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is that beans did my man make a die out of beans it's actually really funny i think there's gonna be a lot of me being like admiring the creativity here because that's just kind of the stuff i'm into is just weird kooky stuff what are you laying down on the car what is that hold on what did you place on there i mean it looked like you had a sunroof but you ain't got nothing on there bro people would notice too as soon as they got in the car it just seems a little counter-intuitive oh it's back big car hey look at this pig car it's a car that's a pig that's real funky i like that [Laughter] wait hold on i just zoomed in on the photo it's not like a pig nose that's a face i kind of like that slightly less [Laughter] a younger me attempted to replace my broken blinds with a much crappier alternative yeah but you tried your best and that's all that matters dude you tried your best in that and we appreciate you for trying we hold on what's that oh wait but the wheelchair already has i'm so confused i'm so genuinely confused at the wheelchair one because the wheelchair it has wheels it's kind of the whole point of it but then you gave it a hoverboard just cause like like a little rest want to stretch out i don't understand i'm very confused by the purpose oh nice dude sick phone case bro how much you selling that one for i'll buy it off you beard comb made out of plastic forks when all else fails you have to improvise such a sad comb that is the saddest comb i've ever seen in my entire life that coma's synonymous with giving up wait hold on what's going on here what do you got there did you put did you make a glass window into your playstation but what's the point like genuinely what's the point of that there's no reason for that now you're just fooling around shiny holder glue some craft jewels on an empty loo roll tube and you've got a blingy pen pod well it came from one pot to another it came from the can to being a can for pens like that cool sweet funky boogeyman art life lifetime supply of eyeballs i'm just i'm sorry i'm like taking it back by lifetime so the the phrase lifetime supply of eyeballs is not a phrase you read every day oh boy honey you never believe what i want i want a lifetime supply eyeballs giving my kitchen table a trippy makeover that's not too bad that's cute i think that's cute they're very proud of it let them be proud of this i like that yeah you get a 10 from me chief new mirror i made myself made from a tv see this mirror would be super duper dope if you like lit it up or something too like i think this you have potential to make a really cool thing here but you need to like light it up put some like phillips led strips around it or something be creative man you know be creative bug wire oh god it's bug wire i'm not quite sure what i'm looking at here so it's just copper wire that looks like a bug what's so wrong about that people do this all the time instead of buying an interior door with a window on it let me build one quick and use great stuff to seal it smh my roommate hey tried his best it's a booth he's trying to make the booth don't hate on this guy for trying to make a booth when you're booing in that booth you're going to regret ever making fun of him you like my truck they mangled this car this car is a shell of what it once was what am i looking at here hold on it's a plate yeah this is a plate why why would you put so many bumpy things on a plate there's this like supposed to be a mantle piece i'm really not too sure what i'm looking at there i'm just confused why it's so rigid and bumpy if it's a plate that's very counterintuitive if it's not a plate then i apologize it's like someone it's like someone welded a prop in gmod oh i hate this are these all real dead bugs oh god they are oh i don't like that dear dear leg numb chucks nice dude numb chucks well they certainly are numb now aren't they washable toilet paper slash family cloth no it's not washable you throw you washed no not even though like not even a little i don't agree with this post not one bit they literally just took cloth and said ah this is this is this is toilet paper ridiculous whoa that's kind of funky actually i think this is really neat i can see why someone would be like you know not into this but at the same time the amount of time it takes to actually like get all of these shells and make everything stick and look like one full piece i think is really admirable and that is why i'm like so interested in this that is really cool holy cow expectations versus reality diy acrylic fluid painting oh dude that's sick let's see what it looks like real uh looks like flesh you've made flesh painting okay but that's cool i think that's genuinely cool why is this why is this in diy i think that's sick that takes time to do i think that's really neat this i don't like happy happy day eli is just like oh thanks is that what i look like to you whoa another really weird is this from the same person because this is also a really cool seashell one yo the guy shows the mouth too dude that's gnarly holy cow that's really cool fabuloso and airwick who would have thought we all would have thought why would you do why would you do that i just don't think that's a good idea at all at all is that a bedazzled jean bra country girls really do do it different huh faux trophy room animal decor nice nice dude that's sick that's sweet that's funky bro love that no one's gonna go in hey dude what's that's a weird looking deer what'd you catch what is that why is it all blue and stuff like oh no it's not real oh really you would have never guessed that dude jeez you tricked me hey oh wow okay hold on i didn't realize that that was sandals or flip-flops whatever you want to call them that actually fooled me for a second then that's kind of good though i ain't gonna lie that's that's a little that that takes some talent to fool me like that good work i'm proud of you last christmas i didn't get the nice fluffy slippers i hoped for so with up with some sanitary towels cotton and thread plus a bit of imagination i made my own thanks my brain hey the legs of that chair is a little weird dude but they got some fresh kicks bruh some fresh kicks [Laughter] some thick legs too you see that guy in the blue shoes free new christian art jesus on the cross with cutlery and off cuts wood donations welcome i'll take it i'll take your entire stock my friends functional iphone charger whoa oh jesus man that's that's intuitive you know he's he's found a way to make it work