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here i am a guy wondering why i'm single even though i mostly ignore girls who tries to hit on me of course you do ignore your hallucination because people will think you're weird if you talk to them oof size large my brother-in-law used to look like a travel-sized soprano travel sized everything ain't what it seemed lol remember shio x for a reason if that reason is you then you just gotta hold that l my boy no disrespect but this is all i think about when i see your avatar when did penguins get so emo that's okay right my fit you look like a pepsi max he looks like tiger king's bisexual half brother damn don't don't disrespect the doc like that it's not his fault mark zuckerberg has a natural guilty face he always looks like he was just caught with his hand in the cookie jar they look like if jake and logan paul were good people you're right if people used breakup lines instead of pickup lines what would some of them be they say one man's trash is another man's treasure i hope you find someone who treasures you the lead singer looks like if mountain dew was a person cardi b makes music for people who wash paper plates i don't even know what that means but yeah episode 1 the fat menace episode 2 heart attack of the clones episode 3 revenge of the 5th big mac episode 4 a glucose fluctuation episode 5 the indigestion strikes back episode 6 return of the heartburn episode 7 the horse awakens episode 8 the last pizza roll episode 9 the rise of pizza dough you all need to stop making ugly racist homophobic men famous for no reason noah beck is over party that's disrespectful to ralph ralph is a treasure and noah beck looks like a bicycle seat with a ginger wig on it a cutting assessment you have this three pound organ in your skull that is so [ __ ] amazing it literally defies the laws of its own construction and you use it to watch the bachelor and be r slash rare insults solve the puzzle yelp red snapchat yellow skype blank skype blue yeah skype blue sky blew a 17-year lead to zoom my feminism is blm inclusive lgbtq inclusive trans-inclusive immigrant refugee inclusive muslim-inclusive mosque inclusive blah blah blah doesn't seem to be graphic designer inclusive though my eyes have an ouchy can't stand them efforts who play the oboe i love playing the oboe that's great man please see a psychiatrist now an important question where do you stand on bassoon players oh you look like the human version of mark zuckerberg he does laying on your left promotes digestion as gravity moves food through and cuts down on heartburn i get terrible nightmares when i sleep on my left side not sure why probably facing a mirror katie looks like a villain from a barbie movie i haven't even seen a barbie movie but i i think i know what they mean lol dead game larry your fifth chin has the same circumference as the sun i keep a fruit sticker on the top of my head so that if a cannibal ever eats me he'll have to peel off the sticker first to give me time to escape says shaq i want to see the monster-sized cannibal that could eat shaq if you want to see your mom so bad then color and plan to get together sometime have breakfast or something life is short man don't want any regrets comment on ben shapiro reacts to [ __ ] by cardi b ben could have 10 kids and he'd still be a virgin how does she look homeless inside her own home oh come on that's just mean why would you do this looks like he skipped brain day hugs over masks you single-handedly dropped the world's iq by over 20 percent sparks fly for this m4 and exclusive yas marina blue when you see it we see it where we usually do in the rear view mirror all right remind me not to get on bmw's bad side change three percent of your dna and you're a chimpanzee five percent and you're a dolphin 40 and you're a banana how much of a change you become a pickle none just add a chromosome this is perfect you know your comment was so goddamn unfunny i slurped back a drink i spat out a couple of years ago not gonna lie this song kind of hits hard on mute roast me he looks like a human cigarette my bf got his side pregnant but we both love each other should i stay yeah still need a clown for the kid's birthday parties are you okay he think he fly i'm so fly i could fly between that gap between your teeth i wish for the ability to switch between normal sight and sight that makes me see all the people that want to have sex with me granted you now have the ability to close your eyes i was murdered she looks like a mix of kim kardashian and buzz lightyear this is the guy who never grew out of being the fastest kid in second grade if he kissed hitler their facial hair wouldn't touch you're right she is the exact reason why shampoos have how to use it charlie's eyebrows look like he shaved them painted new ones on and let them grow back over the drawn on ones you are correct he looks like if hagrid and slim shady had a baby i'm bi boys are damn cute too yeah i said it i'm by myself ignored by women and men alike doctors are firing back at critics of wap saying it's healthy for people to have lubricated genitals this is the point we are at where doctors have to tell people that yes a puppy gets wet guys i don't know how to tell you this but if you think of getting wet as a sign of some sort of medical condition you are as useless in bed as a one-legged cat trying to bury a woman in cement oh eat spicy goodness like a boss he looks like vector from despicable me someone finally said it you look like the walmart version of ninja hey guys want to feel old i'm 40. you're welcome wait were you not 40 like 10 years ago wiles believed they should be a part of the lgbt community i thought the catholic church opposed the lgbt community it looks like the virus is not as deadly as the mainstream media first made it out to be the people are still weak and dead you dumbass ghost elon living a second life is a d aged clone man is rich enough he does look like elon what has bella thorne ever done besides being [ __ ] and smell like beef flavored ramen noodles god egoraptor looks like if dave girl started a gaming channel instead of starting the foo fighters cardi b has an only fans and i already know it's going to be no different than hentai because of how fake her body is i have a question to all men why do you wear a belt if the jeans will still be below your ass the same reason why your girl brings a purse on a date and don't pay oh god no never go into r slash politics it's like an overcrowded daycare who all desperately need a nap in there got him you know i've always found you immensely physically attractive but with your disability it looks like you're only half a man to me i don't know it sounds rude you weigh almost 250 pounds it's like you're actually two and a half women to me i don't know it sounds rude you were the biggest life you [ __ ] killed her dude billy eilish rejects lil pump's offer to wife her lil simp she said no because it would be affiliated to marry someone who still hasn't said his first full word damn i'm a cry