Hidden Cup 4 Qualifier | Jordan vs Capoch (Best of 5)

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okay so this is going to be going a little fast here because of the issue we had with the initial game one but cap watch called a restart and you get one per best of five in this very important set but it's the same civilizations and tap watch call to re i assume because of his map or maybe due to the poor dark age his main goal is pretty far forward here so you've got it you got to deal with what you what what you're given by the map script and the players are very close together if capwatch was unhappy with his map and called his restart because of that it is arabia at the end of the day and the maps are going to end up being open but since we're catching up to live time this will be a bit speedy jordan is frank's cap watch malians i was touching on it earlier and just like this jordan's gonna steal three pigs so this is a pretty big deal if there's one restart for best of five and capwatch is gonna use his restart because of well whatever reason he ended up using his restart jordan realizes now that if he's able to get lucky and he's able to steal resources and laming is allowed that cap watch can't do a damn thing about it and so 300 food being stolen jordan with some good fortune heading over towards capwatch's base and he's going to take all that food to the the bank to the piggy bank i guess and and bring that on home you can bore steal in hidden cup fours tend to be at the back of your base that's also an option we have not seen much of that be successful in this tournament in fact it's been more often than not just like a pig or two that's one of the biggest lames i've seen so far in the qualifiers in cap watch at home is going to have less food to work with viper was notorious when restarts were common and they've always been common to blame someone hard or try to lame after they call restart whereas otherwise viper wouldn't lay much but when the second he realizes that the enemy does not have a restart available he's going to go forward and try and take advantage of that fact and viper has done that for years and years in jordan on the way up to the next age same with cap hatch it's just that at jordan's base i mean he's got tons of food he hasn't even used yet and then you have cap watch his base and cap watch doesn't have much food underneath the tc eric's for cap watch and walls expect to see this a lot from the argentinian the walls a lot and especially i think he's gonna need the walls if he's not gonna have the food to really take a lot of map control this almost feels like a spot where catwatch is gonna have to just wall and defend with more walls he doesn't like look at his food eco doesn't look like he has a lot of food and jordan is going to be going for a scout rush again sorry it's going fast guys they after the restart they were they started things quite quite quickly and we're just catching up to live time so i don't expect scaplots to really be competitive when it comes to taking map control because he can he cannot afford to create villages to create scouts and we're caught up to lifetime i'm excited to see what jordan can accomplish excited to see what cap watch can accomplish certainly in game number one it's looked better for jordan epoch will be aware that he doesn't have what the oh it just he's like that's my pig oh my god capwatch went underneath jordan's tc and said if i can't have it you can't have it and he just joined that pig to death what a crazy moment that was i mean jordan's still got plenty of food but the confidence there from cap watch to do that and now cap watch sees this villager and jordan does have the spearmen there thankfully what a funny moment i know pig for both players i guess uh man but franks are so good at what jordan's trying to accomplish here uh they get horse collar for free and plus he still has all this food so he's got scouts out on the field he's got the farms down a bit of moonwalking for jordan but catwatch he hasn't even created an extra scout this is just his starting scout this is not a great position for cap watch to be in but it's a result of the lame early and it just he's done the best with what he could with this position and here he'll want to keep the scout alive i think he's gonna head back to his barracks yeah there's a spearman there he's just adding farms for now so i wonder if this is one of the rare situations where jordan could switch into archers because normally with franks you're just gonna stay on cav but when the enemies walled like this and the enemy's probably not going to switch into archers themselves adding an archer range and there's the archer range now yeah there's an archery range i feel that archer range is just a good move here regardless of your sieve especially because of cat podge's gold jordan will be loving this position right now uh his economies should be stronger capac is has been greedy by not making military trying to maybe get to castle age faster than jordan let's see if capac can scout or even sense that jordan might go for archers because the tower on that gold could be needed uh gray barber's asking is the viper going to be playing in this tournament well not in the qualifier no because viper is one of the main players so the top eight from hidden cup three will be participating already in hidden cup four that is the viper hera uh dogal tattoo doubt leery yo and missing one name who am i missing i always miss one i always forget what i say uh mbl yes so those players are already in we're determining the eight that would join them to make 16. all right so there's the first archer now jordan might not go crazy with production here he might just make one but that's already threatening the goal then capwatch might need to make a tower here really awkward isn't it i also have to question the mining camp i feel like if you place the mining camp here at least you can mine gold without getting hit by the archers but you place the mining camp here and then you're gonna get hit cap still making some scouts though it is a bit later than the order he would have liked might try and pounce on any archers here and here he comes there's also spearman there for cap watch there's a lot of spearmen in there jordan's archer goes down and suddenly jordan's scout's not looking too hot either because of the amount of spearmen great play from capac but also i don't think this is a big deal for jordan because it was just one archer and the archer forced three new scouts from cat patch he's walled at home now and he should be able to just go up to cass light with a faster time maybe a bit sloppy there from jordan as he lets these units in i mean this is unnecessary i'd say to allow these units in i'm not sure he needed to send his spearmen out sloppy moved from jordan but he's going to get the gate and the house down and at least block the spearman off and he'll chase down these scouts with his own and click up the castle here shortly cap watch will do as well but i think cap watch might be 30 seconds maybe 40 seconds behind all right so you look at the town centers catwalks had five seconds vital tc time in this entire game 21 seconds for jordan gordon walled up a lot which led to some idle field time jordan looking good just one archer range making archers is that what you want to be making as frank's though like there was reward to the first archer but now do you want to go crossbowmen i suppose there's a reward for it here too because the gold but i feel like this has just been great play overall from both players so far right jordan getting the layman but capot's surviving and cap watch also recognizing he doesn't need to make skirms right now he made the range thought about it and thought better of it now to continue with that i'm a little concerned for jordan's food count right now he ran out of berries he's got only 11 on food normally you'd want more than that jordan i did research fletching for the archers and going to add a second range maybe crossbowmen at night would be a wiser move for jordan it's really hard to say right now this is largely going to depend on what he's able to do with the archery numbers initially it is possible that cap watch will have to make a tower jordan is going to be in cass lage in 30 seconds and crossbow bodkin is a very fast upgrade and if cap watches to build a tower he can't boom which cap watch loves to do you won't be able to afford a tc then i mean the archers are here right now catwalks needs to leave the gold epoch mining this side of the gold for now jordan knocking on the palisade crossbowmen on the way what do you do here catwatch do you just leave the gold until you have enough knights to deal with the crossbows this is a really high pressure moment for both of them is jordan's gonna boom jordan at home he's adding a second tc so his economy should be greater but there's a potential for cap watch to be able to pounce on this group with knights pretty soon and if he's able to do that without having to build a tower his eco could be just as strong and then he could also have the map control this is crazy patience from cat patch but also great positioning for jordan to take out the palisade and sit in that one little area one villager down for catwatch this is what i mean though chain barting's on the way hapwatch can make enough knights to deal with these crossbowmen i think and jordan won't have military control after the fact although i will say the two spearmen and the fact that crossbowmen are wedged in there is going to make life really awkward for those nights we have a tc here for cat pod she's going out to this gold for now jordan will see the knights looping around does jordan know about that gold he's trying to scout right now that's cap watch's point of view this is jordan's point of view yeah he might see the village going out that way how about sending his knights this way though that's weird because what's the stuff jordan from just hitting this exposed gold i think he needs to pounce on this i mean what reward there would be though if jordan doesn't react to this fast enough cap watch going for the counter attacking the palisade that should be an easy house for jordan yep good reaction from jordan and now that's all jordan needs is uh to go over to the gold the knights have to come back jordan house walling all of this here comes jordan with crossbowman with spearman with a monk with two knights this is such a stronger force than it would have been had capoch pounce there he was not comfortable enough to do so jordan did scout that with that lead scout he pulled this scout over to see knows there's the mining camp there there's only four nights here for cal parts this could be disastrous for him but the other knights are coming over making it eight jordan what how's that not a conversion that should be a conversion game the rng gods not with jordan caploch needs to take this fight here and he might end up clearing it up to oh my word and now jordan goes for the conversion the crossbows are around the monk that conversion's quick we've got camels we've got knights we've got so much military in the mix here jordan does have bodkin he does have spearman many of the crossbowman's still firing i think catwatch could have microed this one better he didn't take out the crossbowmen i think he needed to focus fire down those crossbowmen use the camels against the knights excellent micro from jordan maybe awful micro from cat patch i'm not sure but all i know is jordan's position is significantly stronger now as these gold villagers with gold in their hands are probably going to die i feel like that was miss micro though capwatch spent so much time attacking units other than the crossbowman and you you take out the crossbowman jordan's knights don't have any upgrades the knights shouldn't be a big deal so i i think kapod probably maybe he thought with those numbers that he would win that fight and he just didn't pay attention to it and then he looked back and he was just like what how did it not win that that was a weird one and then like clearly he thought he was going to win that because he could have left the gold so if he thought he was going to lose that fight he probably would have saved his bills earlier well that hurts um jordan with the lead now jordan with three tcs behind this and i think jordan's just got to be mindful of the fact that at some point he's got to switch out of going for crosswoman with franks he is still making them but is that the unit you really want to make long term here cap watch with insane eco though 32 villagers and 32 villagers on food excuse me jordan with one relic already i see him bringing in the second relic so he's thinking of late game i could definitely see jordan considering going knights and pikeman as a switch especially if the enemy's gonna switch in some camels piken could be strong jordan's sitting on this goal right now but capwatch is back on his main gold jordan perhaps some passive plates not have the follow-up but in the end he's going to have the military here catwatch thinks better of running in cap watch runs away jordan house walling i'm rather surprised that jordan has 64 villagers and catwalks has 63. the macroing for capwatch has been really impressive and the fact that he has more on food and the fact that he's basically kept this game close after those losses is something i don't truly understand right now i mean the tc's were up a little faster i suppose and cat punch if he can get maybe a workshop up here could take out the crossbowmen but that is enough crossbowmen where it's dangerous to move forward plus jordan's got three monks the cap watch definitely does not have enough to engage jordan maybe benefited from being on two tcs as well right because he could put more resources into the attack and not into the economy though it's not as if being three tc's late was was necessarily a mistake and jordan we've been here before jordan going forward to the gold cap watch can't defend this catwatch will need to leave his main goals and capwatch trying to get a counter in but jordan's playing perfect defense now these villagers have to leave the gold that