but at the same time maybe he shouldn't have [Laughter] redneck seats bro that's sick this is going to burn like hell when you sit down in the house in that summer heat though i'm going to be honest with you sit down with a beer have your back rip off the heat or the rubber skin peels off just summer day for me the table i actually really like the the seats i'm not crazy about them with that table i think that was good use last thing i wanted to see today was sparkle grout i did not want to see sparkle grout bro hack 101 turn your empty bag of wine twisted tea into a pillow good night the more i look at this the more fear i feel i'm just i'm like i'm staring at this in awe i'm sorry whoever has to edit this i'm sorry i'm so quiet i'm just i'm frozen with fear with this man [Laughter] this is the ultimate office supply nothing quite like homemade peanut m no that's glue oh no so i painted my car like this i have no longer used a horn where'd you get that paint where'd you get that paint bro and why you got three different white cars dude just take a walk up the jeans staircase all your dreams have come true redneck staircase bro i love it when the this is like ultimate white trashery i love it handmade keys box looking for a cool box to store your cereal or for a cool present i have it for you check it out it's made of keyboard keys baby also works as a fully functioning rgb keyboard i give them props that takes some time to make everybody gangsta to the plant starts walking did my dude attach a car to his car man's wanted a limousine said i'm a glo myself and he did where you gonna park that thing my little sister's friend hot glued a phone case to her wallet so she wouldn't lose either of them i mean it's not the worst idea in the world but it's also not the best because that glue might just wear out one day and what are you gonna do then what are you gonna do then that's cat cage bro that's actually perfect why would you diy that that's amazing i'd buy that i'd buy that for 15 bucks he'd be he'd be my new best friend my mom had an idea to create fish fins with her cement hands and the end result is a little terrifying [Laughter] i messed this one up but it gives you an idea of my idea it's a little horrifying to be honest but it's a good first try let the fish grab you when you miss the beach but you have to work that's very counterintuitive for working i get wanting to be in the sand but at the same time you gotta get that chair out of there dude can't believe you this is voldemort i don't like this i don't know who that's supposed to be of i mean hey you got likes so i mean gg but what is this who is this of that a real mouse did you do what i think you did okay all right what a hardcore guy this is just boolean in the skateboard seat that's where i'd be it's where you find me baby you're right in the skateboard seat wear an old sock over your shoe go for a nature walk remove sock spritz with water and put in a ziploc bag hanging the bag in a window for two weeks watch what grows very cool sell this on pinterest and need to try it now it's just grass it's just grass that's growing because you walked outside with the socks over your shoes what do you think is gonna happen i've seen this kind of stuff in florida a lot where they just use something to cover up their back window but that's also for this this is extra dumb because that removes the ability to see at the rear view when the the rear windshield at all you just handicapped your car because you stupid and got the shield broken the windshield broken finally got a 144 hertz monitor here's my other monitor because i want a non-stop game what do we got here we got a the thing a toothpaste a cleaver i don't know what that is banana wrench and a shoe what do you call this art piece chief what is this what's this jackson pollock piece super cool fireplace made of the pallets don't don't use it though trust me okay that's actually kind of cool though like if you're a car nut i think you would buy this i always think this stuff is super neat honestly wonder how heavy those are hand painted pink bikini palm tree frond art wall decor painting for 15 bucks all right okay good job i'm like that i won't buy it but i like that bro sick hood ornament [Music] sick selling cakes ps4 cake here for 100 took me some time to make i'm so sorry but i won't be buying that looks like a computer case i'm not in it or like a laptop carrying case i mean you know not like a you know what fine it's a cushion i'll be honest it's a cushion you made a cushion jesus lord almighty that is sensory overload just for my eyes it's like walking in and someone like has the room painted multiple colors same idea it's all flowers don't it's like you it's like you just went in unity and wrapped a an image in your bathroom road trip and we ain't stopping for crap that's right i got this bad boy plugged in chicken parts i don't want to look at that too long i already skipped the image i don't want to look at that i don't want to look at that no one wants to look at that they're not even smiling they're frowning why would i want to look like a frowning dead chicken hey bro check it out those are vandals chocolate sauce wings with sprinkles all flats go to hell yeah i agree bass savage who puts chocolate sauce and sprinkles sorry i got close to the mic there but i gotta express my anger i love wings chewings are a very good food i think they're very tasty but you remove the sanctity of the chicken wing when you decide that in your little rat brain your creature brain that you want to pour chocolate hershey sauce and sprinkles on your wing that's when you lose the right to vote as far as i'm concerned ah there it is i remember seeing a guy in my hometown growing up that had one of these except there was a full-on star at the top i don't get it how does this help your car you know i actually adore this idea everyone gets a laugh come on redneck on facebook trying to sell customized ornaments amy 20 20. much was he selling him for because i'd buy a couple i'd really want one where he spells zack's name wrong yes people get it wrong all the time it blows my mind too trust me they told me it's a single bedroom with an attached bathroom well they weren't lying just nobody's allowed to take a bath while you're trying to go to bed make the room all steamy and gross not really conducive for sleepy time these books are hot glued and the glass top is held by suction cups oh so it's really structurally sound you know safe to put really expensive stuff on maybe a glass of wine you can always