almost have to save the villagers tc will go down okay they're going to commit to a fight here they have to now the good news is a lot of these nights are weak also the tc is focusing on the crossbows miguel's doing that intentionally normally it would default to the closest unit so it actually looks like they're gonna weather this storm here guys it's not great it's not ideal but they are going to weather this storm the tc will stay up for miguel and that could have been way worse for them because now you're looking at 13 nights versus 16 nights and miguel has well he has 10 more villagers plus some crossbowmen being thrown away there by velez uh dogal doesn't have access to gold just yet let me check the food eco foodie is looking pretty pretty solid for archer players and this is all going to be about numbers right now and it is so close oh man miguel miguel dude auto farm actually he might have auto farm on in all fairness he just doesn't have a lot on wood what i didn't realize no cow had stoned for a castle i think this is too early though they don't have the army to support a forward castle right now uh but wait a second if it's 50 50 with the armies or even 55 45 the enemy has to focus on your army over the villagers because if they focus on the villes then the enemy wins their fight with the army well not with this positioning because the crossbows are perfectly placed for velez so the villagers pull back um a lot of weak knights there for the max i think max is looking at his numbers and he's not realizing how weak they are siege workshop for the max villagers coming forward for degau to finish the castle again if you focus on the villagers you then are not hitting the army from the enemy i think this castle will go up i know there's only four villagers but with ah it's not gonna go up it's not gonna go up it is gonna go up it's so close mangoes on the way dog needs to send more villes miguel needs more knights here he's sending them in faster than the maxes that one villager is building as fast as possible and it's like he doesn't even know there's a war being fought right next to the building site meganel oh that could be it guys the population is still close dougal's still coming forward more villagers are here to save the day and it seems like miguel just has enough to hold this off this is incredible stuff this castle goes up good luck taking gold long term if you're velez and max they still can take it but the castle is going to complicate matters now degau lost a lot of villagers to get that castle up what i'm wondering is will he make genoese crossbowmen as well so i feel like making genoese crossbowmen would be really nice against the knights but also you kind of don't need genoese crossbowmen against the knights you're gonna need to just stick with crossbows because you're like you don't want to be worse in the crossbow fights you know what i mean holy cow that was crazy now what sucks is velez has to play reactive now like tagal and miguel are heading over to max and they have to react and this tc is in harm's way so we'll see siege for dog to push that but one big mango shot could still mean they're okay here and the microphone no gal well played miguel well played is going to take that out the gal with the micro oh why would you do that no he lost half of his army guys what a misplay there i think you always run away there i think he got over confident and he he went for a split and max was able to get a hit in and now suddenly 14 crossbows only for dokal that's huge man i think miguel's gonna have to carry this one now he certainly has strong eco two tcs he's been out performing max with the knights but now that you see a castle for velez that's going to protect enough gold for him to go imp if this castle goes up this could be a bad position for heresy here in game seven now velez sees this les realizes how important it is can he not wall there okay he can uh he didn't fully build the palisade wall here there is a magnel coming from the other side but i think it's going to be too late to deny it just enough 85 percent 95 percent castle will go up mangano and crossbows too late and velez is going to click up the wimp stonks man stonks and then this army will get stronger the castle will make trebs i think the only thing you can do now is completely kill the max valez is clearly the person you cannot do much against you have to kill the max and how do you kill a guy who can afford this many nights can he afford this many nights he's going to this gold now that or you can hit uh velez's eco velez is going to send some bills out here opportunity oh that's nice dogel's also imping this is crazy siege workshop will go out army's just kind of waiting on this hill where they were now as you see max coming over to help and velez coming to save his bills that's good value there though that was very good value nice little repair there for velez he seems to be keeping an eye on things and can those mangoes really range that tc wow that's crazy okay i wasn't expecting that army counts very similar eco count very similar miguel all in nights right now i think that's the difference is just he has a greater economy than the max he's even going for a third tc this would be such a huge statement game for miguel he obviously is the perfect partner for dogal and he's known him for years but i mean i think many people's opinions have just been that tagalo's the better player right it's not it's like not like that's a diss to him dokao is a crazy player but you know to be able to play a role in keeping dogao alive when dogao has kind of had some some bad moments here would be sick and now it's miguel's turn to stay alive against the night raids and he's doing a good job we've got gates we've got stone walls he needs something here though he needs something here oh jeez i'm losing my mind he got the knights into velez's economy velez is quick walling you've got armies in the center this is ridiculous now what is interesting is that if you make trebs you can sit in these little choke points if you're velez that's important because there's a lot of knights for miguel now velez doesn't want to be in a position where he has to save the max and he is kind of in that position because max can't take the gold in the middle and max is about to lose his town center so this could buy time for dogal who's now sending army this way and if he's able to loop his army over here he could actually range gold villagers i mean this is you look at the military counts heresy have