villager goes down cap watch i would maybe farm somewhere else that boat's now heading over to the stone and back over to this gold so same old story we've seen it before we'll see it again jordan now getting chain barting and mixing in the night good move from cap watch to pick off reinforcements here there should be some easy kills for him he did not commit to that and jordan having the hill there having the monks is just perfectly calculated from the german how many nights is enough nights for caps to win this i think he'd need 25. he's gonna go in soon let's see i mean frank crossbowman don't scale too well long term jordan will need to get conversions and jordan left the hill jordan left the hill during that fight the crossbowmen are bunched up which is great but this is close to the reinforcements for catwatch jordan does have chain burning armor on his knights he just got it before that fight he's still got 10 of them capot with only eight huge clear up for jordan yet again and it was the conversion it's the massive crossbows with the switch to knights full control over the golds and cap hatch taps out great play from jordan great play from jordan but also i love the recognition at the start to lame like enemy doesn't have a restart because they call re for whatever reason happened in game one and jordan found some reward there apwatch honestly played this really well i just think that first fight hurt catwatch that first fight needed to be a clear up if capotch cleared in that first fight then these villagers would have never died cap watch would have a villager lead and then probably have more at this stage so that's what catbots will look back on and cap watch will be frustrated with himself i'm sure but man the level of play we're going to see in these games is very very high i'll look now just to see what the statistics look like before we talk about the home maps on arabia i think jordan is the better player on maps like cross i think cap watch is probably the better player so this could lead up to tap watch tying it up there's the kd economically cap watch had more food he of course was struggling for gold all game so jordan baking the monks making the knights making the crossbows it was just gold gold gold that entire time and a lot of it all right lots of hype pap patch will probably pick cross for the next map on cross i'm expecting something like japanese or byzantines the japanese is incredible on cross but japanese is also incredible on bay so it's hard to know which one you pick where i have seen cap watch pick byzantines on this map before for jordan if it's crossed i think he'll probably go huns and honestly huns can struggle against both japanese and byzantines so it's the way home maps should really work you should have a good strategy prepared for your home map the enemy is going to have an idea of what you'll do but might be at a disadvantage there fifteen thousand people for the qualifiers is just insane man we had seventeen thousand people as the viewer peaked during hidden cup two which was already insane if we were to cross that today i'd lose my mind thank you everyone friendly reminder that one dollar for every sub this channel has when the main event rolls around which is in three weeks goes into the prize pool for the players so thank you froglit and others for the new subs and i can't even get to your names i can just see your names and think thank you that's pretty much it rather exhausted right now but these games are gonna they're gonna up my energy levels and we have another best of five after this and then four more best of fives tomorrow i said before the series that cap hatch i think he outperforms on hybrid maps jordan may be looking to prove me wrong here game two coming up soon and yes i said that i would shave my head if we hit a hundred thousand viewers during the main event it's not gonna happen and if it happens my girlfriend might break up with me she she said she would rather i shave my eyebrows off than shave my head and i think not that i want to shave my head but i think shaving off the eyebrows is 100 worse 300 worse have you ever seen someone with no eyebrows but having hair ugh her um her theory was that eyebrows grow back faster so anyways we need a lot more viewers i'm not worried about that but for a qualifier this is a good sign that maybe that main event will go off okay it will be bay actually it will not be cross it will be bay next and it will be japanese versus lithuanians i assumed it would be cross cap had other plans and will be in in 50 seconds lithuanians have been showing their strength in this tournament with their special build orders it's not pants the new people are actually going to think the map is called pants people hey bro thank you for the five gifted subs um lithuanians since they start with so much food they can just go to wood at the start get the wood out a bit earlier and then dock and add fishing ships japanese they have cheaper lumber camps and that can lead to earlier docks and fishing ships too so lots of aggression on water incoming i want to say that i prefer lithuanians on this map just because i think the star is really strong but if this goes to mid castle age i think lithuanians can struggle against japanese when japanese get the pikemen out what you want to make long term with lithuanians is normally have and what you make with japanese long term counters that it's a really fascinating sid matchup oh chat the hype is real thank you also i'd like to take a small moment to appreciate the lurkers out there i know the people who are saying pants in the chat is the small minority right now when we have this many people watching the people who maybe are staying up way too late or got up way too early for this thank you to you as well the people who normally don't make it to the twitch stream thank you for being a part of all this anyways people call this pants it's supposed to be bae this is apparently the belt this is apparently like the legs all right people are very creative and sometimes too creative on the internet but jordan's doing exactly what i just mentioned since lithuanians start with 150 food send extra villagers to gold uh not gold excuse me they send the early villagers to wood and this is the only sieve that can really do this instead of having six on food at the start which is required for most other sieves you just send four villagers to wood i like this approach versus the chopped straggler tree and dock right away approach that we saw from other players i think that this is just better economically jordan already coming out to the to the shoreline to get a dock up compared to cap watch and cap watch is going to have to make a lumber camp chop wood and then dock meaning that jordan should have a lead of about i'd say about two fishing ships maybe even three you are allowed to lame in this tournament you can steal boars and you can steal sheep and boars should always be on the back side this is not really this not necessarily the back side is it where's the other board oh this is also not really the back side i mean it's it's further away and if jordan wants to steal that i mean why not he could go for the steel now this cap won't have that scouted cap watch has that scout that if he's paying attention he could contest that you can always see the boar we have not seen many successful boar lames in this tournament did caps notice that he's plenty of food for now if he can block this this could hurt jordan so much all right cap watch is here he's going to attack the scout or try and block the scout let's see he's getting some hits you could block the board jordan's got to stay close enough to the bore this is all the while they have them to use their economy as well so far so good for jordan and what a block from cat podge that's huge and now jordan's scout is weak so jordan's scout is weak capwatch gets all of his food beautiful defense from cat punch doc villager will be going out for cat podge in a second jordan will have a second fishing ship out in a second still could lead to a very fast feudal age for jordan this is interesting though because jordan doesn't know about his sheep because he didn't scout his own resources so if capwatch comes this way he could actually take these sheep but he doesn't know they're there of course does jordan oh jordan knows they're there oh you lucky dog wait cap watch saw them uh oh uh oh cap watch is here for revenge the cap watch is gonna take one and just be happy with that i guess all right so you have an idea of where the tcs are on this and it does make it a bit easier to lane which is why we have the bores on the back side typically like we're never going to see a boar be around here because that's easy to to lame and hard to stop but when hidden cup main event rolls around there's going to be some lamers man tens of thousands of dollars on the line and then you got mbl in the tournament i mean expect some type of lame first fishing ship for catwatch is out cap watch behind just because of this excellent build order and look at cap watch over here that punch is being really annoying and there's not much jordan can do about that because jordan's scout is so weak look at cap watch he's trying to block the board he's just being a pest right now he's like i'm not gonna take your board i'm gonna delay your board oh cap watch don't get too greedy because you'll lose that was unnecessary if that was unnecessary you're gonna lose hp on your scalp jordan's always going to bring that in but i still like the aggression there jordan scout over here is on 4 hp busty warlock nice name by the way but a majority of the maps in this tournament are all custom half the maps in the hidden cup are going to be maps that do not feature in other tournaments um the main event and we'll announce the main event map shortly will include at least three additional maps one of which you've seen before in cup but some other ones some other tweaks that's going to be announced i think midweek giving the players about a week of preparation before they have to play their games and even then they have a full week to schedule so that way people know ahead of time scouting the deer that's an important element of this map and look at the up times man the level's so high the level is so high they're both on the way up jordan went five fishing ships fascinating you look at jordan's build he's transferring everything over to golden wood so he definitely wants to go for a second dock and then the only thing he'll have for food would be his fishing ships tap watch is doing the same cap watch on three fishing ships but yeah there's deer to expand to if you need extra sources of food income and it can be really nice with japanese with the cheap mills to be able to go out here for that eight players will qualify for the main event this is only round two winner of this faces the max and the best of seven next weekend to see who qualifies and uh look at cat podge being annoying with the scalp can't really kill that villager but what you could do is sit here and you could attack the fishing ships if you wanted to uh but yeah eight players will qualify the top eight from hidden cup three are already in hidden cup four yeah the level is just insane here every advantage they could get they're going for and i think this is a massive mistake what are you doing cap watch why would you i think that was probably just a mistake because he was doing something else but now there's a four hp scout out there and a six hp scout i don't think happ should have tossed hp away but villager would have never gone down interesting plan from jordan he's adding a barracks already that's a lot of wood tap watch not doing that oh cap watch doing the same i thought it was a mill like a really big mill because he's building it on the berries but turns out it's actually a barracks i kind of disagree the placement there i think he could place it a bit further forward but anyways scouts will be important to see what's going on and here comes the action on water now you need a villager to be around here to repair your weak ones as you can see jordan doing right now i've seen quite a few players as capwatch is using his fishing ships he's letting the japanese fishing ships tank the damage these things are tanks they might not look like it but they're beefy they're made of steel man but yeah a lot of players forget to send the repairville i think cap watch should have this here already right jordan's already repairing these ships not sure why that was forgotten but caps now has four jordan with his scouting he's looking all over i love to see players active with their scouts he will see that there's an archery range going up for cap watch as well there's jordan's archer range not a part of its walls which is a little weird but back to water we go the only lead jordan has is because of the fishing ships and cap watch forgot to patrol immediately putting behind in these fights these repair villagers are going to need to start swinging their mallets pretty soon and jordan in a better position at least until the demo comes in and jordan notices it and he backs away and that demo was not awful for capwatch but it also wasn't as good as it could have been well played jordan see archers will see fires i mentioned earlier how sometimes on this map the game just ends right away because because someone can win water and no one pre-plans but here both players are pre-planning they're thinking about taking land and they're competing for water when the level is close this map is just amazing but cap watch do not stack your ships there's five ships there anna villager if that demo lands i'm gonna scream oh my god no no way that was so bad for cap watch i'm actually surprised it wasn't worse and here comes jordan he's got all these full hp ships he still needs to be careful because he's outnumbered and now a demo from cap watch and jordan does end up needing to sail away here demo could be used on the fishing ships but it's better to win water control by taking out the navy that poach oh that was a funny moment they couldn't decide on what they wanted to attack and now jordan has a demo and boom he hit him got