tell people it's worth thousands of dollars if you use old textbooks instead ah a diy butter candle we still needed that butter why did we turn it into a candle again homemade candles see these are fun because you get to drink what's inside of them first so you don't quite care as much about you doing something so stupid oh that is the single scariest bathroom i have ever seen in my entire life i feel like if i go in there i'm not gonna be able to make it out oh yummy lucky charms ashtray made with real lucky charms preserved in resin only 10 bucks though you're losing money not buying it folks camping crocs with built-in survival tools you can't tell me for one second that this person ain't gonna get all the hot chicks in the neighborhood you know honestly though something like this would be pretty darn convenient if you had to walk through water since they'll dry real fast but man all i can think about is ticks ticks everywhere hmm table yes that does appear to be a table but for a hundred and forty dollars i'm not so sure dear baby buck reborn baby doll 135 dollars oh boy fauna a deer slash human hybrid baby buck reborn baby doll with full length limbs he is 17 inches and wears size preemie oh oh god sunrise handmade denim guitar 200. i don't know about that one man feel like covering it in denim is going to destroy its sound quality it is an acoustic guitar because it was designed with its own acoustics in mind and you had to cover it with all jeans two desks fifty dollars i think i'm gonna pass on this one thanks for the offer though farmhouse distressed end table has two drawers for storage yes it looks great it's gonna match my house so easily god people homemade birth control cause she ain't coming home pregnant wow i do have to commend you on your creativity with this one but you've got some problems it's not expensive to get them fixed single use plastics i'll show you single use handmade sloth doll and it's kind of cute i mean it's a little freaky looking but not nearly as scary as that chicken doll thing barely used xbox 360 for sale tray error already fixed yes i could see that you absolutely fixed the tray okay call me crazy but i feel like gamers nexus would appreciate this at least a little bit right you know that computer deserves fresh air too whoa oh god uh can i not is there another toilet i can poop in i don't like this one at all the fish are looking at me and i think i heard one ask me a really creepy question hey kid you done can i take a swim oh that is the perfect material to use on a christmas tree hope you're using those led lights otherwise that is going to burn your house down nightstand's made of foam oh oh that is not the type of foam i was expecting i was thinking they were going to be pre-made interesting looking styrofoam units but no we get this forever teddies 1200 bucks what's he made out of is it cement my mom was given a christmas decoration from her friend oh i'm gonna give my mom something like this someday and if she doesn't hang it up every year i will get sad what the hell's wrong with those tears how did you do the tears i made them using a glue gun oh so you had to wipe away all of your real tears first right i i'm gonna be honest with you i'm genuinely confused why'd you build a gun out of your monster cans why okay now this one i can get behind a fly ass pepsi hat for only 25 bucks count me in i want that hanging up on my wall forever yeah i'm not gonna put that on my head looks like i could cut my scalp open glass top table and horseshoe base i'm sure someone out there with a horse aesthetic will find that one appealing oh okay come on this one's got to be the pinnacle of diy what purpose does the toothbrush in the hot dog serve do you get to eat dinner while brushing your teeth what's happening ah more denim-covered crap we call this a jar well okay but why is the question on everybody's mind why i guess if you're ever in the neighborhood and want to rob a bank you can say to your friends hold on i gotta take my pants off this is my moment that's a great way to repurpose a crappy broken microwave i guess it's bigger and more convenient than a lot of actual mailboxes i've noticed and this one well just by a lamp it's just a regular lamp my sister's monster mask no boy here we oh well at least she's wearing a mask right just so long as that open tab isn't a hole like a straight up hole that leads to her mouth well that's one way to do it if you're never gonna move go right ahead also the chain makes it look really badass i'm kidding it doesn't but i feel like whoever put this up might get mad stubbed my toe and my nail fell off decided to make it into a necklace for the life nailed it oh oh god i am glad that thing fell off of you but please don't give that to anyone throw it away right now otherwise this little piggy gonna get divorced is this like the budget home depot nativity scene oh it's the penny car i actually have seen this thing a couple of times and a couple other cars that are covered in pennies my question to you owners of these little craft projects what the hell is your problem i know that pennies aren't worth much but do you think the car looks better now oh thanks that's much more sanitary one-of-a-kind pirate jeans by the creative travis can set up shipping or local pickup smoke-free home was it a smoke-free home because it looks like the dude who made these was smoking crack travis what's your deal oh my lord how in the world do you have so much design talent that you actually made that van look worse i guess when the gasoline and water wars begin you'll be driving the wasteland in absolute style you just need a flamethrower guitar combo and a couple of gimps and you're ready to go genuine imitation cat poop jewelry with litter box what a great gift for cat lovers what it is reduce reuse recycle know what i mean had some dirt laying around decided to add it to the resin wow it looks beautiful so good found on facebook said it was to seal up after being rear-ended by a semi oh did insurance not want to cover a dented trunk i don't understand these people at all maybe he did it so that people would ask why maybe people aren't talking to him enough he wants some more attention but god man wing tip sandal mod oh my god i can't do this diy is too much i'm sorry huh well as weird as it sounds we've all been there at one point in our lives man it'll get better and this guy's hopeless man i don't think it's gonna get better for you dude that's a lot of succulents growing on your face wonder how many people you could convince that's