what the f that dude looks like baloney mess her up nancy beyonce said pretty hurts now i know why a bad [ __ ] like me is always in pain you look like a prostitute [ __ ] nancy yeah and you look like the mayor of whoville what's up oh my god leave some eyeliner for the rest of us it's a [ __ ] eye marker i've seen ice cubes hotter than them finish this sentence says netflix i'm in the middle of watching anything that doesn't support pedophilia and sexualizing children holy you [ __ ] killed her dude deep fake is now mainstream and major sights are cashing in of all the problems with technology deep fake women is something i will never have to worry about why's that i jerk off to ugly people too you ain't safe i hope we go to an orgy and nobody want to [ __ ] them damn send me coochie pics what the f that's me i don't know who told y'all nine inches was a big because it's not we got miss deep dish [ __ ] over here yeah like gay station and their plug controllers while xbox was just great like always bruh this is a post about console war sucking we don't need a crying little fanboy to come in and start screeching like a blank velociraptor time traveler what year is it cia agent 1963 before or after jfk was before what this joke has been reused more than my gum sock sorry to know you could only once i always refer to my witness as the plot well then this must be a short story oh sorry i fell asleep it's fine what did i miss my oh good i thought i missed something big wrecked the clitoris has nearly 8 000 nerve endings and it's still not nearly as sensitive as reddit how can you objectively state that you've only ever found reddit hey hi what are you doing sitting here would you rather sit on this no that looks uncomfortable as in it's small and grossing you need to shave god i almost feel bad for your wick for looking like that i want to buy it i want to buy the hallmark card man that's sadder than them starving african kids commercials ain't no 50 cents a day going to help that thing though dude shaped like an airpod you know what slim jesus is but he still made a few bangers keemstar pokeman 2 out of 10. this tweet freaking sucks and is completely unnecessary sad face this tweet freaking sucks and is completely unnecessary if only you gave your daughter the same amount of attention you put into tearing others down on the internet you might be a decent father figure and probably not have a height complex there keemstar owner admits to not cleaning her own diarrhea hotel hell the owner looks like she's about to give you a poisoned apple come here my pretty listen here brad just because your brain runs at the speed of your foreskin growing back doesn't mean that your opinion matters in the standpoint crawfish are superior to lobsters down to their damn testicles that are somehow still larger than yours what was this argument about 5g is more than 10 times faster than 4g but saves 20 more energy than the industry average follow us to find out why 5g isn't just faster it's better for the planet no trials have been done on the long-term effect that 5g will have to human health that's because they already know crap 5g and up is weapon grades oh okay then don't worry it only affects brain cells so you're gonna be fine there bud hey if your mask is working why does it matter if i wear a mask because mass are to prevent you from giving it to other people not protecting yourself from it you soggy piece of whole wheat nut left bread what an insult i love it question how do you tell the difference between brie larson and the ceiling in her house hey the ceiling has texture and more than one dimension hey brie larson get off youtube no one wants you here go live in your million dollar mansion this is for all the small guys it's youtube not your already famous tube get off girl sorry i really don't like when celebrities make youtube channels and get a ton of followers and views just because they're celebrities making the most boring white wall watching paint dry content like brie larson seriously go watch one of her videos they're trash she's literally that one girl in class who bullies you then tells the teacher you hit her oh my god she freaking is he looks like captain america before the stem cells you know mgk may have lost the rap battle but he's still making some fire like rock music right now seriously go check out his new stuff chicken doesn't need seasoning amazing how he resisted the temptation to devour the sign long enough for this picture to be taken given how much he loves the taste of cardboard hey man i like playing chicken i don't see a problem with this if they showed the movie on an airplane people would still walk out of it i didn't see this movie but i have to after this comment i will pour cement down your anal cavity oh baby baby don't tim me with a good time there should be a maximum age for facebook like once you hit 30 you are legally forced to stop using it would help these geriatric okanarians from falling for joke beliefs like flat earth and lizard people and that we were all gonna raid area 51 i wasn't allowed to post this mukbang these guys look like christmas edition m m's nah christmas edition m m's are more appealing than these two how are you not the jerk here you're slut-shaming your adult daughter for sleeping with one guy if you were any simpler your husband would have to water you twice a week oh you got roasted girl if you choose not to wear a mask we respectfully ask that you postpone your visit we'll be happy to debate the efficiency of mass with you when this is all over and you come in to sell your dead grandmother's clothes thank you dr master quiet [Music] that's savage 29 life hacks that could save your life is that a freaking game boy cartridge case this is a legit life hack because keeping a condom in your wallet is bad news the friction from it being in your pocket or jostled around wears down the latex and can cause it to dare if you keep one in your game boycott case that won't be an issue because no one will have sex with you savage i have eight pets oh cool what are they three dogs five cats you should get a lizard no thank you are you sure with your dry conversation he'll feel right at home i have never been so visibly disrespected in all my life use your creativity for good not evil oh kevin on stage you got roasted boy an idiot said i would never vaccinate i mean poison my kids i rather a dead child than an autistic one just don't want my children to end up scrounging benefits with one of these made up mental illnesses i don't want weak children her actual father i'd rather a dead child than you sweetheart you were a mistake and your mother should have swallowed she looks like the type of person who reads all terms and conditions then presses to climb that right there is the og karen and she's coming for you she looks like she's about to murder the one out of ten dentists that didn't recommend her toothpaste one two karen's coming for you morning of my dad's wedding i was 14 why do i look like not even my dog wanted to eat this piece of garbage