him jordan takes the lead with these demos and the defense another demo from cap hatch all right there's action here but not nothing too crazy i'll keep you updated two fishing ships remaining for jordan the fish is running out here there's 200 food here 100 food here that's pretty much it so how much you want to invest into the water here is is always a topic of conversation i think players might all in all just start giving up on that and cap watch is going to move out with his archers jordan's probably placed his spearmen there intentionally so he can know when capwatch moves out there would be a next lever play from cap watch to actually not attack that spearman i mean he should but what if he just like ejected and jordan never noticed okay another demo all right good micro from both very even they're just going to share what's left of this food that's nice of them and here come the archers from cap he took out the spearmen jordan had a heads up but he was late to react and he lost these two archers jordan's also not walled you can't wall to the water comfortably because units can still run around and there's not much left on water what is left it looks like catwatch is going to get the better of and you have to remember that the water control can help you in these areas too so it is pretty important and also you could maybe add fish traps later on a good micro from jordan lithuanians have very fast skirmishers so it always feels very comfortable to have them here now epoch still investing a little bit in water same with jordan cappucci adding a second archery range and backing away right now neither player looking really close to clicking up looking at the farms and whatnot it's such an even game i think jordan's overextending again i don't think he has the numbers he needs to be taking this fight on water there's just one fire galley being chased down it goes down and there's what 42 food left 42 food that's it here goes catwatch now maybe capo should be taking this fight he turns around to do so takes one archer and should take the next archers well oh nifty micro jordan all right jordan got the moves some of those archers are weak too and over here archer for jordan but i think that was just a misgather point he's probably trying to group up his archers at home and this will be about the macro we could see a market soon from a player if they feel the need to do that an ideal world you don't need the market though and you can just go up with a healthy economy i expect it to be close to jordan just market i don't see a market for jordan his food count just shot up and he's on his way to the next stage and these archers are being chased down by two skirms so i think capwatch maybe was trying to be sneaky and jordan just tracking him look at how he's positioning units in front of the ranges 14 minutes of idle time for jordan but because he took all of his berries and that's really the difference look 18 on wood for cap watch and there's still a couple hundred food left here but because cap watch didn't take all of his berries jordan is going to be in castle much faster and i mean there's potential in this map for that to win you the game big big difference there jordan also adding a stable with lithuanians if you can get control of relics and add knights it can be strong cap watch just now clicks up i will say he has the higher military count and this is a mistake from jordan if he thinks that this is going to contribute much i think cap watch can micro these archers okay down gets one jordan moving this way skerm's coming in and jordan's going to lose the other two so with a s uh quick math here a little over of a minute jordan could gain some type of an advantage but it doesn't feel like he has a lot of ranged units i heard a horse die somewhere did you guys see it it must have been someone's scout ah there you go cow punch lost his scout so you have to look to the mini-map to see where the relics are but there's one close ish to each player's base and then the others are on the belt region if you do in fact think this is pants and jordan arrives in castle age with four skirmishers they do have fuel age armor and they're up against feudal age units but it doesn't feel like the strongest force then again every pick off will be useful here and cap watch turns around with confidence jordan now getting bod canero and we'll probably see elite skirmish here are the other skirms and cap watch may be running forward too early but then again jordan's done a great job tracking him so i can't really knock the movement from catwatch which is great defense from jordan 20 seconds till cap watch gets his upgrades i what i can say is that capoeira should have macroed better to be faster to castle h there's a stable for him though he will mix in a few nights to take care of any skirms jordan already booming second tc on the way monastery going up the want to get those relics now because he'll eventually switch into nights now i had brought this up when we saw it before and look how fast these skirmishers are this is crazy i had brought this up when we saw lithuanians in the past the fact that lithuanians have good skirms means the japanese pikemen isn't that terrifying against their knights and bod canero now on the way for catwatch and a knight so now jordan needs to run back home with these skirms getting quite a few kills though and then [Music] paying attention i hope well not really one skirm down another one will go down and now cap watch is running forward on water all the salmon's gone sad times but no player really has control i don't even think it's worth investing into that to get control no elite skirm for jordan i mean he's shifting into a boom but i feel like he's gonna need siege pretty soon cause he doesn't have enough knights to deal with this amount of archers oh jordan make a demo here how sick would that be that watch could run around it's just risky there's the monk from jordan he waited until the knight was really close to go for the conversion doesn't get it gap watch just now gets crossbow but i prefer capwatch's current position as he snipes that monk and this is a very risky tc for jordan but he's going for it but what are the skirms accomplishing now the skirms at this point are just going to employ the people who bury the dead those people will have more jobs i don't think the skirms will contribute much unless they stay underneath the tc and never move out because the knights are out there also jordan doesn't have that many upgrades creating jobs what a guy i knew jordan was nice but i didn't know he was that nice i mean they're lithuanian skirms i might be underestimating them because of the speed it really just depends on how they're utilized but yeah three tcs for cap watch three tcs for jordan and what a series we have here and a demo here could be good jordan at least realizing how important it is not to lose this area because then all of this eco could be hit and for catwatch he uh is probably spending a lot of his time right now worrying about his economy he's a little bit behind in terms of food count but also not creating units that cost food except for a few nights here or there jordan does have one relic but i don't think it'll be too realistic for him to get more than that as we see cap watch coming forward with the siege workshop delete it delete it good move yeah that was going to be converted yeah that one was pretty bad and now this one should be a kill but i have a feeling that the rng gods i knew it how is that a conversion i'm gonna complain about monks until they're changed the fact that the first one wasn't converted in that time and the second one was converted that quickly that's just rng right there friends second monk was back there that's a good point i wonder which monk it was it had to have been the first one guys unless something changed you can't have like five monks converting the same thing and have the conversion be faster you can't like put your heads together and somehow convert faster right but maybe it was the second one hmm can't check the faith with capture h unfortunately to see which one is converted okay siege workshop megan now big shot coming in jordan micro oh my god but he's getting he's getting in a dangerous position jordan no the monks can't save you now and the siege workshop's denied and now he has to make one over here oh god like you could tell what he was trying to do there i just don't think he was expecting the siege to be there jordan like i said about the skirmish man like it's a defensive move you've got to take map control in this map cap watch with 30 military against 12 right now and what do knights accomplish when there's this many crossbowmen what do skirmishers accomplish when the siege is here this is exactly what we wanted to see from this series look at cap's patrolling on that relic just in case jordan gets free and i've noticed that both players are on stone currently now jordan stone is right here that could easily be denied jordan with excellent magonel defense gets one kill though i don't think catwatch was aware of the magnet was even there so now he's he's aware that that's a thread but um you know as some of these villagers go down for cat patch jordan has to leave his stone and he has to leave some of his gold and his wood line tap watch at home his mining stone freely and i think he's gonna come for a forward castle drop assuming he still has the control here there's a potential for a trap for jordan because he has skirms on the right side he has skirms in this range and if he gets one or two good magnel shots as long as the magnels aren't in the picture for catwatch i could see it being possible for jordan to somehow hold on as he seems panicked right now he's adding a university he was going to finish the siege workshop and thought better of it hatpots with a huge hit both of those direct shots still making the skirms but i almost feel like catwalks should be taking out that range just to get rid of that possibility nice work from jordan to use the skirm to take out a weak magnel there what a game what a series a big mistake from jordan oh he got lucky he'll say it wasn't luck it really looked like he was gonna make a big mistake there and now this might be the moment for jordan hop out with the skirms surprise it's not your birthday but it's come early this year oh man cap watch had three megan hills to zero a second ago now it's two magnets for jordan he just has crossbowmen against the lead skirm two magnels and jordan's also coming out with knights and he can take out that mango what a change what a shot from jordan that castle that cap watch was going to build forward needs to be defensive now wow what defense man and the skirms are so fast that cat watch he's going to lose crossbowmen as he runs away here knight on the way though and knight will take care of some of those skirms jordan happy to take crossbow though with him and i i think that jordan still in a position where he will be a little worried about the future but he'll be very happy that he's not going to get castle dropped now here we'll see cap watch go for a one for one and delete or just get rid of it yeah i mean jordan got rid of it okay so jordan gets to breathe tap watch will make a defensive castle cap watch is very close to clicking up to imp and if he goes for our blessed and habadir i do see skirms being an option but the fact is that skirms and knights all cost a lot of food so i could see the imperial age time being much later for jordan wise move from cap watch there to delete that might need a few more villagers building this but i think he'll be okay that ball just seed 21 in the qualifier i think cap watch could be better than c21 honestly it's based on the highest rating you've ever achieved jordan was seated 12 with those same rules um and i even think jordan could have been higher seed but the reality is this is where he was at and so seed 21 versus seed 12 both players showing that they have the quality to maybe make it to the main event honestly and there's amp for catwatch and imp for jordan whoo oh i see pikeman for catwatch what a game now jordan's instant reaction to getting the map control is to get those relics which is so smart and what he got the conversion on the night jordan loves his monks man i mean how could you not love your monks he's going to get this relic even though cap hetch was paying attention to it he's checking the belt for the other relics and his knights will just get stronger and stronger and stronger the more relics he collects with lithuanians also dropping a castle here to protect the front of his base and adding in archery ranges cap watch will go into hal badeer the fastest attacking habiteers in the game you could argue they're the best talbot ears in the game though there are some other habiteers that come into the conversation japanese infantry attacks faster in each age which is incredibly fast and imp jordan looking to just threaten a little bit before any upgrades come in for capwatch and it's a good moment for him because the skirms do fairly well against the pikeman and the crossbows and he's got solid upgrades too so it's a good moment for him i'd say the risk is that he might be outnumbered or he might be trapped but these skirmishers i was gonna say they don't skip leg day but leg day doesn't necessarily mean you're fast so they don't they don't skip sprint day and they're just running away easy does it over here it's just outposts and houses for cap watch funnily enough if these houses get rams down he might actually get pop capped in a second jordan taking out so many pikemen he's got to be loving life now two relics with lithuanians and maybe more soon again the skirms lithuanian skirms so strong jordan will have so much time and look at that kd now 90 kills for jordan 60 for cat patch it's insane and and the thing is they're trash units so you can toss them away who cares they just they don't cost gold save your gold for a paladin switch later but absolutely no worries for jordan right now he's got more skirmishers and he's already making trebuchets to pressure this castle so capwatch will have 20 crossbowmen that will be arbs he does