an actual guy you're paying to be a table i am 100 sure that everybody would believe it immediately for about 10 seconds minimum oh man i know for a fact that tattoo is incredibly expensive i know hair implants are more expensive but i'm sure you looked great regular old ball dude all right let me see we have antler legs check see-through top with crap tons of bullet casings and maybe a couple of guns underneath with a lot of alcohol on top surprised that decanter is empty this is one overtly american looking table this is a custom painted toilet all automotive materials house of color candy paint on top of tropical glitz flakes painted this for fun just seeing if anyone else is interested in buying it no oh my god can we stop getting fabric near the toilet treadmill sander 50 bucks this is a treadmill that i use as a sander i installed a 100 grit sanding belt on it it works great as a substitute for a drum sander or large belt sander i used it to flatten an end grain cutting board honestly for 50 bucks just put the actual rubber roller back on it you got a pretty decent deal there that is not the most hideous idea i've ever seen to replace a christmas tree it's actually kind of cute but there's something about it that does freak me out can't quite put my finger on what feel like maybe santel gets seven years bad luck when he's putting presents underneath there ah one of these just to make people laugh that's the only reason you make a car like this oh okay so you wanna die while watching the simpsons in bed that doesn't look quite as goofy as it should i think reading all of these different posts from all of these different subreddits is starting to mess with my mind thrillest waiters will hate you for this one simple trick wow man i'd excuse all the stickers but whatever the frack you have going on around the doors is just unacceptable this thing is a highway hazard to anybody behind you that looks comfy there's enough skill in this to maybe let it slide yeah i'm gonna let this one slide this is more of an awful taste great execution honestly not gonna hate on this kind of cool i'm angry that this works i'm not angry this exists or that somebody did it i'm angry that it actually works oh god oh god why why hmm comfy look i'm not gonna judge but if your cheeks are that talented you should probably get some free internet points out of that some after work therapy can be purchased at blank yeah i am gonna need therapy after work after seeing these selling my custom made hanging lamp super unique and stylish for either your home business or shop made from an old clutch pressure plate asking 75 the idea is cool the lamp itself looks like something out of resident evil 7. i'm sorry it's cute i can't i can't hate on it it's just cute it's a pony blender made a shite duck lamp please tell me it quacks when you turn it on why just why why why are these are these covet 19 vaccine earrings i could make some sort of joke about this but i own earrings that are long glass industrial fuses they look really cool but uh but i also you know i can't say anything here do whatever you like trust me i'm elastin's electrician that's a really funny way to spell arsonist why i don't understand not only have you cambered your car halfway to hell but then you've put fan grills is that what those are you put fangirls as your hubcap covers i don't even know this fence made out of headboards for beds this is oddly terrifying i don't know why this seems like it belongs in a horror movie these are all of the souls who sleep here handmade mirror made with insulating foam filler no i love this piece but we just don't have space for it very funky vibe iso something starting offer a bottle of red wine or two or make me an offer my offer involves tossing it off the brooklyn bridge actually no that'll make the east river worse than it already is toss it in jersey classy the the bird not the garish truck uh what wait what what is this are you ready for some barbecue this is a this is a taxidermy something oh my god it's 195 dollars it's for sale oh i got nothing i got everything i have to say is impolite nothing beats the soothing sensation of hundreds of baby fingers running through your hair what what is that that looks oh my god it's a milk carton it's like it's i think it's a jug of milk what the [ __ ] can we not outdoors in the inside please thank you very much i am broke so i used oil pastels to try and make my joy-con splatoon two colors splatoon two colors instead of buying new ones oh oh well um as overpriced as joy-cons are we uh we all see how well that worked out for you didn't we it's a denim couch seriously it's it's just a denim have you all never been to the south playstation lamp for 45 this is this is 45 pounds this looks great i'd buy this if the controllers and or console is already dead like i i have no problem with this like whatsoever this is fine my friend built this lid replacement not the worst we've seen and it prevents you from having to buy a new toilet so it's fine a pair of earrings i made out of lures from cabela's i know this isn't the usual content for this sub but i just adore these i'm not sure what sub this was originally posted in but you ended up in the wrong one cabela's is a lovely store full of lots of lovely things none of which should be used for crafting i'm not even sure what he was trying to accomplish with this that's a cool looking dress oh it's made of masks of course it's made out of masks you know what as long as the masks are not used and this is a topical meme piece i'll allow it gamer rocking chairs all i can think of is two millennials on a boat dock going well yeah i can remember modern warfare too i know these are from a car but the joke still applies mirror glass slipper high heel you know if this was better done and didn't look like a giant safety hazard i i would actually entertain that i like shiny things y'all should see my sequin jacket it's amazing candles you are not alone you are strong what the hell why is there money in it oh that would smell awful what's the scent supposed to be the dark knight look sometimes you don't want to pay that much for one of the you know 50 whatever inch deck lawn mowers and i can respect that but at least make the match before and after please stop doing this please freaking stop doing this especially with wood that has like beautiful inlays and stuff in it god that's kind of a cute shack oh oh y'all forgot the walls all right this i could understand as like a shed you have next to a field or something this seems like a very