oh it sucks to be you the last of us too something tells me bel delphine is appealing to the wrong market with these camera girl condom hmm you may be right dolendar you may be right doug is the type of guy to wear a lego t-shirt in a six-figure car doug is the type of guy to break into a god of steal the onus manual i love top kia stuff i'm your girlfriend's crush your nose stopped downloading at 15 dude but his mustache is at 110 baby makes sense and great advice thanks it really doesn't dogs are pretty dumb my dog has never been downvoted so i don't know but you have there pal guys what's stopping you from dressing like this 24 7. i don't park cars at italian restaurants tell me which stonks to buy hmm these nuts lmao shouldn't they be dropping soon though oh burned by pokemane can this teenager use a rotary phone oh look these stupid kids they can't use a rotary phone they can't use a phone book wow it's almost like as technology advances all the things slowly become useless and obsolete kind of like ellen and that's why she was canceled our sound card still relevant soundblaster xae5 who lol evil hollande named his son after a sound guard i guess his i guess his son isn't relevant man looks like a rejected eminent concept oh he really does will the real slim shady please sit down and replace this imposter it was 1997. i was outside mcdonald's on queen street age 15 an old lady backed speak english at a pair of young korean men and without missing a beat one of them goes oh i want a nice cup of tea look at me i'm english i want to eat plain toast i miss him every single day so do i so do i ernie g says anime is lame af imagine freaking and you gotta moan ernie oh ernie oh that is so cringy if you saw yourself getting sold on dark web and you decided to buy yourself how do you think they'd deliver you to you bold of you to assume i have the money both of you to assume that you're that expensive my friend i'm worth about two bits why do i feel like houston's the type of guy to make eye contact through the crack in the bathroom stalls hey there you taking a poop tati is like the kid in school that would start fights with everyone and then get their mom in the next day you know what's funny the girl that this was like this version of that my school ended up shoving her hand through the window in one of the classrooms and she got expelled if we don't close schools for the flu why cobit you think with a forehead that big that there would be a brain up there but there really isn't two cannibals are sitting together eating amy schumer one of them looks at the other and says does this taste funny to you the other cannibal looks at him in the eye and says no that made me laugh more than any video today thank you good sir hey man what tastes like stolen jokes though vanilla ice is having a 4th of july weekend concert in texas despite corona should be fine we're still allowed to gather in groups so pumped to death hey no disrespect to vanilla ice i won free tickets in florida to him performing at the hilton in daytona beach and it was packed with like 300 people which is not like packed but oh my god it was a fun show this couple went to the gym together for six months oh that's so sweet did the guy wait outside maybe maybe he did he does look a little more muscular though jeff bezos founder he gained a million dollars for every hair he lost uh he's a billionaire wait no he's a trillionaire now that's depressing weird freaking hands each individual finger gets more kitty than your pecker any day so suck it oh wait no one's doing that for you anyways so your two inch murder hornets are big but my two inches are small yeah okay one stings with pain in the other with disappointment looks like humpty dumpty went to harvard and got a degree in disappointing his parents howie mandel here the first creep looks like a weasel that wished to be human but the genie was hung over so he didn't try very hard yes hello i am real human man not the weasel at all the town's name is so long it's invading netherlands charge boys prell looks like the final evolution of jaden smith i mean we haven't seen him yet he's in the pink hair stage right now but he might just evolve karen doesn't need to listen to doctors i've been having trouble breathing lately and my doctor told me to get tested for this kung flu luckily i still have my oxygen tank from the cancer treatments to keep me going i don't need to hear what the liberal doctors say god will keep me healthy shouldn't she be harassing mike wazowski about the paperwork mike wazowski i have the kung flu justin looks like he would kidnap the justin from 10 years ago yeah he does in a very very suspicious van she seems like the person to lick her finger before turning the page on a kindle well let's just say your dad failed at making this one jesus these are the kind of people who would want a refund for eminem's because they have w's on them yeah man i always do that cameron uses her underwear as a mask and says they told her to wear a mask because she wasn't black what wearing a clean mask is easier than walking around a store having the smell of a salmon hatchery inside a porta potty pressed against your face when you're basically the only person in the store not wearing a mask yes and even though miss piggy is merely a puppet made of cloth and wire mostly she still have more brain cell oh kermi she's gonna die this guy really does look like a mechanical pencil edit my sincere apologies i didn't mean to disrespect mechanical pencils like that [Laughter] [Music] looked like if you microwaved ellen for 25 minutes oh my god frankie grande you're not famous go away took a pic of my girl today wow she looks a little unhappy if mona lisa don't get hurt but back in the painting i'm calling security at the louvre he went for a tattoo on his neck and they charged him for a sleeve can't wait for you to visit barnsley i'll fill you in still cut i'll chinese burn your neck oh those are some words i can't see but i wish i could he looks like my notebook when i got bored during class also the funny thing is he got wrecked by this fighter the dude with all the tattoos yeah he got wrecked in the first round pete davidson always looks like a starving werewolf in mid-transformation yeah i do introducing england's eddie first test captain he's got the face of a victorian pickpocket mixed with uh prince harry wow he really does i hate everybody you always pose like a divorced mom she really does it's because of this kind of people why the power rangers say their colors she probably looks down and up before crossing the street yeah that makes sense puberty had better transitions than this it really did my 16 year old son took an iq test and he scored an 87. i'm a high school teacher i am disappointed at him how should i punish him don't be jealous just because his iq is twice yours having you as a parent is punishment enough my friend you're the only youtuber i think should get a worse quality camera yeah yeah that's a big mouth i don't want to be looking at a high school student has