not have arb yet also doesn't have the hell but your upgrade yet jordan will need to get all the upgrades on the skirms trebuchets are just passing i love how jordan is also taking the space up here he's even adding a tc on the extra resources in the north jordan with two relics there's a tc here for cap watch two i think jordan just missed that relic up there but two relics it's still incredibly helpful as we see jordan now getting the unique tech tower shields all right keep an eye on these skirmishers guys keep an eye on their stats he's getting more upgrades for the skirmishers the skirmishers have made all the difference so far for him power shields comes in and then the final armor upgrade will come in these skirms will have 10 pierce armor jordan by the way just got relic number three and so jordan losing the trap can't push but can he not control the game now i mean he's got mobility what do you think about onager in this position for catwatch i don't think he can do anything against these skirmishers i think he has to go onager like arvin halb is not going to cut it against these lithuanian skirmishers a unique tech is coming in clutch here for jordan and he he will have the time to do anything he wants most important thing is expanding right now as he'll place the castle here this is jordan's point of view and he's going to see that tc is there when he goes to get the relic but he is patrolling this side he'll be annoyed to see that cap watch was able to sneak over there all right so capac sends his force this way because his outpost shows him that jordan's building a castle jordan's castle's at 65 percent that could be denied but at the same time cap watch needs to defend against jordan and a lot to look at right now jordan has to abandon the castle at 68.8 what was the gate is that a that must have been a misclick uh jordan pretty confident i think that he can finish this castle if he has the skirms here but he is mistiming this and probably distracted because he's also worried about this right now so jordan your skirms are attacking an outpost jordan earth to jordan it's sloppy there but again castle should complete in the end still in a nice position to possibly push cap hatch who's switching into light cav and that's probably your best play actually the problem is japanese light cav are kind of kind of bad you know they do get bloodlines but they lack the final armor upgrade which is so important i think you need a lot of light calf to go into confident fights against these skirmishers jordan trying to make a tower here to deny this gold cap watch will still have some gold access epoch i mean his arms should be pounced on but both players rather distracted at the moment as jordan has come over here with his trips and will see the stables but also getting cavalier in with great upgrades like kev will get wrecked by that um this will be all down to jordan and if he can use his mobility as cap watch is now going to take this opportunity to push jordan's castle [Music] the light cap going after the trebuchets there's such a weak unit against well just in this spot being very useful in some raid positions i remember when japanese received bloodlines and i recall some people were like oh they have good horses now and it's better if you don't get the final armor upgrade it just feels so weak jordan just reacting to this though and it's a good move from catwatch not to trickle trip he's shown up with three as opposed to just one giving jordan less time to react jordan will not take out any of the trebs jordan also running low on stone right now but those resources are looking insane in terms of possible compositions paladin with tower shield skirmishers is so much better than anything japanese can make i mean maybe if japanese had samurai halp that would make me believe samurai is the one thing but paladin on the way four relics for jordan so he will have 14 plus eight attack on his paladins yes it's up against japanese helveders but the habiteers might not last if the skirms are there and also jordan even if he loses this castle he's got great control over other areas of the map right now i do see a little raid from cap watch but no that's not gonna work out this really feels like cap watch is gonna have to get some control over this game again this tower is completed so he can't take gold this is being patrolled on by jordan you look at the control of the game just zoom out he sees everything he's got tc's everywhere he's got military everywhere he does lose this castle in 30 seconds we'll see the strongest paladins in the game in hand cannons i think that must have been a missed click by catwatch hand cannons are 50 gold a pop very expensive also very weak against skirms caps probably desperate now he was so close man he had such a good position against jordan jordan was able to hold on and now cap watch probably realizing okay he'll clear this up but he's realizing that this is getting increasingly worse for him or worse for him not worse for him oh also the paladins could raid so here comes jordan he's actually attacking the dock i don't think that was intentional yeah look at the raid potential and good luck getting your pointy boys back here jordan's just gonna send paladins to every area of the map such good control for jordan jordan looking so good like when he returned to the game there were some flaws to his play um we actually played five games and i recall that he didn't really understand the new sieves either he actually thought tatars were lithuanians which is funny because he's playing lithuanians now but we played her 1v1s and so i was skeptical over the level that jordan was going to be able to bring but he's taken his approach seriously and the fact that he was behind in this game and could turn it around bodes very well for him going forward the game sense that decision making just seems so good and that's just how punishing high level age is for cap watch it was really one moment he was winning probably would have won the game if jordan wasn't able to push him back in the mid to late castle stage at jordan he'll lose some of these paladins but look at the damage he's doing here so many idols for cat patch lost the tc already the follow-up for jordan's already on the way with trebs he's swooping in with paladins to take out these trebs should be very very scared because the way this is looking jordan is the superior player of the two despite it being close there's just not as many mistakes from jordan's side and the decision making is next lever this castle as well look at this he's even going to make castles elsewhere on this hill stone and gold everywhere for him he can always make paladin yeah it was the moment with the crossbowman and the magnolds alpach had 25 crossbowmen three magnets jordan had skirms and one magneto and then all of a sudden and the other thing about that moment was jordan suddenly just showed up with knights when he needed it which was so so cool if you didn't see that moment re-watch late castle age and how jordan was able to defend and push back because that moment not anything else won him the game the relics helped of course there's a big job for him to do but if jordan wasn't able to defend here cap watch would drop a forward castle cap watch would imp tapwatch would trap down everything jordan had and jordan would never be able to expand and play this out the way he did great game jordan a heartbreaker for cuphach because when players are so close it's going to be very tough to reverse sweep hey the level difference is going to have to be so high now for capac he's going to really need to step it up to have a chance in the best of five i think it's possible for him to get wins right like one maybe two wins seems realistic but to get three now when jordan's playing this good it's going to be very very difficult and okay i'm sure we'll have highlights at that moment later on 370 units killed for jordan at kd a lot of that came after that fight i mentioned cap watch with most food collected but jordan with more of every other resource again this was the moment right here look at the control kappa chat amazing control this was when the castles were going to start going up and then jordan just pounced with the magnel skirm micro so close from him to keep that range producing ng we are 17 subs from hitting 6k on the channel that is unreal thank you drizzle for the 15. well for catwatch fans probably sad to see the scoreline jordan fans very excited right now i'm just excited to see both players playing so well the next and final home map for cap watch was the map that i thought he would play in game two and that would be uh cross we speculated a bit since there's only three maps remaining i think it will be byzantines on cross uh britain's on gold rush or britain's or mayans on gold rush for cat patch and then koreans on the islands if it gets there so i it's got to be byzantines here right there was a player who went for mayans on cross he ended up winning that will be on youtube i don't want to spoil too too much but it was the most ridiculous game i've seen in the last week um i don't feel as though mayan should be good for that map but then again mayans are a strong sieve we'll find out soon uh for jordan i think huns is a pretty clear pick could also consider going for berbers on cross i like both of those civilizations free wendy and uh combustible villager and crasher and nicholas and satan that's right these satan thank you hype for hidden cup so far has been insane chat thank you liebs22 for cap hatch's sake i hope he gets a response here jordan just responded my earlier message whoops and it looks like they have started guys by the way salutes in chat for everyone who's already started doing some work behind the scenes to help me here we have a team of editors and we're working on main event videos already overlay guy has been helping me with things robo's been doing some crazy work behind the scenes thank you guys i will have a co-caster for the next set heart versus ruben stock uh i really like the idea of going solo four days in a row and bringing in a co-caster here there but i think i'm gonna need some tomorrow and i really have to pace myself i figured it's round two you know forget about it but yeah i'm kind of losing my voice here so uh i'm gonna chill a little bit and it is huns versus byzantines like the main event will have a great casting lineup great things to come and also later tonight i will be posting the poll for the next hero but this is what the hidden cup 4 heroes look like right now in the main event on march 18th through the 21st not too far away now players will be playing with hidden identities and those are the heroes um the final one will be on a youtube poll after this stream and that will be live for 24 hours if you guys want to vote on the final hero i i'm going for little john and pope leo personally little john and pope leo we all know cobra car is a cheat code cobra car will be pretty hard to beat regardless of who's on there but um yeah i really like little john because a little john is just a spearman i feel like there's a lot of a lot of little john's out there in this world whoa what the so there's this entire map and they're next door neighbors oh my god are they close holy moly dude i mean they might not even realize that to be honest but here's jordan in the blue jordan up 2-0 feeling great i'm sure and playing great as wealth he's playing as the huns and then in the yellow we have cap watch catwatch is playing as the byzantines now i feel as though byzantines can counter huns in so many ways they have the skirmishers which jordan was able to use in the previous game right a lead skirmish pikeman is hard for hunts to deal with because huns don't get champion they have camels and they have knights that can be tough for huns so byzantines probably have more flexibility huns though i would say while their their tech tree isn't that flexible and it's not it's not great up against the byzantines the fact they don't have to build houses the fact they don't get population space population capped is great for them so they they're normally able to outmaneuver and out produce due to those bonuses stable working faster cav archers being cheaper yes skirmishers are good against cav archers but cav archers are faster and can run away in jordan both players could be having some problems depending on the pressure comes in right jordan's berries you'd say wow these are much better but then the main golds is forward and there's a hill a good news about this version of cross is there's extra golds everywhere they've got extra gold on the left side and stone and then for cap pockets he's actually got his second and third gold so eight tiles of gold to the north doesn't really work like that but if i had to choose a player's base here i'd probably choose cat patch because of these golds uh but you know we'll see you gotta play the game i mean oh jordan's going to call restart i assume that's jordan calling a restart okay so we're actually going to have the same sieves in a different map jen then uh cap watch called his restart earlier all right so jordan and capwatch have called the restart same map same sieves jordan didn't like what he could see there smart move i mean it definitely was not ideal for either players so we'll just go back and restart this weird map jen we'll have to take a look at that one like as much as i love aggression i feel like that's a little what's the word i'm looking for ah words are hard that was a little no not bad i could think of the word bad excessive yes um or out of character for cross there we go out of character something was a little off there i felt it was even i didn't feel like one map was worse than the other but i didn't think either players map was that great so we've pushed like four or five various updates to maps through the qualifier already just because there's some small things here there the biggest problem is consistency because you can have a hundred mappings that look great and then one map jan is off if that one map gen is during the hidden cut four finals then that sucks right so we don't want that uh why is repairing ships a