guy thing to like do and like i don't know beer in sports but um to live in this there's a bed there and like a full kit like somebody's living in this you are one hailstorm away from permanent hearing loss oh this makes me irrationally angry oh my god in math is not that hard cool spray paint ideas that will save you a ton of money no that's how you have to purchase new tires because they no longer have any grip turn your faucet into a cute cat paw check out this quirky yarn bomb i'm sorry i'm just like wait i just want to rewind for a second yarn bomb that's that sounds eerily threatening it's like a weapon out of paper mario anyways it's a posit delete that pun and delete this this would be really funny to have in your house and not acknowledge it to anyone at all and when somebody mentions the face they see in the dresser just be like what it's just plain wood what are you talking about no dear god no what in the name of jebus crabs are you doing this this is terrifying back up and hope oh my god it's another one doll plant yes i will be needing to pick up some hope for humanity because this is nothing short of pure terror what is quarantine done to you all my mom made this lindor chocolate wrapper dress for my senior prom which got cancelled well ayah i'm very sorry that your prom got cancelled but i think it was best for everyone that it was because hopefully you'll get a new dress finally something to do with an old cd rack a ramen holder what the fragrance what the what i appreciate that everything's nicely organized but why i still have game cases and like blu-rays and stuff and what what are you doing made 12 individual dessert servers repurposing old dishes and wine glasses slash candle stick holders no what you've made is 12 randomly activated dessert destroyers ready to ruin anybody's fine linen you seem like the kind of person that struggles with the concept of center of gravity what in th why just why name of the subreddit just what please get a real hobby i'm sorry is that a cane or a w oh it's a ski pole this is the worst version of i'd rather be skiing than i've ever seen gas gales and non-binary pals maya presents you the spam joe squishy matey and musical oh god oh why why is there a spleen mold stop this okay whoever's doing this they know it's parody so you know what i'm fine with this because it makes fun of a lot of things this guy on the other hand is not joking around and clearly has way too much money to waste on a wrangler that is never going to actually see an off-road day in its life i'm sorry why why are we what i'm what's the goal that doesn't even look comfortable to hold i'm so confused is it supposed to be a kickstand like this no just stop stop hammer time no stop doing arts and crafts because you ended up with this custom built stripper pull oh trailer phrases i thought i'd never read to toe behind an atv oh that'll do it bench seat and cooler rack pole can be unscrewed unlike the birth of the person who made this have over 800 in the build located in crumb close to denton perfect to pick up for the next mardi gras rides oh i i i can't i can't with this moving sale five dollars that is neither a moving or a sale but it is a very poorly designed swing and i'll give you that [Music] it it is more effort to get a straight cut on a one gang light switch faceplate than it is to go to home depot and buy a two dollar two gang light switch faceplate what the hell is wrong with you people a spray foam table was not something i expected to exist oh you clearly underestimate the whole spray film like community i hope there's not a community there's more than one person doing unethical things with spray foam and i hate it when duct tape is cheaper than paint i don't get it oh wow okay that's um that's mildly impressive like i didn't notice it until i started looking for the lines that's that okay i'm impressed with the amount of skill you put into this no just just no just stop no that looks uncommon the bottom images thank you to whoever added those that just made it magical again i'm mad that it works 3d printed baby yoda vomit five words that will haunt me for the rest of my life i'm uncomfortable imagining somebody taking a very large dump on this and grabbing the handlebars oh god why you've had ravioli in a can try annie's white cheddar shells in a white claw no i don't think i will okay i had to ask the lexi wife what this was this is a yarn bowl you put a ball of yarn in it and you pull it out so it doesn't tangle somebody was using a perfectly normal yarn bowl looked at it and thought oh i'd like to pull this out of a nose and that person is now banned from all craft stores until the 4th of forever oh this is a cursed image and i want to move on but uh yeah i feel sick looking at this oh hey uh hey bugs bunny um i didn't mean it when i said daffy was funnier please don't stop looking at me what the heck is that is that a bunch of screen doors just like stacked this is an angry birds car no it is look there's green pigs up there oh my god why why are there a bunch of rocks in there that this doesn't make any sense this is fashion this is a uh uh it's something it's better than gucci that's for sure i pieced this together with thrifted items i call it baby eboy look at those cute-ass baby vans size 2xl so very comfy fit also she's delicate so hand wash and dry but overall a fun time yeah um again better than gucci at least it's not just a blanket design is this satan this is satan made out of barbie doll parts and ken parts and man i i just like this okay this i mean that looks kind of cool right it looks a little cool it's dumb but it does look a little cool check out this earring i put together featuring a long dead reddish brown stag beetle i found in my basement i'm not ready for this oh oh yeah i was gonna say it looks kind of cool but it's also a dead beetle on an earring yeah hey look this guy just wanted to ride in style and comfort i can't blame him right hmm birkenslides yeah that uh i guess it's one step to a jesus cosplay all right i want this but instead of the fish being whatever kind of fish that is i want him to be bass and i want the instrument to be a bass the bass bass what no that's not that is disgusting i i i hate these need a bumper yeah that thing's gonna shatter as soon as you crash into something dude oh boy handmade storage for 20 bucks i made this out of cardboard and fabric i have used it for a while as storage but need to sell it to help my mother-in-law pay for a cremation anything helps right now and i will have other things