died after jumping into the taiwa river as punishment for losing a rap battle even the river's flow was too strong for him holy crap burn lol you can't even fart without reddit getting em elitists about the tonality air pressure velocity aroma balance physics and how your diet doesn't match the distinguished and divine bowel trumpening they can create [Music] someone tell riley reed the n-word pass isn't sexually transmittable dude i remember when this is like the youtube beat between rockarrocka and my favorite part about this video that damn like 60 bottle cap mic is a piece of crap you would never want to make music on it and it's not even plugged in get a better mic riley any white girl that looks like this will rob you and help you look for whatever she stole yeah yeah she will i like that muffin top over your jeans too and this is fricked fricked like your face my old school runescape videos get more views than your porn please don't pipeline ooh roasted cali klein how will russian girls just the hottest people alive and why do they turn into potatoes once they reach 47th that is a good question i know it was a scam for sure when i saw this i've decided to give back to my community jeff bezos ha good one buddy when your state mandates wearing a mask in public hashtag braveheart hashtag freedom hashtag defy tyrants meanwhile in actual scotland we're wearing masks on public transport and in the shops you know what else we're doing counting deaths in single digits most days that digit is zero as a born and bred scotsman i'm looking forward to your life expectancy very similar to that of the 13th century scotland ladies would you rather date a guy shorter than you yeah because anyone shorter than you would be snatched away by predatory birds this man goes to the gym and does shrugs for four hours and then leaves dude that is not four hours with the shrugs that's like going to the gym three days a week to do shrugs those are weak this man would slap his own butt during sex ah yes the live action netflix jojo remake star right here this guy looks like if marker pillar and jacksepticeye had a gay son oh my god he does hey everybody markiplier septicai here i swear charlie is the only person i've seen that can stand up and manage to look shorter i know right he's like tiny keanu reeves but i still love him 2020 has officially redeemed itself star wars reset includes kathleen kennedy stepping down too bad i don't know what this means this dummy ran the franchise into the ground harder than a pilot with no hands yeah because a pilot no hand still has feet to fly with she's got nothing going on upstairs daily brain eating amoeba confirmed in florida poor thing's gonna starve poor little guy jennifer lopez says men are useless until they turn 33 by all means let's give a damn about relationship advice from a woman that collects engagement rings like she's thanos i showed this to my therapist he walked into the next room handed the other therapist twenty dollars and sat in the chair hey man that 20 bucks is probably going to sip in bel delphine hater all you want she's a marketing genius man what should i name her hashtag my newts [Laughter] oh god that is a nice boat though tony hawk is the oldest teenager i've ever seen yeah dude but he still shred way harder than you ever could honey you need to use my tweezers to find your dick okay sweetheart i'm a grown man with a beautiful wife and kids so your little dick insults have zero effect on me but if you'd like to send those tweezers over i gladly pluck a couple of pubes out so you can sprinkle them on your head where your hairline used to be now kindly crawl out of my dms you freaking white walker and go back to your terrible tv show with a bad ending this what a twix look like when it's been in your pocket all day ah but can the twix do the peck pop of love baby he looks like a higher budget more serious non-autistic version of tyler1 huh he really does i am a disappointment you're the kind of person to play the ussr theme bass boosted edition on the back of the school bus and wonder why no one thinks you're interesting yeah yeah it's become pretty basic at this point dude it's been four years since i shot this photo so much has changed and so little they should be using bats for the pharaoh cool oh my gosh you look straight out of fallout that's freaking great but it's still sad kja appa and cole sprouse when they were actually 17. man i would have absolutely crushed you at age 17 crushed he wouldn't even survive the weight of my wallet snitch dude he's got a point i don't know if anyone has said this but charlie looks like he could turn in water into weed yeah dude that totes good bro i'm the reborn second coming of weeds's man go see my girl tomorrow in hollywood oh my god kylie has one of the most realistic looking wax figures i've ever seen and i'm confident it's because kylie is 75 silicone herself i mean it's so accurate and if you don't believe kim kardashian had plastic surgery look her up in disaster movie which is two years before she got plastic surgery can't even recognize her can't even recognize her the wife looks like she would be a stripper in whoville oh my god don't you mean whoreville be quiet honey you're in your home shut the window dear that lady looks like she was forced into widescreen format and got a little bit smooshed i need to play fortnite boy you need to play wii fit adventure you got more roles than a bakery using guys for friends is just as psychologically damaging as using girls for sex sounds like a literal fedora with arms wrote this but okay it did milady it did now date me wtf man this is his mother's that's scary you like the gross watery liquid at the top of a yogurt give yourself a good stir and come back with a more positive attitude please and thank you ah such a great visual thank you actually i actually am imagining this the four horsemen of ndaq elon musk the zuck zuckerberg bill gates trying to solve corona but make a profit and jeff douchos these guys could fix your wi-fi then frick your wife zuck would need an instructor manual for the second part he is a robot he really is a robot was watching nfl and saw this guy he looks like he hears the sun come up in the morning if he put their brains in birds they'd fly backwards damn da vinci guys don't make fun of them they were paint brushes that evolved to humans and it's very new dating a skinny guy is cool until you roll down the window on the freeway and he flies out like a mcdonald's napkin bruh he looked like a breadstick going through a gaff phase a breadstick why does he look like farquad but beaten with a shovel that's so specific but yeah why teeth making gang signs geez mark looks like he's kiana reeves long lost brother that works at hot topic around christmas time he was a little guy but emily elizabeth loved him so much he turned into a big boy your doggo is small what does that say about you you're small what does that say about your parents i'm an influencer you only influence the worldwide herpes cases this guy eats fruit for the