common why repairing ships is common though healing which doesn't cost resources is not both are equally time consuming um six drunk monkeys healing is very common healing is incredibly common people such trolls saying the score is two to one right now it's not two to one it's not two to one i can tell who's a cap watch fan cap watch fans come on try and hide it just try and hide it a little bit that's so funny oh my god it's not two one we're restoring people we're restoring geez and now people are probably doing it just for the sake of it you know dr banhammer thanks pretend but no um healing is pretty common i i've seen a few instances today where monks have been healing so i think when it comes to healing it's a bit more situational and you can afford to just sit there idle a bit more whereas with the ship thing on bay you can just get destroyed if you don't repair right away so you're never going to send the monks out in the middle of a fight just to heal i like how many people think it would be amazing if missionaries were were made to the point where you could actually it would be meta to send a missionary into a fight i mean it's not like spanish are the best you civ right now if they could somehow be buffed to the point where that'd be useful that'd be really cool and then also potentially op but i don't know maybe someone needs to dare to try it man scores two zero zap watch needs to get a result they will be huns against byzantines in the next game thank you cinefel for the year since i subbed last year just before hidden cup looking forward to this year's hidden cup thank you for so much entertainment thank you for a distraction from the numbers cinefold but yeah you're welcome and thanks for coming back sookie and unicorn appreciate it they have not started that oh they did start the next game okay and it looks like we're a little bit behind uh we'll launch in game number three huns vs byzantines so if it's a little fast at the start i apologize hopefully the map jen looks a little better here the last one was a bit obscene and here we have it now there we go this is more like it players a bit further apart a bit more distance between them also very open and there will be no restarts players will have to play jordan again in the blue playing as the huns and then in the yellow we have cap watch and catwatch is playing as byzantines so since this is live i already stated the strengths for the civilizations uh so let's talk about the maps a little bit berries look exposed on their front for cap watch jordan i think these hills could be problematic for him though i mean the gold i'd say seems ideal the berries maybe not either actually jordan doesn't have any back wood lines depending on where the attacks come in from technically if he were to wall all across the front of his base and to the edges of the map he would not have any real safe back wood line whereas cap watch has some wood lines on the back so that could be useful we'll see cap watch dock the north i'm sure and then jordan will probably dock the south cap caps used to go for this build order with a lot of trash units like skirmishers and spearman does anyone remember him doing that in a tournament i feel as though there was a tournament that he did that in but maybe i'm wrong might have been a showmash or something and i know he was doing the lithuanians at one point but it could end up working out and whoa cap watch coming forward to attack a ville he's trying to do too much here catwatch trying to do too much that's a big loss scout goes down to 15 hp it does not get the veil kill app watch realizes i'm down two games i need to do everything i can do to try and get ahead he could still try and block this if he wanted to but jordan's not even going to take that boar jordan is just going to place a dock here now if this was a full hp scout that villager would be dead or could die if this got attacked but since look look at this this is the difference jordan he doesn't waste hp on a lumberjack villager because there's a risk there jordan delays the dock with a full hp scout and now capwatch has to send two so everything's going wrong for caps right now because he's delayed on the dock and he's lost scout hp very good work from jordan also good work from caps to end up getting the villager here jordan trying to hit the ville not working making cap watch complete the palisade good work and yeah the boar is also over here if jordan wanted to try and like block the board villager that would also be allowed i've seen so many small little lamy things in this series like the starting scout matters so much really tell the both players taking this very seriously as they should but jordan i think with the wiser decision making to make sure that he's gonna make the scout count and i think it might just be a confidence thing for cath watch right now because he's behind by two games so he just wanted to go for something wacky took a risk with that earlier scout fight jordan is back jordan with a duck cap on with a dock no massive differences except for the scouts both scouts being active jordan he can see the map but look for the berries now he'll be happy to see the berries are far forward oh actually he won't see them jordan may be trying to bait cat punch into a garrison there so he'll assume the berries are here or here then caps he sees pretty much everything he would want to see he'll assume the berries are on this side all right feudal age on the way for jordan jordan with the faster up time jordan with a sieve that can struggle against byzantines look at this build he's got food in come with the fish and so the way this build order works is you pretty much assume your fishing ships are going to be safe don't know if that will be the case though because here comes cap watch with a ville but as you keep your fishing ship safe and then you you put a lot of resources a lot of villagers excuse me on wood and a lot of villagers on gold now let's watch jordan scalp i think what he's going to do is try and scout this area just to see what capwatch will do and he might even send a fishing ship over here just to make sure he'd get vision on it he didn't see the ville but it's very common for the enemy to try and do this so he's just going to double check and maybe you know 99 times out of 100 there's not going to be anything over here but you always need to make sure that you scout it this is just great game sense to know where to look and if jordan patrols here while he's trying to wall the right side so this doesn't happen jordan could spot this cat poach is investing so much into making sure that this doc goes up oh no jordan was looking but he wait he came back this way and if cap watch walls in the ville oh jordan doesn't see it jordan doesn't know it's there wow wait a second okay if jordan attacks the palisade and cap watch doesn't react the ville could go down attack the palisade catwash has to react he does react great play all around there that's so much fun to watch because both players did exactly what they needed to do it was just jordan was a little unfortunate and maybe should have stayed over here instead of going over to this area so now byzantine fire ships they work faster and byzantine docks have more hp so jordan has to invest into defense he is shifting over to this pond though also cap pouch is walling like a madman does cap watch is he friends with fat slob does anyone know just curious i mean we haven't seen the stonewalls yet he has byzantines but maybe i know i know um there's quite a few people out there who know cat patch are they friends do they hang out do they have some beers from time to time i don't know well jordan just sent a spearmint through here to be a pest obviously making jokes here right it's his strategy here is to win the ponds and jordan's going for scouts so if he didn't have walls he'd be in big trouble update over here it's good in some ways but awkward and others for jordan to have left the scout here because he can't scout the other sides now but it's not like he doesn't have more scouts catbots will just wall up he has a veil going to this side is jordan checking that presto epoch being sneaky ah timo jordan wow jordan spots it okay so we have that to look at we have this to look at on water that scalp should go down if it stays there jordan moving back there also jordan on this side making fish and chips cap watch on this side making fishing ships so they don't know about each other on that side and catwalk's woman is pillager that much saved his villager so much to look at so much to do how can they do it all what a save and now he can get a doc up and jordan needs to defend here too i got an email from someone who said hey t90 um i've been watching hidden cuff 4 qualifiers a lot and my wife always hears you in the background and asked me if you're and asked me if i'm going to be watching the fish and chips guy and that was all the emails said he's like thought that would be funny that she thinks you say fish and chips and that was all the emails said i don't even remember the person's name it's fishing ships not the fish and chips guy right 1990 official difference so good defense from jordan here but he just lost so much in the south and if cap watch makes a fire here aw jordan's in big trouble jordan is in big trouble he's going to lose fishing ships on this side too and this dock is also going to attack his fishing ships potentially in the near future cap has played this so well this is also why i thought that cappucci would pick this as a second home map because i think this is his best map you could argue this is his best map out of all maps maybe this and something like atacama i think he's performed on well but yeah jordan's just getting surprised in every pond should lead to better economy for catwatch and then a better castle age jordan relying on farms relying on berries and mixing in some archers right now and cap watch doesn't have any defense for archers just yet the berries being outside the walls really hurting him and jordan over here with the scout cap watch walling up the level's just insane between these two guys a catbot should be able to comfortably fish in this pond now that pods should be to come able to comfortably fish elsewhere you know what's crazy though about jordan's position feels like he's gonna have the food to go castle and also if he's able to get his archers here which he's abandoning right now but i feel like there's potential for jordan to to somehow switch into farming eco and awful ponds and maybe be able to just flood map control with cav archers and crossbows here he comes with two archers he'll take that villager 47 eco versus 40 cap watch having more fishing ships you eventually run out of fish on this version though so something to remember over here jordan staying somewhat competitive he's got a demo in there now let's see if he can group up the enemy fires three fires are grouped up and chasing he's gonna eject his own ship only if he feels as though these are clumped this would be a moment to get a good demo in and there it is and that's a good demo for jordan could have been better but still still fine i'd say as he will have more fires cat polish also clicks up and here are the archers for jordan and the scouts archers do not have fletching yet for jordan tap watch with the stable behind here i think cap watch wants to go for knights but look at the amount that jordan has on food his eco balance and his switch off of pawns has honestly been amazing jordan will probably go three archer ranges and and then follow this up with cav archers jordan could definitely do this not seeing any skirms yet and what do i always say about huns and their cav archers if you can get the castle age faster you can have time to mask them jordan hasn't even completely walled his base meanwhile capac is the great wall of china over here but it still hasn't been able to wall in and protect his berries he's just hoping that the fishing ships will do it for him have archers also don't need food you just need the food for the upgrades which jordan should have i'm what the catwash you're you're crazy man jordan sees that too catwatch is making a stable in the back of jordan's face will this go up knowing how capwatch's day has been going it's not going to go up it's just been one of those days for him oh jordan jordan you only have 17 other things to be looking at at this exact moment how did you not react there obvious sarcasm right i mean not sarcasm with 17 things if anything it's more than that and jordan just was so focused on other things he wasn't able to stop that happens could just stream knights into the golds would not be a bad play at all and cap watch uses the villager to take out the scout and that was running away i mean the attention to details next lever here all right crossbowmen on the front cap watch went into a tower on the gold is making nights and this is such a risk what like wow it's almost so gutsy that jordan would never expect that look at that i'm making a video which references the next lever thing by the way a lot of people think that um that i miss speaking there because they don't know the joke if you're out of the loop it was the start of a big day in hidden cup three and dave was tired and dave said next lever by accident so now we have a next lever emote um but yeah byzantine knights it's not ideal long term but it is going to be annoying especially when you have all that food income of your cat pudge jordan dropping a tc here losing a villager already jordan over here attacking with just scouts the crossbowmen aren't there yet and the cav archers are coming so jordan as the garrison here he ended up losing three bills and he's off of gold for now jordan though with the same amount of military and some of the military numbers that cap watch have are on water the cap watch is going to hit the wood line always going to hit both wood lines jordan great play from cat patch ballistics is in and jordan is really going to have to use this cavarch as well here he cannot be losing military numbers now because he's losing so many bills chain barting armor on the way capot should realize his economy is stronger