posted in the future uh yeah i'm gonna say this thing doesn't hold up for at least another week custom cartridge urinal oh no don't tell me that's actually being used as a urinal i see piping i see piping that is so god this infuriates me i attempted a cicada tribute ban for my co-workers band oh that i mean okay that it's hard to say whether or not i i find this cute because i do because of the eyes but then i realize they're real bugs but they're also dead so er i'm just gonna say it's cursed clothes hangers snowflake oh my god that that actually looks really cool uh i'm not gonna lie yeah that's really neat i genuinely don't know if my dad was a genius or a head case what what is that made is that like pvc piping that looks like it could fall apart at any moment this elegant yet understated bracelet my daughter made out of spaghetti and a black olive oh that that is stylish oh man i i i've seen this before and when i did see it the first time i thought you know what i hope i have to never see this again and uh well here we are um i'm having another moment of trying to decide is this cool or is this incredibly dumb and should never be done again and uh i'm i'm thinking a little mix of both yeah just just slap some tape on there she should be all right it might be a little bit of a draft but uh it gets the job done baby earring baby earring is this like a this is like a subtle hint like hey i'm having a baby but you just can't see it yet now you can oh man this is uh that's ugly that sorry for being so blunt but that that's just ugly christmas decor advent secondhand recycling yeah uh can someone say fire hazard hey where the heck did my car go alright i parked in the flower store oh my god the baby statues they rise from the depths of baby hell what do you guys think of my friend's multi-tool i mean it is multiple tools uh put together i guess but um i i must ask diy vintage furby 75 bucks selling this vintage furby yeah i remember when they were first made and they uh you know were bongs i had a dream that i had a bra covered in googly eyes and my roommate said it would be creepy and weird if i made one 530 googly eyes later oh my god that is great i love that i need to see them shake around just every little eye and the eyes wouldn't be the only thing shaken oh man i i want to light it on fire so bad i'm sorry but i just i really want to see it just burst in flames a coca-cola lamp i mean it looks kind of cool looks like something you'd see in like a post-apocalyptic movie like just just something that someone has hanging around i'm gonna say it i dig it this i don't dig in fact i would dig these into the ground uh that's so bad i don't like it that baby in the middle though he's looking a little suspicious he's like he knows something tutorial hoodie for a cat supplies one cat two sock there he goes he looks so happy he looks so incredibly happy pumpkins get too much love i carved a jacko tater you know what as someone who loves potatoes and mashed potatoes and anything else potato related i can approve of this ah so this is where all my jean jackets went to the carpet shop oh my god that's really a gene carpet that's actually kind of cool at least it looks cool is it comfortable probably not oh my god and those are jean seats is there just a subreddit dedicated to things being made out of jeans decorating my house and well i can't afford the wallpaper i want right now so you use wrapping paper it looks so good looks so christmassy yeah i wonder why maybe because there's just santa all over your wall i made some earrings out of jewel pods you know what those look cool i i feel bad because all of this stuff is actually really awful but some of it looks just really cool who puts eyelashes on a pickup truck hey that pickup truck looks fabulous don't say like it's a bad thing spring cake that looks like a bunch of used toilet paper rolled back up and put on top of each other i'm gonna vomit what the okay halloween was last month guys um man that this makes me feel uneasy what what is this why is that plant wearing clothing something's just not right here the ride of your life office chair bottom skates 45 you know what worth every penny that guy looks like he's having a blast lounge it's a duck burger no it's a duck burger and fries i love this this is great i want that in my house that's a conversation starter this replacement doorknob at my new work yes that's masking tape oh my god that looks disgusting i feel like i have to wash my hands every time i touch that thing with scorching hot water christmas dog wreath made with milk bones gravy bones and bonyo bones covered in poop bags for once treats are gone colors and bows may vary collection only or delivery for fuel i mean they look nice and it's a fun way to you know put your dog's treats up on display but um i i don't know just like put them in a box instead of putting making a wreath out of them minion tires man they just they just won't go away will they whoa look at that thing ladies tell me this is not what the man of your dreams is driving my mom went to a meeting at work today and they handed her this on the way out there's a roll of toilet paper on the inside i mean it looks nice it does look nice but um what's the point just to hand someone a fancy thing or toilet paper this guy's cars looking like the outside of the death star i mean it looks kind of cool but impractical [Music] i get it it's a mouse but it's a real mouse body around the mouse i don't like it berries nailed into daisies oh that's that's not as bad as i thought it'd be i mean yeah it looks nice but why oh man i can just i can hear the texan in this image what the heck those lights are so low to the ground i could forgive it if the lights were just higher up oh god i jumped when i saw this oh no it's on a dog that's awful i feel bad for the dog scaring off every kid he turns his back to oh look at that little guy that's that's cute i think i can't i can't quite put my finger on it oh this is just painful to the eyes uh though those are chairs i um if i can't quite tell what it is and what it's made out of it's probably not good welcome to my garden ah that's cute why does that rock have teeth why does the rock have teeth i need answers right now new pickled people for sale why why why it's portable but god at what cost oh no that looks awful i've actually seen a lot of videos of people making like portable gamecubes and nintendo 64s and they're really really cool maybe this guy should take some notes from those found on etsy a real moose poop pendant oh okay why