first time ever 11 million views jesus he's the type of guy that goes to a fancy restaurant and orders grilled cheese hey look ain't nothing wrong with a good grilled cheese though it has to be good though it can't be no cheap awful grilled cheese imagine loving mcdonald's so much your hairline is a permanent sponsorship notice how every girl on buzzfeed has a nose ring because no one will put one on their finger in the movie home alone the producers thought it would be too mean to use a real girl for the pick of buzz's unattractive girlfriend so they used the art director's son found in a physics textbook you are kidnapped by political science majors who are upset because you told them political science is not a real science although blindfolded you can tell the speed of their car by the wine of the engine the time of travel by something something or other physics majors throw a lot of shade considering they're still not sure where 95 of the universe is hidden my brothers a graduated theoretical physicist only response to this was well neither does anyone else you look like you're about to go on your first date but mom stopped you to take a picture of her big boy the accuracy though how to spend millions to ruin the london skyline was that building written in comic sans it appeared that tom brady thought it was only third down after his incomplete pass to cameron breit guy's been in florida for six months and counts like he's lived there his whole life i like how this guy tries acting so tough but he looks like a lesbian librarian you're an idiot great articulation of thought beatstick best sentence i've read all day this guy's face looks like the default selection and character creation you are a long way from the shire my friend as someone with hairy feet and i just died a bit from laughing charlie celebrating while muted is like a caveman celebrating taking down a woolly mammoth bubble bass is how i imagine redditors even down to the way he talks congrats you have just learned the concept of theory of mind you know things others don't and others know things you don't laughing at others for not knowing something is saying you haven't developed a theory of mind which typically occurs around the ages of four to five in other words you are acting like a toddler i might also cosplay this lad from one punch man he looks like a jojo character before taking steroids ea has copy and pasted fifa on switch for two years so we copy and pasted our review from last year but lowered the score naturally you know what finally i have a little bit of respect towards igm he's like a broken unavoidable npc you'd better back this sticker up with some decent driving skills if you're going to fail to stop for police as it happens he was terrible despite a 30-second head start he couldn't even shake off our bmw x5 which handles like a cross-channel ferry taking on water and the sticker says sorry officer i thought you wanted a race red is sus light blue yes top text your name looks like you were trying to walk but you were in chat by accident damn insulted and among us why does he look like if shaggy quit being a part of the gang your room looks like detroit damn that's that's that that cuts deep what you look like a declined credit card damn wow sam darnold looks like a lego fireman everyone who opened carries thinks they look like a badass when in reality they look like the sheriff of a cracker barrel my boy is the emotional range of a plastic spork in his voice why the f is this guy shaped like a thumb if he fell backwards he would hit his forehead damn that one black person you can play as in a 1998-2005 snowboarding game travis scott looks like bacteria oh no my ex you remember me sorry i don't look down before i flush ian looks like a bad guy who has walked straight out of a tin tin comic ellen degeneres brother defends talk show host for supporting kevin hart i've never seen a family with a stronger pe teacher gene honestly is that lip liner or did she just try to paint on lipstick in microsoft paint she looks like an american girl doll that was put in the microwave on the beverage setting ah the new peter parker model he looks like a ginger kid without being ginger does the world really need this someone decided to make you so it doesn't matter what the world needs really green has the intuition of a grapefruit don't listen to that bumbling idiot la mao the keyboardist looks like the final boss in a farming game what does a boss in a farming game look like in 1719 prisoners in paris were offered freedom as long as they were willing to marry a prostitute and move to louisiana a proud tradition that they have carried on to this day this dude sounds like he's been crying because his sister dumped him when scoob and the gang bring back crystal instead of gems like zoinks man fun fact a blue whale's anus can stretch approximately three and a half feet making it the second largest missile on the planet right behind people who drive under the speed limit in the left lane you look like the two guys from 21 jump street mixed into one that's true though she's the type of person that thinks every non-straight woman has a crush on her people say leno was funny in the old days but i'm only 79 so i wasn't able to witness it six nine is in the hospital after reportedly overdosing i pray to god he recovers i don't want him ever to start calling him a legend or playing his music 24 7. he's talking about him wanting women which age like wine while he's out here aging like milk i'm with my boy poison here poison looks like hired assassin from aliexpress [ __ ] shameless leave don't pay any attention to her mate she looks like you're looking at her through the back of a spoon you're aces why is critical screaming critical looks like a really successful homeless man you know 2020 is weird when gumball is talking about a graphics card i bet you have perfect xx i bet you're the irl version of bones from monster house what the [ __ ] roast me two-dimensional wendy williams looks like e.t wearing a wig good luck trying to unsee that now damn she looks like someone tried to anamorph into a toad but stopped midway wendy williams looks like michael jackson if they dug him back up man ruthless why horse semen is the world's most expensive liquid i heard jeff bezos uses this instead of milk for cereal julie i picked your mom using a toffee crisp wrapper as a johnny hear me out jimmy i'm 19 and 10 weeks pregnant with my boyfriend and i live within two hours of you and we will both do literally anything for money maybe that's how she got pregnant in the first place doing anything for money that croc looks like it solved the open war by snorting all of it i don't get why women buy those there are plenty of us guys available who never get the chance they would rather have sex with a plastic object than us yes the dildo can make them this dude couldn't find it if it was pizza scented and shaped like an xbox controller i refuse to believe anyone can be this brainless i'm taking my kids out of the blank school district my ten-year-old