and he just needs to survive byzantine's a great defensive sieve with the higher hp buildings and cat parts has done well with the walls here jordan getting overwhelmed losing another villager papach forcing jordan to chase what a slick move this stable was he would have never done that much damage on that gold if it wasn't for that and jordan calls the gg we still have ourselves a series incredible game from cap hatch games 2 was so close and it changed with one moment and this game right here there was a lot of small moments to add it up and capture was getting the better of jordan time and time again but i think the initial moment which really mattered was down here because just like in game two where cap watch and jordan were both doing the same things jordan but one player was slightly better than the other jordan knew that cap watch is known for sneaking docks he knew the risk he was scouting the area he left the area competitive age of empires 2 can snowball on you just like that it was this pond it was then cap watch his quick wall on this pond and then he ended up overwhelming jordan on this pond that was a compilation of moments i guess but that was really sick play from cat patch gets the win against huns jordan has two more chances to get one win to move on to the best of seven decider next week this is what i wanted to see from this series and now we get to see what jordan can do on one of his home maps finally 28 12 kd more food more wood more gold jordan just knew he couldn't compete he couldn't break in with his cav archers he lost too many bills some people might say that was an early gg but i think if he plays on there he's just destroyed so look at that difference there and you can even see it on the timeline yeah jordan was very far behind all right so jordan fans may be sweating a little bit tap podge fans they're saying that's my guy that's what he can do let's talk sieves guys if it's islands i think the jordan what is jordan gonna do chad was saying berbers earlier burpers do have faster ships we could maybe see berbers or mongols i don't think the thing is berbers are also pretty good on gold rush hard decision to make here i think he goes mongols actually on islands and then for catwatch i think he saves mayans and britons in case it goes to game five and he probably picks koreans on islands which i mean he did lose with koreans before against nilly in round one but nilly had italians and italians are disgusting water civilization so i think cap watch probably realized that his italians were going to be sniped after the draft because you always eliminate one sieve and they quickly picked korean so he would have a half decent water sieve just in case that happened so he called that correctly the red maps in the middle are the band maps so the way the maps are picked is you go pick pick ban ban pick pick so jordan didn't want to play hideout and catwatch did not want to play slopes they're playing gold rush they're not playing islands and it will be britons against tatars all right so islands will be saved for the potential game five decider we have 50 seconds and we'll have some gold rush action fascinating stuff now that was jordan's choice after losing a game you you then get to choose which home app you want the next game to be played on 40 seconds to tarsus vs britain's i think last hidden cup i would have said britain's were way better here what do you guys think about this matchup now i might prefer britons but only slightly whereas in the past i would have preferred britain's way more hey both players have a sheep bonus with tatars your food lasts a bit longer uh with britain's cheap bonus you just eat the food faster both have ranged unit bonuses tatars getting thumb ring for free and also doing more damage when fighting on top of hills in general but britons have like the eight range crossbows which is what you really have to worry about to all the subs out there and there's been many today thank you you might want to get your woo-woos prepared it's very possible we could see a wolf rush here um i actually asked carzini to update the map so there were no more lions and it was only wolves we had a good laugh about that game come on start uh we had a good laugh about that i was like we can't really woo if it's a lion i don't know how to do that can we switch that he's like yeah sure we can do that okay christine doesn't sound anything like that but we had made the change so cap watch in the yellow epoch is playing britons if cat patch loses this then he is not competing in hidden cup four he's not competing in the qualifier any longer winning here will give him a big shot to win the next game um then jordan it's been a close series but he was slightly better than game one slightly better in game two and cap watch was slightly better than him in game three it's been close but i'm sure he'll like the fact that he's looking at the score line being 2-1 for him right now on gold rush you've got seven tiles of gold to work with near your base and jordan's four tiles pretty far forward here and then these three tiles this is so easy to all in right imagine a wall here imagine a wall here jordan suddenly has a safe stone and a safe gold cap watch i think in some ways at least all the gold is a little bit safer and this massive wood line really helping out if he wants to form an arena for himself with some walls and so i think considering both civilizations are the strongest in castle age i think it would make sense to go for fast castle if you could that might require some walling and we might also see a barracks i was thinking drush you could go through the middle of the map without running into wolves but you also could make one militia round up all the wolves and just send it to the enemy base so we'll see what happens here i would probably prefer britons when it comes to how quickly they're able to snowball with their massive crossbows in castle h you could argue that tatars are the better economic civ when it comes to getting to castle age with a clean eco and jordan running forward both players have done this in almost every game and jordan's gonna steal a goat kind of funny to take 100 food away from tatars because really that's 150 with the goat and then of course that'll be fast food for jordan that's like the mcdonald's drive-through right there with britons that food just disappears without the regret afterwards which is really nice i would prefer britain sheep over a big mac right now that said i had buffalo chicken dip for lunch so i woke up and ate nothing i drank coffee and water i've been streaming since 7 45 a.m um and then about five hours into my day i had buffalo chicken dip so i'm not the real i'm not someone you want to look to for health advice let's just put it that way jordan is tatars oh yeah i got it backwards my bad my bia jordan is tatars cap watches britons hmm so there's there's the barracks that we expected um i'm just wondering if he's gonna make three militia if he's gonna make one wolf rush is kind of fun to see now if you were to look at a couple map generations of this version it's pretty easy to tell that there's never wolves in the middle area like right in front of the player base you're not gonna have wolves you do have to scout it a little bit but we have it on the sides but just something to keep in mind both players making a barracks right now and did you notice that jordan had an opportunity to try and steal the elephant but he didn't i think he knew that that would be risky and there's always a risk associated with losing your scout hp and potentially your scout so he wants to be in more control of the game if there's one thing that you could take from jordan and learn it's the fact that he scouts really well he would prefer to leave these back here instead of push them as long as he knows what the enemy is going to do which i think is a great way to learn the game and some players can get away with that greed cap watch may be one of them at times but yeah anyways uh three militia jordan knows that that's gonna be the case he spotted that barracks was going up he's gonna run into check now and then jordan actually let's check cat podge catwatch also knows man the level's so high but did they scout that the wolves are here if i'm jordan i try and lure the militia in towards the wolves and catholics he might run into one of them yeah that's a good play from jordan capwatch is thinking well if i go this way that's where jordan scout is and now he has to deal with a wolf come on jordan keep doing it that punch you scouted this you scouted this area yeah avoid the wolves there you go jordan has this militia around cap watch just looping around the wolves and is heading towards jordan's base uh did jordan scout this region jordan actually didn't scout this either it's always on these areas but it's hard to remember and jordan's just trying to chase down capac playing very safe right now jordan could try and go offensive but capwatch is a waller boy the capwatch is already fully walled so this is a good call for jordan what's interesting is how jordan's villagers have been collecting resources most of the time he hasn't gone for full walls but i think it's always feels a little bit better to be able to full wall like this right maybe cap watch will even delete some walls and go out there and get the deer when he sees that jordan has come home jordan doesn't know where he is look jordan's here and here comes the drush jordan has to quick wall and cap watch is going to block it this is a big moment for the argentinian because the village is going to get stuck there oh how many are stuck in there oh my goodness one's down well fortunately the militia on the way that could be two down oh goodness jordan that is horrible for him oh man just after i was saying how he always tracks the enemy armies and is in control he he gets jinxed by the caster loses two villes cap watch is going to be loving life and loving his chances to maybe make it to game number five here now what i'm not loving is the fact that he's got an awful eco balance at home like he does not have the food to go up right now he doesn't have enough on berries he's got three on berries he's got 15 on wood what on earth this ecobalance is not going to give him a good fast castle time so he has to sort that out whereas jordan being tatars at least he has extra food on the goats and jordan might realistically be able to go to castle age faster still john fc3 says yo i love your youtube hello john welcome thanks for being a part of this today jordan on the way to feudal age look at cap watch his eco man he's got too much on wood and i think and i i'm i might be being overly critical here but that's kind of my job right this is high level age of umpires it's always going to be cutthroat i think other players would have gone out here to collect the ostrich and the zebra since they knew jordan's dress was at home now you can't do it but i'm curious to see what this up time is going to be like because i think cap watch is ruining a beautiful position for himself killing two villagers like that should give you a lead if you're doing a similar thing and maybe it's just the fact that cap watch didn't account for the fact he was going to go through the sheep so fast with britain's we'll see all right so cat poch on his way up right now two minutes away from the feudal age whereas for jordan he's 30 seconds away from feudal age not perfect but he's going to end up being okay here katpods being annoying with the militia look at this one hp gonna attack you just kidding hey bro i'm gonna attack you just kidding gonna attack you nope nope nope not gonna do it oh yeah i am oh no i'm not this is every second counts every second counts here just a prank bro just a prank is watch going to make it to futile age with the resources to go castle h ah i think he can pull it off but it's just not ideal what's the militia doing oh the militia could kill the zebra in the ostrich i'm surprised cap watch didn't already do that then i look how jordan isn't hesitating to do that it's such a simple thing hapwatch could have done that for minutes now of course he doesn't want to leave his base jordan on the way to castle age catwatch arrives to feudal age he's going to add his range he's going to add his blacksmith but he's going to be later to castle h after the better trush so his economy behind the josh was just poorer than jordan's and maybe the bonuses end up giving the edge to tatars militia is still over here for those wondering his name is um we're gonna say his name is uh frank she's just looking for a date man she's lonely she's lonely she's been in quarantine come on just take her out damn you're such a jerk all right actually this should be little john little john is one of the heroes in hidden go forward this is little john here let's see little john is going to see what the enemy's up to uh-oh uh-oh well in round one do not root for little john apparently cap hulch is on the way capwatch has the ville lead but cap watch is a full minute behind the castle age poor little john just got doinked there let's pay respects and chat the usual jordan will be looking to do [Music] okay so this is a macro approach from jordan i think he's going to go for a second tc to try and catch up after falling behind economically and i think he's going to go for elite skirm too this is not going to be crossbowmen and cav archers hear the archers from cappatch will take out the militia but what's interesting about this is it's honestly probably jordan's best way to come back from that deficit and also catwatch does not have a scout or a militia to see what's going on at jordan's base so he's probably going to assume that jordan's going for a lot of archers but that's not the case fish cakes 1998 says high t90 i'm new hello fish cakes donkervort uh donated six bucks and says hey man youtube watcher here thanks for your dedication positivity and enthusiasm i really enjoy your content keep it up much love from the netherlands well thank you welcome to the stream there's a lot of people here from the netherlands it might not be as well represented today because i think all the argentinians