was this made who who made this who thought about this and was like yeah i want to make that into a real tangible object whoa this looks cool at first glance and then you realize one wrong move and all those things are falling off uh you go drive too fast uh bye bye it's all coming off is that a computer that's a computer made out of a big old water jug [Music] i i want to not like it but at the same time i admire it oh looks like e.t came back to earth and picked himself up a volkswagen ufo why is there a hatch at the top this is great i love this oh my god and i why what what do you think whenever you put that up in your car and you're like yeah people people won't think i'm a psychopath nah oh my god that is a orange bike launch hmm at first i thought those were teeth but upon further inspection they're just like seashells which isn't as bad but man that looks thug's painful to touch my sister made this it belongs here more than on someone's neck oh yeah i can definitely agree without any more thought just just from seeing it yes i can agree oh my god this car is it clown car is it looks evil i don't like it like it's hands just kind of like at the bottom ready to grab anything it can ah come on why would you why would you waste a perfectly good back part of a car for this i mean i'm not going to lie i kind of want to try it out but uh oh more seashells attached to things that they shouldn't be attached to this looks tacky also i'm sure in the dark if you were to go reach for your light switch and you felt one of those things poking at you you'd be a little like oh god one of your five a day heinz beans dnd dice i know they're not actually d dice but still that's what i know them from but at least they got a nice healthy dose of beans my own creation i needed a larger bin than the two small ones i had so i cut the bottom of one of them off flipped it upside down and zip tied it together to make a bin twice the height not the best looking or practical but it works you yourself admitted it wasn't very practical so not only does it look like crap it's not very useful is that a countertop blender being used as a garbage disposal you know this is disgusting but i will say it's quite impressive that they seemingly got this to work i mean clearly not very well because there's a bunch of disgusting water just sitting there constantly but still well well well that's all i can think of they turned their boat into a pool what else am i supposed to say about it now come on that's just cool okay it's not diy it's di how the hell do i do that myself all right so it's a chair made out of books i mean the seat cushion is made out of books how is that comfy also how is that proper recycling a few of these are gonna feel like someone thought well instead of giving them to goodwill or to somebody else we can reuse them no seriously i've got an idea well that's definitely not the worst idea i mean if i'm being honest that one's pretty creative it's stupid don't get me wrong i would never recommend doing it but dude it works now how is this supposed to help me keep my hair brushed in the morning it's like i'm getting a scalp massage from a dozen tiny fairies why buy a part online for 20 when you can waste an entire weekend making your own that's a good point 3d printing is well it's interesting so far besides shipping usually takes a day or two still anyway why not make it yourself it's more fun this is all good until the airbag malfunctions from moisture damage and your passenger takes a cactus through the face at 300 miles per hour yeah that's incredibly dangerous and looks like ah grandma helping me keep my car in shape since the 40s that looks awesome and by awesome i mean uniquely terrible okay so someone felt the need to turn their bicycle into i guess a zombie apocalypse bicycle feels incredibly dangerous i mean i know the chainsaw is powering that front wheel but it's gonna be great when you can run right through that giant crowd of zombies for the first time groovy yes that seems very comfortable thank you for that made to order 16-legged centipede chicken taxidermy curiosity by casper's creatures made to order maybe instead of selling these online you should go work in the movie business ah thank you is this what sid did you know the kid from toy story when he grew up large lead corn weights oh wow it's listed in texas i was gonna say nebraska custom ford taurus convertible oh it's custom all right it's always funny when someone decides to quote unquote customize the worst cars ever made the decor at a local bar just mops just mops on their chairs that's it also are they projecting youtube videos on the wall screw this place they spent 12 cents per chair making them look like that and they're still gonna charge you 12 bucks for a beer dude just give up on it at that point i'd rather walk than drive something like that around not because of what people think of me but because holy crap that thing's about to fall apart seems a little dangerous look if your car is being held up with duct tape you need to reprioritize oh man trypophobia to the max that is gross vintage egg carton with marbles hanging lamp ah yes just like the vintage egg carton marble lamps from the 70s the faucet in my cousin's bathtub fell off they had a fascinating solution is that a battery hold on let me zoom in here and take a look at this is that a battery oh really nice why why do people really want to make their toilets look nice it's a toilet you know what they're used for right you're not really going to be looking at it while you're doing your business so who cares i made a sweater out of dryer fluff so i could rightfully say that all my garments and towels together have brought forth a whole new garment oh dude oh man you'd think it would be funnier but it's not it's just gross i hope some billionaire musician doesn't see this then they'll start selling something that looks like that for a thousand bucks a piece looking at you kanye preserved fry earrings 100 100. oh wow wow wow it looks like grass or astro turf in there but that bathroom is just the worst wow how much money did that save you i don't think door knobs and door handles are that expensive well that's one way to display your hot wheels collection on your dodge caravan or chrysler voyager or whatever the hell it's called it doesn't matter it's a minivan ah how the hell did you manage that no really how i want to know what that process looked like joker chair joker inspired chair great it looks like it's molded to hell did you do that part on purpose oh there