just told me that his teacher told the class that humans are animal what the f i'm pissed should i not be she wasn't directly talking to him this was a class lesson subject of the day i didn't know the tots scientology in public school unbelievable everyone knows that humans are a type of vegetable well she is fun fact koalas have perfectly smooth brains if you leave a koala in a room with a plate of leaves and nothing else it'll literally starve to death because it doesn't recognize food when it's not hanging off a branch explains a lot about this video yeah you stupid koalas that's what you get for having perfectly smooth brains you adorable creatures he looks gay and lesbian at the same time oh you know what he does i thought only ellen could do this that boy is prettier than me so you're breaking up with me fine then i will steal him away dude looks like he would be an in-level boss in some discount pirate video game made by some unknown studio that is shelved right next to four different variations of bejeweled i can hear the speech not lining up with the mouth animations not only is that oddly specific but god dude you roasted him your mom is so fat i had to spread this between three books damn the ultimate yo mama joke everything wrong with shrek you know maybe there's a reason why donkey shouldn't talk from shrek exactly that video better be one second long because there is nothing wrong with that masterpiece redacted just told me you're the type of person laminated menus were designed for and i have never been more devastatingly and accurately torn to pieces linus is the type of guy to yell ring ring at people while riding a bicycle instead of ringing the bell ah you're one of those type of people linus ah not a good look this guy this guy looks like he would steal bowling alley shoes oh you whitey why why is this so creative and it's true too i mean look at him dude's gonna be stealing those shoes and sniffing them up in the janitor's closet he just has the face that says oh yeah that's nice after 16 years in vegas you'd want the time stone too oh no why'd you have to do it like this this is just disrespectful oh my god we look so good now yes now i can see your stupid face in hd huh same chick on the left looks like her favorite ice cream flavor is white bread yeah i mean what can i say you kinda have that i go to starbucks every day look about you i'm sorry when your fake id works oh yeah i'm drinking in the club that's because you look 34. dead body reported she looks like she sounds like she swallowed a fireplace ah like that monster from monsters inc when your fake id works i'm always watching mike wazowski ah yeah death note that ain't death note that's deceased journal yo that ain't death note that's dead diary that's not death note that's passed away literature god i love this one all right moving on and i'm trying to get drunk before everything closes the chick that turned 21 recently looks like it's her 13th time turning 21. you just you can't keep saying you're 21. all right it's not convincing hello what you doing just got done with the test now i'm laying down what about you chillin i don't know what to say megan that was almost as dry as the biscuits from popeyes i mean the biscuits from popeyes are kind of dry but nah this girl's a desert black men turn me the [ __ ] off y'all literally disgust me i will never marry a black man period oh okay it's like that we ain't trying to marry no mother with capital gums and lowercase teeth anyway seriously if you live in a glass house don't throw stones guys we gotta stop this black on black violence who's the best rapper six nine or cardi b oh you mean trash versus garbage can we all agree to stop calling these two trash and garbage pollution still makes better content than what they're making well you got a point and fisat 21 moscow russia i don't get why he obsesses over that chick she looks like a cabbage patch kid that got bad liposuction kim looks like the sort of person who would build up an army of children and take over a community college he absolutely does he'd be like rise my children conquer the affordable higher education center ah seal he's not fat he's horizontally gifted oh yeah and i'm not sure i'm just really down to earth you look like vladimir putin's niece yo they over here calling him valerie putin that's cold man that's cold i will never forget a fistfight breaking out in the special ed classroom and i had to break it up one kid shouted menacingly your hairline looks like a chicken quesadilla doing the [ __ ] walk in a trapezoid yo that kid is playing some 5d chest when it comes to insults that insult is a whole journey man i love it here's kaido kaido's hair looks like minecraft rotten flesh oh it does i can just hear the sound effect uh yikes oh it's all gas no breaks this place looks like if aggravated sexual battery was a location yep and that guy is clearly the mayor when your setup is worse than the broke setup when your grammar is as bad as your financial status jeez kick a guy while he's down he's already saying he's broke and you're just like yeah you're broke and illiterate like come on ah the cats movie they try to make a whole movie by only using snap filters hey i mean they tried it granted it failed terribly but at least they tried and it's kind of a good thing it was so bad because once quarantine hit we didn't have to go to the theaters to watch it nationalism an infantile disease it is the measles of mankind god forbid you be proud of your country that's not what nationalism is you overgrown scrotum wart these were my nails during pride month this year your fingers look prehistoric you got them caveman hands go get yourself a pedicure not gonna lie my hands be looking like this sometimes too i can't even judge hey it's the food review guy he looks like a person who reads the terms and conditions and presses decline he's like hmm you take all my information no i don't think i want to use the internet then you can count the amount of brain cells between the entire group on one finger huh i'm a grammar kid and you made all these grammatical errors especially at the end one period ends a sentence not two one period could have ended your mother's conception of you but unfortunately that didn't happen either oof this man with an admittedly weird looking body he looks like a shark that transitioned into a human yeah i can imagine him saying oh i'm bruce fish are friends not food dracula be looking like the love child of emperor palpatine and mom from futurama especially with that hairdo i can absolutely see the resemblance she sounds like a drunk harley quinn with a nasal infection oh so pretty much like me when i do this voice feels bad man feels bad he looks like he pays the landlord by sliding nickels under his door he's talking to the landlord with a bag of change like uh yeah this should be enough right gus johnson he looks like a 90s leonardo dicaprio if everything went wrong but yeah with the hairdo and the mustache yeah no that actually makes sense ed sheeran looks like ron