and the germans are here rooting everyone on and i get that but uh second tc for jordan over here there's so many people who watch this game from the netherlands disproportional to their population it's just so many people and i don't mean to call them out but there's also not many that play at a high level there's a few but apparently i haven't been teaching the the viewers anything i'm just kidding you have angelina jolie you've got praise you've got a few big names out there listen you guys are all very nice all right banks is more than in the usa you don't have more than in the usa but you we have a much larger population so i think i just set myself up to be burned there all right i we deserve that we deserve that hate laugh and let's just switch the topic because i don't like it when the jokes are directed to me all right so jordan going forward with the skirmishers and now getting a little surprised i'm sure by the crossbowman and this is going to be a very long intense game that paul i think debating on building a tc in the middle now you could tc here and jordan could tc here at the same time that's what this hidden cup 4 gold rush will do jordan did receive some sheep with the new town center that's his tatar bonus so economically it feels like it's going to be okay and also has elite skirms that will have full armor and also full attack here in a moment jordan with two quick kills also very attentive with the scout jordan should get another whoop another kill there epoch i think he'll regret giving jordan time to go for a lead skirm and it comes back to the build order right because a lead skirm takes i think twice as long to research and twice as many upgrades to really get value out of the upgrades are more expensive too elite scrum is so much more expensive than crossbow and look at this jordan and his skirmishers is this a new trend because i remember game two very well tapwatch is probably going to contact the devs after this series and say please delete elite skirm thank you oh my god no ballistics he's just grouping up his units perfectly and getting excellent volleys in to get control right now uh jordan 40 villagers catwatch with 50. but jordan he has a horse collar for his farms he seems to be better off when it comes to food eco which is very important if you ever want to switch into something like nights here you will see the siege workshop going up for catwatch uh will it go up it will go up it won't go up it will it will it won't it will it definitely will it definitely won't it will okay siege workshop goes up now magnel's on the way for catwatch but messy and not a very fun time for cap watch currently meanwhile three tc's for jordan so he's taking the gold and all the resources at home right now he has not yet tried to expand to the middle crosswoman force coming in on the right though that's a little sneaky but the thing about skirms is while they're great against crossbows they're very weak against siege so it's good reaction from gap watch and also a good move from him to try and catch jordan out does jordan think this is walls oh jordan didn't know that there was a hole there catwatch could get so many field picks jordan almost needs to delete the house yeah yeah run in he does not have time to loop around like this he just has to minimize damage hey tap watch with the 10 ville lead and he must be distracted uh jordan trying to build a palisade gate of all things i mean in the end you wanted to buy time and he did buy time but no ballistics means that jordan's going to miss a lot here meanwhile the magnel is coming over so a lot for jordan to deal with right now crazy amounts of idol time for him over here jordan attack ground from catwatch get rid of the skirms get them out of my sight says catwatch what a play man and cap watch is still mic going over here wow that was great to go for the attack round there while also doing everything else is impressive and now the skirms are trapped back here jordan should just go in the corner and think about what he's done they deserve a timeout but yeah these three skirms should take out the crossbows it's just nice to annoy jordan and delay him like that it's not the end of the world though for him but now cat punch is just gonna run run and run and run he can get another villa or two he'll be very happy with things and oh oh god jordan's in big trouble jordan's in massive trouble he sent cav archers to the hill he does not realize this is happening now he realizes but he reacts way too late i'm not even sure a cav archer switch would work here magnels and crossbows controlling the center gold crossbowman back here were taken care of but for jordan he does not have the control he needs this is as cap watch has the stone for an eventual castle i know the uh cap watch fans were saying two too as a bit of a joke because of that one restart earlier it might happen jordan is behind in eco though i like his eco upgrades and i like his farm count and anything can happen with that he's still behind an eco he is behind in center control on gold rush my goodness dude in like if if it's game five islands island games can go on for so long and be so scrappy what a map for the big conclusion if we get there here's jordan going for some type of a counter unfortunately the wolves are counting on getting some kills um i mean that could work i don't expect it to do a lot jordan has to defend his town center right now and i i mean he's done it before right he's used skirms and manganese to get himself out of trouble against magnels and crossbows before can he do it again here that polish may be distracted cap watch loses one getting some deja vu here that punch now he doesn't know about that just yet jordan going out for a second shot catwatch oh boy look at the trap jordan looping the skirms around we've been here before in this series cap watch has enough stone for a castle he's going to drop the castle in the very middle of the map jordan's town center is is dangerously low to going down and if he goes down i mean catwalks could just kill everything jordan needs to engage there are the skirms that part has eight range on the crossbow so he could actually use the crossbows to spot the magnets from jordan and he continues to do that jordan out of resources to repair the tc jordan not repairing the tc with everything in the middle he's getting some kills but at home jordan's just lost his town center now cap watch i don't think you need to do this i don't think you need to take any massive risks but he's got the guts he takes out a magnel he'll take out some skirms what a player what an insane series between these two if you're just getting here jordan who loses more skirmishers on both sides was up 2-0 tap watch brought it back in the previous game and right now i'd say he's ahead castle is up in the middle catboy just needs to get food eco like the fact he doesn't have horse collar is a real worrying sign because i don't think he's ever gonna get the food to go in and it is possible for jordan to take a good fight and then maybe take some of the gold in the sides and drop some castles there and oh my god jordan jordan deletes the magnel so he can get maximum damage in on the crossbows the problem is listen we get excited the problem is there's still a lot of crossbows here he still needs another magnel the other one's at 70 percent he's using skirms against catwatch's magnel as the crossbows come in and so you're saying there's a chance jordan's still behind by 20 pop but apparently you just can't use crossbow magnet against jordan effectively that's really good value for jordan let's put it that way still doesn't have the middle he's actually getting raided on this side the presence of mind to switch the sides while everything else is going on is sick from cap watch who might end up getting trapped in here 98 villes for watch after this raid jordan hasn't reacted to it the wolves again reacting faster than poor jordan and jordan calls it anyways ladies and gents we're going to a game five and i kind of get it at this point you need control of the middle jordan doesn't have any chance of getting to the middle and caps has brought it back it will all come down to islands i told you this would be a heartbreaker now now my heart's going to break even more for whoever loses the next game i think jordan goes into it having the slight edge and i say that because of the civilization he has available and the fact it's his home map but anything can happen next uh wow here let me go through this game this is just round two in the hidden cup for qualifiers winner will face the max and best of seven next week arguably an even even tougher task uh for both of them whoever moves on but there's the kd for catwalks he lost a lot of crossbows there but you know jordan those desperation moves for him tap watch with more wood more stone and more gold control gold control is normally what gold rush can come down to so was it the passive approach from jordan that was going to bring him back economically or maybe was that the wrong logic remember when i talked about the second tc and how that might be a way to come back economically after you lose bills maybe that's not the play maybe you you just accept you'll be behind an economy and you try and push with two or three ranges it's tough man look at that scouting auto scout op get some autos in chat and full control for cat hutch it will be on islands to decide it all whoever loses leaves the qualifier with 100 bucks in their pocket doesn't sound too great compared to an additional 100 bucks in your pocket and a chance to face up against the max to make it to a 60 000 tournament wow that's sick um okay so for the maps or sorry for the sieves jordan has mongols and berbers and cap watch has koreans and mayans can you go mayans on water it has to be koreans right mayans on water would feel so weird i also wonder if cap watch has the confidence to play the full-on water meta does he or does he not i know jordan was there but then again jordan it's it's new water meta i remember the old jordan either way i'm sure both players will be prepared people really want to see turtle ships i would love to see some turtle ships fiverr thank you again for gifting subs drew thank you for the 10 gifted z thank you for the five gifted overlay guy this is not the overlay guy actually but overlay guy 105 with seven months said uh ghosted your stream since january what is this resub to watch every single second of red bull wall alone spoiler three oh i see you said finish just in time for hidden cup four let's go jordan okay that makes sense yeah just to avoid spoilers well welcome back uh jabroni thanks for the 11. i've seen you hanging around recently we have one more set after this between hart and rubenstock a freaking tc dropper man great games um get one dollar for every sub whether it's gifted prime sub or paid whatever goes to the total prize pool of hidden cup four which is in a few weeks but this qualifier has been great so far so i was looking to find the live game and i searched for jordan there's a low elo legends named real jordan not fake it says real jordan i wonder if jordan is maybe taking a break to play some ranked games okay it's the real one not the fake one maybe that's what jordan's been doing the last two games that's why he's lost i'm kidding i'm kidding the games have of course been good good opportunity to make a joke and i took it so uh alan rogers thanks for the five who wins game five chat jordan or catch say a name for me i know jordan's lost the last two i feel as though his sieves i actually don't even know what civi's going for what am i even talking about it's koreans koreans versus berbers which civ is better on water honestly you could argue koreans are the better water sieve because of the discount that they have um but then you could make arguments that berbers could do a lot with their aggression and the speed apologies for the pause there we are into the live game this is for all the marbles now um i was not planning on uploading round two of the hidden cup four qualifiers to youtube this set will go to youtube just like that set yesterday between velez and classic pro which if you haven't seen it arguably a better series than this and i know a lot of people who are not watching this who are watching this right now were not there to see that set so that was unbelievable uh but some of the sets from round two are going to go on youtube the full best of seven deciders will go on youtube and a lot for a lot more information to come excuse me uh the players in the main event are gonna be playing on accounts that we give them named after heroes we have one which is a cobra car not a hero per se uh but we've got plenty of them and there will also be opportunities for you guys to vote for which hero accounts you want to see there's 15 names that we have and the 16th you guys will vote for the cap hatch playing as the koreans a sieve that is definitely better today than it would have been last year uh now they're uh some of their units are discounted when it comes to wood costs that would apply to their archers their habiteers and their navy koreans have insane post-imperial navy uh galleons and turtle ships not a lot can kill that now chad i'm gonna need you to help me when it comes to the tech tree uh what do you think about or not not what do you think but can you tell me anything of that's noteworthy about the sieves on water i'm fairly certain that berbers get fast fire but i'm not sure so we need to check that i know koreans don't get fires at all i'm not sure if in late game berbers get ship right or not so koreans oh koreans don't get dems i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry that's what i meant to say okay so yes berbers have the movement speed but let's talk late game x rivers don't get shipped right and koreans do that could be very important and that means it's cheaper to make ships in the late game turtle ships are cool and all so is bringing in your boar underneath your tc catwatch okay so the only thing berbers lack is shipwright basically so they've got options also it's impossible for me to count the trees right now but i know it