they are the kool-aid jammers kicks bro still want them coke slides though gee thanks i really appreciate the man leg table or should i say the cowboy leg table end table decor that looks like turds in kitty litter [Laughter] it's so nice you're such a great interior decorator susan don't go over to susan's house she decorates with cat [ __ ] meet bunny hold on i'm i'm preparing myself for what i'm about to see oh it's not as bad as i was expecting but it still sucks well i've definitely seen worse things put on people's cars here in the springs down in colorado we've got more than a few famous cars because they're just littered with anime one of them's bordering on more inappropriate anime if you will who needs to buy a phone mount just throw this bad boy together with some leftover scraps yeah i'm gonna do that right away i am so freaking excited that my living keyboard experiment is working soon my fingers will have lush grass to help me feel like i'm working in nature i seated it only a week ago and look at it go i genuinely don't even want to know what is wrong with this person i'm amazed with the outcome of this project thanks to blank was looking for a way to repurpose this nightstand and she was able to create this beautiful piece how it started how it ended up well at least it had great execution i guess wow you liked the pt cruiser so much you stuck it on the back of your freaking motorcycle diy custom paint job now those are dangerous words screw off keep out i don't want to see the rest of the car black cow pelvis with red candles a cow pelvis candle holder only 150 bucks today i found out how the previous tenants fixed the kitchen cabinet with toothpicks no way now that's ingenuity if you ask me well could have just bought an old truck but i admire the ethic stylish people are putting plates on walls and we're here for it no we're not you might be but the rest of us are not we eat off of our plates i think if there's one thing the millennials and gen z are not gonna tolerate it's spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars on plates that you're not allowed to [ __ ] use we're done with that type of excess it's kind of stupid 14 foot custom-made countertop island top or tabletop was made in customer changed mind of design this is 14 feet long and is approximately 36 inches wide epoxy top with two layers 300 value and lightly stained wood glued together and screwed together heavy duty built and will last a lifetime better than your fake wood material countertop built out of 2x10 with metal supports underneath to prevent warping just looking to get cost of materials in return well if it didn't look like ass i'd consider it no dentist's office is complete without random rocks in the bathroom sink this is true they need that and it has to be covered in sea creatures and shooting it's like a law that dentists have to follow for design that chair do be looking kind of thick though does your seat have a true pixar mom dumpy wait what is it an eggshell wreath why is it in a chair this smells like a pier one imports is this pure one there's a reason they went bankrupt okay those poor birds come on give them something real introducing the carpeted shower floor no [ __ ] way no way that is easily the most disgusting and quite dangerous thing i've seen in a bathroom in a long time that is mold city usa want a rainfall shower head well make it out of 14 cents worth of pvc yeah i know it's more than 14 cents i'm ju you know what it doesn't matter look at how awful that is this sink would actually tear your hands apart i didn't realize you all vigorously rubbed your hands against your sink no but it's a pretty shallow sink so maybe you're going to prick your finger every now and then when you're scrubbing your fingies size 8 to 10 waist 72 centimeters length 60 centimeters narrow fishtail fit upcycled nobody jeans to a skirt can arrange for pickup in bustleton or post deliver for seven dollars i'm i'm good honestly i think i speak for most conscious human beings when i say that custom-made mac and cheese box organizer holds up to 30 boxes 6 boxes per slot or you could put them in your [ __ ] pantry don't have one of those your cabinet don't have those what's going on so i collect dead insects i got these the other day to celebrate spring yes those are real spiders real dried pressed flowers and gold leaf what do you all think well again at least it's somewhat good execution paint an old ceiling fan in a vibrant design attach it to a wood post and put it in your garden no oh my god come on this spray painted plant my roommate's boyfriend got her what did you do why why would you do that ah yes taking a crap but with extra steps uh where's your bathroom oh it's up the stairs about halfway it's what yeah you'll see it you can't miss it really steampunk inspired bass guitar you can't just call whatever you want steampunk just because you put a brass horn on the side of it nothing screams home like cans on a string hanging from a stick yeah where in the bible belt is this wait is that a that is a coffin right but now it's a stove baby's house is looking so amazing i love your new stairs baby they're all the new rage and if you don't have them folks you should really start growing some of your own holy crap that was a twist i wasn't expecting thrift stores hold interesting secrets don't i know it yeah i'm not gonna buy that it's broken and looks terrible no way no freaking way no now get out of here with that how does the car even move each one of those wheels is like 80 of its own weight finally a bathroom fit for me and the boys finally get to hold hands while doing the business star trek data art are you sure about that this woman was spray painting her car black in a walmart parking lot on a windy day is that really much cheaper than getting it actually painted i mean you could go to mako and pay like five to eight hundred bucks for a crap paint job but at least it'll last longer than your spray paint why is your whole house a roof how is this beneficial would this not be more expensive as well what did i make this week butt wipes or toilet not paper we've used cloth wipes in our house for ages but this is my new setup individual wipes rolled up on a tp roll you're using actual you're not flushing these are you first of all wow wow
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,302,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, compilations, diwhy
Id: 5yQN3OWXAbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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