weasley if he decided to join a gang after hogwarts damn it feels good to be a gangsta when you order eminem from wish yeah that ain't no slim shady that's some skinny shadow over there keep this away from any walls he has a tendency to sit on top of them well i mean he kinda does look like humpty dumpty i have two employees that usually leave work at 6 pm they are good but i don't like that their commitment lasts only for work hours what should i do as a ceo you should copy and paste this complaint into a table in microsoft word 2007 then print it off double-sided in landscape mode fold it in half eight times soak it in olive oil and shove it up your ellen degeneres is the human equivalent of fake pockets on pants i mean apparently so turns out she's pretty mean to people in real life oh no it's the eggman again we must protect him from how to basic oh no if howtobasic gets his hands on him it's just gonna be eggs splattered everywhere this is not machine gun kelly it's nerf gun jonathan no no this ain't machine gun kelly this is water gun willy the guy in the mustang has a reaction time that can be measured with a calendar jeez yo i mean to be fair in the picture the car on the right is like zooming through and then the one on the left is just kind of stationary so yeah probably not the best reaction time i like how the immigration attorney looks like he's more of a full-time redditor yeah so you know i'm doing this attorney thing on the side i really like to moderate subreddits he somehow manages to look like billy eilish jack's films james charles jake paul bart simpson and a random drug addict at the same time wait didn't this guy like cheat on his partner and then made a terrible apology video yeah man i'm sorry you deserve all the insults girls want a superman but they walk past a clark kent every day you've been clowns think that you're clark kent not on my watch you dumb head ass [ __ ] are barely a guy gardener and you think you're a clark kent the amount of disrespect is unreal listen here you wannabes my boy clark is 240 pounds of pure kansas beef trained from a young age by making to love and respect women as the intelligent independent beings they are he is shy rambling about tractors and casually moving the copy machine when my pin falls behind it and would never demand i be sexually or romantically interested just because he's nice y'all ain't clark kent i have never hit the reblog button so darn fast barely a guy gardner is the sickest comic related burn i've heard to date am i the only girl who doesn't change their underwear daily like either i'm lazy af or there really isn't a point because my cookie still smells good she looks like she eats enough cheese to think that the same smell coming from her is good ooh hey i'm not really a fan of picking on people for how they look i know that's kind of contradictory to this whole video but even so you should still change your underwear like at least once a day alright that that's fair oh it's this guy why does the youtuber look like he's trying to sell me vegetables and legend of zelda bro he'd really do be looking like hey you do you want to buy some fresh vegetables here in hyrule kingdom what a shame pete davidson pete looks like if voldemort moved to florida and got into coke honestly that's a pretty fitting origin story for pete davison yeah well i think dragons suck i will kick your so hard your vertebrae will pop out of your mouth one by one like a pest dispenser well apparently this meme was brought to you by the dragon's gang don't mess with these guys cause uh yeah they they don't like it when you insult dragons karen says i'm in anyone else in this nonsense all over the world we will stop wearing masks just throw those filthy things away i could wipe my collect the dna from the crap stain genetically engineer a clone of myself from the dna and it would still be less of an life than you god you gotta hit him where it hurts jeez oh i see you're listening to wap i am so happy my parents don't know english yeah they understood what the song was saying i don't know if they like it well maybe they would maybe grandma would be listening like there's some [ __ ] in this house there's some [ __ ] in this house yo mama's so fat thanos had to clap you see the snap wasn't enough oh no siree thanos had to use both his hands he had to dual hand that [ __ ] i will rip out your tongue and shove my foot so far up your the doctors will be picking my toenails out of your teeth i hope someone replaces your apple juice with pee you absolutely effing useless floral pattern lampshade i'm sorry what that is a first i've ever heard of it but god dude you are angry nobody cares i [ __ ] your mom my mom is literally a jar of ash's buddy and it's still the wettest p word you've ever gotten oof dead body reported blur stormtrooper i gotta get away no not like this kirby now we can't even suck my ding-dong right if kirby sucked your ding-dong he'd become mini kirby yikes yo no that's pain i wish gumshot sounded like the ping of an m1 garand granted now it sounds like the battle of the bulge whenever i swing around your mom's house yo imagine a parent knocking on their kid's door like timmy what are you doing in there you just here through the door uh nothing mom i'm playing call of duty he looks like my bicycle seat i mean with that long and narrow face i agree oh this is from the story where the father beats up the child molester yep dude beat him so hard and turned him into a simpsons character oh he's got the lips and everything just paint them yellow and you got yourself a simpson what is the most embarrassing non-item someone could find on your computer my spreadsheet showing my sex life over the past 26 years but first they'd have to break into my 17-digit password to unlock the file why do you have a 17-digit password for an empty spreadsheet written by some hacker oh man you've been exposed why you lying about the spreadsheet if it's zero just say zero come on man they'll need to lie rule 34 states if it exists there is one of it no exceptions what is something you're pretty confident is an exception oh that's easy you it is bullcrap a sperm whale's vocalizations are so loud that they could kill a diver who is too close i can confirm this i almost went deaf last time i [ __ ] your mom xxx tentacion is that you again ask your mom and she'll tell you how big it is mate i will suck you and it wouldn't even touch the front row of my teeth oh that's a first i have not heard that one before but yeah go on roast them parents have read it why don't you close the door when you're leaving our rooms because saying son your room stinks of the month old socks that are clearly stuffed down the side of your bed and you need to let some fresh air in here because i'm genuinely worried at this point that breathing in the air that is currently in here technically counts as me swallowing your money shot is just gonna embarrass us both ah that's a good point women who falsely accused 15 men of rape jailed for 10 years to be fair it does look like a 15 man