looks because of this big clump of wood like jordan might have more wood but the way we've scripted the maps again this is coming from all my scriptures and the testing we've done and it's only possible on de i believe players actually have the same amount of wood on each island so it's a little deceiving i actually thought about it as well but after i looked through looks like cap watch has a few more wood lines and the wood amount should be the same just in case it goes very very late i notice the cap watch hasn't really been pushing in his deer certainly doable for him to push in his deer and get some food so he can compete with a fast feudal that's normally the race especially with both players front docking fast feudal into fire galleys into galleys eventually and into what will probably be a very long game because the players will not want to call it quits and it's easy to drag games out on islands jordan returned to the scene this is what he lives for he he lives for that competition he wants to be one of the best and it's the same with cat patch and in jordan's case like he was just gone from competitive gaming in general over his many years of being gone uh and then for tap watch he was he was playing other games at a high level which is pretty freaking cool still to hear that someone would return to the game despite there being other esports out there and he's right back up near the top man incredible talent link thank you for the five subs guys i'm gonna try something i don't do this frequently on my streams and you might see it all over twitch and i don't do it because i feel weird doing it but also it never really works all right so this is gonna be cringy and you guys can just just say ew or frown but i just need to try it just to see what happens right have you ever heard of twitch prime okay i told you it was going to be cringy so you can't even complain about it just see if anything happens i just want to be one of those streamers that can say that and have something happen nothing's happening ah this is embarrassing thanks guys thanks for hanging me out to dry um there we go aggro paw oh we got a few yes oh thank you guys thank you thank you for saving my reputation thanks chat all right maybe if i came up with a better way to say that i that's that's not gonna happen jordan will be slightly faster to the feudal age there we go there's some primes thank you everyone massive support today and cat patch i'll make a second lumber camp he'll have same amount on gold as jordan oh my god wait though jordan's gonna transport jordan avoid this island do not go there okay jordan with good transport micro jordan's transporting this is not the norm and is he waiting for his scout now he is now capac is going to send his villager to the right here to doc the assumption is that the enemy is going to try and win water here so he has pretty decent vision over this area which is unfortunate for jordan okay where were your eyeballs catwatch where were you looking because i sure wouldn't notice that but would you notice the blue on blue there jordan transporting around i've not seen any reaction from cat patch's scout i don't think he knows jordan still is going to make some on water this comes down to recognition from cap watch if you start winning water and you realize the opponent only has one dock you should know that something's happening and oh my goodness what a play this would be look at all the food for jordan he made the barracks at home which was sneaky he's making the stable forward he should not show himself the cap watch his scout is just i assume he has it on patrol i think he had it here and he patrolled it along the front just in case there's a transport he's not expecting there to be anything on the back side and he's going full on water control right now wow what a moment guys jordan just be patient here just be patient don't go in with two wait till you've got four do not show him now he doesn't really know where cap watch is or what he has now this is cap watch's point of view no it's not this is catwatch's point of view now he sees it okay he noticed it and he housewalled and now jordan's going to try and place the tower there catwatch really has to change his game plan now he used to quick wall like crazy but if he walls and his villagers here he doesn't have loom he doesn't have loom the villagers are not loomed the villagers will go down so quickly here he has to remember to get loom the pressure is on houses houses houses i want to live there i want to live there i want to live there oh more houses more expansion more houses and fails with that house the pressure is getting to cap watch cap watch forgot the loom upgrade and normally you skip that if you're going to win water because you figured my villagers aren't going to be in harm's way but you have to realize cap watch and the pressure's getting to him so many villagers going down meanwhile jordan still has fishing ships look at the eco killed and the eco lost catwatch i think just lost the series and i say it like that but really excellent excellent strategy from jordan and a risk worth taking here we mentioned berbers in late game on water might be problematic and jordan said well won't get the late game so that's not a problem at what point does capwatch realize he doesn't have loom though okay now he's getting loom a little too late possibly he's done a fine job at saving what villagers are here but oh my word man that jordan's tower is up and he's just gonna casually mine stone here more scouts on the way uh cap watch is probably frustrated and he knows the stakes he knows that after losing that many villagers it's probably the game the thing is now jordan is switching into fire galleys and cap watch never was able to find jordan's fish and so fire galleys are great against galleys and jordan could honestly just lead this into winning water now it's an excellent build from jordan and i'm of course really excited for the main event of hidden cup for a variety of factors but i think that this is going to be something we see a bit more of in the main event there's been multiple players in the qualifier just landing getting ahead on land and then switching on the water and i while i appreciate the water v water fights and do enjoy that i think islands is so much more complex and so much more entertaining when landings have a place and the devs many years ago made it possible to make the docks in the dark gate of course they made the docks in the dark age the transports excuse me in the dark age since you can do that you can arrive to the opponent's base in feudal and now you can't really sail away from berber ships because berber ships are so fast this is a great strat look how much more damage the fires are able to do there just because they can catch up to the ships you can't hit and run tower for cat patch guys i expect him to play because he knows the stakes here i don't expect it to be good from him it's not a lot he can really do from here losing more villagers jordan sending he kept that open with the scout sending some ranged units in jordan's villagers will always be on capture's island what a series what a player cat patch but can't take his berries for food he he will probably soon lose his fishing ships jordan he's got farming eco he's got everything he wants at home i mean at least capwatch has houses he's not gonna get pop capped in this game that's for sure jordan could use some of those and unfortunately just too many places to look not enough houses catwatch will lose another villager that is eco loss number 13. jordan has lost zero do you remember that game where jordan was trying to scout his pond in the back on cross and he was just a little bit late to that similar thing here where scouting ends up being huge and cap watch was just lacking with the scouting and there was a massive reward for the uh for the attempt right i think it's a sports saying where you make your own luck landing you kind of make your own luck and you just hope that the opposition won't deny it but jordan's build order to go for the landing but then it seems like a calculated switch back from the water was sick certainly helped by the fact that he'd done so much damage this is a perfect tower spot denying the berries and the woodline this tower will go up catwatch almost has to attack it and might even take it down but look at jordan's resources jordan just everywhere right now don't see a cat poch is um he's treading water but he's still going to end up drowning you know there's just it doesn't feel like there's any possible escape from this look at jordan's play to repair this tower look how annoying that is scouts are about to break through as well what on earth can cap watch do trying to make a few galleys this is twice now in this tournament where he's lost on islands with koreans island's clearly not his strong suit maybe just playing with koreans not the best sieve and it was in a different way when he lost to nilly in round one and i'm sure neily and jordan had some conversations about the weaknesses they thought were there and i i feel bad for catwatch because he's playing on realizing he's probably dead you know you just watch you guys struggle as his his tournament life his qualifier life is definitely over and i'm not seeing anything if he had a counter transport maybe and i don't know started tower rushing jordan i think there was a chance here tyle nah this is too messy jordan's got him completely surrounded do you guys understand why jordan picked islands as his first home map now it makes sense now he didn't do this back in the day transporting meta wasn't a thing when he was at the top back in 2012 2013 but i'm beginning to understand why he picked this map possibly how many players have gone landings we had like six players in rounds one and round two go landings on islands pretty sick jordan on the way up he of course has this stable he'll probably make another one i would just go full on knights in the next stage catwatch has one on food he's probably tilted or frustrated or just sad or maybe everything but catwatch will have to call the gg when jordan hits castle if he doesn't call it before he doesn't know that jordan has good eco he can assume so but he doesn't see it seeing jordan and cass light will tell him that this game is over cap bodge is gonna have to wait for the next hidden cup to compete and uh continue to grind for any upcoming tournaments there's a stable for jordan catwatch with four on food just a few lonely farmers even needed to remake him oh no that was his initial mill yeah okay he didn't even have a mill on the berries you know what's crazy about these landing strategies i'm seeing work though it feels as though the strategies are even if they're spotted they're still really hard to spot like in this case capwatch didn't see it which made it so much worse but it's really really difficult to deal with even if you see him show up because you really can't stop the transport at all epoch still trying to play here jordan hits the castle age catwalk has a tower he uh someone in chat just said i'm trying to fill the silence before before na hwang's death i saw a forward siege workshop and my mind immediately went huang sorry what i meant to say was someone said i'm filming the silence before capache's death um and that's pretty much the case here tapwatch is going to try and buy his way to the next stage and hope that maybe jordan could have the biggest throw of his life here jordan's not going to throw this game 19 villagers killed in this game by jordan and he lost three fishing ships which is the three there and cap hatch taps out i'm sure he said gg and good luck next because next i think the task is even more difficult for jordan jordan has to beat the max to get into hidden cuff four what a series salutes all around respect all around capwatch fought back to make it to the final game he just couldn't get the result he wanted for jordan i honestly feel as though he'll learn some lessons from this game like there was some like how he played cross i think he's got to improve there i think he can look at even some of his wins and say that he could have performed better but the practice is going to have to pay off over the next week because the max is an experienced player he's been a part of pretty much every big tournament over the last few years he is especially good in hidden cups max will want to make it back remember hidden cup two finalists with some crazy strats back then so yeah congratulations to jordan catwatch we'll see you next time uh we have one more set today everyone uh it feels like that was the big finale but it's really not for a lot of people it was the set they wanted to see today but jordan is not the only player who's going to try and make it back to the high level of age of empires art is another one heart is the sixth seed from peru and heart formerly teammates uh like formerly on team aftermath or maybe still on team aftermath i don't understand that whole situation but well known to be playing with hera and leary and mbl and nikov for years he's going to be coming up next against rubenstock a name who strategically is very exciting because he tends to go for wacky strategies but i think we all know that he's not quite as fast so will the speed prevail will hart be able to make it to a decider against barrels next week or will ruben stock surprise everyone and deliver uh we'll see that next i honestly could spend more time talking about this set right here i could spend another 10 minutes i could interview jordan i could interview caps but this is just round two if you want interviews show up to the final round next weekend there'll be plenty of time for interviews all right guys
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 46,047
Rating: 4.9363732 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, March, 18th, Hidden, Cup, Four, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE2, AoE2DE, DE, Qualifier, Qualified, Jordan, Capoch, vs
Id: fC6bcdrUljQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 1sec (7621 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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