really taken it up a notch over the last couple minutes and honestly props to miguel for that i think he has the worst if not the khmer or bad but i think if you were to compare khmer to uh berbers sorry berbers are just the better civ a dogal trying to repair the castle that won't last too long because he doesn't have a lot of stone but you could say the exact same thing for velez maybe both castles will end up going down guys if both castles end up going down it's just a full-on brawl in the middle the gal is not gonna head this way he's instead gonna loop towards the middle and this treb could go down that needs to be repaired oh oh my god no what did it get hit again i looked away i went to hot key that so we could watch it later we could look back at that moment as a deciding moment in this game i surely thought that was out of range that's 42 arbs against 35 arbs delgad now out of stone the thing is velez isn't mining any stone so i mean yeah there's that max is 28 military somehow i don't even know where it is right now is that's that even real where is it there's some of it and velez had decided to just dive in here miguel is all in on knights 54 of them and max is an imp getting cavalier now so he'll have the tech advantage but he will not have the numbers advantage that's a lot of nights and dogal knows what he needs to do he needs to use this time to take out the arbs the castle is going to fall expect the trips to go down but honestly who cares about the trebs at this point it's about the important armies that are going to control the middle and as i'm looking at this the military count is suddenly getting a whole lot closer heresy doesn't have as big a lead and remember miguel is all encasally he will not have cavalier he will not have armor this is so close miguel has such a good economy max has recovered though i i don't understand man how he's been able to recover like this there is more arboles out there for dogal there's also more knights for miguel than there is cavalier for the max and are they going to do this heresy are they going to do this they've got a nice little surrounds here the baltimore cannon gets a hit every little bit matters here flooding military one person in cass lage one person in imp this is the only location where finland have gold guys they will lose access to gold here velez will not be able to make any more our blessed ridiculous i know max had numbers but he does not have the numbers that miguel will have miguel has the gold dogal has the gold the arbs are backing up but how can you afford anything more 40 villagers for velez max is going to have to save the day with the cheap cavalier this is insane insane the thing is guys while velez is pretty much uh he's not dead right well he's in a bad position economically while he can't make any more arbs he still has a solid mass and max has an incredible fight in him he's starting to mix in light cav he might even try and raid dogal's starting eco i mean there's so much that max could do to even just avoid the middle right now i'm really curious about this also miguel's in a spot where he doesn't have that many farmers he's got tons on gold but he doesn't have as many farmers as the max so i i mean maybe maybe if max goes for hussar here is there a chance they could trade no they don't have the gold for trade you'd need the trade upgrades you need to have consistent gold income to invest into trade i don't think trade would work this is what i mean max could run over here and delgad will lose everything max should do that in my opinion and the only way you kind of stop max from doing that is hitting max and forcing reactions from max which we're now going to see from mcgill and i think dougal should go over there as well they have velez out of the middle i think they should head right over to the max and they should stop the max from being able to have this freedom max is getting the trade upgrade but guys they only have this much gold to trade with i don't think that's enough plus the markets aren't even up yet but something i've noticed about miguel is he doesn't like to make gates he likes to leave it tile between his buildings and there's gonna be holes man there's a hole there as well that's gonna be annoying how do you kill that that's a thousand hp of army in your base okay here comes valez to help out the max and he's gonna type to take out the bombard cannons that's expensive but ducat will have the golds a tc is going to go down for the max miguel has just now reacted miguel still has a lot of bills still able to make knights because he has gold adding tcs and castles in the center a lot of fortifications there though gal getting coinage to send resources to his buddy max is going to lose these villagers valez is 2tc boom over here 41 villes is anyone a little confused by the score the score is a little confusing to me based on the overall populations i feel like heresy with all the gold control and the amount of military and eco should have a higher score right now i don't quite get that one maybe it's the text right because you've got two people in imp maybe it's also the kd uh miguel did toss away a lot of units but it was worth it of course all right max i mean he's gonna trade a little bit but this got cleared up i'm just kind of waiting to see if we're ever gonna see miguel and him it feels like he's gonna go 200 pop in castle because if he ever clicks up he's not going to have military to support dogal but dogal has so many arms there's like way too many arms to deal with you've got 74r ballist against velez's 35 because velez can't take gold ridiculous game i think it's easy to say now but going imp might have been a mistake for max with cheaper knights i think it's maybe better to all in with knights than it is to hope for imp it was so close though they took a risk they went for it guys and i think heresy is about to move on to the finals the military count is double what suo when we have the eco stronger as well they have no time for trade to kick in not when there's this much gold in the middle dogal is losing villagers though max is not giving up max has a castle here that kind of protects things but for how long i think this is too big of a death ball to stop certainly with hustlers you have cavalier maybe you have a chance oh god the arms are getting rocked the skirms are getting rocked the trebs can't be killed the gal of course will need some help with this this is really annoying to stop with arbs but the difference is velez has 47 villes gao has 86 