job okay yup next meme we did it boys virginity is no more me and my girlfriend did the no no act we're filthy sinners and it lasted two minutes but we freaking did it it's a shame that even instant noodles are slower to cook than you in bed oh man like i'm happy for you but uh two minutes yeah that ain't nothing to brag about when you step on a scale and it says 1776 america i've fallen and i can't get up she looks like she's on two percent battery lord we need you right now i can't eat anything now this dude looks like the word arizona don't ask me why he does patrick arizona mahomes the second i farted on your dad's balls my dad is dead yeah he died of ball fart come on he sounds like he's getting his nuts twisted into a balloon animal can't wait to take a dump on fanatic barely even a fart bieber looks like a roofer that disappears on payday after you give him his check he looks like he's stranded in your town and just needs a couple bucks for a bus ticket back to indiana i'm sorry indiana justin bieber 2020 looks like he's trying to convince justin bieber 2009 to get into his van why does he look like a 30 year old lesbian millennial albert einstein i'm sorry pyrocynical i'm crying why is this a thing the third one looks like billy eilish okay but you're right the one little piece of green i get it billy ray cyrus looks like kenny rogers doing a george michael cosplay bryant looks like he doesn't wipe after using the toilet who says he does his laugh sounds like scooter off spongebob when bubble buddy didn't dig him out by the tide oh no in my family we carry a specific gene that makes us at risk for cancer my mother god rest her soul contracted breast cancer at the age of 30 and as a child i had to watch her pass at age five it broke my heart to know my sister had been diagnosed last year and she's fighting to stay alive despite having a terminal diagnosis this year doctors have confirmed by some miracle that i don't carry that gene i've never cried so hard in my life knowing that i'll be spared despite this illness afflicting my entire family it's a real shame that this video gave me cancer anyway oh my god the build up holy moly they all look like they're playing dress up with daddy's clothes with the fat ties and poor fitting clothes got him he looks like he's been sniffing the fumes from a bottle of elmer's glue uh yeah don't do that he looks like the feminine version of bruce willis oh my god he does that i wouldn't have thought of that but yeah it makes sense thanos and triple h had a son and it's this guy why does he both look intimidating and friendly at the same time that's not an insult that's just he's a gentle giant girl spends 70 dollars on an outfit and curl hair and put on makeup just to hook up with a frat boy in a hawaiian shirt who peed his bed last night she looks like a human yeast infection i'm all you need on valentine's day did you know anything that comes out of your mouth is in quote it's 69 days until 4 20 20. how do you feel i want to know how long you've been waiting to post this as long as it took them checking their instagram feed this morning holy crap you just killed him dude my man looked like he crawled out of a lean cup ooh the one in the middle looks like lizzo if she was a ps2 character man it's always the best ones are the ones when they say they look like video game graphics like old video game graphics dr phil looks like a lobster that can't poo properly hmm i don't know about that one that doesn't that one doesn't make much sense i think that's just uh haha funny random pharrell the type of guy to download a mirror app he looks like mr krabs without a shell you know what that might be him at 13 i saw my grandfather and my best friend die in a car accident i thought his screams of pain would be the ugliest thing i heard in life until i heard your music oh man you know you know it's you know it's a deep one a deep cut when they put in a uh personal experience jimmy fallon the only thing he should host is a parasite oh come on this guy looks like he could sit on a popsicle and tell you what flavor it is my god the one on the left looks like that one kid that does all the things the popular kid does because he thinks it makes him cool yeah the guy looks like he swallowed a reclining chair i never thought about that but yeah it does you look like what a non-redditor thinks the redditor looks like yeah yeah yep why does he look like ryan reynolds halfway done taking off the deadpool skin effects makeup um you know what yeah i don't know about that one this is i think this is a weak one why do i look like a 45 year old dad watching his daughter's soccer team do their pre-games here at center field i don't know but he looks proud of something he looks happy this guy looks like every single spider-man actor put together oh don't don't do my boy scott like that if i announced i was giving a ted talk what subject would you automatically assume i was giving it on funko pops tessa looks like a tired single mom that's on the verge of a meltdown you know she does no disrespect but yeah yeah the weeknd makes music for girls who cheat on you with your best friend while you're on vacation in south carolina man you had to disrespect south carolina like that someone said trippy red looks like greta thundberg cosplaying lil wayne and now i can't unsee it oh my god his personality is literally a tuna sandwich with a cup of water ah my stomach turned just reading that tyler could post a video of him making out with a dude while holding a rainbow flag and straight dudes will still say he's trolling why tyler look like a neapolitan ice cream sandwich yeah you got the the chocolate the the the vanilla and you got the strawberry and also mint you look like the type of guy to go to a mexican restaurant with his two kids and wife jessica and at the end say well you kiddos ready to vominos [Laughter] why does lele look like a vegan soccer mom who's in the middle of a divorce ronnie looks like a big bag of walnuts arnold looks like he's been designed by an artist by the way i think i broke my pinky drink milk loser i know i've broke my wrist before by the way this is my second injury sustained from basketball drink milk loser buy nesquik if you don't like the taste if you're lactose intolerant then drink uh pepto-bismol shots with each cup that's so funny i forgot to ask you don't have to ask a weak bone jester oh my god what is the oddest insult you have ever heard you freaking weapon i recently heard by a scotsman and it made me lose my mind laughing and well just like that we have reached the end of our slash rare insults thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell so you get notified every time easy peasy uploads and until the next one i'll see you around [Music]
Channel: EzPz
Views: 474,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/rareinsults, compilation
Id: vDeJmxGqRtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 27sec (3327 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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