and dokao has the middle yeah so i do not see how max keeps his castle up then he cannot protect his eco skirmishers i say all the time in team games are just a weak unit if you're making skirmishers in team games it's a sign you're in a really bad position because there's always going to be a gold unit that can counter you and that would be the knights of course great fight from the max a really good fight from the max but his population is only going to get lower and lower and miguel is just staying in cass leech he's just consistently queuing up knights he's got 38 of them what a performance from heresy the entire series did go back and forth right win for heresy win for suomi and then repeat that cycle until game seven beautiful stuff uh max's trade is even being attacked i don't know what's going on here these people realize they're going to die so they're talking to the priest first that makes sense that's a pretty common thing um here comes max with the hussars they're raiding they're not giving up monastery monastery's gonna go down so now they don't even they can't even go to church so they're just gonna make a new town okay and yeah i'm kind of running out the rattle things to say because while there are annoying the little moves from the max there's nothing significant he has no siege to back it up he's getting raided at the same time velez is at 50 pop and it's kind of sad to see zuomi come to the realization that they're going to be out here in the semi-finals they don't want to call it because they know the stakes and they've invested so much time and effort but this is a big win for heresy guys like heresy have been so close over the years in big events getting to the finals is such a big thing for them and man do they deserve it both these teams showed up in every single game there was never a game where i said ah those tips were bad and that gameplay was bad and i i gotta give credit to my boy miguel for stepping up in this game because dogal went for that risky micro and lost half of his army and i really thought it was over for heresy there miguel just stepped it up big time and now it is allowed to gow i mean great job from him as well the the space and the time to be able to get arboles on the field again incredible the knights are now into velez's base but this is you know what it is it's 300 iq from velez have no villagers so there's no villagers to kill if you don't have a strong economy you can't be raided easy that's my strategy if you don't have villagers to kill then he can't kill many if he had a hundred bills then a hundred villes would have died right there so anyways it was gg um the less the zika was too weak and i i think that suomi have got to hand it to heresy heresy really gave them a fight today and definitely deserved that victory and isn't this a beautiful sight isn't that a beautiful sight the order of the winds oh my god so like i said in the future when these two teams face we just need to do game one and whoever wins arabia wins oh god and i want to go back here what did i highlight here was 28 minutes when that castle was coming up because that was so crazy to me i saw people calling gg right before it oh it was the treb okay well that's the first thing we'll look at again okay i didn't realize the castle fired another volley there so that at this point you look at the numbers 47 nights for miguel against 27 for max so i just you know maybe they wouldn't have been able to make that many nights because max wouldn't have had this gold he's going to this gold now but i think the difference maker was simply the fact that miguel had more numbers and being able to take the uh villagers from the middle meant that velez wouldn't be able to make more arms it was such a close fight though i i kind of want to watch it again here if that's okay with you guys we do have another semi-final to cast and then we do have the final so we're going to be here all day but my goodness so the knights are getting wrecked right but you've got knights to throw away so the knights won't like it but half the knights can die and you're still going to have a considerable meat shield and you're still going to be taking the opponent out of the middle so yeah in this fight granted there's a lot of bills and trebs in there it looks very even right now but max still hasn't benefited from imp upgrades at all right still not imp upgrades still no imp upgrades still no imp upgrades okay now here this is where i thought cavalier's going to kick in and armor is going to kick in so this is going to be better but max doesn't have as much on gold so if you look at max's q he actually doesn't have anything cued because he doesn't have enough on gold miguel's got 30 on gold you need a lot of gold to make stable units so then it comes down to how many units on the field max has max has 19 and there's 40 for miguel 32 here a few more nights by the wayside but miguel played like a beast this game after dogal took those shots after dogal had been carrying in so many games with his arbolest i really felt like it was going to be difficult for miguel to be able to bring it back against berber knights miguel played his best game of the series when it mattered in game number seven i've seen the cavalier trade-off work there guys but i've also seen the cavalier trade-off not work and that was an example of it great game great series best series of the tournament definitely uh and we will have another semi-final coming up this is the overall statistics if you wanted to see the kd the rbls definitely did work there for dogal i will look at the food eco and the goldie coat yeah i mean miguel with tons of food and then they had so much more gold they just were able to press pressure max and valez out of the middle cannot say that any team really outperformed massively in that series because it went 4-3 so heartbreaker for saomi but that's what competition's all about man coming down to the final moments and seeing who can clutch it out when it's important so gigi and congrats to heresy they'll move on to the finals all right so that was an incredible set
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 93,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, empire, wars, empire wars, duo, 2v2, tournament, semi, semifinal, semifinals, semi finals, final, finals, #1, EWD2, EWD, lida, lidakor
Id: USc30onSiPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 18sec (11418 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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